nyheter uke 12 - 2009
nyheter uke 12 - 2009
NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 SIGH & EXPLODE THESE SEEM LIKE TARANTULAS Mas-Kina Recordings MKR 014 7090001911828 CD Halvannet år etter at den kritikerroste EP’en ¡O Bailan Todos O No Baila Nadie! (MKR 010) ble sluppet, kommer Sigh & Explode endelig med sin første fullengder. Drøye to uker med hektiske innspillingsdager i Harry’s Gym Recording Studio med Bjarne Stensli (120 Days, Surferosa, Hiawata!, Harrys Gym) bak spakene har resultert i ti spor, fordelt over 32 minutter og 46 sekunder. Bandet har videreutviklet det musikalske uttrykket fra sin forrige utgivelse, med mer variert låtmateriale og et større og mer detaljert lydbilde. Det lekes med forskjellige sjangere, og Sigh & Explode står definitivt ikke fastlåst i hardcore/screamo-båsen mange velger å putte de i. Gode melodier står i sentrum og er pakket inn i soniske gitarer, energiske trommer og skrikevokal. Hørte vi noen si bråkepop? Tja, hvorfor ikke. Som om ikke det var nok, så er skiva mikset av Emil Nikolaisen (Serena-Maneesh), noe som har gjort at bandets lydbilde har blitt enda mer ekstremt enn tidligere. Mastring er gjort av Björn Engelman (The Hives, Dimmu Borgir, Backstreet Boys, Rammstein) hos Cutting Room i Stockholm. Ved å kombinere hardcorens vanvidd med en genuin og popaktig meloditeft, etterlater de uten tvil et langvarig inntrykk hos de som er villige til å hengi seg til bandet, både live og på skive. FEVER RAY FEVER RAY Rabid RABID 039 0602517985186 CD KARIN DREIJER ANDERSSON, den ene halvdelen av THE KNIFE, slipper nå sitt første soloalbum, under navnet FEVER RAY. Første single, If I Had A Heart, fikk hurtig særdeles god respons, bl.a. på Pitchfork, MySpace og YouTube, og er playlistet av P3 Sverige. Oppfølgeren, When I Grow Up, er på vei til radio og TV i disse dager. 19. mars – dagen etter albumrelease – åpner hun sin Skandinavia-turné på Parkteateret i Oslo, en konsert som har vært utsolgt en god stund. Heldigvis er FEVER RAY også booket til Øya. FEVER RAY var nylig i Norge, og grorde en mengde promo, bl.a. NRK P3, NRK P2, Dagsavisen, Dagbladet Fredag, Vixen og Furore I Harare. I tillegg kommer en eksklusiv reportasje på NRK Lydverket samme dag som albumet slippes! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com I NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 HAYSEED DIXIE GOLDEN SHOWER OF HITS Cooking Vinyl COOKCD 470 0711297487022 CD Verdens beste Rockgrass-band oppsummerer på The Very Best Of – A Golden Shower Of Hits snart 10 år med fyll, fanteri, coverlåter, øl, død, kvinner og helvete! HAYSEED DIXIE fra Nashville, Tennessee har siden 2000 underholdt verden med sine herlige “rockgrass”-versjoner av låter fra band som AC/DC, BLACK SABBATH, GREEN DAY, KISS, MOTÖRHEAD, SCISSOR SISTERS og JUDAS PRIEST. I tillegg får vi egenskrevne klassikere som I’m Keeping Your Poop (In A Jar) + bandets forrykende innspilling av klassikeren Duelling Banjos, skrevet av DON RENO – far til bandets banjoist (THE REVEREND DON WAYNE RENO) og mandolinist (DEACON DALE RENO), og kjent fra filmen Deliverance! Som en ekstra godbit til det norske folk, har de spilt inn en splitter ny coverlåt, og det intet mindre enn JOKKE & VALENTINERNES klassiker To Fulle Menn. På norsk! Denne hadde premiere på TV2’s Gullfisken, sett av over 800.000 seere! 19 spor totalt – alle perfekt til de ulykksalige kveldene HAYSEED DIXIE ikke spiller i nærheten av deg! NB – MERK PRISEN!! THE REVEREND PEYTON’S BIG DAMN BAND THE WHOLE FAM DAMNILY SideOneDummy SD 1361-2 0603967136128 Kritikere har omtalt dette som ROBERT JOHNSON på crack. Selv sier de : ”Vi spiller Mississippi Delta Boogie, og det gjør vi så bra at folk som har vært lenket til rullestolen i 30 år spretter opp og danser”. REV PEYTON spiller dobro og tar seg av vokalen, fruen spiller vaskebrett, og lillebror PEYTON trakterer det minimale trommesettet. Familiebandet er noe for seg selv, og gjør en drøss med konserter i Norge utover våren og sommeren. CD “En forbannet uimotståelig og annerledes og levende trio.” – Blues News www.myspace.com/therevpeytonsbigdamnband Konserter i Norge : 27.05 Oslo, Buckley’s 28.05 Lillestrøm, Kulturpuben 29/30/31.05 Egersund, Dalane Bluesfestival 02.06 Stavanger, Ovenpå 03.06 Sandnes, Tribute 05.06 Halden, Down On The Farm 06.06 Ringsaker, Innobygd Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com II NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 MT. ST. HELENS VIETNAM BAND MT. ST. HELENS VIETNAM BAND Dead Oceans http://www.myspace.com/mtsthelensvietnamband DOC 011 CD 0656605131122 Ypperlig indierockorkester fra Seattle som treffer oss rakt i hjertet med sin egenrådige mikstur av moderne storheter som MODEST MOUSE, WOLF PARADE og THE PIXIES. Uten å ha gitt ut et sekund med lyd startet hypen og Stereogum var kjapt ute med sin ”Band to watch”. Deretter fulgte den selvutgitte EPen Weepy, før bandet nå altså gir ut debuten på stødig voksende Dead Oceans. Spin sa “Must Hear”, inkluderte bandet i sin månedlige Buzzcatcher-spalte og sa videre: “check how ‘Dull Reason’ and ‘Anchors Dropped’ ingeniously whipsaw between tense indie raving and harmonyrich pastoralia.” Platen er produsert av Scott Colburn (the Arcade Fire, Animal Collective). Anbefales. FAKE PROBLEMS IT’S GREAT TO BE ALIVE SideOneDummy SD 1376 0603967137620 CD Floridabandet FAKE PROBLEMS første album for SideOneDummy. De pleier å turnere med punkband men har en unik evne til å blande stiler og lage eksepsjonelt fengende låter. Indierock med særpreg inkludert bruk av strykere, blåsere og tangenter. “All types of brilliant” – 9/10 Rock Sound “There’s not one throwaway song – to the contrary, the album get’s better with each spin.” Alternative Press http://www.myspace.com/fakeproblems GENTLEMAN REG JET BLACK Arts & Crafts A&C 040 CD 0827590400023 REG VERMUE, eller GENTLEMAN REG som han liker å bli kallet, har som de fleste andre på Arts & Crafts-labelet hatt en fot innenfor hos BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE, men det var først gjennom HIDDEN CAMERAS han fikk lagt sine lettere homoerotiske låter på riller. På Jet Black følger han opp med mer pop inspirert av så vidt forskjellige ting som ROXY MUSIC, PET SHOP BOYS og MARC BOLAN. Gjester på platen inkluderer LAND OF TALKs ELIZABETH POWELL og THE ORGANs KATIE SKETCH. “It is the sound of an artist coming into his own, casting aside previously perceived limitations and finally delivering a fully realized work.” 7/10, Popmatters http://www.myspace.com/gentlemanreg Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com III NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 MIKSHA THE VULTURE CONSPIRACY The Perfect Hoax HOAX 002CD 0880270270125 CD MIKSHA fra Finnmark slo brutalt fra seg da debutalbumet Collect Your Hazardous Waste ble lansert i 2005. The Vulture Conspiracy er bandets andre fullengder, og MIKSHA utforsker og krysser sjangergrenser med iskald kynisme og eksplosive resultater. Det er bare å smøre seg inn med skrekkblandet fryd. http://www.myspace.com/miksha SPIKE JONES BACK IN THE RADIO’S DAY WITH SPIKE Collector’s Choice CCM 2004 0617742200423 To radioshow spilt inn for NBC i 1945 av legenden og geniet SPIKE JONES og hans band, THE CITY SLICKERS. CD “Although parodies of pop music continue to proliferate …. the simple fact remains that Spike Jones & The City Slickers did it better than anyone before or since.” Allmusic SAM & DAVE SAM & DAVE Collector’s Choice CCM 2007 0617742200720 CD ”Album” som gir oss A- og B-sidene til samtlige seks singler som den legendariske soulduoen SAM & DAVE spilte inn for MORRIS LEVY’s Roulette Records i 1966. DIVERSE ELEKTRONIKA THE OSLO AGREEMENT Homebase / dBut BASE 002 4015698730227 CD Vi har fått tak i et restopplag av den klassiske norske elektronikasamleren The Oslo Agreement fra 1996, eller Det Norske Hus som den norske utgaven på dBut het. Inneholder spor med STERNKLANG, JAGA JAZZIST, PALACE OF PLEASURE, PEN JAKKE m.fl. Også så billig den er a gitt! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com IV NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 TALL STORIES SKYSCRAPER Frontiers FRCD 399 8024391039922 CD TALL STORIES var det opprinnelige bandet til STEVE AUGERI, som siden dannet TYKETTO, og deretter erstatter STEVE PERRY I JOURNEY. Nå, åtte år seinere, er han tilbake der det hele startet, og det låter bedre enn noensinne! ECLIPTICA IMPETUS Frontiers FRCD 396 8024391039625 CD ECLIPTICA er sannsynligvis for tiden et av Østerrikes beste band innen sin genre, og turnerte nylig med SYMPHONY X. Power metal med en egen personlig twist. And shout! ”Powerful by nature, Impetus will undoubtedly resonant for years to come!” 93/100 –MELODIC ROCK http://www.myspace.com/eclipticaaustria JEFF SCOTT SOTO LOST IN TRANSLATION (DELUXE) Frontiers FRCD 404 8024391040423 CD Den ultimate re-release av JEFF SCOTT SOTOs 2004-album, remastret, nyinnpakket og ned hele 5 bonus-låter! TONY HERNANDO ACTUAL EVENTS Lion LMC 256 6419922002568 CD Elleve furiøse instrumentaler med melodi og aggressivitet. Dette er med letthet den spanske gitaristen TONY HERNANDO sitt sterkeste album så langt, og han har nå fått med seg selveste MIKE TERRANA () på trommer! Neoklassisk og progressivt så det holder! ”…my favourite Balkan band... Gypsy music at its most delirious and drunken best” - ZACH CONDON / BEIRUT Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com V NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 LONEY DEAR DEAR JOHN Polyvinyl PRC 171-1 http://www.myspace.com/loneydear LP 0644110017116 EMIL SVANÄNGEN AKA LONEY DEAR på 180 grams vinyl. “Dear John is Loney Dear’s moment. It’s the sound of an artist starting to fly. It’s also an invitation to you to discover what came before, and a chance to envelope yourself and investigate a whole new world of a new favourite artist.” BBC MT. ST. HELENS VIETNAM BAND MT. ST. HELENS VIETNAM BAND Dead Oceans DOC 011LP 0656605131115 LP Ypperlig alternativ rock på vinyl. Inneholder nedlastingskoder. FAKE PROBLEMS IT’S GREAT TO BE ALIVE SideOneDummy SD 1376-1 0603967137613 LP Amerikansk indie også på vinyl. INSECT WARFARE WORLD EXTERMINATION Earache MOSH 068LP 5055006506846 LP Suveren grindcore også tilgjengelig på vinyl. SUNN O))) DOMKIRKE Southern Lord SUNN 94LP 0808720009415 2LP Tilbake i lager! EMPEROR THUS SPAKE THE NIGHTSPIRIT / INNO A SATANA Back On Black BOBV 1247S 0803341254046 7’’ Nå i lager! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com VI NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 23. MARS MONO HYMN TO THE IMMORTAL WIND Conspiracy CORE 077 5425015710778 CD Just in time for their 10-year anniversary, MONO return with their fifth studio album, the absolutely massive Hymn To The Immortal Wind. Tracklist 1, Ashes In The Snow 2, Burial At Sea 3, Silent Flight, Sleeping Dawn 4, Pure As Snow (Trails of the Winter Storm) 5, Follow The Map 6, The Battle To Heaven 7, Everlasting Light After touring almost non-stop for five years, the band hibernated for over a year to focus solely on writing Hymn. The result is their most thoughtful and eclectic album to date. Written and arranged with a hopeful, romantic narrative in mind, the songs string together like chapters in an epic love story. The music is naturally majestic, with MONO’s trademark wall of noise crashing beautifully against the largest chamber orchestra the band has ever enlisted. The instrumentation is vast, incorporating strings, flutes, organ, piano, glockenspiel and tympani into their standard facemelting set-up. Recorded to analog tape with long-time friend and producer Steve Albini, there is an intimacy captured here that is at once beautiful and a little terrifying. The creaking of old wooden chairs as the orchestra rocks in their seats (both literally and figuratively), puckered lips rolling along flutes, and even the conductor’s opening cue can be heard during the hauntingly quiet opening moments While Hymn continues to mine the cinematic drama inherent in all of MONO’s music, the dynamic shifts now come more from dark-to-light instead of quiet-to-loud. The maturity to balance these elements so masterfully has become MONO’s strongest virtue. FORHÅND 23. MARS MY DYING BRIDE FOR LIES I SIRE Peaceville CDVILEF 245X / CDVILEF245 0801056824721 / 0801056824523 CD My Dying Bride has become the leading light of doom metal since their debut album ‘As the Flower Withers’ was released on Peaceville Records back in 1992. Influenced by acts such as Celtic Frost and Candlemass, and with their heavy atmospherics, the band carved a huge worldwide following over the years and remains greatly respected today as one of the pinnacles of the genre, as well as one of the most instantly distinguishable metal bands. Tracklist My Body, A Funeral Fall With Me The Lies I Sire Bring Me Victory Echoes From A Hollow Soul Shadowhaunt Santuario Di Sangue A Chapter In Loathing Death Triumphant ‘For Lies I Sire’, My Dying Bride’s tenth studio album, is set for release March 23rd 2009 & consists of 9 songs of crushing doom, recorded & mixed at Futureworks in Manchester, UK, with long-time producer Mags throughout the second half of 2008. It is the band’s first album since re-signing to long-time home Peaceville Records, and looks set to become another quality addition to the MDB catalogue, such is the scope of this latest journey into the depths of despair. This album is the follow-up to 2006’s hit, ‘A Line Of Deathless Kings’, and is the first studio album with new members Dan Mullins on drums, Lena Abe on bass, and violin/keyboard player Katie Stone. 2008 has seen a successful year for the band, having released their live CD/DVD ‘An Ode to Woe’, plus their high profile ‘Unholy Trinity’ shows re-uniting the ‘Peaceville three’ (Paradise Lost, Anathema & My Dying Bride). Featuring some seriously heavy-as-hell somber doom, ‘For Lies I Sire’ wades effortlessly & poetically through tales of darkness & gloom, this time textured with the much-anticipated return of the often-missed violin, last featured well over ten years ago. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com VII NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 23. MARS MISS HARMONICA CHAMPAGNE, CAVIAR AND ME! BEATME Records BEATME 001 7090001911811 CD Miss Harmonica slipper endelig slitt etterlengtede debutalbum, Champagne, Caviar and Me! på sitt eget selskap BEATME records; mandag, 23. mars! Tracklist 1 I Wanna Dance With You 2 Princess 3 Get Dancy! 4 Boyz/Girlz 5 Music Control 6 Heartbeat 7 You Gotta Go 8 Friday Night 9 Get Lost in the Disco 10 Come On 11 I Am Falling 12 Hey Boy Miss Harmonica er en blanding av electrobeats, synthpop, nintendolyder, indie-pindie, old school hip hop, plastic-fantastic outfits og godt humør. Med referanser som Peaches, M.I.A, Crystal Castles, Matt and Kim og Robyn er det ingen tvil om at dette er dansbar dynamitt! På Champagne, caviar and me! viser Miss Harmonica virkelig sitt talent til det fulle. Hun har imponerende nok egenhendig skrevet, arrangert, spilt og sluppet plata – noe svært få norske, kvinnelige artister har gjort før henne. Plata er co-produsert og mikset sammen med produsentstjerneskudd og venn, Even Bekkedal. Masteringjobben er utført av en skspert på feltet; Nilesh Patel i The Exchange Studios i London. Mannen har tidligere jobbet med artister som Björk, Hot Chip, Röyksopp, Daft Punk, Depeche Mode og Justice for å nevne noen få, og regnes som en av de ledende teknikerne innenfor denne sjangeren. Hun har i tillegg fått med seg noen av indienorges beste vokalister i Nicolay Reierstad (Bazooka Boppers) og Sjur Lyseid (Monzano, Little Hans Of Asphalt). Disse bidrar på hver sin duett på plata. FORHÅND 23. MARS WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM BLACK CASCADE Southern Lord LORD 103 0808720010329 CD It has been five years since Wolves in the Throne Room emerged from the rain-soaked Cascadian underground with a singular musical alchemy. The band’s previous two studio albums, Diadem of Twelve Stars and Two Hunters, in tandem with their incendiary live performances, have unquestionably established the band as a swiftly rising force in the extreme music world. Tracklist 01. Wanderer Above The Sea of Fog 02. Ahrimanic Trance 03. Ex Cathedra 04. Crystal Ammunition With this record Wolves in the Throne Room wholly transcend the limitations of the black metal label to be reborn as an entity entirely unto themselves. The energy conjured by the music is a distinctive manifestation of a personal vision that is not beholden to the rules of any genre. Black Cascade is characterized by a heavy and powerful analogue sound and a deft touch with songwriting and arrangement. The crumbling roar of decidedly old-school tube amps unite with layers of mossy analogue synthesiser and cataclysmic percussion. Blazing and crystalline metal riffs slowly collapse and shift into ritualistic dirges that invoke endless rain falling upon the ancient cedars of the pacific northwest. It is as if the instruments are controlled by shadowy and elemental forces of nature rather than three forest-dwellers from Olympia,WA. Recorded onto two inch tape and mixed on a 1973 Neve console by producer Randall Dunn (SUNN O))), Earth, Grails ), Black Cascade captures the energy of a band who has said that they would prefer that the audience at their concerts would prostrate themselves on the floor and cry. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com VIII NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 23. MARS MINISTRY ADIOS…PUTAS MADRES 13th Planet THP 012 4046661152623 CD Livealbum fra MINISTRYs avskjedsturné. Mer info kommer. Tracklist 1 Let’s Go 2. Watch Yourself 3. Life Is Good 4. The Dick Song 5. The Last Sucker 6. No W 7. Waiting 8. Worthless 9. Wrong 10. Rio Grande Blood 11. Senõr Peligro 12. Lieslieslies 13. Khyber Pass FORHÅND 23. MARS SWAN LAKE ENEMY MINE Jagjaguwar JAG 128 / JAG 128LP 0656605212821 / 0656605212814 CD/LP Swan Lake is the musical group featuring celebrated songwriter-mystics Daniel Bejar (of Destroyer and New Pornographers), Spencer Krug (of Sunset Rubdown and Wolf Parade) and Carey Mercer (of Frog Eyes and Blackout Beach). TRACKS: Spanish Gold, 2044 Paper Lace Heartswarm Settle On Your Skin Ballad Of A Swan Lake, or, Daniel’s Song Peace Spider A Hand At Dusk Warlock Psychologist Together they recorded Enemy Mine, their nine-song second album, in Victoria, British Columbia, in early 2008, a little more than a year after the release of their well-received debut collaboration, Beast Moans, also on Jagjaguwar. While their debut album was a beautifully-weaved mash-up of their disparate song-writing styles, often with layer upon layer of various melodies and stylistics thrown into a collaborative cauldron to magical, and at times discordant effect, their second album Enemy Mine reflects a more strippeddown, more deliberate approach to collaboration. It’s as if they really tried to just make nice songs together. To quote Krug, “There’s architecture here.” Not that the lyric is about collaboration—it fits nicely though. It is the band’s contention that this is the first known use of a “court painting” as a record cover used in popular music. As a result of this enthusiasm, the band had planned on calling the album Before the Law, a beloved Kafka parable and a reference to this court painting. However, the band is tired of being tagged as “literary”, so they dubbed the record Enemy Mine, a beloved movie from Bejar’s youth, and a good metaphor for collaboration. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com IX NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 23. MARS OBITS I BLAME YOU Sub Pop SPCD 785 / SP 785 CD/LP 0098787078527 / 0098787078510 Tracklist 1. Widow of My Dreams 2. Pine On 3. Fake Kinkade 4. Two-Headed Coin 5. Run 6. I Blame You 7. Talking to the Dog 8. Light Sweet Crude 9. Lilies in the Street 10. SUD 11. Milk Cow Blues 12. Back and Forth Obits are Rick Froberg, Sohrab Habibion, Greg Simpson, and Scott Gursky. They reside in Brooklyn, NY. There is a bootleg of their first live show from Jan. ‘08 at the Cake Shop in NY somewhere on the internet. As with most of these sorts of things, the sound quality of that recording is pretty poor. The songs though… The songs are really great. Obits like a lot of music—Television, Wipers, Michael Yonkers, 13th Floor Elevators, Neu!, The Shangri-Las, African psych, punk rock. They don’t really sound that much like Creedence, maybe a little. Since that first show, we somehow convinced them that releasing some records on Sub Pop would be a good idea. Obits came out to Seattle in July of 2008 and played our 20th anniversary festival. In December of 2008, they released their first single, One Cross Apiece b/w Put It in Writing on their own Stint Records label and did some touring with the Constantines and The Night Marchers. “We’re not into innovation as a band,” says Froberg, who’s already done his fair share of innovating with Drive Like Jehu and Hot Snakes. “I think innovation is overrated and an overestimated quality. Anything that’s going to be original is going to happen without your control. Things that make your band sound like you, are things you wouldn’t be able to change anyway. We just go ahead and play the stuff we like, and we don’t worry about originality per se, because that takes care of itself.” Produced by G. Sanoff, E. Janney and Obits, I Blame You is the band’s debut full-length album. FORHÅND 30. MARS PETER BJÖRN & JOHN LIVING THING Rabid WEBB 202CD CD 5055036262026 Nytt album fra den svenske super-trioen PETER (MORÉN), BJORN (YTTLING) AND JOHN (ERIKSSON), og oppfølgeren til 2006-albumet Writer’s Block, som inneholdt super-hit’en Young Folks. Første single fra Living Thing, Lay It Down, har allerede blitt B-listet av P3 her hjemme, og flere følger garantert etter…! PETER & JOHN var i Oslo (uten BJORN) 3. mars, og gjorde intervjuer med NRK Lydverket, P3, Oslo-TV, Natt & Dag, Norway Rock Magazine og Furore I Harare. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com X NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 30. MARS SAFARIARI IGLOODISKO Café Superstar CAFE 006 CD 7090001911859 Tracklist 1 Just UFOs 2 En Lirare 3 Feat. Remington Super 60 4 Gull i april 5 Stratokosmos 6 Lommedisko 7 Classic Auto-filter 8 Café Superstar 9 Watch snowfall sitting warm Safariari (Jon Kristian Furuheim) ramlet inn i norsk offentlighet da albumet Save New York ble utgitt 10. september 2001 med et cover som viste NY skyline. Albumet ble trukket fra markedet dagen etter... Det ble utgitt på nytt under tittelen Zebra Knights noe senere og fikk da også den musikalske oppmerksomheten det fortjente. Platen ble nominert til Alarmprisen i kategorien beste elektronika og havnet på Dagbladets topp 10-liste over årets beste utgivelser. Safariari fulgte opp med albumet Goaway i 2004 og hadde ifølge VGs anmelder også her ”full klaff” med ”et overflødighetshorn av lekne innfall”. Dagbladet var helt enig i VGs entusiastiske femmer-anmeldelse, og på NRK P3 ble Goaway ukens album. I 2006 gjorde Furuheim et musikalsk sidesprang og fusjonerte med Andreas Ihlebæk for å lage lekelysten elektrosoul på Splaxxter Watts’ The Shakeout. Samarbeidet resulterte i en spellemannsnominasjon for beste elektronikaalbum. Mye av Igloodisko ble spilt inn i Norge, men et stykke ut i produksjonen fikk Safariari (Jon Kristian Furuheim) akutt behov for nye impulser, pakket koffert og plug-ins og ferdigstilte til stor del platen i Nakano i Tokyo, der en av Safariaris inspirasjonskilder, Ryuichi Sakamoto (Yellow Magic Orchestra etc.), ble født og vokste opp. Safariaris base og innspillingsstudio midt i Tokyos neon- og asfaltjungel var et gammelt to etasjers trehus, fullt av italienere og amerikanere, omgitt av en forfallen hage der fuglekvitter, den karakteristiske øredøvende transformatorlyden til den japanske sikaden og en kotospillende nabo kunne høres dag som natt. Siste hånd på verket ble lagt blant ekorn og slaps i New York, før Safariari vendte nesen mot norsk jord igjen for å dele det glade budskap om fire flate i alle farger og fasonger med hjembygdingene i snøføyka. Iglooparty, alle mann! FORHÅND 30. MARS WOBBLER AFTERGLOW Termo TERMOCD 003 7090001911729 CD En vennegjeng i tenårene startet Wobbler i 1999. De vokste opp i skogene utenfor Hønefoss med kun ett mål; å spille autentisk, tidlig 70-talls progrock på gamlemåten, innspilt og fremført med kun gamle instrumenter og effekter fra før 1974, som mellotron, moog, hammond, clavinet, rhodes, arp, osv. De er hovedaktører innen anti-midi/digital-organisasjonen i Norge øst. Tracklist 1. The Haywain 2. Imperial Winter White 3. Interlude 4. In Taberna 5. Armoury Viktige inspirasjonskilder: Gentle Giant, PFM, (tidlig) Genesis, ELP, King Crimson, Banco, Maxophone, Museo Rosenbach, VDGG, Gryphon, SFF og (norske) Popul Vuh. Et viktig poeng er at alle medlemmene har temmelig likt felles mål og lik musikksmak, slik at utrykket blir temmelig fokusert. Det er ingen forsøk på noe kommersielt eller publikumsvennelig. Først da kan det bli tidløst, selv om bandet selv håper det låter meget datert (helst som noe fra 1973). Wobber spiller relativt sjeldent konserter ettersom instrumentene er ekstremt tunge (og mange) å bære, og har forårsaket både blodpropp og brokk hos flere medlemmer opp i gjennom. Høydepunktet var i 2005 da debutskiva ”Hinterland” ble sluppet på det amerikanske selskapet The Laser’s Edge og de spilte på flere av verdens største progrock-festivaler (deriblant NEARfest i USA, der en av låtene fra konserten er gitt ut på DVD. Albumet solgte latterlig mange skiver til progrock å være og fikk tilhengere over hele verden. Bandet ble sogar kontaktet av Sony BMG-USA med interessert i å gi ut andre eller tredje albumet. Nå, fire år etter debuten kommer endelig andrealbumet ”Afterglow”, og der førstealbumet var dempet og rolig, er dette det stikk motsatte; et hardtslående og hektisk album med 5 låter på et sted mellom 2 og 15 minutter. Bandet trekker denne gangen inn enda mer middelalder-inspirasjonskilder - riktignok på et 70-talls neo-middelaldersk vis med krumhorn, fløyter, osv. www.myspace.com/wobblermusic.com Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XI NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 30. MARS mocky saskamodie Crammed Discs cram 140 0876623005995 CD “A record Mocky really needed to make. In these dark times, this album is like a night light. (He) has turned to haunting us with melodies that will quickly become your companions and will doubtless wander in step with you as you go about your days. Mocky lives in his own country of sound. It’s a little place called Saskamodie.” Tracklist 1 Music to my Ears 2 Little Journey 3 Birds of a Feather 4 Golde Dream 5 Chubby Cheeks 6 Guiding Light 7 Saskamodie 8 Somehow Someway 9 Jiinti 10 Music to my Ears (Reprise) 11 Sleepy Time 12 For Pepecito JAMIE LIDELL “The bears and foxes and crows in Aesop’s Fables tell us stories about people. Mocky’s doing something with wind and wood and hands that does the same thing.... acoustic instruments breaking music back down to the storytelling elements. His voice is a little bell, the narrator to a fable that makes the childlike, long forgotten gong in your chest wake right back up.” FEIST FORHÅND 30. MARS JIM FORD THE UNISSUED CAPITOL ALBUM Bear Family BCD 16978 CD 4000127169785 Tracklist 1 The Sounds Of Our Time 2 Big Mouth USA 3 Chain Gang 4 Thirty Six Inches High 5 Wonder What They’ll Do With Today 6 Point Of No Return 7 Harry Hippy 8 Go Through Sunday 9 You Just-A (Full version) 10 Rising Sign Jim Ford was Sly Stone’s best friend and Nick Lowe’s biggest musical influence. Aretha Franklin, Bobby Womack and The Temptations have all recorded his songs. But after just one mythical album, ‘Harlan County,’ in 1969, he disappeared. Many tried to find Jim Ford without any success, until Swedish music journalist and devoted fan L-P Anderson found him living in a northern California trailer park 2006. Jim Ford’s modest residence contained a mountain of old master tapes and demos. Anderson befriended Ford and heard a story that even Hollywood scriptwriters would have said was too impossible to be true. Before leaving California, Anderson promised he’d get some of the tapes out on record. A compilation, The Sounds of Our Time, appeared on Bear Family Records in 2007 and became a big success. The CD spent four weeks in the Swedish charts and received worldwide critical acclaim. Jim was overwhelmed with the positive response. Unfortunately, he passed away in November 2007 aged 66, just before the launch of Bear Family’s second Jim Ford compilation, Point Of No Return. Jim Ford left us with some extraordinarily good music. This self titled album was originally meant to be released by Capitol Records in October 1970, but Ford fell out with the company’s executives before the project was manufactured. Apparently, he got $20,000 and the master tapes. He also got strict orders never to show his face inside the Capitol building again. And now for the first time, here’s Jim Ford’s second album, the follow up to Harlan County. It’s never too late to enjoy the best in country soul music. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XII NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 30. MARS JIM FORD THE UNISSUED PARAMOUNT ALBUM – big mouth USA Bear Family BCD 16786 CD 4000127167866 Tracklist 1 Big Mouth USA 2 He Turns My Radio On 3 Family Tree 4 Mixed Green 5 Rising Sign 6 I Call Her Baby 7 If There’s A Will There’s A Way 8 If I Go Country 9 Big Bouquet Of Roses 10 Whicha Way Jim Ford left us with some mighty fine music and Big Mouth USA is a full length album completed for Paramount Records in 1973 but never released until now. A twelve inch acetate of the album circulated among a few people at the label, but only a 45RPM single was commercially issued. Thirty-six years later, Bear Family Records is proud to present what was meant to be the country soul singer/songwriter’s third album. Be prepared for a country funk classic! FORHÅND 30. MARS <CODE> RESPLENDENT GROTESQUE Tabu TABU 027 CD 7090001915475 Oppfølgeren til Noveau Gloaming (Spikefarm 2005) er klar. <CODE> er klare for Infernofestivalen og headliner John Dee lørdag 11. april. Mer info kommer. Tracklist 1 Smother The Crones 2 In The Privacy Of Your Own Bones 3 The Rattle Of Black Teeth 4 Possession Is The Medicine 5 Jesus Fever 6 I Hold Your Light 7 A Sutra Of Wounds 8 The Ascendent Grotesque Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XIII NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 6. APRIL EMPEROR LIVE INFERNO BOX Candlelight CANDLE 272BOX BOX/2CD/DVD 0803341251113 TRACKLIST DVD 1. Infinity Burning (medley) 2. Cosmic Keys to my Creations & Times 3. Thus Spake the Nightspirit 4. An Elegy of Icaros 5. Curse you all Men! 6. With Strength I Burn 7. Towards the Pantheon 8. The Majesty of the Nightsky 9. The Loss and Curse of Reverence 10. In the Wordless Chamber 11. I am the Black Wizards 12. Inno a Satana Running time: approx 70 min. Bonus material: A selection of on and off stage bootleg material. DISC 1 Inferno: Infinity Burning (medley), Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times, Thus Spake the Nightspirit, An Elegy of Icaros, Curse you all Men!, Wrath of the Tyrant, With Strength I Burn, Towards the Pantheon, The Majesty of the Nightsky, The Loss and Curse of Reverence, In the Wordless Chamber, Inno a Satana, I am the Black Wizards, Ye Entrancemperium, Opus a Satana. DISC 2 Wacken: Infinity Burning (medley), Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times, Thus Spake the Nightspirit, An Elegy of Icaros, Curse you all Men!, With Strength I Burn, Towards the Pantheon, The Majesty of the Nightsky, The Loss and Curse of Reverence, In the Wordless Chamber, I am the Black Wizards, Inno a Satana. Candlelight Records confirms the completion of the final recordings from black metal legends Emperor. Titled Live Inferno, the special live series features various releases recorded/filmed during the bands sold out 2005-2007 reunion performances. Several formats will be available including a 2cd/slip case with 16-page booklet, a limited edition box featuring 2 cds & dvd with an enhanced 24 page booklet, a single dvd, and two limited edition double-vinyl gatefold sets. April 20 is set as the European release date for the series. The audio aspect of the Live Inferno series features exclusive recordings from the bands headlining performances at Norways Inferno Festival and Germanys Wacken Open Air Festival. The video portion, titled Live at Wacken Open Air 2006 - A Night of Emperial Wrath, has a running time of 70-minutes and includes footage professionally filmed at the Wacken Open Air Festival with additional on-stage and exclusive backstage footage filmed and compiled by the band. It looks like these releases will be the final nail in the coffin for Emperor, says guitarist Samoth. They are a testimony of the live reunion that took Emperor to even new heights; unique events like Wacken where Emperor headlined in front of 60 000 people. We had a great run of shows and feel lucky that we were able to come back even bigger and perform songs from our complete catalogue for a lot of dedicated fans old and new. There will be several cool formats and limited editions coming that should be a nice treat for the fans and a worthy representation of the Emperor legacy. Emperor is dead, long live the Emperor! FORHÅND 6. APRIL EMPEROR LIVE INFERNO Candlelight CANDLE 224CD 2CD 0803341233270 Tracklist DISC 1 Inferno: Infinity Burning (medley), Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times, Thus Spake the Nightspirit, An Elegy of Icaros, Curse you all Men!, Wrath of the Tyrant, With Strength I Burn, Towards the Pantheon, The Majesty of the Nightsky, The Loss and Curse of Reverence, In the Wordless Chamber, Inno a Satana, I am the Black Wizards, Ye Entrancemperium, Opus a Satana. DISC 2 Wacken: Infinity Burning (medley), Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times, Thus Spake the Nightspirit, An Elegy of Icaros, Curse you all Men!, With Strength I Burn, Towards the Pantheon, The Majesty of the Nightsky, The Loss and Curse of Reverence, In the Wordless Chamber, I am the Black Wizards, Inno a Satana. Candlelight Records confirms the completion of the final recordings from black metal legends Emperor. Titled Live Inferno, the special live series features various releases recorded/filmed during the bands sold out 2005-2007 reunion performances. Several formats will be available including a 2cd/slip case with 16-page booklet, a limited edition box featuring 2 cds & dvd with an enhanced 24 page booklet, a single dvd, and two limited edition double-vinyl gatefold sets. April 20 is set as the European release date for the series. The audio aspect of the Live Inferno series features exclusive recordings from the bands headlining performances at Norways Inferno Festival and Germanys Wacken Open Air Festival. The video portion, titled Live at Wacken Open Air 2006 - A Night of Emperial Wrath, has a running time of 70-minutes and includes footage professionally filmed at the Wacken Open Air Festival with additional on-stage and exclusive backstage footage filmed and compiled by the band. It looks like these releases will be the final nail in the coffin for Emperor, says guitarist Samoth. They are a testimony of the live reunion that took Emperor to even new heights; unique events like Wacken where Emperor headlined in front of 60 000 people. We had a great run of shows and feel lucky that we were able to come back even bigger and perform songs from our complete catalogue for a lot of dedicated fans old and new. There will be several cool formats and limited editions coming that should be a nice treat for the fans and a worthy representation of the Emperor legacy. Emperor is dead, long live the Emperor! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XIV NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 6. APRIL EMPEROR LIVE AT WACKEN OPEN AIR 2006 – A NIGHT OF EMPERIAL WRATH Candlelight CANDLE 231DVD DVD 0803341253940 Tracklist 1. Infinity Burning (medley) 2. Cosmic Keys to my Creations & Times 3. Thus Spake the Nightspirit 4. An Elegy of Icaros 5. Curse you all Men! 6. With Strength I Burn 7. Towards the Pantheon 8. The Majesty of the Nightsky 9. The Loss and Curse of Reverence 10. In the Wordless Chamber 11. I am the Black Wizards 12. Inno a Satana Running time: approx 70 min. Bonus material: A selection of on and off stage bootleg material. Candlelight Records confirms the completion of the final recordings from black metal legends Emperor. Titled Live Inferno, the special live series features various releases recorded/filmed during the bands sold out 2005-2007 reunion performances. Several formats will be available including a 2cd/ slip case with 16-page booklet, a limited edition box featuring 2 cds & dvd with an enhanced 24 page booklet, a single dvd, and two limited edition double-vinyl gatefold sets. April 20 is set as the European release date for the series. The audio aspect of the Live Inferno series features exclusive recordings from the bands headlining performances at Norways Inferno Festival and Germanys Wacken Open Air Festival. The video portion, titled Live at Wacken Open Air 2006 - A Night of Emperial Wrath, has a running time of 70-minutes and includes footage professionally filmed at the Wacken Open Air Festival with additional on-stage and exclusive backstage footage filmed and compiled by the band. It looks like these releases will be the final nail in the coffin for Emperor, says guitarist Samoth. They are a testimony of the live reunion that took Emperor to even new heights; unique events like Wacken where Emperor headlined in front of 60 000 people. We had a great run of shows and feel lucky that we were able to come back even bigger and perform songs from our complete catalogue for a lot of dedicated fans old and new. There will be several cool formats and limited editions coming that should be a nice treat for the fans and a worthy representation of the Emperor legacy. Emperor is dead, long live the Emperor! FORHÅND 6. APRIL BOB MOULD LIFE AND TIMES Anti EPIT 70142 CD 8714092701425 Tracklist 01. Life and Times 02. The Breach 03. City Lights (Days Go By) 04. MM 17 05. Argos 06. Bad Blood Better 07. Wasted World 08. Spiraling Down 09. I’m Sorry, Baby, But You Can’t Stand In My Light Any More 10. Lifetime 30 years since the formation of HÜSKER DÜ and 20 years since their explosive demise and the subsequent release of his first lauded solo effort Workbook - called a “masterpiece” by critics - BOB MOULD is marking anniversaries with an album filled with self-reflection and an unflinching examination of the world around him. Standouts like Wasted World and I’m Sorry Baby, But You Can’t Stand In My Light Anymore highlight an artist completing a cycle decades in the making, his talent undiminished, his perspective acute. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XV NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 13. APRIL DIVERSE ARTISTER BOB DYLAN’S THEME TIME RADIO HOUR – BEST OF THE SECOND SERIES Chrome Dreams CDCD 5025 0823564611822 2CD Following the huge success of Chrome Dreams two previous compilations featuring tracks played by Bob Dylan on the first series of his Theme Time Radio Hour, we now proudly present a further 52 tracks as played by Bob across the second series of the show. The selections are just as eclectic, fascinating and enjoyable as those he played during the first series, and again each show was themed by subject matter. TRACK LISTING DISC 1 1 Hello Stranger - The Carter Family - Show 1 HELLO 2 Young Mans Blues - Mose Allison - Show 2 YOUNG & OLD 3 Young Fashioned Ways - Muddy Waters - Show 2 YOUNG & OLD 4 Lucy Mae Blues - Frankie Lee Sims - Show 3 DAYS OF THE WEEK 5 Blue Monday - Smiley Lewis - Show 3 DAYS OF THE WEEK 6 California Blues - Webb Pierce Show 4 CALIFORNIA 7 Rollin Stone - Muddy Waters - Show 5 CLASSIC ROCK 8 Mr Thrill - Mildred Jones - Show 6 CADILLAC 9 Speedoo - The Cadillacs - Show 6 CADILLAC 10 Dry Bones - The Delta Rhythm Boys - Show 7 HEAD TO TOE 11 Roll In My Sweet Babys Arms - The Monroe Brothers - Show 7 HEAD TO TOE 12 Big Legs - Gene Phillips - Show 7 HEAD TO TOE 13 Brain Cloudy Blues - Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys - Show 7 HEAD TO TOE 14 Smoke ! Smoke ! Smoke (That Cigarette) - Tex Williams & His Western Caravan - Show 8 SMOKING 15 Cigareets, Whuskey And Wild, Wild Women - Red Ingle & The Natural Seven - Show 8 SMOKING 16 Reefer Man - Baron Lee - Show 8 SMOKING 17 All I Have To Do Is Dream - The Everly Brothers - Show 9 DREAMS 18 Sh-Boom - The Chords - Show 9 DREAMS 19 Lets Have A Party - Wanda Jackson Show 10 PARTY 20 Caldonias Party - Smiley Lewis - Show 10 PARTY 21 One Bad Stud - The Honey Bears - Show 11 COUNTDOWN 22 Dedicated To The One I Love - The 5 Royales - Show 12 NUMBER ONE 23 One Night - Elvis Presley - Show 12 NUMBER ONE 24 Walking By Myself - Jimmy Rogers & Big Walter Horton - Show 13 WALKING 25 The Walk - Jimmy McCracklin - Show 13 WALKING 26 Down In Mexico - The Coasters - Show 14 AROUND THE WORLD part 1 TRACK LISTING DISC 2 1 All Around The World - Little Willie John - Show 15 AROUND THE WORLD part 2 2 Ubangi Stomp - Warren Smith - Show 15 AROUND THE WORLD part 2 3 The Key (To Your Door) - Sonny Boy Williamson - Show 16 LOCK AND KEY 4 Key To The Highway - Little Walter - Show 16 LOCK AND KEY 5 Write Me A Letter - The Ravens Show -17 MAIL 6 Im Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself a Letter - Fats Waller - Show 17 MAIL 7 I Feel That Old Age Coming On - Wynonie Harris - Show 18 PRESIDENTS DAY 8 (Gotta Go) Upside Your Head - Buddy & Ella Johnson - Show 18 PRESIDENTS DAY 9 Gloomy Sunday - Billie Holiday - Show 18 PRESIDENTS DAY 10 Send For The Doctor - Doc Pomus - Show 19 DOCTORS 11 Dr. Kinsey Report - Lord Lebby - Show 19 DOCTORS 12 Hadocal Boogie - Bill Nettles & The Dixie Blue Boys - Show 19 DOCTORS 13 Better Beware - Esther Phillips - Show 20 DANGER 14 Youre The Dangerous Type - Bob Dorough - Show 20 DANGER 15 Be Careful (What You Say And Do) - John Brim - Show 20 DANGER 16 The Rooster Song - Fats Domino - Show 21 BIRDS 17 Bird Gets The Worm - Charlie Parker - Show 22 MORE BIRDS 18 White Dove - The Stanley Brothers - Show 22 MORE BIRDS 19 Hold Em Joe - Andre Toussaint - Show 23 JOE 20 Wheres Joe? - Blue Lu Barker - Show 23 JOE 21 Diamond Joe - Cisco Houston - Show 23 JOE 22 Red Hot - Billy Lee Riley - Show 24 HEAT 23 Great Balls Of Fire - Jerry Lee Lewis - Show 24 HEAT 24 Hot Little Mama - Johnny Guitar Watson - Show 24 HEAT 25 Cold Cold Feeling - T-Bone Walker - Show 25 COLD 26 Stone Cold Man - The Charmer - Show 25 COLD FORHÅND 13. APRIL BOOKER T. JONES POTATO HOLE Anti EPIT 69482 8714092694826 CD Trailblazing soul man BOOKER T. JONES has written the most audacious chapter of his career with Potato Hole, his first solo album in decades and the natural evolution of his groundbreaking work leading BOOKER T AND THE MGs in the 1960s. Backed by the DRIVE-BY TRUCKERS with BOOKER’s signature Hammond B3, Potato Hole is raw and edgy, fun and innovative. Produced by ROB SCHNAPF & BOOKER T. Lead guitar on most tracks by NEIL YOUNG! Tracklist 01. Pound It Out 02. She Breaks 03. Hey Ya 04. Native New Yorker 05. Nan 06. Warped Sister 07. Get Behind The Mule 08. Reunion Time 09. Potato Hole 10. Space City Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XVI NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 20. APRIL ART BRUT ART BRUT VS SATAN Cooking Vinyl COOKCD 492 CD 0711297489224 Tracklist 1.Alcoholics Unanimous 2. Dc Comics And Chocolate Milkshake 3. The Passenger 4. Am I Normal? 5. What A Rush 6. Demons Out! 7. Slap Dash For No Cash 8. The Replacements 9. Twist And Shout 10. Summer Job 11. Mysterious Business ART BRUT will be releasing its third studio album, ART BRUT vs Satan on Monday 20th April. Produced by BLACK FRANCIS over twelve days in December 2008, ART BRUT vs Satan is the record Brut-o-philes have been waiting for since debut single Formed A Band illuminated the musical universe back in 2004. From Passengers, a neat inversion of IGGY POP’s ode to isolation, to the deeply personal DC Comics And Chocolate Milk (“From delivering post to serving beer/I’ve never had much of a career”), it’s a rummage through the diaries of British pop’s sharpest observationist. The pivotal Demons Out!, meanwhile, casts singer ARGOS as an indie Witchfinder General on the trail of those who would corrupt music to their own ends, complete with the lyric: “This is ART BRUT versus Satan/The record buying public, we hate them!” But the surprise comes with a final Mysterious Bruises. A seven minute excursion into the agit-funk of ’77 era TALKING HEADS complete with the Pullitzer-prize worthy couplet: “I can’t remember anything I’ve done/I fought the floor and the floor won!” it’s a sobering account of the morning after the night before which seems destined to fill dance floors from Paris to Pasadena. FORHÅND 20. APRIL TARDY BROTHERS BLOODLINE Candlelight CANDLE 269CD CD 0803341250673 Tracklist 1. Bring You Down 2. Bloodline 3. I’m Alive 4. Deep Down 5. Wired 6. Fate’s Call 7. Eternal Lies 8. Scream Descendent 9. Fade Away THE OBITUARY BROTHERS RETURN WITH A NEW SLAB OF CRUSHING FLORIDIAN DEATH METAL. In 1984, John and Donald Tardy started their first band, Executioner (later Xecutioner), with long time friend and guitar player Trevor Peres. By 1989, they changed their name to Obituary, and the first album Slowly We Rot was released. Almost 25 years and multiple releases later the Tardy Brothers have decided to record some of their own music. Tardy Brothers Bloodline is the first of what the brothers hope are several releases that they plan to invite some of the many friends / musicians they’ve met over the years to record with. For the first release, the brothers have invited new Obituary (former Deicide, Death) guitarist Ralph Santolla and are bringing back the original Executioner guitarist Jerry Tidwell!!!! “Fullt av glimrende, groovy låter, som ikke vil skuffe noen fan av hverken Obituary eller death metal generelt.” - Scream Magazine Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XVII NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 FORHÅND 20. APRIL/5. MAI ISIS WAVERING RADIANT Conspiracy CORE 078 / CORE 078DBLLP 5425015710785 / 5425015710853 2LP/CD Nytt album med ISIS, det femte i rekken. Produsert av JOE BARRESI (TOOL, QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, KYSS, SATYRICON). Mer info kommer. NB! SLIPPES PÅ DOBBEL VINYL 14 DAGER TIDLIGERE ENN CD! Tracklist 1) Hall Of The Dead 2) Ghost Key 3) Hand Of The Host 4) Wavering Radiant 5) Stone To Wake A Serpent 6) 20 Minutes / 40 years 7) Treshold Of Transformation FORHÅND 18. MAI SUNN O))) MONOLITHS & DIMENSIONS Southern Lord SUNN 100 CD 0808720010022 SUNN O))) is proud to present their 7th studio album after 10 years of existence. Work that spanned a year and a half resulted in their most intense, mature work to date. Recorded at various points throughout 2007 & 2008 by Randall Dunn and Mell Dettmer , it features an array of other players including long-time collaborators Attila Csihar and Oren Ambarchi , and other luminaries such as Julian Priester (notable for work with Sun Ra and Herbie Hancock), and slow music God-father Dylan Carlson of Earth. In addition, arrangements were handled by noted composer Eyvind Kang who has worked with John Zorn, Bill Frisell and Mike Patton amongst others. Fleshing out the usual Sunn lineup is an upright bass trio, french & English horns, a harp and flute duo, piano, brass, reed & string ensembles. Despite this, this is not “SUNN with strings” or “metal meets orchestra” material, this is something altogether more exciting. Monoliths & Dimensions is practice in density, gravity & momentum. This description is only the tip of the iceburg. Tracklist Aghartha (17:34) Big Church [megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért] (09:43) Hunting & Gathering (Cydonia) (10:02) Alice (16:21) Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com XVIII SJEKKLISTE NYHETER UKE 12 - 2009 ARTIST HARDROCK/METAL Absu Airbourne All That Remains Anathema At The Gates Audrey Horne Aura Noir Benea Reach Bloodbath Blood Red Throne Bllut Aus Nord Burzum Carburetors Carcass Carpathian Forest Clutch Cradle Of Filth Cult Of Luna Darkthrone Deicide Doro Dødheimsgard Earth El Caco Electric Wizard Emperor Enslaved Entombed Funeral For A Friend Grand Magus Haunted Ihsahn Isis Katatonia Keep Of Kalessin Khold Kylesa Lamb Of God Lumsk Machine Head Mayhem Melvins Ministry Municipal Waste My Dying Bride Nachtmystium Neurosis Nickelback Opeth Orcustus Porcupine Tree Sabaton Satyricon She Said Destroy Slipknot Storm Susperia Taake Throne Of Katarsis Trivium U.D.O. Ulver Windir Wino ARTIST POP/ROCK & DIVERSE TITTEL BEST.NR ARTIST Absu Runnin’ Wild (Tour Edition) Overcome The Silent Enigma Slaughter Of The Soul No Hay Banda Hades Rise Alleviat The Fathomelss Mastery Come Death Memoria Vetusta II Lord Of Darkness - Anthology Rock ‘N’ Roll Forever Symphonies Of Sickness dual.. Morbid Fascination Of Death Full Fathom Five Godspeed On The Devil’s... Eternal Kingdom Dark Thrones & Black Flags Scars Of The Crucifix Fear No Evil Supervillain Outcast The Bees Made Honey In The... Heat Witchcult Today Anthems To The Welkin...box Ruun Serpent Saints Memory And Humanity Iron Will Warning Shots Angl In The Absence Of Truth The Great Cold Distance Armada Hundre År Gammal Static Tensions Wrath Det Vilde Kor The Blackening (Tour Edition) Wolf’s Lair Abyss Nude With Boots Cover Up The Art Of Partying Redux An Ode To Woe Assassins Given To The Rising Dark Horse Still Life - Special Edition Orcustus Nil Recurring The Art Of War Nemesis Divina This City Speaks In Tongues All Hope Is Gone Nordavind Cut From Stone Taake Helvete - Det Iskalde Mørket Shogun Mastercutor Shadows Of The Sun Valfar, Ein Windir Punctuated Equilibrium CANDLE 220CD RR 79638 10067 CD CDVILEF 256 MOSH143V DOG003 CDVILEF173 TABU028 CDVILEF 242 MOSH332 CANDLE 141CD BOB086CD BDM 0138726 MOSH 018D CDVILED194 WM 001CD RR 79235 MOSH359L CDVILEF 237X MOSH 273V AFMCD 233-9 FOGCD037 SUNN90 BLNCD 014 RISECD100 CANDLE187CDSE TABU022 CANDLE183CD RR 79112 RISECD113 MOSH 374 CANDLE218CD IPC81 CDVILEF128 TABU019 TABU029 10071 CD RR 78865 TABU023 RR 80165 AMAZON012CD IPC105 THP008 MOSH331X CDVILEF207X CANDLE217CD NR050 RR 80282 CDVILED 183X LORD 102 CDVILEF 235 BLOD055CD FOGCD012 TABU 030 RR 79385 FOGCD004 TABU024 KAR 043 CANDLE 271CD RR 79858 AFMCD159-2 TRICK041CD TABU006 SUNN 99 Antony & the Johnsons Auerbach Dan Bakerton Group Band Of Horses Balkan Beat Box Beirut Bird Andrew Bishop Allen Bloc Party Bronx Brun Ane Brut Boogaloo Case, Neko Cassidy,Eva Calexico Chairlift Chatham County Line Crowell Rodney Dälek Danielson Eagles Of Death Metal Einsturzende Neubauten Explorers Club Farmers Market Fleet Foxes Flight Of The Conchords Flogging Molly Ford,Jim Gaslight Anthem Giant Sand Gogol Bordello Grand Archives Giuld Grand Duchy Handsome Furs Iron & Wine Jurado Damien King Crimson Lambchop Little Hands Of Asphalt Lukestar Magnolia Electric Co. My Little Pony N.A.S.A. 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