Edition 16 - Fire 2014 - Rebirthing
Edition 16 - Fire 2014 - Rebirthing
Elemental Physical Immortality Centre Australia was Some like it Hot! officially opened by Leonard Orr during the Raw Earth Retreat held there during November 2014 Twelve people attended including Leonard and Elvi. It was soooo hot, 47C on the last day, at times the heat was almost unbearable, so much sweat, like an environmental sauna. One woman attended who did not participate in the seminars or breathing sessions she came to 'just be' with us on the land and share the energy of what we were doing. I loved that Pauline and Pete allowed this to happen, to me this is proof that there is nothing cult or doctrine like about what we were doing, no compulsion to think or act in any particular way just encouragement to be ourselves. A wonderful thing about the location of Physical Immortality Centre Australia is the remoteness, the voice of the earth speaks loudly there, uncluttered by all the impositions we as humans in greater numbers impose. The long journey to the Centre served to unite people, there was very little of the normal ‘antsi-ness’ that happens when a group of people get together for the first time. We were having fun together almost immediately. Continued on last page Healing the Death Urge by Leonard D. Orr The unconscious death urge is a psychic entity composed of all of our anti-life thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. As a psychic entity, it has intelligence and an urge to survive, even at the expense of the host. The death urge has a life urge and it seems to survive lifetime after lifetime in most individuals. It seems also to be well established in our family tradition. We inherit or learn the death urge from our parents. This whole deathist system is now being challenged in a big way by thousands, if not millions of individuals. Many people are becoming spiritually enlightened and becoming aware of the many immortal masters on the planet. The true Vedic lifestyle in which victory over death was common is being resurrected in a big way and in an appropriate way for Western Civilized People, as well as Eastern Intelligent People. Some people are getting it right and some people are not getting it right and will die, maybe a little later than their family tradition designed. In the time of Ram and Sita, it was common for people to live for thousands of years. Everyone knew that death was optional and children did not die for over ten thousand years. That was 130,000 years ago. This was perhaps the end of the Vedic period. The quality of human life began to decline after the great civilized period of Ram and Sita into the period which we hopefully are coming out of called the Kali Yuga period – the Age of Darkness. The Age of Darkness may have peaked in the Middle Ages, which are sometimes called the Dark Ages, when average lifespans were 35. The end of the heaven on earth civilization of Ram and Sita in which people had more control of their death date was the early Biblical period when people lived for 500 to 1000 years only. Since then, death has become very popular. But the Ram and Sita period lasted into the Atlantis period for about 50,000 years. People lost it because unconsciousness takes over very gradually. Watch what happens in just 10 or 100 years. People don’t notice the changing trends unless they become the effect of them. The trends of 1000 years are hardly noticed. They are too subtle for any but the most enlightened to observe. Life spans have doubled in the last hundred years, due I believe to indoor plumbing and warm water in our homes. Many immortal yogi masters are still on the planet. Bhartriji and Gopichand are 2000 years old for example. Nagarjuna, the founder of Mahayana Buddhism lived for 625 years, from the second to the eighth centuries. Our deathist historians don’t even know about Nagarjuna’s life span. Herakhan Baba lived for at least 9,061 years. Westerners are just beginning to open their minds to our spiritual, Divine potentials. In the Himilayas there are thousands of immortals who are very, very ancient, but who is willing to go to meet them? I use the word ancient, because they are not old, but perhaps eternal – from the standpoint of our frame of reference. Today we are still struggling out of the Dark Ages however, recent studies by psychologists tell us that most people become zombies by the age of 30. Then most people, they say, try to keep the same job, the same limited friends, the same apartment, the same car, the same habits, and keep things stable until they die. Most people are just waiting around to die. This is the truth about our materialistic, technological society. Most people don’t have much spiritual intelligence, nor a very open mind, especially, when it comes to personal change and spiritual growth. We may begin by questioning the belief system that death is inevitable and beyond our control. This opens our minds to the idea of physical immortality. Physical immortality is a relative term, because the end of eternity never comes. We can never achieve it, only work at it forever. Eternal Life is perhaps a better term, or eternal aliveness. The basic definition of physical immortality is incorporating the body into the conscious life of the Eternal Spirit. Pauline and Leonard When we begin to realize that death is not an accident and that God doesn’t kill people, we realize that we create our own death. Life insurance companies will bet that people will die at the same age and relatively the same symptoms as their parents of the same sex. This is beginning to change, but not very rapidly. Our life expectancy increases a year or so, but most people don’t know why. Even fewer know how to implement practical and high quality longevity, even for themselves. People are beginning to take responsibility for their own health and their own lives. Up to now the exceptions to the family tradition pattern of death have been caused by unconscious attitudes and beliefs, but now scientists, and intelligent people in all schools of thought, as well as religious people are thinking about physical immortality or extended longevity. People are living longer intentionally and creating a higher quality of life for themselves. We are noticing the cause and effect relationships of diet and death, and studies reveal the relationship of eating dead animals and violence in our society. Vegetarian countries have the lowest violence by far. One of the signs of this change is that more people die when they choose to die. More and more people are aware that they can determine the time and method of leaving their body. The down side of this is that suicide among senior citizens has more than tripled in recent years. We have to include victory over senility and aging in our victory over death view. Maybe senility and old age are just temporary stages that we go through like childhood and teenage periods. What happens if we outlive old age? Do we then master the youthing process? Is youthing and physical immortality inevitable? Intelligent people have figured out that when they lose life energy and as a result develop debilities and diseases, it is just going to get worse and worse, so why postpone what they think is inevitable. These conclusions cause intelligent seniors to choose euthanasia as a solution to their physical and financial problems and to cease to be a burden to their families. This is logical behaviour for intelligent, educated people who don’t have a more enlightened alternative like physical immortality or extended longevity nor any practical idea of eternal life or ascension. The five immortals of the Bible, the hundreds of immortals of China, and the thousands of immortals of India, are just beginning to get our attention. The two basic functions of the mind are to create and destroy. The destructive function of the mind is the source of what we call evil. But since most people use both the destructive as well as the creative functions or powers of the mind unconsciously, most people are not aware that they create their own reality –completely = and create their own death with their thoughts and lifestyle. Most people never intelligently think about it. This is the true value of physical immortality philosophy – it gets people to think about death in an intelligent way. Some people project the destructive power of the mind and their death urge onto the devil. Some believe in God, and say that God takes people, so they don’t have to take responsibility for killing themselves. Most people make themselves sick and die because of the popular diet of their countries. Eating dead animals seems to do a good job of killing people by creating the most popular diseases. Most people don’t study the cause and effect relationship of their diet, even on health, much less about death. The literature on the subject is abundant for people who care about themselves and their body. But some of it is total bunk. “Diet for a New America” by John Robbins is a good book to begin your research. The destructive power of the mind is the source of evil. People have so compromised their natural divinity and their human potential that they think that physical death is normal and don’t even think of death as an evil. Most people perhaps use the destructive as well as the creative power of the mind unconsciously. We don’t value our body as much as God does. There are two kinds of thoughts: thoughts about created things, and thoughts about our uncreated Divine Nature. We can only destroy what is created. When we move our mind and body into harmony with our infinite, eternal Energy, what will naturally happen to the body? Care to try it and find out? To actually think about our created reality and uncreated reality is one practical benefit of spiritual enlightenment. Senility and old age are also created by an unconscious mind. We live in a deathist programed society. Our religion and our governments, and our schools sell death. Deathist doctrine of traditional religions are taught in the public schools in most countries. We don’t have separation of church and state, this is a myth. Furthermore, it is unhealthy. All great Scriptures and religions should have equal time and be fully discussed in schools to have a balanced and complete education. Many great Scriptures are more scientific than what we call Modern Science. They also teach basic ethics which is essential to a healthy society. Separating true religion or science from superstition is a valuable exercise. Most of what we call Christian doctrine of orthodox Christianity today is a false religion started in the third century. We only have to read a 20 page gospel to find out what Jesus actually taught and what true Christianity really is. It is not that difficult to discover what Jesus actually taught. Two of the gospels are only 20 pages each, and the other two of them are only 30 pages. Jesus taught that eternal life is achieved by loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and our neighbour as ourselves – see Luke chapter 10. This is nothing like what the church teaches. What the church teaches hasn’t worked for almost 2000 years. It is amazing that people still teach this. Jesus also taught that solitude and even asceticism in proper balance is important. Jesus, Moses, and Elijah each did the 40 day fast without food or water. This 40 day fast seems to be a common denominator of the immortals of the Bible, as well as many other religious cultures that actually produce mastery. Many people have discovered that a simple one day fast on liquids each week produces immeasurable results. Obviously we have to experience easy and short fasts before attempting a long one. Some people have died as a result of self-imposed starvation for lofty, if immature spiritual purposes. There are many breatharians in the world today. One young couple even went through pregnancy and childbirth without any food or water. They had been breatharians for at least two years before attempting this. We can make a full time job of studying the impossible on the internet. Truth is stranger than fiction. If we plan to live even 100 years, fasting for 40 days without food or water is a reasonable goal. Jesus did it before starting his healing ministry. Perhaps, it should be a requirement for all doctors or healers. It shouldn’t take more than 4 years of practice with fasting to achieve this. It is a skill in mastering reality – our mind and emotions. Completing it gives us a degree in reality, instead of a degree in theory which may or may not work. Limiting ourselves to one religion is to be stuck in the deathist mentality of that religion. But even the Bible teaches physical immortality or at least victory over death through ascension. The Shiva Purana perhaps deals with death and personal mastery in the much more extensive and sophisticated way. Here is what the Bible actually teaches about death. The Wisdom of Solomon, chapter I, verses 12-16 (In the Catholic and Jewish Bible) God did not Create Death 12 Do not bring on your own death by sinful actions. 13 God did not invent death, and when living creatures die, it gives him no pleasure. 14 He created everything so that it might continue to exist, and everything he created is wholesome and good. There is no deadly poison in them. No, death does not rule this world, 15 for God’s justice does not die. 16 Ungodly people have brought death on themselves by the things they have said and done. They yearn for death as if it were a lover. They have gone into partnership with death, and it is just what they deserve. This is a sad commentary on human history. We have yet to develop an adult educational system that deals with the basic questions of human existence. This is rightly the basic goal of all schools and universities. IN ROMANS CHAPTER EIGHT, IT SAYS THAT THE GOAL OF SALVATION IS THE REDEMPTION OF THE BODY. These simple concepts are not popular in the traditional churches. The famous 1 Corinthians 15 chapter is as sophisticated as the Bible gets in discussing physical immortality in the Christian tradition. Babaji, called the Angel of the Lord in Bible history, Shiva Yogi, the Eternal Youth in Indian history, Khadir in the Koran, is God in Human Form, is constantly guiding adult education to liberate us from our unconscious, destructive mind. We don’t seem to be interested. We are more interested in destroying ourselves. But perhaps most people do it ignorantly. When we give the words physical immortality or the practical idea of eternal life to people and they add it to their vocabulary, we are giving them a chance. Without the words, most people are just unconscious victims of the death urge in their family tradition and culture. Most traditional Christian thinkers have changed the meaning of the words eternal life to mean life after death. This makes the words meaningless, because everyone has life after death. The Garden of Eden story at the very beginning of Bible history describes how the mind becomes the source of evil and death when we identify with the mind instead of the Source of the Mind – Life Itself, the Infinite Eternal Energy or Spirit – The Tree of Life. We can conquer death in the Space between our thoughts. We can master Life in that same space. Silence is the greatest power in the universe. We can master the mind with right effort. The Space between our thoughts is the beginning, middle, and the end of personal mastery. The simplest way to heal the death urge is to master the practice of affirmations with the emotional response technique that enables us to transform one deathist thought at a time into a life supporting thought. A more advanced method is to learn fire purification. Just sitting with an open flame can heal the death urge and persistent negative emotions as efficiently as anything. Fire is very magical because it is a physical quality of God or the Infinite Spirit or Energy. Is fire physical or spiritual? What is physical? Water purification, daily bathing also can heal everything. Air purification, conscious breathing can also heal everything. Earth purification, good diet and regular fasting also are very powerful and can heal all diseases. Earth purification practices includes everything that is physical. These practices with the elements are called spiritual purification practices. They are the common denominators of all the actual immortal masters. Although they can and do heal all diseases known to humanity, we don’t know which works best and how long it will take. The karma of our soul can be very complicated. We can only know what works by experimenting. We have to be results oriented instead of theory oriented. Spiritual enlightenment, spiritual purification, and spiritual community are the methodology of practical mastery. Spiritual purification is based upon a conscious experience of the Energy Body. Practicing with the elements of earth, air, water, and fire work because these elements are the physical qualities of Spirit and supercharge our minds and bodies with Life Energy and healing and peace. Changing our thoughts and having wholesome relationships are obvious methods that can also heal everything, known and unknown. These healing and life enriching practices actually enrich our quality of life. Here are a few affirmations to start your process of victory over death: I AM ALIVE NOW, THEREFORE MY LIFE URGES MUST BE STRONGER THAN MY DEATH URGES. AS LONG AS I STRENTHEN MY LIFE URGES AND WEAKEN MY DEATH URGES, I WILL GO ON LIVING IN INCREASING FREEDOM, HEALTH, AND ALIVENESS. LIFE IS ETERNAL AND I AM LIFE. MY MIND IS THE THINKING QUALITY OF LIFE ITSELF AND IS ALSO ETERNAL, MY PHYSICAL BODY AS MATTER AND ENERGY IS ALSO ETERNAL, THEREFORE, MY LIVING FLESH HAS A NATURAL TENDENCY TO LIVE FOREVER, TO PERSIST. WE CAN LIVE FOREVER, and LIVE IN JOY, PEACE, HEALTH, WISDOM, CREATIVITY, AND FULL LIFE ENERGY. THIS IS MY NATURAL AND DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT. THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND ITS CREATOR SUPPORTS MY FULL AND ETERNAL ALIVENESS AND WELL BEING. I ENJOY BEING A CONSCIOUS PARTICIPANT IN GOVERNMENT AND ALL ASPECTS OF MY LIFE. WE DON’T ACHIEVE ETERNAL LIFE BY EFFORTING OR BELIEVING, BUT BY RELAXING INTO OUR DIVINE NATURE, WHICH IS ALREADY IMMORTAL. OUR ENERGY BODY IS INVINCIBLE, IT CAN EVEN SURVIVE DEATH. We have to heal the unconscious death urge which we learn from our family tradition first, usually. Then we can work with the death history of our soul, which may be more complex. These tend to be dealt with somewhat at the same time. We can get totally clear. We can see ourselves as Energy, Thought, and Form – purely and simply. Integrating the philosophy of physical immortality and spiritual purification practices with the elements can give us boundless energy and creativity. What is physical? What is permanence and change? The death urge can be ugly, nasty, tricky, and destructive. It carries the most devastating of human emotions, including suicidal and homicidal tendencies. It can cause depression and all kinds of self-sabotaging behaviour in business, relationships, health, and daily decisions. The death urge can destroy large corporations, religions, governments, and any organization and does so regularly. It is helplessness and hopelessness. It is the basic cause of failure of all kinds. After we heal the death urge which we learned from our family tradition, we can get re-injected from the people in our environment. This can be a good thing because it motivates us to care about the well-being of the people around us. Adult education is our ongoing responsibility to ourselves and others. It is amazing how we can take on the energies of other people. The psychic entities of others and in ourselves are just energy and information. We have to be constantly aware of how we are feeling and interacting. Spiritual community happens when most of the people around us are full of truth, simplicity, and love. We can always be healing each other. It is a creative ability we all can master. When we incorporate the basic simple and pleasurable spiritual purification practices into our daily life, we can feel clear most of the time. We can maintain peace and joy, even bliss, and have high energy most of the time. Getting the death urge out of the way, enables us to heal other things as they manifest from the depths of our memory. Life tends to be more fun, free, and joyful after each healing. Success tends to be effortless and pleasurable. Dealing with our ordinary responsibilities tends to be interesting rather than burdensome. This involves dealing successfully with each healing catharsis. This is an ability we can get good at, and we must if we expect a high quality life. This ability we can use forever. Transforming the mind is an eternal process. The creative and destructive qualities of the mind are the basic qualities of Spirit. We have to master both sides of this truth. We have to destroy the obsolete creations of our own mind. We can be a conscious, artistic expression of the Eternal Spirit. We naturally realize that we are the source of government and money. Our career and service to humanity becomes more satisfying. We can create heaven on earth like Ram and Sita did. From a material standpoint, we already have heaven on earth, we just have to bring our minds into harmony with our Divine Nature. We have to add the spiritual dimension to our lifestyles. More material things usually doesn’t improve our quality of personal aliveness or happiness, except temporarily, until the superficial high wears off. Up to now, the death urge has manipulated science and technology to be used for war, to proliferate disease, and even starvation. Science and technology is a mixed bag without spiritual intelligence. Spiritual education is the biggest opportunity of the century. Adult spiritual education has to become the biggest industry in our economy even to save our economy. Up to now, the death urge has manipulated science and technology to be used for war, to proliferate disease, and even starvation. Science and technology is a mixed bag without spiritual intelligence. Spiritual education is the biggest opportunity of the century. Adult spiritual education has to become the biggest industry in our economy even to save our economy. The false religion of materialism has blinded people to use their intelligence to put us on the edge of destroying nature and a war of dreadful destruction, not just of two nations, but the whole world. The national bank money system based on loaning money into circulation feeds greed and deathist power games. The bankers have started wars before to give people something to think about besides basic economics. When people think rationally about money, we will print all the money for our governments’ expenses and distribute a regular supply to consumers to enable money to work as it should. Poverty and inequity are fundamental causes of the delusions that cause wars. Governments are public corporations and can pay dividends to all citizens monthly in order to maintain normal prosperity in our communities. The idea of giving dividends to all consumers is becoming a popular idea. It was implemented in Alaska when the government distributed $ 6,000 per year to all citizens from oil profits. All industries can contribute to a citizen’s dividend fund when citizens are intelligent enough to ask for it – or even demand it. The bankers’ debt based money systems have destroyed millions of farmers and family owned businesses. The bankers have put us on the edge of starvation and proliferated dangerous foods in the developed countries. People are as stupid about money as we are about food and death. We all have the right to print money and create a money system that is good for everyone, not just the owners of the national banks. Healing the death urge makes us all rich philosophers, brilliant psychologists, naturally Divine Beings, and responsible citizens who feel in charge of our lives. Economics and money are not difficult to master, when we are clear thinking people with common sense. Happiness and prosperity can become normal for everyone, when we have the habit of tuning to our Source with the mantra AUM NAMAHA SHIVAIYA, silence, noticing the space between our thoughts, and other methods. Healing the death urge is basic to intelligent human existence. Physical immortality may be the basic intelligence test of the physical universe. We either pass this test or we pass away. http://www.leonard-orr-books.com/ Don’t fret over who or what bothers you. Remember, even the most precious pearl would have never come into being without an oyster’s irritation. When you blow up against another or he against you, smile – at lease inside. Volcano eruptions produce the flow of lava which makes the most fertile soil on earth. Therefore, you will make your progress after such an occasion. From Here to Greater Happiness Joel Marie and Champion K. Teutsch. Haille The Inner Fire By Haille Denniston In Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and ancient Tibetan medicine, according to my research, fire is associated with digestion and the ‘digestive fire’. When fire energy is in balance, there is love of life, magnetism, communication and fun. If our fire energy is depleted we can feel flat and depressed, isolated, cold and anxious, and our whole digestive system will tend to be sluggish. It is as though the spark of life is dying. Fire can also be ‘dampened’ by an excess of water. If you’re feeling extra emotional and sensitive - depressed or overwhelmed even – then you could have too much of the water element and not enough fire. In this case, playing with fire and handing everything over to the ‘God within’ can help. The following technique was given to me by Peter Levie, an intuitive and teacher from England, who works closely with Babaji. It was tailored to my personal situation but you may also find it helpful ... I was told that I had ‘forgotten the fire’ and had accumulated too much water. That made sense to me - I had developed a chronic habit of worrying and trying to work out solutions on my own, which led to ‘drowning’ in emotion, and getting lost in illusions of lack. Try as I might, with all my experience, I couldn’t move through my emotions. Nor could I effectively ‘hand things over’ and let go of them. That was compounded by the fact that I’d physically isolated myself and had no ready access to other Rebirthers. How to work with the inner fire: The idea is to align yourself with the flame at your centre and develop focus of the soul. To do that, see, feel or imagine the fire inside and see Babaji there (if you wish). Whenever there is excess emotion or tension (in my case, in the solar plexus or heart area), just relax, notice the feelings and let them flow into the fire. Or, if you notice yourself worrying and trying to fix things, let yourself relax gently into the fire, and know that the fire will purify and burn off the emotions. This can take practice ... or it can be easy. Either way, it’s worth persisting with. Benefits and Side-effects: This process strengthens trust; the trust that comes from knowing that we can effectively hand things over. The results start to show on the outside as trust deepens. It strengthens the central column, or light of the soul, and increases the ability to stay focused. It is done through love – to understand the situation, not to escape it. This enables the heart to move naturally into compassion – for yourself as well as others. Practising the art of being inward, silent, and deeply centred in the fire inside you, creates magnetism and draws people to you. [An analogy I was given was of two past lives: In one I was a young boy desperately searching for food, and in the other, I was a monk who learned to meditate until the food came to him.] It strengthens the ‘digestive fire’, and therefore can improve digestive health. And, best of all, for me, learning to nurture and stay with my inner fire is turning around my thoughts of lack and my death-thinking and increasing my life force. What better result is there? Haille. If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to contact me through my website: http://crescentblue.co Leonard and Lyn Visions at Raw Earth Retreat Lyn Field I have been rebirthing since 1987, I have been getting visions since the same time. I had a couple of vivid visions while attending Raw Earth Retreat at Pauline and Pete’s Physical Immortality Australia. In the first one I could see robots building robots and I could see robots building half human/ half robots it was amazing, one was a beautiful woman with a blue eye and she was actually watching them put the robotic parts into the other side of her head, very new for me I haven't seen that before. During my next rebirth I had another vision, the first person I saw was Joanne and I saw her into the future, it could have been hundreds of years into the future. Joanne had lots of hair, and looked a very ancient woman, she looked more like an American Indian woman. Joanne had lots of silvery white hair, many deep furrows in her cheeks the rest of her skin was beautiful and she looked like the wise woman, the one that people would turn to for advice like the medicine woman, her body was still the same but she had a lot more hair. Then I saw Pauline, Pauline had lots of darker flowing hair and nice skin but under her right eye she had two very deep furrows going from the right eye to the chin it was kind of like how the weather wears grooves in the rock, there were grooves in her cheek from all the experience and sadness she had felt for the planet and the people. It seemed that the furrows were worn by all the tears she had shed for the planet and it's people. Next came Leonard and this one was very unusual, Leonard's eyes were staring, looking really alive very excited but strange like he was in senility, constantly staring but he was screwing his face up, his eyebrows would go up very high on his forehead and very thin, extremely alive sparkling blue eyes, to me he looked as though he was working on another case of senility but very excited about it, like senility didn't bother him he was working on it and was excited about it. I have heard Leonard say in the past that through senility is the gateway to immortality. Then I saw Ron, Ron still had lots of hair and a moustache but his eyebrows wouldn't behave themselves, the one on the left side kept growing bigger and bigger and blacker and blacker and it started to turn sideways and grow up his forehead. Then I saw a beautiful blue god that looked like a Buddha, it had no hair, a large shaved head and thinner cheeks, and glowed a beautiful pale blue colour. Then it came to me that rebirthers are like dung beetles, we go along and collect our own shit and get rid of it and we help others to collect their shit and get rid of it, so that is. Lyn Field signing off. Dr Janni Lloyd Physical Immortality Philosophy – the choice is yours! Dr Janni Lloyd Throughout the ages, pioneers have been questioning the accepted belief systems of the populace, and producing major evolutionary leaps. ‘The Earth is the centre of the Universe’ gave way to the understanding that the Earth revolves around the Sun – even though the Sun still appeared to the eye to move around the Earth. ‘The Earth is flat’ gave way when Columbus did not fall off the edge. The Wright Brothers also flew us into another reality, as have countless others over time. I feel ‘physical death is inevitable’ will become as obsolete as some of those previous belief systems. We are moving from the Piscean aeon to the Aquarian aeon – each aeon lasting around two thousand years. With the Aquarian aeon, Physical Immortality will become ‘an idea whose time has come’. What has been available to the individual will become available to the masses – we are in the process of an evolutionary leap of the mass consciousness. ‘Physical death is a choice’- a combination of theology and science can give one a starting point with this new belief system. Most people who have opened to their spirituality in this new age accept that they have a spiritual body which is eternal – the spiritual body separating from the physical or material body during the death process. Most of these same people also now accept that matter is composed of energy or consciousness or ‘thinking non-stuff’ to quote Deepak Chopra. To put it simply, when we get to a sub-atomic quantum level all matter is essentially ‘spirit’. With physical immortality, spirit/matter becomes one entity co-operatively organising and experiencing the play of life – thus physical death becomes unnecessary. Sondra Ray in her book ‘How to be chic, fabulous and live forever’ likens our spiritual, mental and physical bodies to steam, water and ice, all the same substance just vibrating at a different rate. Medical science and scientific research are also very rapidly moving us towards indefinite life extension / physical immortality. The areas of gene therapy, regeneration/cloning of organs and nanotechnology, in particular, are highlighting this choice. Many individuals are historically reported to have achieved physical immortality. These include Enoch, Elijah, Moses, Jesus, Mary, Lao Tse, Babaji, Count St Germain to name just a few Twentieth century immortals include Fulcanelli the alchemist. In spiritual literature, Immortals are reported to be able to teleport their physical body from place to place, and dimension to dimension. My feeling is having a physically immortal body is the ultimate freedom. One can remain on the Earth as long as one chooses, and eventually learn to move to other dimensions – with the choice to come back and forth at will. The immortalist writer, Annalee Skarin said “Death is the dingy back door entrance to the heavenly realms.” Sondra Ray in her book ‘Inner Communion’ talks more about the advantages of choosing LIFE – “Some people will say – I would not want to live forever because I want to go to a higher place.” And yet, you do not necessarily go to a higher place just because you drop your body. Consciousness, when departing from the body seeks its own level. There is no escape from yourself. Death is no solution. Other people say “I don’t want to live forever because it is too painful.” The reason it is too painful for them to be in the physical body is because of the death urge. Therefore, mastering Physical Immortality IS the solution to manifesting a body free of pain. This is the ‘Catch 22′… the secret of the ages. People who are sick obviously do not want to live forever, and yet mastering Physical Immortality is the way to heal sickness. In fact, all healing is temporary until you heal death. We could teach people to heal themselves of all the diseases they created (because what you create you can uncreate), BUT if they don’t heal death, they will just make up a new way to kill themselves. It becomes clear that all death is suicide. There is an alternative to aging and death and that is youthing and mastering the mind and body so that you can keep it as long as you like by the power of your mind. If you can learn to rejuvenate your body and youth it (which you can), and if you can learn to have and maintain Pure Joy (which you can), then you might want to learn to master Physical Immortality. The quality of your life would immediately improve.’ The techniques that I feel help one transition to a physically immortal consciousness are many and varied. Here’s a few to get you started. On the mental level, start believing it is possible. As Wayne Dyer says ‘You’ll see it when you believe it.’ The ‘believing’ will, in time, become a ‘knowing’ Become aware of and release death oriented patterns of thinking, speaking and behaviour. Affirmations of life and joy are useful. On the spiritual level, use the three laws of physical immortality philosophy– The law of PRAISE, the law of LOVE and the law of GRATITUDE. These are powerful laws, particularly the law of gratitude. Here is what Robert Coon, who has been teaching and writing about Physical Immortality for over 40 years, says about gratitude in his book, “The Science of Everlasting Life”- “Gratitude is the most powerful attitude of Being, the Great Be-attitude. Mastery of Gratitude leads to the overcoming of all things. The energies of gratitude multiply many fold as they are sent out from your heart. As these energies are released, they uplift the atoms and cells of your physical body…’ Open to the state of grace – using the energies of praise, love and gratitude for EVERYTHING in your life will move you from the law of karma to the law of grace. Life affirming meditations and vision quests are also helpful. On the emotional level, one needs to move towards unconditional love of self by removing blocks from childhood and old ‘tribal’ survival beliefs. Many techniques can assist with this eg. Rebirthing, aromatherapy, aura soma therapy, flower essences, and many forms of body work. Leonard Orr, the father of rebirthing, says that rebirthing will ultimately lead to physical immortality Breathing techniques in general are very powerful. Unconditional love of self leads to unconditional love and non – judgement of others. On the physical level, love and enjoy the miraculous creation that is your body. Honour your body’s wisdom. Nutrionally, vegetarianism becomes appealing. Move your body with joy and fun. Being flexible in every area of your life enhances the suppleness of your body. In an article in ‘Golden Age’ magazine, Leonard Orr said: “The three basic causes of death are: (1) Ignorance – people never question or think about it. (2) Emotional energy pollution – people don’t learn how to clean their energy body – they don’t take spiritual purification seriously. (3) Poor diet – most people eat themselves to death. Remember – if Physical Immortality philosophy is your choice – trust the divine intuitive guidance within your own heart. As Robert Coon says – plan to be eternally LATE for your own funeral…… http://physicalimmortalitythemasspossibility.wordpress.com/ KINDLE THE LIGHT Kindle the Light in yourself then kindle it in others--one by one. Just as when the lamp burns it consumes oil, so this Light will consume idleness, laziness, greed. Like spreading light by lighting one candle from another all around a room, so we should spread love from heart to heart. Babaji April 6, 1982 Treya What are your qualifications and what work do you do? I have a BA with Honours in Psychology and I’m also a trained rebirther. There are not a lot of psychologists that do general therapeutic practice that have a background in emotional release traditions as deep as rebirthing, I believe. I have a psych practice some of which operates within the Medicare system which means I get referrals from Dr’s that include cases of; depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, parenting difficulties. Children are referred who have oppositional behaviour, depression, acting out children who have co morbid stuff like they are not performing at school + they have rage outbursts, children who are somewhere on the autism spectrum and children who are affected by parental violence, parental dysfunction, parental separation and huge amounts of anxious teenagers. That is just a sample of what is referred to me. I also take referrals for work cover, so I see people who are traumatised by their experiences at work, psychological injuries, bullied, breakdown and/or overworked. For about 15 years I’ve been what is now referred to as a ‘Family Consultant’ to the federal family law court system, my job has been to provide, expert reports, family reports for trials over issues of the living arrangements and spending time arrangements of children with parents , grandparents or whoever it might be. Also mediation sessions, which happen before people go to trial about their dispute over the child living arrangements. These days there are also things like child inclusive mediation processes where we interview the children and give feedback to parents as a way of trying to see if we can get parents to look at what is in the best interests of the child. Often parents are quite oppositional in their approach they think they are good and the other parent is bad and it is very hard for them to take into account the child’s relationship to the other parent and the child’s perspective. It’s very gruelling and pressured work, in the sense that when we write those reports we think about everything we say, if the matter goes to court we will be cross examined as an expert witness. We are in a position to guide the court in making decisions about the children’s best interests, and often it’s very hard to be sure from the relatively brief assessments we are allowed to do. It’s interesting work because it is with families and because it’s trying to focus on the child and because we do have an opportunity through that process to get things clearer for the parents even if they don’t see it. 2 months ago I stopped doing that work. Were you practising psychology before you learnt about rebirthing? I hadn’t really. I was always a bit of a seeker after wisdom from when I can remember. During my honours year at Uni in psychology, I found it really irritating, I think lots of people do. Psychology is a young science and it is ‘wonky as’, to me there is a lot of dissociation in the field, the body of knowledge doesn’t hang together well, there are lots of wise people trying to morph the approaches together which results into some interesting mixes. We fit things into our world views, that happens for individuals but it also happens with bodies of knowledge. I got into rebirthing at a time when I was very disgruntled with the world, I was depressed, had retreated to the country and thought I would stay there and live a life with less people and more space. I attended a rebirthing workshop that happened nearby and it changed my life. In a country hall in the Barossa Valley, Heidi and Inji (students of Nemi Nath) ran the workshop, neither of them had any fear of emotional release, they created a dynamic, gentle spiritual environment. I had an extraordinary rebirth during that weekend and I knew I wanted to learn this… My teacher was Nemi Nath, she was one of the dominant rebirther trainers at that time in Australia. The training was very intense, and interesting because it was organic, rather than having a set time you worked until you knew it was time and she agreed you were ready. So some people might be in the training for two years and some for one year, some people found it womb like and supportive in the training and others like me found it so restimulating and challenging that we couldn’t get out of it fast enough. In those days rebirthers emerged not out of professionals like psychologists but more out of hippy type people who were interested in healing, I was the only person there that had a mainstream professional qualification, but I hadn’t ever had a psychology job. I’d worked as a counsellor, a youth worker, also in the children’s detention system in Adelaide but not as a psychologist. I went straight from the training into a job in acute care psychiatric ward at Lismore hospital as part of the mental health team. Coming from rebirthing training into this environment I found extremely challenging. I spent years trying to integrate my rebirthing training into the system I was working in, I had no-one to guide me in that. Rebirthing is such a spiritual energetic process as opposed to say cognitive behavioural therapy, so I over the years I developed my own way of integrating that. To this day even though I really left rebirthing behind, (25 yrs since rebirth training) I realised there were differences in how I saw almost everything of importance, how illness works, what causes illness, what it is about the therapeutic relationship is likely to be effective, all of those questions I saw differently, and I often felt separate, I think I was angry, I found it hard and felt alone, I thought I knew things that would benefit others but I wasn’t able to communicate it. Do you experience burnout and how do you know when that is happening? In 2008 after about six years in fulltime work at the Family Court in Adelaide I was really struggling in the job, I was often exhausted and didn’t want to talk to anyone on the phone when I got home, I was withdrawn and exhausted in a way that is beyond just tired. I would wake up in the morning and not feel refreshed, a component of depression. A lot of burnout can look like depression, the differences can include that the energy body and emotional symptoms relate more specifically to the work environment. It was then that I was diagnosed by a doctor with depression and given some time off, he was very thorough, he saw me as potentially quite depressed. He was like an ally to me. During this time I had a miraculous experience with Theta Healing that lifted the depression from me. That is part of my sense of myself as a spiritual being that I am drawn to such things and that I go there to that connection of me with that which is greater, I’ve always found ways to do that. Theta healing worked miracles for me, so I went back to work but of course the work didn’t change, all of us in this kind of field are all vulnerable to giving out more of our psychic energy than we can replenish and so we are going to run out. I left working with the Adelaide Family Law Court in 2010, I was heading for more burnout, and I knew it was time to go back to private practice, to practice psychotherapy which is who I am, fundamentally. I notice that the more burnt out I am the more difficult it is to meditate as my mind doesn’t focus well, in fact the very things that would help me I am less able to do, I see this in others also. This I think is a feature of burnout, we are more self destructive and less able to nurture ourselves, we’ve got less motivation, less energy to discern what we need so the net effect is the more we need certain kinds of nurturing the less we are able to address it and that’s a really harsh self-defeating reality. We live in an individualistic culture where lots of people retreat into being alone with their burnout/depression which is the absolute opposite of what they need. We have a culture where the only healing environments for people who have broken down, who have got overwhelm, who absolutely need others to take care of them in one way or another (and if it gets bad enough take care of them by making sure they drink water, for example) are acute care settings which are mainstream psychiatric institutions or sections of hospitals and they are not what’s needed, they are not the right place. In the workcover work you do, dealing with people that have had breakdowns at work do you think that that is related to burnout? Yes that is so sometimes, but not always. People who present with burnout with a WorkCover case normally have it attached to an incident, it may be a bullying incident something that has just overloaded them. An example in my caseload (details changed) a policeman worked 10 years, late 30’s, a thorough person who has worked hard, underneath his brusque exterior he is compassionate. 3 years ago he attended an incident where through very unfortunate circumstances an old man had accidentally killed his wife, my client sat with that man all day; it was gut wrenchingly tragic, that experience of tragedy unravelled him. He recognises when he worked through it that he had been staving off an inevitable breakdown by the way he had been handling tragic events. The stress to his compassion system caused vicarious trauma and he was unable to maintain his sense of integrity. He presented with sleep difficulties, irritability with his family, getting angry without cause and taking it out on others (spouses of burnt out people report that are less able to enjoy every day activities less able to relate, abusive of family members and pets, withdraw, abuse alcohol, recreational drugs, anxiety increases). Anxiety, depression, trauma, burnout are all quite interrelated. So how do you find using earth air water and fire as a means of replenishing your energy? How does that work for you, or does it work for you? I attended the 9 day Leonard Orr Retreat at Mt Tamborine in 2011, I felt rejuvenated from that experience, it did me an extraordinary amount of good, all the depression went away from me, I had left the job in the middle of the previous year and gone into private practice and I was busy, working 7 days per week. That experience of the 9 day which included that beautiful river and the Dhunnis and the fire and the sacredness of the instructions, the purpose of being there and the vibration created by that, which I am always aware of. Everyone was part of that, Leonard and Pauline and each of us created an extraordinary rejuvenation in me, that tangibly benefited me for many months but then the gruelling regime of work that I take on meant that I deteriorated gradually. I was doing the five Tibetan rites every day but my conscious use of fire and everything dropped away. I was always aware of meditating and I was always aware of the breath but did I put aside time to actually breathe? No, never have. The breath happens in my work with people because I create an energy space for them and I create it out of my energy body because I breathe at the right vibration so that I can tune into them, I am really conscious of that and then sometimes I will be pacing their breath, the way I work I will often say – I want you to stop talking, I want you to feel into how you are in your belly right now. I am aware in my own body of exactly what I am asking them to do because my body is telling me stuff about what is happening for them, so I am working that phenomenon all of the time. Earth Air Fire Water and Spirit are inherent in what I do, but in my workspace I don’t do things like have candles as this is not appropriate, at home I do sometimes. I like to have showers every day, and I don’t believe for a second it’s because I’m dirty, so I think that’s a truth for me, I often say to people, a shower is about what the water is doing in our energy body, it’s not about being dirty most of the time. So did you feel burnt out before you came to this retreat? Yes, but now I feel fantastic, similar to the last retreat. I do feel great benefit, I came here looking for great benefit. I see so many people who have no idea that these sorts of things exist, that life can bring these sorts of opportunities. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how blessed I am and we are. This year I’ve been continuing to work too hard and it’s been taking its toll , but I’ve had more support this year. In a way I’ve been living with a level of burnout since 2008. I seek rejuvenating experiences and because I have some skills around my mind and breathing I can sustain myself. It’s almost like a trap it means I can keep doing what I am doing without breaking down. So coming to this I wasn’t in the worst burn out state I’ve been in, not compared to 2008, when I was struggling on a daily basis, it’s when you are only just OK in the mornings and you keep working that you can really intensify burnout, I’ve done that too much, like many people, but I confidently expected that I would rejuvenate from current burnout levels in my energy body by coming here, I was confident that would happen and I know it has. I’ve taken this whole month off to reflect, I’m taking this time to learn to have a different type of life, a lot more of a whole pile of things, a lot more fun, a lot more love, a lot more, just more, more time to relax and reflect, more time to read and put words together, what I want to do and what I want to focus on. There is healing of the mind that came from Mt Tamborine and the rebirthing, I forget how powerful it is, I go into denial about its power and I’m not going to do that anymore. When my hand raised itself up at the end of the Breathe Australia conference in 2011,to convene the 2014 conference, I knew exactly whom I intended to invite as guests speakers. They all said yes! The guest speakers all presented their own knowing and understanding of dealing with trauma. It was great to see how coming from different experiences and background they would actually all come to the same conclusion: transforming trauma. We do this so well with the breath! The community that attended was made of a fantastic bunch of people. We all enjoyed each other’s company, sharing our talents. The days were spent breathing, learning from our guests’ speakers and the trainerspractitioners of the community and the night we would be spoiled by the enormous talents of our professional musicians. An all in house program! We were spoiled with yummy food not only from the venue but from all the add on that Leesa and Andrew would prepare for us. All healthy and good! My dream of bringing community, education and relaxation together came true. The feedback from the conference has been great. The Australian Breathwork Association welcomed 17 new members as a result. I love and adore our Rebirthing Breathwork community. I love getting together with you guys and I hope that we will do this soon again! Photos - Above : Listening to Shanty and Ramana "Live from the heart" album in the evening Leesa and Andrew were preparing amazing hot chocolate and finger food. Below: Just before the departure: group photo. Li Ching-Yuen 256 Year Old Chinese Herbalist Li Ching-Yuen The herbalist had 23 wives and raised more than 200 children According to the official records, herbalist Li Ching-Yuen was born in China in 1677 (although he himself claimed that he was born in 1736). Throughout his long life, he constantly practiced herbalism and martial arts. In 1930, the New York Times newspaper printed an article in which they published official Chinese government documents that were uncovered. These documents, dating back to 1827, contained official congratulations on Li Ching-Yuen's 150th birthday. Later documents, dating back to 1877, contained official congratulations on his 200th birthday. How did he do that? Li Ching-Yuen expressed his longevity formula in one sentence: "Retain a calm heart, sit like a turtle, walk swiftly like a pigeon, and sleep like a dog". Let's add a few more interesting historical facts to this story. Chinese army general Yang Sen invited Li to visit him, and offered him an opportunity to teach Chinese soldiers martial arts. The general could not believe how youthful his guest was, even though he had reached an age of 250 years old. Li Ching-Yuen died on the 6th of May in 1933. He told his students that he had completed all his tasks in this lifetime, and he was now ready to come home. It is possible to find other interesting stories about Western health prodigies and Eastern Yogis who lived for over 100 years. Not only did they survive for this long, they also thrived—youthful, active, and full of enthusiasm. What could we learn from them? From http://virsmai.com/blog/256-year-old-chinese-herbalist-li-ching-yuen-holistic-medicine-and-15character-traits-that-cause-diseases Continued from first page… We went to the pool at Pilliga each day to bathe in the flow of the warm artesian mineral water that comes to the surface there. Some days we were on our own on others we met with people who live, work and play in Pilliga forest area, listened to their stories and enjoyed the water with them. Pauline and Pete are wonderful hosts and made every effort to keep everyone comfortable despite the extreme weather conditions. Pauline gave a sensitive, skilful demonstration of how to assist people to discover their personal law. It was clear to everyone when the thought was found, we could all feel how deeply it resonated in the person’s body. I had some wonderful rebirths during the retreat but one in particular stands out. I felt as if all the pain of my birth and childhood was gathered together it felt unbearable. I finally surrendered and admitted that I had chosen every detail of my life. I owned up in my body that I am not a victim. I admitted that I have been too caught up in my stories and could have more fun in my life if I remain more focussed on my breath. Breathing is significantly easier. I feel like a large chunk of my death urge left me that day. I still have plenty of stuff to deal with but it doesn't feel nearly as overwhelming as it used to. In making the shift I felt that all the people gathered at the retreat were instrumental in me being able to make the change, it felt as though they had come from far and wide to help me. To these people I say a hearty THANK YOU!!!! Joanne Eisemann Leonard and Joanne Feel free to pass this newsletter on to anyone you think may be interested. If you want to be added to the mailing list or reprint any of the articles please email jj.eisemann@gmail.com The next edition of IT’S ELEMENTAL will be EARTH, please share your stories, ideas, events and pictures by emailing them to jj.eisemann@gmail.com by February 15th 2015 Many Thanks to all those who contributed to this FIRE edition