The Way of an Old Timer Auctioneer


The Way of an Old Timer Auctioneer
The Chant
2nd Quarter June 2015
OSAA Board of Directors
The Way of an Old Timer Auctioneer
Josh Bellamy
Cherokee, OK 73728
Tony Wisely
Perry, OK 73077
Angie Lippard
Enid, OK
580-237-7174 Ext 200
A few OSAA Old Timers. Photos Clockwise: (Top
Left) Bob Goss, 2015 Hall of Fame with Arlyn Imel,
(Right) Homer Nicholson, 2014 Hall of Fame, (Bottom Left) Jeff Crissup & Arlyn Imel, Past Presidents
with J.B. Robison, 2008 Hall of Fame.
Lee Frisendahl
Homer Nicholson
Ponca City, OK
Executive Secretary
Cali Crissup
Stillwater, OK 74074
P.O. Box 94
Helena, OK 73741
The auction business is a very
unique business that caters to all ages
of participants. I have seen auctioneers
from six years to nearly 90 years of age
and I am sure there may be someone
beyond that age that can still bellow
out a good chant. It seems if you can
grunt a chant and hold a microphone
you are still an auctioneer. My auction
school instructor quoted he “knew of
a lot of bad auctioneers making a good
living.” For some reason that has always stayed with me and maybe it is
the mirror talking back.
The senior (old timers) auctioneers
have “been there and done that” as
they say. That is what I would call a
seasoned professional auctioneer. The
old timer is seasoned and the adrenalin rush has rushed and gone and he
is steady as a rock and anticipates that
about anything which can and will
happen to which he just rolls with it.
Not worth getting upset about those
surprises anymore. He has seen nearly
all of it the good and the bad.
So the older auctioneers sometimes
feel there is nothing more to learn and
have a tendency to drift away from
the organizations that helped to make
them who they are today. Why is that?
Could it be they don’t want to change
to the “new way” or what is it with
all of this new technology they keep
hearing about? Could it be some of
their bid calling friends have taken
their microphone to the big podium
in the sky? What a great auction that
Continued on page 8...
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Why Should I Go to CAI?
Hello again. I hope this finds
you in the middle of a very successful auction season. I am still
eagerly looking for suggestions and
ideas on how to locate potential
new members to our organization.
Please let me know if you know of
anyone that should be invited to
join by either calling me at (580)
541-7653 or emailing me at
In speaking with auctioneers
from other states I really feel like
we have a great association that
provides excellent training and
educational programs. Just three
years ago at our winter conference,
Whitey Mason approached me and
asked if I would be interested in attending CAI. That same evening
I sat with JJ Dowers and Hannes
Combest at dinner and my arm
was successfully twisted, I was on
my way to the beautiful campus of
Indiana University. I was in good
company as there were several
Oklahomans on that same voyage.
Three short years later I have completed the CAI program and I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I
am to Whitey for encouraging me
to go.
The education was great, and the
friendships with fellow auctioneers
all over the United States and even
Canada are priceless. I now have
endless resources in my classmates
and have had opportunities to work
with other companies. I learned a
lot in class and even more in the socialization that took place at Nick’s
(the hang out for CAI attendees). I
say all this to encourage all of you
to continually strive to improve
yourself and your companies by
constantly seeking new educational
opportunities. This is part of what
the Oklahoma State Auctioneers
Association is about.
If it had not been for the OSAA
and Whitey Mason I would have
never had the awesome CAI experience. The greatest thing I have
learned is how we are competitors
and yet we all work together and
are willing to help each other. Good
luck on all of your endeavors and
remember to invite a fellow auctioneer to join the OSAA.
God Bless,
Lee Frisendahl
Visit our Website at:
A Letter from the President
June is upon us, and it is hard
to believe that we will be joining
together on August 1-2 for our
Summer Conference. The board
has been working to provide our
membership with some great
presenters for this summer’s get
together in Oklahoma City. With
a growing family, I am the first
one to admit that summer can
be a busy time, but I am hopeful
that many of our members can
find the time to come to the Embassy Suites for a day of fellowship and education. I am excited
to announce that we have some
fresh topics for this year including instruction from Brian Rigby
on effective methods of professional ringmen.
This year is unique for our
area, as the National Auctioneer
Association’s Conference and
Show will be held just down the
road in Addison Texas. From attending previous year’s National
Conventions, I am looking forward to the educational courses,
as well as catching up with all of
our auction friends from across
the country. I hope that many of
our Oklahoma members can attend, and provide a good repre-
sentation from our state. For all
of the members that are going,
we would like to find a time to
meet up for a photo opportunity
if possible.
Our state association continues
to experience both steady and
strong membership. I want to
thank all of those who continue to
encourage others to join and participate in our association and its
activities, though it is something
that we all need to continue to do
on a regular basis. With that said,
let’s make this year’s Summer
Meeting attendance as strong as
ever, and encourage everyone to
Wishing all of you a successful
summer full of great auctions,
The Chant
Official Publication of the
Oklahoma State Auctioneers
Association, Inc.
The Chant is published quarterly by
the Oklahoma State Auctioneers
Association (OSAA). The OSAA
assumes no responsibility for
statements made or expressed in this
The OSAA shall not be liable to any
person for any loss or damage
incurred or suffered as a result of
their accepting an invitation
contained in any advertisement
published in The Chant.
Readers are recommended to make
appropriate inquires and take
appropriate advice before sending any
money, incurring any expense, or
entering into a binding commitment.
Mark Your
Josh Bellamy
July 14-18, 2015
NAA Conference & Show
Addison, TX
August 1-2, 2015
Summer Conference
Oklahoma City, OK
February 5-6, 2016
OSAA Winter Meeting
Oklahoma City, OK
Interested in Advertising?
Are you or someone you know interested in advertising in “The
Chant” or having a booth at our tradeshow? Contact us at:
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Meet the Board Members
Name: Josh Bellamy
Company & Location: Bellamy & Co. Cherokee, Oklahoma
Specialties: Land & Equipment Auctions
Years in the auction business: 7
Favorite auction memory: Having my fellow auctioneer friends come and
help at my own family’s auction, following the loss of my mother. They
worked to make it a great auction, and showed me how fortunate I am.
Best part about being a member of the OSAA: The educational, networking, and fellowship opportunities
Favorite Auction Education Topic: Absolute v. Reserve
How/when did you decide to become an auctioneer: Tom Evans, my
wife’s uncle, encouraged me to go to auction school, and even paid my
tuition. He helped me become established in the real estate business, and
has encouraged me to build my auction company. I owe him a great deal.
Who introduced you to the OSAA and when: Perry Wiggins invited me
to come attend my first Winter Meeting in 2009. Perry encouraged me
to remain active in the association, and has lent me some much needed
advice over the years. Him, along with many others in the association
showed me the positive side of our industry that I truly enjoy.
Name: Homer Nicholson
Company & Location: Nicholson Auction & Real Estate, Ponca City,
Specialties: Full Service concentrating on estates, business liquidations,
residential and commercial real estate, benefits, & consignments.
Years in the auction business: 23 years
Favorite auction memory: We did a business liquidation that drew buyers from all over the United States and Haiti.
Best part about being a member of the OSAA: Education opportunities
and fellowship which provides a casual education experience.
Favorite Auction Education Topic: Real Estate
How/when did you decide to become an auctioneer: I had worked for
Conoco in Geophysics for 28 years and they were having cut backs so
I decided to find a back up plan to buy groceries and went to auction
school and real estate school and started a business from ground up in
1993. Ten years later, I retired from Conoco while doing 55-60 auctions
a year.
Who introduced you to the OSAA and when: Tracy Sullivan was my
instructor and encouraged everyone to join OSAA and NAA which was
great advice.
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Name: Tony Wisely
Company & Location: Wisely Benefit Auction Service, Perry OK
Specialties: Benefits
Years in the auction business: 10
Favorite auction memory: Selling 5 trips to Italy for $17,000 at an auction
where we raised over $500,000 for charity.
Best part about being a member of the OSAA: Personal friendships and
networking with other members.
Favorite Auction Education Topic: Working with non-profits to raise
more money for their cause.
How/when did you decide to become an auctioneer: 2004 after attending
many auctions and getting encouragement from Starling Miller.
Who introduced you to the OSAA and when: Starling Miller in 2008
Name: Lee Erik Frisendahl
Company & Location: Frisendahl’s Auctioneers, LLC - Enid, OK
Specialties: Any and all auctions, but antique cars are my favorite.
Years in the auction business: 8
Favorite auction memory: Standing in knee deep water auctioning off
antique cars.
Best part about being a member of the OSAA: The camaraderie and
Favorite Auction Education Topic: Firearms
How/when did you decide to become an auctioneer: I decided to
become an auctioneer on a trip to Wyoming when I was a kid. We
listened to Leroy Vandyke’s “Auctioneer” 8 track the entire trip. Soon
afterwards my father started taking me to auctions. I didn’t pursue
until 2007.
Who introduced you to the OSAA and when: Perry Wiggins and
Troy Lippard in 2009
Name: Angie Lippard
Company & Location: Lippard Auctioneers Inc. Enid OK
Specialties: Marketing, Real Estate Transactions, Online Auctions
Years in the auction business: 16 years
Favorite auction memory: There are so many it’s hard to pick. I would say
it’s always a great joy to see how happy our sellers are once the end result.
Best part about being a member of the OSAA: Fellowshipping with other
auctioneers and learning from the great educational courses offered.
Favorite Auction Education Topic: Anything marketing related.
How/when did you decide to become an auctioneer: 1999 when I married an auctioneer.
Who introduced you to the OSAA and when: Troy Lippard in 1999
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2015 NAA Conference & Show Info
The 66th Annual International Auctioneers Conference & Show will be held at the
Intercontinental Dallas Hotel, located in Addison, Texas, from July 14-18.
NAA’s 66th annual International Auctioneers Conference and Show is all this
and much more. Propel your career to the next level in this four-day event packed
with over 50 educational seminars to sharpen your business skills and expand
your professional network. The pace is fast and the options are plentiful so immerse yourself in fresh ideas, practical takeaways and key strategies from inspiring
thought leaders.
If you are going to be in this industry, this the most important thing you can do
during the year. If you are committed to success, then attend. — TOMMY WILLIAMS, CAI, BIXBY, OK
Stop by the Trade Show to visit with more than 60 exhibitors to gain keen insights from the best minds in the business and profit from up-to-the-minute trends
and technologies.
NAA Conference and Show – it’s the only once-a-year opportunity to meet faceto-face with over 1,100 auction colleagues and friends from around the world!
The Pros and Cons of Owning a Business
Founding your own small business is unlike any other job you may take on. It’s a pathway to a totally different
lifestyle – so much so that you’ll have to ask yourself whether you’re ready for a complete commitment to the success
of your business. If you’re in a relationship, it’s just as important that you ask your partner whether he or she is completely committed.
As the CoE – Chief of Everything – of your small business, you’ll have less time for your personal life. You may
put yourself in the position of using much of what you own as collateral to raise money for the business. If those sacrifices don’t sound too harrowing, consider these advantages and disadvantages of owning your own business.
• Windfall: You could make much more money than working for someone else.
• Autonomy: Be your own boss, and make all the decisions crucial to your own success.
• Influence: Hire other people to help – chip in to the local economy.
• Security: No one can fire you.
• Discovery: Put your own ideas into practice, and see what works and what doesn’t.
• Oversight: Control every aspect of the business.
• Experience: Learn about every aspect of a business and gain knowledge in a variety of disciplines.
• Contact: Work directly with your customers, and see what they need first-hand.
• Self-Belief: Take personal satisfaction of creating and running a successful business on your own.
• Interest: Work in a field or area that you really enjoy, or that compels you to continue working.
• Long-term: Build real retirement value – for example, by selling the business when you retire.
• Establishment: Put down roots in a community; provide a sense of belonging and stability.
• Investment: You may have to take a large financial risk.
• Devotion: You’ll likely have to work long hours and may have fewer opportunities to take vacations.
• Minutiae: Much time could be eaten by the details of running a business, not those things you enjoy.
• Inconsistency: Your income may not be steady; there may be times when very little is coming in at all.
• Strain: You may have to undertake unpleasant tasks, like firing someone or refusing to hire a friend.
• Learning: You may need to learn new disciplines, like filing and bookkeeping, inventory control, production planning,
advertising and promotion, market research and general management. Considering doing all this from your home office?
This comes with distinct pros and cons as well
Article retrieved from:
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Continued from page 1...
would be to chant to the angels.
We can all look forward to that
day. Back in the day it was done
the hard way, bark all day without
a mic or air conditioning. Could
it be the challenge has come and
gone after hundreds or thousands
of auctions? We all get tired from
time to time but keep on chanting
as that is what we love and what we
do best and what pays the bills.
Then there are the senior bid
callers (old timers) that love that
fraternity of fellow auctioneers
that love to see each other at conventions, meetings, shows and
reminisce about the good old days
or tell about that crazy event that
happened the other day just when
he thought he had seen and done it
all. There is always one more good
story that bears repeating over a
good drink to entertain his fellow
fraternity of auctioneers. The light
is getting brighter as the senior bid
callers now realize how valuable
that NAA and OSAA membership
is to them and to their business
and friends. After all, the seniors
have to set the example and mentor their successors who will keep
up the momentum for the tradition of that tantalizing chant.
What a great sense of pride to
know each one is part of a unique
organization of very talented and
special individuals that understand each other and support each
other and share a common bond
that intrigues the common man.
Yes, it is time to keep up that membership and continue to enjoy the
fruits of the years of membership
and reap that dividend.
Homer Nicholson
This is a new section we are starting in The Chant and we hope you enjoy it. Please send any success stories for your business or family to Also, if you have any auction equipment or trailers to sell, let us know.
Send us pictures and details so that we can keep our auctioneer relationships going strong throughout the year.
Please send us any info by March 1, June 1, September 1, or December 1. This will allow us to put it in that month’s issue of The Chant. Looking forward to your stories.
Tyler Ambrose
was named the
2015 OSAA
Tyler will
Oklahoma at the
Contest in
Addison, TX at
the NAA
and Show.
Good Luck
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*Membership is Calendar Year January 1-December 31
***Please complete entire form so that the OSAA will have all required information to process your membership.
NAME ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
COMPANY ________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP ____________________________________________________________________
PHONE __________________________________ COUNTY _________________________________________
EMAIL ________________________________ WEBSITE __________________________________________________________
YEARS IN THE AUCTION INDUSTRY ________________________________________________________________________
LIST MEMBERSHIP IN OTHER STATE AUCTIONEER ASSN _____________________________________________________
An active auctioneer that subscribes to the OSAA Code of Ethics.
Individuals who are not auctioneers but who are involved in the auction or auction related business
Willing to Conduct all Types of Auctions 
Personal Property:
04 Charity Auctions/Fund Raisers
08 Dolls
12 Galleries/Consignment
15 All Selections
19 Livestock
22 Automobiles
26 Marine
29 Commercial
01 All Selections
05 Coins/Stamps
09 Estate/Household
13 Jewelry
16 Exotic animals
23 Business Liquidations
27 Restaurant Equipment
30 Residential
02 Antiques
06 Collectibles
10 Firearms
14 Toys
17 Farm Equipment
20 All Selections
24 Commercial/Heavy Equipment
Real Estate:
31 Farm
03 Art
07 Collector Automobiles
11 Furs
18 Farm Liquidations
21 Aircraft
25 Manufacturers/Inventories
28 All Selections
32 Developmental Properties
***Credit card payments will be processed on the 1st and 15th of every month.
Check # _____________________
Total Amount Paid
Or I authorized the OSAA to charge my Credit Card: -- MC
--Visa --
Total $ _________________ Card Exp: ________________
Card # ________________________ CVV Code _________Name on Card (Signature) ___________________________________
Address of Card Holder ______________________________________________________________________________________
OSAA, P.O. Box 94, Helena, OK 73741
For questions contact Cali Crissup @ 580-327-7525
Email: * Web Site:
By completing and submitting this form, I hereby make application for membership in the Oklahoma Auctioneers Association. If accepted, I will abide by
its by-laws, support its objectives, comply with the OSAA’s Code of Ethics and pay the established dues. Contributions or gifts to Oklahoma State Auctioneers
Association are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. However, they may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business
expenses subject to restrictions imposed as a result of association lobbying activities.
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Renewed on Web Site: __________________________________
Receipt # __________________________________________ Mailed Emailed------------Membership Materials Sent ______________________________
Summer Retreat Registration Form
Name:____________________________ Company Name:____________________________________
Guest Name:_________________________________________________________________________
Address, City, State, Zip:_______________________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________Phone:____________________________________
Total People Attending:
Total Amount Due:
Registration Fees Information
Member & Associates (includes all meetings)
Non-Members (includes all meetings)
Number Fee Before
July 21
Fee After
July 22
Dues (if not already paid) (Regular $75 & Associate $35)
2015 Dues
Total Registration Fees Paid
CVV Code:
Send completed registration form and fees payable to:
Oklahoma State Auctioneers Association
P.O. Box 94
Helena, OK 73741
Fax: 580-852-3606.
For additional information contact:
Josh Bellamy @ 580-596-3838 or
Fees cover summer conference functions and do not include hotel accomodations.
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Summer Retreat Schedule
Saturday, August 1, 2014
Dinner on your own
Sunday, August 2, 2014
7:30-8:00 -- Registration & Coffee
8:00 -- Brian Rigby
Professional Ringmen Training Session #1
9:50 -- Morning Break
10:00 -- Brian Rigby
Professional Ringmen Training Session #2
12:00 -- Working Lunch: Meal Provided
12:30 -- Larry L. Perdue
Asset Appraisal Corporation
2:20 -- Afternoon Break
2:30 -- OSAA Summer Membership Meeting
Board Meeting immediately following
This year’s Summer Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, OK on August 1st and 2nd. Make your hotel reservation at the Embassy Suites
Oklahoma City-Will Rogers World Airport.
Rooms are reserved until July 21 for $117 under the OSAA name.
The hotel is pet friendly and includes a continental breakfast.
To reserve your room contact Embassy Suites at 405-682-6000.
The hotel is located at:
1815 South Meridian
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
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The Chant
2nd Quarter June 2015
Upcoming Events
July 14-18, 2015 NAA Conference & Show in Addison, TX
August 1-2, 2015 Summer Conference in Oklahoma City, OK
February 5-6, 2016 OSAA Winter Meeting in Oklahoma City, OK
Oklahoma State
PO Box 94
Helena, OK 73741
We’re on the Web!
Visit us at: