20140411 ITF Newsletter 2


20140411 ITF Newsletter 2
www.itfhq.org and www.itftkd.org
April 2014
1. New Year Message of President for all ITF family members
Dear all ITF family members,
Greeting New Year 2014, I would like to
wish all of you, in the name of myself as
President of International Taekwon-Do
Federation, a Happy New Year hoping only
joy and happiness dwell in your family life
and every success materializes in all your
expectations as tomorrow is today’s dream.
The year 2013 slipped by leaving behind
lots of reminiscences for tremendous work
that all of us carried out altogether for the
promotion of original Taekwon-Do all over
the world deeply inspired by last
recommendations and wishes of our
beloved General Choi Hong Hi, founder of
Taekwon-Do, recorded as unprecedented
martial art across all ages. New NGBs were
formed in Uganda and in Trinidad Tobago
thus making our family larger than ever
dissemination devising friendship and unity
among people.
ITF world authority and its external image
among other international organizations
such as IOC, Sport Accord, WTF and so on
have been subsequently improved in
compliance with great expectations of all
ITF family members and the prospects are
very promising.
Though neatly woven, the past last year also
witnessed stern and harsh moments not
forgettable for the times and will of our
commitment. This hope-marked New Year
2014 will operate many changes in our life.
These changes must come for the benefits
for all of us. All ITF events of this year will
witness our dreams turning into reality. As
messenger of peace, ITF will cherish all the
hopes of its family members. Let’s put
altogether a new mile stone in our annals.
Many important events took place all year
round in different parts of the world to
honor real values of Taekwon-Do. World
Taekwon-Do Championship held in Sofia,
Bulgaria for its 18th round gained the very
summit of ITF activities along with national,
regional and continental events engaging all
Taekwon-Do practitioners all over the
world to the improvement of Taekwon-Do
techniques and skills through their brisk
I wish, once again, all of you a Happy New
Year and sound health in sound mind.
With best wishes, I remain
Sincerely yours
2. New Year message for Taekwon-Do Times
All dear friends, brothers and sisters of Taekwon-Do all over the world,
Dear Senior Grand Masters, Grand Masters, Senior Master and Masters,
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is really amazing for me to address all of
you at the threshold of this New Year 2014.
Snowballs are falling down so sublimely to
decorate this New Year’s mysterious world
thus promising us new horizon with bright
future. Time is flying as an arrow while
turning our hairs into gray. Born from the
same root, this pine tree Taekwon-Do has
grown up pruning all its branches out thick
with leaves.
the past makes us strong enough with its
precious lessons and experiences to go
ahead in defiance of all challenges resorting
ourselves to the legacy and last wishes of
our Founder along with all our forerunners
who sacrificed all their owns for the benefits
of the generations to come. As leaves of this
pine tree, they all fell down one after
another to cover up thick its root.
Let’s cherish their soul keeping all the time
in our mind monumental exploits and giant
footprint they left behind. Let’s steer
altogether through breakers, as messenger
of peace, to turn into reality our dreams.
Greeting this New Year 2014 for the hope of
all of you, please receive once again my best
wishes for your happiness and every
success in all your endeavors.
Our pride Taekwon-Do went through
Odyssey from its inception undergoing
bitter trials to lay out this large space of
international forum where all the people of
our planet could gather altogether beyond
their political opinion, religious belief, racial
differences and national boundaries. Its
authoritative dignity deeply rooted into the
dark of times aspiring after peace and
human respect constitutes a dynamic
attraction of mutual understanding,
friendship and unity amongst all TaekwonDo people around the world. A look-back to
My special thanks go to Senior Grand Master
Oojin Jung, incarnation of true values of
Taekwon-Do. May this New Year be a
special remarkable year for all the people of
Taekwon-Do on the Planet.
3. ITF Day on 22th March 1966, International Taekwon-Do Federation
was founded by General Choi Hong Hi, Legendary beloved Father of
On this historic occasion, Mr. Kim Kyong Ho, President of Korean Taekwon-Do Committee
sent a congratulatory message to the address of Prof & PhD Chang UNG, ITF President , ITF
EB members and Continental Presidents as well as SGMs, GMs, Masters, Instructors and
practitioners. Following is the integral text of his message.
4. Events
First Chang UNG Cup in Kabul, Afghanistan
On 27th Dec, 2013 the first Prof. Dr. Chang Ung Cup was held at Wali Asar Association
affiliated to the AANTA at Dashta Barchi- Kabul, Afghanistan. 123 juniors and seniors
participated at this championship.
The Championship started early in the morning Friday in two rings and were organized in
three age categories, Children under (14 years), Junior and Senior.
Dojang Name
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Academy of ITF Taekwon-Do Players HQ
Wali Asar Association ITF
Hoqab ITF Taekwon-Do Dojang
All winners, coaches and Officials were awarded medals and certificates at the end of
championships. The winner of 1st Prof. Dr. Chang Ung Cup was Academy of ITF TaekwonDo Players HQ. Thanks for all those Practitioners, Coaches and officials who made this
Championship an amazing and memorable one.
Prof. Dr. Chang Ung Cup will be held every year in Afghanistan.
Yanji Competitions Games.
Ever first Taekwon-Do Championship took place in Yanji Province, China under personal
attentions of Prof. Dr. Chang ITF President who is all the time considering this region as
Mecca of ITF in China.
The event was concluded with great successes.
12th Senior national ITF TKD Championship concluded
Nepal Army claims the championship Trophy. Nepal ITF 12th Senior National ITF TKD
championship concluded in Kathmandu on 29-30 January 2014. The Nepal Army teams
were declared as overall teams champions and first runner up respectively. Mr, Niroj Rana
from Mid-Western region and Miss, Bashanti Budda from western region were adjudged
the best players. The member secretary of National Sports Council, Yubaral Lama was
invited as the VIP for the Championship, Many respected and distinguish personalities
keenly attended the events. The medals, Trophies and Certificates distributed by Nepal
Army Police Force’s Chief Mr, Sanak Basnet and acting president of Nepal ITF Sabum Anju
Nath Shrestha to all winners. More than 110 selected competitions from five region. Nepal
Army Club, Nepal Army Police Force Club and many Taekwondo lovers attended the
event. This event was organized by Nepal International Taekwon-Do Federation under the
slogan of First Lumbini National Championship.
28th National Championship in India
The 28th National Championship and 49th National Technical Seminar as well as the 13th
Umpire National Seminar were held at Koramangala Stadium, Bangalore from 25th to 30th
December 2013 to be concluded successfully. The Nationals Championship were attended
by 600 players and by more than 100 officials. The Championship was highly appreciated
and praised by many ministers and dignitaries.
II Madrid Open
2nd Madrid Open was held in its grandiose solemnity full in its diversity.
1st Northern Provinces of Afghanistan Championships
On Thursday 20th of March 2014 the 1st Northern Province of Afghanistan ITF TKD
Championships was held in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif (Balkh Province). 42 Competitors
from three Northern Provinces BALKH, BAGHLAN and SAMANGAN participated at this
Championship in both Junior and Senior categories. In the morning of the beginning of the
Championship a seminar was conducted by Mr. Mohammad Maroof Sharifzada, Chairman
Umpire Committee “All Afghanistan National Taekwon-Do Association ITF”.
1- Balkh Province with (10 Gold, 2 Silver and 2 Bronze) 1st Place
2- Baghlan Province with (4 Gold, 3 Silver and 3 Bronze) 2nd Place
3- Samangan Province with (9 Silver and 9 Bronze) 3rd Place
The All Afghanistan National Taekwon-Do Association ITF is very thankful to all those who
made the 1st Northern Provinces ITF Taekwon-Do Championship a great success. Special
Thanks goes to H.E Mohammad Ibrahim Osmani, Head of Olympic department Balkh
Province who attended the Champion-ship and honored all competitors and officials. At the
end of the Championship Cups, Medals and Certificates were distributed to AANTA
representatives of three provinces, distinguished guests, umpires, instructors and
Physics of Taekwon-Do’s Tour: a Great Success in Ireland
Grandmaster Robert J Howard and his son Master Robert G Howard, from Ireland,
completed a very successful tour of their country giving public lectures on the ‘Physics of
Taekwon-Do’. The duo were invited by Ireland’s Institute of Physics to give the lecture
series as part of its promotion of physics to school children.
Master Howard (PhD) is a physics lecturer in the Dublin Institute of Technology and is well
known for using his Taekwon-Do skills to help explain the laws of physics to his students.
‘Newton’s laws, velocity, momentum, force and acceleration are all physics concepts that
we use in Taekwon-Do, and breaking wooden boards and tiles is a great way of getting the
ideas across to the physics students’ says Master Howard.
The Institute of Physics (IoP) asked Master Howard if he would give his lecture to school
children to help get them interested in studying physics. The tour was part of the annual
Tyndall lecture series which the IoP promotes and saw Grandmaster Howard and Master
Howard give nine public lectures to over 2000 students in seven colleges and universities
around the country. The tour took two weeks and the Taekwon-Do experts covered 1,581
kilometers, broke 30 pieces of timber and 160 tiles.
‘The audiences were fantastic’ said Grandmaster Howard (President of the Republic of
Ireland Taekwon-Do Association), ‘They were in awe of what they were seeing, and both
the physics and ITF Taekwon-Do were well promoted’ he added.
The lecture consisted of Master Howard explaining the forces required to break timber and
tiles and then applying the theory in practice by breaking the materials. He explained how
the founder Gen. Choi includes an explanation of the physics behind the theory of power in
his 15 volume encyclopedia on Taekwon-Do. Grandmaster Howard did the grand finale and
showed at 75 years of age he still has his Taekwon-Do power. Every time he broke
suspended tiles with a knife-hand strike the audience erupted into loud applause. At the
end of every lecture the students and teachers were queuing up to get their photos taken
with Grandmaster Howard and Master Howard. It was great to see so many students of
Taekwon-Do and other martial arts as well as members of non-ITF Taekwon-Do groups all
came down to shake their hands and say how much they enjoyed the lectures. There was
great media interest in the talks too, and they were reported in Irish newspapers, radio and
Grandmaster Robert J. Howard is president of the Republic of Ireland Taekwon-Do
Association and has been practicing Taekwon-Do since 1968. Master Robert G Howard
is an international umpire and has been practicing Taekwon-Do since 1979. He also
holds a PhD in physics and lectures physics at the Dublin Institute of Technology,
Grandmaster Robert J Howard and his son Master Robert G Howard
4. All Seminars
6. All Seminars
A National Technical Seminar was held in Slovenia from 24th to 26th January 2014
at Zrece.
The Seminar was conducted by SGM. ITF SVP. Prof. Hwang Ho Yong and attended
by more than 70 practitioners who really enjoyed the high tech level of the Seminar.
An International Technical Seminar and an International Instructor Course was held
in Prague, Czech Republic from 28th February to 2nd March 2014. International
Technical Seminar was attended more than 50 Dan holders including Netherlands,
Slovakia , U.K and Czech Republic while International Instructor Course was joined
by new 8 candidates along with 12 recycling candidates.
Both events were conducted by SGM. ITF SVP. Prof. Hwang Ho Yong.
A National Technical TKD ITF seminar was held and conducted on Crete island on
24-25 January 2014, by Professor Senior Grand Master Kim Ung Chol.
A Technical Seminar was conducted by SM. Leslie Hutchison, 8th Dan
7. Community Service
Tough Times Brings out the Best Community Spirit
Continuing as promised ITF Thailand students responded to call for donations to assist the
less fortunate. The members of MTB Singburi – a mountain bike club – once a year collect
donations from the Province and deliver them to villages on the borders of Cambodia and
Loas. The president of the club mentioned their next collection to one of our students and
the rest as they say is history. Students and their families donated a wide variety of new
and pre-loved goods including clothes, shoes, reading books, writing books, pencils, toys
and foodstuffs. It was fortunate that the Club President came in his pick-up truck as the
volume of the donation was more than a regular car could hold.
Personal Touch
Those communities living on the boarders do not receive the type of social service support
the city dwellers can access and one of our students takes on a personal pilgrimage every
year to bring a little joy to a group less fortunate. Bunag Matana (Pim) travels to the border
around Christmas time and provides a meal to more than 20 children. “I get a great feeling
each time I see the children enjoying a treat they don’t ever have in the routine living” Pim
said. Pim recently achieved her 1st Dan Black Belt and as a senior citizen is a great role
model for the younger students. ITF Thailand may be small in numbers but they have giant
Master Moulden, ITF Thailand
SM Tam Fook Chee did it again
Kayaking 404km fund raising for the less fortunate communities from 27th to 31st
December 2013
On his first day he paddled ninety-four kilometers, which started in the town of
Yarrawonga on the border of Victoria and New South Wales. The afternoon sun was as
blinding as diamonds and the temperature was equal that of being put in an oven. When he
finally reached the finish line at Tocumwal his land crews were all cheering and shouting
out with joy. He finished it effortlessly, not even breaking a sweat. Day Two was to be
another scorcher; 40 degree Celsius. The seventy-six kilometers course began at the small
township of Picnic Point and finished at the historical and famous Port of Echuca. Being
part of land crew, Sabum Mayumi, Izumi and Taisei Tam were just as hard as being a
paddler on the water, driving through treacherous and rugged terrain on the unsealed road
in the merciless Australian bush. This was a once in a lifetime experience for many. At the
finish line you could hear the old paddle steamers chugging through the river and sounding
their booming whistles. Day three course was being warned for its confusing route because
the kayakers will find themselves navigating through a winding stretch of the river. Being
an experienced paddler SM Tam found the sixty-three kilometers journey not a problem,
eventually finishing at an astonishing time of five hours and fifty-five minutes. On his
second last day at the start in the morning the temperature unexpectedly dropped down to
a cold 5 degree Celsius. The kayakers had to paddle seventy-five kilometers from Murrabit
to the lively town of Swan Hill. Near the finish line was a fascinatingly river rip where many
paddlers got caught in and tossed into the water by it. Luckily SM Tam avoided the spot as it
was his third time in this river. Finally on his last day the paddlers had to do the same
route due to the bushfires that were ripping fast through the hot and dry Australian
bushlands. The course was the same as the day before but only he paddled even much
faster. From the distant at the finish lines you could see his hands moving the paddle
without stopping like the paddle steamers in Echuca. With all the hard work put into his
training for the Murray River marathon and all the years of experience has helped him
complete this marathon for his third time easily. With all the support of his family, friends
and jejas he smoothly finished the marathon without any trouble. One of the other things
that drove him to do this marathon was helping the underprivileged people of the Murray
Region and that’s what his does best, helping. Deservingly he received first place with pride
for his division.
8. Letter from ITF Puerto Rico TKD Federation
January 13, 2014
Dr. Prof. Chang Ung
ITF President
Taekwon. The following letter is to inform you that Puerto Rico and our
federation will continue working with de ITF, after the lost of SGM Benny
We have done the reorganization and we will be working the following way:
Máster José García NGB for Puerto Rico Certificate PR 7-2
Email secretariogen@yahoo.com
Tel. 787-202-1673
Sabum Luis Datiz Certificate PR 5-6
President National Federation of Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico ITF Federación Nacional de Taekwon-do
Nancy Moure SGM Benny Rivera widow Sub – Treasurer
Máster José Julio García Orengo
7 th Dan
General Secretary of PRITF –FNTKD
9. Meetings
-The First Round EB meeting was held in Phuket, Thailand on 29th March 2014 at Merilin Hotel.
Prof. Dr. Chang UNG ITF President and IOC Member presided over the meeting which dealt matters
of due importance for the promotion of ITF activities.
- The ever First ITF Women International Conference was held also at the same venue on 30th
March 2014 and chaired over by SM. Linda Low, ITF Women Committee Chairwoman. The
Conference was attended by 22 Representatives from 8 countries and concluded with great success.