ORTAÖĞRETİM İNGİLİZCE ICEBREAKERS STUDENT’S BOOK A 1.1 Aysun KOLCUOĞLU Mahmut ÖZLÜ Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığının 31.05.2013 tarih ve 31 sayılı Kurul Kararı ile 2014-2015 öğretim yılından itibaren 5 (beş) yıl süre ile Ders Kitabı olarak kabul edilmiştir. Harf Eğitim Yayıncılığı Limited Şirketi Reşit Galip Cd. Hatır Sk. 23/2 GOP - Çankaya ANKARA 0 312 437 08 86 e-posta: web: © Harf Eğitim Yayıncılığı Editör Fırat ARSLAN Dil Uzmanı Evren ONUR Görsel Tasarım Uzmanı ve Teknik Yönetmen Hatice Ayan Program Geliştirme Uzmanı Murat TÜRKMEN Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Uzmanı Burçe Evrim DÖNMEZER Rehberlik ve Gelişim Uzmanı Pınar ALTINIŞIK Görsel ve Teknik Hazırlık Harf Eğitim Yayıncılığı ISBN: 978-605-9969-10-9 2 İSTİKLÂL MARŞI Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. O benim milletimin yıldızıdır parlayacak; O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Bastığın yerleri “toprak!” diyerek geçme, tanı: Düşün altındaki binlerce kefensiz yatanı. Sen şehid oğlusun, incitme, yazıktır, atanı: Verme, dünyaları alsan da bu cennet vatanı. Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilâl! Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl? Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl. Hakkıdır, Hakk’a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Kim bu cennet vatanın uğruna olmaz ki fedâ? Şühedâ fışkıracak toprağı sıksan, şühedâ! Cânı, cânânı, bütün varımı alsın da Huda, Etmesin tek vatanımdan beni dünyada cüdâ. Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım. Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım! Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım. Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım. Ruhumun senden, İlâhi, şudur ancak emeli: Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne nâmahrem eli. Bu ezanlar -ki şahadetleri dinin temeliEbedî yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli. Garbın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar. Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var. Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir imanı boğar, “Medeniyyet!” dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar? O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder -varsa- taşım, Her cerîhamdan, İlâhi, boşanıp kanlı yaşım, Fışkırır ruh-ı mücerred gibi yerden na’şım; O zaman yükselerek arşa değer belki başım. Arkadaş! Yurduma alçakları uğratma, sakın. Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın. Doğacaktır sana va’dettiği günler Hakk’ın... Kim bilir, belki yarın, belki yarından da yakın. Dalgalan sen de şafaklar gibi ey şanlı hilâl! Olsun artık dökülen kanlarımın hepsi helâl. Ebediyyen sana yok, ırkıma yok izmihlâl: Hakkıdır, hür yaşamış, bayrağımın hürriyet; Hakkıdır, Hakk’a tapan, milletimin istiklâl! Mehmet Âkif ERSOY 3 ATATÜRK’ÜN GENÇLİĞE HİTABESİ Ey Türk Gençliği! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk cumhuriyetini, ilelebet, muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir. Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin, en kıymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni, bu hazineden, mahrum etmek isteyecek, dahilî ve haricî, bedhahların olacaktır. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düşersen, vazifeye atılmak için, içinde bulunacağın vaziyetin imkân ve şeraitini düşünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve şerait, çok nâmüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. İstiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kast edecek düşmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemiş bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın, bütün kaleleri zapt edilmiş, bütün tersanelerine girilmiş, bütün orduları dağıtılmış ve memleketin her köşesi bilfiil işgal edilmiş olabilir. Bütün bu şeraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dahilinde, iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ hıyanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri şahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlilerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düşmüş olabilir. Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâdı! İşte, bu ahval ve şerait içinde dahi, vazifen; Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmaktır! Muhtaç olduğun kudret, damarlarındaki asîl kanda, mevcuttur! 4 Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK 1881 - 1938 5 6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDENT’S BOOK Name of the theme THEME 2 Theme cover page (Theme cover page gives a brief idea of the theme) YOUTH Before you start: Each theme has Before you start questions to introduce the theme. Students answer them as warm up questions to get ready for the theme. What’s your favourite cloth? Do you like shopping? How do you feel today? Who is your favourite good looking celebrity? In this theme you will learn… QQ to talk about your clothes QQ to describe people QQ to express your opinion QQ to ask and give the price of something QQ to write a description of a person QQ to talk about your feelings In this theme you will learn... is the target to be accomplished at the end of the theme. QQ to talk about the names of your personal items and write about them QQ to describe objects (big, small, large, red) 29 THEME 1 Each theme has three parts: Part A , Part B and Part C l the names of the objects and the colours. A Person and the Society PART A: “Hi everybody!” 1. VOCABULARY All themes start with a vocabulary activity. A. Look at the pictures and answer the question. What part of the day is it? Write them under the correct pictures. ? ox. It’s a big box. Look! This is my umbrella. It’s white. It’s really nice, “LISTEN” activities enable students to learn and practice both pronunciation and the usage of the points taught throughout the theme. B. How do people say goodbye and greet each other? Write in the correct blank. t. What’s that? cil case and that’s my brown backpack. It is over there. Bye – Good night – See you – Good morning – Hello – See you later – Take care Good afternoon – Hi – See you tomorrow – Good evening – Goodbye – Have a nice weekend . It’s black and white. Where is my purse? A PA RT Hi everybody! purse. u are. B. Listen and repeat the numbers. 7. PRONUNCIATION 11 12 13 14 15 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 16 17 18 19 20 21 twenty 22 twenty-one A. Listen and repeat the numbers. Notice the difference. thirteen - thirty fourteen - forty sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen B. Listen and put a tick in the correct box. twenty-two 10 20 30 40 50 1. 16 60 ten twenty thirty forty fifty 2. 18 80 60 70 80 90 100 3. 19 90 4. 17 70 5. 15 50 sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred 8. READ A. Listen and read. Jack: Hello. My name is Jack. What’s your name? Sue: Hi, Jack. My name is Sue. Are you the new student? Jack: Yes, I am the new student in the course. How old are you? Sue: I’m twenty-one. And how old are you, Jack? Jack: I’m twenty-four. What’s your phone number, Sue? Sue: It’s 343- 3456. What’s your e-mail address, Jack? Jack: Sue: Thanks. See you tomorrow, Jack. Jack: Bye. Take care. B. Read again and write J (for Jack) or S (for Sue). 24 years old 343- 3456 the new student 21 years old What’s your phone number? It’s 343- 3456 Write questions for the given answers. ? 3. ? 4. I’m 15. ? Fine, thanks. And you? 2. It’s 2 1. Greetings 2. Saying goodbye 3. Both 4 3 5 14 “PRACTICE” activities help students to reinforce the learned subjects in a written form. 10. PRACTİCE 1. 2. LISTEN A. Before you listen, tell the class what the 1 pictures show. Circle the correct one. “SPEAK” activities enable students to practice the topics within different speaking activities like; dialogues, group or pair works, role plays … etc. 9. SPEAK Talk in pairs. Ask and answer. “READ” activities enable students’ recognition and comprehension. Also, enable them to see the topics in a context. ? It’s 555 – 4567. 17 Students notice the grammar points, new vocabulary and sometimes some phrases by looking at the noticeboards. n and write T (for true) Grammar reference notifications give a direction About me to the students about where to find the grammar explanations and rules. As well as it gives opportunity to find the rules, by completing, filling…etc. B PA RT green. d Sorry = when you don’t understan someone wrong Opps! = when something goes g Here you are = when you are givin something to someone Grammar Reference page 94 (Part B-11) 11. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues. 1. Tony: Is David: No, there. 3. your book, David? . My book is over Jack: What colour your pencil case? Sue: It’s orange and green. Jack: Is your pencil case? 7 CONTENTS STUDENT’S BOOK LAYOUT............................................................................................................. 7 HELLO............................................................................................................................................. 9 THEME 1 – A PERSON AND THE SOCIETY.................................................................................... 13 PART A: “Hi everybody!”.............................................................................................................. 14 PART B: “About me”..................................................................................................................... 18 PART C: “Me and my family”........................................................................................................ 24 THEME 2 YOUTH ......................................................................................................................... 29 PART A: “Teenagers’ clothes”....................................................................................................... 30 PART B: “Teenagers’ appearance”............................................................................................... 35 PART C: “Teenagers’ feelings and favourites”.............................................................................. 39 THEME 3 JOBS.............................................................................................................................. 43 PART A: “What do you do?”......................................................................................................... 44 PART B: “I want to be an artist”................................................................................................... 48 PART C: “My schedule” ............................................................................................................... 52 THEME 4 PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER.................................................................................. 55 PART A: “Me, My Likes & Dislikes”............................................................................................... 56 PART B: “Everyday Life” ............................................................................................................... 61 PARTC: “A busy person”............................................................................................................... 68 THEME 5 TOURISM...................................................................................................................... 71 PART A: “Downtown”................................................................................................................... 72 PART B: “Do you like your house?”.............................................................................................. 75 PART C: “Sightseeing”.................................................................................................................. 80 THEME 6 DREAMS AND PLANS.................................................................................................... 83 PART A: “What’s your dream holiday?”....................................................................................... 84 PART B: “Time to travel”.............................................................................................................. 87 PART C: “Would you like to go on a holiday?”.............................................................................. 89 GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGES................................................................................................... 94 VOCABULARY LIST..................................................................................................................... 102 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................... 103 8 HELLO! 9 HELLO! 1. WHAT’S THIS IN ENGLISH? Tell the class. A. Look at the pictures and write the English word under each picture. Then, listen and check your answer. B. Do you know any other English words? 10 Write them down. Introduction: Hello! 2. HOW DO YOU SPELL? A. Listen to the alphabet and repeat. The English Alphabet B. Remember the words in 1A. Listen to the dialogues and check your spelling for the words in 1A. e.g. A: How do you spell ? B: It’s L-E-M-O-N-A-D-E 3. COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES A. Match the names with the countries in the photos. FRANCE – TURKEY – SWEDEN – ENGLAND – ITALY – SPAIN B. Fill in the chart. COUNTRY France Germany NATIONALITY Turkish Japanese Mexican Portugal 11 Introduction: Hello! B. Read the dialogue. Then, choose a country from the chart. Act out the dialogue as in the example. Take turns. e.g. A: Where are you from? B: I’m from Turkey. I’m Turkish. 4. HOW DO YOU DO? Look at the picture and tell the class. What are they doing? A. Read the dialogue and check your answer. Melis: Hi George. Welcome to our country. George: Hi Melis. Glad to be here. Melis: This is my mother Eda Türkmen. And this is my father Erkan Türkmen. George: How do you do Mrs Türkmen? Eda: Nice to meet you, George. Come on. Let’s go in and have a rest. B. Complete the dialogue. Lucy: Hi. I’m Lucy. ? Michael: My name is Michael. Lucy: ? Michael: I’m from New York. Lucy: I’m from London. Nice to meet you, Michael. Michael: 12 , Lucy. THEME 1 A PERSON AND THE SOCIETY Before you start: How do you greet people? What is your lucky number? Where is your best friend from? What have you got in your class? In this theme you will learn… QQ to greet people QQ to introduce yourself and meet others QQ to give and ask personal information QQ to use numbers QQ to talk about your relationships QQ to write about your family QQ to talk about your personal belongings QQ to describe objects (name of the object and its colour) 13 THEME 1 A Person and the Society PART A: “Hi everybody!” 1. VOCABULARY A. Look at the pictures and answer the question. What part of the day is it? Write them under the correct pictures. B. How do people say goodbye and greet each other? Write in the correct blank. Bye – Good night – See you – Good morning – Hello – See you later – Take care Good afternoon – Hi – See you tomorrow – Good evening – Goodbye – Have a nice weekend 2. LISTEN 2 A. Before you listen, tell the class what the 1 pictures show. Circle the correct one. 1. Greetings 2. Saying goodbye 3. Both 3 14 4 5 B. 1. Listen to the three dialogues and find the pictures. 2. Complete the dialogues. Then listen and check your answers. , Jill. Dialogue 1: Scott : Good Jill: Hi, Scott. ? Scott: Not bad. , thanks. Jill: , Jim. Dialogue 2: Paul : , Man. How is it going? Jim: Paul: Hmm. Not much. What ! Jim: , Mr Dupont. Dialogue 3: Mrs Ignes : Good , Mrs Ignes. I’m Mr Dupont: , thank you. Mrs Ignes : I’m very A PA RT Hi everybody! ? ? . And you? ? 3. SPEAK Read the dialogues again in B2. Choose a dialogue and act out. Talk in groups of three and act out similar dialogues. Good afternoon Scott. Not bad. … Hi James. How is it going? … 4. VOCABULARY-Classroom objects A. Match the photos with the names of the objects. 1 4 2 5 3 television whiteboard duster poster window door table desk clock computer calendar bookcase board marker 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 B. Look at the picture and write the number of the objects on the picture. 15 THEME 1 A Person and the Society 5. LISTEN - Classroom instructions A. Look at the picture. Who are they? Where are they? B. 1. Listen and repeat. Be quiet, please! Can I go out? What does this word mean? Clean the board. I don’t understand. Listen to the CD. Close your books. Can you repeat that, please? 2. Who usually says these phrases? Teachers or students? Write T or S in the correct box above. 6. VOCABULARY- Numbers A. 1. Listen and repeat. 2. Write the number in the correct box. zero six one seven two eight three nine four ten five 16 A PA RT Hi everybody! B. Listen and repeat the numbers. 11 12 13 14 15 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 16 17 18 19 7. PRONUNCIATION A. Listen and repeat the numbers. Notice the difference. thirteen - thirty fourteen - forty sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 20 21 22 twenty twenty-one twenty-two B. Listen and put a tick in the correct box. 10 20 30 40 50 1. 16 60 ten twenty thirty forty fifty 2. 18 60 70 80 90 100 3. 19 80 90 sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred 4. 17 70 5. 15 8. READ 50 A. Listen and read. Jack:Hello. My name is Jack. What’s your name? Sue: Hi, Jack. My name is Sue. Are you the new student? Jack:Yes, I am the new student in the course. How old are you? Sue: I’m twenty-one. And how old are you, Jack? Jack:I’m twenty-four. What’s your phone number, Sue? Sue: It’s 343- 3456. What’s your e-mail address, Jack? Sue: Thanks. See you tomorrow, Jack. Jack:Bye. Take care. B. Read again and write J (for Jack) or S (for Sue). 24 years old 343- 3456 the new student 21 years old 9. SPEAK Talk in pairs. Ask and answer. What’s your phone number? It’s 343- 3456 10. PRACTİCE Write questions for the given answers. 1. ? 3. I’m 15. Fine, thanks. And you? ? 2. ? 4. It’s It’s 555 – 4567. ? 17 THEME 1 A Person and the Society PART B: “About me” 1. VOCABULARY-Countries and nationalities Look at the flags. Do you know these countries? Write the missing letters. P— —AN— —H—N— T— — —EY G—R— —N— F— —N— — SP— —N B— —Z— — V— —EZU—L— H— —G— —Y 2. LISTEN Match and write the countries next to the nationalities. Listen and check your answers. Then listen and repeat. Japanese Venezuelan Polish French Chinese Spanish German Brazilian Italian Hungarian 3. READ A. Look at the picture and guess. Where are they from? 18 Read and check your guess. J— P—N —T— — Y B PA RT About me Paul: Hello, Rositta. This is my friend Simge. Simge, this is Rositta. Rosetta:Hi. Nice to meet you, Simge. Simge: Nice to meet you, too. Rosetta:Where are you from Simge? Simge: I’m from Turkey and I’m the new student in class 9D. Paul is my classmate. Are you Italian? Rosetta:Yes, I am but I’m not in class 9D. I’m in class 9C. B. Read again and complete the sentences. . 1. Simge is . 2. Rosetta is from . 3. Rosetta is in class and are classmates. 4. Short forms key I am from Turkey= I’m from Tur kish Tur He is Turkish = He’s in They are in the class= They’re s clas the 4. SPEAK Read the dialogue again and talk in groups. Hi, Jim! This is Maria. Maria, this is Jim. Hi, Jim! Nice to meet you. 5. VOCABULARY-Who is she? A. Listen and repeat. Then write the number of the picture in the box. You can use one picture number more than once. 4 1 2 3 5 6 celebrity roommate dish friend colleague boss neighbour teacher 7 desk mate B. Complete the sentences with the correct word above. 1. Jennifer Aniston is a TV show 2. My 3. My 4. Mrs Brennan is our 5. Sushi is a Japanese . and I are in room 205. and I are 15. We are in the same class. . She is from the USA. . 19 THEME 1 A Person and the Society 6. READ A. Look at the photos and find. Who is my famous celebrity? This is Tarçın. It is an American cocker. It’s my dog. This is John and Mary. They are our neighbours. They are married. They are from the USA. This is Fettuccini. It’s an Italian dish. This is Noémi and Blanca. They are my friends. Noémi is from Hungary and Blanca is Spanish. ALL AROUND ME This is Leonardo DiCaprio. He is my favourite celebrity. He isn’t a TV show celebrity. B. Read the text. Then circle the correct one. 1. Fettuccini is /isn’t a Japanese dish. 2. John and Mary are / aren’t our neighbours 3. Tom and John are / aren’t colleagues. 4. Lucy is / isn’t English. 5. Are / Is Noémi and Blanca Spanish? C. Read again and answer the questions. 1. Who are my friends? 2. Where is my desk mate from? 3. What is Fettuccini? 4. What nationality is Tarçın? 5. Are John and Mary from the USA? 6. Is Tom married? 20 This is my house. My address is 324 West Main Road Apartment, 8 New York, New York 10018 This is my desk mate, Lucy. She is from England. This is Tom. Tom and John aren’t roommates. They are colleagues. who - asks about people where - asks about places America The USA= the United States of Single = not married Married=a couple who are a husband anda wife. 7. PRACTICE B PA RT About me Grammar Reference page 94 (Part B-7) Complete the dialogues. 1. ? Ray: Hi! My name is Ray. ? Amanda: I’m Amanda. Nice to meet you, Ray. , too. I’m from Canada. ? Ray: . We are in the same class. Amanda: He is Charles. He is my ? Charles: Hello, Ray! , Charles? Yes, I am. I’m from London in England. Ray: Charles: I’m 20. 2. you in this class? Ruth: . I’m in class 9D. Tom in this class. Jessica: No, he your friend? Ruth: .Oh! Who ? Jessica: Yes, my friends. Thank you. See . Ruth: They Jessica:Goodbye. 8. WRITE Read “All around me” in 6A again and write all around you. 9. VOCABULARY- Colours A. Listen and repeat. What is this? What colour is it? 1. a 2. umbrella a 5. a 3. pencil case a 6. and hat a pen a 7. staple folder 8. a 9. a 4. backpack a________ purse 10. notebook an and gift box B. Write the colours in the correct blanks. black – white – red – brown – yellow – orange – blue – purple – pink – green 21 THEME 1 A Person and the Society 10. READ A. Look at the picture. Tell the names of the objects and the colours. B. Read and check. Judy:Opps! What’s that? Kate:It’s my personal box. It’s a big box. Look! This is my umbrella. It’s white. It’s really nice, isn’t it? Judy:Yes, it’s really great. What’s that? Kate:It’s my purple pencil case and that’s my brown backpack. It is over there. Judy:And this? Kate:Oh! That’s my hat. It’s black and white. Where is my purse? Judy:What colour is it? Kate:It’s pink. Judy:Sorry? Kate:It’s a leather pink purse. Judy:Here it is. Here you are. Kate:Thanks. C. Read the dialogue again and write T (for true) or F (for false). 1. It isn’t a big box. 2. The hat is orange and green. 3. The purse is pink. 4. It’s a black umbrella. 22 and Sorry = when you don’t underst someone wrong Opps! = when something goes ing giv are you Here you are =when eone som to ing someth B PA RT About me Grammar Reference page 94 (Part B-11) 11. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues. 1. 3. Tony:Is David:No, there. your book, David? . My book is over Jack: What colour your pencil case? Sue: It’s orange and green. Jack: Is your pencil case? Sue: Yes, 2. Jack: Here Brenda: Where is my umbrella? Mother:I don’t know. Is umbrella over there? Brenda: Yes, . your . Thanks Mum. is. 4. Boy: Dad, what colour Dad: Boy: Is Dad: Yes, your folder? brown. your folder, over there? . 12. LISTEN Listen and choose the correct picture a or b. 1.a. b. 3.a. b. 2.a. b. 4.a. b. 13. SPEAK Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Talk about things you have in the class. What colour is your pen? Is this your pen? Here it is. It’s blue. Yes, it is. Thank you. 23 THEME 1 A Person and the Society PART C: “Me and my family” 1. VOCABULARY- Whose is this? Listen and repeat. Write the number of the object next to the words in the list. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 5 10 Things in my backpack torch dictionary cell phone watch plane ticket notebook camera sunglasses tissues passport wallet toothbrush towels books 2. READ A. Look at the picture and tell the names of the objects. B. Read the dialogue. Whose backpack is that? Mum: Are you ready for your summer camp? Amy: Yes, I’m so happy. My notebook, tissues, camera and my books. I think everything is ready. Mum: Hey, your plane ticket and is that your backpack over there? Amy: What colour is it? Mum: It’s black. Amy: No, my backpack is black and orange. Mum: Whose is that? Amy: That is my friend’s backpack. It’s Sally’s. Her backpack is black. Mum: Take these. Amy: What are these? Mum: These are towels and dictionaries. Amy: Oh! Thanks Mum. C. Read the dialogue again and answer the questions. 24 1. Whose backpack is black? 3. Is Amy happy? 2. Who is ready for the summer camp? 4. What colour is Amy’s backpack? 2 *Grammar Reference pages 94-95 (Part C-3) 3. PRACTICE A. Circle the correct one. 1.I/ My am 16. My / I name is Paul. 2. She / Her umbrella is red. 3.A: Who’s / Whose dictionaries are these? 4.A: Is this / these your camera? B: They / Their are Sally is / ’s. B: No, it isn’t. It’s he / his camera. 5.We are in the same class. Their / Our class is 9D. 6.These / Those aren’t my towels. It / They are their / our towels. My towels are here. B. Write the sentences in plural. 1. My favourite dish is pizza. . 2. My friend is from Poland. . 3. This is an expensive camera. . 4. That’s my pen. . 4. PRONUNCIATION A. Listen to the words. Notice the difference. booksbabies watches B. Listen to the words. Tick the sound you hear. books / s / babies / z / watches / ız / /s/ /z/ / ız / buses backpacks cafés bags kisses bosses numbers cats apples phones 25 THEME 1 A Person and the Society 5. SPEAK Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Talk about things you have in the class. Whose pencil case is this? It’s our teacher’s. Are those Jane’s pencils? No, they aren’t Jane’s pencils. These are her pencils. They are here. 6. VOCABULARY- Family members Match each word with a person in the pictures. Then listen and repeat. Phil’s l Phi a. grandfather b. sister c. father d. grandmother e. uncle Kiyoshi’s f. wife g. son a ca Eri Erica’s h. husband i. daughter Carlos’s j. father k. sister l. aunt m. mother Carlos i osh Ki y 7. READ A. Look at the title. What is the text about? I think= in my opinion the only child= no brothers or ers sist er’s nephew= is your brother or sist son niece= is your brother’s or sister’s daughter r parents= your father and mothe Me and my family Hi! I think I haven’t got a big family. My name is William. I’m 38. I’m a doctor. I’m married to Maria. She is my wife and she is a teacher. She is 30. She is from India. Our daughter is 10. Her name is Jasmine. Jasmine’s aunt is Lucy. She is my sister. She is a teacher at the university. She isn’t single. She has got a son. His name is Joshua. He is only four and he is the only child. He is my nephew. I haven’t got a brother. My parents, my mother and father, are Dave and Mary. They are in Glasgow now. We have got a small house. I haven’t got a car. My wife has got a car. I love my family! 26 C PA RT Me and my family B. Read about William’s family and write the correct names in the blanks. 1. hasn’t got a daughter. 2. My parents’ names are and 3. is Lucy’s son’s name. 4. is William’s nephew and 5. is Joshua’s uncle. 6. Jasmine’s parents are 7. . is Lucy’s niece. and . hasn’t got a son. 8. Maria’s husband is . *Grammar Reference page 95 (Part C-8) 8. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues with the correct form of “have got”. 1.A: Is that Mary’s son? B: No, Mary a son. She 2.I a daughter. a brother or a sister. I am the only child. 3.Oh, no! We 4.A: a dictionary. you B: Yes, I a niece? .I two nieces. 5.A: Excuse me, you B: No, I A: a tissue? . Lucy B: Yes, she a tissue? . 9. SPEAK A. Talk in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your families. Have got a brother? No, I haven’t. I have got a sister. She is 18. B. Now write about your friend’s family. My friend has got a sister. Her sister is 18. Where? in= My parents are in Glasgow on= My pens are on the table at= My mother is at home 27 THEME 1 A Person and the Society 10. LISTEN A. Valerie talks about her family. Listen to Valerie and take notes in the chart. Name Age Relationship Tom Marital Status Possession married Dan father boat Jack Mike 15 Eva Nicole B. Listen again answer the questions about Valerie’s family. 1. Who is Nicole? . 2. How old is Valerie’s husband? . 3. Who has got two pets? . 4. How many brothers has Valerie got? . 5. Has Valerie got a sister? . 6. Is her brother, Jack married? . 7. What has Valerie’s aunt got? . 11. WRITE- What have you got in your backpack? A. Look at the picture and make a list of things you have in your backpack. Things I have got backpack in my two watches B. Now write about the things you have in your school bag. I have got two notebooks and a pencil case. 28 THEME 2 YOUTH Before you start: What’s your favourite cloth? Do you like shopping? How do you feel today? Who is your favourite good looking celebrity? In this theme you will learn… QQ to talk about your clothes QQ to describe people QQ to express your opinion QQ to ask and give the price of something QQ to write a description of a person QQ to talk about your feelings QQ to talk about the names of your personal items and write about them QQ to describe objects (big, small, large, red) 29 THEME 2 Youth PART A: “Teenagers’ clothes” 1. VOCABULARY-Clothes A. Listen and repeat. accessories B. Which items can you find in the pictures in A? Find and mark them on the pictures. they are always plural trousers: a green and grey hooded top - a denim coat - blue jeans jeans: they are always plural a pink skirt - a white shirt ral sunglasses: they are always plu an orange dress - green trousers - a pink blouse - a white s jean e denim= blu st T-shirt - purple shoes trendy= fashionable, new or late a silver necklace - a black handbag - black sunglasses blue earrings - black sandals a red bracelet - blue white and red trainers - a grey tie - a grey suit - a grey jacket a black and white hat - a black leather watch - trendy sneakers - a cute T-shirt 30 A PA RT Teenagers’ clothes 2. READ A. Read and find. Where is this text from? What is it about? S e v e n t e e n Today our guest is, my celebrity: Selena Gomez. She is really good looking. What’s in her wardrobe? MY wardrobe I have got lots of boots but they are not stylish. These ones are very fashionable. My white beret is cool. This is my favourite top. It is really an elegant top and it’s cheap. Isn’t it cute? This is my new leather skirt. Leather clothes are very expensive. I like all my leather clothes. I have got four leather skirts. This one is my favourite. These are my denim earrings. They are very trendy. B. Read again and write T (true) or F (false) for the statements. Correct the false ones. 1. Selena’s favourite clothing is a top. 2. Selena’s earrings are leather. 3. Selena has got purple boots. 4. Leather clothes are cheap. 5. Selena’s leather skirt is old. 6. Selena’s top is elegant. 7. Selena’s earrings are unfashionable. 8. Selena’s purple boots are stylish. 31 THEME 2 Youth Grammar Reference page 96 ( Part A-3) 3. PRACTICE Rewrite the sentences. 1.This is my new leather skirt. My leather . 2.This is really an elegant top. This top . 3.Those dresses are orange. . 4.This hat is black and white. . 5.I have got new trousers. . 6.Those shoes are red and white. . 7.She has got a denim skirt. . 8.My father’s tie is trendy. . 4. SPEAK Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your clothes. What’s in your wardrobe? sale in price discount: try on:wear to changing room:a small room in hes clot change p. sho ’ a clothes Have you got a denim coat? I have got trendy dresses. My favourite is my red dress and it’s cheap. Yes, I’ve got two denim coats. They are stylish. 32 A PA RT Teenagers’ clothes 5. LISTEN-Shopping A. Look at the picture. Where are the girls? Listen and write two things Jasmine buys: Then listen again and complete the second part. , . At the clothes’ shop Jasmine: How is that T- shirt? Lena: Which one? Jasmine: The green one. Lena: It is nice but too dark. How about this? Jasmine:Wow! It is really cute. Thanks. Hey Lena! Look at those skirts. They are really trendy. Excuse me, Can I try these on? Shop assistant: Sure. Which ones? Jasmine: This red skirt and this denim one. Shop assistant: OK. Try them on here in the changing room. *** Jasmine: What do you think of these? Lena: Oh! The skirt is pretty. Err...I think the T-shirt is big. Jasmine: Have you got a small size of this purple T-shirt? Shop assistant: Yes. Here you are. Lena: Yes! They are very nice. Jasmine: I’ll buy them. Excuse me! How much is this t-shirt? Euros. Shop assistant: Let me see it. It is only Lena: Oh! It is too expensive. Have you got a discount? . Shop assistant:We have got 20% discount in cash. And the red skirt is € Jasmine: Okay. How much is that all? all in cash. Shop assistant: That’s € Jasmine: Here you are. Bye. Shop assistant: Thank you. Good bye. B. Answer the questions. 1. Which skirts are trendy? 2. What is big for Jasmine? 3. How much is the red skirt? 4. Which one is expensive? 5. What colour is the T-shirt? C. Look at the highlighted words. Write what they refer to. one (line 2-3) - the green T-shirt they (line 5) ones (line 7) one (line 8) them (line 9) they (line 14) them (line 15) - 33 THEME 2 Youth Grammar Reference page 96 ( Part A-6) 6. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues. 1.A: Have you got a skirt? B: Yes. These 2.A: Amy, how about these trousers? B: Which are very stylish. A: Can I try A: These yellow and blue on? B: Sure. Which ? ? B: Wow! A: That black leather . are great. . A: Let’s try on. 7. PRONUNCIATION A. Listen and repeat. Notice the difference in a, b and c. b. suit c. shirt a. children B. Listen and put a tick to the sounds you hear. b. suit (s) a. children (t∫) c. shirt (∫) a. children (t∫) b. suit (s) c. shirt (∫) shoes Spanish chair shop she seven check 8. SPEAK Work in groups of three. Read the dialogue in 5A. You are at clothes’ shop. Then, ask and answer questions. Look at those shoes! The blue and the black ones. Which ones? How much are these shoes? They are ₤ 50 (pounds) 34 £ 1: one pound £ 2: two pounds os € 1: one euro € 50: fifty eur THEME 2 Youth PART B: “Teenagers’ appearance” 1. VOCABULARY - People’s appearance A. Listen and repeat. B. Use the vocabulary in A and make sentences about the woman in the picture. hair - She has got brown eyes. - She is young. She is in her twenties. long straight blonde short curly dark C.Now use the vocabulary in A again and make true sentences about your friend. wavy fair long straight brown My friend is Joe. He is a teenager. He is tall and he has got green eyes. He is a good looking boy. weight height eyes brown hazel tall - short slim - chubby fat - thin D. Match the opposites of the adjectives. blue green 1. young 2. handsome/beautiful 3. fat 4. short 5. straight 6. slim 7. dark a. tall b. thin c. chubby d. curly e. ugly f. old g. light 35 2. READ A. Look at the photos. Which one is Jack Sparrow? a or b? B. Read and check your answer. WHO IS JACK SPARROW? a Jack Sparrow is the character of the movie, Pirates of the Caribbean. He is the captain in the movie. Jack Sparrow has got dark eyes. He has got long curly and brown hair. In the movie he has also got beard and a long moustache. b But in real life, Johnny Depp hasn’t got beard or a moustache. He is in his 40s. He has got brown eyes. He has got short straight and dark hair. He is really different in the movie. C. Read and match the meanings of the words. 1. movie a. hair between the nose and chin 2. different b. film 3. beard c. hair on your chin and cheeks 4. moustache d. not same D. Read again and answer the questions. 1. Who is the captain? 2. Who has got short hair? 3. Has Johnny Depp got dark hair? 4. What colour eyes has Johnny Depp got? 5. Is Johnny Depp young? 36 in his/her 20s: young in his/her 40s: middle aged in his/her 80s: old B PA RT Teenagers’ appearance 3. LISTEN A. Look at the pictures and describe the three men. B. Laura and her friend are talking about Laure’s uncle. Her uncle’s name is Paul. Which one is Laura’s uncle? Listen and check the picture a, b or c. a b c 4. SPEAK Play a guessing game in groups of five. Choose your famous celebrity. Don’t tell your friends. Ask and answer questions. Guess your friend’s celebrity. Is it a man or woman? A woman. Has she got blue eyes? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t. 5. WRITE A. Read the e-mail. What’s wrong with the e-mail? To: From: Subject: my new desk mate hi elena how is it going my new desk mate is a pretty girl her name is agnes she is from venice in italy she is tall and slim she has got long wavy dark hair and green eyes she is a nice person 37 THEME 2 Youth PUNCTUATION RULES CAPITALIZATION RULES - We use a period (.) at the end of positive and negative statements. We use capital letters: - We use a question mark (?) at the end of a question. - with first names and last names i.e. Jack Sparrow - at the beginning of a sentence i.e. She is my desk mate. - with cities/ countries/nationalities/languages i.e. İstanbul/Turkey/Turkish/Turkish - with the plural pronoun I i.e. My friends and I are in the class. B. After reading the rules, add punctuations and capitals to the e-mail in 5A. For example: Hi, Elena. How is it going? C. Choose a family member. Write an e-mail about your family member to your friend. D. After writing, check your punctuation and capital letters. To: From: Subject: 38 THEME 2 Youth PART C: “Teenagers’ feelings and favourites” 1. VOCABULARY- Adjectives of feelings A. Look at the photos. How do they feel? a d c b e B.Who says these sentences? Match the sentences with the pictures. Then listen, and check your answers. f 1. I am confused. Which one is delicious? Fish or meat? 2. I haven’t got any friends. I’m very lonely. 3. It’s my birthday today. I’m very happy. 4. Where is my milk? I’m very angry. 5. Ho-hum. I’m very bored. I want to play. 6. My partner is not here. I’m very sad. 2. READ A. Before you read, guess how Jackie feels. Is she happy or sad? B. Jackie and Paul are on the phone. Read and check your guess. Paul: Hi Jackie! It’s Paul speaking. How is it going? Happy- sad faces Jackie: Hi, Paul. Not much. on people I am at home. How are you? Paul: Great. I’m very happy. Today is my birthday. Sally and I are at Nona’s Café. Err... Are you OK, Jackie? Jackie: Sorry. I’m not. Paul: Oh! Why are you sad? Jackie: My colleague is in the hospital in New York. She is ill. Paul: Oh! Poor you! Jackie: I’m not sure. I’m sad or confused. I’ve got lots of work. I think I’m sad. Sue is really ill. Paul: Don’t worry, she will be fine. Jackie: Thank you, Paul and happy birthday! Paul: Thanks, Jackie. OK then. See you later. Jackie:Bye. 39 C. 1. Read the dialogue again. Write P (for Paul) J (for Jackie). a. at home c. sad and confused b. at the cafe with Sally d.birthday e. has got lots of work. 2. Answer the questions. a. Where are Paul and Sally? b. Who is sad? c. What has Jackie got? d. Where is Jackie’s colleague? e. Whose birthday is it today? f. How is Paul? g. Why is Jackie sad? 3. SPEAK Work in pairs. You are on the phone. Ask and answer about his/her feelings. Hi Helen! It’s Mike speaking. Hello Mike. How is it going? Great! Where are you? I’m at the café. I’m sad. Why are you sad? Today is my birthday and you are not here. 4. VOCABULARY - School subjects A. Match the school subjects with the pictures. Listen and check your answers. 1 2 40 7 5 3 4 6 Chemistry Art Maths History Physics English Geography C PA RT Teenagers’ feelings and favourites 5. READ A. Carla and Clayton are talking about their favourites. Skim and find Carla’s favourite subject and item. Clayton:Carla, are you OK? Carla: No! I’m confused. Paul, what’s your favourite subject? Clayton:Well, numbers. I love numbers. I think my favourite subject is Maths. What’s yours? Carla: I don’t know. Painting is interesting. I love old times, places and people. I get bored in Geography. Clayton:So? Carla: I know, it is Art. Clayton:That’s nice. What about your favourite item? Carla: Well. I have got lots of favourites. Clayton:My favourite item is iPad. It’s a tablet computer. Carla: Wow! How big is it? Clayton:It isn’t big. It’s small. It is easy to carry. It’s not heavy. Carla: Now, my favourite item is camera. It’s small but it has got lots of photos in it. It’s silver. I take my family’s photos, my friends’ photos. And you know I love painting. Clayton:That’s an interesting item for a girl. Wow: very nice heavy: opposite of light k Well: when you need time to thin interesting: opposite of boring B. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. What is Carla’s fovourite item? 2. What is Clayton’s favourite subject? 3. Is Geography interesting? 4. What colour is Carla’s camera? 5. What is an iPad? 6. LISTEN A. Listen to the three dialogues. They are describing their favourite personal items Choose a or b. 1. a b 2. a b 3. a b B. Listen to the dialogues again. Choose an item and describe it. 41 THEME 2 Youth 7. SPEAK Work in pairs. Choose an item from the class and describe it to your friend. My favourite items in the class are posters. They are big, colourful and interesting. My favourite item in the class is my pencil case. It is round, small and easy to carry. It is yellow and red. 8. WRITE A. Complete your item ID form. Name: Size:big small Age:old new Cost:expensive cheap B. Read your item ID form and write the description of your favourite Item. 42 THEME 3 JOBS Before you start: What do you want to be? Can you talk about things you can do? What are your spare time activities? What are you good at? In this theme you will learn… QQ to ask and answer about one’s job QQ the days of the week and the months of the year QQ to talk about your abilities QQ to talk about things you are good at or bad at QQ to interview about someone’s work times QQ to tell someone to do or not to do QQ to tell the time QQ to complete a form QQ to talk about spare time activities 43 THEME 3 Jobs PART A: “What do you do?” 1. VOCABULARY - Jobs A. What do they do? Look at the things below and guess their jobs. Match the items with the Jobs. Then, listen to the people and check your guesses. 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 B. Read the example and make sentences. 2. READ doctor pilot swimmer football player lawyer cook police officer engineer dentist singer 10 Number 1 is a dentist. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) a teacher an architect A. Look at the cards. What do these people do? Read and use the cards to complete the blanks with jobs. Today we are in the streets. We ask people about their jobs. Let’s start with Steve. SHEILA WHITE Interviewer: What do you do, Steve? Steve:Well, I’ve got a chair. I work with actors. . I’m a Interviewer: Is your job interesting? Steve: Yes, very interesting. Interviewer: What about you, Sheila? Sheila:OK. I use a board marker, a board and I’ve got lots of students. . Interviewer: You are a AYLOR ANDREW T Sheila: Yes, you are right. I’m very happy with my students. Interviewer: Great! Andrew, what do you do? Andrew: Oh! My job is difficult. I draw, I use a pen, a ruler... . Interviewer: I know, you are an Andrew: That’s right. What do you do? Alan Winters Interviewer: Ha-ha! Well, I’m an interviewer. B. Read the interview again and write sentences about the people. - Alan Winters hasn’t got a job. He is unemployed. 44 STEVE WATSON A PA RT What do you do? 3. VOCABULARY- Days / Months- Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers A. Look at the calendars and answer the questions. What day is it today? What month is it? What year is it? B. Read the calendars and find out what “Sun” shows in the calendars. Write the word for each one. Then listen and repeat. DAYS OF THE WEEK Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat C. Read the calendars again and write the missing months. Then listen and repeat. MONTHS OF THE YEAR JANUARY JUNE NOVEMBER MARCH APRIL AUGUST OCTOBER . 45 THEME 3 Jobs 4. READ A. Look at the note. What is today? What month is it? What is the date? Look at the calendar and find. Then, read the note and check your answers. iceboard A Note from a Mother’s Not ber 6th, 2011. Don’t forget!!! Today is Septem ay. It’s my son, Haden’s first birthd family is He is one year old. Today all the here and we are all very happy. got a very Haden is very happy too. He has , many big birthday cake and of course presents. t. Your mother wishes you the bes TLE BOY! HAPPY BIRTDAY MY DEAR LIT Your MUM loves you. B. Read the text again and write T (true) or F (false). 1. The date is September the sixth. 2. Haden is a year old. 3. Haden hasn’t got a birthday cake. 4. The note is from Haden’s mother. 5. The family isn’t there. 6. Haden’s birthday is on the ninth month. 5. LISTEN A. What do you notice on the calendar? Sunday Monday Tuesday March 2013 Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 1st first 3 3rd third 5 6 7 8 2nd second 9 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 10 10th tenth 24th twenty-fourth 31 46 4 Saturday 2 11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 21 22 27 28 29 20 30 30th thirtieth A PA RT Teenagers’ clothes B. Match the written forms and write ordinal numbers on the calendar. Then, listen and repeat the dates on the calendar. 28th 31st 22nd 26th 29th 15th 27th 14th 23rd 25th * fourteenth * twenty-second * thirty-first * twenty-seventh * fifteenth * twenty-eighth * twenty-ninth * twenty-fifth * twenty-third * twenty-sixth C. Now mark your birthday on the calendar 2013 on page (45) and write sentences. My birthday is on (the) ninth (of) August. 6. SPEAK Work in groups of four. Ask your friend’s birthday. Tell the class your friend’s birthday. When is your birthday? Melike’s birthday is on (the) fourth (of) April. My birthday is on (the) 10th (of) February. My birthday is on April (the) fourth. es in We can say and write the dat two ways: August 9: August (the) ninth ust 9th August: (the) ninth (of) Aug * We don’t write the words in parentheses but we say them. 7. WRITE Choose a family member of your family and write about him/her. My cousin’s name is Simon. He is a university student. He is 23 years old. His birthday is on 2nd June. 47 THEME 3 Jobs PART B: “I want to be an artist” 1. VOCABULARY - Verbs A. What do you want to be? Which of these can you do? Look at the actions below. Match them with the pictures. 2 1 3 speak Spanish dance Hola 4 write poems 6 5 7 ride a bicycle act cook 11 use a computer take photograph 8 9 do experiments 10 12 swim (2) 3 sing play football B. Put a tick (√) to the things you can do and a cross (X) to the things you can’t do. Then make sentences. I can swim very well. I want to be a swimmer. I want to be a singer but I can’t sing. 2. READ A. Look at the pictures and the text. Where can you find this text? What can he do? Any Tips for a Teenage Artist? I want to be a great artist. My teachers say “You are good at painting. Hands are important.” My parents say “Art classes are expensive.” How can I become a good artist? What can I do? I’m frustrated. How can I teach myself to draw? Give me tips! 48 B PA RT I want to be an artist B. Read and answer the questions. 1. What is he good at? 2. What is important for painting? 3. How does he feel? 4. What is expensive? Good at X bad at at swimming. I’m good at painting. I’m bad at Maths. bad I’m I’m good at Biology. Grammar Reference page 96 ( Part B-3) 3. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues with can and the words in parentheses and give short answers. 1.Bill: What is your favourite subject? 2.Matt: I think Michael Phelps is a great swimmer. Bruce:Chemistry. I am good at it. Bill: (1) experiments? Bruce:Yes, (2) Sandy:Yes, I know and he (4) (play) football very well, too. . Bill: That’s nice. Matt: Really? How do you know that? 3.Sue: (5) (swim) He (3) very well. (you/do) Sandy: From the Internet. (your brother / use) a computer? Mike: Of course, (6) . He is only 2. 4. I’m not good at Maths. I (7) (solve) problems. It’s too hard for me. 4. SPEAK A. Work in pairs. Read the instructions and fill in the application form. Student A: You work for Vikingen Hotel. You need a talented cook. Student B is the applicant. Interview Student A and fill the application form. Student B: You are good at cooking. You want to be a chef in a hotel. You want a good job. You answer Student A’s questions. Hello! Are you Ms Parker? I’m here about the job. VIKINGEN HOTELS APPLICATION FORM FIRST NAME: .................................................................. LAST NAME: ................................................................... AGE: ................................................................................... ABILITIES * dance * * cook * * animate * * serve Hi! Yes, I am. Fine. What’s your full name? * sing LANGUAGES * English * Spanish * * 49 THEME 3 Jobs 5. WRITE Look at the application form you filled up. Write sentences about your abilities and thing you are good at or bad at. I’m good at cooking. I can cook very well. I want to be a chef in a big hotel. 6. VOCABULARY - Dos and Don’ts A. Look at the pictures and the phrases. Listen and repeat. 1 4 3 2 5 6 7 8 10 9 exercise regularly eat junk food obey the rules smoke brush teeth feed the animals speak loudly use computer be careful study your lessons B. Match the phrases with the pictures. Write sentences. 1. Don’t use computer for long hours. 2. Obey the rules. 7. READ A. Read and find. Who is the note for? Good morning! ling! You are Today I’m busy. Sorry, dar ’t waste your time! free and at home. Please don ’t Wake up late. I know you are tired but don Computer for Study your lessons. Don’t use ! Eat something long hours!!! Please, Sam! Ah but don’t eat junk food. Don’t go to bed late! Love you, honey! MUM 50 B. Read again and answer the questions. 1. Who is at home? 2. How is Sam? 3. Is it late at night? 4. Who has got a lot of work? 5. Is Sam’s mother tired? C. Read again and write Sam’s Dos and Don’ts. • • • • • • • B PA RT I want to be an artist Grammar Reference page 97 ( Part B-8) 8. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. close - not talk - turn on - relax - take - not walk - be careful 1.Mother: Jack! the lights. It’s dark. 5. Henry: Are you ready? Son: OK, mum. Brenda: Yes, I am. 2.Student: ! Today our teacher Henry: outside. is very angry. Desk mate: Sorry. your umbrella. It’s rainy 6.Jackie: Are you OK? 3.Sam: Have you got the keys, Dad? Michael: No, I’m very angry. Dad: Yes, Jackie: the door. 4.Sue:It’s dangerous. ! on it. ! Bob: Aaaarrrgh! 9. SPEAK A. Work in pairs. Student A:You are sad. You are not successful You don’t know how to study. Tell your friend about it. Student B:Your friend wants to be successful. You know he can do it. Tell him/her about dos and don’ts. I’m sad. I want to be successful. I don’t know what to do. OK. I know you can do it. First, don’t use your computer long hours. Study regular hours… 10. WRITE Write Dos and Don’ts Card for your friend. Dos Don’ts - Study regular hours -Don’t watch TV too much. - - - - - - 51 THEME 3 Jobs PART C: “My schedule” 1. VOCABULARY - Telling the time - Spare time activities A. Match the clocks 1-7 with the phrases a-g. Listen and check your answers. 1-f 5 6 4 3 7 2 a. It’s ten past ten. b. It’s eleven-oh-five. c. It’s twenty to four d. It’s quarter to two e. It’s eight o’clock f. It’s twelve twenty-three. g. It’s half past three. B.1. Listen and repeat. Write the number of the picture next to the phrases. Which ones are spare time activities? 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 - go shopping (Picture 9) - have a barbecue - do housework - go to the movies - do the washing up 8 9 10 - have lunch - play with my dog - hang out with friends - go to the gym - read a book B.2. Put a tick (3) to the spare time activities. Then make sentences. I go shopping in my spare time. 52 C PA RT My schedule 2. READ A. Look at the picture. Where are they? Who is the interviewer talking with? B. Before you read, use your dictionaries and find the words then complete. Then read and check your answers. busy – coach - spare time – exercise . 1. I have lots of work. I am very and get ready for the match. 2. Before we play football, we tells us the times for training. 3. Our . 4. I listen to music in my Interviewer: Welcome Mr Nadal. It is very nice to see you in our programme. Raphael Nadal: Thank you very much. Interviewer: Well! You are a champion tennis player. We want to talk about your work times. Do you exercise every day? Raphael Nadal: I exercise four days in a week. Interviewer: Do you exercise long hours? Raphael Nadal: Sometimes. My coach has a schedule. My schedule is very important. My colleagues and I train everyday. Everything is on our schedules. Interviewer: What time do you start your training? Raphael Nadal: At eight in the morning. I get up at 7 and have breakfast. Then I go training. We have lunch at 12 and relax from 12.30 to 1.30. We start again at 2 o’clock. We stop training at 4 in the afternoon. Then I have a shower. Interviewer: Too busy! Well, what do you do in your free time? Raphael Nadal: On Tuesdays I have free time. I hang out with my friends, watch movies on TV in the evenings. At the weekend we usually have barbecue with our The verb have friends. We sometimes have a cup of coffee with our have a shower friends. have lunch/breakfast/dinner Interviewer: Great! Do you go to bed late? have a barbecue Raphael Nadal: Not really. I go to bed at 12 at night. have coffee/tea Interviewer: Thank you for the friendly interview am: from midnight to noon Mr Nadal! pm: from noon to midnight Raphael Nadal: You’re welcome. C. Read the interview again and write the missing parts on Raphael’s schedule. Raphael’s Schedule TIME 8.30 9.00 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Training Training Training Training SUNDAY NO TRAINING 12.00 12.30 01.00pm 01.30 04.00 Training Training Training 53 THEME 3 Jobs D. Read the interview and underline the phrases with the verb have as in the example. Prepositions gs - I have a shower in the mornin - I don’t work on Sundays ys - We go to school at/on weekda Look at the noticeboard and make sentence using have. e.g. I. have breakfast everday at 8 in the morning. Grammar Reference page 97 (Part C-4) 3. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in the parentheses and short forms. Add a preposition where necessary. 1. A: you your friends? B: No, I cinema. (hang) out with 3.We (go) shopping weekends. .I (go) to the 4.I (have) Spanish classes Monday 2.Mike:I Sally: Yes. time. (have) free time. you (have)? the afternoon. 5.A:When you (have) barbecue? Tuesdays I have free B: We usually (have) barbecue Sundays every week. 4. SPEAK Work in pairs. Ask your friend about his/her free time activities and take notes. Then ask what time and when. What do you do in your free time? When do you go shopping? What time do you go shopping? Well, I read a book. Hang out with friends, go to movies, go shopping. We go shopping on Saturdays. We go shopping at 4p.m. in the afternoon. 54 5. WRITE Write your free time activity list. Then write when and what time you do these activities. Activity List - play with my dog In my free time, I go out and play with my dog at 3 in the afternoons. THEME 4 PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER Before you start: What kind of a person is your friend? What is your daily routine? What do people usually do in their spare time? What are your hobbies? Do you like spending your time at home at weekends? How often do you eat out? What are you doing now? In this theme you will learn… QQ to talk about one’s personality QQ to talk and ask one’s hobby QQ to ask and write about one’s daily routine QQ to talk about TV shows QQ to talk about one’s likes and dislikes QQ to say how often you do things QQ to talk about things that are happening now 55 THEME 4 Personality and Character PART A: “Me, My Likes & Dislikes” 1. VOCABULARY - Personal adjectives A. Listen and repeat. Are you an exciting person? Match the pictures with the adjectives. a b c d cheerful funny outgoing boring creative e f g h d helpful intelligent sensitive B. Then make sentences. I am a very helpful and an outgoing person. My friend is an intelligent and creative person. 2. READ A. Look at the page. Where can you find this kind of information? Who is the teenage boy in the picture? Justin Bieber is heading to Australia this weekend, so it is time for a bit of a Bieber WRAP UP! Background Information Birth name: Justin Drew Bieber Born: March 1, 1994 (age 18) Origin: Stratford, Ontario, Canada Height: 5’ 7’’ (1.70 m) Genres: Pop, R&B, teen pop Occupations: Singer, songwriter, composer, musician, actor, rapper, dancer Instruments: Guitar, piano, percussion, trumpet Website: JUSTIN BIEBER SAYS: NEVER SAY NEVER I’m 18 years old. I’m from Canada. I’m thin and tall. I’ve got brown eyes and brown hair. I’m talented, creative, I’m very independent. I don’t like rules and I become frustrated with the routine. My plans are very important; I can be stubborn and hard-headed if my plans don’t work. IT’S ME! 56 A PA RT Me, My Likes & Dislikes B. Read and find the adjectives that describe Justin C. Read again and answer the questions. Bieber. Use your dictionary and find the meanings. 1. What is his full name? 1. talented 2. How tall is Justin? 2. 3. What does he do? 3. 4. What instruments can he play? 4. 5. What colour eyes has he got? 5. 3. LISTEN A. Look at the pictures. Are you active? Which of these activities are active which aren’t? read the newspaper have a rest go jogging play tennis go dancing B. A woman is answering questions for a survey. Listen to her and put a tick to her answers. SURVEY ON: AGE: 38 1. Do you go dancing? Yes No Grammar Reference page 97 (Part A -4) 2. When do you go? on weekdays at weekends 3. Do you do sports? Yes No 4. What sports do you play? basketball golf C. Listen to Kelly again and write T (true) or F (false) for her sentences. 1. I am very active. 2. I go jogging. 3. I don’t have free time. 4. I go dancing on Saturday and on Sunday. 5. I don’t play tennis. 6. I don't play tennis on weekdays. 7. I don’t have a rest. ARE YOU ACTIVE? NAME: Kelly White listen to music tennis none 5. When do you play? Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 4. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues. Use the verbs in the brackets and short forms. you 1.Belinda:When (have) a rest? Becky: Well, in the evening. they (do) on Fridays? 2.Ally: What (go) dancing. Sam: They they (go) with Ally: their friends? . Sam: Yes, you (have) a 3.Gabriel: barbecue every weekend? . Edward:No, 57 THEME 4 Personality and Character 5. SPEAK Talk in pairs. Ask and answer questions with your desk mate as in the example. Are you an outgoing person? Yes, I am. What do you do? I go to parties and hang out with friends. When do you go out with friends? I hang out friends on weekdays. 6. VOCABULARY - TV programmes Listen and repeat. What kind of TV programmes are these? Match the words with the programmes on the TVs. a b c d e h September 2, 2014 SUNDAY LIVE 9:45-11:30 FOOTBALL MATCH TV GUIDE CHANNEL A f 4:30 FORMULLA 1 5:30˃ Flintstones 6:00˃News 6.30˃Our Planet 7:30˃Tennis at Wimbledon g 58 ( ( ( ( ) news ( ) sports ( ) sitcom ( ) soap opera( ) documentary ) cartoons ) talk show ) quiz show A PA RT Me, My Likes & Dislikes 7. SPEAK Read the TV guide. Talk in pairs. Ask and answer questions. When is your favourite programme? It’s today. The football match. What time is the match on? It is on at quarter to ten. 8. READ A. Look at the picture. What do you think the dialogue is about? Read and check your answer. Betsy: What’s on now? Mike: Flintstones. Do you want to watch them? Betsy: No, I don’t like cartoons. Mike: OK. What about Our Planet? Betsy: Well, I quiet like documentaries. Hey, look! There is a tennis match. I like watching tennis on TV. B. Read again and write M for Mike and B for Betsy. Mike: What time is it on? 1. I quiet like documentaries. Betsy: It’s on at 7.30. 2. I really like football on TV. Mike: I like football matches on TV very much. Yes! There is live football on Channel A. Great! 3. I don’t like cartoons. 4. I hate football. Betsy: Oh no, I hate football. 9. LISTEN A. Before you listen put a tick (√) to the pictures. What are your hobbies? riding a bike going fishing riding a horse painting pictures playing the guitar collecting stamps cooking 59 THEME 4 Personality and Character B. Listen to a teenage on a TV programme about “Teens’ Hobbies”. Write his hobbies next to the symbols. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. C. After listening, complete his sentences. Listen again and check your answers. 1. I don’t like . 2. I really . 3. I . 4. I . 5. I . Grammar Reference page 97 ( Part A-10) 10. PRACTICE Complete the sentences. 1.I (not/like) sitcoms. 2. They love 3. My students (watch) cartoons. (not/watch) cartoons. They are not young. 4.A: What is your son’s hobby? B: He loves 5.We (cook). (enjoy) fishing. 11. WRITE Think about your hobbies and favourite TV programmes. Use the symbols in 4B and write your likes and dislikes. My likes and dislikes My favourite TV programme (s) is/are............... I love............... I don’t like............... 60 THEME 4 Personality and Character PART B: “Everyday Life” 1. VOCABULARY - Daily Routine Put a tick to the activities you do every day. get up have a bath go to school/work/college have a class have breakfast/lunch/dinner work / have a class from…to… get home go to bed 2. SPEAK Talk with your friend. Choose a daily routine in 1 Vocabulary and tell your friend. I get up at 7.30 in the morning I get up at 6 o’clock in the morning 61 3. READ A. Look at the picture and the title of the text. Do you know the man? What does he do? B. What is Melon Şapka? Read and find. melon şapka Melon Şapka is a radio DJ for Radyo D 104FM. It’s not his real name. People don’t know his real name. He is a DJ, an author and a poet. He writes poems. He has seven books. His books' names are Melon Şapka and his radio programme is Melon Şapka, too. His programme starts late at night. His daily routine is different from ours. He gets up late in the morning. He doesn’t have breakfast, he has lunch. He writes his books and has a rest in the afternoon. At about 9 he has dinner and then he goes to work. He starts the programme at 11p.m., finishes at 1p.m. from Sunday to Thursday. He gets home about 3 o’clock in the morning and he goes to bed. C. Read again and complete the sentences about him. 1. Melon Şapka is . 2. People . 3. He at about 9. 4. He from Sunday to Thursday. 5. He at 11p.m. Grammar Reference page 98 ( Part B-4) 4. PRACTICE 5. WRITE Complete the sentences with the correct from of the verbs in brackets. 1. Tony is a student. He at 7. 2. My brother 3.She 4. My father evening. 62 Choose a member from your family. Write about his/her daily routine. (have) class She/he gets up… (work) in an office. (go) to bed at 11p.m. at night. (get home) late in the 5. Sam day. (not/have) a shower every 6.They (not/work) on Sundays. She/he goes to … She/he has... B PA RT Everyday Life 6. VOCABULARY - Household chores A. Look at the pictures. Do you do the housework? Match the phrases with the pictures. Then listen and repeat. 1 2 3 4 6 7 5 8 9 ( ) take the trash out( ) clean the house ( ) wash the dishes ( ) water the garden ( ) cook ( ) iron the clothes ( ) vacuum ( ) do the laundry take the dog for a walk( ) Grammar Reference page 98 ( Part B-7) 7. PRACTICE ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY A. Read the sentences. What do you notice? B. Look at the graph and write the adverbs of frequency in the correct blank. My mother always cooks the meal. 100% 0% 100% My father doesn’t know how to cook. He never cooks. 0% My brother usually takes the trash out. 80-90% My father often waters the garden. 70-80% My little sister sometimes cleans the house. 50% 63 THEME 4 Personality and Character 8. SPEAK Talk in pairs. Think about how often you do the housework. Ask and answer. How often do you wash the dishes? I often wash the dishes. What about you? 9. PRONUNCIATION A. Listen to the sounds. What's the difference between a, b and c? a. starts b. comes c. watches B. Now listen and tick the sounds you hear. finishes goes works likes sleeps starts /s/ comes /z/ watches /ız/ 10. READ A. Look at the picture. What is the relation between these two girls? B. Read Jessica’s diary and check your answer. July 21st, 2014 I am very angry with my twin sister, Jasmine. She is always lazy. She never does the housework. Today is weekend. Every weekend is the same. She doesn’t help me with the housework. She gets up late at weekends and after the breakfast she hangs out with her friends. She doesn’t wash 64 the dishes but goes out. I do the washing and I don’t like washing the dishes. She comes home late with her friends. They often sit and watch TV. They always make a big mess. On Sundays, Jasmine goes jogging in the morning and then she goes shopping. I do the laundry and iron the clothes. I always do all the housework. I hate weekends! relaxes B PA RT Everyday Life C. Read Jessica’s diary again and answer the questions. 1. Who is angry? 2. Who doesn’t help with the housework? 3. What does Jasmine do after the breakfast? 4. Does Jessica like washing the dishes? 5. How often do Jasmine and her friends watch TV? 6. Does Jasmine go jogging in the morning? Grammar Reference page 98 ( Part B-11) 11. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues. 1.A: your father help with the housework? B:Yes, he usually helps mum with the cooking. Jack hang out? 2.Jasmine: Jessica: Yes, he always hangs out with his friends. your brother take the trash out? 3. Ralph: Eddie: No, he never takes the trash out. your parents go shopping every Sunday? 4. Ally: . Sam: No, your wife go to work? 5. Mr. Baker:What time at 7.30. Mr. Blake: She your mother like doing at weekends? 6. Teacher:What a book and to music. Student:She 12. VOCABULARY - Getting around Match the phrases with the pictures. Then listen and repeat. 1 2 3 4 6 take the underground ( ) ride to school ( ) 5 go to school by car ( ) take a taxi ( ) go to school on foot ( ) take the bus ( ) 65 THEME 4 Personality and Character 13. SPEAK Talk in pairs. Ask and answer with your desk mate. He goes to work by his car. How does your father go to work? How do you get to school? By bus/car/train/bike... On foot = walk to school/work 14. LISTEN A. Look at the pictures. How often does Michael do these routines? Guess the answer. B. Listen and complete the dialogue with the words. Then check your guesses. twice - three - once - four Tom: Matt. Is your brother Michael a university student? Matt:Yes, he is. He studies Biology. Tom: How does he get to the university? Matt:He often gets to the university by his car. He goes to the university on weekdays. Tom: What does he do at the weekends? Matt:He goes to the gym and he usually goes to a café with his friends. He sometimes goes jogging but on weekdays. Tom: How often does he go jogging? Matt:He goes evening. a week. He often goes on Friday Tom: And how many times a week does he go to the gym? Matt:He goes to the gym times. goes a week. On Saturday and on Sunday. He sometimes Tom: Does he go to bed late? Matt:No, never. He comes home early on Sundays. He studies and he brushes his teeth and then he goes to bed. Tom: How often does he brush his teeth? Matt: times a day. Tom: Thanks for your help. It’s all about my homework. Matt:Never mind. See you later. 66 B PA RT Everyday Life C. Listen again and check your answers. Then complete the sentences about Michael. 1. Michael studies . 2. He goes to university . 3. Michael goes to the gym . 4. He brushes his teeth . 5. Michael never . 6. Michael usually . 15. SPEAK Complete the chart below. How often you do and how many times you do these things. Write what you do in the green column. Write how often and how many times you do these things in the orange column. The first one is an example for you. Then talk in pairs. three times a week Sports Going out I wash the dishes three times a week. wash the dishes Spare time activities How many times a week do you wash the dishes at home? Housework How often / How many times 16. WRITE Look at your friend’s chart and read it. Then write sentences about your friend. My friend Christina washes the dishes three times a week. 67 THEME 4 Personality and Character PART C: “A busy person” 1. VOCABULARY A. Look at the pictures and the names of the people. What do they do? Who is very busy? Guess. Andrew Walker Sally Wright takes orders examines the baby Maya Chella teaches in the class B. Make sentences as in the example. - Ms Wright is a waitress. She takes orders at work every day. 2. READ A. Look at the pictures and tell. What are they doing? Who are they? B. Read the paragraphs about the three people and check your guesses. I’m . I am a student. I’m studying medicine at the university. I work part-time in a café. I’m not very busy because I go to school on week days. I usually wear a uniform at work but today, I am free. I am wearing shorts and shirt and my trainers because I’m playing tennis. I am . I often work late at nights. I’m always very busy in the hospital. I examine the patients. I usually don’t have free time. I am sometimes free at weekends. Today is Saturday and I’m free. Now I am running in the park. My name is .I work in a school in India. I have got many students. We don’t work at weekends. I like shopping with my friends in my free time. Today we don’t have school and we are shopping at the moment. We are having great fun. C. Read the paragraphs again and write the name of the person in the correct blank. 68 C PA RT A busy person Grammar Reference page 98 ( Part C-3) 3. PRACTICE Read and complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the parentheses. 1.Today is cold. My brother 2.Don’t shout! Your father 3.We are at the party. We (wear) his coat. (sleep). (have) great fun. 4.My mother can’t answer the phone. She (have) a shower. 5.The children are very happy. They 4. VOCABULARY 5. READ A. Listen and repeat. How often do you do these? 1 take a nap A. Before you read look at the pictures in 4. VOCABULARY. Guess their jobs. B. Read the paragraphs, check your guesses and match them with the pictures.. 2 3 (play) in the garden. surf on the Net 4 John is an accountant. He works from 9 am to 6 pm every day. He has got a cute baby boy. But he doesn’t spend much time with his child. He works hard all day. But, today is his day off and he is taking a nap with his boy. Janie is a university student. She is at school on weekdays. She always has a lot of homework. She does her homework regularly. Ruth and Rita play volleyball after school. They are in the school team. Today they have got some free time. They are surfing on the net at the moment. check e-mails study for an exam 5 George works for a company. He is an architect. He usually goes to work by his car. Today, he is using the public transportation because they are repairing his car. Mary is a young businesswoman. She runs her own business. She has got a marketing company. Ten people work for her. Her secretary is off today. She is checking the e-mails. use the public transportation B. Look at the pictures and ask and answer questions as in the examples. What are the people doing in picture 5? They are using the public transportation. C.Read the paragraphs again and answer the questions. 1. Is Mary off today? 2. Who has a lot of homework? 3. What is Janie doing at the moment? 4. Why is Mary checking the e-mails? 5. Are John and his baby taking a nap? 6. Is George going to work by his car today? 69 THEME 4 Personality and Character 6. LISTEN A. Look at the pictures. What are Lucy and Fred doing? B. Listen to two dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a or b. 1. What is Lucy doing? a b 2. What is Fred doing? a b 7. WRITE Imagine a day of your family members. Write a day of them. Then write what they are doing today. Write about how often they do these activities and what they are doing now. 8. SPEAK 70 Talk in pairs. Ask about your friend’s writing about his/her a family member’s daily routine and what they are doing now. What does your family usually do in the evenings? My father usually watches the news on TV. My mother reads the newspapers. Is your mother reading the newspaper now? No, she isn’t. She is making a cake for my brother now. It’s his birthday today. THEME 5 TOURISM Before you start: What are some places in a town/city? Where do you live? Do you like your house/apartment? Are there any good places to visit in your city/town? How is the weather in winter in your city/town? How was the weather yesterday? In this theme you will learn… QQ the names of the places in a city/town QQ to identify the location of objects QQ to ask for and give directions QQ to describe your house or apartment QQ the seasons (with Months and Dates) QQ to write about your house or apartment QQ to ask and talk about weather QQ to read a map QQ to talk about places to visit QQ to talk and write about past 71 THEME 5 Tourism PART A: “Downtown” 1. VOCABULARY - Places A. Can you name some places in a city? B. Look at the pictures and write the names of the places under the pictures. Then listen and repeat. Check your answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2. READ A. Look at the picture on the right. What do you think the people are talking about? B. Where does the old man want to go? Read and find. Old man: Excuse me. Where is the Central Park? Traffic warden: It’s opposite the city hospital on the 5th Avenue. Old man: How can I get there? Traffic warden:Go down this road and turn right at the market. Then go straight ahead and turn left again at the bank. The park is between the cinema and the police station. Old man: Is it far? Traffic warden: It’s about a fifteen-minute walk. Old man: Oh! It’s far. I’m an old man. I can’t walk that much. Where is the bus stop? Traffic warden:Don’t take the bus. Take a C. Read again and write T (true) or F (false). taxi. It’s cheap and easy by 1. The Central Park is next to the bank. taxi. Old man: Great! Thanks. 2. The bus stop is a five-minute walk. Traffic warden: You’re welcome. 3. The Central Park is on the 5th Avenue. Old man: Sorry, where can I take a taxi? 4. It’s cheap and easy by bus. Traffic warden: It’s a five-minute walk. 5. The park is opposite the city hospital. Old man: Oh, no! 72 A PA RT Downtown Grammar Reference page 99 ( Part A-3) 3. PRACTICE Look at the map and read the descriptions to find the places. Write the name of the place in the correct blank. 1. It is on the corner of Valley Street and the Hill Street. Car park Stationery tre et Market Hi ll S 3. It is next to the market. et Café 4. It is opposite the hospital. tre Hospital Museum 2. It is between the museum and the cinema. ey S Restaurant Va ll 5. It’s between the stationery and the . market. Cinema 4. LISTEN A. Oliver, Sabrina and Paul are downtown. Where do they want to go? Look at the map. Listen and write where the people want to go? nk School Th t ris Flo ian tic Op Ba ce n i l Po atio St t ee r t nS so p om fee Cof op Sh ian Ital urant ta Res Hospital Post Office Park 5th Avenue Supermarket 1. Oliver: . en Gre d Roa Shoe Store Lo Hotel nd Museum d a Ro on Café . Office Gym Stadium 2. Sabrina: Post 3. Paul: hes Clot p Sho . 73 THEME 5 Tourism Grammar Reference page 99 ( Part A-4) B. Listen to Oliver’s dialogue again and complete the missing parts. Oliver: me. Is there a Man: Yes, it’s near here? the hospital on the 5th Avenue. Oliver: get there? Man: ahead on London Road, turn lights. That’s 5th Avenue. It’s on your at the traffic along the 5th Avenue. , next to the hospital. Oliver:Is it ? Man: No. It’s Oliver: walk. very much. Go along = Go down= Man: Never mind. Go up= 5. SPEAK Work in pairs. Look at the map on page 73. Student A:Choose a place from the map. Tell your friend you are in a place. Don’t tell the name of the place. Give directions to your friend. Ask your friend to tell the name of the place. Student B:You are at the traffic lights. Your friend is in a place. Listen to your friend’s directions and find him/her. Then take turns. Let your friend find you. Go straight ahead… You are in a …. 6. WRITE Work in pairs. Choose a place to go on the map on page 73 and write a dialogue with your friend as in 4 B. Ask for and give the directions. You: Your friend: 74 THEME 5 Tourism PART B: “Do you like your house?” 1. VOCABULARY - Rooms and parts of a house A. Match the parts of the house with their names. Then listen and check. h a b upstairs c i d downstairs f e g kitchen ( ) living room ( ) parents’ bedroom ( ) bathroom ( ) study room ( ) balcony ( ) garage ( ) stairs ( ) garden ( ) B. Write sentences about the house above. There is a parents’ bedroom upstairs. 2. SPEAK Work in pairs. Ask and answer with your friend about your house. Where do you live What’s your flat like? I live in a flat. There is a living-room, a bathroom, a bedroom and a kitchen. s. There is a study room downstrair a and ms roo bed There are two bathroom upstairs. 75 THEME 5 Tourism 3. READ A. Look at the picture. What do you think the two women are looking at on the laptop? Read and check your answer. Lisa: Hey, Betty! Look at this! Betty: What’s it? Lisa: This is the photo of our new house. Betty: Really? That looks wonderful. Lisa: Yes. Thank you. It’s a big house. Betty: Well, what’s your new house like? Lisa: Downstairs there is a big living room and a dining room, a kitchen and a nice study room. There is also a small bathroom. Betty: Great. Is there a garden? Lisa: Yes, there is. It’s in the front of the house and a garage. Betty: What about upstairs? Lisa: Well, upstairs there are two bedrooms. The large one is parents’ room and the small one is my daughter’s room. There is a big bathroom, too. Betty: What’s that? Lisa: That’s a balcony. It’s an upstairs balcony. Betty: Are there two balconies upstairs? Lisa: No, there is only one. Why don’t you come for coffee this afternoon? Betty: Sure. Thank you. See you later. Lisa:Bye. B. Read the dialogue again and answer the questions. 1. Whose house is new? 4. Where is the study room? 2. Is there a garage? 5. How many balconies are there? 3. Are there two large bathrooms? Grammar Reference page 99 ( Part B-3) 4. PRACTICE Complete the dialogue with the correct form of there is /are. Tobias:Where do you live, Doris? Doris: I live in the city centre with Claire. Tobias:Really? That’s nice. Do you live in a house or a flat? Doris: We live in a flat near the city hospital. We have got a nice small flat. ? Tobias:How many rooms two bedrooms and Doris: a living room. two bathrooms? Tobias: . Doris:No, a big bathroom. a balcony? Tobias: . Doris:Yes, 76 5. SPEAK Talk in pairs. Read the dialogue in 4 PRACTICE. Ask about your friend’s flat/ house and answer. Then take turns. Where do you live? What’s your address? What’s your flat like? Is there a balcony? I live in… It’s…. There is/are…. Yes/No ….. B PA RT Do you like your house? 6. VOCABULARY Look at the picture below. Is it a hotel room? Label the pictures. Then, listen and repeat. desk chair wardrobe shower washbasin toilet cupboard TV laptop posters painting lamp rug bed mirror mini-fridge bookself telephone nightstand 7. READ A. Look at the picture above. Where is Lucy? Read and check your answer. Woman: Your room number is 444, Lucy. Here is your key. Lucy: Thank you. Oh! It’s really nice. Is this my room in the dormitory? Woman: Yes, it is. Now, here is the bathroom. There is a shower and a washbasin. The TV is on the cupboard. In the cupboard there is a mini-fridge. Your desk is next to the cupboard. There is a telephone on the table. You can call us anytime you want. Lucy: And I’ve got a laptop on my desk. Woman: Yes, and you have a big wardrobe. Anything else? Lucy: No, thanks. Ah! Where is the remote control? Woman: Well, I think it is behind the lamp on the nightstand. Good night, Lucy. Lucy: Good night, Ms Stone. B. Read again and write T (for true) and F (for false). Correct the false ones. 1. This is Lucy’s dormitory room. 4. The telephone is on the nightstand. 2. The TV is under the cupboard. 5. The remote control is under the chair. 3. The desk is next to the cupboard. 77 THEME 5 Tourism Grammar Reference page 100 ( Part B-8) 8. PRACTICE Look at picture in 6 VOCABULARY. Read and circle the correct words. on in 1.The mini-fridge is in / on the cupboard. 2.There are two shelves on / in the wall. 3.The toilet is next to the washbasin / desk. 4.There is a mirror in the bathroom / room. behind next to 5.The telephone is on / under the desk. 6.The lamp is on the nightstand / cupboard. 7. The rug is under / in front of the bed. 8. The armchair is in front of the bed / desk. under in front of 9. There is a poster and a painting on / in wall. 10. The remote-control is behid / on the lamp. 9. LISTEN A. Before you listen, look at the pictures. Which parts of the house are they? a B. Listen and find. Which one is Judy’s room? C.Listen again. Who says? Read the sentences and write J for Judy and B for Beth. 1. I’ve got a bed. The bed is next to the window. 2. There are four drawers and a wardrobe under my bed. 3. Are there any paintings or mirrors? 4. There aren’t any mirrors. 5. There are some books and a lamp on the desk. b 6. Is there a carpet in your room? 7. You’re so lucky. D. Answer the questions about Judy’s bedroom. 1. Are there any mirrors in Judy’s bedroom? 2. Does Judy have any books? Where are they? 3. Where is Judy’s desk? 4. Is there a carpet in the room? 5. Are there any books on her desk? 78 B PA RT Do you like your house? Grammar Reference page 100 ( Part B-9) 10. PRACTICE Complete with a/an- some-any or the. 1.A: Is there CD player in your class? B: Yes, and there are some / any lf. There are some books on the she ? bed the on ines Are there any magaz . dge frie the in k mil There isn’t any There is some orange juice in the fridge. CDs, too. 2.There are two nightstands in my parents’ bedroom. small nightstand and big big one is next to mirror and small one is next to nightstand. lamp on small nightstand. bed. There is 3.Jessie: Are there students in the class, today? Jack:No, there aren’t 4.Tara: Mum, there is Mum: students in class. Today is Saturday. jacket and umbrella on my bed. Whose are these? jacket is your father’s and umbrella is Mike’s. 11. SPEAK A. Before you talk with your partner, look at the pictures. Which part of the house do you have them? Tell your friend. TV washing machine armchair sofa B. Talk in pairs. Ask and answer. coffee table sink Are there any armchairs in your living room? washbasin bookcase dishwasher There is a bookcase in my study room and there are some books in the bookcase. Yes, there are two armchairs. The black one is next to the bookcase and the white one is in front of the window. What about your living room? Is there a bookcase? 79 THEME 5 Tourism PART C: “Sightseeing” 1. VOCABULARY - Seasons A. 1. Listen and repeat. spring autumn summer winter 2. Listen and repeat. What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny. It’s windy. It’s rainy. It’s cold. It’s snowy. B. Write the weather condition for each season. Spring: Summer: It’s foggy. It’s hot. It’s cloudy. 2. SPEAK Autumn: Winter: A. Talk in pairs. Ask and answer. What is the date today? What year is it? What is the weather like today? What was the weather like yesterday? It’s... It’s... It’s... It was... B. Talk in pairs again. This time ask and answer about your favourite season and when/where you usually go on holiday. What’ your favourite season? When do you usually go on holiday? Where were you last summer? 80 We say: 2013 –two thousand and thirteen in + seasons/months on + dates My birthday is on June 2, 1997. Schools start in September. k. The weather was snowy last wee My favourite season is spring. We usually go on holiday in summer. We were in İzmir. C PA RT Sightseeing 3. READ A. Before you read, look at the pictures and the map. Guess the country. B. Angelina and Paul go on a sightseeing tour every year. Where were they last year? Read and write. The city: Places to visit: In the city Need any help? Yes, please. We want to visit some places. We want to go to Haghia Sophia Mosque and the Rumeli fortress. Boy: Well, you can’t go by taxi. They are in different places and it’s expensive. Angelina: We also want to go to the Grand Bazaar, Gülhane Park. Are all these places far from here? Boy: Yes, they are. You can’t visit these places in one day. Angelina: How can we get to these places? Boy: First, take this city map of İstanbul. Angelina: Hey Paul. Look at the map, we can take a boat tour and we can see the Bosporus, too. Paul: That’s nice and the weather is sunny but not very hot. It’s a nice weather for sightseeing. Boy: It doesn’t rain in İstanbul in summer. Enjoy it. Paul: Oh! Thanks for your help. Boy: You’re welcome. Boy: Paul: C. Read the dialogue again and write T (for true) and F (for false). Correct the false ones. 1.Paul and Angelina were in İstanbul. 4.The weather is rainy in Istanbul in summer. 2.The weather wasn’t nice for sightseeing. 5.They can visit all the places in one day. 3.All the places they want to visit were far from there. 4. LISTEN A.Paul and Angeline were in the Grand Bazaar. They were very tired and hungry. Before you listen, look at the pictures and guess what they can eat in the Grand Bazaar. B. Listen and check your guesses. C. After listening, write the names of the food you hear. Fish and bread Burger Pizza 1. 2. 3. 4. Simit and cheese with tea Kebap Mussels 81 THEME 5 Tourism Grammar Reference page 100 ( Part C-5) 5. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues. 1. A: you and James at the Chinese restaurant yesterday afternoon? . We B: No, we an Italian restaurant. at 2. A:Where you sister last Sunday? she at home? B: No, she at her friend’s house. . She 6. WRITE LINKING WORDS We use and: -to list things i.e. There is a bed, a desk and a mirror in my room. -to join similar ideas i.e. The weather is sunny and hot. We use but: -to join two opposite ideas i.e. The weather is sunny but cold. I like winter but I don’t like cold. A. Look at the “Linking Words” box. Complete the sentences with “and” or “but”. 1. I live in a flat. In my flat there are two bedrooms, a living room. a kitchen 2. I like hamburger mussels. I don’t like 3. Today the weather is sunny hot. 4. There are a lot of restaurants in the Grand lots of jewellery shops. Bazaar 5. I’ve got some books any dictionaries. I haven’t got B. Choose a city from your country. Then write about the places for sightseeing. Write about the city’s weather, food. Use and, but in your writing. In the city, there are a lot of places for sightseeing. You can visit… 7. SPEAK 82 Deron has got a new room. Look at his old room and new room and make sentences. There were posters on the walls but now there are paintings. THEME 6 DREAMS AND PLANS Before you start: Where do you usually go on holiday? When are you going to go on summer holiday? What is your dream holiday? Would you like to go on a cruise around Mediterranean? What do you like doing on holiday? In this theme you will learn… QQ to talk about dates QQ the names of geographical features QQ to talk about your dream holiday QQ to talk and write about your future plans QQ to invite QQ to accept and refuse invitations QQ to talk about holiday activities QQ to ask for and give permission QQ to write a postcard 83 THEME 6 Dreams And Plans PART A: “What’s your dream holiday?” 1. VOCABULARY - Dates A. Look at the calendar. What is the date today? Read the following and mark the dates on the calendar. July Su M Tu W Th F Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - tomorrow - next Sunday - the day after tomorrow - the 1st of next month August Su M Tu W Th F Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - August the third - the twenty second of August - yesterday - last Thursday September Su M Tu 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 W Th F Sa 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 - the first day of September - the twelfth of September B. Look at the pictures. How often do you do these? Why do you do these? buy plane tickets send postcards send letters send text messages send e-mails 84 pack your suitcase talk on the phone travel by plane A PA RT What’s your dream holiday? 2. READ A. Look at the e-mail pages below. Why do you think they write these e-mails? Guess. PLACE B. Read the e-mails and check your guesses. Then complete the table. Send To... Send WHEN? ABBIE JAMİE ARNIE Send Hi Alex, I’ve got great news. I am going to go to Australia next month. I’m going to travel by plane and I’m going to buy my ticket next Sunday. I’m going to stay for two weeks. You know August is the best time for holiday. The weather is sunny but not very hot. It’s really warm. It’s going to be a great summer holiday? What about your holiday plans? Abbie WEATHER To... Hello Jenny, How is it going? You know my dream holiday is to visit Canada in winter. My dream comes true! This winter I’m going to go to visit Toronto with my cousins. We are going to stay for a week probably from 18th to 24th, so don’t send me e-mails. You can send me text messages. I’m going to go skiing and sightseeing. I’m going to go shopping next week and buy boots because the weather is very cold and snowy in winter in Canada. Isn’t it great? Jamie To... What’s up Samuel? Guess what? I’m going to go on a cruise holiday with my parents in July. We are going to travel for a week. We are going to watch the dolphins, swim in the ocean. I’m going to pack my bag tomorrow. I’m going to take my sunglasses and a hat because the weather is going to be very hot and sunny. Are going to go on a holiday this summer? Write to me, Arnie C. Read the e-mails again and complete the sentences. Write Arnie, Abbie or Jamie. 1. is going to go on holiday with her family. 2. has a dream holiday. 3. likes winter holiday. 4. has got great news. 5. is going to travel by plane. 6. and are going to stay for a week. 85 THEME 6 Dreams And Plans Grammar Reference page 101 ( Part A-3) 3. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues with “going to” and the words in the parentheses. 1. Sam:Are these your plane tickets? (go) on a cruise holiday next month. Jack:Yes, well I 2.A:Where is Samuel? (be) at the airport in the afternoon. B:He is here now but he 3.Sue: Is your birthday on June 2nd? (buy) me a car. Brad: Yes and you know my parents 4.A: Are you happy? (not / cook) pizza this evening. B: No, because my mother I love pizza. 5.Sally:Where is Mike? (not/come) to the party. Suzan:He is at work. He is very tired. He (go home and sleep). He 4. SPEAK Talk in pairs. Tell your friend two things that you are going to do this summer and two things that you are not going to do. You know I’m going to go to my grandparents’ farm and I’m going to stay for a week. Really? I’m going to go to the seaside this summer and I’m going to do water sports. I’m not going to go to the seaside and swim this summer. I’m not going to watch TV or do homework on holiday. 5. WRITE Write an e-mail to your friend and write WRITING AN E-MAIL OR A POSTCARD about your holiday. Write about the Don’t forget to follow the steps when you write an following: e-mail or a letter. - where you are going to go •greet your friend - when you are going to go Hi/Hello Dear and the first name - who you are going to go with Hi Ted, Dear Julie, Hello Jamie, •start as in the examples How are you? How is it going? What’s up? I’m writing to tell you about •end your e-mail or your letter like this and write your first name See you soon, Write to me, Bye for now, Best wishes, 86 Write back soon, Love, THEME 6 Dreams And Plans PART B: “Time to travel” 1. VOCABULARY 2. READ A. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with a word in the box. Listen and check your answers. Can you guess the highlighted phrases? weather - taxi - information - ticket - money 1.A:Can you check the on the Net? B: Sure. Today’s or tomorrow’s weather? A: Tomorrow’s, please. 2.A:When are you going to go? B: Well, can you book the Sunday, please? for next 3.A:I have dollars but I want euros. Where can ? I exchange some B: There is an exchange office near the bus stop. 4.Boss: I don’t know New York. Where can I get about New York? Ah! I’m not going to take my car to the airport, please call for a for 6a.m. B. Use your dictionary and check your guesses. A. Look at the picture. What do you think the boy is going to do? B.Read the dialogue and find. What is he going to do first? Rebecca:Hey Tommy, are you ready to go? Tommy: Of course, I’m not. First, I’m going to make a list of things to do. Can you help me to make a list for my trip? Rebecca:Sure. You are going to fly to London, Right? Tommy: Yes, I’m going to book my ticket tomorrow. Rebecca:OK. Write down ticket. Are you going to get information about London? Tommy: No, I don’t think so. But I am going to check the weather on the Net. Rebecca: OK. Weather is also on the list. What else? Are you going to exchange some money? Tommy: No, I’m going to do that at the airport. And I am going to take my credit card. Write the credit card on the list, please. Rebecca:Sure. Are you going to call for a taxi to get to the airport? Tommy: That’s a good idea. Write down taxi and the passport. Rebecca:Passport? Why? Tommy: I sometimes forget it. Rebecca:Gosh! No. C. Read the dialogue again and answer the questions. 1. When is Tommy going to book his plane ticket? 2. What is Tommy going to do at the airport? 3. How is Tommy going to get to the airport? 4. What is Tommy going to check on the Internet? 5. Is Tommy going to take his credit card with him? 6. Is Rebecca going to go to London with Tommy? 87 THEME 6 Dreams And Plans Grammar Reference page 101 ( Part B-3) 3. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues with going to. Use the verbs in parenthesis and give short answers where necessary. Matt (learn) Spanish? 1.Jack:(1) . What about you? Sue:No, he (2) (learn) French. Jack:I (3) Sue:Great. 2.A: Where (1) you B: We (2) (go) this summer? (travel) around Asia. A: Really? How (3) (get) there? B: We (4) (travel) by our car. 4. LISTEN A. Sandy is going to go to London. She is going to pack her bag this afternoon. Look at the pictures and tell items. What is she going to take with her? Guess. B. Listen and put a tick in the correct boxes for the things that Sandy is going to take and check your guesses. 5. SPEAK a b A. Talk in pairs. Read the dialogue in 2 again and make a list of things to do before you go on holiday. What are you going to do first? First, I’m going to exchange some money. c d B. Talk with your friend and write down your list. My list 88 e f g h THEME 6 Dreams And Plans PART C: “Would you like to go on a holiday?” 1. VOCABULARY - Geographical Features A. Look at the pictures and match with the names of geographical features. Listen and check your answers. 1. Lake 2. Sea / Ocean 3. Mountain 4. River 5. Forest 6. City 7. Village 8. Island 9. Town You can buy B. Look at the activities below and decide where you can do these activities. souvenirs on a street market in Use the vocabulary from A. Tell the class. the town. canoeing go hiking go on a cruise buy souvenirs go sightseeing go camping do water sports 89 THEME 6 Dreams And Plans 2. READ A. Read the dialogues. What’s wrong with the the dialogues? B. Read the dialogues again and put them in the correct order. Then listen and check your answer. a. Sarah: Are you ready to go? Evan: Yes, and I’m so excited. When does the ship leave? Sarah: In twenty minutes. Is it going to be your first cruise? Evan: Yes. Where are Emily and Francis? Sarah: They are in their cabins. I’m going to go there, too. Do you want to join us? Evan: No, thanks. I’m going to go to my cabin. Sarah: OK. Would you like to have dinner all together, later? Evan: I’d love to. Sarah: See you later, then. b. Evan: I’m so happy. It’s a wonderful holiday Sarah: You’re right. Evan, tomorrow we are going to go snorkelling. Do you want to come with us? Evan: Sorry, I can’t. I’m going to go shopping with Sam. We want to buy some souvenirs for friends. Sarah: Who is Sam? Evan: My new friend on the ship. Sarah: Oh! Have a nice day, then. c. Sarah: Are you going to go on a holiday this summer? Evan: Yes, but I can’t decide. Sarah: Here are some brochures. Take a look at them. We are going to go on a cruise around Italy with Emily and Francis. Would you like you come? Evan: That sounds great. Thanks for inviting me. C.Read the dialogues and T (for true) and F (for false). 1. Evan decides to go on a cruise with Sarah. 2. Sarah invites Evan to go on a cruise. 3. Sam is Sarah’s friend. 4. Evan is going to go snorkelling tomorrow. 5. Evan accepts Sarah’s invitation. 90 3. PRONUNCIATION Grammar Reference page 101 ( Part C-4) A. Listen and repeat the sentences. C PA RT Would you like to go on a holiday? 4. SPEAK What do you notice with the intonation? Talk in groups of three. A: Would you like to go snorkelling? B: Yes, I’d love to. Student A: Invite your friends to do an activity. You can choose an activity from VOCABULARY 1B. A: Do you want to come with us? B: No, thanks. Student B and C: Accept or refuse Student A’s invitation. Use the box below to help you. B. Listen and repeat the examples. 1. Would you like to go on a cruise? 2. Do you want to go shopping with me? Accept Yes, I’d love to. Refuse No, thanks! Sure, why not? I’m sorry, I can’t. Of course! Sorry, I have other plans. Great idea! I’m afraid, I’m tired / busy. Thanks for inviting me. May be some other time. Would you like to go camping in the forest with us? I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m going to go hiking with my classmates. 5. LISTEN A. Listen to a message on an answering machine. Why is Sue calling? a. Because she wants to invite Thomas to go snorkelling next weekend. b. Because she wants to tell Thomas about the camping on Thursday. c. Because she would like to go hiking with Thomas. B. Listen to the message again and choose the correct one, a or b? 1. 2. 3. Sunday snorkelling a. a. a. Friday snorkelling b. b. b. 91 THEME 6 Dreams And Plans 6. VOCABULARY Look and read the words in bold. What do the words in bold mean? Do they have a positive or negative meaning? She has a lot of work to do in November. She is going to be very busy. It’s an interesting painting. Children are at the party but they are not happy because the party is boring. I’m at the shopping centre. I want to go to the bookstore but it is very crowded. The two horses are very fast so it is a very exciting race. 7. READ A. Look at the pictures and tell why people talk on the phone. B. Read and find. Who does Joseph want to talk to? Secretary:Mag’s Café, how may I help you? Joseph: Hello. Is Mr Chapman, my father, there, please? Secretary:Yes, but he is very busy now. Can you call him later? Joseph: OK. Thank you. Secretary:No problem. C. Who does Joseph call next? Guess. Then read and find. Mrs Chapman:Hello? Hello, mum. It’s Justin speaking. Joseph: Mrs Chapman: Oh! How is it going darling? Joseph: Fine. I’m at the bookstore now. I can’t buy my book because it’s very crowded. Jay has the book. Mum, can I go to Jay’s house this evening? I’ve got an important exam tomorrow. I want to go because he has the book so I can study with him. Mrs Chapman: Sure, but don’t be late. Joseph: All right, mum. May I come home before midnight? Mrs Chapman: Yes, you may. See you later, then. Joseph:Bye. D. Read the dialogues again and match the sentences to make true sentences. • is busy so he can’t talk on the phone. Joseph • has an important exam. • wants to go to Jay’s house so he can study. Mr Chapman • wants her son to come home early. Mrs Chapman • is at work. 92 C PA RT Would you like to go on a holiday? Grammar Reference page 101 ( Part C-8) 8. PRACTICE Complete the dialogues. Use Can / can’t or May and the verb in parentheses. 1.Jack:(1) (use) your computer, Matt? Matt:I’m afraid you (2) Jack: OK. Thanks. 2.Sally:(1) because it doesn’t work. (speak) to Mrs Watson, please? Secretary:I’m sorry. She isn’t here now. (2) (take) a message? Sally: No, thanks. I’ll call him later. B: We (4) (travel) by our car. 9. WRITE LINKING WORDS We use because: - to show reason i.e. Joseph wants to study with his friend because he has an important exam. B. Look at the pictures. Write sentences using the adjectives in 7 Vocabulary and the linking words (because or so). We use so: - to express result or consequence i.e. Joseph wants to go to his friend’s house so he can study with him. A. Complete the sentences with because or so. 1. My mother never goes shopping hates it. she 2. Jamie loves parties has parties at home. he always 3. Jack can’t drive a car years old. he is only four 4. This book is very exciting and finish it quickly. 5. The weather is rainy out. I can read we can’t go 93 GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGES Theme 1 The verb be I am from Turkey. She is 14 years old. He is my favourite celebrity. It is an American cocker. Negatives ‘m not I He/She/It We/You/They Short answers . Yes, I am. No, I (Part B-7) COMPLETE THE TABLE Questions 14. Are Brazilian. colleagues. you British? he (she/it) from Italy? you (we/they) friends? Yes, he Yes, they THIS /THAT - THE VERB be (IT) . No, he . . No, they . COMPLETE THE TABLE (Part B-11) HERE This is my purple pencil case. is my pen. and white. THERE is black That’s my hat. It’s black and white. is my staple. A: What colour is it? B: It’s black and white. No, it isn’t. What colour is black. It Yes, it is. A: B: Yes, Is your umbrella red and green? Plural nouns books watches dictionaries THESE / THOSE – Notice the difference. This is my backpack. →These are my backpacks. That is my towel. → Those are my towels. POSSESIVE ‘S – Whose? A: Whose books are these? B: These are Sally’s books. POSSESIVE ADJECTIVES- (his/her/their/our) Read the examples. What do you notice? These are Jim’s cameras.These pens are Jack’s and Sue’s. These are his cameras. These are their pens. That is my friend’s backpack. This is my friend’s and my desk mate’s desk. It’s Sally’s. Her backpack is black. It is our desk. 94 . ? this your folder? . PLURALS – Look at the table. What do you notice? book watch dictionary is (Part C-3) GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGES COMPLETE THE TABLE PLURALS torch towel toothbrush camera plane ticket tissue cell phone wallet passport country THESE / THOSE That’s a blue purse. This is an orange pen. POSSESIVE ‘S A: B: (Part C-3) . . backpack is blue? (Sue) backpack is blue. POSSESIVE ADJECTIVES This is John’s pen. I’m from Turkey. She is Polish. They are students. pens are red. name is Burçak. name is Isabella. class is 9D. A. POSSESSION (have / has got) Read and complete. Positive Statements I have got He /She / It You / We / They have got Negative Statements I haven’t got He /She / It You / We / They haven’t got Questions Have I got? he / she / it got? you / we / they got? (Part C-8) Short answers Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. Yes, he /she / it . No, he /she/it hasn’t. Yes, you / we / they have. No, you / we / they haven’t. B. in /on / at Read the examples. What do you notice? 1.A: Where is the teacher? B: She is in the class. 2.A: Where is your father? B: He is at work. 3.A: Where is Jack? B: He is in England, now. 4.A: Where is your pencil case? B: It is on the desk. 95 GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGES Theme 2 ADJECTIVES What do you notice? I have got four leather skirts. My skirts are leather. a pink blouse – My blouse is pink. Complete the sentences. I like all my My white beret is and A (Part A-3) clothes. . hat. (Part A-6) A. One / Ones - Indefinite pronoun B. Plural pronouns Read. What do you notice? Notice what they refer to. Look at those skirts. Which ones? Look at those skirts. They are really trendy. This red skirt and this denim one. They are very nice. I’ll buy them. Complete the sentences. Complete the sentences. 1.A: Can I try these on? 1.A: How much are these tops? ? B: € 10 each. are cheap. B: Which . A: The black 2.A: How about these earrings? are stylish. Wear . 2. I have got two dresses. B: is red and that is black. This Theme 3 (Part B-3) CAN - Ability Read and complete. Positive Statements My father is a mechanic, he She repair cars. swim very well. She is a champion. Negative Statements Jack solve Maths problems, he isn’t good at Maths. They teach. They are not teachers! Questions you sing? Yes, I/it . it jump? No, I/it . 96 GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGES (Part B-8) IMPERATIVE Notice the difference. Use the verbs in the correct place. Study - Don’t go your lessons. to bed late. (Part C-4) A. PRESENT SIMPLE (I/you/we/they) Read the sentences. Then complete the sentences. B. PREPOSITIONS (at/in/on) Notice the difference. -I don’t have free time on Mondays. I hang out with my friends. -Do you have time for breakfast in the morning? We start again at two o’clock. -Do you train at weekends? lunch at 12. We Read and complete. Do you go to bed late? -I have dinner at 7.30 pm -Is your birthday exercise long hours? -I have lunch Short Answers: Yes, I do. -We go to movies No, I -I have a shower morning. . the evening. Saturday? noon. weekdays. 7.30 the Theme 4 (Part A-10) PRESENT SIMPLE (I/you/we/they) (Part A-4) PRESENT SIMPLE (I/you/we/they) Read the sentences. What do you notice? Read the sentences. What do you notice? Read and complete. Read and complete. I am very active. you ? A. I like documentaries. I watch tennis on TV. I play tennis. you tennis? I don’t Yes, I . No, I Do you play tennis? . Yes, I . No, I cartoons on TV. B. I like riding a horse. Short Answers Are you active? cartoons. I don’t . I enjoy I don’t like football matches on TV a bike. 97 GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGES (Part B-4) PRESENT SIMPLE (he/she/it) A. Read the sentences. What do you notice? Read and complete. I get up early. I don’t get up early. He gets up late. He doesn’t get up late Positive Statements I You He breakfast. She We It They breakfast. Negative Statements I YouHe We breakfast. She They It breakfast. (Part B-7) PRESENT SIMPLE (he/she/it) Questions Read the questions. What do you notice? What does Jasmine do after the breakfast? How often does Jessica do all the housework? Does Jessica like washing the dishes? Do they sit and watch TV? Jasmine shopping? Yes, she . No, she . (Part B-11) PRESENT SIMPLE (he/she/it) Questions Read the notice. Yes, he does. Does John go to school early? No, he doesn’t. Does your mother work in a bank? What does your sister do on Sundays? Complete the sentences she (have) a baby? 1.A: . B: Yes, she Jack (do) at weekends? 2.A: What (go) jogging. B: He PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Read and complete. What do you notice? I am They are We are moment. You are 98 my new dress today. at the Bazaar now. great fun at the on the phone. (Part C-3) in the park now. Mr Walker is in the Our teacher, Maya isn’t class now. at the moment. She is GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGES Theme 5 (Part A-3) (Part A-4) A.PREPOSITIONS B.IMPERATIVES (next to / between/ opposite /on the corner of) Read and notice. Read and complete the sentences. opposite Bank park 1. straight (ahead) 2. right. 3. left. Cinema market café between Bank Bank 4. down the street. next to 5. a taxi. 6. take the bus. museum on the corner of (Part B-3) THERE IS / THERE ARE Read the sentences. Complete the sentences. There a big window in my classroom. There 16 students in our class. there a dictionary in your bag? there three rooms in your house? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. Read and notice. There aren’t two bedrooms in my house. There isn’t a garage in our house. 99 GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGES (Part B-8) Prepositions (in, on, behid, next to, under, in front of) A. some / any (Part B-9) Look and write the correct preposition. There are some books on the self. Read the sentences. Notice the difference. There aren’t any books in the bookcase. Are there any mirrors in your room? B. a/an - the Read the sentences. What’s the difference? I’ve got a bed. The bed is next to the window. There are some books and a lamp on my desk. The desk is between the nightstand and the bed. There isn’t an armchair in my room. There is a mirror in the bathroom. (Part C-5) A. Past Simple ‘to be’ Read the sentences. Notice the difference. There are two paintings on the wall in Deron’s new room but there were some posters on the wall in his old room. Read and complete the sentences. There horses in old times but there Sheila at Mike’s house yesterday. A: Where B: They A: B: Yes, she the children last night? at home. They Sandra at school last week? . Time Expressions: • yesterday / yesterday morning, etc. • last night / week / month / Tuesday, etc. 100 cars now. at a party. GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGES Theme 6 (Part A-3) FUTURE going to (future plans and intentions) be going to (Positive and Negative statements) Read the sentences. Guess what? I’m going to learn Spanish next month. She is going to study for the exam this evening. We are going to stay for a week. The children are going to play football but they aren’t going to play in the garden. Jack is going to go to Italy. He isn’t going to go to Spain. (Part B-3) FUTURE going to (future plans and intentions) be going to (Questions) Read the examples. Notice the short forms. A: When are you going to go to London? B: I’m not sure. Yes, I am. Are you going to pack your bags? No, I’m not. (Part C-4) (Part C-8) Would like to – want to Can/can’t – May (for permission) Read the examples and complete the sentences. Read the examples and notice. *A: Would you like to dinner all together? B: Yes. I’d love to. → Accepting C: I’m sorry. I can’t. → Refusing *A: Can I take your car, dad? B: No, you can’t. I am going to go to work by car today. *A: Do you want to B: Sorry, I can’t. with us? *A: I’m going to go shopping with Sam. some souvenirs for friends. We want to * Student: May I go out, Mr Walker? Teacher: Sure. * Jack: Can I use your dictionary, Mary? Mary: Yes, you can. 101 GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGES VOCABULARY LIST HELLO PAGE AND THEME 1 Balloon taxi (cab) cake football match supermarket television jeans restaurant yogurt lemonade Bye Good evening Good afternoon Good morning Good night Great! Goodbye How are you? How is it going? Not bad Not much See you Take care Thank you Thanks I’m very well desk computer map pencil pen table clock bookcase window poster(s) door calendar Be quiet, please! Can I go out? What does this word mean? Clean the board. I don’t understand. Listen to the CD. Close your books. Can you repeat that, please? THEME 2 skirt top beret T-shirt shirt hooded top coat dress trousers boots shoes blouse sandals hat trainers tie jacket sneakers jeans guest wardrobe leather denim earrings 102 necklace bracelet clothing unfashionable trendy stylish cheap expensive old terrible new lots of really elegant cute fashionable THEME 3 doctor pilot swimmer football player lawyer cook police officer engineer dentist singer Board marker interesting difficult draw use ordinal and cardinal numbers Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April May June July August September October November December present birthday cake calendar speak dance write ride act cook use a computer take photographs do experiments swim sing play exercise eat smoke feed obey brush study good at bad at important animate service tired late long hours successful regular hours tips Be careful! early note busy waste time past to go shopping have a barbecue do housework go to the movies do the washing up have lunch play with my dog hang out with friends go to the gym read a book champion train important have a shower relax have a cup of coffee go to bed free time busy coach exercise THEME 4 a.m. p.m. cheerful funny outgoing boring creative helpful intelligent sensitive talented independent stubborn exciting hard-headed active have a rest instruments genres songwriter rapper composer musician percussion trumpet survey go jogging go dancing hobby free time sitcoms TV programmes collecting stamps documentaries cartoons news soap operas sports fishing talk shows really What’s on? It’s on at… quiet channel get up have a bath/shower go to school/work have breakfast/lunch/dinner have a class work/ have a class from … to… get home go to bed DJ often always usually sometimes never angry take the dog for a walk household chores do the laundry take the trash out vacuum water the garden iron the clothes wash the dishes real name do make a big mess take the underground take a taxi take the bus on foot How do you get to school/ work? by go to the gym all about Never mind twice once three times take orders examine teach take a nap surf on the net check e- mails study for an exam use the public transportation do homework fun answer accountant spend time cute off day regularly company repair medicine businesswoman secretary part-time having fun Don’t shout! spend time waitress wear now at the moment businesswoman THEME 5 cinema police station central park road market bank bus stop stationery restaurant museum hospital street car park hotel avenue take the bus about a ten /five minute walk on the corner of turn right turn left go along go straight ahead far How can I get there? traffic lights Oh! downtown kitchen living room parents’ bedroom bathroom bedroom study room balcony garage stairs garden dining room upstairs downstairs flat dormitory cupboard telephone desk laptop wardrobe nightstand chair remote control fridge shelf washbasin wall armchair lamp mirror painting carpet sofa coffee table sink TV dishwasher bookcase toilet posters rug shower apartment look wonderful city centre mini-fridge washing machine summer spring autumn winter sunny rainy windy foggy snowy cloudy hot cold tourism season sightseeing visit Haghia Sophia Mosque fortress different city map boat Bosporus mussels idea tired hungry food What’s the weather like? THEME 6 the first of July yesterday tomorrow next week next Sunday next month next summer Dear See you soon Write to me Best wishes Love Write back soon send text messages travel by plane send e-mails talk on the phone send postcards stay for a week pack your suitcase Canoeing go on a cruise buy souvenirs go sightseeing go camping go hiking do water sports sunbathe go swimming snorkelling holiday plans weather call information money exchange trip airport passport credit card ticket book exchange money take make list get plane ticket change office call for a taxi geographical features forest island lake sea ocean city town forest mountain river village island ready to go Sorry, I can’t Have a nice day brochures That sounds great cabin ship cruise decide refuse accept invite invitation I’d love to Sure Of course! REFERENCES Books: • TRAVELLER, H.Q Mitchell, (2010). MM Publications • ENGLISH IN MIND Hubert Puchta and Jeff Stranks, (2004) Cambridge University Press • Examination Papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (2007). Movers. • (Cambridge University Press). • LANGUAGE TO GO, Simon le Maistre and Carina Lewis (2004), Pearson Education Limited • Build up to COUNTDOWN, Jenny Quıntana, (2007), Oxford University Press Dictionaries: • Collins COBUILD Young Learner’s English Dictionary • Longman Active Study Dictionary International Students Edition • Longman Elementary Dictionary • Longman First English Dictionary • Longman Junior English Dictionary • Collins Primary Dictionary • Collins COBUILD New Student’s Dictionary 103 REFERENCES • • • • 104