December - East Coast Sailing Association
December - East Coast Sailing Association
FOOT, TACK & CLEW East Coast Sailing Association P.O. Box 372054 • Satellite Beach, FL 32937-0054 BOAT/US number GA81299B December 2007 THE OFFICIAL LOG OF THE EAST COAST SAILING ASSOCIATION Board of Governors Flag Officers Commodore Donna Oyer 321 – 243 – 0088 Vice Commodore Pam Vanderveer 321 – 432 – 0559 Rear Commodore Jim Yates 321 – 777 – 2663 Secretary Carol Wheatley 321 – 779 – 4483 Treasurer Tom Schrader 321 – 917 – 6638 Elected Governors Brenda Merchberger 321 – 917 – 3698 Roland Norris 321 – 783 – 9736 Neil Hodgson 321 – 452 – 8252 Fleet Captains Cruising Ken Windsor 321 – 459 – 2720 River Racing Jim Yates 321 – 777 – 2663 Women’s Racing Rhonda Delmater 321 – 783 – 2225 General Membership Meeting Wednesday, December 12, 2007 - 7:00 p.m. Satellite Beach Civic Center (565 Cassia Blvd) Latitude 28º 09' North, Longitude 80º 36' West Holiday Potluck Bring a Dish to Share 2008 Cruising Calendar Planning Meeting Following the Potluck DECEMBER Calendar of EVENTS Newsletter Editor Brenda Merchberger 321 – 917 – 3698 Program Chairman Susan Conrad 407 – 443 – 1943 Membership Chairman Brenda Merchberger 321 – 917 – 3698 Rating Chairman Jim Miller 321 – 777 – 7011 1 2 2 8 9 12 15 15 - 16 16 30 ECSA ECSA MYC IRYC MYC ECSA ECSA IRYC MYC MYC Double-Handed Race Fall Women’s #6 Small Boat Racing Race of Champions Winter Rum Race Monthly Meeting & Holiday Potluck Holiday Boat Parade C22 State Championships Small Boat Racing Small Boat Racing Advertising Karin Mann 321 – 773 – 4793 Hospitality Joanne Theriault 321 – 254 – 4624 Legislative Affairs Jack Snyder 321 – 868 – 3529 JANUARY Calendar of EVENTS Dec 29 Jan 1 5 ECSA ECSA Cruise to Vero Beach Awards Banquet & Officer Installation More calendar/schedule information to follow…. Foot, Tack & Clew is the official newsletter of the East Coast Sailing Association and is mailed to the membership each month or available at The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the East Coast Sailing Association. THOUGHTS FROM YOUR COMMODORE… Donna Hartley Oyer We had eaten our final Thanksgiving leftover, we had our Christmas decorating completed and our shopping started. Even though we still had plenty of chores to do, we decided to go sailing anyway. The wind wasn’t exactly perfect, the sun was hidden behind the clouds and the rain looked imminent. We can’t always wait for that “perfect”, day to go sailing. Our days are limited to the weekends while we are still “punching a clock”. Even though the day wasn’t perfect, we threw off those dock lines and away we went. We had the best day of sailing! The wind picked up, the clouds dissipated and the sun began to shine. If we had waited for that perfect day, we would have missed another opportunity to enjoy our boat and each other. So don’t wait for that perfect day to enjoy your boat. Any day on the boat is a perfect day, even if the weather conditions are less than perfect. Christmas Poem I have a list of folks I know, all written in a book And every year when Christmas comes, I go and take a look, and that is when I realize that these names are a part not of the book they are written in, but really of my heart for each name stands for someone who has crossed my path sometime, and in the meeting they've become the rhythm in each rhyme. And while it sounds fantastic for me to make this claim, I really feel that I'm composed of each remembered name. And while you may not be aware of any special link just meeting you has changed my life a lot more than you think For once I've met somebody, the years cannot erase The memory of a pleasant word or of a friendly face So never think my Christmas cards are just a mere routine Of names upon a Christmas list, forgotten in between, For when I send a Christmas card that is addressed to you, It is because you're on the list that I'm indebted to For I am but a total of the many folks I've met, and you happen to be one of those I prefer not to forget And whether I have known you for many years or few, In some ways you have a part in shaping things I do And every year when Christmas comes, I realize new, the best gifts life can offer is meeting folks like you. And may the spirit of Christmas that forever endures Leave its richest blessings in the hearts of you and yours ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2008 to be held at the December General Membership Meeting The Nominating Committee has developed the following list of recommended candidates for the offices to be elected at the December General Membership meeting. POSITION COMMODORE VICE COMMODORE REAR COMMODORE SECRETARY TREASURER ELECTED GOVERNOR CANDIDATE Ken Windsor Susan Conrad Joe Coleman Carol Wheatley Tom Schrader Dave Cordial Members wishing to make an additional nomination for any of these positions may do so from the floor at the December General Membership Meeting. (Persons nominated from the floor must be present at the meeting to acknowledge their willingness to serve, if elected.) Persons who volunteered for any of the appointed committee positions will have their names passed on to the appropriate ECSA Flag Officer for coordination. The club’s appreciation goes to the following members who served as our nominating committee this year: Nominating Committee: ♦ Neil Hodgson ♦ Roland Norris ♦ Gil Paradies ♦ Ken Windsor MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY LOVE, DONNA Page 2 SECRETARY’S REPORT By Carol Wheatley EAST COAST SAILING ASSOCIATION General Membership Meeting Wednesday – November 14, 2007 Commodore Donna Hartley Oyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Board of Governors present were Donna Hartley Oyer, Jim Yates and Carol Wheatley. Elected Governors present were Neil Hodgson and Brenda Merchberger. Absent were: Pam Vanderveer, Tom Schrader, and Roland Norris. COMMODORE: Following introduction of the board members, fleet captains, committee chairmen, and past commodores, Donna welcomed all members; there were no guests. New Members: New applications for membership were presented and approved: ♦ Sherry Raintree, Currently looking for a boat, Associate Member. ♦ Donna Nickelson, Bob Perry Design, Tayana 42’ – Restless. ♦ Donald & Linda Montplaisir, Hunter 33’, Starfish Thrower. ♦ Michael & Geri Collins, Sorver 30’, GeriLynn. The Commodore also announced the following: ♦ Best wishes to Barbara Norris after surgery. ♦ December meeting will be a potluck dinner with the general meeting following. All lost and found items will be sold and proceeds will go to the Sunshine Fund. There will be a 2008 cruise calendar planning meeting after meeting. ♦ The Nominating Committee announced the following slate of officers for election at the December meeting: Commodore - Ken Windsor, Vice Commodore - Susan Conrad, Rear Commodore - Joe Coleman, Secretary - Carol Wheatley, Treasurer - Tom Schrader, elected Governor - David Cordial. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. Donna thanked Gil Paradies, Roland Norris, Ken Windsor, and Neil Hodgson for serving on the nominating committee this year. ♦ Reserve your slip or mooring for the Vero Beach News Years Cruise, Saturday, 12/29 through 1/1; Be sure to contact Donna to make your reservations for dinner at the Riverside Café. ♦ About 25 ECSA members enjoyed the St. ♦ ♦ ♦ Petersburg Boat Show; great turnout! Thanks to everyone who helped clean up the Pinedaville beach. ECSA Awards Banquet is coming up soon so be sure to make your reservation ASAP. There is a “loop trip” planned for the weekend after Thanksgiving: Cape Canaveral to Ponce Inlet and back; taking the ICW to Ponce Inlet then out into the Atlantic back to Port Canaveral. Pick up a flyer if you’re interested in participating. The trip takes about 6 hours one way up the ICW. GENERAL REPORTS: SECRETARY/TREASURER REPORTS: A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the October meeting and the October Treasurer’s report as published in the November Foot, Tack & Clew. VICE COMMODORE – Pam Vanderveer – No report. REAR COMMODORE – Jim Yates River Racing & Women’s Racing – Jim Yates – Single-handed Race was held on Saturday November 10; the next race is a double-handed Race on December 1; if you are interested in racing, contact Jim Yates; there will be a skippers meeting will be at MYC prior to the meeting. The next Women’s Race is scheduled for December 2. Fleet/Cruising – Ken Windsor – The Fish Fry at Boy Scout Island was enjoyed by 41 people. Just as the fish got done, we got some rain, but the party went on until the wee hours of the morning; everyone enjoyed beakfast the next day and then headed home.Thanks for everyone’s help setting up, tearing down and cleaning the island. SSCA GAM – Brenda Merchberger reported on the SSCA GAM held last weekend. On behalf of the club, she thanked everyone who helped. ECSA sold 26 cool ties and 34 siphons. Brenda will chair this event one more year. Attendance was down by at least 200 people (about 30%) primarily because of changes to insurance carriers not allowing cruisers to come south during the official hurricane season. So next year the GAM will be the first weekend in December. Pinedaville – Don’t forget your costumes!!! Donna announced the plans for the weekend festivities, including building the Pinedaville on Friday at 10:00 a.m. with pizza to enjoy that night. Pinedaville officially starts on the beach at noon on Saturday; followed by several contests. Dinner will begin at 5:30, themain (Continued on page 5) Page 3 TREASURER'S REPORT by Tom Schrader Income Statement Fiscal YTD Nov 07 Nov 07—Aug 08 365.00 510.00 - 144.00 Membership Dues 570.00 6,055.00 Merchandise Income 463.00 533.00 - 429.00 1,398.00 7,671.00 1,189.42 2,176.71 Bank Charge - - Dues & Subscriptions - - Insurance - - Miscellaneous - 277.46 Postage/Delivery 76.76 245.75 Printing/Repro 69.95 207.09 - - 50.00 54.53 1,386.15 2,961.55 11.85 4,709.45 REVENUE Activities Income Advertising Income Misc & Sunshine Income Total Revenue EXPENSES Activities Expense Rent Sales Tax Sunshine Fund Total Expense Net Income Balance Sheet as of Novrmber 30, 2007 Assets Checking 6,117.53 Restricted Cash (Lasowska Fund) Security Deposit Total Assets 942.00 100.00 7,159.53 Liabilities & Net Worth Unrestricted Cash 6,432.86 Retained Earnings (3,982.78) Net Income 4,709.45 Total Net Worth 7,159.53 Sunshine Fund Balance: 469.47 Page 4 CRUISE QUARTERS Secretary’s Report - cont’d… Come one...come all To the Holiday Boat Parade Join us for a front row seat on the Grand Canal to watch this year’s Holiday Boat Parade on Saturday, December 15th. We are gathering at Joann Jacob’s house - 410 Thrush Drive in North Waterway Estates around 4 p.m. for Social hour and snacks, followed at 5 p.m. for a Potluck dinner (please bring a dish to share). Then we’ll take our seats on the lawn (you can bring your chairs if you like) and after sunset, watch the decorated boats parade down the Grand Canal. Please bring your own beverages. If you would like to enter your boat in the boat parade, you are welcome to tie up on Joann’s dock prior to entering the parade. Boats begin getting in position at 5:30 p.m. Please let her know ahead of time if you will be coming by boat to ensure dock space and rafting opportunities. For further information on this ECSA event, please contact Joann at 321-777-3551. dish catered by Memaw’s BBQ. Please bring a side dish to share. In the evening we’ll enjoy a limbo contest and a “pass the fruit” contest for adults only; then the party really starts! Sunday potluck breakfast at 8:30 a.m. Remember to park north of the No Parking signs along the highway to be sure you’re safe. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Miami Boat Show Bus Trip – Dave Merchberger reported he has looked into chartering from a different (better) bus line for the trip, which will raise the price per person.. The best quote so far is by US Coachways. The cost per person includes the tip for the driver, discount admission to the show and snacks along the way. The price per person should be between $45 and $50, in all, only about $10 more per person than last year. The bus line requires a 30% deposit for this trip, so make your reservations early to guarantee a seat. With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m. The meeting was followed by a program presented by Sherry and Dave MacCampbell, “Circumnavigation Update.” Respectfully submitted, Carol Wheatley. Secretary ECSA Page 5 CRUISE QUARTERS - PINEDAVILLE by Donna Hartley Oyer Basically, all I can say about the 10th annual Pinedaville celebration is WOW! The costumes were original, clever, imaginative and hilarious. It was a Saturday morning cartoon extravaganza without a TV. Those of you, who showed up on the beach in costume, deserve a huge round of applause. All of the costumes were fantastic. Among the cartoon characters making an appearance were; “Hagar the Horrible”, with his wife “Helga”, and their doggie “Snert”, (aka; Gail, Dave and Annie Cordial, who were crowned the new King and Queen of the 10th annual Pinedaville celebration), “SpongeBob Square Pants”, (aka Bob Cahall) selected as one of the best costumes. The other winner of best costume was, “Cat in the Hat” (aka Chris Conrad); accompanied by the Seuss crew. The judges definitely had the most difficult task of the day, trying to decide which costume deserved to win when all of the contestants were winners. Other contestants making their debut on the beach were; The Bedrock Bunch; Fred, Wilma, Barney and Betty; Corella DeVille was in a panic looking for something, while Mickey and Minnie Mouse took a much needed rest from the Magic Kingdom and wanted to party for the day. Peter Pan and Tinker Bell were flittering around the beach, while Snow White showed up just in time with one of her “Grumpy”, ole dwarfs. Then the villainous swashbuckler himself, Captain Hook was seen roaming the beach and also two Dalmatians were in search of 99 others that they had lost. Popeye and Olive Oil were enjoying a can of spinach, while Wonder Woman was trying to make an appointment for some much needed dental work. Merlin the mysterious and magical wizard was seen with his assistant, casting their magic spell upon Mother Nature and creating the perfect weather weekend. The costumes were the BOMB! Saturday morning as the sun rose, the temperature began to warm. There were other boats that had already arrived either early Saturday morning, or had joined us at anchor during the night. Scott’s Cove began to fill with anxious party-goers and cartoon enthusiasts. The opening ceremonies started at noon. After the initial parade of costumes was finished and the prizes given, the contests quickly followed. The mullet toss, the dinghy races and the conch blowing took up most of the afternoon. Kurt had his great tunes going all day for the adults and for the kids too. Everyone was enjoying themselves immensely. By 5:30, Memaw’s Bar B Q had delivered dinner and the partiers had brought their dishes to share. After dinner we had two different campfires going. Most of us sat enjoying the fires and listening to the sounds of “Hot Tropics”. Then we had our annual “Limbo”, contest followed by our “Pass the Fruit Game”. After the contests were over, Kurt cranked up his tunes again and everyone put on their dancing shoes. The beach became a giant dance floor. The dancing continued well into the night. As midnight approached, most everyone was back on their boats fast asleep. There were over 40 boats anchored by the time that the clock struck twelve. The anchor lights looked light shimmering stars against the darkened sky. Sunday morning it was breakfast on the beach at 8:30 am. As the dinghies arrived on the beach, the coffee was ready. We had quite and array of different breakfast delicacies to share. By 9:30 am everyone (Continued on page 7) The weekend preparation actually started on Friday morning. There were so many of you who showed up early to lend a much appreciated helping hand. We began to build Pinedaville and it took most of the day on Friday. By the time the sun set, we were ready for some relaxation, but not totally prepared for the cold north wind. By the time the pizza arrived from “A New York Pizza House”, most of us were ready to eat and hurry back to our boats to get warm. And most of us did just that. There were 13 boats anchored in Scott’s Cove on Friday night as the north wind blew. Page 6 NEW YEAR’S EVE CRUISE TO VERO BEACH Pinedaville Cruise Report Continued Saturday, December 29th – We will meet at the Eau Gallie Causeway around 8:00 a.m. and hopefully sail south to the Vero Beach Municipal Marina. You may choose a mooring ball or a slip at the marina. For reservations, please call; 772-978-4960. Please note that if you choose to stay on a mooring, you will most likely not be alone. There may be one or two other boats sharing a mooring with you. Saturday evening will be a potluck dinner in the park around 6:00 pm. There are grills and picnic tables available. Sunday, December 30th – This is a no plans; no worry day. There will no scheduled events today. Monday, December 31st - (New Year’s Eve) – At 8:00 a.m., we will take a dinghy ride to Jaycee Park, located on the beach, for breakfast at Seaside restaurant. Sunday evening we will dinghy or walk over to the Riverside Café for drinks and dinner at 7:00 p.m. After dinner, we will meet back at the marina and celebrate the New Year. (Continued from page 6) pitched in and began the daunting task of cleaning up, breaking down and loading up. With so many hands it definitely made light work. The 10th annual Pinedaville is now history, but the memories will live on. Thank you to all of you who helped us clean up the beach in October. Thank you to all of you who helped us build Pinedaville; not just this year but every year. Thank you to all of you who stayed and helped us break down on Sunday morning. Thank you to everyone who even in a small way, contributed to making Pinedaville the success that it has become. Jim and I could never do it alone; it has always been a club effort. Those of you who have been by our sides every year, we thank you deeply. Tuesday, January 1st – (New Year’s Day) – We will leave the marina for home around 8:00 am. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are planning on joining us for dinner on New Year’s Eve at the Riverside Café, we must have an accurate head count. So please either sign up at the December meeting or call me and let me know if you are planning on joining us for dinner. For more information, please call Donna at: 321-243-0088 or 321-783-4458. Page 7 Miami Boat Show Bus Trip Saturday, February 16, 2008 Leave the driving (and gas $$) & parking hassles behind! Cost: $48.00 per person Includes: Transportation (new bus!), admission, gratuity for bus driver, breakfast, snacks & beverages Departs: Merritt Island Melbourne Arrives Miami: Departs Miami: 6:00 a.m. (Harbortown Marina) 6:45 a.m. (Osler Medical US1 Bldg) 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. •Sign-up at the December General Meeting or send an email to •Please make checks payable to ECSA and mail to the ECSA PO Box, attn: Bus Trip. •Full payment due by Thursday, January 31, 2008 or you will lose your seat Questions? Contact Brenda Merchberger at 321-917-3698 or Member Classified Ads FOR SALE: Lindenberg 28, “Fivespeed”. Complete racing inventory includes 2 Mains, 6 headsails, and 3 spinnakers. 2004 Merc 5 hp 2 cycle motor in great shape. Comes w/yard trailer suitable for local hauling. Comes fully equipped with all the gear you need to race right now. New racing bottom March 2006. New bulkhead and refit in 2006. Surveyed for insurance in 2006 at $20,000. This proven winner can be yours for $16,500. Call Gary Smith for details. Cell 321-698-4351. FOR SALE: 1981 Catalina 27’ new engine, great condition. $13,000 or best offer. Call Ken Windsor at 321459-2720. FOR SALE: 55# DELTA ANCHOR....$150; 55# 3 PC ABI FISHERMAN ANCHOR....$75; SAILRITE YACHTSMAN HD SEWING MACHINE...$50 Call Steve 321- 693-3580 FOR SALE: 10’ RIB Hypalon Boat US (Avon) in good condition (no patches) w/Mercury 9.9 hp short shaft outboard, like new, including transferable warranty good thru 03-09, flushing attachment, gas tank & hose, canvas engine cover. Dinghy & motor $2,000.00. Contact Mike Wilson, or 321-7795000. FOR SALE: 1987 Ericson 34’ Sloop with 23 HP Universal Diesel. Also includes a 2004 Zodiac 9’ dinghy with cover and 5 hp Yamaha outboard. Extremely well maintained with lots of extras, including Adler Barbour refrigeration, separate top loading ice box, Robertson hydraulic autopilot, 16,000 BTU central A/C, fixed mounted 120 watt solar panel mounted on custom built arch, high-output alternator, flat-panel TV and DVD player, hi-capacity house battery bank, hot-water heater, recent barrier coat and bottom point, etc, etc. $62,500. Call Clint at 321-779-0229 or for more info go to FOR SALE: Balmar 7-Series, model 70-80 alternator. Externally regulated, 80 amp output, dual-foot 3.15”ID. Only used for a few months, so it’s pretty close to being new. $150.00. Call Clint – 321-779-0229. . Page 8 SPECIAL NOTICE!!! GALA EVENT!!! ECSA 2007 AWARDS BANQUET Date: Saturday, January 5, 2008 Place: Holiday Inn, 1300 N. Atlantic Avenue, Cocoa Beach, Florida Agenda: 6 - 7 p.m. Social Hour – Cocktails; Cash Bar 7 - 8 p.m. Dinner 8 - 10 p.m. Awards Program Entrées: Chicken Basilica Breast of Chicken lightly seasoned served with a White Wine and Basil Cream Sauce. $25.00 London Broil Tender London Broil Marinated in Fresh Herbs served with a Red Wine Mushroom Sauce. $25.00 Children’s Menu - Chicken Fingers and French Fries. $10.00 All Dinner Entrees are served with Tossed Garden Salad with choice of dressing, Fresh Seasonal Vegetable, Potato, Rice or Pasta, and freshly baked Dinner Rolls. Fresh Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Freshly Brewed Iced Tea and as well as one of their Sensational Desserts is also included. Prices include gratuity and state sales tax. PLEASE MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY! Reservations are accepted through December 15, 2007. Complete the following form and return with check made payable to East Coast Sailing Association (or ECSA). You are welcome to drop off your reservation at the November or December general membership meeting or mail to: ECSA, P. O. Box 372054, Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Attention: Banquet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2007 ECSA AWARDS BANQUET RESERVATION FORM Name of guests attending: _____________________________________________ Choose one (1) menu option per person and indicate the total number of each for your party in the space provided. CHICKEN BASILICA ______________ @ $25.00 ____________ LONDON BROIL ______________ @ $25.00 ____________ CHILDREN’S MEAL ______________ @ $10.00 ____________ TOTAL $ ____________ Page 9 ECSA 2007 Race & Cruise Schedule Date Event Contact Dec 1 Double-handed Race Yates Dec 2 Fall Women’s #6 Delmater Dec 15 Holiday Boat Parade Jacobs Jan 5, 2008 ECSA Awards Banquet & Officer Installation Vanderveer Check out for the most up-to-date information on the ECSA race schedule & race winners. EAST COAST SAILING ASSOCIATION PO Box 372054 Satellite Beach FL 32937-0054
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East Coast Sailing Association
P.O. Box 372054 • Satellite Beach, FL 32937-0054
BOAT/US number GA81299B
East Coast Sailing Association
P.O. Box 372054 • Satellite Beach, FL 32937-0054
BOAT/US number GA81299B