
Meteorites For Science
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Labenne Meteorites is a private organization specialized in finding and supplying
meteorites to institutions and private collectors.
Every year since the 1970s, governments from USA (ANSMET, Antarctic Search for
Meteorite Program), Japan (NIPR, National Institute of Polar Research) and Europe
(EUROMET) have sponsored expeditions to retrieve meteorites in Antarctica.
However, it has only been since the 1990s that warm deserts like the Sahara have
revealed their remarkable discovery potential. Our numerous finds are certainly
witness to this fact. Through systematic and dedicated searching, we have found
thousands of meteorites - many of which have attracted serious scientific interest.
In addition to the Lunar samples from Apollo missions and future samples from Mars
(Mars Sample Return), Lunar and Martian meteorites arrive on Earth from
unexplored, uncharted regions of the Moon and Mars, and inspire extensive research.
Interest in such exceptional meteorites is on the rise in both the scientific community
and the general public, as fascination for all things related to Space, particularly Mars
and the Moon, goes sky-high.
Our team was filmed during meteorite hunting, see a short sequence of the 52
( then click on "See Hunters of
Meteorites" or directly to
Our Scientific Roots
Over the last eleven years, we've organized expeditions to find and collect new
meteorites in the warm deserts of the world, primarily the Sahara and Sultanat
d'Oman. Our expeditions have led us to discover several thousand new meteorites,
known by the names Sahara, Dhofar and ITQIY.
They have been the object of extensive scientific research in the world's largest
universities, research institutes and museums in Europe, the United States and
Japan. Our finds are curated and exhibited in the most prestigious collections in the
world; the Natural History Museum in London, the Museum National d'Histoire
Naturelle in Paris, Das Naturhistorische Museum Wien in Vienna, Museum F?r
Naturkunde in Berlin, American Museum of National History in New York, Chicago
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Field Museum in Chicago, in Japan and Ta?wan.
We are members of the Meteoritical Society, the official organization governing the
classification and reference of new meteorites affiliated with the Department of
Chemistry and Biochemistry of the University of Arkansas, in the United States. The
Meteoritical Society is also responsible for the scientific journal
Meteoritics and
Planetary Science, entirely devoted to meteorite research and the Meteoritical
Bulletin. All our meteorites are recognized and classified by this organization and
furthermore, we own and have legal rights to every meteorite listed on our site.
To verify official information on a specific meteorite Search The Data Base, for
As members of the Meteoritical Society, we guarantee the authenticity of each
meteorite we sell.
Meteoriticaly Yours,
Luc Labenne
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Lunar meteorite Dhofar 457 / 99.52g <Lunar meteorite Dhofar 457 / 99.52g>
Lunar Meteorite Dhofar 457
Lunar A, found in Oman
Whole Stone
Weight: 99.52g
Meteorite Dhofar 457 (Lunar A), Oman, weight =
99.52g. The Lunar meteorite Dhofar 457 classified
feldspathic granulitic breccia, is paired with the Lunar
meteorite Dhofar 026. Mineralogy and classification, A.
Rubin and P.Warren, UCLA (Institute of Geophysics
and Planetary Physics,University of California,Los
Angeles,CA 90095-1567,USA.
meteorites, some covered by fusion crust, weighing in
total 560.95g were found in 2001. Mineralogy and
classification : Dhofar 457-459, Dhofar 461-468 ; A.
Rubin and P.Warren, UCLA. Dhofar 460 ; Ph.Gillet
(ENSL), J.-A.Barrat (UAng) and A.Jambon (UPVI).
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 150000.00
Home : Ref. - Lunar meteorite DAG 262 / 2.1g <Lunar meteorite DAG 262 / 2.1g>
Lunar Meteorite DAG 262 (Lunar A)
Part slice
Weight: 2.01g
Size: 20 x 14 x 4.5 mm
A part slice of the lunar meteorite DAG 262, piece
removed from the slice pictured in Meteoritics. See
"Bischoff A. and Weber D. (1997) Dar al Gani 262: The
first lunar meteorite from the Sahara (abstract),
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 32, A13-A14.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 9405.00
Home : Ref. - Lunar Meteorite Dhofar 458 / 0.304g <Lunar Meteorite Dhofar 458 / 0.304g>
Lunar meteorite Dhofar 458
Slice of a lunar A (granulitic breccia)
Weight: 0.304g
Size: 10 x 8 x 2 mm
Lunar Meteorite Dhofar 458 (Lunar A), Oman. The
Lunar meteorite Dhofar 458 is paired with the Lunar
meteorite Dhofar 026 which is the first lunar
metamorphic meteorite and classified as anorthositic
granulitic breccia [1,2]. The Dhofar 026 was previously
interpreted as an impact melt but detailed studies of
the rock and comparison to Apollo lunar samples
15418 and 60017 indicate that the rock instead is a
shocked, partly melted, granulitic breccia.[1]
Shukolyukov Yu.A. et al. 2001. 32nd Lunar Planet. Sci.
Conf. #1502. [2] Cohen B. et al. 2004. Meteori. Planet.
Sci. 39: 1419-1447.
From The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 89 (Table 6). Direct
link to the bulletin database for the Dhofar 458
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$ 324.00
Home : Ref. - Shisr 166 / Lunar Meteorite <Shisr 166 / Lunar Meteorite>
Shisr 166, Lunar meteorite
Weight: 1.284g
Size: 28 x 18 x 1-2 mm
Lunar Meteorite
Meteorite Name: Shisr 166
Country: Oman
Co-ordinates: Disclosed later
Date of find: 2008, April 10th
Total known weight: 128.8g
Type: Lunar meteorite, Lun-A (Classification Randy
Korotev Washington University In
St Louis, USA)
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$ 2311.20
Home : Ref. - Shisr 166 / Lunar Meteorite <Shisr 166 / Lunar Meteorite>
Shisr 166, Lunar meteorite
Weight: 4.044g
Size: 28 x 18 x 4-5 mm
Lunar Meteorite
Meteorite Name: Shisr 166
Country: Oman
Co-ordinates: Disclosed later
Date of find: 2008, April 10th
Total known weight: 128.8g
Type: Lunar meteorite, Lun-A (Classification Randy
Korotev Washington University In
St Louis, USA)
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$ 8088.00
Home : Ref. - Dhofar 287 / Lunar Mare Basalt <Dhofar 287 / Lunar Mare Basalt>
Dhofar 287, Lunar B
(Low-Ti, olivine-pyroxene mare basalt breccia)
Part Slice
Weight: 0.855g
Size: 33 x 12 x 1 mm
Name: Dhofar 287
Type: Lunar meteorite (Low-Ti, olivine-pyroxene mare
basalt breccia)
Country: Oman
CO-ORDINATES: 18?24.2'N 54?08.8'E
Date of find: Found 2001 January 14
T.k.w: 154g
g black stone without fusion crust was found in the
Dhofar region of Oman, 400 m from Dhofar 025.
Classification and mineralogy (M. Nazarov, Vernad; L.
Taylor, UTenn): contains two adjacent lithologies, mare
basalt (95 vol%) and regolith breccia (5 vol%).
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$ 2338.20
Dhofar 1528 / Lunar Meteorite : Ref. - Dhofar 1528 / Lunar Meteorite / 72.3g <Dhofar 1528 / Lunar Meteorite / 72.3g>
Dhofar 1528 Lunar Meteorite
Anorthosite (highland) breccia
Main Mass that contains a variety of lithologies
Weight: 73.2g
Size: 60 x 25 x 30 mm
Dhofar 1528 Lunar Meteorite
Type: Anorthosite (highland) breccias that contains a
variety of lithologies
Location: Dhofar region, Oman
Find: June, 2009
History: A 213g stone found by Luc Labenne in the
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$ 72300.00
Home : Ref. - Lunar Meteorite Dhofar 490 / 0.505g <Lunar Meteorite Dhofar 490 / 0.505g>
Lunar Meteorite Dhofar 490
Part Slice
Weight: 0.505g
Size: 15 x 13 x 2 mm
Lunar Meteorite Dhofar 490
Location: 18?43.00'N 54?27.00'E
Country: Oman
Classification: Lunar meteorite (anorthositic fragmental
A dark grey, crusted stone weighing 34.05 g was found
the 2001 March 17 in the Dhofar region of Oman.
Classification and mineralogy (A. Greshake, MNB and
M. Kurz, Kurz): meteorite is an anorthositic fragmental
breccia consisting of clasts of various lithologies
embedded into a glassy, partly devitrified fine-grained
matrix; the clast size is generally below 3 mm; vesicles
are abundant.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 1287.75
Home : Ref. - Martian Meteorite / NWA 2737 / 3.13g <Martian Meteorite / NWA 2737 / 3.13g>
NWA 2737 (Martian meteorite, Chassignite)
End cut
Weight: 3.13g
Size: 15 x 12 x 13 mm
NWA 2737 or "Diderot" / Mars Meteorite / Chassignite
Diderot (NWA 2737, Mars meteorite, SNC,
A end cut of the chassignite called Diderot (=NWA
2737), a martian meteorite, note the amibo?de blue
high pressure glass
CHASSIGNITE. P. Beck1, J-A. Barrat2, Ph. Gillet1, I.A.
Franchi3, R.C. Greenwood3, B. Van de Moortele1, B.
Reynard1, M. Bohn4 and J. Cotten2.
CHASSIGNITE NWA 2737 or "Diderot"
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 7042.50
Home : Ref. - Nakhlite NWA 998 / 0.57g <Nakhlite NWA 998 / 0.57g>
NWA 998 (Mars meteorite, SNC, Nakhlite)
Weight: 0.570g
Size: 8 x 7 x 6 mm
Meteorite name : NWA 998
Type : Martian Meteorite, Nakhlite, SNC
Country : North West Africa
Date of find : Purchased september 2001 ?
Tkw : 456g
Northwest Africa 998
Purchased 2001 September
Classification and mineralogy (A. Irving and S.
Kuehner, UWS): a friable, dark green rock with minor
orange-brown alteration products that probably are of
pre-terrestrial origin. Composed mainly of subhedral,
olive-green, complexly-zoned subcalcic augite
(Fs22Wo39) with subordinate yellow olivine (Fa64),
orthopyroxene (Fs49Wo4), interstitial plagioclase
(Ab61Or4 containing 0.1 wt.% SrO, and exhibiting
normal birefringence), titanomagnetite, chlorapatite and
pyrrhotite. The overall texture is that of a hypabyssal,
adcumulate igneous rock, and the apparent
crystallization sequence is olivine, orthopyroxene,
titanomagnetite, augite, apatite, plagioclase.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 1658.70
Home : Ref. - Nakhlite NWA 998 / 0.59g <Nakhlite NWA 998 / 0.59g>
NWA 998 (Mars meteorite, SNC, Nakhlite)
Weight: 0.590g
Size: 8 x 7 x 6 mm
Meteorite name : NWA 998
Type : Martian Meteorite, Nakhlite, SNC
Country : North West Africa
Date of find : Purchased september 2001 ?
Tkw : 456g
Northwest Africa 998
Purchased 2001 September
Classification and mineralogy (A. Irving and S.
Kuehner, UWS): a friable, dark green rock with minor
orange-brown alteration products that probably are of
pre-terrestrial origin. Composed mainly of subhedral,
olive-green, complexly-zoned subcalcic augite
(Fs22Wo39) with subordinate yellow olivine (Fa64),
orthopyroxene (Fs49Wo4), interstitial plagioclase
(Ab61Or4 containing 0.1 wt.% SrO, and exhibiting
normal birefringence), titanomagnetite, chlorapatite and
pyrrhotite. The overall texture is that of a hypabyssal,
adcumulate igneous rock, and the apparent
crystallization sequence is olivine, orthopyroxene,
titanomagnetite, augite, apatite, plagioclase.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 1716.90
Home : Ref. - Vigarano Thin Section <Vigarano Thin Section>
$ 416.50
Vigarano Meteorite (CV)
Polished Thin Section
(no cover slip, thickness=30 microns)
Slide = 30 x 45 mm
Carbonaceous Chondrite / CV3 / Vigarano Meteorite
Meteorite Name : Vigarano
Type : CV3. Carbonaceous chondrite (Vigarano Group,
Type 3)
Country : Italy, Emilia-Romagna, Ferrara
Date of Fall :1910, January 22 (11h30hrs)
Tkw : 15 Kg (approx)
After detonations, a stone of about 11.5kg was seen to
fall, and a month later a second stone of 4.5kg was
found. Description, A.Rosati, Atti R. Accad. Lincei,
Roma, 1910, 19, (1), p.841, A.Rosati, Atti R. Accad.
Classification, name to be used for the CV (Vigarano-)
subtype of carbonaceous chondrite, olivine Fa5.6,
W.R.Van Schmus, Meteorite Research, ed.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - ITQIY / EH7-an / Slice 84.5g <ITQIY / EH7-an / Slice 84.5g>
ITQIY (EH7-an)
Complete slice
Weight: 84.5g
Size: 140 x 85 x 3 mm
I T Q I Y. A unique Primitive Enstatite Achondrite.
NAME: I T Q I Y. TYPE: Unique Primitive Enstatite
Achondrite. Ungrouped enstatite-rich meteorite.
COUNTRY: Saguia el Hamra, Western Sahara.
CO-ORDINATES: 26?35.45'N 12"57.13'W T. K.W:
4,720g, two stones (410 and 4310g) DATE : Fell ~1990
(see the following note) Note : recent data about
terrestrial age of ITQIY give a prehistoric fell >> 5800
years +/- 500 The references as published in the
Meteoritic Bulletin : In the year 1990 (? l year), after a
detonation and the appearance of light, one stone of
410 g was recovered near ltqiy by a nomad. A larger
stone weighing 4310g was recovered by Luc Labenne
while searching for meteorites in the same place in
2000 July.The larger stone has a black fusion crust
exhibiting flow lines. Classification and mineralogy (D.
Hill and A. Patzer, UAz): equigranular texture shawing
numerous triple junctions; enstatite (grain size 0.5 - 4
mm), 78 vol%, has Fs0.2 Wo3.0; metal (grain size 0.2 2mm), 22 vol%, is kamacite with Fe = 90.4 wt%.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 10562.00
Home : Ref. - ITQIY / EH7-an / End Piece 26.5g <ITQIY / EH7-an / End Piece 26.5g>
ITQIY (EH7-an)
End Piece
Weight: 26.5g
Size: 30 x 24 x 18-6 mm
I T Q I Y. A unique Primitive Enstatite Achondrite.
NAME: I T Q I Y. TYPE: Unique Primitive Enstatite
Achondrite. Ungrouped enstatite-rich meteorite.
COUNTRY: Saguia el Hamra, Western Sahara.
CO-ORDINATES: 26?35.45'N 12"57.13'W T. K.W:
4,720g, two stones (410 and 4310g) DATE : Fell ~1990
(see the following note) Note : recent data about
terrestrial age of ITQIY give a prehistoric fell >> 5800
years +/- 500 The references as published in the
Meteoritic Bulletin : In the year 1990 (? l year), after a
detonation and the appearance of light, one stone of
410 g was recovered near ltqiy by a nomad. A larger
stone weighing 4310g was recovered by Luc Labenne
while searching for meteorites in the same place in
2000 July.The larger stone has a black fusion crust
exhibiting flow lines. Classification and mineralogy (D.
Hill and A. Patzer, UAz): equigranular texture shawing
numerous triple junctions; enstatite (grain size 0.5 - 4
mm), 78 vol%, has Fs0.2 Wo3.0; metal (grain size 0.2 2mm), 22 vol%, is kamacite with Fe = 90.4 wt%.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 3312.00
Home : Ref. - Martian Meteorite NWA 2975 <Martian Meteorite NWA 2975>
Martian Meteorite NWA 2975 paired
Whole martian meteorite
~85% fusion crust
Weight : 3.612 g
Size : ~15 x 15 x 15 mm
Northwest Africa 2975 - b-SHE - TKW 70.1g
A fully crusted stone weighing 70.10g was purchased
by Mike Farmer in Morocco in November 2005.
Classified as a basaltic shergottite, contains veins and
patches of shock-produced vesicular glass.
NWA 2975 and NWA 2986 (note that Michael Farmer
or Jim Strope only can used the numbers NWA 2975
and NWA 2986). Abstract on NWA 2975 "An Evolved
Basaltic Shergottite with Vesicular Glass Pockets and
Trapped Melt Inclusions" LPSC 37 by J. Wittke, T.
Bunch et al. in March 2006.
On the NWA 2975 "An Evolved Basaltic Shergottite
with Vesicular Glass Pockets and Trapped Melt
Inclusions" LPSC 37 by J. Wittke, T. Bunch et al. in
March 2006".
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 3019.10
Home : Ref. - Martian Meteorite Thin Section NWA 2975 <Martian Meteorite Thin Section NWA 2975>
Martian Meteorite NWA 2975 paired
Microprobe Polished Thin Section
Slide = 30 x 45 mm
(no cover slip, thickness=30 microns)
Northwest Africa 2975 - b-SHE - TKW 70.1g
A fully crusted stone weighing 70.10g was purchased
by Mike Farmer in Morocco in November 2005.
Classified as a basaltic shergottite, contains veins and
patches of shock-produced vesicular glass.
NWA 2975 and NWA 2986 (note that Michael Farmer
or Jim Strope only can used the numbers NWA 2975
and NWA 2986). Abstract on NWA 2975 "An Evolved
Basaltic Shergottite with Vesicular Glass Pockets and
Trapped Melt Inclusions" LPSC 37 by J. Wittke, T.
Bunch et al. in March 2006.
On the NWA 2975 "An Evolved Basaltic Shergottite
with Vesicular Glass Pockets and Trapped Melt
Inclusions" LPSC 37 by J. Wittke, T. Bunch et al. in
March 2006".
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 646.00
Home : Ref. - Martian Meteorite NWA 2975 <Martian Meteorite NWA 2975>
Martian Meteorite NWA 2975 paired
Whole martian meteorite
Fusion crust
Weight : 0.310 g
Size : ~8 x 8 x 5 mm
Northwest Africa 2975 - b-SHE - TKW 70.1g
A fully crusted stone weighing 70.10g was purchased
by Mike Farmer in Morocco in November 2005.
Classified as a basaltic shergottite, contains veins and
patches of shock-produced vesicular glass.
NWA 2975 and NWA 2986 (note that Michael Farmer
or Jim Strope only can used the numbers NWA 2975
and NWA 2986). Abstract on NWA 2975 "An Evolved
Basaltic Shergottite with Vesicular Glass Pockets and
Trapped Melt Inclusions" LPSC 37 by J. Wittke, T.
Bunch et al. in March 2006.
On the NWA 2975 "An Evolved Basaltic Shergottite
with Vesicular Glass Pockets and Trapped Melt
Inclusions" LPSC 37 by J. Wittke, T. Bunch et al. in
March 2006".
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 310.00
Home : Ref. - NWA 2975 <NWA 2975>
$ 390.00
NWA 2975
Martian Meteorite NWA 2975 paired
Whole martian meteorite
Fusion crust
Weight : 0.490 g
Size : ~10 x 8 x 7 mm
NWA 2975, nwa 2975
Northwest Africa 2975 - b-SHE - TKW 70.1g
A fully crusted stone weighing 70.10g was purchased
by Mike Farmer in Morocco in November 2005.
Classified as a basaltic shergottite, contains veins and
patches of shock-produced vesicular glass.
NWA 2975 and NWA 2986 (note that Michael Farmer
or Jim Strope only can used the numbers NWA 2975
and NWA 2986). Abstract on NWA 2975 "An Evolved
Basaltic Shergottite with Vesicular Glass Pockets and
Trapped Melt Inclusions" LPSC 37 by J. Wittke, T.
Bunch et al. in March 2006.
On the NWA 2975 "An Evolved Basaltic Shergottite
with Vesicular Glass Pockets and Trapped Melt
Inclusions" LPSC 37 by J. Wittke, T. Bunch et al. in
March 2006".
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Martian Meteorite NWA 2975 <Martian Meteorite NWA 2975>
Martian Meteorite NWA 2975 paired
Cut in half, end piece
Fusion crust
Weight : 1.038 g
Size : ~16 x 13 x 5 mm
Northwest Africa 2975 - b-SHE - TKW 70.1g
A fully crusted stone weighing 70.10g was purchased
by Mike Farmer in Morocco in November 2005.
Classified as a basaltic shergottite, contains veins and
patches of shock-produced vesicular glass.
NWA 2975 and NWA 2986 (note that Michael Farmer
or Jim Strope only can used the numbers NWA 2975
and NWA 2986). Abstract on NWA 2975 "An Evolved
Basaltic Shergottite with Vesicular Glass Pockets and
Trapped Melt Inclusions" LPSC 37 by J. Wittke, T.
Bunch et al. in March 2006.
On the NWA 2975 "An Evolved Basaltic Shergottite
with Vesicular Glass Pockets and Trapped Melt
Inclusions" LPSC 37 by J. Wittke, T. Bunch et al. in
March 2006".
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 590.00
Home : Ref. - Meteor Crater Meteorite <Meteor Crater Meteorite>
Meteor Crater (Iron IAB), Arizona, USA
Meteorite from the Meteor Crater in Arizona
Weight: 5.85kg
Meteor Crater (Iron IAB), Arizona, USA
A fine Meteor Crater meteorite from an old collection.
This meteorite was found close to the Meteor Crater in
Arizona, the first proven, and one of the best-preserved
meteorite crater on Earth.
The Meteor Crater is a meteorite impact crater located
in the northern Arizona desert of the USA. A large
number of meteorite of total weight more than 70 tons
have been found around the "Meteor Crater" near
Canyon Diablo in Arizona.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 3880.00
Home : Ref. - Odessa Meteorite / 4210 g <Odessa Meteorite / 4210 g>
Odessa (iron meteorite IA ), USA, Texas
Complete Odessa meteorite
Weight: 4210g
Size: 150x140x70mm
Odessa (iron, octahedrite coarse IA ), USA, Texas,
Ector Co. Tkw=1,600kg
A complete Odessa meteorite with nice shape.
Weight : 4210g Size : 150x140x70mm
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 3789.00
Home : Ref. - Wholesale meteorites / Meteorites For $2.9 Each <Wholesale meteorites / Meteorites For $2.9 Each>
Wholesale Meteorites
One Hundred Meteorites for $2.9 each
Approx size each= 1cm
One hundred meteorite of the famous Campo Del
Cielo iron meteorite, an interesting gif idea from outer
Campo del Cielo meteorites have octahedral structure
due to the composition of iron & nickel.The Campo del
Cielo meteorite specimens we are offering have been
carefully cleaned. The outer crust has been removed
revealing the inner crystalline structure, each specimen
are polished. A certificate of authenticity is included
with each pieces describing the meteorite, shapes will
Name: Campo Del Cielo
Location: Chaco, Gran Chaco Gualamba Argentina
Co-ordinates: 27?28'S, 60?35'W
Date of find: 1576/2000
Total known weight: 50,000kg (approx)
Number of pieces: Many shower
Type : Iron, IA Octahedrite, coarse (3.0mm) with
silicate inclusions.
A mass estimated at about 15 tons was found, Don
Rubin de Celis, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1788,
78, p.37, 183, L.Fletcher, Min. Mag., 1889, 8, p.229. In
1813 a mass of about 1400lb was brought to Buenos
Aires and was later given to Sir Woodbine Parish who
presented it to the Nat. Hist. Mus. London, Phil. Trans.
Roy. Soc. London, 1834, 125, p.53. Full description,
E.Cohen, Meteoritenkunde, 1905, 3, p.35. W?hler's
Iron, a 114g mass from an unknown locality in W?hler's
collection, was referred to Otumpa by A.Brezina.
Described and analyzed, 7.38% Ni, F.W?hler, Ann.
Chem. Pharm. Leipzig, 1852, 81, p.252.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 290.00
Home : Ref. - WholeSale / Twenty Meteorite Pendants <WholeSale / Twenty Meteorite Pendants>
Meteorite Pendants
Jewelery from outer space
$12 each (retail price: $49)
Large Meteorite Pendants, jewelery from outer space.
Pendants made from authentic iron Meteorite. Each
pendants comes ready for chain necklace.
Pendant features the famous Campo Del Cielo iron
meteorite into an interesting jewelry from outer space.
Certificate of authenticity included describing the
meteorite, shapes will vary.
Name: Campo Del Cielo Meteorite
Location: Chaco, Gran Chaco Gualamba Argentina
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 240.00
Home : Ref. - Miles Meteorite <Miles Meteorite>
$ 6764.00
Miles (ungrouped Silicated Iron)
End piece
Weight : 356g
Size : 60 x 54 x 19 mm
A mass of about 265kg was found on open shrub
farmland in Australia in 1992.
Classification and analysis by J.T.Wasson, UCLA, Los
Angeles, USA.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - One Hundred Meteorites For $2.9 Each <One Hundred Meteorites For $2.9 Each>
One Hundred Meteorites
> For $2.9 each
Approx size each= 1cm
Campo del Cielo meteorites have octahedral structure
due to the composition of iron & nickel.The Campo del
Cielo meteorite specimens we are offering have been
carefully cleaned. The outer crust has been removed
revealing the inner crystalline structure, each specimen
are polished. A certificate of authenticity is included
with each pieces describing the meteorite, shapes will
Name: Campo Del Cielo
Location: Chaco, Gran Chaco Gualamba Argentina
Co-ordinates: 27?28'S, 60?35'W
Date of find: 1576/2000
Total known weight: 50,000kg (approx)
Number of pieces: Many shower
Type : Iron, IA Octahedrite, coarse (3.0mm) with
silicate inclusions.
A mass estimated at about 15 tons was found, Don
Rubin de Celis, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1788,
78, p.37, 183, L.Fletcher, Min. Mag., 1889, 8, p.229. In
1813 a mass of about 1400lb was brought to Buenos
Aires and was later given to Sir Woodbine Parish who
presented it to the Nat. Hist. Mus. London, Phil. Trans.
Roy. Soc. London, 1834, 125, p.53. Full description,
E.Cohen, Meteoritenkunde, 1905, 3, p.35. W?hler's
Iron, a 114g mass from an unknown locality in W?hler's
collection, was referred to Otumpa by A.Brezina.
Described and analyzed, 7.38% Ni, F.W?hler, Ann.
Chem. Pharm. Leipzig, 1852, 81, p.252.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 290.00
Home : Ref. - Muonionalusta Meteorite <Muonionalusta Meteorite >
Muonionalusta (Iron, IVA)
Etched Full Slice
Weight: 494g
Dimensions: 175 x 160 x 3 mm
The Muonionalusta meteorite is an iron that was
originally found in 1906 near Kiruna in Sweden.
This iron meteorite is classified as a fine octahedrite
(classified IVA) with an etch patterns similar to Gibeon
from Namibia.
History: A meteorite of 7.5kg was found 2.5 miles WSW
of Kitkioj?rvi in Muonionalusta in 1906.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 549.00
Home : Ref. - Toluca Meteorite, 440 g slice from an old collection + Label <Toluca Meteorite, 440 g slice from an old collection
$ 1206.39
+ Label>
From the private A. Berger collection
440 glice of Toluca
Size 105 x 80 x 15 mm
Toluca (Iron meteorite, octahedrite coarse, IAB
complex ) || found before 1776, Mexico, Xiquipilco.
This complete etched slice was a part of the famous A.
Berger collection from Vienna. The patina was
preserved with the old etching.
Numerous masses, were found near the village of
Xiquipilco and were being forged into agricultural
equipment in 1776. Three masses of 220lb, 19.5lb, and
13lb were brought to Germany by G.A.Stein, F.W?hler,
The meteorite data copied from MetBase 7.0 for
For information about this software please contact the
Author: Joern Koblitz, The MetBase Library of
Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, Benquestrasse 27,
D-28209 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 24 100 24 Fax: +49 421 24 100 99
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Meteor Crater Meteorite <Meteor Crater Meteorite>
Meteor Crater Meteorite
Meteorite from the Meteor Crater in Arizona
Specimen With Great Shape and Hole
Weight: 12.456 kg
Size: 300 X 250 X 120 mm
A fine Meteor Crater Meteorite
This meteorite was found close to the Meteor Crater in
Arizona, the first proven, and one of the best-preserved
meteorite crater on Earth.
The Meteor Crater is a meteorite impact crater located
in the northern Arizona desert of the USA. The site was
formerly known as the Canyon Diablo Crater or as
Barringer Crater in honor of Daniel Barringer who was
first to suggest that it was produced by meteorite
impact. Chunks of nickel-iron fragments, as this
specimen, ranging from gravel size to blocks weighing
up to 640 kg (1,400 lb), have been recovered from the
debris field surrounding the crater.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 33631.20
Gibeon Meteorites For Sale : Ref. - Gibeon Meteorite <Gibeon Meteorite>
Gibeon Meteorite
Complete individual
Weight: 1115g
The Gibeon meteorites were discovered in a vast
African desert close to Gibeon, Namibia in the early
1800's. the total fall was approximately 150 tons of
metal composed of 92% iron, 7.5% nickel, and the
remaining 0.5% in trace minerals. Upon impact, the
meteorite broke into countless smaller pieces which
were scattered over 200 square miles.
Gibeon is a metallic meteorite (treatment with acid
causes patterns of Widmanst?tten to appear on the
surface). The crystalline pattern, is naturally occurring
in outer space upon the cooling of iron and nickel in an
environment with little to no gravity. These conditions
cannot be recreated on earth due to the slow cooling
rate, an estimated 1 degree Celsius in a million years.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 990.00
Glorieta Mountain Iron Meteorite : Ref. - Glorieta Mountain Iron Meteorite <Glorieta Mountain Iron Meteorite>
Glorieta Mountain Iron Meteorite
Etched Full Slice Etched
Weight: 256 grams
Size: 185 x 100 x 2.8mm
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 1445.30
Home : Ref. - Campo Del Cielo Meteorite <Campo Del Cielo Meteorite>
Campo del ciel Meteorite
(IA), Argentina
Oriented Campo Del Cielo
Weight: (106 kg/233 lbs)
Size: 400 x 400 x 250 mm
This oriented Campo Del Cielo meteorite is a
shield-shaped individual with regmaglypts radiating
from the apex. With stable orientation during it's
atmospheric flight, the ablation has formed a shield
shape and this is why the regmaglyptes are elongated
from the apex to the edge and in fact flare away from
what was the lead edge of entry. The back at the
opposite of the apex is almost flat. This meteorite was
softly brushed about 8 years ago and never cleaned
since so it can be cleaned easily for better looking. The
fusion crust is well visible in the bottom of the
regmaglyptes, it was found in Santiago Del Estero
where the campo are less weathered.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 95400.00
Home : Ref. - Muonionalusta Meteorite <Muonionalusta Meteorite >
Muonionalusta (Iron, IVA)
Etched Full Slice
Weight: 445g
Dimensions: 175 x 160 x 3 mm
The Muonionalusta meteorite is an iron that was
originally found in 1906 near Kiruna in Sweden.
This iron meteorite is classified as a fine octahedrite
(classified IVA) with an etch patterns similar to Gibeon
from Namibia.
History: A meteorite of 7.5kg was found 2.5 miles WSW
of Kitkioj?rvi in Muonionalusta in 1906.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 490.00
brenham Meteorite : Ref. - Brenham Meteorite <Brenham Meteorite>
Brenham Meteorite (Iron Meteorite)
Full Slice
Weight: 769g
Size: 250 x 210 x3 mm
Some Brenham meteorites are pallasitic some are not
and display a typical pattern. A meteorite of 740lb was
found in 1947 close to the crater.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 1461.10
brenham Meteorite : Ref. - Brenham Meteorite <Brenham Meteorite>
Brenham Meteorite (Iron Meteorite)
Full Slice
Weight: 792g
Size: 280 x 220 x3 mm
Some Brenham meteorites are pallasitic some are not
and display a typical pattern. A meteorite of 740lb was
found in 1947 close to the crater.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 1504.80
Gibeon Meteorites For Sale : Ref. - Gibeon Meteorite <Gibeon Meteorite>
Gibeon Meteorite
Etched Slice
Weight: 331.5g
Size: 130 x 66 x 3-10mm
The Gibeon meteorites were discovered in a vast
African desert close to Gibeon, Namibia in the early
1800's. the total fall was approximately 150 tons of
metal composed of 92% iron, 7.5% nickel, and the
remaining 0.5% in trace minerals. Upon impact, the
meteorite broke into countless smaller pieces which
were scattered over 200 square miles.
Gibeon is a metallic meteorite (treatment with acid
causes patterns of Widmanst?tten to appear on the
surface). The crystalline pattern, is naturally occurring
in outer space upon the cooling of iron and nickel in an
environment with little to no gravity. These conditions
cannot be recreated on earth due to the slow cooling
rate, an estimated 1 degree Celsius in a million years.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 370.50
Seymchan Meteorite : Ref. - Seymchan Meteorite <Seymchan Meteorite>
Seymchan Meteorite
123kg End Cut
Area of olivine crystals around the edge
Weight: 123kg
The first Seymchan iron meteorite was discovered in
1967. During recent expeditions more large seymchan
meteorite were discovered some containing translucent
Seymchan is an iron meteorite with medium
Widmanstatten patterns when etched.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 47530.00
Home : Ref. - Cape York Meteorite <Cape York Meteorite>
$ 1744.40
Cape York Meteorite (Iron, IIIA), Greenland
350g Slice With Large Troilite
Size ~200 x 50 mm, thickness 5-1 mm
Polished and etched both side
Slice with large troilite cut from the large Agpalilik mass
of Cape York, a 22 ton mass of iron found by Vagn F
Buchwald in 1963 in Greenland.
This meteorite was made famous by arctic explorer
Robert Peary. Several large masses have been
recovered, named "The Woman," "The Dog" and "The
Tent" or Ahnighito. The Tent is the largest with a weight
of more than 36 tons and is on display at the American
Museum of Natural History in New York City.
Artifacts made from this meteorite such as knives,
axes, spear heads and harpoons have been recovered
from archeological sites in Greenland and North
America. Knives of iron with bone handles were given
to Capt. John Ross in 1818 by the Esquimos of Prince
Regent's Bay, John Ross, Voyage of Discovery in
Baffin's Bay, London, 1819, p.102-118.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Cape York Meteorite <Cape York Meteorite>
$ 2990.00
Cape York Meteorite (Iron, IIIA), Greenland
459g Slab With Troilite
Size: ~215 x 200 x 1.5mm
Size: ~8" x 8.5" x 0.06"
Large slab with troilite cut from the large Agpalilik mass
of Cape York, a 22 ton mass of iron found by Vagn F
Buchwald in 1963 in Greenland.
This meteorite was made famous by arctic explorer
Robert Peary. Several large masses have been
recovered, named "The Woman," "The Dog" and "The
Tent" or Ahnighito. The Tent is the largest with a weight
of more than 36 tons and is on display at the American
Museum of Natural History in New York City.
Artifacts made from this meteorite such as knives,
axes, spear heads and harpoons have been recovered
from archeological sites in Greenland and North
America. Knives of iron with bone handles were given
to Capt. John Ross in 1818 by the Esquimos of Prince
Regent's Bay, John Ross, Voyage of Discovery in
Baffin's Bay, London, 1819, p.102-118.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Bencubbin / Slice 28.85g <Bencubbin / Slice 28.85g>
Bencubbin (bencubinite, Australia)
Part slice
Weight: 28.85g
Size: 35 x 30 x 6 mm
Description: One mass of 54kg was found 12 miles NW
of Bencubbin, described, with analysis, E.S.Simpson
and D.G.Murray, Min. Mag., 1932, 23, p.33. Analysis,
A.J.Easton and J.F.Lovering, GCA, 1963, 27, p.753.
Mentioned, A.D.Nininger, Pop. Astron., Northfield,
Minnesota, 1940, 48, p.558, Contr. Soc. Res.
Meteorites, 2, p.227 (M.A.8-54). Another mass of 142lb
was found in 1959 or 1960 at Mandinga and is
considered to be part of the Bencubbin fall, M.H.Hey,
Cat. Met., 1966, p.48, Spec. Publ. West. Austr. Mus.,
1965, (3), p.21.
Meteorite data copied from MetBase 7.0 for Windows.
Author: Joern Koblitz, The MetBase Library of
Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, Benquestrasse 27,
D-28209 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 24 100 24 Fax: +49 421 24 100 99
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 5770.00
Home : Ref. - Gujba Meteorite <Gujba Meteorite>
$ 8247.80
Gujba, Bencubbinite
Weight: 179.30g
Size: 90 x 70 x 10 mm
Classification: Gujba is a bencubbinite classified CBa
History of Gujba: A conical meteorite fell in a corn field
near the village of Bogga Dingare in Nigeria after a
bright fireball was witnessed moving west to east and
an explosion was heard.
The original mass is unknown, but reports indicate that
it had a volume of ~20000 cm3 for a possible mass of
more than 100 kg. Shock stage, S2; weathering grade
W0. (From the Meteoritcal Bulletin No. 85, 2001)
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Isheyevo Meteorite <Isheyevo Meteorite>
$ 9405.00
Isheyevo Meteorite / CB
Metal-rich carbonaceous chondrite (Bencubbin-like
Slice: 95.85g
Size: 105 x 65 x 2.5 mm
The Isheyevo meteorite is a metal-rich carbonaceous
chondrite (Bencubbin-like meteorite). History: One
stone, weighing 16 kg, was found in Bashkortostan,
Russia in October 2003, by a tractor driver in a field
during harvest carrying in the Ishimbai region of
Bashkortostan, close to the Isheyevo village.
The bencubbinite or CB chondrites are metal-rich
carbonaceous chondrites. The CB are divided into two
subgroups, the CBa and CBb subgroup. CBa
chondrites are coarse-grained (up to 1cm) and contain
40-60 vol% of FeNi metal. CBb chondrites are
fine-grained and richer in FeNi metal (>70 vol %).
CBb's also have CAIs, zoned metal grains and matrix
Isheyevo is close to CHs and supports the genetic
unity of the CR-CH-CB clan. In comparison with CHs,
all CB's lack POP chondrules.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Minera Escondida (Name pending) / Bencubbinite 32.65g <Minera Escondida (Name pending) / Bencubbinite$32.65g>
Minera Escondida (name pending), Chile, TKW = 598g
Bencubbinite (Carbonaceous Chondrite CB)
Half Slice: 32.65g
Weight: 77 x 25 x 5 mm
Minera Escondida (name pending), Bencubbinite
New Bencubbinite (Carbonaceous Chondrite CB) From
This 598g meteorite was found during our trip on Imilac
in 2004. From the exterior and the "skin" so typical of
iron from Chile, I supposed first it was a silicated iron
meteorite. Since 2004, I used this meteorite as a nice
meteorite paperweight, because the particular shape
round and flat. This is why this meteorite was on my
desk until I decided to remove a sample for
classification in September 2009 and discover the real
nature of it as a new bencubbinite.
This CB was found near the famous Minera Escondida
one of the largest mine for copper.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Minera Escondida (Name pending) / Bencubbinite 28.50g <Minera Escondida (Name pending) / Bencubbinite$28.50g>
Minera Escondida (name pending), Chile, TKW = 598g
Bencubbinite (Carbonaceous Chondrite CB)
End Cut: 28.50g
Weight: 55 x 20 x 18 mm
Minera Escondida (name pending), Bencubbinite
New Bencubbinite (Carbonaceous Chondrite CB) From
This 598g meteorite was found during our trip on Imilac
in 2004. From the exterior and the "skin" so typical of
iron from Chile, I supposed first it was a silicated iron
meteorite. Since 2004, I used this meteorite as a nice
meteorite paperweight, because the particular shape
round and flat. This is why this meteorite was on my
desk until I decided to remove a sample for
classification in September 2009 and discover the real
nature of it as a new bencubbinite.
This CB was found near the famous Minera Escondida
one of the largest mine for copper.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Seymchan Pallasite <Seymchan Pallasite>
$ 574.00
Seymchan Pallasite
Weight 41 g
Size 55 x 55 x 3 mm
The first two Seymchan pallasites were discovered in
1967. During recent expeditions more seymchan
pallasites were discovered some containing translucent
Seymchan is one of the very few stable pallasites with
translucent olivine crystals and medium Widmanstatten
patterns when etched.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Krasnojarsk Pallasite / 73.3g <Krasnojarsk Pallasite / 73.3g>
Large end cut of Krasnojarsk with typical "iron sponge"
Weight 73.30 g
Krasnojarsk (Pallasite, stony-iron) || found 1749,
Russia. A mass of material of about 700 kg was
discovered in 1749 on the side of Mount Bolshoi Imir,
about 235 km (145 miles) south of Krasnojarsk
The German naturalist Peter Simon Pallas studied in
1772 a large iron mass that had earlier been found in
the mountains near Krasnojarsk. This unusual mass
contained large olivine crystals set in an iron matrix,
strange enough to catch Peter Pallas' attention.
He thoroughly described the unusual find in one of his
reports, not knowing that it was a genuine rock from
space. Some decades later, in the early days of
meteoritics, it became obvious that Pallas had
discovered a new type of meteorite. Thereafter, all
similar stony-irons were named for him, and the type
specimen of the pallasite group, Krasnojarsk, became
known as the Pallas Iron.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 12863.70
Home : Ref. - Krasnojarsk Pallasite / 5.35g <Krasnojarsk Pallasite / 5.35g>
Krasnojarsk Pallasite
Weight 5.35 g
Size 38 x 18 x 3 mm
Krasnojarsk (Pallasite, stony-iron) || found 1749,
Russia. A mass of material of about 700 kg was
discovered in 1749 on the side of Mount Bolshoi Imir,
about 235 km (145 miles) south of Krasnojarsk
The German naturalist Peter Simon Pallas studied in
1772 a large iron mass that had earlier been found in
the mountains near Krasnojarsk. This unusual mass
contained large olivine crystals set in an iron matrix,
strange enough to catch Peter Pallas' attention.
He thoroughly described the unusual find in one of his
reports, not knowing that it was a genuine rock from
space. Some decades later, in the early days of
meteoritics, it became obvious that Pallas had
discovered a new type of meteorite. Thereafter, all
similar stony-irons were named for him, and the type
specimen of the pallasite group, Krasnojarsk, became
known as the Pallas Iron.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 938.70
Home : Ref. - Fukang Pallasite <Fukang Pallasite>
$ 461.60
Fukang Pallasite
Weight: 11.54g / Size: 40 x 32 x 3 mm
The Fukang is a pallasite from the main group. The
1003 kg Fukang meteorite was found in China near
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Fukang Meteorite <Fukang Meteorite>
$ 461.60
Fukang Meteorite
Weight: 11.54g / Size: 40 x 32 x 3 mm
The Fukang meteorite is a pallasite from the main
group. The 1003 kg Fukang meteorite was found in
China near Fukang
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Esquel Pallasite <Esquel Pallasite>
$ 1445.30
Esquel Meteorite
Translucent 34g slice
Pallasite found in Argentina
A large mass of about 1500kg was found embedded in
the soil, L.O.Giacomelli, Meteoritos hallados en la
Patagonia, Argentina Austral, 1962, 34, p.14, M.H.Hey,
Cat. Met., 1966, p.156.
The weight of the main mass is 755kg and not 1500kg
as mentioned, O.A.Turone, Buenos Aires, priv. comm.
to J.Koblitz, 1994.
Meteorite data copied from MetBase 7.0 for Windows.
Author: Joern Koblitz, The MetBase Library of
Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, Benquestrasse 27,
D-28209 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 24 100 24 Fax: +49 421 24 100 99
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Imilac Pallasite <Imilac Pallasite>
$ 570.00
Imilac pallasite
Individual meteorite with fusion crust
Weight: 29.80g
Size: 38 x 25 x 15 mm
Imilac (Pallasite main group, stony-iron, angulare
olivine shape)
Numerous masses of pallasite, some up to 490lb, were
found in Chile, in a valley close to the Imilac station
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Fukang Pallasite <Fukang Pallasite>
$ 15382.78
Fukang Pallasite
Etched slice with translucent peridot (olivine)
Weight: 622g / Size: 200 x 160 x 3.5 mm
The Fukang meteorite is a pallasite from the main
group. The 1003 kg Fukang pallasite was found in
China near Fukang
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Chondrite LL/ (L)3.5 / Sahara 98035 / 392.10g <Chondrite LL/ (L)3.5 / Sahara 98035 / 392.10g>
Sahara 98035 (LL(L)3.5)
Main mass
Weight: 392.10g
Size: 80 x 65 x 35 mm
Sahara 98035 (LL(L)3.5), found 1998, Sahara desert
Meteoritical bulletin
Chondrite (LL/L 3) / Sahara 98035
SAH98035LL/L3, unequilibrated
Meteorite Name: Sahara 98035
Type:LL/L3, unequilibrated
Date of find:1998, SEPTEMBER.
Total Known Weight: 640g
A meteorite found in September/October 1998
weighing 640g. A very fine example of highly primitive
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 4640.00
Home : Ref. - Chondrite LL3.5 Sahara 98175 / 318g <Chondrite LL3.5 Sahara 98175 / 318g>
Sahara 98175 (LL3.5)
Main mass
Weight: 318g
Size: 95 x 65 x 40 mm
Sahara 98175 (LL3.5), found 1998, Sahara desert
Meteoritical bulletin
The main mass of the Sahara 98175 classified LL3.5.
An end cut with two shock veins and a "twin" black and
white chondrules
Meteorite name: SAH 98175
Type: LL3.5. Ordinary chondrite unequilibrated
Country: Sahara
Date of find: 1998, September
Total known weight: 1335g
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 4452.00
Home : Ref. - Lost City <Lost City>
$ 2031.11
Lost City (H5), Oklahoma, USA
Part Slice With Crust
Weight : 5.182g
Size : 23 x 12 x 6 mm
Lost City (H5), Oklahoma, USA. TKW= ~17kg. Fell:
1970, January 3, photographed by the Prairie Network,
17 camera run by the Smithsonian Astronomical
Part slice with crust of the very rare and famous Lost
City meteorite
Weight : 5.182g Size : 23x12x6mm
History: The lost city meteorite is the first fall to be
photographed in the USA. Three stations of the Prairie
Meteorite Network, a system of 16 camera stations in
seven Midwestern states run by the Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory, recorded the Lost City fall
on Jan. 3, 1970 and photographed the track of the
meteor after ten years search.
The photos enabled scientists to reconstruct the
meteorite's orbit and determine that it originated in the
main belt. Six days later a 9.8kg specimen was found.
In total four fragment for ~17kg where located.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Chondrite L/LL4 / Sahara 97137 / Weight 308g <Chondrite L/LL4 / Sahara 97137 / Weight 308g>
Sahara 97153 (L/LL4)
End cut
Weight: 308g
Size: 90 x 55 x 40 mm
Sahara 97153 (L/LL4), found 1997, Sahara desert
Meteoritical bulletin
A end cut of the Sahara 97137, a rare L/LL4
Weight: 308g
Size: 90x55x40mm
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 3449.60
Home : Ref. - Sahara 97042 / CHUNGR / Ungrouped Chondrite / End Cut With Crust 5.08g <Sahara 97042 / CHUNGR / Ungrouped
$ 1143.00Chondrit
Sahara 97042 (CHUNGR)
End cut
Weight: 5.08g
Size: 29 x 13 x 7 mm
End cut with crust of a unique brecciated chondrite
distinct from LL group members on the basis of oxygen
isotopic and chemical composition.
Sahara 97009, 97039, and 97042 have fayalite
contents near the top of the LL range, but have
O-isotopes and bulk composition that are distinct from
LL chondrites, showing that they must have had their
origin on a distinct parent body.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Meteorites Gao / Lot 150g Individuals <Meteorites Gao / Lot 150g Individuals>
Gao (H5 brecciated), Burkina Faso, fall March 5, 1960
A 150g lot of small individuals with fusion crust
Weight : ~150g Size of the display box : 130x100mm
Certificate of Authenticity: As members of the
Meteoritical Society we guarantee the authenticity. A
certificate of authenticity comes with each specimen.
At least 16 stones, the largest weighing 2.5kg, fell 60
km N of the town of Leo, near the Upper Volta-Ghana
border, reported, Met. Bull., 1967, (39), Meteoritics,
1970, 5, p.91. Analysis, olivine Fa18, B.Mason, GCA,
1967, 31, p.1100. Classification, A.L.Graham et al.,
Cat. Met. Software, 1992. Find circumstances, strewn
field, W.Walton, Meteorite!, Nov. 1996, p.8. Noble gas
data, shock classification, pairing with Guenie and
Souma very likely based on noble gas isotope
concentrations and petrography, J.Otto et al., MAPS,
1996, 31, p.A103 (abs.). Certainly identical with
Guenie, M.Bourot-Denise et al., MAPS, 1998, 33,
p.A181. The Nomenclature Committee has decided
that a new, collective name, Gao-Guenie, will be
bestowed upon all meteorites formerly identified as
either Gao (Upper Volta) or Guenie, J.N.Grossman,
Met. Bull. 83, MAPS, 1999, 34, p.A169. For details and
references on Guenie, see separate entry under
Guenie. Fe and Zn contents of olivines and pyroxenes,
W.Kl?ck et al., MAPS, 1999, 34, p.A65 (abs.).
Determination of grain density, L.B.Moore et al., LPSC,
1999, 30, abs. #1128. Bidirectional reflectance,
N.Tomita and A.M.Nakamura, LPSC, 2002, 33, abs.
#1100. Magnetic susceptibility, P.Rochette et al.,
MAPS, 2003, 38, p.251. Impact disruption experiments,
G.J.Flynn and D.D.Durda, LPSC, 2004, 35, abs.
Meteorite data copied from MetBase 7.0 for Windows.
Author: Joern Koblitz, The MetBase Library of
Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, Benquestrasse 27,
D-28209 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 24 100 24 Fax: +49 421 24 100 99
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 200.00
Home : Ref. - Sahara 97161 / EH3 / 140g <Sahara 97161 / EH3 / 140g>
Sahara 97161 (EH3)
Whole Individual
Paired with the Sahara 97072, EH3
Weight : 44.20 g
Size : 70 x 45 x 40 mm
Sahara 97161 (EH3), found 1997, Sahara desert. See
the meteoritic bulletin N? 82
This is perhaps the most primitive EH3 chondrite found
to date. It contains early nebular components, including
well-defined, layered, silicate-, sulfide-, and metal-rich
chondrules, FeO-rich silicates with broad compositional
ranges, and refractory inclusions, and it has
experienced very low degrees of thermal
The meteorite SAH97096, and its pairing
group(included Sahara 97072, Sahara 97158, Sahara
97093, Sahara 97161, Sahara 97166), classified EH3
were found during one of our meteorites collecting in
1997 in the Sahara Desert. It can be classified among
the most primitive enstatite chondrite comparable to
Qingzhen and Parsa. It contains olivine chondrules and
types II chondrules fragments. This meteorite has been
described as a highly primitive EH3 chondrite that has
retained primary accretional nebular features in the
form of sulfide-metal rich chondrules.
AN EH3 CHONDRITE, SAHARA 97159. M. Kimura, Y.
Lin, and H. Hiyagon
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 4900.00
Home : Ref. - Enstatite Chondrite EH3 / Sahara 97093 / Weight 1375g <Enstatite Chondrite EH3 / Sahara 97093 / Weight $1375g>
Sahara 97093 (EH3)
Complete individual
Paired with the Sahara 97072, EH3
Weight : 1375g
Size : 150 x 130 x 80 mm
Sahara 97093 (EH3), found 1997, Sahara desert. See
the meteoritic bulletin N? 82
ml. Entry for the Sahara 97093 in the Meteoritic Bulletin
This is perhaps the most primitive EH3 chondrite found
to date. It contains early nebular components, including
well-defined, layered, silicate-, sulfide-, and metal-rich
chondrules, FeO-rich silicates with broad compositional
ranges, and refractory inclusions, and it has
experienced very low degrees of thermal
The meteorite SAH97096, and its pairing
group(included Sahara 97072, Sahara 97158, Sahara
97093, Sahara 97161, Sahara 97166), classified EH3
were found during one of our meteorites collecting in
1997 in the Sahara Desert. It can be classified among
the most primitive enstatite chondrite comparable to
Qingzhen and Parsa. It contains olivine chondrules and
types II chondrules fragments. This meteorite has been
described as a highly primitive EH3 chondrite that has
retained primary accretional nebular features in the
form of sulfide-metal rich chondrules.
AN EH3 CHONDRITE, SAHARA 97159. M. Kimura, Y.
Lin, and H. Hiyagon
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Enstatite EH3 / Sahara 97090 / WholeStone 2510 g <Enstatite EH3 / Sahara 97090 / WholeStone 2510 g >$ 49000.00
Sahara 97090 (EH3)
Complete individual EH3
Paired with the Sahara 97096
Weight: 2510g
Size: 200 x 170 x 80 mm
This is perhaps the most primitive EH3 chondrite found
to date. It contains early nebular components, including
well-defined, layered, silicate-, sulfide-, and metal-rich
chondrules, FeO-rich silicates with broad compositional
ranges, and refractory inclusions, and it has
experienced very low degrees of thermal
The meteorite SAH97096, and its pairing
group(included Sahara 97072, Sahara 97158, Sahara
97093, Sahara 97161, Sahara 97166), classified EH3
were found during one of our meteorites collecting in
1997 in the Sahara Desert. It can be classified among
the most primitive enstatite chondrite comparable to
Qingzhen and Parsa. It contains olivine chondrules and
types II chondrules fragments. This meteorite has been
described as a highly primitive EH3 chondrite that has
retained primary accretional nebular features in the
form of sulfide-metal rich chondrules.
AN EH3 CHONDRITE, SAHARA 97159. M. Kimura, Y.
Lin, and H. Hiyagon
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Carbonaceous Chondrite CO / Sahara 99544 Main Mass <Carbonaceous Chondrite CO / Sahara 99544 Main$Mass>
Sahara 99544 (CO3), found 1999
The main mass of a CO3
Weight: 642.80g
Size: 100 x 80 x 35 mm
Sahara 99544 (CO3), found 1999, Sahara desert
Meteoritical bulletin
Carbonaceous Chondrite / CO3 / Sahara 99544
SAH99544, CO3, Carbonaceous Chondrite ( Ornans
group, type 3)
Meteorite Name : Sahara 99544
Type :CV3. Carbonaceous chondrite (Ornans Group,
Type 3)
Country : Not disclosed at present time, Sahara
Co-ordinates: z+0?08'45" w+0?29'28"
Date of Find :1999
Tkw : 1.360 Kg
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Allende Meteorite <Allende Meteorite>
$ 284.33
Allende (CV3)
Individual meteorite with 25 % fusion crust
Weight : 22.30 g
Size : 30 x 25 x 20 mm
Carbonaceous Chondrite / CV3 / Allende
Meteorite name: Allende.
Type: Carbonaceous chondrite, type III (CV3) Vigarano
Country: Chihuahua, Mexico
Date of fall: February 8, 0105 hrs
Tkw: 2,000 (approx.). Shower.
Allende fell on 8 Feb 1969 near the town of Pueblito de
Allende in Chihuahua, Mexico. Carbonaceous
chondrites are among the most primitive of meteorites.
The most distinctive characteristic of the CV meteorites
is the presence of large irregular white inclusions. They
are called CAIs (Calcium-Aluminum Inclusions). CAIs
have been intensely studied. Unusual isotopic ratios in
the elements of these inclusions suggest that some of
the material forming the CAIs came from preexisting
interstellar grains that mixed with the forming solar
nebula. CAIs are certainly among the oldest material in
the solar system.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Allende Meteorite <Allende Meteorite>
$ 348.00
Allende (CV3)
Meteorite With 45 % fusion crust
Weight : 23.20 g
Size : 30 x 25 x 20 mm
Carbonaceous Chondrite / CV3 / Allende
Meteorite name: Allende.
Type: Carbonaceous chondrite, type III (CV3) Vigarano
Country: Chihuahua, Mexico
Date of fall: February 8, 0105 hrs
Tkw: 2,000 (approx.). Shower.
Allende fell on 8 Feb 1969 near the town of Pueblito de
Allende in Chihuahua, Mexico. Carbonaceous
chondrites are among the most primitive of meteorites.
The most distinctive characteristic of the CV meteorites
is the presence of large irregular white inclusions. They
are called CAIs (Calcium-Aluminum Inclusions). CAIs
have been intensely studied. Unusual isotopic ratios in
the elements of these inclusions suggest that some of
the material forming the CAIs came from preexisting
interstellar grains that mixed with the forming solar
nebula. CAIs are certainly among the oldest material in
the solar system.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Ivuna / Carbonaceous Chondrite CI1 <Ivuna / Carbonaceous Chondrite CI1>
Ivuna (carbonaceous chondrite, CI1)
Fragment with crust
Weight: 4.552g
Size: 30 x 20 x 15 mm
Ivuna (carbonaceous chondrite, CI1)
A 4.55 fragment with crust of the Ivuna meteorite, the
CI1 type. No more than 220g are preserved in
collection mostly in National collection (122g in
Washington, U.S. Nat. Mus and 61.0g in New York,
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist).
Ivuna Meteorite /Carbonaceous Chondrite / CI1
Type: CI1, Carbonaceous chondrite (Ivuna groupe,
type 1), regolith breccia
Country: Tanzania
Date of find: 1938, december 16 (17h30)
Tkw: 704g
Ivuna, Tanzania. 1938, december 16 (17h30), two or
three stones fell at Ivuna, near the W shore of Rukwa
but one of 704g stone was recovered. Ivuna is the
classic standart of the "I" designation of Carbonaceous
chondrites ( Orgueil is another example of the "I"
designation ). There are only 6 C1's known: Alais Ivuna - Orgueil - Revelstoke - Tonk - Yamato 82162.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 17005.00
Home : Ref. - Lance / CO / Slice 14.10g <Lance / CO / Slice 14.10g>
Lance (CO)
Slice with fusion crust
Weight: 14.10g
Size: 73 x 50 x 1.5 mm
Lance (Lanc?) Meteorite / France / Carbonaceous
Chondrite / CO
After the appearance of a fireball (moving from SW to
NW), and detonations, a shower of stones fell, of which
six were recovered. The total weight was about 51.7kg
and the largest stone weighed 47kg, Tastes, C.
R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 75, p.273, M.H.Hey, Cat.
Met., 1966, p.261. Description, R.von Drasche,
Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt., 1875, p.1. Analysis,
H.B.Wiik, GCA, 1956, 9, p.279. Classification, olivine
Fa21.2, W.R.Van Schmus, Meteorite Research, ed.
P.M.Millman, D.Reidel, Dordrecht-Holland, 1969,
p.480; see also, W.R.Van Schmus and J.M.Hayes,
GCA, 1974, 38, p.47. Mineralogy, M.Christophe
Michel-Levy, Meteorite Research, ed. P.M.Millman,
1969, p.492. Meteorite data copied from MetBase 7.0
for Windows. Author: Joern Koblitz, The MetBase
Library of Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences,
Benquestrasse 27, D-28209 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 24 100 24 Fax: +49 421 24 100 99
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 3948.00
Home : Ref. - Tagish Lake Meteorite <Tagish Lake Meteorite>
$ 3199.00
Tagish Lake Meteorite (C2 ungr)
Weight: 4.57g
Size: 20 x 20 x 18 mm
The Tagish Lake meteorite is possibly the first
recovered sample from a D or T asteroid as a meteorite
Classification : Carbonaceous chondrite (C2,
History: A fireball followed by loud detonations was
observed in January 2000, 16th over the Yukon
Territory and northern British Columbia in Canada. Jim
Brook recovered several dozen meteorites totalling ~ 1
kg on the ice of Taku Arm, Tagish Lake British
Columbia, on January 25 and 26.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Tagish Lake Meteorite <Tagish Lake Meteorite>
$ 5720.00
Tagish Lake Meteorite (C2 ungr)
Weight: 7.15g
Size: 25 x 25 x 20 mm
The Tagish Lake meteorite is possibly the first
recovered sample from a D or T asteroid as a meteorite
Classification : Carbonaceous chondrite (C2,
History: A fireball followed by loud detonations was
observed in January 2000, 16th over the Yukon
Territory and northern British Columbia in Canada. Jim
Brook recovered several dozen meteorites totalling ~ 1
kg on the ice of Taku Arm, Tagish Lake British
Columbia, on January 25 and 26.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - ITQIY / EH7-an / 491.30g <ITQIY / EH7-an / 491.30g>
ITQIY (EH7-an)
End cut of ITQIY
Weight : 491.30g
Size : 110 x 75 x 45 mm
I T Q I Y. A unique Primitive Enstatite Achondrite.
NAME: I T Q I Y. TYPE: Unique Primitive Enstatite
Achondrite. Ungrouped enstatite-rich meteorite.
COUNTRY: Saguia el Hamra, Western Sahara.
CO-ORDINATES: 26?35.45'N 12"57.13'W T. K.W:
4,720g, two stones (410 and 4310g) DATE : Fell ~1990
(see the following note) Note : recent data about
terrestrial age of ITQIY give a prehistoric fell >> 5800
years +/- 500 The references as published in the
Meteoritic Bulletin : In the year 1990 (? l year), after a
detonation and the appearance of light, one stone of
410 g was recovered near ltqiy by a nomad. A larger
stone weighing 4310g was recovered by Luc Labenne
while searching for meteorites in the same place in
2000 July.The larger stone has a black fusion crust
exhibiting flow lines. Classification and mineralogy (D.
Hill and A. Patzer, UAz): equigranular texture shawing
numerous triple junctions; enstatite (grain size 0.5 - 4
mm), 78 vol%, has Fs0.2 Wo3.0; metal (grain size 0.2 2mm), 22 vol%, is kamacite with Fe = 90.4 wt%.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 73618.01
Winonaite Sahara 02029 : Ref. - Winonaite thin section 02029 <Winonaite thin section 02029>
Winonaite Sahara 02029
Polished Thin Section
Slide = 30 x 45 mm
(no cover slip, thickness=30 microns)
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 368.60
Home : Ref. - Dhofar 1439 / Eucrite / 113.5g <Dhofar 1439 / Eucrite / 113.5g >
Dhofar 1439, Eucrite
Monomict eucrite melt-matrix breccia
Complete slice
Weight: 113.50g
Size: 120 x 100 x 4 mm
Dhofar 1439 (monomict eucrite melt-matrix breccia,
EUC-mmict), Oman
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 2564.72
Home : Ref. - Meteorite / NWA XXXXA / Eucrite / End Cut 99.6g <Meteorite / NWA XXXXA / Eucrite / End Cut 99.6g>
NWA XXXXA (Eucrite, classification pending)
End cut covered with black fusion crust and flow lines
Black shock veins in a white matrix
Weight: 99.6 g
Size: 43 x 35 x 45 mm
Yes, this eucrite really does look like the lunar
meteorite NWA 482. This is an unusual Eucrite since it
resembles to the NWA 482 Lunar meteorite almost
exactly. When I acquired this nicely oriented fresh
achondrite I thought this might be a lunar meteorite, but
it turned out to be an unusual eucrite. You can clearly
see many tiny black shock veins all over the white
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 2988.00
Home : Ref. - Meteorite / NWA XXXXA / Eucrite / Slice 3.95g <Meteorite / NWA XXXXA / Eucrite / Slice 3.95g>
NWA XXXXA (Eucrite, classification pending)
Black shock veins in a white matrix
Weight: 3.95g
Size: 48 x 18 x 2mm
Yes, this eucrite really does look like the lunar
meteorite NWA 482. This is an unusual Eucrite since it
resembles to the NWA 482 Lunar meteorite almost
exactly. When I acquired this nicely oriented fresh
achondrite I thought this might be a lunar meteorite, but
it turned out to be an unusual eucrite. You can clearly
see many tiny black shock veins all over the white
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 237.00
Home : Ref. - Meteorite / NWA XXXXA / Eucrite / End Cut 16.20g <Meteorite / NWA XXXXA / Eucrite / End Cut 16.20g>
NWA XXXXA (Eucrite, classification pending)
End cut covered with black fusion crust and flow lines
Black shock veins in a white matrix
Weight: 16.20 g
Size: 48 x 18 x 15 mm
Yes, this eucrite really does look like the lunar
meteorite NWA 482. This is an unusual Eucrite since it
resembles to the NWA 482 Lunar meteorite almost
exactly. When I acquired this nicely oriented fresh
achondrite I thought this might be a lunar meteorite, but
it turned out to be an unusual eucrite. You can clearly
see many tiny black shock veins all over the white
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 942.84
Home : Ref. - Unclassified Achondrite 40.7g <Unclassified Achondrite 40.7g>
Unclassified Achondrite
Possibly Eucrite
Whole Stone With Type Sample
Total Weight = 40.7g
Unclassified Achondrite purchased in Marocco in
January 2009
Possibly Eucrite
Whole Stone With Type Sample cut, weight was 42.1g
before cutting process
Total Weight = 40.7g (26.9g + 5.05g + 8.75g)
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 783.09
Millbillillie Meteorite : Ref. - Oriented Millbillillie <Oriented Millbillillie>
Oriented Millbillillie Meteorite
With flow lines
and roll-over rim called "lip"
Weight: 38.5g
Size: 38 x 30 x 28 mm
An oriented meteorite is typically covered with flow
lines and display a roll-over rim called "lip". This is the
result of the passage of the meteorite through the
Earth's atmosphere, the heat generated by the high
pressure in the front of the meteorite is enough to melt
and ablate material away and roll-over onto the back
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 572.30
Camel Donga Meteorites : Ref. - Camel Donga Meteorite <Camel Donga Meteorite>
Camel Donga Meteorite
Oriented Specimen
Weight: 5.34g
Size: 22 x 20 x 10 mm
The Camel Donga Meteorites are classified as eucrites.
The Camel Donga meteorites were found in 1984 on
the Nullarbor Plain of Western Australia. Many stones
with a total known weight of ~50 kilograms were found.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 491.28
Camel Donga Meteorites : Ref. - Camel Donga Meteorite <Camel Donga Meteorite>
Camel Donga Meteorite
Oriented Specimen
Weight: 5.34g
Size: 22 x 20 x 10 mm
The Camel Donga Meteorites are classified as eucrites.
The Camel Donga meteorites were found in 1984 on
the Nullarbor Plain of Western Australia. Many stones
with a total known weight of ~50 kilograms were found.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 491.28
Home : Ref. - Dhofar 700 Diogenite 7.7g <Dhofar 700 Diogenite 7.7g>
Dhofar 700 (Diogenite)
Individual discovered June 8,2009
See Pictures When Discovered
Weight: 7.7g
Size: 22 x 15 x 15 mm
Twelve dark-grey stones totalling 2770g were found in
the Dhofar region of Oman; classification and
mineralogy (S.Demidova, Vernadsky Inst.; G.Kurat,
Mus. Vienna): fusion crust is absent; the meteorite has
an equigranular texture, and consists dominantly of
Meteorite data copied from MetBase 7.0 for Windows.
Author: Joern Koblitz, The MetBase Library of
Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, Benquestrasse 27,
D-28209 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 24 100 24 Fax: +49 421 24 100 99
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 297.99
Home : Ref. - Dhofar 700 Diogenite <Dhofar 700 Diogenite>
$ 490.50
Dhofar 700 (Diogenite)
Individual discovered June 8,2009
See Pictures When Discovered
Weight: 21.8g
Size: 25 x 25 x 18 mm
Twelve dark-grey stones totalling 2770g were found in
the Dhofar region of Oman; classification and
mineralogy (S.Demidova, Vernadsky Inst.; G.Kurat,
Mus. Vienna): fusion crust is absent; the meteorite has
an equigranular texture, and consists dominantly of
Meteorite data copied from MetBase 7.0 for Windows.
Author: Joern Koblitz, The MetBase Library of
Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, Benquestrasse 27,
D-28209 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 24 100 24 Fax: +49 421 24 100 99
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Angrite / SAH99555 / Microprobe Polished Thin Section <Angrite / SAH99555 / Microprobe Polished Thin Section>
$ 506.39
Angrite /Sahara 99555
Microprobe Polished Thin Section
(no cover slip, thickness=30 microns)
Area of the Sahara 99555 = 10 x 10 mm
Slide = 30 x 45 mm
The latest ultra precise measurement techniques have
been used to obtain lead isotope ages for two
examples of a rare type of meteorite, called basaltic
These differentiated meteorites are from parent bodies
that were once molten and had solidified as a metal
core and silicate mantle. Their absolute age is about
4.6 billion years, only a million years younger than the
currently accepted minimum age of the Solar System...
Joel Baker, Martin Bizzarro, Nadine Wittig, James
Connelly and Henning Haack
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - NWA 2737 Microprobe Polished Thin Section <NWA 2737 Microprobe Polished Thin Section>
Martian Meteorite /Chassignite / Diderot / NWA2737
Microprobe Polished Thin Section
(no cover slip, thickness=30 microns)
Area of the NWA 2737 = 10x10mm
Slide = 30 x 45 mm
NWA 2737 or "Diderot" / Mars Meteorite / Chassignite
CHASSIGNITE. P. Beck1, J-A. Barrat2, Ph. Gillet1, I.A.
Franchi3, R.C. Greenwood3, B. Van de Moortele1, B.
Reynard1, M. Bohn4 and J. Cotten2.
CHASSIGNITE NWA 2737 or "Diderot"
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 1222.78
Meteorite Thin Section : Ref. - Meteorite Thin Section ITQIY <Meteorite Thin Section ITQIY >
Meteorite thin Section
Microprobe Polished Thin Section
(no cover slip, thickness=30 microns)
I T Q I Y. A unique Primitive Enstatite Achondrite.
NAME: I T Q I Y. TYPE: Unique Primitive Enstatite
Achondrite. Ungrouped enstatite-rich meteorite.
COUNTRY: Saguia el Hamra, Western Sahara.
CO-ORDINATES: 26?35.45'N 12"57.13'W T. K.W:
4,720g, two stones (410 and 4310g) DATE : Fell ~1990
(see the following note) Note : recent data about
terrestrial age of ITQIY give a prehistoric fell >> 5800
years +/- 500 The references as published in the
Meteoritic Bulletin : In the year 1990 (? l year), after a
detonation and the appearance of light, one stone of
410 g was recovered near ltqiy by a nomad. A larger
stone weighing 4310g was recovered by Luc Labenne
while searching for meteorites in the same place in
2000 July.The larger stone has a black fusion crust
exhibiting flow lines. Classification and mineralogy (D.
Hill and A. Patzer, UAz): equigranular texture shawing
numerous triple junctions; enstatite (grain size 0.5 - 4
mm), 78 vol%, has Fs0.2 Wo3.0; metal (grain size 0.2 2mm), 22 vol%, is kamacite with Fe = 90.4 wt%.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 297.00
Meteorite Thin Sections : Ref. - Meteorite Thin Section Lodranite NWA 4478 <Meteorite Thin Section Lodranite NWA 4478> $ 280.00
Meteorite Thin Section
NWA 4478 Brecciated Lodranite
Microprobe Polished Thin Section
Slide = 30 x 45 mm
(no cover slip, thickness=30 microns)
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Oriented Martian Meteorite <Oriented Martian Meteorite>
Oriented Martian Meteorite
Paired with the NWA 2975
Weight: 101.90g
Size:~50 mm x 40 mm and 15-20 mm
Martian meteorite oriented with radiated flow lines from
the apex
Individual preliminarily paired with the NWA 2975 and
NWA 2986 (note that Michael Farmer or Jim Strope
only can used the numbers NWA 2975 and NWA
2986). Abstract on NWA 2975 "An Evolved Basaltic
Shergottite with Vesicular Glass Pockets and Trapped
Melt Inclusions" LPSC 37 by J. Wittke, T. Bunch et al.
in March 2006.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 100000.00
Home : Ref. - Martian Meteorite NWA 1775 / 1.766g <Martian Meteorite NWA 1775 / 1.766g>
NWA 1775 (Martian Meteorite, Shergottite)
Paired with the NWA 1068
Half Fragment
Weight: 1.766g
Size: 17 x 9 x 7 mm
The NWA 1775 is a basaltic shergottite; zoned olivine
phenocrysts in a fine-grained groundmass of complexly
zoned pigeonite and homogenous maskelynite; Cpx:
Fs24.33-36.38Wo8.89-28.78; maskelynite:
An51.23Ab46.49; paired with NWA 1068, 1110 and
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 1408.00
Home : Ref. - Martian Meteorite SAU 130 <Martian Meteorite SAU 130>
SAU 130 (Mars meteorite, Shergottite)
Complete Slice With Crust
Weight: 1.658g
Size: 30 x 22 x 1 mm
Meteorite name: Sayh al Uhaymir 130
Type: Martian basalt, SNC, shergottite. Paired with
SAU 005-008
Country: Oman Desert
Location: 21?00.2' N 57? 19.1' E
Date of find: January 11, 2004
Tkw: 278g (four individual stones)
Sayh al Uhaymir 130. Four fullly crusted gray-greenish
stones of 278g together were found near to the area of
previous finds of Sayh al Uhaymir
005/008/051/060/094. All eleven meteorites seem to be
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 2487.00
Home : Ref. - Dalgaranga meteorite / Mesosiderite <Dalgaranga meteorite / Mesosiderite>
Dalgaranga meteorite, Australia
Mesosiderite associated with a crater
Half Individual
Weight: 182.5 g
Size: 60 x 40 x 40 mm
Dalgaranga meteorite (mesosiderite subgroup-A,
associated with a crater in Australia, 1923, tkw 12.2kg).
Very few pieces were recovered around a crater 75
feet in diameter. Of the 12.2kg pieces that were
recovered about half of them were highly oxidized.
A 182.5 g end cut with well preserved Ni-Fe
Weight = 182.5 g Size = 60 x 40 x 40 mm
Dalgaranga meteorite / Mesosiderite from an Australian
Dalgaranga Crater / Age 30,000 years
McCall, G.J.H. 1965 New material from, and a
reconsideration of, the Dalgaranga meteorite and
crater, Western Australia
A number of small fragments of iron were found in and
around a crater 70 ft. across and 11 ft. deep, but only
one of 40g was preserved in E.S.Simpson's collection,
M.H.Hey, Cat. Met., 1966, p.127. Described, with a
partial analysis, E.S.Simpson, Min. Mag., 1938, 25,
p.157. In 1960 search around the crater yielded 207
fragments with a total weight of 1.1kg, the largest
weighing 57g, of which about half were oxidized irons
and half mesosiderite. Within the crater 280 fragments,
totalling about 20lb were collected, all of which proved
to be highly oxidized mesosiderites, H.H.Nininger and
G.I.Huss, Min. Mag., 1960, 32, p.619, G.J.H.McCall,
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 5310.75
Home : Ref. - Vaca Muerta Meteorite / 494.6g <Vaca Muerta Meteorite / 494.6g>
The Vaca Muerta meteorite from the movie
Weight: 494.6g
Size: 75 x 50 x 60 mm
Vaca Muerta meteorite (mesosiderite subgroup-A,
found in 1861 Atacama desert, tkw = 3.82MT)
This 494.6g specimen was found and fimed during one
of our trip organized for meteorites hunting, see a short
sequence of the 52 minutes movie "Meteorite Hunters"
filmed by Laurent Legall
( then
click on "See Hunters of Meteorites" or directly to
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 9800.00
Home : Ref. - Meteorite From The Meteor Crater / 370g <Meteorite From The Meteor Crater / 370g>
Canyon Diablo Meteorite (Iron IAB), Arizona, USA
Meteorite from the Meteor Crater in Arizona
Weight: 370 g
Size: 95 X 60 X 25 mm
This meteorite was found close to the Meteor Crater in
Arizona, the first proven, and one of the best-preserved
meteorite crater on Earth.
The Meteor Crater is a meteorite impact crater located
in the northern Arizona desert of the USA. The site was
formerly known as the Canyon Diablo Crater or as
Barringer Crater in honor of Daniel Barringer who was
first to suggest that it was produced by meteorite
impact. Chunks of nickel-iron fragments, as this
specimen, ranging from gravel size to blocks weighing
up to 640 kg (1,400 lb), have been recovered from the
debris field surrounding the crater.
History of the METEOR CRATER, Arizona: The Meteor
Crater was created about 50,000 years ago. The
meteorite which excavated the crater was a giant piece
of nickel-iron meteorite about 50 meters across
weighing 300,000 tonne (330,000 short tons), which
impacted the plain at a speed of 20 kilometers per
second (45,000 mph). The impact produced a massive
explosion equivalent to about 150 times the yield of the
atomic bombs used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 333.00
Home : Ref. - Canyon Diablo Meteorite <Canyon Diablo Meteorite>
Canyon Diablo Meteorite (Iron IAB)
Meteorite from the Meteor Crater in Arizona
Weight: 5.85kg
Canyon Diablo (Iron IAB), Arizona, USA
A fine Canyon Diablo meteorite from an old collection,
offer with display and label. This meteorite was found
close to the Meteor Crater in Arizona, the first proven,
and one of the best-preserved meteorite crater on
The Meteor Crater is a meteorite impact crater located
in the northern Arizona desert of the USA. The site was
formerly known as the Canyon Diablo Crater or as
Barringer Crater in honor of Daniel Barringer who was
first to suggest that it was produced by meteorite
impact. Chunks of nickel-iron fragments, as this
specimen, ranging from gravel size to blocks weighing
up to 640 kg (1,400 lb), have been recovered from the
debris field surrounding the crater.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 3880.00
Home : Ref. - Sikhote Alin Meteorite <Sikhote Alin Meteorite>
$ 99.00
Sikhote Alin Meteorite
Weight: 32.7g
Sikhote Alin Meteorites For Sale
Locality - Maritime Territory, Federated SSR, Russia
Type - Iron, Coarse Octahedrite Class - (IIB)
Fell -On Feb 12, 1947
There are two classes of Sikhote Alin meteorites. We
propose you here the rarest, and more valuable class
called "individuals". Due to atmospheric heating and
resulting ablation, the individuals developed smooth
indentations, or regmaglypts, this is why each Sikhote
Alin meteorite is unique.
At 10:38 A.M. on Feb. 12, 1947 in Eastern Siberia,
Russia, a fireball appeared traveling from north to
south to the forest of the Sikhote-Alin Mountains. The
meteorite impacted in the mountains with a huge
explosion which was felt over 100 miles away. It made
over 100 craters of different sizes when the meteorite
broke apart on impact.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Sikhote Alin Meteorite <Sikhote Alin Meteorite>
$ 99.00
Sikhote Alin Meteorite
Weight: 35.7g
Sikhote Alin Meteorites For Sale
Locality - Maritime Territory, Federated SSR, Russia
Type - Iron, Coarse Octahedrite Class - (IIB)
Fell -On Feb 12, 1947
There are two classes of Sikhote Alin meteorites. We
propose you here the rarest, and more valuable class
called "individuals". Due to atmospheric heating and
resulting ablation, the individuals developed smooth
indentations, or regmaglypts, this is why each Sikhote
Alin meteorite is unique. At 10:38 A.M. on Feb. 12,
1947 in Eastern Siberia, Russia, a fireball appeared
traveling from north to south to the forest of the
Sikhote-Alin Mountains. The meteorite impacted in the
mountains with a huge explosion which was felt over
100 miles away. It made over 100 craters of different
sizes when the meteorite broke apart on impact.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Sikhote Alin Meteorite <Sikhote Alin Meteorite>
$ 99.00
Sikhote Alin Meteorite
Weight: 35.3g
Sikhote Alin Meteorite For Sale
Locality - Maritime Territory, Federated SSR, Russia
Type - Iron, Coarse Octahedrite Class - (IIB)
Fell -On Feb 12, 1947
There are two classes of Sikhote Alin meteorites. We
propose you here the rarest, and more valuable class
called "individuals". Due to atmospheric heating and
resulting ablation, the individuals developed smooth
indentations, or regmaglypts, this is why each Sikhote
Alin meteorite is unique. At 10:38 A.M. on Feb. 12,
1947 in Eastern Siberia, Russia, a fireball appeared
traveling from north to south to the forest of the
Sikhote-Alin Mountains. The meteorite impacted in the
mountains with a huge explosion which was felt over
100 miles away. It made over 100 craters of different
sizes when the meteorite broke apart on impact.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Al Haggounia 001/ Aubrite / 191.20g <Al Haggounia 001/ Aubrite / 191.20g>
Al Haggounia 001 (Aubrite)
Complete individual
Weight: 191.2g
Size: 70x50x45mm
Al Haggounia 001 (Aubrite)
Well preserved individual are rare even if large quantity
of this aubrite were found
Al Haggounia 001 "Fossil or Paleo" Meteorite
Al Hagounia 001
Al Haggounia 001 "Fossil or Paleo" Meteorite
Meteoritical Bulletin, meteorite Al Haggounia 001:
H. Chennaoui Aoudjehane1, A. Jambon2, E. Rjimati3,
Hassan II A?n Chock, Laboratoire G?osciences, BP
5366 Ma?rif
Casablanca Morocco (e-mail:,
2Universit? Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris6 Laboratoire
Case 110, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris France,
3Minist?re de
l'Energie et des Mines, Rabat Morocco
Al Haggounia 001
Al Haggounia, Morocco
Find: 2006
Achondrite (aubrite)
History: Several tons of this material have been found
on the ground or by digging near Al Haggounia,
Morocco (Chennaoui et al. 2007) for description of the
strewn field) and sold to several dealers. The
coordinates are given for the center of the strewn field,
which extends ~ 40 km.
Classification: Achondrite (aubrite); extensive
weathering. Similar to and likely paired with NWA 002,
1067, 2736, 2828, 2965.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 290.00
Home : Ref. - Canyon Diablo Meteorite <Canyon Diablo Meteorite>
Canyon Diablo Meteorite
Meteorite from the Meteor Crater in Arizona
Specimen With Great Shape and Hole
Weight: 12.456 kg
Size: 300 X 250 X 120 mm
A fine Canyon Diablo Meteorite
This meteorite was found close to the Meteor Crater
(Near Canyon Diablo in Arizona), the first proven, and
one of the best-preserved meteorite crater on Earth.
The Meteor Crater is a meteorite impact crater located
in the northern Arizona desert of the USA. The site was
formerly known as the Canyon Diablo Crater or as
Barringer Crater in honor of Daniel Barringer who was
first to suggest that it was produced by meteorite
impact. Chunks of nickel-iron fragments, as this
specimen, ranging from gravel size to blocks weighing
up to 640 kg (1,400 lb), have been recovered from the
debris field surrounding the crater.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 33631.20
Home : Ref. - NWA 869 / Assorted Meteorites / 1kg <NWA 869 / Assorted Meteorites / 1kg >
1kg of assorted NWA 869
Chondrite L4-L6, brecciated
1kg of individuals NWA 869 from 20 to 30g each
NWA 869 / North West Africa 869
Meteoritical Bulletin:
Ott2, K. Welten3, M. W. Caffee4, and L. Franke2
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 800.00
Home : Ref. - Esquel Meteorite <Esquel Meteorite>
$ 1445.30
Esquel Meteorite
Translucent 34g slice
Pallasite found in Argentina
A large mass of about 1500kg was found embedded in
the soil, L.O.Giacomelli, Meteoritos hallados en la
Patagonia, Argentina Austral, 1962, 34, p.14, M.H.Hey,
Cat. Met., 1966, p.156.
The weight of the main mass is 755kg and not 1500kg
as mentioned, O.A.Turone, Buenos Aires, priv. comm.
to J.Koblitz, 1994.
Meteorite data copied from MetBase 7.0 for Windows.
Author: Joern Koblitz, The MetBase Library of
Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences, Benquestrasse 27,
D-28209 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 24 100 24 Fax: +49 421 24 100 99
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Imilac Meteorite <Imilac Meteorite>
$ 570.00
Imilac Meteorite
Individual meteorite with fusion crust
Weight: 29.80g
Size: 38 x 25 x 15 mm
Imilac Meteorite (Pallasite main group, angulare olivine
Numerous meteorites, some up to 490lb, were found in
Chile, in a valley close to the Imilac station railway.
The Imilac meteorites are classified as pallasites and
considered as beautiful meteorites, especially when cut
in thin slice with the translucent olivine.
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Fukang Meteorite <Fukang Meteorite>
$ 15382.78
Fukang Meteorite
Etched slab with translucent olivine
Weight: 622g / Size: 200 x 160 x 3.5 mm
The Fukang meteorite is a pallasite from the main
group. The 1003 kg Fukang meteorite was found in
China near Fukang
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
Home : Ref. - Fukang Meteorite For Sale <Fukang Meteorite For Sale>
Fukang Meteorite For Sale
Etched slab with translucent olivine
Weight: 622g / Size: 200 x 160 x 3.5 mm
The Fukang meteorite for sale here, is a pallasite from
the main group. The 1003 kg Fukang meteorite was
found in China near Fukang
Build on 2010-10-07 16:00:01
$ 15382.78