Welcome to the 2016 Delaware Equine Industry Directory.
Welcome to the 2016 Delaware Equine Industry Directory.
Welcome to the 2016 Delaware Equine Industry Directory. The Delaware Equine Council’s mission is to promote, protect and enhance the keeping of equines. As an all-volunteer organization, we continue to work on behalf of all breeds, disciplines, interests, schools, organizations and related business to promote the industry. As a member of the American Horse Council, we provide updates on the latest equine related legislation and other activities that may impact this industry. The Delaware Equine Council recently established the Delaware Equine Council Foundation. This 501c(3) not for profit entity’s sole purpose is to continue the award of several $1000 scholarships annually. However, donations to the Foundation are tax deductible. An application for a scholarship is included in this Directory. You are welcome to encourage any potential candidates to apply. The Delaware Equine Council continues to provide numerous benefits to its members. Applications are included in this Directory. The publication of this Directory continues as the single source of reference for equine activities and businesses on the Delmarva Peninsula. Please share it with others and thank our advertisers when supporting their business. Sincerely, Stan Vonasek President, Delaware Equine Council 1 2 2016 Delaware Equine Council Officers President...... Stan Vonasek...... stan22146@hotmail.com......... 684-3966..............2017 Vice Pres..... Ken Horeis......... kenhoreis@yahoo.com............. 270-2648..............2016 Secretary..... Kathy Watson..... wyoschoolmarm@aol.com....... 670-7358..............2016 Treasurer..... Tami Stevens...... imahorsey1@gmail.com.......... 815-252-8367.......2017 Delaware Equine Council Directors Cindy Vollmer......................... cyn.vollmer2010@gmail.com 519-2034..............2016 Pam Nebel............................... pnebel@aol.com....................... 240-994-2220.......2018 George Parris.......................... gigiparris@verizon.net............. 846-2189..............2016 Wendy Lippincott.................... info@dustychapsfarm.com...... 632-9733..............2017 Dr. Christina Dayton-Wall...... allcreaturesvetde@gmail.com.. 258-8160..............2017 Julie Warrington...................... warrington_girls@yahoo.com.. 423-7393..............2018 Editor’s Note Unless otherwise noted, all area codes for phone numbers in this directory are “302”. Disclaimer Statement: The information contained in this Directory represents that which has been shared by advertisers, government agencies and other organizations. The Delaware Equine Council does not guarantee nor does it place any recommendations on any of the information contained within. 3 Equine Related Organizations American Driving Society Mid-Atlantic................................................632-8024 American Mustang/Burro Assoc.-Delmarva Chapter.............................653-7005 Arabian Horse Assoc of Delmarva.........................................................856-6048 Canter Mid-Atlantic................................................................................598-6129 Center for Therapeutic/Educational Riding............................................376-9594 Chesapeake Pony Club.................................................................. 410-742-2947 DE Equine Council.................................................................................684-3966 DE Pony Breeders...................................................................................736-0673 DE Quarter Horse Assoc................................................................. 410-310-8637 DE Standardbred Owners’ Assoc............................................................678-3058 DE Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Assoc ........................................994-2521 X7284 Delmarva Driving Club..................................................................... 492-3932 Delmarva Mini Horse Club.....................................................................424-2387 Delmarva Paint Horse Club....................................................................398-3987 Eastern Amateur Arabian Horse Show Circuit.......................................492-8209 Eastern Shore Western Horse Show Association....................................284-8721 First State Coonhunters...........................................................................542-1415 First State Shooters.................................................................................349-4082 Kent County 4-H............................................................................. 302-831-2501 Laurel Saddle Friends..................................................................... 410-754-5710 Mid Atlantic Haflinger Assoc..................................................................422-3454 New Castle County 4-H.................................................................. 302-831-2501 Southern DE Therapeutic Riding, Inc.....................................................644-1920 Sussex County 4-H......................................................................... 302-856-7303 Tuckahoe Equestrian Center........................................................... 410-253-0161 Wicomico Hunt Club..............................................................................539-5889 4 Caring with Kindness State Office Numbers/Emergency Delaware Department Agriculture...................... 800-282-8685 DE State Equine Vet........................................... 800-282-8685 Delaware Tourism............................................... 866-284-7483 Emergencies.......................................................................9 1 1 Mosquito Control................................................ 800-338-8181 Poison Control.................................................... 800-222-1222 University of Delaware County Extension Offices Dan Severson ...................... New Castle................... 831-2506 Susan Garey ........................ Kent.............................. 730-4000 Phillip Sylvester................... Kent.............................. 730-4000 Cory Whaley........................ Sussex........................... 856-7303 5 Vital Signs for the Normal Horse Heart Rate............. 30-40/min Breathing Rate...... 10-12/min Temperature.......... 99.5-101.5C Mucous Membrane should be pink color. CRT (Capillary Refill Time) Press finger above front teeth. Color should return in less than 2 seconds. First Aid for the Trail Furacin ointment or salve Butazoldin paste (Bute) Electrolyte paste Cotton wadding Telfa pads Vet wrap Cement (hoof repair) Keep in the Barn Stethoscope Scissors Thermometer (rectal) Gloves Antiseptic Clippers Skin Turgor Pinch skin to see how long it takes to return to normal. It should be less than one second. Hoof Temperature Should always be lukewarm Keep these items in airtight storage. Locate them in a readily accessible area. Be sure to write down your veterinarian’s phone number and keep it available for others. The greatest number of injuries to equines is in the form of puncture wounds and lacerations. These tips should be helpful in administering quick care to your animal when needed…they are not meant to be all that you need, but they will get you started. Your Vet’s phone number is:____________________________ To view more info on emergency preparedness, please visit the DEC website at www.delawareequinecouncil.com 6 7 Benefits of DEC Membership •EquineSavings.com Major discounts on Toro, eXmark, Massey Ferguson and Challenger Equipment and Farm Paint • Access to $1,000,000 in excess personal liability insurance by Equisure, Inc. with American Resource Group. • Car rental discounts provided by Hertz • Pet insurance from VPI (Veterinary Pet Insurance) • Prescription drug discount card • American Horse Council - My Advantage Program • Discounts through Nationwide Insurance • Discounts on John Deere equipment • Discounts on Sherwin-Williams paint • Savings at Office Depot and Office Max • UPS discounts up to 30% on next day and 2nd day shipping and 5% off ground shipping services • Discounts on advertising in the DEC newsletter and the Equine Industry Directory • Posting of your calendar of events and activities in the DEC newsletter and on the website 8 The Delaware Equine Council would like to express its appreciation to all the advertisers and to everyone who assisted in the preparation of this Directory for their continued support. We truly believe that our Directory is the best way to reach the equestrian market in Delaware and surrounding areas. In addition to our printed version, the Directory is available “on-line” at our website www.delawareequinecouncil.org to provide maximum exposure. Join us in promoting the equestrian way of life. WANT TO BE INCLUDED FOR 2017? Help us to assist you and your business by sending your name and mailing address to: Delaware Equine Council PO Box 158 Harrington, DE. 19952 Letters will be mailed to interested parties with all necessary information for you to be a part of the 2016 Delaware Equine Industry Directory, your source in helping to promote, protect and enhance the keeping of equines in the First State and surrounding areas. 9 10 11 Arena Rentals Apex Stables Houston 242-6272 C-Line Stables Townsend 376-9594 Circle S Ranch Queenstown, MD 410-703-4293 Deer Antler Equestrian Center Smyrna 659-1366 Delaware State Fair Harrington 398-5905 Gambler’s Choice E C Dover 653-0777 Heartland Equine Ctr. Frederica 335-0355 Rowan Farm Middletown 378-9123 Tri-Stable Advantage Laurel 344-2002 WinAway Farm Willards, MD 410-835-2606 Auction Services Chick’s Harrington270-4432 Dill’s Auction Wyoming 284-8721 Ridgely’s Auction Service Wyoming 492-3327 Wilson’s Auction Lincoln 422-3454 Barns/Construction Bylers Builders Clayton Eastern Shore Pole Bldgs Wyoming Morton Buildings Felton Ready Buildings Dover Robert Mounts Construction Hartly Shane Construction 12 653-0300 632-0918 222-1847 257-3145 270-2588 331-9632 DELMARVA EQUINE CLINIC Enhancing Your Horse’s Health 1008 South Governors Ave., Dover, DE 19904 302.735.4735 www.delmarva-equine.com Janice L. Sosnowski, D.V.M. Michelle D. Egli, D.V.M. Over 30 years experience in veterinary medicine Among the services we offer are the following: Digital Ultrasonography Digital Radiography Endoscopy Shockwave Treatments Stem Cell Therapy/PRP Tildren/Osphos Therapy Chiropractic Care 13 Lameness Consultation and Treatment Power Dental floating Reproductive Work Pre-Purchase Exams Comprehensive wellness & Senior wellness plans Boarding Barley Mill Stables Hockessin 239-4511 Baybreeze Farm Frankford 542-7068 Benchmark Sport Horses Camden 598-6129 Berrytown Turn-Outs Felton 270-3696 C-Line Stables Townsend 376-9594 Carousel Park Wilmington 995-7670 Classic Arabians Georgetown 856-6048 Cloverleaf Stables Chadds Ford, PA 484-841-6230 Cozy Quarters Farm Delaware City 521-2588 Crouchfield Stables Felton 284-3989 Deer Antler Equestrian Ctr Smyrna 659-1366 Dovington Training Ctr Felton 284-8513 Dusty Chaps Farm Felton 632-9733 Emco Farms, Inc. Felton 242-5626 EquiStar Farm Milton 684-8213 Fair Hill Stables Elkton, MD 410-620-3883 Gambler’s Choice E C Dover 653-0777 Gardner Farm Hartly 492-3932 Harris Paints Federalsburg, MD 410-754-9566 Horse Play Stables Frankford 344-2002 Hy-Point Grains Wilmington 420-0739 Lucky Charm Farm Marydel, MD 410-438-3054 Magnolia Ranch Milford 382-8036 Midge Haven Farm Bridgeville 236-3348 Misty Meadows Farm Clayton 653-5701 Pam An Stables Lewes 645-6900 Pinewood Stables Milton 236-5666 Porpoise Creek Stables Trappe, MD 410-924-2623 Rowan Farm Middletown 378-9123 Sandy Hill Georgetown 856-3382 Simmental Meadows Marydel 492-0346 SingleTree Stables Seaford 629-4971 Sunset Stables Bear 834-7588 The Summer Winds Stables Hartly 492-8038 Timber Grove Farm Preston, MD 410-673-1912 Tir-Na-Nog Felton270-7840 Tri-Stable Advantage Laurel 344-2002 14 15 Simmental Meadows Stables Specializing in full care horse boarding Lit riding ring Stalls opening into acres of lush pastures Acres of trail riding Tack room included $250.00/Month 142 Simmental Meadows Lane, Marydel, DE 19964 302.242.5692 Contact Megan mpleasanton@desu.edu Call: 410-829-3291 to receive an ESTIMATE TODAY! Services Include: • Site Work • Driveways • Concrete • Septic Installations • Grading/Seeding • Demolition Work • Riding Arenas 16 Boarding - Continued Wellspring Farm & Tack Shop Wilmington Whaley’s Equine Services Bridgeville Winaway Farm Willards, MD Winswept Stables Lewes Worthmore Equestrian Center Worton, MD Zenith Farms Lincoln, DE 798-2407 259-4227 410-251-8891 645-1651 410-348-2055 236-2095 Boarding Overnight Caper Lea Farm Trappe, MD Dusty Chaps Farm Felton Tri-Stable Advantage Laurel Winswept Stables Lewes 410-822-9438 632-9733 344-2002 645-1651 Breeding Adandy Farm Greenwood 349-5116 Classic Arabians Georgetown 856-6048 Galant Run Farm Salisbury, MD 410-749-9444 Gray Dawn Acres Harrington 398-3534 Harris Paints Federalsburg, MD 410-754-9566 Heritage I Chesapeake City, MD 443-907-7122 Holly Glen Farms Harrington 270-4251 Northview Stallion Station Chesapeake City, MD 410-885-2855 Reece Family Miniatures Clayton 420-5330 Royal Acres Haflingers Lincoln 422-9760 Safe Haven Farms Ellendale 422-9395 Valour Farms Smyrna 653-4066 Winbak Farm MD/DE 888-3WINBAK Building Materials Dukes Lumber Laurel Dukes Lumber Seaford Ridge & Valley Metals Dover Carriages/Weddings Carriage Memories from the Past Denton, MD Circle C Outfit, LLC Bridgeville 17 875-7551 629-6622 678-2272 410-482-6058 337-8828 18 Carriages/Weddings - Continued Davis, Randy Salisbury, MD 410-835-8001 MomMom’s Clydesdale’s Fruitland, MD 410-749-0514 Pony Express Bear 834-4249 Royal Acres Haflingers Lincoln 422-3454 Positive Pups & Ponies Consulting Dover 242-2276 Crematory Friends Forever (400 lb limit) Dover 734-9802 Kohout, Frank Hartly 492-3378 Paws to Heaven Pennasauken, NJ 1-800-910-8138 Pets at Peace Harrington 398-3884 Dentistry All Creatures Vet Services Harrington 258-8160 Brenford Animal Hospital Dover 678-9418 Church, Amanda Elkton, MD 561-4666 Crown Equine Georgetown 629-2782 Delmarva Equine Dover 735-4735 Eastern Eq Dentistry Greenwood 245-7293 EquiSmile Camden632-5969 Equistry Newark983-9229 Hudson, Lem Laurel 875-2051 Neilson, David, EqDT Townsend 893-8304 Neudeck Adams, Lindsey Delmar 245-5143 O’Donnell, Mike Harrington 443-871-0442 Small Wonder Equine Dentistry Harbeson 245-4077 Valour Farms Endurance Training/Riding Smyrna 653-4066 Equine Massage - Acupuncture Chiropractic & PEMF Therapy AcuPoint Therapies Woodbine, MD 410-440-8875 Anderson Equine Performance Felton 222-2864 19 Equine Massage - Acupuncture Chiropractic & PEMF Therapy - Continued Caper Lea Farm Easton, MD 410-822-9438 Cathell, Kimberly, E.S.M.T. Bloxom, VA 757-665-5181 Creature Comfort Massage Trappe, MD 410-463-1261 MassageM Dover423-9088 Phil’s Equine Massage Berlin, MD 410-641-0931 Small Wonder Equine Svcs. LLC Brook Baker 245-4077 Spirit Horse Equine Massage Salisbury, MD 443-260-2390 The Essential Touch Harrington 922-0917 The Kneaded Edge B. Hammelbacher 659-5835 Windy Way Horses, LLC Hurlock, MD 443-205-3429 Equipment/Vehicles Atlantic Tractor Clayton 653-8536 B & W Farm Supply Greenwood 398-3059 Burke Equipment Co. Felton 284-0123 Currey Farms Harrington 632-3178 Equinesavings.com Kentucky877-905-0004 First State Chevy Georgetown 856-2521 Holden Dodge Dover 734-5708 Service Tire/Truck Ctr. Seaford 629-5533 Taylor & Messick Harrington 398-3729 Dan Watson Welding Wyoming 670-9990 Farrier Bill Mills Preston, MD Butch Daniels Clayton Blackburn Forge, Inc. Hartly Caper Lea Farm Easton, MD Chesapeake Forge, Inc. (Mike Bailey) MD Clint Glenn Laurel Gene Massey Salisbury, MD Edwards, Kelly Hartly Guerra, Rafael Virginia Idylwild Farm/Fair Hill Forge Federalsburg, MD J & C Whaley Bridgeville 20 410-310-0897 670-4637 222-6404 410-822-9438 443-871-2533 875-0344 410-430-2703 242-3058 757-694-7783 410-754-9141 542-0451 Farrier - Continued Jenner, Robert Denton, MD JTC Farrier Service Milford Miller’s Horseshoeing Hartly Our Farm Farrier Service Townsend Revels Shoeing Seaford Smith, Roy Georgetown Sponaugle, Mike Harrington Taimuty, Matt Federalsburg, MD Terry Turcotte Supplies Harrington White, Joey Delmar Whaley’s Equine Services Bridgeville Whitson, Wayne Viola Wooten, Steve Laurel Zencak Horseshoeing Milford 443-262-5709 670-9737 492-8876 653-0966 258-9392 631-764-0240 398-0681 410-253-2842 270-3549 443-235-0764 259-4227 410-310-8968 875-2706 542-7912 4-H Kent County New Castle County Sussex County 302-831-2501 302-831-2501 302-856-7303 Feed/Supplement Dealer Alexander Lawn/Garden Newark 738-0330 B&W Feed Supply Greenwood 398-3059 Bryan and Brittingham Delmar 846-9500 Chick’s Harrington800-444-2441 Delmarva Feed Kennedyville, MD 410-348-2505 Hartly Feed and Hardware Hartly 492-0775 Hudson Farm Supply Co. Harrington 398-3654 Kay’s Feed/Supplies Delmar 875-5293 Kingstown Farm/Home/GardenChestertown, MD 410-778-1551 M & S Buggy Shop Hartly 492-3248 Mast Harness Shop Clayton 653-5014 Miller’s Feed & Hay Hartly 698-1690 Selbyville Pet/Garden Ctr. Selbyville 436-8286 Southern States Barton’s Seaford 629-9645 Southern States Dagsboro Dagsboro 732-6651 Southern States Middletown Middletown 378-9841 21 22 Feed/Supplement Dealer - Continued Southern States Milford Milford 422-8066 Southern States Regional Southern States Smyrna Clayton 653-6633 R & R Mercantile Harrington 270-1184 T. G. Adams & Sons Bridgeville 337-8281 The Farmers & Planters Salisbury MD 410-749-7151 Tigner Farm Feeds Hartly 492-8794 Tractor Supply Co. Camden 698-5690 Tractor Supply Co. Seaford 629-3627 Tractor Supply Co. Milford 422-8157 Tractor Supply Co. Middletown 376-5900 Fencing Aband Quality Fencing Harrington 242-1602 Chick’s Harrington800-444-2441 Currey Farms Harrington 632-3178 Dukes Lumber Laurel/Seaford 875-7551 Menno’s Fencing Dover 735-9857 Miller’s Post Driving Dover 734-7377 Southern State Middletown Middletown 378-9841 C-Line Stables Foxden Farm Wicomico Hunt Club Fox Hunting Townsend Dover DE/MD 376-9594 734-9838 284-3554 Graphics Associates International 656-4500 Chick’s Harrington800-444-2441 Showoffs Laurel344-1231 Economy Printing Easton, MD 410-822-3300 23 24 Bobby Myers Stables Bramble, Brenda Minton, Dan Steve LeBlanc Stables Wright, Brian Harness Trainers Greenwood Laurel Laurel Felton Felton 381-0804 875-7869 448-1531 335-3812 632-7798 Hay – Straw - Bedding Sales Adkins, Gaylon Parsonsburg, MD 410-546-3519 Alexander Lawn/Garden Newark 738-0330 Basey, Dean Chick’s Harrington800-444-2441 Cross Country Farm Cecil County, MD 410-275-8608 Currey Farms Harrington 632-3178 Del-Ridge Farms Greenwood 542-5172 Eastern Shore Forest Products Fruitland 410-742-5540 Emco Farms, Inc. Felton 242-5626 Fisher Hay Cecil County, MD 410-658-4501 Hetrick Farms Preston, MD 410-673-7630 Hy-Point Grains Wilmington 478-6755 Liske, Phil Preston, MD 410-673-2002 Mast Harness Shop Clayton 653-5014 Messick, Marvin Seaford 875-7011 Messick Supply Hardscrabble 875-2400 Miller’s Feed & Hay Hartly 698-1690 Miller Shavings Denton, MD 410-479-2568 Wm Pleasanton Warwick, MD 540-3906 Swann, Hay Preston, MD 410-310-8163 T.A. Farms Wyoming 492-3030 Intervet Selbyville Pet/Garden Ctr. Health Millsboro934-8051 Selbyville 436-8286 25 Horse Shows AHADwww.ahadelmarva.com Annett Farm Greenwood 422-7571 C-Line Stables Odessa 376-9594 Country Comfort Farm Easton, MD 410-253-7252 DAHA Harrington526-6944 Deer Antler E.C. Smyrna 659-1366 DPHCwww.dphconline.com DQHA684-3020 EAAHSC Bridgeville337-7200 ESWHSAeswhsa20132gmail.com Gambler’s Choice E C Dover 653-0777 Laurel Saddle Friends Laurel 875-4217 Insect Control Automist by Les Allaband Harrington 242-1602 Harris, Tim Federalsburg, MD 410-754-9566 Insurance Farm/Horse/Life Equisure - For DEC Members Farm Family Insurance Milford Farm Family Insurance Camden Horse Sense Dover Pratt Insurance Smyrna Judges St. Michaels, MD 410-253-7252 Harrington 382-4418 Harrington 398-6318 Ashway, Nancy Dawn Danielle Shepard John Shepard Mid Atlantic Farm Credit 877-277-0901 800-958-3276 866-734-8006 653-6681 Loan Office DE/MD Chesapeake Bay Retrievers Gray Dawn Acres Happy Pets Pets Greenwood Harrington Harrington 26 888-339-3334 337-3210 398-3534 943-5523 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Pets - Continued Kay’s Pet Supply Delmar Reece Family Miniatures Clayton The Kneaded Edge B. Hammelbacher Brooke Drury Firestorm Photography Hoofprints, Inc. Robertson Photography Photography Milford Greenwood Townsend Milton 875-5293 420-5330 659-5835 245-4077 245-6255 653-4239 632-4527 Pony Rides/Birthday Parties Angels Gather Here Horse Farm Harrington 382-4005 Baybreeze Farm Frankford 542-7068 C-Line Stables Townsend 376-9594 Cloverleaf Stables Wilmington 478-0423 Deer Antler Equestrian Center Smyrna 659-1366 Dominic’s Farm Queenstown, MD 410-490-4425 Dusty Chaps Farm Felton 632-9733 Heartland Equestrian Ctr. Frederica 355-0355 Sunset Stables Bear 834-7588 Winswept Stables Lewes 645-1651 Private Sale Adandy Farm Greenwood 349-5116 Baybreeze Farm Frankford 542-7068 Classic Arabians Georgetown 856-6048 Cozy Quarters Farm (leasing only) Delaware City 521-2588 Dusty Chaps Farm Felton 632-9733 EquiStar Farm Milton 684-8213 Featherlee Acres Seaford 542-7063 Gray Dawn Acres Harrington 398-3534 Holly Covey Horses Greenwood 382-9043 Holly Glen Farms Harrington 270-4251 Messick, Marvin Seaford 875-7011 Mike Beaver Horse Sales Centerville, MD 410-490-7384 Pam An Stables Lewes 645-6900 Poore, Ronnie Harrington 242-5879 55 Private Sale - Continued Reece Family Miniatures Clayton Slateview Farm Delta, PA Sultana Stables Greenwood Tir-Na-Nog (leasing only) Felton Zenith Farms Lincoln 420-5330 717-456-7202 349-9651 270-7840 236-2095 Delaware Park Dover Downs Harrington Raceway Racetracks Wilmington Dover Harrington 994-2521 674-4600 398-7223 Churchill, Lucy Fox, Carolyn Kling, Jack Mills, Delbert Reagan Appraisals Re/Max-Brenda Rambo Real Estate Dover Georgetown Dover Milford Lincoln Seaford 678-4324 855-1200 678-4324 670-8624 424-4753 236-2660 Rescue/Adoption Changing Fates Equine Rescue Laurel 344-2002 Chincoteague Pony Rescue Ridgely, MD 410-829-3026 Horse Lovers’ United, Inc Salisbury, MD 410-749-3599 MidAtlantic Chesapeake City, MD 376-7297 Proud Dreams Farm Townsend 653-7005 Second Chance Ranch Felton 449-0264 South. DE Horse Retirement Assoc Georgetown 228-5876 Tri-State Eq. Adoption & Rescue Marydel 492-0492 Riding Camps Baybreeze Farm Frankford Bayview Farm & Stables Middletown C-Line Stables Townsend Carousel Park Wilmington Cloverleaf Stables Wilmington Deer Antler Equestrian Center Smyrna 56 542-7068 376-9551 376-9594 995-7670 478--0423 659-1366 57 Riding Camps - Continued Dusty Chaps Farm Felton Heartland Equestrian Center Frederica Misty Meadows Clayton Singletree Stables Seaford Sunset Stables Bear Winswept Stables Lewes Riding Instruction Anda Peters Berlin, MD Carousel Park Wilmington Baybreeze Farm Frankford Bayview Farm & Stables Hockessin Barley Mill Stables Middletown Bean, Billy Laurel Britt Haven Farm Seaford C-Line Stables Townsend Centaur Training Bridgeville Childers, Curtis Harrington Classic Arabians Georgetown Cozy Quarters Farm Delaware City Deer Antler Equestrian Center Smyrna Dusty Chaps Farm Felton Fair Hill Stables Fairhill Featherlee Acres Seaford Flying A Riding Academy Greenwood Foxden Farm Dover Happy View Farm Frankford Heartland Equestrian Center Frederica Hidden Meadow Farm Hartly Idylwild Farm Federalsburg, MD JLM Sporthorses Marydel Kershaw Acres Milton Lewisville Stables Lewisville, PA LRJ Stables Greenville Lucky Charm Farm Marydel, MD Misty Meadows Clayton 58 632-9733 335-0355 653-5701 629-4971 834-7588 645-1651 410-629-1237 995-7670 542-7068 239-4511 376-9551 875-4584 381-3853 376-9594 245-5423 217-299-8245 856-6048 521-2588 659-1366 632-9733 410-620-3883 542-7063 422-7571 734-9838 344-5913 355-3055 492-1188 410-754-9141 598-6129 684-1818 299-3987 610-764-4285 410-438-3054 653-5701 Riding Instruction - Continued Mudd Riders Delmar, MD 443-523-7582 Niblett, Christine Seaford 443-944-3508 Oakland Farm Townsend 653-8743 Pam An Stables Lewes 645-6900 Pinewood Stables Milton 236-5666 Riding by Design Harrington 535-9759 Simmental Meadows Marydel 492-0346 Singletree Stables Seaford 629-4971 Slateview Farm Delta, PA 717-456-7202 Sultana Stables Greenwood 349-9651 Sunset Stables Bear 834-7588 Timber Grove Farm Preston, MD 410-673-1912 Tir-Na-Nog Felton270-7840 Wellspring Farm & Tack Shop Felton 270-7840 Windy Way Horses, LLC Hurlock, MD 443-205-3429 Winswept Stables Lewes 645-1651 Rodeo Wicked R Western ProductionsWyoming 492-3327 Search & Rescue Delmarva Search & Rescue 410-541-6329 Richards, Lois Semen Currier Greenwood Services C-Line Stables Blankets Townsend Dusty Chaps Farm Felton Equistar Foaling Milton First State Sharpening Dover JWD Eq JUMPS Denton, MD MTK Hosting Harrington Two Old Mares Georgetown Ziccarelli, Cyndi - Blanket Repair Milford 59 249-1577 376-9594 632-9733 684-8213 645-1554 410-490-2269 513-373-9710 410-726-1777 245-9458 Laurel Saddle Friends, Inc. 6309 Phillips Landing Road Laurel, DE 19956 Almost 48 years ago Laurel Saddle Friends, Inc. all began when a handful of friendly gents who shared a love for horseback riding decided to form a club. And, we are now 70 members strong, all sharing the love of horses, riding, competing and promoting equine activities. We sponsor six game shows a year, trail rides, and enjoy lots of fun and recreation for all ages. Our clubhouse and arena are situated on five acres just southwest of the quaint town of Bethel. If you share an interest in horses and want to see good wholesome rodeo competition, come to one of our game shows. We are every day folks who ride, work, and enjoy sitting around campfires. We invite you to visit us for a show or join us at one of our meetings (2nd Tuesday—8:00 pm at clubhouse) Saddle up, ride on down and join us!! For information, call 2016 Game Show Schedule Saturday April 9 5 PM Raindate April 10 1 PM Saturday May 14 5 PM Raindate May 15 1 PM Saturday June 4 5 PM Raindate June 5 1 PM Saturday Sept. 10 5 PM Raindate Sept. 11 1 PM Sunday Oct. 8 5 PM Halloween Costume Parade 4:30 PM Raindate Oct. 9 1 PM Sunday Oct. 23 12 Noon Year End Award Presentation Raindate Oct. 30 12 Noon Marilyn McConnel (410) 754-5710 in Maryland or Gail Ward (302) 841-2063 in Delaware. Entry Fees: ALL DAY $20 SINGLE $5 Riders 12U must show proof of age. Directions: From Rt. 13 in Laurel take Rt. 24 west (Sussex Highway intersection at Careys Liberty). On 24W go through 2 traffic lights in center of Laurel, over a railroad track and as you round a curve, turn right at First Stop onto Townsend Street. Travel 3.2 miles and at dead end, turn left and go over a bridge. Turn right onto Phillips Landing Rd., and we are 3rd property on right. NOTE: Proof of Coggins required and bring your own water buckets. 60 61 62 Swimming Pool Dovington Training Ctr. Felton Harrington Raceway Harrington Brenda’s Racing Tack Chick’s Dover Saddlery Free Spirit Harness/Tack Kay’s Feed/Supplies M & S Buggy Shop Mast Harness Shop Ms T’s Tack R & T Saddles, LLC Rainbow’s End Tack Rick’s Heritage Saddlery Ride N Slide 284-2114 398-7223 Tack Laurel 875-7869 Harrington800-444-2441 Hockessin 234-8047 Smyrna 423-9192 Delmar 875-5293 Hartly 492-3248 Clayton 653-5014 Ridgely, MD 410-634-2765 Camden 943-8956 Seaford 629-0306 West Chester, PA 800-336-3882 Laurel 875-7777 63 Delmarva Paint Horse Club Banquet Feb. 20,2016 Dover Downs 64 65 66 Riding by Design Tractor Supply Co. Tractor Supply Co. Wellspring Tack Harrington Tack - Continued Dover Seaford Wilmington Tack Repair C-Line Stables Townsend Free Spirit Harness/Tack Smyrna Mast Harness Shop Clayton Neil’s Harness Shop Dover Saddle Work Harrington Smith’s Tack Repair Middletown Two Old Mares Blanket Service Georgetown Carousel Stables Cloverleaf Stables Fair Hill Stables Gateway Stables, Inc. Happy View Farm Heartland Equestrian Ctr. Kershaw Acres Sunset Stables Wicomico Hunt Club Trail Riding Wilmington Wilmington Fair Hill, MD Kennet Sq., PA Frankford Frederica Milton Bear Ocean View 535-9759 698-5145 629-3627 798-2407 376-9594 423-9192 653-5014 678-2449 410-703-7880 838-0222 410-726-1777 995-7670 478-0423 410-620-3883 610-444-1255 537-7418 335-0355 684-1818 834-7588 539-5889 Therapeutic Riding C-Line Stables Middletown 376-9594 Carousel Park Wilmington 995-7670 Hearts, Hands and Horses 4H Wilmington 798-2407 Idylwild Farm/Fair Hill Forge Federalsburg, MD 410-754-9141 Soar in the Saddle Greensboro, MD 443-262-6936 Southern DE Therap. Riding Lewes 644-1920 T.R.O.T.S. 4-H Felton 284-9386 67 68 69 70 March TBD 71 Application for a Delaware Equine Council Scholarship This scholarship is awarded to one or more individuals who meet the criteria listed in the DEC Scholarship rules below. Must be a U.S. citizen, or a legal resident alien, and a Delaware resident or DEC member. ($10.00 for individual membership) Must be enrolled and in good standing at an agricultural or equine course of study or related field, or a veterinary or vet tech program in the United States and have completed, or are about to complete, one full semester. NAME:____________________________________ HOME ADDRESS:___________________________ PHONE:____________________________________ UNIVERSITY WHERE YOU ARE ENROLLED: ___________________________________________ EQUINE ACTIVITIES THAT YOU PARTICIPATE IN: ______________________________________________ YEAR YOU PLAN TO GRADUATE:____________ Please include a transcript of one full semester’s grades with this application form. Please include, on a separate sheet of paper, a typed 400-word essay, “How I Plan to Use This Course of Study to Further the Equine or Agricultural Industry.” All awards are given without discrimination as to race, sex, creed or age. Mail applications to: Delaware Equine Council, Scholarship Committee, P. O. Box 158, Harrington, DE 19952-5435 Application must be postmarked by January 31, 2016. Winners will be notified in February. Awards dinner will be held March 5, 2016. 72 Delaware Equine Council P.O. BOX 158 * HARRINGTON, DE 19952 January 1 – December 31 annually Please check membership desired: Annually oCommercial$35.00 oOrganizational$25.00 o Adult Individual $20.00 o Youth Individual $10.00 Life $350.00 $250.00 $200.00 N/A Circle: New membership or Renewal Name of Business/Organization/Individual Contact Person (Full name, please) New members – Please fill in all information below: If renewing your membership, please fill in any changes below: Mailing address City State Zip Phone number Email Address Web Page What type of equine activities do you participate in? 73 Membership Information Memberships are valid from January 1 through December 31, and annual dues must be paid by January 31 to maintain active status. All those interested in membership should fill out a membership application and make checks payable to DEC. Mail to DEC, PO Box 158, Harrington, DE 19952-5435. Each new member will receive a membership packet when they attend their first DEC meeting. Membership options are as follows: Commercial: $35.00 annually ($350.00 life) • Receive a newsletter • Business card ad listed once a year in newsletter (Submit card with dues) • Link on DEC website • Website/email/address listing • Opportunity to co-sponsor projects with the DEC • May purchase ads in newsletter, at a reduced rate • May submit articles for inclusion in the newsletter • Receive discount on full page and half page Directory ads • Have a voting right of one (1) Organizational: $25.00 annually ($250.00 life) • Receive a newsletter • List events, meetings, shows, specials in the newsletter • Link on DEC website • Website/email/address listing • May purchase ads in newsletter, at a reduced rate • May submit articles for inclusion in the newsletter • Receive discount on full page and half page Directory ads • Have a voting right of one (1) Individual: Adults (18 years and older): $20 annually ($200 life) Youth (Younger than 18 years): $10 annually, no voting right • Receive a newsletter • May purchase ads in newsletter, at a reduced rate • May submit articles for inclusion in the newsletter • Have voting right of one (1) Age 18 and above only All members can assist DEC with activities of his/her choice such as Newsletter, Directory, Membership, Publicity, Safety, Website, Legislative, Trails, Fair Booth or Barn tours. 74 WHAT TO DO IF YOUR HORSE IS LOST Start this process immediately, a horse can and will travel 10-20 miles a day! • • • • • • • • • Call the State Police, the troop closest to the area where your horse is missing. Call SPCA. Call horse rescues. Contact everyone in the vicinity, go door to door. Contact local horse organizations and ask for assistance. Use internet with emails and websites, i.e. delawareequinecouncil.org Call radio and stations and ask for support. Contact local feed stores and tack shops, etc. Distribute flyers. FINDING YOUR HORSE IS THE FIRST PROBLEM • • Identifying your horse may be a second problem......be proactive. Have recent photos, know distinguishing marks and habits, have copies of papers i.e. coggins and health certificates with you. Talk with your vet about microchips or other forms of identification for your horses. Try to be familiar with the area where you are riding, or at least have someone with you who knows the area. Report Abuse or Neglect to the Office of Animal Welfare at 302-255-4646 option 4 75 State Areas Open for Horse Riding - Carriage Driving 76 77 Cox Trailers Crossroads Trailers Delwood Trailer Sales Traveled Lane Trailers True Mobility Trailer Sales Maryland New Jersey Felton Centreville, MD New Castle 301-599-6285 800-545-4497 284-4480 800-336-7855 836-4110 Training Adandy Farms Greenwood 349-5116 Bean, Billy Laurel 875-4584 Benchmark Sporthorses Wyoming 598-6129 Centaur Training Bridgeville 245-5423 Childers, Curtis Harrington 217-299-8245 Classic Arabians Georgetown 856-6048 Country Comfort Farm St. Michaels, MD 410-253-7252 Deer Antler Equestrian Center Smyrna 659-1366 Dixon, Brooke Clayton 242-0485 Dixon, Marty Clayton 242-5426 Dovington Training Ctr. Felton 284-2114 Featherlee Acres Seaford 542-7063 FoxDen Farm Dover 734-9838 Hassler Dressage Chesapeake City, MD 410-885-3824 Horse Play Stables Frankford 236-0881 Gateway Farm, LLC (SB) Harrington 398-9400 Gray Dawn Acres Harrington 398-3534 Holly Glen Farms Harrington 270-4251 Idylwild Farm Federalsburg, MD 410-754-9141 Kayla Rex Felton 443-786-4688 LRJ Stables Greenville 610-764-4285 Meadows, Misty Clayton 653-5701 Mudd Riders Delmar, MD 443-523-7582 Pinewood Stables Milton 236-5666 Reece Family Miniatures Clayton 420-5330 Slateview Farm Delta, PA 717-456-7202 Sultana Stables Greenwood 349-9651 Sunset Stables Bear 834-7588 78 Sweet Meadow Stables Selbyville Training - Continued Wicked R Western ProductionsWyoming Windy Way Horses, LLC Hurlock, MD Winswept Stables Lewes 492-3327 443-205-3429 645-1651 Transportation Andrew Simoff Trans Wilmington Brookledge Oley, PA Cappel, Petra Poore, Ronnie Harrington Tri-Stable Advantage Laurel 994-1433 610-987-6284 301-775-2234 242-5879 236-0881 Veterinary (Equine) Services All Creatures Vet Service Harrington Brenford Animal Hospital Dover Cokesbury Vet Services Milton Companion Animal Practice Smyrna Clarke Cushing Warwick Crown Equine Georgetown Delmarva Equine Clinic Dover Dr. Farmer Dagsboro Forrest Avenue Animal Hospital Dover Franczek, Ruthie Smyrna Franklin, Amy, Dr. Clayton New Bolton Equine Hospital Kennett Sq., PA Riddle, William E., Dr. MD Swiecicki, Dotty, Dr. Hartly Unionville Equine Assoc. PA Veterinary Alternative Care Lewes Veterinary Medical Ctr. Easton 258-8160 678-9418 947-4991 653-9970 410-755-6151 629-2782 735-4735 732-9433 736-3000 659-1000 514-9087 610-444-5800 410-658-4356 674-1380 610-932-6800 228-8646 410-822-8505 79 396-8999 Notes 80
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Laurel Saddle Friends..................................................................... 410-754-5710