shipping addresses - Womens Wear In Nevada
shipping addresses - Womens Wear In Nevada
August 15-18, 2016 SHIPPING ADDRESSES Rio All Suite Hotel Las Vegas, NV Advance Shipments to Warehouse 7R([KLELWLQJ&RPSDQ\DQGERRWKQXPEHU )RU Womens Wear in Nevada c/o ESS 3455 W. Sunset Rd. Ste L Las Vegas, NV 89118 $GYDQFHVKLSPHQWVDUHDFFHSWHGIURP July 11 through August 11, 2015 Direct Shipments to Show Site 7R([KLELWLQJ&RPSDQ\DQGERRWKQXPEHU )RU Womens Wear in Nevada ;SHUW([SRVLWLRQ6HUYLFHV c/o 5LR$OO6XLWH+RWHO :)ODPLQJR5G /DV9HJDV19 )LUVWGD\GLUHFWVKLSPHQWVZLOOEHDFFHSWe G LV on Friday, August 12, 2016 $Q\VKLSPHQWDUULYLQJSULRUWR8/126 PD\QRW EHDFFHSWHGDQGLVVXEMHFWWR aGGLWLRQDOKDQGOLQJ IHHV 3455 W. Sunset Rd. Suite L, Las Vegas, NV 89118 P (855) 677-EXPO (3976) F (702)248-8002 August 15-18, 2016 HOTEL SHIPPING INFORMATION All crates, packages, cartons and fiber cases sent directly to show site must be addressed using the DIRECT SHIPMENT LABEL on the following pages, to arrive on: Friday August 12 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Saturday August 13 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday August 14 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday August 15 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Tuesday August 16 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Wednesday August 17 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Thursday August 18 8:00 am - 12:00 pm $Q\IUHLJKWDUULYLQJDWWKHKRWHOEHIRUHWKHRIILFLDOVKRZPRYHLQGD\VPD\EHUHIXVHGDQGUHWXUQHG DWWKH([KLELWRU¶VH[SHQVHRUDFFHSWHGDQGFKDUJHGDQDGGLWLRQDOKDQGOLQJIHHE\WKHKRWHO 3OHDVHFRQILUPVKLSSLQJWUDFNLQJLQIRUPDWLRQSULRUWRGHSDUWLQJIRUVKRZ%ULQJVKLSSLQJWUDFNLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQZLWK\RX ;SHUW([SRVLWLRQ6HUYLFHVDQG::,16KRZ0DQDJHPHQWZLOOQRWEHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHWUDFNLQJ RUORFDWLQJRIKDQGOLQJRUGHOLYHU\RIRUFRVWVDQGIHHVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKVKLSPHQWVDFFHSWHGE\WKHKRWHO 3OHDVHUHIHUWRWKH6KLSSLQJ$GGUHVVHVSDJHLQWKLVPDQXDOIRUVKLSSLQJLQVWUXFWLRQV 3455 W. Sunset Rd. Suite L, Las Vegas, NV 89118 P (855) 677-EXPO (3976) F (702)248-8002 Womens Wear In Nevada c/o ESS 3455 W. Sunset Rd. Ste Le /DV9HJDV1918 Womens Wear In Nevada c/o ESS 3455 W. Sunset Rd. Ste L Las Vegas, NV 89118 Womens Wear In Nevada c/o ESS 3455 W. Sunset Rd. Ste L Las Vegas, NV 89118 Womens Wear In Nevada c/o ESS 3455 W. Sunset Rd. Ste L Las Vegas, NV 89118 3455 W. Sunset Rd. Suite L, Las Vegas, NV 89118 P (855) 677-EXPO (3976) F (702)248-8002 Womens Wear In Nevada ;SHUW([SRVLWLRQ6HUYLFHV 5LR$OO6XLWH+RWHO :)ODPLQJR5G /DV9HJDV19 Womens Wear In Nevada ;SHUW([SRVLWLRQ6HUYLFHV 5LR$OO6XLWH+RWHO :)ODPLQJR5G /DV9HJDV19 Womens Wear In Nevada ;SHUW([SRVLWLRQ6HUYLFHV 5LR$OO6XLWH+RWHO :)ODPLQJR5G /DV9HJDV19 Womens Wear In Nevada ;SHUW([SRVLWLRQ6HUYLFHV 5LR$OO6XLWH+RWHO :)ODPLQJR5G /DV9HJDV19 3455 W. Sunset Rd. Suite L, Las Vegas, NV 89118 P (855) 677-EXPO (3976) F (702)248-8002 EFS knows tradeshow shipping and our 21st century approach allows you to tailor a shipping plan that meets your specific needs to, between, and from any shows. Anytime and anywhere. TO SHOWS: • • • • Full coverage of North America = pickups anywhere Special needs? Liftgate? Residential pick up? Need an appointment? Just ask. In-transit tracking = assurance of on-time delivery Preferred carrier status = your shipment is in your booth before you are BETWEEN SHOWS: • • • All-in caravan rates include freight cost, fuel, storage, and show site delivery We store at our destination centers so you avoid advance warehouse costs No added wait time charges at delivery FROM SHOWS: • • EFS representatives will be at the exhibitor service desk at all shows Ship prepaid or collect to a customer at the same low show rates We track your shipment during transit and handle all communications needed for on-time delivery…SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO! 3 EASY WAYS GET STARTED All you need to do is request a pickup. Here are three ways how: ONLINE: • • • For a free quote, visit our website: Set up an account Enter your pickup information E-MAIL: • • • Complete the Pickup Order Form on screen and save, or Print the blank form to complete by hand and scan E-mail the completed form to FAX: • • • Complete the Pickup Order Form on screen and print, or Print the blank form to complete by hand Fax the completed form to 702.988.4214 QUESTIONS? Contact one of our dedicated trade show experts toll-free at 800-382-7700 or email (P) 800.382.7700 | (F) 702.988.4214 | |