Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County
Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County
Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County (MAARIC) Development Professionals Operating in the Quad City Area Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for former Flick’s Site RFQ Schedule Issue RFQ: November 30, 2015 Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) due: December 18, 2015 Issue Request for Proposals (RFP)/Enter into Negotiations with Preferred Developer: February 17, 2016 November 30, 2015 RE: Former Flick’s Site RFQ for Development Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County (MAARIC) 2200 69th Avenue PO Box 9009 Moline, Illinois 61265 To whom it may concern: The Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County (MAARIC) has issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the former Flick’s Site in the northwest sector of the Airport’s property. MAARIC is seeking to engage a qualified entity to develop this property as a compatible land use (retail, commercial, office, etc.) to Airport operations. Contained herein is the full RFQ, along with a series of exhibits to help orient the reader to the Site. Questions can be directed to Geoffrey Dickinson, (312) 384-2404 or, of SB Friedman Development Advisors at any time during the RFQ process. Sincerely, The Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County, IL (MAARIC) Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from Professional Parties to Develop Former Flicks Site 1. OVERVIEW & TIMELINE The Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County (“MAARIC”) is seeking a qualified entity to serve as lead developer for a six acre site (“Site”) located on the grounds of the Quad City International Airport (“Airport”). MAARIC will not sell the Site in question, but will enter into a long term lease for the land. Submission Timeline: Issue Request for Qualifications (RFQ) November 30, 2015 Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) Due December 18, 2015, 5 P.M. Evaluation of SOQs Request For Proposals (RFP)/Enter into Negotiations with Preferred Developer 60 days from Receipt of SOQs February 17, 2016 2. DEVELOPMENT GOALS, SITE & CONTEXT The Airport is located along the I-280/I-74 corridor in the Quad Cities area and as such offers superior access and visibility for new development and economic growth. The Quad Cities consist of Moline and Rock Island in Illinois, and Bettendorf and Davenport in Iowa. The Airport is located along the Rock River in the City of Moline and unincorporated Rock Island County. The Airport is interested in developing outlying parcels of land as an economic engine to benefit the local community with specific development considerations in mind: x x Development is also sought to provide supplemental revenue to the Airport as a responsible measure for supporting this regional publically-owned facility. It is envisioned that the area will support new commercial development opportunities to accommodate unmet demand and replace aging commercial stock in and around the Airport. This portion of the Quad Cities Area is exhibits reasonable levels of commercial development of which the majority of newer stock is located along John Deere Expressway approximately 1 mile north of the Airport. Exhibits 4 (Nearby Hotels), 5 (Nearby Retail), and 6 (Nearby Restaurants) identify the current supply of hotels, restaurants and general commercial development in the vicinity of the Airport. More immediate to the Airport, there are six (6) hotels within a ¼-mile radius of the Site. Within the same area, there are only two eating establishments, a steakhouse and fast food restaurant. The two newest hotels (constructed in 2008 and 2014) are located on Airport property, adjacent to the subject parcel. Exhibit 8 (Future Development Opportunities) depicts nearby land uses as well as parcels held by the Airport which will present future development opportunities. RFQ for Former Flicks Site November 30, 2015 Specific details related to the Site and nearby improvements include: x Definition of Site: The Site, located on the southwest corner of Airport Road and 27th Street, Moline, encompasses approximately 5.5 acres and is zoned for commercial development (see Exhibit 1 – Zoning Map). All structures have been cleared from the Site. x Access / Right of Way: Access to the Site is provided via 69th Avenue (Airport Road) and 27th Street via access from Bud’s and a frontage road. 27th Street provides direct access to U.S. Highway 6 & 150/Interstate 74 via Exit 18A and access to Interstate 280 via Exit 5B. Both 69th Avenue and 27th Street are classified by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) as minor arterials (See Exhibit 2 – Access and Traffic Counts). x Utility connections: Utility services and infrastructure capacities listed below are provided on the site for the benefit of the development. Locations of primary utility features are included on Exhibit 3 – Site Map. o Water Service by City of Moline via 16” o Sanitary Sewer by City of Moline via 8” gravity main (additional and/or re-routed sanitary service capacity may be necessary and coordination with the City is recommended) o Stormwater Sewer by City of Moline via 12” main o Natural Gas by MidAmerican Energy Company via 4” mains with intermediate service o Electric by MidAmerican Energy Company via overhead conductors x Stormwater Regulations: The City of Moline enacted a Stormwater Ordinance in response to the requirements set forth by the US EPA in the Phase II NPDES Stormwater Regulations document. Specific information is available in Chapter 34 of the Moline Municipal Code, Article IV, sections 4100-4500. These regulations would apply to the Site. x Encumbrances: There is a cellular tower adjacent to the northwest corner of the Site and a billboard is located on the southeast corners of the Site. The cellular tower site encumbers an area that is not part of this development RFQ. The location of both the cell tower and the billboard can be found on Exhibit 3 – Site Map. Any existing encumbrances represented by the presence of these two features will remain on the property. It is noted that both of the foregoing encumbrances arise from transactions involving a prior owner of the Site; and MAARIC has received assignments of the rights of such prior owner arising through the respective transactions. As to the billboard, MAARIC has a right of termination which may be exercised upon thirty (30) days notice. MAARIC can make additional information available upon request. x Land use/ Zoning: The Site is under the jurisdiction of the City of Moline, and is subject to the policy, regulations and zoning of the City, MAARIC, and the Federal Aviation Administration and other regulatory agencies typically involved with airport-owned property. The Site is zoned as “B4: Highway/Intensive Business District.” Chapter 35 of the City of Moline’s Code of Ordinances describes zoning and land development within the City’s jurisdiction. Preferred permitted commercial land uses include: o retail, o restaurant, o hospitality, o and office. 2 RFQ for Former Flicks Site November 30, 2015 x Potential Incentives: The City of Moline is open to discussions about the potential use of incentives to support commercial land uses such as sales tax sharing, food and beverage tax sharing and hotel tax sharing. x Adjoining/Nearby Future Development Property Owned by the Airport: Additional airport-owned development land parcels are anticipated to become available in 2016 that are located immediately south of this Site (“Bud’s”) as well as a parcel located at the former rental car preparation facility (“Previous QTA”) west of the new Holiday Inn Express. The Bud’s parcel is approximately 2.5 acres with access and visibility to 27th Street. The Previous QTA site is also approximately 2.5 acres with access and visibility to Airport Road. Bud’s is in the City of Moline and the Previous QTA is in Rock Island County. Both sites are zoned commercial and are anticipated to remain in that use. At this time, this RFQ pertains strictly to the Flick’s Site. 3. SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS x x x MAARIC has adopted an Ordinance, dated December 19, 2006, which Ordinance is commonly known as “Responsible Bidder Ordinance”. MAARIC’s has historically applied the Responsible Bidder Ordinance to the extent of imposing a requirement in its development agreement contracts and non-aeronautical leases to require third parties to enter into an Impact Agreement, as developed by the ILLOWA Construction and Labor and Management Council. The model IMPACT Memorandum of Understanding can be accessed through the ILLOWA website, i.e., The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) regulates the height of manmade improvements both on and near the Airport. The maximum height on the site varies and is estimated to range from 670’ to 740’ mean sea level (MSL), subject to IDOT and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) study and approval. See Exhibit 7 – Building Height Restrictions for height limitations relative to the Flicks Site. The Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) discourages the development of excessive ambient lighting, the emission of significant amounts to dust, fumes, etc., and developments that would attract wildlife or be sensitive to aircraft noise. Specific development plans will be subject to review for these considerations and their compatibility with airport operations. 4. AIRPORT AND DEVELOPER ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES MAARIC is committed to completing the following prior to ground lease: x Complete demolition of existing structures on the site (complete); x Phase I and Phase II environmental assessments (complete; resulted in a finding of no-remediation necessary – copies may be requested from Airport). x Collaborate with the Developer and City regarding potential development incentives for Site. Anticipated developer’s rights and responsibilities: x To have exclusive development rights for six (6) months, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to MAARIC and contained within a MAARIC-approved development agreement, and; x Collaborate with MAARIC to research and develop a feasible development plan to maximize the revenue potential for the land and be compatible with airport activities and complementary to other airport development. 3 RFQ for Former Flicks Site November 30, 2015 5. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS MAARIC is requesting that Respondents interested in developing the Site submit a Statement of Qualifications. The submittal should include and/or be accompanied by the items outlined below. MAARIC reserves the right to seek clarification of any information that is submitted by any Respondent in any portion of its Qualifications or to request additional information during the evaluation process. Any material misrepresentation made by a Respondent will void the Qualifications and eliminate the Respondent from further consideration. 1. Transmittal Letter and Executive Summary providing a narrative description of all key aspects of the submittal. 2. Description of Development Team including an experienced lead developer entity, equity partners, architects, engineers, attorneys, economic and financial consultants, construction managers, leasing and management companies, and other development partners, as applicable. Specific requirements include the following: x Narrative describing the roles, responsibilities, depth of experience, and size of each firm. x Resumes of key personnel assigned to the project, including relevant experience. 3. Organizational Chart or Diagram outlining the composition of the development team, including percentage interests, and supporting consultants. The diagram should present differentiated structures for development and operations, if applicable. Specific requirements include: x Legal name, business form (corporation, partnership, LLC, individual, joint venture, not-forprofit, etc.). If the lead developer entity is a subsidiary or affiliate of any other sponsoring/parent entity, list such entity or entities including name, address, relationship to the lead developer, and officers and directors. x Contact names, addresses, title of position, and nature and extent of the interest of the officers and principals, shareholders and investors of the lead developer entity. 4. Portfolio of the Respondent’s Comparable Completed Projects demonstrating development and management experience. Each member firm of the development team should briefly describe up to five examples of relevant projects (preferably recent) developed within the last 10 years. With the understanding that one project may satisfy multiple criteria, the overall composition of projects should demonstrate the following: x Site planning and entitlements, x Design and construction, x Leasing and property management, x Partnerships with airports, non-profit organizations, city government, and other public entities. For each project, each of the following should be included: x Name, address, and year of construction initiation and completion. x Current status (completed and being held by the development entity, completed and sold by the development entity, under development, etc.). x Effective percentage of the development entity’s participation (if project examples provided were contracted as part of a joint venture or a teaming with another firm). x Nature of public-private partnership related to infrastructure or vertical development, including explanations of public subsidy, public funding, public investment, etc. 4 RFQ for Former Flicks Site November 30, 2015 x x x x x x x x Uses, program mix and floor area. Target markets and lease-up or sales pace. List of supporting consultants (architect, urban designer, landscape architect, engineers, etc.). Current occupancy and list of major tenants. Total development costs, including hard costs, soft costs, construction interest, etc. Sources of capital describing return requirements or lender terms. Images or renderings of project. Results of execution (for completed projects), including success in obtaining users/tenants, sale of housing, delivery and rent-up of rental housing, etc. For lead developer entities, this narrative should also list and describe ALL current projects in the pipeline and those completed within the last three years, including status, uses, size, construction costs, major tenants, development schedule, a summary of financial structure in terms of debt, equity and public financial participation, and the current occupancy and ownership of these projects. 5. Financial Information about the Lead Developer Entity demonstrating the capacity to complete the project. Specific requirements include the following: x One to three reference letters from lenders, financial joint venture partners, or equity partners to previous projects describing the project size, amount of capital, borrowing terms, and payment history signed by a loan officer. x Letters of interest from private lenders, financial joint venture partners, or equity partners for redevelopment of the Site. Letters should indicate that the party has sufficient capacity, understanding of the project and scale of financing required, and the amount the party would be willing to finance. x Respondent must provide a listing and a brief description (including jurisdiction, case name and number) of all legal actions within the past fifteen (15) years in which the Respondent or any team member or associated entity (e.g., joint venture member, etc.), or any limited liability company or other organization identifying Respondent as a member has been a party (to include status as plaintiff, defendant, petitioner, respondent, debtor, creditor, or other named entity or capacity) to any of the following: a) bankruptcy; b) civil litigation; c) criminal proceeding; d) administrative action. The Respondent must also disclose any bankruptcy or foreclosure proceedings in which the firm or any individual in the proposed project team has been involved. 6. Two References (minimum) from public sector officials/staff involved in project development, including name, address, telephone number, email address, and a letter authorizing each reference to respond to inquiries regarding the project; references from public agency officials/staff that negotiated a publicprivate partnership agreement with the lead entity will be preferred. 7. Project Scope and Narrative demonstrating the Respondent’s understanding of the Site and a vision for its development. The statement should: be a maximum of five pages and demonstrate familiarity with prior studies of the Site and emphasize key challenges and opportunities anticipated by the Respondent; and identify any innovative actions it would undertake. It should also outline any unique in-house or technical skills it would deploy to successfully realize build-out. This narrative should address the size and scope of the development, near- and long-term development goals, potential anchor uses, and a preliminary redevelopment strategy. Plans and renderings are not required at the Request for Qualifications stage. However, if the Respondent chooses to include these items, it is MAARIC’s 5 RFQ for Former Flicks Site November 30, 2015 preference that any such documents be used in a manner to explain redevelopment strategy, land uses and phasing, rather than building design. Selection Criteria for Qualifications Stage No specific development proposal is required at this time. Evaluation of the Respondent’s Statement of Qualifications will be based upon: x Completeness of submittal. x Comparable experience for similar real estate projects in a commercial transportation setting within the last 10 years. x Experience and reputation of individual firms and personnel that comprise the lead developer entity. x Past performance of firms, as verified by references of previous clients/projects. x Demonstrated financial resources and commitments to both acquire and develop the property (provided in financial statements, evidence of equity and debt financing relationships and commitments, etc.). Financial capability, including having adequate financial resources to develop the project such as internal resources for ongoing operations and support, ability to secure construction and permanent financing, ability to meet lender equity requirements, and ability to manage contingency in accordance with the project schedule. x Status of legal actions involving any team member or associated entity of the development team. x Demonstrated commitment to the overall objectives of MAARIC and specific land uses, based on project scope and narrative. The Metropolitan Airport Authority and its consultant(s) may also review any other information that is available to them, including but not limited to information gained by checking references and by investigating the Respondent’s financial condition. At any time during the RFQ process, questions may be directed to Geoffrey Dickinson at (312) 384-2404 or of SB Friedman Development Advisors. Submissions should be made in PDF format and sent either electronically to by 5 P.M. on December 18th or postmarked by December 18th to: Quad City International Airport Attn: Bruce Carter, Director of Aviation 2200 69th Avenue PO Box 9009 Moline, Illinois 61265 6 Exhibits Potential Future Development Sites RFQ Site Exhibit 1 Zoning Map City of Moline N 0 Rd 0.075 ing oa tR or Ai rp rt R po Air 4400 d (6 ) Av e 0.15 Miles h 9t I-280E 21200 350 11100 27th St * Access points to the site are indicated by red arrows. Both 69th Ave and 27th St are 4-lane minor arterials (IDOT). **All traffic counts in blue are directly from the IDOT Traffic Count map. Site 1050 11300 2150 5300 500 650 4350 2750 I-280W Exhibit 2 Access* and Traffic Counts** 1050 19500 34300 U.S. 6 / I-74 N Roc k Is City o lan f Molin dC e oun ty Airport R oad (69th Ave) Cell Tower 27th Street Billboard Electric Line Gas Line - 4” Main Water Line - 16” Main Stormwater Sewer Line - 12” Main Sanitary Sewer Line - 8” Main Site Parcel Access Points Encumbrance 0 0.015 0.03 Miles N Exhibit 3 Site Map Site Exhibit 4 Nearby Hotels Moline Site Exhibit 5 Nearby Retail Moline Site Exhibit 6 Nearby Restaurants Moline Site allows for maximum building heights of 660’-739.6’ within the Primary Surface Boundary. Exhibit 7 Building Height Restrictions 0 0.025 0.05 Miles Airport-owned parcels with future development opportunities Flick’s Parcel - RFQ Subject Existing developments on Airport-owned parcels Former QTA Site ~2.5 acres Hotel Holiday Inn Hotel - Hampton Inn Gas Station - Preet Mini Mart Hotel Country Inn & Suites Hotel La Quinta Inn Rock Island County City of Moline Hotel - Motel 6 Hotel - Quality Inn & Suites Vacant - Former Ramada Inn Restaurant McDonald’s Restaurant Montana Jack’s N Exhibit 8 Future Development Opportunities Former Bud’s Site ~2.5 acres Airport Road (69th Ave) Vacant - Lot Hotel America’s Best Inn 27th Street