April 2016 - Saint Clair
April 2016 - Saint Clair
APRIL COUNCIL MEETING April 5, 2016 The monthly meeting of the St. Clair Borough Council was held on Tuesday, April 5, 2016, in Council Chambers, St. Clair Municipal Building, 16 S. Third Street, St. Clair. The meeting began at 7:00 pm. Answering the roll call were council persons: Joann Brennan, John Burke, Thomas Dempsey, William Dempsey, Rebecca Kovich, Michael Petrozino, James Larish and Mayor Richard Tomko. Also present included Solicitor Edward Brennan, Brian Baldwin, P.E., Joe Haffey, Ken Diehl, Police Chief William Dempsey, Sheila Koinsky, Val Davis, Betty Burke, Mable Burke, Jack Burke, Ruth Krobert, Mary Rossi, Brian Rossi, Marion Daltton, Michael Moore, Mike Homa, Treasurer Carol Sutzko, and Stephen Pytak— Pottsville Republican-Herald Newspaper. Pledge of Allegiance Councilmember Joann Brennan led council in a prayer Copies of the minutes of the previous council meetings have been given to borough council members and Mayor Tomko, are there any errors or corrections? The minutes stand approved. Mayor Richard Tomko presented a Proclamation, on behalf of the citizens of St Clair, to Mable Burke honoring her 100 th birthday and proclaiming April, 2016 be Mrs. Mable Burke month in the Borough of St. Clair. Council President James Larish honored Val Davis for 20-years of service to the community and as a council person. She was instrumental in the creation of the Boone Park. The plaque will be mounted in a prominent location in the park. Public Comment Sheila Koinsky expressed her displeasure in the way her husband was treated at the last meeting with an attitude towards him to either sit down, shut up or get out. Council President Larish denied the allegation. She questioned the decision making process. MAYOR'S REPORT-No report BOROUGH SOLICITOR'S REPORT 2 On a motion made by W. Dempsey, seconded by Petrozino, to accept the report; approved. Solicitor Brennan reported the Pino litigation has been turned over to the insurance carrier attorney's for representation, as well as, the Litwak litigation. Easements for the Ritz Theater project have been drawn up for the distribution by the borough secretary. The county controller has 2013-tax revenue from the prior tax collector. It is believed the monies belong to the school district, but before it is dispersed, the controller wanted to ensure the borough had no claim to the funds. Solicitor Brennan requested an executive session to discuss litigation and personnel matters. On the question, Councilman Dempsey requested the zoning ordinance be amended to reduce the setback requirements. Solicitor Brennan promised it will be accomplished by the end of the year. BOROUGH ENGINEER'S REPORT On a motion made by Petrozino, seconded by Burke, the report was unanimously approved by council and it was made part of the minutes by reference. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS STREET DEPARTMENT REPORT On a motion made by Petrozino, seconded by W. Dempsey, borough council unanimously approved the report and it was made part of the minutes by reference. ELECTRIC LIGHT DEPARTMENT REPORT On a motion made by Burke, seconded by W. Dempsey, borough council unanimously approved the report and it was made part of the minutes by reference. TREASURER'S REPORTOn a motion made by W. Dempsey, seconded by Petrozino, borough council unanimously approved the report and it was made part of the minutes by reference. 3 TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT On a motion made by Petrozino, seconded by W. Dempsey, borough council unanimously approved the report and it was made part of the minutes by reference. POLICE DEPARTMENT — On a motion made by Petrozino, seconded by W. Dempsey, borough council unanimously approved the report and it was made part of the minutes by reference. ZONING DEPARTMENT On a motion made by Petrozino, seconded by W. Dempsey, borough council unanimously approved the report and it was made part of the minutes by reference. FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT On a motion made by W. Dempsey, seconded by Brennan, the report was unanimously approved by Borough Council and it was made part of the minutes by reference. COMMUNICATIONS The Community of Caring Christians wish to hold a block party on August 20th from noon to 6:00 pm. Permission is requested to block off North Mill Street from Hancock Street to Franklin Street. The St. Clair Alert and Columbia Fire Companies request permission to hold a pig roast on Saturday August 27, 2016. Permission is also requested for the following: to hold a truck parade to begin the event to close down Third Street from Carroll Street to Lawton Street from 7:00 pm until approximately 2:00 am on August 28th for event processing, proceedings, and cleanup. To close from Lawton Street to Railroad Street at approximately 3:00until 7:00 pm for truck parade lineup. The City of Pottsville requests the use of our fire police on Saturday, April 9, 2016. On a motion made by W. Dempsey, seconded by Burke, to accept the communications; approved. OLD BUSINESS On a motion made by T. Dempsey, seconded by Petrozino, to authorize the St. Clair Little League to erect a batting cage in the outfield, outside the 4 fence and walking path and not obstructing the handicapped parking area; approved. NEW BUSINESS On a motion made by Burke, seconded by Brennan, to conditionally offer employment to Ann J. Wisnosky as a School Crossing Guard pending her passing a physical examination and the required background checks; approved. On a motion made by T. Dempsey, seconded by Burke, to authorize the purchase of 36 LED Lighting fixtures to replace the existing ones on Nichols Street and East Lawton Street for approximately $7,020. A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN WITH THE FOLLOWING RESULT: BRENNAN-YES, BURKE-YES, T. DEMPSEY-YES, W. DEMPSEY-YES, PETROZINO — YES, and LARISH YES. Council approved the motion. On a motion made by Dempsey, seconded by Covach, to accept a motion to approve the Community of Caring Christians request to hold a block party on August 20th from noon to 6:00 pm. Permission is requested to block off North Mill Street from Hancock Street to Franklin Street; approved. On a motion made by Petrozino, seconded by Burke, to approve the City of Pottsville's request for the use of our fire Police On Saturday, April 9, 2016; approved. On a motion made by T. Dempsey, seconded by Petrozino, to authorize the St. Clair Alert-Columbia Fire Companies to hold a pig roast on Saturday August 27, 2016. Permission is also requested for the following: ❑ to hold a truck parade to begin the event • to close down Third Street from Carroll Street to Lawton Street from 7:00 pm until approximately 2:00 am on August 28th for event processing, proceedings, and cleanup. • To close from Lawton Street to Railroad Street at approximately 3:00until 7:00 pm for truck parade lineup; approved. On a motion made by W. Dempsey, seconded by Petrozino, to adopt the following resolution; A ROLL CALL VOTE WAS TAKEN WITH THE FOLLOWING RESULT: BRENNAN-YES, BURKE-YES, T. DEMPSEY-YES, W. DEMPSEY-YES, PETROZINO — YES, and LARISH — YES. Council approved the motion. DESIGNATION OF AGENT RESOLUTION 5 FOR: Winter Storm Jonas (January 2016) Be it resolved by St. Clair Borough Council of the Borough of St. Clair, that Roland Price, Borough Secretary, is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of Borough of St. Clair, Schuylkill County, a public entity laws /1f established j ndelM the laws of the Co mm o nwe a l th of P ennsylvania, all required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (public Law 93-288 as amended by Public Law 1000-707). ■ L e 1 ■ 1v ■ •v ■ ■■ Passed and approved this 5th day of April 2016. Councilman Dempsey is investigating purchasing new back boards for the Third Street Basket Ball court. Council President Jim Larish called an executive session to discuss personnel issues and ongoing litigation at 7:33 pm. The executive session adjourned at 8:20 pm. On a motion made by T. Dempsey, seconded by Brennan, to pay all bills and claims properly approved by borough council; approved. On a motion made by T. Dempsey, seconded by W. Dempsey, to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 pm, council approved the motion. Roland Price, Jr. Borough Secretary benesch Alfred Benesch & Company 400 One Norwegian Plaza Pottsville, PA 17901-3060 www.benesch.com P 570-622-4055 F 570-622-1232 April 5, 2016 Mr. James Larish Council President St. Clair Borough Council 16 S Third Street St. Clair, PA 17970 Subject: Consulting Engineer's Report (CER) Project No. 30732.02 Dear Mr. Larish: The following is the status of engineering services performed by our firm as of this date: 30732.03, Task 2 — Floodplain Assistance Initial Determination Our office was asked to assist with the initial determinations of several floodplain permit applications. Our March Report is attached for reference. 30732.40 — Zoning Officer Activities The Zoning Report for the months of February and March 2016 are attached for your review and consideration. 30732.70, Task 2 — Ritz Theater (31 N Second St) Demolition On Feb 17, 2016, the Ritz Theater Demolition project was awarded to Affordable Construction and Demolition, LLC, in the total contract amount of $63,199.00. The Contractor is still compiling his pre-construction documents, including easements from neighboring property owners. Once those are in order, our office will issue a Notice to Proceed (NTP), anticipated for Apr 11, 2016. The Contractor has 70 days from the NTP to complete the project. SUBDIVISIONS & LAND DEVELOPMENTS 8773.33 – Woodland Terrace LD The Amended Final Subdivision and Land Development plans were approved and signed by Borough Officials at the May 5, 2015 Council Meeting, and these plans were recorded on June 3, 2015. Work associated with the amended land development plans is permitted to begin. Our office will work with the Solicitor and other Borough Officials to see that the Bank completes their obligations. 30330.33, Task 1 – Aspen Dental Phase 1 LD 30330.33, Task 2 – Aspen Dental Phase 2 LD (bridge) 30567.32, Task 2 – Taco Bell LD A field visit was held on November 24, 2015 to review the outstanding issues. Each site had a few issues still remaining that will be addressed in the Spring when weather permits. Although there is no new activity to report, our office will continue to work with the Developer and their engineers to resolve the remaining outstanding issues. CER.2016.0405.docx St Clair Borough Council Page ^ 2 benesch ST. CLAIR ACTION ITEMS 1. NONE. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. If you have any questions or comments concerning the above, please contact our office. Sincerely, Brian W. Baldwin, PE Project Manager Attachments: Floodplain Permit Application Report — March 2016 Zoning Report — February 2016 Zoning Report — March 2016 cc: Atty. Edward M. Brennan, Solicitor (w/ attachments) benesch Alfred Benesch & Company 400 One Norwegian Plaza Pottsville, PA 17901-3060 www.benesch.com P 570-622-4055 F 570-622-1232 Borough of St Clair Floodplain Permit Application Report March 2016 Initial Determinations Applicant Mettam Brothers Lumber Co. Owner of Record Mettam, Mary Helen Al Properties & Housing Shellhammer, Christine Property Address 0 Hancock TMP 62-02-0147.008 Appl Date 03/03/16 12 E Thwing 62-05-0143.000 03/10/16 421 S Second 62-05-0125.000 03/10/16 Flood Map Flood Hazard Zone Description outside proposed 1 story storage bldg 42107CO358E outside AE Appl Fee Site Visit(s) Appl Returned 03/07/16 03/10/16 03/10/16 Permit Notes Status NO Permit Required NO Permit Required P1 Pnnir G.EOili-;cD Respectfully submitted, Brian W. Baldwin, PE Project Manager Alfred Benesch & Company Page 1 of 1 Date Printed: 4/5/2016 benesch Alfred Benesch & Company. 400 One Norwegian Plaza Pottsville, PA 17901-3060 www.benesch.com P570.622-4055 F570-622-1232 Borough of St Clair Zoning Officer's Report February 2016 Zoning Permit Applications & Zoning Officer Activities Applicant Office Owner of Record Flower Tent Property Address Terry Rich TMP Appl Date 02/02/16 02/03/16 02/08/16 02/15/16 02/22/16 02/15/16 District Description answered questions about zoning issues seasonal flower tent Appl Fee $ 150 Site Visit(s) Appl Returned !Permit Status Notes Approved Respectfully submitted, G o lo( Christopher Madara, BCO Alfred Benesch & Company St Clair Borough Zoning Officer Page 1 of 1 Date Printed: 03/02/16 Alfred Benesch & Company 400 One Norwegian Plaza, Pottsville, PA 17901-3060, www.benesch.com benesch P570-622-4055 F 570-622-1232 Borough of St Clair Zoning Officer's Report March 2016 Zoning Permit Applications & Zoning Officer Activities Applicant Dean C. Padfield Owner of Record Dean C Padfield Dean C. Padfield Dean C Padfield Property Address 119-121 S Mill 204 S Mill TMP 62-03-0341.000 Appl Date 03/01/16 62-03-0414.000 03/29/16 03/01/16 District Description Demolition and new R2 commercial construction (garage) application fee paid Demolition and new R2 commercial construction (garage & storage units) 03/29/16 application fee paid Appl Fee NOT PROVIDED $ Appl Returned 03/24/16 410 NOT PROVIDED $ Site Visit(s) 290 Permit !Status Pending 03/24/16 Pending Notes Requested application fee be provided prior to commencing review UNDER REVIEW Requested application fee be provided prior to commencing review UNDER REVIEW Respectfully submitted, Brian W. Baldwin, PE Alfred Benesch & Company Borough of St. Clair Zoning Officer (Acting) Page 1of1 Date Printed: 4/5/2016 PROCLAMATION _ WHEREAS, Mrs. Mabel Burke has been a long time resident of the Borough of St Clair; and, WHEREAS, Mrs. Mabel Burke Was married to the late Albert Burke, a longtime employee of the St Clair Borough Electric Light Department; and, WHEREAS, Mrs. Mabel Burke has been blessed with five children, nine grandchildren, and sixteen great grandchildren; and, WHEREAS, Mrs. Mabel Burke is a member of the Primitive Methodist Church and the St Clair Community and Historical Society; and, WHEREAS, Mrs. Mabel Burke and her late husband carried on the Wellner family confectionary business in the Borough of St. Clair for many years; and, WHEREAS, Mrs. Mabel Burke will be one hundred years old on April 6, 2016; and, WHEREAS, the Borough Council, borough officials, and all the people of St. Clair wish to express their congratulations and best wishes on the event of Mrs. Mabel Burke's 100 1}' birthday; NOW, Therefore, I, Mayor Richard E. Tomko, on this the 5th day of April 2016, do proclaim that the month of April 2016 be "Mrs. Mabel Burke Month" in the Borough of St. Clair. Richard E. Tomko Mayor Yid,' 5t'r 70-01" . - 5- 1 A4,e d /ic /;)., (),D /(, , e ,/^J (( c . /9 1?77 mf1 -e.s ,w-ed f;,e/ Jjj7ie l--, - Ao/.( re 'i-eC/ Ac 6''QA q - / i/ --i7ler, ./7'77 LI 7'2 A/ac, - 7 VA) 0/c/e /^^fn '1--ke, M//)P d ,5/--ref 06/44d ," , 4ti , ^4 rtmoI7 ll b/c.s elf J fJeiX P^ )/1 fr v^ ^11 /72-,° r D /-/)Ms g )/qcS CA/ QJ c, /G 1 dff 7' L, //Nc .--e GI V a,s/r.s ved (t)o/ko A,./-, rjl'jvue,k a-14VIi.eJ 071 -i-er'srAcl @"eaf / ums-, -e .a( ' 1-09 X) ,ter c_e/f7 s/51 )I/i.t, „” a7L ,4o-e , 127 ,5//1-e q/171 T / e es 2,-„,,I,, tel. # qiq31(l k4l', --X)M ocos. .' /^^co Crl ar-'e'.‘- 4a 'et d t4n.e e/ rtr,fn /()e Iva picr/7 w Ae 1 Te e o%^ Atbe1,7 q )`e q (I P G llco t, 'fe /Ioee'/' W^re ) c4d 7 k . dow . 4aMier'' Sc 0e, J dj as /e4X19-ne /qac-e d 6,/ / A )^7 ^11 (e),Y/ c// ov/ t if/ , e'^/I e5 '/''' /le Q5')y4j A err 2),,,p - -oc/ -/ir9-^ '7- /776- 6q/4, 6,4 A4 10-7y /e b1 jo -rod 1' A'-//- c a 6OJcI-e1`^ frrr /6— w-2 i-- A /Oai"-[ 0-j-: e Ir'cr" k ,e/t /a i e cci !)d 'CS a )c, eS ri 0 - d Si-iat/ Ve 4,e i q// )'/t cm d AO e) tre? 6i/ QS-ed 35t, ss^res G/ orAt')7 /al-L /,4,71.5 .&' . a / `c e 56(r WA > SS a rt. r r Ae ' ic/gf/cIt Electric Light Department Work Log for March 2016 Week ending 03/04/2016 Weekly generator check and exercise. Time cards / sheet to Sharon. Work on installing new photo electric safety eyes on gate at Police Station, is repaired and working, 4 new remotes provided to Police. Replaced photo eye in street light at 119 Cherry Street. Posted 8 final disconnect notices. Hosted a visit from NEX GRID people and others who wanted to see how our AMI metering/Billing system works. Called Hess Locksmith to repair main entrance door to office. On site visit to 449 south Mill street to give meter location for new service. Installed new bracket provided by NEX Grid for eco net # 1A; 49:36 on pole at Dick and Oak Street. Bob off on Wednesday comp time owed. Installed new street light fixture across from 224 north Nicholas Street. Installed new meter for new account at 250 north Nicholas Street entered and mapped in eco one system. Updated energy sales/cost spreadsheet. On site at 62 south Second for meter location for new multi gang service. Booted 2 properties for non-payment. Went to AT&T in Frackville to have them program new work phone. Week ending 03/11/2016 Sharon vacation week Michelle covering office. Weekly generator check/exercise. Time cards/sheet to Carol. New service hookup at 449 south Mill Street. Un-boot 12 East Thwing Street new owner/account. George and Rudy repaired gate from Boone Park was damaged from heavy snow fall. Checked on several meters showing outages in system. Marked locations of underground electric for flower tent installation up at Coal Creek, Responded to PA ONE call for this location. Spoke to several customers on Bills and payments. Checked on residence that was disconnected on Friday to make sure no generator or other power source is being used. Ran office standby generator for 1 hour. Raised 3 service drops that were hanging to low 500 block of east Hancock Street. Helped Street Dept. get debris from creek at Thwing Street Bridge. Changed a plug end on power cord for side overhead door at truck garage. Changed bulbs in 2 light fixtures at street dept. garage. Rudy fixing some rust and holes on body of our Durango. Cut off wires to property on North Price being razed. Hung new State Flag in Admiral Boone Park. Rudy continued body work on Durango. Took Electric Bills to Pottsville Post office, red delinquent notices to Saint Clair Post office. Hung a new section of fire alarm wire across Russell Street. Installed new bracket on pole at McCord and Caroline for eco net. Repaired outside water spigot rear of office building. Week ending 03/18/2016 Re-set all security lighting timers, clocks and Admiral Boone Park. Reset run time on standby generators. Ran generator for weekly exercise. Entered and updated new account in Eco One system. Time cards/sheet to Sharon. Rain off and on throughout day. Took ford bucket truck for state inspection. Worked on repairing and adding receptacles in street department garage. Placed call to machine shop to get update on gears for clock still about 2 weeks. Spoke to a property owner about requirements for doing electrical work in town. Tested a few more meters with new watt hour meter tester, working with Rayon downloading information and setting up a spreadsheet in computer system. George working on fire alarm east mine branch with Mike and Tom. Placed order for 2 gallons spray on UV and soil protectant for new flags. Spoke with a council member from New Philadelphia looking for advice on LED street lighting. Started to clear trees from north Fourth Street up to Third street playground behind Street Dept. garage. Completed clearing trees behind Street Dept. Garage. Meeting with Gentleman from Nex Tera Energy on ways to conserve energy. Rain. Visit from a Council Member of Schuylkill Valley Township regarding information about LED lighting we are using. Placed call to NEX GRID about noise coming from server UPS. Set up new flags in rear garage and treated with UV / soil protectant in hopes of prolonging life of Flags that hang on Second Street. Call to 200 block of Broad Street truck pulled cable wires from 2 homes re-attached. Delivered electric bills to 2 addresses that were returned to our office by post office. Received call after hours from NEX GRID about server UPS. Week ending 03/25/2016 Weekly generator check and exercise. Time cards/sheet to Sharon. Repair street light at 224 north Nicholas Street. Installed another bracket for eco net repeater on pole on north Nicholas Street. Replaced photo cell on street light school corner of Patterson and Mill. Took GMC bucket truck for state inspection. Placed an order for a new backup battery for NEX GRID servers. Took down flags that were treated and left to dry over weekend hung up remaining and treated with UV/soil protectant. Took Line Truck for state inspection. Hung spring Banners on Second Street. Pulled cannon out of garage for Mr. Bowler, was picked up to go to museum. Responded to PA one call for 411 Nicholas Street. Spoke to several customers on payment arrangements. Posted 52-48 hour disconnect notices. Took down remaining flags hanging in garage and stored them. Unbooted 102 Broad street new owner account paid in full. Checked on meter at 235 Arnot showing bad communication alerts. George Rudy and I attended an all-day conference held by AMP at Cabela's. Off for Good Friday Holiday. Week ending 04/01/2016 Weekly generator check and exercise. Rain throughout day. Changed meter at 201 north Second found burnt resistor meter not reporting in. Received and installed new battery backup for NEX GRID servers. Un-boot 226 south Morris paid in full and reconnect fee. Posted 10 final disconnect notices. Tested meter for accuracy at 56 north Morris customer complaining about usage. Posted 9 final disconnect notices. Booted 107 south Mill for non-payment. Spoke to several customers on payment arrangements. Removed Poison Ivy vine that was climbing up pole that has fire siren and control box on in Arnots. Installed new Flag lanyard on flag pole for St Michaels Church. Responded to PA ONE calls. Placed PA ONE call for pole installation behind street dept. garage. Took down rusty sheets of metal along fence corner at playground. Rudy off for Family Funeral. George cleaned front office windows inside and out. Called to office to speak to an upset customer about usage. Booted 243 north Second apt. B for non-payment. Continued prepping site behind truck garage for pole installation. Changed out all High Voltage rubber gloves and sleeves boxed and sent to Lab for Safety Inspection. Responded to 9 PA ONE calls for PPL. Streetlight out at 328 Arnot Street. Respectfully Submitted, Bob Petrozino Superintendent Electric Light Dept. 04/05/2016 rsorougn or at. L.1air Treasurer's Re port - General Fund February 2016 General Fund Ordinary IncomelExpense Income Transfers from Electric Light 301.400 • Real Estate Tax, Delinquent 305.300 • Occupation Tax, Delinquent 310.030 • Per Capita Tax, Delinquent 310.100 • Real Estate Transfer Tax 310.200 • Earned income Tax 310.300 • Business Privilege Tax 310.500 • Local Service Tax 331.000 • Police Fines 341.000 • Interest, Dividend Income 342.100 • Pole Rental 342.200 • Rental Income - Boro Property 355.040 • Beverage License Fees 362.000 • Police Protection Services 362.410 • Zoning Permits 364.300 • Solid Waste Collection Fees 389.000 • Miscellaneous income 100,000.00 838.19 28.92 79.47 104.98 32,078.00 286.00 7,425.58 604.75 25.22 20,450.63 500.00 600.00 TOTAL 100,000.00 838.19 28.92 79.47 104.98 32,078.00 286.00 7,425.58 604.75 25.22 20,450.63 500.00 5,916.66 1,025.00 600.00 5,916.66 1,025.00 35,870.97 -15,253.27 -15,253.27 190,581.10 190,581.10 24,181.57 24,181.57 7,993.10 7,993.10 Debt Department 17,200.00 17,200.00 Fire Department 3,018.64 3,018.64 Health & Sanitation Department 13,673.23 13,673.23 Miscellaneous Department 29,912.89 29,912.89 2,318.69 2,318.69 28,797.11 28,797.11 45.30 45.30 20,932.89 20,932.89 593.66 593.66 Total Income Expense Administration Department Borough Buildings Department Planning & Zoning Department Police Protection Department Recreation Department Streets & Bridges Department Tax Collection Department Transfers Department Transfers to Payroll Acct Transfers to Withholding 492.300 • Transfer to Gen Fund Cap Res 492.950 • Transfers to Educational Servic 35,870.97 37,985.41 14,461.89 3,000.00 37,985.41 14,461.89 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 Total Transfers Department 59,447.30 59,447.30 66000 • Payroll Tax Expense 2,828.50 2,828.50 210,942.88 210,942.88 -20,361.78 -20,361.78 -20,361.78 -20,361.78 Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net income BEGINNING BALANCE ENDING BALANCE $57,864.66 $37,473.96 tsorougn or at. L.iair Treasurer's Report - Electric Light Fund February 2016 Feb 16 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Transfers from Electric Light 7372400 • Electric Energy Sales 7380100 . Service Fees 7394600 • Deposit Fees 366,648.95 Total Income Expense Electric Light 7401120 • Superintendent 7402114 • Treasurer 7405300• Secretary 7409300 • Rental Expense 7442141 • Office Manager 7442142 • Administrative Assistant 7442143 • Lineman 7442144 • Assistant Lineman 7442210 • Office Supplies 7442220 • Electrical Materials & Supplies 7442231 • Gasoline & Oil 7442260 • Minor Equipment 7442321 • Telephone 7442361 • AMP - Ohio 7442370 • Maintenance & Repairs 7492890 • Transfers to Sinking Fund Total Electric Light Transfers Department Transfer to Electric Light Capi Transfer to General Fund Transfers to Elec Lgt Deposit Transfers to Elec Lgt Fund Transfers to Payroll Acct Transfers to Withholding Total Transfers Department 66000 • Payroll Tax Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income 7341000 • Interest Income Total Other Income Net Other Income 190,423.32 3,000.00 100,000.00 100.00 44,862.63 13,226.86 6,143.67 167,333.16 1,946.46 6,946.01 70.92 70.92 70.92 Net Income ENDING BALANCE 4,363.48 734.00 1,848.92 119.52 3,228.80 1,178.87 3,653.68 3,002.00 1,004.27 34.26 592.22 924.93 318.35 157,367.52 552.50 11,500.00 359,702.94 Total Expense BEGINNING BALANCE 44,862.63 321,436.32 250.00 100.00 7,016.93 $318,086.92 $325,103.85 rsorougn or st. L:iair Balance Sheet As of February 29, 2016 Feb 29, 16 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Electric Lt - Checking (BBT) General Fund Checking (BBT) Home Program - Checking (BBT) PLGIT - Act 137 PLGIT - Admiral Boone Park Fund PLGIT - Building Permit Fund PLGIT - Educational Ser Agency PLGIT - Elec Light Deposit Acct PLGIT - Elect Lgt Capital Rsry PLGIT - Electric Light Fund PLGIT - General Fund PLGIT - General Fund Cap Resery PLGIT - HD Land Devel Escrow PLGIT - Payroll Fund PLGIT - Police Uniform Account PLGIT - Sinking Fund PLGIT - Street Opening Permit PLGIT - Withholding Account PLGIT/I- Ann Street Maintenance PLGIT/l - Bridge Cons. Fund PLGIT/I - Elec Lgt Capital Rsry PLGIT/I - Gen Fund Cap Resery PLGIT/I - Highway Aid Fund PLGIT/l - Sinking Fund Total Checking/Savings Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS 12,203.11 14,017.87 339.00 10,507.53 6,757.56 13,024.28 7,206.57 22,913.31 21,008.48 365,314.20 131,742.80 21, 008.48 4,020.45 3.26 357.39 85,305.73 25,114.38 16,502.38 19,272.90 30, 022.64 15,140.45 15,106.77 4.14 29,609.46 866, 503.14 866,503.14 866,503.14 Pane 1 Page 1 of 2 fax Collector WILLIAM UMBBNHAUI . - 2016 Tax. Collector's Remittance to Taxing Districts WILLIAM UMBENHAUR - 2016 - SAINT CLAIR BOROUGH For 03/16/2016 thru 03/31/2016 SAINT CLAIR BOROUGH Taxing District 'Municipality Borough Per Capita Borough Occupation A. Collections 1. ''Balance Collectable - Begimiing of Month 156324.42 6060.00 2545.20 156324.42 6060.00 2545.20 18465.99 625.00 132.30 Other 2A. Additions: During the Month (*) 2B. 'Deductions: Credits During the Month - (from line 17) 3. Total Collectable 4. Less: Face Collections for the Month 5. Less: Deletions/Exemptions from the List (a`) 6. Less: Exonerations (*) 7. Less:: Liens/Non-Lienable/Installments (*) 8. 'Balance collectable - End of Month B. Reconcilliation of Cash Collected 9. Face Amount of Collections - (must agree with line 4+7) 130.20 133.58 137724.85 5435.00 2282.70 18465.99 625.00 132.30 369.42 12.30 2.44 18096.57 612.70 129.86 10. Plus: Penalties 11_ 'Less: Discounts 12. 'Total Cash Collected per Column 13. Total Cash Collected - (12A + 12B + 12C + 12D) 18839.13 (*) ATTACH ANY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED BY YOUR TAXING DISTRICT 4/4/2016 3:02:29 PM Page 2 of 2 I'ax Collector WILLIAM UMBENHAUR - 2016 C. Payment of Taxes 14. Amount Remitted During the Month (x) Transaction # Date TOTAL ALL TAXES Amount Total 15. Amount Paid with this Report Appilcable to this Reporting Month Transaction # Total Remitted This Month 17. List, Other Credit Adjustments (*) Name I Parcel / PerCapita # 18839.13 Amount 0.00 Total $ Interest Earnings if applicable) TAXING DISTRICT USE (OPTIONAL) Carryover from Previous Month Amount Collected This Month Less Amount Paid this Month Ending ,Balance 0.00 18839.13 16. 18. I $ $ $ $ Tax Collector I verify this is a complete and accurate reporting of the balance collectable, taxes collected and remitted for the month. Received by (taxing district): Title: I acknowledge the receipt of this report. Date Date: 4/4/2016 3:02:29 PM SAINT CLAIR POLICE DEPARTMENT 24 NORTH SECOND STREET SAINT CLAIR, PA 17970 (570) 429-2240 POLICE REPORT: February 2, 2016 TOTAL CALLS FOR SERVICE: TOTAL TRAFFIC CITATIONS: TOTAL PARKING TICKETS: TOTAL CRIMINAL ARRESTS: 274 11 15 19 Police Notes: I have, in coordination with the Mayor, started the process of reviewing several different types of officer body cameras and also police vehicle license plate readers. I am continuing the research and will update the members of council when I complete my research. Four members of the department attended a free training event in March related to our record management system. The training was held at the Derry Township Police Department, Hershey Pa. Several officers will be attending a free Elder Abuse Training in Schulkill Haven during the month of April. Officers will receive 3 CEU credits for their participation. I have attached information for you to review. The majority of the painting has been completed by the Schuykill County Prisoner Work Program. This service is monitored by the Schuylkill County Probation and Parole Department. The work was provided free of charge. The prisoners and the P The only cost to our borough was the purchase of suppiles/paint. I would like to thank Council Member T. Dempsey for coordinating and making this project possible. I illiam M. D Chief of Po "Elder Abuse Training for Law Enf6re^m-enf" " FREE " MPOETC Training WHEN: Thursday, April 21; 2016 WHERE; Riverfront Center, Schuy:lkill Haven T-11ME, 130 am .. 12 noon OR 1:00 pm - 4:80 pm Networking and. Lunch from 12-1 3 CEUs provided in compliance with PA Act 180. All training fees included. Sponsored by: Schuylkill Elder Abuse Prevention Alliance (SEAPA) in conjunction with Temple Institute on Protective Services Call: Eileen Barlow (5706283931, x 3304 to register Saint Clair Fire Department Fire Alarm Report March 2016 Mar-05 CHIEF CALL 07:46 hours West Darkwater ,Rd & Peach Mountain Road New Castle Township for an unknown type fire. Chief Uhrin and Johns responded. Chiefs arrived and spoke with Reading Anthracite personnel on finding access to the fire. The chiefs found a rubbish fire between - Mt. Laffee Road and Darkwater Road. (CHF) In service 140 minutes. Mar-05STILLALARM 08:17 hours West Darkwater Road & Peach Mountain Road New Castle Township for a rubbish fire. West End Fire responded. Members used portable water extinguishers to put out a rubbish fire. (RF) In service 90 minutes. Mar-06 STILL ALARM 19:13 hours 1250 Burma Road Blythe Township for a rubbish fire. Phoenix,West End, and all chiefs responded, Members extinguished a small fire in the area of the shooting range. (RF) In service 75 minutes. Mar-10STILLALARM 12:50 hours 407 Coal St. Port Carbon for a garage fire. Alert/Columbia were held in station. (SF) In service 20 minutes. Mar-11CHIEFCALL 17:55 hours 119 North Second St for a reported low battery alarm. Chief Uhrin responded. Arrived to find carbon monoxide in the residence, shut down the stoker and told the occupants not to stay in the home until a service man inspected the unit. (CHF) In service 45 minutes. Mar-13 STILL ALARM 03:13 hours 1250 Burma Road Blythe Township for a vehicle accident w/entrapment. Alert/Columbia,West End,Chief Uhrin and Johns responded. Members arrived to find the occupant out of the vehicle stating she had no injuries. Members secured area around the pole and wires, also provided traffic control. (MVA) In service 3 hours. Mar-16 CHIEFCALL 07:43 hours 218 South Third St for wires down ( No Arcing ). Police on scene stating no fire needed. (CHF) In service 10 minutes. TO THE MEMBERS OF SAINT CLAIR COUNCIL; My name is John Culbert Pastor of the Saint Clair Primitive Methodist Church, and also with me is Pastor Bob Alonge, pastor of the Community Mission Church. We are here representing the mimisteriam of 5 churches in town that make up what we call the Community of Caring Christians.; 'NVe are here to ask the council for permission to hold a block party on August 166'5' w gat- igka^t^b . We would like permission to block off North Mill Street from Hancock street north for one block to Franklin Street. If permission is granted there would be no gambling of any sort for profit, we would like to know if we would need any permits or if we would need any particular insurance? This block party would only be held for one day from noon to about 5 or 6:00 P.M. We will make sure that everything is cleaned up within the block. We would also need to have no parking signs put for that block. We would also like to know about any noise ordinance because we would like to have an outdoor Christian concert from 6:00 to about 8:30 P.M. ? The one final request is would it be also possible to have the police patrol every once in a while although we don't anticipate any problems. The five churches that are involved are The First Primitive Methodist Church, The Presbyterian Church, The Community Mission Church, The Saint Clair Wade United Methodist Church, and the Baptist Church. If possible to do this it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. May God bless all of you. Rev. Robert Schaeffer; Presbyterian Church; Pastor John Culbert; First Primitive Methodist Church; Pastor Robert Alonge; Community Mission Church; Pastor Joan Pacocha; Saint Clair, Wade United Methodist Church; Pastor Joe McDemus; Baptist Church; ^Cl "BOROUGHS BRAVEST " Alert-Columbia Fire Co. 34 South Second Street Saint Clair PA Friday, March 11, 2016 Borough of Saint Clair 165..._Thir_d_Str_eet Saint Clair, PA 17970 To Whom It May Concern: Hello! The Alert-Columbia Fire Company will hold a Pig Roast fundraiser to raise general funds for the company. The Pig Roast will take place on Saturday, August 27th , 2016. We will hold a truck parade to begin the event, which we plan to hold on 3rd Street behind the Alert Fire Company. We kindly request that 3rd street be shut down, without parking, from Carrol to Lawton Sts at 7:00am on 8/27/16 until approximately 2:00am on 8/28/16 for event preparation, proceedings, and cleanup. We also request the same for 3rd Street from Lawton to Railroad at approximately 3:00pm until 7:00pm for truck parade lineup. We also kindly request the use of electricity for lights, the band, and other purposes. Please forward approval to the Alert-Columbia Fire Company at 34 South Second street or to President Kuzio at (570) 429 0572 Respectfully, The Alert-Columbia Fire Company %MAI– A,77 Robert Kuzio, President - Jeffery Arner Sr, Vice President 13OROUG - S I3 AV E " Alert-Columbia Fire Co. 34 South Second Street Saint Clair PA Pig Roast Fundraiser Schedule of Requests Request for Electricity: 7:00am on 8/27 - approx. 2:00am on 8/28 Request for Use of Streets and Parking Bans: 3rd Street from Carrol to Lawton: 7:00am on 8/27 — approx. 2:00am on 8/28 3rd Street from Lawton to Railroad: 3:00pm on 8/27 — 7:00pm on 8/27 *The time of the event is not finalized yet, but these times are definite. O1 POTTsp irsr.:r ` TEhN City Hall 401 North Centre Street P.O. Box 50 ,^^I^ c^ f111 Pottsville, PA 17901 4 Telephone: 570-622-1234 Facsimile: 570-628-4222 www.city.pottsville.pa.us mayor@city.pottsville,pa.us JAMES T. MULDOWNEY Mayor Borough Manager Fire Chief Borough Council To whom it may concern: The City of Pottsville requests the assistance of your Fire Police for traffic control for the Yuengling Light Lager Jogger, a 5K race to be held in Pottsville on Saturday, April 9, 2016, from about 8:00 am until approximately 11:30 am. Please contact Mr. Gary Zalusky at (570) 205-9027 or garypfp4@verizon.net to let him know if you have any fire police available for this event. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, James T. Muldowney Mayor JTM/mjh cc: Mr. Gary Zalusky DESIGNATION OF AGENT RESOLUTION PEMA-DAP -2 Winter Storm Jonas (January 2016) FOR: (Enter Name of Disaster or Number) St. Clair Borough Council BE IT RESOLVED BY Borough of St. Clair OF (Public Entity) (Governing Body) Borough Secretary Roland Price THAT (Title) (Name of Applicant Agent) IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE FOR AND IN B Schuylkill Borough of St, Clair County, (County) (Public Entity) a public entity established under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, all required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288 as amended by Public Law 100-707). 5th. Passed and approved this April day of 20 Council President James D. Larish (Name) (Title) (Signature) (Name) (Title) (Signature) (Name) (Title) (Signature) (Name) (Title) (Signature) (Name) (Title) (Signature) CERTIFICATION Roland Price I, Borough Secretary , duly appointed and (Title) (Name) of Borough of St. Clair , do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of (Public Entity) St. Clair Borough Council a resolution passed and approved by the (Governing Body) of Borough of St. Clair on the 5th. day of April 20 16 (Public Enti .) y2 v C- (Signature) Borough Secretary (Official Position) y / (Date) 16