: -* & 4'1012 Basrahjournalof veterinaryresearch' v{ .]t' collegeof veterinaryMedicine' proceedings of the 3d internationalScientificconference, UniversitYof Basrah-Iraq' 250 ON REPRODUCTM EFFECT OF SUSTANON@ EFFICIENCY IN MALE AND FEMALE RATS .NehayaM. Al-AubodYt MohammadA' Al-Diwan'z Basrah'Iraq Collegeof Medicine,Universityof Basrah' CollegeofVeterinaryMedicine,UniversityofBasrah,Basrah,Iraq t the effect of ( Sustanon 250; investigate to conducted was study present The two male and thirty two female rats were abusingon reproductiveefficiency .Thirty used'Theyweredividedintofourgroups(eachgroupconsistedofSmalesand8 females).Thefirstgroupservedascontrolgroupinwhichtheratsdosedby weekly for !2 weeks ' the rest 3 treated intramuscular injection of 10 p I olive oil groups(Gl.G2andG3)inwhichtheratsdosedbyintramuscularinjectionof50.l00 t weekly for 12 weeks'thenall rats and 150mg Sustanon 250 / kg B.W. respectively and LH levels in addition to seminal were terminatedto determinetestosterone,FSH level was significantly (pS 0'05) analysis . The results reveled that testosterone 0.05) in all significantlydecreased(ps elevatedin Gr and G2 . The LH and FSH were t Sustanon 250 injection revealeda animals .The seminal analysisin responseto viable spenn percentageand significant . reduction in the sperm concentration, morphologicallynormalspermpercentage'Anothergroupof16maleand32female efficiency , from which 4 male and 8 rats were used ,to determinethe reproductive femaleweredosedbyintramuscularinjectionwithl0ploliveoilweeklyfor12 rveeks,theyareconsideredascontrolanimalsTherestratsweredosedby @250 / kg B'W' weekly for 12 weeks' intramuscularinjectionof.150 mg Sustanon Thentheyweredividedintofourgroups:groupl(4nontreatedmaleswithSnon 8 treatedfemales)' group 3 (4 treated treatedfemales) , group 2 (4 treatedmaleswith 4 (4 non treatedmales with 8 treated males with 8 non treated females)and group 12 weeks, the reproductiveparameters females) . After they were allowedto matefor as 100% in Gl 'whereasthe percentage were investigatedwhich revealedthe fertility 269 Basrahjournalofveterinary research,vol. 11, 4,20L2 Proceedingsof the 3'd international Scientific Conference,College of Veterinary Medicine, Universiry of Basrah-Iraq. femalerats in G2 , G3 and , G4 showedno pregnancyat all which indicatedcomplete infertility. INTRODUCTION 250 is one of the androgenic- anabolicsteroidsthat usually abused Sustanon@ by athletesand young femalesand malesto have a muscularbody and increasetheir sportive performance(1). The presentstudy aimed to investigatethe adverseeffects induced by Sustanonabuse on reproductive efficiency , that determinedthrough including testosterone, LH and FSH ) , semen measuresomereproductive..hormonss( analysis,fertility percentageand other reproductiveparameters.Testosteroneis derived from cholesterol ( 2) produced and secretedby the interstitial leydig cells ,which constituteabout20 o/oof the massof adult testis(3). It hasa rangeof biological actions. the classicaleffectsof testosteroneare induction and maintenanceof secondarysexual characteristicand preservationof libido ,senseof well being ,lean mass ,bone density(4)and stimulationof protein synthesis(5). Testosteroneis found in the body in three forms as free , Sex Hormone - Binding Globulin (SIIBG) and thesethat are impotently boundedto albumin or cortisol binding globulin (6).Circulatingbound and free testosteroneare collectively referredto as total testosterone(7).LH and FSH are glycoprotein secretedfrom the anterior lobe of pituitary gland as a responseto the releaseof gonadotropicreleasinghormone(GnRtI) from the hypothalamus(8).(FSH) has been implicated in Leydig cell function through its action on Sertoli cells (9) to (11). LH producethe spermcells (10).It is essentialfor initiation of spermatogenesis had been called interstitial cell - stimulatinghormone (2) , it stimulatesLeydig cell productionof testosterone with FSH (12). , It actssynergistically MATERIALS AND METHODS Testosterone ,foilicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutenizing hormones(LH)were assayedby using enzyme- linked immunosorbentassay(ELISA) kits specific for rat hormones,manufacturedby USCN Life ScinceInc. in China. The spermsconcentrationand spenn viability were countedaccordingto method of Evan and Maxwell (13) by using Neubauerhemocytometerchamberwhich use for RBC and were countedin the sameslide that was used WBC count . The abnormalspermatozoa 270 research ' vol'11'+'iOtZ ofveterinary Basrahjournal ', Medicine' of Veterinary College Conference, Scientific of the3'dinternational Proceedings of Basrah-Iraq' Universiry using account200 spermsunder the light microscope to measurethe deadsperrnatozoa using 100X power accordingto Sakamotoand Hashimoto ( 14)' high The reproductiveeffects causedby weekly intramuscularinjection of @ ( 16 male doseof sustanon 250 (150 mg / kg body weight ) for male and femalerats rats and 32 femalerats) divided into 2 groups ptl 1- Control group ( 8 malesand 16 femalesrats ) injectedweekly with only 10 olive oil kg body 2- Treatedgroup (8 males and 16 femalesrats ) injected with 150 mg / t weight sustanon 250 4 At the end of treatmentperiod (12 weeks ) the animals fuither divided into groupsas follows : Group 1 consistsof 4 non treatedmaleswith 8 non treatedfemales' r e Group2 consistsof 4 treatedmaleswith 8 treatedfemales. r r Group 3 consistsof 4 treatedmaleswith 8 non treatedfemales. Group 4 consistsof 4 non treatedmaleswith 8 treatedfemales. The animalsleft for 12 weeks for mating before measuringthe parametersto percent, determinethe reproductiveeffrciency (numberof pregnantfemales ' fertility number of number of life birth , weight of life birth , abnormalitiesof life birth , corporalutea and numberof implantingsites groups The results were expressedas mean * SD. The comparisonsbetween sPSS were performed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) by using computerized lest program(StatisticalProgramfor Social Sciences).P<0.05was consideredto be the to test limit of significance.Least significant difference test (LSD) was calculated differencebetweenmeans(groups)for (ANOVA) SPSS(1998)' RESULTS Injection on SomeHormones Effect of Sustanon@250 In Male Rats. /kg 50 and 100mg The testosteronelevel in male rats treatedwith (sustanon@250; B.W were significantly increased(p S O.OS)comparedwith testosteronelevel of seem control males (table 1) whereasthe group treatedwith 150 mg /kg B'W doesnot 27L Basrahjournalofveterinary research,vol. 11, 4,20L2 Proceedingsof the 3'd international Scientific Conference,Collegeof Veterinary Medicine, University of Basrah-Iraq. injection comparedwith control group and other to be affected by sustanon@250 treatedgroups. significantly(p S 0.05)inall injectedmale The LH and FSH levelsdecreased rats with (sustanon@250 ) 50,100and 150 mg /kg B.W comparedwith control male rats. No significant difference (p > 0.05) in LH and FSH level among treatedmale groupswere recorded. Table ( I ) Effect of Sustanon@2s0 Injection on SomeIlormones in Male Rats means* SD N Control (0.lmloliveoil) Groupl (50mg/kg B.w.) Testosterone LH FSH nglml mIU/ml mIU/ml 4.453 2.9t7 2.626 b a a it.049 10.333 J.0.492 6.375 1.803 t.737 a b b *0.751 *0.753 +0.t23 1 aaa I.JJJ Group2 (100mglkgB.W.) Group3 (150mg/kgB.W.)I LSD 6.t39 b '+0.421 a t.484 b +0.557 *0.t23 4.471 0.72r 1.143 b b b *1 .454 +0.087 +0.237 t.6 04 1 . 11 3 0.603 N=8 Different lettersin the samecolumnrepresentsignificantdifferenceat (pS0.05). In FemaleRats 272 ' ', research ' vol' 11'4'2072 Barr"hjournalofveterinary Medicine' of Veterinary College Conference' Scientific of the3'dinternational Proceedings of Basrah-Iraq. UniversitY in female rats is shown to cause significant The injection of sustanon@250 groupscomparedwith control increase ( p s 0.05 ) in testostefonelevel of all treated three treated group (table 2) . There were no significantdifferences observedamong groups ) showed a level in female rats injected with (sustanon@250 B'W) decrease(p 5 0.05) in treated groups (50,100 and 150 mg/kg The LH significant the LH ) could decreased comparedwith control females. It seemsthat (sustanon@250 dose 'The FSH level level significantly (p S 0.05) according to increase the 50 100 and 150 significantlydecreased(p <'0.05) by iirjectionof (sustanon@z5o; , (p z 0'05) mg/kg B.w comparedwith control females.while no significantdifferences were observedamongall treatedgroups. in Female Rats Table ( 2 )Effect of Sustanon*250Injection on SomeHormones meanst SI) Controlgroup (0.lmloliveoil) Groupl (50mg/kg B.W.) Group2 B.W.) (100mg/kg Group3 B.W.) (150mgikg 2.694 6949 b a +0.699 +t.044 6.270 5.469 a b *0.782 r0.460 6.701 4.s93 a b +0.245 +0.470 6.230 4.232 a b +0.510 +0.806 N=8 significantdifferenceat (pS0.05) Differentlettersin the samecolumnrepresent 273 , Basrahjournal of veterinary research' vol' 11' 4'2012 proceedingsof the 3d international Scientific Conference,Collegeof Veterinary Medicine, UniversicY of Basrah-Iraq. SeminalAnalYses , injection for 12 weekswith 3 different doses( 50 The effect of sustanon@25g that the 100 and 150 mg / kg B.w.) on seminalanalysesas shown in table 3 revealed percentagein spennconcentration,viabilitypefcentageand normal spennmorphology B.W were male rats injected with (sustanont2sg) 50 ,100 and 150 mg /kg . while the significantlydecreased( p s 0.0s ) comparedwith that of control male rats all percentageof abnormal spermmorphology increasedsignificantly (p S 0'05 ) in treatedgroupscomparedwith control group ( table 3)' Injection on SeminalAnalyses Table ( 3 )The Bff""t of Sustanon@250 means* SD Sperm viable Normal Abnormal % % Yo 2902 7r,40 82.0 18.0 a a a b + 0.653 L0.027 +0.034 +0.034 1.402 6t.24 47.29 52.71 b b b a *0.341 +0.092 +0.027 +0.027 1 .0 5 5 55.25 45.41 s4.59 b b b a +0.064 +0.102 +0.031 +0.031 1 .0 5 5 52.52 42.68 47.22 b b b a +0.221 +0.077 +0.040 +0.040 1.490 t9.21 09.56 7.r7 concentration Xl06/mm3 Control group (0.lmlolive oil) Groupl B.W ) (50mg/kg Group2 B.W) (100mg/kg Group3 B.W) (150mg/kg LSD N:8 Different lettersin the samecolumnrepresentsignificantdifferenceat (p50.05) 274 Basrahjournalof veterinaryresearch, vol' 11' 4'2012 Collegeof VeterinaryMedicine' of the 3'dinternationalScientificConference, Proceedings Universityof Basrah-Iraq. the The sperm was consideredmorphologically abnormal if it had one of detached following features: rudimentarytail , absenceof tail, round head and / or head. Reproductive fficiencY for After l2weeks of mating period of femaleand male rats treatedpreviously injectedweekly as shown in table (4) 12 weekswith 150 mg / kg B.W.Sustanon@250 percent to give eight pregnancycaseswere recorded. This indicated T00%fertility numberof 5.25 +.0.75 litters weighted5.l * 0.35 and after killing the mothersthe *0'20' implantingsiteswere 5.1 + 0.20andthe numberof corporaluteawere 6 of Table (a)The Reproductive Efficiency Results of Mating Rats After L2 weeks means* SD intramuscular injection of 150mg / kg B.W. of Sustanon@250 ut) 4) 0 {) boc) E? Hl: .tl z EE ,i z vi ti q} s>, 4ntm+8nJf G2 4tm+8tf G3 4tm+8ntf G4 8 8 9?n {) E7 tse t q) z r00% ij :40 z.= 1.. e 6! (J q) o= .bn FV 5.1 6 * 5.1 + + + 0,75 0.35 0.20 0.20 {?{ G1 0 tr 8 0 0% 0 0 0 0 I 0 0% 0 0 0 0 8 0 0% 0 0 0 0 4ntm+8tf tm :treatedmale ntm: non treatedmale tf :treatedfemale ntf : non treatedfemale 27s Basrahjournalofveterinary research,vol. 11, 4,2012 Proceedingsof the 3'd international Scientific Conference,College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Basrah-Iraq. The other 3 groups, which includeeither treatedmale with non treatedfemale or treatedfemalewith non treatedmalesor treatedboth malesand females showedno " pregnancyin all females indicatingcompleteinfertility. DISCUSSION The spermconcentrationin male rats of all treatedgroupswere significantly decreasedcomparedwith the sperm concentrationof control male rats(table3). This finding agreeswith previous studieswhich found that the abuseof supraphysiologieal dosesof anabolicandrogenicfteroids(AAS ) resultedin transientseveroligospermiain malesbecausethe AAS inducedreversiblehypogonadotrophic hypogonadisim(15, 16;and 17).Thelow spermcountof treatedratscouldbe dueto reductionin FSH level induced by testosteroneinjection , becausethe FSH is essentialto .initiate the spermatogenesisin Sertoli cells (2) and for nourishment of sperms( 12 ). The percentagesof viable spenn and that of morphologically normal spenns were significantlydecreasedcomparedwith control group,while the percentageof deadand morphologicallyabnormalspermswere significantly increasedcomparedwith control group(table3) .The findings of Torres{alleja et al. ,2001 (18) that abuseof AAS alone not only reduced the spenn count but also impairs the percentage of morphologicallynormal semen.The reason for the decreasingpercentageof viable and morphologically normal spenns and inueasing the percentageof dead and morphologicallyabnormalsperms,was due to the testosteroneinjection which led to hormonal disturbanceand increasedROS formation as supportedby increasedMDA, and becausethe mammalianspermatozoaaremore vulnerableto lipid peroxidationdue to their cell membranerich with lipids especiallypoly unsaturatedfatty acids(PUFA) are the main substratesfor lipid peroxidation, that may provoke severefunctional disorderof sperm(19) .MDA levelswerenegativelycorrelatedto spermconcentration andmotility which was consistentwith previousreports(20and2l) .lnother studies,it was reported that peroxidation reaction affects membranestructure and fluidity and causesdamageto axonemal proteins leading to a permanentimpairment in sperm motility ( 22; 23 ; and 24).A accordingto (25; 26; and 27) the RoS, in addition to reactingwith the polyunsaturatedfatfy acids,might also react with DNA nucleotides (particularly 8-hydroxy-2' deoxyguanosine) 276 of speffns leading to base Basrahjournalof veterinaryresearch , vol. 11' 4,2012 Collegeof VeterinaryMedicine, of the 3'dinternationalScientificConference, Proceedings Universityof Basrah-Iraq. modifications(oxidativeDNA damage)and DNA fragmentationresultingin alteringthe sperm quality and its impact on reproductiveoutcomes.After 12 weeks of mating period of female and male rats treatedpreviously for 12 weeks with 150 mg / kg injectedweekly to study the reproductiveefficiency abovedoseof B.W.sustanon@250 defiantly had negativeeffectson on rats . It seemsthat the sustanon@250 sustanon@25g fertility percentageof treatedmales and / or females .It is known ( 2) that the FSH receptor -hormone formation at the Sertoli cell results in the initiation of process, thgrefore, the reductionin FSH level in treatedmale serum spermatogenesis may reducethe level of fertility , thus the reasonfor treatedrats infertility could be due causedby damage of leydig cells as a result of to impaired spermatogenesis testosteroneinjection and therefore very low sperm count in treated rats which supportsby seminalanalysis.The productionof abnormalquantitiesof ROS is thought to be involved in male infertility ( 28). Sperm exposedto superoxideanions are apparentlydysfunctionalby lipid peroxidationand alteredmembranefunction , along with impairedmetabolism, morphologyand motility (29) . A accordingto (25;26; and 27) the ROS, in addition to reactingwith the polyunsaturatedfatty acids,might also react with DNA nucleotides (particularly 8-hydroxy-2' deoxyguanosine)of sperms leading to base modifications(oxidativeDNA damage) and DNA fragmentation resulting in alter the spenn quality and its impact on reproductiveoutcomes.Sperm DNA damage is thought to be detrimental to all reproductive tests outcomes, particularly to pregnancyrates(26 ;27; 30 and 31). Many hypothesesexplainedthe origin of sperm DNA damage such as defective chromatin packaging during (32; 25; and33) .The infertility of treatedmale in the presentstudywas spermiogenesis in matchwith somestudies(16 ; l7and, 34).Thetreatedfemale rats infertility may be on ovary secretion(estradiolandprogesterone ) attributedto the effect ofsustanon@250 and gonadohopeinhormones(LH and FSH ) due to damageof ovariantissuein which seemsas a sort atrophy , therefoi.egranulosacells which responsiblefor expressionof the androgenreceptorsto promotefollicle developmentand oocyte maturationwould be affected . Thus androgenscould involve in the regulation of granulosacell death and hence follicular atresia (35). The oxidative stress( induced by sustarion@250 ) affects natural fertility (36). Other studies.havesuggestedthat ROS are involved in various causafive factors of female infertility as peritoneal factor otubal factor, 277 vol.11,4,20L2 research, ofveterinary Basrahjournal Medicine, of Veterinary College Conference, Scientific of the3'dinternational Proceedings of Basrah-Iraq. University endometeriosisand unexplainedinfertility (37 and38 ). According to Polak et al. (39) the antioxidantsconcentrationsin womenwith unexplainedinfertility is lessthan those -induced lipid in fertile women , the above authors found that increasedROS peroxidationdamageresultingin infertility. The presentstudy revealedthat the abusing 250 cause seriousphysiological changesin the most body structures of Sustanon@ ,particularlythe reproductiveorgans;thusaffectedthe fertility . .013..1+ll &Ul (r! 4J*,ulll SsLiSll l$ls flrAi*l Jiiil eJe (sustanon@250) t'.J+'ll*-U. L"H UlgJloJr u--.. 6l!16 i-r-Jl, " J,-+llar-ots.';'Lll aJS ,jlJ'll, 6r-Jlr i)-illi*1. , qt-tl+,llc+ll4$ i,a)till pl'rr..,t!-i J$L 4-lJJ iJ"-.Jl A*b / g-l'slr ,.+tll iJS ; qttslt :*t-p!l c,p6l (sustanon@250) ,ili_pJl JJSrJdtul ,.++J-tstt ieli$l ,rJo a+-,'lJ! ,",^.",,Jl liJidr.ll 61i.,;;Jldr .Fl fY J JSi r.f tl)ij-l i cJ:!t ti+ll d , 6.\. drri dJ.-,rlrAL 6-.;r.OJI1=;II 6.:r,l-9 !r*-i \ . ','l+!..bc '"'1t- 6Jti- L-t^+. drJ$el JJYI i'cJ"+-lt i',J^+^ll ,",''- :! sustanon@250& 4Lt'- e+l+- ,r# 4$1-Jl;ffll # /+ lo. .-,a$Ullr-"+lrrrJ3dF#/+ H'r^lI Ll . -l-Xi ij)tj i-r^l 1 , . i - r l 3 l l -1" + l l g - l j d r # / + o ' + J : ) l u!-lt 6Jii rl-$iil -+ C , 'Ji ii)3 ir.J t-;o;r;-l -"+Jl uJj Ljl" 6J.r.; d:,"3lr"J!- lJ#,i Ajliill '"!e Ll .$3. g;r-ll LflJl d;Li3 :*JllSdl Oir''-."+.ll ./ O3-pAfll e *f ui!" Jtll gr"ill J .Jr-)+ll jis, OJp.:raiJ" &l g.rru ul*6j r iiltilt d -x'+ CJ i,jJllllJ All i5Jl , ;urtt 1+J&ll ii-jllJ , ;Lill rc, .,J !Jr- l,:tiijl t'Jill cjitJl C[Li J+Ll, lJ.lJl LJlSJFll '" . t *.,1 -l i+tt , :Ltller,'l^ll ir*,ill L.Ji- errlrjl cll+J ii'+tllJ cru3.-,;4JlcrJi* ,^;l gli;,rJ.ra .f* f Y r JSi 11 a.lLuill ir\iSJli-l;+ dJ&ll i*lJJl g ;131 e-)+.lt; ,,rt...l ,",rj xLrsj-\ . ,,.$. ,5Ul AJ J-rS5t ,',rt- ( )eji ij>tj iul sl;'Jl oi-iJ dJ.f 4JJ$r,Jl rrllJ+ll O^ il c:JJ$cli! o*j p.l^ t o. sustanon@2sg+i,$lallgl\trll ,",1:- L+ ( sustanon@Z11+iJ.t'- Jts )""J";- JJyl 1oJ +*ll or 6_ll-! 6:^b- ++-'l J! UlSJ+ll.:*! '3UlAe.ALl- iJ^tJl 6& el-djl )4 . ."+ll rsts,-t $ JJS3lc.+-:jAri"$lac:'.+-llqr-i.il^l*JPd!U! Ae"iLl*-,+o-,,tsii'"'r:j 278 I 11'4'"I:" Basrahjournalof veterinaryresearch' vol' Proceedingsofthe3,dinternationalscientificConference,CollegeofVeterinaryMedicine, UniversitYof Basrah-Iraq' gU! A llU' J-fi f d+lj iilljll.aeJ,"+ ll i e .,r ' iJ^L' Jts "J^1" &u! 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