EXHIBITOR`S MANUAL Regulation and General Rules
EXHIBITOR`S MANUAL Regulation and General Rules
EXHIBITOR'S MANUAL Regulation and General Rules INTERNATIONAL BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY AND INDEPENDENT FOOD RETAIL TRADE FAIR July 22 - 25 from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm (closing on July 25 at 7:00 pm) Expo Center Norte - Sao Paulo - SP THIS MANUAL IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE CONTRACT CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 4 EVENT SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................ 5 OPERATIONAL FORMS AND DEADLINES ............................................................................. 6 and 7 EARLY REMOVAL ................................................................................................................... 8 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Production.................................................................................................................. 9 Organization............................................................................................................... 9 Announcements and Mailings ..................................................................................... 9 Property ..................................................................................................................... 9 Registration Update.................................................................................................... 9 CAEX ......................................................................................................................... 9 Event Schedule .......................................................................................................... 9 LEGAL RULES ........................................................................................................................ 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Municipal Rates ......................................................................................................... 10 Rate Copyright (ECAD) .............................................................................................. 10 Remittance of Products for Exhibition (Remittance Bill - Nota Fiscal) .......................... 10 Labor Hiring ............................................................................................................... 11 Visitation and Presence of Minors in the Pavilion ........................................................ 11 SURVEILLANCE OF THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT ................................ 11 SUPERVISION OF SANITARY SURVEILLANCE ..................................................................... 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 12 Transportation ............................................................................................................ 12 Storage ...................................................................................................................... 12 Dry Stock ................................................................................................................... 12 Controlled Temperature - Perishable Foods................................................................ 13 Pre-Preparation and Preparation ................................................................................ 13 Defrosting .................................................................................................................. 13 Use of Eggs ............................................................................................................... 13 Food Preservation after Preparation ........................................................................... 14 Personal Hygiene ....................................................................................................... 14 Uniform ...................................................................................................................... 14 Hygiene and Installation, Utensils and Equipment ....................................................... 14 Installations, Utensils and Equipment ......................................................................... 14 Further information ..................................................................................................... 15 GENERAL RULES ................................................................................................................... 15 1. Exhibitor’s Profile ....................................................................................................... 15 2. Location of Stands ..................................................................................................... 15 3. Area Redistribution..................................................................................................... 15 4. Non-transferability ...................................................................................................... 15 5. Interdiction of Third-Party Promotions ......................................................................... 15 6. Stands in Cooperation ................................................................................................ 15 7. Exhibition of Used Products........................................................................................ 16 8. Holdings, Groups and Associate Companies .............................................................. 16 9. Sales Representatives and Trading Companies.......................................................... 16 10. Payment in Arrears..................................................................................................... 16 11. Audio and Video Demos ............................................................................................. 16 12. Equipment Demonstration .......................................................................................... 17 13. Artistic Activities ........................................................................................................ 17 14. Distribution of Promotional Material ............................................................................ 17 15. Product Tasting / Gift Distribution ............................................................................... 17 16. Alcoholic Beverage Tasting ........................................................................................ 17 1 MOUNTING GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................... 17 1. Accreditation of the Mounting Company ..................................................................... 17 2. Development of Stand Design .................................................................................... 17 3. Bond Check ............................................................................................................... 18 4. Documents for Entrance Release in the Pavilion to be Submitted by the Mounting Company .......................................................................................... 18 5. Use of the Pavilion ..................................................................................................... 19 6. Electrical Equipment................................................................................................... 19 7. Limit Heights .............................................................................................................. 19 8. Partition Walls ............................................................................................................ 20 9. Hydraulics .................................................................................................................. 20 10. Electric Wiring ............................................................................................................ 20 11. Stand Grounding ........................................................................................................ 20 12. Masonry Construction ................................................................................................ 20 13. Overhead Visual Communication / Overhead Passage Between Stands ..................... 20 14. Plan Projection of the Stand ....................................................................................... 21 15. Rules for Finishing ..................................................................................................... 21 16. Glass Panels .............................................................................................................. 21 17. Floor .......................................................................................................................... 21 18. Air Conditioning .......................................................................................................... 21 19. Electric Signs ............................................................................................................. 22 20. Access Ramps ........................................................................................................... 22 21. Gardens and Plants.................................................................................................... 22 22. Passage Ways ........................................................................................................... 22 23. Impediment of the Construction Work ......................................................................... 22 24. Assistance Service and Maintenance During the Event Realization............................. 22 25. Vehicle Access ........................................................................................................... 22 26. Loading and Unloading............................................................................................... 23 27. Termination Mounting................................................................................................. 23 RULES FOR BASIC SETUP MADE OFFICIAL MOUNTING COMPANY .................................. 24 1. Official Mounting Company Data ................................................................................ 24 2. Description of the Basic Setup .................................................................................... 24 3. Modifications to the Basic Setup ................................................................................. 24 4. Non-Used Material ..................................................................................................... 24 5. Complementary Services ........................................................................................... 24 6. Fastening of Materials ................................................................................................ 24 DISMOUNTING RULES ........................................................................................................... 24 1. Deadline for Dismounting ........................................................................................... 24 2. Penalty....................................................................................................................... 25 3. Removal of Materials.................................................................................................. 25 4. Damages Caused to the Pavilion ................................................................................ 25 5. Cases not Covered by this Manual ............................................................................. 25 RULES FOR EXHIBITION OF IMPORTED PRODUCTS .......................................................... 25 1. Products for Exhibition ............................................................................................... 25 2. Instructions of the Forwarding Agent........................................................................... 25 SAFETY RULES ...................................................................................................................... 26 1. Responsibility............................................................................................................. 26 2. Insurance ................................................................................................................... 26 3. Fire Extinguisher ........................................................................................................ 26 4. Special Installations.................................................................................................... 27 5. Fire Prevention........................................................................................................... 27 6. Prohibited Equipment ................................................................................................. 27 7. Obstruction of Pavilion Safety Equipment .................................................................. 27 8. PPE - Personal Protective Equipment………………………………………………………..27 9. Work Suits ................................................................................................................. 27 10. Emergency Exits, Extinguishers, Fire-Hydrants and Pushbutton Switches................... 27 BADGE ISSUING..................................................................................................................... 28 1. Registration of the Exhibitor ....................................................................................... 28 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Exhibitor Badges Surplus ........................................................................................... 28 Registration of Mounting Company Staff .................................................................... 28 Accreditation of Maintenance Services Mounting Company Staff/Decorator ................ 28 Accreditation of Exhibitor's Service Providers ............................................................ 28 Delivery of Badges ..................................................................................................... 28 Personnel Access ..................................................................................................... 29 Seizure of Badges ...................................................................................................... 29 FIRST-AID CLINIC AND FIRE DEPARTMENT ......................................................................... 29 PROPERTY SECURITY SERVICE.............................................................................................29 1. Property Security of the Event .................................................................................... 29 2. Hiring Security Services for the Stand......................................................................... 29 CLEANING SERVICE .............................................................................................................. 30 1. Event Cleaning........................................................................................................... 30 2. Mounting Work Cleaning ............................................................................................ 30 3. Hiring Cleaning Services for the Stand ....................................................................... 30 ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE................................................................................................. 31 1. General Information ................................................................................................... 31 2. Mandatory Minimum Energy Contracting .................................................................... 31 3. Hiring Additional Electric Power .................................................................................. 32 PLUMBING SERVICE .............................................................................................................. 32 1. General Information ................................................................................................... 32 2. Hiring Water Points/Outflow........................................................................................ 32 TELEPHONY & INTERNET SERVICES/PARKING .................................................................. 33 1. Information................................................................................................................. 33 2. Parking for Mounting Company/Exhibitors/Service Providers ...................................... 33 RULES FOR THE INSTALLATION AND USE OF WOOD-FIRED OVENS ................................ 34 1. General Information ................................................................................................... 34 2. Anti-Pollution Filters and Flame-Proof Protection ........................................................ 34 3. Suspension of the Demosntration .............................................................................. 34 PUBLICIZING MATERIAL ........................................................................................................ 34 1. Invitations .................................................................................................................. 34 2. Press Release............................................................................................................ 34 REALIZATION ......................................................................................................................... 35 1. Parking Lot ................................................................................................................ 35 2. Event Visitation ......................................................................................................... 35 3. Stand Visitation .......................................................................................................... 35 4. Operation of the Stand .............................................................................................. 35 CONVENIENT PHONE NUMBERS .......................................................................................... 35 EXPO CENTER NORTE - GETTING THERE ........................................................................... 36 3 Dear Exhibitor / Fitter This Manual has been prepared to assist you in all necessary arrangements, as well as to advise you on all the Technical Rules of the Pavilion and of the Event, related to your participation in FIPAN'2013 - International Bakery, Confectionery and Independent Food Retail Trade Fair. It will be sent automatically via email, access password to Operational Forms, which are available on the Event website (www.fipan.com.br). To access the Operational Forms, which are the responsibility of the Mounting Company, the Exhibitor must do the registration of it. We call your attention to the following information: 1 - For exhibitors who hire their own mounting company, we report that it should become aware of all the rules set forth herein. We provide on the Event website a copy for printing. 2 - Also in relation to the above, please note that it is the responsibility of the mounting company to fill the specific Operational Forms. To have access the mounting company has to be registered by the Exhibitor. 3 - It will not be accepted payments of taxes made personally at the Organizer by means of checks or bank deposit (be it identified or not). 4- Payment of mandatory taxes and/or hired services performed after July 5, 2013 (deadline) shall only be effected at the Event’s Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX), from July 17 (after noon) and with 10% increase. Our operating department is at your disposal to advise you in case of doubts on the rules and procedures described here, by phone: (11) 3159-4223 or e-mail: expositor@fipan.com.br Yours faithfully, João Ricardo Neves General Director FIPAN Angela Pinheiro Planning Director FIPAN 4 EVENT SCHEDULE It will be expressly forbidden the access of people under sixteen (16) years old during the mounting, realization and dismounting periods of the Event, even if responsible adults accompany them, or with any degree of kinship. MOUNTING July 17 Wednesday st 1 Day July 18 Thursday nd 2 Day July 19 Friday rd 3 Day July 20 Saturday th 4 Day July 21 Sunday Last Day Mounting Beginning: noon Mounting Mounting Mounting Mounting Closing: 6:00 pm Product entry to the stands: From 8 am to 6 pm REALIZATION July 22 Monday July 23 Tuesday July 24 Wednesday July 25 Thursday Realization: 1 pm to 9 pm Realization: 1 pm to 9 pm Realization: 1 pm to 9 pm Realization: 1 pm to 7 pm Supply and maintenance of stands: 7 am to noon Supply/ maintenance of stands: 7 am to noon Supply/ maintenance of stands: 7 am to noon Supply/ maintenance of stands: 7 am to noon Remark: Supply and maintenance only through the service gates. DISMOUNTING July 25 Thursday July 26 Friday July 27 Saturday Last Day Dismounting From 8 pm Dismounting Dismounting Until 2 pm All and any product, either small or large sized, can only be removed from the pavilions, exclusively through the service gates, from 8:00 pm of July 25, 2013, followed by the dismounting of the stands, starting at that time, until 2:00 pm of July 27, 2013. NOTIFY ALL THE EMPLOYEES OF YOUR COMPANY IN CHARGE OF THE STAND, AS WELL AS ALL SERVICE PROVIDERS ABOUT THIS RULE, BECAUSE FOR THE SAKE OF SECURITY TO ALL, NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE. 5 OPERATIONAL FORMS AND DEADLINES Responsible Mandatory Forms Exhibitor or Mounting Company Exhibitor Mounting Company Deadline Licenses from Sao Paulo Municipality July 5 Basic Power Supply July 5 Exhibitor Badges July 5 Mounting Company Badges July 5 Mounting Work Cleaning July 5 Registration of Materials July 5 Responsible Optional Forms Exhibitor or Mounting Company Exhibitor Mounting Company Deadline Exhibitor Badges Surplus July 5 Service Provider Badges (waiters, receptionist, buffet, etc.) July 5 Exhibitor Cleaning Service Provider Badges July 5 Exhibitor Security Service Provider Badges July 5 Water point/outflow July 5 Additional Power July 5 Use of Electric Equipment during mounting July 5 Hiring Official Cleaning service July 5 Hiring Official Security service July 5 6 OPERATIONAL FORMS AND DEADLINES Responsible Mandatory Terms / Documents Provides and signs Mounting Company Provide and sign Mounting Company and Exhibitor Provides and signs Exhibitor Deadline Mounting and Dismounting Commitment and Responsibility July 5 Electric Equipment during mounting Commitment and Responsibility July 5 Installation and Use of Wood-Fired Ovens Commitment and Responsibility July 5 Awareness Term on the Contents of the Regulating Standard No 12 July 5 Submitting Design for Approval July 1 RRT or ART for the Mounting Work July 1 Responsible Form Data for Exhibitor Catalog Exhibitor or Mounting Company Exhibitor Mounting Company Deadline June 20 7 EXHIBITORS AND MOUNTING COMPANIES PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING: According to contract with Expo Center Norte, all stands occupying the below described areas shall observe the following dismounting schedule: BEGINNING: June 25, from 8 pm END: July 26, until 4 pm (at the latest) Please note that our production team will be following up all the dismounting process in order to facilitate the operation. from 8 GENERAL INFORMATION 1 - Production SAMPAPÃO - Union and Industrialists' Association of Bakery and Confectionery Industries of Sao Paulo, here referred to as PRODUCER. 2 - Organization SEVEN, here referred to as ORGANIZER. 3 - Announcements and Mailings Any communication or correspondence related to the Event should be sent to SEVEN, Rua Frei Caneca, 91 - 9º andar - Consolação - CEP: 01307-001 Phone/Fax: 11 3159-4223 or e-mail expositor@fipan.com.br. 4 - Property FIPAN’2013 is a trademark of the State of Sao Paulo Association of Bakery and Confectionery Industries. 5 - Registration Update The Exhibitor shall keep the Organizer informed on any changes in the company corporate information: contact person, address, e-mail, phone, fax, production line, companies represented, etc., through correspondence by e-mail or sent to the Organizer’s address. The producer and the Organizer are not responsible for eventual problems caused by omitting this type of information. 6 - CAEX The Event Organization will place at the disposal of the Exhibitor and the mounting company the Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX), as follows: Pre-Event - from February 18 until July 1 Telephone: 55 11 3159-4223 - business hours Email: expositor@fipan.com.br Mounting / Realization - from July 17 until July 25 Venue: Expo Center Norte Hours of operation: July 17- from noon to 9:00 pm, on July 18-24 from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, on July 25 from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. 7 - Event Schedule SETUP: From noon of July 17, 2013 to 6 pm of July 21, 2013. ENTRY AND LAYOUT OF PRODUCTS: July 21, 2013, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. ENTRY OF PRODUCTS DURING THE EVENT: From July 22, 2013 to July 25, 2013, from 7:00 am to noon or after 9:00 pm - only through the service gates. REALIZATION OF THE EVENT: July 22-25, 2013, from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm, on July 25 (the last day) from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. DISMOUNTING AND REMOVAL OF PRODUCTS: All and any product, either small or large sized, can only be removed from the pavilions, exclusively through the service gates, from 8:00 pm of July 25, 2013, followed by the dismounting of the stands, starting at that time, until 2:00 pm of July 27, 2013. NOTIFY ALL THE EMPLOYEES OF YOUR COMPANY IN CHARGE OF THE STAND, AS WELL AS ALL SERVICE PROVIDERS ABOUT THIS RULE BECAUSE, FOR THE SAKE OF SECURITY TO ALL, NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE. IT WILL BE EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN THE ACCESS OF PEOPLE UNDER SIXTEEN (16) YEARS OLD, DURING THE MOUNTING, REALIZATION AND DISMOUNTING PERIODS OF THE EVENT, EVEN IF RESPONSIBLE ADULTS ACCOMPANY THEM, OR WITH ANY DEGREE OF KINSHIP. 9 LEGAL RULES 1 - Municipal Taxes (Municipality of Sao Paulo) According to the legislation in force (Law No. 13477 and 13474) the municipal taxes for inspection of establishments, inspection of ads and distribution of promotional material must be mandatory paid. Thus, the EXHIBITORS must settle them, because only with proof of payment you will be allowed to access to the Pavilion for mounting the stand. FORM No. 1 MANDATORY COMPLETION AND PAYMENT 2 - Copyright Tax (ECAD) Exhibitors that execute a music program (ambient music) must pay Copyright taxes, according to Law No. 9610/98. Payment shall be made at ECAD. ECAD - Central Bureau of Collection and Distribution Avenida Paulista, 171 - 3rd floor - CEP: 01311-000 - Sao Paulo - SP Tel. (55 11) 3287-6722 - Fax (55 11) 3285-6790 Website: www.ecad.org.br The value of these taxes varies according to a table issued by this Entity. We therefore suggest dealing this matter in advance in order to avoid possible troubles with the supervision of ECAD, which will be present at the Event. We also recommend that the Exhibitor keeps at his stand the payment proof for these taxes. 3 - Remittance of Products for Exhibition (Remittance Bill - Nota Fiscal) For the issue of remittance bills (Notas Fiscais) please observe the procedures below: Remittance of products to the Pavilion The bill shall be issued in the name of the exhibiting company, with in the name of the Exhibitor itself, with taxpayer identification (CNPJ) and state registration (IE), to the following address: Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333 - Vila Guilherme - Sao Paulo - SP CEP 02055-000. The bill should contain the following observation: "THE GOODS ARE INTENDED FOR EXHIBITION IN FIPAN' 2013 - International Bakery, Confectionery and Independent Food Retail Trade Fair - at EXPO CENTER NORTE - PAVILIONS BLUE AND WHITE Sao Paulo - SP" It should return to the establishment of origin within the maximum term of sixty (60) days from the bill’s issuance date. In the proper fields, list all goods, products, equipment, etc., with their respective qualities and values (unit and total). Bill’s sample and data: Refer to the sample below for the proper completion of the remittance bill, regarding each Brazilian state. SAO PAULO: 1 - REMITTANCE BILL (NOTA FISCAL): Model 1 or 1A 2 - NATURE OF OPERATION: Remittance of Samples for Exhibition - Code 5.914 Return of Samples for Exhibition - Code 2.914 3 - ICMS TAX EXCEPTION: ICMS with tax suspension according to ICMS convention No. 30 of 09.13.1990 4 - IPI TAX SUSPENSION: Art. 42, paragraph II of Decree No 4.544/02 RJ, MG, RS, BA, ES, PR, SC AND OTHER STATES 1 - REMITTANCE BILL (NOTA FISCAL): Model 1 or 1A 2 - NATURE OF OPERATION: Remittance of Samples for Exhibition - Code 6.914 Return of Samples for Exhibition - Code 2.914 3 - ICMS TAX EXCEPTION: ICMS with tax suspension according to ICMS convention No. 30 of 09.13.1990 4 - IPI TAX SUSPENSION: Art. 42, paragraph II of Decree No 4.544/02 Return of products to the place of origin: For returning the goods please issue a consignment tax receipt (Nota Fiscal de Entrada) Model 1 to 1A, on your own name, stating the following: 10 "RETORNO DE MERCADORIAS DESTINADAS À EXPOSIÇÃO NA FIPAN 2013 - Feira Internacional de Panificação, Confeitaria e do Varejo Independente de Alimentos - no EXPO CENTER NORTE PAVILHÕES AZUL E BRANCO - São Paulo - SP” (RETURN OF GOODS INTENDED FOR EXHIBITION IN FIPAN 2013 - International Bakery, Confectionery and Independent Food Retail Trade Fair - at EXPO CENTER NORTE - PAVILIONS BLUE AND WHITE - Sao Paulo - SP). Remarks: please state date of issue and number of bill that generated the remittance. ATTENTION: The bill cannot be issued in the name of a representative. Please meet the above requirements in order to give a legal basis to the operation. HAVING MET THESE REQUIREMENTS, THE ARRIVAL AND PERMANENCE OF THE SAMPLES AT THE FAIR AS WELL AS THEIR RETURN TO THE COMPANY ARE ENSURED. 4 - Labor Hiring a) Casual Labor The Ministry of Labor has done investigation with inspection team in the pavilions where the Event takes place. Be aware that the company receiving the services can be considered jointly responsible for the labor obligations, therefore, it shall request, from the service providers, the proof of a regular situation, in order to be covered from eventual demands. For the use of casual labor directly hired by the Exhibitor, legal procedures must be observed with special care. In hiring the services of third parties (service provider companies), be aware of the convenience of requesting the proof of legal existence (articles of incorporation, permits, etc.) of the contractor and their payment forms for the social security (GRPS), copies of the certificate of registration of employees, payment of FGTS fund, etc. The third-party documents and the employees themselves should be available on stand to be presented to the Representatives of the Ministry of Labor. b) Work for Minors Work for minors is regulated. To be able to have minors working in the stand, the Exhibitor shall obtain a special permit from the Regional Labor Office and the Childhood and Youth Court. If the Exhibitor needs the labor of people under 16 years old during the period of the Event, it should provide a letter of parental consent, with both signatures, notarized, photocopy of the ID and taxpayer identification (CPF), Birth Certificate or ID of the minor, in addition to a hiring contract between the Exhibitor and the minor. In this case, the hired minor can only remain within the Exhibitor's stand who hired him/her and could not, under any circumstances, move through the streets of the Pavilion, under penalty of being removed, thereby preventing the continuity of his/her work during the Event, and this documentation shall be delivered at CAEX. 5 - Visitation and Presence of Minors in the Pavilion In accordance with Law 8069/90 - Article 149, Subsection II, Paragraph 1, points C, D, E and F it is EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN THE ACCESS OF PEOPLE UNDER 16 YEARS OLD, even if responsible adults accompany them, or with any degree of kinship, during the mounting, realization and dismounting periods of the Event. Exhibitors are recommended to disclose this information to their service providers and visitors in order to avoid inconvenience to them, since no exception will be made SURVEILLANCE OF THE MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT The information below should be considered for the exhibition of Machinery and Equipment either operating or not operating. ATTENTION: ORDINANCE No 197, OF DECEMBER 17, 2010 (Official Union Gazette of December 24, 2010 - Section I pg. 211) - MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT- LABOR INSPECTION SECRETARIAT that Changes the Regulating Standard No 12- Machinery & Equipment, approved by Ordinance No 3.214, of June 8, 1978, is fully available at the Event’s site: www.fipan.com.br The Producer of the Event, as well as the Organizer, in compliance with the Statement of Conduct signed in conjunction with the Labor Public Prosecutor’s Office and in observance of the Safety and Occupational Medicine Standards and the Food Handling Standards, is pleased to inform the exhibitors on the mandatory character of the above-referred Standards. 11 INSPECTORS OF THE LABOR PUBLIC PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE AND THE HEALTH SURVEILLANCE HAVE FREE ACCESS TO THE EVENT, SO WE REQUEST THE EXHIBITORS TO OBSERVE AND ENFORCE THE RULES ON SPECIAL MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT, SINCE THE INSPECTORS HAVE AUTHORITY TO INTERDICT AND PROSECUTE THE EXHIBITOR. WE ALSO INFORM THAT THE PRODUCER AND THE ORGANIZER ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR BREACHES OF THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THESE BODIES. SUPERVISION OF SANITARY SURVEILLANCE The information below should be considered if in your stand there is handling / food production (the following text was developed by the Health Surveillance Center of Sao Paulo that will visiting the Event with its inspectors). Inspectors of the Health Surveillance have free access to the Event, so we request the Exhibitors to meet and enforce the Rules below, since the inspectors are authorized to close down the stand at any time. We also inform that the PRODUCER and the ORGANIZER are not responsible for breaches of the instructions of the Health Surveillance. 1- Introduction The food items are health promoters. However, if inadequately produced, handled or served, may instead cause a disease. The attainment of a safe food means adhering to hygienic/sanitary practices at all stages of the food chain from primary production to consumption. 2 - Transportation Food must be transported in vehicles and in conditions that ensure quality: The transport should be done in a compartment that separates it from substances that can contaminate it; Loading and unloading operations should not damage the product; Vehicles should be closed when transporting raw or ready-made foods; Temperatures must be suitable for every type of food. The following table shows the temperatures according to the product characteristics: PRODUCT TEMPERATURE Frozen Chilled Fish Meat --18 °C or up to -12 ºC Until 10º C Until 3º C Until 7º C Hot At least 60º C 3 - Storage Wooden boxes used for transporting food should not enter in storage and preparation areas. Store cleaning, hygiene, perfumery products and chemical material separately from food and packaging. Arrange the products according to the due date or receipt, so to use first those with near expiration date or received the longest time ago. Use the FIFO system: first in - first out, or FIFO: first expires - first out. Products for return or disposal must be stored in identified and separate place. These products must be properly packaged to avoid contaminating other foods. 4 - Dry Stock Structural characteristics: The room must be ventilated, free from moisture or excessive heat; Keep the area well cleaned, free of debris and toxic materials; In the pantries, the shelves should be of smooth, durable and waterproof and easy to clean material. In storage food should: Be arranged in an organized manner, separated in groups, observing the maximum stack recommended by the manufacturer for each product; 12 Arranged off the floor on pallets or furniture, or if secured with a minimum height of 25 cm; Observe the spacing between stacks and walls of minimum 40 cm and 60 cm from the covering in rooms characterized as a warehouse (where pallets, platforms, cages and the like are used); In pantries, observe the distance of 10 cm from the wall, 25 cm from the floor and 60 cm from the ceiling; 5 - Controlled Temperature - Perishable Foods All perishable food must be stored under refrigeration or freezing. To ensure perfect circulation of cold air, food must be kept far apart between them and from the walls in cold rooms. Adjust the equipment as recommended for the food that requires the lowest temperature. Cardboard boxes should only remain in refrigeration and freezing equipment in a separate and limited location, or in equipment exclusive to this packaging. The boxes should not show signs of moisture and moldering. Raw foods, grocery products, minimally processed and those that emit odor or release liquids should be stored in equipment other than those that have undergone cooking. Failing this, please observe the following provision in refrigerating equipment: Top area: Ready to eat foods Middle area: Semi-ready or pre-prepared foods Bottom area: Raw foods separated from each other and from other products. Foods of different kinds can be stored in the freezing equipment, provided they are packaged, marked, separated and arranged in groups, always observing load lines. Do not disconnect the equipment in order to save energy. This procedure is not effective and puts food at risk. Periodically check the temperature of stored food, noting down the results on an own worksheet. Remember that no thawing and lack of regular cleaning of equipment interfere with the maintenance of cold temperature. Changes in power supply also affect the conditions of foods. 6 - Pre-Preparation and Preparation It is possible the occurrence of contamination of cooked foods from raw foods, as well as the exchange of microorganisms between surfaces and foods. This is called cross contamination. To avoid it: Separate area for screening and cleaning of food, or "dirty area", from the preparation or clean area by physical or technical barrier; Portion and fractionate in an appropriate site or on scheduled time; Use unique tools to each food category; Wash the hands and utensils between one activity to another; Protect all food in and out of refrigerators with transparent and colorless plastic films or containers with lids; Do not reuse packages, especially those of non-edible products; Avoid placing your hands on food, using utensils whenever possible. Disposable gloves should be used in food preparation that will not undergo cooking before consumption, or that are ready to serve. Remember: gloves should be discarded whenever there are changes in activity. Wash basins must exist exclusive to hand hygiene in preparation areas, preferably without manual operation provided with neutral and odorless liquid soap and non-recycled paper towel. During pre-preparation and preparation, do not keep perishable foods at room temperature for longer than 30 minutes, handle them in small portions. 7 - Defrosting Defrost food in refrigerator at 4 ºC or under controlled conditions, such as: Convection or microwave oven; In tap water at a temperature of 21 ºC for up to 4 hours At room temperature, in a place protected from contamination, monitoring the food surface temperature that, once it reaches 3º to 4º C, should be placed under refrigeration. After defrosting, the food should be kept under refrigeration. Do not re-freeze foods that have been defrosted and have not come to be used. Beware of the liquid that drips during defrosting; it can be a source of contamination. 8 - Use of Eggs Do not offer raw eggs or prepared foods where eggs remain raw for consumption, such as creams, mayonnaise sauce and others. In preparations without cooking use pasteurized, cooked or dehydrated eggs. Eggs should be cooked for at least 7 minutes after boiling. Fried eggs should show hard yolks. Do not market or use cracked shell eggs. Do not reuse packaging. Observe label recommendations for the preservation of eggs. 13 9 - Food Preservation after Preparation. Serve food immediately after cooking. If you cannot, keep them stored at the following temperatures: Hot food: Above 65º C for up to 12 hours at 60º C for up to 6 hours or below 60º C for up to one hour. Use for this bain-marie, stove, réchaud and others. Cold foods: up to 10 ºC for a maximum of four hours or between 10º and 21 ºC for up to 2 hours. Use the refrigerator, refrigerated counter and others. Foods that do not meet the above criteria of time and temperature shall be disregarded. Keep all and any food protected, inside or outside preservation equipment. Protect foods offered for sale and in self-service equipment. 10 - Personal Hygiene Take a shower and shave daily, preferably before starting work. Brush your teeth after every meal. Wash your hands and forearms when: i Arriving at the workplace: Start or switch to another activity; Using toilets; Coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose; Using cleaning materials; Removing garbage; Touching boxes, sacks, bottles; Taking money; Handling foods that have not been cleaned or raw; Before touching sanitized utensils; Before loading and after removal, disposable gloves; At every service interruption. The washing should be done with neutral and odorless liquid soap and massaging the hands and forearms. Rinse, pat dry with non-recycled paper towel, or hot air, and apply an antiseptic approved for this purpose, letting it dry naturally. Antiseptic soap approved by the Ministry of Health, may be used provided it remains in contact with the skin at the time determined by the manufacturer. Hang posters in strategic and visible locations about the correct procedure of hand hygiene. Keep nails short, without enamel and do not use ornaments (rings, bracelets, watches, etc.). Do not use perfumes; deodorants should be odorless. 11 - Uniform Use full clean light-colored uniform, and without pockets above the waist. The exchange must be daily and their use exclusive in the establishment premises. The washing of uniforms is the responsibility of the employer. The shoes should be closed, slip-resistant and in good condition. Cover the hair using nets or hats as protection. Do not carry in the uniform any object that might fall on the food. Badge, thermometer or other objects used in the activity should be placed on the lower pocket of the uniform. Protective aprons may be of plastic only in situations involving laundering activities. It is forbidden to use them near heat sources. It is not allowed to use cloth or plastic bags as an apron. Use suitable clothing for work at low temperatures (cold rooms). Protect hands with wire-mesh gloves when handling meats and fish. Use thermal insulating gloves when handling hot utensils. Provide the visitor with uniform and hair protection. 12 - Hygiene of Installations, Utilities and Equipment. Bacteria multiply in residues that remain on the utensils, equipment and work environment, contaminating the food produced there. Therefore, hygiene is essential. Hygiene begins in the organization. Reserve a place for everything and avoid keeping preparation and food supply areas: Plants Ornaments Objects not related to the activity Equipment and utensils that are not being used. 13 - Installations, Utensils and Equipment The facilities, equipment and utensils used for food preparation or sale must be suitable from the standpoint of health and comply with the production volume, product types and distribution and sales system. The facilities should favor the seamless flow without crossing activities. The separation of activities could be achieved by physical means or other measures that prevent cross-contamination. The materials used in the facility construction must favor its maintenance and cleaning. 14 Floors, walls and ceilings shall be of smooth, waterproof, tough material, and kept free of chinks, cracks, holes, leaks, peeling, moisture and mold. Doors should be well preserved, light colored, easy cleaning, adjusted to frame, self-closing (spring like) and with protection at the bottom against rodents and insects. Windows and exterior openings should have millimeter screens (2-mm mesh), adjusted to frame or wall without gaps. Lighting should be uniform, without formation of shadows, dark corners or glare; it should not change the sensory characteristics of foods. Lights and lamps should be clean and protected against explosions and accidental falls. Electrical installations should be preferably embedded, and if external they must be perfectly lined with insulating pipe, laid out for easy cleaning. Ventilation must ensure thermal comfort, air renewal and absence of moisture and it can be done through windows or blowers properly sized and periodically cleaned. The direction of airflow should be from clean to dirty area. There should not be used domestic fans and air conditioning equipment in the handling areas. Headroom should be at least 2.70 m. In the area / location for hand hygiene, wash basins must exist exclusive to hand hygiene. When there is no separation of areas, a wash basin must exist in a strategic position in relation to the flow of preparation, with taps activated without manual contact. 14 - Further Information Municipal Health Secretariat Health Surveillance Coordination / COVISA R. Santa Isabel, 181 - Vila Buarque - Sao Paulo/SP Zip Code: 01221-010 COVISA Consumer Service: 11 3397-8278/8279/8280 Website: www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/secretarias/saude COVISA: www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/covisa GENERAL RULES 1 - Exhibitor’s Profile Will be able to attend the Event only domestic and international manufacturers or sole representatives/distributors of products and/or services that fit in the sections of the Event and the other specifications contained herein. 2 - Location of Stands It will be the Organizer’s duty to determine the location of the stands, meeting the chronological order of requests, the technical needs of the overall mounting work and marketing interest of the Event. Seeking the perfect harmony of movement for exhibitors and visitors, the official plant of the Event will be made after closing the trading of spaces. Thus, the final location of the stands will be announced approximately 30 days prior to the opening. 3 - Area Redistribution Although it is only done in extreme cases, at any time, for the general good and without previous notice, the Organizer will be able to redistribute the sectors or the stands, provided that the dimensions and characteristics stated in the contract are observed, communicating this in advance to the Exhibitor. 4 - Non-Transferability The Exhibitor may not assign, in whole or in part, any liability assumed or rights acquired, or sublease, assign or transfer any portion or all of the area that was leased, unless previously authorized in writing by the Organizer. 5 - Interdiction of Third-Party Promotions It is absolutely forbidden the exhibition and direct or indirect advertising of any products from nonparticipating companies, as well as to appear in the stand any promotional or acknowledgement mention. The Exhibitor may however, request in writing to the Organizer the authorization for the presentation in its stand of products not manufactured or represented exclusively by it, and being absolutely necessary to complement its product line. It will also not be allowed, the marketing, advertising or promotion of any other events in the pavilion. Non-compliance with these provisions will give the Organizer the right to collect to its warehouse for later return, the products and material objects of the violation, as well as banning the operation of the stand, with which the Exhibitor agrees to comply. 6 - Stands in Cooperation The cooperation between companies for participating in FIPAN is understood by the organization, since many times it is necessary to have the cooperation between companies for demonstrating or exhibiting products. 15 However, we remind that, to the company supporting the Exhibitor it is only allowed the presence of its brand name in the packing of products given to the Exhibitor, or in the labels of the equipment given for such a purpose, in the same way as they normally leave the factory for installation in the Points Of Sale. The exhibitors, in charge of the area rental, should notify the companies that will give them any kind of support that it is expressly forbidden: a) Distributing or exposing folders, leaflets, stickers, posters or any kind of sale promotion or product promotion materials; b) Using logo-marked uniforms with brands different from those representing the products of the stand tenant; c) Divulging in any internal media of the stand, or inside the pavilion, brand names different from the Exhibitor’s own products; d) Having sales people from partner companies, or from other companies not belonging to the Exhibitor, working on its own stand. The Organization of the Event will be alert and, in case the above described actions were verified, the Exhibitor in charge of the area will be given a written warning, requesting to meet this standard within two hours; in case the requested measures are not taken, the Exhibitor will be subject to a fine of two thousand Brazilian Reals (R$ 2,000.00) and the sealing of the stand. Therefore, in order to avoid embarrassing situations, such as apprehension and removal of individuals or materials from the fair, or even the sealing of the Exhibitor’s stand, we request everybody to carefully observe this rule. 7 - Exhibition of Used Products It is absolutely forbidden the display / demonstration of any product or equipment used (the products displayed shall be new, from the factory, unused). 8 - Holdings, Groups and Associate Companies. When the Exhibitor is a Holding, a member of a corporate group or has associated companies, it may present products from other companies, provided it submits to the Organizer a list of these companies, together with proof of the links between them. 9 - Sales Representatives and Trading Companies When the Exhibitor is a sales agency company or a Trading Company, it may display only products of its exclusive representation, being obliged to submit to the Organizer the list of those companies represented, along with proof of existing bonds of exclusivity. 10 - Delayed Payments Exhibitors and Mounting Companies with payments in arrears will be required to immediately pay off their commitment to the Organizer, to obtain the release of the area for setting up their stands, are these commitments related either to contractual installments or facilities and service fees. Without proof of payment, the participation in the Event will be vetoed. 11 - Audio and Video Demos Sound demonstrations are strictly prohibited with audio equipment incompatible with the work that is performed at a trade show. Even inside the stands, the sound should be at room level so as not to disturb other Exhibitors. It also prohibited the use of amplification for sending sales or promotion messages according to Law No. 5988 which governs copyright. For the use of any audio facilities, either show of artistic activities or simply ambient sound, sound levels should not exceed 85+- I dB (A), measured at the boundary perimeter of the stand where the sound originates. During the Event, we will have equipment to measure the number of decibels. Any Exhibitor that exceeds the volume determined, or that it is a reason for complaint of adjoining st nd stands, will receive the 1 time a verbal request from the Organizer to decrease the volume. The 2 infraction will be informed through a letter to the responsible for the stand signed by the Organizer. At the 3rd infraction a far more severe action will be taken, by turning off the light switches of the stand, without previous notice, and levying a fine of two thousand Brazilian Reals (R$ 2,000.00). The light switches will be reconnected when the object generating the infraction is eliminated from the stand. 16 12 - Equipment Demonstration The Organizer may stop or determine the period for demonstration of any equipment which, in its discretion, may pose risks to people, goods, structures and elements of stands, or produce high levels of noise or vibration that could disturb the operations of nearby stands. 13 - Artistic Activities (concerts, parades, live music, video wall) It will only be allowed to present shows, parades, live music, video wall, etc., in the stands when the area leased by contract is equal to or greater than 100 sq. m and observing the limits of sound volume, safety standards, specific mounting standards and opening hours of the Event, and the sale of tickets and any other type of charge is forbidden. Invitations to these activities do not qualify to enter the Event. 14 - Distribution of Promotional Material It is strictly forbidden the distribution of gifts, samples, brochures, catalogs, etc., outside the boundaries of the stand, having the Organizer the right to stop the distribution at any time. Within the boundaries of the stand, the distribution may be done without creating tumults or agglomerations, which also will result in the suspension of the distribution of materials. 15 - Product Tasting / Gift Distribution We strongly request Exhibitors and Mounting Companies to include in their projects the area delimited for possible queues that could be formed during the tasting of products and/or giveaway distribution. This area should be delimited in the boundary areas of the stands. This measure should be taken in order to prevent as much as possible the formation of queues in the corridors thus hindering the movement of visitors. If this happens, the Organizer may request, at any time, to stop the action. 16 - Alcoholic Beverage Tasting We inform that the distribution/tasting of alcoholic beverages will be authorized only after 4:30 pm. Important: Under no circumstances will be authorized the distribution of beverages, alcoholic or not, in glass or tin containers, it can only be done in plastic disposable cups. MOUNTING GENERAL RULES The Labor Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Labor and Employment will supervise the Event during mounting and dismounting work. In order to avoid inconvenience and/or interruption of work, we suggest that all labor standards are met, including the use of PPE’s . 1 - Registration of the Mounting Company The Exhibitor shall register the mounting company that will do the mounting work, decoration, technical maintenance and dismounting work of its stand by filling the information in the specific operating form for that purpose. After the registration of the mounting company (including the Official Mounting Company, in case it will mount the stand), it will be given a login and password, to the e-mail address that is registered for exclusive access to the forms of its responsibility. The requested badges will be delivered at the Pavilion, from the beginning of the mounting work, on July 17, 2013, from noon, upon presentation of company documents and proof of payment of mandatory taxes - municipality, electric power, badges, mounting cleaning, and electrical equipment (if applicable), together with a duly signed copy of the ART (Annotation of Technical Responsibility) or RRT (Registration of Technical Responsibility), copy of the approved design and Terms of Liability. ATTENTION: Advise your mounting company staff to keep an official document with photo always in hand when entering or leaving the pavilion, since its presentation will be demanded. 2 - Development of Stand Design The Exhibitor may, at his discretion and freedom, contract the official mounting company or any other company of his choice. However, either being the official mounting company or another one, the st Exhibitor/Mounting Company shall submit to the Organizer of the Event, until July 1 , to its email address: expositor@fipan.com.br the project to be made according to the following: PDF file; Floor plan; Elevation with dimensions and perspective view; Specification of the mixed, basic or built stand; Legible name of the registered professional responsible for the project (Architect or Engineer) and his/her registration number at Regional Council of Engineering and Architecture (CREA); 17 Copy of the RRT (Registration of Technical Responsibility) or ART (Annotation of Technical Responsibility) and payment form. The Organizer will veto any project in disagreement with the above described rules, and in case changes are needed, they shall be made in accordance with the requested specifications. st After July 1 will not be accepted projects for approval. UNDER NOR CIRCUMSTANCES PROJECTS FOR APPROVAL WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE PAVILION THE ORGANIZER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO IMPOUND ANY MOUNTING WORK NOT MEETING THE ESTABLISHED RULES OR NOT IN AGREEMENT WITH THE APPROVED PROJECT. We also inform that the auditing bodies of this type of activity (CONTRU, CREA and Fire Department) will be present at the pavilion and they can at any time stop the mounting work that does not meet the rules of the Event. ART or RRT and Terms of Liability The building of stands with may be initiated only after the approval of the project by the Responsible Architect of FIPAN and presentation of RRT (Registration of Technical Responsibility) or ART (Annotation of Technical Responsibility and Terms of Liability duly signed by the responsible / mounting company and the Exhibitor. According to the provisions published in the Official Union Gazette – DOU of 12/29/2011, for Technical Responsibility the Architects should issue an RRT (Registration of Technical Responsibility). ART’s will no longer be accepted or issued by Architects. Each RRT corresponds to one contract, that is, for each mounting contract a corresponding RRT shall be mandatory issued irrespective of the area or contract value. (www.caubr.or.br). Printing of RRT’s is released only after the payment of the corresponding collection slip, so please note that there will not be time available for issuing at the time of mounting work. 3 - Bond Check All mounting companies registered by the Exhibitors, shall issue a bond check of one thousand and five hundred Brazilian Reals (R$ 1,500.00) per mounted stand, payable to Auction Comercial Promotora Ltda. The mounting company undertakes to hand over the area as it was received, free of any type of material and/or debris, and even to keep the pavilion conditions (floor, walls, columns and equipment) free of any damage. The Organizer will perform a handover inspection and if the above requirements were not met, the bond check will be deposited. 4 - Documents to be Submitted by the Mounting Company for Entrance Release in the Pavilion In order to obtain the release of the area for mounting the stand, the Mounting / Decoration Companies shall submit the following documents at the Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX) of the Event. Statement of Commitment and Responsibility for Mounting and Dismounting signed by the Exhibitor and Mounting Company. Receipt for payment of cleaning fee. Receipt for payment of mounting/decorator staff badges and maintenance service staff badges (during realization). Filling in of the respective forms with name, ID Card, and position of employees that will provide services during the mounting and dismounting work of the Event. Copy of the mounting RRT or ART (Certifications regarding the stability of structures of all the stands under his responsibility, signed by engineers or architects, with a copy of the license of CREA -CONTRU Decision of 03.12.96) - Required for release of the mounting work. Bond check for each stand to be mounted in the amount of one thousand and five hundred Brazilian Reals (R$ 1,500.00) per stands built. Payment receipt of the use of electrical equipment - fill in the relevant form FORM No. 16 MANDATORY COMPLETION AND PAYMENT Optional: Policies of Third Party Liability Insurance and other risks to cover employed staff, materials and equipment to be used during mounting, production and dismounting periods of the Event. 18 The insurance should be sufficient to cover damages to the Pavilion or to third parties in the areas leased by the Exhibitor, where the mounting company is performing the mounting services. The absence or ineffectiveness of the policy to cover the above mentioned risks will imply the full responsibility of the Exhibitor and its mounting company, before the Organizer for any damage that may occur and shall indemnify and recover any damages. 5 - Use of the Pavilion Under no circumstances the floor of the Pavilion may not be marked, painted, drilled or dug by the Exhibitor. It is forbidden to support, tie or hang any component of the stand or products exposed to the structure, roof, columns, fire piping and walls of the Pavilion. It is also forbidden to drill or paint these elements. 6 - Electrical Equipment It is expressly forbidden to use power saw, circular saw, and compressor for painting and electric sanding on the premises of the Pavilion. Mounting companies with stands or wooden elements should bring to the pavilion prefabricated, puttied, sanded and painted parts. It will not be allowed sanding and/or puttying walls of stands on the premises of the Pavilion. Passways and the adjoining stands may not be used for deposition of materials, tools and products to be installed on the stand. Any operation should be performed exclusively within the limits of Exhibitor's stand. All work with grease, paint, corrosive materials, powders and liquids, should be held in appropriate containers in the inside area of the stand, to avoid damage to people, the Pavilion and adjoining stands. 7 - Limit Heights The maximum height allowed for the mounting and decoration work is 6.50 meters, including walls, frontlets, towers, among others. Stands up to 4.00 meters in height (measured from the floor of the pavilion) need not setback from the neighbor stand. Above this measure, 1-meter setback will be required. Stands with a mezzanine: Maximum height of stands with mezzanine is 6.50 m, being allowed to build only in areas where the surface area is over 200 sq. m and the upper (mezzanine) surface area should be at most 25% of the total area. The setback required in this case is 2.00 m around the entire perimeter of the area (contiguous areas and streets). MOUNTING WORK OF ISLE AND ISLE TIP STANDS, SHOULD FOLLOW THE RULES BELOW: ISLES AND TIPS OF ISLES ABOVE 30 sq. m Construction of walls (stands completely enclosed with blocked view) require a setback of 0.50 m from the curb, or a construction of up to 30% of the linear length resting against the curb. Half-body walls (up to 1.10 m high) with or without front sign over 2.20 m, need not setback of 0.50 cm from the curb. Glass walls and/or any other material that prevents the full visibility of the other stands will be considered closed areas and must follow the required setback (e.g.: banner, totem, columns, etc.). banner, totem, columns, etc.) ATTENTION: PROJECTS THAT ARE NOT APPROVED BY THE ORGANIZATION, SHALL NOT BE RELEASED FOR EXECUTION. Examples below: Enclosed and semi-enclosed areas, design considering one of the options below: 1 - Setback of 50cm from the curb 2 - Resting against the curb 30% of linear length. The maximum height for wall mounted panels with simple glass is 3.20 m and these should include emergency signaling. Above this height, there will be allowed only walls mounted with glass panels containing application of security film insulfilm type or walls mounted with panels / plates of polycarbonate, acrylic, laminated or tempered glass. 19 Glasses with the application of Insulfim require the submittal of the Technical Certificate ensuring these do not shatter in case of breakage. All and any component of the stands mounting offering visibility by both the neighbor area as main streets or cross, will only be allowed if these are in the same quality as the front of the stand. All and any opening that the stand has for plugging in video wall, plasma TV, LCD screen and others, should be properly fenced. STANDS LOCATED FULLY OR PARTIALLY BELOW THE MEZZANINE GREEN PAVILION MUST COMPLY WITH A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 2.70 M AND MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 3.50 M. WE SUGGEST THAT THE EXHIBITORS THAT ARE MOUNTING THEIR STANDS IN THIS SECTOR OF THE PAVILION DO A TECHNICAL VISIT TO THE PLACE IN ORDER TO CONFIRM LOCAL MEASURES, SINCE THERE ARE PHYSICAL INTERFERENCES IN THE MEZZANINE CEILING. The minimum height of walls / decorative elements in relation to the neighbors will be 2.70, BEING MANDATORY FOR THE MOUNTING COMPANY / EXHIBITOR TO FINISH THE WALLS FACING THE NEIGHBORS AND TO COMPLY WITH THE IMPOSED SETBACK STANDARDS. ATTENTION: STANDS WITH COLUMNS 1. Stands with simple columns (without water / fire equipment) in their areas can only be covered leaving at least 0.25 m away from each side of the column. 2. Stands with columns and equipment of the pavilion (ladders, etc.) may not only be lined with minimum clearance of 1.00 m from the face of equipment, leaving free the access door. 3. Stands with columns and fire hydrant facing the inner side of the area may not be covered or obstructed, leaving free and direct access. THE APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT DOES NOT EXEMPT THE MOUNTING COMPANY / EXHIBITOR FROM THE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL MOUNTING STANDARDS AND OTHER PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT. Corner stands It may only be considered corner stands with surface area equal or greater than 30 sq. m. 8 - Partition Walls The construction of partition walls around the perimeter bordering other stands is compulsory for every Exhibitor and it is not allowed to reuse the walls nearby. The minimum height of the walls should be 2.70 m. ABOVE THIS HEIGHT, A FINISHING IS REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES. 9 - Hydraulics To meet the request of the Exhibitor as the provision of point of water and sewerage it will be MANDATORY THE USE OF WOOD BOARD FLOORING FOR ALL MOUNTING WORKS. 10 - Electric Wiring The electrical wiring must be properly installed, finished, insulated and built-in, ONLY BEING ALLOWED TO USE PP CABLES. Please note that the violation of this rule will result in suspension of construction until it is fulfilled. IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN THE USE OF POWER STRIPS, 3-WAY CONVENIENCE ADAPTERS AND ANY TYPE OF EXTENSION FOR CONNECTING APPARATUS. THE ORGANIZATION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO IMPEDE THE OPERATION OF THE STAND UNTIL THIS STANDARD IS COMPLIED WITH. 11 - Stand Grounding Exhibitors and mounting companies are obliged to ground the stands built in metal structures, either aluminum or iron, connecting the ground wire that is close to the point of power supply in order to prevent electric shocks. 12 - Masonry Construction Any constructions (floors, walls, etc.) in masonry or similar are forbidden. 13 - Overhead Visual Communication / Overhead Passage Between Stands Shall be permitted only after analysis of the Organizer and the Pavilion, and should follow the rules below: a) The width of 4m (s) of street (s) shall not be obstructed or impaired. b) The free headroom of the catwalk should be at least 3 m. c) After the project approval, should be sent copies of structural calculations and the Registration of Technical Responsibility (RRT) or Annotation of Technical Responsibility (ART) of the design and installation of mezzanines and catwalk covering all elements fixed to the catwalk. 20 The RRT or ART shall state the maximum capacity of mezzanines and catwalk and should be accompanied by the certificate of stability and conformity. d) It must be provided a lateral closure of the catwalk with a minimum height of 1.60 m to prevent accidental fall of objects. e) The lateral closure of the catwalk should prevent viewing by people who cross it. f) The floor and lateral closure of the runway should be completely shut, even visually, and cannot be used any type of hollow material such as screens, grids, glass, translucent materials, etc. g) The maximum capacity of the catwalk must be visibly displayed to the user at both ends and at the center of it. h) The construction should respect the maximum headroom of the pavilion. i) Signaling must be provided indicating Emergency Exits on both sides of the catwalk, with its base at height of at least 3m and its top to a maximum of 5m. The emergency signaling must follow NBR 13 434 standards for viewing at a distance of 50m (letters with 40-cm height). j) The catwalk should be used only for crossing purposes and it is not allowed any other type of use or crowding of people in it. 14 - Plan Projection of the Stand The plan projection of any element of the mounting, decoration products exhibited shall mandatory be fully contained within the limits of the area of the stand. There will not be accepted projections on adjoining stands or on the public passage, except for spots for lighting logos, provided that they are placed at the minimum height of 2.30 m. 15 - Rules for Finishing Every decorative element or fascia board should be finished on both sides, either in the division with adjoining stands, either in the division with cross streets. Exception only for stands located in the adjacent perimeter of the Pavilion. 16 - Glass Panels Any stand having glass panels in the outer area should use appropriate warning signaling in them to facilitate viewing of the public, preventing potential accidents. 17 - Floor The Pavilion has special floor. The mounting work of the stands should be done on a protection, the use of glue is not allowed. {In case of using adhesive tape to fix the carpet on the floor, it is compulsory to use the indicated ones: TAPE 3M REF.4880, ADERE CODE 462 OR FOUR PILLARS REFERENCE-81. All tape used must be removed after the Event, without damaging the floor. IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN USE GLUE ON THE PAVILION FLOOR FOR FIXING THE CARPET OR ANY OTHER KIND OF MATERIAL. IN CASE OF DAMAGING THE PAVILION FLOOR, THE ORGANIZER RESERVES THE RIGHT OF TRANSFERRING THESE COSTS TO THE EXHIBITORS/MOUNTING COMPANIES. ANY HEAVY MACHINERY AND/OR EQUIPMENT, MUST BE INCLUDED IN THE DESIGN OF THE STAND GROUND FLOOR (WITH WEIGHT SHOWN SEPARATELY) AND SHALL BE MOUNTED ON THE INDICATED PLACE, NOT BEING ALLOWED TO LAST-MINUTE CHANGES. 18 - Air Conditioning All the pavilions of Expo Center Norte feature their own air conditioning system. To ensure perfect system operation, the Exhibitor shall observe the following stipulations: a) Stands may not have their own air-conditioning equipment, since their release of hot air would impair the performance of the pavilions’ air conditioning system. All the stands shall be built without ceiling in order to benefit from the pavilions’ air conditioning. b) In the case of auditoriums that technically require a ceiling closure and extension of the pavilion’s air ducts shall be made, insufflating the air within the auditoriums. This procedure shall be performed only by the company in charge of the air conditioning system of Expo Center Norte, which shall submit a quotation for the Exhibitor’s approval. c) In the case of stands with a mezzanine it shall be submitted, at least 30 days in advance of the start of the Event mounting, an air-conditioning detailed project, including the supporting structure, to be reviewed by the Organization and by Expo Center Norte, with the following conditions: - Air conditioning will be only allowed at the ground floor. The mezzanine shall not have a ceiling in order to benefit from the pavilion’s air conditioning. - It will only be allowed the use of properly dimensioned split-type equipment. 21 - The discharge of the hot air released by the condensing unit shall be made above the pavilion’s airconditioning ducts, a height that varies from pavilion to pavilion (nearly 9.0 - 11.0 meters). - The installation of the equipment in the stand may only be made through the approval of the project by Expo Center Norte and by the Organization, together with the submittal of the RRT (Registration of Technical Responsibility) or ART (Annotation of Technical Responsibility) of the design and installation, considering the structural design and the electrical installation. - Under no circumstances will be allowed the use of window-mounted air conditioners in the pavilions. Projects and RRT´s or ART´s shall be forwarded to: expositor@fipan.com.br 19 - Electric Signs The lights, reactors and components of the electrical panel of the electric sign, in no event may be resting against the assembly. Electric signs will be allowed in the inner area, provided they are fully protected and will not offer any risk to people. 20 - Access Ramps In accordance to item 8.2.2 of NBR ISO 9050 standard and the single Regulation on stand mounting of UBRAFE / SINDIPROM / ABEOC / ABRACCEF / AMPRO it is mandatory the use of access ramps to the stands with floor area equal or greater than 25 sq. m. For stands with floor area less than 25 sq. m, it is suggested to use the ramp only to those who have display elements (showcases, counters, catalog holders, etc.), which induce the visitor to enter the stand area. 21 - Gardens and Plants Gardens, flowers and ornamental plants will be allowed when contained in pots, baskets or other containers, provided that no earth or stones is used for setting up the gardens on the site. 22 - Passage Ways It is absolutely forbidden to deposit materials, tools, boxes or products, in passageways. Every operation must be within the limits of the stands. 23 - Impediment of the Construction Work The Organizer has the right to impound the construction / decoration of the stand, if in disagreement with the General Rules described here, and request appropriate reformulation. TO PREVENT THIS, PLEASE SEND YOUR PROJECT UNTIL JULY 1 st 24 - Assistance Service and Maintenance During the Event Realization The hired mounting company is responsible for any maintenance and/or assistance to its client (Exhibitor) during mounting work, realization and dismounting work, and the Organizer or the Official Mounting Company do not have any responsibility for problems that may occur in the stand. ALL EXHIBITORS WHO CHOSE OUTDOOR AREA MUST GIVE KNOWLEDGE OF RULES FOR THEIR HIRED MOUNTING COMPANIES. 25 - Vehicle Access Vehicle access to the loading and unloading area of the Pavilions will be at Rua Galatea - Gate 4 during mounting and dismounting periods: July 17 - 21 - from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. - Mounting July 25 from 9:00 pm and July 26 - 27 from 8:00 am to 02:00 pm - Dismounting Trucks and utility vehicles, during the mounting and dismounting period, will not be charged for stay in the parking lot, but the permanence time is limited. Cars and small utility vehicles - hour or fraction R$ 10.00 Cargo vehicles with capacity up to 7 tons - hour or fraction R$ 15.00 Cargo vehicles with capacity above 7 tons - up to 4 hrs. EXEMPT, up to 5 hrs. (R$ 120.00); exceeding time R$ 30.00 per hour or fraction. For more information contact: Patropi Phone: (11) 2909-4488 Marco / Kelly expopatropi@patropi.com.br 22 Remarks: Vehicles that need to stay in the Loading and Unloading area shall request a permit to the Event Organizer and to Expo Center Norte. 26 - Loading and Unloading Loading and unloading of materials and goods shall be made through Rua Galatea - Gate 4. The entry of trucks and utility vehicles in the loading and unloading areas will take place according to the order of arrival. It is required the driver to remain inside the vehicle. The Pavilion and Organizer have no carts to transport cargo. It is recommended their lease to avoid congestions. 27 - Termination Mounting The mounting work of the stands shall be completed until 6:00 pm of July 21, 2013 (the eve of the opening of the Event), when the doors of the Pavilion will be closed so the Organizer will start the preparation services for the Event. After this time, it will only be allowed to work on interior decoration, provided they do not produce dust, and NO WASTE MATERIAL OR DEBRIS MAY BE DISPOSED IN THE CORRIDORS OF THE EVENT. IT WILL BE CHARGED A PENALTY OF TWO THOUSAND BRAZILIAN REAIS (R$ 2,000.00) PER HOUR OF DELAY, TO THE EXHIBITORS WHO DO NOT RESPECT THE ESTABLISHED SCHEDULE. Contractors for mounting and/or decoration work of the stands ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVAL OF DEBRIS AND UNUSED MATERIAL. 23 RULES FOR BASIC SETUP MADE BY THE OFFICIAL MOUNTING COMPANY 1- Official Mounting Company Data KSK ESTANDES LTDA. RUA FREIRE BASTOS, 407 - JARDIM ALIANÇA - CEP: 02261-020 SAO PAULO - SP PHONE: 11 2243-5366 Fax: 11 2243-7007 CUSTOMER SERVICE: SALES DEPARTMENT: comercial@kskstands.com.br PROJECT DEPARTMENT - MR. CARLOS CHUVA, ARCHITECT: chuva@kskstands.com.br The Exhibitor is prohibited to use the space without proper mounting of at least one basic stand. 2 - Description of the Basic Setup Floor: Graphite color 4-mm lining carpet directly applied on the pavilion floor by 3M double-sided tapes. Walls: White color TS panels, raised to 2.70 m high, structured by anodized aluminum profiles in natural color. Ceiling: hollowed pergola. Lighting: Lighting consists of 01 spot light with 100-watt light bulb for each 3 sq. m and three-phase tri-polar socket of 220 volts per stand. 01 Backlit fascia board per stand. Identification: Company name in black glued lettering Helvetic font (maximum 15 characters) on backlit fascia board. Furniture: 01 round table with glass top and 03 upholstered fixed chairs. 3 - Modifications to the Basic Setup Orders will only be handled in accordance with the availability of equipment and manpower, if requested until June 29, 2013. Any modifications requested after this date will be considered as complementary service and will have extra cost. 4 - Non Used Material If the material described as BASIC SETUP is not totally used, they CANNOT BE PROCESSED IN FINANCIAL CREDITS OR SUBROGATION of any kind by the Organizer or the Official Mounting Company. 5 - Complementary Services Complementary services of decoration in the mounting work will be performed only by KSK, Official Mounting Company Accredited of the Event and owner of the equipment used for the stands with basic setup according to the availability of it. It will not be allowed other companies to do this work. 6 - Fastening of Materials Promotional material, pictures or ornaments, could only be posted on the stand walls with Nylon Yarn. Nails, pins, adhesives or any material which causes damage to the panels may not be used. The Organizer reserves the right to transfer to the Exhibitor, the costs for damage to material of the Basic Setup. DISMOUNTING STANDARDS 1 - Deadline for Dismounting It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to dismount its stands and remove the products and exhibits on time. THE DISMOUNTING OF THE STANDS WILL BE MADE FROM 8:00 PM OF JULY 25, 2013 UNTIL 2:00 PM OF JULY 27, 2013, AT THE LATEST. After the deadline, the Organizer reserves the right to dismount the stands, without being responsible for loss or damages, or for custody of third-party materials. 24 2 - Penalty The delay in dismounting will entail a penalty of two thousand Brazilian Reals (R$ 2,000.00) per hour, in addition to the use of bond check of one thousand and five hundred Brazilian Reals (R$ 1,500.00) to the Exhibitor and the Mounting Company, without right of appeal and judicial settlement. Since the Exhibitor is responsible for the dismounting of its stand, we suggest to give notice of this deadline to the mounting company, decorator and other companies involved. 3 - Removal of Materials WE STRONGLY EMPHASIZE TO THE EXHIBITOR AND ITS SUPPLIERS THAT THE ORGANIZATION WILL RELEASE THE SERVICE GATES FOR REMOVAL OF MATERIALS, FROM 8:00 PM OF JULY 25, ONLY FOR REMOVAL OF SMALL-SIZED MATERIALS FOR SECURITY REASONS. WE SUGGEST THAT FIRST BE WITHDRAWN ALL SHOWCASES AND VALUABLES (TV, VCR, STEREO, DESKTOP COMPUTER, ETC.), AND SMALL OBJECTS, THUS PREVENTING THEFT, ROBBERY, DAMAGE, LOSS, ETC. IT IS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN A WATCHMAN IN THE STAND FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE END OF THE WITHDRAWAL OF REMOVAL OF MATERIALS AND DISMOUNTING WORK OF THE STAND, EMPHASIZING THAT THE ORGANIZATION IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEFT OF MATERIALS OF ANY KIND. 4 - Damages Caused to the Pavilion Our contract with the Expo Center Norte provides for reimbursement of damages caused to facilities of the Pavilion. The Organization of the Event reserves the right to transfer costs to exhibitors who cause any kind of damage, according to the rules for use of the Pavilion. 5 - Cases not Covered by this Manual The Organizer reserves the right to arbitrate on cases not covered by the General Standards, as well as to establish new standards that will be necessary for the good operation of the Event and/or to facilitate the harmony between the Exhibitors. No changes promoted by the Organizer may be cause for cancellation of the Area Lease Contract by the Exhibitor, since any measure is aimed at the smooth running of the Event. A penalty amounting to 25% of the total value of the Rental Contract Area will be applied to any exhibitor who violates any of the standards, whose sanction is not specified above. RULES FOR EXHIBITION OF IMPORTED PRODUCTS 1 - Products for Exhibition Because it is an international Event, duly registered with the MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT, INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE, Exhibitors may send their products for demonstration during the Event under exemption and/or suspension of taxes. The Organizer empowered FULSTANDIG, as Official Forwarding Agent and Logistics Operator of the Event, in charge of the coordination of shipment from the place of origin up to the delivery of the goods at the Exhibitor’s stand. 2 - Instructions of the Forwarding Agent The company qualified by the Organization to meet the needs of exhibitors that will exhibit imported goods is FULSTANDIG. We request to contact them to get to know about all the rules and processes for the transit of these goods. FULSTANDIG Rua Eli, 164 - Vila Maria Zip Code: 02114-010 - Sao Paulo - SP Phones: 55 11 2207-7650 Fax: 55 11 2207-7654 E-mail: mewbank@fulstandig.com.br Contact Person: Mariane Ewbank 25 SAFETY RULES 1 - Responsibility The Organizer is not liable for damage caused to people or products displayed before, during and after the Event, including sabotage, civil upheaval, deficiencies or interruptions in the electric power and water supply, or claims of any kind, being exempted from the indemnification of values for covering such costs. DURING THE EVENT, THE EXHIBITOR MUST KEEP THEIR EQUIPMENT AND OBJECTS OF VALUE IN A SECURE LOCATION WITH RESTRICTED ACCESS, THUS AVOIDING POSSIBLE THEFTS. THE PRODUCTS / EQUIPMENT IN YOUR COMPANY, CAN ONLY BE SENT TO THE PAVILION WHEN THERE IS A RESPONSIBLE PERSON ON YOUR STAND FOR THE PROPER RECEPTION. 2 - Insurance Stands, goods, products, people, whatever their nature, including agents, carriers, mounting companies, crane leasing companies, etc., not covered by insurance, either in the mounting work during the Event or dismounting work, are the sole responsibility of the Exhibitors. Thus, the Organizer STRONGLY recommends the Exhibitors, to provide their own insurance against any and all risks, because they are your sole and exclusive responsibility. 3 - Fire Extinguisher Every Exhibitor will be obliged to keep in its stand from the beginning of the mounting work, production and dismounting work, properly positioned, identified and marked Dry Chemical and CO2 fire extinguishers, with load compatible with the products displayed and with the materials used in the mounting work, according to the table below: WHEN THERE IS NO DIVISION IN THE STAND Area/sq mCO2 Until 50 1 From 51 to 1002 From 101 to 1503 From 151 to 2004 From 201 to 2505 From 251 to 3006 From 301 to 3507 DCP (Dry Chemical Powder) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WHEN THERE IS DIVISION IN THE STAND Area/sq m CO2 Until 50 2 From 51 to 1004 From 101 to 1506 From 151 to 2008 From 201 to 25010 From 251 to 30012 From 301 to 35014 DCP (Dry Chemical Powder) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Fire extinguishers may be rented directly from the fire-prevention company hired by the Organization or brought by the Exhibitor, in this case subject to team of firefighters’ inspection. We encourage Exhibitors and Mounting Companies, the use of flame-retardant materials in the ceiling, floor and decoration of stands. 26 4 - Special Installations Any equipment, whose demonstration can pose risks to the public or to adjoining stands or to the Pavilion, should have special installations, which at the discretion of the Organizer will completely eliminate any danger. 5 - Fire Prevention All special materials used in the construction of the stands or in the displayed goods should be properly treated for fire protection, in accordance with the regulations in force, and the usual international standards prevail. 6 - Forbidden Equipment A - It is forbidden to operate internal combustion engines inside the Pavilion. B - It is forbidden the use of explosives, non-inert, toxic and combustible gases. C - LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) shall only be permitted in cylinders for residential use with no more than 90 kg, installed in the outer area defined under the guidance of the Pavilion and the piping must be rigid and metallic. Mechanical and electrical safety devices should be used. The design of the piping must be previously approved by the Organizer and inspected by the Pavilion. Exhibitors who use this type of equipment are expected to sign a Term of Liability. Any Exhibitor who requires the use of LPG shall meet the installation standards as per Decrees 24714/87 of 10/07/87 and 27011/88 of 09/30/99; whenever installation and handling of combustible gases is made, the corresponding ART (Annotation of Technical Responsibility) shall be issued and paid, under the responsibility of a Mechanical Engineer. 7 - Obstruction of Pavilion Safety Equipment It is forbidden to place any material or equipment in front of fire extinguishers available at the Pavilion. It is also prohibited the withdrawal of extinguishers from its fixed points for use in another location, such as for fire-readiness, without the prior permission of Organizer. 8 - PPE - Personal Protective Equipment It will the Exhibitor’s duty to provide its employees and/or contracted people the PPE’s appropriate to the risk, in perfect maintenance and operation conditions. 9 - Work Suits It is prohibited to enter and remain inside the Pavilion shirtless, wearing bermuda shorts or bathing trunks. It is also forbidden to wear slippers, clogs or sandals. It is mandatory to wear the badge in a visible place. 10 - Emergency Exits, Extinguishers, Fire Hydrants and Pushbutton Switches In areas marked and intended for emergency exits, fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and pushbutton switches, it is expressly prohibited to store any type of material, and the above-mentioned items should be left totally unobstructed. ALL STANDS PROJECTS HAVING CLOSED ENVIRONMENTS SHOULD PROVIDE FOR EMERGENCY EXITS. STANDS WITH OVER 100 SQ M AREA SHOULD HAVE ENTRY, EXIT AND EMERGENCY DOORS WITH OVERHEAD AND FLOOR SIGNALING, INDICATING AREAS OF ESCAPE. IN CASE OF AUDITORIUM, THE NUMBER OF EMERGENCY EXITS MUST BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE NUMBER OF SEATS PROVIDED. 27 BADGE ISSUING 1 - Registration of the Exhibitor Exhibitor badges should be mandatory requested, through their respective form, and it will be given one (1) Exhibitor badge per 2 sq. m of stand, at no cost. FORM No. 4 MANDATORY COMPLETION WE KINDLY REQUEST A JUDICIOUS DISTRIBUTION OF THIS KIND OF CREDENTIAL, BECAUSE IT ALLOWS ITS HOLDER TOTAL AUTONOMY OF ACTION. The badges of Exhibitors will be provided by the Organizer, by filling the form with full name, ID and position. 2 - Exhibitor Badges Surplus If the Exhibitor requires credentials that exceed the amount allowed without cost, these should be requested (paid) by filling in the special form. 3 - Registration of Mounting Company Staff The mounting/decorator staff badges shall be mandatory used during the mounting and dismounting period, and they shall be withdrawn only at the Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX) of the Event from noon of July 17, 2013. FORM No. 7 MANDATORY COMPLETION AND PAYMENT 4 - Accreditation of Maintenance Services Mounting Company Staff/Decorator During the Event, stand maintenance services may only be made by using the specific badge for such a purpose. The mounting/decorator staff shall request a maintenance service badge at the Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX) of the Event until July 20 at 9 pm. The Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX) will be authorized to exchange 1 badge per stand, according to the following: Presentation of Mounting Staff Badge to be exchanges by Service Badge; Letter on letterhead and signed by the responsible person including name and ID Nr of the employee. Above this quantity, the mounting/decorator staff shall request by letter on letterhead and signed by the company responsible person including name and ID Nr of the employees. This request shall be approved by the Event Organization. 5 - Accreditation of Exhibitor's Service Providers Service badges are intended for the registration of Exhibitor’s employees or the persons hired to provide any support services during the period of the Event, such as receptionists, waiters, maids, musicians, etc., and they must be requested by completing and sending the respective form. FORM No. 9 MANDATORY COMPLETION AND PAYMENT 6 - Delivery of Badges The Organizer will only deliver the badges after confirming all fees paid for the requested services. The credentials should be withdrawn at the entrance of the Pavilion from July 17, 2013 at noon. BADGES WILL NOT BE SENT BY MAIL. When requesting badges, the Exhibitor must list the names, mentioning the ID number and position of each one. Badges shall mandatory be worn in visible position on the part of Exhibitors, Editors, Watchmen and stand service personnel. IMPORTANT: THE PRESENTATION OF A DOCUMENT WITH PHOTO WILL BE REQUESTED TO THE EXHIBITOR/MOUNTING/DECORATOR STAFF WHENEVER THEY ENTER THE PAVILION ABSENCE OF A BADGE IN ANY PERSON WITHIN THE PAVILION WILL IMPLY IN THE IMMEDIATE REMOVAL FROM THE VENUE. 28 IT IS FORBIDDEN TO STICK THE IDENTIFICATION LABEL ON TOP OF THE STRIP THAT IDENTIFIES THE TYPE OF BADGE, THE EVENT ORGANIZATION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEIZE AND CANCEL IT. THERE WILL NOT BE ISSUED 2ND COPIES OF SEIZED BADGES. The badges are valid during periods of operation of the Event and may only be requested until the eve of the opening of it. In case of loss, the Exhibitor may request the issuance of 2nd copy provided that it has not been seized. The 2nd copy will only be issued upon payment of a fee of fifty Brazilian Reais (R$ 50.00). 7 - Personnel Access Throughout the operating period of the Event, will only have access to the Pavilion persons duly registered. The use of badges, worn in visible position, is compulsory on the part of Exhibitors, Mounting Company staff, Decorators, Watchmen and/or any stand service personnel. It will not be allowed access to people outside the time of the Event realization, except for EXHIBITOR and EXHIBITOR SERVICES badge holders, which may enter one (1) hour prior to the opening hours of the Event, by presenting official document with photo. 8 - Seizure of Badges All badges provided by the Organizer ARE PERSONAL AND NOT TRANSFERABLE AND DO NOT GRANT THE RIGHT TO BRING A COMPANION. When shown at the entrance to the Pavilion, the holder will be required to identify (ID card or official document with photo). Any use by third parties will characterize its misuse, resulting in the seizure and cancellation thereof. There will not be issued 2nd copies of seized badges. FIRST-AID CLINIC AND FIRE DEPARTMENT During the period of the Event, Exhibitors and visitors can count on services of the Emergency Room and call the Fire Department for emergency cases. PROPERTY SECURITY SERVICE 1 - Property Security of the Event The Organizer will maintain a General Security Service of the Event during the entire mounting and dismounting period (24 hours) with the objective of maintaining order and proper functioning of the Event. The General Security covers the passageways, entrance and exit of the Event and infrastructure stands, which are the responsibility of the Organizer. IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERAL SECURITY TO WATCH OVER THE PRODUCTS EXPOSED IN EACH STAND. THE EXHIBITORS SHOULD KEEP IN THEIR STAND, MOSTLY IN THE HOURS WHEN THE EVENT IS NOT RUNNING, ONE PRIVATE WATCHMAN QUALIFIED IN SURVEILLANCE SERVICE. 2 - Hiring Security Services for the Stand The hiring of the security services of the stands will be allowed in the following ways: a) OFFICIAL SECURITY The Exhibitor who is interested in the service of the Official Security Company of the Event should ask the Organizer by filling in the specific form and payment of the service. FORM No. 15 MANDATORY COMPLETION AND PAYMENT, IF THE SERVICE IS HIRED. b) EXHIBITOR'S OWN EMPLOYEES The Exhibitor must notify DELESP - Police Control of Private Security, by letter, the transfer of a qualified employee of his own organic Security within 30 (thirty) days before the mounting of the Event. In this case, in order to allow the entrance and permanence of the security professional the submittal of the following documentation is mandatory: Proof of employment relationship; “Academia do Vigilante” course of the Federal Police. Letter of the Exhibitor company, on letterhead, authorizing and being responsible for hiring the employee as a watchman for the stand, detailing dates and times of entry and exit from it. 29 c) STAFF FROM SPECIALIST FIRMS The Exhibitor that is hiring the service of specialized companies, should request and submit to Exhibitor Service Center (CAEX) the following documents: Authorization for operation; Security Certificate provided by the Federal Police Department; Proof of employment relationship; “Academia do Vigilante” course of the Federal Police; Letter of the Exhibitor company, on letterhead, authorizing and being responsible for hiring the employee as a watchman for the stand, detailing dates and times of entry and exit from it. FORM No. 11 MANDATORY COMPLETION PLEASE REMEMBER: The Exhibitor requiring security services of its stand, shall observe the stipulations of the Ministry of Justice, charged from July 30th, 1999, pursuant to Circular Letter No. 1783 / 87 - DELESP / SR / DPF / SP issued by the Ministry of Justice - Federal Police Department - Sao Paulo Regional Superintendence - Police Control of Private Security. Failure to comply with this standard implies the full responsibility of the Exhibitor for penalties and consequent actions that the Organizer would suffer from the Ministry of Justice, or any agency of its authority. PERSONNEL EMPLOYED FOR SURVEILLANCE SHOULD WEAR UNIFORM and in no Event may bear arms. When presented to the entrance of the Pavilion, their identification will be required (Security Badge), resulting in seizure of identifying card their possible use by others. CLEANING SERVICE 1 - Event Cleaning The Organizer will keep a general cleaning service of the Event during the period encompassing the last day of mounting, during the production of the Event and dismounting work. The cleaning service will operate in the areas of circulation, administration and toilets. Exhibitors must take care of cleaning up their stands as well as its services in the pantry, not depositing the garbage produced in the wastebaskets of the corridors, seeking the welfare of visitors. Restocking and cleaning must occur outside the Event production hours and debris from each stand must be packed in special plastic bags and may only be placed on passageways after closing the day's activities. 2 - Mounting Work Cleaning The hired mounting company or the Exhibitor doing its own mounting work must pay a fee for the cleaning of common areas of the Pavilion for the mounting period. FORM No. 3 MANDATORY COMPLETION AND PAYMENT 3 - Hiring Cleaning Services for the Stand Internal cleaning of the stands during the event is the responsibility of the Exhibitor. The hired company must be registered by the deadline. Under no circumstances waste from cleaning of the stands may be deposited in the common areas of the Pavilion during the time of production of the Event, the Exhibitor becoming subject to a penalty of one thousand and five hundred Brazilian Reals (R$ 1.500,00), which will be charged after a periodically conducted inspection. Debris in each stand may only be placed in passageways after closing the day's activities, if properly packaged in plastic bags. The work of cleaning the stands will be allowed only in the following ways: a) OFFICIAL CLEANING The Exhibitor who is interested in the service of the Official Cleaning of the Event should ask the Organizer by filling in the specific form and payment of the service. 30 FORM No. Nº14 MANDATORY COMPLETION AND PAYMENT, IF THE SERVICE IS HIRED b) EMPLOYEES OF THE SPECIALIZED COMPANIES OR CLEANING SERVICE PROVIDERS HIRED BY THE EXHIBITOR The employees of the contractor who will be providing this service to Exhibitors must be duly registered. FORM No. 10 MANDATORY COMPLETION AND PAYMENT ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE 1 - General Information The voltage of the Expo Center Norte is three-phase 380 volts - phase-to-neutral 220 volts. In case of use of any 110-V device the Exhibitor shall provide a transformer to avoid damage to its equipment. The Exhibitor is responsible for requesting the electric power that will consume it in its stand. Any excess consumption that is proven during the course of the Event will be charged by the Organizer at the rate of the specified fee, plus an increase of 25% penalty. When the installation is completed, should be requested an inspection from the Organizer. It will not be allowed the installation or external fixation of electrical appliances, hanged items, etc., without prior authorization from the Organizer. The lighting equipment must be turned off, after the end of the Event day. Electrical installations in the stands should meet the guidelines of NBR 5410/90 standard - Low Voltage Electrical Installations, particularly regarding the characteristics of electric cables, protection devices and isolating and grounding (metal switchboards and electrical shock protection). These items should be listed and submitted to the ORGANIZATION in the design of the stand ground floor that must be sent until July 1. The stands that need (single- or three-phase) power to energize their products should have independent power outlet points between the general lighting of the stand and the operation of equipment on display. Stands with surface areas over 50 sq. m, or having a video wall or any high power consuming electronic equipment should have a POWER ROOM with exclusive door and FREE ACCESS. The amount of power (KVA) required for the operation of the stand should be requested via the respective form, within the specified period. 2 - Mandatory Minimum Energy Contracting Upon completing the form of electric power installations and services by the deadline, the Organizer will install a point of electric power supply in the stand of the Exhibitor in accordance with the request. The Exhibitor and/or its mounting company will be in charge of the electric power distribution within the area of its stand. The electrical installations must be made with PP cable. IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN ANY TYPE OF IMPROVISED ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION (PARALLEL WIRES, ETC.), USE OF POWER STRIPS, 3-WAY CONVENIENCE ADAPTERS AND ANY TYPE OF EXTENSION FOR CONNECTING APPARATUS.. THE ORGANIZATION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO IMPEDE THE OPERATION OF THE STAND UNTIL THIS STANDARD IS COMPLIED WITH. The available power supply is single-phase AC 220 V, 60 Hz. There is no need to consider the KVA/hour, because the cost of KWA refers to the consumption during the entire period of the Event. FORM No. 2 MANDATORY COMPLETION AND PAYMENT Each Exhibitor will have a mandatory power supply of 0.075 KVA per square meter of leased stand. Example: Square meters x Fraction KVA = Total 50 sq. m x 0.075 = 3.75 KVA 31 3 - Hiring Additional Electric Power Not being the basic power enough, the Exhibitor must apply for additional power. Exhibitors who require additional power must apply to the Organizer until July 5, 2013, by completing the respective form. FORM No. Nº13 MANDATORY COMPLETION AND PAYMENT, IF THE SERVICE IS HIRED. On the next page, we present a TABLE FOR ELECTRIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION CALCULATION in KVA for some equipment. After the stipulated date, the attention to this request will be made in order of arrival and released if there is availability of energy at the Pavilion, in addition to applying a higher cost than the additional power rate. It is important that the Exhibitor checks with its mounting company, the actual consumption of the stand, using the reference table for KVA calculation. TABLE OF EQUIPMENT KVA CONSUMPTION SPECIFICATION Home coffee maker Commercial coffee maker Air circulator or fan Draft beer dispenser (760-kcal/h compressor) Commercial type electric oven Home electric oven (Arno, GE, etc.). Microwave oven Fridge bar / Refrigerator / Freezer Inkjet / dot matrix / laser printer Dichroic halogen lamp Fluorescent Lamp 20 w / 40 w (with ballast) HO Fluorescent Lamp 110w (2x110w) Halogen lamp of 300 w / 500 w Incandescent lamp 60 W / 100 W / 150 W Mixed Lamp 160 w / 250 w / 500 w 1000 W lamp pair Laptop Desktop computer (CPU with monitor) Multimedia projector Spot light with a halogen lamp of 300 W / 500 W Spot light with 150-W HQI lamp (with ballast) Overhead projector TV Plasma (average consumption) DVD player KVA 0,50 1.5 per nozzle 0,30 / 0,50 / 1,00 0,60 1,50 1,75 / 2,40 1,35 0,10 / 0,30 / 0,50 0,30 / 0,50 / 0,50 0,05 0,03 / 0,05 0,22 0,30 / 0,50 0,06 / 0,10 / 0,15 0,16 / 0,25 / 0,50 1,00 0,03 0,50 0,40 0,30 / 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,30 0,40 PLUMBING SERVICE 1 - General Information The Pavilion has several water and sewerage points spread over the floor. To use the facilities at each point, it will be charged a fee per combined item hydraulic water / sewerage point, with point sizes of ¾ inch or 20 mm nominal diameter for cold water and 50 mm for drain. 2 - Hiring Water Points/Outflow Upon completing the form of installations of water / sewerage points and only sewerage until July 5, 2013, the Organizer will provide the required supply. ATTENTION: It is necessary to make the installation of the point before the mounting of the stands, from the ditches. FORM No. Nº12 MANDATORY COMPLETION AND PAYMENT. IF THE SERVICE IS HIRED If payment of the water / sewerage, sewerage points, is not made until the above date up, they will not be released. 32 TELEPHONY & INTERNET SERVICES/PARKING 1 - Information: 0800-127368 / 11 2972-2173 / 11 2221-8483 st This service is hired directly at the Telephone Company, which is present at the 1 floor of White Pavilion of Expo Center Norte. See prices below: Line Product Installation per Line Line Rental with non-limited use Credit/Debit Card Line Rental Speedy Business Product Installation per Speedy Speedy BUS 02MG Speedy BUS 04MG Modem Rental Price R$ 88.00 (single price) R$ 45.00 /day R$ 45.00 /day Price R$ 50.00 (single price) R$ 69.90 /day R$ 150.00 /day COMPLIMENTARY For downloading the speed will be the same as hired; and uploading up to 128K, except for version 2M , where the uploading is up to 300k, and version 4M where it is up to 400k. The Speedy Business will be offered with Telefonica supplying ADSL modem, one 1.5-m RJ45 cable for connecting the modem to the network adapter of the customer’s PC or Ethernet point of the customer’s data connection equipment. E.g. Router. LINE RENTAL WITH NON LIMITED USE, REFERS TO DDD (15). THE USE OF OTHER PHONE OPERATORS GENERATES CHARGES. WE DO NOT PROVIDE AND DO NOT RENT PHONE SETS. NON RETURN OF THE MODEM WILL ENTAIL A PENALTY OF R$ 250.00 WE DO NOT INSTALL TELEPHONE LINES AND SPEEDY INTERNET WHEN THE FAIR IS IN PROGRESS. REQUEST AT LEAST WITH ONE (1) WORKING DAY IN ADVANCE (TELEPHONE LINE). REQUEST SPEEDY, WITH FOUR (4) WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE. **Values subject to changes. 2 - Parking for Mounting Company/Exhibitors/Service Providers The Exhibitors may acquire parking cards for a period equivalent to the days of the Event, with fifty percent (50%) discount, which means from thirty Brazilian Reals (R$ 30,00) to fifteen Brazilian Reals (R$15,00) per day, including, if necessary, the period of mounting and dismounting work. Parking cards at a discount will be limited to two (02) per Exhibiting Company, regardless of the quantity of stands or the surface area of them. The access shall be only through Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 300. (Gate 13) It will not be allowed access without the proximity card and vehicle identification * (the identification shall be entirely visible). Registered Exhibitors will have one (01) hour for loading and unloading at the service gates of Expo Center Norte, in case this time is exceeded, the amount of R$ 30.00 will be charged, even the vehicle being registered. For further clarifications, please contact Marco or Kelly through tel. (11) 2909-4488 Remarks: Above prices may be modified until the date of the Event. 33 RULES FOR THE INSTALLATION AND USE OF WOOD-FIRED OVENS 1 - General Information Exhibitors wishing to put their wood-fired ovens in operation during the Event may do so provided that ALL applicable Rules are complied with. 2 - Anti-pollution filters and flame-proof protection It is mandatory to install an anti-pollution filter in ovens using firewood as an energy source. This equipment, which should completely avoid the spread of smoke and soot, will include, in addition to the container with water for soot collection at return, a filtering capsule-shaped "cocoon" (sleeve) of not flammable material, mandatory installed on the oven chimney top. The wood-fired ovens that are fired during the entire Event period (24 hours per day) should be mounted on a non-flammable floor at least 0.50 cm greater than the maximum perimeter of the equipment base. We also emphasize that it will not be allowed to operate equipment that spreads residues (smoke or soot) through any other points, "mouth of the oven" for example. This rule seeks to avoid the inconvenience to visitors and other exhibitors, in addition to compliance with the Expo Center Norte rules (since the refrigerating system of the pavilion sucks in the smoke and soot). Thus the license for operating wood-fired ovens is liable to suspension. 3 - Suspension of the Demonstration The Organization will inspect all the exhibitors who choose to use / operate wood-fired ovens, in order to enforce this rule. If the equipment is operating without meeting the pre-established rules, the Exhibitor will be required to suspend the use of the equipment until it takes all the previously mentioned necessary measures. The insistence in violation of this rule will oblige the Organization, in conjunction with the Fire Brigade of the Expo Center Norte, to suspend upon notification the operation of equipment during the entire Event period. PUBLICIZING MATERIAL 1 - Invitations The Organizer will automatically provide the Exhibitor 02 (two) invitations per sq. m, free for distribution to their customers / buyers. Invitations will be individual and should be exchanged at reception of the Event for a personal badge, nontransferable valid for the entire period of the Event. Invitations should be stamped by the Exhibitor, and fully completed by the holder. WE REQUEST THE EXHIBITORS A JUDICIOUS DISTRIBUTION OF INVITATIONS, IN ORDER TO QUALIFY THE BUYERS / VISITORS OF THE EVENT. 2 - Press Release Through its Media Contact Agency, the Organizer will periodically publicize the Event in newspapers and national magazines, through "press releases”, without additional cost to the Exhibitor. However, the larger the advance, the greater the possibility of vehiculation by the media. Releases sent to media outlets may or may not have editorial use, at the sole discretion of the vehicles of communication. To complement the task, we recommend sending high-resolution digital photos, in addition to a release on the product lines that will be shown at the Event and/or launches, to the email: expositor@fipan.com.br. These materials will not be returned. The Organizer and its Media Contact Agency reserve the right to select the information with journalistic use. It will be the sole responsibility of the companies responding for the veracity of the facts presented. In order to make your participation known and expected by all your customers and suppliers, we recommend adding the following words in all your correspondence: "Visit our stand at FIPAN'2013 - Expo Center Norte - Sao Paulo - SP - July 22-25, 2013." 34 REALIZATION 1 - Parking The value of car parking for visitors is unique price of R$ 30.00. The Exhibitor may acquire parking cards for a period equivalent to the days of the Event, with 50% discount, including, if necessary, the period of mounting and dismounting work. This request must be made directly to the Expo Center Norte Parking Lot via Phone: 11 2909-4488 - Parking cards at a discount will be limited to 02 per exhibiting company, regardless of the quantity of stands or the surface area of them; - It will not be allowed access without the magnetic card and vehicle identification. 2 - Event Visitation Visiting is restricted to persons related to the sectors of the Event upon presentation of the invitation with proof of their relation. It will not be permitted the entry under any circumstances to people under 16 years, and people wearing shorts, slippers and/or shirtless. 3 - Stand Visitation The stands must be fully franchised to visitors and it is not allowed the ticket sales to the Exhibitor in any form or pretext, whatever the situation. 4 - Operation of the Stand Throughout the period of the Event, there should be at least 1 (one) l Exhibitor’s employee able to provide information about the products on display. The time of arrival of personnel should anticipate in 45 minutes the opening of the Event. The Organizer reserves the right to anticipate the opening hours to better serve the public, being free of any responsibility in case of theft or loss of material due to the Exhibitor does not conform to the opening hours. In order to prevent the visitors feel harmed and make use of the Code of Consumer Protection, it is not permitted the closure of activities in the stands before the expiration of the time of production of the Event at 9:00 pm (on 22,23 and 24 July) and at 7:00 pm (25 July). The lighting of the stand will remain connected throughout the time of production. CONVENIENT PHONE NUMBERS SEVEN - ORGANIZER Phone / fax.: 11 3159-4223 KSK STAND - OFFICIAL MOUNTING COMPANY Telephone: 11 2243-5366 Fax: 11 2243-7007 FULSTANDIG - OFFICIAL FORWARDING AGENT Telephone: 11 2207-7650 Fax: 11 2207-7654 ECAD - CENTRAL BUREAU OF COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION Phone: 11 3287-6722 REGIONAL LABOR OFFICE Phone: 11 3150-8105 EXPO CENTER NORTH PARKING LOT - PATROPI PARKING Phone: 11 2909-4488 MEILS DO BRASIL (OPTICAL SCAN) Phone: 11 3872-5365 TELEPHONE OPERATIONS CENTER EXPO CENTER NORTE Phone: 0800-127368 / 11 2972-2173 / 11 2221-8483 35 GETTING THERE 36