AVANGARD INDUSTRIAL PARK 2015 PROJECT DESCRIPTION We introduce you the project of Industrial Park “Avangard”. It is the first pilot project of “greenfield” type not only in Khabarovsk region but also in Far Eastern Federal District in general. FAR EASTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT Khabarovsk city, the capital of Far Eastern Federal District Well-developed transport infrastructure: Railway station - 2.6 km International Airport - 7 km KHABAROVSK River port - 14 km Seaport - 750 km CHINA Geographical closeness to the Asian Pacific region. JAPAN SOUTH KOREA PROJECT DESCRIPTION Eco-Wood 46,9 land plot hectares area Energo-Impulse production of electrical equipment production of plastic wood and foamed PVC 1,1 ha 2,3 ha Vacant land plots Residents of the park: JGC Evergreen Avangard Logistic Eco-Wood Energo-Impulse Complex Logistic Systems Cogeneration center and infrastructural objects Vacant land plots JGC Evegreen greenhouses 17 ha Complex Logistic Systems Cogeneration center and infrastructural objects container depot 5,8 ha 1,2 ha Avangard Logistic logistic center 10,0 ha PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 46,9 land plot hectares area Residents of the park: JGC Evergreen Avangard Logistic Eco-Wood Energo-Impulse Complex Logistic Systems Cogeneration center and infrastructural objects + + + + + + + + Embodied projects Projects under implementation Projects with possible joint investment Vacant land plots + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + RESOURCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE Industrial Park “Avangard” is supplied with all necessary infrastructure and resources. Labor resources in 50 km zone 440 000 p. employable population of Khabarovsk city Natural gas pressure - 0,6 MPa Water supply artesian wells Electricity Sewer system 11.5 MW voltage – 6KV local sewage-purification facilities PREFERENCES FOR THE RESIDENTS The territory of Industrial Park “Avangard” is included in the Territory of advanced development “Amur” TAX PREFERENCES Profit tax (general rule – 20%): 0% - 1st-5th years; 10% - 6th–10th years. Property tax (general rule – 2.2%): 0,5% - 1st–5th years; 1,1% - 6th–10th years. Labor tax (general rule – 43%): 20,6 % There are several groups of preferences for the residents prescribed by Russian Federal Law of 29/12/2014 № 479-FZ. SIMPLIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES Authorization of Russian Federal Ministry for Development of Far East to facilitate some public services (construction permit, commissioning permit, territory planning design confirmation etc.) Suspension of quotas and permit on attraction of foreign labor force. The possibility of free custom zone establishment. RESIDENT POLICY EXPECTED PROFILE OF THE RESIDENT moderate land plot size (within 5 hectares) ecological friendly production (IV-V classes of danger) energy-intensive production INTERACTION BETWEEN RESIDENT AND INDUSTRIAL PARK MANAGEMENT COMPANY Conclusion of the admission agreement and 49-years land lease agreement Construction and commissioning of the resident’s production facilities The resident's production activity Acquiring the right of purchasing the leased land plot Fulfillment of the resident’s technical requirements, granting of the engineering facilities, road and railroad connections Opportunity of factories construction utilizing «built-to-suit» scheme Providing of services by Management Company (logistic, recruiting, engineering, security, cleaning, and basic office services) JOINT VENTURE SCHEME INVESTOR Foreign or Russian company Status of the resident of Industrial Park and of the Territory of Advanced Development INVESTOR SPECIAL PROJECT COMPANY Admission agreement Construction and commissioning Production Russian company INDUSTRIAL PARK MANAGEMENT COMPANY CONTACTS Industrial Park “Avangard”, LLC 2a, Donskaya str., Khabarovsk city, 680000, Russian Federation Denis A. Gros Chief Executive Officer + 7 962 501 44 01 gros@da-development.com Andrey V. Bezverkhov Chief Development Officer + 7 962 501 22 06 bezverkhov@da-development.com WISH YOU WERE HERE