November 2015 River Biz - Rocky River Chamber of Commerce
November 2015 River Biz - Rocky River Chamber of Commerce
River Biz November 2015 Monthly publicaon of the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce Community of Opportunity Chamber Luncheon—November 19 It’s Time to Vote! Porter Gale Presents "The 3 Degree Advantage: Networking in a Connected World" The Rocky River and Lakewood Chambers of Commerce are combining their November luncheons so that Cox Business can bring internaonally known speaker Porter Gale from San Francisco to both communies. With a bit of "how to" and a dose of storytelling, cing years of market experience, Porter will convey both how and why strategically building a network improves happiness, producvity and return - whether on a business or personal level. Porter will detail the value of authencity and passion as the core groundwork for networking efforts, sharing stories that demonstrate how collaboraon, co-creaon and innovaon are the keys to success along the way. Sponsored by: Chamber Luncheon Thursday, November 19 Networking—11:15 a.m. Lunch—Noon Westwood Country Club, 22625 Detroit Road Indicate your menu selecon when making reservaons: #1 Rosemary chicken with riso+o #2 Bibb and shrimp citrus salad #3 Cheese ravioli with vegetables Cost Happy New Year! Happy Thanksgiving! By 11/16 On 11/17-18 On 11/19 Members $20 $25 $35 Non-members $25 $30 $35 RSVP by Monday, November 16, 5:00 pm to the Chamber office 440-331-1140 or You can also pre-pay via PayPal by going to PayPal is the preferred method of payment Advanced reserva/ons are required! We cannot expect the chef to have a meal ready for you if we’re not expecng you. PLEASE NOTE: If you cancel your reserva on a!er Monday at 5:00 p.m. you will receive a bill for the cost of your reserved meal. When you arrive at Westwood Country Club for the Chamber luncheon, please drive to the right/west side of the building and use valet parking. Please do not enter through the front of the building. Not only is it me to vote in our local elecon, it’s also me to vote for our 2016 Board of Directors. Ballots will be mailed to the primary contact of each current membership by November 3. The completed ballots are due back at the Chamber office by 5:00 p.m. on November 25. Turn to page 5 to read the brief biography that each candidate has wri+en for the ballot. You can vote for FOUR candidates. Please vote for the future leadership of your Chamber! Join us! Celebrate Christmas with the Chamber Mark your calendar for Thursday, December 3, as we share in the spirit of the holidays at the Chamber’s Annual Christmas Party at the Don Umerley Civic Center. Fesvies begin at 6:00 p.m. The cost is just $20 per person and proceeds benefit the Rocky River Assistance Program and the Rocky River Chamber Internship Program. No RSVP is required and you’re welcome to bring guests. The cost includes: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Libaons for toasng from an open bar A bounful buffet donated by area restaurants Chances to buy Chinese raffle ckets to win many magnificent gi< baskets valued over $500 each! A visit from Father Christmas Photo of you and yours taken with Father Christmas by Simply Deneen Photography Happy holiday surprises! This is always a well-a+ended and fesve event, don’t miss it! Save Local Now! Save Local Now is a valuable member benefit for Rocky River Chamber members! It’s an opportunity to market your business FREE! You can promote deals, events and more on the SLN website and app on iPhones and Androids. SLN also offers a free email blast program and SEO. It’s easy to use, the team at SLN will walk you through it. Visit to learn more and get started in me for the holidays! Le6er from the Execu/ve Director The Return of Jeff Charney! The October 22nd Chamber luncheon was a memorable and remarkable one! We were very fortunate to have Jeff Charney, CMO of Progressive, give us his me and talent for the third year in a row. He told me prior to the event that he loves this group and he owes it to them to give his best and share something that everyone can take away and apply. Jeff talked about understanding your brand, both your own personal brand and your business brand. He showed a funny video about “walk-up music,” which are the songs that baseball players choose to have played as they walk up to home plate to bat. He asked everyone, “What’s YOUR walkup music?” My inial reacon was “Born to Run,” since I’m always on the go. But a few days a<er the luncheon I a+ended an incredible concert at The Listening Room in Port Clinton featuring Shawn Mullins. He’s a very talented , but not very well known singer-songwriter. I fell in love with his music when it was played on the radio staon that I worked at in Sea+le. When Shawn played a song called “Shimmer,” I immediately thought, “THAT is my walk-up song!” The lyrics go like this: “I want to shimmer, I want to shine, I want to radiate, I want to live, I want to love, I want to try to learn not to hate.” Those words have been my personal goal since that song was released in 1998. It’s also a professional goal, as I want this Chamber to shimmer and shine! Another one of the seven points about branding that Jeff outlined was brand “essence.” The root of Jeff’s personal brand essence is “Why not?” Like my walk-up music, my brand essence is the same both personally and for the Chamber: “You never know who you might meet.” I say that about a+ending all of our Chamber events; you might meet someone who has an unexpected purpose and can make a difference in your life, personally or professionally. Some other memorable quotes that I wrote down during Jeff’s presentaon were: ♦ “SHOW UP if you’re going to show up!” ♦ “Be relevant,” “Be brave!” ♦ “If you’re red of starng over, stop giving up.” ♦ “Look at the good, learn from everything.” He really pumped up the crowd, he was so energec, funny, inspiring and he even got us to do karaoke! As one member said, “This was the best 20 bucks I spent all week!” Jeff said he won’t be back to present to the Rocky River Chamber for a while, but I think he will! He loves this wonderful group of people! Can you blame him? Sincerely, Liz Manning, Execuve Director Page 2 Thanks to the October luncheon sponsor—Hospice of the Western Reserve. Jan Lovelace (right) is pictured here with the Hospice team at the sponsor table. Charney demonstrates his mantra “Boom.Pop.Pat” with new member Steve Nelson of Eye Candy Op cal. “Jeff really helped me understand branding and what you need to do to create your brand.” ~ Diane Risdon, Bad Girl Fitness It was a full house at LaCentre Conference & Banquet Facility, with about 250 members and guests. "Jeff's enthusiasm is contagious. He is an out-of-the-box thinker who is passionate about his craC, and transfers that passion to his audience. Quite an experience!” ~ Simon Elle6, Jager Consul/ng "This is the 3rd /me that I have seen Jeff speak at a Chamber luncheon, and all I can say is WOW! Each /me I walk away rejuvenated, with something new to apply to everyday life.” ~ Bill Brink, Beachcliff Market Square With the help of (l-r) Diane Risdon, Rusty Deane and Shelly Norehad, Charney had everyone on their feet singing a rousing karaoke version of Wilson Phillips’ “Hold On” to end the event. "It was terrific, inspira/onal and prac/cal in a way that we can all apply.” ~ Todd Tramba, TCC River Biz October New Members October New Members American Financial Network Rick Rucker 12509 Madison Ave. Lakewood, OH 44107 216-288-8642 Specializing in non-tradi onal mortgage financing, offering niche products. Healthy Life Essen/als Sharon Mack Rocky River, OH 44116 440-623-9000 Using the power of plants and essenal oils to enhance health and wellness. Chicago Title Beth Anthony 5077 Waterford Way Sheffield Village, OH 44035 216-379-5151 Through a na onwide network we provide tle insurance, underwri ng, escrow and closing services to every spectrum of the real estate industry. Cleveland West, LLC Joshua Dykstra Westlake, OH 44145 440-385-7774 Real estate and insurance consul ng company. Drug Awareness and Preven/on Inc. Nancy Pommerening 20800 Center Ridge Rd. #316A Rocky River, OH 44116 216-432-6621 An Ohio-cer fied preven on agency, providing BWC Drug-Free Workplace training and school-based preven on educa on. Eye Candy Op/cal Steve Nelson 30311 Detroit Rd. Westlake, OH 44145 440-250-9191 High fashion op cal—from mild to wild. Eye exams. Insurance accepted. Fellowship of Chris/an Athletes Rick Isaiah Strongsville, OH 44149 419-724-4420 Focus is on serving local communi es by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ, through the influence of coaches and athletes. Liberty Mutual Insurance Carrie Hoover 26600 Detroit Rd. #280 Westlake, OH 44145 440-452-3585 Local insurance agent providing personalized service for home, auto, life insurance as well as fixed annui es. Sequen/a Corp. Gennaro Luce 1163 E. 40th St. #206 Cleveland, OH 44114 440-258-2322 Healthcare so!ware/plaCorm designed to transi on pa ents from hospital or home to post-acute care electronically. Window Depot Anthony Hoty 20350 Center Ridge Rd. Rocky River, OH 44116 440-652-2900 Replacement window and door installaon services. Get a New Member & Get Dinner at Burntwood When you recruit a new member to join the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce, you will be rewarded with a $20 giC card for BURNTWOOD TAVERN! * Just make sure that your name is on the line in the middle of the new member’s applicaon that says “Who encouraged you to join the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce?” To find out if a business is already a member, check the website’s Member Directory *One reward per person in 2015. Valid at Rocky River locaon only. Thanks to for participating in this promotion with a very generous donation! Visit to save $ on Fed Ex November 2015 During November and December, get a free $10 gift card with every $50 in Burntwood Tavern gift cards you buy. Page 3 Another Energe/c Expo! Thanks to the 13th Expo Team! The Chamber appreciates and acknowledges the sponsors, exhibitors, contributors and volunteers who helped make the 13th annual Business Expo bigger and be+er than ever! The place was packed! The feedback has been very posive and many successful connecons were made at the Don Umerley Civic Center on October 8. It takes a team of people to make a big event like Expo run smoothly. Thanks to everyone who was a part of the team! Commi6ee Jason Lukz (chair)—W3 Wealth Management Kathy Berkshire Rusty Deane—OneLink Technical Services Eileen Gorski—Ba+le & Polly Liz Manning—RRCC Cliff Obrock—Ready Aim Connect Carol Palichleb—Palicor Communicaons Jim Riedl—First Federal Lakewood John Ruebsteck—Stratos Wealth Ellen Todia—West Shore Wine Co. Todd Tramba—TCC Technology Dave Worden—Elek & Noss Expo Contributors & Volunteers More than 100 people parked at St. Thomas Lutheran Church and took The Normandy or MVP Valet shu+les, which allowed more a+endees to park on the city hall campus. Thank you to all who used the shu+le and to the Chamber members who donated prizes that helped to encourage people to park offsite. Here are the winners of the Park & Win raffle: Massage Green Spa free massage — Zac Pa+on #1 Express Carwash $50 gi< card — Krysia Macluszko Herb’s Tavern $50 gi< card — Krisn Duke Giant Eagle $50 gi< card — Todd Rotham Panera Bread 7 “Pick Two” meals — Tonya Anderson Rock & Roll Hall of Fame & Museum 2 ckets — Ryco Crawford THANKS TO OUR EXPO SPONSORS Food Sponsors Bomba Cravings Café Mooyah Rusc The Woods Buffalo Wild Wings Fresco Mexican Grill Panera Bread River Dog Café PLATINUM SPONSOR Gold Sponsors Burntwood Tavern Indulge Coffee & Tea Pearl of the Orient Salmon Dave’s Cravings Cafe Jersey Mike’s Minuteman Press Signarama Tonya Anderson Debra Bernard Tom Ford Bob Gray Penny Horton Tom Jarus Terry Johnson Terri Jones Chris Klym Michele Krampitz Gail Ligge+ MJ Mylen Jason Orsky Joe Romito Sharon Spooner Lutheran West High School students Rocky River High School students Speedpro Imaging made footprints on the floor leading to the entrance. Tom Ford of Lutheran West High School talks with an aFendee. Tom also coordinated the Lutheran West student par cipaon at Expo. David Mooney, Tricia Hauber and Rick Malleske of sponsor Giant Eagle served beer and wine, plus promoted catering. Silver Sponsors Cris na Bertero of EmbroidMe had fun with her “selfie s ck,” taking pictures with aFendees and her neighboring exhibitors. Page 4 River Biz Board of Directors Elec/on Candidates for 2016 Penny Horton—The Proficient Office Since beginning my business, The Proficient Office, two years ago there have been many ups and downs but the one constant I have had is the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce. I enjoy a+ending the events and there are so many to choose from that work with my schedule. And the business relaonships that I have made have benefited me more than I could say. In my business, I work with small businesses to offering accounng and human resources services. The varied experiences with my clients allow me to understand the needs of all types of businesses; an insight that I believe helps me be a be+er Chamber member. Since being a part of the Chamber I have been on the Membership Commi+ee, volunteered at Taste of River, the Business Expo and served on the Board of Directors. It would be an honor to connue to serve on the Board. Jason Orsky—Jason M. Orsky Wealth Manaement When I first decided to become an independent financial advisor, I started to visit local Chambers of Commerce. Since you’re reading this, you already know that there is something special about OUR chamber. Our members go beyond small talk to share challenges and successes, to ask for help when needed, and to enthusiascally recommend chamber businesses to others. We take relaonship building seriously. I joined the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce shortly a<er my first luncheon in April of 2014 and I haven’t stopped promong it yet! I’m proud to have served on the membership commi+ee, forging and strengthening connecons between businesses and individuals. I am excited for the opportunity to serve on the board of directors. My goals are to be your sounding board, to tac[ully express informaon and opinions shared by other members, to promote my fellow Chamber members, and to make OUR chamber thrive! Marc Hustek—Howard Hanna As a full- me/full-service realtor, in Rocky River for the last 14 years, I provide a quality service to people looking to buy or sell a home. My background is sales, sales management and training. I use those skills to help buyers and sellers through the real estate process. I have been a member of the Chamber for 14 years. During the last year I have served as the Chair of the Board of Directors. I have served on the Golf Commi+ee the last five years, heading that commi+ee the last three. I also volunteer at most Chamber events. I worked with the city and recreaon department for six years as a coach for youth sports. As a proud resident of Rocky River for over 20 years I feel I have a sense of what our community looks for in our business partners. Understanding what a client needs, whether it be housing or what a local business can provide to our residents is what makes a Chamber successful. It would be my pleasure to connue serving our community and the Chamber. Annemarie Synek—Dollar Bank I am the Manager of Dollar Bank in Rocky River and have over ten years of experience assisng clients and small business owners with banking needs such as deposits, loans, mortgages, and credit cards. From 2006 to 2009 I was an acve member of the Rocky River Chamber, serving as a Board Member, Membership Commi+ee Chairperson, and as an Ambassador. A<er starng with Dollar Bank in 2014 I was thrilled to rejoin the RRCC. Currently, I serve on the Membership Commi+ee and as an Ambassador at luncheons. I advocate for the Chamber by promong and encouraging businesses to join. I truly believe in the mission of the Chamber as I have developed many wonderful business relaonships and friendships through my involvement. I would be honored to serve the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce as a Board Member and give back to an incredible organizaon that has given me so much. Rick Joyce—Hun/ngton Na/onal Bank Hello, my name is Rick Joyce. I am the manager at the Hunngton Bank branch in Rocky River. I have “grown up” in this community, enjoying 30 of my 38 year Hunngton career in Rocky River. I have been involved with the Rocky River Chamber for almost 20 years, with the most recent years as a member of the Board. Many of you know me, as I visit your local business asking for donaons for our events…which is one of my major roles. My experience and involvement within the Rocky River community, along with a servant’s heart, and a passion to help you succeed, are great reasons why you should consider me for re-elecon. Thank you. November 2015 Dan Weist—Howard Hanna Parcipang As a lifelong resident of Rocky River and a graduate of RRHS, I am huge advocate for our city. I joined the chamber in 2013 and immediately got involved. In 2014 I was voted "Outstanding New Member" and I am currently a volunteer on the following commi+ees: Golf Oung, Taste of River and the Christmas Party. I am also an acve parcipant in many of the events throughout the year. As a realtor I am working in and around the west shore and I am invested in the growth of our business community and its successful economic development. I have encouraged several members to join the chamber and I'm an ambassador to new members at most of the luncheons. It would be an honor to serve on the Board of Directors and I assure you that if elected I would help to promote the community, the members and their businesses. Page 5 Member Spotlight Lisa Crumling Simply Kitchens and Bath 20163 Lake Rd Rocky River 44116 440-333-3112 My name is Lisa Crumling and I am the owner of Simply Kitchens and Baths. We opened our doors in November 2004 on Lake Rd. in the Old Tudor Row. We started off wanng to sell my former partner’s imported granite tops and le. Upon the request of our clients, we transformed our business into a full-fledged kitchen and bath design center today. I came from a business background with experience in human resources and markeng and I did not know much about kitchen and bath design. I quickly learned with the help of our wonderful suppliers and the kitchen and bath community. We have gradually adapted to our clients’ needs over the years into more than kitchen and baths. We offer furniture, gi< items including jewelry and a monogram line of gi<s, home décor, and much more. I believe our desire to take care of our clients by creang a beauful space in the home and a lot of faith, are the reason for being successful for more than ten years. We love being in Rocky River and the sense of community here. I grew up in North Olmsted and currently live in Avon Lake. I have a family full of entrepreneurs including my husband who owns a print markeng business, a brother who is an orthodonst, a brother who owns a landscaping company, and a sister who owns a t-shirt company. I have two children: my daughter a+ends John Carroll University and my son is a senior at Avon Lake High School. I am been a member of the Chamber since March 2010 and have enjoyed everything that the Chamber has offered. We joined the Chamber to become more involved with the community and network with other business owners. From the speakers at the luncheon, the Expo and all of the members we have met, we are glad to be a member of the Chamber. Member Spotlight T.J. Ingersoll Fresco Mexican Grill & Salsa Bar 19310 Detroit Rd. Rocky River 44116 216-795-5050 I currently own and operate Fresco Mexican Grill & Salsa Bar in the Beachcliff Market Square, where I serve as assistant manager to my General Manager, Ryan Ma+hias. We offer from-scratch, fresh Mexican food in an excing, fast-casual environment at an extraordinary value. We have a complimentary salsa bar, featuring dozens of salsas, including rotang seasonal salsas throughout the year. We are also very excited about ge]ng our liquor license, which should be arriving any day. We will soon be offering Premium Organic Margaritas, Fresco House Margaritas, Sangria, domesc and Mexican Beers, as well as wine. We joined the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce in January 2015 and began ge]ng involved shortly therea<er by a+ending luncheons, Taste of River, Business Expo and the Libaons Tour. We joined the Chamber for networking opportunies and community involvement, as well as having the understanding of the importance and benefits offered by the Chamber. I have a lot of friends and family in the area and a<er vising and researching dozens of locaon opportunies, coming to Rocky River was one of the easiest decisions I've ever made. My father has owned and operated restaurants for more than 45 years and I have been involved in some capacity for 28 years. For ten of those years, I was employed by P.F. Chang's China Bistro, where I moved up from server and bartender to operang my own store for three years, unl I moved home from Miami, Florida to Ohio, where I finally achieved my lifelong dream of opening a restaurant; using all of my life savings, which my wife was not too fond of. With my father's help, we came up with restaurant concepts and ideas and found a great locaon in the newly developed downtown Kent. Fresco has been in Kent for more than three years and has experienced much success and many accolades for our community work and of course, our food. Besides my restaurant background, I also have a Business Administraon Degree from Valencia College. I look forward to meeng more members and hope to see you at Fresco soon! LIKE the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce page on Facebook! Page 6 River Biz 2015 Event Calendar Date Event Time Place November 19 Chamber Luncheon with Lakewood Chamber Sponsored by Cox Business Speaker: Porter Gale presents “The 3 Degree Advantage: Networking in a Connected World” 11:15 a.m. Westwood Country Club December 3 Christmas Party! 6:00 p.m. Don Umerley Civic Center January 7 Business A<er Hours Jump in to the New Year at Sky Zone! 5:30—7:00 p.m. Sky Zone January 28 Chamber Luncheon Appreciaon Celebraon! 11:30 a.m. LaCentre February 9 Fat Tuesday Business A<er Hours with Lakewood Chamber 5:30—7:00 p.m. TBD Tips on Tech Great Lakes Computer's monthly technology p November Commi6ee Mee/ngs Once thought to be a luxury for large corporaons, remote server monitoring is now available for small and mid-size businesses at less than $1/day. This allows you to obtain real stats from your servers by automacally scanning them for irregularies and/or failures, alerng you to a problem and o<en resolving it before you even knew it existed! Membership Commi6ee Wednesday, November 11, 8:30 a.m. Chick-fil-A at Westgate Contact: Liz Manning 440-331-1140 This tech p has been brought to you by Great Lakes Computer. Subscribe to our blog "Tips on Tech" for the most up-to-date technology news: Up & Running Small Business Group A support group for businesses with 1, 2, or 3 people Wednesday, November 18, 8:00 a.m. Panera Bread, 19705 Center Ridge Rd. Contact: Peter Toomey 440-333-6698 Christmas Party Commi6ee Friday, November 6, 11:00 a.m. Panera Bread, 19705 Center Ridge Rd. Contact: Rick Joyce 216-515-0022 Expo Commi6ee (no mee ng in November) Tuesday, December 8, 8:15 a.m. Chamber office, 19543 Center Ridge Rd. Contact: Eileen Gorski 440-895-2700 Would you like to be a part of a commiFee? Not only will you be suppor ng the Chamber, it’s also a great way to get to know other Chamber members. Many business partnerships have formed between commiFee members! Call the Chamber office to find out which one is a good fit for you. November 2015 Page 7 Cox Business Brings Porter Gale, author, international speaker & former VP of Marketing for Virgin America to the November joint chamber luncheon. November 19, 2015 Westwood Country Club 22625 Detroit Road, Rocky River Registration/Networking: 11:15am Lunch: 12pm RSVP required by Monday, November 16 to or $20 for members $25 for non-members $35 for same day reservations/walk ups Presentation: The 3 Degree Advantage: Networking in a Connected World With a bit of “how to” and a dose of storytelling, citing years of market experience, Porter conveys both how and why strategically building a network improves happiness, productivity and return—whether on a business or personal level. Porter details the value of authenticity and passion as the core groundwork for networking efforts, sharing stories that demonstrate how collaboration, co-creation and innovation are the keys to success along the way. Porter Gale is an internationally known public speaker, networker, and entrepreneur with more than twenty years of experience working in marketing, advertising, and independent filmmaking. Her first book, Your Network Is Your Net Worth was published in 2013. River Biz Monthly publicaon of the Rocky River Chamber of Commerce ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 19543 Center Ridge Rd. Rocky River, OH 44116 Our website is always current! Rocky River Chamber of Commerce 2015 Officers Chair Vice Chair Economic Development Vice Chair Policy Vice Chair Events Vice Chair Membership Treasurer Secretary Past Chair Execuve Director Marc Hustek, Howard Hanna Real Estate Jason Lukz, W3 Wealth Management Steve Polly, BaFle & Polly Jim Riedl, First Federal Lending Rusty Deane, OneLink Technical Services Mike TrifileQ, Devries TrifileM & Loy CPAs Anne Kuenzel, Cleveland Clinic Debra Bernard, Honorary member Liz Manning 2015 Board of Directors Ashley Gay Penny Horton Rick Joyce Christopher Klym Gail Ligge6 Sharon Spooner Ellen Todia Panera Bread The Proficient Office Hun ngton Na onal Bank Rocky River City Council Associate member FranNet of Northern Ohio West Shore Wine Co. Find great resources in our Member Directory online at LogoLink Your Business The Chamber’s website received over 11,000 hits in 2014 and an average of over 700 unique visitors each month! For just $250 per year, those visitors can see YOUR logo on the home page and mulple pages of the website! Contact the Chamber office for details. River Biz Credits Wring, Design & Layout: Liz Manning Proofreading: Peter Toomey Prinng: Minuteman Press Phone: 440-331-1140 • Fax: 440-331-3485 • Email: • Website: