e-STAR 337.pmd


e-STAR 337.pmd
Sunday, December 2, 2012 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com
Page 1
No. 151
2, 2008
MAY 11,
Price $1.00
Tut’s Death Ruled As Suicide
Sunday, November 25, 2012:
The passing of Reyes Martin Tut
from Cristo Rey Village, Cayo, has
left the grieving family asking what on
earth could have prompted him to end
his life and to have done so in such a
vicious manner.
The blood stained grass and pieces
of a broken soda bottle are all that
remains on the scene where Reyes
Martin Tut, 36, Belizean laborer of
Cristo Rey Village made the ultimate
decision to violently end his life.
Acting upon information received
at around 2:00 pm on Sunday,
November 25, 2012, a team of
policemen rushed to the Loma Luz
Hospital in Santa Elena Town where
they were directed to the lifeless body
of a male person identified, by a
member of the family, as Reyes
Martin Tut. An inspection of the
body revealed two cut wounds, one
to the chin and the other a slash across
the throat.
The initial investigation revealed that
the deceased began acting strangely
during the early hours on Sunday
morning. He reportedly told the
family that there were bad spirits in
his room and that the devil was
pinching him.
At about midday on Sunday,
November 25, 2012, Tut reportedly
went to a store in the village and was
heard shouting in an irate manner that
he reportedly came upon Reyes
Martin Tut on the ground bleeding.
Without touching the bleeding man,
Juarez reportedly ran to the resort and
returned with help. The blood
drenched man was lifted and placed
inside an Izuzu Rodeo SUV and
rushed to the Loma Luz Hospital
where, on arrival, he was officially
pronounced dead.
The autopsy, conducted by
Forensic Specialist Dr Mario
Estradabran, at the Karl Heusner
Memorial Hospital in Belize City,
certified the cause of death as
Traumatic Asphyxiation, Trachea
The Deceased, Reyes
Martin Tut, 36
Sunrise: January 6, 1976
Sunset: Nov. 25, 2012
he was looking for EMO, so that
EMO could take his life. Shorty
thereafter he was found, bleeding and
grasping for air, about 200 yards from
his uncle’s resort in Cristo Rey village
and about 150 yards from the banks
of the Macal River.
The report indicates that it was
shortly after 1 o' clock that Sunday
afternoon when a friend of the Tut
family, Estevan Juarez, was returning
to work after the lunch hour and as
he was walking through a trail near
the resort, he heard the sound of
someone gasping for air. Upon
the source
the sound,
On of
Injury , Slashing Wound. Dr.
Estradabran further certified that the
injuries were self-inflicted.
Reyes Matin Tut was buried in
his home village, Cristo Rey,
following a solemn 2 pm church
service at the Rosa de Saron
Pentecostal Church in Cristo Rey
Village, on Wednesday, November
25, 2012. He is predeceased by his
mother while leaving to mourn his
father Felipe Tut, two brothers, one
sister, a son, several nieces and
nephews, countless other relatives and
friends. May his soul now rest in
Boyfriend Escapes - Girlfriend
November 26, 2012:
A young woman was today
remanded to prison, after she was
found in proximity with a stash of
weed, while the boyfriend ran off
before the police could lay hands on
San Ignacio police informed that,
armed with a warrant, at around 5:30
on the morning of Sunday,
November 25, they visited the
residence of Luis Flores, located
between miles 68 and 69 on the
George Price Highway, to conduct a
search for marijuana.
Please Turn To Page 2
Nancy Henry, 21
Saturday, December 1, 2012
At Perla Bar & Grill
Inside Princess Int’l San Ignacio
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Boyfriend Escapes - Girlfriend Remanded
From Front Page
Just as the team of policemen were
approaching the residence, they
reportedly saw Flores as he ran
behind the house disappearing into
nearby bushes.
A policeman’s knock on the main
entrance door to the house was
reportedly answered by a female who
told the police that she was Flores’
girlfriend, Nancy Henry. Although
not needed in the search of marijuana,
the police nonetheless proceeded to
read to her the search warrant. She
offered no resistance to the search
at the end of which nothing
incriminating was found.
After the house search she was
asked to accompany the police on a
search of the yard where, in her
presence the police came upon a
black plastic bag under a 40 feet
container located a mere five feet from
the house. A further search of the yard
led to the discovery of another black
plastic bag also containing suspected
Henry and the two bags were
transported to the police station in San
Ignacio where the contents from both
bags were weighed. The first amount
tipped the scale at four and a half
pounds while the other one weighed
in at four pounds for a combined
total of 8.5 pounds of suspected
The discovery led to the arresting
and formal charging of the accused
Nancy Henry, 21, Belizean
bartender of a Benque Veijo Road
address in San Ignacio, on two counts
of drug trafficking.
She appeared in the San Ignacio
Town courtroom of Magistrate
Narda Morgan on Monday,
October 26, 2012 where she pled not
guilty to both charges. She was not
offered bail and instead was
remanded to prison while the case was
adjourned to Tuesday, February 5,
Police continues the search for Luis
Flores against whom they intend to
press similar charges.
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Hode’ss Place, where T
Comfort makes the difference!!
Game Room
We Are Located In The Savannah Area of San Ignacio Town in the
Cayo District. We Cater For Large & Small Groups as Well as for
private functions, parties and meetings. For more Information and
for deliveries within town limits,
please call us at: 804-2522
The 8.5 Pounds Of Weed
Sec 73 of the Supreme Court of
Judicature Act. Chp. 91 of the
Laws of Belize
Civil & Criminal Cases
Lodging and Serving of Summons
Execution of Processes before and after
3rd St. San Ignacio Town
Phone: 824-2562
Cell: 667-9646
Winston Dawson
Registered Process Server
Working Hours:
Monday to Sunday
8:00 am - Until
Sunday, December 2, 2012 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com
Page 3
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Sunday, December 2, 2012 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com
Bedran’s Building Burglarized
November 25, 2012:
San Ignacio police are investigating
the theft of various power tools from
a house, under construction, in Santa
Elena, Cayo.
In a statement to the police, San
Ignacio businessman Cesar Bedran
informed that on Sunday, November
25, 2012, he arrived at his house,
under construction, located in Eden
Drive in Santa Elena Town, and
“The Newspaper that
cares and dares to bring
out the truth”
observed that a window was
Upon checking inside the building,
Bedran discovered that the house
was indeed burglarized and that the
following items were missing: An
orange Sthill weed eater valued at
$1,200, a red Millweik skill saw and
a drill of the same color and brand
valued at $750 each, all for a total
value of $2,700.
San Ignacio police is seeking
Tony Mai
Butane Service
Santiago Juan, Layout, San Ignacio, Cayo
Sunday to Sunday
within Town Limits
Call us at 666-6623
We are people you know!
Page 5
assistance from the community in
recovering the stolen items and the
possible apprehension of the burglar.
The police hereby remind the public
that it is an offence to be found in
possession of stolen goods.
“There are only two
ways to live your
life. One is as
though nothing is a
miracle and the
other is as though
everything is a
Albert Einstein
#42 George Price Highway,
Santa Elena, Cayo,
Belize, CA
Nyani K. August
Albert Nigel August
The BELIZE Natural Energy Charitable Trust awards over BZ$ 550,000 in grants
Office Tel: 804-4900
Cell: 626-8822
and 626-8841
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that YUAN HAI
ZHEN is applying for a
RESTAURANT liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Summer’s Restaurant located
on Benque Viejo Rd. San Ignacio
Town in the Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that SHAOBIAO
LI is applying for a
license for the year 2013 to
operate Jacky’s Restaurant
located on Benque Viejo Rd. San
Ignacio Town in the Cayo
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that LI CAN
RONG is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Long Lucky
Superstore located on George
Price Bulvd, Benque Veijo Town,
Cayo District.
Belmopan City, November 26, 2012 —The BELIZE Natural Energy Charitable Trust is committed to the development of the
Belizean people and communities. On October 19th, 2012, the Board of Trustees approved over $550,000 in grants
to support
fourteen projects throughout Belize. These initiatives, some of which have already commenced, include
electrification of two
rural schools through the installation of solar systems, construction and or upgrading of bathroom facilities, capacity building
through leadership workshops for teachers in Cayo, life skills training for women and daughters in Port Loyola, upgrading of
recreational park facilities for two villages and procurement of new school furniture for two primary schools.
The specific projects and recipients include:
• Installation of solar systems at both the Indian Church Government School in Orange Walk and the Corazon Creek
Technical High School in Toledo. This investment is expected to improve the learning environment for a combined
population of over 250 students;
• Upgrading of bathroom facilities for the students at the St. Mary’s Primary School in Belize City, Solomon Seventh Day
Adventist School in Orange Walk and the facilities at the Guadalupe Roman Catholic School in Sand Hill Village. Over 700
students in these three primary schools will see improved bathroom facilities as these projects are expected to commence
in the next month;
• 35 pre-school students will benefit from upgrading of the Maya Mopan Pre-School located in Maya Mopan Village,
Stann Creek District;
• 90 Students will benefit from repairing of the roof and ceiling for the Bullet Tree Seventh Day Adventist School in the
Cayo District;
• Funding for a library that serves 550 students at Anglican Cathedral College in Belize City;
• Funding has been approved for the procurement of new furniture for over 360 students at the San Luis Rey R.C. School
in Toledo and over 100 students at the Punta Gorda Methodist School in Punta Gorda Town;
• Support for over 200 women to participate in two life skills training sessions- “Saving our Daughters” and “Women
Healthier Living” executed through the Port Loyola Organization for Women;
• Leadership Training for 40 teachers at Santa Elena Primary School in Santa Elena, through the Teacher Leadership
• Upgrading of the recreational park facilities in the villages of Forest Home Village in Toledo and San jose Succotz in Cayo
The Trust takes this opportunity to applaud the many teachers, students and community leaders for their dedication and
commitment to prepare these projects in an effort to improve the learning environment at their schools and the social environment
in the respective communities. The Trust is committed to continue working closely with the recipients during the next few months
to ensure that the projects are successfully executed.
This investment by the BNECT is in addition to the BZ $330,284 grant approved in August to the Restore Belize- “I am Belize
Scholarship Program” to facilitate scholarships for sixty (60) Belizean students enrolled in various high schools and vocational
institutions throughout the Country. Additionally, over $1 million dollars has been invested in the Trust’s signature “Student Loan
Program” which is an ongoing partnership with five local credit unions countrywide offering loan facilities to individuals attending
an educational institution. The BELIZE Natural Energy Charitable Trust was launched in February 2008, and to date the Trust has
invested over BZ$6 million dollars in projects focusing on education and the social environment.
The Belize Natural Energy Charitable mist (BNECT) is a partnership between the Government of Belize and Belize Natural Energy
Limited, established by Deed of Trust dated February 25th 2008. The Trust was established to make a difference in the lives of Belizeans
and thus seeks to empower people and communities to thrive in a harmonious socially and environmentally responsible manner so that they can
be the conscious architects of their own future. The Trusts mission is to serve as a catalyst for people and communities to believe in themselves
so they can achieve their full potential. Opportunities for development are provided through grants for educational-related projects capacity
building programs and initiatives that support the social environment. For More information on the BNECT, visit; www.bnetrust.org
Page 6 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com - Sunday, December 2, 2012
Bringing Smiles To Arenal Children
Saint Ignatius Thrid Form Students And Faculty Members With Gifts In Hand Just Before Heading To Arenal Village
SANTA ELENA, Wednesday 28,
November, 2012:
Bearing Christmas gifts for less
privileged children attending La
Inmaculada Roman Catholic Primary
School, a group of third form students
from St. Ignatius High school in Santa
Elena boarded a bus this Wednesday
afternoon for the ride to Arenal
Village on the western border with
Guatemala near Benque Veijo Town.
The aim of involving these third form
students in community service
activities is to ensure they develop new
relationships, gain important
experiences from helping others and
draw upon or discover unused talents
which they may not even realize they
Due to the importance and many
benefits of the community service
projects being undertaken by the
school, the faculty at St. Ignatius High
School requires that their students
actively participate in the community
service program as part of the
graduation requirement.
In this year’s community service
program, students from third form
were engaged in a massive toy and
gift drive. The community service
committee had seen the need to reach
out to a school that is in much need of
help in the Cayo District. As such La
Inmaculada R.C School in Arenal was
chosen to be the first recipients of the
much deserved gifts from the students
of St. Ignatius High School.
This year as one teacher
mentioned, the tasked at hand is to
bring smiles to the faces of the
children at the school by aiding them
with school supplies, clothing,
footwear, toys and of course treats
for each of the 180 students currently
enrolled at the school.
St. Ignatius High School prides
itself in molding students in the
Catholic faith and as such, in the
pursuit of academic excellence,
they are required to demonstrate a
global perspective and community
The faculty at St. Ignatius High
School strongly believes that by
engaging students in community
service experiences, students may
cultivate a sense of civic virtue; a
Students At La Inmaculada RC Primary School Receiving Their Gifts
service obligation is an annual feature
at St. Ignatius High School.
The faculty and students of St.
Ignatius High School extends a
heartfelt thank you to everyone who
contributed to this year’s event which
brought huge smiles to the faces of
well deserving children from the
village of Arenal, Cayo of which
includes; St. Martin's Credit Union,
Scotia Bank, Chens Supermarket, Highway Supermarket, Tai
San Super Store, STAR Newspaper & Social Security Belmopan
concept of what responsibilities are
inherent to citizenship in a democratic
If you were approached this year
by students of St. Ignatius High
School and missed out on the
opportunity of lending a helping hand,
then keep in mind that the community
Special Thanks To
Everyone Who
Help Bring A Smile
To These Children
Sunday, December 2, 2012 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com
Your Weekly Horoscope and Lucky Numbers
March 22 to April 20
A charismatic person might visit you
this week and want your help
with something. Emotional issues
regarding family might have you
feeling gloomy. Your creative side may
have to lie fallow while you attend to
mundane issues. Basically, you feel
pretty optimistic about your life and
future. You are never afraid of hard
work, and you're persevering. Go
for what you want and make
everyone happy, including you!
Lucky numbers: 30, 53, 79.
April 21 to May 21
Worries about relatives or friends
could plague you throughout the
week. Perhaps you aren't sure what
is wrong and so you feel helpless.
Whatever vague worries you may
have, don't try to figure out the truth
without knowing the facts. You could
make mountains out of molehills. This
isn't a good day to run errands.
Delays and obstacles could cause a
lot of frustration and wasted time.
Lucky numbers: 09, 36, 91.
May 22 to June 21
Group functions and social events
might not prove as satisfying as usual
this week. You may not be in the
mood. You might feel pressured to
mingle when you'd rather sit on the
couch. Whatever conversations you
get into will seem trivial and boring.
This is a good day to sit back and
listen. You might learn from the people
around you without having to say a
word. Lucky numbers: 17, 44, 65.
June 22 to July 23
Pride might get in your way this
week. Perhaps you will be asked to
do a task that you consider beneath
you. Perhaps the people around you
are feeling persnickety. Rise above the
insults and make a special effort to
do the best you can, defusing the
situation before it gets out of hand.
24 Crenshaw St. San Ignacio
Tel: 824 -2730
This week enjoy an evening watching
a movie. Lucky numbers: 23, 50,
July 24 to August 21
Your imagination might conjure
stories or pictures that you want to
memorialize through writing or painting,
but a lack of self-confidence might
discourage you. However, it's probably
a good idea to do it anyway. These ideas
come from deep inside you. Giving them
shape could represent a release from
old traumas. Keep your work hidden
in a drawer if you don't like it. Lucky
numbers: 13, 47, 77.
August 22 to
September 21
Attendance at some kind of group
event might seem especially
appealing today. However, worries
about your family might distract you
so that you don't benefit from it the
way you should. You also might find
some of the conversation boring.
Despite your lack of enthusiasm, it
might be a good idea to get out
anyway. Staying home alone could
make for a gloomy evening. Lucky
numbers: 04, 31, 89.
September 22
to October 23
Let's face it. This week you are likely
to find your chores and errands
exceedingly boring. You could find
yourself watching the clock, feeling
like an hour has gone by and then
realizing it's only been ten minutes. If
you can put off your tasks until
tomorrow, by all means do so.
Nothing is so urgent that it requires
your undivided attention all week.
Treat yourself to a fun afternoon.
Lucky numbers: 27, 68, 95.
October 24 to
November 21
You might be distracted by daydreams
of a trip you're planning to take. A
Draft Beer $3.00
Local Rum $3.00
Panty Ripper $3.95
friend could phone and want to
discuss it, which doesn't help. Visions
of faraway places and exciting
pastimes may dance in your head, and
routine tasks seem incredibly tedious
and unworthy of attention. It is best
to get them done if you can. Then you
can fantasize about your vacation
without guilt! Lucky numbers: 15,
59, 83.
November 22 to
December 21
You might not have heard from a
close friend in a long time and worry
a little. Perhaps this person wasn't
well the last time you talked. If you
can, it might be a good idea to call.
Strange and unsettling dreams could
plague your sleep tonight, but don't
get too agitated. They aren't prophetic
in any way. The symbols probably
represent nothing more than psychic
detritus released through sleep.
Lucky numbers: 19, 32, 73.
Page 7
bore you this week. You are likely to
be restless and strongly tempted to
chuck it all and go somewhere to
enjoy yourself. Take a good look at
what you are doing and try to judge
objectively how important it is to get
it done now. If it isn't that important,
then put it aside. You probably need
to relax! Lucky numbers: 02, 26,
February 20
to March 21
Financial issues may interfere with
your self-expression this week. Perhaps
you need a little more money before
proceeding with a project that means a
lot to you. You usually aren't one to let
this kind of consideration stop you,
though. Just a little bit of thought and
planning could make whatever it is you
want to do more feasible than it appears
to be. Write down some ideas and go
to it! Lucky numbers: 22, 70, 93.
December 22 to
January 20
An older visitor might come to your
door this week. You aren't likely to be
too thrilled about this, but you will be
able to play the good host anyway.
Romance and sociability may be a
bit limited by obligations to family,
particularly parents, but don't let it get
you down. You may be stuck at home
tonight, but you will be able to let loose
later. Lucky numbers: 07, 39, 66.
January 21 to
February 19
Mundane tasks, including errands
and answering correspondence, might
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CELL: 610-3503 or 627-9966 TEL: 824-4971
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Sunday, December 2, 2012 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com
Page 9
Page 10 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com - Sunday, December 2, 2012
Passport and
Drivers License
Can You Raed This
If you can raed this, you have a
stgrane mnid, too.
Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe
out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee
that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what
I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal
pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig
to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what
oerdr the ltteres in a word
are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the
frsit and last ltteer be in
the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl
mses and you can still raed
it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae
the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey
lteter by istlef, but the word as a
Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas
tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Local Psychic
A woman goes to the local psychic
in hopes of contacting her dearly
departed grandmother. The psychic's
eyelids begin fluttering, her hands float
up above the table, and she begins
moaning. Eventually, a coherent voice
emanates saying, "Granddaughter?
Are you there?"
The woman, wide-eyed and on the
edge of her seat, responds,
"Grandmother? Is that you?"
"Yes granddaughter, it's me."
"It's really, really you,
grandmother?", the woman repeats.
"Yes, it's really me, granddaughter."
The woman looks puzzled, "You're
sure it's you, grandmother?"
"Yes, granddaughter, I'm sure
it's me."
The woman pauses a moment,
"Grandmother, I have just one
question for you."
"Anything, my child."
"Grandmother, when did you
learn to speak English?"
Food For Later
Two senior citizens from the old
folks home went to breakfast at a nice
restaurant in San Ignacio where the
"seniors' special" was two eggs,
bacon, potatoes and toast for $1.99.
"Sounds good," the wife said.
"But I don't want the eggs."
"Then I'll have to charge you
two dollars and forty-nine cents
because you're ordering a la
carte," the young waitress warned
"You mean I'd have to pay for
not taking the eggs?" The senior
wife asked incredulously. "In That
case I better take the special."
"How do you want your eggs?"
"Raw and in the shell," the wife
replied. She made sure to take the
eggs home for dinner.
#6 Hudson Street, San Ignacio - Tel: 824-2101
Computer Speakers
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Sec 73 of the Supreme Court of
Judicature Act. Chp. 91 of the
Laws of Belize
Civil & Criminal Cases
Lodging and Serving of Summons
Execution of Processes before and after
3rd St. San Ignacio Town
Phone: 824-2562
Cell: 667-9646
Winston Dawson
Registered Process Server
Working Hours:
Monday to Sunday
8:00 am - Until
FOR SALE- Call: 600-1445
Seagate 3 Terabyte External Hard Drive
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54 Burns Avenue, San Ignacio, Cayo istrict, Belize C.A
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Ask for what you do not see, we can find
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Christmas comes but once a year. Treat That Special
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Clothing, Microwaves, Refrigerators, Boxers, Shoes, Bicycles,
Lawn Mowers, Clothing and so much more.
# 5A Burns Avenue, San Ignacio Cayo.
Tel: 824-3665 Best In Quality, Prices & Service
Sunday, December 2, 2012 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com
Page 11
Mexican President-Elect Pena Nieto Meets Obama
The Mexican president-elect,
Enrique Pena Nieto, has told US
President Barack Obama during
talks at the White House that his main
goal on taking office will be reducing
Mr Pena Nieto, who takes office
on Saturday, is expected to revise
Mexico's war on the drug cartels.
It has cost more than 50,000 lives
since it was launched six years ago.
President Obama complimented
Mr Pena Nieto on what he described
as an "ambitious reform agenda".
"What happens in Mexico has
an impact on our society," he told
Mr Pena Nieto.
He said he expected to build on
the good relationship he had with
outgoing President Felipe Calderon.
Mr Obama, who will be
represented by Vice-President Joe
Biden at the inauguration ceremony
in Mexico City, joked and said he was
Immigration reform
Immigration was also one of the main
issues discussed by the two leaders.
(L-R) Enrique Pena Nieto, US President Barack Obama
Mexican immigrants or American
citizens of Mexican descent account
for about 70% of the Latino
community in the US, estimated at 50
million people.
Mr Obama said he would pursue
immigration reform legislation in his
second term at the White House.
"We fully support your
proposal," Mr Pena Nieto said,
adding that his government was
willing to co-operate in efforts to
reduce illegal migration into the US.
"We want to contribute. We
want to be part of this."
President Obama by-passed
Congress and introduced in June a
programme allowing undocumented
immigrants to apply for temporary right
to work and live in the United States.
Most of the estimated 11.5 million
undocumented immigrants in the US
are from Latin America.
Project Name: Integrated Water and Sanitation Programme for the Placencia Peninsula
Loan Contract No. :
Project No.:
The Government of Belize and Belize Water Services Limited (BWSL), with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank
(IADB, the “Bank”) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) are implementing a sanitation project on the Placencia Peninsula.
BWSL is the Executing Agency for the Project, through a Project Management Unit (PMU) headed by a Project Manager, supported
by an Engineer/Procurement Specialist, two technical specialists, and an administrative assistant with financial management
support from BWSL.
Project Information
Additional information about the project may be obtained from the following website:
Technical Specialists
We Are Located
at The San Ignacio
UNO Service
Station on Beque
Viejo Road
in San Ignacio
Call: 667-7018 or
Provide Provide technical services for 1. Bachelor degree in environmental
the PMU and monitor the design and
studies, chemical or civil engineering
construction of a wastewater system
with 2 years supervising project.
in Placencia.
Associate Degree in environmental
studies, chemical or civil engineering
with 8 years supervising project.
2. Excellent Computer skills.
3. Fluency in written English
The TS will be responsible for providing environmental services to the Project. The TS shall assist the PMU with onsite inspection
of the works conducted by the consultant, verifying field data. He or she will be required to do field visits of all works and
activities to verify that the level of effort performed corresponds to that of the effort contracted.
At the end of the consulting firm’s service, he/she shall continue the data collection using the equipment provide, catalog and file
the data.
She/he will attend and participate in all training exercise and workshops which are made available during his or her contract period.
He/she shall apply training skills and continue all data collection after the consultancy services contracts are completed.
Prime Parcels
Of Land For
Sale In Santa
Elena Town,
For More
Terms of Reference
The full terms of reference and duties are available on BWSL’s web site; www.bws.bz
Expression of Interest
All interested persons can send their letter of interest accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae no later than Monday December
10th, 2012 at 2:00pm to:
Belize Water Services Limited
#7 Central American Boulevard
Belize City
Ref: Placencia Project Technical Specialist Vacancy
Or e-mail
Salary will be negotiated and will be dependent on qualifications and experience. Salary will be paid twice per month.
Page 12 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com - Sunday, December 2, 2012
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that MARIA V.
BARCENAS is applying for a
license for the year 2013 to
operate La Serenita Snack Bar
located in Camalote Village in
the Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that XU SHANG
LIANG is applying for a
RESTAURANT liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Huada Restaurant located on
the George Price Highway, Santa
Elena, in the Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that XIN GE TAN
is applying for a RESTAURANT
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Alwin’s Restaurant
located on George Price Higway,
Santa Elena, in the Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that ELIBERTA
FIGUEROA is applying for a
MALT & CIDER liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Figueroa Shop located in the
Trench Town Area, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that WEI QIANG/
STORE liquor license for the
year 2013 to operate Alwin’s
Super Store located on the
George Price Higway in Santa
Elena Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that XIU FANG
QUI is applying for a
RESTAURANT liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Rainbow Restaurant located
on Bullet Tree Rd. in San Ignacio
Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that HAN TAT
KWOK is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Kwok’s Welcome
Superstore located on the
George Price Higway in Santa
Elena Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that CARLOS
TZIB is applying for a
license for the year 2013 to
operate Amigo’s Bar located in
San Antonio Village, in the Cayo
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that WEIFAN
CHEN is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate B2 Store located on
Santa Maria St, Santa Elena Town,
in the Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that JIN CHEN
CHEN is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor
license for the year 2013 to
operate Chen’s Super Store
located on the George Price
Higway in Santa Elena Town,
Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that KO-OXHAN-NAH is applying for a
RESTAURANT liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
KO-OX-HAN-NAH located on
Burns Avenue, San Ignacio Town
in the Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that ENIL J.
VALDEZ is applying for a
license for the year 2013 to
operate Black Stallion located
on Savannah Street in San Ignacio
Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that FENG YING
TANG is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor
license for the year 2013 to
operate Three Flag’s Super
Store located on the George
Price Higway in Santa Elena
Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that RANG JI
LIANG is applying for a
license for the year 2013 to
operate TAI SAN RESTAURANT located on Burns Avenue,
San Ignacio Town in the Cayo
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that DA HUANG
CHEN is applying for a
CONVENIENCE liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Highway Supermarket located
on George Price Higway in Santa
Elena Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that WEIFENG
TAN is applying for a
license for the year 2013 to
operate Feng Shun Restaurant
located on the George Price
Higway in Santa Elena Town,
Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that LUIS
VALDEZ is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Tienda Gracias De
Dios located on the George
Price Higway in Santa Elena
Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that ZIHE LIU
is applying for a PUBLICAN
SPECIAL liquor license for the
year 2013 to operate Tai San
Fast Food & Shop located on
Savannah Street in San Ignacio
Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that ZIAN LI is
applying for a CONVENIENCE
STORE liquor license for the
year 2013 to operate Brother’s
Supermarket located on the
George Price Higway in Santa
Elena Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that WEN FENG
ZHU is applying for a
license for the year 2013 to
operate First Stop Restaurant
located on the George Price
Higway in Santa Elena Town,
Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that JIE XIONG
LIN is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Lin’s Super Store located on the
George Price Higway in Santa
Elena Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that DONG
QIANG RUAN is applying for a
license for the year 2013
to operate New Flavor Restaurant located on the George Price
Higway in Santa Elena Town,
Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that ZHU BING
CHI is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Bing Bing Storelocated on
Bishop Martin Street in Santa
Elena Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that GUO JIE
ZHEN is applying for a Malt &
Cider liquor license for the year
2013 to operate Yan Zhong
Restaurant located in the Savannah Area, San Ignacio Town, Cayo
Sunday, December 2, 2012 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com
TeachYour Children About The Gift Of Giving
Helping others arms your children
with rewards and skills that will last
long after the holiday season has
faded. Here's how.
We all know that kids love getting
presents at the holidays, but what truly
makes the season special is the
genuine sense of goodwill all around
them. That's why now is the best time
to show a child how to spread that
warmth by helping others. Yes, it's
great for the needy, but it's even
better for your kid. Children love
being helpful (it makes them feel
grown-up), and volunteering "gives
them the chance to experience the
deeply rewarding payoff that
comes from making someone else
happy," says Deborah Spaide,
author of Teaching Your Kids to Care.
When Your Child Gives, He
Courage to initiate change.
When a child improves someone
else's life, he sees that he can change
the world around him -- and even
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that YING YI LEI
is applying for a SHOP liquor
license for the year 2013 to
operate Lei’s Super Store
located on the George Price
Higway in Esperanza Village,
Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that XI MAO
JU is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Sue Supermarket
located on Theodoro Ochoa St.
In San Ignacio Town, Cayo
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that WANCHENG
ZHENG is applying for a
license for the year 2013 to
operate Fei Wang Restaurant
located on Bullet Tree Rd. In San
Ignacio Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that JIEN JIU LIN
is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate J &
J Superstore located on the
George Price Ave in Santa Elena
Town, Cayo District.
himself -- for the better, says Cathryn
Berger Kaye, author of The
Complete Guide to Service Learning.
Compassion for all beings. Helping
people in need lets kids flex their
caring instincts. Same goes for
working with animals. "The
kindness, understanding and
patience that kids learn in caring
for pets segues to gentleness with
peers," says Charlotte LeFrank,
program coordinator at the Child
Abuse Prevention Council in
Windsor, Ontario.
Enthusiasm for teamwork.
Working with others toward a
common goal shows kids that
sharing responsibility can have a
bigger impact than going it alone. Take
7-year-old Natalie Antupit of Seattle.
To aid tsunami victims, she
spearheaded a fundraising bake sale
Page 13
at her school. "I liked working with
my friends, and it was easier with
people helping," she says. "It
made me feel really good to help
people I didn't know."
Powerful pride. Volunteering is a
win-win experience for kids: Every
little bit they do helps, and that, in turn,
is a great self-esteem booster.
"Realizing they did something
to make someone else smile is
priceless," says Spaide. "You can't
match that feeling."
Project Name:
Loan Contract No. :
Project No.:
Integrated Water and Sanitation Programme for the Placencia Peninsula
The Government of Belize and Belize Water Services Limited (BWSL), with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank
(IADB, the “Bank”) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) are implementing a sanitation project on the Placencia Peninsula.
The BWSL is the Executing Agency for the Project, through a Project Management Unit (PMU) headed by a Project Manager,
supported by an Engineer/Procurement Specialist, two technical specialists, and an administrative assistant with financial
management support from BWSL.
Project Information
Additional information about the project may be obtained from the following website:
Provide engineering and procurement 1. Bachelor degree in civil engineering.
services for the design and construction
of a wastewater system in Placencia. 2. Registered as a professional engineer
with a recognised body or extended
3. At least five years experience providing
technical and civil engineering services.
4. Fluency in written English
The Engineer/Procurement Specialist (EPS) will be responsible for providing comprehensive engineering and procurement services
to the Project. In order to carry out the responsibilities stipulated in these terms of reference. The EPS will be supported by two
Technical Specialists who will be dedicated full-time to this project. The EPS shall assist with the preparation of the TOR for the
Technical Specialists.
The Engineer/Procurement Specialist shall assist with the revision of engineering drawings and documents as may be required by
the PMU. He or she will be required to do field visits of all works and activities to verify that the level of effort performed
corresponds to that of the effort contracted.
The Engineer/Procurement Specialist will plan, prepare for and carry out all procurement activities for the PMU. He/She will attend
and participate in all procurement training exercise and workshops which are made available during his or her contract period
Terms of Reference
The full terms of reference and duties area available on BWSL’s web site; www.bws.bz
Expression of Interest
All interested persons can send their letter of interest accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae no later than Monday December
10th, 2012 at 2:00pm to:
Belize Water Services Limited
#7 Central American Boulevard
Belize City
Ref: Placencia Project Engineer/ Procurement Specialist Vacancy
Or e-mail
Salary will be negotiated and will be dependent on qualifications and experience. Salary will be paid twice per month.
Page 14 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com - Sunday, December 2, 2012
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that JIAN
CHANG LI is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Wing Sing Super
Store located on Buena Vista St,
San Ignacio Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that CHUN HUA
HUANG is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Huang’s Store
located on Bullet Tree Rd. San
Ignacio, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that ZHONG
XIAN LI is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Tam’s Supermarket
located on Bullet Tree Rd. San
Ignacio, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that LE WIN
HUANG is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate ABC Superstore
located on Bullet Tree Rd. San
Ignacio, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that RUIBIN
CHEN is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Maxim’s Store
located on Bullet Tree Rd. San
Ignacio, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that BING
HAOLIU is applying for a
RESTAURANT liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Maxim’s Restaurant located on
Benque Viejo Rd, San Ignacio
Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that XIN YAN TAN
is applying for a PUBLICAN
SPECIAL liquor license for the
year 2013 to operate Delicious
Seafood Chinese Restaurant
located on Burns Ave, San Ignacio
Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that YIN DI MEI
is applying for a PUBLICAN
SPECIAL liquor license for the
year 2013 to operate Yaxiang
Yuan Restaurant located on
Hudson St. San Ignacio, Cayo
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that HAO LIAN
CAI is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate Hot
Summer Store located on Burns
Ave, San Ignacio Town, Cayo
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that WEN HUA
LIN is applying for a SHOP
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Roses Chinese Shop
located on Benque Viejo Rd. San
Ignacio, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that HUI NA
LIANG is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Tai San Shop located
on Burns Ave, San Ignacio Town,
Cayo District.
Ask About The Affordable Apartments We Offer For Rent
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Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that WEN HUA
LIN is applying for a
license for the year 2013 to
operate Roses Chinese
Restaurant located on Benque
Viejo Rd, San Ignacio Cayo
We ar
e llocat
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Sunday, December 2, 2012 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that OMITH
HULSE is applying for a MALT
& CIDER liquor license for the
year 2013 to operate El
Riconsito located in Bullet Tree
Village, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that XUEWEN
CEN is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Dexin Store located on George
Price Blvd. Benque Viejo Town,
in the Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that ZHI QUAN
FENG is applying for a
RESTAURANT liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Sunlight Restaurant located on
Bullet Tree Rd, San Ignacio Town,
Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that DA QUAN
ZHEN is applying for a
RESTAURANT liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Allan’s Restaurant located on
George Price Blvd. Benque Viejo
Town, in the Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that HE YUE LI
is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Hudson Supermarket located
on Hudson St, San Ignacio Town,
Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that He Yue Dong
is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Anthony’s Superstore located
on the George Price Highway in
Santa Elena Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that SOUL
PROJECT is applying for a
RESTAURANT liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate Soul
Project Space For The
Creative Arts located on Buena
Vista St.. San Ignacio, Cayo
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that CANXIO LI
is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate
Zhen’s Supermarket located on
George Price Blvd. Benque Viejo
Town, in the Cayo District.
Page 15
Wash, Vaccum, Armoral &
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We are located off Joseph Andrews Drive, near the
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E-mail: cleanmasterbz@yahoo.com
Page 16 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com - Sunday, December 2, 2012
President Obama's Official World AIDS Day 2012 Proclamation
President Obama echoed Sec. of
State Hillary Clinton's earlier stated
goal of obtaining an HIV-free
generation in an official proclamation
for World AIDS Day on Saturday.
Today, we reflect on the strides we
have taken toward overcoming HIV/
AIDS, honor those who have made
our progress possible, and keep in our
thoughts all those who have known
the devastating consequences of this
illness. The road toward an AIDSfree generation is long -- but as we
mark this important observance, let
us also remember that if we move
forward every day with the same
passion, persistence, and drive that
has brought us this far, we can reach
our goal. We can beat this disease.
On World AIDS Day, in memory of
those no longer with us and in
solidarity with all who carry on the
fight, let us pledge to make that vision
a reality.
BARACK OBAMA, President of
the United States of America, by
virtue of the authority vested in me by
the Constitution and the laws of the
United States do hereby proclaim
December 1, 2012, as World AIDS
Day. I urge the Governors of the
States and the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, officials of the other
territories subject to the jurisdiction
of the United States, and the
American people to join me in
appropriate activities to remember
those who have lost their lives to
AIDS and to provide support and
comfort to those living with this
On World AIDS Day, more than 30
years after the first cases of this tragic
illness were reported, we join the
global community once more in
standing with the millions of people
who live with HIV/AIDS worldwide.
We also recommit to preventing the
spread of this disease, fighting the
stigma associated with infection, and
ending this pandemic once and for all.
In 2010, my Administration
released the National HIV/AIDS
President Barack Obama Delivering
His Proclamation Address
Strategy, our Nation's first
comprehensive plan to fight the
domestic epidemic. The Strategy aims
to reduce new infections, increase
access to care, reduce health
disparities, and achieve a more
coordinated national response to
HIV/AIDS here in the United States.
To meet these goals, we are
advancing HIV/AIDS education;
connecting stakeholders throughout
the public, private, and non-profit
sectors; and investing in promising
research that can improve clinical
outcomes and reduce the risk of
transmission. Moving forward, we
must continue to focus on populations
with the highest HIV disparities -including gay men, and African
American and Latino communities -and scale up effective, evidencebased interventions to prevent and
treat HIV. We are also implementing
the Affordable Care Act, which has
expanded access to HIV testing and
will ensure that all Americans,
including those living with HIV/AIDS,
have access to health insurance
beginning in 2014.
These actions are bringing us closer
to an AIDS-free generation at home
and abroad -- a goal that, while
ambitious, is within sight. Through the
President's Emergency Plan for AIDS
Relief (PEPFAR), we are on track
to meet the HIV prevention and
treatment targets I set last year. We
are working with partners at home and
Sec 73 of the Supreme Court of Judicature Act,
Chp. 91 of the Laws of Belize
Michael R. Flowers
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Preparation of Legal Documents
Authorized Complaint Recorder For The Office of The Ombudsman
abroad to reduce new infections in
adults, help people with HIV/AIDS
live longer, prevent mother-to-child
transmission, and support the global
effort to eliminate new infections in
children by 2015. And thanks to
bipartisan action to lift the entry ban
on persons living with HIV, we were
proud to welcome leaders from
around the world to the 19th
International AIDS Conference in
Washington, D.C.
Creating an AIDS-free generation
is a shared responsibility. It requires
commitment from partner countries,
coupled with support from donors,
civil society, people living with HIV,
faith-based organizations, the private
sector, foundations, and multilateral
institutions. We stand at a tipping point
in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and
working together, we can realize our
historic opportunity to bring that fight
to an end.
Today, we reflect on the strides we
have taken toward overcoming HIV/
AIDS, honor those who have made
our progress possible, and keep in our
thoughts all those who have known
the devastating consequences of
this illness. The road toward an
AIDS-free generation is long -- but
as we mark this important
observance, let us also remember that
if we move forward every day with
the same passion, persistence, and
drive that has brought us this far, we
can reach our goal. We can beat this
disease. On World AIDS Day, in
memory of those no longer with us
and in solidarity with all who carry on
the fight, let us pledge to make that
vision a reality.
BARACK OBAMA, President of
the United States of America, by
virtue of the authority vested in me by
the Constitution and the laws of the
United States do hereby proclaim
December 1, 2012, as World AIDS
Day. I urge the Governors of the
States and the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, officials of the other
territories subject to the jurisdiction
of the United States, and the
American people to join me in
appropriate activities to remember
those who have lost their lives to
AIDS and to provide support and
comfort to those living with this
hereunto set twenty-ninth day of
November, in the year of two
thousand twelve, and of the
Independence United States of
America the two hundred and my
hand this our Lord of the thirtyseventh.
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We open 7 days a week 5:00pm until 8:15am
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San Ignacio Cayo Call For Appointment
Brian Michael Vasquez
Phone : 669-8256
Sunday, December 2, 2012 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that XING TING
ZHEN is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate 8 & 8 Supermarket
located on Bishop Martin St. in
Santa Elena Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that WEI YI WUis
applying for a MALT & CIDER
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate 8 & 8 Restaurant
located on Bishop Martin St. in
Santa Elena Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that CHAN CHEN
CIU is applying for a
license for the year 2013 to
operate Wing Lee Restaurant
located on Mable Pitts St. in
Santa Elena Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that LIU JIN GYI
is applying for a RESTAURANT
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Wal Yi Restaurant
located on Liberty St. in Santa
Elena Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that JUN WEN LI
is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor license
for the year 2013 to operate City
Corner Supermarket located
on Joseph Andrews Drive, San
Ignacio Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that RUI MIN
ZHEN is applying for a CONVENIENCE STORE liquor
license for the year 2013 to
operate Chen’s Store located
Joseph Andrews Drive, San
Ignacio Town, Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that LI QIN
CHEN is applying for a
license for the year 2013 to
operate Ping Mei Restaurant
located on Joseph Andrews
Drive, San Ignacio Town, Cayo
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that WEN QUAN
ZHEN is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Lily’s Supermarket
located on Thornley St. San
Ignacio, Cayo District.
Page 17
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that HONG JUN
LIANG is applying for a SHOP
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate Tai Kong Store
located on Joseph Andrews
Drive, San Ignacio Town, Cayo
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that DE PEI
ZHANG is applying for a
liquor license for the year 2013
to operate New P.K Shop located
on Benque Viejo Rd, San Ignacio
Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given that
under the Intoxicating Liquor
License Ordinance Chapter 150
of the Laws of Belize, Revised
Edition 2000, that DONG
QIANG RUAN is applying for a
license for the year 2013
to operate New Flavor Restaurant located on the George Price
Higway in Santa Elena Town,
Cayo District.
Notice is hereby be given
that under the Intoxicating
Liquor License Ordinance
Chapter 150 of the Laws
of Belize, Revised Edition
2000, that RUIE ZHENis
applying for a PUBLICAN
SPECIAL liquor license for the
year 2013 to operate P.K
Restaurant located on Benque
Viejo Rd, San Ignacio Cayo
Page 18 - STAR - Tels: 626-8822 & 626-8841 & 804-4900 - Email:starnewspaper@gmail.com - Sunday, December 2, 2012