Rental Brochure - Figure Eight Realty
Rental Brochure - Figure Eight Realty
igre Eight Iland VACATION RENTALS w w w . f i g u r e 8 i s l a n d . c o m 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2015 SUMMER EARLY/END OF SUMMER SPRING/FALL WINTER June 12–Aug. 13 May 8–June 11 Aug. 14–Sept. 24 March 1–May 7 Sept. 25–Nov. 30 Dec. 1–Feb. 28 2016 June 10–Aug.18 May 6–June 9 Aug. 19–Sept. 29 10% off weekly rate March 1–May 5 Sept. 30–Nov. 30 20% off weekly rate Dec. 1–Feb. 29 40% off weekly rate Rate reductions may not apply to every property. Holiday rates may vary. Major holidays are highlighted in bold. igure Eight Iland A P R I V AT E O C E A N F R O N T C O M M U N I T Y for the Vacation to Remember! Figure eight island is truly a unique and special place for vacationers. only 12 miles from the historic Wilmington waterfront, Figure eight is known for its secluded sandy white beach, cool blue/green water and casual environment. Vacationers enjoy a variety of activities including beach combing, surfing, jogging, biking, crabbing, tennis, kayaking, and much more. While the tranquility and relaxing lifestyle on the island helps one lose track of time, the hustle and bustle of shopping, dining, and entertainment is only minutes NED LEARY away in the Wilmington area. A bridge with 24-hour guard gate makes quick trips to other areas convenient from the island. NED LEARY Figure eight Realty boasts the largest vacation rental inventory on this exclusive, privately owned island. our rental properties range from modest to luxurious, but are all well equipped with the comforts of home and ready to welcome guests. We offer numerous homes on the ocean, sound, interior and salt marsh for those seeking a peaceful and private getaway. our office is located on Figure eight island in the Yacht Club Facility. As you drive over the bridge, we are the only large building complex on your left. our rental office hours are 9:00 a.m.– 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and Sunday by appointment. RENTAL OFFICE 15 Bridge Road • Wilmington, NC 28411 CAll FoR ReNtAl iNFoRMAtioN (910) 686-4400 FAx (910) 686-1174 (800) 279-6085 • 1 Th leasure ll ur... D I R E C T I O N S From Interstate 40: From the Airport: Headed east on i-40, take exit 416B (i-140 to Jacksonville/ topsail). After approximately 4 miles take exit for Bus. 17S to Wilmington. At stoplight, make left onto Porters Neck Road. Go approximately 1 mile, turn right onto edgewater Club Road, which leads to the Figure 8 island Gate. ViA MARKet StReet: turn left onto 23rd Street. turn left onto MlK, Jr. Parkway. turn left onto Market Street. After approximately 6 miles, turn right onto Porters Neck Road. Go approximately 1 mile, turn right onto edgewater Club Rd, which leads to the Figure 8 island Gate. From 74/76: Headed east on 74/76, take exit for Battleship Memorial (Hwy 421 to Clinton). After approximately 5 miles, take exit for i-140 (to Jacksonville/topsail). take exit for Bus. 17S to Wilmington. At light turn left onto Porters Neck Road. Go approximately 1 mile, turn right onto edgewater Club Road, which leads to the Figure 8 island Gate. From Hwy 17: Headed south on Hwy 17, take exit for Bus. 17S to Wilmington. At light turn left onto Porters Neck Road. Go approximately 1 mile, turn right onto edgewater Club Road, which leads to the Figure 8 island Gate. ViA WilMiNGtoN BYPASS: turn left onto 23rd Street. turn left onto MlK, Jr. Parkway. turn left onto College Road. take exit 416B (i-140 to Jacksonville/topsail). take exit for Bus. 17S to Wilmington. At light turn left onto Porters Neck Road. Go approximately 1 mile, turn right onto edgewater Club Road, which leads to the Figure 8 island Gate. From Figure 8 to Airport: ViA MARKet StReet: take edgewater Club Road off the island, turn left onto Porters Neck Road. turn left onto Market Street. After approximately 6 miles, turn right onto MlK, Jr. Parkway. take exit for airport, turn left onto 23rd Street. turn right onto Airport Blvd. ViA WilMiNGtoN BYPASS: take edgewater Club Road off the island, turn left onto Porters Neck Road. turn right onto Market Street and remain in left lane, which merges onto i-140. After approximately 4 miles, take exit for airport/ Wilmington. turn right onto MlK, Jr. Parkway. take exit for airport, turn left on 23rd Street. turn right onto Airport Blvd. Washington, D.C. Richmond Raleigh For further information call, write or e-mail: Charlotte Topsail Island Columbia FIGURE EIGHT ISLAND Wrightsville Beach Myrtle Beach Atlanta “Because we know the island!” 15 Bridge Road • Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 Charleston (910) 686 - 4400 • (800) 279 - 6085 FIND US ON INSTAGRAM Jacksonville FIND US ON FACEBOOK FAx: (910) 686-1174 • e-MAil: w w w. f i g u r e 8 i s l a n d . c o m ON THE COVERS: Photos by Ned leary Photography 2 OCEAN FRONT HOMES PAGE 4 Ocean Front Homes speak for themselves. Only a few steps from the white sand and blue waters of Figure Eight’s famous beach, our oceanfront homes encourage relaxation. Soak in the views while sipping morning coffee, watch children build castles in the sand or just sit back and experience the coastal Carolina breeze. SOUND FRONT HOMES PAGE 8 Sound Front Homes provide endless entertainment. Located on the southern end of Figure Eight, these homes offer views of the sound and Intracoastal Waterway. The calm waters provide piers for sailing away or sandy beaches for splashing around. INTERIOR/MARSH FRONT HOMES PAGE 13 Interior/Marsh Front homes offer untold treasures. Located on the northern end of Figure Eight, these homes capture magical sunsets and nestle themselves in the serenity of nature, simply inviting relaxation. 3 O C E A N F R O N T 3 AND 4 BEDROOMS I couldn’t imagine living in a state that didn’t reach the ocean. It was a giant reset button. You could go to the edge of the land and see infinity and feel renewed. -AVERY SAWYER Bridgers 50 Beach Road South 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Lowerlevelhas2 bedrooms(Queen, 2Singles)whichsharea hallbath.Mainlevelhas openliving,diningand kitchenplushalfbath. Masterbedroom(Queen) withprivatebathalsoonmainlevel.Upperloftareahasbedroom (Queen)andfullbath.Maximum 8 Courtney 15 Comber Road 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Upperlevelhasspacious living,dining,andkitchen withahalfbath.The lowerlevelhas2 bedrooms(King,Queen) withprivatebathsand2 bedrooms(Double,Bunk BedandFuton)thatshareabath.Maximum 10 Monroe J.C. 6 Beachbay Lane East 3 BeDRooMS 2.5 BAtHS Themain/middlelevelof thishomehasopenliving anddiningroom,powder room,fullupdated kitchenandmaster bedroom(King)witha privatebath. Theupper levelhas2bedrooms(Queen&Single,Queen&Single) andafullhall bath.GroundLeveloffersbonusbunkroomthroughprivateentrance withfullbath(2Singles).Maximum 10 162 Beach Road South 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Lowerlevelhas 2bedrooms(King,King), onewithprivatebath,one withfullhallbathanda sittingroomwithSleeper Sofa.Upperlevelhaslarge livingarea,halfbath, dining,kitchenand2bedrooms(King,2Singles)withsharedfullbath. Long Wallace Maximum 10 72 Beach Road South 4 BeDRooMS 2 BAtHS Allononelevel. 2bedroomsontheocean side(King,Queen)which shareahallbathand2 bedroomsonthestreet side(2extralongSingles, 2extralongDoubles) whichshareahallbath.Thereisanopenlivingroom,diningareaand kitchen.Maximum 8. 276 Beach Road North 4 BeDRooMS 2 Full BAtHS 2 HAlF BAtHS Allononelevel,centerof homehasopenliving, diningandkitchen. 2bedroomsonthesouth end(2Singles,2Singles asKing)havetheirown vanity/toiletwithsharedshower.2northendbedrooms(King,Queen) havetheirownvanity/toiletwithsharedshower.Maximum 8 Kornstein Johnson 120 Beach Road South 4 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS Groundlevelcontains largebedroom(Queen& 2Singles),fullhallbath andlaundryarea.First levelcontainsMaster Bedroom(King)with privatebath,kitchen, diningandlivingroompluscommonhalfbath.Thirdlevelhastwo bedrooms(Queen,Queen)with2fullbaths.Alsoonthislevelisanopen TVdenwithsittingarea(pulloutcouch).Maximum 10 4 100 Beach Road South 4 BeDRooMS 3 BAtHS Allononelevelwithopen livingdiningandkitchen area.Oceanfrontmaster (Queen)withprivatebath, guestroom(2Singles) withprivatebath,two guestbedrooms(2 Singles,Queen)shareaJack&Jillbathwithroll-inshower.Bonus groundlevelbedroomwithfullbath(2Singles),throughaseparate entrance.HandicapAccessible.Maximum 10 O C E A N F R O N T 4 BEDROOMS Kingsley Lewis 98 Beach Road South 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Mainlevelfeatureslarge kitchenandgreatroom withliving&dining combined.Firstfloorhas 2bedrooms(Queen,2 Singles)withsharedfull hallbathandcommon hallhalfbath.Upperfloorhasmasterbedroom(King)withprivatebath andaguestbedroom(2Singles)withprivatebath.Maximum 8 154 Beach Road South 4 BeDRooMS 4 BAtHS LowerLevelCarport. SecondLeveloffersopen living,diningandkitchen plusGuestMaster(Queen) withprivateensuitebath, GuestBedroom(2Bunks) withfullbath.ThirdLevel offersaloft-likeTVden,GuestBedroom(Queen)withfullbathanda MasterBedroom(King)withensuitebath.Maximum 10 Ocean Point Hobbs 16 Comber Road 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Firstfloorhasguest master(King)withprivate bath,2guestbedrooms(2 Singles, Queen)with sharedJack&Jillbath. Onfirstleveliscommon halfbath.Secondfloor hasopenkitchen,diningandlivingroomwithhalfbathandsunroom. Thirdlevelcontainsamastersuite(King)withprivatebathand observationdeck.Maximum 8 GroundLevelcontains entryhallandgarage bay.Secondlevelhas 3bedrooms(Queen, Queen,2Singles)and 3fullbaths,largeopen denandsmall enclosablesunroom.Thirdlevelhasmasterbedroom(King)with privatebath,livingroom,diningandkitchenplushalfbath. Maximum 8 Spicuzza Capel 172 Beach Road South 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Allononelevel,this homehas4bedrooms (King,BunkBed[Double bottomBunk])with privatebaths,(Queen, Queen)withsharedbath, plusanadditionalhalf bath.Maximum 8 7 Inlet Hook 4 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS 330 Beach Road North 4 BeDRooMS 5 BAtHS Lowerlevelhas3 bedrooms(2Queens, King,2Singles)and3full baths.Upperlevelhas openliving,dining, kitchenand1bedroom (King)withfullbath. Groundlevelhasanadditionalfullbath.Maximum 8 Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air. —RALPH WALDO EMERSON 5 O C E A N F R O N T 5 BEDROOMS We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came. —JOHN F. KENNEDY NED LEARY Cherok/Veno Evins 10 Comber Road 5 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS Firstleveloffershall halfbathoffentry, 2bedrooms(Queen,2 Singles)withsharedJack &Jillbath,guestbedroom (Queen)withprivatebath andguestmaster(King) withprivatebath.Secondlevelopenstoalargegreatroomwithopen living,diningkitchenarea,mastersuite(King)withprivatemasterbath. 206 Beach Road North 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS Lowerlevelhasopen living,dining,kitchen, commonhalfbath,3 bedrooms(Queen,2 Singles,2Singles)each withprivatebath.Upper levelhassmallTVden,2 bedrooms(King,2Singles)and2fullbaths.Maximum 10 Maximum 10. Evans 94 Beach Road South 5 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS Thelowerlevelhas2 bedrooms(2XLSingles, BunkBed&QueenFuton), sharedJack&Jillfullbath andrecreationalroom. Mainlevelhasalarge kitchenwithhalfbath, openliving/diningareaandmasterbedroom(Queen)withprivate fullbathandsittingroom.Upperlevelhas2bedrooms(King,Queen &Single)eachwithensuitefullbathsandsmallcommonloftlike sittingarea.Maximum 12 Bacon 10 Beachbay Lane East 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS Mainlevelhasopen living,dining,kitchen,4 bedrooms(King,Queen, Queen,2XLSingles)and 4fullbaths.Througha separateentranceon groundlevelisabedroom (Queen&Single),playroomandfullbathplusbonusshowerstall. Maximum 11 6 Jenkins 70 Beach Road South 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS Lowerlevelhassitting room,1bedroom(2 Queens)and1fullhall bath.Upperlevel featureslargeliving, dining,kitchenand4 bedrooms(King,King, Double,2Singles)and4.5baths.Maximum 12 Thornton 26 Beach Road South 5 BeDRooMS 6 BAtHS Lowerlevelhas2 bedrooms(2Doubles, King)with2fullbaths. Mainlevelhaslargeopen living/diningroom, kitchen,TVdenandguest bedroom(2Doubles)with privatebath.Upperlevelhas2bedrooms(2Doubles,King)with2full baths.Offofthegarageisasmallsittingroom/maidsquarterswitha fullbath.Maximum 12 O C E A N F R O N T 5, 6 AND 7 BEDROOMS Sunnyside Andrew 18 Beach Road South 5 BeDRooMS 4 BAtHS Lowerlevelhas recreationalroomwith pooltable,3bedrooms (Queen,Queen,Queen) and2fullbaths.Upper levelfeaturesopenliving, dining,kitchen, 2bedrooms(King, 2Singles) eachwithensuite fullbaths. Maximum 10 5 Inlet Hook 5 BeDRooMS 5 Full/2 HAlF BAtHS Upperlevelhasopen living,dining,kitchen, halfbathroom,sunroom withpooltableand masterbedroom(King) withprivatebath.Lower levelhas3bedrooms (King,King,2Singles)eachwithprivatebaths,1bedroom(2Singles w/Trundles)withafullhallbath,additionalcommonhalfbathalsoon thislevel.Maximum 12 Ocean Watch Sherwood 6 Inlet Hook 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS Lowerlevelhas4 bedrooms(2Queens, 2Doubles,2Singles,2 BunkBeds)and 4fullbaths.Upperlevel hasopenliving,dining, kitchen,halfbathand masterbedroom(Queen)withprivatefullbath.Spiralstaircaseleads youtorooftopbelvedere.Maximum 12 Hatcher 328 Beach Road North 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS GroundLevelcontains3 Bedrooms(King,Queen, Queen)eachwithprivate fullbath.Groundlevelhas alargeopengreatroom withpooltable,TVarea and2DayBedsfor additionalsleeping.SecondLeveloffersanopenairylivinganddining space,separatekitchen,halfbath,MasterBedroom(King)withprivate bathandGuestBedroom(King)withprivatebath.Maximum 12 2 Beachbay Lane East 6 BeDRooMS 6 BAtHS LowerlevelhasTVden,1 bedroom(3Singles)&full hallbath.Secondlevelhas openliving,dining,kitchen &enclosablesittingarea (QueenSleeperSofa)with fullbath.Secondlevel,guestmasterbedroom(King)withprivatebath& 2bedrooms(Queen,BunkBed[DoubleBottomBunk])withshared shower/privatevanityareaplusguestbedroom(Queen)withprivate bath.Upperlevelhasamaster(King)withprivatebathandlarge recreationroom.Maximum 14. Parsons 8 Surf Court 6 BeDRooMS 7.5 BAtHS Groundlevelcontains2 garagebays,entryfoyer, openTVden/recreational areaplusfullbath.Middle levelfeaturesdenwith4 bedrooms&4fullbaths (King,2Queens,King,2Queens)Upperlevelhasopenliving,dining, kitchen&wetbarplushalfbath&guestmastersuite(King)withprivate bath.4thlevelismasterbedroom(King)withprivatebath&sittingarea. Maximum 14 Ray 264 Beach Road North 5 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS Groundlevelentryoffers2 gamerooms-pingpong, airhockeyandplentyof games.Secondlevel includes3guestmasters (King,King,King)each withprivatefullbath,1 guestroom(2Singles-TrundleDayBed)pluspokerroomandsecond familyroomwithpulloutcouch(TrundleroomsharesbathwithaKing room).Thirdlevelcontainsopenlivinganddiningroom,powderroom, kitchenwithbreakfastnookandmasterbedroom(King)withfullen suitemasterbath. Maximum 10 At the beach, life is different. Time doesn’t move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides, and follow the sun. —ANONYMOUS Buckman 112 Beach Road South 6 BeDRooMS 5 BAtHS Upperlevelhasopen living,diningandkitchen, masterbedroom(Queen) withprivatebath,guest bedroom(Queen)andfull hallbath.Lowerlevelhas TVdenand2bedrooms(Queen,2Singles)whichshareahallbathand 2bedrooms(Queen,Queen)withprivatebaths.Maximum 12 Gray Gables 86 Beach Road South 7 BeDRooMS 9.5 BAtHS LowerlevelofferslargeTV den,kitchenetteandfull bath.2ndlevelincludes familyroom,5bedrooms (Queen,Queen,Full,Full, 2Singles)eachwith privateensuitebaths. 3rdlevelincludesopenliving,dining&kitchen,halfbathandmaster suite(King)withprivateensuitemasterbath.4thlevelincludes observationsunroom,loftden,fullbathandguestbedroom(Queen) withpulloutcouchandprivateensuitebath.Maximum 14 7 S O U N D F R O N T 3, 4 AND 5 BEDROOMS Campbell Buckfelder 11 Backfin Point 3 BeDRooMS 2.5 BAtHS Mainlivingleveloffers openliving/diningarea andgalleykitchenwith visiblepassthroughtothe livingspace.Alsoonthis levelare2guestbedrooms (2Singles,2Singles)with sharedjack&jillbath,plusmastersuite(King)withensuiteprivate bath.LowerleveloffersasmallenclosableTVdenwithfuton(Queen). Boatslipincluded.Maximum 7 3 Jib Road 4 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS Allononelevel.Central, openlivingdiningand kitchenspacewith enclosableTVdenoffof thekitchenplushalfbath. Southcorridorhasallof thebedrooms.Bedroom1 (King)withprivatebath,bedroom2(2Singles)withprivatebath, bedroom3(2Queens)withprivatebath,mastersuite(King)withlarge ensuiteprivatebath.Boatslipincluded.Maximum 10 Eight Escape Franck/Saffo 10 Sandy Point 4 BeDRooMS 3 BAtHS Lower levelhas 2 bedrooms (King,2Singles)and1full bath.Upperlevelhas combinationlivingand diningarea,kitchenwith breakfastnook,guest bedroom(Queen)withfull hallbathandmastersuite(King)withprivateensuitebath.Boatslip included.Maximum 8 24 Sandy Point 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Mainlevelhasbrightopen living,diningandkitchen, halfbath,master(King) withprivatebath,guest master(Queen)with privatebath,2guest rooms(2Queens,Bunk Bed[Doublebottombunk])withsharedbath.Boatslipincluded. Pleasants Graham Maximum 11 4 Jib Road 4 BeDRooMS 3 BAtHS Allononelevelthishome featuresopenliving, dining,andkitchenarea. 2bedrooms(King, 2Doubles)eachwith privatebath.2bedrooms (2Doubles,2Doubles) whichshareabath.Boatslipincluded.Maximum 10 18 Sandy Point 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Groundleveloffers2 bedrooms(King, 2Singles)withsharedhall bathandpooltableinthe garagebay.Upperlevel includesopenliving, diningandkitchen,half bath,mastersuite(King)withprivateensuitebath,guestbedroom (2Singles)withfullhallbath.Boatslipincluded.Maximum 8 Vreeland Grubb 17 Backfin Point 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Mainlevelfeaturesliving, diningandkitchen,hall halfbath,enclosableTV denwithpulloutcouch,2 bedrooms(King,Queen) eachwithprivatebath. Upperlevelhas2 bedrooms(2Singles,2Singles)and1fullbath.Boatslipincluded. Maximum 10 Maready 18 Saltmeadow Road 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Thelowerlevelofthis soundfronthomehasa TVden, 2 bedrooms (2 Singles,2Singles)that shareahallbathandguest master(Queen)with privatebath.Upperlevel hasanopenliving,diningandkitchen,commonhalfbathandamaster bedroom(King)withprivatebath.Boatslipincluded.Maximum 8 8 4 Sounds Point 4 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS Firstlevelhas2guest rooms(2Singles,2Singles) withsharedbath,guest master(Queen)with privatebath,denwith additionalsittingarea (sleepersofa)andafull bath.Upperlevelfeaturesopenliving,diningandkitchenarea,powder room,mastersuite(King)withprivatebath.Includesinfinitypooland boatslip.Maximum 8 Dworsky/Owens 20 Pipers Neck 5 BeDRooMS 4 BAtHS Featuringareversefloor planwithopenliving, dining&kitchenonupper level, plus masterbedroom (King)withprivatebath andguestroom(Double) withfullhallbath.Lower levelhas3bedrooms(Queen,2Singles,Queen)with2fullbaths&TV den.Includespierwithfloatingdock&boatslipplussmallprivatepool. Boatslipincluded.Maximum 12 her d o ant to e? the inside center spread provides a map of Figure eight island and the homes available for rent. the street address matches the lot number of each home and is indicated on the map. HOUSE NAME ADDRESS 1 Dunes Point Allen Andrew Andrews/Holding/Vaughn Bacon Blanton Bridgers Buckfelder Buckman Buczek Cameron Cambell Capel Carter Cherok/Veno Courtney Crittendon d’Epremesnil Dworsky/Owens Eight Escape Ellison Evans Evins Foster Franck/Saffo Gardner Grannis Graham Gray Gables Grubb Hanes Harmon Hatcher Hobbs James 1 Dunes Point 418 Beach Road North 18 Beach Road South 11 Beachbay lane east 10 Beachbay lane east 34 Saltmeadow Road 50 Beach Road South 3 Jib Road 112 Beach Road South 2 oyster Catcher Road 6 oyster Catcher Road 11 Backfin Point 330 Beach Road North 19 Comber Road 10 Comber Road 15 Comber Road 319 Beach Road North 3 Bayberry Place 20 Pipers Neck 10 Sandy Point 429 Beach Road North 94 Beach Road South 206 Beach Road North 1 Saltmeadow Road 24 Sandy Point 420 Beach Road North 421 Beach Road North 18 Sandy Point 86 Beach Road South 4 Sounds Point 9 oyster Catcher 8 Clamdigger Point 328 Beach Road North 7 inlet Hook 2 Clamdigger Point PAGE # 13 15 7 14 6 12 4 8 7 14 14 8 5 14 6 4 15 14 8 8 14 6 6 12 8 15 15 8 7 8 14 13 7 5 14 With the key below, you can find the name of the house, the address (which will help you locate it on the map), and the page number where you will find a photo and brief description. HOUSE NAME ADDRESS J.C. Jenkins Johnson Johnson Kahn Kingsley Kiser Kornstein Kratsa Levin Lewis Long Maready Marshall Monroe Ocean Point Ocean Watch Parsons Pleasants Ray Roseman Sapp Sherwood Skelton Spicuzza Stanback/Hart/Scudder Stubbs Sunnyside Svoboda Thornton Twin Views Valk Vreeland Wallace 162 Beach Road South 70 Beach Road South 100 Beach Road South 2 Shortwater Road 515 Beach Road North 98 Beach Road South 175 Beach Road South 120 Beach Road South 187 Beach Road South 215 Beach Road North 154 Beach Road North 72 Beach Road South 18 Saltmeadow Road 209 Beach Road North 6 Beachbay lane east 16 Comber Road 6 inlet Hook 8 Surf Court 4 Jib Road 264 Beach Road North 29 Sandy Point 24 Pipers Neck Road 2 Beachbay lane east 10 Banks Road 172 Beach Road South 261 Beach Road North 26 Saltmeadow Road 5 inlet Hook 2 Banks Road 26 Beach Road South 1 oyster Catcher 1 Comber Road 17 Backfin Point 276 Beach Road North PAGE # 4 6 4 12 15 5 12 4 12 14 5 4 8 13 4 5 7 7 8 7 12 12 7 12 5 15 12 7 12 6 14 15 8 4 9 S O U N D F R O N T 5 AND 6 BEDROOMS Roseman 29 Sandy Point 5 BeDRooMS 4 BAtHS Upperlevelhasopen living,diningandkitchen, 2bedrooms(Queen, King)withprivatebaths and2bedrooms(Queen, Queen)withsharedhall bath.Downstairsground levelhasTVdenandbunkroom(BunkBed&Queen)withprivate bath.Boatslipincluded.Maximum 12 Blanton 34 Saltmeadow Road 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS Mainlevelentrywith living,dining,kitchen, breakfastareaandden withhalfbath,guest bedroom(Queen)with privatebath.Upperlevel hasmaster(Queen),2 guestbedrooms(Queen,2Singles),allwithprivatebaths.Groundlevel featuresrecreationalroomwithpooltable,foosballtable,BunkBed nookarea,wetbarandfullbath.Privatepoolandboatslipincluded. Skelton 10 Banks Road 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS Entrylevelcontains2 garagestallsplusentry hall.FirstlevelhasTVden, 4bedrooms(King,King, Queen,BunkBedwith sofabed)eachwithprivate bath.Upperlevelhasopen living,dining&kitchen,powderroom,masterbedroom(King)with privateensuitebath.Largeprivateyard,plentyofdeckspace. Boatslipincluded.Maximum 11 Johnson Maximum 10 2 Shortwater Road 5 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS Upperlevelhasopen living,diningandkitchen withhalfbath,master bedroom(King)with privatebath.Loftwith Queenbedaboveliving area.LowerlevelhasTV den,2bedrooms(Queen,2Singles)withsharedbath,guestbedroom (2Singles)withprivatebath.Lowerlevelacrossbreezewayisaseparate mastersuite(King)withprivatebath.Boatslipincluded.Maximum 12 Kiser Sapp 175 Beach Road South 5 BeDRooMS 4 BAtHS Lower levelhassitting area, 1 bedroom(2 Doubles)withprivatebath and2bedrooms(2Singles asKing,2Singles)with sharedhallbath.Upper levelhasopenliving, diningandkitchen,masterbedroom(King)withprivatebathandguest bedroom(2SinglesasKing)withfullhallbath.Spiralstaircaseleadsto thirdlevelwidowswalk.Semi-privateboatslipincluded.Maximum 12 24 Pipers Neck Road 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS Firstlevelhasopenliving &sittingareawithfull kitchenette,4bedrooms (Queen,Queen,2Singles, 2Singles)&4fullbaths. Theupperlevelcontains openliving,dining& kitchenplusahalfbath,mastersuite(King)withfullprivatebath. Includesboatslip&sandysoundsidebeach.Maximum 10 Foster 187 Beach Road South 6 BeDRooMS 4 BAtHS GroundLeveloffers2 bedrooms(2Queens,3 BunkBeds)withfullbath andTVden.Upperlevel includeslargegreatroom withliving,dining,kitchen &plentyofoutdoordeck space,2mastersuites(King,King)eachwithensuitebathand2guest bedrooms(2Doubles,2Doubles)withsharedhallfullbath.Includes hottub,bulkhead,pier&boatdock,andsandysoundsidebeacharea. 1 Saltmeadow Road 5 BeDRooMS 5 BAtHS Mainlevelfeaturesopen living,dining,kitchen,full hallbath,masterbedroom (King)withprivatebath andbunkroom(4Bunk Beds)withprivatebath. Upperlevelhasguestmaster(King)withprivatedenandprivatebath,2 bedrooms(Queen,2Singles)connectedbypocketdoorandsharedfull bath.Boatslipincluded.Maximum 14 Svoboda 2 Banks Road 5 BeDRooMS 5 BAtHS Main level has open living,dining&kitchen, fullhallbath,1 bedroom (2Singles) anda master suite (Queen) with privatebath.Upstairs hassittingroom,2nd master(Queen)withprivatebath,andguestroom(2Bunks)& privatebath.Separateguestwingacrossmainleveldeckhas1 bedroom(2Singles)&privatebath. Boatslipincluded. Maximum 12 12 Kratsa Maximum 16 Stubbs 26 Saltmeadow Road 6 BeDRooMS 6 BAtHS Lowerlevelhaslargeliving roomcombinedwith kitchen&diningarea,4 bedrooms(King,Queen,2 Singles,2Singles)with4 fullbaths.Upperlevelhas denand2bedrooms (King,Queen)with2fullbaths.Boatslipincluded.Maximum 12 I N T E R I O R / M A R S H F R O N T 3 BEDROOMS NED LEARY Marshall 1 Dunes Point 209 Beach Road North 3 BeDRooMS 2.5 BAtHS Allononelevelwithopen kitchenanddining, formallivingareaand enclosableTVdenwith pulloutcouch.Master (Queen)withprivatebath, 2guestbedrooms (Queen,2Singles)withsharedhallbath.Smallloftareaupstairswith Singlebed.Maximum 7 1 Dunes Point 3 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Lowerleveloffersall3 bedroomsincluding master(King)and2guest bedrooms(Queen, Double)eachwithprivate bathroom.Upperlevel hasanopenfloorplan withlargelivingroom,kitchen,diningspaceandanadditionalpowder roomhalfbath.Accesstoawraparoundporchfromthelivingroom offers270degreeviews.Maximum 6 Harmon 8 Clamdigger Point 3 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS GroundLevelcontains entry&garage.Second levelhasMaster(Queen) withprivatebath,2guest bedrooms(2Singles,2 Singles)and2fullhall baths.Upperlevelhas openkitchen,diningandlivingareawithadditionalhalfbath. What is more beautiful than a sea of water with a number of white-winged boats skirting its surface? Poetry and beauty contesting with the wind and the waves! — GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS Maximum 6 13 I N T E R I O R / M A R S H F R O N T 4 AND 5 BEDROOMS Carter Cameron 19 Comber Road 4 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS Themainlevelhasan openliving,dining, kitchen,halfbathand guestbedroom(Queen) withprivatebath.The upperlevelhas2 bedrooms(Queen, Queen)eachwithprivatebaths,masterbedroom(King)withprivate bath,andsmallTVdenwithBunkBed.Maximum 10 6 Oyster Catcher 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Lowerlevelentryhas garageandbonusbunk roomwith1bunkset. 2ndleveloffersguest master(Queen)withen suitebath,2bedrooms(2 Singles,2Singles)with sharedhallbath&aTVden.Upperlevelincludesmastersuite(King) withensuitebath,openliving,dining&kitchenareawithhalfbath powderroom.Plentyofoutdoordeckspace.Maximum 10 Hanes Levin 9 Oyster Catcher 4 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS Groundlevelhasgarage plusgroundlevelentry. MiddlelevelofferslargeTV denplus3bedrooms (Queen,2Queens,2 Singles)eachwithensuite baths.Upperlevelincludes mastersuite(King)withprivatebath,openliving,dining&kitchen spaceplusseparatefamilyTVroomandahallhalfbath.Maximum 10. 215 Beach Road North 4 BeDRooMS 4 BAtHS Allononelevel,thereare 4bedrooms (Queen,Queen,Queen, Double&Single)and 4fullbathswithopen living,diningandkitchen area. Maximum 9 Buczek d’Epremesnil 2 Oyster Catcher Road 4 BeDRooMS 3 BAtHS Mainwingofhomehas openliving,diningand kitchen,masterbedroom (King)withprivatebath, guestroom(Queen& Single)andfullhallbath. Guestwingacross breezewaycontains2bedrooms(King&Single,Queen&Single),1full bath,andsmallTVden.Maximum 11 3 Bayberry Place 4 BeDRooMS 4 BAtHS Allononelevel, thereare4bedrooms (Queen,Queen,Queen, Double&Single)and 4fullbathswithopen living,diningandkitchen area.Maximum 9 James Twin Views 2 Clamdigger Point 4 BeDRooMS 3 BAtHS Upperlevelhasopen living,diningandkitchen, masterbedroom(King) withprivatebath.Lower levelhas3bedrooms (Queen,2Singles, 2Singles),smallTVden, and2fullbaths.Maximum 8 1 Oyster Catcher 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtHS Lowerlevelhasbedroom (King)withprivatebath, 2bedrooms(Queen, 2Singles)withshared hallbathandaTVden withwetbar.Upperlevel hasopenliving,dining andkitchenwithcommonhalfbath,masterbedroom(King)with privatebath.Maximum 8 Andrews/ Holding / Vaughn Ellison 11 Beachbay Lane East 4 BeDRooMS 3.5 BAtH Lowerlevelhas2master bedrooms(King,King) withprivatebaths,2guest bedrooms(King,2Bunk Beds)withsharedhallbathandasmallTVden.Upperlevelhaslarge openliving,diningandkitchenplusacommonhalfbath.Maximum 8 14 429 Beach Road North 5 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS Firstlevelfeatures2 bedrooms(2Singles, Queen)eachwithahalf bathandsharedshower, TVdenwithpullout couch,fullbathandsmall kidsroom(2Singles).Upperlevelfeaturesopenliving,dining,kitchen area,mastersuite(Queen)withprivateensuitebathandguestbedroom (Queen)withfullhallbath.Screenedporchlocatedoffdiningroom. Maximum 10. I N T E R I O R / M A R S H F R O N T 5 BEDROOMS Valk 1 Comber Road 5 BeDRooMS 3 Full BAtHS 2 HAlF BAtHS Lowerlevelhas1bedroom (2Queens)withfullbath and2bedrooms(Queen, Queen&Single)eachwith halfbathsthatsharea commonshower.Upperlevelhaslarge,openliving,dining,kitchen, masterbedroom(King)withprivatebathandguestbedroom(King) withcommonfullhallbath.Maximum 12 Stanback/Hart/ Scudder 261 Beach Road North 5 BeDRooMS 3 BAtHS Lowerlevelhasagame roomwithpooltable,wet bar,2bedrooms(Queen, 2Singles)andfullhall bath.Thenextlevelhas2 bedrooms(Queen,2Singles)thatshareafullhallbath.Mainlevelhas openliving,dining,andkitchen.Theupperlevelhasmasterbedroom (Queen)withprivatebath.Wadingpoolandmarshsidepierincluded. Maximum 10 Allen Crittendon 319 Beach Road North 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS Homeissplitwithmain houseandguesthouse. Guesthouse,groundlevel contains2bedrooms (Queen,Queen)with2 fullbathsandanopen living&kitchenette.Mainhouseisover2levels.Groundlevelhasentry foyer.Thereis1availablelevelofliving&sleepingspaceonthesecond floorandincludes3bedrooms(Queen,Queen,2XLSingles)and3 privatefullbathspluslargeopenliving,diningandkitchenspaceand halfbathonthislevel.Note:3rdlevelisnotavailableforrentaluse. Availablespaceisadvertised. Includesmarshpierforkayakingand crabbing. Maximum 10 Why do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think. —roberthenri 418 Beach Road North 5 BeDRooMS 4.5 BAtHS Upperlevelhasopen kitchen,livinganddining area,commonhalfbath andmasterbedroom (King)withprivatebath. Lowerlevelhas 4bedrooms(Queen, Queen,2Singles,2Singles),3fullbathsandlargeTVden. Maximum 10 Gardner 420 Beach Road North 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS Lowerlevelhas 4bedrooms(King, Queen,Queen,2Singles), 4fullbaths,andTVden. Upperlevelhasopen living,diningandkitchen withhalfbath,master bedroom(King)withprivatebath.Maximum 10 Grannis 421 Beach Road North 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS Upperlevelhasopen living,dining,kitchen withhalfbathandmaster bedroom(King)with privatebathand study/den.Lowerlevelhas secondlivingareawith kitchenette,4bedrooms(King,King,Double,2Singles)and4fullbaths. Maximum 10 Kahn 515 Beach Road North 5 BeDRooMS 5.5 BAtHS Lowerlevelhas recreationalroomwithair hockeytable,4bedrooms (Queen,Queen,2Singles, 2Singles)eachwith privatebath.Upperlevel hasgreatroom,denwith pulloutcouch&chair(Double,Single),halfbath,living,diningand kitchen,masterbedroom(Queen)withprivatebath.Maximum 13 15 R E S E R VAT I O N A N D R E N TA L I N F O R M AT I O N GENERAL INFORMATION Homes managed by Figure eight Realty are privately owned and therefore reflect the needs and tastes of their owners. if you have any particular requirements or personal needs, we advise personal inspection prior to making your reservation. Most vacation rentals are available to preview during unoccupied times. We will not be able to make other arrangements for your accommodations upon arrival. We regret that all Yacht Club Facilities, including marina boat slips and yacht club pool area, are available to Members only. the tennis courts and boat ramp located on Beach Road South are available to all guests. RESERVATIONS our offices are open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Saturday. We are closed on Sundays. Reservations can be made in person, by e-mail or by calling on our toll-free reservation number 1-800-279-6085. if our toll-free lines are busy, try our local number 910-686-4400. our Reservation Specialists are available to assist you from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday–Saturday both by phone & e-mail. Rental weeks begin on Friday and end on Friday during the summer season from Memorial Day to labor Day. Partial week rentals are available on a limited basis in certain properties in the off season and on a last minute basis (10 days prior to anticipated arrival) in the summer time. Please call or e-mail one of our Reservation Specialists for assistance. Figure 8 Realty’s Reservation Specialists: Kirra – Jo El – Kellie – RENTAL RATES & MAKING PAYMENTS Advertised rental rates are inclusive of linens, Damage Protection Plan, Reservation Fee and Cleaning. Applicable taxes are additional. every tenant has the right to purchase a CSA travel Protection & trip Cancellation insurance policy, outside of the inclusive rate. All prices are subject to change. once you reserve, you will have 7 days to receive your lease, review it and return it signed with the Advance Payment. our preferred method of payment is personal check; however, we do accept Bill Pay, e-Check, Cashiers Check and Checks issued from credit companies. Sorry, We Do Not ACCePt CReDit CARDS. When using e-Check online, you may submit two (2) payments free of charge. Any number of e-Check payments beyond two (2) will be charged a fee of $5 per e-Check transaction. if your signed lease and Advance Payment is not received within the 7-day period, your reservation risks being cancelled without notice. For reservations made less than 30 days from check in date, total payment is due immediately in certified funds. the Balance of your reservation is due 30 days prior to check-in. All ReSeRVAtioNS MuSt Be PAiD iN Full PRioR to CHeCK-iN. Please make all checks payable to Figure eight Realty and mail to 15 Bridge Road, Wilmington NC 28411. the address is the same for overnight payment deliveries. 16 TRIP CANCELLATION INSURANCE & HURRICANES in the event of a mandatory/ordered evacuation by the National Weather Service, no rebate will be offered. However, trip Cancellation insurance is available through CSA travel insurance ( as a viable alternative, as it offers additional coverage such as medical emergency, death in the family, as well as storm evacuations. the cost of this insurance is a percentage (6.95% respectively) of the rent amount (not including taxes) and is automatically provided on your lease agreement and due with your advance rent payment, but no later than your final rent payment (this travel protection is optional and the cost is not included in the all inclusive pricing). A brochure outlining the benefits, exclusions, and limitations will be sent to you after payment is received. if you do not wish to purchase this coverage, you may eliminate the charge by initialing where indicated on your lease Agreement. if you choose not to purchase the insurance, the charge will permanently be removed from your reservation balance once Figure 8 Realty has been notified. We strongly urge you to take advantage of this option, as no refunds are offered. SECURITY DEPOSITS/DAMAGE PROTECTION PLANS A Security Deposit or Damage Protection Plan is required with each reservation. For your convenience, a Damage Protection Plan has been included with each lease agreement. the cost of this plan is embodied in the inclusive pricing for each property. the Damage Protection Plan is provided by CSA travel Protection and covers unintentional damages to the rental unit interior that occur during your stay, provided they are disclosed to management prior to check out. if, during your stay at one of our Rental Properties, an insured Person causes any damage to real or personal property of the unit as a result of inadvertent acts or omissions, the insurer will reimburse the insured for the cost of repairs or replacement of such property up to a maximum benefit of $3000. Certain terms and conditions apply. Please be advised that long Distance phone charges and on Demand movie charges are not covered by the Damage Protection Plan. Any charges made to telephone or Cable/ Satellite tV accounts will be charged directly to the lease Holder. lease Holder will be responsible for any services rendered to the property during the length of their stay. LEGAL/ETHICAL MATTERS Management firm and owner shall be indemnified and held harmless against any liability for personal injury or property damage sustained by any person (including tenant’s guests) as a result of any cause, unless caused by management firm or owner’s negligent act or failure to comply with obligations imposed by the VRA. this includes indemnity of personal injury sustained as a result of use of spa, hot tub, Jacuzzi, swimming pool, or elevator, if present on property. Management firm, owner or their representatives have the right to enter the premises during tenancy to inspect, make repairs, or show property for sale. RETURNED CHECKS there is a $25 charge for returned checks. We do not redeposit returned checks. CANCELLATIONS AND TRANSFERS in the event that a reservation has to be cancelled, the cancellation must be done in writing and it is the guests’ responsibility to verify that Figure 8 Realty has received the cancellation letter. if the lease Agreement is cancelled more than 30 days from the stated commencement date, tenant’s Advance Payment will be forfeited and a $75 cancellation fee will be charged. if this Agreement is cancelled 30 days or less from the stated commencement date, tenant’s entire payment will be forfeited plus the $75 cancellation fee. All CANCellAtioNS MuSt Be CoNFiRMeD iN WRitiNG. ReSeRVAtioN FeeS, CANCellAtioN FeeS AND tRAVel iNSuRANCe PReMiuMS ARe NoN-ReFuNDABle. R E S E R VAT I O N A N D R E N TA L I N F O R M AT I O N transfers WitHiN tHe SAMe PRoPeRtY oNlY AND SAMe CAleNDAR YeAR may be made only one time from one week to another. Requests for transfers must be made in writing. transfers that occur from a higher rental rate season to a lower rental rate season will remain at the charge of the higher rental rate season. transfers from a lower rental rate season to a higher rental rate season will be charged the higher rental rate. there will be a $100.00 transfer fee plus tax due before we can transfer your reservation. TAXES A 13% tax applies to all cottage rentals. this is comprised of the current 7% North Carolina “sales” tax plus 6% New Hanover County “occupancy” tax. taxes may be subject to change and any additional taxes in place at the time of check-in are the responsibility of the Guest. HOUSES FOR SALE Showing Rental Property - in the event the home you are renting is for sale, Figure 8 Realty reserves the right to show the property to qualified buyers. We will make every effort to schedule the showing at a time that is convenient for your and your guests. We appreciate your understanding and patience. CHECK-IN in order to allow time for cleaning, inspecting, and maintenance between guests, homes are not available for check-in earlier than 4:00 pm on your arrival date, no exceptions. Check-ins will be available from 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm on Fridays and 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm on non-traditional check-in days and in the off season. Please Do Not go onto the premises of your rental property before you have received your check-in package & key from our offices, this may significantly hinder the time in which we can prepare your house for check-in. Keys will be released to the lease-holders only, unless otherwise notified & approved. in extreme situations for cleaning and regular maintenance, check-in time may need to be extended past the normal 4:00 pm check-in time. We will make every effort to quickly and efficiently prepare your rental to standard. if you would like to leave your cell phone number with us the day prior to check-in, we will call and notify you should your home become available before the 4:00 pm check-in time. Transfer of Ownership - the Vacation Rental Act (VRA) provides that if the premises is transferred by the owner (Sold), a tenant has the right to enforce the vacation rental agreement against the grantee of the premises if the vacation rental is to end 180 days or less after the date the grantee’s interest in the property is recorded; if the vacation rental is to end more than 180 days after recordation of the grantee’s interest in the property, the tenant has no right to enforce the terms of the agreement unless the grantee agrees in writing to honor the agreement. if the grantee does not honor the agreement, the tenant is entitled to a full refund of any payments he or she has made. All advance rents paid by tenant (and other fees owed to third parties not lawfully disbursed) must be transferred to the tenant within thirty (30) days of the transfer. THINGS TO BRING ON VACATION each of Figure 8 Realty’s vacation homes is equipped for normal housekeeping. Packaged cleaning supplies such as all purpose cleaner/disinfectant, dish and laundry detergent are not included and are the responsibility of the tenant. Please note that you will need to furnish certain paper products and expendable items such as paper towels, napkins, and garbage bags. A minimum starter supply of toilet paper will be provided at your property on check in day. Showering towels, bed linens, pillows and comforters will be provided. Beach towels are not included. Please check-in at the Figure 8 Realty office located inside the Figure 8 island Yacht Club at 15 Bridge Road, Wilmington NC 28411 on Figure 8 island. LATE ARRIVALS Your vacation check-in package & keys will be left at the Figure 8 island Security Gate should you need to arrive after office hours. Keys will not be left unless your balance is paid in full. if you are sure that your group will not be checking in until after office hours, please notify us so that we may prepare for your late arrival ahead of time. EARLY DEPARTURES if you are planning to leave early (prior to 9:00 am Mon-Sat or anytime Sunday), you may leave your keys at the Figure 8 island Security Gate. We appreciate any notice regarding early departures when possible. AMENITIES each of Figure 8 Realty’s vacation homes is equipped with the following standard amenities; Central Heat & Air, Washer & Dryer, television, Cable tV, DVD Player, Basic Kitchen utensils & Kitchenware, Refrigerator, Stove/oven, Microwave, Dishwasher, Coffee Maker, Minimum of 6 Beach Chairs, CD Player, telephone, iron, Broom & Dust Pan. CHECK-OUT Check-out on the day of departure will be no later than 10:00 am. Keys must be returned to the Figure 8 Realty office. upon check-out, we ask our guests to leave their home in the same general condition as it was found. Please leave the home clean. Vacuum and sweep floors, start the dishwasher, remove all food and trash, and lock all doors and windows. Proper check-out procedures will be included with your Check-in Packet upon arrival. if you are planning for special meal preparations, we suggest that you bring any needed specialty cooking utensils from home. Kitchen basics are guaranteed to be provided however, extra kitchen items are provided according to the individual Homeowner’s preferences, not according to the size, location or price of the rental home. MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING every effort is made to have the home clean and all equipment in good working order. even the newest or best-maintained equipment occasionally malfunctions. Any problems should be reported to our office immediately so we can make arrangements to resolve them. Repairs are corrected in as timely a manner as possible. We reserve the right, if necessary, for the maintenance staff to enter the home during business hours for repair, care, or management of the property. We will make every effort not to disrupt your vacation. ReFuNDS Will Not Be iSSueD Due to MAlFuNCtioN iN eQuiPMeNt oR otHeR GueSt DiSSAtiSFACtioN. NED LEARY FAMILY GROUP & WEDDING/FUNCTION POLICY it is our policy at Figure 8 Realty to rent only to family groups due to our obligation to the property owners. A family group is defined as parents, grandparents, children and extended family members vacationing in one home. our tenants must be at least 25 years old and we will not rent a property in connection with a non-family use such as high school, college or civic groups. No WeDDiNGS, PARtieS oR lARGe FuNCtioNS oF ANY KiND are allowed at any property. large functions are described as exceeding the occupancy of the home in excess of 4 or more day guests. Properties are patrolled on a regular basis and should a violation to this policy be found, the group will be subject to immediate eviction with No ReFuNDS oF ReNt. identification may be requested. N.C. Gen Stat. 14-100 makes it a crime to obtain any rental under false pretenses. PETS Pets are Not permitted in or at any rental property as stated by both Figure 8 Realty & the Figure 8 island Homeowners Association. Violation of the No Pet Rule will result in eviction. All rents will be forfeited and a $200 pet violation fee will be charged. the fact that a home is advertised as a “Non-Pet” home does not guarantee that a pet has never entered the home. Should anyone in your party have a severe pet allergy, please inquire within before booking a home. 17 R E S E R VAT I O N A N D R E N TA L I N F O R M AT I O N GRILLING Grilling is only permitted on concrete driveways with a minimum of 25 feet from the house. No grilling is allowed on decks, porches, and wooden walkways or in carports. if your rental property provides a grill, please leave grill cleaned and ashes dumped upon departure for the next guest. if a gas grill requires propane, it is available at many locations throughout the area and will be the responsibility of the guest. Figure 8 Realty is not responsible for grills, charcoal or propane at any property. Grill at your own risk. PERSONAL WATERCRAFT ABSolutelY No Jet SKiS oR WAVe RuNNeRS AlloWeD. Due to the potential for accidents and noise disruption, the Figure 8 Homeowners’ Association prohibits rental guests from bringing/using jet skis and wave runners. BoAtiNG ACCeSS. the boat ramp is located near the tennis courts at the 40th block of Beach Road South for loading/unloading only. trailers and boats must be removed from the boat ramp area immediately after loading/unloading. Boats cannot be parked in the street at any time, boats may be parked in the driveway of a rental property overnight. FIREWORKS/FIREARMS Fireworks or Firearms of any kind are not permitted on Figure 8 island, no exceptions. CONSTRUCTION New construction happens from time to time around the island. unfortunately, we have no control as to when and where construction occurs and may not be able to inform you at the time of booking whether your accommodations will be near a construction sight. No refunds or property transfers will be made. INSECTS/WILDLIFE unfortunately for locals and visitors alike, Figure 8 island is home to many unwelcome critters, especially during the summer months. Palmetto Bugs and Ants tend to be the most common invaders, typical for a barrier island such as Figure 8. these critters tend to live in the trees and ground cover outside, but can occasionally find their way inside. We do our best to keep the pests away- all of our properties are thoroughly cleaned after every rental and receive routine pest control treatments. For every Single sized bed, you will receive two showering towels, one hand towel, one bath mat towel and two wash towels. For every Double, Queen or King sized bed you will receive four showering towels, two hand towels, two bath mat towels and four wash towels. Please Note: Any excess in sheets/towels needed for pull outs and/or travel mattresses will need to be ordered at an additional cost and arranged for ahead of time. BeACH toWelS ARe Not iNCluDeD. MAID SERVICE All properties are cleaned prior to and following every reservation at no additional charge to the guest. Mid week or daily maid service can be arranged for an additional fee. Contact our office for more information at 1-800-279-6085 or e-mail . NON-SMOKING Please respect the wishes of our owners and guests and do not smoke in the rental homes. the fact that a home is advertised as “Non-Smoking” does not guarantee that the home is smoke-free. if you or your guests have a severe allergy, please be sure to inquire prior to booking a rental property. KEYS & LOCK-OUT POLICY Keys (1 set) will be issued to the leaseholder at check-in, along with a check-in package containing rental rules & regulations. in the event a guest is locked out of the home during the rental period, the guest can borrow a key by coming to the office during office hours. After office hours, a guest may call our local office number 910-686-4400 to speak to an on call representative whom can make the necessary arrangements to have the home opened. tenant will be charged a $15 fee for any lost key. EMERGENCY AFTER-HOURS PHONE NUMBER our local office number 910-686-4400 becomes an emergency After-Hours Phone Number following normal business hours. An on-call representative will be available for house related emergencies during this time. Should you have a personal emergency please call 911. Figure 8 island Security is also available 24 hours and can be reached at 910-686-7747. All other emergency numbers can be located in the “blue” Figure 8 Realty Rental Book found in your rental property. TELEPHONE/LONG DISTANCE PHONE CALLS telephones are provided in all homes for your convenience and safety. Please do not abuse this privilege by charging long distance calls to the home telephone. excess phone charges will be the responsibility of the lease Holder. Reported charges will be billed directly to the lease Holder. the phone number of each individual rental property is listed both on your lease agreement and on the first page of the “blue” Figure 8 Realty Rental book found in your rental home. An occasional insect does not mean that a property is infested or poorly maintained, but we do ask that you follow these tips to keep these incidents at bay: Keep your unit clean. Keep food sealed and put away. All food should be stored in the refrigerator or in sealed containers or packages. Bugs are attracted to food and water, so be sure to clean up all areas where food is prepared and served, clean up spills and crumbs from snack foods immediately and do not leave dirty dishes lying around. Refunds should not be expected nor discounts given in the event that bugs are sighted, sorry. OCCUPANCY our occupancy limits are determined by both homeowners & local health laws and must be adhered to. each maximum occupancy includes adults & children over the age of 3. our Rental properties are all served by septic systems. over occupancy of a home could impede on the function of this system. in the event a property is over occupied, guests are subject to eviction with No ReFuNDS. LINENS/TOWELS For your convenience, Figure 8 Realty provides linens for your rental home with service provided by Mto (Made to order). Mto’s linen Package includes bed linens for all advertised beds (not including pull outs) and showering towels. Mto will make all beds with the rental linens prior to your arrival. 18 NED LEARY R E S E R VAT I O N A N D R E N TA L I N F O R M AT I O N Ocean treasures left on the shore, Nature’s gift to adore. —AUTHOR UNKNOWN LOST AND FOUND Figure 8 Realty is not responsible for any items left behind. Please be sure to check your rental thoroughly before departure. We will make every attempt to return any forgotten items when requested. Shipping of returned items is paid for at the expense of the guest. INTERNET internet Service is not offered at every Figure 8 Vacation Rental property. Providing internet is strictly the decision of the owner and is not under any circumstance a service that can be provided solely by Figure 8 Realty. Prior to booking, please be sure to inquire if your particular rental offers internet service. Please be advised that Figure 8 Realty is not in control of internet services, does not guarantee the service to be functioning at any one particular property and will not offer a refund when service is unavailable. it is recommended that if internet is required, the tenant bring a personal Wi-Fi card or Hotspot to service their individual needs. Wireless internet service is offered free of charge at the Porters Neck Port City Java on the corner of Market St. (Hwy. 17) & Porters Neck Road. MAIL AND MESSAGES/ FAX SERVICES We are happy to receive mail and messages which may be picked up during regular business hours, however due to the small space in which we have to store mail/packages it is best to have items delivered directly to your rental home whenever possible (Fed ex, uPS & uSPS do deliver on the island). our guests are welcome to use our copy and fax services for a nominal fee, please inquire within. PRE-RESERVATION REQUESTS Request your favorite vacation home for the upcoming year. A Reservation Request form is included in every check-in packet during summer months and is also available upon request at any time. tenants returning to their same home & same week receive first priority when returning the following summer, just be sure to fill out your request form before you leave so we know to contact you in the Fall! Anyone can fill out a Reservation Request Form, just include your contact information and rental preferences and we’ll do our best to get you into your vacation dream home for the upcoming season! Reservation requests do not guarantee a reservation, they are simply requests. No reservation is final until you have been contacted by an agent regarding your request and a lease Agreement is issued. Pre-Reservation requests will be responded to once we have all of the upcoming season calendars. You will be contacted NED LEARY regarding your request no sooner than November 15th and no later than January 5th for weekly spring/summer bookings. Ask for a Pre-Reservation Request Form or update your Request at anytime by e-Mailing us at or call toll Free 1-800-279-6085. PRINTING ERRORS every effort has been made to assure that our information and descriptions are accurate; however, Figure 8 Realty cannot be held responsible for changes made by owners in furnishings and equipment, or for printing errors. 19 While on vacation plan to visit HiStoRiC DoWNtoWN WilMiNGtoN PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE CAPE FEAR COAST CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU just a short 15 minute drive south on Highway 17. Brick cobblestone streets, sunsets over the river and sidewalk cafés add to the charm of this historic riverfront town. View the sites from a horse-drawn carriage or take a guided tour with knowledgeable area guides. take the self-guided tour of the Battleship uSS North Carolina or take a cruise on the Henrietta iii, North Carolina’s largest riverboat. Historic downtown also offers two themed shopping complexes: the Cotton exchange and Chandler’s Wharf. Mayfaire Town Center Lumina Station 6835 Conservation Way • Wilmington 1900 Eastwood Road Wilmington You can also enjoy shopping or dining at Mayfaire Town Center with over 65 shops to choose from. Whether you spend one hour or one day indulging in the shopping choices at Mayfaire, you’ll see what we mean when we say we’re “anything but ordinary.” Come to Mayfaire, and enjoy this season’s hottest new movies! At Regal Mayfaire Stadium 16, you’ll experience cinema at its best! Located approximately 8 miles from Figure Eight Island, between Highway 74/Eastwood Road and Highway 76/Military Cutoff Road in Wilmington. 20 Discover a charming collection of locally owned boutiques, distinctive restaurants and cafes. Shop. Dine. Relax. Stroll beneath the oaks at Lumina Station and explore something special at this shopping village by the beach. Winner of Coastal Living magazine’s first-ever award for contextual design, Lumina Station’s beautiful landscaping, whimsical sculptures and storybook bridges make for a truly unique shopping experience. Enjoy this one-of-a-kind atmosphere, where good times are a local tradition. Located on Eastwood Road approximately 10 miles from Figure Eight Island. Figure Eight Realty’s real estate sales team are the experts when it comes to both buying and selling Figure Eight Island real estate because... We Know The Island. With over 30 years of exclusive Figure Eight sales experience, we are the Kirra Sutton, Kellie Hill, Jo El Skipper, and Judy Parlatore Island Real Estate Specialists. With over 30 years of exclusive Figure Eight sales experience, we are the Island Real Estate Specialists. STAY CONNECTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA 15 Bridge Road • Wilmington, NC 28411 FIND US ON FACEBOOK w w w. f i g u r e 8 i s l a n d . c o m (800) “Because 279-6085 • (910) 686-4400 we know the island!” 15 Bridge Road • Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 www.figure8is la m (910) 686 -4400 • (800) 279-6085 • FAx: (910) 686-1174 e-MAil: 15 Bridge Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 V IS I T US AT for more details on our vacation rentals. 4 FIND US ON INSTAGRAM FIND US ON FACEBOOK