crusader chronicle - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
crusader chronicle - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School CRUSADER Volume 22 New Albany, Indiana CHRONICLE Rise up, Respect, Rely on God January 27, 2016 Dear Our Lady Families, Thank you for your attention to the weekly newsletter where you'll find you the most up to date information and a reference for coming events. Electronic forms are at hand so you don't have to worry about losing paperwork! Morning Arrival Students enter school from 7:15-7:45 AM; doors are unlocked at 7:15 AM. Families should be in the car line for morning arrival and attentive to moving up so we can keep the line moving. If you have older students, there is no need for you to park in the upper lot and interrupt the car line for students to cross into school. If, however, you have little ones that you need to unbuckle and help from the vehicle, then you should park in the upper lot and walk them to the pedway, crossing with the staff member on duty who has a Stop sign. Safety is our main concern. We are reviewing the morning arrival to be sure the car line is not held up needlessly, that the light at the side of the building is fixed and that we have staff outside from 7:25-7:45 AM for our busiest arrival period. We appreciate your close attention at arrival and dismissal. Talent Show Due to lack of student entries, the Talent Show is being cancelled for Feb. 3. We will include the acts that have registered as part of our Spring Choral Fest on April 28. If we can accommodate more acts as part of the program, we will let students know. ISSMA Music Contestants Congratulations to musicians, Olivia Head (violin), pianists, Elaina Buskirk, Emma Smith, Samantha Murphy, Will Brewer, and Cai Celestin along with vocalist, Maddie Beeler for representing Our Lady on Jan. 30 and Feb. 6 at Floyd Central High School. We are proud of your discipline and practice to perfect your talents and enter this contest. Much thanks to Mrs. Katelyn Stumler, sponsor for our musicians. Cursive Handwriting This discipline is still part of Our Lady's curriculum. Students learn cursive handwriting in second grade and are expected to write legibly in both manuscript and cursive handwriting from Gr. 3-8. Transfer students who have not learned cursive, will be permitted a semester to practice this at home and become proficient. We will expect students to use cursive handwriting at least once a week on class assignments. Hurray for Our Lady grads who will be proficient in both forms of written expression! Rest Up! Catholic Schools Week 2016 begins on Sunday! Please see the Catholic Schools Week calendar of events posted on the OLPH/School website! We kick off the week with Sat. and Sun. liturgies and Open House 2016. Student Council helped plan many of our special days. Students are especially looking forward to Tuesday when they can dress in role reversal, opposite ways with wild and crazy outfits as we cheer on our eighth graders during the Faculty/Staff v. Eighth Graders Volleyball Game at 1:30 PM. Parents and guests are welcome to attend! Thursday finds us recognizing faculty and staff, so thank-you’s, compliments and praise for a job well done are appreciated! This is also Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart Day, so students, faculty and staff should dress comfortably in sweats, athletic wear, and definitely tennis shoes as we raise our heart rates and donations for the American Heart Association! Open House 2016 Bring a new family, relatives or friends to see the community of faith, knowledge and service that is Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School! Right after the 11:00 AM Mass, from 12:00-3:00 PM, meet the faculty, learn of the great programming and give your child a gift that lasts a lifetime--a Catholic education. Thank you for your prayers and support for a successful Catholic Schools Week and start to the marketing season for area Catholic schools. You rock, moms and dads, and we have a treat planned for you on Monday! Til then, Rise up, Respect and Rely on God! Mary Ann Bennett Principal Activities Calendar Wednesday, Jan. 27—Parent Session for First Communicants, 6:30 PM in Church (Make-up for last week’s scheduled meeting that was cancelled.) Thursday, Jan. 28—Activity Group Pictures taken for the yearbook in the AM Sunday, Jan. 31—Our Lady School Open House, Noon-3:00 PM Jan. 31—Feb. 6—Catholic Schools Week Tuesday, Feb. 2—SPIRIT DAY! 8TH Grade vs. Faculty Volleyball Game at 1:30 PM Wednesday, Feb. 3—8:00 AM All School Mass & Blessing of the Throats; 9th Grade Registration at Providence High; CANCELLED: Talent Show (Low response; rescheduled for April) Thursday, Feb. 4—JUMP ROPE FOR HEART in the gym; Teacher Luncheon provided by grades 3 & 5 Friday, Feb. 5—”Safari Sam” visits; Daddy/Daughter Dance, 7:00-9:00 PM at Our Lady Monday, Feb. 8—PTO Meeting at 7:00 PM Tuesday, Feb. 9—PTO Mardi Gras Bingo, 6:00-8:30 PM-See attached page for more information Wednesday, Feb. 10—Ash Wednesday—All School Mass at 8:00 AM Thursday, Feb. 11—2:00 Stations of the Cross in Church Fri., Feb. 12—School in Session/Snow Makeup Day Mon., Feb. 15—No School Winter Break/Snow makeup day #3 if needed Indiana Private Education Income Tax Deduction 626 You may be eligible for a deduction based on education expenditures paid for each child who is enrolled in a private school. You must be eligible to claim the child as a dependent on your federal tax return. An education expenditure refers to any payment made for tuition, fees, computer software, textbooks, workbooks, curricula, school supplies (other than personal computers) and other written materials used primarily for academic instruction or tutoring, or both. Your deduction will be $1,000 multiplied by the number of qualified dependents. Our Lady of Perpetual Help School’s state school code is B060. Counselor’s Corner We’ve had a great start to the New Year! This month in guidance we have talked about Friendship. In grades K-5 we have made a yummy bowl of friendship soup on these cold, cold days (okay….so not real soup…but paper soup is still tasty…right?!?). We’ve talked about what it takes to make a good friend, and how we need to treat others the way we want to be treated. In grades 6th-8th we have also talked about Friendship, but have gone down the path of cliques….are they good or bad? Ask you kiddos what they think….we have had some lively discussions! I had the kids take a survey about their group of friends and really analyze if they find their group of friends accepting of others, or is that something they can work on. This has been a very fun month, and I really enjoy engaging in conversation with your kiddos. I hope they learn a lot from me, and I know I DEFINITELY learn a lot from them. Please remember my door is always open! Stay warm, ~Mrs. Gilbert School Counselor and Special Education Coordinator Our Lady of Perpetual Help School Honor Roll – 2nd Quarter 2015-16 Grading Scale: 1st Honors 95%-100%, 2nd Honors 90%-94%, Honorable Mention 86%-89% Grade 5 1st Honors – Alec Elrod, Brandon House, Nathan Huynh, Alex Kemp, Samantha Murphy, Ethan Richards and John Walthers 2nd Honors - Lincoln Bottorff, Zain Butt, Noah Crone, Cody Jackson, Luke Jorden, Jackson Kaiser, Jacob Kaiser, Maddie Kaiser, Jordon Riddick and Caeden Uhl. Honorable Mention – Grayson Abel, Carley Birk, Blake Foster, Kylie Stufflebean and Laken Wenning Grade 6 1st Honors – Sarah Boehm, Elaina Buskirk, Brandon Carl, Cade Carver, Jackson Folz, Noah Johnson, Emma Martin, Lauren McCombs, A. J. Richards and David Wade. 2nd Honors – Max Beatty, Jeffrey Braden, McKenna Brown, Caleb Daily, Ella Daily, Amber Dalrymple, Devin Goodrow, Braydon Gronotte, Nathan Ross, R. J. Shrout, Tyler Simmons, Emma Smith and Cooper Wilmes Honorable Mention – Sydney Herrin, Tati Kean and Carter Scott Grade 7 1st Honors 2nd Quarter –Kylie Campbell, Lauren Castleberry, Grant Dierking, Maddie Fisher, Emily Kemp, Landon Kruer, Trevin Mann, Bree Martin, Quin Murphy, Jacob Russell, Jackson Sanders 1st Honors 1st Quarter Additions: Trevin Mann and Jacob Russell 2nd Honors - Reese Bottorff, Will Brewer, Lilly Chapman, Gavin Filmer, Clayton Furnish, Weston Kaiser, Ethan Murphy, Tess Owsley, Lydia Rush and Joshua Russell Honorable Mention – Christian Daily, Andrew Juliot, Jackson Lorenz and Kayce Quinn Grade 8 1st Honors – Jack Arnson, Bryce Carl, Claire Culwell, Will Jenkins, Garrett Martin, Maria Popson, Ceci Rush and Brynna Walthers 2nd Honors – Sam Caylor, Alex Dalrymple, Carson Happel, Ali Hughes, Megan Murphy, Liberty Russell and Fred Shireman Honorable Mention – Matt Boehm, Alyssa Evans and Nellie Radke St. Xavier High School Honor Roll We are proud of these former Our Lady students who achieved honor roll for the 2nd quarter. Joe Day—Second Honors Nick Doninger—Principal’s List Trent Mann—Second Honors PTO NEWS Mark your Calendars!! February 5th Father—Daughter Dance (See attached information sheet) February 8th PTO Meeting at 7pm February 9th Mardi Gras Bingo—An annual favorite event for the whole family! Enjoy a fried chicken dinner with pitch-in sides. After dinner we’ll play Bingo and other games, and stretch with the “Limbo.” Calling all Volunteers!! February 4th - Teacher Luncheon with food provided by grades 3 & 5. Parents will help with students so teachers can enjoy a longer lunch!! We want to show our teachers our appreciation during Catholic Schools Week. February 5th – We need volunteers to help set up, work, and breakdown for the dance. We want this night to be very special for our fathers and daughters. February 8th—PTO Meeting—7:00 PM—Items on the agenda include closing out Father-Daughter dance, finalizing plans for Mardi Gras Bingo, planning for Spring Book Fair and talk about ideas for Mother-Son Day!! February 9th – We need volunteers to help set up, work, and breakdown for Mardi Gras Bingo. Our students look forward to this family party every year! Please email if you are able to help. Even if you can only give one hour of your time, it will be appreciated! from the cafeteria ———— Part time job share position available in the OLPH café, 3 days a week, 9 am until 2 pm. Please contact Sandy Gilland at 812-944-7676, ext. 15. HELP! We need help in the Cafe! it seems families have paid their $50 instead of volunteering in the Cafe. Please call Sandy and offer a time or two this second semester to help us at lunchtime. The students love our parent and grand- parent volunteers and it's fun to see your child with their friends at lunch. It takes each of us giving a little to make the load light. We know families are busy--maybe a grandparent can assist. Please email Sandy with a few options at Thanks so much! January 31 is Open House at Our Lady of Perpetual Help School The best way to market our school is by word of mouth. Please help us let other families know of the strong faith life, academic education, and exceptional home-school connection that are hallmarks of Our Lady. With practiced knowledge and growth, consistent discipline, and progressive teaching methods, our students are well-prepared for the next steps in their education. You can't beat the warmth and family feeling of our school community. Spread the word, because we have much to be proud of at Our Lady, and we welcome new students to our school. NOTES FROM THE SCHOOL OFFICE Parents, does your office have no longer used envelopes that you could donate to us? We appreciate getting these for use in the office and classrooms. Snow Make-up Days - If we have instructional time to make up due to snow days, we will use days in the following order: May 6, Feb. 12, Feb. 15, April 8, April 7... As of this date, we have two snow days that will be made up on May 6 and Feb. 12. Student Registration is now being taken for the 2016-17 School Year. A registration form is attached to this newsletter. Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart to Benefit the American Heart Association On Thursday, Feb. 4 we will celebrate Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart! Grades 3-8 will make a website in computer class this week for on-line donations. For students in grade K-2, you may sign up for a website at home. Please see the directions later in the newsletter if you are interested. This fundraiser for the American Heart Association is voluntary, but all students will be allowed to participate in this fun event. Students have been given materials on how to participate in their folders. We look forward to getting exercise while raising money for a great cause! Ms. Summers and Mrs. Sweet Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School Pre-Registration Form for the 2016-2017 School Year Thank you for choosing Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School! If you are a returning family, to ensure a spot for your child next year, please complete and return this form to the school office by March 11 th with your registration fee. (This is $50 PER CHILD if paid before March 11, 2016 and $75 PER CHILD if paid after March 11th). Tuition and fees for Preschool through Grade 8 will be published later this spring once the 2016-17 budget is approved. A moderate increase in tuition and fees is expected. If you have a Preschool or Pre K student, please mark your class preference for the 2016-17 school year: Preschool 3 years old Pre Kindergarten 4 years old ___Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 7:45 am – 11:00 am ___Monday through Friday 7:45 am – 11:00 am ___Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 11:45 am- 2:45 pm ___Monday through Friday 11:45 am – 2:45 p The Child Care Ministry will be available for students enrolled in our Preschool and/or Pre K classes from 7:15-2:50. Please mark your preference for the coming year. ___ Yes, I plan to use the Child Care Ministry regularly five days per week. ___ Yes, I plan to use the Child Care Ministry regularly three days per week. ___ Yes, I will use the Child Care Ministry occasionally. ___ No, I will not be utilizing the Child Care Ministry for my Preschooler. To provide full-day care for students, Our Lady’s Aftercare program remains an option for all Our Lady students in Grades Preschool – 8. Registration is $25 and the fee is $4 per hour. Aftercare is from 2:50-6:00 PM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------For students in all grades, Preschool, Pre Kindergarten, Kindergarten through Grade 8, please complete the information below and return to the school office. Name of Student(s) ____________________________________ Grade enrolling for 2016-17 ___________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________________ ___________________________ ___ Yes my child(ren) will attend Our Lady for the 2016-2017 school year. I have included the fee. ___ No, my children will not attend Our Lady for the 2016-2017 school year. Please explain. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ I am undecided about returning to Our Lady for the 2016-2017 school year. Payment Options: ____ Yes, I am currently on the Smart tuition plan and will use Smart for tuition AND education fees. ____ Yes, I am currently on the Smart for tuition but I will pay education fees at final registration and use Smart for tuition. ____ Yes, I will use the Smart plan for 2016-2017, but I am not currently using Smart; please send me a form. ____ I will pay the tuition and education fees in full at final registration. ____ I will pay ½ the total tuition and education fees at final registration and the balance will be paid by January 13, 2017. ____ Other payment arrangements; I will contact the school office. Parent Name(s)________________________________________________ Date Signed_______________
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