Gates Mill Gazette


Gates Mill Gazette
Gates Mill Gazette
March 2016
No one who serves on the board or a
committee is a “professional”,
someone who does this because
In the past 12 days we have winter, late
he/she is paid. We are all volunteers.
spring, winter, and, hopefully, Spring is
Although the time demands on a
just around the corner. For sure we know
board members can be a little heavy
this is a new year, and there will be new
at times, for those working on
committees, a great time investment
As you probably know, a new board has
is not required (unless, of course, you
taken office. Please welcome neighbors
are talking about the pool chair).
Dan Hawkins, Jean Holley, Bill Brasington,
Many of those currently involved are
and Jayde Joseph to the new board. All
the “old guard,” people who have
have agreed to serve the interests of our
lived here for 15 years or more. We
community, and
know that
their early actions
everyone is
We would like to thank the board that
demonstrate to
busy, but a small
just completed its term: Don Laliberte,
me that they are
investment to
John Adams, Lee Davis, Leigh Jack, and
plugged into their
work on a spring
Becky Pearrow. We appreciate your
work day, help
hard work and dedication to helping
and hard at work.
distribute pool
maintain Gates Mill as a desirable
The Board has
keys, help with a
place to live. Now, please welcome
had one executive
pool opening
session, and will
neighbors Dan Hawkins, Jean Holley,
(yes, someone
hold another later
does work to put
Bill Brasington, and Jayde Joseph to the
in February as we
that together so
new board.
get up to speed.
all the kids can
Additionally, all
have a great
members of the board are going to be
summer sendoff) and make a lot of
attending a legal forum on February 27
difference. On those workdays in the
that is presented by the law firm that
past when we had 20 people show
represents Gates Mill. If you need or want
up, everyone was finished in 2-3
to contact any of us, our info is on the
hours and all the work was
website and in this newsletter. One of the
things that came up at the annual meeting
We are glad you live in Gates Mill, and
is that we had no slate of candidates for
we hope you are proud of our
the five board positions. One of my goals
is to get involvement to a level that there
are more people who want to serve on the
board than there are positions. With that
thought in mind….
A Note from our President:
Contact Information:
Gates Mill
Homeowners Assoc., Inc.
Community Management
1465 Northside Drive, Ste
Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Property Manager:
Peggy Price
Swimming Pool Phone &
331 Gates Mill Drive
Board of Directors:
John Patterson
Dan Hawkins
Jayde Joseph
Jean Holley
Bill Brasington
Finally, we would like to thank the board
that just completed its term: Don Laliberte,
John Adams, Lee Davis, Leigh Jack, and
Becky Pearrow, who stepped into the
Covenants position when a board member
moved out of Gates Mill. We appreciate
your hard work and dedication to helping
maintain Gates Mill as a desirable place to
So, bring on the Spring – I think we are all
ready for some azaleas and dogwood!
YOUR tennis courts are in great shape!
When the second court was added in 2002, we had residents, who had never
played tennis, come out and enjoy them. As a matter of fact, the six members of
this tennis committee are among those! Many of those residents joined, or
formed, teams out of this neighborhood and/or played singles or double matches
with Gates Mill as their home court.
We still have a men’s and women’s team (Atlanta Lawn & Tennis Association ALTA) that will start match play in mid-March, and individuals that play in various
leagues beginning this month.
This new tennis committee has no new plans for the courts except for general
upkeep and possibly resurfacing this spring. We would like to ask you to please
remember that when using the courts to try and use the sign-up sheet that is
located at the courts. Obviously, during the weekdays the courts are generally
open, and in the evenings, practices for the two ALTA teams are scheduled for two
hours on Tuesday and Thursday from 7-9pm. Matches for those two teams will be
scheduled on four Saturdays (men’s), and four Sundays (women’s) sometime in
March, April and early May. These will be marked in advance once the schedules
for those teams are released in late February.
We believe the Gates Mill courts are a wonderful asset for our community,
and many who have played here from outside the neighborhood have always had
many compliments of our courts and facilities. It is our hope that you agree that
the tennis courts provide positive activity, are a pleasant sight on our common
grounds, and, as such, add value to Gates Mill.
Committee Chairpersons
Kay Acuff
Lindsay Roth
Keith Collier
Gary Costello
Steve Twombly
Don Laliberte
Debbie Costello
Lindsay Roth
Don Laliberte
Judith Tope
Don Laliberte
Lindsay Roth
Leigh Jack
Lamar Holley
YOUR Tennis
~Yard of the Month:
Becky Pearrow
~Spring Work Day:
Volunteer Needed!!****
Who would have thought that a
homeowner in a typical Gwinnett County
subdivision would have the luxury of living
in a home on a sprawling three-acre lot?
Many would say no builder would ever
leave a home sitting on three aces in a
subdivision. But that is exactly what the
owners of 1382 Sutters Walk, Kennie and
Michaelanne Pagan, get to enjoy. I’ve
lived in the subdivision long enough to see
the transformation the home has
undergone over the years, but the current
selection of brick, siding, and shutter color
are the perfect backdrop for the luscious,
well-manicured lawn. Due to its location
on a quiet cul-de-sac in the back of the
subdivision, I’m guessing most neighbors
haven’t had cause to wander by and
appreciate the love this lucky homeowner
has given their yard. The front bed is
adorned with an assortment of perennials
and woody plants, along with a bird
feeder, large rocks, and a pot set askew to
add some pop. A viewer's eye is drawn
instantly to a swing in the side yard under
a canopy of hardwoods that sings out to
the viewer to wander over, fop down and
reap the beauty of a red-tale hawk gliding
quietly through the sky or a deer, gently
grazing along the wood line. This home
and its grounds capture the essence of
sun, shade, nature, and, above all, the
love of the family it contains.
It's easy to forget that Christmas
isn't just for the kids; many homeowners
secretly become just as excited about the
opportunities the season offers to put on a
show. December’s holiday display
winners, Lee and Kristine Davis at 1391
Gateswalk, let their childlike love of
Christmas out to play in their holiday
spectacle. Driving by it spoke to me as if I
was a kid again. A life-size snowman,
Christmas tree, and drummer boy all
surrounded by the glow of white lights,
filled my mind with memories of
Christmases past. Disneyesque and
charming, this winter wonderland no doubt
brought out the kid in many of us.
Though it’s on a quiet street, many
homeowners were spotted pointing out the
life-like display to their kids. Thank you,
Lee and Kristine.
This month’s winner, the Greene family at
191 Gates Mill Drive, was selected by
Gates Mill’s own Sabrina Nettinger. This
yard was selected for its Thanksgiving
holiday display that brings to mind oldfashioned Thanksgiving: flaming red and
bold yellow leaves tumbling through the air
along with pumpkins, gourds, and stick
figures scattered about to remind one and
all that it was, indeed, the season to give
thanks. The huge front porch graced with
rocking chairs in front of this pristinely kept
Colonial-style home offered welcome to
visitors who might like to sit, relax and
enjoy the display. These homeowners
should be thanked for an early
Thanksgiving display to cheer us all into
the holiday mood and remind us that it
was time, too, to adorn our own homes
with fresh holiday displays.
A Thank You to all the
Though I could only award one
homeowner the Christmas display, I’d like
to say that all of you who decorated really
outdid yourselves this year with eyecatching, outstanding displays. I want to
personally thank you for lifting my heart
every time I drove through the
neighborhood surrounded by the sparkle
of glittering holiday lights. I thank you for
decorating your homes, making the
season bright!
Yard of the Month News
Yard of the Month is on hiatus during the
months of January and February while
everything is dormant. As the daffodils,
tulips, and hyacinths begin to show their
color in March, we'll return.
Once again, if you’d like to be a ridealong, make the selection yourself or just
nominate someone, I welcome all input.
Just e-mail me at Everyone’s
opinion counts and those who devote
effort and love to their yards deserve a
shout-out and a round of applause. I truly
want your input and nominations.
A heads' up: Grower’s Outlet in
Loganville will re-open February 18th for
your early spring flowering bulbs and other
woody plants for those of you who can't
wait to get going on your springtime
Try Woody’s Nursery on Highway 120 in
Duluth for outstanding and unusual shrubs
at very reasonable prices. They offer
many varieties, and their plants are goodsized which means landscaping will be off
to a good start. Take a stroll past the
grow houses on the main drive and
discover the grow house at the bottom of
the hill. You will be surprised at the great
finds and bargains down there. Last year,
most of Woody’s three-gallon plants
started at about $9. Sometimes he has
one-gallons just about ready to be moved
up to three-gallons that homeowners can
nab for about $4. Just remember when
you’re purchasing a root-bounded plant,
you need to take a knife or spade to the
roots and break them apart to encourage
them to take hold and flourish once you’ve
placed them in the hole or they will get off
to a slow start and might fail all together.
If you or your little ones like learning about
plants and birds, Family Tree Nursery in
Snellville routinely have classes on
Tuesdays and they typically hand out
coupons for discounts on plants the day of
the seminar. They also have great
whimsy for your yard if you’re in the
market for structure pieces to add to your
As you will read in this
newsletter, Spring is about to be
“sprung”. The cold and gray
Winter is getting ready to move
out of the way for swimmers
splashing in our pool, and
neighbors out taking advantage
of the Spring season. Spring is
always a great time to get out
and re-connect with your house
and the yard that has been
dormant all winter.
In the next month, Nice & Neat will
be addressing weeds, pruning
dead branches and bushes, which
promote new growth. Winter-kill
will be removed from the
landscaping as well as old
annuals. Spring flowers will be
installed at front entrance &
common areas. In addition to
flowers, fresh pine straw will be
installed as well as general spring
Within the next few weeks, the
sprinkler system will be serviced
to ensure proper working
condition for Spring/Summer.
We anticipate that the area
around the clubhouse will also be
pressured washed before pool
Looking forward to seeing you
around the neighborhood!
Architectural &
Covenants Review
With spring fast approaching many of
us may be thinking of making some
improvements to the exterior of our
homes, maybe adding a deck or a new
storage shed, taking down an old tree
or putting up a new fence, or perhaps
having the house painted. Before
starting any such project, we are
required to get the approval of the
Architectural Control Committee (ACC).
The ACC, on behalf of all Gates Mill
homeowners, makes sure the change
will not cause an unsightly or
substandard result that violates the
published Community-Wide Standards
of Gates Mill and detracts from the
community as a whole. This process is
not hard. Both the Community-Wide
Standards and the required
Architectural Review Form (ARF) are
available on the Gates Mill web site
( Simply print and
fill out the form and submit it to the
GMHOA Board by putting it in my
mailbox at 192 Gates Mill Drive, or scan
and email it to
Note: applicable building permits must
be obtained from Gwinnett County.
ARF’s will be reviewed by the
committee as soon as possible. If no
conflicts with the Community-Wide
Standards are found, they will be
approved so that the homeowner can
proceed with their project as quickly as
possible. Please note: applicable
building permits must be obtained
from Gwinnett County. If there any
points of concern, the homeowner will
be contacted for clarification and to see
if the points of concern can be worked
Thank you all! Together, we can keep
our community beautiful!
Relaxation by the
is nearing!
Get your key RE-KEYED for 2016!!
You MUST bring your key from last
season to be re-keyed; it is the silver key
with the blue plastic end. This key has a
number on it that has been assigned to
you (this will continue to be your key).
Please choose one of the following dates
and times so that you can get your key rekeyed to fit the new pool lock. If you do not
have your assigned key, you can
purchase a new one for $50.00. In order to
enter the pool this summer, you will need
to have a key that has been re-keyed.
Re-keying and New
Pick-up Dates:
May 5, from 5:30-7:30PM
May 7, from 9-11AM
May 10, from 5:30-7:30PM
May 14, from 10-11:30AM
A few reminders:
 Keys may not be re-keyed or
picked up by minor children, and
you must present a photo ID.
 If you are taking care of the rekeying process in someone’s
stead, you must have that
person’s permission in writing to
do so.
 You must have your dues paid
and current to receive
a new 2016 key
We are moving to an
(please keep in mind
e-newsletter! Please be
that online payments
prepared to provide us with
can take several days
your email address at
to process)
Re-Keying for future
newsletters and alerts!
*email addresses will not be
This will save us money and
time, so we appreciate your
help with this transition! 
Please make an effort to
stop by on one of the dates
above, as we will have a
professional with us on those days to
handle the re-keying process. If you miss
all four opportunities, we cannot guarantee
how long it will take to get you a new key
and/or one that will work for the new lock.
 If you are
available to help out
on these re-keying
days, please let
Lindsay Roth know.
 If you are
available to help with
the daily opening and closing of
the pool, there will be a sign-up
sheet for volunteers to select a
week during the pool season to
help out.
Thanks in advance for your
willingness to help!
 Pool Rules & Pool Hours will be
handed out at the times listed as
Want to have a party, but don't
want to have it at your house?
Have it at the
Please contact
Kay Acuff or fill
out and submit
the clubhouse
rental form on-
line at our
***Currently, the clubhouse rental
fee is $25, but beginning June 1,
2016, the rate will increase to $50
so we can make some much needed
updates and repairs.
News from Grayson… News from L’ville…
Lawrenceville Live
Starting on 04/01/16
Lawrenceville Historic Downtown
from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
The first Friday of each month – April
through September – the
Easter Egg Hunt begins at 10 a.m. in
Grayson Community Park. Fun,
games, activities until noon!
Lawrenceville Square comes alive with
street performers, local musicians,
local business activities and holiday
themed celebrations. Enjoy an oldfashioned evening of family fun –
marked by modern twists – as you
stroll the sidewalks of the Historic
Downtown Square.
Movies on the Lawn
Starting on 04/08/16
The second Friday of each month –
April through August – enjoy an
begins on Wednesday,
June 1st!
Each Wednesday from 3:30 until
7:30 p.m.
Look for information and vendor
in Mid-February, 2016!
evening under the stars watching
family friendly movies on the
Lawrenceville Lawn with concessions
provided by local vendors and
Have a home business
you’d like to share within
our community? Please
e-mail Lindsay Roth at
to get your business
April 30, 2016
from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
information listed in the
next e-newsletter!
Local phone numbers
and websites of interest:
Report suspicious activity in the
Non-Emergency - Gwinnett County
Police Department: 770-513-5700
Call 911 in case of an Emergency
Is a street light by your home out?
Grayson City website:
Lawrenceville City website:
Local news & Events:
Monitor local criminal activity/receive
local alerts:
Gwinnett Animal Control : 770-3393200