Burns Newsletter - International Center for Journalists
Burns Newsletter - International Center for Journalists
Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Program Alumni Newsletter December 2012 | Volume 21, No. 4 Feature Story Frankly Speaking In the Footsteps of My Grandfather’s Lost Love: A story of memory and the Holocaust By Sarah Wildman (Burns 2008) T here is nothing remarkable to see at Wangenheimstrasse 36, in the Grunewald section of Berlin. It’s green, quiet and on a Sunday afternoon, the streets are nearly empty. There’s nothing to indicate who might have lived here once 75 years ago. I took two S-Bahn trains across the city and wandered Grunewald, eventually sitting for a piece of topfentorte at the only café nearby. I asked, hopefully, how old the café is or how old the owners are. The waitress looked at me curiously. “Old,” she said, but then I Sarah Wildman saw that “old” to her is about as old as my parents—post-war babies, not really old at all. Later that afternoon, I found there’s nothing at Rombergstrasse 2, now Mendelsohnstrasse, in Prenzlauer Berg. In fact, the whole block is new. There are several shiny apartment towers with Mondrian-style blue blocks and crisp stainless steel balconies, construction that surely came well after the Wall came down. It would be another day before I caught up to history and found a bit of what I’m looking for. In the spring of 2007, I discovered a collection of letters written to my grandfather after he fled Austria in 1938. Postmarked from Sydney, Lyon, Budapest, Bucharest, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Brooklyn and Shanghai, the sheer geographic spread of his correspondence was evidence of the atomic impact on refugees of the Third Reich. Among them were dozens of letters from a woman named Valerie, or Valy, Scheftel. She was my grandfather’s lover and she wrote mostly from Berlin. The letters began in 1938 and ended, abruptly, when the United States entered the war in December 1941. A year after my discovery, I spent several months in Berlin supported by an Arthur F. Burns Fellowship putting together a series of articles for the online magazine Slate. I was in pursuit of becoming one of the first journalists allowed inside the International Tracing Service (ITS), the last unopened Holocaust Archives, in Bad Arolsen, Germany. But it wasn’t just a news story that propelled me. I also wanted to investigate the story of the woman from those letters. Trebic, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a perfectly preserved Jewish ghetto Continued on page 6 Dear Alumni, The class of 2012 has returned home—with many new impressions and hopefully fond memories. The bitter election campaign is finally over in the United States, and both Europe and the United States prepare for a harsh financial winter. But we are looking ahead to the new year and the many occasions to make sure that alumni stay involved in our work. The next Burns dinner will take place in downtown New York most likely on February 25 or 26, followed by a possible San Francisco dinner in the late spring. The Berlin dinner will take place in early June and the Washington reception in late July. 2012 marked the 25th class of the Burns Fellowship and we are still celebrating this milestone! As ambassadors of transatlantic media relations, we hope you will remain active members of the Burns alumni network. Your attendance at the special Washington dinner this past July was a start and I hope you will make a special effort to attend the next New York dinner in that anniversary spirit. In 2013, for the first time we will allocate one of the ten fellowships Continued on page 7 The Arthur F. Burns Board German Trustees (2010-13) U.S. Trustees (2010-13) Patron: The Honorable Philip D. Murphy, U.S. Ambassador to Germany Patron: The Honorable Dr. Peter Ammon, German Ambassador to the United States Dr. Thomas Bellut, Director-General, ZDF Erik Bettermann, Director-General, Deutsche Welle Prof. Dr. Reinhard Bettzuege, Former German Ambassador to Brussels Dr. Martin Blessing, CEO, Commerzbank AG Prof. Maria Böhmer, State Minister, Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU Tom Buhrow, Anchorman, ARD Sabine Christiansen, Journalist, TV21 Media Dr. Mathias Döpfner, CEO, Axel Springer AG Thomas Ellerbeck, Chairman, Vodafone Foundation Leonhard F. Fischer, Partner, RHJI Swiss Management Dr. Rüdiger Frohn, Chairman, Stiftung Mercator Emilio Galli-Zugaro, Head Group Communications, Allianz Group Dr. Tessen von Heydebreck, Former Member of the Board, Deutsche Bank AG (Honorary Chairman) Dr. Luc Jochimsen, Member of Parliament, Die Linke Dr. Torsten-Jörn Klein, Board Member, Gruner + Jahr AG Michael Georg Link, State Minister, Foreign Office, Member of Parliament, FDP Rob Meines, Meines & Partners, The Hague Kerstin Müller, Former State Minister, Member of Parliament, Buendnis 90/Die Grünen Mathias Müller von Blumencron, Editor-in-Chief, Der Spiegel Rainer Neske, Board Member, Deutsche Bank (Chairman) Dagmar Reim, Director General, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg Helmut Schäfer, Former State Minister, Foreign Office (Honorary Chairman) Monika Schaller, Senior Vice President, Goldman, Sachs & Co. Steffen Seibert, Government Spokesman Dr. Frank Walter Steinmeier, Former Foreign Minister, Chair of the SPD Parliamentary Group Tobias Trevisan, CEO, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Lord George Weidenfeld, Former CEO, Weidenfeld & Nicolson Joyce Barnathan, President, International Center for Journalists Elizabeth Becker, Journalist and Author Albert Behler, President and CEO, Paramount Group, Inc. Amb. J.D. Bindenagel, Vice President, Community, Government and International Affairs, DePaul University Rebecca Blumenstein, Deputy Managing Editor and International Editor, The Wall Street Journal Marcus W. Brauchli, Vice President, The Washington Post Co. Amb. Richard Burt, Senior Advisor, McLarty Associates (Honorary Chairman) Dr. Martin Bussmann, Mannheim LLC Nikhil Deogun, Managing Editor, CNBC David W. Detjen, Partner, Alston & Bird LLP Dr. Hans-Ulrich Engel, CFO, BASF SE; Chairman and CEO, BASF Corporation Dr. Frank-Dieter Freiling, Director, Internationale Journalisten Programme, e.V. (IJP) Prof. Dr. Ronald Frohne, President and CEO, GWFF USA, Inc. James F. Hoge, Jr., Director, Human Rights Watch (Honorary Chairman) Robert M. Kimmitt, Senior International Counsel, WilmerHale The Honorable Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates Christian Lange, CEO, President and Co-Founder, European Investors Inc. The Honorable Frank E. Loy, Former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs (Chairman) Sen. Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator Kati Marton, Author and Journalist Wolfgang Pordzik, Executive Vice President, Corporate Public Policy, DHL North America John F. W. Rogers, Managing Director, Goldman, Sachs & Co. Garrick Utley, President, Levin Institute, SUNY Stanford S. Warshawsky, Chairman, Bismarck Capital, LLC (Vice Chairman) Legal Advisor: Phillip C. Zane, Attorney at Law, Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz Arthur F. Burns Newsletter | December 2012 | Page 2 Alumni News 1990 Ines Alicea recently moved to Ottawa where she will be working at the U.S. embassy as a community liaison officer. 1992 As of January 2012, Claudia Bill officially retired from the broadcasting industry after nearly 18 years with CBS 2 News and 25 years in journalism. She is now a full-time mother to her seven-year-old twin boys and the Mayor ProTem of Thousand Oaks. She is in her third four-year-term on the city council and busier than ever. works for ZDFneo, the channel for young audiences at ZDF German TV. Inga Michler, a reporter at the daily Die Welt, took her mother and son on a long trip through China and wrote all about it for her paper. 1995 Kim Frick lives in Zurich with her husband and two boys— Loic (7) and Leo (3). 2000 Oliver Becker is currently working on a book, provisionally titled 50 years of International Support for Young Athletes by Germany. Michael Kolz was nominated for the national German television award for his show “Der Tag” on the TV channel Phoenix. 2002 Markus Feldenkirchen, a reporter in the capital bureau of the weekly Der Spiegel, presented his first major television documentary on Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s minister of finance, on the occasion of his 70th birthday in September. The documentary was aired on the Phoenix channel. 2003 Stefanie Bolzen, after nearly four years as the Brussels correspondent for the daily Die Welt, will transfer to a new posting in Europe in early 2013. 2005 Benno-Falk Fuchs produced an investigative documentary about the predatory customer service policies of German cell phone carriers. It will be broadcast on ZDFzoom on Wednesday, December 19. Christian Meier became the proud father of Carla Emilia on April 19. He also co-wrote the book Medien—Basiswissen für die Medienpraxis, which was published in October by Herbert von Halem Verlag. 2006 Christa Case Bryant became Jerusalem bureau chief for The Christian Science Monitor in August 2012. Holger Fritsche now Christa Case Bryant in Cairo (photo credit: Ann Hermes) Sabine Muscat at Chicago’s McCormick Place on election night (photo credit:John Zich) 2007 Sabine Muscat has spent the past five years as a correspondent in the United States and it all started with her Burns Fellowship in San Francisco. In early November, she published a personal essay in the Financial Times Deutschland about her experiences during the Obama years in the United States. Please read it here: http://www. ftd.de/politik/international/:us-wahl-2012-das-land-der-zweiherzen/70112972.html 2009 Björn Winter took time off over the summer and spent a few months in Florida, working for Sat1 and the Austrian television channel ATV, before returning to his job at Sat1’s Hamburg bureau. 2010 Steffi Dobmeier was awarded a Kellen Fellowship from the American Council on Germany. She will be travelling and conducting research in the United States for several weeks next spring. Christian Salewski was awarded the 2012 Ernst Schneider Prize, a highly competitive award for business journalism, in the newcomer category (Förderpreis). He submitted three pieces for the award, including “Der China-Kracher” (Capital 1/2011), which he researched during his Burns Fellowship at ProPublica and which received an honorary mention from the Burns Awards last year. That article seemed to be decisive for the Schneider Prize. He plans to use the 2500 Euro prize money to attend the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Rio de Janeiro in 2013. Chelsea Wald recently co-authored an e-guidebook for Kindle called A Traveler’s Guide to Astronomy and Space in the Southwest. The book announcement Continued on page 8 Arthur F. Burns Newsletter | December 2012 | Page 3 FELLOWSHIP “Going on the Burns Fellowship was perhaps the best decision of my career… I’m only 27, so I’m drawing just on three years of work, but the two months gave me boatloads of confidence in my reporting, my writing and—perhaps most valuably—in navigating the treacherous media landscape in America… The German Fellows were an impressive bunch—outgoing, well-established in their careers, with a wealth of experience… They had a confidence—even a swagger—in the sustainability and inherent worth of our profession, which I found reassuring and inspiring at a time of cutbacks, layoffs and wage stagnation here.” —Tim Loh, Reporter, The Connecticut Post, Bridgeport, CT; Hosted by: Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich “I’d come to Germany with several tenuous assignments from American magazines, all of which ultimately came to naught for different reasons. But once on the ground, I discovered new subjects and pursued them aggressively for the remainder of the fellowship. Two pieces in particular—one about gentrification in Berlin and its effect on the arts scene, the other about the legacy of the Stasi prison at Hohenschönhausen—claimed most of my working time, involving interviews with dozens of people, many hours of background reading, and some travel.” —Bruce Falconer, Senior Editor, The American Scholar, Washington, D.C.; Hosted by: Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin Falconer with a former Stasi prisoner “During my fellowship, I drove out of San Francisco a lot, to check if the rest of the country is similarly great. I met a Siemens manager, illegals from Bangladesh, a prison warden who had four men executed through lethal injection, and a man who ratted out his criminal brother to the police. I spent one whole weekend with Johannes Gernert ringing doorbells in Reno, Nevada, to tell residents with our heavy German accents why they should vote for Obama. This story became a movie: http://bit.ly/Q93eQ0 Jochen Brenner, Reporter, Der Spiegel, Hamburg; Hosted by: Mother Jones, San — Francisco, CA “While it was difficult to turn stories for this German language station, one thing I was able to do a lot of was shoot video and edit. For me this was great. I came to the fellowship with a background in shooting and editing, but I rarely shot breaking news, which I got to do a lot of at TV.Berlin. They also use a different camera than I am used to, so I was able learn new technical aspects.” —Tetiana Anderson, Freelance Reporter/Producer, CNN, NY-1, Yonkers, NY; Hosted by: tv.berlin, Berlin Anderson at work for tv.berlin “Much more important than improving my journalistic skills was that I was able to get to know a part of the United States which is unknown to many Germans. I know today that there is a liberal oasis in Texas with the name Austin. And I also know that this oasis is surrounded by many small and large conservative areas that might be different, but equally appealing. I was able to experience American hospitality and developed a lust for conversations, especially those about war, patriotism and meat.” —Takis Würger, Reporter, Der Spiegel, Hamburg; Hosted by: The Austin Chronicle, Austin, TX Arthur F. Burns Newsletter | December 2012 | Page 4 IMPRESSIONS Küpper with Meymo Lyons, WAMU’s Managing Editor for News “I decided to choose the capital city [for my host placement], but with a firm determination to also see the ‘other’ America. I lived in an apartment near Dupont Circle, as well as in Trump Tower in Las Vegas. I met cowboys at the Albrecht Ranch in Texas, as well as fellows at the Brookings Institute. I watched young Mormons prepare to depart on their overseas mission, and I was able to take a look behind the scenes at POLITICO’s newsroom. I drove through hurricane Isaac’s high waters in New Orleans, and jogged past the Lincoln Memorial. I visited the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy Center and the trading floor of New York City’s stock exchange. But I was always happy when I arrived back ‘home’ in D.C.—either by rental car, bus or airplane.” Moritz Küpper, Reporter, Deutschlandfunk (Radio), Köln; — Hosted by: WAMU 88.5, Washington, D.C. “The Burns Fellowship gave me the chance to live in and examine a country that is constantly and rapidly evolving—particularly at a time when the Eurozone is in such a parlous state. I’m grateful for being granted the opportunity to explore one of the world’s great cities—and write about it.” Andrew Coombes, News Producer, Al Jazeera English, Washington, D.C.; Hosted by: Rheinische Post, — Berlin “Arthur Luco was close to the perfect interviewee. I was hoping that he would say the things that he ended up telling me, and he expressed his thoughts so well, just as I could have wished for. He spoke of the loneliness on the back of his horse and the incomparable experience of riding across the open range. ‘I don’t think about anything else, I fly,’ he told me. Arthur Luco, 33, foreman at the Albrecht Ranch in Goliad, Texas, said all those things that cowboys say in movies. Only Arthur Luco was real. I flew from Chicago to Houston and then drove to Austin, where I started my trip in the early morning to meet with Luco and a few of his fellow cowboys. The children’s editor of the Süddeutsche Zeitung had sent me. They were planning an edition on the topic of America and they wanted an interview with a Hickman interviewing a “real cowboy” cowboy, ‘a real cowboy.’ It became one of the best interviews that I have ever done.” —Christoph Hickmann, Correspondent, Der Spiegel, Berlin; Hosted by: Chicago Tribune “I was able to help out in a number of ways at Figaro. I put together several vox pop montages, of man-on-the street interviews about various topics. Approaching strangers on the street was an exciting challenge and a useful trial-by-fire of my German skills. I also put together an essay for a special program devoted to the German city—its evolution and its future. Since my essay was an American’s impression of a German city, the accent requirement was waived, and (after many takes!) I was able to voice the piece for air.” ling Donevan with ‘wandernde Gesellen,’ trave zig Leip near at retre a apprentices, during Connor Donevan, Production Assistant, NPR, Washington, D.C.; — Hosted by: MDR Radio, Halle Continued on page 7 Arthur F. Burns Newsletter | December 2012 | Page 5 Feature Story, continued from p. 1 So this year I came back. Funded by a Holbrooke Grant for Burns alumni, I spent more than two weeks in October retracing the steps of a woman I have been following for several years now, and talking to those who are working on this history today. My search, and Valy’s story, will now be a book for Riverhead/Penguin Press. At the Judische Krankenhaus, I picked up Valy’s trail once again. The hospital, tucked deep in the Wedding district, still ostensibly works to keep the rump Jewish community healthy; there’s even a tiny synagogue and a small exhibit to 250 years of service to the city. During the war, doctors like Valy passed through here, and Jews who were forced out of other professions worked in the labs. On the other side of the city, there was something for me as well: Brandenburgischstrasse 43 has two small stolpersteine, or stumbling blocks, paying homage to two people who once lived there. One of them was Valy. But the stolpersteine are unsatisfying: 55 were deported from these doors. In Berlin, I crossed the city for hours, traveling to each of the addresses Valy wrote from between 1939 and 1941, and where she lived after her letters end. I met with academics and memorial builders in between my geography lesson. The following day, I hopped a train to Prague. The next day, I boarded another, traveling hours and hours further to the tiny town of Opava, once the capital of Czech Silesia, on the Polish-Czech border. When it was German speaking, the town was called Troppau, and it was here that Valerie was born. Judische Krankenhaus (above) and Stolpersteine (right) will teach this history going forward, and about how we use that history today. Though (with great excitement) I have learned that there is much more to discover about Valy and the people she knew and lived with, my research has not only looked backward. I have begun conversations with dozens of members of my generation across Europe. In part, this is a project about how we will think of memory going forward, as we lose the eyewitnesses to the major events of the 20 century. It is also about how government decisions continue to be influenced by that genocide. And it is about how we will convey these stories to the next generation. It is about our own identities. This trip was also about places of memory. I wanted to walk where she walked, go where she went, and see if there are traces of what existed before. In some cases there was literally nothValerie Scheftel was a student ing, as in Prenzlauer Berg, but alongside my grandfather in The old rabbi’s house of Opava/Troppau in others there were glimpses. Vienna’s medical school in the The Jewish Hospital in Berlin 1930s. Her letters are plentiful. They are love letters, and they plead and cry and give hints had two doctors on staff—one Jewish, the other not—who took an interest in my project, chatting to me about the hisas to what is happening around her, as the life she knows tory of the building they work in every day saving people’s disintegrates. lives, and the peculiarity of working in an institution that When my original stories ran, I received dozens of letters became one of the few—if not the only—places that Jews and queries from readers. Some 1.2 million individuals read could survive in the open under the Reich. At the Stiftung the series, and it was awarded the Peter R. Weitz Prize Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas, I met with Dr. for European Reporting from the German Marshall Fund. Uli Baumann who was putting the finishing touches on the Readers’ questions propelled me to continue my search. memorial to the murdered Roma, which opened just after The unopened archive (as well as other, smaller ones like I left Berlin. We talked about the things that can still be it) and the story of this one woman became part of a bigger found, the ways in which memorializing can work, and why question—one of personsometimes drawing the picture of a single person—despite al identity and the interthe enormity of the tragedy or, perhaps, because of it—is play of mythmaking and one of the best ways to discuss the murder of millions. remembrance on both a In the Czech Republic, the work was harder. Without the familial, and ultimately ability to speak Czech, I was forced to rely entirely on a on a national and transguide for translation and guidance. The experience was Atlantic scale. My search doubly filtered: all of the German speakers in Opava were became a window into a expelled when the Sudeten German population was forced much larger story—one Opava Opera House about how my generation Continued on next page Arthur F. Burns Newsletter | December 2012 | Page 6 Feature Story, continued from p. 6 Frankly Speaking, continued from p. 1 out at the end of the war. Eyewitnesses are hard to find. But here and there you could see a glimpse of what had been there once before, when this was a great regional town with Beaux-Arts architecture and eclecticism. Many of the grand old buildings still stand, including the former Silesian parliament (now the archives) and the old opera house, directly opposite the apartment where Valy once lived. The night I visited, the opera season was opening with Nabucco, appropriately, Verdi’s paean to the expulsion of the Babylonian Jews. Closing my eyes, I could see Valy and my grandfather there, just as they visited the opera in Vienna, and I could imagine the bourgeois German and German Jewish population that coexisted, ever so briefly, in the interwar period. each for a journalist from Germany to go to Canada and one from Canada to go to Germany. You can find more details on the application sheets for 2013. Sarah Wildman is a visiting scholar at the International Reporting Project at Johns Hopkins SAIS. She is currently working on a book for Riverhead/Penguin Press. www.sarahwildman.com Wishing you all a peaceful holiday season and strength, health and happiness for a new year—again full of challenges and rewarding experiences! Best, Frank Burns 25 Years Transatlantic Dialogue: A Quarter Century of Journalism Exchange FELLOWSHIP IMPRESSIONS, continued from p. 5 American fellows enjoying Octoberfest in Munich “After countless media crises and a halving of the editorial team within the last ten years, the 1903-founded Herald decided to find its luck by covering local issues. For German fellows that’s wonderful because…there are more stories than there are reporters to cover them. For example, every day someone is shot fatally, which from a sociological point of view is of course a terrible thing, but from a journalistic perspective, it offers many advantages… Because the Herald journalists have gone through all of this so many times, they convert the fellow into a police reporter, who goes out to research during the day and delivers a story by the end of the day. One quickly ends up in less pleasant neighborhoods like Liberty City or Hialeah, where you meet creepy figures, where you are made fun of by the officers when you miss the street lingo. But the chance of getting your story published is 100 percent.” —Veit Medick, Reporter, Spiegel Online, Berlin; Hosted by: The Miami Herald “ProPublica offers—aside from America’s largest arsenal of searchable data banks—as much time and money as its employees desire. This makes for a newsroom unique in the United States, and maybe also in the world. They pay special attention to new ways that reporters can present their important, but mostly dry, political or economic stories (so-called ‘hard-sell stories’). Very well done are video animations in the ‘Southpark’style. One example is “Water’s on Fire Tonight (The Fracking Song),” which every journalist should consider as a teaching tool for how it’s possible to make a topic such as gas extraction into an entertaining and simultaneously informative 2.5 minute story.” Jonathan Stock, Freelance Reporter & Correspondent, — Berlin; Hosted by: ProPublica, New York, NY Bettina Meier interviewed German Ulli Johnston (pictured) in her Texas shop, which sells handmade, used cowboy boots. Arthur F. Burns Newsletter | December 2012 | Page 7 Sponsors The Arthur F. Burns Board of Trustees in the United States and Germany acknowledges with gratitude the support of the following organizations and individuals who have made the 2012 Arthur F. Burns Fellowship program possible. Sponsors in the U.S. Alston & Bird, LLP BASF BMW Group USA The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Comcast NBCUniversal Deutsche Post DHL Americas European Investors, Inc. The Ford Foundation The Ford Foundation/International Institute for Education The German Marshall Fund of the United States Goldman, Sachs & Co. GWFF USA, Inc. The Ladenburg Foundation Mars Incorporated Paramount Group, Inc. Individual Contributions Elizabeth Becker The Hon. J.D. Bindenagel John and Gina Despres David Detjen Thomas Eisenmann-Schubert The Hon. Frank E. Loy Hermann-Hinrich Reemtsma Dr. Guenter and Elsbeth Roesner Stanford S. Warshawsky Sponsors in Germany Allianz SE Auswärtiges Amt. Robert Bosch Stiftung Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend Deutsche Bank AG European Recovery Program (ERP), Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Goldman, Sachs & Co. Siemens AG 2013 Fellowships Application Deadlines: German Applicants: February 1, 2013 U.S. Applicants: March 1, 2013 Arthur F. Burns Newsletter | December 2012 | Page 8 Alumni News, continued from p. 3 declares: “When it comes to astronomy and space exploration, the American Southwest is a star. Get a front-row seat with this unique and comprehensive guidebook.” Chelsea would be pleased to offer a free copy of the book to any Burns Fellow (past, present, or future) who is considering a placement in or trip to the region (Arizona, New Mexico, southern Colorado, southern Utah, western Texas, and Nevada). Review copies are also available. Please email her at cwald@nasw.org. The e-guidebook is available for $8.99 on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A16E5GI. Aaron Wiener started as a reporter and columnist at the Washington City Paper in October. It’s quite a change from the foreign correspondent work he was doing for the Los Angeles Times in Berlin, but he says it’s more fun than any job he’s had. He is enjoying the opportunity to develop personal relationships with his subjects and to see the effects of his reporting on the community. The Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Newsletter is published four times a year by the International Center for Journalists. Burns Program Staff: Frank-Dieter Freiling, Director, IJP Emily Schult, Program Manager, ICFJ Maia Curtis, Consultant, ICFJ Jill Gallagher, Layout/Design Named in honor of the late former U.S. ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany and former Federal Reserve Board chairman, the Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Program fosters greater understanding of German–U.S. relations among future leaders of the news media. The Burns program was established in 1988 in Germany by the Internationale Journalisten-Programme (formerly the Initiative Jugendpresse) and was originally designed for young German journalists. In 1990, the fellowship expanded to include American journalists, making it a true exchange. The program offers 10 young print and broadcast journalists from Germany and the United States the opportunity to share professional expertise with their colleagues across the Atlantic while working as “foreign correspondents” for their hometown news organizations. The Burns Fellowship program is administered jointly by:
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