2 - Guilden Morden Village Website
2 - Guilden Morden Village Website
An Introduction to SPEP Sustainable solutions for South Cambs Wednesday 19 November 7.30 – 9.30 pm Melbourn Community Hub 30 High Street, Melbourn, SG8 6DZ The Sustainable Parish Energy Partnership is a network of over 30 parishes across South Cambridgeshire at the forefront of community action on sustainable energy, helping residents insulate their homes so they are warmer and cheaper to heat understand and take advantage of government schemes and grants generate their own heat and power with renewable energy technologies move South Cambridgeshire towards a low carbon future This event is for parish and district councillors and residents from the west of the district who are new to SPEP or who would like to get more involved. 7.30 pm Welcome Siobhan Mellon, Parish Energy Project Officer, South Cambridgeshire District Council 7.40 pm How local sustainability projects can make a difference: a brief overview Tom Clarke, Haslingfield (Tom did his Geography degree dissertation on this subject) 7.55 pm How to get involved in SPEP and the support SCDC offers Siobhan Mellon, Parish Energy Project Officer, South Cambridgeshire District Council 8.10 pm Project Case Studies How to use thermal imaging to pinpoint insulation and draught problems and offer solutions Carolyn Postgate, eCoton How to help residents switch to energy saving lightbulbs Bev Edwards, Barton Energy Group How to organise a Village Energy Day Tom Clarke, Haslingfield SPEP 8.30 pm How to Green a Village John Mercer will talk about Gamlingay which is notable for several green initiatives including the Ecohub - possibly the greenest community centre in the UK, the Gamlingay community wind turbine -generating clean electricity and also funding for village projects, and Gamlingay Green Day – now in its third year. 8:45 pm Questions, networking and time to look at displays of previous SPEP initiatives and sign up for future events 9:30 pm Close Local Highway Improvement Initiative Funding Application Form Please complete all sections of this form. Please note failure to provide adequate information may result in your proposal being discounted, or further information being sought. Applying Organisation: Guilden Morden Parish Council Contact Name: John Matthews (Parish Councillor) Address: 46 Foxhill Road Guilden Morden SG8 0JH Email: jack-birch12@outlook.com Telephone: 01763 853 423 Location of Proposal: Cannon’s Close, Guilden Morden Objectives of Proposal: What would you like to address? What would you like to achieve? (e.g. Speed control, new footway, parking restrictions etc). Problems to be addressed The problems relate to a narrow cul de sac of, predominantly, 1950’s social housing with older residents. A partial solution for improved access was implemented some years ago: The verge was partly gravelled so that cars mounting the kerb no longer caused ruts. Increased car ownership means this solution is no longer sufficient. In addition the gravelled area causes its own problems and trip hazards for pedestrians. In summary the problems are: 1) Narrow street a. It is very difficult for wide vehicles, such as refuse collection, delivery and emergency service vehicles to gain access to any of the properties. b. Challenging driving conditions for residents, some of whom have relatively poor mobility. This is exacerbated when, as is now the norm, vehicles are parked in the street, so that even ordinary cars have to use the verge c. Restricted access to garages, exacerbating parking problems 2) Uneven kerbs and verges a. The strip of gravel creates a ridge between the verge and the kerb which is uneven and difficult to see. This is a hazard for older people, especially those who use mobility aids, and for young families with prams etc. We wish to achieve the following: 1) Slightly wider highway suitable for standard large vehicles such as refuse collection, emergencies etc 2) Safer and more convenient pedestrian access and crossing points Solution We have consulted Highways manager (Jonathan Clark). The preferred solution seems to be to reposition approximately 20 m of kerbing, widening the road by approximately 1 m with an indicative cost of £8,000. Local support Community lobbying has resulted in South Cambridgeshire District Council implementing such measures as it can: It has recently obtained planning permission (ref. S/0500/14/FL) to create a number of parking spaces and plans to carry out the work imminently. Further, the Highways Manager recently met the SCDC project team to coordinate resurfacing, reinstatement etc. This gives a window of opportunity for maximum cost efficiency by coordinated the kerb work with the other projects. www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk Panels will score each of the proposals received against the following aims of the LHI initiative: 1) Persistent Problems: The degree to which ongoing difficulties are addressed 2) Road Safety: The degree to which a proposal could reduce hazards or improve road safety 3) Community Improvement: (social or economic) The degree to which a proposal addresses something felt to be very important locally. Each of these aims will be scored in the following way: Aims 1 - 3 Score 0: Fails to deliver any improvement Score 1-3: Delivers few of the aims of the LHI initiative Score 4-6: Delivers some of the aims of the LHI initiative Score 7-9: Delivers a substantial improvement Please outline how your proposal fulfills the LHI Initiative aims. Persistent Problems: e.g. regular speeding in a community or provide parking area The project will address the problem of difficult access It is not intended that moving the kerbs will create additional parking spaces but it should make the planned spaces more accessible and viable, as described in section 3 (Community Improvement) below. Road Safety: e.g. improving crossing facilities for pedestrians The area is one with many elderly residents and young families who currently find the layout difficult to navigate. Removing the trip hazard (shown) will improve the crossing facilities for pedestrians Community Improvement: e.g. new streetlight or disabled parking spaces The work will help to improve access to the parking places, particularly those planned for the entrance to the close (see extract from the planning application). The narrow road means some drivers are likely to struggle to turn in or out of the space. Those drivers are likely to be the ones for whom the parking scheme has most potential benefit as it provides parking directly outside the bungalows. Please attach additional information in support of your application e.g. plans, correspondence. (Maximum of 3 pages) Financial Contribution: Can you confirm that you understand that you will be asked to contribute at least 10% of the cost of the scheme. Yes/No Please note that unless you are able to contribute 10% of the costs your proposal will not be assessed. The estimated cost of your project: £8,000 (see indicative costs) Thank you for taking the time to submit your proposal. Disrepair of Roads and Pathways Guilden Morden 1 SYNOPSIS At the request at a number of residents and in particular John Matthews, resident and Parish council member. Residents have a number of concerns, the state of the roads and the footpaths, the parking of people in certain roads, Cannon’s close being one in particular. The design of this close, the road and subsequent verges are a source of problems and safety concerns, earlier this year, both ambulance and fire services have had issues with gaining access to people in situations at the end of this close. Parking in this close is a case of goodwill on behalf of the neighbours. The area of Grass on Fox hill is being maintained by the residents and the pavements in the areas of Fox Hill, Fox Hill Road, Cannons Close and New Road are appallingly bad, with elderly residents prominent in this area it is an accident waiting to Happen 2 FINDINGS The following photographs are documentary evidence of the condition of the roads and pavements in the aforementioned roads in Guilden Morden. Fig 1 Garage Area Cannons Close Fig 2 Alley way from Garage Fig Cannons Close Roads Fig 4. Unacceptable Kerb, Verge destroyed and problem of parking and Access Cannons Close Figures 5, 6, 7 Swan Lane Gully filled with Stinking Mud and overgrown Figs 8 & 9 Path ways on Fox Hill and Fox Hill Road Fig 10 New Road Gully Completely overgrown, full Figs 11,12,13 below 14 & 15 New Road Gully completely full and overgrown 3 CONCLUSIONS From the above it can be seen that there is genuine cause for concern for the residents of Guilden Morden and I wholeheartedly back their complaints that as a council we are not maintaining to a safe level the roads paths and gullys in the village, they feel their complaints are being treated with disdain. As a council I believe we need officers and residents to meet to clear these issues out and we need to put a plan of works and costing together to eliminate these issues Written By Cllr Adrian Dent for Bassingbourn Ward GUILDEN MORDEN CANNONS CLOSE LHI 2014 KERB WIDENING To support application made by CLLR John Matthews. October 29th 2014 1 GUILDEN MORDEN CANNONS CLOSE LHI 2014 KERB WIDENING BACKGROUND Cannons Close was built during the 1950's to meet social housing needs of the time and consisted of eight semi -detached houses on a narrow road. Later, during the 60- 70' two blocks of bungalows were added bringing the total number of houses and bungalows to 17- later two blocks of garages were also built at the back of Cannons Close. At that time car ownership was low so access and parking was not a problem. As car ownership has increased and particularly from the late 1980's the problems of access and parking have slowly got worse. SITUATION NOW Access to and parking on Cannons Close has become chronic and so bad that cars now have to run up the verge to traverse the road and parking on grassed verges has now become the norm emergency services have had trouble in the past attending incidents for people at the end of the Close because of the parked cars blocking the access. other services such as bin lorries, and other delivery services such as the royal mail all have to run up/mount the kerb to gain access 2 CONSEQUENCE & ONGOING PROBLEM All of this causes significant damage to the kerb and verge. The concrete kerb is now standing proud of the grassed verge some 5inchs all the way along Cannons Close. This is now causing damage to cars suspensions and tracking apart from the unsightly looking ploughed up verge. Other issues are the road is a shared access to the garages behind this causes misery to all residents in surrounding roads who rent the garages and use the road as access. 3 PROPOSAL & SUPPORT The roadway needs to be widened Parking needs to be re configured Funding is requested from you to help make this happen PROPOSAL Unless the kerb is taken back and the road widened it will not solve the problems you see before you in this hand out; as vehicles will still have to run up the broken up kerb and verge. Take the kerb back by 600mm Improving access to all residents of both Cannons Close and surrounding roads and improving there quality of life too Improve access - egress for the emergency services and other large delivery vehicles . Removing the trip hazards for old and young Less damage to both cars and grass verges. Coupled with the S.C.D.C proposed parking scheme would greatly enhance the look of the whole area . Where are we ? Cannons Close has a parking scheme approved by SCDC planning and endorsed by both G.M.P.C and S.D.C housing affordable homes. Indeed Guilden Morden parish council recommended that the kerb be taken back as part of the parish planning approval . If we have funding approved the scheme could begin immediately and be completed within 3-4 months. Unless the kerb is taken back and the road widened it will not solve the problems you see before you in this hand out; as vehicles will still have to run up the broken up kerb and verge. 4 SUPPORT COUNTY CLLR - A DENTS COMMENTS FROM HIS REPORT . Residents have a number of concerns, the state of the roads and the footpaths, the parking of people in certain roads; Cannon’s close being one in particular. The design of this Close, the road and subsequent verges are a source of problems and safety concerns, earlier this year, both ambulance and fire services have had issues with gaining access to people in situations at the end of this close. Parking in this close is a case of goodwill on behalf of the neighbours. SCDC PROPOSED PARKING SCHEME 5 From: Sent: To: Cc: Hills Stephen (Stephen.Hills@scambs.gov.uk) You moved this message to its current location. 04 September 2014 11:34:23 'john matthews' (jack-birch12@outlook.com) Newman Wayne (Wayne.Newman@scambs.gov.uk) John Thank you. Yes they do look in poor condition – I’ll get Wayne Newman to take a look. If they are not ours we will be in contact with the County Council. Regards Stephen 6 Letter from Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP Member of Parliament for South Cambridgeshire Dear Mr Matthews Thank you for contacting Mr Lansley regarding your concerns about the roads and footpaths in Guilden Morden. Further to previous correspondence, I am writing to advise that Cambridgeshire County Council have informed us that their District Council Highways Manager has contacted you to offer a site meeting to investigate these concerns further. I trust that this will be helpful in addressing your concerns. Thank you, once again, for contacting Mr Lansley. Yours sincerely, Katherine Senior Caseworker Office of Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP Member of Parliament for South Cambridgeshire COUNTY CLLR ADRAIN DENTS JULY REPORT ( SEE BELOW ) Disrepair of Roads and Pathways Gulden Morden( By county CLLR A DENT) 1 SYNOPSIS At the request at a number of residents and in particular John Matthews, resident and Parish council member. Residents have a number of concerns, the state of the roads and the footpaths, the parking of people in certain roads, Cannon’s close being one in particular. The design of this close, the road and subsequent verges are a source of problems and safety concerns, earlier this year, both ambulance and fire services have had issues with gaining access to people in situations at the end of this close. Parking in this close is a case of goodwill on behalf of the neighbours. The area of Grass on Fox hill is being maintained by the residents and the pavements in the areas of Fox Hill, Fox Hill Road, Cannons Close and New Road are appallingly bad, with elderly residents prominent in this area it is an accident waiting to happen Unacceptable Kerb, Verge destroyed and problem of parking and Access Cannons Close 7 From the above it can be seen that there is genuine cause for concern for the residents of Guilden Morden and I wholeheartedly back their complaints that as a council we are not maintaining to a safe level the roads paths and gullys in the village, they feel their complaints are being treated with disdain. As a council I believe we need officers and residents to meet to clear these issues out and we need to put a plan of works and costing together to eliminate these issues Written By Cllr Adrian Dent for Bassingbourn Ward 8 PHOTO EVIDENCE The following photographs are documentary evidence of the condition of road and kerb and grass verge in the aforementioned Cannons Close in Guilden Morden . ( No place to go only up the kerb ) 9 ( No place to pass only up the kerb ) 10 ( Note the raised grass verge and broken up kerb stones ) 11 ( Note the raised grass verge and kerb stones) 12 (Even the bin men struggle to do there job) 13 ( DRIVERS VIEW IN THE EVENINGS AND WEEK-ENDS) ( A DRIVERS VIEW LOOKING DOWN CANNONS CLOSE) 14 ( NOTE :-YOU CAN SEE WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE ) 15 (EVEN THE DELIVERY MAN HAS PROBLEMS PARKING) 16 (NOWHERE TO GO ONLY UP THE KERB) 17 18 Asset Value on register Garden master mower (2003) GMSP 23H-04Ver041 £ Lych gate £ Fencing (Iron railings) Suggested value 636.54 £ 1,888.13 £ £1,000 Posts and Wire (cemetrey £850 Village sign £3,164.76 £ - Is the current estimate ok? Insured? Should it be insured? Suggested change in insurance status? Evidence Too high Y N Yes Non-functioning 7,500.00 Too low No comparison available No comparison available 3,500.00 Too low Flagpole and two flags £ 1,000.00 £ 300.00 Too high Streetlight £ 850.00 £ 250.00 Too high War memorial £ 3,000.00 £ 50,000.00 Too low Wall (perimeter to road) £ 1,888.13 £ 7,500.00 Too low Y Y No Grant to Bubury PCC to refurbish and restor War Memorial gates, 2014 =£8,700: http://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/council_and_democracy/commu nity/war_memorial_grants/war_memorial_grants_awarded.aspx Grant to replace rotten wood. gates on lychgate - Wybunbury Tower Preservation Trust =£3,740 http://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/council_and_democracy/commu nity/war_memorial_grants/war_memorial_grants_awarded.aspx Informal estimate from builder (MIke Smith) for complete replacement ~£7-£8k (higher if cedar) N N No £80 - £120 per meter. Various sites, see for example http://www.designermetal.co.uk/iron_gates_railings.htm N N No Wire approx £10/ m +VAT http://www.jacksonsfencing.co.uk/fencing/agricultural-fencing/wire-fencingstock/agricultural-fencing-wire-fencing-stock.aspx Posts approx 32.50 each plus VAT, 1 per m http://www.jacksons-fencing.co.uk/fencing/agriculturalfencing/fence-stakes/agricultural-fencing-fence-stakes.aspx Cost to fit ? Assume £500 per day and 25 posts per day? Y Yincrease Yes Based on complete replacement of similar sign http://www.trumpingtonlocalhistorygroup.org/subjects_VillageSig n_new.html N No See for example http://www.flagsandflagpoles.co.uk/products/product_id/fkp vallue 6m pole inc 2 flags. ~£200 inc VAT and carriage. £350 for taller, higher, quality ones N Yes ebay listing £750 for 12 (not sold) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12Galvanized-Steel-Commercial-Street-Light-Poles-9m-with-Lightfittings-/321200018759 Yes Estimate provided by insurer. Info from Gail Sept 14 Yes Revised following feedback from Gail summer 14 on cost to replace a few stones. Assume 30m of wall at £250 per m N Y Yincrease Yincrease Garden master mower (2004) Dnarm 24" mower (feb 2014) £ 600.87 £ 849.17 No comparison available No comparison available Village Hall £ 267,809.00 £ Millenium sundial £ 1,500.00 £ Parish Pump, inc fence/ stonework £ 1,582.34 Bus shelter (Fox hill) £ 3,776.34 £ Bus shelter (Dubbs Knoll) £ £ 318.27 £ Stimmer line Husvama 235R with blade/ goggles £ - £ Yes Non-functioning Y Yes Rationale - Old mowers were insured; readily stolen No Actual insured value to rebuild. Responsibility of the management committee. Advise committee of suggested revised valuation 302,671.00 Too low 2,000.00 Too low N Yincrease No comparison available Stimmer / brush cutterKawasaki TG33 Seats on recreation ground (9 off, per seat) N N £ 566.44 8,000.00 Too low 8,000.00 300.00 No comparison available No comparison available Yincrease Yes Price discussed at May 2014 meeting for new installation Y Yes Insure when installed Y N Yes Y N Yes Y Y Y No Parish notice board £ 566.41 £ 350.00 Too high Y N Yes Gates metal £ 500.00 £ 500.00 Okay N N No Shed £ 1,416.13 £ Y Y No Play equipment 1,250.00 Too high "general guide prices (including installation) start around £1500 for a vertical wall dial or a horizontal dial with stone plinth /column" http://www.sunnydials.co.uk/prices.htm No No comparison available 300.00 Okay Yes Several on ebay ~£30-£50 Range in the market place. http://www.mowersonline.co.uk/Lawn-Care---Garden-Care/Brush-Cutter---GardenStrimmers/Petrol-Brush-Cutter-Strimmer As for other strimmer/ brush cutter Other seats in the village are not insured. http://www.furnitubes.com/street-furniture/seatingbenches?filters%5B%5D=cast-iron-20 http://www.xldisplays.co.uk/products/External-Notice-Boards%252d-Coloured-Frame.html http://www.xldisplays.co.uk/products/Weather-Shield-LockableExternal-Showcase.html Add £100 to fit example http://www.cannockgates.co.uk/shop/product/297/width/1084/fi nials/1611/finish/1#calc Add £200 to fit Secure shed , 8*12 inc delivery £3,500 http://brodco.co.uk/daylight-secure/ Wooden shed Add £200 to fit See separate log Subject: RE: Application for LHI funding, Cannons Close, Guilden Morden Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing in support of the application submitted by Guilden Morden Parish Council for funding for Local Highway Improvements for taking back the kerb and widening the road on Cannons Close, Guilden Morden. I understand from correspondence with Cllr John Matthews, that concerns regarding the condition of the footpaths and parking on Cannons Close have been ongoing for some time. As such, assistance is being sought to take back the kerb and widen the road to improve safety and access to Cannons Close. There is, I understand, a proposed parking scheme for Cannons Close by South Cambridgeshire District Council, and as Cllr Matthews has highlighted, this project would complement that scheme in helping to address the current issues on Cannons Close outlined in the application. As such, I would be grateful if you could give consideration to this application. Yours sincerely, Andrew Lansley The Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP Member of Parliament for South Cambridgeshire Address: 153 St Neots Road, Hardwick, Cambridge, CB23 7QJ Tel: 01954 212 707 E-mail: lansleya@parliament.uk