Article on Page 2 - Hemophilia Federation of America
Article on Page 2 - Hemophilia Federation of America
Newsletter of the Hemophilia Federation of America Issue 15 Volume 10 • Winter 2008 Article on Page 2 Honor Roll of Corporate Sponsors page 14 • Scholarships page 12-13 • Symposium Registration Forms page 8-9 Industry News page 7 • Dear Jill Q&A’s page 6 • Calendar of Events page 15 • Agenda for 2008 Symposium page 3 OFFICERS Carl Weixler, President Chad Stevens, 1st Vice President Donald Akers, Jr., 2nd Vice President Melinda Clark, Secretary Tom Vaclavik, Treasurer Barbara Chang, Past President Kerry Brooks, Member-at-Large Peter Bayer, Member-at-Large STAFF Susan Swindle, Executive Director Carole Lancon, Program Director Sandy Aultman, Administrative Assistant Dawn Martin, Helping Hands Coordinator Dan Bond, Blood Brotherhood Coordinator Andree Gonsoulin, Communications Coordinator PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Bob Marks, Chair Margie Yancey Jill Williams HFA MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS Florida Hemophilia Association Hemophilia Foundation of Nevada Gateway Hemophilia Association Hemophilia Foundation of Maryland Hemophilia Association of the Capital Area Hemophilia of North Carolina Hemophilia of South Carolina Northern Ohio Hemophilia Foundation Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California Oklahoma Hemophilia Foundation Texas Central Hemophilia Association Nebraska Chapter of the NHF Lone Star Chapter of the NHF Hemophilia Foundation of Northern California Hemophilia Outreach of El Paso Bleeding Disorders Association of the Southern Tier, Inc. Hemophilia of Indiana Hemophilia Foundation of Arkansas Tennessee Hemophilia & Bleeding Disorders Foundation Utah Hemophilia Foundation Hemophilia Foundation of Idaho Hemophilia Foundation of Illinois Hemophilia Foundation of Minnesota/Dakota Snake River Hemophilia & Bleeding Disorders Association, Inc. Tri-State Bleeding Disorders Foundation - Ohio United Virginia Chapter of the NHF Sangre de Oro, Inc. Hemophilia Foundation of New Mexico Mary M. Gooley Hemophilia Treatment Center Dateline Federation is published four times a year by the Hemophilia Federation of America, 1405 W. Pinhook Road, Suite 101, Lafayette LA 70503 Toll Free:800-230-9797 337-261-9787 Fax: 337-261-1787 Requests for permission to translate and/or reprint contents of Dateline Federation should be directed to the Editor at Dateline Federation is available as a PDF file from the HFA web site at Disclaimer This material is provided for general information only. The HFA does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine and recommends that you consult your physician or local treatment center before beginning any form of treatment. © Hemophilia Federation of America 2007 Mission The Hemophilia Federation of America is a national non-profit organization that assists and advocates for the bleeding disorders community. Vision The vision of the Hemophilia Federation of America is that the bleeding disorders community has removed all barriers to both choice of treatment and quality of life. 2 Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 Youth Programs 2008 Soar This year HFA’s Symposium will take children and teens off the standard path and into an uncommon adventure. They will explore nature, science and adventure more common to an international destination in a series of fun-filled activities for the young, and the young at heart. The Hemophilia Federation of America continues to provide exciting and unique opportunities for kids, preteens and teens in the bleeding disorders community, and 2008’s Educational Symposium is no different! Not only will HFA host our first overnight camp for teens, we will allow the young to navigate Little Rock and to discover the adventure of building a robot- and that’s just a taste of the adventures in store for 2008. This year’s programming is better than ever, and we are proud to announce a partnership with Accent on Children’s Arrangements, Inc., who provides programming and event planning services with safety and security, a high level of supervision, edu-tainment, customized service and age-appropriate adaptation in mind. Headquartered in New Orleans, Accent has opened up a world of possibilities to the youth programs in 2008. For kids aged 7 to 11, the HFA Kids program will provide a tour of Little Rock’s Museum of Discovery, where they will be able to build a robot and learn about the body through the health hall. For the first time, HFA is offering an overnight camp for teens aged 12 to 18, at the Heifer International Ranch (45 miles Northwest of Little Rock). In partnership with the Global Health Society (GHS), this experience will include medical staff and personnel provided specifically for our attendees. The 2008 HFA Teen Connection theme is All One World: A HERD to be HEARD, and the teens will explore the lives and uses of the domestic animals that Heifer International has to offer to families all over the world. As if that’s not enough! The HFA kids (4-6) will experience programming from our volunteers who will share their special skills and talents with the young and old. Judy Igleman and Mona Constantini will share the “Bear with it” program for creative healing for children with chronic illness. Lana Bienvenue will again provide her expertise as a registered teacher of Integrative Yoga Therapy with the presentation of “Yoga: The Power of Inner Peace.” For more information about HFA’s 2008 Educational Symposium please refer to page 3 of the this issue of the Dateline Federation. Registration forms can be found on pages 8 and 9 of this issue. HFA educational 2008 symposium 8 H FA 200 The HFA 2008 Annual Educational Symposium will be held May 1-4th, 2008 at the Peabody Little Rock, in the heart of downtown Little Rock, Arkansas. Please join us for the Symposium in the dynamic state capital that boasts of exciting nightlife, a vibrant downtown and entertainment district, and unique sightseeing and attractions! The weekend will be full of education and entertainment for young and old alike! Check out the agenda below for just a small peak into the wealth of fun that awaits you in Little Rock. For more information and to register for the 2008 Symposium please refer to pages 8 and 9 of this newsletter. Note: Registration is due no later than April 15, 2008. HEMOPHILIA FEDERATION OF AMERICA 2008 EDUCATIONAL SYMPOSIUM AGENDA Thursday, March 1, 2007 1:00 - 5:00 1:00 - 5:00 1:00 - 5:00 5:00 - 5:30 5:30 -7:00 9:00 - 1:00 9:30 - 12:30 11:00-12:00 12:00- 1:00 12:30- 5:15 12:30- 5:15 12:45- 5:15 12:45- 5:15 12:45- 5:15 1:00-1:15 1:30-3:00 3:00-3:30 3:30-5:00 5:00-6:30 6:30 pm Exhibitor Registration Convention Registration Exhibitor Set up Exhibitor Welcome Reception (Exhibitors only) Exhibit Hall Open Friday, March 2, 2007 Attendee Registration Exhibit Hours New Families Reception Welcome Reception Childcare (Infant – 2yo) Childcare (2 ½ - 4yo) HFA Kids’ Program (5-8 years) Children’s Program (9-12 years) Teen Program (13-18 years) Welcome and Introductions •Carl Weixler, HFA President Nutrition and Emotional Well-Being •William R. Klinger, Ph.D., CTRS •Charles P. Gilbert II, ACSW, BCD Break Reimbursement Challenges • Ken Trader (HHS) • Terry Rice • Julie Birkofer • Ryan Faden (State Affairs, PPTA) • Jan Hamilton Exhibit Hours Dinner and HFA Awards 8:00-10 PM Shawn Decker Saturday, March 3, 2007 7:30- 9:00 8:00- 9:00 8:15- 5:15 8:15- 5:15 8:45- 5:15 8:45- 5:15 8:45- 5:15 9:00- 5:00 8:30 - 9:50 8:30-9:50 10:10-11:30 11:30- 12:30 11:45- 12:00 Breakfast Coalition for Hemophilia B Breakfast Childcare (0-2 years) Childcare (3-4 years) Children (5-8 years) Children (9-12 years) Field Trip Teen Program (13-18 years) Infusion Suite General Session School and the Workplace Pain Management/Addictions Exhibit Hours Box Lunch / Pick up HFA Breakout Sessions 12:00- 1:30 HFA Dads in Action 12:00-1:30 HFA Focus on the Feminine 12:00-1:30 HFA Blood Brotherhood 1:30-2:30 2:30-3:30 3:30- 3:45 3:30-3:45 3:45-4:45 4:45-5:15 4:45-5:00 6:30pm Treatment Options Research Data and Data Collection Break Research Project Hepatitis C- Transplants HFA KID’s Presentation Closing Remarks Banquet Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 3 Program Updates Hemophilia Federation of America HFA is proud to announce the addition of Dan Bond to the staff as the Blood Brotherhood Coordinator. Dan, a native Texan, comes to HFA after a long career in speed-based engineering (planes, cars, and the occasional bicycle) and an even longer experience with severe hemophilia B. Dan’s father was a researcher at UTMB in Galveston, and used his son in numerous projects. Dan caught the engineering bug after earning a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas-Austin in 1989, Dan went on to specialize in drag reduction and thermodynamics and to develop a computer model for the design of an aircraft engine cooling system. Throughout his career Dan has been part of design teams that have produced nine world speed records, and is looking forward to working with the HFA team to get the Blood Brotherhood program up to speed. Dan has been active in his local HFA chapter, lobbying last year to persuade the Texas Legislature to create a statewide bleeding disorders advisory board. Since 2005, Dan has served on the Board of Directors for the Polen Education Foundation. He has been a counselor for Camp Alipomeh for two years, and enjoys traveling, kayaking, flying aerobatics, and catching up with his daughter, Kerri, who just joined the Peace Corps, and is headed to Africa. We can’t wait to see what world speed records Dan can set with the Blood Brotherhood program! ARJ Infusion caring Where will facilitate the Dads in Action breakout section of the 2008 Symposium. As part of the HFA Dads in Action program mission, Joey and Tom will facilitate a discussion that will provide training and support for both fathers of children with hemophilia and men with hemophilia who have children. The HFA Dads in Action program provides training to help fathers build strong bonds with all of their children by giving dads support, a sense of belonging and keys to strengthening family ties. It includes both fathers of children with hemophilia and men with hemophilia who have children. Says one father, “I had taken away from my experience at Dads what I needed: the motivation to become more responsible for my son’s medical needs.” Tom Vaclavik has been an active board member of Hemophilia of Indiana and an active member of the HFA National Board of Directors since 2004. His grandson was born with severe Hemophilia A. Tom is very involved with the HFA Dads in Action and Fundraising Committees. He has worked with several other organizations, such as the Moose Lodge, the American Legion, Special Olympics and Baxter Hemophilia Advisory Board. Tom lives in Hobart, Indiana with his wife Linda Holliday. Joey Privat, father of sons, Kelly, 29, and Joshua, 19, (both boys have severe Hemophilia A) served the Hemophilia Federation of Acadiana, and now serves on the Board of the Louisiana Hemophilia Foundation. A HFA National Board Member since 2002, Joey is employed by Factor Health Management. All Brands – All Assays All the Time! SERVICES is ... Specializing in... •Award Winning Nursing •24 Hour On Call Service •Infusion Education for Patients and Families Toll Free 866.451.8804 4 Dads in Action Co-Chairs Joey Privat and Tom Vaclavik Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 Leading the industry in scholarship opportunities Pharmacy On Call 24/7 for people with bleeding disorders. Ask about our ”EDUCATION IS POWER” scholarship ...the Ultimate Factor. No matter where you are, we are there for you • (888) 571-3100 Hemophilia Federation of America Program Updates HelpingHANDS Hemophilia Federation Of America assistance for persons with bleeding disorders Candy Whirley will join the HFA 2008 Symposium as a presenter of the Focus on the Feminine breakout session entitled “Let Me Guess… Too Much Stress?” Candy will bring the Symposium attendees on a roller coaster ride with her high-energy, innovative training activities and her contagious sense of humor. Candy specializes in breaking down barriers so that people will work better together, learn to deal with change, improve communication, and become more creative. Her interactive style includes stories and engaging activities that not only make learning fun, but bring meaning to the topic and help the participants retain and apply what they have learned. Through speeches and workshops, Candy shares over 20+ years of expertise to help professionals from the Hawaiian Islands to London, England improve their job performance and achieve their personal goals. Currently Candy serves as President of the Kansas City Chapter of the National Speakers’ Association. She graduated Cum Laude from Missouri Western State College with a B.S. in Speech Communications, with a Human Relations emphasis. Candy earned a Masters in Management from the University of Phoenix. A former Kansas City Chiefs Chiefette and model for the Kansas City Star magazine, Candy’s performances are anything but forgettable. In 2007, the Helping Hands program in provided an astonishing $60,000 of financial assistance to establish rapid, noninvasive sources of relief in emergency situations for persons who have been affected by Hemophilia or von Willebrands. As of December 31, 2007, the committee recieved 167 applications, of which 142 were approved and105 requests were from first-time applicants. Sheila Timura of Critical Care Systems, realizes first hand the importance of the Healing Hands program. Timura says, “It is such a relief just knowing that there is help available… Without this available assistance, these families would have struggled and possibly lost a battle.” Funding is provided for basic utilities, rent, mortgage, vehicle repairs or insurance and other emergency needs. Unfortunately, due to the enormous financial burden placed on families living with a bleeding disorder, this is an important program that gives careful consideration and timely help to those in need. This year, applicants resided in 34 different states and recieved average monthly funding of $5,150.00. Since its inception in 1997, the Helping Hands Program has provided assistance to 808 individuals/families within the bleeding disorder community. This program and the profound affect it has on those who are awarded funding and assistance could not be possible without the financial support of Wyeth. For additional information about this program, please contact the HFA (toll free) 800-230-9797. Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 5 Ask Jill Hemophilia Federation of America Focus on the Feminine Q&As Send questions to, re: FOFMQA Dear Jill: I use Humate-P® and am confused about some information I heard recently. I’ve always kept my Humate-P® in the refrigerator, but my friend says Humate-P® doesn’t need refrigeration. Who’s right? Michigan Dear Michigan: You are correct that Humate-P® used to require colder refrigerator-level temperatures for storage. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently approved a change in Humate-P® storage conditions. Humate-P® now can be safely stored for up to two years at 77 degrees Fahrenheit. This means you can store Humate-P® at room temperature, as long as the temperature does not exceed 77 degrees. You always can discuss product storage questions with your hematologist or Hemophilia Treatment Center. Jill Dear Jill: Is it common to have to go to the hematologist when you have a bleed? It seems people with hemophilia dose themselves. Utah Dear Utah: Many individuals with bleeding disorders (or one of their family members) learn how to infuse. There are positive reasons to learn self-infusion. First, it frees the person and/or family to travel beyond the geographic area of their health care provider. Second, by infusing at home or wherever one may be, charges for emergency room visits are avoided. Third, the person with a bleeding disorder who self-treats may acquire a sense of well-being about their treatment and bleeding disorder. If you would like to find out more about self-infusion, discuss it with your health care provider. If you are a candidate for self-infusion, a little training and practice will help you treat your bleeding episodes without a trip to the clinic or hospital. Jill Jill Williams A woman with von Willebrand disease, Jill Williams works as a vWD Specialist for Critical Care Systems. She is a long-time advocate in the bleeding disorders community, and has authored numerous national articles, pamphlets and booklets on the medical and psychosocial issues of women with bleeding disorders. Disclaimer This material is provided for general information only. The HFA does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine and recommends that you consult your physician or local treatment center before beginning any form of treatment. © Hemophilia Federation of America 2008 6 Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 Hemophilia Federation of America The Latest in Industry News Medical News Bayer HealthCare Enhances Data Collection of EZ-Log Electronic Patient Diary: New Laser Scanning Technology Makes Tracking Hemophilia Treatment Easier BERKELEY, Calif. (Dec.13, 2007) – Bayer HealthCare today announced the addition of new laser scanning technology to its electronic patient diary system for hemophilia A patients. Now equipped with laser scanners, the enhanced Kogenate® FS, Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant), EZ-Log Electronic Patient Diary provides more consistent record-keeping of treatment for both patients and healthcare professionals. For a copy of the article in its entirety, please visit, Industry News Section (Information provided by Bayer HealthCare). Wyeth’s BeneFix R2Kit Can Be Ideal for Travel Wyeth’s new BeneFix Rapid Reconstitution (R2) Kit may help take the hassle out of preparing factor, so persons with blood clotting disorders can spend more time enjoying their trips. The first and only recombinant factor for patients with Hemophilia B, the BeneFix R2 Kit allow infusion with minimal fuss. The Kit has features that make it ideal for travel such as: a 2000 IU vial-for fewer vials, less packaging waste, and faster cleanup; needle-less reconstitution-no risk of needlestick during reconstitution; and prefilled 5 mL diluent syringe-the first prefilled syringe for factor IX replacement eliminates an entire step during reconstitution. To learn more about the new convenience enhancements of BeneFix, visit (Information provided by Wyeth LifeLines). Travel Planning Tips for Symposium 2008 Whether by train, plane or automobile, it is important to come prepared to make sure that you and your medication arrive safely at your destination. When traveling by plane, it is important to bring your medication on the plane with you, but the better prepared you are the easier it will be for you to pass through security. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) provides some helpful tips to prepare for security screening. (1) Allow extra time to go through security. (2) Medications must be labeled so they are identifiable. (3) Medication and related supplies are normally X-rayed. However, as a customer service, TSA now allows you the option of requesting a visual inspection of your medication and associated supplies. *You must request a visual inspection before the screening process begins. Otherwise, your medications and supplies will undergo X-ray inspection. (3) The limit of one carry-on and one personal item does not apply to medical supplies, equipment, mobility aids, or assistive devices. (4) If you have documentation about your medical condition, present it to the security officer. Although TSA does not require this documentation, it may help you proceed through the screening process. While driving, it is important to be sure that your medication is stored at the appropriate temperature during your travels. No matter how you plan to travel, you may want to pack some additional medication in case your trip gets extended for any reason. (Information provided by Wyeth LifeLines and the Transportation Security Administration). Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 7 Hemophilia Federation of America Annual Meeting and Symposium The Peabody Hotel - Little Rock, Arkansas May 2-3, 2008 SINGLE ADULT/FAMILY REGISTRATION FORM To register: Registration Deadline - April 15, 2008 Mail: Hemophilia Federation of America 1405 W. Pinhook Rd., Ste. 101, Lafayette, LA 70503 Fax: (337) 261-1787 Questions? Call 1-800-230-9797 (Toll Free) or 337-261-9787 To register children 18 and under, complete a SEPARATE Child/Teen registration form for each child after you have completed THIS form. Feel free to duplicate any form. Young adults (ages 18-21) living at home with parent(s) may be included as part of the family registration. Section 1: Payment Information Payment information must be received before we can process your registration. Check the registration method: ____ $25 Individual ____ $50 Family (Parents & Children) Payment Method: ____Check ____ Money Order ____ Credit Card Credit Card Number_______________________________ Security Code _______ Expiration Date____________________ (Visa/MC on back, AMEX on front) Name on Credit Card______________________________ Signature______________________________________________________ Other Payment Arrangements (Explain):_______________________________________________________________________________ Section 2: Information (please print neatly or type) Your Information Your Name: _________________________________________ (Last Name, First Name, MI) Address: ____________________________________________ Your Spouse Spouse Name: _______________________________________ (Last Name, First Name, MI) Work Phone: ( ) _____________________________ City: _____________________State:________ Zip: _________ Cell Phone: ) _____________________________ (Please list at least one contact phone number below.) E-mail Address: _________________________________ Home Phone: ( ) __________________________________ Work Phone: ( ) __________________________________ Cell Phone: ) __________________________________ ( E-mail Address: ______________________________________ Relation to Hemophilia/Other Bleeding Disorder (Circle) Factor VIII | Factor IX | other Factor _____ vonWillebrand’s | Family Member | Friend of Family Carrier | Inhibitor | Other_____________ ( Relation to Hemophilia/Other Bleeding Disorder (Circle) Factor VIII | Factor IX | other Factor _____ vonWillebrand’s | Family Member | Friend of Family Carrier | Inhibitor | Other_____________ Breakout Session Choice for Saturday, May 3 You MUST choose one below HFA Dads in Action ____ HFA Focus on the Feminine ____ HFA Blood Brotherhood Session ____ Breakout Session Choice for Saturday, May 3 You MUST choose one below HFA Dads in Action ____ HFA Focus on the Feminine ____ HFA Blood Brotherhood Session ____ Do you authorize the use of photographs or videos for HFA use only? ____Yes ____No Are you registering any children/teens? ___Yes ____No (If yes, please list below.) (You will need to complete a separate youth/young adult form for each, and send all with this form.) Children/Teen: __________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name and date of birth for each child) Scholarships for Symposium assistance are available- please refer to registation form on page 12 of this issue 8 Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 Hemophilia Federation of America Annual Meeting and Symposium The Peabody Hotel - Little Rock, Arkansas May 2-3, 2008 CHILD/TEEN REGISTRATION FORM **Note: There is NO on-site registration for the Child/Teen Program** To register: Registration Deadline - April 15, 2008 Mail: Hemophilia Federation of America 1405 W. Pinhook Rd., Ste. 101, Lafayette, LA 70503 Fax: (337) 261-1787 Questions? Call 1-800-230-9797 (Toll Free) or 337-261-9787 This registration form is intended for children and teens living at home with parent(s). It must accompany an Adult Registration form. Please complete a form for each child attending. Indicate the type of registration below. ______ Child (infant- 5 years old) ______ Child (6-11years) ______ Teen (12 –18 years old) *** (Heifer Ranch 2-day off-site Camp will require advanced registration. Complete camp packet is available at www. Note--there is limited space available.) - HFA USE ONLY - Section 1: All Registrants (please print neatly or type) Parents/ Legal Guardian ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Address City/State/Zip Home Phone Number Cell Phone_______________________________________ Pager_____________________________________________________ __________________ Child’s Last Name __________________ First Name Child’s Relationship to Hemophilia: ____Factor VIII ___Factor IX ____vWD ______________ Nickname ______________________ ________ Date of Birth (required) Age ____Carrier ___Family Member ___Inhibitor ___________ Male / Female Other (explain) ________________ ***Please be advised that some activities planned for Friday & Saturday, May 2-3 for both Children’s and Teen Programs may take place offsite. Do you grant permission for the child in your care to go on a chaperoned fieldtrip? (Please circle your choice) YES NO Please list ALL medical conditions, and include ALL medications (including FACTOR), as well as any other information necessary to ensure your child’s safety. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ***The undersigned parent/legal guardian hereby consents to their child, _______________________________________________, participating in the activities of the Hemophilia Federation of America’s HFA Kids/Teen Connection program at its Symposium 2008 event in Little Rock, AR. The undersigned parent/legal guardian does hereby release, hold harmless and agree to indemnify, the Hemophilia Federation of America from any and all liability resulting from the participation of said child in the activities sponsored and conducted by the Hemophilia Federation of America’s Children’s/Teen’s Programs. Parent/Legal Guardian Signature __________________________________________ Date____________________ Do you or your spouse have health/accident insurance? ___ YES ___NO If yes, please supply the following: Company Name_______________________________________________ Company phone number_________________________ Company Address______________________________________________________ Policy Number ________________________ Policy Holder ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Scholarships for Symposium assistance are available- please refer to registation form on page 12 of this issue Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 9 HFA Office News Hemophilia Federation of America HFA Welcomes New Policy, Communications Staff Kisa Carter, Policy Director for the Hemophilia Federation of American WASHINGTON, District of Columbia – Kisa Carter joins the HFA this month as the Public Policy Director in the DC metropolitan area. Kisa is a graduate of Baruch CollegeCity University of New York, graduating with a Masters in Public Administration while completing a graduate fellowship at the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). During her tenure with NORD, she worked in the Public Policy office in Washington DC representing over 25 million Americans with rare disorders on Capitol Hill. Additionally she monitored crucial legislation and public policies, collaborated with health advocacy organizations, and represented NORD at meetings on Capitol Hill and meetings at federal health related agencies. Prior to her tenure with NORD, she administered the Medical Care Cost Recovery program at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) in Houston, Texas. Preceding her employment with the VAMC, she served in the United States Air Force completing an eight-year enlistment and tours of duty in Texas, Germany, Japan and Oklahoma. Kisa joins the HFA eager to continue educating the public and advocating on behalf of the hemophilia community. Andree Gonsoulin, Communications Director for the Hemophilia Federation of America LAFAYETTE, Louisiana – HFA welcomes new Communicatiosn Director Andree Gonsoulin who joined the staff in February. Andree’s responsibilities include the design and management of Dateline Federation and other publications and research of the HFA, Educational Symposium Program and identity development, public relations and communication outreach. As you can see, she has worked on redesigning and updating the Winter Issue of Dateline Federation! Andree joins HFA with a Master’s in Communication from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design from Spring Hill College, in Mobile, Alabama. Upon completion of coursework for her Master’s degree, Andree joined Marmillion and Company, a strategic public relations firm with offices in New Orleans, California, Florida and Washington. Upon returning to Lafayette about a year ago, Andree began serving clients with diverse interests but a common need for strategic communication coordination and planning. Andree joins HFA part-time and looks forward to learning more about bleeding disorders and is interested in getting involved with the policy issues that affect members of the HFA community. Andree’s goal for her work with the HFA is to bring the publications to a higher level while continuing to allow the HFA member organizations to succeed in their missions. Dan Bond, Blood Brotherhood Program Coordinator GALVESTON, Texas - For more information on Dan Bond and his role as Blood Brotherhood Program Coordinator please refer to the article on page 4. 10 Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 Hemophilia Federation of America In Memoriam Amy Lynn James leaves legacy of Hemophilia and Diabetes Support. Amy Lynn James, 30-years-old, of Maumelle, Arkansas died Sunday, October 28, 2007, at Hospice Home Care in Little Rock after a lifelong battle with diabetes. A past President of the Hemophilia Foundation of Arkansas, Inc. Amy was very active in diabetes and hemophilia research. Amy was the proud mother of two sons to whom she devoted her life. Both Christian James and Jordan Baker were born with hemophilia and required her constant care. She is survived by both sons and a host of family and friends whose lives she touched. Following a private memorial held in her memory, Amy’s body was donated to medical research in an effort to find a cure for diabetes. The family requests that, in lieu of flowers, gifts or memorial contributions be sent to a trust fund set up for her children through First Service Bank, P.O. Box 430, Greenbrier, AR 72058, (501) 679-7300. Board of Directors extends condolences to family of Donna Riling The Board of Directors and staff of the Hemophilia Federation of America would also like to extend its condolences to family and friends of Donna Riling, who passed away on December 14, 2007. She was a past Associate Executive Director serving on staff for the Tennessee Hemophilia & Bleeding Disorders Foundation (THBDF) for 11 years until her retirement six years ago. After Donna’s retirement, she continued to be an active volunteer, advocate and friend for the community that she so dearly loved. Community News Save One Life sponsors persons with bleeding disorders Save One Life is a 501(c)3 registered charitable organization who’s vision is a sponsor for every person with a bleeding disorder who lives in the developing world and needs aid. One who offers compassion, friendship, direct financial support and a future filled with hope. Just $240 annually provides food, vitamins, clothing or an education a young person with a bleeding disorder who would otherwise have to go without. To learn more about Save One Life visit their website at: Educational Scholarship Makes Big Impact In a recent letter, Molly M. Evers, a recipient of the 2007 Artistic Encouragement News Grant, expressed her sincere appreciation for the opportunities afforded to her by the Scholarship provided by HFA. The following is a excerpt from Molly’s letter: Dear Hemophilia Federation of America, ...Not only have I learned a great deal about dance and performance, I have also gained a great sense of accomplishment ... I have learned so much and have been able to stay active in the process. Before I started dancing I rarely exercised; I now feel healthier than I have felt in a while- physically and emotionally. My friends and family have started to notice a positive change in my attitude and outlook on life. My personality has even changed for the better; I am more outgoing and less shy than I had been previously... Everyone that I talk to about the grant has been so supportive of my creative endeavor. I have inspired a few of my friends to also take up dancing for fun and exercise... This is especially true within the bleeding disorders community; it has most certainly helped me. Thank you HFA for making this possible. Sincerely, Molly M. Evers Your Shopping Searches and $$ Can Now Benefit HFA! What if Hemophilia Federation of America earned a penny every time you searched the Internet or shopped online? Well, now we can! Just go to and be sure to enter HFA as the charity you want to support. And, be sure to spread the word! Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 11 Hemophilia Federation of America Annual Meeting and Symposium The Peabody Hotel - Little Rock, Arkansas May 2-3, 2008 SYMPOSIUM SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION For First Time Attendees - Deadline: April 1, 2008 Please Print: Your Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Last Name, First Name, MI) Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Address, City, State and Zip) Home Phone: ( ) __________________________________ Work Phone: ( Cell Phone: ) __________________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________ ( I am applying for an: (circle one) INDIVIDUAL ) __________________________________ FAMILY Please list the names of each family member attending and ages of children under 18 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Family Member Attending, Sex, Age, Relation) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Family Member Attending, Sex, Age, Relation) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Family Member Attending, Sex, Age, Relation) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Family Member Attending, Sex, Age, Relation) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Family Member Attending, Sex, Age, Relation) Please Circle the Type of Assistance Needed (circle one): If you requested travel, please indicate (circle one): Departing City and Airport: Preferred Time of Departure: HOTEL or TRAVEL Air Automobile Other ________________________ 1st Choice ______________ 2nd Choice ____________________ __________________________________________________________ Are you or your spouse employed by a Homecare Company or Manufacturer (circle one)? Yes No If yes, please identify company: __________________________________________________________ Have you received a previous HFA Symposium Scholarship (circle one)? Relationship to Bleeding Disorder (circle): Yes No Factor VIII | Factor IX | other Factor ___________________________ vonWillebrand’s | Family Member | Friend of Family Carrier | Inhibitor | Other_____________________________________ How did you find out about the HFA Educational Symposium? ___________________________________________________________ Completed registration forms and appropriate registration fee must be submitted with this scholarship application and returned to: HFA, 1405 W. Pinhook Road Suite 101, Lafayette, LA 70503 or fax to 337-261-1787 NOTE: Scholarships are limited to funding availability. Date Received: 12 Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 HFA Use Only Referred By: Date of Notification: Hemophilia Federation of America Scholarships EXTENDED SCHOLARSHIP LISTING The deadline for applying for 2008 HFA Educational Scholarships is April 30, 2008. You can obtain the requirements and forms necessary at or by calling the HFA office at 800-230-9797. The scholarships listed below are for your information and reference. HFA tries its best to ensure the information presented is factual and current. Name of Scholarship Sponsor Deadline Web Site Link Beth Carew Memorial Scholarship American Homecare Federation, Inc. April 15 Bill McAdam Scholarship Bill McAdam Scholarship Fund May 15 BioRx/Hemophilia Educational BioRx/Hemophilia North Carolina May 1 Charles Dawson Memorial Scholarship Hemophilia Foundation of Gr. Florida April 30 Christopher Mark Pitkin Scholarship Hemophilia Foundation of S.California August 15 CoaguLife Education Scholarship CoaguLife Multiple Edu-Grants (for K-12 Assistance) Novo Nordisk Contact Education is Power Scholarship MedPro Rx, Inc. Spec. Pharm. Svcs. Eric Delson Memorial Scholarship Caremark, Inc. Factor Fdn of America Scholarship Factor Foundation of America May 1 July 1 April 20 Great Lakes Hemophilia Fdn Scholarship Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation Multiple HemAspheres University Schol. Fund American Red Cross Deadline Past HF of Michigan Academic Schol. Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan March scholarship.html pdf html products_services/scholarship.htm Hemophilia Health Services Mem. Schol. Hemophilia Health Services May 1 Hemophilia Society of Colorado Schol. Hemophilia Society of Colorado May 1 HFMD Post-Secondary Scholarships Hemophilia Fdn. of Minnesota/Dakotas May 31, 2007 Wilson LA Hemophilia Fdn. Schol. Louisiana Hemophilia Foundation Contact John Youssey Mem. Scholarship Fund Hemophilia of Georgia Contact Lawrence Madeiros Mem. Scholarship Positudes, Inc. June 1 Michael Bendix Sutton Fdn. Scholarship Michael Bendix Sutton Foundation March 30 Hylton and Niederman Mem. Schols. Factor Support Network April 30 Mille Gonzalez Memorial Scholarship Factor Support Network Pharmacy April 30 MHRN_2007.pdf New Horizons Scholarship Program New Horizons February 20 Novo Nordisk EduGrants Novo Nordisk Open all year Project Red Flag Acad. Schol.- Women National Hemophilia Foundation May 15 Rachel Warner Scholarship The Committee of 10,000 (COTT) May 1 Scott Tarbell Scholarship Hemophilia Federation of America May 1 SevenSECURE Grants Novo Nordisk Open all year Soozie Courter Hemophilia Schol. Prog. Wyeth Pharmaceuticals April 15 Eric Dotsie Memorial College Schol. NuFactor March 1 HHS Memorial Scholarship Fund Hemophilia Health Services (HHS) May 1 Kevin Child Scholarship National Hemophilia Foundation June 27 Ula Hedner Scholarship Novo Nordisk April 30 Utah Hemophilia Fdn. Scholarship Utha Hemophilia Foundation Spring products_services/scholarship.htm ssM_edu_frm_fa.pdf scholar.asp products_services/scholarship.htm * HFA makes every effort to present this information factually - please contact Dateline Federation through the HFA office for corrections. pdf/2008%20Application.pdf Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 13 Corporate Partners Hemophilia Federation of America 2007-2008 Honor Roll of Corporate Partners The Hemophilia Federation of America would like to recognize and acknowledge those home care providers and pharmaceutical manufacturers who have contributed financially towards the accomplishment of our mission. Angel - $100,000 + Diamond - $50,000 - $99,999 Platinum - $25,000 - $49,999 Gold - $10,000 - $24,999 Silver - $5,000 - $9,999 Bronze - $2,000 - $4,999 CoAg Therapeutics Friend - Up to $1,999 The Coalition for Hemophilia B, Inc. 14 Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 Hemophilia Federation of America Date March 2008 March 1 March 1-2 March 5-7 March 5-7 March 5-7 March 7-9 March 8 March 8 March 8 March 14 March 14-15 March 15 March 15 March 22 March 22 March 26 March 30 March TBA Calendar of Events Organization Description Hemophilia Foundation of No. Calif. Hemophilia of North Carolina Hemophilia Foundation of No. Calif. Sangre de Oro Hemo. Fdn of NE Mexico Florida Hemophilia Association Hemophilia of North Carolina Hemophilia Foundation of Illinois Hemophilia Foundation of No. Calif. Bleeding Disorders Assoc. of So. Tier Florida Hemophilia Association Utah Hemophilia Foundation Hemophilia Foundation of No. Calif. Gateway Hemophilia Association Hemophilia Foundation of No. California Tenn. Hemo. & Bleeding Disorders Fdn. Hemophilia Foundation of So. California Hemophilia Foundation of Nevada Oklahoma Hemophilia Foundation Woman’s Outreach Network Couple’s Retreat- Concord, NC Washington Days Washington Days Washington Days Victory Junction Gang Camp Family Weekend, Randlemann, NC Spring Gala, Marriott O’Hare, Chicago, IL Woman’s Outreach Network BDAST Bowl-a-thon Fundraiser Volley for a Cure Tennis Tournament, Pinecrest, FL Adult Educ. Summit and the vWD Conference Homestead Resort Family Information Day National Hemophilia Awareness Month Trivia Night WON (Central Valley) Fishing for Fisher Bass Tournament HFSC Board Meeting Bloodrun (Motorcycle run) – Las Vegas Teen Retreat Utah Hemophilia Foundation Hemophilia Foundation of No. California Tri State Bleeding Disorder Foundation Hemophilia Foundation of Nevada Hemophilia Foundation of No. California Hemophilia Foundation of So. California Hemophilia Fdn of Minnesota/Dakotas Nebraska Chapter of the NHF Hemophilia Foundation of So. California Nebraska Chapter of the NHF Tenn. Hemo. & Bleeding Disorders Fdn. Hemophilia of North Carolina Hemophilia Assoc. of the Capital Area Oklahoma Hemophilia Foundation Hemophilia Foundation of Illinois Hemophilia Foundation of So. California Hemophilia Assoc. of the Capital Area United Virginia Chapter of NHF Sangre de Oro Hemo. Fdn of NE Mexico UHF Teen Retreat at the Homestead Resort Woman’s Outreach Network 17th Annual Dr. Terry J. Weiss Memorial Fundraiser Consumer Information Meeting – Las Vegas Region IX 2008 Regional IX Hemophilia Treatment Center Conference HFMD Annual Meeting, Sheraton Minneapolis West, Minnetonka Red/White Husker Game & Tailgate at Memorial Stadium HFSC Conference Call Board Meeting Spring event Location TBD Music City Golf Classic Nashville, TN HNC Annual Golf Tournament, Chapel Hill, NC Couple’s –Retreat, Bavarian Inn, Shepherdstown,WV Women’s Tea Statewide Education & Fun Weekend, Utica, IL Family Information Day Tennis Tournament, Montclair Country Club, Dumfries, VA Wine Tasting Fundraiser Outreach Southern NM April 2008 April 2-5 April 5 April 5 April 5 April 13-14 April 13 -14 April 18-20 April 19 April 23 April 23 April 24 April 25 April 25-27 April 26 April 26-27 April 26 April TBA April TBA April TBA May 2008 May 1-3 May 2-4 May 2-3 May 9 May 12 May 13-14 May 19 May 19-20 May 21 May 23-25 May 28 May 31 **HFA 2008 Educational Sympositum - May 1-4** Sangre de Oro Hemo. Fdn of NE Mexico Hemophilia Foundation of No. California Utah Hemophilia Foundation Northern Ohio Hemophilia Foundation Hemophilia Assoc. of the Capital Area Hemophilia Foundation of No. California Sangre de Oro Hemo. Fdn of NE Mexico Hemophilia Foundation of No. California Hemophilia Foundation of No. California United Virginia Chapter of NHF Hemophilia Foundation of So. California Hemophilia of North Carolina HNC Bi-Regional VII &X Meeting, Idaho Parents Empowering Parents UHF Teen Retreat at the Homestead Resort The 3rd Annual Benefit, “The Black & Blue Ball” Golf Tournament, Heritage Hunt Golf & Country Club JC/AC Training Camp Meeting Future Leaders Day Legislative Day Family Weekend, Charlottesville, VA HFSC Board Meeting Annual Meeting, Winston-Salem, NC HFA member organizations are encouraged to post announcements and events by emailing the information to Dateline Federation • Winter 2008 15 BECOME A MEMBER OF THE HEMOPHILIA FEDERATION OF AMERICA IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING WAYS: Visit our web site at, use Paypal to send a payment or Complete the information below and mail to the address listed below. I would like to become a partner of the Hemophilia Federation of America. Please accept my donation in the following category. Corporate Angel Partner ($100,000) Corporate Diamond Partner ($50,000) Corporate Platinum Partner ($25,000) Corporate Gold ($10,000) Corporate Silver ($5,000) Corporate Bronze ($2,000) Corporate Friend (below $2,000) Chapters ($750) Individual Diamond ($1,000) Individual Platinum ($500) Individual Gold ($100) Individual Silver ($50) Individual Bronze ($25) ________________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Company ________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ City State Zip ________________________________________________ Phone Fax ________________________________________________ E-mail Address ________________________________________________ Work Phone/ Work Fax Please make check payable to: Hemophilia Federation of America. Hemophilia Federation of America 1405 W. Pinhook Rd., Suite 101 Lafayette, LA 70503 NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID LAFAYETTE, LA Permit No. 735
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