toraja - Destinasi Indonesia
toraja - Destinasi Indonesia
Explore Indonesia Guide Third Edition | NOVEMber 2013 MAGICAL TORAJA Kafe Aras Free Small but attractive. A fusion cafe and gallery. Is Bantimurung still the heaven of butterflies? Enjoy and be grateful when you find a large amount of butterflies. Scan image cover To watch the Indonesian culinary video. Steps on how to is on the next page. Majalah Destinasi Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Aurecmedia menghadirkan terobosan baru. Pembaca dapat menikmati video melalui Majalah Destinasi Indonesia. Panduan jelaja h indonesia EDiSi i | SEPT EmBE R 2013 tAnJung PutIng nAtIonAl PArK go ThRough ThE miDDLE mAgAzinE oF FoR EngLiSh VERS ion BEREnAng BERSAmA hiu- free M Free ine agaz hiu silahkan mengin ap di tengah berenang laut dan bersama hiu-hiu di Karimun jawa. Scan image menyaksikancover untuk Urutan caranya video. bisa dilihat di halaman berikut. Contributor Fadil Aziz/Alcibbum photography TORAJA is a magical land. An integration of the natural beauty and loyalty to the tradition. Toleration takes place in awe. Religious activities and traditional ceremonies are carried out harmoniously. To trace Toraja means to see one of the archipelago’s diversity strength. Let us step in the magical of Toraja. Photo : Cover/North Toraja/ Bantimurung: Fadil Aziz/Alcibbum Photography The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Tri Wibowo He was born in Surabaya 34 years ago. Tri earns his education at the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, Bali. He started his carrier as a graphic designer and photographer at one of the newspaper in Bali. Now, Bowo, that is how they call him, is a tourism journalist in Jakarta. Indonesia is like a painting you will never get bored to see it. 3 Contributor Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Cover Alcibbum Photography is the image bank of Indonesia. It offers various photos on Indonesia from tourism, landscape, culinary, culture, Alcibbum handicraft, etc. Photography With a high quality photo Jl Raya Cipayung we will be a benefit and value kav blok i added to the publisher, editor, No 1 Jakarta 13840 advertising agency and other Telp: (021) 8445940 Fax: (021)84310714 photo buyers. Web: http://www. Alcibbum Photography will give its best effort to enrich its photos and present them online. If you cannot find what you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us. Reader’s Letter I like Destinasi How to subscribe? My son brought Destinasi Indonesia home, and I finally read the magazine. In the beginning I was reluctant to read the magazine, but at the end I must say I like it. The magazine is full of information including the prizes. I am a mother of two adult children. I still enjoy travelling with friends. Now we are planning to travel to Sawarna Beach. I hope that it can be realized soon. The first time I saw the magazine was at a hair salon. This is what I am looking for. Photography is my hobby. However, I am too busy to search for information on interesting and beautiful places to be my picture object. I got a lot of information by reading this magazine. Is Destinasi Indonesia a monthly publication? How can I subscribe? Bagus Prakoso Jogjakarta Editor’s Response: We are so pleased to know that our information is useful for our readers. Destinasi Indonesia is a free magazine. It is readable at the reading point at the addresses attached behind the magazine. We are still organizing our reading and pickup point system. For your convenient, you can get the magazine by subscribing. If you live in the Jabodetabek areas, you can get the magazine just by sending Rp 150.000 (twelve editions per year) English version of Destinasi Indonesia free magazine can be read and downloaded at esia don In si a tin es Free Magaz ris in gg e In D Editor’s Response: We are open to any contribution that fit our needs and style. Please send your material to redaksi@ or destinasiindonesia@ sa Reader’s Letter Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Editor’s Response: Thank you Mam. We are pleased to read your letter. We felt that our hard work is not futile. I would like to congratulate on the presence of Destinasi Indonesia. I love to travel, so I like to read articles completed with guidance. It helps me arranging budget or at least to visualize the activity. Can I send writing and photo? How can I do that? Faizal Bogor B ah a 4 and photo? Ve rsi Ariyani East Jakarta Can we send writing oa wnl dido dan baca i d bisa d di in a dest si o i nd m .co sia ne Veranda I Love Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia Advisor Budi Cahyana Eka Purwanti Managing Director Maria News Director Wanto Umar Business Director Lintar Recoi EO Director Peter Tarman Chief Editor Maria Reporter Vania Art Director Natali Editor of Photography Fahdi Wijaya Sudjana Transcriber Ade Siregar Advertising 081280299330/ 087780801185 In English: 08159501714 Circulation & Subscription 081280299330 Regards Maria Publisher PT Media Destinasi Indonesia Office Destinasi Indonesia is open for communities who are willing to seek cooperation. Please contact us at, 081280299330 We have internal regulations associated to Journalism and Marketing ethics. When experiencing inconveniences, please contact us at, 087780801185 or email to Suite #1 Boulevard Raya BA 2/56 Gading Serpong Tangerang Email: Web: 5 Veranda Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 I T sounds classic. However, that feeling grasp us as we travel to different parts of Indonesia. The country is so rich, so unique, and so extraordinary as the beauty capture the soul. Everything is so fascinating with its distinctive feature. Touring means to see other aspects of the richness of the Indonesian archipelago. Each region in Indonesia owns various commodities that interest the world. Indonesian coffee is well known among the foreign country. Indonesia is the third coffee producer in the world. Its specialty coffee has the most variant in the world. However, the production and quality are not yet stable. Indonesia is behind Vietnam, which has smaller coffee land, in coffee production. Vietnam is the second coffee producer in the world. Coffee farmers in our country are still running for know— ledge and qualifications to be able to produce the best quality coffee. That was what we saw in North Toraja, where Destinasi Indonesia traveled this time to fill in the third edition. In this edition, we inserted coverage on the long journey of Toraja coffee to be number one in quality. It also discussed the magical culture and tourist objects of North Toraja. Finally, the more we travel, the more sensible we are. Augustine of Hippo (Saint Austin), the Theologian, once said, “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” Enjoy reading! CONTENT 30-31 DesTinAsi: TORAJA UTARA DESTINASI: BANTIMURUNG MAGIS Masihkah BantiMurung Jadi surga TORAJA Kupu-Kupu? K EINDAHAN alam, kubur batu, dan upacara adat, menjadi objek wisata di Toraja Utara, Sulawesi Selatan. Di daerah itu, tebing-tebing tinggi dijadikan tempat peristirahatan terakhir. Dipahat manual hingga membentuk ceruk mirip gua dengan lubang berbentuk kubus. Di situlah jenazah disemayamkan. Di beberapa lokasi yang sudah menjadi objek wisata, tebing-tebing dilengkapi jalan setapak menuju gua. Di sepanjang jalan dengan mudah dijumpai kerangka dan tengkorak manusia. Tersusun rapi di jorokan kayu dan batu yang ada di tebing, ada juga yang berserakan atau ditata di pinggiran jalan setapak. Sebagian lagi bertumpuk di peti kayu yang sudah lapuk dimakan waktu dan cuaca. Toraja adalah ‘negeri’ kaya adat. Di tempat itu, agama dan upacara adat berjalan seiring dengan toleransi luar biasa. Rambu Solo’ (ritual kematian) dan Rambu Tuka (ucapan syukur) merupakan dua upacara yang tidak pernah lepas dalam kehidupan masyarakat Toraja. 9 30 Destinasi: Bantimurung Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 8 Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Toraja Utara ibarat ‘negeri’ magis. Gabungan antara keindahan alam dan budaya yang memberi kesan sihir/magis. Mirip dongeng dan cerita di novel fantasi. Taman Nasional Bantimurung memang indah. Tapi jangan membayangkan akan berjumpa ratusan kupu-kupu dalam berbagai ukuran yang bebas beterbangan. Nikmati saja keindahannya, dan syukuri jika bila bisa menemukan kupu-kupu dalam jumlah banyak. J ULUKAN Taman Nasional Ban timurung Bulusaraung (TN Babul), Sulawesi Selatan, memang The Kingdom of Butterfly. Tapi siang itu, hanya beberapa kupukupu kecil yang berhasil ditemui sepanjang perjalanan mendaki menuju danau. Sopir mobil sewaan yang sekaligus ber fungsi sebagai pemandu wisata, menjelaskan bahwa kondisi TN Bantimurung memang tidak lagi seperti dulu. Kupukupu kian sedikit, apalagi yang besar dan warnawarni. Meski demikian, Bantimurung tetap menjadi surga kupukupu. Berbagai spesies dan aneka satwa lain hidup di taman nasional ini. Konon, sebelum Bantimurung ramai dikun jungi wisatawan, masih banyak kupukupu beterbangan, terutama di pagi hari. Bisa dibayangkan, bagaimana fantastik kondisi Bantimurung saat pertama kali ilmuwan asal Inggris Alfred Russel Wallace (1823 – 1913) mengeksplorasi Bantimurung, hingga dia merasa perlu memberi julukan The Kingdom of Buterfly. Alam Toraja Utara Content Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 6 8-29 30-35 Destination North TORAJA Destination Bantimurung 8-23 Is Bantimurung still the heaven of butterflies? north toraja MAGICAL TORAJA 36-39 44-45 to divide the hill with Mak Itam Bandung Has a floating market Family Vacation 40-41 32 Museum & Jamala Pool Road Map Community Tourist Object 46-47 Cullinary at Strawberry Cafe Introducing Sport Tourism 42-43 Accomodation Bird Chirp in Bumi Bandhawa 24-25 48 Culinary Info 49 Aras Cafe Tourist Object Info 26-29 33 50 The journey of Toraja Coffee to the World Waterfall & Lake Hotel Info 31 Destinasi: Bantimurung Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 8-9 56-57 Survei Travel Guard • Hasil survei perusahaan asuransi Travel Guard terhadap sejumlah agen perjalanan, menyebutkan 55% hasil survei menyebutkan bahwa perempuan melakukan perjalanan sendiri karena mewakili independensi, 28% ingin mengunjungi tujuan wisata yang tidak biasa, 9% menyatakan suka bepergian sendiri karena tidak ingin terikat jadwal tur, Romantis Kicau Burung di Bumi Bandhawa Kicau burung selalu menyambut pagi di Bumi Bandhawa. Hangat matahari berbaur dengan limpahan oksigen di bawah naungan pohon-pohon pinus. a KOMODASI yang satu ini tergolong istimewa. Hanya memiliki 16 kamar dengan suasana rumahan yang eksklusif di tengah deretan pohon-pohon pinus. Lokasinya mungkin agak susah dicari, masuk ke dalam perumahan dosen-dosen Unpad, tepatnya di Jalan Konstitusi, Ban- dung, Jawa Barat. Bumi Bandhawa menawarkan suasana romantis dengan landscap taman yang tertata asri, dengan dominasi pohon pinus. Di pagi hari, burung kutilang, bondol, gelatik, anis, dan cibek sibuk berkicau, berkeliaran bebas di halaman dan jalan-jalan setapak. Di dahan-dahan pinus, terkadang tupai keluar me- mamerkan kelincahan. Bumi Bandhawa awalnya adalah rumah pribadi yang berdiri di luas lahan sekitar dua hektare. Ketika akan dibuka hotel pada 2011, dibuatlah bangunan baru untuk tambahan kamar dengan teras-teras yang langsung menghadap kolam renang. Gedung utama difungsikan sebagai lobi berikut empat kamar tipe eksekutif dan satu tipe grand suite. “Hanya kamar grand suite yang memiliki bathtub, sedangkan kamar lain berupa pancuran. Kamar grand suite memiliki luas 48 meter persegi, biasanya diisi satu keluarga dan sering dijadikan kamar bulan madu,” papar Nani Rianto, sales manager Bumi Bandhawa. Lobi menjadi bagian hotel yang patut dinikmati. Interiornya benarbenar dibuat seperti rumah, elegan 52-53 Tips & Trick Survei membuktikan, sekitar 80% perjalanan wisata diputuskan oleh perempuan. 43 56 Survei juga membuktikan, jumlah wisatawan solo perem- Survei Umum: • Market Researcher Yesawich, Pepperdine, Brown & Russell Amerika menyebutkan sekitar 87% wanita pergi berwisata untuk melihat pemandangan indah. Alasan itu lebih tinggi dibandingkan laki-laki yang cakupannya hanya 72%. • puan dari tahu ke tahun terus meningkat. Sekitar 32 juta wanita di Amerika, setidaknya bepergian satu kali dalam satu tahun. Fakta itu diungkapkan Asosiasi Industri Travel Amerika. B ARANGKALI data survei yang sudah dirangkum gutsytraveler. com di bawah ini, bisa menjadi acuan perencanaan untuk merebut pasar wisatawan perempuan pada 2014. Hasil survei membuktikan negara-negara di Asia belum menggarap ceruk pasar yang sesungguhnya tiap tahun kian besar ini. Bumi Bandhawa hotel Jl Konstitusi I /16, Cigadung / Tubagus Ismail, Dago, Bandung Telp: (022) 82522724 / 081320009910 Web: 54 KLICK chick Amazing Panoramic Camera 58 The Horizon Female Tourist in Number • Lebih dari 80% perempuan pekerja membeli produk dan jasa (termasuk paket wisata) secara online. Situs komunitas perempuan dilaporkan terus melonjak. Tahun ini lonjakan mencapai 35%. • 70% dari keputusan perjalanan dibuat oleh perempuan, baik itu pesanan liburan dengan kapal pesiar, paket perjalanan, atau pun sekadar pembelian tiket. Ketika persentase itu ditambah dengan data pembelian online, angkanya melonjak menjadi 90%. • Alasan bepergian sendiri antara lain karena tidak mau repot mengikuti jadwal yang sudah diatur (17%), ingin memiliki lebih banyak waktu -- terutama jika bepergian bersama teman dang anggota keluarga (15%), dan bepergian untuk mengejar kepentingan tertentu (14%). • 73% agen perjalanan yang disurvei menyebutkan, lebih umum dan lebih banyak wisatawan perempuan yang melakukan perjalanan wisata solo dibandingkan dengan laki-laki. • 44 % agen yang disurvei menyebutkan, sebagian besar klien yang mengambil perjalanan solo usianya di atas 45 tahun. Rinciannya, usia 45-55 tahun (29%), 3545 tahun (18%), 25-34 (9%) dan 18-24 tahun (0,4%) . • Hampir setengah (45%) agen perjalanan mencatat Eropa sebagai tujuan wisata paling populer untuk klien perempuan solo, diikuti Meksiko/Karibia (33%) dan Amerika Serikat/Kanada (15%). Tujuan lebih eksotis seperti Afrika, Asia, Amerika Selatan dan Pasifik Selatan hanya 2%. • Agen perjalanan melaporkan, akomodasi paling umum yang dipilih perempuan yang melakukan perjalanan sendiri adalah resort dengan layanan penuh (46%), kapal pesiar (40%), hotel (10%), hostel atau guest house (3%), dan apartemen atau kamar sewa langsung dari pemilik (2%). • 82% agen perjalanan yang disurvei mencatat bahwa klien perempuan rata-rata menghabiskan anggaran di bawah US$4.999, dan sekitar 16% yang memiliki anggaran antara US$5.000 hingga US$9999. Hanya 2% klien yang mengjabiskan lebih dari US$10.000 untuk perjalanan solo mereka. 64-65 57 • Wisatawan perempuan yang melakukan perjalanan solo dilaporkan mengkhawatirkan faktor keamanan selama perjalanan (47%), khawatir jika ada kondisi darurat medis (23%), penundaan atau bahkan pembatalan penerbangan (24%), kehilangan dokumen (4%), dan kehilangan bagasi (3%). Itu sebabnya, 87% wisatawan perempuan yang bepergian sendiri membeli asuransi perjalanan. 62-63 59 100 Islands Prepared for Tourism To Understand Aviation Regulation • Data dari Intrepid Travel di Amerika, menyebutkan pasar terbesar wisatawan perempuan berada di usia 25 hingga 39 tahun. • Worldwide inc, perusahaan asuransi perjalanan mengeluarkan data bahwa perempuan yang melakukan traveling solo meningkat 59% dibandingkan dengan 10 tahun lalu, dan rata-rata berstatus lajang, termasuk karena perceraian. Agenda 60-61 55-57 Survei Worldwide inc • Boleh percaya boleh tidak, rata-rata wisatawan yang gemar berpetualang adalah perempuan. Jumlah wanita yang melakukan perjalanan petualangan tunggal ternyata bukan laki-laki muda, tetapi justru perempuan berusia 35 tahun ke atas. News & event Story Corner dan 4% melakukan perjalanan solo terkait pencarian jati diri. • Jalan dan berbelanja merupakan kegiatan yang disukai 27% wisatawan perempuan yang melakukan perjalanan solo. Keinginan untuk melihat wisata sejarah, budaya dan pendidikan sekitar 17%, melihat laut 16% , melakukan petualangan 15%, dan sekitar 13% memilih menggunakan kapal pesiar. Reading Point 7 Content Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 akomodasi tapi hangat, dilengkapi dengan piano di bagian tengah. Tempat makan (Popy’s Kitchen & Cafe) juga memiliki interior unik yang bisa membuat nyaman pengunjung. Rumah Rahagi, demikian pemiliknya menurut Nani memberi nama pada bangunan utama. Rahagi memiliki makna aura positif, sehingga bisa diartikan sebagai rumah yang membawa aura positif. Kamar-kamar di gedung utama diberi nama anggota keluarga pemilik, antara lain Kayla, Raula, Marindra, Prasaya, dll. Di dekat kolam renang ada satu tempat yang sudah pasti akan menggoda. Balai Bengong berbentuk tempat tidur, sengaja diletakkan di udara terbuka di pinggiran taman, di bawah naungan pohon-pohon pinus. Sungguh sebuah kemewahan bisa bersantai, membaca buku, atau sekadar mencari inspirasi di Balai Bengong . Bagi anak-anak, Bumi Bandhawa juga membawa kegembiraan. Lokasi yang tidak terlalu besar justru bisa memberi ketentraman bagi orangtua. Setidaknya bisa mengurangi cemas melepas anak berkeliaran sendiri. Berenang, bermain ayunan, memperhatikan burung, atau keluar masuk lubang Teletabies yang dibangun di dekat kolam renang, di depan Popy’s Kitchen. Angka Cakrawala Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 akomodasi Foto-foto: dok destinasi indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 42 Wisatawan Perempuan dalam akomodasi Foto-foto: dok destinasi indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Keindahan Landscap dan interior yang unik membuat Bumi Bandhawa kerap dijadikan tempat pemotretan prewedding. Taman, pohon pinus, balai bengong, lobi, jadi sasaran latar belakang yang digemari. Pesta pernikahan pun kerap dilaksanakan di kebun. Namun, jika tamu lebih dari 200 orang, manajemen hotel menyarankan untuk membagi dalam dua termin. “Tempatnya tidak akan cukup. Jika dipaksakan jelas tidak nyaman. Jadi, kami sarankan kedatangan tamu dibagi dalam dua waktu. Misalnya, pertama dari pukul 10.00 hingga 12.00 WIB, kemudian dilanjutkan dari pukul 12.00 hingga pukul 15.00,” jelas Nani. Bumi Bandhawa juga kerap dijadikan tempat reuni dan meeting. Ada dua ruang meeting yang bisa digunakan, pertama berkapasitas 40 hingga 70 orang, kedua 10 hingga 12 orang. Lokasi hotel juga menjadi salah satu nilai tambah. Meski lokasinya masuk ke dalam kompleks perumahan, namun tidak jauh dari pusat belanja Dago dan lokasi-lokasi kuliner istimewa di Dago atas. Tertarik? Cakrawala Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 42-43 Destination: North TORAJA MAGICAL TORAJA North Toraja is like magical “land”. The combination of nature and culture give sorcery/magical impression. It resembles the story of a fantasy novel. Destination: North Toraja Photo: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 8 T he beauty of nature, rocky cemetary, and traditional ceremonies have become the tourist objects of North Toraja, South Sulawesi. In North Toraja, precipice, high steeply sloping mountainside, is made into burial vault. It is carved manualy to form a niche that looks like a cave with square hole. There, the corpse reside. In some location where cemetary has become tourist object it is equipped with footpath that leads into the cave. Along the way you can easily find the human skeleton and skull nicely arranged on woods and rocks protruded on the precipice. There are some scatered or arranged next to the footpath, while others stacked inside a decayed wooden coffin. Toraja is a land rich in tradition. The people carry out religion and traditional ceremonies harmoniously. Rambu Solo’ (death ritual) and Rambu Tuka (thanksgiving) are two main ceremoni are two main ceremonies of Toraja. The nature of North Toraja Destination: North Toraja Photo: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 9 Rambu Solo’ The death ceremony (Rambu Solo’) in Toraja always takes place royally. In every traditional ceremony there will be pig and buffalo slaughtering. The richer and the higher the person in status, the more buffalos being slaughtered. Rambu Solo’ is very important to the people of Toraja. It is the completion of death towards the world of the spirit. If Rambu Solo’ has not been done the deceased is considered ill and will be kept in the house. The length of time will depend on the family’s agreement and readiness to do the ceremony. It can take years before the family is ready. During that period, the corpse is kept fully dressed. The family will keep on serving food and drink every day. Even though the dead body is kept in the house, it does not have a stench. Other than formalin, they also use special ingredients to preserve the body. Magic Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto-foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 10 In the past, when access to the mountain was not easy the corpse that will reside in the resting place will be departed by magic. The mortal remain will walk by itself towards the mountain. “During the walking nobody should greet it or else it will fall and can no longer walk. The family should announce the time and day of the ceremony ahead of time so that people will not greet just watch,” explained Karama, a Toraja man that guide Destinasi Indonesia during the trip in North Toraja. “Nowadays magic is rarely carried out,” said Limbong the village Chief that accompany us. “Only some young people who want to show off their power by making a slaughtered buffalo walk,” add Limbong. Peak of Event The peak event of the Death Ceremony in Toraja has always been the most interesting attraction for the tourists, especially the European tourists. Their number reaches 80% out of the total number of foreign tourists that visit Toraja. They come to witness and record the rituals from body wrapping up to carrying deceases to the cemetery. Rambu Solo’ is also completed with performances of various cultural arts, including buffalo fight prior to the slaughtering. These days, not all dead body reside in the stone cemetery, some are resided in a wooden house similar to Tongkonan, Toraja’s traditional house, equipped with ornaments and statues (tau-tau) that show the number of body resided. The stone cemetery and the places where the corpse laid have become the tourist object especially for those who come when there is no traditional ceremony occured. Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 11 Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto-foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Kete Kesu & Lo’komata 12 The location is about 4 km out of Rantepao, The capital of North Toraja district Tickets Rp10.000 Flashlight rent to trace the caveRp20.000 Relicts at Kete Kesu Museum Kete Kesu and Lo’komata are two out of numerous magical tourist objects in North Toraja. People can witness stone cemetery and traditional house more than half century old. W OW!! Amazement expressed by a group of tourists that visits the stone cemetery in Tana Toraja. precipice, high steeply sloping mountainside, become the last residence that stand strong with a backdrop of the beautiful nature. Kete Kesu of tongkonan with statues that tell the number bodies reside inside. The way started to climb following the stone cemetery on the precipice. Along the way, we can see protruding grave in a form of a hole on top of the precipice, complete with the wooden structure and skeleton. Below the precipice, we can easily see skeletons and skulls scattered. Some of them are still inside a decayed wooden coffin. The end of the trace of Kete Kesu cemetery is at the mouth of the dark cave. The 18-meter long cave is also one of the burials. If you are willing to enter the cave, a guide is waiting in the mouth of the cave to rent flashlights for Rp 20.000. They will guide you to every grave in the cave. Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto-foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 This is one of the traditional village and stone cemetery often visited by foreign and local tourists. The location is easy to access, only 4 kilometer out of Ratenpao, the capital of North Toraja district. Kete Kesu is a cultural heritage zone. People can find ancient Tongkonan, Toraja’s traditional house, and rice barns more than half a century old. It is not surprising if the roofs of tongkonan turn green grown with spiraling upward plants. One of the tongkonan in Kete Kesu is made into a museum. All sorts of relicts such as, plates, clothes, weaponry, fabrics and many more, used hundreds of years ago are kept nicely. If we walked further, we can find souvenir shops and some modern Torajan grave in a form 13 Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 14 Lo’komata Lo’komata Lo’komata , Batutumonga, North Toraja is a stone burial with a backdrop of beautiful scenery and fresh air. It is located by the way, about 35 km out of Rantepou. Precious and magical to see the precipice filled with square holes. It is carved manualy. Carver climbed the precipice with bamboo stairs. One of the holes is decorated with four human statues that show four deceased family members in the burial. Below the precipice, there are coffins in a form of Torajan traditional house. Imagine the enchantment of the natural scenery, tongkonan coffin, precipice carved with holes and Torajan burial decoration blend in solitude that wrap the beauty of nature. It all delivers magical effect! dok destinasi Indonesia The distance between Batutumonga and Rantepao Is about 24 km. The road is damage, it takes around 1,5 hours by car to Lo’komata. Lo’komata is located by the main road. Lo’komata, Batutumonga can be reached by public transportations such as bemo/ pete pete from Bolu Rantepao Terminal with the route RantepaoBatutumonga. The Ancestor of the People of Toraja Who is the ancestor of the people of Toraja? Most of them will say one of their ancestor come from Yunan China. “It was written in history and said by the archeologist,” explained Aras Parura, the advisor of the Indonesian Tour Guide Association, Toraja branch and Yusuf Gelong, from the Forestry and Plantation Office of North Toraja. That is why traditional houses in Toraja are not only decorated with buffalo head decorations but also dragon carving. Dead people will include their personal belonging just like the Chinese funeral. Yusuf Gelong stated the same reason. Since few months ago his mother’s corpse lies in his house, waiting to have Rambu Solo’. His mother’s coffin is red carved with golden dragon. “I think this is one prove the influence of Chinese culture in Toraja,” said Yusuf. Toraja itself means an aggregation of royals. Their original religion is Aluk Todolo. The religion creates numerous traditional ceremonies that still exist up to these days, although majority of the people of Toraja are now Christians. This is Unique! The people carry out religious activities and traditional ceremonies harmoniously. After the service, they carry out traditional ceremonies. Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Fadil Aziz/ 15 Budget Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 16 Assumption: Jakarta departure point. Makasar departure point. Transportation • Air fare Jakarta-Makassar: Rp600.000 to Rp1.500.000 (depending on the airline and departure time). • From Makassar continue the trip by bus Rp100.000 to Rp200.000 (AC, toilet, blanket). • Car rental is available upon arrival at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar. It is best to make reservation in advance. Rental fare for Avanza/Taruna Rp550.000/day (including driver and gasoline) and Rp850.000/day for minivan with 9 passengers (including driver and gasoline) • In North Toraja, tourist objects are scattered everywhere. They are very close in distance. Some can be reached by public transportation. Renting a car is more practical when travel in a group. If you travel alone motorcycle taxi (ojek) can be considered. Estimated expense: • Car rental Rp550.000-Rp600.000/day (including gasoline and driver that can become the tour guide) • Motorcycle rental Rp60.000 – Rp80.000/8 hours (depending on the type of motorcycle) • Public transportation (pete-pete) starting point Bolu Terminal, Rantepao. The fare varies depending on the route. Accomodation • There are numerous lodgings in North Toraja, from home stay to several types of hotels. Price is set from Rp 150.000. Some middle class lodgings set their prices from Rp 300.000 to Rp 400.000 with a choice of air conditioned or fanned room. • Luta Hotel is the tourist’s favorite. It is located at the city center. Its lowest price is Rp550.000 per room. It is clean, comfortable, with friendly staff and varieties of breakfast. Heritage Hotel Toraja, an international chain, set its price from Rp634.000. Tour Guide Tour guide’s fare is commonly Rp350.000/day. However, the figure may change twice as much that is between Rp600.000 to Rp1.000.000 if they have to guide trekking and stay at the local people’s house. Ticket to Tourist Object Ticket to the tourist object is an average of Rp5.000 to Rp20.000. Tips • Prepare your phisical health before traveling to Toraja. The land trip from Makasar will take about 6 to 8 hours. • The roads to the tourist objects are badly da mage. It needs twice longer to get there. • If you travel with the family, it is recommended to rent a vehicle. It is more comfortable and you can stop to rest as you like. • Driving your own car makes it possible to stop at several tourist objects that you pass by, such as, Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, about 40 km from Makassar. The National Park is known for its butterflies and Nona Hill in Enrekang district, an area before entering Tana Toraja. • When travel in a group it is recommended to rent a vehicle. It is more comfortable, practical and economical when shared among the group member. • September to December is the best time to visit North Toraja. There are a lot of traditional ceremonies carry out on those months • It is possible to explore the tourist objects in North Toraja alone. However, it is more comfortable and directed when hiring a tour guide. 17 Toraja. • The people of Toraja are mostly Christians. Food with pork is very common. Moslem tourists beware on picking the right place to eat. • There are some restaurants often visited by the Moslem tourists. Do not be reluctant to ask. • An independent tour guide’s fare varies between Rp350.000 to Rp1.000.000 per day, depending on the type of tour that will be traveled. To visit public tourist objects or trekking. • North Toraja is not far from Tana Toraja District. It is possible to visit the tourist objects in the Tana Toraja zone. • Gathered informations and arrange the tourist objects that will be visited. • Kete Kesu, Londa, dan Sa’dan are three commonly visited tourist objects. It is better to choose other objects that never been touched such as the Babies Cemetery in Pana’. • Hiring a tour guide will make it easy to gather information in which village sub-district that will carry out the traditional ceremony. You have to know that the date and time of the event is not certain. It is usually estimated on the month. • Crime is relatively low in Toraja, however it is better to be careful. Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 • It is recommended to stay at least two nights in TORAJA at a GLANCE Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 18 The District of North Toraja is located in South Sulawesi. It is a new district as a result of the development of Tana Toraja District which was officially established base on the regulation No. 28/2008. The capital of North Toraja District is Ratenpao. North Toraja and Tana Toraja District have similar characteristics from culture, tradition up to mean of support. Coffee is one of the mainstay commodities of North Toraja. Unfortunately, the sufficient production capability does not meet the high export demand. Road accesses in North Toraja, including the one that lead to the tourist objects are mostly damage. As a result, travel time becomes longer. Fortunately, North Toraja possesses pretty nature that can entertain tourist during the journey. Access Culinary The people of North Toraja are mostly Christians. Pork is their common menu. Muslims should be thorough in choosing a place to eat. There are some recommendations namely Satria Desa Restaurant that serves fried chicken, soup and gado-gado, located in Jalan Budi Utomo exactly in front of Ratenpao Police Station. Toraja has unique food. Chicken, pork, buffalo meat and fish are the common foodstuff used. One of the must try menu is Pa’Piong. Its main ingredients can be chicken, pork or fish mixed with various spices, young banana stalk packed in a bamboo then cooked over a fire. 19 Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Travelers can access North Toraja from many different areas. However, the usual departure point is from Makasar. Although it already owns a small airport, there is no regular flight to Toraja yet. From Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, the trip can continue with night bus or rent a vehicle to North Toraja. If you take the night bus that previously reserved, you should go to the bus stop by ojek, taxi or Damri bus (a free airport service). When you decide to hire a vehicle, you can directly bargain at the airport. It is more convenient when you make a reservation a head of time that way the car will pick you up upon your arrival at the airport. For contacts and price guide, please read them in the information boxes spread in some coverage in this edition. Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 20 Tourist Object The Distrct of North Toraja, South Sulawesi owns numerous natural and cultural tourist object. The stone grave and traditional village become tourist objects that can be seen anytime. These are some tourist objects in the Distrct of North Toraja: Pana & Kambira The Baby Cemetary Pana is located in North Toraja, while Kambira is in Tana Toraja District 29 km from Ratenpao or 9 km from Makale the capital of Tana Toraja District. The two places are Toraja’s baby cemeteries. Babies who died in miscarriage or in their early age even before their tooth grow are buried in a holed tree (tarra tree) Kambira is often visited by tourists while not too many people know Pana that is why it can still keep its natural appearance. There is a village in Sesean Suloara Sub-district in Pana that owns an art studio. The tour guide will usually take you to the studio, to show various traditional music instruments. “Each instrument has its own story. For example Karombi (Toraja’s brass music instrument), in the past this instrument was played by parents when their children were affected with smallpox. The purpose was to tranquilize the child to sleep, rest and healed fast,” explained Aras Parura the Indonesian Tour Guide Association Advisor, Toraja branch. Rante Kalimbuang Bori Bori is a different burial tourism site than the one on the precipice. There are 102 large stones in various sizes used as memorial stone to honor the royals and traditional leaders. The age of the stones are hundres of years. Bori is located at Bori Village 5 km out of Ratenpao. Batutumonga & Mentiro Tiku Lodge Londa Located 7 km out of Ratenpao, it is one of Toraja’s cemeteries. The burial is a combination between precipice and caves. The location is not far from the city center make Londa and kete the most visited traditional burials. Tourists have to rent lights for Rp 25.000 to Rp 30.000. Sa’dan The village located in Sesean Sub-district, North Toraja, is known as the woven craft center of Toraja. Tourists can see the weaving process with traditional tools and purchase the finished product. dok destinasi indonesia Bolu Buffalo Market The atmosphere at the buffalo market in Bolu, North Toraja, can be a tourist object, especially on the market day (once a week). Hundreds of people come from every sub-district to sell their buffalo. White buffalo with black spotted become Toraja’s favorite. The price can be sky high; it can reach 500 million rupiahs. The white colored buffalo are the cheapest. The buffalo market in Bolu is easy to reach. You can take the public transportation or sitor (a kind of traditional transportation using motorcycle). The fare is depending on the distance. Find as much information before you bargain. 21 Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Batutumonga is the most visited area in North Toraja. It is known for its mountain range with beautiful view completed with rice paddies and the mountain backdrop. Rice turn yellow in the harvest it brings magnificent view. Tourists frequently visit Batutumonga by car or motorcycle. In Batutumonga there is a lodge named Mentiro Tiku, about 20 km from Rantepao (in damage road). The simple lodge offers several types of guest rooms. Rooms equipped with bathroom inside and tongkonan shaped rooms with bathroom outside. The rooms in Mentiro Tiku are not special. However, the view presented in front of the lodge located on top of a hill is magnificent Rice paddies spread out with a backdrop of mountain range. Clouds seem so close that you can reach them. When morning come the structure is covered with fog that looks like cotton balls. Just like the view out of the plane’s window. This kind of scenery makes Mentiro Tiku is worth to be a relaxing place to drink coffee, eat snacks and chat. Souvenirs & Gifts Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto-foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 22 There are lots of souvenirs that you can buy in Toraja. Among those is the world known Toraja Coffee. The coffee is usually packed in a Toraja wooden carved container. There is also Toraja motif fabric, Toraja batik, mini Tao-tao statue (a statue used to decorate the grave), key chain, Toraja house miniature, ashtray, wall decoration, Toraja motif clock. The prices range from Rp 5.000 to Rp 350.000. Some local tourists hunt for Pa’Piong. This kind cannot stay more than 24 hours. Some will buy peanuts. Toraja peanuts are bigger than the regular peanuts. Info Jl Ahmad Yani No 62, Rantepao, North Toraja Utara, South Sulawesi Phone: (0423) 21277 / 25455 Rantepao Police Station Jl Budi Utomo, Rantepao Phone: 0423 21358 Elim Rantepao Hospital Jl. A. Yani No. 68, Rantepao South Sulawesi 91831 Phone: 0423-21258 Hot el Luta Hotel Jl. Ratulangi No.26, Rantepao Phone: (0423) 21060 Toraja Heritage Hotel Phone: (0423) 21192 Indra Hotel Jl Londorundun No 63 Rantepao Phone: (0423) 21583 / 21163/21442 Rantepao Lodge Hotel Jl. Rura Pao - Eranbatu - Rantepao Phone: (0423) 21248 / 23717. Pison Hotel Jl. Pongtiku II/8 Rantepao Phone: (0423) 21344. Prince Hotel Jl. Poros Palopo Bolu, Rantepao Phone: (0423) 21475. Mentiro Tiku Lodge Room reservation contact: 081355503399 Restaurant Satria Village Jl Diponegoro No. 15 Rantepao, North Toraja Phone: (0423) 21225 Gado-Gado Jalan Budi Utomo (In front of Rantepao Police Station) Jl Merdeka No 46 Rantepao, North Toraja Phone: (0423) 22548 Saruran Restaurant Jl Diponegoro No 19 Rantepao, North Toraja Phone (0423) 21079 Aras Cafe Jl Mappanyukki No 64 Rantepao, North Toraja Phone: 082190362021 Car Rentals & Tour Guide CP: Aras Parura 0811422142 Night Bus Bus operated Makassar-Toraja round trip: Kharisma Toraja Makassar: 081190737322 Rantepao: 082190737322 Liman Makassar: (0411) 411458405 Rantepao: (0423) 23767 Bintang Prima Makassar: (0411) 4772888 Rantepao: (0423) 21142 Litha Makassar : (0411) 324847 / 311055 Rantepao: (0423) 21204 23 Destinasi: Toraja Utara Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 North Toraja Cultural and Tourism Office K a f e a r a s Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 24 This is where foreign tourists spent their holiday to relax in North Toraja. Eat, drink while enjoying the interior and art gallery. The place is small but attractive. Interior Various art articles from paintings to carvings, the creation of young Toraja artists, decorate the café. Tourists that come will be interested to buy. “As long as it is not the main collection or the masterpiece, I will let it go. This café is also meant to be the free place for Toraja artist to express their ideas,” explained Aras. Aras Café is divided into three big parts, front, top and back. The back part, just around the open kitchen, is partly open. The furniture and art articles arrangement in the café is warm and pleasant. There is a book corner and several decorations on the wall. The guitar hanging over a table gives a homey impression. The guitar is not just a decoration, but visitors are free to play. At night, some tourist guide would get together in an open air to eat, drink, relax while playing guitar. Eat & Hangout Aras Café is not just a place to eat, but also for tourists to hangout and utilize free wifi to surf the internet. At dusk, foreign tourist relaxed in front of their laptop. In the evening, other than enjoying the food, most of them chat while drinking beer and wine. Aras Café serves varieties of food, western, vegetarian, and Toraja traditional food such as, chicken, fish, or pork Pa’Piong presented with a pretty final touch. The ingredient is seasoned with varieties of spices, stuffed into a bamboo then cooked over a fire. Most foreign tourists try Pa’Piong and other Toraja specialties. “Just to satisfy their curiosity and to experience culinary adventure in the place they visited,” said Aras. Kendala Lama berkecimpung di dunia pariwisata, Aras Parura, mengeluarkan unek-unek seputar akses jalan di Toraja Utara yang rusak, hingga acap kali menghambat perjalanan. Ketiadaan akses penerbangan reguler juga menghambat pertumbuhan pariwisata Toraja. “Selain itu saya pikir, meski sudah menjadi dua kabupaten berbeda, akan lebih baik bila keduanya bekerjasama. Misalnya membuat satu city map yang bisa memberi panduan wisatawan. Toh letak kedua kabupaten ini berdekatan dan memiliki budaya yang serupa,” katanya menutup perbincangan. 25 Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto-foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 A ras Cafe looks like a commonplace from the front. However, it is the only cafe in Rantepao city center, especially in Jalan Mappanyukki. Eventhough it looks ordinary, but do not judge by its cover. You must come inside to experience a different atmosphere and interior. The café is named after the owner, Aras Parura, the Indonesian Tour Guide Association Advisor, Toraja branch. Aras has been in the tourism industry for a long time, opened a souvenir shop and end up in Aras Café. The concept of the café is a combination of gallery and café. Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto-foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 26 Toraja Coffee Journey to the world Toraja coffee has gone a long journey to be the primary coffee overseas. The coffee process is an interesting attraction for the foreign tourist especially the European. T ORAJA coffee’s delight is doubtless. This proves the huge numbers of Toraja Arabica coffee fan. Unfortunately, coffee bean production is behind demand due to the poor management. Other than that, it is interesting to know the journey of Toraja coffee bean in crossing the ocean. That was the experience we had when we visit Toarco Jaya, a coffee company which 80% of its product is preserved by Japan. Toarco Jaya is located at Bokin District, Ranteboa Sub-district, North Toraja. The location is not far from Rantepao the capital city of North Toraja. In a normal condition, it only takes 30 minutes to go there by car. However, with bad road condition the trip is twice as long or almost 1,5 hours long. The Journey of the Coffee Bean Coffee was served during the discussion with Toarco Jaya factory manager, Jusuf Lontong, who just finished accompanying a group of European tourist who wish to see directly the process of coffee bean in the factory. We can see samples of coffee flowers, unripe and ripe coffee bean, horn coffee (unpeeled coffee bean), to green bean or coffee bean ready to be dryly fried. Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto-foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 27 No Maximum The trip around the factory ended in about 30 minutes. Unfortunately, there is nothing further. The tourism part is untouched, although the company is open for visitors. There is no café to relax or shop that sells raw coffee bean. Whereas the cold air in the area is a suitable place to relax. “We haven’t thought about this,” said Jusuf closing the conversation. Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto-foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 28 Jusuf explained in detail the process to keep the quality. The processes include peeling the red skin right after harvesting to avoid fermentation. The purpose was to keep the taste and quality. Then, he invite us to visit the factory located around the management office. Coffee bean need to go to many stages of processes, from peeling, washing, up to selecting the machinery and labor. Toarco Jaya Bokin Village, Ranteboa, Sub-district, North Toraja Reservation: 0813 4380 0288 Cup Taste One of the most interesting parts is the end process called cup taste. Trained experts are the one who do this part. They took samples from every coffee bean sack, dryly fried, ground then brewed in three cups. “If the aroma and taste from the three cups are different, the quality of coffee can be lowered down. If it go through the green bean is ready to be exprted,” explained Jusuf while inviting the guest to do cup taste. Another process is for second and third grade coffee. The coffee beans are dryly fried by machine to a certain degree. Coffee with darker color (longer frying process) is ground separately to be used to make ice coffee. Other coffee are used for espresso or instant coffee depending on how well it is fried. Fact on Coffee Process • It needs about 8 to 9 months to turn from coffee flower to red granule and ready to harvest. • The coffee lost 50% of its weight after peeling. • It will lose another 20% of its weight after drying. • And it will lose another 20% after processed into green bean by peeling the shell horn. • Toarco Jaya Factory Manager mentioned about Rp 50.000 to go through the process. e •Selected coffee bean (perfectly ripe) weighed and put in the tank to peel the red skin. •Clean the mucus, the red skin is made into compost and liquid waste is processed before it is dumped into the river. •Coffee bean is washed in a long sink, and at the same time selected base on its weight. The light coffee bean will float. •The coffee bean is ready to dry, it takes about 6 days to reach 10,5% of the bean’s water content. •Dried coffee bean is put in the Huller (shell horn peeler) •From the Huller to the Grader, the purpose is to separate the beans base on its size. •And then into the graffiti to separate the light and heavy bean once again. Proce 29 sses •The process is continued to manual selection. The purpose is to select undetected machine selection coffee beans. The selector is not allowed to wear perfume and cosmetics, the nature of coffee absorbed odor, it affect the taste and at quality. •After manually selected, the bean is put in sacks and labeled. Coffee from every sack is taken for sample and to be inspected manually. When there is defected coffee bean found, the whole sack of coffee has to go into the selection process again. •Qualified low-grade coffee bean is put in the fryer and fried into different degrees. The highly fried coffee bean (black color) is used to make ice coffee. •From the fryer it goes into the grinder. Destinasi: Toraja Utara Foto-foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Coffe •At last packed according to the categories. •The export quality is the top grade or the main quality packed in a form of green bean. •Coffee ready for export has to go through one last test called taste cup. The coffee bean is fried, ground and tested both the taste and aroma in three cups by skillful experts. It is ready to be exported when it gives the same taste. Destinasi: Bantimurung Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 DESTINATION: BANTIMURUNG Is Bantimurung still the heaven of 30 butterflies? B ANTIMURUNG National Park in Bulusaraung, South Sulawesi is called The Kingdom of Butterfly. However, only a few small butterflies were seen along the way to climb towards the lake. The driver who is also the guide, explained that the condition of the national park is no longer the same. The amounts of butterflies are decreasing especially the large and colorful ones. Nevertheless, Bantimurung is still the heaven of butterflies. There are various species of butterflies and animals live in this national park. It is said that, before Bantimurung was crowded with travelers, there was still lots of butterflies fluttering, especially in the morning. You could imagine how fantastic that place was when Alfred Russell Wallace (1823 – 1913), the English scientist, first came to explore. He found the need to label BantimurungThe Kingdom of Butterfly. 31 Destinasi: Bantimurung Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Bantimurung National Park is lovely. However, do not imagine to encounter hundreds of butterflies in various sizes flying around. Just enjoy the beauty and be thanful when you are able to see them. Destinasi: Bantimurung Foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 32 Museum & Jamala Pool Babul National Park is equipped with museum. There are varieties of butterfly species preserved. Not far from the museum you can see Jamala Pool that faced the swimming pool. Jamala pool was believed to be the place where the goddesses bathe, the local people call it the goddesses lake. The greenish water looks pretty. It gives misty reflection when photographed. The people believed the water has special quality, like what is written on the information board. It is believed to cure various illnesses, help find your soul mate, and to avoid magic spells. The truth is up to each individual’s believe. Bantimurung Waterfall Jamala Pool Waterfall & Lake Destinasi: Bantimurung Foto-foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 33 Walking further in, visitors will pass the edge of the precipice before they finally see the Bantimurung Waterfall. The visitor’s favorite is not too high only about 15 meters, and there are some part that is sloping gradually that create a natural slide. Next to the waterfall, there are stairs to take you further in to the lake and stone cave. It takes 30 to 45 minutes to get there. Along the way, you can feel the jungle atmosphere, dense and quite. On the left, you can see a lake and river, its water flows down to be the waterfall. On clear weather, the lake and river in Bantimurung National Park have magnificent color. The greenish color gives misty image so beautiful that looks like a painting. Occasionally you can see butterflies and according to some local people who own little shops along the ramp, sometimes you can see Sulawesi black monkeys especially during fruit season After several minutes of walk, there is a still water lake, it has a riverbed that makes the lake dangerous. No wonder they put a sign that says, “Swimming is not allowed”, because there has been victims in past. Stone Cave Destinasi: Bantimurung Foto: Fadil Aziz/ Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 34 Bantimurung Waterfall Again you can see the greenish water. Unfortunately, the beauty is not completed with butterfly. That afternoon not more than 10 butterflies were there. The shop owner explained that many butterflies fluttered around in the morning. From the lake we continued the journey to Stone Cave. The shop owner guided, accompanied and helped us rent a flashlight about Rp 20.000. The journey ended in Stone Cave. Tourist may go down. However if you want to stay longer you can explore more interesting tourist objects. Babul National Park has at least 80 beautiful caves and kartz mountain. dok destinasi indonesia Butterflies on the edge of the lake Souvenir Leaving Bantimurung National Park, tourist can hire someone to take pictures at the exit gate. Around the ticket counter souvenir sellers line up. The souvenirs are mostly butterflies. Various preserved butterflies from large to small are framed for wall decorations. Prices vary from tens to hundreds of thousands depending on the size of the butterflies and frames. You can have butterfly key chain for less expensive souvenir. Tips •Bantimurung Bulusaraung, is located in Bantimurung Subdistrict, Maros District, South Sulawesi. The land is about 43,750 hectare wide. •Alfred Russell Wallace, an English scientist and naturalist, explored Bantimurung in 1857. He discovered 270 types of butterflies in six months. He was so fascinated that he called the place The Kingdom of Butterfly. •Butterflies in Bantimurung are decreasing a lot in numbers. Maintainers felt the need to breed the butterflies. •Bantimurung National Park is located 20 km from the airport and about 50 km out of Makassar City. The short distance is made to a one-day trip. •When travel to Toraja by rental vehicle, take the opportunity to stop by at Bantimurung National Park. •When traveling by public transportation, take the Damri bus to the main road out of the airport about 3 km away. You can continue the journey by pete-pete towards Maros Central Market then to Ban- timurung. The transportation fare is between Rp3.000 to Rp6.000. •The ticket price is Rp20.000 (local tourist) and Rp50.000 (foreign tourist). •Tourist guide fare in Bantimurung is around Rp 25.000 to Rp 50.000. •A one day car rental to Bantimurung and around Makassar is around Rp 550.000. •Taxii can be another option. The fare is around Rp 140.000 to Rp160.000. Destinasi: Bantimurung Foto-foto: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 35 Family Vacation To Split the Hill with Mak Itam Family Vacation | Ranah Minang Photographer: Kiki Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 36 Mak Itam will take you to see the fascinating Ranah Minang (the Land of Minang). The old coal fueled locomotive, made a memorable family vacation. By: Aris Risanti M AK Itam is well known in Sawahlunto, West Sumatera. The name is not popular only among the local people but also the local and foreign tourist. Mak Itam has made Sawahlunto the historical tourist destination. M AK Itam, nama yang sudah begitu dikenal di Sawahlunto, Sumatera Barat. Nama itu semakin populer, bukan hanya di kalangan masyarakat setempat, tetapi juga wisatawan nusantara dan mancanegara. Mak Itam mengantarkan Sawahlunto sebagai daerah tujuan wisata sejarah. Anak-anak kami begitu antusias mendengar rencana akan naik kereta berwarna hitam keliling bukit. Begitu pesawat mendarat di Bandara International Minangkabau, kami langsung menuju Bukittinggi dengan mobil sewaan yang sudah kami pesan jauh-jauh hari lewat rekomendasi teman dan internet. Perjalanan membutuhkan waktu sekitar lima jam. Cukup lama, tapi anak bungsu kami yang berusia lima dan si sulung 12 tahun, tetap riang gembira. Terlihat asyik menikmati pemandangan indah berkelok dan berbukit disepanjang jalan. Setiba di Bukittinggi, kami menginap di Hotel The Hills. Hotel itu jadi pilihan setelah kami browsing dan mendengar rekomendasi dari teman-teman. Letaknya di atas bukit dengan pemandangan Gunung Merapi yang masih aktif serta Jam Gadang khas Bukittinggi yang sudah sangat terkenal. Objek pertama yang kami yang kami kunjungi, tentu saja Jam Gadang dan Pasar tradisional yang banyak menjajakan mukena bordir khas Bukittinggi. As the plane landed at Minangkabau International Airport, Padang, we directly drove to Bukittinggi with the rental car. We reserved the car ahead of time with friends’ recommendations and the internet. The trip takes five hours. It is a long trip but our five-year and 12-year old are still very excited. They seemed to enjoy the beautiful view on a hilly and winding road As we arrived in Bukittinggi we checked in at The Hills Hotel. We picked the hotel from the internet and friends’ recommendations. It is located on top of a hill overlooking the active Mount Merapi and the famous Jam Gadang (the Big Clock) the characteristic of Bukittinggi. The first site we visited of course Jam Gadang and the Traditional Market that sells embroidered veil a specialty of Bukittinggi. Family Vacation | Ranah Minang Photographer: Kiki Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 37 Family Vacation | Ranah Minang Photographer: Kiki Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 38 Japanese Cave Chasing Mak Itam Early in the next morning, we got ready to visit the Japanese Cave, the tourist object that used to be a repository of war supplies and equipment of the Japanese army. The winding hallway reach 1.400 meters in length and two meters wide. In the tunnel there are chambers used for surveillance, ambush, prison and armory. Aproximately tens to hundreds of romusha (forced labor during the Japanese occupation) mobilized from Java, Sulawesi and Kalimantan to dig the tunnel. Meanwhile the labors from Bukittinggi were recruited for a different project. The purpose was to keep the secrecy of the cave’s map in Bukittinggi. After we had enough exploring Bukittinggi, the next day we chase for Mak Itam, a tourism train, Sawahlunto’s pride. Sawahlunto is a mining city that experience glory during the Dutch Colony. We did not stay at Ombilin Hotel intentionally, even though the location of the hotel is closer to Padang Panjang Train Station where Mak Itam started its journey. The children are so anxious to visit the Japanese Cave in the beginning and the Hills Hotel offered a One Stop Holiday Program. That morning we hurried to Padang Panjang Train Station about two hours drive from Bukittinggi. It felt like chasing the time. Knowing Mak Itam leave at 08.00 and only operated during the weekend (Sunday). With Mak Itam we explored the hills, passed through tunnel, to enjoy the beauty of the rice paddies and forests. The children were so fascinated. Along the way, we can see farmers hoeing and plowing the Airline Ticket: Jakarta - Padang Car rental: 1 X 24 hours Rp450.000 Kereta Mak Itam Train Ticket: Rp4 million shared among passengers Japanese Cave Ticket: Children Rp5.000, Adult Rp8.000 Historical Place rice fields. In 15 km per hour, we were so absorbed by the view. To enjoy Mak Itam Tourism Train you have to pay the rent for 4 million rupiahs. How expensive! Do not panic, the rail car can accommodate 30 people. The car is full most of the time, so we have to make reservation at least one day in advance. The purpose of prior reservation is not only a matter of expense but also technical matter. According to the officer, the engine has to be warmed up one day before departure. After we had enough exploring the hilly Sawahlunto and its surrounding area, we visited some historical place. In 2005, the collaboration of the local government and the PT Kereta Api (the railroad company) made Sawahlunto Train Station into the second Train Museum in Indonesia after the one in Ambarawa. You can see rail cars from different era and steam miniature locomotive. Hundreds of equipments used to operate the train are also part of the collection at the Train Museum. We also visited the historical building called Pek Sin Kek. The name was taken from a Chinese businessperson who came and resided in Sawahlunto in the 20th century. Pek Sin Kek was a successful entrepreneur. In 1906, he built his business and home at the city center. The house was once used as a theater, Malay Society, Ice Factory, and after it was revitalized in 2005-2006 the Chinese design building is now a souvenir shop. Tourist shopped there while enjoying the unique architecture of the building. 39 Family Vacation | Ranah Minang Photographer: Kiki Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Train Museum Ticket: Rp3.000 for public, Rp1.000 for students PetaJalan Community PetaJalan Community Photo: Dok Komunitas PetaJalan Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 40 To Introduce Sports Tourism PetaJalan (Road Map) Community was formed out of casual talk. It started from an internal activity, now the members and enthusiast have spread by and large. P ETAJALAN was formed out of casual talk between five young climbers. It happened in 2012, when they climbed Mount Semeru, Central Java. Since then an intensive communication happened for all of them work at The Directorate General of Marine Coastal and Minor Outlying Islands, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. The talk and activities grew wide until they formed the community in April 2013. It was just a simple goal, to be an umbrella organization for fun activities at the same time a means of gathering and exchanging information among the employees. As time goes, the activities and members keep on developing, not only as an internal activity. Other young professionals with the same hobby joined the community. “Moreover PetaJalan is a free membership fee community. Everything is done independently, share the work, from arranging the agenda, selecting the transportation, lodging, etc,” explained Mihtahul Huda, Chairman of PetaJalan Community. Sports Tourism Dive, climb and marathon 41 PetaJalan Community Photo: Dok Komunitas PetaJalan Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 PetaJalan’s activities were narrowed down into, the main goal was to introduce Sports Tourism to the society. They determined four main activities, namely, adventuring tourism, mountain climbing, diving, and marathon They have climbed to the top of Mount Kerinci, Jambi and Mount Rinjani, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. They have also run in several Marathon namely, Mandiri Run 10K, Bali Marathon 2013 in Denpasar, Jakarta International 10K in Jakarta, Halo Fit Run in Bandung, Ramadhan-Halo Fit Night Run 10K in Jakarta, Bromo Marathon in BromoTengger-Semeru National Park area, East Java, Adidas-King of the Road 2013 in BSD Tangerang, and Singelloop Enschede 2013 in Twente, Belanda. Last October the community joint Mesastila Challenge 13 K and 21 K in Ambarawa, Magelang and Jakarta Marathon. The November and December 2013 Agenda, are Penang Bridge International Marathon in Penang (17/11), Standard Chartered Half Marathon in BSD Tangerang (24/11), and Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore in Singapore (1/12). “To end 2013, the community will climb Mount Rinjani (3726 mbsl) in Lombok, through Senaru route,” explained Huda. Again, the committee is done in mutual aid, share task and responsibility based on the founder’s and members’ initial commitment. At the end of the conversation, Huda quotes William Shakespeare, “Suit the action to the word, the word to the action.” “Let’s act together,” he said. Accomodation Photo: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 42 Accomodation Birds Chirping at Bumi Bandhawa Birds chirping to greet the morning in Bumi Bandhawa. The warm sun mingled with the overflow of oxygen under the shade of pine trees. T his accommodation is quite special. It has only 16 rooms with an exclusive homey atmosphere in the center of pine trees. The location is a little hard to find. You need to enter the housing complex of some lecturers. It is located exactly on Jalan Konstitusi, Bandung, West Java. Bumi Bandhawa offered a romantic ambience with beautiful landscape, dominated with pine trees. In the morning sooty-headed bulbul, finch, great tit, chestnut-capped thrush and bar-winged prinia are busy chirping and fluttering around the garden and footpath. Squirrels occasionally popped out of the pine tree branches exhibiting its agility. Bumi Bandhawa was once a private house built on a two-hectare land. Prior to its opening in 2011, they build more rooms with terraces facing the swimming pool The main building is used as the lobby including four executive rooms and one grand suite. “Only the grand suite is equipped with bathtub, other rooms used showers. or get in and out of the Teletabies holes built close to the swimming pool in front of Poppy’s Kitchen. Romantic The 48 square meter suite is often occupied by families or newlywed couples,” explained Nani Rianto, Bumi Bandhawa sales manager. The lobby is part of the hotel that should be enjoyed. The interior is homey, elegant and warm, with a piano placed in the center of the lobby. Poppy’s Kitchen & Café, the eatery, also has a unique interior makes visitors comfortable. Rumah Rahagi, is the name given by the owner for the main building. Rahagi means positive aura, so it can mean the house that brings positive aura. The rooms in the main building are named after the owner’s family member such as Kayla, Raula, Marindra, Prasaya, etc. Balai Bengong a very tempting place around the swimming pool. There are bed shaped seat placed in an open air under the pine trees next to the park. It gives the luxury of relaxing, reading books or just getting some inspiration. For children, Bumi Bandhawa brings joy and happiness. A not too spacious place gives tranquility to the parents. They can let their children play around by themselves without worries. Children can swim, play swing, watch the birds, 43 Accomodation Photo: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 The beautiful landscape and unique interior made Bumi Bandhawa often become a place to do prewedding photo sessions. The park, pine trees, balai bengong, lobby are the favorite backdrops. People often carry out wedding party in the garden. For more than 200 invitations, the management suggested to split the party into two periods. “The place will not fit. It will not be comfortable if you force to do it. So we suggest to split the guest’s arrival. For instance, some guest will come from 10.00 to 12.00 then from 12.00 to 15.00,” explained Nani. Reunion and meeting are other activities that often done at Bumi Bandhawa. Two meeting rooms can be functioned. The first meeting room is for 40 to 70 people the other one is for 10 to 12 people. The location of the hotel is one value added. Although it is inside a residential complex but it is close to Dago shopping center and special culinary locations in upper Dago. Interested? Bumi Bandhawa Hotel Jl Konstitusi I /16, Cigadung / Tubagus Ismail, Dago, Bandung Telp: (022) 82522724 / 081320009910 Web: Tourism Object Photo: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 44 Tourism Object Bandung’s Floating Market Bandung is a city filled with creativity. Now it owns a Floating Market that offers a complete family tourism. B andung, West Java. On the 7,2 hectare lies a Floating Market that offers a complete family tourism from culinary, water activities, playground, educational tourism, karaoke, etc. In the past Lembang Floating Market was a natural lake called Situ Umar. Until then “the King of Factory Outlet” Perry Tristianto turn it into a natural tourism object, equipped with various facilities without damaging the ecosystem. There is also Kampung Leuit, an area built with a village nuance completed with strawberry farm and other kinds of fruit farms, a creek and a rice field hut. Floating Market has a spacious parking space. Visitors are charged Rp 10.000 that can be exchanged with a glass of soft drink. Every transaction in the market is done with a token. The values of the token are Rp5.000, Rp10.000, Rp50.000, and Rp100.000. The token is used as means of payment at the market and several rides. It is recommended to buy the token as needed. You can buy some more token when needed. The left over token cannot be cashed out. Some tourists usually buy souvenirs or gifts with the left over token or take some home for souvenirs. Support Facilities This is the main part of Lembang Floating Market. On one side of the lake stands what looks like a pier for the boats that sell varieties of food to tie up. There are chairs to relax while enjoying the food, breezy wind and lake view in the middle of the pier. Varieties of food sold in the market from sausage, milk tofu, baked durian, roasted corn, baked sticky rice, tut tut, serabi (a kind of pancake), gudeg, tempe mendoan, colenak and various kinds of hard to find food. You can go to Rock Pool to find Western and Oriental food. Many selections of gifts that you can bring home from sausages, tofu to clothes and paintings. There is a playground on the another side of the lake, outbound and educational rides to introduce different kinds of animals to the children. There is a rabbit park where children can get in with carrots on their hands to feed the rabbit. There is also Goose Park and fish feeding. You can also enjoy other games such as ATV and flying fox. Water Tourism To complete the ride, the playground is also equipped with canoe rental, boat, paddleboat, jukung, and water cycle. Visitors can rent ojek boat only for Rp1.000 to experience crossing the lake. Floating Market Jl Grand Hotel No. 33E Lembang, West Java +62708 888 81 Business Hours: 09.00 - 17.00 ICT (week day) and 09.00-18.00(weekend) Ticket Rp 10.000/ person Floating market token: Rp5.000 up to Rp 100.000 45 Tourism Object Photo: Dok Destinasi Indonesia Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 The Floating Market Playground The wooden house provides karaoke, while the floating house provides reflection. For Rp50.000 per 30 minutes, you can feel the sensation of the massage on your tired foot after walking around the lake. Culinary Culinary Photo: Dok Strawberry Cafe Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 46 Strawberry Cafe Strawberry Cafe offers excitement and surprises. Here, family and friends can compete in a game. D o not be surprised when you see guests at Strawberry Cafe, their faces smudged with powder, hair filled with pins or clothes pins hanging on their ears. They are just competing on a game. For those who lose will get penalties. Strawberry Cafe is located at Jalan Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta (across Kopro Market) and in Depok, West Java. The café not only offers varieties of food and drinks, but also unique games serving concept. The family and students café is far from elegant. Putra Priyadi, the owner, chose the interior to give strawberry farm nuance. Strawberry Cafe Jl Tanjung Duren (across Kopro Market) West Jakarta Business Hours: 12.00 hingga 24.00 Phone: (021) 56942751 Food and drinks at Strawberry Café are named and served uniquely. For example, Crazy Fried Rice, is served in a pot garnished with green vegetables on top makes it looks like plants. New York Steak Aromatic, is served on a plate with fire still flaming on the steak. You can also try drinks like small squash with bright and colorful presentation and smoke effect. E=mc2, filled into six small cylinders just like the one in the laboratory, completed with a smoky cylinder. Games Strawberry Cafe provide various interesting games. There are 550 games, namely Tumbler Monkey, Rock the Beat, Suspend, Russia Roulette, etc. how do you play them? No worries, the waiters will guide to every game. You can try Jumanji. They will charge Rp15.000/person to play this game. Laughter and scream will definitely fill the room. “This is a surprising game. So, do not tell them the detail,” said Putra laughing. Package All of the waiters at Strawberry Cafe are trained to entertain the guests, especially to those who ordered a package deal or requested a surprise birthday party, reunion, or asking for a date. There are thematic package for birthday party, namely, Samba, Cowboy, and Mission Impossible. For Franchise Strawberry Cafe started to introduce the franchise system. Putra is targeting Bandung. “We are not forcing ourselves on expansion. It is not easy to maintain quality, moreover waiters at Strawberry Cafe needs special training to understand how to entertain the guests.” 47 Culinary Photo: Dok Strawberry Cafe Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Food & Drinks Samba package, waiters will wear Latin America clothes. On the day, the lights are off, they will come with a surprise, Samba music, fireworks, birthday cake and of course songs. After that, you can continue with dancing. Cowboy Package is presented with Cowboy clothes and Country songs. While for Mission Impossible the waiters wear costumes just like the one in the movie including the toy guns. “Everything is surprising. We like to play with theme. Because sometimes there are two or three birthdays at the same time,” explained Putra, who is a hospitality school graduate. With all the creativity concepts offered, Strawberry Cafe is always crowded with visitors. There are 400 visitors on the weekdays and 1000 on the weekend. On Valentine’s Day, Strawberry Cafe usually offered Jomblo Night (Single Night), with a waiter acted as cupid, that will give flower to every guest who wishes to get acquainted. “The concept is simple; Valentine is always celebrated by couples. But, what about the single ones? This concept is appreciated in the past two years,” explained Putra. Warung Misbar (Misbar Food Stall) RE Martadinata No 28 A, Bandung Open 11.00 – 23.00 IWT Phone: (022) 4237426 / 61312828 Culinary info Misbar is usually an open air place to watch movie, but this eatery is nothing like that. Here, guests can eat in a nice comfortable restaurant. However, the interior does look like a Misbar with old movies posters. Warung Misbar serves Indonesian food such as, varieties of sambal (chili paste), jengkol (a kind of nut) stew, pepes ikan mas (carp wrapped in banana leaf and roasted or steamed), sate lilit (twist satay), chicken betutu etc. There are around 40 dishes prepared every day. The food are served and arranged attractively. Please select what you desire. They serve three different kinds of rice, plain rice, red rice and liwet rice. Martabak Har Restaurant Kompleks Bumi Indah B1 X, Nagoya, Batam Open 06.00 – 01.00 WIB Phone: (0778) 45869 This is an old restaurant and one of Batam’s favorite places to hang out. It is a simple place with extraordinary food. The martabak, canai and prata bread, and other food served are worth trying. There are varieties of food on the menu such as, cheesed prata bread, eggs, goat meat etc. the selections of curry from chicken to goat meat. The prices are between Rp7.000 to Rp30.000/portion. Culinary info Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 48 Nanny’s Pavillon Playroom – Kota Kasa blanka Kota Kasablanka, UG Floor Phone (021) 29488699 / 29488701 Business Hours: Mon – Sun : 10.00 – 22.00 Mon – Sun : 10.00 – 22.00 NANNY’S Pavillon is known as French-American family restaurant. Their outlets spread all over Jakarta, Bandung, and Bali.The one in Kota Kasablanka is the 11th outlet. The exterior shows a homy atmosphere you can feel the warmth right away. Just like its name (Play Room), the new Nanny’s outlet is design Nanny’s with children’s atmospheric interior from tables, kursi, lights up to cute dolls. The choice colors are cheerful but still cozy. On one of the corner, there is a playing zone that let your love one to move, play and learn. The menu varies and mostly international menu. Lumpia (Spring Roll) Gang Lombok Sinou Koffe Housen This old fashion spring roll is still sought by food lovers. It is located at Gang Lombok next to a temple. Nowadays there are varieties of lumpia filling, but the one in Gang Lombok stay with the old recipe. The price is Rp 12.000/lumpia. People who used to eat this lumpia are usually reluctant to move to a different one. The place opens from morning until dusk. Customers come to dine in or take some home to be their souvenirs. SINOU Koffe is designed in vintage style with an industrial Parisian Warehouse concept. The chairs are arranged in a home-like setting. There are long wooden tables. Sofas are not shoving. Sinou is a two-story building that looks like an old warehouse but still cozy and warm. The menu varies, Wagyu sirloin steak, steak fried rice, blueberry cheese roll, special Sinou fried rice, smoked beef spaghetti, pancake, French toast, waffle heaven coco to braised oxtail soup. Free internet is available. Gang Lombok, Semarang Jalan Panglima Polim V No 26, South Jakarta Business Hours: 12.00 to 24.00 IWT No MSG and halal. Tourism object info Kampong Bamboe (Bamboe Village) Selawi Village Ciburayut Cijeruk Village Bogor Indonesia Tia: 02517164939 Tia: 085715113684 VARIOUS outing activities in an educational nuance can be done at Kampong Bamboe. You can learn to farm, to train your boldness with the outbound activities or just to have fun with all sorts of games like paint ball, water rafting and many more. Kampong Bamboe is equipped with facilities for kindergarten children to adults. Tana Kita (Our Land) Jalan Lamandau IV No.17 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12130 INDONESIA. Phone (021) 7200469 Cimory Dairy Tour Jalan Raya Puncak No 435 KM77 Cisarua Bogor Phone. (62)251 825 7888 Cimory Dairy Tour can be a holiday activity done with family and friends. Here, you are introduced to the origin of milk and its product. They will show you the process of milk from the farm to the ready to drink product. The participant will gain knowledge by watching a movie From Cow to Milk, and the experience to feed and milk the cow at Cimory Mini Farm. Kampung Naga (Dragon Village) Jawa Timur (East Java) Park 2 Jalan Raya Oro-Oro Ombo No 9 Batu Tourism City, East Java | Phone: 0341 5025777 Ticket Jatim Park 2 + Fauna Museum Monday-Thursday: Rp65.000 | Friday-Sunday: Rp90.000 Opening Hours: 10.00 – 18.00 WIB One of Indonesia’s tourism objects that earn praises and called to have the possibility to beat the one in Malaysia and Singapore. It has lots of rides and varieties of animals from birds to marine life from different part of the world such as Africa. It also has various children’s games and a museum made very attractive. Jatim Park 2 is designed in such a way that visitors will have the opportunity to visit every ride and games before they step out of the park. For those who never been to Jatim Park 2 schedule your day in advance. Neglasari Village, Salawu Sub-Distrcit, Tasikmalaya District. Phone: (0265) 330165 The Tourism Office of Tasikmalaya District, Jalan Otto Iskandardinata No.2, Tasikmalaya KAMPUNG Naga is a village that still firmly holds its tradition. It is located at Naga Village, Neglasari Village, Salawu Sub-District, Tasikmalaya, West Java. The 1,5 hectare village is not affected by modernization. To see the people’s natural life, beautiful view, cool air and the philosophy of life they believe can enrich your soul and knowledge. 49 Tourism object info Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Tana Kita is an arranged camping ground equipped with a complete facility. All kinds of camping equipments are available for rent such as, tent, sleeping bag, pillow etc. The management call it the five star camping ground. Families can feel the camping atmosphere without worries. They can enjoy the view, fresh air, campfire, trekking, play at the waterfall, etc. hotel info 1 Kebun Mawar (Rose Garden) Situhupa Jalan Raya Kamojang km 5, Samarang Sub-District, Garut Phone: (0262) 4706006 / 4817148 KEBUN Mawar Situhupa offered a different experience to stay in a lodge around the rose garden and nursery. The structure of the lodge is mainly wood with light color beautifully combined with the rose garden. A restaurant that serves Indonesian, Sundanese, European and Dutch specialties located in the middle of the garden. Kebun Mawar Situhupa lies on a 5-hectare land grown with 500 varieties of flowers. Visitors can enjoy the beauty while learning more about flowers. The lodge rate is between Rp1.400.000 to Rp2.600.000. A 20% discount is given on weekends and 50% on weekdays. 2 hotel info Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 50 3 4 2 Dusun Jogja Village Jalan Menukan No 5, Jogjakarta Phone: (0274) 373031 ROMANTIC and serene. When visit Jogjakarta, lodge in at Dusun Jogja Village. A medium size hotel designed so beautiful as if living in a countryside. Varieties of trees grow rich decorated the hotel rooms which are mostly designed with wooden nuance. The bathroom is a composition of open and sheltered space. There is a reading corner at the lobby and a room equipped with home theater to watch video. The pool is located in the middle of the park. 5 3 MesaStila Hotel Losari Village - Grabag, Magelang Phone: 0298-596333 The unique resort located on the mountain slope overlooking the coffee plantation is worth visited. You can feel the cool air and the tranquility of the atmosphere. Its architecture and interior is also unique with a Javanese nuance of royal houses during the colonialism. The unique part of the hotel is the lobby that looks like a train station brought from Jepara. Other than relaxing, you can also pamper yourself at the spa. On the other hand, add your knowledge on coffee and its processes. 4 Novus Puncak Resort & Spa Jalan Sindanglaya Raya No 180, Cipanas, West Java Phone: (0263) 511335 Novus Puncak Resort & Spa Offered a hotel with the panoramic Mount Gede and tea plantation on a 3,8 hectare land. The room is built with a mixture of stone, marble and wood. The swimming pool is built on a higher and open space so that while swimming you can view the beautiful surroundings. For food, there is Puncak Café that serves Indonesian, international, and Chinese food. Internet access and meeting room are some of the facilities offered. 5 Majapahit Hotel Jalan Tunjungan, Surabaya Phone: (031) 5454333 Majapahit Hotel is a historical building from the Dutch colony built in the 1900. The front part of the building looks ordinary. However, you can feel the luxury of the colonial time as you get in. The interior is filled with decorative things from the past matches the historical building. The pretty interior with romantic nuance invites couples to have their prewedding pictures there. 51 Tips & Trick Check In Tips & Trick Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 52 Sriwijaya Air Passengers are mandatory to check in 1 hour 45 minutes before the flight schedule to avoid delay. Check in at the check in counter at every airport. To Know the Aviation Regulation Lion Air The check in counter opens 2 hours and closes 45 minutes before departure. Void ticket for late comers. City Link The check-in counter opens 2 hours and closes 30 minutes before departure. Void ticket for those who come less than 30 minutes. Air Asia The check in counter opens 2 hours and closes 45 minutes before departure. The door closes 20 minutes before departure. Merpati Airlines Check in counter closes 45 minutes before departure. Garuda Indonesia For domestic flight, Garuda Indonesia allowed 40 kg (adult) dan 30 kg (children) of baggage for First Class passengers, 30 kg (adult) and 20 kg (children) for Economy Class. Garuda Frequent Flyers (GFF) member will get additional 5 kg for Silver cardholder, 15 kg for Gold cardholder or EC Plus, and 20 kg for Platinum cardholder or GIC Card. According to International Air Transport Association regulation, each passenger is allowed to bring baggage a maximum of 56 cm x 45 cm x 25 cm with a total of 7 kg into the cabin. Garuda Indonesia facilitates an extra weight of 32 kg maximum for passengers with sports and music equipment, disabled passengers and baby stroller. Garuda Indonesia Pregnant woman is allowed to fly domestic route up to 36 weeks of the pregnancy, while international route up to 32-35 weeks. Sriwijaya Air The maximum baggage weight of 20 kg for all flight destinations except Jakarta – Tanjung Pinang – Jakarta15 kg. There will be an extra charge for excess weight. Lion Air All pregnant passengers have to sign a statement of liability discharge. Passengers with 28 weeks of pregnancy must show certificate of health saying that she is healthy enough to fly. Lion Air Maximum baggage weight for business class is 30 kg/person and 20 kg/person for economy class. There will be an extra charge for excess weight. Luggage allowed into the cabin is 7 kg, a maximum size of 40 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm. Citylink A maximum weight of 20kg and an extra charge for excess weight. Luggage of 7 kg maximum is allowed into the cabin. Air Asia A maximum baggage of 15 kg is allowed for passenger who make confirmation at the time of the ticket purchase. Other than that passengers will be charged per kilogram for their baggage. There will be extra charge for excess weight. Stroller, wheelchair, any kind of aids are free of charge. Sports equipments are charge according to the regulation. Merpati Airlines Passengers are allowed to bring 30 kg (business class), 25 kg (premium class), and 20 kg (economy class) baggage. They are also allowed to bring one 5 kg bag into the cabin with a maximum size of 56 cm x 23 cm x 36 cm. Sriwijaya Air Passengers with maximum of 32 weeks pregnancy are mandatory to have doctor’s letter of recommendation to fly and to fill in a form provided by the branch office or airport. City Link Pregnant passengers less than 35 weeks are allowed to fly with a gynecologist certificate of health that shows she is in a good condition and allowed to travel by plane. Air Asia Pregnancy between 28 to 34 weeks must deliver doctor’s letter that stated the age of the pregnancy and the pessanger is in good health. The letter is not dated 30 days before departure. It is also mandatory for her to sign statement of Air Asia’s liability. Passengers over 35 weeks of pregnancy are not allowed to fly Air Asia. Merpati Airlines Passengers with 3 to 7 months of pregnancy are allowed to fly. The officer has the right to ask for certificate of health. The pregnant woman must sign the statement of liability discharge. 53 Tips & Trick Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Bagage Regulation for Pregnant Woman KLICK chick Amazing panoramic camera This camera is capable to capture scene and landscape 360 degrees in one throw. Throwable, is a unique camera that can create a continuous ball landscape. The body is installed with a module that looks like a soccer ball with a soft surface because of the sponge and accelerometer. The module helped to predict the time to reach the highest point of the throw. After you catch the ball, you can download the picture automatically with a USB. The picture is presented in a panoramic ball. The highresolution camera will make your activity and tour more colorful. Throwable will be on the market in 2014. For more information, click Klik & Chick Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 54 Travel Desk Bag Work while on your vacation or vacation while working. Whatever it is, maybe this product will give you convenience. The design is made by Kenny & Melissa Johnson and the concept is mobile office. Travel desk can be ejected from the bag’s iron thrust. It is in a form of a mini desk that stand still. You can work anywhere you want without putting your laptop on your lap. Practical and it will not danger your back for bending over. Traveldesk is sold for US$279. For more information click Playway Case Practical and cute. That is the idea behind the making of Playaway case. The US$124 product is a combination of luggage and children’s toy. Jo Kerley, a mother of two, who designed the product knows how hard to overcome children’s boredom while queuing or waiting for anything during a trip. The practical bag with cartoon character provide various kinds of educationl games. Other than being a secure luggage to keep children’s gadget, it also provide game board, 12 crayons and all kinds of card games. For more information click Horizon The Power of Slogan Two to five words tied together in a slogan can obviously change the people’s welfare of a country. H 55 The following are slogans released by several countries in Asia: Indonesia: Wonderful Indonesia Laos: Simply Beautiful Singapura: Your Singapore Brunei: Brunei, The Green Heart of Borneo Kamboja: Kingdom of Wonder Hong Kong: Asia’s World City Jepang: Endless Discovery Malaysia: Truly Asia Korea: Be Inspired Mongolia: Discover Mongolia Taiwan: The Heart of Asia Filipina: It’s More Fun in the Philippines Thailand: Always Amaze You Vietnam: Timeless Charm Horizon Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 ow strong is the influence of a slogan to increase tourism? Many countries have benefited from a slogan that can strengthen branding. In the beginning of 2013, the Philippines released a new slogan It’s more fun in the Philippines to help reach target visitor that was projected until 2016. The Philippines Department of Tourism claimed that their slogan was the trending topic in the social media. The result after 10 months of the release, 3,2 million tourists have come to the Phi lippines, 12% increase from the previous year. The Philippines is optimistic that they will reach 4,2 million of foreign tourist this year and 10 million by 2016. The Philippines is one among other countries that experience the power of a slogan. For a long time people realize the importance to find the right slogan for branding. Orlando, a small city in America with 249.562 populations, is an example of a successful slogan. In 2009, consciously the government of the city of Orlando released a new slogan, Orlando Make Me Smile. The slogan was translated into different languages Mandarin Spanish, Portuguese and French. The following year they can feel the impact with the increase of the foreign tourist. Then a survey was conducted. The result 50% of homemakers who watch the advertisement with the slogan planned to have vacation in Orlando. Mothers who never see and listen to the slogan only 36% said that they are interested to visit Orlando. That is the power of a slogan. No wonder countries are competing in joining two to five words that reflect the tourism strength of each country. Female Tourist in Number The Horizon Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 A survey has proven, around 80% of traveling trip are decided by 56 women. The survey also proved that single female tourists are increasing every year. T HE data compiled by can be a planning referral to grab the female tourist market in 2014. The survey proved that countries in Asia have not work on the market niche that becomes bigger each year. Public Survey: •American Market Researcher Yesawich, Pepperdine, Brown & Russell mentioned about 87% of women go on a tour to view the beautiful scenery. That reason is higher depending to the 72% of men. • About 32 million women in the U.S travel at least once a year. This fact was revealed by The American Travel Industry Association. Travel Guard Survey •A survey result on a number of travel agents, from Travel Guard, an insurance company mentioned, 55% of women who travel alone is to represent independency, 28% wish to visit unusual tourist destinations, 9% declared they do not want to be tied to the tour schedule, and 4% concerned on the search of selfidentity. •Traveling and shopping are the activities these women like the most 27%. The desire to see historical, cultural and educational tourist sites 17%, to see the ocean 16%, to venture 15%, and 13% choose to ride on a cruise. Worldwide Inc. Survey •Worldwide Inc., a travel insurance company issued data that shows women who travels alone increases 59% compare to ten years ago and the average status are single including divorced women. •Data from Intrepid Travel in the U.S mentioned, the largest female tourist market is ages between 25 to 39 years old. •The purpose of traveling alone is not to be bothered with schedule arrangement. (17%), wanted to have more time for themselves especially when traveling with friends and family members (15%), and traveling for a particular interest (14%). •More than 80% of working women purchase products and services (including tour package) online. Female community sites are reportedly increasing. This year its number jumps up to 35%. •70% of the travel decisions are made by women like to reserve holiday cruise, travel package or just to purchase tickets. When the percentage is added to the online purchase data the number jump up to 90%. •73% of surveyed travel agent mentioned, compare to their counterparts the female tourists are a lot more common to travel alone. •44 % of the surveyed travel agent mentioned, most of their clients that travel alone are over 45 years old. In detail, 45-55 years old (29%), 35-45 (18%), 25-34 (9%) and 18-24 (0,4%) . •The travel agent recorded almost half (45%) make Europe as their favorite destination followed by Mexico/Caribbean (33%) and The United States/ Canada (15%). A more exotic destinations such as, Africa, Asia, South America and the South Pacific only 2%. •Travel agents reported, the common accommodation chosen by women that travel alone are full service resort (46%), cruise (40%), hotel (10%), hostel or guest house (3%), and apartment or room rent directly to the owner (2%). •82% of the surveyed travel agent recorded their female clients budget are an average of below US$4.999, and about 16% have budgets between US$5.000 to US$9999. Only 2% of their client spent more than US$10.000 for their solo trip. •Female tourists that travel alone is reported to apprehend on their safety during their trip (47%), medical emergency (23%), delayed or canceled flight (24%), missing documents (4%), and baggage loss (3%). That is why, 87% female tourists that travel alone purchase travel insurance. 57 The Horizon Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 •Believe it or not, the average tourists who love to venture are women. The numbers of women who love to travel alone are not young but women over 35 years old. news & event A New Hotel & Convention Center In Luwuk Wedding Package Fave Hotel Braga News & Event Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 58 FAVE Hotel Braga, Bandung, not only offering the experience to stay, but also the invitation to explore Braga Street rich with history and endless activities. Life in Braga Street is 24 hours. Fave Hotel Braga owns150 rooms, function room for 10 to 150 people, and free internet wifi. The management offered an interesting wedding package starting from Rp100.000 net/pax. Facilities offered, spend the night at the Executive Room, party decoration, MC, wedding car, and rooms provided for the family. Perpetuate the wedding with photos and videos including the videos provided by Fave Hotel Braga. The wedding package includes a voucher to stay at Fave Hotel Bali. Pleasure at Kejora Suites Bali KEJORA Suites Bali located in Sanur, may be an alternative for tourist that come to Bali and wanting to stay at a boutique service and facilities. The hotel is managed by Segara Village while the structure and interior is a cooperation with an European progressive design company Rqlondon. The result, a dynamic impression of enchanting Bali and the 21-century facilities combined. To pamper the guest the management assigned its staffs to help visitors to plan their vacation, a choice of cultural exploration, culinary adventure or both. ARCHIPELAGO International opens Aston Luwuk Hotel & Convention Center in Central Sulawesi. Luwuk, the capital of Banggai District the area, where industry and trade are developing will own new facilities, luxurious accommodation complete with conference facilities combined with the beautiful nature. Aston Luwuk Hotel & Conference Centre is situated 10 minutes from the airport, city center, government, and trade center. The hotel offers 92 rooms with ocean view. The facilities offered namely, infinity pool, and fitness center complete with spa room. There is also a Grand Ballroom to accommodate 800 people and several other meeting rooms. Archipelago International is one of the hotel operators in Indonesia with a portfolio more than 67 hotels and 12.000 rooms. About 95 of the properties are under construction in Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia. Story corner I Love Indonesia Jeremy P Mulholan Residence of Melbourne | Economic Expert and Indonesianist from Melbourne university, Australia sports activities there. I love Indonesia. Unfortunately, some tourist objects in Indonesia are not well maintained. There are some dirty toilets and even no toilet or trash bins. The government should have budgets for maintenance. Maybe the money was corrupted. The tourism office should pay attention on the cleanliness of the tourist places. Indonesia has many exotic places other countries do not have. Those places need to be taken care of. Tour awareness is not only for the people but also for the government. Lets share stories, pictures and opinion in this rubric. Send to redaksi@ or Bercengkrama dengan Kijang Holiday in Dieng Can you guess where those deer are? They are not far away from Jakarta in Ranca Upas, Ciwidey Bandung. If you want to spend your vacation there wear something warm to conquer the mountain cold air. The place also provide facilities suc as flying fox, motorcycle track, camping ground, paint ball, and you may feed the wild relocated deer. Other than Ranca Upas, Kawah Putih is located just a short distance. One thing that you need to be aware of is when traveling by car make sure the car is in good condition because of the ascending road. Interested? (Nathan) To spent the holiday with the whole family is a luxury. Not long ago we decide to have vacation in Dieng, Central Java. As we arrive, the first thing we did was to visit Telaga Warna (Colored Lake). Coincidently the lake is not far from the hotel we stay only 20 minutes drive. From there we continue the trip to Dieng. Our twins were so fascinated and amused looking at the sulfuric craters. They both keep on walking to the highest place. Even though they were so enthusiastic in climbing the mountain on foot but as soon as they were offered a horse ride their attention soon shifted. At the end, they ride the horse to go around Dieng. (Mama Kinara & Kirana) 59 Story corner Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 SAYA lama tinggal di Jakarta karena pekerjaan. I often wander around and mingle the friendly Indonesians. I like Jogjakarta and fall in love with it. The people are friendly and the tourist objects are interesting. Borobudur is one of the tourist object I like. We can see marvelous historical site. I also love the view around Mount Merapi and its surrounding. Other than Jogjakarta, I also love Ubud, Bali. The traditional cultural value and religion are highly honored there. This is what made tourists like to stay long in Ubud. In Jakarta, I like the atmosphere in Gelora Bung Karno where there still many leafy trees and 100 Islands Readied For Tourism 100 small islands ready to be offered to local and foreign investors to be managed as tourism zones. Advetorial Foto: Dok Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 60 T he beautiful white sand beach, the blue sea and the tranquility are alluring the local and foreign tourist to come, explore and enjoy the place. Now the local authority is ready ‘to release’ small islands to the local and foreign investors. The central government through the Directorate General of Marine, Coastal and Small Islands (Ditjen KP3K) the Ministry of Marine and Fishery (KKP) has prepared 100 small islands to be used for that purpose. The goverment already arrange the potentials and regulations that will put into force. “There are many potentials indeed mostly are for marine tourism. We will process it further right away, to get approval for example in a form of the President’s Instruction,” explain Sudirman Saad, DG KP3K KKP. Sudirman explained that the government intended to speed up the investment in small islands. The effort was done to push the development of the national economic, and definitely will not disrupt the sovereignty. Among the 100 islands released there are Cambang-Cambang Island in Pangkajene District (South Sulawesi), Sanrobengi Island in Takalar District (South Sulawesi), Pasi Gusung Island in Selayar District (South Sulawesi), and clusters of islands mostly in Banggai District (Central Sulawesi). Others Tabuhan Island in Banyuwangi District (East Java), Gili Balu Cluster West Sumbawa District (West Nusa Tenggara), Gili Bidara in East Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara), and Nusakambangan Island in Cilacap District (Central Java). Local Authority & Investor To promote the 100 small islands determined, KKP laid out a Business Meeting and Small Islands Investment Exhibition 2013 with a theme Indonesia First International Forum in Small Island Investment 2013. The agenda was to push and speed up investment and to promote the small islands potentials. Business Meeting and Small Islands Investment Exhibition is one dok 61 of the regular activities done every year to accelerate the development of the small island in Indonesia. “We have varieties of economic resources and potentials, but not yet well capitalized and executed for the people’s welfare,” said Sudirman. The event took place on 29-30 October 2013 opened by Sudirman Saad. The Greek Ambassador Georgios Veis and the Swedish Ambassador for Indonesia Ewa Polano were the key speakers. Through the meeting, local authorities as the owner of the area promote and meet the investors directly. That way it may escalate understanding and built commitment between local authorities and investors. As the biggest archipelago in the world the investment opportunity in small islands in Indonesia is still wide open and will keep on developing including investment in the small outer islands, explained Sudirman. “This policy is supported by regulations related to investment mechanism in the small islands. Some local authorities stimulate investment in small islands by promoting, establishing investment mechanism and facilitating licenses,” he said. Advetorial Foto: Dok Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 dok Agenda Concert Trio Lestari Show Thursday, 19 December 2013 Istora Senayan Ticket: Rp350.000 – Rp2 million Agenda Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 62 Performance Christmas & New Year A Tribute to Ibu Sud: Burung gelatik Christmas & New Year End of year with Patri zio Buanne Graha Bhakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki 7 December 2013, 19.00 WIT 8 December 2013, 11.00 and 17.00 WIT 31 December Cascade Lounge, Hotel Mulia Jakarta Ticket reservation: (021) 5747777 ext 4715 /4720 Dance and music performance with choreography by Farida Oetoyo, to commemorate Ibu Sud, Indonesia’s first children song composer. Enjoy the appearance aand golden voice of Glen Fredly, Tompi, and Sandi Sundhoro. Glenn Fredly one of Indonesia’s high profile pop R n B singer, Tompi the high profile Jazz singer and Sandhy Sondoro, blues and soul musician who started his carrier as a street musician in Berlin and now become a popular musician in Germany and European countries. Festival This rubric is provided to promulgate various events related to art, culture, tourism, and expo carried out in Indonesia. Send your release and photo to Ciputra Entrepreneurship Culture Festival 2013 7 – 8 December 2013 Along the entrance gate of CitraGran Cibubur, Jakarta Info: (021)- 84300818 CIPUTRA Entrepreneurship Culture Festival is a yearend cultural exhibition held in Cibubur. The theme “1001 Karya Bangsa“ (1001 of the nation’s work). There will be many program taken place namely, cultural presentation, business workshop, music performance, discount fiesta etc. Mulia Hotel Senayan, Jakarta will end the year by presenting an Italian ballad singer Patrizio Buanne. The show titled Viva La Dolce Vita (Life is so Beautiful), Patrizio will sing romantic songs like Il Mondo, Bella Bella Signorina, Un Angelo and many more. Patrizio will entertain the guests until the countdown to enter 1 January 2014. Prior to that the guest will enjoy special luxurious dinner buffet. New Year with George Benson Grand Ballroom Sunan Hotel Solo 31 December 2013-11-21 10.00 – 24.00 WIT New year at Sunan Hotel Solo with an international menu gala dinner concept accompanied by the beautiful voice of Reza Artamevia that will sing her best songs like Pertama, Satu Yang Tak Bisa Lepas, etc. Tickets to the show titled The Chronicle Masterpiece of Reza Artamevia, are sold Rp250.000 and VIP Rp350.000 (pre sale) and Rp300.000 and VIP Rp400.000 (on the spot) Hello 2014 Tuesday, 31 December 2013 Amphitheater Stage, Trans Studio Bandung 20.00 – 01.00 WIT Rp450.000 Celebrate the New Year at Trans Studio Bandung, the theme Hello 2014, with well-known Indonesian bands, Noah, Nidji, D’Massiv, Geisha, De Neno, Sherryl, Friday and Astoria. Ticket Rp450.000, including concert ticket, dinner, play at every rides in Trans Studio Bandung, new year Props (hat, mask, trumpet and glow stick) and car sticker (must be stick on the car to get free entry to the area on that day) LIVE Concert and Gala Dinner with George Benson. Enjoy Gala Dinner, Jazz, and the countdown of 2014. Christmas & New Year at Atria Hotel Atria Hotel & Conference, Gading Serpong, Tangerang 24 December: Christmas Eve Dinner Rp200.000/orang 31 December: Color of Love ATRIA Hotel & Conference Gading Serpong (AHCGS) prepared Christmas event titled Christmas Eve Dinner at Mezzanine Restaurant on 24 December 2013, with live music and Christmas Choir. The year-end is enlivened with a Color of Love theme. New Year package is offered Rp2.900.000 including two nights stay at the hotel, KLA Project concert, buffet dinner, and fortuneteller. 63 Agenda Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 New Year with Reza Artamevia Exclusive International Live Concert and Gala Dinner 29 & 31 December 2013 Trans Grand Ballroom The Trans Luxury Hotel Call Center (021) 7917 5050 Reading Point Government The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. The Ministry of Fishery and Marine Governor’s Office District Head’s Office Tourism Office Carina Hair & Beauty Kat Salon Kemang Medical Center Women & Children Hospital Lounge & Boarding Gate Soekarno Hatta Airport Garuda Indonesia Lounge Soekarno Hatta Rancamaya Golf Course/ Rancamaya Golf & Country Club BSD Golf/Damai Indah Golf & Country Club Reading Point Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Solo Resto Baby and Child Grow Clinic Child Development Swara Harmony Music School Yadika Women & Children Hospital De’leuit Resto Melinda Hospital & Esthetical Center Kebun Kita Selasih Cafe Dr Edward (Dentist) Horison Hotel Rollaas Coffee & Tea Hocus Focus MOI & Plaza Indonesia Rancamaya Golf and Country Club D’Carmel Boutique Hotel Royal Progress International Hospital Dedaunan Cafe Family Women & Children Hospital Hermina Podomoro Hospital Gading Graha Dental Clinic Kelapa Gading Tofu Stall Salak The Heritage Hotel BANDUNG Mason Pine Hotel Gino Feruci Hotel Bandung Bar & Lounge Diva Clinic Aston Braga & Residence Svarga Holistic Health Center Icos Cafe Tembalang Semarang Kafe Merica Bunda Women & Children Hospital Prodia Childlab Pan Travel Best Western Hotel Bumbu Desa Cikini Mitra Kemayoran Hospital Indonesia Music School Marbella Suite Mothercare/ELC The Trans Luxury Hotel Mahakam Pharmacy The Lamar’s Day Spa & Family Reflexiology Cocktail & Friends Warung Strawberry Harum manis Cafe Batavia Bookshelf Dharmawangsa Hotel Fave Hotel Pasar Baru Citi Residence Hayam Wuruk Oak Tree Urban Hotel Smart Hotel Alila Hotel Grand Mahakam Intercontinental Mid Plaza Red Top Hotel Sugi Salon Dental Health Center Tumbletots Animaland Store FX Sudirman Animaland Store Senayan City Kiddy Cuts Ever Green Click House Yadika Hospital Children Hair Salon Circus Play & Party Planet Car Wash kebon Jeruk Mr Pancage Puri Blacklisted Dunkin Donat Hayam Wuruk Saudagar Coffee DEPOK & BOGOR Kids Foot, Mitra Keluarga Hospital Kelapa Gading Buku Café Omni Pulo Mas Hospital Zoe Café & Library Cikal Play House Graha Women & Children Hospital Animaland FX Senayan Esther House of Beauty Holistic Centre Roger Salon, Clinic & Spa Madeline Beauty Center Chara Hotel Prime Coffee & Tea Factory RH Baby & Mommy Spa Pluit Les Classiques Cafe Gumilang Regency Parahyangan Coffee Sinou Cafe Tree House Kemang The Valley Resort Hotel Imah Seniman Resort Chocokids Little Town Anomali Coffee Harris Hotel Bellaluna Karaoke Golf Halim Star Buck Plaza Indonesia MPX Travel Kodok Ijo Photo Studio Punk Q Hair Studio Warung Solo Paramita Lab Bina Insani Tour Adventure Tour & Travel Golf Pondok Indah Course Kafe Has Es Ef Kopitiam 64 Margo City Matah Cafe Royal Safari garden Brawijaya Women & Children Hospital Dr Linus (Dentist) JAKARTA Fery Salon & Spa Hair Coloring & Beauty Salon The Peak Resort Dinning Bumi Bandhawa Hotel El Cavana Hotel Mountain View Golf Club Bandung Giri Gahanan Golf Padma Hotel Amaris Hotel Cimanuk Bandung Cipaku Garden Hotel PURWAKARTA &PANGANDARAN Kota Bukit Indah Plaza Hotel Laut Biru Resort GARUT Kampung Sampireun Resort & Spa Tirtagangga CIREBON Dago Highland Resort & Spa Bumbu Desa Yellow Truck Grage Hotel Kopi Selasar Sunaryo Sumber Kasih Women & Children Santosa Hospital Bumbu Desa Cafe Rumah 1930 Rumah Teras Pavilion Asmila Boutique Hotel Roemah Coffee Congo Gallery & Caffe Imah Kopi Gunung Jati Hospital Dr Hendrawan’s Office Patra Jasa Hotel Bentani Hotel Klapa Manis Restaurant Grand Tryas Hotel Kusuma Beauty Clinic Beauty Lab Verde Resto & Lounge Kopi Progo SEMARANG Getback Coffee Pandanaran Hotel Siera Cafe & Lounge Classic Coffe House Permata Noah Barn Coffee Rudy Hadisuwarno Salon Bunda Hospital Coffee Clinic Burger Grill Bradford Coffee & Lounge Bliss Pampering Studio, Spa Salon and Reflexy Hermina Hospital Pop Hotel KoenoKoeni Cafe Gallery Puri Cinere Hospital Exelco Coffee Dago Klinik Prima Gemilang The Rays Cafe and Resto Cafe Deoholic Dante Coffee Shop & Restaurant Arjuna Radio Cafe & Resto Semarang Awor Gallery Photo & Coffeshop Ria Djenaka Coffee House & Resto Scherz Cafe The Phoenix Hotel Merapi Merbabu Hotels & Resorts Hotel Tentrem LAMPUNG Mokko Donuts & Coffee Mall kartini Starbook Cafe RS Anugerah Medika Kafe Buku Apotek K-24 Antasari Singgasana Hotel Lampung Futsal-Kedung Meneng Hotel Hertasning Hotel Melia Purosani Hotel Gumaya Perpustakaan Kota Grand Candi Djendelo Cafe Hotel Ciputra Kopi Item Hotel Horison Coklat Cafe Haryono Tour & Travel Kesuma Restoran MG Suites MAVEN Semarang Bright Dental Maguwo Apotek Anak Ibu Kencana Agrowisata Hotel & Resort Ungaran Semarang Klinik Harmoni Keluarga RS St Theresia Rumahku Art Cafe Town for Kids Cafe Wedangan Mooei River View Cafe The Cafe House of Sampoerna Icos Cafe Tembalang Garuda Indonesia Lounge Surabaya Wong Art Bakery & Cafe Puri Anjasmoro Ciputra Golf Club & Hotel Indische Cafe and Imperial Bakery Quest Hotel Hotel Crown Plaza JOGYAKARTA & MAGELANG Bukit Darmo Golf Finna Golf & Country Club Resort Chicco Swalayan Siloam Hospital Hotel Majapahit Refresho Coffeee Sidoarjo House of Ramiten Hotel Singgasana Cafe Momento Oost Koffie & Thee Lincak “Warung Hotspot Bukan Cafe” C2O Library & Collabtive Kedai Kopi Penginapan Pugeran Artemy Italian Gelato & Coffee Shop Ladang Coffee Coffee Corner Trimurti Lounge & Restoran Honeymoon Desert Paztaholic The Library Legend Coffee Vis A Vis Komikoti Café Rollas Snap Cafe Wing Dom Bale Hotspot & Cafe Hotel Oval Coklat cafe Carpentier Kitchen Dixie Square Yogyakarta De Sava Coffee Jentra Hotel MALANG & SEKITARNYA Hotel Brongto Hotel Tugu Roemah Djawa Resort Padi City Resort Hotel 1001 Malam Santika Premiere Hotel Rumah Mertua Hotel Hotel Haris & Convention Malang Dusun Jogja Village Cakra Kusuma Hotel Lecker Je Cafe Solaris Hotel Travel Café MAKASSAR RS Imanuel Hotel Sewu Padi SURABAYA & SEKITARNYA Kaha Tour & Travel Kafe Baca Biblioholic Lexa Skin Clinic La Dolce Vita Eka Shogi Travel Laboratorium Enggal Miracle Aesthetic Clinic RS Bunda Batam Smailing Tour & Travel JAMBI KALIMANTAN Borneo News Kalteng Palangka Post Kalteng Refresho Kedai Kopi Paser Kaltim Hotel Swiss Bellin MEDAN BALI Bumbu Desa Renon Bambu Indah Hotel Hard Rock Café Bali The Coffee House Kopi Bali House Komaneka at Rasa Sayang Hotel Melting Wok Luhtu’s Coffee Shop Maya’s Coffee & Smothie Bar Street Cafe Izakaya Café & Bar Repvpublik Kopi Café Moka Bumbu Desa The Batu Belig Hotel & Spa Macehat Cafe J-Boutique Hotel Kok Tong Kopi Tiam Bali tropic Resort & Spa Rocco Coffee & Snack Hotel Swiss Bellin Hotel Danau Toba International Karibia Boutique Hotel PADANG Refresho kedai kopi padang Hau’s Tea Elidarman Cafe D’Ox Ville Hotel Cubadak Paradiso Village Bedudal Café Bukittinggi Café Turret BATAM Bumbu Desa Break Cafe May cafe Waffle Town USA Kaya Toast Cooljuzz Spa Central Sukajadi Ozon International Hotel The Rock 8 Hotel Romance Hotel Holiday Hotel Vista Hotel The Kunja Hotel Buddha garden Villa Villa Mahapala Karma Jimbaran The Magani Hotel & Spa Pondok Ayu Dijon Cafe Kopi Paras Cafe Black Canyon Cafe Café Batu Jimbar Misterblek LOMBOK Cafe & Restaurant Alberto Mahamaya Boutique Resort Cafe Wayan Lombok Kosaido Golf Club Lombok Golf Kosaido Country Club Chillout Bungalows and Bar Segara Villas Pool Villa Club Senggigi Alang-Alang Boutique Beach Resort Bintang Senggigi Hotel Holiday Resort Lombok Three-C Tea & Coffee Tami’s Neverland 65 Reading Point Destinasi Indonesia | November 2013 Coffee Toffee