BR-101 Conference Call
BR-101 Conference Call
BR-101 Conference Call JANUARY 19th 2012 CONCESSION SUMMARY On January 18, 2012, Consórcio Rodovia da Vitória was declared the winner of the Public Bid process for the BR-101 highway. Composition of the Consortium: EcoRodovias 80% SBS Engenharia 20% • Extension: 475.9 km • Connects the states of Bahia and Espírito Santo • 25-year concession • 7 toll plazas • Annual toll adjustment based on the IPCA price index Estimated Schedule of the Bid Notice: 02/24/12 – Publication of the Bid Selection Minutes 04/26/12 – Ratification of the Result 07/05/12 – Execution of the Concession Contract 2 CHARACTERISTICS OF ESPÍRITO SANTO STATE State Data: •Location: Southeastern Brazil •Population: 3.5 million inhabitants (2010)¹ • GDP: 5.0% Average Annual Growth (2002 to 2010)² • Volume of Traffic: 1.4 million³ • Major Ports: Porto de Açu (Rio de Janeiro state) Porto de Vitória Porto de Tubarão Ponta Ubu (under construction) Porto de Barra do Riacho Porto de Ilhéus (Bahia state) ¹IBGE: 2010 Census ²Macroeconomic Studies Network (MACRO) - CEE/IJSN ³National Department of Transportation (DENATRAN) 3 TRAFFIC INFORMATION EcoRodovias/SBS expects traffic to experience a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.4% p.a., 0.6 p.p. more than ANTT’s estimate. Assumptions: • ANTT’s traffic study was conducted in 2009; • EcoRodovias’ most recent traffic study was in June 2011; Accumulated Traffic Growth +33.0% +15.0% 2009 2010 EcoRodovias 2011 ABCR Index 4 TRAFFIC INFORMATION Premises Used: • Several studies on traffic and demand carried out by Steer, Davies & Gleave Brasil, an international consulting company with offices in Europe, Asia and the Americas; • Average GDP growth of 3.5%. • 45.63% discount in basic tariff enables 9.95% increase in projected demand for traffic 4 OPEX • The dimensions of the New Concessionaire’s organizational structure were determined by the 13 years of experience that the EcoRodovias Group has acquired through the management of its other five highway concessions. • Shared Services Center • Comparison with Ecosul (Rio Grande do Sul State): BR 101 Ecosul R$ 49.7 million R$ 39.8 million 475.9 623.8 Toll plazas 7 5 Toll booths 48 33 63,000 25,715 Average Annual OPEX (2011) Extension (km) Average Daily Volume (VDM) 5 CAPEX • Related studies and projects by EcoRodovias, SBS and Copavel (consultant), based mainly on similar models for other highways (topography and geometry). • Projects using modern technologies and practices fully understood by the Group, with proven experience in the management of highly complex projects, such as the construction of the Second Lane on the Rodovia dos Imigrantes (Ecovias) and the expansion of the Marginal Tietê (Ecopistas) • The proposal includes all the works and associated schedules in the ANTT Bid Notice, duly quantified and priced at market levels.. Total CAPEX Consortium Proposal R$ 1.7 billion Project IRR: 10.47% 6 FINANCING BNDES: Up to 80% of investments in the first 6 years of the concession can be financed, with 60% linked to the TJLP and 20% to the IPCA. Simulation of actual financing rates: Description Rate Nominal Cost of Debt (Long Term Interest Rate + spread) ~9.0% pa Tax Benefit (IR) 34% Nominal Cost of Debt with Tax Benefit ~5.9% pa Estimated Inflation ~4.5% pa Real Cost of Debt Financing ~1.4% pa 7 ECONOMIC – FINANCIAL MODEL OF THE FIRST INVESTMENT PHASE - 2012 to 2017 (First six years) Equity R$ 150 million Accumulated Net Revenue R$ 705 million Average EBITDA Margin w/o IFRS 56% Investment 1st year R$ 102 million Accumulated Investments 1st to 6th R$ 944 million BNDES Financing (70%) R$ 661 million 8 COMPARISON WITH ECOPISTAS (Ayrton Senna/Carvalho Pinto) • Concession agreement in June 2009 • Discount in basic tariff: 45.42% • IRR from project (proposed): 10.31% • EBITDA Margin 2011: 65% (without/IFRS) • Private competition with Nova Dutra highway concession • Accumulated traffic from June 2009 to June 2011: 22,1% above EcoRodovias´ proposal 10 INVESTOR RELATIONS E-mail Website Address Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1510 3rd Floor - CEP: 04547-005 São Paulo-SP BRASIL Telephone (11) 3787 2667 9 DISCLAIMER This presentation contains forward-looking statements relating to the prospects of the business, estimates for operating and financial results, and those related to growth prospects of EcoRodovias. These are merely projections and as such are based exclusively on the expectations of EcoRodovias’s management concerning the future of the business and its continuous access to capital to finance the Company’s business plan. Such forward-looking statements depend substantially on changes in market conditions, government regulations, competitive pressures and the performance of the Brazilian and international economies and the industry, among other factors, as well as the risks presented in the disclosure documents filed by EcoRodovias, and therefore are subject to change without prior notice. 10