

Annual Convention & Conference
Bucharest 15-16 June 2009
Electricity Markets 2050
sponsored by
hosted by
Programme Committee
Chairman: Lars G. JOSEFSSON, President of EURELECTRIC
• Fulvio CONTI
Vice-President of EURELECTRIC
• Hans ten BERGE
Secretary General of EURELECTRIC
• Thomas BARTH
Chief Executive Officer, Rhein-Main-Donau AG
Chairman of EURELECTRIC Networks Committee
• Luca F. CESARI
Global Managing Director, Utilities Industry Group, Accenture
President, IRE
• Michael GRUBB
Chief Economist, The Carbon Trust
• Jean-Pierre HANSEN
CEO of Electrabel,
Member of the Executive Committee, GDF SUEZ
Director of Economics & Finance, UNESA
• Philippe HUET
Senior Executive, Vice-President Strategy and Coordination, EDF
• William S. KYTE
Chief Advisor, International Climate Policy, EURELECTRIC
• Karel LUKAS
Director, CEZ, a.s. (Belgian Office)
Chairman of EURELECTRIC Markets Committee
Chairman of the Executive Board, KEMA Nederland B.V.
Programme Manager, World Energy Council
• David PORTER
Chairman of EURELECTRIC Energy Policy and Generation Committee
• Anne-Marie REGO
Head of Policy Management (EURELECTRIC)
• Nobuo TANAKA
Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Chairman of EURELECTRIC Environment
and Sustainable Development Policy Committee
Organising Committee
Chairman: Teodor Ovidiu POP, Verbund Romania
• Anton ROSU (IRE)
• Brindusa VLADUTU (IBP Conferences)
Supporting Romanian Companies
Cooperating Partners
Welcome to Bucharest!
Welcome to EURELECTRIC’s Annual Convention
and Conference
The challenge facing Europe’s
electricity and other business
sectors in the wake of the global
economic and financial crisis
needs no introduction. But while
there is no easy fix or turning back
to the way things were, the crisis
should be seen as an opportunity
to boost the current framework for investments in
generation, restructure grids, and create a smart,
integrated and carbon-neutral energy economy.
Indeed, this is the electricity industry’s vision for 2050.
On 15 & 16 June 2009 in Bucharest, Romania,
EURELECTRIC will spotlight the industry’s vision on
how to develop carbon-neutral power generation,
including the necessary electrical infrastructure
to fully engage citizens in the energy and climate
challenge. The multi-faceted role of renewables in
the grid planning and investment process, in the
functioning and integration of regional markets and
in meeting climate targets will also be examined. In
addition, a CEO panel will debate key supply security
issues and power sector investment needs and
technology availability. Electronic voting will enable
prompt audience feedback on these major issues.
The conference will also focus strongly on carbon
capture and storage (CCS) technologies, with a
number of companies exposing pioneering activities
in this area. An EURELECTRIC award will be presented
to a company or person whose contribution seeks to
revolutionise the operations, processes, technologies
or products of the electricity industry.
The EURELECTRIC convention is flanked by a
number of side attractions and commences with a
pre-conference tour on Sunday morning, 14 June
to Peles Castle - considered by many as one of
the most stunning castles in all of Europe, nestled
in the picturesque town of Sinaia in southern
A welcome cocktail for all participants later on
Sunday evening opens the conference at Stirbey
Palace (Domeniul Stirbey), located in the heart
of a natural park in Buftea, 20 km north-west of
On Monday 15 June, conference participants
are invited to a gala dinner in the luxurious and
monumental Palace of the Parliament (commonly
known as Ceausescu Palace), second in size among
government buildings only to the Pentagon.
Tours are also foreseen during the conference itself
for accompanying persons, details of which can be
found in the conference brochure.
I look forward to welcoming you in Bucharest for a
successful conference and two days of interesting
discussions and debate.
Lars G. Josefsson
President of EURELECTRIC
Day 1
Mon dPr
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Session I
Session II
Decarbonising Power Decarbonising Europe
A Smart Electricity Infrastructure
for the Future
To meet the 60-80% emissions reductions
necessary to stabilise atmospheric CO2
emissions at 440ppm, the OECD power
sector would have to be virtually carbon
free by 2050. EURELECTRIC’s Role of
Electricity project showed that under the
most favourable scenario for meeting a
50% reduction for the EU 27, the carbon
intensity for the European power sector
would reduce significantly. The session will
examine the opportunities and barriers to
achieve a decarbonised power sector.
The environmental targets of the EU
cannot be achieved without changes in
Europe’s electricity grid. The emergence
of renewables, distributed generation and
electric vehicles demand an infrastructure
that actively integrates the actions of
generators, consumers and parties that do
both. This session should discuss benefits as
well as technical and regulatory challenges
of the future network and the smart grids
concept in particular.
Audience involvement in panel discussions.
r ogr
o g electronic
r a mm
mmee voting.
Feedback through
Confirmed Speakers Day 1
Welcome & Opening
Session I
President of EURELECTRIC
President & CEO of Vattenfall
Lars G. Josefsson is President and CEO
of Vattenfall since August 2000. He has
occupied a number of executive posts
within the Ericsson group and was appointed President
of Celsius AB in 1997. Mr. Josefsson is a member of the
supervisory board of Eskom Holdings Ltd, Johannesburg,
holder of several patents in the field of radar technology
and was nominated honorary professor at the University
of Cottbus, Germany in 2005.
Michael GRUBB
Chief Economist
The Carbon Trust
Professor Michael Grubb is Chief Economist
at the UK Carbon Trust and Chairman of the
international research organization Climate
Strategies. He also a part time Senior Research Associate
at the Faculty of Economics at Cambridge University and
a visiting Professor at Imperial College London. He was
recently appointed to the UK Climate Change Committee,
established under the UK Climate Change Bill to advise
the government on future carbon budgets and to report
to Parliament on their implementation.
His Excellency Traian BASESCU
President of Romania
Traian Basescu was inaugurated President
of Romania on 20 December 2004.
Prior to becoming Romania’s President,
he was President of the Democratic Party,
Minister of Transportation in two Governments, and
Mayor of Bucharest from June 2000 until December 2004.
Directorate of Energy Markets
and Security, IEA
Didier Houssin was appointed Director
at the International Energy Agency on
16 July 2007. Since September, he has been in charge
of the Directorate of Energy Markets and Security.
Chairman, President and CEO
PNM Resources, Inc.
Jeff Sterba, Chairman and CEO of PNM
Resources, is active in national energy
policy. Sterba leads PNM Resources
as a founding member of the US Climate Action
Partnership. He is previous chair of Edison Electric
Institute and of the Electric Power Research Institute.
He serves on the board of directors for the US
Chamber of Commerce.
Head of the BeLux Resources Practice
(Utilities, Chemicals, Natural Resources
and Energy companies)
Serge Colle is a Partner in Accenture’s
Brussels Office. He is the head of the BeLux Resources
practice (Utilities, Chemicals, Natural Resources and
Energy companies) and has extensive experience
in the definition and implementation of large scale
transformation programmes in these industries.
Head of Unit “Climate Strategy,
International Negotiation and Monitoring
of EU Action”, DG Environment
European Commission
Artur Runge-Metzger joined the European
Commission in 2003. During his career, he served
in the EC Delegations in Zimbabwe and Bosnia and
Herzegovina focusing on economic and development
cooperation, and at headquarters in Brussels covering
a range of developmental and environmental policy
issues, notably climate change.
Jean-Pierre HANSEN
CEO of Electrabel
Member of the Executive Committee
Jean-Pierre HANSEN is Member of the
Executive Committee of the GDF SUEZ
Group. He is CEO of Electrabel, Chairman of the Board of
Fluxys, Director of ACEA, CNP and IFRI. He is Professor of
Economics at the Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) and at the
University of Leuven.
Chairman of EURELECTRIC Environment and
Sustainable Development Policy Committee
Manager, Group Health, Safety and
Owen Wilson leads ESB’s Group Health, Safety and
Environment function having previously held a number
of technical and management roles. He has contributed
to policy debates focusing in particular on pollution
control licensing, air emissions, climate change and
energy taxation. He is Chairman of the Environment
and Sustainable Development Policy Committee of
Professor Pantelis CAPROS
Professor of Energy Economics
and Operation Research
National Technical University of Athens
Professor P. Capros is a Professor of Energy
Economics and Operation Research at the
National Technical University of Athens. He has widely
published and conducted research programmes in the
areas of Energy Modelling, Macroeconomics, Operations
Research and Mathematical Programming.
Session II
Senior Research Fellow
Christian Egenhofer is a Senior Fellow
at the Brussels think tank Centre for
European Policy Studies (CEPS) and a
Visiting Professor at the College of Europe and the LUIS
University in Rome. His most recent books include Beyond
Bali: Strategic Issues of the Global Climate Change
Negotiations and Climate and Trade Policy (co-editor with
Carlo Carraro, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007).
William S. KYTE, OBE
Chief Advisor, International Climate Policy
Senior Advisor, Climate Change
Bill Kyte is Senior Advisor on Climate
Change at E.ON and a founder member and Honorary
President of the UK Emissions Trading Group.
He is also Chief Advisor, International Climate Policy at
EURELECTRIC. He was awarded an OBE by the Queen for
‘Services to the Environment in the Power Sector’.
Professor Ronnie BELMANS
President of UIE
University of Leuven
Ronnie Belmans is a full time professor with
the K.U.Leuven, teaching electric power
and energy systems. He is guest professor
at Imperial College, London-UK. He is president of UIE.
Since June 2002 he is chairman of the board of directors
of ELIA, the Belgian transmission grid operator.
Chairman of EURELECTRIC WG on Smart
Grids/Network of the Future
Senior Advisor
Vattenfall European Affairs Office
Per Hallberg has more than 30 years
experience of the power sector, starting out in the 70s
in the nuclear sector. After having worked with marketand M&A-issues for many years he was appointed as
Managing Director for Vattenfall Distribution AB in the
beginning of 2000. Since 2005 Per is a team-member of
Vattenfall European Affairs in Brussels.
Executive Director Sales and Trading
Alan Svoboda is the Executive Director for
Sales and Trading. Until March 2004, he
was a partner in McKinsey&Company, an
international consulting firm serving top management,
where he specialized in the energy, gas, and
petrochemical sectors. During 1998-99, he was the
Finance Director and Vice-Chairman of the Board of ZCE,
a.s. (regional power utility). Formerly, he worked for
Merrill Lynch in USA.
Chairman of EURELECTRIC Networks
Managing Director of RWE Rhein-Ruhr
Netzservice GmbH
Peter Birkner is Managing Director, since
September 2008, of RWE Rhein-Ruhr Netzservice
GmbH, the biggest grid service company in Germany.
Prior positions include Board Member and Executive
Director of Vychodoslovenska Energetika a.s.,
Slovakia, and Vice-President and Executive Director,
“System Operation Unit”, at Lechwerke AG, Germany.
All three companies are members of the RWE group.
He is also Chairman of EURELECTRIC’s Networks
Committee and Visiting Professor at the Technical
University of Kosice, Slovakia.
Chief Operating Officer of the Networks
and Infrastructures Division of Enel
President of Enel Distribuzione
Livio Gallo is the Chief Operating Officer
of the Networks and Infrastructures
Division of Enel and President of Enel Distribuzione,
the major Italian electric utility which supplies and
distributes electricity to over 31 million customers
in Italy.
Andreas UMBACH
President & COO
Landis+Gyr AG
Chairman of Smart Metering Association
Andreas Umbach is currently the President
and COO of Landis+Gyr. He commenced his
career with Siemens in 1999.
Director of European Strategy
and Environment
Martin Crouch is Director of European
Strategy & Environment at Ofgem.
Prior to this he was Director of Electricity Distribution at
Ofgem & previously worked in the industry on a range
of commercial, financial and regulatory issues.
Chairman of Technology Platform
on Smart Grids
Chief Executive Officer of KEMA
In January 2002, Pier Nabuurs was appointed
CEO of KEMA, an international company
specialized in high-grade technical energy consultancy
and R&D , inspection, testing and certification. Until
April he was chairman of the Advisory Council for the
Technology Platform SmartGrids in the EU.
President of EURELECTRIC
President & CEO of Vattenfall
Opening Address
His Excellency Traian BASESCU
President of Romania
Keynote Speech
Director, Directorate of Energy
Markets and Security
Session I
Decarbonising Power - Decarbonising Europe
Chairman & Moderator
Michael GRUBB
Chief Economist
The Carbon Trust
Keynote Speech
How to move to a low carbon
economy when times are hard
Jeff STERBA (invited)
Chairman, President and CEO
PNM Resources, Inc.
Keynote Speech
Czech Presidency - the Government’s
role in overcoming barriers
to delivery
Martin BURSIK (invited)
Deputy Prime Minister
and Minister of Environment,
Czech Republic
CCS Technologies Exhibition & Coffee Break
Presentations by
Introduction to the Conference’s e-voting
Panel Debate (Speakers & Additional Panellists)
Head of Unit “Climate Strategy,
International Negotiation and
Monitoring of EU Action”
DG Environment
European Commission
Senior Research Fellow
Jean-Pierre HANSEN
CEO of Electrabel
Member of the Executive Committee
William S. KYTE, OBE
Chief Advisor, International Climate
Senior Advisor, Climate Change
Environment & Sustainable
Development Policy Committee
Manager, Group Health, Safety and
Executive Director Sales and Trading
Professor Pantelis CAPROS
Professor of Energy Economics
and Operation Research
National Technical University
of Athens
Press Conference
Session II
A Smart Electricity Infrastructure for the Future
Chairman & Moderator
Professor Ronnie BELMANS
University of Leuven
President of UIE
Keynote Speech
Electricity’s role in the third
industrial revolution Smart City Amsterdam
Vice-President Strategy
Keynote Speech
Benefits and challenges of
new technologies in the power grid
on Smart Grids/Network of the Future
Senior Advisor
Vattenfall European Affairs Office
CCS Technologies Exhibition & Coffee Break
Presentations by
Electronic Voting
Panel Debate (Speakers & Additional Panellists)
Ronald Prins
Director for Urban
Development & Environment
City of Amsterdam
Chairman of EURELECTRIC Networks
Managing Director of
RWE Rhein-Ruhr Netzservice GmbH
Director of European Strategy
and Environment
Chief Operating Officer of the Networks
and Infrastructures Division of Enel
President of Enel Distribuzione
Chairman of Technology Platform
on Smart Grids
Andreas UMBACH
President & COO
Landis+Gyr AG
Chairman of Smart Metering
End of Day 1
Day 2
ay 16r Jun
e 2009
Session III
Executive Forum
How can RES be integrated
in the Market?
Supply Security
and Power Sector Investment
The prospects of developing large share
of RES generation in the near future can
be seen as an opportunity for electricity
markets rather than a challenge. If properly
organised, renewables can play a positive
role in the functioning of electricity
markets and their integration into regional
Security of supply implies not only secure
fuel supplies, but also adequate transmission
and distribution infrastructure, as well as
sufficient and reliable generating plant.
Clear strategies need to be in place to ensure
that current problems in the capital and
credit markets do not threaten the ability
of utilities to deliver.
Audience involvement in panel discussions.
Pr o gr
amme voting.
Feedback through
Confirmed Speakers Day 2
Session III
Chair of Electricity Working Group of CEER
Director General of Finnish Electricity
and Gas Market Regulator
Asta Sihvonen-Punkka is the Director
General of Energy Market Authority, which is the
Finnish electricity and gas market regulator and
also the emissions trading authority. She is also the
Vice-President of CEER and Vice-Chairman of ERGEG.
Additionally, she is chairing the Electricity Working Group
of CEER and ERGEG.
Professor Richard GREEN
Director of the Institute for Energy
Research and Policy
Birmingham University
Professor Richard Green is Director of the
Institute for Energy Research and Policy at
the University of Birmingham. He is an economist who
has been studying the electricity industry for almost
20 years. He has also worked at the Universities of
Cambridge and Hull, the Office of Electricity Regulation,
and the World Bank.
President of IRE
Dr. Jean Constantinescu is the President
of IRE Association, the Romanian
representative to EURELECTRIC and the
editor of “Energetica” magazine, and has
more then 40 years of experience in the energy sector.
He was responsible for the elaboration of the power
sector restructuring program and setting up of ANRE, the
first energy regulatory agency in Romania. He was twice
appointed President of ANRE and also the first CEO of
national power transmission company “Transelectrica”.
Christopher JONES
Director for New and Renewable Sources
of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Innovation,
European Commission
In November 2008 Christopher Jones was
appointed Director for “New and Renewable Sources
of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Innovation”. Prior to
this he was, responsible for co-ordination and strategic
development of energy policy in the Cabinet of Mr
Piebalgs, Commissioner for Energy.
Vice-President of ENTSO-E
President & CEO
Fingrid Oyj
Jukka Ruusunen is the President and CEO
of Fingrid, the Finnish TSO, and the VicePresident of ENTSO-E. He has worked actively for several
years to promote the European electricity markets.
Member of the Executive Board
Dr. Birnbaum assumed the post of Board
Member RWE AG (responsible for Group
Strategy and Business Development) in
October 2008. Since April 2008 he was Head of Group
Strategy & Business Development RWE AG. Before that
he worked for McKinsey for over 10 years. The focus of
his consulting activities was the energy industry and the
energy-intensive raw materials industry. Dr. Birnbaum
was named partner (principal) at McKinsey in 2000, and
in 2006 was promoted to senior partner (director).
Executive Forum
Markets Committee
Vice-President - Regulatory Affairs
Vattenfall AB
Gunnar Lundberg is Vice-President,
responsible for Regulatory Affairs in the Vattenfall Group.
He has a long experience from different parts of the
electricity value chain; generation, sales, distribution
and transmission. In EURELECTRIC Mr. Lundberg has
been in leading positions within the Markets Committee
since 1999. At present he is Chairman of this Committee.
Hans ten BERGE
Secretary General of EURELECTRIC
Following posts in a number of international
enterprises, including Exxon Chemie and
Kemira Agro, Hans ten Berge joined ENECO
Energie in November 1998 as Managing
Director of Energiehandelsbedrijf, subsequently
serving as a member of the ENECO Energie Board
of Management from November 1999 until January
2006. He served for several years as Chairman of
EURELECTRIC’s Markets Committee, before taking on the
full-time post of Secretary-General in June 2007.
Energy Policy and Generation Committee
Chief Executive
Association of Electricity Producers (AEP)
David Porter has been Chief Executive of the
UK’s Association of Electricity Producers since 1991. A Board
member of EURELECTRIC since 2004, he became Chairman of
its Energy Policy & Generation Committee in 2008. David is an
Honorary Fellow of the Energy Institute and in 2007, he was
appointed OBE for services to the Power Generation Industry.
Global Managing Director
Utilities Industry Group
Since September 2006, Luca F. Cesari is
responsible for the Utilities industry market
segment at global level for Accenture.
Presentation of EURELECTRIC Award
European Electricity Ambassador
Paul Bulteel is currently Managing Director
of impact&horizon, his consultancy on
energy issues. He was Secretary General of EURELECTRIC
from 1997 to 2007 and founding Chairman of the Alliance
for a Competitive European Industry. He has extensive
management experience in the electricity industry.
President of EURELECTRIC
President & CEO of Vattenfall
Lars G. Josefsson is President and CEO
of Vattenfall since August 2000. He has
occupied a number of executive posts
within the Ericsson group and was appointed President
of Celsius AB in 1997. Mr. Josefsson is a member of the
supervisory board of Eskom Holdings Ltd, Johannesburg,
holder of several patents in the field of radar technology
and was nominated honorary professor at the University
of Cottbus, Germany in 2005.
Fulvio CONTI
CEO & General Manager of ENEL SpA
Vice-President of EURELECTRIC
Fulvio Conti is CEO and General Manager of
Enel SpA, the major Italian energy group,
a position he has held since May 2005.
He joined Enel Spa in 1999 as CFO. Previous positions
covered: GM and CFO of Telecom Italia (1998-99), GM
and CFO of the Italian national railway (1996-98), CFO
at Montedison Group (1991-96); various financial/
operational positions with the Mobil Group (1969-91).
He sits on the Boards of Directors of Barclays plc (since
2005) and AON Corporation (since 2007). He is also VicePresident of EURELECTRIC.
Klaus-Dieter MAUBACH
CEO of E.ON Energie AG
Professor Dr. Maubach started within the
E.ON group in 2001 and was nominated
after several positions to CEO of E.ON
Energie AG in 2007. Since 2002 he is giving
lectures at the Technical University of Clausthal.
Padraig McMANUS
CEO of Electricity Supply Board (ESB)
Padraig McManus has been Chief Executive
of ESB, Ireland’s State-owned electricity
utility since July 2002. Under his leadership,
ESB has undergone enormous change
in a rapidly evolving regulated energy market. He has
overseen a multi-billion Euro investment in the electricity
infrastructure domestically, the expansion of the company
abroad and launched a major capital programme to help
Ireland meet its environmental targets.
Senior Advisor
Dr. Chirica is a nuclear engineer having
39 years experience within the Romanian
nuclear industry, covering the areas of
design & engineering, large project management,
electricity trading and communication. On 26 January
2009, he was appointed Senior Advisor, after four years
serving as CEO and Member of the Board of Directors
of Societatea Nationala “Nuclearelectrica”. As CEO of
Nuclearelectrica he devoted his efforts for Cernavoda
NPP Unit 2 (700 MW) completion, as well as for safe and
efficient operation of Unit 1 and Nuclear Fuel Plant.
Closing Statement
Minister of Economy, Romania
Adriean Videanu was a businessman,
Member of the Chamber of Deputies
between 2001 and 2004, and former
mayor of Bucharest from April 2005 until
June 2008. He is Vice President of the Democratic
Liberal Party of Romania and Minister of Economy
since 22 December 2008.
Session III
How can RES be integrated in the Market?
Chair & Moderator
Chair of Electricity Working
Group of CEER and ERGEG
Director General of Finnish
Electricity and Gas Market Regulator
Keynote speech
Impact on wholesale markets
from RES
Professor Richard GREEN
Director of the Institute
for Energy Research and Policy
Birmingham University
Keynote speech
What kind of regional market
integration to accommodate large
scale RES?
President of IRE
CCS Technologies Exhibition & Coffee Break
Presentations by
Electronic Voting
Panel Debate (Speakers & Additional Panellists)
Christopher JONES
Director for New and Renewable
Sources of Energy, Energy Efficiency
and Innovation, DG TREN
European Commission
Chairman of EURELECTRIC Markets
Vice-President, Regulatory Affairs
Vattenfall AB
Vice-President of ENTSO-E
President & CEO
Fingrid Oyj
Chairman of EURELECTRIC Energy Policy
and Generation Committee
Chief Executive
Association of Electricity Producers (AEP)
Member of the Executive Board
Presentation of EURELECTRIC Award
European Electricity Ambassador
Executive Forum
Supply Security and Power Sector Investment
Chairman & Moderator
Hans ten BERGE
Secretary General of EURELECTRIC
Keynote speech
Investment needs and technology
availability in the power sector
Global Managing Director
Utilities Industry Group
Electronic Voting
Panel Debate (Speakers & Additional Panellists)
President of EURELECTRIC
President & CEO of Vattenfall
Fulvio CONTI
Vice-President of EURELECTRIC
CEO & General Manager of ENEL SpA
Klaus-Dieter MAUBACH
CEO of E.ON Energie AG
Padraig McMANUS
CEO of Electricity Supply Board (ESB)
Senior Advisor
Closing Statement
Minister of Economy, Romania
Wrap up and Conclusions
President of EURELECTRIC
President & CEO of Vattenfall
End of Conference
CCS Exhibition
“Europe’s electricity sector is working towards a low-carbon future – but it needs
clear policies, flexibility in the power sources it can use, and support for CCS”
Lars G. Josefsson
President of EURELECTRIC
President & CEO of Vattenfall
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is the theme of a special
focus exhibition on the sidelines of EURELECTRIC’s annual
conference this year. At this exhibition, several European
power companies will present their CCS projects and make
a presentation on their vision of what role CCS can play in
Europe and beyond. Confirmed participants include:
Most of the technologies used for capturing, transporting and
storing of CO2 are already well known, but have not been proven
in practice on large scale. Also, the costs are still prohibitively
high for CCS plants to survive under the current CO2 price levels.
Therefore, a large-scale demonstration programme must be
established, with adequate funding, to prove the technologies
in large scale and to help bring down their cost.
The principle of Capture
and underground Storage of CO2
In the past few years CCS has become a mainstream policy
issue, as the technology is no longer regarded as a pipedream, but as a serious option for large-scale CO2 abatement
CCS holds great promise for large combustion installations,
such as power plants, to be able to continue to use fossil
fuels while dramatically reducing their CO2 emissions into
the atmosphere. The flipside of the coin is the decrease in
plant efficiency, which will have to be countered by further
technological development.
CCS is a series of technologies enabling the capture of CO2
from fossil fuel fired power stations and other industrial
installations, its transport and its safe storage underground.
Any solution that can reduce emissions from coal use —
without eliminating coal as an energy source — merits
serious consideration. EURELECTRIC has therefore chosen
carbon capture and storage (CCS) as the theme for this year’s
Inaugurated at the 2008 Annual Convention in Barcelona,
this prestigious award is aimed at honouring a company or
person who has made a pioneering contribution towards
revolutionizing the operations, processes, technologies or
products of the electricity industry.
CCS offers a massive opportunity to revolutionise the power
industry by drastically reducing emissions from power
stations by 80% to 90%. A significant amount of work and
pilot projects are currently underway to develop and improve
the technology, legal framework, and policies required for
wide-scale deployment of CCS systems.
The 2009 EURELECTRIC award will be presented by former
EURELECTRIC Secretary General Paul Bulteel, in his capacity
as “European Electricity Ambassador” for EURELECTRIC.
EURELECTRIC extends its sincere thanks to IRE, the Romanian Electricity Association,
for hosting the Annual Convention and Conference.
And to Accenture for sponsoring the event.
Organisational Issues
Registration & Payment Details
Register on line at the EURELECTRIC Bucharest 2009 website
The conference fee is to be paid to EURELECTRIC by:
Once registrations have been processed an e-mail
confirmation will be sent to the participants confirming their
registration. Invoices will be sent by regular mail.
Registration Fees & Payment
Registration fee:
Registration fee: €1,650.00 + €313.50 (19% VAT) =
EURELECTRIC Members registration fee: €1.400 + €266
(19% VAT) = €1,666.00
Reduced fee for Candidate Countries*, Government Officials
& Academics: €950.00 + €180.50 (19%VAT) = €1,130.50
* Candidate Countries = Croatia, Turkey, The Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia
Bank Transfer, payable in Euro to:
Fortis Bank,
Account n°: 210-0080977-34
IBAN Code: BE 68 2100 0809 77 34
Agence Montagne du Parc,
29 rue Ravenstein,
B-1000 Brussels
Credit Cards Accepted
Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard and American Express.
Invoices must be paid in advance of the conference,
participants whose fee has not been received and confirmed,
will be asked to pay (via credit card or cash) at the event.
Please quote the invoice number or participant and
company name when carrying out your bank transfer.
We recommend that participants bring their proof
of payment to the event.
Cancellation & Substitution Policy
Only cancellations received prior to 22 May will be refunded.
Cancellations received after this date will not be refunded.
Delegate substitutions may be made up to one week before
the conference. All cancellations and delegate substitutions
must be made in writing to the attention of Emily O’ Leary
Important Note
VAT on Romanian conferences is charged at 19% of the overall
fee. It is obligatory for all participants from all countries to
pay this.
Hotel availability is only guaranteed until 01 May 2009!
Please note that rooms will be allocated on a first come, first
served basis. Hotel Rooms cannot be guaranteed without a
credit card number. Please contact your chosen hotel directly
for all changes and reservations.
Hotel Confirmation
Hotel confirmations will be sent directly from the hotel to the
Further information on the hotels, regarding their location
and rates can be found on page 25 of this brochure.
Hotel Information & Reservation Procedure
There are two official conference hotels:
JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel *****
Calea 13 Septembrie 90
Bucharest 050726
Tel: +40 21 4030000
Fax:+40 21 4030001
Ibis Palatul Parlamentului ***
82 – 84 Izvor St., district 5
Tel: +40 21 4011000
Fax: +40 21 4022898
In order to benefit from the official convention rates it is
necessary to reserve your preferred accommodation via
the official reservation forms. These can be found on the
Transport to and from the Airport
By taxi: A taxi from the airport takes approximately 40 minutes
(depending on traffic). It should cost approximately
100 RON.
It is recommended that participants use the official “Fly Taxi”
which can be found just outside the Arrivals Hall.
Shuttle Buses
Sunday 14 June
Buses will depart from each of the hotels at 19.15 for the
Welcome Cocktail
Monday 15 June:
Buses will depart from each of the hotels at 19.30 for the
Official dinner.
Tuesday 16 June
Buses will depart from the conference centre at 16.30 for the
Conference Venue
JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel
Calea 13 Septembrie 90
Bucharest 050726
Tel: +40 21 4030000
Fax:+40 21 4030001
The language for the Conference and Executive Forum will be
Lunches & Dinners
Buffet lunches will be served both on Monday 15 and on
Tuesday 16, in the conference centre.
Welcome Cocktail in the “Domeniul Stirbey”
On Sunday, 14 June
at 20.00, Electrica
and Hidroelectrica
invites all delegates
to a Welcome Cocktail
that will convene in
the Stirbey Palace
(Domeniul Stirbey).
The Palace is located
in the centre of a
natural park in Buftea, just 20 km north west of Bucharest.
It was built between 1855 and 1864 by Barbu Stirbey, Prince
of Wallachia for his son Alexandru. Short visits of the mansion
will be possible during the Cocktail.
Official Dinner at the Parliament Palace
On Monday, 15 June
2008 at 20.00.,
Transelectrica and
invites participants
and accompanying
official dinner at the
Parliament Palace.
The Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest is a multi-purpose
building containing both chambers of the Romanian
Parliament. According to the Guinness Book of World Records,
the Palace is the world’s largest civilian administrative
building (The Pentagon is the largest overall).
The Palace was designed and nearly completed by the
Ceauşescu regime as the seat of political and administrative
power. Nicolae Ceauşescu named it the House of the Republic
(Casa Republicii), but many Romanians call it the People’s
House (Casa Poporului). The structure combines elements
and motifs from multiple sources, in an eclectic neoclassical
architectural style. The building is constructed entirely of
materials of Romanian origin.
Built on the site of a hill variously known as Spirii Hill,
Uranus Hill, or Arsenal Hill, which was largely raised for this
megaproject, the building anchors the west end of Unirii
Boulevard and Centrul Civic. Constructing the Palace and
Centrul Civic required demolishing much of Bucharest’s
historic district, including 19 Orthodox Christian churches,
six Jewish synagogues, three Protestant churches (plus eight
relocated churches), and 30,000 residences. At the time of
Nicolae Ceauşescu’s 1989 overthrow and execution, the
building’s structure and design were complete. Subsequently,
many of the furnishings were never installed, and the last three
basement levels and a large clock tower (that would have
displayed the official Romanian time) were never finished.
During the change in regime, the new leaders of Romania
referred to the building as the House of Ceauşescu, to
highlight the excessive luxury in which Ceauşescu would have
lived, in stark contrast to the squalor and poverty endured by
many people living in the surrounding neighborhoods.
Our trip to Urlati will be concluded by a wine tasting at the
Winery “Conacul dintre VII” followed by lunch. After lunch,
we will continue our trip to Jercalai to visit the Saint Mary
Hermitage. the Saint Mary Hermitage is made out of wood
and looks somewhat like a sailing ship. Originally built near
Reghin in 1731 and requisitioned by the Royal family for
Castle Bran in 1932, the little church never attained its sacred
role there, instead Queen Mary replaced it with another Royal
chapel. Because of this, in the spring of 1956 the church
was disassembled and transported to Cricov on the same
hallowed ground with the ruins of the old stone church which
had been built there 400 years previously.
Parts of the building (some of the west wing, some of the east
wing, parts of the second floor, basement 3 and everything
below) have yet to be completed.
Departures will be from each of the hotels at 09.00
Accompanying Persons Tour (In English)
Visit to Urlati and Jercalai
Urlati is less than one hour from Bucharest. Here we will
visit the Bellu Mansion, a monument of architecture, built
in the old Romanian architectural style. By the middle of the
19th century, it was the home of the Baron Alexandru Bellu
family. In 1926 the Bellu family donated to the Romanian
Academy the whole complex of buildings at Urlaţi. In 1953
the complex was opened as a museum. The Bellu collection
includes the pictures: “Portrait of Man” by Pavel Dincovici,
“Peasant Woman” by Eugen Maximovici, “Old Beggar” by
Theodor Aman, icons, chandeliers, candlesticks, Japanese
prints and Oriental pieces, as well as valuable lithographs by
Carol Popp of Szathmáry from the middle of the 19th century.
Most remarkable are some of the architectural elements such
as: columns and capitals, door frames and windows carved in
stone from the 17th and 18th century.
Pre Conference Programme
Discovering Sinaia
Sunday 15 June (08.30 – 17.30)
Located in Sinaia (44 km from Brasov), Peles Castle is considered
by many one of the most beautiful castles in all Europe. It was
the final resting place for several Romanian monarchs including
King Carol I, who died here in 1914. The construction of the castle
began in 1873 under the direct order of the Viennese architect
Wilhem Doderer and was continued in 1876 by his assistant,
Johann Schultz de Lemberg. During 1877-1879 because of the
war work was abandoned. It is for this reason that the castle was
inaugurated only on October 7, 1883. The location of the castle
was chosen by the German prince Carol I de Hohenzollern, who
was to become king and it draws its name from the neighboring
brooks which pass through the courtyard. Several other buildings,
annexed to the castle, were built simultaneously: The Guard’s
Chambers, The Economat Building, The Foisor Hunting House,
The Royal Stables, and the Electrical Power Plant. The Sipot
Villa was constructed later. This would serve as the work site of
architect Karel Liman. Liman would later supervise the building
of Pelisor (1889-1903, the future residence of King Ferdinand and
Queen Mary of Romania). as well as of the King’s Ferdinand Vila
in the Royal Sheepfold Meadow. The castle was built in wood,
stone, bricks and marble and comprises more than 160 rooms.
The representative style used is German Renaissance, but one
can easily discover elements belonging to the Italian Renaissance,
Gothic, German Baroque and French Rococo style. Peles is
surrounded by seven terraces decorated with statues (sculptured
by the Italian, Romanelli), stone-made-wells, ornamental vases
and Carara marble. The architects used an abundance of wooden
decoration, both for the exterior and for the interior of the castle,
which confers a very special quality to the building. Almost
adjacent to Peles Castle is Pelisor (“Little Peles”). King Ferdinand,
who succeeded Carol I, intended to use Peles Castle as a summer
residence. Supposedly he found Peles too big and overwhelming,
so he commissioned the smaller, art-nouveau style, Pelisor
Castle. Pelisor’s 70 rooms feature a unique collection of turn-ofthe century Viennese furniture and Tiffany and Lalique glassware.
Near Peles castle there is Foisor, a kings’ residence with 42 rooms
which were designed in Swiss style.
After the visit of the Castle you will have a buffet lunch in
a local restaurant where you will enjoy some traditional
Romanian dishes.
Departures from each of the hotels at 08.30
Price per person: €74 (incl. 19% VAT)
Minimum 30 participants required
If you wish to participate in this tour please download the
tour form from the EURELECTRIC website and return it directly
to the “Travel House International” who will contact you to
confirm your reservation.
Visa Requirements
Please visit the site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order
to verify your visa requirements.
Internet Corner
Computer and Internet connections are available for the
delegates. The Internet Corner will be located outside the
main conference room, and will be open during conference
Enhanced Networking Opportunities
In order to facilitate opportunities for contacts between
delegates during the Conference, we have created the
Meeting Desk, where you can post a message to the person
you wish to contact. We will make sure your message will be
delivered to this person.
Presentation & Highlights
The presentations will be available following the conference on
EURELECTRIC’s Internet site ( and highlights
of the debates will appear soon afterwards. Participants will be
sent an email notification once they are available.
The login and password will be made available at the
Should you require any further information,
or invitation letters please contact:
Emily O’ Leary
Events Coordinator
Tel: +32 2 515 10 62
Fax: +32 2 515 10 69
Hotel list
JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel *****
Ibis Palatul Parlamentului ***
Calea 13 Septembrie 90
Bucharest 050726
82 – 84 Izvor St., district 5
Tel : +40 21 4011000
Fax : +40 21 4022898
Tel: +40 21 4030000
Fax:+40 21 4030001
Deluxe Room: 595 RON (approx €140)
Executive Room: 795 RON (approx €185)
Grand Executive Room: 845 RON (approx €200)
Room rates include breakfast (but not room service) and
access to the World Class Health Academy. The above
mentioned rates are subject to 9% VAT and 3% City tax.
Monday – Thursday:
Single standard room: €99/night
Twin room: €109/night
Double Parliamentary room: €114/night
Friday – Sunday:
Single standard room: €79/night
Twin room: €89/night
Double Parliamentary room: €94/night
Rates include breakfast, local taxes and VAT.
How to book:
In order to benefit from the official convention rates
it is necessary to reserve your preferred accommodation
via the official reservation forms.
These can be found on the EURELECTRIC website.
The Union of the Electricity Industry - EURELECTRIC is the
sector association representing the common interests
of the electricity industry at pan-European level, plus its
affiliates and associates on several other continents.
Within the European Union, EURELECTRIC represents the
electricity industry in public affairs, in particular in relation
to the EU legislative institutions in order to promote the
interests of its Members at a political level.
EURELECTRIC’s mission is to contribute to the development
and competitiveness of the electricity industry and to promote
the role of electricity in the advancement of society.
EURELECTRIC’s Full Member structure is based on national
representation, via the national electricity association, where
such a body exists, or the leading electricity enterprise in
each country. Currently there are 33 Full Members, including
all 27 EU Member States, current applicants negotiating to
join the Community, plus other European OECD countries.
As a centre of strategic expertise, EURELECTRIC identifies
the common interests of its Members and, through research
into the marketplace, technologies, legislation, etc, assists
them in formulating common solutions to be implemented
and in coordinating and carrying out the necessary action.
To that end, it also acts in liaison with other international
associations and organisations, recognising their specific
missions and responsibilities.
Membership is enriched by European and International Affiliate
Members representing the electricity industry across the rest
of Europe, in the Mediterranean basin and on other continents
and by Business Associate Members from other sectors with
stakeholder links to or interest in the electricity industry.
Become a Business Associate Member
Who we are
A pan–European Electricity Industry Association
Core membership in 33 European countries
European and International Affiliates and Associates worldwide
Business Associate members from a variety of sectors:
• Electrical equipment manufacturing & supply
• Energy trading
• Energy software, products and services
• Management consulting
• Banking & finance
• Insurance…
What benefits?
Access to real-time and accurate information on EU policies impacting our sector
Authoritative studies and reports drafted by industry experts
Statistical reference data and forecasts
Excellent networking opportunities
Privileged use of an information-packed website
Cross-links to members’ websites
Contact, for more details:
Anne-Marie REGO
or visit our website
Annual Convention & Conference 2010
Dublin - Ireland
14-15 june 2010
Hosted by:
Union of the Electricity Industry - EURELECTRIC
Boulevard de l’Impératrice, 66 boîte 2 – B-1000 Brussels
tel.: + 32 (0)2 515 10 00 • fax: + 32 (0)2 515 10 10
e-mail: • website: