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Copyright © Anguline Research Archives, All Rights Reserved
Copyright © Anguline Research Archives, All Rights Reserved. These images are supplied for information and personal research only. No reproduction may be made for publication without prior permission of the copyright owner. TAUNTGTC BARNICOTT AND PRINTERS SON TO THE MEMORY BELOVED THIS TRANSCRIPT OF WITH WHICH FOR HE A FATHER OF THE REGISTERS PARISH WAS FORTY-TWO AS IS THE OF CONNECTED YEARS INCUMBENT AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED. 7dm edition is limited/to 200 copies, of which this is No 140 C O N T E N T S Preface Facsimile Inscriptions... List of Incumbents Register, No. i. Baptisms from 1558 to 1714 Marriages „ 1559 to 1713 Burials „ 1558 to 1713 Register, No. 2. Baptisms from 1714 to 1812 Marriages „ 1705 /0 1754 Burials „ 1714 to 1812 Register, No. 3. Marriages from 1755 to 1812 Register, No. 4. Baptisms from 1813 to 1837 Register, No. 5. Marriages from 1813 to 1837 Register, No. 6. Burials from Index of Persons Index of Places 1813 to 1837 ERRATA. Page 22, for Bowden, read Bowdon. Page 71, „ Bandon, „ „ PREFACE. H I S work contains the registers of the baptisms, mar riages, and burials at the Parish Church of St. George, Wilton, adjoining Taunton, in the County of Somerset, from A.D. 1558 to A.D. 1837. It was intended to print only the older, and, as it was considered, more interesting portion from A.D. 1558 to A.D. 1714, but it having been pointed out that the value of the transcript would be much increased if it e x tended to A.D. 1837, as in England the first A c t was passed in 1836, which supplemented the ecclesiastical mode of regis tration b y a civil one, and provided in London a general registry office at Somerset House for England and Wales, it was decided, after due consideration, to bring it down to that date. T h e following notes, compiled chiefly from Sim's Manual the Topographer and Genealogist, and Parish Registers in for England, b y R. E. Chester Waters, may be useful in obtaining a clearer understanding of the reasons for dividing the registers into the various groups, as more particularly described hereafter. T h e evidence afforded by Parochial Registers is of the first class, and there is scarcely a claim of peerage or case of heirship on record, which has not been proved in part by them. A t the dissolution of the monasteries, in the year 1535, the dispersion of the monks, who were, up to that period, the principal register keepers, gave rise, probably, to a mandate issued in 1538, by Thomas Crumwell, afterwards Earl of Essex, the Vicar-General, for the keeping of registers of baptisms, marriages and burials, in each parish. viii T h e state of public feeling in the W e s t of England, showing the aversion to this mandate, is described b y Sir Piers Edgcumb in a letter to Crumwell, dated 20th April, 1539, and may account for Register ]JJo. 1 not commencing in this parish until 1558. Afterwards, in the reign of Elizabeth, it was ordered that every minister, at his institution, should subscribe to this protestation : " I shall keepe the register booke according to the Queene's Majesties injunction." T h e registers not being so regularly entered and preserved as was necessary, it was ordained, b y a constitution made b y the archbishops and clergy of Canterbury, 25th of October, 1597, that parchment register books should be purchased at the expense of each parish, and that there should be transcribed, at the same parish cost, from the paper books then in use, into the parchment registers, not only the names of those who have been baptized, married, or buried during the reign of the then Queen (which commenced 1558, a period of thirty-nine years prior to the mandate), but also the names of those who thenceforth should be baptized, married, or buried. Such transcripts to be examined, and their correctness certified at the bottom of each page, by the clergyman and churchwardens ; consequently the names of James Jones, curate, Robert Ball and Christopher Smith, churchwardens, appear on each page of Register N o . 1 of baptisms until 1598, of marriages until 1596, and of burials until 1595. During the civil war the register is imperfect, as in the interval between the years 1643 and 1654 no entry of marriage occurs, and very few christenings and burials. In 1678 an A c t was passed requiring the clergy to make an entry in the register that the provisions of a previous enactment " for burying in w o o l l e n " had been fulfilled. This does not appear to have been strictly regarded, although an entry to that ix effect occurs in 1688, page 80, and, after the lapse of more than a century, several references are again made between the years a e 1801-5 ( P g s 130, 131) to the legal-affidavit. In 1694, amongst other taxes for carrying on war against France, a graduated scale of duties was imposed for five years upon births, marriages, and burials, and the clergy were, in 1695, required to keep a register of all births in the parish, whether the children were baptized or not, Many registers, therefore, of this date record the birth as well as the baptism. T h e entries on page 37 illustrate this, where the names of five children of one family seem to have been entered at the same time in 1697. However, the register during those five years was not well kept, as it is evident that there must be many omissions. In 1 7 1 1 , in consequence of the "inconvenience which daily g r e w " from solemnizing clandestine marriages, an A c t was passed imposing certain penalties on clergymen offending. A m o n g s t other clauses, it was directed that the churchwardens and chapelwardens of every parish or chapelry should provide books of vellum or good paper in which all marriages and bans of marriage should be registered ; that the pages should be numbered and ruled with lines at proper and equal distances, and that the bans and marriages should be registered and signed b y the clergyman ; and that the books should be care fully kept for public u s e ; and that the marriages should be in the presence of two witnesses, and that all parties should sign their names to a register thereof. Register No. 2 commences with an entry of baptism in January, 1714, and, with the exception of two marriages, all the entries are of a date subsequent to the date of this A c t of 1 7 1 1 . The A c t of 1754 having rendered it necessary to the legality of a marriage, that it should be solemnized in some church or chapel where bans had been theretofore usually published, the Court of X King's Bench was compelled, in 1781, to declare a marriage void which had been duly solemnized in a consecrated chapel erected in 1765. A n A c t of Parliament was, therefore, im mediately passed declaring that all marriages solemnized before the 1 st of August, 1781, in any church or public chapel erected and consecrated since the 26th Geo. II, should be good and valid in law, and that the registers of such marriages, or copies thereof, should be received in all courts as evidence ; and that the registers of all marriages solemnized in any such chapels should, within twenty days, be removed to the parish church of the parish in which such chapel should be situated, to be kept with the marriage register of such parish. A s Register No. 3 dates from 1755, it was commenced soon after the passing of this A c t of 1754. The Stamp A c t of 1783 for the first time imposed a duty of threepence upon every entry in the parish register, and this objectionable tax tended in many places to make the records defective until it was repealed in 1794. However, in this parish during that period the register appears to be complete. The last legal interference respecting registers was the A c t of 52 Geo. I l l ; c. 146, which, after reciting that the amending the manner and form of keeping and preserving registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials of his Majesty's subjects, in the several parishes and places of England, would greatly facilitate the proof of pedigrees of persons claiming to be entitled to real or personal estates, enacts that new books of registers, with new forms, should be used b y all parishes after the 31st December, 1812. T h e baptisms, marriages, and burials were to be registered in separate books, the registers of each parish were to be preserved in an iron chest, and annual copies were to be sent to the bishop's registrar of the diocese, who was likewise to be furnished with lists of extant register books. xi Registers Nos. 4, 5, and 6 appear to have been promptly pro vided, as the entries in two of them date from January, 18x3, and no doubt the iron chest in which the books are now kept was procured at the same time. T h e records now transcribed are contained in the six books before referred t o ; the first, being a register of baptisms, mar riages, and deaths, is dated 1590, but was evidently copied from an older book, as the entries begin in 1558, the first year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. It consists of a book, or roll, of 74 pages of parchment about 12J inches by 9 inches, and, in addition, there are eight smaller pages about 10 inches b y 8 inches, sewn into the middle of the roll, making a total of 82 pages, corresponding with the first 82 pages in this w o r k ; but as the entries on the small pages . are very irregular, they have been placed as far as possible, according to date, nearest to the larger pages with which they are connected, and have been distinguished from them by a foot-note. This roll carries the records generally down to the year 1714. T h e second book contains baptisms from 1 7 1 4 to 1812, marriages from 1705 to 1754, and burials from 1714 to 1812 ; it is of parchment, with pages about 1 4 ! inches by 7 f inches. T h e third book contains marriages only from 1755 to 1812, and is, as well as all the remaining ones, of paper. Books Nos. 4, 5, and 6 contain the baptisms, marriages, and burials from 1813 to 1837, and, in the case of the baptisms and burials, the entries are contiuned in the same books to the years 1854 and 1874 respectively, but are not printed in this work, for the reason before stated, beyond the year 1837. It will be noticed that certain obvious errors in the entries have not been corrected, it being felt that more value would be attached and interest created in a volume which reproduced as xii closely as possible all the peculiarities of the original documents, than one from which they had been eliminated. The parishioners of Wilton m a y be congratulated upon possessing so nearly complete a set of registers; the result of having careful, and, for the most part, law abiding custodians, for a period of more than three centuries. M y sincere thanks are given to the Vicar and Churchwardens, past and present, and many friends who by their kind co operation, sympathy, and suggestions, have materially lightened my labour in connection with the transcript. JOSEPH HOUGHTON SPENCER. March, 1890. The form of the early Christian symbol on the Title page and Cover is taken from the Cemetery of St. Agnes in the Catacombs of Rome, and has been introduced because it is a combination of the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew, the patron Saints, respectively, of the parish of Wilton and the diocese of Bath and Wells. It also contains the Monogram or contracted form of the Greek name of Christ. As the Hebrew letters Aleph and Tau in their commonly accepted forms, identical with the crosses of St. Andrew and St. George, are here connected with the Greek rho, this expressive device conveys the idea of the Rabbins " From Aleph even unto Tau," as well as the Greek "I am Alpha and Omega," the Christ. The following areteefac-simile specimens of inscriptions taken from pages 1,50,)% Register, No, 1, Jnwlonmi./lff JoKes Hamwode l u s J o l i s Hamwode baptizatus erat octo die menss Jnlij Anno Drli i $ 6 i Anno domini 1614. Henry Hayne and Elizabeth Gibbens were married the tenth day of May, Christian Durston the wife of Robert Durston was buried the 6th day of September Ann D o i 168 .xiv As Wilton was originally a Chapelry annexed to Taunton, it is difficult to get a list of the Curates, Chaplains, Incumbents, and Vicars, for such were the titles of the clergy attached to the church at various dates. T h e following list of institutions from A.D. 1790 was extracted from the Registry of the Diocese of Bath and Wells, the previous names having been obtained from the pages of the Registers themselves, and other sources, but it cannot be regarded as a complete record. A.D. I449 William Nicholl. I463 Nicholas A m r y n . I53S Thomas Cocks. IS70 Henry Hare. 1590 James Jones. 1607 Robert Parsons. 1614 Richard Cottrell. 1629 John Bowdon. 1639 Nicholas Hodie. 1662 George Bindon. 1728 John Furnival. I746 James Hurly. 1784 Michael Dickson, 1790 Oct. 18 Thomas Strangways. 1823 June 27 Loftus A n t h o n y Cliffe. 1825 Jan. 5 David Smith Stone. 1831 A u g . 22 Edmund Trowbridge Halliday, B . A . 1843 M a y 1 1 John W a r d Spencer, B . A . 1885 Dec. 10 Henry S y k e s Hume, M . A . 1889 Jan. 15 Daniel James Pring, M A . OF PARISH REGISTER WILTON No. I. CONTAINING A.D. IBaptlgmS from damages „ IBuriate „ 1558 A.D. to 1714 1559 » 17*3 1558 „ 1713 a iBoocke of Eegister to&earin are contepneD $ e names of tfmse tort fjatie tieene CfmsmieafcKetftietiann iButieoffit|)tntbe pfajje of COtiton fftom t&e peare of © u t Lome ®oo X558 untill t&e gete tjjat notoe is 1590 ana go folotomge continual. >• Christoues Durston filius Christopheri Durston baptizatus erat \ primo die menss Septembris A n n o Dni 1558. Johes Smith filius Willi Smith baptizatus erat duodecimo die menss Ffebruarij A n n o supa-dicto, Christiana Wallford filia joKriis Wallford baptizata erat vij'° die meriss Marcij A n n o supa-dicto. A l i x a n d e r Gybbons filius Willi Gybbons baptizatus erat declmo octavo die meriss Marcij A n n o supa-dicto. Johes Tanner baptizatus erat vicesimo octavo die menss Decembris A n n o Dni 1559' Johana Durston baptizata efat tercio die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p^dicto Johes Smith filius J ohms Smith baptizatus erat quinto die menss Marcij A n n o p"-dicto. Johes Baker baptizatus erat quinto die menss Oetobris A n n o p-dicto. Johes Hamwode films Johnis Hamwode baptizatus erat octo die menss Julij A n n o Dni 1561. Johana Wallford filia Johnis Wallford baptizata erat tricesimo die menss Aprilis A n n o suj>3icto. Jane Smith filia Johnis Smith baptizata erat decimo tercio die menss Maij A n n o p^dicto. Johes filius Elizabeth Androwe baptizatus erat decimo quarto die menss Julij Anno~j>dicto. James Jones, Currat. Custodes, Robt Ball, Christopher Smith. 2 Walterus Gybbons films Willi Gybons baptizatus duodecimo die meriss Octobris A n n o Dni 1562. erat A g n e t a Corkin filia Johnis Corkin baptizata erat vicesimo nono die menss Octobris A n n o p-dicto. Christiana Hopper filia Xpofer Hopper baptizata erat quinto die menss Decembris A n n o p-dicto, Johana Hale filia Symonis Hale baptizata erat primo die menss Decembris A n n o p-dicto. Johes Slape filius Johnis Slape baptizatus erat vicesimo primo die menss Marcij A n n o p-dicto. Christopherus Wallford filius Johnis Wallford baptizat vicesimo sexto die Julij A n n o p-dicto. erat Christiana Warner filia Jacobi Warner baptizat erat decimo tertio die menss Septembris A n n o p-dicto. Johana Durstone filia Christopheri Durstone baptizatus erat decimo die menss Octobris A n n o p-dicto. Georgius Sweetinge filius T h o m a Sweetinge baptizatus erat decimo tertio die Aprilis A n n o Dni 1563. A n e Hamwode filia Johnis Hamwode baptizata erat vicesimo septimo die menss Aprilis A n n o p-dicto. Willi Hopper filius Xpoferi baptizatus erat quarto die mensi Maij A n n o p-dicto. Johana Pester filia Richardi Pester baptizata erat decimo die menss Maij A n n o p-dicto. Christopherus Smithjfilius Willi Smith baptizatus erat vicesimo die menss Maij A n n o p-dicto. Elinor H a r v y filia Robti -Harvy baptizata erat vicesimo die menss Augustij A n n o p-dicto. Johana^ Baker filia JoHnis Baker baptizata erat vicesimo quinto die menss Augustij A n n o p-dicto. James Jones, Curat. Robt Ball, Christopher Smith. 3 Henricus Smith filius Johnis Smith baptizatus erat vicesimo secundo die Septembris A n n o p-dicto. Dorothia Slape filia Georgi Slape baptizata erat decimo septimo die menss Octobris A n n o p-dicto. Alicia Gybbons baptizata erat tricesirno nono die menss Sep tembris A n n o Dni 1564. Elinor W e b b baptizat erat vicesimo sexto die menss Octobris A n n o p-dicto. . Henricus Wills fillius Willi Wills baptizatus erat vicesimo septimo die Octobris A n n o p-dicto. Margareta Meade filia Robti Meade baptizata erat septimo die menss Decembris A n n o p-dicto. decimo Johes Beale basterd baptizatus erat sexto die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p-dicto. Johes Mogeridge fillius Thome Mogeridge baptizatus vicesimo secundo die menss Ffebruarij A n n o Dni 1565. erat Christopherus Hopper filius Xpoferi Hopper baptizatus erat vicesimo quarto die menss Junij A n n o p-dicto. Rachell Hamwoode filia Jolinis Hamwood deeimo die menss Marcij A n n o p-dicto, baptizata erat Susana Wallford filia Johnis Wallford baptizata erat quarto die menss Marcij A n n o p-dicto. A g n e t a Haywarde filia T h o m e Hay ward baptizata erat quarto die menss Marcij A n n o fFdicto. Alicia Gybbons filia Johnis Gybbons baptizata erat vicesimo quarto die menss Decembris A n n o p-dicto. Dennis Pester fillia Richardi Pester baptizata erat undecimo die menss Januarij A n n o p-dicto. Maria Ffisher filia Jacobi Ffisher baptizata erat duodecimo die menss Ffebruarij Anno p-dicto, James Jones, Curat. Robt Ball, Christopher Smith. . 4 Maria Smith filia Willi Smith baptizata erat decimo vij° die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p-dicto. Johana Smith filia Johnis Smith baptizata erat vicesitno quarto die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p-dicto. Jones W y l l s filius Willi Wills baptizatus erat decimo quarto die menss Marcij A n n o 1566. Georgius Gybbons filius Willi Gybbons baptizatus erat decimo sexto die Junij A n n o Dni 1566. A l i c a Gybbons filia Jolinis Gybbons baptizata erat vicesimo quarto die menss Decembris A n n o p-dicto. Christopherus Baker filius Johnis Baker baptizatus erat secundo die meriss Marctj A n n o p-dicto. Willius Smith filius Johnis Smith baptizatus erat decimo die Marcij A n n o p-dicto. Margareta Meade filia Robti Meade baptizata erat vicesimo secundo die Marcij A n n o p-dicto. Margareta Hamwoode filia Johnis Hamwoode baptizata erat decimo quinto die menss Aprilis A n n o Dni 1567. Margareta Wallford filia Johnis Wallford baptizata erat primo die menss Junij A n n o p"-dicto. Dorothia Gybbons filia Willi G y b b o n s baptizata erat vicesimo secundo die menss Octobris A n n o p-dicto. Agneta Miller filia JoHes Miller baptizata erat vicesimo octavo die menss Decembris A n n o p-dicto. A n n Wills filia Willi Wills baptizata erat decimo nono die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p-dicto. Tomasina Bandon filia Richardi Bandon baptizata erat vicesimo octavo die menss Aprilis A n n o Dni 1568. Peternell Gybbons filia Johnis G y b b o n s baptizata erat secundo die menss Maij A n n o p-dicto. James Jones, Curat. R o b t Ball, Xpofer Smith. 5 Susanna Smith filia Johnis Smith baptizata erat undecimo die Julij A n n o p-dicto. Christiana Ffisher filia Jacobi Ffisher baptizata erat vicesimo secundo die menss Septembris A n n o p-dicto. Justiana Gybbons filia Johnis Gybbons baptizata erat vicesimo quarto die menss Novernbris Anno p-dicto. Elizabetha Hopper filia Xpoferi Hopper baptizata erat vicesimo nono die menss Januarij A n n o 1569. Penticost Pester filius Richardi Pester baptizatus erat primo die Ffebruarij A n n o p-dicto. Mychaelus England filius Mgareta England a basterd baptizatus erat vicesimo tertio die Marcij A n n o j>dicto. Dorothia, Sayer filia Gabrielij Sayer baptizata erat decimo • quinto die Maij A n n o Dni 1569. Johana Bowne filia Willi Bowne baptizata erat undecimo die menss Augustij A n n o p^dicto. Nicholaus Smith filius Willi Smith baptizatus erat vicesimo quinto Septembris A n n o p-dicto., Thomas Slape filius Georgi Slape baptizatus erattricesimo die Octobris A n n o p*-dicto. Willius Wills filius Willi Wills baptizatus erat vicesimo septimo die menss Januarij A n n o 1570. Willius Hamwood fillius Johnis Hamwood baptizatus erat v i die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p-dicto. t0 A g n e t a Creed filia Willi Creede baptizata erat decimo septimo die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p"-dicto. Valintinus Collins filius Thome Collins baptizatus erat vicesimo septimo die menss Marcij A n n o Dfni 1570. Johes_Berry filius Gualteri Berri baptizatus erat decimo quinto die menss Aprillis A n n o p-dicto. James Jones, Curat. Robt Ball, Xpofer Smith. 6 Rogerus Gybbons filius JohnisGybbons baptizatus erat decimo quinto die menss Aprilis A n n o p-dicto. Dorothia Wallford filia JoKnis Wallford baptizata erat vicesimo quarto die Maij A n n o p-dicto. Henricus Gybbons filius Johnis Gybbons baptizatus erat decimo die menss Junij A n n o p-dicto. un Margeria Hopper filia Christopheri Hopper baptizata erat v i die menss Januarij A n n o p-dicto. vi t0 Margareta Gybbons filia Willi Gybbons baptizata erat vicesimo die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p"-dicto. t0 Henricus Bowne fillius Willi Bowne baptizatus erat tricesimo die menss Ffebruarij Anno p"-dicto. Willius Sachell filius Johnis Sachell baptizatus erat vicesimo quinto die menss Aprilis A n n o Dni 1 5 7 1 . Robtus Wills filius Christiane Wills a basterd baptizatus erat vii die Ffebruarij A n n o p-dicto. t0 Margareta Gybbons filia Johnis Gybbons baptizata erat decimo quarto die Ffebruarij A n n o j>dicto, Jana Sayer filia Gabrieli Sayer baptizata erat decimo octavo die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p"-dicto. Necholaus Pester filius Richardi Pester baptizatus erat decimo tercio die menss Marcij A n n o p"-dicto. Christopherus Bowne filius Willi Bowne baptizatus erat vicesimo sexto die menss Marcij A n n o Dni 1572. Jacobus Kelwaie filius Maria Kelwaie baptizatus erat decimo nono die menss Julij A n n o p-dicto. Johana Colling fillia Thome Collins baptizata erat vicesimo septimo die menss Septembris A n n o p-dicto. Alicia_Wallford filia Johnis Wallford baptizata erat tricesimo die menss Septembris A n n o p-dicto. Johana Bown.e_ filia Willi Bowne baptizata secundo die menss Octobris A n n o p"-dicto. James Jones, Curat. Robt Ball, Christopher Smith. erat vicesimo 7 Johana Smith filia Willi Smith baptizata erat decimo quarto die menss Novembris A n n o fnaUcto. Katherina Wills filia Willi Wills baptizata erat decimo sexto die menss Novembris Anno jFdicto. Thomas Smith filius Johnis Smith baptizatus erat vicesimo primo die menss Novembris A n n o {delicto. Christopherus Sachell filius Johnis Sachell baptizatus decimo v i die menss Februarij Anno fPciicto. erat t0 Janna Slape filia Georgi Slape baptizata erat vicesimo secundo die meriss Ffebruarij Anno fRiicto. Johana Wrinckmore filia Johnis Wrinkmore baptizata erat vicesimo secundo die Marcij A n n o p^dicto, Georgius Gybbons filius johnis Gybbons baptizatus erat octavo die Augustij A n n o Dni 1573. 0 A g n e t a Store filia Richardi Store baptizata erat 9 die August! A n n o fPdicto, Johana Gybbons filia Johnis Gybbons baptizata erat decimo sexto die menss Augustij A n n o fPdicto. Willius Borowe filius Willi Borowe baptizatus erat quarto die menss Aprillis A n n o Dni 1574. Anthonius Berry fillius Gualteri Berry baptizatus erat decimo nono die menss Maij Anno.fRHcto. Necholaus Wallford filius Johnis Wallford baptizatus vicesimo die menss Ffebruarij Anno p^dicto. erat Elizabeth Touse the daughter of John Touse baptizata erat vicesimo secundadie Septembris Anno Dni 1575. Johnis Wrinkemore filius Johnis Wrinkemore baptizatus erat decimo septimo die menss Novembris A n n o Dni fMiicto. Necholaus W y a t filius Johnis W y a t baptizatus erat decimo septimo die menss Decembris A n n o p^dicto. Johnes Gybbons filius J ohms Gybbons baptizatus erat octavo die Januarij A n n o p^dicto. Wills filius Christiana Wills baptizatus erat a basterd octavo die menss Januarij A n n o fRlicto. James Jones, Curat. Robt Ball, Christopher Smith. * 8 Willius .Collins fillius Thome Collins baptlz~fuit 9° die Maij Johanna Borrowe fillia Willi Borrowe bapt erat 6° die Maij 1576. . Elinora Gybbons" filia Johnis Gybbons baptizata fuit secundo die Augusti A n n o Dni 1576. Johes Gale filius T h o m e Gale baptizatus fuit decimo septimo die Octobris A n n o p-dicto, RobTus Smith filius Willi Smith baptizatus fuit sexto die menss Marcij A n n o p-dicto. JohaiT Gybbons baptizaT erat decimo quinto die Novembris Anno Dni 1577. Ffraunc Band filia JoKnis Band baptizata erat nono die Marcij Anno p^Sicto, Rabige Creed filia Willi Creed baptizata fuit decimo quinto die menss junij A n n o Dni 1578. Georgius Palmer filius Johnis Palmer baptizatus erat decimo septimo die Augustij A n n o p-dicto. Johes Gifford filius Willi Gifford baptizatus erat vicesimo quarto die Augustij A n n o pndicto. Rachel] Sattchell filia T h o m e Sattchell baptizata erat tricesimo die meriss Septembris A n n o p-dicto, Katherina Wallford filia Johnis Wallford baptizata erat vicesimo octavo die menss Septembris A n n o fPdicto. Thomas Sattchell baptizatus erat decimo sexto die menss Novembris A n n o p^dicto. Thomas Gybbons baptizatus erat octavo die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p^dicto. Catherina Borrowe baptizata erat decimo quinto die menss Marcij A n n o "p-dicto. Johes Hill filius Willius Hill baptizatus erat undecimo die menss Aprilis A n n o Dni 1579. Dorothia Touse filia Johnes Touse baptizata erat vicesimo octavo die Junij Anno"p dicto. Ffraunc Boyer baptizata erat duodecimo die menss Augustij A n n o p-dicto, Johana England filia Thome England baptizata erat primo die menss Mardj Anno p-dicto. James Jones, Curat. Robt Ball, Xpofer Smith. : Gulielmus Bond filius Johnis Bonde baptizatus erat deeimooctavo die menss Marcij Anno Dm 1580. Peternell Satchell filia JoKnis Satcheil baptizata fuit quarto die menss Novembris 1581. Gulihelmus Parker filius RorJti Parker baptizatus erat deeimo die menss Decembris A n n o p-dicto. Roffius Gybbons filius JoKnis Gybbons baptizatus fuit septimo die menss Marcij A n n o ff-dicto. Necholaus Hill filius Willi Hill baptizatus fuit vicesimo quinto die menss Marcij A n n o Dni 1582. Ffrauncus England filius Johnis England baptizatus vicesimo quarto die menss Augustij A n n o j>dicto. erat Valintinus Band filius Jormis Band baptizatus erat quarto die menss Julij A n n o Dni 1584. RorJtus Hollwaye filius JoHnis Hollwaye baptizatus erat decimo octavo die menss Decembris Anno Dni p-dicto. f Gulihellmus Mills filius Xpoferi Mills baptizatus erat decimo octavo die menss Decembris A n n o j>dicto. Jana Durstone filia Willi Durstone baptizata erat v i mensis Januarij A n n o pPdicto. t 0 die to RoBtus England filius JoKnis England baptizatus erat xvii die mensis Decembris A n n p^dicto. A g n e t a Bunch filia Georgi Bunch baptizata erat octavo die menss Aprilis A n n o Dni 1585. Thomas Dudwell de Tanto baptizatus fuit v i t 0 Junii 1585. Ann Touse filia Johnis Touse baptizata fuit vicesimo quarto die Junij A n n o ]>dicto. Maria Hill filia JoKnis Hill baptizata fuit decimo die Junijf Anno Dni 1586. Ffraunc Parker filia RorJti Parker baptizata fuit vicesimo tercio die Octobris A n n o "p-dicto, RoBtus Hollwaye filius Johnis Hollwaye baptizatus erat nonodie menss Decembris Anno.j>dicto. Margeri Hill filia Georgius Hill baptizata fuit octavo die mensis. Decembris A n n o 1583. James Jones, Curat. Robt Ball, Christopher Smith. IO Matya Durstone filia Willi Durstone baptizata fuit tricesinio die menss Juiij A n n o Dni 1587. Maria Hollwaie filia JohUis Hollwaie baptizata fuit vicesimo quarto die menss Januarij Anno pndicto, JoKes England filius Johms England baptizatus fuit nono die Ffebruarij A n n o "p-dictc. Maria Parsons filia T h o m e Parsons baptizata fuit tncesimo die Marcij A n n o Dni 1588. Johes B o b y e filius Necholaus Bobie baptizatus fuit vicesimo septimo die meriss Augustij Anno'jjT-dicto. Richardus England et Robtus England filii Henricus England baptizat erat vicesimo octavo die Septembris A n n o p^dicto, Nechoiaus Creede et Johana Creede filia baptizati quarto die Septembris A n n o ]>dicto. fuerunt Anne Bult filia Georgius Bult baptizata fuit s e x t o die Decem bris A n n o pndicto. Marga Jordaine filia Rof>ti Jordaine baptizata erat vicesimo nono die Januarij A n n o p^dicto. Edwardus Parsons filius Thorne Parsons baptizatus erat decimo octavo die Maij A n n o Dni 1589. Georgius Rendall filius Georgii Rendall baptizatus fuit decimo quinto die meriss Junij A n n o "p-dicto. Johna Durstone filia RorJti Durstone baptizata fuit vicesimo septimo die menss Januarij A n n o fPdicto. Johes Gybbons filius Gualteri Gybbons baptizatus erat vicesimo secundo die meriss Maij A n n o Dni 1590. Wilmont Hollwaie filia Johnis Hoilwaie baptizata fuit vicesimo octavo die Maij A n n o p^dicto. Johana Parsons filia Thorne Parsons baptizata fuit tercio die menss Octobris A n n o p^dicto. Larencius England filius Johnis England baptizatus undecimo die Octobris A n n o p"-dicto. - erat Henricus Satchell filius Johnis Satchell baptizatus fuit sexto die Novembris A n n o p-dicto. James Jones, Curat. Robt Ball, Christopher Smith. 11 Margareta Gale filia RorJti Gale baptizata erat secundo die menss Januarij A n n o fPdicto. Gulihelmus Crosse filius Joliriis Crosse baptizatus fuit vicesimo primo die menss Junij Anno Dni 1591. RorJtus Band filius Henricus Bande baptizatus erat decimo octavo die m e n s ! Octobris A n n o p^dicto. Maria Ball filia RorJti Bail baptizata fuit nono die menss Decembris A n n o p^dicto. RorJtus Durstone filius Willi Durstone baptizatus erat vicesimo sexto die menss Decembris A n n o pndicto. I / ' Thamosina Jordaine filia RorJti Jordaine baptizata erat vicesimo quinto die menss Aprilis A n n o Dni 1592. Alicia Durstone filia Robti Durstone baptizata fuit vicesimo nono die Aprilis A n n o p-dicto. Thomas Bobie filius Nicholai Bobie baptizatus fuit vicesimo s e x t o die meriss Augustij A n n o fFdkto. Prudentia Hill filia Thorne Hill baptizata fuit vicesimo quinto die Septembris A n n o j>dicto. Tamsine Baker filia Willi Baker baptizata Novembris A n n o fPdicto. erat quinto die RorJtus Winter filius Johms Winter baptizatus erat nono die menss Decembris A n n o p d i c t o , Gulihellmus Gybbons filius Gualteri. Gybbons baptizatus erat tercio die Februarij A n n o fPdicto. Johana Bult filia Georgij Bult baptizata fuit quinto die menss Marcij A n n o p^dicto. Alicia England filia Joftnis England baptizata fuit vicesimo sexto die menss Julij A n n o Dni 1593, RorJtus Ball filius RofJti B.all baptizatus fuit quinco die menis Septembris A n n o ]>dicto. Willius Durstone filius Willi Durstone baptizatus erat vicesimo septimo die mens! Januarij A n n o JPdicto. Georgius Smith filius JoKnis Smith baptizatus erat vicesimo primo die Aprilis Anno Dm 1594. RorJtus Hollwaie fillms Johnis Holhvaie baptizatus erat vicesimo quinto die Aprilis A n n o JRHcto. James Jones, Curat. JRobt Bail, Christopher Smith. 12 Necholaus Gale filius RorJti Gale baptizatus fuit vicesimo sexto die Aprilis A n n o j>dicto. Robtus Durstone filius RoBti Durstone baptizatus erat octavo die Maij A n n o pniicto. Elinora Smith filia Xpofer Smith baptizata fuit undecimo die Augustij A n n o p"-dicto. Alicia Band filia Henricus Bande baptizata fuit decimo octavo die menss Augustij A n n o p^dicto, Agneta Boobie filia Necholai Boobie baptizata erat vicesimo tercio die Augustij A n n o j>dicto. Maria Hearringe filia Rogeri Heringe baptizata fuit decimo •quinto die menss Septembris A n n o p-dicto. JoHes Smith filius JoKnis Smith baptizatus efat decimo quarto •die menss Januarij A n n o pndicto. Thomas Hill filius T h o m e Hill baptizatus fuit decimo quinto die Januarij A n n o j>dicto. Katherina England filia JoKnis England baptizata fuit vicesimo tercio die menss Marcij A n n o p^dicto. RorJtus Tucker filius Adami Tucker baptizatus fuit decimo nono die menss Aprilis A n n o Dni 1595. Elizabetha Gybbons filia GualteF Gybbons baptizata fuit tri cesimo die menss Maij A n n o fHlicto. Johes Smith filius Johnis Smith baptizatus erat quinto die mens? Septembris A n n o fPdicto. Johes Berry filius Johnis Berry baptizatus erat decimo quarto die Septembris A n n o p^dicto. Wynifrida Ball filia RorJti Ball baptizata fuit vicesimo quinto die menss Septembris A n n o p-dicto, JohesJParsons filius Thorne Parsons baptizatus erat septimo die menss Septembris A n n o p-dicto. Johana Gybbons filia Henricus Gybbons baptizata erat decimo tercio die menss Marcij A n n o fPdicto, Ellina Lane filia T h o m e Lane.haptizata erat quarto die meriss Aprilis Anno Dni 1596. James Jones, Curat. RobtBall, Christopher Smith. 13 Simonus filius A g n e t a Wethers a basterd baptizatus erat decimoquinto die menss Maij A n n o p-dicto. Anstis Poyntingeton filia Georgii Poyntington baptizata erat vicesimo secundo die menss Maij Anno p-dicto. Maria Smith filia Christopheri Smith baptizata fuit quarto die Novembris A n n o p"-dicto. Gulihellmus Maninge filius Willi Maninge baptizatus septimo die Novembris A n n o p^dicto. erat Elinora Smith filia JoKnis Smith baptizata fuit vicesimo tercio die menss Januarij A n n o pKiicto. Anstina Durstone filia RorJti Durstone baptizata fuit decimo nono die menss Ffebruarij A n n o fRiicto. Henricus Gybbons filius Henrici Gybbons baptizatus decimo s e x t o die menss Aprilis A n n o Dni 1597. erat Willius Blanchflore filius Georgij Blanchflore baptizatus erat tricesimo die Aprilis A n n o p-dicto. Necholaus Boobie filius Necholat Boobie baptizatus erat decimo sexto die Maij A n n o "p-dicto. Elizabetha Ball filia RorJti Ball baptizata fuit quinto die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p-dicto. Georgius Hill filius Thome Hill baptizatus erat decimo die menss Maij A n n o Dm* 1598, Thomas Durstone filius Robti Durstone baptizatus erat nono die Augustij A n n o p^dicto. JoKhes Gale filius Robti Gale baptizatus erat decimo die menss Januarij A n n o j>dicto. Jacobus Jones, Curate d e Wilton Niefcolaus Booby et Jefferey Thorne Custodc Iodem. Anstina Persons filia Thome Persons baptizata erat octavo die mensis Junij A n n o Dom 1599 Marria fillia Jonna Smith baptizata fuit vicesimo sexto die mensis Junij A n n o jOKdicto. Christopherus Smith filius. Xpoferi Smith baptizatus vicesimo octavo die mensis julij Aribp^dicto 1599. ; erat 14 Riccardus Durstoune filius Robertii Durstone baptizatus fuit vissessimo septimo die mensis Decembris Arib p^dicto. JoKhes Geebons fillius Henricus Geebons baptizatus erat sexto die mensis Januarye A n d jPdicto. 1602 A n n Hill fillia T h o m e Hill baptizata erat tercio die mensis Octobris A rib Dom. A g n e t a Ball fillia Robert! Ball baptizata fuit decimo nono die mensis Octobris Ario j>dicto. JoRhes fillius Joana L a n n e baptizatus erat quarto die mensis January A n b f^dicto. 1602 Joanna Walford fillia Christoferii Walford baptizata fuit visses simo secundo die mesis Julij Ario D o m 1601. Johanes Smith fillius Christoferii Smith baptizata fuit vissessimo nono die mensis Julij Arid p d i c t o . Elizabetha Gall filia Robertii Gall baptizata fuit decimo octavo die mensis Septembris A n o pndicto. 1603 Georgius Durston fillius Robertii Durston baptizatus erat quingqo die mensis Aprilis A n d D o m 1603. Thomas Stone fHllius Thomas Stone baptizatus erat decimo die mensis Septembris Arib D o m j>dicto. Christoforus Walford fHllius Christoforiis Walford baptizatus erat decimo sexto die mensis January Ario p^dicto. Riccardus Gall fHllius Robertas Gall baptizatus erat decimo octavo die mensis Ffebruary Ario p"-dicto. Robertus Warren fRUius Phellipii Warren baptizatus erat vicesimo primo die mensis Ffebrary Arib fPdi'cto. Georgious Morcome ffilius Wigllelimus Morcom baptizatus erat decimo secto die mensis Marcij Afio |>dicfx>. 1603 Ffraunssiscous Mannen ffilius Gwiiheilimi Mannen baptizatus erat nono decimo die mensis Septembris A n o D o m 1603. 1604 Henricus Bali ffilius Robertii Ball baptizatus erat secundo die mensis Novembris Ario pr-dicto. A n n a Durston ffiilia Robertii Durston baptizata fuit vicessimo decimo die menssis Novembris A n o pr»dicto. Robertus Powell fHliius Johanij Powell baptizatus erat secundo die mensis Marcij Ario pr-dicto. 1604 Gwilhellimus Geebons fillius Henrytii Geebons baptizatus erat decimo octavo die menssis Junij A n o D o m 1604, A n n a Smith filliajohami Smith baptizatus erat vicessimo die menssis Junij A n o pr-dicto. 15 Johana Walford filia Cristofferus Walford baptizata dessimo secundo die mensis Augustie Anno.peT-dicto, erat A n n a Stone ffillia Thomii Stone baptizata erat vissesimo secundo die mensis Augustij A n b pr-dicto. Margareta ffillia Johana Genson baptizatata vissesimo nono die mensis Augustij A n o pPdicto. Ffraunsiscus Hill fhllious Thomii Hill baptizatus erat decimo quinto die mensis Octoberis 1604 l 6 o johanes Morcom fillius Gilhelimiis Morcom baptizatus erat tertio die mensis Novembris Ario pr-dieto. 5 , Rachella ffilia Johanna K i n g e baptizata erate vissesimo quarto die mensis Aprilis Ario Dom 1605. Johanes Warren fillius Phellipij Warren baptizatus erat quarto die mensis Jullij A n o pr-dicto. Johanes Durson fillius Robertij Durson baptizatus erat duodesimo die mensis Augustij Arib pr-dicto. Thomas Burges fillius Thomij Burges baptizatus erat tertio die mensis Septembris A n o pr-dicto. Johanes Powell fillius Johanij Powell baptizatus erat decimo quinto die mensis Decembris. Robertus Carvanell filius Thomi Carvanell baptizatus erat quiquo die mensis January Ario j>dicto. 1606 Hewgos Ball filius Robertii Ball baptizatus erat quarto die mensis Maij Ario D o m 1606. Geffreus R o w e fillius Lauerentii Rowe baptizatus erat desimo die mensis Maij Ario p^dicto. Johana Stone fillia Thomij Stone baptizatus erat visesimo septimo die mensis Septembris. T h e xiiij daye of November was baptized Robert Knight the sonne of Richard Knight. T h e x x i daye of December was baptized Robert Atherley the sonn of George Atherley. T h e x x v daye of Januarye was baptizecl William Durson the sonn of Robert Dursone. T h e x v daye of Ffebruary was baptized Ezechell Coortney the sonn of John Coortney the younger. Tansyn Crosse the daughter of Tansyn Crosse a base child was baptized the 29th of March 1607. i6 A n n o Dni 1607 Henrye Gale the sonne of Robert Gale was baptized the sixte daie of M a y e 1607. William Durstone the sonne of Christopher Durston baptized the 7 day of June 1607. Roberto Parsons Cler , t h was 0 Gorge Carvaniel the sone of Thomas Carvaniele was baptized the 4 d a y e of September 1607. t h Thomas Powell the sonn of John Powell was baptized the 5 of SeptemrT 1-607. t h Jerome C o x e the sone of Jerome C o x e was baptized the 4 day of November 1607. t h e James the sone of Joan K i n g e filius populi was bap y last of November 1607. e e Anstie Myllard y daughter of John Myllard was baptized y v of November 1607. t h William Warren, y<* sone of Phillipe Warren was baptized y x x j of Deceber 1607. e e Fffacis Band y sone of Henrie Band was baptied y e fifveth day Februarie 1607. Richard Hill the sonne of Thomas Hill wasse baptized the iiij of October 1608 and borne the x x i x of September. t h e George Burgis y sone of Thomas Burgis was bap the 1 6 Aprill 1608. t h of 1608, Elinore Rooe the dafter of Lauerence Rooe was baptised the x x j of AprilL 1 Elinore Dourstone the daftere of Robarte Durstone was baptised the x x x of November A n n o p<lc. , h 6 Williame Stone the sonne of Thomas Stone was baptised the fifte v of Januarye A n n o | R l c . Edward Slade the sonne of Wiilia Slade wasse baptised the v i i j of January 1608. th Rachell Ball the x x v i i j th of Ffebrury. Robarte Meeles was baptised the iiij th of Marche. th Thomas Carvaniell was baptised the x v i i j of Marche. 1609 1609 Johane Burges was baptised the x x * of October A n b j>dc. ] 7 1609 T h o h m a s Serene was baptized the x i j t h of November, th John Sowthwod was baptized the x x v i i j . 1610 Elizabethe Carvaniell the x x t h day of November was baptised. Mary Durstone the daughter of Robarte Durstone the x x v t h e •day of December. William a base child of Margeret Gales was baptized the v i j th of J anuary. 1611 Phillip Meller was baptized the v j t h of Ffebruary. Edward Powell was christened the X t h Williame Tosere was christened the x John C o x e was baptised the x x v i j t h e of July. l h of July. of Octobere. Peetere Warrene was baptized the firste of Deseraber. .Phillip Rove was baptized the second of Ffebruary. 'William Carvaniell was baptized the x x i i i j th of Ffebruatr.y. Ffrances Meeles was baptized the firste of Marche. John Lusscombe was baptised the x i i j th of Marche beinge a th of Aprill beinge the baaesse child 1608. Williame Sachell was baptized the v i i j sonne of Willm Sachell. P i8 A n n o Dni 1612 Thomazina Durston fiiia Roberti Durston Junioris baptizata fuit decimo quinto die Julij. A g n e t a Streat filia Roberti Streat baptizata fuit sexto die AuguT. A n n a Burgesse filia Thomas Burgesse baptizata fuit decimo quinto die Nouembris. Anasticia Thorne baptizata fuit decimo sexto die Februarii. Maria Cade filia Jacobi Cade baptizata fuit decimo quinto die Marcij. 1613 -.(Emilia Gibbens filia Johannis Gibbens baptizata fuit decimo nono die Septembris. Maria Durston filia Roberti Durston Junioris baptizata fuit vicesimo quarto die Octobris. Humfridus Searle filius Thomse Searle baptizatus fuit vicesimo secundo die Novembris. Gulielmus Procter filius Gulielmi Procter baptizatus fuit decimo tertio die Januarij. Elianora Toser filia Richardi Toser baptizata fuit vicesimo die Januarij. 1614 Wilmoth Potter filia Georgii Potter baptizata fuit duodecimo die Julij. Robertus A y s h l e y baptizatus fuit quarto die Julij. Galphridus Thorne filius Galphridi Thorne baptizatus fuit quarto die Octobris. Gratia Warren filia Phillipi Warren baptizata fuit decimo sexto die Octobris. 1615 Franscisca Southward filia Radolphi Southward baptizata fuit vicesimo nono die Martij. Johanna Courtney filia Joffis Courtney baptizata fuit ultimo die Maij. Elizabetha Miller filia Johls Miller baptizata fuit decimo octavo die Maij. Anasticia Stone filia Thomse Stone baptizata vicesimo quinto die Maij. Robertus Burges filius Thomse Burges baptizatus fuit vicesimo. secundo die Junij. Johanna Streat filia Roberti Streat baptizata fuit vicesimo dieJulij. Gulielmus Durston filius Roberti Durston de Sherforde bap tizatus fuit decimo septimo die Septembris. 1616 Robertus Satchell filius Gulielmi Satchell baptizatus fuit vicesimo quinto die Aprilis. Francisca. Slocombe filia Johannis Slocombe baptizata fuit. sexto die Junij. '9 Anno Dni I6I(> Robertus Procter filius Gulielmi Procter baptizatus fuit nono die Junij. Johanna Thorne filia Galphridi T h o m e baptizata fuit decimo die Octobris. Maria Toser filia Richardi Toser baptizata fuit decimo tertio die Octobris. Anasticia Aishley filia Edwardi Aishley baptizata fuit ultimo die Octobris. Richardus filius Johannae Lane et incerti patris baptizatus eodem die supra-dtcto. Gulielmus Stone filius Thomae Stone baptizatus fuit primo die Nouembris. A n n a Caperne filia Thormt Caperne baptizata fuit septimo die Nouembris. Dorothea Durston filia Roberti Durston baptizata fuit primo die February. Richardus Autherlie filius Georgij Autherlie baptizatus fuit ultimo die February. Johanna Hill filia Thomas Hill generosi baptizata fuit vicesimo primo die Aprilis. Charitas filia T h o m a z i n ^ Crosse et incerti patris baptizata fuit vicesimo sexto die Julij. Samuell Cade filius Jacobi Cade baptizatus fuit ultimo die Augusti. Francisca Streatt filia Roberti Streatt baptizata fuit undecimo die Septembris. Juliana Warren filia Philippi Warren baptizata fuit decimo quarto die Septembris. Maria Miller filia Johannis Miller baptizata fuit octavo die Octobris. Philippus Southward filius Radolphi Southward baptizatus fuit primo die February. • Samuell Potter filius Georgij Potter baptizatus fuit undecimo die February. Henricus Weauer filius Johannis Weauer baptizatus fuit decimo quinto die Martij. 1618 Georgius Courtney filius Johannis Courtney baptizatus fuit deciriro- quarto die Junij. Richardus Stone Alius Thomae Stone baptizatus fuit vicesimo tertio die Septembris. Maria Ball filia Roberti Ball jun baptizata fuit vicesimo septimo die Septembris. Johannes Shoobrooke filius Gulielmi Shoobrooke baptizatus fuit ultimo die February. 1619 Robertus Gunne filius Richardi Gunne baptizatus fuit vicesimo tertio die Aprilis. A n n a Ashley filia Eduardi Ashley baptizata fuit primo die Augusti. 20 A n n a Durston filia Roberti Durston baptizata fuit quinto die Septembris. Elizabetha Thorne filia Galphridi Thorne baptizata fuit tertio die Octobris. Robertus Stone filius Thomse Stone baptizatus fuit quarto die Nouembris, Christophems Awtherlye filius Georgii Awtherlie baptizatus fuit decimo tertio die Februarij. Prudentia Raynoldes filia Roberti Raynoldes baptizata fuit decimo quarto die Februarij. A n n a Wadham filia Thomae W a d h a m baptizata fuit duodecimo die Martij. 1620 Juliana Tozer filia Richardi Toser baptizata fuit vicesimo tertio die Aprilis. Valentinus Southward filius Radolphi Southward baptizatus fuit vicesimo primo die Junij. 1621 Robertus Raynolds filius Roberti Raynolds baptizatus fuit vicesimo secundo die Maij. Johannes Stone filius Thomae Stone baptizatus fuit vicesimo septimo die Maij. Johannes Winter filius Gulielmi Winter baptizatus fuit vicesimo sexto die Augusti. Elizabetha Wadham filia Thomae Wadham baptizata fuit vicesimo primo die Octobris. Francisca Durston filia Roberti Durston baptizata fuit vicesimo octavo die Octobris. 1622 Dina Gunne filia Roberti Gunne baptizata fuit secundo die Junij. Elizabetha Morrish filia Christopheri Morrish baptizata fuit decimo die Junij. Johannes Thorne filius Galphridi Thorne baptizatus fuit undecimo die Junij. Jacobus Raynolds filius Roberti Raynolds baptizatus fuit decimo sexto die Julij. 1623 Georgius filius Thomae Stone baptizatus fuit vicesimo tertio die Junij. Alicia fllia Georgij Crosse baptizatus fuit decimo nono die Octobris, Elizabetha filia Radophi Southward baptizata fuit octauo die Decembris. Elizabetha filia Gulielmi Winter baptizata fuit decimo quinto die Februarij. 1624 J ana filia Galphridi Thorne baptizata fuit decimo nono die Maij. Elizabetha filia Richardi Gunne baptizata fuit decimo septimo die Julij. Thomas filius Johannis Burges baptizatus .fuit sexto die Octobris. 21 Johannes filius Eduardi vicesimo die Februarij. 1625 Hodder generosi baptizatus fuit Robertus filius Roberti Euans baptizatus fuit decimo die Aprilis, Johanna filia Johannis Lane baptizata fuit septimo die Aprilis. Robart L a n e the sonne of Robart Lane was bapt the seventhedaie of Septemb. th Phillipp Stone the sonne of Thomas Stone was bapt the 1 0 of March. Henry Sealye the sonne of George S e l y e was bapt the 1 9 ^ of March. [626 Humphrye K i n g e the sonne of Humphry K i n g was baptized the tenth day of Aprill. William S o w t h y the sonne of Ralph Sowthy was baptized the 2 2 dfiy of October. n d Elenor Streete the daughter of Robert Streete was baptized the t o day of December. th Humphry Satchell the sonne of Humphry baptized the 1 I day of Ffebruary. Satchell was t h John Evans the sonne of Robert Evans was baptized the 1 4 day of March. 1 6 2 t h th 7 A n e Burges the daughtr of Jn° Burges was babtised the 8 of May. 1627 Thomas Durston the sonne of Thomas Durston was babtised the twenty eight d a y of October. 1627 Anstes Gibbines daufter of John Gibbins was babtised the sext day of January. ^27 Christian Durstone daughter of Robert Durstone the younger was baptised the i 2 o f Agust. l h d Gabriell Godwin the son of Mr. Robt Godwin was baptis the J 7 of April!. t h 1628 Robert Masters the son of R o g e r Masters was baptis d the th 1 8 of May. Sarah Babb the daunghter of Robt Babb was baptised the > th 1 0 day of June. / Jethro Stone the son of T h o m a s Stone was baptised the 1 3 t h day of June 1628, William Winter the son of Wiilia Winter was baptised the 3 day of July 1628. J o h n Minister Mary Gibbens daughter of John Gibbens was baptised I 2 t h a u °^ y °^ J ^ > ' m t n e v e a r e °f o u r the L ° f d God 1629. of W ilton ,5 th 2 9 Ffrances R o w daughter of jefferie R o w was baptised the 0 3 day of A u g u s t in the yeare of our Lord G o d A n n o Doini 1629. Grace Lanne daughter of John Lanne was baptised the six day of September in the yeare of our Lord God A n n o Doini 1629. Elizabeth Durston daughter of T h o m a s Durston was baptised the x x i i i j d a y of September in the yeare of our Lord God A n n o Domini 1629. th Thomas E v o n s sonn of Robart Evons was baptised the x v i i j day of October in the yeare of our Lord God 1629., th William Lanne sonne of Robart Lanne was baptised the <?eaventh day of December in the yeare of our Lord God 1629. Georg Smith the sonne o f John Smith "was baptised the s e x day of Januarie in the yeare 1629. t h Grac Masteres daughter of Roger Masters was baptiesed the x v i j day of Januarie in the yeare of bur Lord God 1629. th 1630 Dorothy Durston daughter of Robart Durston was baptiesed the x x v i i i i of Marth. th 23 (630 l h Ruth Gall daughter of Henrie Gal was baptiesed the x v i d a y of May A n n o Domi. John Burges sonn of John Burges was baptiesed the x i i i j day of June in the yeare of our Lord God A n n o Domi 1630. Julien Wenter daughter of William Wenter was baptized the first day of A u g u s t in the yeare of our Lord God A n n o Dom 1630. James Stone sonn of Thomas Ston was baptiesed the x x v i j day of December in yeare of our Lord God A n n o Dom 1630. Robart Sealye the sonn of Georg Sealye was baptiesed the x x x day of December in the yeare of our Lord God A n n o Dom. Ralfe Durston the sonn of Thomas Durston was baptiezed the 2 9 day of June in the yeare of our Lord God 1631. Henrie Gale sonn of Henrie Gale was baptiezed the seaventh day of A u g u s t . Robart Durston sonn of William Durston was baptiezed the eightenth day of October in the y e a r e o f our Lord Anno Dom 1631. A n n e Gibbens daughter of William Gibbens was baptiezeu the sex and twentieth day of Ffebruarie in the yeare of Lord. Robart Rowe sonn of Jefferie Rowe baptized the x x 2 day of Aparell in the yeare of our Lord 1632. A n n e Evans daughter of Robart Evans baptized the x i day of June in the yeare of our. Thomas Sealye sonn of Georg Sealy was baptized the x v i j day of June. John Sanders sonn of John Sanders was baptized the x x v i i j day of A u g u s t in the yeare of our Lord 1632, Robart Durston sonne of Robart Durston junier was baptized the first day of November in the yeare of our Lord Anno Dofn 1632. Elizabeth Masters daughter of Roger Masters was baptized the twenty fiue day of November in the yeare of our Lord. Marie Durston daughter of William Durston was baptized the twentyeth day of December in the yeare of the Lord. Samuell Smith sonn of John, Smith was baptized the thirtenth day of Januarye in the yeare of our Lord. Roger Wenter sonn of William Wenter was baptized the third day of Ffebruarie in the yeare of. our Lord. Ffrances Burges sonn of John Burges was baptized the twentie flue day of August. John Lann sonn of John Lann was baptized the third day of September. William Gibbens soon of William Gibbens was baptized the x x i i i j of November in. Mary Ben net daughter of M Nicholas Bennet was baptized the twentieth day of February Thomas L o n g the sonne of Thomas L o n g was baptized the nineth of March. John Slocumb sonn of John Siocumb baptized the x x v i j day of Aparell. lh t h t h th t h t h l h - 1633 th r 1633 T634 t b 2 4 John Lanne sonne of John Lanne and A l e e Lann was baptized the third day of A u g u s t 1.634. 1634 John Gibbens sonn of John Gibbens and Jaan was baptized the 1 8 d a y of September. Philip Heavans sonn of Robart Heavans was baptized the first day of November. Sara Ston daughter of T h o m a s Ston and Grac his wife was baptized the 2 3 day of November in the yeare of our Lord. Lawrence R o w e son of Jeffery and Gillian Row was baptized the seuenth d a y of December 1634. Richord Sealie daughter of G e o r g Sealie and Ann Sealie was baptized the fourtenth day of December in yeare of our Lord. Christopher Durston sonn of William Durston and Mary Durston was baptized the eight day of Ffebruary. Mary the daughter of William and Julian Winter was baptized the fifteenth d a y of March. 1635 Ellinor Atherlye dughter of Robart Atherlye and Richord was baptized the twell day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord. Joan A t h e r l y e daughter of Nathanieil Atherlye and Purnell was baptized the x x i i i j d a y of M a y in the yeare of our Lord. Mary Durston daughter of Robart and Christen Durston was baptized the sextenth d a y of A u g u s t in the yeare of our Lord 1635. A g n e s Lann daughter of Robart and Ffrauncees Lanne was -baptized the sextenth day o f A u g u s t in the yeare of our Lord. Nicholas Holman sonn o f Morgine and Rachell Holraan was baptized the sixth day of September in the yeare of our Lord 1635. John Hart sonn of T h o m a s and Anstic Hart was baptized the fourth day of October m the yeare of our Lord 1635. James Cad sonn of James and Elizabeth Cad was baptized the to and twentie day of October in the yeare of our Lord 1635. Henry B a g g e sonn of Henry and Antic Bagge was baptized the twentie nine day of October in the yeare of our Lord. 1635 Margeret Masters daughter of Roger Masters and Elner Masteres was baptized the twentieth day of December in the yeare. Bengamen Searne sonn of Thomas Searne and Marye Searne was baptized the third day of January in the yeare. Antic Gibbens daughter of William Gibbens and Marye Gibbens was baptized the eight day of January in yeare of our Lord. t h r d t h th 25 l ^3^ Samuell Lanne sonn of John and Alic Lanne was baptized the first day May in the yeare of our Lord. Joan Durston daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Durston was baptized the tenth day of July in the yeare. William Barlett sonn of William and Susanna Barlett was baptized the 2 1 day of July in the yeare. s t John Barlett sonn of William and Susanna baptized the 2T* day of July in the yeare. Barlett was Joan Slocomb daughter of John and Joan Siocomb was baptized the 1 6 day of August in the yeare 1636. t h Georg Atherlie sonn of Robart Atherlie and Richord Atherlie was baptized the eleaveant day of September in the yeare. John Meller sonn of Philip Meller and of Mary Meller was baptized the eightten day of October in the yeare of our Lord. 1636 Thomas Cade sonn of James Cade was baptized the first day of January in the yeare of our Lord. Robart Burges sonn of John Burges was baptized the eight day of Januay in the yeare of Lord. • Simon Yeoranes sonn of Robart and Joan Yeoranes was baptized the twentie third day of Ffebruary in the yeare. Mary R o w e daughter of Jeffery and Julyen baptized the fift day of March in the yeare. 1637 Rowe was Ffrauncees Wenter daughter of William and Julian Wenter was baptized the tenth day of Aparell in the yeare of our Lord. James A t h a r l y e sonn of Nathannell Atharlye and Purnell was baptized the 9 day of July in the yeare of our Lord. t h 1637 Phillip Bartlett the daughter of Marie Bartlett was baptized the 20 day of A u g u s t in the yeare of our Lord 1637. Joan Durston daughter of William and Joan Durston was baptized the 1 2 day of September in the yeare of our Lord. t h A n n e Durston daughter of William and Mary Durston was baptized the 2 8 day of September in the yeare of our Lord God A n n o Dni 1637. th Elizabeth Hollman the daughter of Morgan Holeman baptised the 4 o f Ffeb in the yeare of our Lord 1637. t h was 26 bap, John B a g g e the son of Henrie Bagg and Anstice the wife of Henrie was baptized the 4 t h of March in the yeer 1637. Tamsan Slocomb daughter of John and Joan Slocomb was baptized the 2 4 day of June in the yeare of our Lord God 1638. th Mary Potter daughter of John and Tamsane Potter was baptized the first day of July A n n o D o m 1638. 1638 Ann Durston daughter of John Durston and Joan Durston was b a p t i twellth day of September A n n o Domino. zd X638 Leuse Bartlett the sonn of Willia and Susan his wife was baptized the last of September 1638. 1638 Rachel the daughter of Willia Durstone and Joane was baptized the first day December in the yeare of our Lord 1638. 1638 Jane the daughter of Robert Lane and Ffrancis his wife was baptized the 26 of December 1638. 1638 Marie the daughter of Willia Hellier and Joane his wife was baptized the 17 day Februarie. 1638 Elizabeth Aderlie the daughter of Robert and Richord his wife was baptized the 24 of Feb 1638. 1639 8 th Phillip Miller the sonn of Phillip and Marie was baptized the of September 1639. Samuell the sonn of Willia Winter and Julian his wife was baptized the 12 of September. 1639 Mary the daughter of John Colickles and Tamsen his wife was baptized the 18 of Nouember. Peregrine the sonn of John Burges was baptised the first day of December. John the son of Humfrie December 1639. K i n g was baptised the first of 27 Willia the sonn of Rogers Masters and Eelener his wife was baptized the 22 December 1639. 1639 Tamsen Durston daser of Robert Durston wase baptized the 18 daye of Feberary. Winifrid Atherly wase baptised the first of March 1639 daser of Robert Atherly. Nicholas the sonn of Nicholas and Elizabeth Hodie Curat was baptized the 16 of March. Elezebeth A m b e the daughter of Philip was baptized the 2 day of Aprell. Wilia the sonn of Jefiferie baptized the 14 of M a y 1640. Row and Julian his wife was George the sonn of George Smith and Mary his wife was baptized the eight and twenteth of M a y 1640. FTrancis the daughter of Richard Gardner and Mary his wife was baptized the 21 of June 1640. Dauid the sonn of John Slocome and Joane his wife was baptized the 25 of June 1640. Ann the daughter George Sealie and baptized the fift of Julie 1640. A n n his wife was Ffrancis the daughter of John Potter and Tamsen his wife was baptized the eleuenth of October. Hanna the daughter of Willia Durstone and Joane his wife was baptized the 28 of December 1640. George Gardner the sonne of Nathaniell Gardner Purnell his wife was baptized 10 of Januarie 1640. Humfrie the sonn of Willia Bartlett and Susan his wife was baptized the 7 of Februarie 1640. 1641 Thomas Holeman the sonn of Morgan and Rachel! his wife was baptized the 9 of Feb 1640. Jane the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Durston his wife was baptized the 30 of March. Elener the daughter of Robert Durstone and Christian his wife was baptized the 6 of May. William the sonn of Jefery Roe and Jone his wiff was baptised the 22 daye of A g u s t 1641. Elenor the daughter of Phillip Miller and Marie his wife was baptized the 21 daye of September 1641. John the sonn of John Neacklis and Tamsen his wiffe wass baptised the 14 daye Ocktober 1641. Hanna the daughter of William Wimter and Julian his wiff was baptised 15 of October 1641. A n n Clement the daughter of John Clement and Elisebeth his wiff was baptised the 28 of November 1641. Thomas Clodge the sonn of T h o m a s Clold and Fransis his wiffe was baptised the 5 of Desember. Marie Smith the daghter of George Smith and Marie his wifT was baptised the 10 December 1641. Richard Warren the son of Peter and Joan his wife was baptized the twenty fowerth day of February 1641. Mary Comer daughter of Nicholas Comer and A g n i s his wife was baptized the 7 seventh day of February 1641. Willia Durston the son of Willia Durston was baptized the 1 1 of A prill 1642. John Potter the son of John Potter was baptized the first of M a y 1642. Fransis L y m b r y the daughter of Hugh Limbry was baptized the 2 6 of Aprill. John B a g g the son of Henery B a g g was baptized the 4 of May. Margeret Gardner the daughter of Robert Gardner was baptized the 8^ f May. Thomas Slocome the son of John Slocome was baptized the 1 9 * of May. John Chilcott the son of John Chillcott was baptized the 1 9 o f May. A n n Durston the daufter of Danel Glas and Mare Durston the mother of it was baptied the 29 of Maye. Anstis Hambe the daufter of Ffelbebeth H a m b e was baptied the 7 of June. William Potter the sonne of W i l m o t Potter was baptied the 8 of July. Geles Masteres the sonne of Roger Masteres was baptied the 13 of November. Mary Perce the daufter of Edwarde Perce was baptied y 3 of November. Rennole Chafe the sonne Rennole Chafe was baptied y 5 of Ffebruare. Thomas Barlet the sonne of William Barlet was baptied y 5 of March, t h th t h 0 t h e e e 29 A n n o Dom 1643. Ffraunces C l o g g the daughter of Thomas Clog was baptized the twentie theird day of April 1643. A g n e s Comer the daughter of Nicholis Colmer was baptized the fourtenth day of November 1643. John Holman the sonne of Morgan Holman and Raychell his wife was baptized the eleventh d a y of December Anno Dom 1643. Andreew Autherlie als Gardner the sonne of Robt Atherlie als Gardner was baptized the seuententh day of December 1643. . Mariery L i m b e r i e t h e daughter of Hugh Lymberie was baptized the sevententh day of December 1643. Marie Cade the daughter of Simon Cade and Marie his wife was baptized the nyntenth day of December 1643. Phillip Slocombe the sonne of John Slocombe and Marie his wife was baptized the twentie s i x day of December 1643. lh A n n o D o m 1643 Debora Clement the daughter of John Clement and Elizabeth his wif was baptized the eighttinth day of June 1643. Edward Pearse the sonne of Edward Pearse was baptized the twentie fifte day of Januarie 1643. Hanna Hellier the daughter of William Hellier was baptized the feirst day of Februarie 1643. Ffrances R o w e the daughter of Jefferie Rowe was baptized the twentie fiue day of Ffebruarie 1643. John S m y t h the sonne of George Smyth was baptized the tenth day of March 1643. Sarah Durston the daughter of William Durston farmer was baptized the x i j day of March 1643. l h Thomas Hartt the sonne 01" Thomas Hartt and Ansstis his wife was baptized the x x v d a y of March Anno Dom 1644. t h John B a g g the sonne of Henrie B a g g and Joan his wife was baptized the x i i i j d a y of Apreill A n n o Dom 1644. th Robert Prockter sonne of Robert Prockter and J one his wiffe was baptized 25 of A g u s t 1644. William Prockter sonne of Robert Prockter and Jone his wiffe baptized tennth daye of January 1649. 30 e Sarah y daughter of T h o m a s Durston and Joane his wife was borne the 22 of January 1649 and baptized at Trull the 17 of Ffebruary following. Christover Buncombe was baptized the 10 of May. Ffrances Durston the daughter of William Durston was baptized the 18 d a y of December 1653. Dorothy Blackmore the daughter of Bartholmew Blackmore was baptized the 21 day of Februay 1653. 1654 Thomas Durston the son of T h o m a s Durston was baptized the 6 day of June. John Andrewes was baptized the 3 day of July A n o p ^ i c t o the son of Richard Andrewes. Elner Midelton the daughter of T h o m a s Midelton was baptized , the 10 of July. Elizabeth Bartlet the daughter of Philip Bartlet was baptized the 16 of July. William Slocombe the sonne of John Slocombe and Marie his wife was babytized the twentie second day of June A n n o Domi 1646. Phillipp Colmer the sonne of Nicholis Colmer and A l i c e Colmer his w y f was babytized the 1 3 day of March A n n o D o m 1647. Symon Cade was baptised the 22 d a y of March 1647. Grace Tolber the daughter of William Tolber and Jane his wiffe was baptazed the 28 daye of Jully 1651. Marie Slocombe the daughter of John Slocombe and Marie his wyfe was babytized the 29 day of June A n n o Dom 1648. Robeart Slocumb the sonne of John Slocumb was baptized the 19 day of M a y 1653. t h 1654 Mary Simmonds the daughter of T h o m a s Simmonds was baptized the 23 of July. Mary Potter the daughter of John Potter was baptized the 13 day of August. Margaret C l o g g the daughter of T h o m a s C l o g g was baptized the 20 day of A u g u s t . John Thorne the sonn of William Thorne was baptized the 17 day of December. Mary Norton the daughter of William Norton was baptized the 21 day of January. i ! 3* 1655 Prudence Prockter the daughter of Robeart baptized the 22 day of Aprell. Prockter was William Counsell the sone of William Counsell was baptized the 6 day of May. John Bunkcomb the sonne of Christopher Bunkcomb was baptized the 20 day of May. Allis Comer the daughter of Nickolas Comer was baptized the 22 day of M a y . Thomas L u x t o n the sonne of Thomas L u x t o n was baptized the 8 day of July. Jane Gale the daughter of William Gale was baptized 15 day of July. Beniamin Stone the sonne of Phillip Stone was baptized the 3 day of September. Joseph K i n g the sonne of Humphry K i n g was baptized the 23 day of September. Christian Clemment the daughter of John Clemment was baptised the 21 day of October. 1656 John L i m b r y the sonne of Hugh L i m b r y was baptized the 6 day of Aprill. Simon son of William Thorne was born the 11 day of January. William Simmonds the sonne of Thomas Simmonds baptized the 4 d a y o f May. was Elizabeth the daughter of Zachariah Wannil was baptized the ffirst day of June 1656. 1657 Elizabeth-the daughter of John Winter was born the 24 day of September 1657. Margery the daughter of Humphry K i n g was baptized the first day of November. 32 1658 Elezabeth the daughter o f Nicholas C o m e r was baptized the 31 day of A u g u s t Jone the daughter of Robeart Procter was baptized the 31 day of August. Mary the daughter of Samuel Hucker was baptized the 20 day of December. Arm the daughter of Zacharias Wannill was baptized the 26 day of December. Thomas the sonne of T h o m a s Spickernell was baptized the 14 day of January, Elezabeth the daughter of William Durston was baptized the 22 day of Ffebruary. 1659 Elezabeth the daughter of T h o m a s . Spickernell was* baptized the 8 day of November. Ffaith Thorne daughter of William was born the 4 day of August. Joane the daughter of Philip Stone was borne the 4 Febuary. 1660 t h day of Thomas and Richard the sonnes of William Galle ware baptized the first day of M a y . Elizabeth the daughter of Philip V i c k r y was baptized the 30 day September. Jone the daughter of Sammuell Hucker was baptised 1 8 day of Nouember. the th John the sonne of Fesinisha Goinham was baptised the 2 3 of Desember 1660. th day Frances the daughter of William Goold was baptised the same d a y 2 3 day of Desember 1660. th e Robrot Procter y son of Robrt Procter and Sarah his wife was baptized y 4 of M a y 1661. e t h Shusanna the daughter of Zacariah Wannell was baptised the 3 day of Febuary. 33 1660 th Mary the daughter of John Wintere was baptised the 1 7 day of March. Bridgett the daughter of Nicollas Commer was baptised the 19 day of March. 1661 e William y sonn of Henry Merricke and Marie his wife was baptised y 2 8 of December 1661. e th Mary the daughter of Georg Browne gent was baptised the 19 day of Aprill 1661. Thomas the the soonne of Thomas Middellton was baptised the 12 day of May. William the sonne of William Dursone was baptised the 1 I of June. TH day th Thomas the sonne of William Gall was baptised the 2 9 day of September. M a r y the daughter of Georg Gane was baptised the 2 9 of September. th day th Mary the daughter of Thomas Euans was baptised the 08 d a y October. th John the sonne of John Withers was baptised the 1 9 day of October, Prudence the daughter of Humphry K i n g was baptised the 2 0 day of Otober. th A g n u s the daughter of Jams Hussy was baptise the 2 March. t h day Kattherin the daughter of George Browne gent was baptised the 2 5 ^ day of March. 1662 th Sara the daughter of Philip Stone was baptised the 3 0 day of March. Elizabeth the daughter of Cristiner Bunckcombe was baptised the T ^ d a y o f Aprill. . Jone the daughter of Jams Stone was baptised the 20 day of Aprill. F 34 lh 1662 Hanna the daughter of William Gould was baptised the o B day of June. [of June. A n e the daughter of Robert Ganne Was baptised the 0 8 day John the sonne of John Gold was baptised the 2 2 of A g u s t . 1659 A m e s Blinman the soone of A m e s Blinman and Dorathy his wife was borne the tenth "day of M a y and baptised the eight day of June A n b Dofh 1659. \6$6 Hannah Eauens the daughter of John Eauens was borne the 1 2 day of Januarie. [baptised. Nov 17 1662 John Smith sou of George and Susan Smith was March 4th 1662 Jane Browne daughV of George and Ann was bapt. Notiember the 9th 1663 John Troutt sonn of Robert Trouft and A n e his wife was baptysed. August 16 1663 Mary Smith daughter of Robt and Dorathy was baptized. [babtized. December 25 1664 Robert the sone of Tamsen Wenter was January 28 1664 Jone Warnell the daughter of Zacharis and A n Warnell was baptized. Jane L u x t o n the daughter of T h o m a s L u x t o n and Jane his wife was baptized March y 1 2 1664. [baptized. Aprill y 23 1664 Elizabeth daughter of J no Ben net was Elizabeth the daughter of Phillip and Grace V i c a r y was baptized the 1 7 day of March A n b Dni 1664. 1664 A n n the daughter of T h o m a s Hutching and Ffrancis his wife was baptized y 14 of July. Jobin Durston the sonn of Thomas and Jone Durston was born the 25 day of July and was baptized the 2 0 day of A u g u s t A n o Dom 1664. Hannah the daughterof John Steephens was baptized y 2 5 d a y of February A n n o jpPdicto. Honor the dafter of James Stone and Jone his wife was baptized the 16 of Mai 1666: Samuell the sonn of T h o m a s Hutching and Francis his wife was bap'tzed the 1 3 of December 1666. A n e t h e ' d a f t e r of William Gall and Anstes, his wife was baptized the 12 of A u g u s t 1666. George the ssone of John Withers and Ellezabeth his wife was baptized the 26 d a y of Desember 1666. Ffebruary 22 Hana the dafter Zacary Warnell and A n e his wife was baptized. Robert the sone of Samuell and Ellezebeth Hucker was baptized the 28 of March. Hannah Thorne and Martha Thorne daughters of William Thorn and Christian his wife were born the 20 day of September 1666. th th t h e t h e t h e th th e t h 35 t66y T667 e Phillip the sonne of Phillip Stone was borne y 29 clay of March 1667. PenelJape the dafter of George Browne and A n n was baptised the first of AugustA n e the daughter of Robert Troute and A n e his- wife was baptised the 2 5 day of Occtober 1668. Josias-the sonn of T h o m a s Hutching and Francis his wife was baptized the 1 2 of September 1668. Ba'rtholemew the sonne of Richard Blackemore and Hanna his wife was baptised the second day of M a y e 1668. Marie the daughter of Henrie Mericke and Marie his wife was baptised the 2 8 of A u g u s t e 1668. 1669 John Warrin the sone of John Warrin jun and Rachell his wife was baptised the 2 8 day of June 1669. John the son of Walter R u g g e and Jane his wife was baptised May the ninth 1669. William Warrin the soone of John Warrin and Rachell his wife was baptised the 1 3 day of June 1671. John W a r r i n Ju the son o f John Warrin and Rachell his wife was borne y*.2o day of Nouember and baptised y 2 5 of y same 1677. Arthur Thorne the son of William Thorne and Christian his wife was borne July the 1 9 1672. John Morcum the son of Emanuel Morcum and Christian his wife was born September the I 1672. A m i a Powell daughterof George.Powell gentelmanand Dorothy his wife was baptized the second day of July 1672 by Emarmall bharp V i c k e r of Taunton and Katherine the daughter of Walter Rugge and Jane his wife was baptized N o v e m b y« 8 1672. Dorothy Powell daughter of George Powell gentelman and Dorothy his wife was baptized the third of November 1673 by Emunuel Sharp V i c k e r o f Taunton. John Strong son of James Strong was baptized the 1 7 of June 1688. Alee Dauis daughter of John Dauis and Elisabeth his wife was baptised ye 2 6 of December 1673. T h e first begotton son of George Powell gentelman and Dorothy his wife was borne the 1 3 of January 1674 and chrisned by M Eraa Sharp, George Wood, the 1 I February 1674. t h t h ; th th t h th e th e t h ST r th th th t h r TH 36 e George GilKngham y sonn of George Gillingham and Rachell his wife was baptised y 1 2 day of September 1675. Elizabetha David filia Johannis David nata erat secundo die Januarij baptizata x x v j 1674 Johannes David filius Johannis David baptizatus erat x x v j die Ffebruarij 1675. Gyles Cole y sonn of John Cole and Marie his wife was baptised the 2 2 day of A u g u s t 1676. John the son of George Powell gentelman and Dorothy his wif was borne 2 1 Novem and was chrisned 2 3 November following being the second sonne. Allexander the son of A l l e x a n d e r Poole and Grace his wife was baptised the 2 9 d a y of M a y . J ana David filia Johannis David nata erat vicesimo septimo die Decembris baptizata Jan 1 4 1678. John Coles y son of John Coles was baptized the 1 2 of Ffebruary 1676. Roger the son of George Powell gent and Dorothy his wife was borne the 7 of Aprill and baptised the 15 M a y being the third sonne, Christopher the son of Hennery Gardner and Susana his wife was baptyzed the 2 2 day of June 1678. Katherine the daughter of John L o x t o n and Marie his wife was baptized the 8 day of June 1679. Samuell y sonn of John Steeuens and Hannah his wife was baptized y 2 2 day of January 1679. Rogerus David Alius Johannis David natus erat x x v i j Martii baptizat A p r 7 1681. Mary Hutchins daughter of N a t h Hutchins and Dorcas his wife was baptized Aprill y 9 1682. Eliz L o x o n the daughter of John and Shasanah L o x o n was born the 2 9 of S e p t e m b i n the year 1698. Alice Digence the daughter of Daniell Digence and Bridgett his wife was borne the 3 1 day of October. Eliz K i n g daughter of W K i n g and Dorcas his wife was baptized July the second 1686. A n t h o n y the son of John David and Eliz his wife was born Aprill y 1 4 baptized M a y y 6* 1688. JohnChaplesonof JohnChaplewasborne December y 1 0 1688. Andrew Glutsom the son of A n d r e w Glutsom was borne Nouember the 2 1 1689. Simon ye second son of Simon Cade and EHz his wife was born July y e 2 4 baptized A u g u s t y 15A 1690. —Chaple son of John Chaple was born December the 2 0 bap tized January the 1 7 1691. —David the daughter of John and E l i z David was borne Aprill the 1 3 1692. e t h t o t o e th 1676 t h 1677 d th 0 e 1678 t h th t h th th e e t h t 0 0 e th 1683 t h r t h m e t h e h e t h s t th e th t h t h 37 Edward the first son of John Blagden Gent and A n n e his wife was born on Saturday the 5 day of Ffebruary between the houres of three and four in the morning and baptized the 1 8 day of the same moneth A n n o 1686. t h th A n n e the eldest daughter of John Blagden Gent and A n n e his wife was borne on Wednesday the 5 day of September between the houres of three and four in the morning and baptized the 1 3 day of the same moneth A n n o 1688. t h t h Benedict the third son of John Blagden Gent and A n n e his wife was born on the 3 0 day of November a little aften ten in the evening and was baptized the 1 0 day of December following A n n o 1692. th t h Martha the daughter of John Blagden Gent and A n n e his wife was born on the 9 day of A u g u s t between the houres of eleven and twelve at night and was baptized on the 1 5 day of Septem ber following A n n o 1694. t h t h Margaret Blagden daughter of John Blagden Gent and A n n e his wife was baptized the 1 4 day of Aprill 1697. t h (No. 3 of the small pages in the original document.) 3« Thomas the son of Robt Pring and Sarah his wife was born • Aprill y 1 2 1694. Anthony son of Philip Hooper was baptized March 22 1694. A m e s the son of Andrew Glutsom was baptized March the 2 5 1695. Mary the daughter of John Shepheard was baptized March the 2 5 1695. T h o Bacon the son of T h o Bacon was born the 1 4 day of August 1695. John the son of Robt Pring and Sarah his wife was born the 16 day of May and was baptized the 2 8 of M a y 1695. Margaret the daughter of Robt Trout and Margaret his wife was borne the 2 9 N o v e m b 1695. Peter the son of Philip Warren and A n n e his wife was born Deeemb " v i i 1695. Philip the son of Philip Warren was baptized March the 6 1697. William the son of John Chaple was baptized £>ecemb the 1 4 1698. * Mary the daughter of Jeffry Bartlet was born M a y the 1 5 1699. Septemb 1 7 * Sam son of S a m Reed and Martha his wife was born A n n o 1699. Anne Warren daughter of Philip Warren and A n n e his wife was born Aprill the 4 1700. [1700. Mary daughter of E d w Ritherton was baptized the 1 0 June Eliz daughter of S a m Reed and Martha his wife was borne the 7 day of June 1701. Jn° Chaple son of Jn° and Mary his wife was baptised y 26 of Octob i7oi. [301700. Hannah daughter of T h o m a s Hinton baptized January the Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Hinton baptized Kfebruary the 3 1701. Eliz daughter of John Broadmead was baptized N o v e m b the 5 1702. Alice daughter of T h o m a s Hinton born January the 2 9 1702. Hannah daughter of Samuel Reed was born March the 2 4 1702. Jane Commons daughter of Roger Commons and Jane his wife was borne June the second 1704. [first 1704. Martha daughter of John Broadmead was born N o v e m b the John.son of John Bryant was born N o v e m b t h e sixth 1705. Isaac son of John Gardner and Joane his wife was born the fourth day of November 1707. Johanes filius Edwardi Ryarton and Maria — A u g i ° 1708. Jane L o x o n the daughter of John L o x o n and Sushanah his wife was born January the 2 5 1709. e t h th th th th th 5 r th t h T th t h r t h d th t h e r rd r th th th r r th (No. » of the small pages in the original document,) ?o<S V) r t h r D e c e m b the 1 3 Joseph the son of D John Hall and Elianoi* his wife was borne and baptized the twenty third day of the same* month one thousand s i x hundred and ninety six. 1696. r Benjamin Hall son of D John Hall and Elinor his wife was" baptized the i ? * d a y of O e t o b 1699. h r r r Samuel Hall son of D John Hall and Elino his wife was baptized the 2 I day of O c t o b 170T. ST r Samuel son of Lawrence Gray was baptized March the 6 th i6gg, th Philip son of Philip Warren was born September the 2 9 1702. Mary daughter of Lawrence Gray was born August the i a t 1703* t h Elizabeth daughter of Richard Knight was born the 1 3 day of Novembr 1703. Edith daughter of T h o Hinton and Eliz his wife was born Ffebruary the 3 1703. d William the son of John Pye and Ruth his wife was baptized the 4 of O c t o b 1707. 4 8 d Susanna D of Phillip and Susan Hooper bapt y 2 of Feb 1707. t h Joan D of John and Eliz Broadmead bapt Sept 1 7 1708. (No. 4 of the. small pages in the original document.) 40 1708 Maria filia Jasper Hesters et Hannse uxoris F e b i ° Susanna filia Caroli Ellis and Amise uxoris F e b i ° . A n n e filia Josephi Bray and Jane uxoris M a y 1 9 t h 1708. December 2 5 ^ 1713. Caleb Easton of Bradford was married to Elizabeth daughter of Willa Durston of this parish. (No, 2 of the small pages in the original document.) 4i CttiSnittgiBi. e Jn° Mills y son of Jn° Mills and Elz hise wife was baptised the 2 day of Octob* 1709. John son of John Broudmead and Eliz his wife was baptised March the 1 8 1710. Margaret D of Henry and Margaret Callow Bap 3 Dec 1710, Elizabeth D of John and Ruth Pye Bap 4 * of FfebT 1 7 ^ . 1711 Thomas son of William Helliar and Eliz Bap M a y 6 1711. Sarah daughter of Jn° and Joan Marker bap* June 2 6 1711. Sarah D of Robert and Alice Procter bap* July I 1711. Joseph son of Jn° Sarah Tackle bap* A u g 5 1 7 1 1 . Eliz D of Phillip Hooper and Susanah bap Sep 1 8 1711. ^ i f I Joan D of Hen and Mary Cattler baptized then. • ' Mary D of Charles and Eliz Bennett bapt Ffeb«* 26* 1711. Ffrancis son of Will and Joan Procter Bap March 2 1711. Will S Phil and Anne Warren Ffeb 3. John S of John and Eliz Bale March 2 4 1 7 ^ . Rebeckah daughter of Jn° and Eliz Broudmead baptized Decemb 7 1712, John son of Jn° and Ruth Pye baptized Ffeb i ° 1712. Willi son of E d w and Mary Ritherton baptized Ditto. Elizabeth da of Hen M a r g " Callowe baptized Ditto. James son of Geo and Eliz Poole baptized FfebT 2 Mary D of Joseph and Tryall Hallett bap March 24 1713. Geo son of Geo and Mary Churchhill bapt Aprill 5 1713. Alexander son of Alexander and Anne Poole bapt Aprill 12 1713. d th d th ST s t t h 1 as th h 1 d th r t h d d Rachell D of Humphry and Margarett Bond bapt May 10 1713. Thomas son of Thomas and Elizabeth Maull bapt A u g 9 1713. Mary D of William and Mary Kingsberry bapt Nov 29* 1713. t h (No. 6 of the small pages in the original document.) Margaret Blagden daughter of j ohn Blagden Gent and Anne th his wife was buried Aprill 2 6 1697, Baptized A n n o 1714. t h Will base son of Mary Hughes A p 1 8 1714. Eliz daughter of Will and Joan Procter April 25 1714. John son of John and Joan Marker M a y 4 t h 1714. th Geo sonn of Joseph Bray was born the 1 4 d a y of June 1713. t h A n n daughter of Joseph B r a y was born 1 9 day of M a y 1708. r Mary d a u g of W m William sonn of W t h Prockter was born 1 5 A u g u s t 1696. m th Prockter was born 8 March 1698. Josiah sonn of the afore** W e d m t h Prockter was born 1 3 8*** 1699. Cath daughter of y afores W m Prockter was born 7 January 1 jog. (No. 8 of the small pages in the original document,) 43 i $59 Johes T h o m e et Johana Say man Mariti fuerunt vicesimo octavo die menss Augustij A n n o Dni 1559. Christopherus Hooper et Maria Rumbelowe mariti decimo die menSs Aprilis Anno Dni 1561. fuerunt Richardus Benett et A g n e t a Boobie mariti fuerunt tercio die menss Septembris A n n o fpdicto. Johes Gybbons et Johana Barlett mariti fuerunt clecimo octavo die Januarij A n n o p-dicto. RoMus Dinham et Johana Crosse mariti fuerunt decimo quinto die Octobris A n n o Dni 1562. Guliehelmus Myllard et Agneta Jones.nuptizati fuerunt decimo quinto die Maij A n n o Dni 1563. Thomas Hamwoode et Johana Herle mariti fuerunt quarto die menss Novembris Anno p-dicto. RoMus Meade et Alicia Wilkins mariti fuerunt vicesimo quarto die Januarij Anno p-dicto. H u g o Wilsher et Margareta Boobie nuptizati fuerunt vicesimo primo die Januarij A n n o Dni T 567. Christiana Durstone marita fuit A n n o Dni 1567. Jocobus Woodlande et Christiana Withe mariti fuerunt tri cesimo die Julij A n n o Dni 1568. Gabrielus Sawier et Ellnora Hopper alls W e b b mariti fuerunt quinto die Octobris A n n o p-dicto. Gualterus Berry et Melior More nuptizati fuerunt vicesimo octavo die menss Aprilis A n n o Dni 1568. T h o m a s Salter et A v i s . u x o r eius mariti fuerunt quinto die Februarij A n n o p-dicto. Robtus G y b b o n s et Alicia Knowles mariti fuerunt quarto die Maij A n n o Dni 1570. decimo Richardus Baker et Christiana England mariti fuerunt sexto die Novembris A n n o p'-dicto. Phillippus Seeton et Thomasina Berry mariti fuerunt sexto die Novembris A n n o j>dicto. James Jones, Curat. Robt Ball. Christopher Smith. 44 Henricus Aplin et Johana Beckam nuptizati fuerunt decimo quarto die Maij A n n o Dni 1571, Larencius Crettchett et Johana — • ultimo die Maij Anno Dni 1 5 7 1 . mariti fuerunt Ffrauncs Wills et Johana Crimpe mariti fuerunt decimo die mens! Julij A n n o j>dicto. Willius Shute et Margareta Towills mariti fuerunt octavo die menss Maij Anno Dni 1572. Necholaus Hinde et Agneta Durstone filia Christopher Dur stone mariti fuerunt decimo quarto die Julij A ° fMlicto. Larencius Wheler de Tanton et Margareta Bowne mariti fuerunt vicesimo secundo die Septembris A fPdicto. 0 Larencius Lyndon et Christiana Gybbons (ilia Thome Gybbons mariti fuerunt ultimo die Marcij A ° Dni 1 $73, Necholaus V e y s y et Maria Hopper vid mariti fuerunt decimo die menss Augustii A n n o Dni 1573. Necholaus Mills et Elizabetha Gybbons mariti fuerunt sexto die menss Novembris A n n o D m 1574. Gulihelmus Gybbons et Joane Deane vid mariti vndecimo die menss Novembris A n n o p-dicto. fuerunt Georgius Hopp et Christiana Ffevyn mariti fuerunt vicesimo die menss Novembris A n n o pV-dicto, Willius Runbylowe et Alicia Ffevin mariti fuerunt decimo die menss Januarij A n n o p^-dicto, Thomas Gale de Trull et Elizabetha Hamwood filia Johnis Hamwood de Wilton mariti fuerunt secufcdo die menss Junij Anno Dni 1575. Regenoldus Ffevyn et Emmout V y c a r s mariti fuerunt vicesimo quinto die menSs Augustij A n n o p?-dicto, Ffrauncs Wills et Mgeria Ffevin mariti fuerunt decimo octavo die menss Julij A n n o Dni 1576. Willius Creede et Maria Tanner mariti fuerunt menss Novembris A n n o p*-dicto. James Jones, Curat. Robt Ball. Christopher Smith. quarto die 45 Gulihellmus Hill et A g n e t a Gale mariti fuerunt decimo quarto die menss Julij A n n o Dni 1577. Thomas Durstone et Johana Mathewe mariti fuerunt vicesimo quinto die Januarij A n n o pr-dicto, Johes Hill et Christiana Crime mariti fuerunt decimo sexto die menss Octobris A n n o Dni 1578. Robtus Morrice et Edith Horman mariti fuerunt vicesimo nono die menss Novembris A n n o Dm 1579. Robtus Parker et Thomasina Hunt de Trull nuptizati fuerunt decimo septimo die Januarij Anno Dni 1580. v ' Robtus Jordaine et Johana Budd nuptizati fuerunt vicesimo sexto die menss Octobris A n n o Dm I$8I. Johes England_et Christiana _Hooper mariti fuerunt decimo secundo die menss Julij A n n o Dni 1582. Larencius Hobbes et A g n e t a Bowringe nuptizati vicesimo die menss Octobris Anno pdicto, fuerunt Johes Hollwaye et Christiana Walford nuptizati vicesimo securido die Septembris Anno p-dicto, fuerunt Elizabetha Smith fiiia JoHnis Smith mariti fuit sexto die mensis Septembris Anno Dni 1584 Alicia Gybbons filia JoHnis Gybbons nuptizati fuit decimo tercio die Septembris A n n o Dm 1584. Christopherus Mills et Elizabetha_ Ruddie nuptizati vicesimo quarto die Octobris Anno p-dicto, fuerunt Necholaus Phillipps et Agneta_ Hill mariti fuerunt octavo die meriss Januarij A n n o p-dicto. decimo Johes Touse et Alicia spua Christiana Whores mariti fuerunt vicesimo tercio die menFs Aprilis Anno Dm 1585. Johes Wills alis Slowe et Maria Venycombe de mariti fuerunt tricesimo die Maij Anno $>dicto. Petmester Thomas Trigge et Made Togood mariti fuerunt septimo die menss Octobris A n n o Dni 1588. vicesimo Egidius Norris et A g n e t a mariti fuerunt vicesimo tercio die menss Januarij A n n o j>dicto. James Jones, Curat. Robt Ball. Christopher Smith. 46 Jacobus J o n e s et J o h a n a W a t e s nuptizati fuerunt ultimo die menss Julij A n n o Dni 1587. Necholaus Boobie et Peterneli Gybbons mariti fuerunt octavo die menss Octobris A n n o p-dicto. J o h e s Chambers et Alicia Blancheler nuptizati fueruftt primo die Marcij A n n o p~-dicto. Walterus Geebbons et A g n e t a B a k e r filia Thorne Baker de Colliscombe mariti fuerunt vicesimo primo die menss Aprilis A n n o Dni 1589. T h o m a s Hollwaie et J o h a n a Bowne nuptizati fuerunt vicesimo secundo die menss Julij A n n o pniicto. J o h e s T o u s e et A g n e t a B r i c e nuptizati fuerunt decimo quarto die menss Julij A n n o D n i 1590. Christopherus Smith e t M g e r i a Hoopper mariti fuerunt vicesimo octavo die menss Julij A n n o p~-dicto. Robtus B a l i et Elizabethe Hoopper nuptizati fuerunt vicesimo o c t a v o d l e m e n S Septembris A n n o jPdicto. Johes T r o o t t et Phillippia Hynaford nuptizati fuerunt decimo die menss Decembris A n n o D h l 1592. Johes W i n t e r et J o h a n a D e a n e nuptizati fuerunt Augustij A n n o D m 1592. vi duo tercio die Gulihelmus K n i g h t e t Maria Tillar alis Rogers mariti fuerunt die menss Novembris A n n o p"-dicto. t0 Richardus Samsone e t Thomisina Harris nuptizati tricesimo die menss Aprilis A n n o Dhl 1593. fuerunt Valintinus Collins et Katherina Coll mariti fuerunt decimo tercio Maij A n n o p^dicto. Robtus L o n g e et J o h a n a B a k e r nuptizati tercio die Maij A n n o Dru 1593. fuerunt Adamus T u c k e r et Johana Burgis nuptizati die Maij A n n o p-dicto. fuerunt James Jones, Curat. R o b t Ball. vicesimo Christopher Smith. ultimo 47 Jacobus Westcombe et Alicia L e y nuptizati fuerunt primo die menss Augustij Anno p^dicto. Gulihelmus Goole et Margareta Gybbons vid mariti fuerunt primo die mens! Decembris Anno j>dicto, Richardus Whitt et Christiana Bale nuptizati fuerunt die meriss Aprilis Anno Dni 1594. primo Christopherus Blackaller et Anna Hill filia Georgii Hill geiiso nuptizati fuerunt vicesimo octavo die menss Octobris Anno pRlicto, Richardus Nowell et Maria Densheine vid mariti vicesimo octavo die Decembris Anno j>dicto. fuerunt JoHTiis Bownej2t Dorithia Whitt mariti fuerunt tercio die menss Aprilis A n n o Dni 1595. Christopherus Walford et J o h a n a Durstone nuptizati vicesimo tercio die menss Junij Anno p d i c t o . Laurence Birdd et Gonnett Tirry mariti fuerunt Augustij A n n o p^dicto. nono die Willius Quick de Hillfarrence et Johana Smith de nuptizati erant vicesimo nono die Octobris Anno pPdicto. Robtus Durstone et Agneta Geebons vid nuptizati vkesimo primo die Januarij Anno j>dicto. fuerunt ead"e fuerunt Willius H a y n e et Maria Wood mariti fuerunt decimo quarto • die Augustij A n n o j>dicto. Andrews Edmonde et Elizabetha Garrat alls Osmont mariti fuerunt decimo quarto die menss Augustij Anno Dm 1596. Thomas E m r y et Phillippia Henhery nuptizati fuerunt octavo die Octobris A n n o p^dicto. Jones Mills et Garter T u c k e r nuptizati fuerunt decimo tertio die Januarij A n n o p^dicto. Willius Y o r c k e et Agneta Ffranckline mariti fuerunt vicesimo primo die Januarij A n n o p d i c t o . J a m e s Jones, Curat R o b t Ball. Christopher Smith. 4.8 Christopherus Carde et Maria Meade nuptizati fuerunt vicesirfto septimo die Januarij Anno p"-dicto. Johes Tourle et Justina Cleake mariti fuerunt v i die Aprilis Anno Dni 1597. Thomas Crooke et J o h a n a Bandon nuptizati fuerunt vicesimo septimo die Aprilis Anno p^dicto, Jacobus Jones et Johana Kinge mariti fuerunt vicesimo secundo die menss Decembris Anno "p-dicto, Robertus Durstone et Nan Magior nupti fuerunt decimo nono die menss Marcij Anno Dhl l$$8. Johes Westorne et Tamsine Durston mariti fuerunt decimo sexto die mensis Julye Anno Dom 1599. Gulihellimus Morcom et Margeria C r i m p e j i u p t i fuerunt vicesimo septimo die mensis Novembris Anno Dom 1600. Thomas Geebons et Elizabetha Crocker nupti fuerunt vicesimo die menssis Aprilis Anno Dom 1601, Johanes Coourtney et Elinor Norington nupti fuerunt sexto die mensis Augustij And p M i c t o , Stmonus Sanders et Margareta Clatworthy nupti fuerunt decimo die mensis Octobris Ano j>dieto. 1602 Thomas Stone et Dorita Toose nupti fuerunt. 1602 Phellippus Warrenn et Gillianna Ffarrent nupti fuerunt vicesimo secundo die mensis AprilHs Ano Dom 1602. t0 160$ 1604 [605 160$ ,606 Johanes Powell et Luckrecia Fflleey nuptt fuerunt decimo secso die mensis Octoberis A n o p"-dicto. Johannes Kinge et J o a n n a Veghan nupti fuerunt primq die mensis M a y e Ano D o m 1603, Christoforus Durston et Ffraunsiscus Parker nupti fuerunt primo die Novemberis Ano Dom 1604. Thomas Carvaniell et Elizabeth Sowthed nuptii fuerunt vicesimo quinto die mensis Januarij A n o Dom p-dicto. Henricus Band et Allisa Torrye nuptij fuerunt octavo die mensis Aprillis A h o Dom 1605. Robertus Sheroode et Brigded Sanford nuptii fuerunt decimo secto die mensis Augustij A n o perdicto. Georgius Benett et JVgneta T o o s e nuptli fuerunt decimo secto die mensis Januarij A n o p-dicto. Rogerus Dawley et_ Margeria Dawe nuptii erat septimo die mensis J u n e Ano Dom 1606. 49 . 1607 Gabrilus Westover et Lusii Reson nuptii erat secundo mensis Junij Ano Dom 1605. die T h e xiii daye of November was maried John Milard Marye Hill. and The 20 Leonarde. th daye of J u l y was maried Charles Withers and J o n e T h e first of September wear maried Christopher Banner and J a n e Gudridge 1607. Robert Parsons Curate. Thomas Searne and J o n e Collins was married the 2 8 of Januarye A Domi 1607. th daye 0 Raulf Southwod and Grace Durstone wer maried the x i x October 1608. r M Rogeres miniester and x x x of Marche 1609. t h of Ffrances Wiles wer maried the Robarte Psons ministere and Elinore Bulte wer maried day of May 1609. the l h ix t h t h T h e x x x daye of November Thomas Puttome and Syseley Cates wer maried. 1610 Thome Hill et Marie Durston nuptizati furiunt vicesimo sixto die Julij An° predecto. Guilihellimus Owde et Dorothea Wattes nuptizati furiunt desemo die Nouembris A n ° p ditto. r Richard Tozer et Octobris A n ° prditto. 16 n Maria Cox nuptizati furiunt octo die Robarte Strete and Johane Buit wer mared the 4 Janary 1 6 1 1 . Rogere Gould February. and Mary Bud were maried the therd of Will iame Carswell and Thamsene Natione vidue wer married the 1 of Marche. 5o This Anno Dn 1612. jeffery Shurne and J o h a n e W h i t e wer maried the x x v i i j th of name Marche. u £ f* Robert Cole and J a n e Durstone were married the thirteenth the day of A u g u s t next . T h o m a s Ffoxwell and J o a n e K i n g e were married the x x v i j o f y August. "ojn Anno Domini 1 6 1 3 . "* William Procter and J a n e Hine were married the six and twentith day of Aprill. John Western and Agnes Ffoxwell were married the seaven and twentith da)' o f Nouember. Anno Domini 1614. Henry H a y n e and Elizabeth Gibbens were married the tenth dav of May. T h o m a s S t o n e and Grace S t r e e t were married the ffourth day of Julie. A n n o Domini 1 6 1 5 . John Brice and Lucris Powell widdow were married the ffive and twentith day of Januarie. Anno Domini 1618. Richard Gunne and J o a n e Durston were married the twentith day of April!. John S m i t h and Alice Durston were married the day last abouesaid. Thomas Durston and Elianor Cole were married the twentith day of June. R o b e r t Godwin and Agnes Ball were married the seauenteenth day of August. John Cridland and J o i c e Pitcher were married the eighth day of October. William T h o m a s and Winefred Ball were married the nine and twentith day of December. William Shoobrooke and Margerett T a y l o r were married the sixteenth day of January. Anno Domini 1619. T h o m a s Wadham and Elizabeth Pecke were married the thirteenth day o f Julie. Daniell Pomerye Wilmoth Burges were married the seaventh day of October. Robert Raynoldes and Prudence Hill were married the first day of Ffebruarye. 1620 Richard T o s e r and Edith S t o n e were married the Ffifteenth day of J u n e . l b e r e 10 c Si 1620 Christopher Morris and Ellen Lane were married the sixteenth day o f October. 1621 Ezechiell Courtney and Agnes Marten were married the frhie and twentith day of August. John Brice and J o a n e Milles were married the ffirst day o f December. r622 William Moore and Marie Pointington were married the second day of May. John Simons and R e b e c c a Smith were married the fTourth day of Julie. Robert L a n e and Ffrauncis Gullie were married the sixteenth day o f Julie. George Cross and Aunstice Pointington were married the •sixteenth day o f January. Henrie Starre gent and Lucie Godsall were married the ffiue and twentith day o f Ffebruarie. 1623 Will iam Stradling and Grace Baker were married the ffifteenth day of June. Henrie Bond and Margarett Daniell were married the thirdth day o f October. 1624 William Parsons and Aunstice Durston were married the nine and twentith day o f Aprill. Robert Raylie and Elizabeth Mudge were married the nyne and twentith o f Aprill. John L a n e and J o a n e Clarke were married the nynetcenth day o f June. Robert Evans and J o a n e Walford were married the twentith day o f June. Robert Tucker als Addams and Anne Bristow were marri*d the sixteenth day o f August. Roger Prowse gent and Grace Pope widdow were married the twentith day of September. Thomas Burges and J a n e Boone were married the ffour and twentith day o f March. i625 John Bartlett and Rachell K i n g were married the six and twentith day of June. 8 th Humphrey Kinge and Thomasin Furden were married of November. George Seely and Agnes Norman his wife was marr 1 0 of November. the d the th Thomas Durston and Elizabeth Burges were married the thirty day of September. th John Gibbons and J a n e Durston were married the 3 0 day of November. th Roger Mastes and Elnor R o e waer maried the 3 0 o f J a n . Christian Durston daughter o f R o b babtised the r 2 o f August. n r Durston the young was th Robert Warren and Temprance Deanne were marryed 1 I of Ffebruaery 1627. the TH Geffrey R o e and Gyllion Drygs were marryed the 2 5 1628. th Aprill r Gorg Atherly and Alice Sathell wa maried the fieft of Novem. 1628. William Sathell and Jaen Peden wa Novem 1628. r maried the 19 t h of John Bowdon minister of Wilton A n o Domino 1629. r t h Henry Gall and Alice Bond wa maried the 1 3 Apprill 1629. William Gibbens and Marie Mogridg weare married the first day o f June in the yeare o f our Lord God Anno Dom 1630. William Durston and Anne Durston weare married the tenth day o f June in the yeare of our Lord God Anno Domn 1630. John Sanders and Richarda Crudge were married the 6 day of October Anno Dom 1631. Thomas Bennat and Susanna Nors weare maried the fourth day of Februarie in the yeare of our Lord 1631. 53 1632 Thomas Gibbs and Agnes Hemborrow third day of May in the yeare o f r Henrie Wiat and Elenor Durston weare maried the on and twenth day o f May. ^33 weare married the John Dauis and Susanna Gennes weare maried the on and twentieth day of Aparell 1634. Thomas Hart and Anstic Meller weare maried the first day of November in the year *636 John W a y e and Mary Moure was married the tenth day of September in the year th William Heilierand Jhoan Burges was married the 1 2 day of December in the yeare of our Lord. Georg Bulford and Tamsan Durston weare maried the s i x t e n t h ' day of January in the yeare of our Lord. ^37 Aster Rowlocke and Ann Parker weare maried the second day of J u l y in the yeare our Lord Anno Dmi. Will iam L y e and Eleabeth Shyldon was maryd the eight day of August in the yeare of Lord Anno Dofn. Richard Nowell and Tamisan Yeard ware maryed the second day o f December in the yeare our Lord God Anno Domi 1637. t h WiHiam Marshall and Elianar Sortie weare maryed the 1 7 day of January in the yeare of our Lord God 1637. d Richard Pitcher and Ann Loueringe wer married the 2 of Ffeb in the yeer of our Lord 1637. 1638 Huphrie K i n g and Ann Knight wer married the 2 6 of March. th Robart Parsons and Mary Hill weare maried the eight and twentieth day of J a n in the yeare of our Lord 1638. Henrie Larrisse and An Bennett wer September in the yeare of our Lord 1638. maried the 16 o f Dauid Harris and Margaret Bartlett wer maried the first day of Nouember in the year 1638. Steuen Morch and Fflorence Morrise wer married the 23 o f Nouember 1638. John the son of Henric Moore of Trull and Grace Warren wer married the 14 of January 1638. 54 1638 Robert W a l k e r and J o a n e Palmer wer married the 27 of Feb. 1638. t k Hewe Limbary and Mary Bartlet waer maried.the 6 d a y off Marth 1638. 1639 Henrie Edwards and Elizabeth T h a n i n e wer maried the ii day July. George Smith and Marie Tayller ware maried the 4 daye of Aguste. 1639 Richard Gardner the sonn of George and Marie Miller the daughter o f John Miller wer married the first day o f September 1639. th Richard Crost and Damoris Worncell wer married the 2 2 of September 1639. T o o k e Northie and Elizabeth Hunt wer married the 14 o f Ffeb. 1640 John Isgar and J o a n e Euens wer married the 2 0 the 1640 Y . th Aprill ift Willia Hellier the son o f Willia Hellier and Ann Peirce the daughter o f Mary Peirce wer married the fourth of J u n e 1640. Willia Lorkin and J d i t h Collerd wer married the 24 of August 1640. J o h n Garnisse and J o a n e L o c k e t t was married the 27 August 1640 Y . Jefferie R o w and Nouember. J o a n e Hoper wer married the first of Richard Briar the sonn o f Richard and Margaret Harford wer married the seuenth of Nouember. John Ffarden and J a n e Cure wer married the 21 of Nouember 1640. 55 Ffrancis H e m e and J o a n e Cockes were married the 21 o f Nouember 1640. Georg W i e t and E m Gill wer maried the 4 o f December 1640 Joseph Binden and Marie Thorne wer married the 30 December 1640. Nathaniell Harford and of Januarie. Marie L a k e wer married the eyt Thomas Clogg and Ffrancis Streete wer maried the 17 of Ffebruarie 1640. Ada Dinim and Julian Wills wer married the 15 of Feb. 1640. Thomas Heetry and Alis Warren wer married the 12 of Feb. 1640. Willia Barber and Marye Gregorie wer married the feb. 1640. 12 of Thouicis Stampeer and J o a n Cornish wer married the 19 o f Feb. (640. Thomas Ffrench and Helen Cuff wer married the 20 o f February. Christopher C o c x and Lateren Thorne wer married of Feb. the 23 Richard Grigg and Grace Hayse wer married the 27 of Feb. Richard Brinsmead and Tanson Burridge wer married 2 of March 1640. the d Israeli Macie and J o a n e L o c k e t wer married the 8 o f March. Humfrie Gaylard and Marie Procter wer married the 12 o f March 1640. d Thomas Strong and Elizabeth Weakier wer maried 2 of Aprill. 5 6 J o h n Stic.klen and Marie Burton wer maried 24 o f Aprill. R o b e r t Stone and J o a n e Cokera wer maried 20 of May. Humfrie Wilmont ancT Elizabeth Blanchflower wer married the 23 M a y 1641. Henery B a g g and J o n e S t o n e ware married the 27 daye ot J u l y 1641. John Chilcot and Alice Cole ware marred the 9 daye of Agust 1641. William Resson and Ann Durston was married the 15 of November 1641. Simon Carde and Mary Durston was married the 12 o f Janrary. Anno Dom 1643. T h o m a s S t o n e and Marie Searne wido weare married the eight day of October 1643. Anno Dom 1644. 654 John Euans and Hanah K e e n e were marryed the 18 day of July. 655 Hugh Limbry and Mary Calysont were maryed the 31 day of May. Robeart Smith the sonne of J o h n Smith and Dorothy Collington weare maryed the 4 day o f June. A m o s Blinman and Dorothy Durston weare married the 13 day of November 1655. [656 Henery V i c k a r y and Judeth Rogers were married the 27 of May. T h o m a s Shephard and Mary Slocombe widdow were married the 12 day o f August. 57 i6$6~ J e r o m y Credimham and Mary Winter were married the 5 day of November. Richard Dolling and Elner Shurwood were married the 9 day of December. 1657 Philip V i c k a r y and Grace Mastes were married the 13 day of July 1657. Alexander Prier and Christian 28 day of January. 1661 1662 Durston were married the John Maior and Thamosin Knight ware maried the 3 of Desember. r d day Richard Edwards and J o a n Morcomb ware maried the 2 8 of January. th day Odes Wilthmott and Faith Maior ware maried the 6 of May. Nov. 17 Lawrence Byss and Elizabeth Harthrow w 1663 r John Musgrove & Mary Deacon both of Kingston w w r t h day married. r d mar . 2 June Henry Davis of Enmoore and Mary Speer of Wilton married. 24 August T h o m a s Hutchins and Francis Wynter w r married. 5 Ffebruary R o b t Bartlett & Joane Speere married. th Thomas Herd and An Thorne were maried the 2 8 o f August 1662. Decern be married. 26 th 1662 Robert Troute & A n e Seally ware Ffebruary the 14 1666 Symon Fluder & Darrity ware married. l 6 6 7 Carpender Robert Prowes and Mary Cade dafter of Mary Cade widow ware maride the 4 day o f J une. • Samuell Lewes & Ellianor Allen daughter of A m e s Blinman of Will ton weare married th« 4 day of October 1677. t h _ Johannes Davie & Elizabetha Priest nuptii fuerant primodie Maij Anno 1673. 1 R o b R o e Gent. & Eliz. Blinman wid. were married Novembr ye 21st i 6 9 5 > 58 1694 July the I2 J o h n Webbe & Ruth Cooke were married. L H August the 2 3 rd John Gregory & Margaret Stone were married. 170$ Septembris 2 9 Thomas 0 Collins de Stoke S* Gregory & J a n a Hill de Milverton. 1706 Maij i l ° Gutlelmus T r u m p de Staple-fitz-pain & Eleanora Franklin de Bicknell. 1708 T h o m a s Deway & Maria Gold de Taunton Stae Magdalene. 1709 is 0 Novem b 7 Gulielmus S a v a g e de Taunton Stae Magdalen® & Debora Greenham de Wilton. 1710 John Wright o f Staplefitzpain & J o a n Trump of Curland married April 1 4 t h 1710. 1711 th Henry Atkings of Cullumpton & Ann Street maried June 1 8 . Eodemdie. Willi B a i l y & Sarah Durston. Nov. 1 6 * R o b t S e a l y o f Pittmistor & Ffrances Bridle of T a u n t o n S* M a r y Magdelen. Benjamin Pope o f Hillbishopps & Hannah Smith of Taunton r th S* M a r y Magdelen were marryed O c t o b 9 . T h o . Jefferys & Sarah Chester both o f Taunton t h Magdelen were maryed Octob* 1 6 . S» Mary 59 iBuriall. 1558 Gulihelmus Crymp sepultus erat decimo esptimo die menss Novembris Anno D m 1558, T h o m a s Crimpe sepultus erat vicesimo primo die menss Novembris Anno p-dicto. Margareta Gybbons sepulta fuit septimo die menss Decembris . Anno p-dicto. Willius L o n g e sepultus fuit sexto die Januarij Anno p-dicto, J o h e s Beale sepultus erat vicesimo quarto die Ffebruarij Anno p-dicto. Rabidge Durstone sepulta fuit vndecimo D m 1559. die Maij Anno _ Henricus Ffisher sepultus fuit vicesimo die Novembris Anno p-dicto. Willius Crimpe sepultus fuit tricesimo die menss Decembris A n n o p-dicto Johana Pester sepultus fait secundo die Ffebruarij A° p-dicto. Johana Durstone sepulta fuit tercio die Ffebruarij Anno"j>dicto. Henricus Kevell sepulta fuit vltimo die menss Maij Anno Dni1560. Thomas Smith sepultus erat vicesimo quarto die menss Junij Anno p-dicto. Deius Hooper sepultus fuit secundo die Julii Anno "p-dicto. Christopherus A ° pndicto. Durstone sepultus furt decimo die Augustij Christiana Gybbons sepulta fuit vicesimo secundo die Januarij Anno Dni 1561. Ro"Btus Bowne sepultus fuit primo die Ffebruarij Anno p-dicto. Agneta Hamwood sepulta fuit octavo die Ffebruarij A ° p-dicto. Johes Slape sepultus fuit decimo sexto die Aprilis Anno p-dicto. Agneta Hamwood sepulta fuit tercio die Maij Anno p-dicto. Margareta Hamwood sepulta fuit octavo die Julij Anno p-dicto. Margareta Slape sepulta fuit decimo die Decembris Anno Dni 1562. J a m e s Jones, Curat. R o b t Ball. Christopher Smith. 6b Thomas Slape sepultus fuit vicesimo tercio die A n n o Dni 1562. Allixander Ffisher sepultus fuit octavo die Julij A Decembris 0 p"-dicto. Johes Slape sepultus fuit vicesimo tercio die menss Decembris A n n o Dhi 1563. Henricus Herle sepultus Decembris Anno p^dicto. fuit vicesimo sexto die menss H u g o spvus Henricus Gibbons sepultus fuit sexto die menss Novembris A n n o p-dicto. Willius Hooper filius Xpoferi Hopper sepultus fuit octavo die Junij A n n o Dni 1566. Henricus Wills sepultus fuit decimo die Ffebruarij A n n o DrU 156;. Willius H a y n e sepultus fuit decimo tercio die Marcij A ° p"-dicto, Georgius Gybbons filius Henrici Gybbons sepultus fuit quinto die Julij Anno p^dicto. Christiana Durstone sepultus Decembris A n n o Dni 1568. fuit decimo octavo die menss Susana Smith filia Johnis Smith sepulta fuit vicesimo septimo die Octobris A n n o Dni 1570. Johes Smith filius Johnis Smith sepultus fuit vicesimo octavo die Augustij A n n o p-dicto. Dnus Henricus Hare curt de Wilton sepultus fuit secundo die Septembris A n n o p-dicto. A g n e t a Creed film Willius Creed sepulta fuit vicesimo secundo die Octobris Anno p-dicto. Rbgerus Gybbons filius Johnis Gybbons sepultus fuit vicesimo die Matcij A u a o p d i c t o . Christiana Gybbons v5c Willi Gybbons sepulta fuit v i j februarij Arino Dni 1572. Margareta Geebbons fillia dicti Willi sepulta septimo die iFfebruarij Anno p^dicto. James Jones, Curat. Rob*.Ball. Christopher Smith. to die fuit decimo 6i Thomas Collins filius Thome Collins sepultus fuit vicesimo octavo die Maij A n n o Dni 1572. RoBtus Gybbons filius Henricus Gybbons sepultus fuit nono die Julij A n n o p^dicto. Tamosina Jsacke spva JoRnis Walford sepulta fuit tricesimo diemenss July A n n o p*" dicto. Elinor Durstone vx Willi Durstone sepulta fuit nono die menss Decembris A n n o p -dicto, r Christiana Walford sepulta fuit vicesimo nono die Septembris A n n o p-dicto. Johana Borowe filia Willius Borowe sepulta fuit primo die menss Decembris AnnofPdicto. Christopherus Hopper sepultus fuit duodecimo die meriss Marcij A n n o p^dicto. A g n e t a Beale sepulta fuit decimo tertio die Julij A n n o Dni 1574. _ Willius Hooper sepultus fuit decimo quinto die Augustij A n n o p-dicto. Gualter Halse sepultus fuit tercio die Septembris Anno p-dicto. Tammosina Procter alis Mathewe filia Willi Procter de Stoke Mary sepulta fuit vicesimo octavo die menss Novembris Anno p-dicto. Christiana Beale v x Henricus Beale sepulta fuit tercio Ffebruarij Anno p^dicto. die Deans Hamwood th v x Johnis Hamwood sepulta fuit decimo nono die menss Januarij A n n o p-dicto. Willius Berry sepultus fuit vicesimo octavo die menss Aprilis Anno dni Johana Creede th v x Willi Creede sepulta fuit vicesimo die Octobris A n n o p^dicto. Johana Wills v x Ffraunci Wills sepulta fuit primo die meriss Novembris A n n o p^dicto. Jacobus Hamwood sepultus fuit vicesimo quinto die menss Marcij A n n o Dni 1577. Johana W e b b sepulta fuit decimo nono die Augustii A ° p^dicto. Maria Smith sepulta fuit vicesimo v i j t0 Augustij A James Jones, Curat. < - Robt Bali. Christopher Smith. 0 p^dicto. 62 Richard England sepultus erat vicesimo die Julij Anno Dhi Vrselowe W y a t sepultus erat d e c i m c q u a r t o die Aprilis Anno Dni 1579. Thomas Gayer sepultus erat x j ° Augustij Anno p"-dicto. _ Necholaus Singer sepultus fuit quarto die menss Marcij Anno p-dicto, Henricus Beale sepultus fuit vicesimo septimo die Marcij Anno Dni 1580. menss Elizabetha Berri vicT sepulta fuit septimo die menss Ffebruarij A n n o p-dicto. Christopherus Horsie sepultus fuit quarto die Maij Anno Dni 1581. Thomas Collins sepultus fuit decimo sexto die menss" S e p tembris Anno p'-dicto. Necholaus Hill sepultus Marcij Anno Dni 1582. fuit vicesimo septimo die menss Agneta Morishe sepulta fuit xxiiij° Junij Anno p"-dicto. Edetha Collins sepulta erat decimo nono die mens!" Aprilis Anno Dni .1584. Johana Towse v x Jofrnis Towse sepulta fuit tercio die ISfovembris Anno p-dicto. Christiana Hill vx" JoTinis Hill sepulta fuit quinto die Novembris A ° p-dicto, 0 Agneta Booby vid sepulta fuit ix° die Marcij A n n j>dicto. Petrus Jyfford sepultus fuit xiiij° die Aprilis 1585. Jacobus Jones Curator, Maria Psons ftlia T h o m e Psons sepulta fuit vndecimo die Januarij Anno Dni 1586. ^ J o h a n a Gybbons vx JoTinis Gybbons sepulta fuit decimo octavo die menss" Januarij Anno jPtiicto. Johnis Gybbons Alius Henrici Gybbons sepultus fuit decimo s e x t o die Aprilis 1587. . J a m e s Jones, Minister. Robett Ball. Christofer Smith. 6.3 Katherina England wid. sepulta fuit xxiiij° A prills Anno p-dicto. Johnis Hamwood sepultu.s fuit secundo Junij Anno |>dicto. Robertus Hollwaie filius Johnis Hollwaie sepultus fuit tricesimo die menss Julij Anno p^dicto. Alicia Towse v32 Johnis Towse sepulta Ffebruarij Anno Dni 1588. fui't decimo die 0 Johana S m o c k sepulta fuit x x v i i j Maij Anno p-dicto. Christopherus Durstone sepultus erat x x x ° Maij Anno pPdicto. Alicia Hawlse vid sepuita erat tricesimo Maij Anno j>dicto. Humfridus Stantone sepultus erat xij° August Anno fT-dicto. Petternell Boobie vx Necholani Boobie sepulta fuit sexto die menss Novembris Anno p^dicto. Necholaus Voysey sepultus erat iiij° Januarij Anno j>dicto. Anna Bult filia Georgit Bult sepulta fuit decimo die Januarij Anno p-dicto. 0 J o h a n a Durstone vid sepulta fuit x i i i j Maij Anno Dni 1589. Willius Durstone sepuitus erat vicesimo Junij Anno pklicto. Fflorencia filia Johnis Hill sepulta fuit quinto Januarij Anno p-dicto. Morganus Durstone sepultus fuit x x j ° die Julij Anno Dni 1590. Thomas Chaplen basterd sepultus fuit primo Julij Anno j>dicto. 0 Necholaus S m y t h sepultifs fuit x x v i i j Julij Anno p^dicto. Anthonius Berry sepultus erat x j ° Octobris Anno p*-dicto.» Robtus Harvie sepultus erat x v ° Octobris Anno p^dicto. Johana B a k e r sepulta erat quarto Marcij Anno p^dicto. 0 •Johnis Satcheil sepultus erat x x i i j die Julij Anno Dni 1592. Maria Ball filia RdBti Ball sepulta erat decimo sexto die Januarij Anno p"-dicto. Eiizabetha Hill v x Georgij Hill sepulta erat vicesimo septimo die menss Ffebruarij Anno pniicto. Johnis Crosse sepultus erat xviij° Marcij Anno j>dicto. J a m e s Jones, Minister. R o b t Ball. Cristofer Smith 64 Johana Birde vx Christopher Bird sepulta erat vicesimo die meriss Julij Anno Dni 1592. J a n a Tucker sepulta erat x x i i j ° Septembris Anno jPdicto. 0 Erne Tucker v x Addirni T u c k e r sepulta fuit x x i i i j Septembris A n n o p-dicto, Johnis Harris sepultus erat quinto Octobris Anno pniicto. Tammosina Walford v x J o h n i s Walford sepulta erat xij° die Octobris Anno p-dicto. Robtus Gybbons sepuitus erat x i i j Octobris Anno pndicto. 0 0 A n n a Cenneck sepulta erat x x v i i j Octobris Anno j>dicto. Johnis Gybbons sepultus erat quinto Novembris Anno p-dicto. Wiliius Smith sepultus erat xvij° Januarij A n n o f£dieto. Henricus Gybbons sepultus erat septimo die menss Maij Anno Dni i | 9 3 . Robtus Bande filius Henrici Bande sepuitus erat vij° Junij Anno p^dicto. Agneta S m y t h v x J o h n i s Smith sepulta erat x x x ° Junij Anno p^dicto. Alicia Harvie vid sepulta erat i x ° Augustij Anno j>dicto. Johnes S m y t h sepultus erat decimo nono die Augustij Anno p^dicto. Willius Creede sepultus erat x x v i j Augustij Anno p^dicto. 0 Tammosina Psons v x T h o m e Psons sepulta erat vltimo die mensis Januarij Anno p*-dicto. Elizabetha Beale vid sepulta e r a t xiij° Marcij Anno jPdicto. Dorithia Slade vid sepulta erat x x i i j ° Marcij Anno p^dicto. AI Ida England filia Johnis England sepulta erat vicesimo tercict die rhenss Aprilis Anno Dni 1594. vGualterus Gyobons sepultus erat primo die mensis Octobris Armo Drii 1595. Alicia Towse filia Johnis t o w s e sepulta erat x j ° Octobris Anno p-dicto. J a n a Dtirstone v x j t d o t i Durstone sepulta erat vicesimo sexto die Octobris Anno p^dicto. J a m e s Jones, Minister. R o b t Ball., Christopher Smith. 6S Johnies Smith filius Johnis Smith sepultus erat septimo die menss Decembris Anno p^dicto. WiHius Gybbons filius Walter! Gybbons sepultus erat octavo die menss Marcij Anno p"-dicto. Johana Gybbons filia Henrici Gybbons sepulta erat decimo tercio die menss Marcij Anno p"-dicto. G.eorgius Hopp sepultus erat xij° Aprilis Anno Dni 1596. Tammosina England vx Henrici England sepulta erat tricesimo primo Aprilis Anno "p-dicto. Willius Collips filius Valingtini Collins sepultus erat quinto die Octobris Anno p*-dicto Alicia Wynter vicT sepulta erat v j Januarij Anno p^dicto. t 0 Johnes Mantle sepultus erat vicesimo secundo die menss Junij Anno DfTi 1597. Necholaus Creed sepultus erat primo die menss Septembris Anno p~dicto. Adamus Tucker sepultus erat quarto Septembris Anno j>dicto. Margareta Pearse sepulta x x i j Septembris Annop^dicto. Willius Stone fillius Johnes Stone sepultus erat vicesimo septimo die menss Septembris Anno p"-dicto. t o Johana Jones v x Jocobi Jones sepulta erat primo die menss Octobris Anno p-dicto. Willius Durstone sepultus erat xij° Octobris Anno "p-dicto. ^ Robtus Jordaine sepultus erat quinto Januarij Anno p-dicto. Thomas T o o s e filius Johnis Toose sepultus septimo Februarij Anno pT-dicto. erat vicesimo Willius Durstone filius Tamosina Durstone vicT sepultus erat vndecimo die Augustij Anno Dni 1598. Agneta Durstone vx Robti Durstone sepulta erat tricesimo die .inenss Augustij Anno p^dicto. Thomas L a n e sepultus erat nono die menss Maij Anno Dni 1599Christoforus Sacheil sepultus erat nono die mensis Julij Anno Dom 1599 F-dicto. • . Maria Creed sepulta erat vndecimo die mensis Augustij A h o Dom ]>dicto. 66 Jacobus J o n e s , Curator. Johanis Hill sepultus erat decimo nono die mensis Septembris Ano Domi 1599. Anstina Persons ffillia T h o m e Persons sepvlltus fuit xij die mensis Novembris Anno p"-dicto. _ 1600 Richardus Durston filius Robertus Dt/rston sepultus fuit vissemo secto die mensis Marcij Ano Dom 1600. Johanis Smith sepultus erat primo die mensis Julij Ano )p-dicto. 01 Margareta Band sepulta erat septimo die mensis Aprilis Ano D o m 16001. Elizabeth Galle sepulta erat decimo nono die mensis Octobris A n o Dom 16001. 1602 / Christiana Wills sepulta fuit vissesimo octavo die mensis DwSm I Aprilis Ano Dom 1602. ^ _ «t Robertusl Maria Veaosie sepulta erat secundo die mensis ffebruarij A n o cStodtus iff-dicto. _ D« wut o 1 Ricchardus Gall sepultus fuit decimo die mensis Marcij A n o \p-dicto. 1603 • Ellenora Hakvye sepullta erat vissesimo nono die mensis Septefhbris Ano Dom 1603. Henricuss Ball fillius Robertij Ball sepultus fuit primo die mensis Decembris A n o p-dicto. 1604 J a n n a Walford filia Christoforus Walfor sepulta fuit decimo octavo die mensis Octobris AfTo Dom 1604. 1604 Gwilhelimus Collins sepultus fuit decimo nono die mensis Decembris A n o Dom 1604. Elizabeta Tooss fillia Johannis Tooss sepulta fuit decimo tertio die mensis Marcij A n o p"-dicto. 1605 Gwilhelimus Blvne sepultus erat xij die mensis Maij Afio D o 1605^ Johnis Toosse sepultus erat decimo octavo die mensis Julye Ano_pre-dicto. 1606 Johnis Slape sepultus serat octavo die mensis Septembris Ano Don 1606. T h e xxiiij daye o f November was buried Tamson Parker the wiffe o f Robert. Parker. Elizabeth Crosse was buried the x x j daye of Aprill Anno Domi 1607. J o n e Smith was buried the 7 o f June t607, Robto Parsono Cle°. Margerie Gill was buried the 26 daye of Januarye A ° 1607. Margerie Wille ye wif of Ffrancis Wille decesed heare & was buried in Taunts* Magdelin accordinge to her request the x j of Marche 1607. ( Li a t h t h t h 67 Robart Knight the sone of Richard Knight was buried the xxviij th daie Marche 1608. FJizabethe Smethe widowe was buried the x x v t h of Aprill Ales Burges was buried the therd of Aprill 1608. 1609. johan Hamwod the daughter of Eisot Harnwod beinge a base t h c child was buried the X of Aprill AITo p-d . Dorothey Stone was buried the to of Auguste. 1610 John Southwod was buried the x x v i j 1 Marche. George Peoyntingtone was buried the x x i x t b day of Marche. Johne Courtney was buried the second of Aprill. John Brice was buried the 2 day of June 1628. 68 i6io. t h Ellas Powell sepultus erat x x d i e Julij 1610. Willyam Stone sepultus An° ff-decto. erat vicesimo secundo die August Robtus Bale sepultus erat secundo die menss Septembris Anno supra-dicto. Tamsan Westoren vx Johonis Westorn sepulta erat x v i i j Octobris A n p^decto. th die 0 Joham Durstone ffilia T h o m e Durstone sepulta erat decimo septimo die Januarij An^. 1611 ix 1612 Williame a baese child of Margereet Gaeles was buried the of ffebruary Anno |T-d . t h e Robert Burgesse was buried the ffourteenth day of Julye. J o a n e Durstone the wief of Thomas Durstone was buried the seauenth day of October. Christian Baker was buried the fifteenth day of ffebruarye. 1613 Wiliam Procter the sonne of William Procter was buried the nineteenth day of Januarye. 1614 Jellian Stone the wief of J o h n Stone was buried the nineteenth day o f M a y . Marie Cade the daughter of J a m e s Cade was buried the fBue and twentith day o f ffebruarye. John Palmer was buried the two and twentith day of March. jgjg 1. Edward Richardes was buried the ffourth day of Aprill. 2. Elizabetha Miller filia Johis Miller sepulta fuit vicesimo primo die Maij. 3. Agnes Minifey was buried the ffourth day of June. 4. Agnes Bult the wief of George Bult was buried the two and twentieth day o f J u n e . 5. Anastice Stone the daughter of Thomas Stone was buried the day last abouesaid. 6g 6. Elianor Autherlye the wief o f George Autherlie was, buried the x x i j day o f Julie. l h 7. J o h n Powell was buried the ffirst day o f August. 8. George Hill gentleman was buried the one and twentith day o f September. 9. Christian the base daughter of Thomazin Beere was buried the x i i i j ' d a y o f Nouem. h 10. Robert Powell was buried the fourth day of December. 1616 J o a n e Thorne the daughter of Jeffcrie Thorne an infant was buried the thirteenth day of October. 1617 Agnes Bult was buried the twentith day of May. John Slocombe was buried the nineteenth day o f August. ^ Humfrey Searle the sonne o f Thomas Searle was buried the six day of J a n u a r y 1618 William Manning was buried the six and twentith day of August. Will iam Peck was buried the ^fourteenth day of October. Richard Stone was buried the twentith day of December. 1619 John Gibbons was buried the eight and twentith day of June. J o a n e Bond the daughter o f Henry Bond was buried the eighteenth day o f Julie. Dorothy Potter the wief o f George Potter was buried the sixteenth day o f August. 1620 Mary Toser the wief o f Richard Toser was buried the third day of May. Julian Toser was buried the ffourth day of May. Mary Miller the wief o f John Miller was buried the tenth day of Julie. Edward Powell was buried the fifteenth day of Julie. Elianor Courtney was buried the seaventcenth day of November. Joane Lane widdow was buried the two & twentith day of Ffebruary. John Stone was buried the ffourteenthrday of March. John Courtney was buried the twentith day o f June. Lucres Brice the wief o f John Brice was buried the twentith day of September. Nicholas Satchell was buried the eleventh day of March. 70 Anno Dni 1622. Alice the wief o f Henry Bond was buried the s i x and twentith day of A p r i l l Charitie the daughter of Thomazin Crosse was buried twelueth day o f J u n e . Prudence Raynoldes the daughter of Robert Raynoldes was buried the sixteenth day o f Julie. J a m e s the sonne of Robert Raynoldes was buried the sixt day of August. R o b e r t Durston the younger o f Sherford was buried the twelveth day o f August. Christian Hooper widdow was buried the seaven & twentith day of November. Lawrence Row was buried the fHft day o f December. Henrie Bowne was buried the six and twentith day of March, Alice Pointington was buried the twelueth day of June. Richard Alderman was buried the eleventh day of August. Ellen the wief o f Christopher Morris was buried the sixt day of March. George the sonne of T h o m a s S t o n e was buried the x x v i i j day August. Alice Boone widdow was buried the sixt day of September. Elizabeth the daughter of Ezechiell Courtney was buried the seaventh day of September. John Winter was buried the eyghteenth day of October. Agis Crosse widdow was buried the last day of Nouember. Elizabeth the daughter of George Potter was buried the third th day of Januarye. Margarett the wife of T h o m a s Burges was buried the third day of Ffebruarie. Susan the wief o f Henrie Gibbens was buried the second day of A prill. Margafett Gale was buried the ffift day of May. Georgius Bult was buried the 17th o f Januarie. J o a n e Hill the wife o f Thomas Hill gent, was bur. the 1 8 daie of November. Agnes Durston the daughter of Robart Durston jun. was buried the 2 o f December. Margaret Bond the wife o f Henry Bond was b u r the 8 * day of February. t h n d d Margaret Burges the daughter of Thomas Burgesse was buried the 17 o f February. th t h Rachell Gale the wife of Robart Gale was buried the 9 o f Februarye. Elnor Durston the wife of Thomas Durston was bur the 9«» o f March. t h Robart Gale was buried the 1 5 of daie of March. Anno Doini 1626. 1 Prudence Hutchins was buried the 3 0 th day o f December. t h Joane Jurdane was burled the 1 3 daye o f Ffebruary. 1 2 7 t h Elnor Streett the daughter o f Ro*> Streett was buried the 1 8 of Jun, t h 1627 Nickoles Walford was buried the 1 9 of August. 1627 Annes Curlteny was buried the twenty six 1627 Richard T o s e r was buried the eleuenth day of Octber. 111 day o f September 1627 Seble Baker was buried the fowerth of December. 1627 Margerett Gould was buried the ffiftenth day of December. 1628 John Brice was buried the 1 9 of May. t h r Mare P o t t 2 4 th o f Jun. 1628. Elenoner Sachell was buried the 2 5 Thomas Slocum was buried the 5 t h th df Apriil. of Decern. 1628. Cristoph* Blacketaer was buried the 5 t h of February 1628. J n ° Gibbens was buried the 1 8 * of March 1628. John Bandon Minister o f Wilton. Grace Satchell was buried the x i i j * of November in yeare 1629. 1 John England was buried the xxv** day of December in the year Anstes Gibbens the wif of Henrie Gibbens was buried the first day of M a y 1630. Alece Gall was buried the x i i j * day o f May in the yeare of our Lord God. Bauid Slocumb was buried the day o f J u n e in the yeare of our & Jaan the wif o f William Sachell was buried the x x i i j June in the yeare of our Lord God Anno DomifT 1630. th day of 72 Quarto die Martij Anno dfnni 1614. 1640 M r J a m e s Cade was buried the 8 t h day o f Aprill in the | yeer 1640. Wx d that the day and yeare abouewriten Robert Durston and Christopher Durston Ouerseers o f the poore of the parish of Wilton for the saide yeare received of Elianor Deacon of Trull in the County o f Soinset widdow executrix o f the last will and testament of William Deacon deceased the summe o f fiue poundes as a legacye given vnto the poore o f the parish o f Wilton aforesaide to remaine vnto t h e saide poore to their vse and benefitt for euer. In witnesse whereof wee whose names are ' vnderwriten haue herevnto set our handes euen the day and yeare first aboue expressed. Richard Cottrell, Minister ibidem. ChSto^Durston j Ouerseers o f the poore there. Phillip Warren I ~, . , JefTery Thorne / Churchwardens. Memorandum year that George Powell o f Wilton Gent, in the by an agreem* with the then offic re 81 pishionrs of Wilton did buy the North Isle o f the Church (for a pew and burying place to be repaired by the sd Geo. & his heirs) for the sum o f fforty shillings, which said fforty shillings was added •to y e abovementioned five pounds for the use of the poor o f the sd. pish for ever, to remain r in the hands o f the Ou seers successively the interest to be distributed r discretion of the Churchwardens and Ou seers. at Easter at she 73 Thomas Cade sonn o f J a m e s Cade was buried the fiue and twentieth day of June in the yeare of our Lord God Anno Domni 1630. Joan Parker wif o f Robart Parker was buried the fourth day of July in the yeare of our Lord God Anno Dorhni 1630. Robart Sealye sonn of George Sealye was buried the last day of December in the yeare of our Lord God Anno Dom 1630. Robart Champion was buried the xxi* day of Ffebuarie in the yeare of our Lord God Anno Dom 1630, which was conveyed from Tithen to Tithen toward the parish of Otcombe in the Countie of Deavon wheare he said his abode was. Christopher Walford the elder was buried the sixt and twenth day of August Anno D o 1631. Jhoan Gall was buried the eighttenth day of October in the yeare of our Lord. [of our Lord. Ruth Gall was buried the x x i i j day of'October in the yeare Alice Griefen was buried the tenth day o f December in the yeare of our Lord. 1632 Edeth Toser was buried the twenty eight day o f October in the yeare of Lord. [yeare o f Lord. Joan Wenter was buried the third day of Ffebruarie in the v William Crosse sonn of Georg Crosse was buried the tenth day of Ffebruarie in 1633 Margerie Crempe was buried the third day of June in the yeare o f our Lord. [September. John Lann sonn of John Lann was buried the third day of Joan Lann wife of John Lann was bured the thirtenth day of September. 1633 J ° \ Searle wif of Thomas Searle beweied the 29 January. 1634 William Gibbens sonn of William Gibbens was buried 27 day of Aperell. [third day o f June. Alice Bradripp wif of Christopher Bradrippe was buried the John Vicorrie husband of Richord Vicorrie was buried the seauenth day of August. Richard Alderman sonne of Petter Alderman & Marye his wife was buried the sixeneth day of August. [the yeare. Johan T o c k e r widow was buried the 1 4 day of November in I A Cross daughter of Georg Cross & Antic Cross was buried the sixtenth die o f November in the yeare of our Lord. Robart Rowe sonn of Jeffery Rowe & Gillian was buried the 14 day o f December in the yeare of our Lord. 1635 Christian England widow was buryedthe x i x day of December. . Elezebeth Gibbens widow was buried the 30 day of December Ui the yeer. h t h a r t h n n t h th 1 6 3 6 g e r t h jvf° Cournye was buryed the 1 3 day of June. Mary Durston daughter of Thomas Durston was buried the 18th day of J u . 1 Robart Cross sonn of Georg and Anstic Cross was buried the and twenty day of December in the yeare of our Lord. t o 74 1636 Robart Parkar was buried the s i x and twentieth day of December in the yeare of Lord. Simon Yeovanes was buried the twentie s e x day o f Ffebruary in the yeare o f our L o r d . J o h n Mogridg was buried the twentieth eight day of Aparell in the yeare o f our Lord 1631. Thomas Courtnye was buryed the I of our Lord. t h day of May in the yeare J o h n Lann was buryed the twentie seavant day o f May in the year o f our Lord. Prudenc Rannoles widow was buried the 2 7 in the year of our Lord Anno Domi. th day of August Tamsane K i n g was buried the eight day of September in the yeare o f J o a n Durston daughter of William and Joan Durston was buriedJfoe 1 3 day o f September in the yeare o f our Lord God Anno Dmi. Eliabeath Holman was buried the eight day of Aparell in the yeare o f our Lord A n n o Dom 1638. t h R o b a r t Yeovans was buryed the 20 day of September in the yeare o f our Lord God Anno Dom, Samuell L a n e the sonn J o h n L a n e was buried the 4 October in the yeare 1638. 1638 t h of T h o m a s Hill gent, was buried the 13 day of December in the yeare 1638. t h Allic Tory wif o f R o b r t T o r y buried the 1 2 of March 1638. th jg^g Phillip the daughter o f Mary Bartlet was buried the 2 0 in the yeare 1638. March 1639 Valentine Southwood the sonn of Ralfe South wood was buried the first of J u l y . t h Elizabeth Ball widdowe was buried the 1 3 of August 1639. An Burges the wife of J o h n was buried the last day of Nouember. T h o m a s Durston wase buried the 23 day of January 1639. 1640 Nicholas Hodie the sonn o f Nicholas was buried the 23 of March in the yeere. 75 Christopher Smeth the sonne o f John Smeth was bured the 11 of September. Jone Walford was bured the 28 of October 1642. Petternel Sachell was bured the 28 of October 1642. Ffrances Atherle the daughter o f Richard Atherle was bured the 13 of November. Mare Smeth the daughter of Gorge Smeth was bured the 22 of Januare. Ann Addames the wife of Roberte Addames was bured the 29 of Januare. Hennere Bamide was bured the 11 o f Ffebruare 1642. Anstice Gebence the daughter of William Gebence was bured ye 15 of March. Anno Dom 1643. Thomas Searne was buried the seuenth day o f September 1643. Elizabeth Pottor the daughter of Samuell Pottor was buried the 19«* day of November 1643. George Crose was buried the fowerth day of October 1643. [-3 Joan Bruer wid. was buried the sixth day of Januarie 1643. Hanna Hellier the daughter of William Hellier was buried thejiue & twentie day of Ffebruarie 1643. Xpofer Luscum o f Bradford was buried the twentie fowerth day of March 1643. John Myller was buried. Robt Burges was buried the second day of March 1647. Ane Gale the wyfe o f William Gale was buried the seconde day of Apreill 1648. Thomas Burges was buryed the seteue day of Agust 1647. 4 Dina Gun was buried the 31 day o f August. John Potter was buried the 18 day of September. The widow R o w was buried the first day o f October. Ales the wife o f Hugh Limbary was buried the 12 day o f Nouember. John Hartry the younger was buried the 11 day of Ffebury. 5 Tristrum Collard the younger was buried the 28 of June. William Counsel the younger was buried the first day o f July. 73 1663 t h March 2 5 16 Aprilis Christophr Pearce was buried. 14 J u l y J o h n F a r m a t ) , . , ^ > wr buried. 16 J u l y Grace Southy ) J J J t h October 1 5 Richard Philly was buried 1664. October 2 3 John Winter was buried 1664. October 2 9 Elizabeth Bunckom was buried 1664. Nouember 1 2 A n Stone was buried 1664. January the 2 2 Georg More was buried 1664. February the 5 Robert Norrington was buried 1664. February the 7 William Greenham was buried 1664. February the 2 3 Thomas Simons son of Thomas Simons was buried 1664. J o h n Durston the sonn o f Thomas Durston was buried the 6 day of October 1665. William Guld the sone o f William Guld was burrd the 6 of J u l y 1666. Mary Stone was burride the 9 day of January 1666. Lullyane Winter was buried the 23 day of September 1667. Hanna the wife o f George Powell g e n t e l was buried the 29 of October. T h e 2 8 day o f October J o a n e Pearce widd. was buried. Dorathy the wife of Ames Blinman was buried the seuenteenth of Nouember. Lucie the wife of Frauncis Trebble was buried the 9 day of M a y 1672. William the son o f Henry Merrick and Mary his mother was paptized the 28 Desember 1 6 7 1 . Honer Powell widow wife of George Powell gentel. was buried the twenty fouerth of June 1670. Amia Powell daughter of George Powell gentelman 8z Dorothy his wife was buried the seventh o f February in the Vault at Wilton. Dorothy Powell daughter of George Powell gentelman & Dorothy his wife was buried the sixteenth of December in the Vault at Wilton. Robert Durston of Galmington in ye pish of Wilton was buried the 24«* day of May 1677 in Wilton Church aged 83 yeares. th th t h th th t b th t h 1667 1668 1669 m th t h 1670 1673 1674 79 t h i6;S June 2 Sarah the daughter of Daniel Hallett and his wyfe was baptised. 1675 Richard Mansell the son of Will Mansell & of his wife Elener was baptised M a y 10 in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred seventy and fiue. 1670 William Mandfeild the sonne of William Mandfeild & his wife Elener was baptized the eighteen day of August in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred & seventy. l 6 Elizabeth Mandfeild the daughter of William Mandfeild & of Elener his wife was baptized the thirtyeth of December in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred seventy and toe. 72 Mary Avis Wilway the daughter o f Grace Willway & o f his wife Elener was baptized the first day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty & fiue 1665. t h July the 1 3 1675. Christopher Buncombe the sonne of Christopher was baptized. James Strang the soone of J a m e s Strang was baptised the 21 of January 1673. 6 th Christian Durston the wife o f Robert Durston was buried the day of September Ann Domi 1683. Simon the first born of Simon Cade & Elizabeth his wife was buried Aprill the 2 5 1689. th f M s Dorothy Powell wid. was buried August the 2 9 Susanna Minifie daughter March the 31* 1693. th 1684. of Edward Minifie was buried Anne Browne wid. & William Gould her Grandson buried Ffebruary the 2 0 1694. were th Bridget Sowthy wid. was buried J u l y the 8 Alice Gent wid. was buried August the 2 2 th n d 1695. 1695. John Blagden Gent, was buried Decemb' the 1 9 ] t h 1699. 8o Somersett W . Thomas Durston of Wilton in the said County was sworne with Register of the said parrish the sixth day of July 1654 by mee Richard Bouett E s q one of the Justices of the Peace within the said County. R i . Bouett. Ames Blinman was buried ye 2 5 th day of March 1688. An affidavit made ffor his being buried in wollen by John Barton and Richard Williams before M Gabill Strode Minister in Taunton S* J a m e s . r John Irish the soone o f John Irish & Mary his wife was baptized the 23 day of September 1680. Nouember the 21 William Irish was baptized in the year 1682. June the 19 J a m e s Irish was baptized in the year 1685. Elizabeth Irish was baptized January the 10 in the year 1687. Richard the son o f John Irish & Mary his wife was baptized the first day of June 1690. 8r t h John Chaple was buried February the 6 1708. Peter Tucker was buried J u n e the 5 1709. Roger Comons was buried Octob the 2 1709. Bernard Collins was buried March y 2 3 1710. Eliz. wife of Bar. Bale buried 9 2 4 1710. Eliz. D. of Willi Savage buried 9 30 1710. Joan D. of Hen. Callowe buried Ffeb i n 17^. R o b Coram buried Ffebrij 1 3 1 7 ^ . Madam Ann Blagden buried Ffeb i 5 1 7 1 0 . Jane Rugg buried Aprill 3 1 7 1 1 . William son o f Philip Warren buried A u g 9 1 7 1 1 . Marg" D . of Hen. & M a r g " Callow buried Jan J* 8* 17J&. Christo Buncombe son of Christo Buncombe now living buried March 8 1 7 1 1 . Sam Buncomb son of J n ° & Mary Buncomb buried Aug** 1 4 1712. Rob* Winter buried O c t o b 2 1712. Ffrancis Procter son of Willi & Joan Procter buried Octob 5 1712. John Salter buried D e c e m b 4 1712. William Hellier buried December 1 1 1712. Joan D . of Henry & Marg" Callow buried Jan J 11 1712. Tho. Durston J u n buried Ffeb i 1 5 1712. Isott D . of Laur. & Rachell Hill buried Ffeb ? 20* 1712. Susannah D . o f Philip & Susannah Hooper buried March 8 1712. Eliz. Da. of R o b & J o a n Tice buried March 10 1712. Ffrances D . of R i c h & Anna Hare buried March 1 5 1712. Alice D . of R o b & Alice Procter buried Aprill 13 1713. James son o f J o h n & Mary Buncomb buried Aprill 17 1713John L i m b r y o f Trull buried May 2 4 1713. Benjamin son of John & Ann Clarke buried Sep* 1 0 1713. Alexander son of Alexander & Ann Poole buried Sep* 1 1 . William Streett buried October 9 1713. R i c h Ffudge buried O c t o b 29 1713. th r d e d b e r th b e r th ri 1 t b t h ri t h r d st t h ri b th 11 th r d r r t h t h ri r ri t h r b 4 d t h 1 th t h t h d r (No. 7 of the small pages in the original document) t h 82 January 2 5 t h 1699 John Musgrave was buried. Joan the wife of William Merrick o f Taunton S* James was buried December 2 6 th 1713. John Musgrave son of Humphry & Ffrances Musgrave buried r Decbem 27*. d ri R i c h Sam was buried J a n i 9 d t h 1713. Rob* Minifie son of M ' E d w Minifie was buried Jan*7 I I t h 1713- J a n e D. o f Willi & J a n e K i n g e o f Taunton S* Mary Magdelen 1 was buried Jan * i $ t h 1713. (No $ of the small pages in the original document*) PARISH OF REGISTER WILTON No. I CONTAINING .A.D. TBapttiSmS from s©atttap0 „ 1705 TBunate „ 1714 17x4 to 84 of ftegteter to&erein are container tfje names of t&ose tofjicfi Wzwo fm&e bzm Cfjtistineti ann IBurieti tmtbin m parisi) of ^Hilton from t&e ^ear 1714 unto t&te Present gear 17W a£ fOHOtO0, («51») eWstmingeiS. Humphry Musgraue sonn o f Humphry Musgraue was Baptized the 3 0 o f January 1 7 1 4 . Joseph the sonn o f Thomas Maule was Baptized the 20 of fTebruary 1714. Joseph sonn of Edward Ritherton was Baptized the 1 6 January 1714, Ann daughter of William Hellier was Baptized 1 3 March 1714J a m e s and Edith sonn and Daughter of Edith Morgan was baptized 2 8 March 1 7 1 4 . John sonn o f Charles Ellis was baptized the 3 o f June. Charity Daughter o f John B a l e was Baptized I Aprill 1715» J o a n e Daughter o f J o h n Strange was Baptized the 5 of th th th t h th d s t t h June 1715. t h Rebeaca Daughter of J o h n Broadmeade was Baptized 7 August 1 7 1 5 . John Terry sonn o f John T e r r y was Baptized 7 August i / i S Tryann Daughter of J o s . Hallett was Baptized 2 9 January 1716. t h th Mary Daughter of Nich L a n g was Baptized 17th fTebruary 1716. J o h n Sonn of William Chard was Baptized 1 1 * March 1716. Eliz. Daughter of William Dollen was Baptized 3 M a y 17x6. d *5 Eliz. Turner Daughter of T o m a s Turner was Baptized 3 0 1716 d b e r s t m th d 1719 June 1717. Thomas Son o f J o h n Dorson was Baptized 2 3 September. Sarah Daughter of Josiah Hutchens was baptized 1 8 7 . Mary daughter of J o h n Strange was Baptized 3 1 March. Joane Daughter of W Prockter was Baptized 2 0 June. John 2 Son o f J o h n Terry was Baptized 1 5 August. William Son of J o h n Pye was Baptized 3 0 May 1719. Joane Daughter of Thomas Marshell was Baptized 9 Aug . Annah daughter of Robert Barrell was baptized 1 6 Aug , Eliz. Daughter of Mathew Williams was baptized 30 October, ffrances daughter o f Richard Richards and Ann his wife of Trull was Baptized the 1 3 of March 1 7 1 9 . Simon Sonn o f J a m e s Cade and Sarah his wife was Baptized the 17th of March 1 7 1 9 . Thomas Euatt Sonn of Thomas Euatt and Charity his wife of this Parish was Baptized the 2 6 * day of Aprill 1720. " Mary Daughter of Thomas Turner & Martha his wife was Baptized the 21st January 1721. William Sonn of William Dollen and Mary his wife was Baptized the 2 8 of January I 7 2 f Mary Daughter of John Bale and Eliz. his wife was Baptized the6tb of fTebruary 172*. Elizabeth Daughter of Joseph Whetham by Anne his wife was Born the i6* day of fTebruary between the hours of fToure and ffive of the clock in the afternoone and was Baptized by Parson ffarnham_the Sunday ^following being the 1 8 day of fTebruary Anno Dni 172$. John sonn o f J o h n Chard by J o a n e his wife was baptized the 2 7 Aprill 1722. Joseph Sonn o f Joseph Collard by Mary his wife was Baptized the 27th day of Aprill Anno Dni 1722. James Sonn o f J a m e s S p r by Marg* his wife was Baptized the 6*i of M a y 1722. Elizabeth Daughter of J a m e s Cade by Sarah his Wife was Baptized the 1 0 day of May Anno Dni 1722. Christopher Sonn of A b l e Easton by Eliz. his wife was baptized the 1 0 day of J u n e Anno Dni 1722. t h 1717 th t h th t h t h th t h 1720 1721 th I72§ b t h 1722 th t h t h st st 86 Hannah Daughter o f John P y e b y Ruth his wife was Baptized the 1 7 day o f J u n e Anno Dni 1722. George Sonn of J o h n Durston by J o a n e his wife was Baptized the 2 9 * day o f J u l y Anno Dni 1722. M a r y Evely Daughter o f J o a n e Evely was Baptized the 30* day of September being a B a s e Child born at M James Sticklands at Gallmington her mother lived at Service there. t h r Mary Daughter of William Culverwell by J a n e his wife was baptized 2 9 November 1722. 1723 J o h n Sonn of Richard_ffoureacre b y A n n e his wife was Baptized Aprill 21st And Dni 1723. Eliz. Daughter o f J o h n Hooper b y Anne his wife was Baptized 2 2 Aprill 1723. J o a n e Daughter o f John Strang b y A n n e his wife was Baptized 2 8 Aprill 1723. Eliza. Daughter o f John Cloutter by A n n e Cloutter his wife ' was Baptized 17th M a y 1723. September 2 2 1723 John Sonn o f A l e x . Poole by Anne his wife was Baptized. 1723 J o h n the Sonn o f Joseph Whetham b y Anne his wife was borne the 7 * day o f September Between the hours of Nine and Tenn o f the Clock on Saturday morning and was Baptized on fTryday the 4 ^ day o f October ffollowing b y Parson fTurnavil Afio D n i 1723. th d th d 1723 October 24th Hannah Daughter o f Joseph Hallett & Tryan his wife was Baptized. I March Sarah Daughter o f T h o m a s Turner & Martha his wife was Baptized. 22* March Charity Daughter of William Dollen & Mary his wife was Baptized. 1724 l b * Aprill William Sonrt o f Joseph Collard & Mary his wife was Baptized. s t Aprill Mathew Sonn o f Mathew Williams & Mary his wife was Baptized. 1724 J u n e the 4th Anne Daughter Of J o h n Hooper & Anne his wife was Baptized. 8; th August 3 0 George Sonn o f Gilbard Phillipps & Joane Jiis wife was Baptized. August the 3 0 J o a n e Daughter of Able Eason & Eliz. his wife was Baptized. October the 1 5 J a m e s Sonn of J a m e s Cade & Sarah his wife was baptized. 1724 November the I * Thomas Sonn of William Ryedon & Mary his wife was Baptized. *725 March .29* Eliz. Daughter o f Robert Troutt & Eliz. his wife was Baptized 1725. Aprill the 12th Richard Sonn o f John Bale & Eliz. his wife was Baptized 1725. Aprill the 16'h Anstice Daughter of Robert White & J a n e his wife was Baptized 1725. June 25 Hester Daughter of John Chard & Joane his wife was Baptized 1725. August 29th Hannah Daughter o f J o h n Strong & Anne his wife was Baptized 1725. October 2 0 B e t t y Culverwell Daug of William Culverwell & Jane his wife was Baptized 1725. November 5th John Sonn o f Eleanor Dauson was Baptized its a Barstard Child 1725. ^ November 30«* Hannah Daughter of Thomas Turner & Martha his wife was Baptized. November 30th Thomas Sonn of George Berry & Marg his wife was Baptized 1725. December 25th Mary Daughter of Gilbard Phillipps was Baptized 1725. January 17th Anne Daughter of Richard ffoureacre & Anne his wife was Baptized 1725. 1726 Aprill nth j j cloutter & Eliz. his wife was Baptizd. May 2d William Sonn o f William Jenings & Hannah his wife was Baptized. May 8 * Eliz. Daughter o f J o h n Norris .& Anne his wife was Baptized. J u l y 15th j o h u Sonn o f J o h n Hooper & Anne his wife was Baptized 1726. • r th t h s th th r 1 o h n S o n n o f o h n 88 1726 J u l y 2 6 * M a r y Daughter o f J a m e s Cade & Sarah his wife was Baptized 1726. J o h n Sonn o f R o b e r t Prockter & J o a n e his wife was Baptized the 2 3 October 1726. Mary D a u g ' o f Hannah Kimberline being A Barstard begotten her & Thomas Mullens was Baptized 2 0 November. Mary Daughter o f William Pully & Susannah his wife was Baptized 26* D a y o f D e c e m b e r 1726. J o h n Sonn o f Robert White & J a n e his wife was Baptized the 2 8 o f December 1726. Mary Daughter to William Dollen & Mary his wife was Baptized the 19th o f ffebruary 1726. 1727 George S. o f William Culverwell & J a n e his wife was baptiz'd the 9th o f M a y 1727. John S. of Elizabeth Stocker an Illegitimate child was baptiz'd the ntQ day o f J u n e 1727. J o h n S. o f J o h n Andross and Elizabeth his wife was baptiz'd the 13th day o f J u l y 1727. M a r y D. o f Joseph Collard & Mary his wife was baptiz'd the 29* day of Septemb* 1727. Sarah D o f Gilbert Philips and J o a n his wife was baptiz'd the 4 day o f Febuary 1727, 1728 M a r y D. o f J o h n Hooper and A n n e his wife was baptiz'd the 3 o f M a y 1728. d th th m d m e i t i m a t e S Son o f Elizabeth Cade was baptiz'd the 20« o f M a y 1728. M a r y D . o f J o h n Chard and J o a n his wife was baptiz'd June ye t h 1728, Mary D o f William P y k e and Mary his wife was baptiz'd June y e r th iy 8. c I0 0 2 f 23^728"°' ° A E J A M s n S 1 3 r t J ^ i ; 2 & n °i } S h NI M FL * 6 h ° d a ^ J ° P i t t e n S V i y l ° H a n C m f S P e P a ^ h M ° m b u t I e I e m n d n d A r y a n h i s d W i f e w a S b a p t i z ' d J u n C Susannah his wife was ^ 1728. n a a n M n e h l s a r y h W i f e i w s w i f e a s b a P w a t i z s ' d b a p* ' z M a f c h d $9 Stephen Son of William Culverwell b y J a n e his wife was baptiz'd the 1 4 day of March 1728. Baptisms in the year 1729. Sarah D . o f J a m e s Cade and Sarah his wife was baptiz'd April y 13th 1729, Robert Son o f Robert Prockter and Joan his wife was baptiz'd y 27th day of April 1729. Hester D . of Richard Fouracre and Anne his wife was baptiz'd May y 2 5 1729. John Son of Richard Spray and Elizabeth his wife was baptiz'd J u l y y 2 0 1729. Edward Son o f Joseph Collard and Mary his wife was baptiz'd August the 1 7 * 1729. Baptisms in the year 1730. John Son o f Joseph Collard & Mary his wife was baptiz'd the 1 1 * o f October 1730. Ann Daughter of George Berry & Margaret his wife was baptiz'd the 25 of December 1730. John Son o f W Thomas & J o a n his wife was baptiz'd the 9 of February 1730. Baptisms in y year 1731. John Son of Mathew Williams & Mary his wife was baptiz'd the 28* of March 1 7 3 1 . Hugh Son o f Hannah Culverwell was baptiz'd the 1 1 o f Aprill 1731. t h e e e th e th t h m t h e t h Richard Son of J o h n Coome & Ann his wife was baptiz'd 1 8 * of Aprill 1731, John Son of John Durston & Joan his wife was baptiz'd y 9 of M a y 1731. Charles Son o f David Paviour & J o a n his wife was baptiz'd y 29th f M a y 1731. James Son of J a m e s Cade & Sarah his wife was baptiz'd the 1 3 of J u l y 1 7 3 1 . Sarah Daughter of W Pooley & Susannah his wife was baptiz'd ye 2 5 * o f J u l y 1731. William Son o f W Harvy & Mary his wife was baptiz'd the 22<i of August 1731. Patient L e g e an Adult Person was baptiz'd y 2 9 of August y e e t h e 0 th m m e th 90 Joseph Son o f Richard Spray & Elizabeth his wife was baptiz'd ye 2 o f October 1 7 3 1 . Ann D a u o f Joseph Collard & Mary his wife was baptiz'd ye t h f October 1 7 3 1 . William Son of Christopher Durston & Crasey his wife was baptiz'd y 7 o f Nov . Henwood Charles S o n o f J a n e Parish was baptiz'd y 9 of December 1 7 3 1 . Elizabeth D of J o h n Spiller & Eliz. his wife was baptiz'd ye 2 6 o f December. Elizabeth D a u ' of Robert T r o t t & E l i z his wife was baptiz'd ye go o f Jany 1 7 3 1 . Baptisms in the year 1732. Robert Son of R o b Procter & J o a n his wife was baptiz'd e 23d o f J u l y 1732. d 2 r IQ 0 e t h r e t h h t r th h 111 1 y 1732 Sep I 1733 March 2 5 April 8«* July 8 August 1 7 23 Sep* 1 6 * 16 30 Nov 5 Dec 5 Jan. 1 1 20 Feb. 14 March 17 1734 April 14 28 M a y 26 January 12 r s t t h th t h d t h th r r Betty Daughter of William and Joan Thomas. Baptisms 1733. J o a n Daughter of Richard and Ann Fouracre. Mary Daughter of Joseph and Mary Collard. Peter Son o f John Coolme Sarah Daughter o f William and J o a n Thomas. Elizabeth Daughter of Richard & E l i z Spray. Meriam Daughter o f William & Susannah Pooley. Richard Son of Richard & J o a n Spiller. William Son of Robert & Elizabeth Dollin. Christopher Son of Christopher & Crecy Durston. J o a n n a Daughter o f Joseph & Susannah Mockridge. Joan Daughter of Richard 8c J o a n Woodley. Elizabeth Daughter of W & J a n e Culverwell. Martha Daughter of J a m e s & Sarah Cade. William Son of Nicholas & Sarah Mardon. Charity Daughter of Davey & Joan Paviour. Baptisms 1734. Sarah Daughter of Mathew & Mary Williams. Elizabeth Daughter o f Thos & Elizabeth Turner. Joseph Son of Henry and Mary Atkins. B e t t y Daughter of J o h n and Margaret Bradbear. th m 91 1735 April 6 May 4 June 15 August 17 October 5 Nov 13 21 Jan.11 Feb. 3 March 9 1736 April 11 Feb. 13 r 13 March 8 21 1737 June 5 Sepr 30 Oct. 6 Nov 5 8 10 March 12 1738 May 28 June 18 Sepr 24 Nov^ 5 Jan. 26 Feb. 28 r % A 1 7 3 9 April 1 May 18 July Octobr j Novr 2 5 B e t t y Daughter of Samuel & Margaret Harvy 1735. Mary Daughter of William & Susannah Pooley. Martha Daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Turner. Elizabeth Daughter Christopher & Crecy Durston. Thomas Son of Thomas & Elizabeth Woolfery. Elizabeth Daughter of John & J o a n Bale. Mary Daughter of Gustavus & Mary Smith. Sarah Daughter of John & Ann Combe. Mary Daughter of Joseph & Sussannah Mockridge. William Son of Joseph & Elizabeth Sprage. Robert Son o f Robert & Elizabeth Trout 1736. Mary Daughter of David & Joan Paviour. Sarah Daughter o f Thomas & Elizabeth Turner. Betty Daughter o f Joseph & Mary Collard. Betty Daughter of John & J a n e Vicary. Baptisms 1737. Robert Son of Robert & Elizabeth Trout. Ruth Daughter of Christopher Durston. Mary Daughter of J a m e s & Sarah Cade. B e t t y Daughter of Thomas & Mary Chipman. Mary Daughter of John & Mary Barns. John Son o f John & Joan Bale. Tamsin & B e t t y Daughters of Robert & E l i z Dollin. Baptisms 1738. Thomas Son of Thomas & Elizabeth Turner. John Son of Johanna Poyl. John S o n of Joseph & Susannah Mockridge. Thomas Son o f Robert & Elizabeth Trout. Joseph Son o f Joseph & Mary Collard. Ann Daughter o f Richard & Ann Dare. Baptisms 1739. Elizabeth Daughter of Anthony & Ann Mudford. Isaac Son of John & Ann Mills. Mary Daughter o f Christopher & Crecy Durston. Mary Daughter of John & Joan Bale. William Son of Lewis & J a n e Prows. b t h 92 1740 June l Augst 24 March 8 1741 March 29 July 19 26 Augst 23 F e b . 28 1742 June 6 Augt 8 Sep 5 Nov' 10 Dec Jany 30 1743 May 1 $ 8 23 29 Octo 9 Feby 26 1744 Apr S May 13 June 3 22 J u l y 22 Octc 7 r I 4 T 1 William S o n o f Mark & M a r y Quick. Joseph Son of Richard & Elizabeth Spray. William Son o f Francis & F a n n y Wilkins. Ann Daughter of W i l l i a m & Frances Hayes. B e t t y Daughter o f T h o m a s & Elizabeth Turner. Abraham Son of T h o m a s & Elizabeth Woolfery. William Son o f J o h n & J o a n Bale. Joseph Son o f Joseph & Susanna Mockridge. Samuel S o n o f George & Elizabeth Bidgood. Mark Son o f Mark & M a r y Quick. Will™ Son o f Christopher & Cresy Durston. Anthony S o n o f Anthony & Sarah Hooper. W i l l Son o f Joseph & M a r y Collard. Elizabeth Daughter o f J o s e p h & Sarah White. m m W i l l Son o f T h o m a s & Eliz. Turner. Thomas Son o f J o h n & Eliz. Thatcher. T h o m a s Son o f Charles 8L Ann Rowe. Mary Daughter o f J o h n & Ann Mills. J o h n Son o f Francis & F a n n y Wilkins. Samuel Son of J a c o b & A n n W y a t t . Alice Daughter o f Richard & Martha Mannlg. George Son o f George & Elizabeth Bisgood. John Son o f Richard & B e t t y Pussy. John Son o f John & J o a n B a l e . T h o Son o f Lewis & Julian Prowse. Mary Daughter o f Will"* & J o a n J o a n s and Elisabeth D a u g of J a n e Cookesley. Ann Daugr o f J o h n & Elis. Thatcher. Will™ Son o f Hob* & Christian Gill also Elisabeth their Daughter born A p r I 1741. Will™ Son o f W i l l " & A n n Delemar. Richard Son of T h o m a s & Elis. Durston. Sarah Daug* of Joseph & Sarah White. s r 14 Nov* 5 1 Jany 31 March 3 March 24 s t 93 1745 July 14 Oeto 20 Jany 3 r r Ann D a u g of J a m e s & Mary Burrows. J a c o b Son of John & Ann Mills. Hannah & J a n e twin D a u g o f J a m e s & Margaret Hurley born D e c 7 . Thomas Son o f Francis and Frances Wilkins. re r Feby 23 1746 Apr 7 Augt 3 Nov' 16 Dec 23 JJ 1 r 2 !747 19 24 25 29 25 17 24 24 Feby 8 14 1748 May i ith 29 July i Aug* 28 1 Apr May Oct* Nov Decr Jany r Sepr 18th Jany 29 t h Mary daughter of David & Sarah Paviour. Elisabeth daughter of Mark & Mary Quick. W i l l " Son of T h o & Eliz. Durston. Henry Son of J o h n & Joan Bale. f Joseph Son of Joseph & Ann Marks. I Eliz. Daughter of George & Eliz. Bisgood. s Sarah Daughter of Culverwell. J a n e Daughter of J o h n & Ed. Ashdon. W i l l " Son of Joseph & Sarah White. J o h n Son o f Roger & Mary Turner. Will™ Son of J o h n & Ann Criddle. Elizabeth Daughter of John & Eliz. Thatcher. Willm Son of Will™ & Sarah Gibbes. Mary Daughter of J e r . Allen & Joan. Robt Son o f David & Sarah Pavior. Nicholas Son o f Mary Blackmore. Daughter of Eliz. Radford. Hugh Son of Hugh & E m . Pyne. Mary Daughter o f Daniel & Mary Barrell. Sarah Daughter o f John & Ann Mills. J a . Hurly Minister. daughter of John & Mary Thomas. J o h n Son of T h o & Eliz. Durston. S M a a m h r y s 1 7 4 9 March 26 •^P 1 *6 July 2 P 3 1 S e 1 r Sarah daughter of George & Eliz. Bisgood. Margaret daughter of T h o & Eliz. Screven. Sarah daughter of John & Mary Bird. Mary daughter of Joseph & Ann Hallett. S a m Son of Sam & Eliz. Coneybear. s 1 94 Jany 8 21 1750 A p 16 A p 29 J u l y 11 Sep* 2 Jany 6 13 1 1 1751 May 26 June 9 Nov* 24 J u l y 14 14 1752 Feby 4 * Nov* 12 1753 Sep* 13 30 Nov* 18 " 1754 March 12 Oc* 6 20 Nov* 3 1755 Jany 12 Feby 2 March 16 June 1 $ Aug* 24 May 19 Dec* 25 1756 J a n . 22 E l i z . daughter o f J o h n & A n n Criddle. EHz. daughter of S a m & Hannah Cornish. 1 Mary daughter o f David & Sarah Pavior. B e t t y daughter of R o g e r & M a r y Turner. Thos son of W & Sarah Gibbs. W Son o f David Rogers & Hannah. J a m e s Son o f W & E l i z . Cann. Joseph Son of Joseph & Sarah White & Mary daughter of J n ° & Eliz. Thatcher. m m m B e t t y daughter of David & Eliz. Radford. Martha daughter of George & Eliz. Bisgood. J o a n daughter o f J o h n & M a r y T h o m a s . George Son o f R o b & Mary Wornell. Mary daughter of J o h n & Mary Hellyer. 4 m Hannah daughter of W i l l & Sarah Gibbs. Eliz. daughter of T h o & Eliz. Conybeare. s George Son o f John & J o a n Combe. Eliz. daughter of Mary Wornell. Eliz. daughter of S a m & Sarah W e e t y . 1 Sarah daughter of David & Sarah Pavior. Mary daughter of J o h n & Ann Criddle. John Son of J o h n & M a r y Hellyer. B e t t y daughter of Will* & Sarah Mall. J a . Hurly Minister. 11 Abraham S o n of J o h n & Eliz. Blackmore. S a m Son o f S a m & H a n n a h Cornish. Ann daughter of W i l l & Eliz. Hellyer. John Son o f J a m e s & Sarah Pepper. Mary daughter o f J o h n & Martha Mogridge. Will"* Son of W i l l * & J o a n Buttel. Hannah daughter of George & Eliz. Bisgood. 1 1 m Mathew Son of John & J o a n Combe. 95 March 7 14 Ap 18 19 June 10 July 6 Oc " 24 1 1 1757 Jan. 16 June 12 Nov* 24 1758 Feb. 17 Ap 9 Augt 6 Oc* 30 1759 March 4 25 Ap I June 24 Augt 20 Ocr 28 Dec* 23 1760 J >- 13 ™ 19 May 27 June 8 *3 3 P H 23 1761 ^ P 3 1 1 at e r o v r 8 2 U S 9 Sarah Daughter o f Thomas & A m y Hutchins. Grace Daughter of William & Elisabeth Langford. Samuel Son of Samuel & Hannah Cornish. B e t t y Daughter of J a m e s & F a n n y Deacon. Richard Son of Richard & E l . Williams. Sarah Daughter of Giles & Elisabeth Gummer. Sarah Daughter of William & Sarah Gibbs. George Son of George & Leah Coles. Ann Daughter o f Jonas & Sarah Dawe. Mary Daughter of John & Mary Edwards. Mary Daughter of Edmund & Mary Pine. Henry Son of George & Elisabeth Bisgood. John Son of Richard & Eleanor Williams. Thomas Son of Peter & Elisabeth Hill. Charles Son of William & Mary Cawly. William Son of William & Elisabeth Langman. John Son o f Samuel & Hannah Cornish. Susanna Daughter of J a m e s & Gouch. William Son of Benjamin & Ann Catts. William Son of William & Sarah Strong. Thomas Son o f John & Mary Spiller. B e t t y Daughter of William & Sarah Gibbs. j h Son o f John & B e t t y Hamber. j William & Elisabeth Langford. T h o m a s Son of Thomas & A m y Hutchins. Sarah Daughter o f Edmund & Mary Pine. Sarah Daughter of Richard & Eleanor Williams. Patience Daughter o f Elisabeth Harvey. J a m e s Son of J a m e s & Rebecca Musgrave. 0 a n m e s S o n o f Sarah Daughter of John & Mary Rendall. Thomas Son of Thomas & Sarah Bunter. Mary Daughter of Samuel & Sarah Cornish. Elisabeth Daughter of Jonas & Sarah Dawe. 96 Sep r 7 21 N o v 22 1762 March 14 14 A p 12 May 2 Sep* 26 Oc 4 Nov* 5 5 O c 24 D e c 19 28 1763 March 22 Ap 4 18 July 17 18 Aug. 15 Nov. 20 Oct. 6 Dec. 25 1764 Feb, 26 26 J u l y 22 J u l y 24 Aug* 8 r 1 r r r 1 T h o m a s Son o f Abraham & J o a n Woolfree. Robert Son of Peter & B e t t y Hill. B e t t y Daughter of Edmund & Mary Pine. B e t t y Daughter o f T h o m a s & Mary Pratt. Hannah Daughter o f T h o m a s & A m y Hutchins. J o h n Son o f Edward & Elisabeth Marks. Mary Daughter o f J o h n & Hannah Aplin. B e t t y Daughter o f Richard & Eleanor Williams. Edward Son o f J a m e s & Martha Dark. Joseph Son o f William & B e t t y Prowse. Susanna Daughter o f Charles and Pa. Hayman J o h n Son o f Stephen & J o a n Seading. Mary Daughter of J o h n & Hannah Pitman. T h o m a s Son of J o h n & M a r y Rendal. T h o m a s Chilcott Son o f I s a a c & J o a n Winter. Isaac Son o f Abraham 8c J o a n Woolfree. Martha Daughter o f William & Sarah Gibbs. Mary Daughter of J a m e s & R e b e c c a Musgrave. John Son of John & Mary Spiller. Mary Daughter o f William and B e t t y James. William Son of J o h n & Hannah Aplin. B e t t y Daughter o f T h o & Sarah Bunter. George Son of W i l l & A n n Turner. s m Hannah Daughter of Samuel & Sarah Cornish. Sarah Daughter o f Edward & Elisabeth Marks. Jason Son o f Samuel & Grace Poole. William Son o f R o b e r t & Susanna Gadd. Charlotte Daughter of Isaac & J o a n Winter. Sept 2 John C h e r r y - a foundling. Dec. 25 Sarah Daughter o f W™ &• Sarah Prowse. 176s F e b . 2$ M a y 26 29 June 9 J o h n Son of Jn<> & Mary Randell. Thomas & George Sons o f Edmund & Mary Pine. Hannah D* o f Jn<> & Hannah Aplin. William S o n o f & Betty James. 97 June 16 Augt 19 Nov. 24 Dec. 8 26 31 * April 1766 May 29 Sep. 21 Oct. 9 May 3 1767 Aug. 16 23 Sep. 29 Oct. 18 Dec. 16 29 Ap* 4 1768 Aug. 5 July 17 Abraham Son o f Abrm & Joan Woolfree. B e t t y D* of John & Sarah Cann. William Son o f J n ° & Mary Spiller. Ann D* of Rob* & Ann Frost. J a n e D o f Isaac & Joan Winter. George Son of Nathan & Mary Veasy. r 1 r Susanna D o f Rob* & Susanna Gadd Born April 29. J a m e s Son of Samuel & Betty Dunn. William Son o f W™ & Sarah Prowse. Mary D* of Abraham & Joan Woolfree. Richard Son o f William & Betty James. Henry Son o f Joseph & Unity Atkins. Hannah D* of J n ° & Mary Stevens. Thomas Son of Joseph & Mary Brooks. Sarah D* of Richard & Sarah Cumings. J a n e D* of W™ & Ruth Cogan. Willm Son o f Samuel & Mary Gomer, Robt Chilcott Son o f Isaac & Joan Winter. Robt Son of Robt & Susanna Gadd born Baptized Sep. 15. Sep. 18 Willm Son of Richard & Elis. Durston. Oct. 9 Willm Son of Joseph & Unity Atkins. Jan. 5 1769 Thomas Son o f William & Elisabeth Prowse. 29 John Son o f Mary Bond. Mar. 27 William Son of Joseph & Mary Brooks. Aug. 20 B e t t y D* of Edward & Mary Searle. Sep. 10 B e t t y D of Joseph & Ann Jones. Oct. 8 Sarah D* of William & Betty James. > 25 Martha D o f Robert & J o a n Knight. S Sarah D* o f Blackmore Denham born Aug. 1761. Feb. 25 1770 Hannah D of Abraham & Joan Woollfrey. Apr. 29 John Son. of John & Hannah Marks. May 13 John Jeans. J % 22 John Son of Thomas & Mary JefTeries. Aug. 12 Abraham Son of Thomas & Betty Perry. ~ p. 13 Isaac Son of Isaac & Joan Winter Born J u l y 15. Nov. 12 J o h n Son of Robt & Susanna Gadd Born Oct. 27. r D e c r a r e 98 r F e b . 17 1771 Sarah D o f Samuel & M a r y Gomer. May 5 J o h n Son of Thomas & Hannah Bray. 5 John Son o f J n ° Dare & Grace Buttell. June 9 F a n n y D o f R o b & F a n n y Budd. 30 F a n n y D o f Joseph & M a r y Brooks. Oct. 20 Mary D of Tho* & Rowland Williams. Jan. 5 1772 J o h n Son of Abraham & J o a n Woolfrey. F e b . 23 T h o m a s Son o f T h o m a s & B e t t y Parry. Mar. 8 Alexander S o n of Richard & Eleanor Williams. 29 Samuel Son o f Samuel & Martha Marks, 29 Ann D* of Richard & Mary Westover. Apr. 22 Mary D of T h o m a s & M a r y Jefferies. J u l y 19 Sarah Bond. Sep. 27 Sarah D o f Sarah V e r m a n born J u n e 27. Oct. 18 Sarah D of Samuel & Mary Gomer. F e b . 21 1773 William Son o f Ann Hellier. Mar. 19 William Son o f Robt & Susanna Gadd born F e b . 26. 21 B e t t y D of J o h n & Mary Spiller. 28 Ann D* of Willm & F a n n y Nevell. M a y 23 Joseph Son o f Joseph & U n i t y Atkins. June 6 William Son of Samuel & B e t t y Dunn. O c t o 31 John Son o f Thomas & B e t t y Parry. D e c 25 Diana Musgrave. J a n . 5 1774 Isaac Son of William & Elisabeth Prowse. 16 Elisabeth D of Isaac & A n n Paul. 30 Sarah D o f Abraham & J o a n Wolfrey. J a n . 30 Samuel Son o f Joseph & M a r y Brooks. Feb. 27 Sarah D o f William & Mary White. 27 Robert Son o f J o h n & Hannah Marks. Mar. 13 Edward Son o f Tho* & Rowley Williams. Ap 4 F a n n y D* o f Wm & F a n n y Nevel. May 23 William Son of T h o & Mary JefTery. Oct. 3 J a m e s Son o f Samuel & Martha Marks. F e b . 12 1775 B e t t y D* of Joseph & U n i t y Atkins. Mar. 12 William Son of David & Mary T i c e an adult person desired to be baptized at St James's in Taunton born J u n e 28 1753. June 4 John Son o f John & Martha Hallett. r 4 r r r r r r r r r r r r s 99 March 14 Sep. 1 Jan. 7 1776 31 Apr 7 7 J a c o b Son o f Thomas & B e t t y Perry. Grace Daughter of Samuel & Mary Gomer. Joseph Son of William & Mary White. Thomas Son o f Thomas & Mary Jefferies. Anstice D of Thomas & Ann E l worthy. Joseph Son of Joseph & Mary Mockeridge Born Nov. 19. 8 A n n a D* of William & F anny Nevell. May 6 John Son of Joseph & Mary Brooks. Nov. 10 Mary Dr of John & Ann Pine. 24 T h o m a s Son o f William & Betty Evatt. Dec. 25 William Son o f Joseph & Unity Atkins. Mar. 23 1777 William Son of William & Mary Larway. A p 13 Isaac Son of Thomas & Betty Parry. May 25 Mary D* of William & Betty Salter. June 8 B e t t y D* of Richard & Ann Wood. Aug. 31 Robert Son of William & Hannah Dunster. Nov. 5 Elisabeth Dr o f Abraham & Joan Wolfry. 5 Thomas Son of Samuel & Martha Marks. Mar. 22 1778 John Son of William & Mary White. July 28 J a m e s Son of John & Sarah Frazer Born July 5. g - 23 Elisabeth Dr o f Samuel & Mary Gomer. Sep. 16 John Son o f Thomas & Mary Jefferies. 7 J o h n son of Samuel & Betty Cornish. 29 Mary D* of John & Ann Giles. c 25 J o a n Dr o f Samuel & Mary Wood. J a . Hurly Minister. Feb. 28 1779 William Son of William & Hannah Dunster. May 23 Sarah Dr of W » & B e t t y Salter. J y " Sarah D* of John & Ann Criddle. Aug. 15 Sarah Dr of J a m e s & J a n e Spiller. Sep- 12 Mary Dr o f Tho* & Ann Elworthy. Nov. s B e t t y D* o f John & Hannah Marks. Ap 30 1780 Samuel Son of Abraham & Joan Woolfrey. Aug. 6 B e t t y Dr of Wm & Ann Summers, bepr Richard Son o f Rob* & Susanna Gadd Born Mar. 25 1780. - 15 Mary Dr o f Richard & Ann Wood. r A u 2 D e u l r 2 u c t 0 r 100 Nov. 12 19 19 26 r Sarah D of J o h n & Ann Toller. Hannah Robins an aged Woman. Phebe Gibbs. William Son o f J o h n & Ann Seadary of S* James's in Taunton. J a n . 1 1781 Elisabeth D* o f W & M a r y White. 7 B e t t y D of Susanna Palfrey. Mar. 25 Ann D* of Samuel & M a r y Gomer. Apr. 15 Simon Son of Tho* & M a r y Strong. Oct. 21 Samuel Son o f S a m & B e t t y Cornish born and baptized Apr. 1 5 . Aug. 26 J o h n Son of W & Ann Pomery. 26 Thomas Son of Abraham & J o a n Woolfrey. Sep. 16 J a m e s Son o f J n ° & Mary Pring. Oct. 28 Susanna D of W & B e t t y Salter. Dec. 25 Elisabeth D* of Tho* & M a r y Jeffery. 27 Elisabeth D* of M* J a m e s Cade & Elis. his wife born Feb. 19 1780. 27 James Son o f M* J a m e s Cade & EHs. his wife born Aug. 3. Jan. 6 1782 Mary D * o f Humphry & Mary Salter. " Jan. 13 John Son of Joseph & Margaret Mogridge. 27 Sarah D of J n ° & Hannah Webber. Mar. 12 Edward Son of David Price Esq* & Mary his wife. Sep. 1 Betty D* o f W«* & B e t t y Dunster. Nov. Martha D* o f Tho* & B e t t y Perry. Jan. 17 1783 Samuel Son of John & M a r y Spiller. Feb. 9 Sarah D* o f Thos & Mary Jefferies. Mar. 9 Mary D* o f Richard & B e t t y Dibble. June 26 Sarah Diamond Daughter of J o h n and Sarah Diamond. Aug* 10 Elizabeth Daughter of J o h n & A n n Toller. 17 Sarah Daughter of Sarah Salter. Nov* 2 Sarah Daughter of Robert & Ann Ferres. 9 Sarah Daughter o f Ann Downs. 30 Charles Son of J a m e s & Ann Robins. Feb*y 11 1784 Elizabeth Daughter of J o h n & B e t t y Howell. April i8fc Thomas Son of Thomas & B e t t y Marshall. May 2 Thomas S o n of William & Hannah Duns, m r 1 m r r m 101 Aug* 8 15 Nov 14 Jan»y 2 1785 23 Feby 14 Elizabeth Daughter of George & J a n e Gibbs, William Son o f William & Sarah Diamond. T h o m a s S o n o f William & B e t t y Salter. J o h n Farress Son of Rob* & Ann Farress. Harriet Robbins Daughter o f J a m e s & Ann Robins. Mary Garnish Daughter o f T h o & Garnish (pauper). March 10 Sarah Reed Daughter of Mary Credell (pauper). May 30 Hannah Cogan Daughter of W & J a n e Cogan. 6 M a r y Pyne Daughter of Edward & Hannah Pyne Pauper. June 26 J a m e s Rabins Son of John & Mary Rabins born J u l y 21st '54 i E t 3 1 . Aug* 14th Mary J o n e s Daur of Mary Jones (Pauper). Oct 19 J a n e Gibbs Daur of George & J a n e Gibbs. Jan*y 24 1786 Harriet Newcombe Daughter of John & Harriet Newcombe was privately baptized brot in publickly y 16 o f October 86. June 4 M a r y Wood daughter o f Samuel & Joan Wood—Pauper. 11 T h o m a s Farthing Son of Abraham 8c Mary Farthing. 18 T h o m a s Marshall Son of T h o & Betty Marshall. Augt 27 R o b e r t Farress Son o f Robert & Ann Farress. Nov* 5 Mary Heell Daughter o f Thomas & B e t t y Heell. Dec* 2$ Martha Toller daughter of John & Nanny Toller (Pauper). March 18«* 1787 Mary Woolfrey Daughter of Abraham & Hannah Woolfrey. May 20 Mary Earns Daughter o f John Earns, June 10 M a r y Summers (Pauper). June 9 Mary Rowsell Daughter of Mary Rowsell (Pauper). J o h n Cann a base child (Pauper). Sarah Gibbs Daughter of George & J a n e Gibbs. M y 22 Mary Shute Daughter o f Betty Shute (Pauper), iiugt 5 T h o m a s Farress Son o f Robert and Ann Farress, 19 William Salter Son of William & B e t t y Salter (Pauper). P* 3 P a g e Cogan. 7 Henry Hervey Monro. * 28 Martha Dibble Daughter o f Mary Dibble. r s m r e s 2 b e U c t r 0 I02 T h o m a s Standfast son o f J o h n and Mary Standfast was born J u n . the 2 2 1788. March 5 1788 J e a n Dickson Daughter o f R e v MicW & A . M. Dickson was privately baptized born the 2 March 1788. May 2 Mary Earns Daur o f J u l y 20 Elizabeth Prowse Daughter o f Nov* 2 William Farrass Son o f R o b e r t & Ann Farress. Jan*y 9 1789 Michael & J e a n Dickson Son & Daughter of Michael and A n n a Maria Dickson—Michael Dickson privately baptized by R . Cole Cur. o f Taunton S* Mary Mag. Fefry 15 Joseph Pool S o n of (Pauper). April 13 Sarah Wood Daughter o f (Pauper). June 28 Sarah Summers Daughter of Sept* 13 Joseph Brooks Son o f Feb*y 28 1790 Sarah Maull Daughter o f W*a & Sarah Maull. March 14 Richard Heel Daughter o f T h ° & Sarah Heell. Thomas F o a n Son of thoas F o a n . M a y 10 Henerey William Coggen son o f W & Eliz. Coggen. M a y 23 J a c o b pooll son of J a c o b & A n pooll. I D Jun. Ann prous Darther & Joseph & B e t t y prouse. Janawary 16 1791 J a m s Sumers son o f W & Naney somers. March 20 Samuall Woolfree son o f Isack & Woolfree. Aprell 26 Mary Bolt Darther of Sarah B o l t Bass Child. Po. M a y 11 J o h n Hurtnoll son of J o h n Hortnoll. Octob* 23 Thomas Worterman son of Elez* Worterman. Po. Novem* 5 Elezebath Rousell agged 1 6 ^ month Dorther of Mary. Po. Novem 6 Sarah Bud agged 12 hears 6 months Darther of John. F e b . 15 1792 John Roussell son of M a r y & J o h n Rousell. Po. 16 Josaph Prouse son of Joseph & B e t y prouses. Ap. I Dyanah Heell. Po. May 28 John Woolfree son of Abraham & hanna Woollf—. Octo. 7 Richerd Wood son of Richerd & A n Wood. F e b . 3 1793 Ann Can. F e b . 24 Robert pooll son of J a c o b pooll. Apreall 13 Mary Hartnoll darther o f J o h n Hartnoll. Apreall 21 Martha Heell. Jun. 16 Richard Born. d d m 0 r a b 103 August 8 Hannah Sumers. July 7 1792 hanna Hellear Darther of J a m s & Darethee healer. Ditto 21 Mary Hodg Darther of John & Mary Hodg. Decemb*1 1793 Hannah Daughter of Androw and Ann Waddim. 15 William Son o f John and Betty True. 25 J s a a c Son of William and Betty Salter Born August the 24. Jan y 26 1794 Sarah Daughter o f Sarah Woolfery Born Decemb 15. Apr. 29 William Son o f Joseph and Betty Hill Born feb. the 6. Jun. 8 Sarah Daug of Richerd and B e t t y Boston. Augst. 10 Mary Daughter of Joseph and Betty Prouse Born May 3. 19 Margaret Cornish an Aged Woman. Sept. 9 B e t t y Woolfrey Daughter o f Abraham and hana Born Apr. 30. Dito same William Budd aged 16. 28 Harriot Winter Daughter of Nov. 23 M a r y daughter o f Thomas and J a n e Brewer. Nov. 30 Mary daughter of tarpey and Mary darbe. Decern " 25 William Price Pinchard born Decern* 2 2 1794 Son o f J o h n and Elizabeth Pinchard. Jan. 4 1795 Sarah daughter o f William and diana davy. Jan. 18 J o h n son of William and Joanna Loman. Apr. 26 William son o f Androw and Ann Wadim Born Apr. 5. May 24 Ann daughter o f William and Betty Maull. June 10 Sept. 6 Sarah daughter o f Betty Cann. Nov* ith g l j j Sons of H a n Dwellin. Decern* 25 th Rachel Dau* of R i c h and Mary Spiller. Dit J a n e Daugh* of R i c h and Mary Spiller. Dit. Susan* Daugh* o f John and Ann Spilier. Dit. Joseph Son of John and Ann Spiller. Dit. B e t t y Daugh* o f John and Ann Spiller. Decern* 25 William Son o f Hannah Brailey. March 27th 1796 Robert Son of Robert & Sarah Winter. — Thomas Son o f Thomas & Mary Adams. — Harriet Daughter of J a c o b & Mary Peel. April 28A Elizabeth Daughter o f John & Betty Hartnell. May 16& M a r y Daughter of William & Mary Standfast born April 27th 1795. r r r 1 d h a m a n ( a m e s d d io4 July i o * J a m e s Son o f William & B e t t y Pring born November 1 4 1789. — John S o n of William & B e t t y Pring born February 8 1792. — Sarah Daughter o f W i l l i a m & B e t t y Pring born May 2 4 * 1796. 17* Thomas Son o f T h o m a s & L y d i a Hangcock. Sept 4 John Son o f Tarpy & M a r y Darb. Dec 1 8 J a n e Daughter of J a m e s & B e t t y Collard. 29 Joan Daughter o f Samuel & Mary Marks. April 2 ° 1797 Abraham S o n o f Abraham & Hannah Woolfrey. 30 Temperance Daughter o f Joseph & B e t t y Hill. William Pring aged 12 years. May 1 4 Richard Son of Richard & Dorrathy Heller. June 2 5 Stephen Cann a base Child. Oct* 19ft J a m e s Cade Willment Son o f M* Samuel & Martha Willment was born 1 1 S e p 1797. Dec* 3 Mary Daughter o f William & J o a n n a Loman. 24 Mary Daughter of William & B e t t y Maul. Jany 1 4 1798 Sarah Daughter o f J o h n & Hannah Oaten. March 7 J a m e s Son o f J a m e s & A n n Isaac. — Sarah & Hannah Daughters of Robert & Ann Comens. July 8* Charlotte Daughter o f R i c & Mary Spiller. 8 J a m e s Son o f J o h n & N a n c y Spiller. 15th William son o f Richard & J a n e Bussel. Sep " 9 George Son of George & B e t t y King. Oct* 2 8 Thos Son o f William & Nancy Sumerys. 28* Sarah Daughter of William & Nancy Sumerys. Dec* 17 Ric Adams Willment Son o f S a m & Martha Willment. Feby 1 0 * 1 7 9 9 Elizabeth Daughter of J a m e s & B e t t y Collard. 24 Hannah Daughter o f Sarah Woolfrey Base Child. March 3 Sarah Daughter of Torpe & Mary Darby. 23 John Son o f Joseph & B e t t y Hill. Augst John Son of J o h n & Abraham Woodfry. Oct* 6 * Maria Daughter of William & Johanna Loman. 6* M i Daughter of J a c o b & Mary Pool. Nov* 1 2 * John Son of J a m e s & Susanna Clapp. t h th r t h r t h t h d th t h t h t h r r d th t h t h d th 1 t h th d 1 t h d d a r a io5 Nov* 2 4 * Mary Daughter of J o h n & Sarah Spark. 24* Sarah Daughter of J o h n & Sarah Spark. March 2 1800 Mary Daughter of Tho. & Ann Cook. 2d Maria Daughter of William & Ann Williamson. May 28 Martha Elizabeth Daughter of Samuel and Martha Willment. July 2 0 William Cann a base Child. Augst 3d Robert Spn of Robert & J a n e Budd. 17th J a m e s Son of J a m e s & J a n e Vicorry. 17th John Son o f John & Hannah Oaten. 17* B e t t y Daughter of John & Mary Hodge. Nov* 9 * John Son of William & Sarah Conebeer. Dec* 1 4 * John Son of James & Nancy Isaac. Jany ye 15th ^ 0 1 J o h n the Son of Thos & Sarah Prowse. April 1 2 * E l i z * the Daughter of William & Mary James. 14 John the Son of John & Betty Collard. July 1 2 * J a m e s the Son of James & Susanna Clapp born J u n e 26*. Augst i t h Caroline the Daughter of Sam* & Martha Willment. Sep* 4 * Eliza the Daughter of Charles & Jael Parrett born Augst 4th, Nov* 15th Henrietta Daughter of William & Hannah Redwood born F e b . 7 . Jany 31st ^ 0 2 J a m e s the son of James & Alice Pyne. Feby 21st William Son of George & Betty King. 26 J a m e s the Son of William & Joanna Loman. 28* Ann Daughter of Nicholas & Sarah Hartnellborn the 9*. March 1 7 * j h n the Son o f John & Hannah Oaten. 21 Honor Daughter of Joseph & Betty Hill. 28* B e t t y Daughter of William & Hannah Escott. June ist J a m e s the Son of William & Ann Davey. 13 Nancy Daughter of Robt & J a n e Budd. 7 Charlotte Daughter of Thorp & Mary Darbey. July i 8 * . Susanna Winter. d th t h 0 t h th G st t h 2 t h I 2 s a a c S o n o f I s t h a a c & 5 Samuel Son of Samuel & Martha Willment. Dec* t h Mathew Son of Richard & Mary Spiller. Jany 2 6 * 1803 William W a r r Son of James & J a n e Bradbeer. Feby 13th lonh s f Betty Cridland a base Child. 2 5 t h e o n 0 io6 t h Feby 1 3 Thomas Son of Samuel & Mary Rich. March 2 2 Unity Daug* of Joseph & B e t t y Atkins. Apr* 1 0 * Sami of William & B e t t y Maull. May 1 st Simon Son of Stephen & B e t t y Dring. 30* William Son of William & Hannah Redwood. June 1 9 * William Son of Mary Wood a base Child. Jany 1 1 * 1804 Sarah Daughter of John & Elizabeth Hartnell born Oct* 28* 1798. Jany 1 1 * Susanna Daughter of John 8c Elizabeth Hartnell bora July 2 9 1800. 31st George Son of Nicholas & Sarah Hartnell. Feby 1 3 * Elizabeth Daughter of Robert & J a n e Budd. 19 Jane Daughter of Thomas & Mary Sowdon. March 1 8 * Elizabeth Daughter of Henry & Hannah Selly. July 8* Jane Daughter of Thorpe 8c Mary Darby. 31st Ann Daughter of William & Ann Cooper. Aug 26 John Son of William & Ann Davey. 31st Mary Daughter of William 8c Mary Stockman. Oct I John Son of James & Betty Ham. I Ann Daughter of John & M a r y Hodge. 20* John Son of John & Mary Thomas. 25th Henry Son o f Isaac 8c J a n e Sparks. Feby 1 9 * 1805 Susanna Daughter of Isaac & Susanna Winter. March 1 2 * Charlotte Daughter of Charlotte & J a n e Budd. 20* Charles Son of Charles 8c J a e l Parratt. April 1 2 * James Son of Thomas 8c Sarah Prowse. June 9 * Robert Son of Simon & Sarah Lake. 10* James Son of James & J a n e Bradbeer P . B . 23d John Son of George & B e t t y King. July 1 4 * William Son of Robert & B e t t y Whetcomb. Francis Son of Francis & Susanna Craven. John Son o f John & Betty Dave. 21st John Son of John & Sarah Pearce. Augst 1 1 * Sarah Daughter of Abraham & Susanna Woolfery. 18* John Son of Nicholas & Sarah Hartnell. 24* Mary Daughter of Henry & Hannah Selly. Sep* 8* Mary Ann Daughter of William & Mary James. Oct* 1 3 * Charles Son of John & Mary Willcox. d th t h st r th s t s t 107 Oct* 20th William Son of William 8c Mary Sarven. Nov* 5th Sarah Daughter o f Deborah Jones a base Child. 10* J a m e s Son of Nancy Hartnell a base Child. 24 J a n e Daughter o f William & Martha Hawker. Decr 15th j Daughter o f William & Mary Stockman. 25 Mary Daughter of J a m e s & Betty Sumery. 27th William Son of James & Grace Wille. March 13th ^ 0 6 Richard Son o f Richard & Mary Bussel. Api 20* John Son of John & Mary Thomas. Louisa Daughter o f A m y Cole a base Child. June 2 9 * Joseph Son o f John & Mary Steer. J a m e s Son of Ann B a b b a base Child. July 2 7 * Sarah Daughter o f William 8c Sarah Wright. Augst t h Daughter o f William & Ann Cooper. Sepr 7th Daughter of John & Mary Orchard. Octr i th j th E i z a th I0 M a E I 2 a 19 th K t h 22C May ist u U c t r s t l 8 t t l 25th ovr ist jany 6 * I l t h l 8 t h e b y J 2d J 4 t h l 8 o a m a Feby 6th March jst S * J y z e s S o n o f M a r y M e l H s h a b a s e c w l d > Joseph Son of Joseph & Sarah Coles. Martha Daughter of Joseph & Sarah Coles. Charles Son of William & Ann Dare. William Son of John 8c Mary Willcox. William Son of John & Mary White. j Henry & Hannah Selly. Thomas Son o f Samuel & Martha Willment born 21 st Dec* 1806. Daughter o f Charles 8c Jael Parratt. William Son of Thomas & J a n e Jenkins. J o h n Son of Robert & J a n e Budd. John Son of John & Eliza Burges. Diana Daughter of Mary Wood a base Child. Novr 30* 8br ; Decr 20th Jany nth ^ 19th £ g r i i o m e t t h n s S o n o f v S o n Q f S a m u e l & M a r y W o o ( L j Son o f George & Mary Collard. Mary Daughter of Simon & Sarah Lake. Mary Daughter o f James 8c Betty Semery. J o h n Son of Francis & Sarah Bross born June 1 4 * . § Robert Son of Isaac & Susanna Winter born 2<* 1807. Harriet Daughter o f Richard 8c Mary Bussell. Samuel Son of, Samuel & Martha Willment. Ann Daughter o f John 8c Mary Willcox. 0 Q n io8 t h Feby 1 7 March 1 3 * Ap 1 7 Mary Ware Daughter o f J a m e s & J a n e Bradbear. Sarah Daughter of J a m e s & J a n e Hammet. Thomas Son of Nicholas & Sarah Hartnall. William Son of William & Sarah Possey. Jane Daughter of J a m e s & Ann Gardener. 28 Betty Hill an aged Woman. Sarah Daughter of Joseph & Betty H i l l Samuel Pring Son aged 12 years. May 9 * James Son of James & Grace Wills. 29 James Jones Aged 19 years. Charlotte Daughter of William & Mary Stockman. June 5 * Nicholas Son of William & Mary Thomas born May 1 9 * . 26* William Son of William & Mary J a m e s . D . Webber Curate. A u g 21st Harriet Daughter of Henry & Hannah Selly. Oct 1 6 Mary Ann Daughter of Liddy Lee—Base. 23 John Son of Sam* & Mary Rich Born July 2 8 * 1807. 30* James Son of Mary Whale. Base. 24* Sarah Daughter of John & Mary Steer. Nov* 2 0 Harriet Daughter of Robert & J a n e Budd. Lucy Daughter of Richard & Mary Spiller born April 3 0 1808. Samuel Son of Richard 8c Mary Spiller born March 2 5 * 1804. Feby 5th ^ 0 9 Harriet Daughter of John & Elizabeth Grabham born Jany 8*. 16* Elizabeth Daughter of Charles & J a n e Parratt born 20* Jany. 19* Thomas Melchisedec Son of William & Ann Dave Born Dec* 3d 1808. 26* Frances Daughter of Richard & Mary Bussell. March 1 9 * Francis Son of Thomas & Ann Dave. Sarah Daughter of George & Betty King. Elizabeth Daughter of Simon & Sarah Lake. April 2 Sarah Daughter of John & Mary Willcox. 19 Hannah Daughter of John & Mary Kinglock Born March 19th, 1 t h th th st r t h d th th d t h ro9 th April 30 Elizabeth Daughter of George & Mary Collard. May 9 * Edward Thomas Son of Torpe & Mary Darby. 14 Ann Daughter of John & Mary Hosman. 25* Thomas Son of John & J a n e Crook. June 2 5 * Elizabeth Daughter o f Zacariah & Eliza Burges. July 2d William Son of Samuel & Elizabeth Wile. July 23d Mary Ann Daughter o f John, Betty Incledon. Octobr 2id John Son of John and Sarah Babb. Decern* 31 Eliza Daughter of William & Mary Cattle. Januar. 14 1810 Mary Ann Daughter of John and Betty Mills. February 25 Joseph Son o f Joseph and Mary Watson. , March 25 Mariah Daughter of Robert and J a n e Budd. April 15 Ann Daughter of Samuel and Mary Rich. May 23 Mary Daughter of Joseph and Betty Atkins, June 3 J a m e s Son of Simon and Sarah Lake. Aug. 19th. John Son of Joseph and Sarah Norman. Sepr Thomas Son of William and Sarah Pursey. Sepr j g J a m e s Son of J a m e s and J a n e Bradber. Dito 16 William Son of Edward and Mary foxwell. Octor 28 Thomas and Charlotte Son and D a u James and Ann Isaac. Dito 28 T h o m a s Son o f Mary hill Born Decr 11 1809. Decer 23 J a m e s Son o f George and Betty hayward. Dece* 25 B e t t y Daughter of Samuel & Mary Wood Born Nov* 6/1809. January 6 1811 George Son o f James and J a n e Hamett Born Nov* 18/1810. Dito 7 William Son of M* Isaac and Mrs Susanna Winter Born August the 19/1810. Dito 13 Robert Son o f Mr Samuel and M*s Martha Willment P. Bapt. Feb*y 17 j h $ n f B e t t y hawkins Born December the 7/1810. March 17 William Son of William & Ann Benett. 7 Charlotte and Sarah Daughters of James and Betty Sumerys. March 24 John Son o f John and Mary W i l c o x . April 15 John Son of Henry & Hannah Selly. 28 Samuel Son of Richard & Mary Baston. th 2 r 0 l t o l n 0 0 110 May 12 William Son of Joseph & Susanna Wilkey. June 3 Richard Son of George & Mary Collard. July 7 John Son of John & B e t t y Incledon. 2i Mary Ann Daughter o f George & Mary Collard. 28 Elizabeth Daughter of Charles & Sarah Down. August 4 Isaac Son of Thomas & B e t t y Carter. Septr 15 Charles Son of William & Ann Pursey. Oct* 27 Samuel Son o f Torpie & Mary Darby. Nov* 17 John Son of Henry & Mary Johns. Dec* 1 Mary Anne Daughter o f W i l l & Anne Davy. 29* Edward Son of Jeremiah & Mary O'Connor. 29* Mary Daughter o f Richard & B e t t y Evely. Jany 7 1812 George Son o f J a m e s & Agnes Maria Thorne of the Parish of Bishops Hull Born 20* Aug. 1809. March 1 Charles Son of Thomas & Mary B a k e r . April 12 Eliza Daughter of J a m e s & Betty Somerhays. 26 Isaac Son of William & Mary J a m e s . June 7 Isaac Son of John & Mary W i l c o x of Taunton S* M. M. Anne Daughter o f John & Mary Toller. 28 Jane Daughter o f James & J a n e Bradbeer. Sept* 1 Octavia Harvey Daughter o f William Henry Boys Major of the Royal Marines & Elizabeth his wife Born 4 * August. 6 Mark & Luke Sons, of John & B e t t y Davey. Oct* 4 Sally Daughter o f John & Sarah Dring. d m carriages. 1 2 3 September 2 9 * 1705 Thomas Collins of Stoke S* gregory and Jane Hill of Miluerton. Aprill 2 2 1710 J o h n Wright of Staplefitzpaine and Joane Trump o f Curland. Nouember 2 3 1 7 1 1 Robert Sealy Pitmister and ffrances Bridle o f Taunton S Mary Magdalen. Benjamin Pope o f Hullbishopps and Hannah Smith o f Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen 8* of October 1712. Thomas Jefferies and Sarah Chester of Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen 2 5 October 1 7 1 2 . Joseph ffollatt of Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen and Joane Hutchens o f this parish 2 0 December 1714. John Tackle of Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen and Elizabeth Ryedon of this parish 1 8 J u n e 1715. Richard Spurle of Staplegroue and Eliz. Jones of Taunton Saint James the 2 6 Aprill 1716. Alexander BrufTord of Bradford and Joane Bindon of hillfarance the n t h j John Score o f Wellington and Eliz. Talbott of Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen June 21st 1716. William Pincard o f Staplegroue and Eliz. Wornell of the same the 2 8 * of J u l y 1716. John Oliuer of Taunton St Mary Magdale and Ann Challender of the same the 3 0 December 1716. George Lissant of Kingstone and Margaret Denham of Ruishton the 1 6 * fTebruary 1716. John Gale of Tiuerton and Joane JefTord of Taunton Saint James 21st of March 1716. John Armstrong of Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen and Susanna Baker of Isle Abbots May 1717. Nicholas Duning o f Chard and Joane White of Buckland Saint Mary ist J u n e 1 7 1 7 . Thomas Hooper o f Plymouth and Ann Munite of Taunton Saint James 2 8 * September 1717, d d fc 4 5 t h 6 th 7 t h 8 t h 9 u 10 J i !2 n e th *3 H l S Jo l 7 112 18 19 20 t h James Collins o f Westmuckton and Mary Bond o f Trull 9 October 1717. Ffrancis Broome of Currymallett & Allis Louibond of the same 9 * October 1717. James Brush of Taunton S* Mary Magdalen and Mary Vickery of this parish 3 1 December 1 7 1 7 . James Andrews & Mary Jefferys o f Huntspill 3 0 January 1717Richard Drake of Pittmister and • Mary Cordwent of Church Taunton 2 Aprill 1718. John Bennett of Pittmister & J o a n e Dollen of the same 1 8 June Robert White of Spaxon & Mary Bolt o f the same 1 5 Sep tember 1718. George Knight of Bishopslydard & Ann Hayes of y same 24 September 1718. John Coggen of Northcurry & Eliz. Hooper of y same I December 1718. John Dare of Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen and Ann fBemming of the same 2 3 December 1718. Aron Rodford of Hullbishops and Grace Shropnell o f Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen was married 2 2 Nouember 1718. Mathew Williams of Bampton and Mary fiord o f Taunton Saint James n * January 1718. Thomas Wheatly Exciseman and J a n e Alford of Winsham the 5 January 1718. James Wheadon of Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen and Joane Gulliford of the same 1 4 * March 1718. Joseph Webber of Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen and Hannah Weekes of the same 1 7 * May 1 7 1 9 . William Norton of Bishopshull and Joannah Hill of Norton ffitz-warren 1 3 * June 1719. George Culluerwell of Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen and Sarah Crosse of the same 1 8 June 1719. * Nicholas Woodham of Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen and Mary Pursey of Bishops Hull 1 6 * August 1 7 1 9 . Thomas Batt of highham and Tobitha Langford of Chard the 2 6 * August 1719. Edward Cibly of Bidralton and Joane Powill of Ashbrittle the 3 0 October 1719. s t 21 22 th d 23 24 25 26 27 t h t h e e d 28 d 29 30 t h 31 32 33 34 t h 35 36 37 th s t fc 38 John Halborow o f the Parish of S t Phillips and S James in Bristoll and Eliz. Guddridge of Taunton St Mary Magdalen the 1 9 * Nouember 1 7 1 9 . 39 John Burston of Welne and Joane Eseott of the same the 2 1 December 1719. 40 John Rowe o f Crediton and Ann Stocker of Taunton St Mary Magdalen 6 December 1719. 41 Thomas Pococke of Creech Saint Michael and Mary Musgraue of Munkton the 1 7 * ffebruary 1719. 42 John Tice of this parish and Joane Winter of Taunton Saint Mary Magdalen the 1 8 * Aprill 1720. 43 Daniell Stronge and Sarah Gunston Both of Pittmister was married the 2 4 * day of May 1720. 44 John Rockwell of Wellington and Eliz. Mason of this Parish was married the 9 * of October 1722. [1722. 45 William Maull and Joane Stracy was married the 2 6 * of July 46 Humphry Pole & Eliz. ffarnham was married the 6 * day of December Aho Dni 1722. 47 William Slape & Blanch Gale of Taunton S James was married 1 9 January 1722. 48 Peter Gates and Eliza Booby was married the 2 7 * day of March Ano Dni 1723. 49 Richard JPinchard and Hannah Haswell was married 4 May Anno Dni 1723. 50 William Whittrow & _Anne Kimberlaine was married the 2 5 day of J u l y A h o Dni 1723. 51 Jonathan Bryant and Eliza Marson was married the 6 * day of August 1723. 52 Samuel Smith of Taunton Magdalen & Hannah Webb of this Parish was married 7 ^ October ^723. 53 John Bussell of Taunton Magdalen & Mary Baker of Hulbishopps was married 2 0 * November 1723. 54 Josiah Prockter & Christian Barrell of this Parish was married 3 December 1723. 55 John" Andross & Eliz. Crosse o f this Parish was married 2 5 * December 1724. 56 John Walters & Eliz. Bonner o f Taunton Magdalen was married 4 * J u l y 1725. st t h 1 fc t h t h t h d 114 57 Richard Upham & Briggett Russell of Taunton Mag was married 2 8 September 1725. 58 William Parsons & Honor Hooper of Taunton M a g was married 7 November 1725. 59 John Juhall & Jsett Hunt was married 6 * December 1725. 60 George Williams & Eliza Rossiter was married 1 9 March 1725. 61 Samuell Shorte & Sarah Batsonn o f Taunton was married 1 2 * May 1726. 62 Thomas Rowswell o f Taunton M a g & Sarah Perriam of Hulbishopps was married 3 1 J u l y 1726. 63 William Cambell 8c Eliz. Andrews was married 4 August 1726. 64 William Pully & Susannah Ellis was maTied 3 1 August 176. 65 Peter Kates & Jsat Locke was married 9 * 7 1726. 66 Arthur Swaine & Hannah Satchell was married 1 8 7 17 67 John Dadd 8c Jane Lister was married 2 7 7 1726. 68 Joseph Loud & Mary Hellard was married 9 8 1726. 69 Joseph Collard & Mary Rennols was married 2 0 9 17 70 Gabrel Richards & Ann Warre was married 8 January 26. 71 William Baker & Jane White was married 1 0 ffebruary 1726. 72 John Lanton 8c Eliz. Sweete was married 1 5 * ffeb ? 1726. 73 Robert Gates & Mary Bryant was married 9 March 1726. 74 James Sharpe of Wiveliscombe and Ann Hutchens of the same was married the 6 * day of Aprill Anno Dni 1727. 75 William Saunders and Elizabeth Nation were married the 4 day o f May 1727. 76 John Pollard and Mary Stone were married the 21st day of May 1727. 77 Robert Edwards and Anne Sayer were married the 2 5 * day June 1727. 78 John Edwards and Anne Parish were married the 2 0 * day of Septemb* 1727. 79 John Turner and Mary Shorler were married the 1 4 * day of January 1727. th t h t h s t t h s t b e r t h t h b e r s 6 b e r 2 6 b e r t h b e r th th t h 1 t h t h 80 c 81 Marriages in the year 1728. John Maunder of the parish of Bicknoller and Elianor Chilcot of S a i W e r e m a r r i e d t h e 1 I t h d a o f «™? £? 7 April 1728. William Slade of Taunton S* J a m e s and Mary Baylis o f Staplegrove were married the 1 2 * day o f May 1728 r*5 82 Thomas Cleft o f the parish of Sampford Arrundel and Elizabeth Welland o f Tingmouth in the County of Devon were married June ist iy 8. 83 Thomas Lewis o f Tiverton in the County of Devon & Sarah Manning of Wilton in the County of Somerset were married June 1 9 * 1728. 84 John Comb o f Taunton S J a m e s and Anne Tucker o f Wilton were married the 3 0 day of S e p 1728. 8$ Anthony Massey o f Taunton S* Mary Magdalin and Martha Land o f the same were married the twentieth day o f December 1728. 86 Richard Spray o f Wilton and Elizabeth Musgrove of the same were married the ninth day of January 1728. 87 John Rew of Kingston and Mary Noble of Chedon were married the sixth day of January 1729. 88 Abraham Vicary o f Taunton S Mary Magdalen and Hannah Buncomb o f Wilton were married January the 2 2 1729. 89 Richard Dare of Taunton S Mary Magdalin and Anne Bryant of Wilton were married the 2 6 day of January 1729. Marriages in the year 1730. Robert Cane o f Camber in the Kingdom of Ireland and Rose Rose a sojourner o f this parish were married April y 7 1730. Joseph Warkman o f the parish of Taunton S Mary Magdalin and Sarah Ball o f the same were married J u n e y I 1730. Roger Davies o f Wilton and Catherine Landsdown of the same were married J u l y the 1 6 * 1730. John Pine o f Wellengton and Elizabeth Ridan o f Wilton were married August y 4 * 1730. John Standfast o f Taunton S Mary Magdalin and J a n e Kevill of the same were married the 1 2 day of August 1730. Nicholas Woodham of Bishops Hull and Sarah Fooks o f Taunton St Mary Magdalin were married August 3 1 1730. Henry Hellings o f Milverton and Mary Yeandeil o f Wivelscomb were married Sep* ye 7 * 1730. John Dennis o f West Monkton and J a n e Sims o f the same were married Oct. 2 5 * 1730. William Jones o f Wilton and Mary Edwards an indweller in the same were married Dec* 2 6 * 1730. 2 t th r l d l t h e fc e e fc t h s t s t t h n6 Simon Pollard of Taunton S* M a r y Magdalin and Joan Warren • .of,the same were .married Jany y 2 1 173°« Mountgomery Strode of S J a m e s and Anne Stuckey of Taunton ,i St Mary Magdalin were married March y 7 1730: , . , , , Marriages in the year 1731. Robert Isaac of Kingston and J o a n Dwelling of the same were , married April the 20* 1731. Peter Risdon of Trull and Sarah Skinner o f Bromvill were ,; married March y ,2 1731. J o h n i H a l l e t of Wilton and J o a n Shut o f Taunton St Mary Magdalin were married the 4 * day o f March 1731. Jeremiah Binford ofjChedon and Hannah L e a of Monkton were married March y 234.1731, James T a p & Sarah Bond were married Decern* y 2 6 * 1730. Robert Huate and Sarah Sheppard, were married January ,:, y 1 6 * 1 7 3 1 . , John Capon and Sarah,Baker were married February y 1 0 J73 Marriages in 1732. Richard Carter and Elizabeth Tomson were married .May ye 1 4 * 1732. 1 Marriages 1732. , August 9 1732 Benjamin Bowin and Sarah Garnett. Sep* 14 Henry Virgin and Mary Ridge, Oct* 8 Robert Betts and Mary Deling. Dec* 21 John Allen and Eliner Bond. 24 Samuel Harvey and Margaret Cooper. 26 „ Joseph, Mockridge & Susannah Hooper. Jan. 16 Henry Atkins and Mary Chedy. 1 j : Marriages. June 17 1733 John Major and Sarah Bamptfield. 19 , • s Thomas Lowman and Hannah Davies. Decent* 2i*t Duke Poyntington and, Hannah.Eston. Feb*? 28 . M* Thomas Weeks and M*« Mary Baker. March 3d John Gilmore and Sarah, Hooper. . , .', Dec * 25 Thomas Turner. & Elizabeth Pye. '.'.,.,« ,, | June 26 1734 Thomas Philips & J a n e Resterrick. Sep* 15 John Worrell and J a n e Welshman. ' '., . Nov* 6 John Bale and Joan T h o m a s , , , e s t l e e t h d e e e t e i : b s t h 1 October 9 June 23 1735 July 3 September 24 Nov* 10 January 8 February 15 21 July ye 7 1736 Sep* 30 Dec* 10 Feb. 15 March 8 15 May 3 1737 H 30 March i o May 8 1738 June 7 21 Novemb* 6 June 1 T.739 11 July 16 Aug 13 pt 9 *3 27 Octobr st S e r I 9 Decern* 26 April 1 1740 July 6 |°v 3 * 5 r eb 1 1 0 a P"l J J o h n Colliford and Mary Qummer. William Bailey & Frances Musgrave. J o h n Hooper & Elizabeth Cade. Thomas Priest & Elizabeth Dinham. J o h n Shute & Sarah Ford. Samuel Gardiner & Elizabeth Atkins. J o h n Slade & Mary Wader. William Pool & Mary Smale. Thomas Dawe and Grace Sellect. William Dight and A n n Edwards. Peter Channing and Mary Price. Samuel T a c k l e and Mary Kimberlin. Henry Strong and Elizabeth Wood. Francis Prole and Elizabeth Edwards. M* Samuel Brown & M** Mary Jeane. J o h n F o x & Sarah Procktor. William Beadon & Sarah Culverwell. Joseph Cornish & Mary Rawlington. J o h n Mills 8c Ann Hardel. William Keene & Mary Marker. Thomas Swain & Mary Seagar. Henry Virgin & Susanna Cocks. Christopher Gill & Ann Pratt. J a m e s Criddle & Elizabeth Foy. Nicholas Marder & Joan Dare. Thomas Hurley & J o a n Tucker. William Spiller & Elizabeth Bond. J a m e s W a k e & Elizabeth Pyne. T h o m a s Prows & Miriam Chipman. j p kter. a c o b K t m a n & o a n r o c Henry Toogood & Elizabeth Burman. J o h n Townsend & Mary Smith. j Easton & Sarah Palmer. William Cornish & Mary Jeffery. Charles Bailey & Dinah Bailey. J o h n Furnival & Sarah Metford. Onesiphorus Penny & Ann Whitmash. 2 1741 J o h n Chapman. & Mary Ridler. o n n st Aug 18 Sep* 8 27 Jan. 1 17 Feb. 22 A u g 11 1742 Sept 22 Oct* 13 Dec* 21 Jan. 30 Feb. 11 17 Apr. 19 1743 May 24 July 28 Octo* 6 16 Nov* 26 Dec* 4 26 Daniel Varder & Hannah Hurley. Josias Procter & Hannah Allen. Samuel Hilliard 8z Sarah Dinham. J a c o b Pitman & Mary Brush. Henry Rowsell & Elizabeth Cade. Henry Spring & Anna P o l l e t William Dare & Mary J e a n e . Thomas Holbard & Luthera Ham. John Pope & Sarah Beadon. Tristram H e x & Mary Stroude. James Tucker & Martha Turner. William J o n e s & Joan Cooper. John Verrier & Margaret Towells. T h o Morgan & Elizabeth Cox. Samuel Cross & Mary Dare. Nathani Gillett & Elizabeth Woifrey. M* K i r k Patrick & Miss Lucas. John Upham 8c Mary Wreth. Richard Grant & Mary Dicker. Francis Rendal & B e t t y Easton. Aaron Clarke 8c Sarah Winslad, 8c Edward Reeves & Ann Sprage. Febry 7 Robert Pingstone & Eleanor Manning. Apr. 19 1744 Peter Channing 8c Anna Smith. May 30 James Reed & Mary Sugg. July 30 Christopher Cook 8c Sarah Haydon. Octo* 14 W i l l * Clarke & Hannah Bucey. Nov* 28 Robt Somers 8c Margaret Mitchel. Dec* 3 John Hoyle & Margaret Bradbere. Apr* 15 1745 John Bond & Mary Stocker. 22 John Furze & Elisabeth Maunder, May 14 Willm Buncombe & J a n e Beadon. Sep* 22 Josiah Whetcombe 8c Mary Brownjohn. 24 John Bond & Jokn Every. Nov* 24 M* Benjamin Hall & Miss Roberts. - Dec* 26 Samuel Porter & Mary Turner. Jany 23 John Lock married to J a n e Cox, . & Robert Mitchell to Mary Whitmash. st s «9 March 23 Apr! 3 1746 May 19 29 June 26 July 9 I ; Edward Turner & Frances Every. Thomas Pratt & Mary Bale. Will™ Gibbs & Sarah Turner. George Pain & Grace Pool. Willm Porter & Mary Vicary. Samuel Cornish & Hannah Hillear. J a . Hurly Minister. July 30 Geo. B r a y & Margaret Gardner. Sep* 19 Daniel Parsons & Eliz. Allen. Dec* 26 Thos Bragg & Hannah Rogers. Jany 4 Jonathan Colin & Eliz. Atter. Feby 9 J o h n Tottel & Mary Lane. March 10 M* Jn<> Brice & Miss Hoare. Simon Tooser & Eliz. Coleman, June 30 1747 Willm Langdon & Sarah Hallett. Nov* 19th s rjoHin & Ann Boone. 23 Thos Mundey & Mary Burgum. Dec* 25 George Durston & Eliz. Broadmead. Feb. 26 John Greenslade & Eliz. Durck. Aprl 18 1748 Willm Parsons & Frances Masters. Sepr t h j o b Brooks & Hannah Turner. X h o I0 I 7 4 9 a C 21 Thos Ramster & Mary Collard. Feby iB Thos Wish & Ann Newton. Ap 15 1750 Jno Chard & J a n e Harvey. S a m Yandel & Mary Lock. y I J a m e s Bond & Esther Chard, & Nehemiah Bucey & Mary Ludlowe. June 28 j o Standfast & Ann Ramster. Oc 9 Blackmore. AP 15 175* Rob* Wornel & Mary Winter. June 16 R d Seathard & Ruth Cornish. Aug' I Richd Westcott & Mary Coles. 4 Thos Cleeve & Joan Clockford. ^ 4 Simon Smith & Sarah Meteyard. *eby U 1752 Thos K i r k & J o a n Coles. Way Francis Vicary & Mary Bishop. Jany t h j stukeley. Augt th Willm Mall & Sarah C o x . 1 1 2 M a 1 s t n r H e w s & M a r 1 { c n 2 2 I 0 I; o ; I 7 S 3 h n H o w & J o a n y 120 Sep' 5 12 Nov. 5 Feby 4 - 1754 March 19 25 th Sam* Fussey' & Hannah Meade by l i c e n c e . James Marler & Susannah Durk. Henry Trenchard & J o a n Wood b y License. John Ash & Eliz. Stocker by License. Rob* Spiller & Sarah Thomas b y License. Geo. Hutchins & Judith Lackington by License. 121 1714 Eleanor Buncombe was Burried 16 May. Mary Daughter o f John Tackle was Burried 3 I May. Eliz. D i x was Burried 4 October. John Sonn of John Bryant 2 ffebruary. 1715 Thomas Midleton was Burried the I of May. Mary Callew was Burride the 8 May. Ann Daughter of Richard was Burried the 1 9 June. Angle wife of Charles Worrell was Burried 2 4 June. Joane Hutchens was Burried the 1 8 August. Ann Hellier was Burried 2 8 of August 1715. 1716 Mary Smith was Burried the 1 2 of June. 1717 Robert Totten was Burried the 2 0 Nouember 1717. John Limberry o f Trull was Burried the 3 o f Aprill. Martha Wedlocke was Burried the 2 0 of ffebruary. 1718 Charity Bale was Burried the 24th May. Ann Atkins was Burried the of Aprill. William Pye Sonn of John Pye was Burried the 2 0 of June. George Gillinham was Burned the 2 o f August 1718. *7i9 Eliz. the wife o f Thomas Hinton was Burried 2 6 ^ March. Mary Churchill was Burried the Day of May 1720. Thomas Hacker was Burried the 4 day of Aprill 1720. Eliz. the Daughter of Mathew Williams was Buried the 26th day of June 1720. Mr Nathaniell Minifie was Buried the 1 7 day of August 1720. Mary Mackmillion was Buried the 7 * day of September 1720. *72l Valentine Poole o f S* Mary Magdalen Parish was Buried the 28* day of Aprill Anno Dni 1721. Grace Poole was Burried the 2 1 day of January 1721. Abigale Shepheard was Burried the 30*-of January 1721. ?22 Robert Barrell was Burried the I Aprill 1722. Henry Crosse was Burried the 1 4 o f May 1722. Richard Martin was Burried the 2 o of May 1722. Mr James Minifie was Burried the 24th May 1722. Richard Tozer was Burried the 1 4 June 1722. s t t h d s t t h t h th t h th t h th d th th d t h t h s t r s t t h t b t h 122 Charity Tozer was Burried the 2 4 ^ June 1722. Honour Stone was Burried the 23d day of J u n e 1722. Hugh Bryant was Burried the 1 4 day of 9 7' Joane Tice was Burried the 1 3 * December 1722. Anne Hutchens was Burried the 2 3 December 1722. 1722 Rachill Gillinham was Burried 1 1 * of January. 1723 Mary Mudford was Buried the 5 of Aprill 1723. Hannah Pye was Burried the 5 " Aprill. William Pye was Burried the 1 4 of Aprill. Mary Phillip was Burried the 1 4 of Aprill. Henry Callow was Burried the 9 of June. Eliz. Vickery was Burried the 10 - of June. Eleanor Smith was Burried the 5 of July. Catherine Chapman was Burried the 2 8 o f July. Hannah Hayes was Burried the 4 of August. John fford was Burried the 2 4 o f September. Peter Strang was Burried the 1 3 of October. John Hayes was Burried the 1 0 o f November. Allice Prockter was Burried the 2 2 December. Daniell Legg was Burried the 2 ffebruary. t h b e r d t h t h of t h t h t h th t h th t h th t h t h d d th 1724 Thomas Durston was Burried the 6 ffebruary. 1725 Martha Reed was Burried the i8 - June. Ruth Webb was Burried the 3 August. Mary Dollen was Burried the 1 9 September. John Buncombe was Buried I March. Ahne Warren was Buried 7th March. Jane Bryant was Buried 13th March. John Durston was Buried 13th March. 1726 Thomas Parsons was Burried 2 8 Aprill. Eliz. T y c e was Buried 14th July. Tryann Hallatt was Buried 31st July. Margett Trout was Burried 2 6 ^ September. Mozes Newberry was Burried 12& October. Eliz. Minifie was Burried 5 th gber, Aaron Newberry was Burried 5 December. Mary Bryant was Burried 15th December. James Strang was Burried 1 8 * December. William Merricke-was Burried 2 9 * January. tb d t h s t t]l t h l 22 123 th Thomas Luxsonn was Burned 2 8 ffebruary. 172; Hannah Gully was buried the 7 day o f May. Christopher Palfry was buried y 4 day of June. John Proctor was buried y 2 5 day o f June. Susannah Luxton was buried y 6 day of July. Francis Barnstable was buried y 2 7 day o f August. Mary Warren was buried the 3 day of September. James Bryant was buried the 6 day o f October. Mary L e g was buried the 5 day of November. Elizabeth Spurl was buried y 14 - day o f November. Joseph Pollard was buried the 1 4 day o f January. John Andross was buried y 2 8 day of January. Stephen Newbury was buried the 17 day o f March. Burials in the year 1728. John Procter and Hannah Hallet were both buried August the 4 1728. Mary Ballard was buried August the $ 1728. Richard White was buried August the 6 1728. John Shepherd was buried August the 1 I 1728. Richard Bale was buried Septemb the ist 1728. Simon Cade was buried Septemb the 3 1728. Anne Quoram was buried Septemb* the 15th y 8. Sarah Tackel was buried Septemb* the 17th 1728. William Pyke was buried Novemb the I 1728. Mary Dolling was buried Novemb* the 1 0 ^ 1728. James Cross was buried Novemb the 2 5 1728. Elizabeth Hooper and Mary Knight were both buried Decemb* the 5th 2 8 . John Furnival Curate of Wilton 1728. Philip Slocomb was buried Decernb* y 12th 1728. John Buncomb was buried Decemb* y 2 6 * 1728. Burials in the year 1729. Mary Bowring was buried April y I 3 1729. Sarah Culverwell was buried May y 2 1729. Mary Pugh was buried May y 1 8 1729. Thomas Hinton was buried July y 1 8 1729. Elizabeth Taply and Mary Gibbs were both buried August tjie. 1 4 1729, t h e e t h t h e t h e t h d th t h e th t h e th t h th t h th r r d I r s t r t h I 7 e e e a e e t h e t h t h d 2 124 e t h e t h Hannah Dunster was buried Septemb* y 1 2 1729. Margaret Hallet was buried Octob* y 1 0 1729. Anne Bryant was buried D e c e m b y 2 3 1729. Elizabeth Tucker was buried January y 1 8 1729. Anne Strang was buried F e b . y 8& 1729. Mary Procter was buried F e b . y 9 1729. Elizabeth Newberry was buried F e b . y 1 1 1729» Joan Minifie and John Strang were both buried F e b . y 1 7 7 9> Philip Cooper was buried March y I 1729Joan Procter was buried March y 1 5 i7 9« Anne Trout was buried March y 3 1 1730. Buriatts in 1730. Ann Pollard buried Aprill y 21 1730. Robert Tice buried Aprill y 26 1730. Richard Fouracres buried J u l y y 1 2 1730. Ann Gardiner buried July y 28 - 1730. Elizabeth Heliar buried August y 2 3 1730. Dorothy Cosin buried September y 6 1730. Humphry Bond buried Octob* y 1 1 1730. Mary Parsons buried Nov* y 8 1730. Thomas Minifie buried Decern* y 2 6 1730. John Andross Sen* buried Feb*y y 2 1730. Burials in 1 7 3 1 . William Baker buried April ye 25ft 1731. William Warin buried May y e 2 5 1731. John Lockson buried J u l y y e 2 7 1731. Prew King buried August y e 17th 1731, Henry Hooper buried September y 2 3 1731. Joseph Spray buried Jany y 2 3 1731. Burials in 1732. William Durston buried May y e 7th 1732, Mary Chard buried May y e 2 8 1732. Henry Hooper buried June y 2 5 1732. James Irish buried July y e 2 1 1732. Sep* 10 1732 Betty Thomas. April 12 1733 John Andross. Nov* 26 Ann Lombry. Robert Procter. Dec* 24 George Gardner. May 24 John Webb jun*. Feb. 23 Mary Culverwell. June 10 Grace Slocomb. 25 James Lembry. July 16 William Durston. r e d e t h e e t h e t h e e s t e t h e 2 s t e e e e t h th e d e t h e e t h t h e t h e d t h t h e e d t h e t h s t I 2 d t h l 2 125 Sep. 2 Elizabeth Andross. 21 Joan Worrell. 21 Meriam Pooley. Nov* 4 Ann Cranklin. Febru.17 George Pool. April 1 1734 William Thomas. 14 Mary Pye. May 22 Mary Manning. 22 Elizabeth Turner. January 19 Martha Tapp. March 16 Joan Durston. April 1 1735 Mary Cade. May 25 Mary Harvy. 25 Elizabeth Caswell. Sarah Bailey. 25 June 8 Rachel Hill. 27 Mary Polley. M Frances Bidgood. July 8 Hannah Knight. 25 John Chard. 27 Oct* 5 Mary Atkins. Dec* 12 John Thomas. Jan. 4 Elizabeth Lockson. 6 Joan Street. 14 Elizabeth Manning. Feb. 20 George Gillingham. March 21 Martha Turner. April 13 1736 Mary Gillingham. June 13 William Bailey. Oct. 10 Charles Ellis. Feb. 27 John Rice. May 191737 Elizabeth Mills. Sep* 6 Joan Phillips. Nov* 8 Mary Barns. 30 Mary Mockridge. 30 Mary Gardiner. Dec* 13 Henry Bale. Jan. 6 Elizabeth Casley. r s J a n . 29 A n n Bororin. Feb. 14 Ann Coome. March 5 Charles Ellis. April 4 1738 Thomas Crescet. 16 Ann Commins and J a n e Commins, Sisters. M a y 14 Robert Tice. Sep* iy R t h Pye, Dec* 20 Henry Sellick Gen "i. April 13 1739 William Durston. A u g 12 Christian Prockter. Oct. 13 Hannah Kimberlin. Dec* 16 Richard Gill. 16 John Chard. Jan. 6 William Natt. Feb. 10 George Gardner. March 3 Ann Kimberlin. 13 Ann Warren. April 13 1740 John Bale. 24 Mary Andross, May 15 Joan Colman. 15 Mary Bale. 15 J o a n Pitman. J u n e 22 John Rugg. July 7 John Pye. Augst 7 Benjamin Hooper. 24 Anne Chapman. Oct. 7 J a n e Luckson. March 6 Joan Durston. May 29 1741 Francis Gardiner. June 24 Alice Manning. July 5 Thomas Woolfery. Jany 26 Mary Pomroy, Feb. 5 Martha Turner. 12 Eleoner Gardiner. March 14 John Totten. 14 A m y Ellis. April 4 1741 Hannah Hart. u £n st 126 m April II W Limbery. June 3 John Broadmead. 18 Ann Reed. May i Mary Burgam. Feby 26 1743 Mary Warrin. O c t 14 1744 Abraham Sumptor. 17 Samuel Gardiner, March 10 Elisabeth Manning. May 19 1745 Eliz. Cookesly. O c t 22 Joseph Tapley. 27 Margaret Bond. March 18 Eliz. Gardner. June 8 1746 Hannah Hurly. 19 Ruth Butler. July 2 T h o Durston &. Joan Broadmead. 26 Susan Hurly. 30 Jno Tice. 6 Henry Bale. 20 J n ° Pey. 21 Philip Vicary. A p 17 1747 Isaac Baker. 19 Joan Chard. May 1 M*s Burcher. May 20 James Tucker. June 14 Philip Warren. July 8 Gilbert Philips. 27 John Doble. Augt 3 Hon Parsons. S John Durston. Nov* 14 John Bryant. A p S 1748 Edw. Berry. May 10 John Hooper. Sepr 25 Tryan H a l l e t t Dec* 25 Mary Barrell. July 19 1749 Alice Maning. March 29 1750 Henry Browne. Aug* 21 James Archer. r r s 1 r 1 Ocr 5 Martha Maning. A p 12 1751 George Gardner.. 28 J n ° Shephard. Sep* 16 Ann Sumpter. O c 11 Ruth Durston. May 19 1752 Anthony Hooper. M a y 3 1753 George Barrel. J u l y 19 John Irish. 29 Will Chard. Aug* 9 Mary Barrel. 26 Robt Wornel. Sepr 9 J o a n Chard. 21 Dan Paine. Feby 3 1754 Eliz. Ridge. D e c xg Alice Cade. Dec* 22 Lewis Prowse. Feby 25 1755 Sarah Hellier. M a y ist J o h n B a l e . 18 S a m Cornish. J u l y 22 Philip Warren. March ist 1756 John Chard. 7 John Davies. May 2 Margaret Harvey. 30 Mary Cross. Sep* 28 Stephen Culverwell. Oc 7 Mary Hutchins. 24 John Gillet. N o v 16 Stephen Burt. 21 Lewis Poole. Dec* 5 Sarah Gummer. Jany 18 1757 William Cade. May 15 Samuel Spiller. Ocr g Deborah Jones. N o v 10 Isaac Acland. Dec* 11 Elisabeth Clutter. 14 Christian Poole. Sep* 22 1758 David Pavior. Oc 3 Frances Parsons. 1 r 111 1 r 1 r r r r *2? Jany 12 1759 J o a n Bale. Feb. 18 Joseph W h i t e . Api 29 Elisabeth Batenbuery. May 16 Alice Ware. July 13 George Hallett. Aug* 20 James Piper. Otf 7 Mary Gill. Feb. 11 1760 Hannah Bisgood. Nov 16 Patience Harvey. Ap 9 1761 Samuel Cross., May 31 William Jones. June 1 Betty Durston. July 7 Ann Smith. 17 Mary Culverwell. Jany 27 1762 Elisabeth Davies. March 12 Sarah Webber. 14 Mary Strong. May 13 Mary Gosling. 13 Sarah Rendal. Nov' 16 Elisabeth Hooper. Dec* 5 John Thatcher. Feb. 27 1763 Mary F o x . March 13 John Hancock. 27 Ann Criddle. May 3 John Smith. 18 Elisabeth Tratt. July 17 Mary Hancock. 20 Ann Chard. Augt 7 chard. T h o S r 1 21 Susanna Hayman. Sept. 4 James Bryant. Oct. 28 1764 Jno Bond. 28 Sarah Turner. Nov. 19 Mary Rydon. Dec. 16 William Thomas. e b . 17 1765 Mary Rowsell. 17 J n ° Cherry. p. I Robert Prockter. F S e Oct. 22 B e t t y Atkins. Dec. 6 T h o m a s Parsons. Jan. 6 1766 J o a n Durston. Feb. 29 Elisabeth C o x . March 28 Margaret Trout. May 8 Francis Rendall. Aug. 31 J o a n Prockter. Sep. 21 John Durston. Nov. 13 Sarah Rowsell. Nov. 30 Hannah Brown. Nov. 30 Elisabeth Parsons. A p 29 1767 Samuel Hazell. M a y 13 Mary Paviour. June 4 Ann Sutton. J a n . 3 1768 Christian Haydon. 3 Hannah Woolfree. Mar. 27 William Ho. . M a y 26 Ann Haller. Sep. 7 Christopher Durston. Nov. 20 Elisabeth Harris. F e b . 26 1769 A n n Pole. May 9 Thomas Monday. 29 William Atkins. Apr. 8 1770 Thomas Woolfrey. 17 Elisabeth Durston. 24 Thomas Durston. June 14 Hannah Cornish. 24 B e t t y Bisgood. Aug. 15 Daniel Diggens. Nov. 16 Agnes Coles. 18 Mary Durston. Feb. 14 1771 J o a n Reap. 24 Joseph Atkins. Mar. 31 Mary Pratt. June 25 Mary Buckland. Dec. 26 Ann Hooper. 29 M Frances Patten. J a n . 16 1772 Samuel Hazell. r r s 128 Oct. 9 Hannah Sutton. Feb. 27 Hugh Bennett. J a n . 3 1776 M Thomas Burcher. Mar. 12 Mary Camplin. 15 Rachel Diggens. F e b . 23 Robert Winter. A p 17 Mary Randall. 25 Mary Taply. March 18 Josiah Prockter. 22 Betty Durston. M a y 12 Sarah White. July 12 Henry Atkins. J u l y 16 Elisabeth Turner. Aug. 7 Charles Durston. Jan. 12 1777 Ann Broadmead. 30 Mary Harvey. Feb. 2 Deborah Jones. Oct. 8 Mary Parsons. June 8 Mary Pitman. 11 Rebecca Hosgood. Aug. 29 Thomas Maul. Jan. 24 1773 John Pitt. Oct. 1 4 Joseph Turner. Mar. 10 Thomas Mallack. Nov. 21 Cressy Durston. Thomas Turner. Jan. 15 1778 Mary Standard. May 23 Sarah Tapp. Feb. 7 1779 Samuel Hutchins. 27 Thomas Rowsell. A p 20 John Keek. Nov* 7 Martha Taply. June 15 Mary Mason. 28 James Turner. Nov. 14 Sarah Jefferies. Dec* 5 Mary Chard. Nov. 23 Honour Clitsom. Jan. 6 1774 Abel Westcott Jan. 9 1780 Henry Bisgood. Prisoner. J n ° White. Mary Mitchell a Prisoner. 17 17 Mary D o f Benjamin Feb. 15 William Hill a Prisoner. Feb. 18 Hammet E s q . Mar. 16 Sarah Gold a Prisoner. 26 Gill Kersley. 23 Elisabeth Gold a Prisoner. Mar. 28 Will » Harvey. Thomas Ackland. Apr. 3 Apr. 13 Christopher Hare. Edward Williams. 29 William Brooks. 20 J a m e s Fraser. May 4 Aug. 4 Thos Woolfrey. July 10 Hannah Bisgood. 13 Samuel Woolfrey. 17 Mary Every. 28 Mary Pain. 13 Hannah Woolfrey. Sept M James Cade. Sep. 1 7 Lazaras Smallcorn. Otf 18 T h o Jefferies. Oct. 13 Sarah Ann Johnson a Nov. 1 John Jefferies. Gentlewoman. Richard Bookthought. Feb. 4 1781 Elisabeth Jury. 15 24 Ann Elworthy. Apr. 1 Ann Hoar. Jan. 22 1775 Ann Hallett. 8 Sarah Acland. Mar. 12 Elisabeth Bale. May 5 Wm Acland. S e p 18 Joseph White. July 1 Martha Tucker, r r r r r 1 r g s r 129 July 8 W » Parsons. M a y 17 1786 Sarah Sutton. Dec. 3 Thos Tarner. 25 Sarah White. 23 Elis. Durston. June 11 Thomas Hurley. 25 James Pring. July 5 Martha Langdon. Feb. 10 1782 John B a l e . Sep* 3 George Wood Pauper. Mar. 16 M*s Mary Cade. Nov* 12 Thomas Salter Pauper. May 8 James Cade. April 21 1787 John Broadmead. 12 Catherine Prockter. May 1 Anna Pring. 24 Sarah Gibbs. June 3 Thomas Farthing(Pauper). June 23 Sarah Prowse. July 5 Daniel Pring. 30 Julian Sugge. Aug* 23 Mary Buckthorp. Aug. 7 Joseph Taply. 26 Anna Dinster (Pauper). Oct. 30 Joan Pavior. 30 Isaac Febray (Pauper). Jan. 13 1783 Harriot White. . March 9 1788 J a n e Long. Mar. 26 Joseph Brooks. 10 Rev* J a m e s Hurley. Apr. 9 J n ° Sutton. 12 John Perratt. May 29 Edward Price, Nov* 9 Mary Credell (Pauper). June 22 Thomas Elworthy. 13 William Dunster. Sep* 7 James Brooks. Dec. 15 Mary Shorlard. Octob* 5 Mary White. Octo. 9 1789 Roger Hoar. Dec* 26 T h e Rev<* M* J a m e s Novem* 17 Simon Cudd. Hurly. Dec. 14 Sarah tocker. Jan*y 1 1784 John Mitchell. M a y 9 1790 Robert Dunster. Feb*y n Thomas Bunter. Aug. 4 B e t y Vinsom. March 10 Elizabeth Broadway J a n . 16* 1791 J a m s Sumers. aged 118. March 20 Samuall Woolfrey. May 10 Catherine Burcher. Ap* 26 Mary Bolt. po. June 20 Mary Myer. J a n . 22 1792 Ann Ferres (pauper). 27 Elizabeth Parrett. Ap. 29 Mary Salter. Oct* 3 Thomas Marshall. Aug. 2 Elezebath Maall. Nov* 5 John Burcher. 22 thos Dosson (pauper. 14 Charles Robins. 29 J a m s Murphey (Pauper. Dec* 29th QeorgeBisgood—pauper. Jan. 20 1793 S a m Langdon. Jan*y61785 MaryGarnish—pauper. Apral 18 Anna Hammet. March 20 Sarah Salter—pauper. May 9 Sarah Bosson. 25 Betty Hill—pauper. 22 Eiezbath Dunster. May 27 David Price ast 74. 24 John Woolfree son of A b . P t 23 Ann Rabins. J u l y 23 Owne Gaiffin. 1 S e r 130 Aug* 13 Nany Coles Dar* Edword. Decern* 8 A n n Ferress. May 28 1794 Mary Hodge. J u l y the 18 M*s Brice. Augst. 10 John Bellamy. Sep* 18 Mary Braddey. febury 6 1795 J o h n Darby, febry 13 William Gibbs. febury 20 Edward Burnel. March 9 James Bond— John Davy Jun*. March 23d M* J o n a t h P l e y d e l l 27th Will™ Gibbs. July i$th. Henry Chedington. June 1 6 William Rich. Decern* 6 Betty Marshall. June 1 9 1796 Mary J o b . August 1 4 M* Mary Hammett. October 2 3 E n o c k Berry. November 6 Robert Poddle. n t h t h t h t h s r d t h William Hill. December 1 8 B e t t y Dosson. 2 5 William Heller. 2 7 Joseph Prous. 2 9 Hannah Robens. March 9 1797 Jonathan Pleydell Esq*. 26* Sarah Cann. October 15th Robert Budd. Jany 12^ i798M*s J a n e Pring. June 3 Hannah Webber. IO* James Summers. 29th Sarah Budd. July 25th Sarah Tucker. Sept* 2 3 John White. March 2 9 ^ 1799 Mary Hodge. June 9 John Spiller. tb th th th t h d d t h Sep* 15th B e t t y Cattle. Oct* 2 1 Hugh Watson. Dec* Mary Heller. 16 Daniel Sutton. Jany 5 1800 William Marten. 8& Sarah Spark. 23 George Marshell. 26^ Thomas Bray. Feby 9 Hannah Winter. 16 B e t t y Bridges. March 1 6 * Mary Bond. May 1 6 Mary Loman. July 2 George Doston. Augst 5th S* Ben Hammet. 27th J o h n Oaten, [ment Sep* 2 3 Martha Eliz& WillDec* 1 4 * Sarah Woolfrey. 23 Hannah Bidgood. 31 B e t t y Hodge. M a y 16«i 1801 J o a n Bunter. 19* Hannah Hurley. Augst 15th Hannah Strangways. Sep* 8th J a m e s Collard. Oct* 25th Betty Collard. Nov* 27th J a m e s Collard affi davit duly made & signed by R e v Bray & Isabella Collard Dec* 1 4 Dec* 27th Susanna Webber affi davit duly made & signed b y Thos Prouse & Mary Langdon. Jany 10*1802 William Bacon affi davit duly made Be signed by Grace Rich & Ann Rich Jany 15 , s t t h t h d t h t h t h d 11 d d s t d th t h Jany 31st 1 d William Rich affi- Sep " 3 Thomas Richaftt duly davit duly made & made & signed. th signed by Grace Ann Granger afft duly Rich & Betty made & signed. 35th Cottle Feby 4 . Mary Haynes afBduly Feby 14th J a m e s Pyne affidavit made & signed. duly made & signed O c t 3 1 Mary Stockman aff* b y Ann Toller & duly made & signed. Mary Robins Feby March 17«* ^0$ William King afft 16th dulymade&signed. 28th John Hartnell aft t duly J o a n Mansell affidavit May 3 duly made & signed made & signed. b y Mary Langdon A u g 2 2 John Backer. Hannah Spiller. & B e t t y Cotter Oct* 27th Mary Stocker. March 2 . Sep* 3 June 9th Mary Granger. Feby 2 1806 James Hartnell. Sep* 21st Samuel Willment afli16& Eliza Stockman. davit duly made & 26th John Rendell. signed. March 16 - Samuel Wood. Nov* 21 st Henry Gibbs affidavit April 10 John Oliver. dulymade&signed. 22 Samuel Cornish. Jany 16& i8o3joseph Hallett affi- M a y 21st Mary Wilson. davit duly made & Stephen Dring. signed. J u n e 15th Samuel Maull. March 13th Ann Wood affidavit Ann Hodge. Sarah Jones. dulymade&signed. 18 April 2otk Richard Burrow. Grace Broadmead 29 James Babb. affidavit duly made J u l y 6& Sarah Baker. & signed. 24th July 24th Elizabeth Palfrey. Samuel Rich aft duly A u g ist Elizabeth Marks affi made & signed. 31 Nov* 20& davits for the above Hannah Hurley affidt being buried in duly made&signed. Wollen only were Jany nth ^ 0 4 Robert Willment all duly made & afft duly made & signed. signed. D . Webber, Curate. Feby 29th ThomasNibbsafBduly Elizabeth Selly. made & signed. Sep* 7 t h r s t d st d d d d th th d t h t h 4 st s t t h 132 1 t h Dec 7 M a r y Spiller. 12 Sarah Prouse, 26& Charlotte Thatcher. Feby 8 1807 John Rich. Sep 22 M John Clitsome. Oct 3 0 * James Hartnall. Dec* 2 7 Isaac W y a t Jany 2 2 1808 Elizabeth Pleydell. 31 Mary Sumerys. Jane Atkins. Feby 5 * Harriet Russell. 28ft Sarah Thorne. March 9th Mary Dave. 17th Jane White. April 2 2 John Every. Mary Bergood. 26 John Parratt. May 5 * Mary Thatcher. 15 Sarah Faulkner. June 1 9 Sep* 1 3 Mary Tucker. 25th John Thomas. Oct* nth Betty Vickery. 2 6 * William Wood. Nov* 6& Ann Gardner. 20 Mary Jones. Feby 1 9 1809 Rebecah Stevens. April 2 8 * John Collard. May 7 Jane Atkins. Sep* 19 Mary Sidenham. Octo* 27 Edward Hartnell. Apr 1 i8ioHannah Bray. t h th tr r r t h d st d th Dito 1 Ann Sumerys, April 4 M* Agnes Parratt. J u l y 13 Sarah Pearce. Sept* 8 R e v M * David Webber. Octo* 19 Ann Thorn. Nov* 9 Charls Thorn. Nov* 30 John Pearce. Dece* 8 Ann White. March 3 1811 Mary Ann Jnceldon. M a y 16 Joseph Somerys. J u n e 16 Eliza Richards. 17 Sarah White. 23 William Granger. July 7 J o h n Rich. s d 25 Sept^th t h t h d t h th t h t h 1 Robert Wilment. Recollecting that I buried M* John Clit some at Wilton on the 22» Feby 1807 (tho not at that time Curate of the Parish) & perceiving that the regular entry had not been made, I have this day inserted it in its proper place, as appears above. John Townsend (Curate) Hannah Brooks. Joan Scadding. Elizabeth Lane. Nov* 3 7 Dec* 8 133 AGE Jany 7 1812 Feby 23 April 7 17 May 17 24 d Agnes Maria Thorne of Bishops Hull. Eliza Crook an Infant. Richard Stocker from Pitminster. Eleanor Pring from Taunton S M. M. Infant. Ann Rich. William Buston an Infant. William Atkins an Infant from S M. M. Mary Fitch ... ... ... ... William Maull Mary Somerhays ... ... ... ••• Isaac Wilcocks from St M. M. Infant. Ann Toller—an Infant. Samuel Granger from S* M. M Sophia Green from St M. M. ... ... J o a n n a Callard ... t l June 28 July 5 14 Aug. 2 14 Sept* 14 Oct* 10 Dec* 20 New Register Books ordered by Parliament from ist fanuary, 1813. 38 93 7 43 44 45 to commence PARISH OF R E G I S T E R WILTON N O . I I CONTAINING A.D. 99at£iap# from 1755 to 135 No. i * ,of [this] Married in this [Church] by [banns] this twenty-third Day of April in the Year One Thoufand seven Hundred and fifty-five by me J a . Hurly [Minister]. No. 2 James Deacon and F a n n y Wilkins were Married this first Day of June 1755 b y J a . Hurly, Minister, In the ( J o h n Bale. Presence of\ R o b P. Proctour. No. 3 Isaac Ackland and Elisabeth Doble were Married this twenty second D a y o f September 1755 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the ( J o h n Doble. Presence of\ J o h n Bale. No. 4 Samuel Langdon and Martha Warman were Married this twelfth D a y of Jany 1756 b y J a . Hurly, Minister. In the (Thos Warman. Presence of\ Nicholas Pitman. T h e Y e a r 1756 No. 5 Philip Radnege and Hannah Shorney were Married this six & twentieth D a y o f April 1756 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the Presence of\ William Buttell. 4 * The form of entry is given at length in No, I, and abbreviated i following numbers. 136 No. 6 Edmund Pine and Mary Swain were married this twelfth Day of September 1756 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the ( Presence of\ J < o h n B a l e > G i l e s P a r k e r ' J No. 7 Henry Bowerman and Esther Bond were Married this fifteenth D a y of Nov* 1756 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the ( Henery Atkins. Presence of \ John Bale. ^ g Thos Channon of this parish and M a r y Strong of the parish of Taunton S* Mary Magdalen were Married by License this twenty-third Day of Nov* 1756 b y J a . Hurly, Minister. In the ( W Peirce. Presence of\ Sarah Marler. (The Y e a r 1758.) No. 9 W i l l ^ Cawley and Sarah Courtney were Married this fifth Day of Dec* 1758 by J a . Hurly. In the ( J o h n Brush. Presence of\ J n ° Glass. No. xo James Bryant o f the parish of S* Mary Magdalen in Taunton and Elisabeth Pool were married this three and twentieth Day of Sep* 1759 by J a . Hurly. In the S John Bale. Presence oA Rob* P. Proctor. No. 11 John Hamber and Betty Dight were married this one and twentieth Day of Octo* 1759 by J a . Hurly. In the i Samuel Dight. Presence of I Edward Dight. No. 12 John Spiller and Mary Pain were Married this three & twentieth D a y of Octo* 1759 by J a . Hurly. In the $ E d m 0 . Pain. Presence of\ John Bale. T h e Y e a r (1760) No. 13 James Musgrave and Rebecca Brooks were Married this fourteenth Day of Feb. 1760 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the i Thomas Conybear. Presence of I John Dursey. m 8 d 137 No. 14 T h o Bunter and Joan Pese were Married this fifth Day of June 1760 by J a . Hurly. In the / H a n n a h Culverwell. Presence of \ William Parsons. No. 15 Jno Willey o f the parish of Bridgwater and Joan Fouracre were Married b y Licence this sixteenth D a y of S e p 1760 by Jas. Hurly. In the / J o h n Bale. Presence 0/")Robt P Proctor. ^ No. 16 Abraham Woolfrey and Joan Hulgrave of the parish of S* James in Taunton were Married this fifth D a y of N o v 1760 by J a . Hurly. In the / S a m ! Langdon. Presence 0 / ( B e n j . Ball. No. 17 Thomas Webber of the parish of St Mary Magdalen in Taunton and Sarah Paviour were Married by Licence this fifth Day of Nov* 1761 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the / J o a n Pavior. Presence of\John Bale. No. 18 William Prowse and Elisabeth White were Married this 2 4 Day of J a n . 1762 by J a . Hurly. In the / S a r a h White. Presence 0 / \ J o h n Bale. No. 19 Andrew Wilkins and J a n e Pile were Married this 9 * Day of Feb. 1762 b y J a . Hurly. In the / J o h n Bale. Presence <?/\Robert Prockter. No. 20 Stephen Seading and J o a n Prockter were Married this 2^ Day of Feb. 1762 b y J a . Hurly. In the J j o h n Bale. Presence <?/\Mary " f Pitts. No. 21 Henry Hartland and Joan Coombes were Married by Licence this twentieth D a y of May 1762 by J a . Hurly, Minister. % the / B e t t y Randell. Presence 0 / ( J o h n Bale. s r 1 u th K ? y *t* Marks of Witnesses. 13« NO. 22 Thomas Rowsell and Elisabeth Ackland were Married this 5 * Day of July 1762 b y J a . Hurly. In the / J o s Evatt. Presence of\ James Doble. No. 23 Will™ Prockter and Mary Properjohns o f the parish of Pitmister were Married this 9 * Day of Dec* 1762 b y J a . Hurly. In the / J o h n Wyatt. Presence of\ John Bale. No. 24 James Bryant and Elizabeth Pery of the parish of S* Mary Magdalene were Married this ist D a y o f F e b . 1763 by Jas. Hurly, Curate. In the / H a r r y Baker. Presence of\John Bale. No, 25 James Couch and Elizebeth were Married this 24 Day of May 1763 b y James Hurly, Curate. In the / J o a n *+ Willey's Mark. Presence of\ William >< James' Mark. , , No, 20 Lazarus Smallcorn and J o a n Randall were Married this 1 8 Day of July 1763 by J a Hurly, Curate. In the / J o h n Bale. Presence of\Robert I Procter's'Mark. No. 27 Joseph Woodrow and Mary W y a t t of the parish of Trull were Married by Licence with consent of parents this 1 8 Day ot Oc* 1763 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the f R i c h Chilcott. Presence of 1 Henery Atkins. No. 28 Philip Adams and Sarah Lewis o f the parish of S M ^ Magdalen in Taunton were Married by Licence this 8 Day of Dec* 1763 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the / R i c h Maning. , Presence of 1 John Bale. No. 29 Joshua Toulmin of the parish of Colyton in the County of Devon, Gent, and J a n e Smith, Spinster, were Married by Licence this 6th Day of April 1764 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the / W m Stone. Presence of \ E 1 . Farthing. 11 J w v w t h s t h d K 0 7 fc th d 3 m No. 30 Isaac Fabre and Hannah Yeandell were Married this 2i>tDay of May 1764 by J a Hurly, Curate. In the (William Parsons. Presence of\ Tames Cope. No. 31 Edward Brown and Ann Pool of the parish of West Buckland were Married this 17th D a y of June 1764 by J a . Hurly. In the / W i l l Thomas. Presence qf\ Harry Baker. No. 32 John Cann of the Parish of Bishopshull in the County of Somerset and Sarah Wallen were married by Licence this 16th Day of August 1764 by J a Hurly, Curate. In the / J a m e s Cope. Presence of\Isaac Fabre. No. 33 Henry Denham and Ann Dey were Married this 1 0 Day of September 1764 by J a s . Hurly, Curate. In the ("Sam Syms. Presence of 1 Susanna Edwards. No. 34 William Parsons and Mary Wornall were Married this 1 i & D a y of February 1765 by J a . Hurly. In the f Isaac Fabre. Presence * / \ S a r a h White. „ No. 35 Thomas Perry and Elisabeth W a r e were Married this 2 3 ^ Day of June 1765 b y J a . Hurly. In the / Mathew James. Presence 0 / y o h n Bale. No 36 John Webber and Grace Boit o f the parish of West Buckland were Married by Licence this 9 Day of July 1765 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the / W i l l i a m Calwey. Presence of\ Charles Chaffey. No. ,37 John Barnes and Elisabeth Philpot were Married this 3 0 Day of Sep* - 6 b j Hurly, Minister. In the / J o h n Bale. Presence of\Abraham O Wolfrey. s J u r r a J 1 y s t h v X T v t h th i ? 5 y a < O Mark of Witness. HO No. 38 William Ackland and Sarah Herring were Married this 3< Day of October 1765 by J a . Hurly. In the /William Parsons. Presence 0 / l j o h n Bale. _ No. 39 Robert Stuard and Elisabeth Parsons were Married this 9 ^ Day of Dec* 1765 by J a , Hurly. In the / H a r r y Baker. Presence <?/\Thomas Jennings. No 40 d J T w James Snook and Joan Marshal were Married this 2 4 of Dec* 1765 b y J a . Hurly. In the /Lazarus Smallcorn. Presence of \]oh.n Bale. th m n Day ^ John Brown and Ann Gregory o f the parish of Orchard Portman were Married this 2 9 D a y o f Dec. 1765 by J a . Hurry. In the / J o h n Gregory. Presence ofIjohn Bale. No. 4 Joseph Atkins and Unity Spurl were Married this I Day of April 1766 by J a . Hurly. In the / o f J a m e s Heath. Presence of\of W i l l * Durston. , ,„ No. 43 William Culverwell of the parish of S* Mary Magdalen in Taunton and Betty Rendal were Married by License this 2 3 Day of Sep* 1766 by J a . Hurly. In the r . . Presence of \ Christopher Lutley. No. 44 Joseph Brooks and Mary Teape were Married this 2 4 Day of Dec. 1766 by J a . Hurly. In the / I Witness E l i z a * Totterdell. Presence 0^1 John Bale. No. 45 Nicholas Pitman of the parish o f S t James in Taunton and Anna Baker were Married by License this 27 - D a y of January 1767 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the / S a m Jennings. Presence of \Ann Sharp. t h J l f 2t u s t J T y rd J y th th e l 141 No. 46 fc William Pratt o f the parish o f S J a m e s in Taunton and Susanna Falkner were Married this 1 3 D a y of March 1767 by Jas. Hurly, Minister. In the / B * S h e b a Gardner. Presence of\ Sarah Gardner. No. 47 Samuel Besgood and Mary Durson were Married this 1 1 Day of June 1767 by J a s . Hurly, Jun*, Curate. In the / G e o r g e Bidggood. Presence of 1 J o h n Bale. No. 4" Joseph Hallett and Hannah Parsons were Married this 2 4 * Day of December 1767 b y J a . Hurly. In the / H e n e r y Atkins. Presence of \]ohn Bale. No. 49 Thomas Clutsom and Mary Thrasher o f the Parish of Bishops Lydeard were Married by License this 2«d Day of February 1708 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the fWm Hill. Presence of\ T h o m a s Cord went. No. 50 Philip Yandell and Margaret French were Married this 7 Day of March 1768 by J a . Hurly. In the / I s a a c Fabre. Presence of 1 Hannah Aplen. No. 51 John Skinner and Mary Jenkins were Married this 1 3 D a y of June 1768 b y J a . Hurly. In the f Henery Atkins. Presence of [Ann Sharp. No. 52 Isaac Properjohns of the Parish of Pitminster and Grace Dimon were Married this 3* Day of October 1768 by J a . Hurly. In the / S u s a n n a Gadd. Presence of \ Samueal Properjohns. No. 53 Joseph Jones and Ann Harris otherwise Thatcher were Married this 2 2 D a y o f October 1768 by J a . Hurly. In the / W Prowse. Presence of y o h n Bale. t h e v t h J K t h K r t h J K r d K n d m 142 No. 54 William Endecott and Elisabeth Crispin were Married this 2 6 * Day o f December 1768 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the ("John L e e . Presence ^ ( C h r i s t o p h e r Lutley. No 55 Elijah Denmead and Sarah Clatworthy were Married this 2 5 Day o f October 1769 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the J R i c h Chappie. Presence of\ Thomas Conybeer. ^ ^ No. 56 Thomas Perry and Betty Hughs were Married this 1 3 Day of November 1769 by J a . Hurly. In the /Tho* V \ Spiller. Presence of 1 John Bale. No. 57 Roger Jones and Mary Thomas o f the Parish of Monkton were Married by Licence this 1 7 D a y o f Dec. 1769 by J a . Hurly. In the / H e n e r y Atkins. Presence of 1 P. Lowman. _ No. 58 Joseph Seaward and Dinah Nation otherwise Caswell of the Parish of Halse were Married this 1 4 * D a y of May 177° W J a . Hurly, Minister. In the fjn° Hancock. Presence of 1 Tho. Hancock, J u n . No. 59 John Greenslade of the Parish of Ruishton and Annis Chilcott were Married by Licence this 2 1 D a y of June 177° ^y J a . Hurly. In the / I s a a c Winter. Presence 0 / y o h n Bale. , No. 60 Thomas Williams and Rawling Stevens were Married this 2 6 * Day of June 1770 by J a . Hurly. In the /George •+* Durson. Presence of \ J o h n Bale. No. 61 Samuel Marks and Martha Tucker were Married this 2 0 Day of M a y 1771 by J a . Hurly. In the /Benjn Ball. Presence of \Johxi Bale. t h d T y t h J u t h 0 r J K J s t th V \ + Matks of "Witnesses. m No. 62 Richard Harris and Ruth Battey o f the Parish o f Milverton were Married this I D a y of June 1771 by J a . Hurly. In the J W Cogan. Presence tffljohn Bale. No. 63 James Hurly o f the Parish of Staplegrove in the County o f Somerset and Sarah Bisgood were Married by Licence this 18& Day of September 1777 b y J a . Hurly, Curate. In the ("William Mattocks. Presence e>/\john Bale. No. 64 John Warner and Mary Waggett of the Parish of Stoke St Gregory were Married this 23rd D a y o f September 1771 by J a . Hurly. In the fThos Morris. Presence of \ J o h n Leakey. No. 65 William Nevell and F a n n y Pile were Married this 3 0 D a y o f September 1771 b y J a . Hurly, Minister. In the / T h o m a s Rowsell. Presence of "[Elizabeth Rowsell. No. 66 Samuel Male and Mary Male o f the Parish o f Kingsbury-west were Married this 4& D a y o f November 1771 by J a . Hurly. In the / W i l l i a m Denman. s t m U th Presence of\w™ Cogan. No. 67 Samuel Seville o f the Parish o f Milverton and Mary Chorley were Married this 25th D a y of January 1772 by J a s . Hurly, Curate. In the / J o h n Bale. Presence of 1 William Cogan. No. 68 William Calway and Elisabeth Parish were Married this 2 4 * D a y of February 1772 by J a . Hurly. In the / W m Langdon. Presence of\ — Cogan. No. 69 Richard Mitchell of the Parish of Lyng and Catherine Cote were Married this 1 0 * D a y o f November 1772 by J a s . Hurly, Curate. In the / W i l l i a m Cogan Presence <?/\William Cabell. 144 No. 70 John Hayne Bovet, Gent, o f the Parish o f S* Mary Magdalen in Taunton and Sarah Kirkpatrick were Married by Licence tins 17th Day of March 1773 by J a . Hurly, Minister. In the ("Ann Lucas. Presence 0 / y a m e s Kirkpatrick. ^ t h John Edwards and Sarah Harman were Married this 1 5 Day of August 1773 by J a . Hurly. In the (Ann Warren. Presence ofIjohn Bale. No. 72 Amos Baker and Catherine Kerslake were Married this xo" Day of October 1773 by J a . Hurly. In the fJohn Bale. Presence of\Abram Woollfree. No. 73 William Prowell and Mary Philpott of the Parish of West Hatch were Married by Licence this 2 4 * D a y of December 1773 by J a . Hurly, In the ("Henry Cook. Presence of\ Joseph Turner. No. 74 John Wood of the Parish of Trull and Ann Taylor were Married this 3 0 D a y of January 1774 by J a s . Hurly, jun*, Curate. In the ("William F o y . Presence of"(John Bale. No. 75 Samuel Cornish and Grace Dyer were Married this 1 0 Day of April 1774 by J a . Hurly, jun*. In the ("John Bale. Presence of 1 Abramham Woollfre. , No. 7 Thomas Philips and Hannah Gore were Married this 9 Day of M a y 1774 by J a s . Hurly, jun*, Curate. In the / F r a n c i s Gore. Presence of 1 John Bale. No. 77 John Robins of the Parish o f St Mary Magalen in Taunton and Mary Spiller were Married this 30th D a y of April 1775 W J a . Hurly, Minister. In the ("James >}< Robins. Presence of \ J o h n Bale. K 1 v J u F th t h 6 t h >j< Mark of "Witness. MS No. 78 William Salter and B e t t y Dymant were Married this 2 4 D a y of December 1775 by J a . Hurly. In the / S a r a h Gange. Presence <7/"\John Bale. No. 79 John Lyde of the Parish o f Creech S Michael and Ann Hulburd were Married this 2 9 D a y of May 1776 by George Townsend. In the / B e t t y Temlett. Presence 0 / l j o h n Hammet. Ann Hammet. No. 80 Thomas Robins and Mary Bond were Married by Licence with consent o f J n ° Robins, father o f the sd Thomas, this 3 1 D a y o f August 1776 by J a . Hurly. In the / R o b t Gadd. Presence of\John Bale. No. 81 Richard Wood and Ann Allen were Married this 7 * D a y of October 1776 by J a H'urly, Jun*", Curate. In the / J o h n Bale. Presence of / A n n Ackland No. 82 William Dunster and Hannah Edwards were Married this 9 Day of October 1776 b y J a . Huriy. In the / T h o s Bray. Presence of\John Bale. No. 83 Henry Harbury and J o a n Spiller were Married this 2 9 * D a y of March 1777 by J a . Hurly. In the / R o b t Gadd. Presence of { J o h n Every. No. 84 George Shute and Elisabeth Parker were Married by Licence this 7th D a y of April 1777 by J a . Hurly. In the / I s a a c Hawkins. Presence of 1 Anna pitman. No. 85 John L o c k e and Mary Giles o f the Parish of Wellington were Married this 19th D a y o f May 1777 by J a . Hurly. In the / G e o r g e Lapthorn. Presence of\\Nra Cogan. th 4 t h s t s 1 t h 1 F 146 No. 86 George Cridland and Elisabeth Hellier were Married this 2 6 * D a y of May 1777 by J a . Hurly. In the { M a y Chillcott. Presence of y o h n Bale. ^ ^ John Fraser of the Parish of S t Mary Magdalen in Taunton and Sarah White were Married by Licence this 20 Day 01 August 1777 by J a . Hurly. In the ("Betty Pettmar. Presence of \ R . Hoare, J u n . ^ ^ th r Samuel Cornish and B e t t y J u r y were Married this 4 November 1777 by J a . Hurly. In the ( W White. Presence ^ \ S a r a h Jones. t h D a o f F m John Giles and Ann Harman were Married this I December 1777 b y J a . Hurly. In the / S a r a h + White. Presence of\John Bale. ^ s t ^ Day of , _ No. 9° Thomas Dyer of the Parish of S James in Taunton and Fanny Slade were Married this i S * D a y o f December 1777 by J a . Huriy. In the / J o h n Hammet. Presence of\ Henry Dyer. No. 9 Alexander Gray of the Parish o f St Mary Magdalen ^ Taunton and Mary Fraser were Married by Licence this 2 Day 01 March 1778 by J a . Hurly. In the / J a m e s Stowey. M. Stowey. Presence of\James Welch. No.9 Benjamin Stacey of the Parish o f Hillfarrence and Sarah Trett were Married b y Licence this 2 9 * D a y of September J-77 J a . Hurly. In the / T h o s Hurford. Presence of \Sa.m Brooks. No. 93 John Babb and Betty Allen were Married this t i Day ° October 1778 by J a . Hurly. In the /Thomas D Babb. Presence of y o h n Bale. T v t K 3 3 1 n d 2 8 l t h + 2) Maries of Witnesses. f H7 No. 94 John Warren and J a n e Shorland were Married this 2** D a y of November 1778 b y J a . Hurly. In the / J a n e fj Shorland. Presence of\John Bale. No. 95 Joshua Porter and Sarah Pain were Married this 1 1 D a y of January 1779 b y J a . Hurly. In the / M a r y Ball. Presence of\Joseph Q) Porter. No. 90 James Cade and Elisabeth Tripp were Married by Licence this 14th D a y of March 1779 b y J a . Hurly. In the / R o b t Gadd. Presence of \ Ann Lucas. No. 97 William Somerhays and Ann Collard were Married this 2 5 * Day o f M a y 1779 b y J a . Hurly. In the / E l i z a b t h Prous. Presence 0 / l j o h n Bale No. 98 Thomas Miller and J a n e Cousins were Married this 2 0 * D a y of September 1779 by J a . Hurly. In the / W i l l " Cdgan. Presence 0 / I W i l l " Newton. No. 99 Joseph Pearce of the Parish of St Mary Magdalene in Taunton and Joana Weeks were Married this 1 1 D a y of October 1779 by J a . Hurly. In the /Mary Way. Presence 0 / l A n n Gannett. No. 100 John Toller and Ann Pine were Married this 6 * D a y o f February 1780 b y J a . Hurly. In the / W *+ Salter. Presence ofIjohn Bale. No. 101 George Bond and J o a n Crocker of the Parish o f Bishopshull were Married this 25th D a y o f September 1780 by J a . Hurly. In the / J o h n Bale. Presence ^ \ A b a h a m Woollfree. u t h J 1 J u 1 1 v t h m K (I C D + Marks of Witnesses. 148 No. 102 Joseph Marks of the Parish o f St J a m e s in Taunton and Rebecca Musgrave were Married this 1 3 * D a y of November 1780 by J a . Hurly. In the /William Gibbs. Presence John Bale. __ No. 103 Roger Hoare of the Parish of S. Mary Magdalen in Taunton and Ann Hukley were Married by Licence this 2 2 ^ Day 01 January 1781 by J a . Hurly. In the /William White. Presence of "lElizabth Prous. . No. 104 Humphry Salter and Mary Verman were Married this 2 5 Day of March 1781 by J a . Hurly. In the / J a n e Winter. Presence of y o h n Bale. ^ J u r n J K th Joseph Gibbs and Susanna Thomson 2 5 Day of June 1781 by J a . Hurly. In the / R i c h a r d Youens. Presence of\]enny Youens. were Married this th ^ j Q g fc John Dyer of the Parish of S Mary Magdalen in Taunton and Mary Hains were Married by Licence this 2 1 D a y of September 1781 by J a . Hurly. In the / J o h n Every. Presence of 1 Ann Every. ^ No. 107 Samuel Myers of the Parish of S* Mary Magdalen in T f ! ° " and Ann Glass were Married by Licence this 1 4 Day of October 1781 by J a s . Hurly, Curate. In the / T h o m a s C Thorn. Presence of\Abraham + Woolfree. , No. 108 Richard Hill and Elisabeth Woodberry were Married this n t h D y f November 1781 by J a . Hurly. In the /Elisabeth Durston. Presence of\ Ann Spratt. No. 109 James Winter and Anna Butell were Married this 2 8 Day of December 1781 b y James Hurly. In the / J o h n Bale. Presence of\Abraham Woolfree. s t J 7 u n t h Q v a 0 th 0 + Marks of Witnesses. 149 No. n o Sanford Cogan and Ann Down of the Parish of S* Mary Magdalen in Taunton were Married by Licence this I I D a y of January 1782 by J a s . Hurly. In the / S u a n e h Mansell. Presence of \ J o h n Bale. No. i n Thomas Bond and Mary Seaman of the Parish of S* Mary Magdalen were Married by Licence this 3* D a y of May 1782 by Jas. Hurly, Minister. t h d Presence ^ / { W i l l i a m White. No. 112 Thomas Marshall and Elizabeth Gibbs were Married this 7 * Day of J u n e 1782 by J a . Hurly, Jun*, Minister. In the ( Presence of\ No. 113 Joseph Searle and Ruth Cogan were Married b y Licence this 1 4 * D a y o f October 1782 by J a s . Hurly, J u n , Curate. In the fBett (?) Cogan. Presence of\]6hn Rendle. No. 114 John Dymant o f the Parish of Pitminster and Sarah Stacey were Married by Licence this 3* Day of January 1783 by J a s . Hurly, Jun* Curate. In the J R . Hoare. Presence 0 / I W » White. No. 11S Robert Danger and Sarah Cattal were Married this 4 D a y of January 1783 by J a s . Hurly, Jun*, Curate. In-the ( Presence of\ ^ No. 116 Robert Switten and Sarah Nicholls were Married this 1 7 Day of February 1783 b y J a . Hurly, Curate. In the fW*n White. Presence of\Joseph Searle. No. 1 1 7 Robert Ferris and Ann Withers were Married this 3 0 D a y o f March 1783 b y J a . Hurly, Curate. In the J John Rendel. Presence of\W™ White. r u d 1 t h t h th ISO John Reed and Ann North were Married this 8 1783 by J a , Hurly, J u n , Curate. In the f Presence of \ * * - t h No. 118 Day of June r m J m m V h l t e K No. I J 9 William Thompson o f the parish of S Martin in the Fields, London, Bachelor, and Elizabeth Herring were Married by Licence this 1 1 * D a y o f J u n e 1783 by J a * Hurly, J u n , Curate, In the fWm White. Presence of\ Abrahem + Wolfree. No. 120 Thomas Garnish and Unity Atkins were Married this 7 Day of October 1783 by J a Hurly, J u n , Curate. In the / J a m e s Heath. Presence of\ William White. No. 121 John Cross and Elizabeth Steedem were Married this 1 6 * Day of February 1784 by M . Dickson, Minister. In the / J a m e s Cade. Presence 0 / I W White. No. 122 George Gibbs and J a n e Winter were Married by Licence this eighteenth Day of February 1784 b y M . Dickson, Curate. In the / T h o m a s Winter. Presence of\Susanna Gad. No. 123 Thomas Spiller and Betty Marks were Married this 2 2 Day of February 1784 by M. Dickson, Minister. /* the / T h e Mark of R Richard Marks. Presence of [William White. No. 124 John Doudny and Sarah T r o t t were Married this 2 5 P a y April 1784 by M. Dickson, Curate. In the / J o h n Winter. Presence of\W™ White. No. 125 John Davy o f S* Mary Magdalen in Taunton and Sarah Norman were Married this 9th D a y of May 1784 b y M. Dickson, Minister. In the / T h e Mark of X Benjamin Tucker. Presence <?/\William White. l r J K t h s J r K m v K n d v t h + Mark of Witness. o f I5i No. 126 William Cogan and Hannah Hickman of the Parish o f Taunton S James's were married by Licence this 1 3 * D a y of May 1784. In the fM. Goodridge. Presence < ? / \ W White. No. 127 William W h i t e and Nanny Elworthy were Married this 16 Day of June 1784 by M. Dickson, Minister, In the fThos Hurford. Presence of y o s e p h Oaten. No. 128 John Chapman and Mary Shorler were Married this 8 D a y of January 1785 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the ("Cathren Wiliams. Presence 0 / \ T h e Mark of X Martha Shorler. No. 129 Thomas Edwards and Rachel Keen of the Parish of Pitminster were Married by Licence this 2 2 D a y of November 1784 by Mich. Dickson, Curate, In the ("John Ridge. Presence of\W™ White. No. 130 Edward Pine and Hannah Tucker were Married this 1 6 D a y of March 1785 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the ("Francis Chapman. Presence of\W™ White. No. 131 John Parrott and Agnes Bryant of the Parish of S* Mary Magdalene, Taunton, were married this22nd D a y of March 1785 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / T h o s Baker. Presence of [W™ White. No. 132 John Newcombe of the Parish of S Davids in the city & Docese of E x t e r and Harriet Pleydell were Married by Licence this 28th D a y of March 1785 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the ' (Maria Pleydell. Presence of\F. Fownes Luttrell. No. 133 Joseph Prowse and Elizabeth Marshall were Married this 10th D a y of M a y 1785 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / T h e Mark o f J o h n J Herring. Presence of\ \ William White. l m th th n d t h l 152 No. 134 Samuel Wood and J o a n Marshall were Married this 1 6 Day of May 1785 by M . Dickson, Minister. In the / S a m u e l Wood. Presence o/VW - White. No. 13$ James Redwood and Susannah Palfrey were married this 2 9 * Day o f May 1785 b y M. Dickson, Minister. In the / R o b t Gadd. Presence of \E\iz& Owen. No. 136 James Bartlett and Mary Newton were Married this 2 0 Day of J u l y 1785 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / J . Squire. Presence o / j W m White, No. 137 Thomas Shapton and Margaret Harman were Married this 2 6 * Day of July 1785 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / J a m e s Webber. Presence of White. No. 138 Joseph Hill and B e t t y Bray o f the Parish o f Trull were Married by Licence this 5 * D a y of October 1785 b y Geo. Norman, Minister. In the / J o s . Strickland. Presence < ? / \ T h o Winter. No. 139 John Budd and Eleanor Baynes were Married this 1 0 Day of Oct* 1785 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / T h e Mark of M F a n n y Budd. Presence of\W™ White. No. 140 George Rowsell and Mary Cornish were Married this 2 5 Day of December 1785 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / M a r k o f | James Stark. Presence of \ W White. No. 141 Thomas Brooks and Mary Newton were Married this 4 Day of April 1786 b y M. Dickson, Minister. In the /Mattw Gannett. Presence <?/\R<* Warren. No. I 4 William Cooke ofthe Parish o f Tiverton in theCounty of Devon and Susanna Shar and were Married this 16th D a y of April 178» b y M. Dickson, Minister. In the /Harriet Newcombe. Presence <?/\Jane Miles. t h 10 th s t h th r a t h 2 153 No. 143 William Maull and Elizabeth Pippin were Married this 24* Day o f September 1786 by M. Dickson, Minister. T Pmence * / { h e M a r k o f f J o h n C o r n I s h ' No. 144 William Moram and Sarah Dillicat were Married this 2 4 * D a y of September 1786 b y M. Dickson, Minister. In the / R o b e r t Laysell. Presence ^ / " [ R a c h e l Goodridge. No. 145 Abraham Woolfrey J u n and Hannah Cornish were Married this 4A D a y o f December 1786 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / T h e Mark of X George Rowsell. Presence of ( W White. No. 146 William Edmons and Mary Poyer were Married this 1 9 * D a y of March 1787 by Francis Hunt Clapp, Minister. In the / J o s . Goodridge. Presence 0/* (William White. No. 147 John Ship and E l . Holgrove were Married this twentieth D a y of March 1787 by Francis Hunt Clapp, Minister. In the / T h e Mark of \ W** Bradley. Presence 0 / ( W i l l i a m White. No. 148 William Hayman and Elizabeth Hardwill were Married this i 6 * D a y of. April 1787 b y M . Dickson, Minister. In the / Abraham barting. Presence of (William White. No. 149 John Best and Hannah Swonson were Married this 2 7 D a y of May 1787 b y M. Dickson, Minister. In the J J o h n Collins. Presence of \W™ White. No. 150 John Rogers and Patience Curtis were Married this 4 D a y of July 1787 b y M . Dickson, Minister. In the J T h e Mark of X William Lake. Presence of \Wa\t White. No. 151 James Washer and Mary Chapman were Married this i s t D a y of August 1787 by Mich. Dickson, Minister. In the / T h o s Chapman. Presence of\W White. r m t h t h v m 154 No. 152 Benjamin Littlejohns and Elizabeth Paull were Married this I2*h Day of August 1787 by MicW Dickson, Minister. In the / J o h n Maul. Presence of\W White. No. 153 Edmund Pender and Sarah Searll were Married this 2 9 * Day of August 1787 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / J o h n Fawcett. Presence of\ W White. No. 154 John Spiller and Nancy Shoolle were Married this 2 3 Day of September 1787 b y M. Dickson, Minister. In the / T h e Mark of X J o h n Shoolle. Presence of\W White. ^ No. 155 Zebedee Wilcocks and Sarah Marcks were Married this 3 Day of December 1787 b y William Prowse, Curate. In the / I s a a c Bicknell. Presence of\\os. Strickland. . No. 156 Thomas Lemon and Mary Ventill were Married this 1 8 * Day of February 1788 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / R i c h a r d Hayman. Presence of\ W"» White. No. George Dosson and Elizabeth Durston were Married this 2 2 Day of May 1788 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / J a m e s Heath. Presence of[W White. No. William Dinster and Elizabeth Bottell were Married this 2 i s t D a y of July 1788 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / T h e Mark of 4- J o h n Thatcher. Presence t ? / l W White. No. Nicholas Davey and Sarah Sidenham were Married this 2 6 * Day of August 1788 by Geo. Norman, Minister. In the / T h e Mark of X J o h n Dunn. Presence of {The Mark of X B e t t y Dunn. No. Joseph Urince and Nancy Virgin were Married this 2 1 Day of September 1788 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / J o h n Virgin. Presence of \ W » White. m J K J K r a rd m d J u N m m y s t *55 No. Richard Buncombe and Lydia PafTrey were Married this 1 5 Day o f J a n u a r y 1789 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / T h o Foan. Presence <?_/"\The Mark of | Jenny Foan. No. James Towell and Martha Dunster were Married this I Day of February 1789 b y M. Dickson, Minister. In the ("The Mark of X Abraham Woolfrey. Presence qf\W White. No. Thomas Hill of the Parish of Broadclist in the County of Devon and Margaret Shapton, Widow, were Married by Licence this 19th D a y o f March 1789 by M. Dickson, Minister. In the / J o h n Glendining. Presence of\W White. No. James Chorley and J a n e Newton were Married this 1 4 Day of June 1789 b y M. Dickson, Minister. In the / J o h n Bird. Presence of\w™ White. No. John Pring and Elizabeth Garland were Married this 2 9 * Day of June 1789 b y M . Dickson, Minister. the / D a v i d Pritchard. Presence of {W™ White. No. John Gregory and J a n e Merrick were Married this 1 2 * D a y of July 1789 by M . Dickson, Minister. In the / T h e Mark of I John London. Presence of (Wm White. No. Nicholas Bryer and Sarah Heell were Married this 9 * D a y o f Augt 1789 by M. Dickson, Minister. •{* Me / J a m e s Smith. Presence ofVNra White. No. William Mathews and Mary Marks were Married this 3* D a y o f September 1789 by Geo. Norman, Minister. In the (Samuel Fearncombe. Presence 0/" ( J a m e s Whetcombe. t h s s t m m t h 1 I $6 No. Samuel Langdon and Mary Brooks were Married this 2» Day of December 1789 b y M. Dickson, Minister. In the / J a m e s Dearing, J . Presence of{W White. No. Robt Sparks and J a n e Channing were Married this 2 5 D a y Day of December 1789 b y M. Dickson, Minister. In the / T h e Mark of z\~ William Brice. Presence of\ W White. . No. Robert Cummins o f the Parish o f Pitminster and Ann Reed were Married by Licence this 4 D a y of April 1790 by Geo. Norman, Minister. In the / R o b t Gadd. Presence of 1 R o b Gadd, Junr. No. George Daw of the Parish of Taunton St Mary Magdalen and Joanna Comyns were Married b y Licence this I D a y of jury 1790 by John Colmer, Minister. In the / R o b t Gadd. Presence of\James Cade. No. William Drake and Elizabeth Charity Collard were Married this 1 3 * D a y of September 1790 b y J . Colmer, Curate. In the / F r a n c e s Ann Collard. Presence <?f1Will C o x . No. Robert Mashill and Ann Cateil were Married this 5 * Day of November 1790 by Samuel Locke, Curate. In the / x T h e Mark of Samuel Marks. Presence of\ Wm White. No. John Hodge and Mary Masshill were Married this 2 6 * Day of December 1790 by Samuel Locke, Curate. In the / J o h n Townsend. Presence of\W Prowes. No. James Dyke and Elizabeth Bossell were Married this 1 6 Day of January 1791 by Samuel Locke, Curate. In the | W « Dyke. Presence of {Matey Dyke. d u r m A m v t h 1 s t m 1 m t h tS7 No. John Hartnell and Elizabeth Acland were Married by Licence this i 8 * D a y o f February 1791 b y Samuel Locke, Curate. In the / J , Paynter, Presence of\W White. No. Thomas Hoddy and Mary Collard were Married this 2 6 * Day of April 1791 by S a m Locke, Curate. In the / T . Baker. Presence of\ Sarah Fickus. No. George Hawker and Rachael Edwards were Married this 27th Day o f April 1791 by Samuel Locke, Curate. In the ("The Mark + of R i c h Hood. Presence o f \W*» White. No. Jasper Dennis and Susannah Edwards were Married this I Day of M a y 1791 by Samuel Locke, Curate. In the j W » White. Presence o / J T h e + Mark o f Abraham Woolfry. m 1 d s t 1 No. William Burston and Elizabeth Woodman were Married this 25th Day of J u l y 1791 by Samuel Locke, Curate. In the / S a r a h Sheat. Presence of / W i l l i a m White. No. Thomas Chipcott of the Parish of S* Mary Magdalene and Mary Penny were Married by Licence this 3 Day of August 1791 by Samuel Locke, Curate. In the / J o h n Beed. Presence of\&.o\t- Gadd, Jun*. No. John Hurkem and Elizabeth Merreck were Married this 23rd D a y of August 1791 by John Colmer, Clerk. In the / G e o r g e Parsons. Presence of\W™ White. No. William Worman and Sarah Farthing were Married this 12th Day of September 1791 by S. Locke, Curate, In the / E m a n u e l Gadd. Presence e / { W " White. r d 158 No. John Corrick, sojourner, and J a n e Husson were Married this 5 D a y of December 1791 by Samuel Locke, Curate. In the / W i l l i a m ^ Corrick. Presence of\W White. No. Richard Spiller and Mary Goodman were Married this 2 6 * Day of December 1791 by Samuel Locke, Curate. In the / T h e Mark + of William Spiller. Presence of\ William White. No, George King and Elizabeth Pool were Married this 26^ Day of March 1792 by Geo. Norman, Curate. In the /The Mark of R o b e r t Danger. Presence ^ / 1 W White. No. Edward Turton of the Parish o f S* Andrews in the Town and County of Cambridge and Maria Pleydell were Married by Licence this 9 Day of April 1792 b y Geo. Norman, Minister. In the / W . Dansey. Presence 0jmF. Woodforde. No. Samuel Pyne and Ann Pitchard were Married this 2 Day of October 1792 b y Geo. Norman. In the / H a n n a h Pyne. Presence of\John Haywood. No. John Hewlett and Sarah Gooden were Married this 3 Day of December 1792 by John Colmer, Clerk. In the / J o h n Trevena. Presence of\ W White. No. Andrew Wodden and Nancy Brooks were Married this 2 5 Day of December 1792 by Geo. Norman, Minister. In the / T h o m a s Fioyde. Presence ^ 1 W White. No. William Cogan and Mary Hurford of the Parish of Taunton S* Mary Magdalen were Married this 28th D a y of February 1793 b y Geo. Norman, Minister. In the / J a n e Hurford. Presence < ? / \ T h o Hurford. m J 1 J K m t h J K d r d m t h m s ^ Mark of Witness. 159 Geo. Sandell and Elezebeth Edwards were 3 i D a y of M a y 1793 b y Geo. Sandell. In the ( T h e | Mark o f Francis Davis. Presence of\ W White. No. Married this t Q m No. John Woodrow otherways Trow and B e t t y Calway were Married this 2 1 D a y of October 1793 by Geo. Norman, Minister. In the / J o h n Rew. Presence of\J. Ridge. No. Richard Brown and Sarah Pole of the Parish of Bishops Lydeard were Married by Licence this 20 - Day of December 793 by Geo. Norman, Minister. In the / T h o s Barnes, J u n . Presence 0 / \ G e o r g e Bond. No. Rice Edwards and Martha Berry were Married this 2 8 Day of January 1794 by Geo. Norman, Minister. In the / V a l e n t i n e Davies. Presence of {Mary Young. No. William Davey and Diana Musgrave were Married this 7 Day of September 1794 by Geo. Norman, Minister. In the / S a m e l l Rich. Presence of\George Bond. No. Robert Buncombe of the Parish of Trull and Maria Tupp were Married by Licence this 2 8 * Day o f October 1794 by Geo. Norman, Minister. In the /Catharine Tupp. Presence o / \ J a n e Perry. No. John Dickin o f the Parish of Taunton S* Mary Magdalen and Sophia Pleydell were Married b y Licence this 7 * D a y o f November 1794 b y Geo. Norman, Minister. t h th l r th t h M p l e d e l L In the (J- y Presence of \ Pleydell. ( I s a b e l l a Grove. E l i z a b e t h J No. Henry Davis & Mary Stagg were Married this 1 9 ^ Day o f January 1795 by J . Colmer, Clerk. In the f George Bond. Presence of {The Mark + of Aaron Coles. i6o No. . Samuel Brooks and Hannah Pomroy were Married this 6" D a y of March 1795 by Geo. Norman, Minister. In the / S a m Smith. Presence of "(George Bond. ^ m 1 1 d Richard Bray and J a n e Trancher were Married this 2* Day of February 1796 by J . Colmer, Minister. In the / J o h n Wyat. Presence of [John Spark. ^ Robert Baker & Elizabeth Colard were Married this 1 0 * Day of February 1796 b y J . Colmer, Minister. In the / T . Baker. / > m ^ ^ G e o r g e Bond. . N o William Pepperl and J a n e Mutter were Married this 16& Day of May 1796 by T h o Strangways, Minister. In the / T h e Mark + of Sarah Notharn. Presence of [The Mark U of Elizabeth Burnel. No. John Bennett and Mary Kellen were Married this 1 7 Day of July 1796 by T h o Strangways, Minister. In the / T h e Mark \ of T h o Hancock. Presence < ? / \ T h e Mark + of Ann Colman. No. William Rugg, sojourner, and Sarah Gillard, sojourner, were Married this 24th Day of Oct* 1796 by D Webber, Minister. In the /George Bond. Presence of [The Mark 4 - of J o a n Bond. No. Sam* Marks and Mary Hart were Married this 5 Day of Dec* 1796 by D Webber, Minister. In the / T h e Mark A of S a m Wood. Presence of YLonard Younlett. No. John Moorcroft and Betty Clark were Married this 4 Day of June 1797 by D Webber, Minister. In the / J n ° Woods. Presence <?f i M a r y Allin. No. Mark Errington and Grace Roberts were Married this 3 Day of July 1797 by D Webber, Minister. In the / J a m e s Ansell. Presence * / \ T h e Mark X of Sarah Ansell. s J 1 t h s s d 1 J t h d 1 t h d d d No. Mid Old of the Parish of Pitminster and Elizth Burnell were Married this 1 6 D a y of J u l y 1797 by D Webber, Minister. In the / T h e Mark + o f Isaac Cattle. Presence of\George Bond. No. Simon L a k e and Sarah Perret were Married this 2 6 D a y of March 1798 by D Webber, Minister. In the / J a m e s Paynter. Presence of\James Hoke. No. James T a y l e r and Martha Potter were Married this i g ^ D a y of April 1798 by D Webber, Minister. In the / T h e Mark X o f George Sandell. Presence < ? / ( T h e Mark + o f Ann Miller. No. Wm James and Mary Pyne were Married this 2 9 * D a y of May 1798 b y D Webber, Minister. In the / B e t t e y Harris. Presence of\ Maria Tucker. No. Joshua Lewington and Ann Miller were Married this 18" D a y of Feby 1799 by D Webber, Minister. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence < ? / \ T h e Mark V o f Betty Lake. No. William Norman and Ann Gray were Married this 3 Day of Nov* 1799 b y D Webber, Minister. In the / G e o r g e Chilcott. Presence of\Hannah Cross. No. William F r y o f the Somerset Fencibles and J a n e Shallis were Married this 12& D a y of Feby 1800 by D Webber, Minister. In the / T h e Mark + of Elizabeth Smith. Presence of\George Bond. No. Robert Holman, sojourner, and Sarah Budd, sojourner, were Married this 20th Day of April 1800 by D Webber, Minister. In the / T h e Mark + o f W Barrett. Presence ^ / \ T h e Mark - f of Mary Budd. No. William E s c o t t and Hannah Harvey were Married this 1 3 D a y of Oct* 1800 by D Webber, Minister. In the / T h e Mark of Simon Lake, Presence ^ " ( G e o r g e Bond. t h d th d d d 1 d d d d d m t h d l62 No. t h Tho« Prowse and Sarah Rendle were Married this 1 4 Day of Oct* 1800 by D Webber, Minister. In the J Thos Rendle. Presence of 1 Elizabeth Chave. No. Saml Rowland o f the Parish of Amsbury in the County and Diocese of Gloucester and Lydia Lugg were Married by Licence this 2 0 Day of Oct* 1800 by D Webber, Minister. In the fRd Buncombe, Jun*. Presence of\James Langford. No. Charles Parratt and Jail Gainham were Married by Licence this 27th D a y of Oct* 1800 b y D Webber, Minister. In the fH. Upham. Presence of\E. Elliott. No. Thomas Spencer, sojourner, and Maria Poolman, sojourner, were Married this ist D a y of Feby 1801 b y D Webber, Minister. In the / W i l l i a m Minors. Presence of\George Bond, No, Isaac Winter and Susanna Gadd were Married this 25th Day of March 1801 b y D Webber, Minister. In the / R o b t Gadd. Presence of \jn° Gadd. No. Francis Durk and Elizth W e b b were Married this 27th Day of April 1801 by D Webber, Minister. In the / H e n r y Durk. Presence of\Maryn Oatan. No. John Luxon and Ann W e b b were Married this 3 0 Day of Nov* 1801 by Dd Webber, Minister. In the / E l i z a b e t h durk. Presence of\GeorgQ Bond. No. Thos Brooks and Sarah Woodfrey were Married this 2 5 Day of Dec* 1801 b y D Webber, Minister. In the /Elizabeth Humphres. Presence of /George Bond. No. Robt Whitby and Mary Osmond of the Parish of St Mary Mag dalen Taunton this 28th D a y of Jany 1802 by D Webber, Minister, *? / J o h n Parkman. Presence of\F Gane. d th d d d d d th tb d d t h e t i63 No. Sam* Rich and Mary L a k k e y were Married this ist D a y of March 1802 b y D Webber, Minister. In the / T h e Mark + o f John Rich. Presence of / G e o r g e Bond. No. Stephen Dring and E l i z Cann were Married this 1 6 D a y o f Augst 1802 by D Webber, Minister. In the / T h e Mark X of Joseph Herton. Presence of "[George Bond. No. Joseph Atkins and Elizabeth Elgrove, sojourner, were Married this 14th D a y o f O c t 1802 b y D Webber, Minister. In the / J o s e p h Holburd. Presence of [The Mark + of Hannah Lave. No. John Pearce o f this parish and Sarah Ham o f the Parish o f Luppitt in the County of Devon were Married this 6 D a y of Dec* 1802 by D Webber, Minister. In the / J o h n Stone. Presence of / G e o r g e Bond. No. Joseph White and Nancy Leigh were Married this 2 0 Day of Dec* 1802 by David Webber, Minister. In the / H a n n a h Baker. Presence of /Benjamin Baker. No. John Fitch and Mary Budd were Married this 3 Day o f Jany 1803 by D Webber, Minister. In the / T h e Mark + of W Stockman. Presence of 1 F . Gane. No. William Quick and Sarah Hays were Married this 4th D a y o f Jany 1803 b y D Webber, Minister. In the J T h e Mark of Ann Marshall. Presence of YE. Gane. No. John Warren and Elizabeth Dave were Married this 4 * Day of April 1803 b y D Webber, Minister. In the /Nicholas Hartnall. Presence of\ Sarah hartnall. No. William Corrich of the Parish of Enmore and Sarah Porter were Married by Licence this 1 Day of May 1803 by D Webber, In the / A b r a h a m Arberry. [Minister. Presence of [George Bond. d th t h d r d t h d th d d m d d d No. William Smith and J a n e Sparks were Married this 2 9 Day; of May 1803 by D Webber, Minister. In the / T h e Mark x o f Mary Fitch. Presence of\ George Bond. No. Thos Clements o f the Parish of Glastonbury, Bachelor, and Ann Price, Spinster, were Married by Licence this I Day of Sep* 1803 by D Webber, Minister. In the fMary Willams. Presence of [George Bond. No. Thomas Pring o f the Parish of Hatch Beauchamp, Bachelor, and Fanny Worrel, Spinster, were Married b y Licence this 2 4 * Day of Jany 1804 by D Webber, Minister. In the /Charles Parratt. Presence of Ijael Parratt. No._ Thomas Burton of the Parish of Crowcombe and Dinah Bagbeer were Married this 14th D a y o f M a y 1804 b y D Webber, Minister. In the / R o b t Waddon. Presence of\Uary Waddon. No. William Stockman and Mary Jones were Married this 2 2 Day o f May 1804 b y D Webber, Minister. In the f F . Gane. Presence of [The Mark 4- o f John Fitch. No. Francis Craven of the Royal Marines and Susanna P!upP > both sojourners, were Married this 16& Day of J u l y 1804 by D Webber, Minister. In the / J o s a n Payne. Presence <?/\George Bond. Sami Wood and Betty Manly were Married this 1 4 Day of Sepr 8o4 by P Webber, Minister. In the / J a m e s Bradbeer. Presence <?/\George Bond. No. Henry Callar sojourner, and Betty Gibbs, sojourner, were Married this 12th D a y of Novr 1804 by D Webber, Minister. In the /George Bond. Presence of \The Mark + of John Fitch. th d S T d d d d d en d t h d E d No. John Willcocks and Mary Oaten were Married this 3 Day of Dec* 1804 by D Webber, Minister. In the /Charles Lock. Presence of / E l i z a b e t h Chave. No. Thomas Thorne and Judeth Hartnell, both sojourners, were Married this 4 * D a y of D e c 1804 by D Webber, Minister. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence < ? / | T h e Mark X of Ann Babb. No. George Parker and J a n e Webber of the Parish of Wiveliscombe were Married this 1 7 * D a y of 1805 by D Webber, Minister. In the / J a m e s Turle. Presence of\Jasper Smyth. No. Simon Lane, Bachelor, of the Parish of West Buckland and Betty Dight, Spinster, resident in this parish, were Married by Licence this 2 D a y of M a y 1805 by D Webber, Minister. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence o / " \ T h e Mark X of Abraham Woodferry. No. John F r e k e of the 4 0 Regiment, sojourner, and Ann Westcott, sojourner, were Married this 1 0 D a y of June 180$ by D Webber, Minister. In the / T h o m a s Trott. Presence of 1 George Bond. No. John Slocombe, sojourner, and E l i z ^ Young were Married this 16th D a y of Sept* 1805 by D Webber, Minister. In the / S a r a h Faulkner. Presence of\ George Bond. No. Ben * Ackland, sojourner, and E l i z White were Married this 6^ Day o f M a y 1806 by D Webber, Minister. In the / R o b e r t Cox. Presence of\George Bond. No. Thomas Mear o f the Parish of Staplegrove, Widower, and Elizabeth Jones were Married by Licence this 1 4 Day of May 1806 by Buckland Bluett, Minister. In the / R o b t Gadd. Presence 0/"\Robt Cordwent. d d r d d d d th t h d d 1 th d t h i66 ' No. John White and Mary Dodderidge were Married this 2 5 * Day of June 1806 b y John Townsend, Off. Minister. In the ("Polexena Tibbs. Presence of\ William Bartrm. No. John Woodman and Sarah T o l l e r were Married this 2 5 Day of D e c 1806 by Dd Webber, Minister. In the j John Hodges. Presence 0 / l G e o r e Bond. No. William Hayman and M a r y Harkcombe, both sojourners, were Married this 6 * D a y of April 1807 by D Webber, Minister. In the /George Bond. Presence < ? / l T h e Mark o f Mary Emery. No. Richard Evelley and B e t t y Spiller were Married this 2 1 * Day of S e p 1807 by D Webber, Minister. In the / S a r a h Spiller. Presence of /George Bond. No. John Garland and Sarah W a l l were Married this 5th Day of Oct* 1807 by Dd Webber, Minister. In the / H e n r y Barrington. Presence of 1 James Turle. No. Moses Sanders resident in this parish, of his Majesty's 3 S<" ment of Foot, and E l i z * Bailey resident in this parish were Married this 15th D a y of Feby 1808 by D Webber, Minister. In the /Georg Bond. Presence 0/" \ T h e Mark *t% o f J a m e s Bailey. No. Joseph Jones and Elizabeth Thatcher, both resident in this parish, were Married this 8 & D a y of May 1808 by D Webber, Minister. In the / J o s e p h Pidgeon. Presence q/"\George Bond. No. Charles Bartlett, Bachelor, and Elizth Hartnell, Widow, were Married b y Licence this ist D a y o f Sep* 1808 b y D Webber, Minister. In the / S a m u e l Bartlett. Presence ^ \George Bond. v th r v d r r d K J s u r d Re d d d 167 No. Sam Bedgood and Grace Rich were Married this 2 6 D a y of Dec* 1808 by Dd Webber, Minister, In the / S a m u e l Rich. Presence Ijean Jenkins. No. Joseph Norman resident in this parish and Sarah Thatcher resident in this parish were Married this 2 3 D a y of Feby 1809 by Dd Webber, Minister. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence of / T h e Mark + o f Ann Webber. No. George Hayward and B e t t y Oaten were Married this 2 1 Day of August 1809 b y J . Townsend, Off. Minister. In the / G e o r g e Bonn. Presence of {The Mark X of Thomas Pollard. No. John Dring and Sarah Brooks were Married this 2 3 Day o f April 1810 b y Dd Webber, Minister. In the / A n n Webber. Presence of {John Dring. No. Thomas L a n e and Sarah Heilier were Married this 1 8 Day of May 1810 by Dd Webber, Minister. In the / J a m e s Humphries. Presence of\ Sarah Marks. No. Edward Wilson resident in this parish and Joan Burrow resident in this parish were Married this 2 4 Day of June 1810 by John Townsend, Off. Minister. In the / T h e Mark X of Thomas Wilcox. Presence of / G e o r g e Bond. No. Michael Tout, a Bachelor, and Ann Johnson, a Widow, were Married this 16^ D a y of J u l y 1810 b y John Townsend, Off. Minister. In the / T h e mark X of Ann Clark. Presence ^ / G e o r g e Bond. No. Thomas Marquiss, Bachelor, and Betsey Smith, Spinster, were Married this 26th D a y o f September 1810 by J . Townsend (Off. Minister). 1 t h d s t d t h L th 1 , In the 1 I 1 r j s Smith. a Presence of / M a r i a Goodman. Lucy Smith. r'68 No. William Pursey resident in this parish and Ann Prowse were Married this 2 5 Day of October 1810 by J o h n Townsend, Off. In the / T h o Prowse. [Minister. Presence of [George Bond, No. William Buddie resident in this parish, a Bachelor, and Mary Gait of the Parish of Stoke S* Gregory, a Spinster, were Married this I Day of April 1811 by J . Townsend, Off. Minister. In the / J a m e s Turle. Presence of / J o h n Miller. No. William Upham, a Bachelor, and Charlotte Blackmoor, a Spinster, were Married this 1 5 D a y of April 1811 by JTownsend, Off. Minister. In the / J o s . Hardwill. (?) Presence of [ J o h n Toller. No. Thomas Tozer, a Widower, and Mary Beer, a Spinster, were Married this D a y of M a y 1811 b y John Townsend, Off. In the TEdith Capon. [Minister. Presence of / M a r y Capon. J a n e Capon. No. John Toller, a Bachelor, and Elizabeth Vickery, a Spinster, were Married this 17th D a y o f June 1811 by John Townsend, Off. Minister. In the {Joseph Oaten. Presence of /George Bond. No. George Selley, a Bachelor, and Elizabeth Burrow, a Spinster, were Married this 13th Day o f August 1811 by J o h n Townsend, In the / H a n n a h Siley. [Curate. Presence ^ / G e o r g e Bond. No. James Jones, a Bachelor, and Mary Broom, a Spinster, were Married this 27th Day of August 1811 b y John Townsend, Curate. In the / T h o m a s Stevens. Presence of\ Sarah Broom. No. Elias Blackmore, a Widower, of the Parish of Taunton S Mary Magdalene and Elizabeth Chappell, Widow, were Married this 19th Day of September 1811 by John Townsend, Curate. In the / H e n r y Monk L a k e . Presence <?//George Bond. t h s s t t h t i6g No. William Steer, a Bachelor, and Sarah Steer, a Spinster, were Married this 7 D a y of October 1811 b y John Townsend, Curate. t h Presence . / { E d i t h C a n P° ' M a r ^ C a n P° ' No. Robert Morgan, a Bachelor, and Eleanor Blackmoor, a Spinster, were Married this 2 4 D a y of October 1811 by John Townsend, Curate. In the / J o h n Bale. Presence of [Mary Atkins. No. Samuel Cornish of the parish of Taunton St Mary Magdalene, but now resident in this parish, and Sarah Wyatt were Married this 19th D a y of January 1812 by Thomas Comber, Off. Minister. In the / T h e Mark of / Thomas Stevens. Presence of [George Bond. No. John Mattock resident in this parish and Susanna Wyatt were Married this 4 Day o f May 1812 by John Townsend, Curate. In the / E l i s a t h Wytt. Presence of /George Bond. No. William W y a t t resident in this parish, a Bachelor, and Elizabeth Gray resident in this parish, a Spinster, were Married this 6th Day of August 1812 b y John Townsend, Off. Minister. In the / M a r y Dyer. Presence 0 / [ J o h n Wyatt. No. John Bale resident in this parish, a Bachelor, and Mary Bennett, a Spinster, resident in this parish were Married this 2 D a y of November 1812 b y J o h n Townsend, Off. Minister. In the / R o b e r t Bale. Presence of [Elezebath Bennett. George Bond. No. Charles Fronks resident in this parish, a Bachelor, and Susanna Browning resident in this parish, a Spinster, were Married this 5 Day o f November 1812 by John Townsend, Off. Minister. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence of [ T h e Mark of John Mills. t h t h n d t h PARISH OF R E G I S T E R WILTON N O . I V . CONTAINING A.D. TBaptiSW from 1813 A.D. to 183; i7i ' B a p t i s m s soIemnt?eti i n m P a r i s * o f ©Hilton i n m C o u n t y of S o m e r s e t i n tU gear 18X3. When Parents Name Child's Christian Name Christian Surname Jan? 10* Privately No. 1 George Son of John & Sarah Babb Sherford Husband J. Townsend Off. Minister man Jany 10* Mary Daughter of James & Grace Willy Sherford Husband J. Townsend Off. Minister man Jany 18* Privately No. 3 Charles Son of Charles & Sarah Down Wilton Bricklayer J. Townsend Off. Minister Born Decr Jan 1 9 18th Privately 1812 No. 4 Henry Son of Richard & Anna Gadd Poole Farm George Son of John & Sarah Ball Sherford Charles Son of Richard & Mary Buston Turkey Court Frederick Son of Samuel & Martha Willment Wilton Gentleman J. Townsend Off. Minister Charlotte Daughter of John & Hannah Phippen Shuttern Carpenter J. Townsend Off. Minister Joel Son of John & Mary Wilcocks Robert Son of Simon & Sarah Luke Holway Lane S^ M. M. Martha Daughter of Samuel 8c Mary Marks Wilton Baptized Abode Quality, Trade By whom the Ceremony was performed or Profession 1813 No. 2 y th March 7* No. 5 March 14 No. 6 March 28 No. 7 May No. 30 8 June 6 No. g 27th No. 10 July 12 Privately No. 11 Yeoman J. Townsend Off. Minister Husband J. Townsend man Off. Minister Fish monger Taunton Inn-keeper St. M. M. J. Townsend Off. Minister Rev* J. Pitman Husband J. Townsend Off. Minister man Soldier J. Townsend Off. Minister 172 Parents' Name <Quality, Trade B y whom the Ceremony was performed Child's Christian Name Christian Surname William Son of William & Mary Davis Sherford Gardener T. Tudball Curate John & Mary Toller Sherford Tanner Rev Tho Tudball Sarah Daughter of Thomas & Sarah Brooks Wilton Weaver Rev John Pitman 29 Elizabeth Joseph & Elizabeth Fox Wilton Servant Rev W Parish Eliza Daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth Atkins Middle Way Labourer J. Townsend Off. Minister John Son of James & Joan How Gaunton Carpenter J, Townsend Off. Minister Fanny George & Daughter Mary of Callard Wilton Thatcher J. Townsend Off. Minister Jane Alexander Daughter & Rachel of Gane Wilton Gaoler j Townsend Off. Minister • Eliza Alexander Daughter & Rachel of Gane Wilton Gaoler T. Townsend Off. Minister Frederick Alexander Son of & Rachel Gane Wilton Gaoler j . Townsend Off, Minister When Baptized July 1 8 * Abode or Profession No. 12 August 8 Daughter of No. 13 22 No, 14 Daughter of No. 15 r Sept 21 Private d s d d m No. 16 Ocf 21 Private No. 17 r Nov 1 No. 18 Novr 9 No. 19 Novr 9 No. 20 Nov* 9 No. 21 r Nov 21 John Son of William & Ann Pursey Wilton Brick Maker T, Townsend Off. Minister Harriet Daughter of John & Mary White Wilton Mason T Townsend Off. Minister No. 22 1814 Jany 2»d No. 23 / 173 When Baptized Child's Christian Name Parents' Name Quality, Trade or Profession B y whom the Ceremony was performed Abode Christian Surname Jane Daughter of John & Ann Buston Turkey Court Fish monger J. Townsend Off. Minister William Son of Henry & Hannah Selly Sherford Tanner Rev T. Tud ball, Curate Mary Daughter of Thomas & Mary Baker Turkey Court Samuel Son of Samuel & Betty Wood Galmington Labourer Alice Charles & Daughter Susanna of Franks Sherford Labourer J. Townsend Off. Minister Private No. 29 Eleanor Robert Morgan Daughter & Eleanor. of Higher Sherford Labourer J. Townsend Off. Minister June 13 Privately No. 30 Susanna Robert & Daughter Jane of Budd Middle Way Labourer J. Townsend Off. Minister Sepf 1 8 * Harriet Daughter of John & Elizabeth Incledon Turkey Court Labourer T. Tudball Curate Robert Son of Robert & Elizabeth Woodin Wilton Baker T. Tudball Curate October 9 * Elizabeth William & Harriet Hannah Daughter No. 33 of Davey Turkey Court Labourer T. Tudball Curate October 23I William Son of No. 34 William & Mary Quick Wilton Labourer T. Tudball Curate October 23 John and Mary Wilcox Wilton Publican T. Tudball Curate Feby 2 7 * No. 24 March 13 No. 25 20 No. 26 April 1 0 * No. 27 14* Private No. 28 14th No. 31 Septr 28* No. 32 No. 35 Isaac Son of d Labourer Rev. T. Tud ball, Curate T. Tudball Curate 174 When Child's Christian Name Baptized October 23 Susanna Private Daughter No. 36 of Parents Name Surname James & Grace Willey • November Elizabeth James and Bradbeer 6 Daughter Jane No. 37 of December th 25 No. 38 John Son of Quality, Trade Abode Christian John and Sarah Dring Ann George & Daughter Mary of Callard or Profession By whom the Ceremony was performed Wilton Husband man R. Jarratt Gaunton Carpenter T. Tudball Curate Taunton Gardener St Mary's T. Tudball Curate Thatcher T. Tudball Curate 1815 January ist No. 39 ^814 Wilton Baptism omitted in 1814 March James Son of 6th No. 40 Thomas & Sarah Stevens Sherford Carpenter T. Tudball Curate John and Elizabeth Toller Sherford Tanner T. Tudbail Curate Martha John and Daughter Elizabeth of Toller Sherford Tanner T. Tudball Curate Husband man -1815 1 Feb ? 2 B d Mary Daughter of No. 41 Feb*? 2^ No. 42 March 26th John Son of Charles & Susan Franks Wilton April 23d Base No. 44 Anne Oxenham Sarah Bishop Paul St St M. M. April 23d John Son of William & Jane Hames Wilton John Son of John & Ann Spiller St Mary Magdalen Pippin S Mary Carpenter Magdalen No. 43 No. 45 April 30* bom Nov r 2 n d 1801 H. W. Rawlins • J. Townsend Off. Minister Labourer J. Townsend Off. Minister Weaver T. Tudball Curate No, 46 May 7 * Mary Ann ,John & Daughter 1 Hannah No. 47 of l T. Tudball Curate When Child's Christian Name Baptized June 4^ July 30* Ann born June Daughter 24th of No. 49 th No. 50 August 1 3 th No. 51 September 24th No. 52 October 8 th No, 53 October 17th No. 54 Name or Profession B y whom the Ceremony was performed Husband man T. Tudball Curate Gamling- Husband man ton T. Tudball Curate Labourer T. Tudball Curate Quality, Trade Abode Christian Betty Richard Daughter and Betty of No. 48 August 6 Parents' Surname Eveleigh James & Hammett Mary Ann Thomas & Daughter Sarah of Brooks Sherford Wilton Ann Daughter of James & Jane How Gamling- Carpenter ton T. Tudball Curate James Son of William & Sophia Click Taunton S* Mary Innkeeper T. Tudball Curate Robert Son of Henry & Hannah Sully Wilton Tanner T. Tudball Curate James & Matilda Daughter Mary Ann of Turle Bishop's Hull Sheriffs Bailiff T. Tudball Curate Incledon Wilton Labourer T. Tudball Curate r Nov 5th Mary Ann John& Daughter Elizabeth No 55 of Elizabeth Daughter of John & Elizabeth Dingle Wilton Labourer T. Tudball Curate Kezia Daughter of Richard & Mary Buston 4* "No. 57 Turkey Court Fish monger T. Tudball Curate February nth No. 58 Jane Daughter of John & Sarah Lowman Sherford Labourer T. Tudball Curate February Elizabeth Daughter of John & Mary Hancock Sherford Weaver T. Tudball Curate 1- Dec 25 th No. 56 1816 February 25th No 59 176 When Baptized March 24 No. 60 April nth Child's Christian Name May 19th No. 63 May 26* No. 64 June 2nd No. 65 June 16 No. 66 June 30* No. 67 June 14th No. 68 June 14th No. 69 August 18 No, 7i Quality, Trade Abode Christian Surname or Profession B y whom the Ceremony was performed Wilton Carpenter T. Tudball Curate Henry Son of Walter & Ann Tite Wilton Servant T. Tudball Curate George Son of Mary Hill St. Mary Magdalen Servant T. Tudball Curate Richard Richard &j Endger Son of Mary Bishop's Hull Mason T. Tudball Curate James Son of James & SummerElizabeth hays Wilton Labourer T. Tudball Curate John & Mary ProperJohns Wilton Labourer T. Tudball Curate Budd Wilton Labourer T. Tudball Curate Wilton Shoemaker T. Tudball Curate Eliza Daughter of Sarah Robert & Daughter Jane of William Son of Charles & | Williams Hannah Job Son of John & Betty Davis Wilton Carpenter E. T. Hailiday Off. Minister Susannah Daughter of James & Grace Willie Wilton Labourer E T. Hailiday Off. Minister Isabella John & Maria Rowsel Wilton Mason J. Hawtayne Offe Mi» Samuel & I Durston Mary Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate No. 70 Oc. 6th Name Eliza Richard & Phippen Daughter Elizabeth of No. 61 April 21st illegitimate No. 62 Parents' Ann r i 77 When Baptized r Oc 13th Child's Christian Name 1 r 25th John & Mary Ley Wilton Jane Simon & Sarah Lake S* Mary Mag Taunton Labourer William & Jane Heams Wilton Labourer W. E. Hony Off. Min. John & Sarah Dring Wilton Gardener H. W. Rawlins Curate Wilton Labourer H, W. Rawlins Curate Jane Elizabeth No. 7s Decr 2 5 * B y whom the Ceremony was performed John No. 74 Dec Quality, Trade Abode Surname No. 73 Dec" 15 Name Christian No. 72 Dec 15 Parents' or Profession ln Writer in Mr H. Warre's office H. W. Rawlins Curate W. E. Hony Off. Min. Sarah Richard & Eveleigh Betty Sarah Selina James & Mary Ann Turle Bishop's Hull Sheriff's officer H. W. Rawlins Curate Mary John & Sarah Hodge Wilton Carpenter H. W. Rawlins Curate Mary Joseph & Jane Harberry Wilton Labourer F. Warre Off. Min. John iWilliam & Ann Click St Mary Innkeeper Magdalene! H. W. Rawlins Curate John John & Sarah Garland St Mary Labourer Magdalene H. W. Rawlins Curate No. 76 1817 Jany i s t No. 77 Feby 2 n d No. 78 ' Feb*y gth No. 79 Feb. 23rd No. 80 March 9th No. 81 March 12 Joseph No. 82 March 23 No, 83 Sarah Daughter of Robert and Woodin Elizabeth Wilton Baker F. H. Clapp Vicar of Taunton St M. M. Piphfen Wilton Carpenter R, Jarratt Off. Minister John Ann i;8 When Child's Christian Name Baptized Parents Name Quality, Trade Abode Christian March 23 Hannah Robert & Daughter Sarah No. 84 of Surname or Profession B y whom the Ceremony was performed Heller Wilton Labourer R. Jarratt Off. Minister Born Ap. 6 * March 22 No. 85 Sarah Samuel & Betty Wood Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Ap. 6 * Jane James & Jane How Wilton Carpenter H. W. Rawlins Curate Richard Richard & Gibbons Anna Morgan Wilton Gentlemen H. W. Rawlins Curate Charlotte James & Sarah Crudge Wilton Nursery man H. W. Rawlins Curate Carter Wilton Gardener H. W. • Rawlins Curate nd l8l6 No. 86 Jany Ap. 2 8 * 27th No. 87 1817 May 4th No. 88 May Thomas Thomas & Elizabeth 6*h No. 89 Oc. 1 3 * William John & Mary Ley Wilton Writer in Mr H. Warre's office H. W. Rawlins Curate Charlotte John & Mary Ley Wilton D° H. W. Rawlins Curate George & Mary Collard Turkey Court Thatcher H. W. Rawlins Curate Henry Henry & Hannah Sully Sherford Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Martha John & Ann Mockeridge Middleway Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate William Joseph & Elizabeth Atkins Middleway Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate 1816 No. 90 Oc. 13th 1816 No. 91 May 2 5 * Mary Ann No. 92 July 2 7 th No. 93 August 1 9 th No. 94 August 24 No. 95 th 179 When Child's Christian Name Baptized Sepr 2 1 st No. 96 r Sep 2i 8t No. 97 Oc. 12*h nd Sep. 2 Elizabeth Walter & Ann Tite Wheatleigh Lodge Footman H. W. Rawlins Curate Henry- James & Grace Willy Sherford Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Eliza James & Grace Willy Sherford Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Mary John & Jane Burston Turkey Court Fish monger H. W. Rawlins Curate Elizabeth John & Martha Hartnell Galmington Yeoman H. W. Rawlins Curate Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Nov. 2 Richard & Mary Burston Turkey Court Fish monger H. W. Rawlins Curate Richard & Mary Gudger Bishop's Hull Mason Mary Ann H. W. Rawlins Curate Abraham & Maria Trappnell Wilton Carpenter Pamela H. W. Rawlins Curate Sarah Mary Wood Wilton Joseph Joseph & Mary Best 3o'h No. 105 John and Somerhays Sherford Mary John n d No. 104 Nov. i William n d No. 103 B y whom the Ceremony was performed H. W. Rawlins Curate an Adult aged 68 No. I02 or Profession Mason No. 101 Oc. 2 2 Surname St M. M. Taunton No. 100 Feb, 15th Quality, Trade Abode Christian Callard No. 99 Oc. 19th Name Marianne Robert & Jane No. 98 Oc. 1 2 * Parents' 1 8 1 8 * A . Jany nth n p 1806 N o - 1 0 6 Jany nth No. 107 St M. Mag. Ostler at the Castle Inn H. W. Rawlins Curate H. W. Rawlins Curate i8o "When Child's Christian Name Baptized t h Jany 1 1 John Parents' Name Quality, Trade Abode Christian or Profession Surname Thomas & Somerhays Magdalene Carpenter H. W. Rawlins Curate Taunton Labourer S* M. M. H. W. Rawlins Curate Wilton No. 108 Jany 2 5 th Matilda Abraham & Jane Reed Maria John & Sarah Babb Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Emma John & Mary Ley Wilton Writer in M* H. Warre's office H. W. Rawlins Curate Escott Wilton Husband man H. W. Rawlins Curate H. W. Rawlins Curate No. 109 Feby 1 5 * t No. n o nd March 2 2 No. i n March 2 2 nd No. 112 March 2 2 nd Martha & William & Mary twin Hannah Daughters of Harriet Thomas & Sarah Brooks Wilton Weaver Emelia Samuel & Mary Claek Wilton Labourer Sami Payne Off. Min. Harriet William & Ann Pursey Wilton Labourer la? Knight Off. Min' Wilton Carpenter H. W.' Rawlins Curate No. 113 May 3 r d B y whom the Ceremony was performed No. 114 May 1 0 * No. 115 May 3 1 s t Ann No. 116 June 1 4 * Fanny No. 117 June 14th Elizabeth No. n 8 June 1 4 * Elizabeth No. 119 George & Woolcot Mary William & Mary Gale Galmington Servant H. W. Rawlins Curate John & Elizabeth Toller Sherford Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate John & Elizabeth Incledon Turkey Court Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate I8I When Baptized Child's Christian Name June 28* Parents' Name Quality, Trade Abode or Profession Surname George James & Jane Bradbeer Ganton Carpenter H. W. Rawlins Curate Samuel Richard & Elizabeth Phippin Wilton Carpenter H. W. Rawlins Curate James Robert & Jane Budd Wilton Labourer Sam Payne Off. Min. Elizabeth John & Maria Rowsel Turkey Court Mason H. W. Rawlins Curate Mary John & Ann Mockridge MiddleWay Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Mary Ann John & Mary Proper johns Wilton Labourer J. Hughes Off. Minister George William & Sophia Click Anna John & Sarah Hodge Wilton Carpenter J. Hughes Off. Minister Maria William & Diana Davy Turkey Court Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate William Charlotte Love Wilton HenrySon of Robert Elizabeth Woodin Wilton Baker Clapp Wilton Carpenter No. 120 July 26th No. 121 Augst 6 X B y whom the Ceremony was performed Christian 1 No. 122 Sept 6th No. 123 Sep. 20* No. 124 Octb 4th No. 125 Octbr 4th No. 126 Octbr 4th Taunton Inn-keeper J. Hughes Off. Minister St Mary Magdalene No. 127 Oc. 25th No. 128 Decr 13 J. Hughes Off. Min r No. 129 December 27th R. Jarratt Offe Min r No. 130 December Mary Ann William 27th Daughter Charlotte No. 131 of R. Jarratt Offs Minister l82 Child's Christian Name When Baptized Parents' Name ( Juality, Trade Abode Christian or Profession Surname B y whom the Ceremony was performed December Charlotte William Daughter Charlotte 27 of No. 132 Clapp Wilton Carpenter R. Jarratt OffsMinister Ann Bastard Daughter of Sarah Coles Wilton Laundress R. Jarratt Offs Minister John John & Martha Hartnell Galmington Yeoman J. Townsend Off. Minister Martha Richard & Martha Hill Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate James William & Jane Haines Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Thomas Samuel & Mary Durston Gaimington Mary Samuel & Betty Wood Ganton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Harriett John & Sarah Dring Turkey Court Gardener H. W. Rawlins Curate Ann Joseph & Elizabeth Adkins Middle-way Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Harriett George & Mary Callerd TurkeyCourt Thatcher H. W. Rawlins Curate Aaron William & Mary Quick Sherford Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate George George & Johanna Marks Wilton Soldier 32 Reg* H. W. Rawlins Curate th December 27 th No. 133 1819 Jany 1 3 t h No. 134 Jany 2 4 th No. 135 Feby 7 t h No. 136 Feb? 2 1 « Labourer J. Townsend Off. Minister No. 137 Feb. 28* No. 138 Feb. 28* No. 139 April 4 * No. 140 April 4 * No. 141 May i6ti No. 142 May 30* No. 143 d 183 When Baptized Child's Christian Name P&- Parents' Name Quality, Trade] Abode Christian • ? May 3<jth' •Johanaa George & Susannah Jolwmna § No. 144 Susannah i. Marianne John Jk « July 2 5 * Jane Surname Marks or Profession Wilton Soldier 32 nd Reg 1 B y whom the Ceremony was performed H. W. Rawlins Curate Nation Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate No. 145 James James & Mary Pring Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Ann Walter & Elizabeth Tite Wilton Innkeeper H. W. Rawlins Curate Isaac Joseph & Jane Arberry Wilton Weaver H. W Rawlins Curate Jane James & Sarah Crudge Wilton Gardener H. W. Rawlins Curate Elizabeth John & Ann Phippen Taunton Carpenter S* M. M. H. W Rawlins Curate Elizabeth William & Sarah Garland Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Charlotte James & Joan How Galming- Carpenter ton H. W. Rawlins Curate Wilton H. W. Rawlins Curate July 25th No. 146 July 25th No, 147 August 8* No. 148 Au. 8th No. 149 Au. 8th No. 150 Oc. 3rd Wilton No. 151 Oc. 17th No. 152 Oc. 17th John Richard &| Gudger Mary Mason No. 153 1820 Febry 7th No. 154 Feby 6th Thomas William &| Arthur Sophia Click Taunton Innkeeper T. Tudball Off. Minister St Mary Mag. Jane Bygrave Ley Wilton John & Mary Writer in MrWarre'si office H. W. Rawlins Curate 184 Child's Christian Name When Baptized March 5 Parents' Name Quality, Trade Abode Christian or Profession Surname th Agness John & Ann Mockridge Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate th Joseph John & Ann Burston Wilton Fish monger H. W. Rawlins Curate James Temper ance Hill Wilton John & Ann Brewer James & Ann Hamet Gaunton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Greig Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate No. 156 March 5 No. 157 March 1 9 th H. W. Rawlins Curate No. 158 March 31^ Charles No. 159 April 30* Mary No. 160 April 30* Elizabeth William & Ann No. 161 April 30* May 7th Gaunton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Sarah Thomas & Folkener Elizabeth Wilton Weaver H. W. Rawlins Curate Sarah Thos & Sarah Hoskins Wilton Gardener H. W. Rawlins Curate Ann John & Ann Woolfrey Wilton Sexton of the Parish H. W. Rawlins Curate John John & Sarah Spiller Wilton Weaver H. W. Rawlins Curate William Joseph & Mary Bess No. 164 n 1 June 4 * a No. 165 June 11«» No. 166 June 2 5 No. 167 th H. W. Rawlins Curate William & Clements Elizabeth No. 163 May 28* Taunton Bricklayer St M. Mag. Jane No. 162 20 f By whom the Ceremony was performed T. S* M. Ostler at Magdalene the Castle Inn H. W. Rawlins Curate i8s When Baptized August 13« 1 Parents' Name Child's Christian Name Christian Surname John Mary Buttle Wilton John James & Mary Pring Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Minister William William & Hannah Escott Sherford Labourer H. W. Rawlins Minister Abraham of John & Mary Proper johns Wilton Labourers John East Officiating Minister Ann of John & Betsy Toller Wilton Journey man Tanner John East Officiating Minister Caroline of Walter & Elizabeth Tite Wilton Publican John East Officiating Minister James William & Sarah Grudge Gaunton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Charles John and Elizabeth Incledon Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate Robert Charles & Susannah Franks Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins Curate John John & Sarah Hodge Wilton Carpenter H. W. Rawlins Curate Edward John & Martha Hartnell Gaunton Yeoman H. W. Rawlins Curate John John & Jane Nation Wilton Weaver H. W. Rawlins Curate Quality, Trad e Abode or Profession H. W. Rawlins Minister No. 168 Oc. ist No. 169 Oc. I at No. 170 Ocf 15 No. 171 Oef 15 No. 172 Octr 15 No. 173 Oc, 29th No. 174 Nov. 1 2 * No. 175 B y whom the Ceremony was performed r Dec 17th No. 176 Dec 25th No. 177 1821 f Ja y 3rd No. 178 Feby 4th No. 179 i86 Child's Christian Name When Baptized Febv 1 1 t h Parents' Name Quality, Trade Abode Christian or Profession Surname B y whom the Ceremony was performed John Rich & Martha Hill Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins George George & Mary Collard Wilton Thatcher H. W. Rawlins Jacob Richard & Mary Buston Wilton Fish monger H. W. Rawlins Aubrry Wilton Weaver H. W. Rawlins d No. 180 Feby 18th No. 181 March 1 8 * No. 182 March 1 8 th No. 183 March 1 8 * Elizabeth Joseph & Jane Sarah John & Sarah Babb Wilton Labourer H. W. Rawlins William Son of Samuel & Mary Durston Wilton Labourer Tho* Strangways Minister William Son of Samuel & Elizabeth Wood Wilton Labourer Tho* Strangways Minister John Son of Richard & Elizabeth Vicary Wilton Labourer Tho" Strangways Minister Thomas Son of William & Jane Haynes Wilton Labourer Tho Strangways Minister Caraline Daughter of James & Jane How Wilton Carpenter Thos Strangways Minister James Son of James & Sarah Crudge Wilton Gardener W* Jennings Offt Minister Wilton Carpenter Tho Strangways Minister No. 184 April 1 5 * No. 185 April 2 9 th No. 186 May 20* No. 187 June 10th s No. 188 June 1 0 * No. 189 July 8th No. 190 Sept* 2 ^ No. 191 Mary George & Woolcott Daughter Mary of 3 187 When Baptized Sepf 3rd No. 192 Sepf 1 6 * No. 193 1 Nov" 2 5 * No. 194 Dec* 25th No. 195 Child's Christian Name Parents ' Name Quality, Trade\ Abode Christian or Profession Surname Yeoman B y whom the Ceremony waB performed s Tho Strangways Minister Charity Thomas & Daughter Elizabeth of Ward Shurford William Son of Frost Wilton Pring Shurford Labourer Tho Strangways Minister Tabert Wilton Labourer Tho Strangways Minister Wilton Labourer H. Bower Off. Minister Mary William William & Son of Sarah Hannah Daughter of Isaac & Betty 8 Tho Strangways Minister 8 a 1822 February Sarah 3* William & Clements Elizabeth No. 196 Feby i 2 * No. 197 March 3Q No. 198 w Mary Daughter of Stephen & Mary Sharp Wilton Weaver H. Bower Off. Minister Thomas Edward Son of James & Mary Pring Wilton Labourer Thos Strangways Minister John Son of John & Ann Woolfry Wilton Mason L. A. CHffe Off. Minister Sarah Daughter of James & Jane Bradbier Wilton Carpenter Tbo Strangways Minister Thomas Son of John & Mary Ley Wilton Clerk to Solicitor Tho Strangways Minister Wilton Labourer Tho« Strangways Minister Wilton Publican Tho Strangways Minister Born March April 7th l 8 2 2 No. 199 May 5th No. 200 May nth No. 201 June 1 6 * No. 202 June 23»* No. 203 William Son of Mary Daughter of William & Gregory Ann Walter & Elizabeth Tite s 3 3 188 When Name Quality, Trade James Son of Richard & Mary Gudger Wilton Mason Tho Strangways Minister rd Harriott Thomas & Daughter Sarah of Hoskin Wilton Labourer Thos Strangways Minister th Richard Richard & Son of Martha Hill Wilton Labourer Tho» Strangways Minister rd Abode J or Profession Surname No. 204 June 2 3 No. 205 June 3 0 No. 206 Aug st i 8 t Sepf i s t No. 208 Septf* 1 7 * 1 No. 209 27th James & Betty Tucker Wilton Baker Thos Strangways Minister Maria Daughter of John & Elizabeth Ingleton Wilton Labourer Thos Strangways Minister Cliffe Wilton Clerk L. A. Cliffe Off. M. William & Hannah Escott Wilton Labourer Thos Strangways Minister Elizabeth Richard & Daughter Elizabeth of Vicary Wilton Labourer Rich Winsloe Off. M. Thatcher Rich Winsloe Off. M. Harriett Loftus Salome Anthony Daughter & Salome of John Son of No. 210 1823 Jany 5 * No. 211 Jany 5th James Son of George & Mary Callard Wilton James Son of Jane Clash Wilton No. 212 Jany 5th No. 214 Jany 13 No. 21$ Elizabeth James & • Daughter Jane of Howe Thomas Thomas & Son of Elizabeth Ward d d Richd Winsloe Off. M. No. 213 Jany 5 * s James Son of No. 207 Ocf B y whom the Ceremony was performed Christian Baptized June 2 3 Parents' Child's Christian Name Pitminster Carpenter d Rich Winsloe Off. M r Wilton Tanner Alfred Barker OffeMiniste i89 When Baptized Feby 2 No. 216 Feby 2«d No. 217 March 6 No. 218 March 23d No. 219 March 30th No. 220 April 27ft Child's Christian Name Perrot Wilton Baker Richd Winsloe Off. M. Jane Curteis dau of John & Sarah Dring Wilton Gardener Richd Winsloe Off, M. Emma Daug* John & Martha Hartnell Gaunton Fanner Richd Winsloe Offg M. John Son John & Anne Mogridge Wilton Labourer Richd Winsloe Off. M. Jane Daughter of Isach & Betty Tabert Wilton Labourer Rich Winsloe Off. M* Caroline James & Betsy Maccor- Wilton Mason Richd Winsloe Off. M. Louisa James & Betsy Maccormick Wilton Mason Richd Winsloe Off. M. Sarah John & Elizabeth Toller Wilton Labourer Rich Winsloe Off. M. Harriott Dau of Elizabeth Budd Wilton Apprentice Rich Winsloe Off. M* Arberry Wilton Silk weaver F. Warre Off. Minister James & Sarah Cridge Wilton Gardener F. Warre Off. Minister Jane William & Daughter Mary of Gibbett r August 31 Abraham Joseph & Son of Jane No. 225 August 31 No. 226 Se Ptember XT 2 8 No. 227 B y whom the Ceremony was performed John & Mary r No. 224 or Profession James Prouse Son of No. 223 May i8*h Quality, Trade Abode Surname No. 222 April 27 Name Christian No. 221 April 27 Parents' Sarah Daughter of " d d d F. Warre S* Mary Labourer Off. Minister Magdalen Taunton 190 When Child's Christian Name Baptized Parents' Name Quality, Trade Abo~de B y whom the Ceremony was performed Christian Surname October 12 Obadiah Son of No. 228 James & Mary Milton Wilton Labourer F. Warre Off. Minister October 12 Lucy Daughter of James & Mary Milton Wilton Labourer F. Warre Off. Minister Henry 'Son of William & Jane Haynes Wilton Labourer G. Gale Off, Minister Sarah Daughter of James & Mary Pring Wilton Labourer G. Gale Off. Minister Harriet Brooks Daughter of James & Elizabeth Bray Wilton Weaver D. S. Stone Erased lOffg-M* by."* Curate ' ' John Son of Abraham & Maria 'Henry Son of William: & Garland 'Sarah 1 No. 229 Nov 9 t h No. 230 Nov 9* No. 231 Nov 30*1* No. 232 Dec* 25th No. 233 or Profession D Trapnill S* Mary Carpenter J. C. Barker Offe Min Mag Taunton r n 1824 January No. 234 April 4*1» No. 235 * Erased as here by me D . S. Stone April I O * * x No. 236 consequence of their g i v i n g both names at once » by mistake No. D . S . S. Jane Walter & Daughtr of Elizabeth April 2 5 t b Elizabeth «ParrotfrD Samuel ; John & 'Mary Shurford in psh of Wilton Labourer D. S. Stone Curate Tite Wilton Innkeeper D. S. Stone Curate Parrott Wilton Labourer D. S. Stone Curate Richard &| Pippen Elizabeth T S* Mary Carpenter D.'S. Stone Curate Magdalen 237 May 9 t h William George & Mary Woolcot Gaunton Mary Thomas & Susannah Snook Wilton Carpenter D. S. Stone Curate No. 238 M,ay 2 3 No. 239 d Cordwainer J.i Townsend Off. Minister S , S 191 When Baptized Child's Christian Name May 30 ; Sarah John and Anne Buston William James & Joan How James John & Sarah Hodge Robert James & Sarah No. 242 June 6* No. 243 Quality, T r a d e Abode Surname No. 241 June 6 Name Christian No. 240 June 6 * Parents' July 4th Mary Ann William &| Clarissa No. 244 or Profession Wilton J. Gale Officiating Minister Wilton Carpenter J. Gale Officiating Minister Quick Shurford Labourer John Gale Offg Mr Coles Wilton Elizabeth John & Ann Woolfrey August 8th Elizabeth Ann Daughter of No. 246 William Ann Pursey 4 3 Tho Comber Offg Minister Pitminster Carpenter Bo . "> July th Jun. 17 Fish monger B y whom the Ceremony was performed Wilton Labourer D. S. Stone •Offg -M; D,j Curate Bricklayer! D. S. Stone Curate ^24 No. 245 Sepbr 26th No. 247 26th Labourer D. S. Stone Offe M. William Shurford Labourer D. S. Stone Off. M. Durston Gaunton Labourer D. S. Stone Curate Thomas & Hoskins Sarah Shurford Labourer , Rich Winsloe Offg Mr .Wilton Gaol Prisoner G. B. Norris Offg Mr at the Gaol Sarah Ann No. 250 Nov' 6th No. 251 R. Jarratt Offg Minister Shurford No. 249 Octr 24th Brickmaker Thomas William & Phillips Mary No. 248 'Sepr 26th S* Mary Magdalen Taunton Moses William & Phillips Mary Samuel & Mary Jackson d 192 When Baptized Nov* 23 Parents' Name Child's Christian Name Christian Surname Charles Mary Fudge No. 252 r Nov 23 ih or Profession B y whom the Ceremony was performed Wilton Gaol a Prisoner G. B. Norris Offg M at the Gaol r Elizabeth Mary Brice Wilton Gaol a Prisoner G. B. Norris Offg Mr at the Gaol Mary Richard & Elizabeth Vickry Shurford Labourer D. S. Stone Curate Henry Thomas & Ann Toller Shurford Labourer D. S. Stone Curate Caroline George & Mary Callard Wilton Thatcher D. S. Stone Curate Hill Shurford No. 253 Dec? $ Quality, Trade Abode No. 254 r Dec No. 255 Dec 25* No. 256 Dec r 25 th No. 257 Decr 2 5 * Caroline Richard & Martha Caroline Wilton Gardener D. S. Stone Curate John & Dummett Charlotte Wilton Gardener D. S. Stone Curate Elizabeth Richard & Morgan Martha Elizabeth Wilton r Dec 2 5 * Charlotte No. 259 1 26* No. 260 f Dec 2 5 * D. S. Stone Curate John & Dummett Charlotte No. 258 Dec Laborer Sarah No. 261 Robert & Elizabeth Bennett Wilton Laborer D. S. Stone Curate Blacksmith D. S. Stone Curate 1825 Jany 30* Harriet No. 262 March 13th Thomas No. 263 George & Hayward Elizabeth John & Martha Hartnell Wilton Laborer D. S, Stone Minister Gaunton Yeoman D. S. Stone Minister 193 When Baptized Child's Christian Name April 24th Matilda jst d No. 266 Quality, T r a d e Abode or Profession B y whom the Ceremony w a s performed Surname John & Sarah Dring Caroline Richard & Mary Goodyer Wilton Mason Elizabeth Ann James & Elizabeth Bray Wilton Silkweaver D. S. Stone P. Curate Wilton Silkweaver David S. Stone P. Curate No. 265 May 22 Name Christian No. 264 May Parents Wilton Gardener 3 Tho B. Comber Offg M r D. S. Stone Min r i J D.S.S. May 22* D S ! ' -S.No.267 1 ) June 5th No, 270 July 26 No. 271 Sep* 4th Dunn Shurford Mason David S. Stone P. Curate William James & Mary Pring Wilton Laborer D. S. Stone P. Curate Mary Ann John & Sarah Webber Wilton Woolfrey Wilton Elizabeth Abraham & Mary Oc. 30 No. 27-5 G. B. Norris Off. Min. Tabert Wilton Gardener D. S. Stone P. Curate Harriet John & Elizabeth Toller Wilton Labourer W. Wood Curate Woolcott Wilton Carpenter W. Wood Sharp Wilton Labourer W. Wood No. 273 No. 274 Cordwainer Isaac & Elizabeth d Oc. 23d Carpenter G. B. Norris Off. Min. Isaac No. 272 Octr 23 Trapnell •Broom- Samuel & Sarah No. 269 Jaly 17 x Henry No. 268 June 5th ! Matilda * John-&Maria Elizabeth George & Mary Stephen Stephen & Mary 194 When Child's Christian Name Baptized r Dec 25 Parents' Name Quality, T r a d e Abode B y whom the Ceremony was performed Christian Surname Henry James & Mary Dunn Wilton Mason W. Wood Anne John & Anne Mockridge Wilton Labourer W. Wood Matilda Walter & Elizabeth Tite Wilton Landlord W. Wood John Joseph & Mary Harbury Wilton Labourer W. Wood John Robert & Anne Dimind Wilton Labourer W. Wood James Son of William & Sarah Pring Wilton Labourer J. Jarratt Offs MuV Joseph Richard & Martha Hill Wilton Labourer W. Wood Charles Thomas Son of Henry & Hester Comber Wilton Clerk H. G. W. Comber Offg Minister Robert B. B. Sarah Lang Wilton Gaol Labourer W. Wood Thomas George & Mary Callar,d Wilton, Thatcher W. Wood Vickery Shurford Labourer David S. Stone P. Curate Barrett Shurford or Profession No. 276 1826 Jany 15 ! No. 277 March No. 278 March 1 9 ^ No. 279 March 21 No. 280 May 7 No. 281 Sept. 10 No. 282 October 18* No. 283 Oct. 24 No. 284 r Dec 3 No. 285 r Dec 2$*h Charlotte Richard & Elizabeth No. 286 Dec*. 25th, No. 287 Sarah Fanny David S. Stone P. Curate 195 When Baptized Child's Christian Name Decr 25th James Parents' Name Quality, Trade Abode or Profession B y whom the Ceremony was performed Christian Surname David & Sarah Summers Shurford John & Mary Parrott Wilton Labourer David S. Stone P. Curate John & Ann Woolfrey Wilton Bricklayer David S. Stone P. Curate Jany 2 8 * Mary Ann James & Mary No. 291 Milton Shurford Labourer David S. Stone P. Curate Jan? 31st William Son of Grace Turner Wilton Gaol G. B. Norris Offg Min Tem perance Hill Shurford D. S. Stone P. Curate Son of John & Charlotte Dammett Wilton Gardener David S. Stone P. Curate James Bragg Son of Daniel & Mary Dunn Wilton Bricklayer David S. Stone P. Curate Henry Son of James & Elizabeth Bray Wilton Labourer David S. Stone P. Curate John & Sarah Dring Wilton Gardener David S. Stone P. Curate John & Martha Hartnell Gaunton Yeoman David S. Stone P. Curate Thoroas Thomas ,& HqsXms Sarah Shurford Gardener David S. Stone P. Curate No. 288 r Dec 31st William No. 289 Bom 1827 Dec* Jany 2 8 * Abraham 30 JS26 No. 290 No. 292 February Henry 18* No. 293 March 9th Robert No. 294 March 25th No. 295 March 2 5 * No. 296 March 25th William No. 297 April 29th Np, 298 f June 3 d No. 299 William Labourer D. S. Stone P. Curate r ig6 Child's Christian Name When Baptized June 1 4 Sydney Son of t h Parents' Name Christian or Profession Surname William & Harding Kitty No. 300 July 1 5 * Quality, Trade] Abode Prisoner Wilton House of Correction Labourer David S. Stone P. Curate Samuel & Cordwent Elizabeth Wilton Woolcomber David S. Stone P. Curate Isaac & Elizabeth Talbot Wilton Labourer David S. Stone P. Curate John & Mary Toller Shurford Labourer David S. Stone P. Curate John & Sarah Webber Wilton Carpenter David S. Stone P. Curate Richard &| Morgan Elizabeth Wilton Fish monger David S. Stone P. Curate James & Mary Thomas Pring No. 302 July 2 9 James th No. 303 th August 12 ] Thomas No. 304 October 7*] Robert No. 305 October Simon 2ist G. B. Norris Offe Minr Wilton Elizabeth No. 301 July 29th B y whom the Ceremony was perfo-raed No, 306 Nov 4* Jane George & Hayward Elizabeth Wilton Gardener G. B. Norris Offg Min Isaac Elizabeth Forward Wilton Base Child G. B. Norris Offs Minr Matilda John & Mary Ann Marks Eliza James & Elizabeth Quick r No. 307 1 Nov 4 * No. 308 Nov 4* Wilton Labourer G. B. Norris Offg Min r No. 309 1S28 Jany 27th No. 3103 Feby 3 No. 311 rd Francis Son of 1 William & Bellamy Sarah Wilton Labourer David S. Stone pi Curate Galmington Labourer David S. Stone pi Curate 197 When Baptized Child's Christian Name Feby ro* Henry d Name Quality, Trade Abode or Profession Robert & Unity Budd Martha James & Sarah Edwards Shurford Labourer David S. Stone Pi Curate Samuel Joseph & Jane Arberry Wilton Labourer David S. Stone Pi Curate Dyer Creech S* Michael Miller David S. Stone Pi Curate No. 314 Wilton d No. 316 Bora the 6 June 4 of Sepr * 1821 No. 337 July T 3 Robert & Mary Ann Winter Wilton Miller David S. Stone Pi Curate Emma Richard & Winsloe Charlotte Wilton Clergyman Richd Winsloe Offg Minister Robert Thomas & Morgan Mary Wilton Servant G. B. Norris Off. Min. Miriam John & Elizabeth Toller Wilton Labourer G. B. Norris Off. Min. William. Son of John & Mary Parrott Wilton Labourer Walter K. Coker Offg Minr Charles Son of John & Temper ance Edwards Shurford Labourer David S. Stone Pi Curate John Son of William & Mary Gibbett Wilton Labourer David S. Stone Pi Curate Isaac Son of William & Jane Hill Shurford Labourer David S. Stone pi Curate No. 319 Sepr 7th No. 320 Sepr 8tb 2 No. 321 Sepr 28th No. 322 Octr 19th No. 323 David S. Stone P Curate Samuel Henry No. 318 July 27 Labourer 1 n June 2 d Mary Ann William & Mary No. 315 June 2 B y whom t h e Ceremony was performed Surname No. 313 April 27ft 1 Christian No, 312 March 23 Parents ig8 When Baptized Child's Christian Name Parents' Name Christian Ribfcard S*ra>Qf r fit William Son of or Profession Surname CvMis Walton I n ^ Horeeof Correction No.324 Born 2ist Dec 2 5 ^ Aug 1828 No. 325 Quality, Trade Abode Robert & Ann Harriet Richard & daughter of Elizabeth Dimond Wilton Labourer David S. Stone pi Curate Vicary Shurford Labourer David S. Stone pi Curate Shurford Labourer David S. Stone pi Curate Wilton Carpenter David S. Stone pi Curate Wilton Mason David S. Stone pi Curate Bray Wilton Labourer David S. Stone pi Curate Oswold Wilton Sojourner — Follett Offg Min No. 326 Jany 4 * Eliza William & Garland daughter of Sarah No. 327 Feby 22^ Louisa Henry & daughter of Anna Atkins No. 328 March 8 * Jane Richard & Goodyer daughter of Mary No. 329 March 8 * James Son of James & Elizabeth No. 330 April 2 4 ^ No. 331 Aug * 23 3 Elizabeth William & Catharine Lucy daughter Stephen Son of John & Sarah Dring Wilton No. 332 Born June Nov. 19 William George Sweeting Taunton 4* Edward Edward & S* Mary M.A.S. No. 333 Son of Mary Anne Magdalene Born June Nov. Julia Anne George Sweeting Taunton 6th daughter ofjEdward & S* Mary Mary Anne Magdalene M.A.S. No. 334 r Dec* 9 No. 33s David Son of James & Elizabeth .David sNSrone pi/Carate Inserted by mistake for the burial D . S . S . of the same person. 1829 Jany 4 * B y whom the Ceremony was performed Quick Shurford r Gardener O. S. Harrison Curate Gent O. S, Harrison Curate Gent O. S. Harrison Curate Labourer O. S, Harrison Curate When Baptized Dec. 27 No. 336 Dec. 27 No. 337 Child's Christian Name Parents' Name Quality, Trade] Abode Christian or Profession Surname Charlotte George & Daughter Mary of Collard Wilton Thatcher Mary- Thomas Daughter Sarah of Hoskins Shurford Gardener AnneSusan, Robert & Daughter Charlotte of Linton Wilton Cabinet Maker Martha John & daughter of] Martha Hartnell 1830 r Jany 17 No. 338 Jan*y 24 No. 339 Farmer Taunton S Mary Magdalene] 4 John Son of William & Mary Govier Galmington Sawyer John Son of Isaac & Elizabeth Talbot Wilton Gardener March 7 Mary Anne James & Daughter Sarah of No. 342 Mayes Wilton Shoemaker Penny Wilton Butcher Wilton Labourer Wright Wilton Labourer Bennet Wilton Labourer Wilton Labourer Febv 7 No. 340 Feb*? 14 No. 341 $20 March 14 William Born Son of Feb,2oNo. 343 April 18 David Son of Isaac & Sarah David and| Summer-hays Sarah No. 344 Matilda Richard April 18 daughter of] and Mary No. 345 oX May3 ° Sarah William daughter of] and Ann 18*6 No. 346 Jane June 27 daughter oflJoseph and] Harbuty Jane No. 347 200 When Baptized r Sept 2 Child's Christian Name Name Quality, Trade Abode or Profession Surname Mary Jane Nicholas Selvanus & Mary Bond Gamlington Baker H. Bower Off. Minister John Son of Samuel and Mary Durston Wilton Labourer J. H. Stephenson Off. Min. Charles Son of William and Sarah Cridge Wilton Labourer J. H. Stephenson Off. Min. Herbert Septima Peregrine Francis Mary Thorne Wilton Major in the Army Henry P. Guliz Off. Min. Catherine Henry & Adelaide Martha daughter of Catherine North Taunton Major in S* Mary the Army Magdalene Rob* S. Bower Off. Min. No. 349 Oct. 17 No. 350 Nov 1 No. 351 Nov 1 No. 352 Born Octr N o v 14 r Parish Clerk J. N. Gould Curate John John & Elizabeth Toller Sherford Anna Richd & Elizabeth Pippen Taunton Carpenter J. N. Gould Curate Charlotte Harriet Hawker Sherford John Sami & Jane Mitchel Wilton Wheel wright J. N. Gould Curate John Robert & Unity Budd Wilton Labourer E. T. Hailiday Curate Thomas John & Mary Perratt Wilton Labourer E. T. Hailiday Wilton Gentleman William B. Bere Offe Minister 26 1830 No. 353 N0V 14 B y whom the Ceremony was performed Christian No. 348 Sept. 19 Parents' No. 354 r Nov T 4 J. N. Gould Curate No. 355 Novr 28 No. 356 Decr 26 No. 35? Jany 23 No. 358 January 31 st No. 359 John Anstis Son of George Sweeting Edward & Mary Anne 20I When Baptized Feby 20 No. 360 Child's Christian Name Jane Hannah Dau. of Parents' Name Quality, T r a d e Abode Christian Surname Henry & Hannah Atkins or Profession B y whom the Ceremony was performed Wilton Carpenter E. T. Halliday Wilton Labourer E. T. Hailiday Wilton Labourer E. T. • Halliday 1831 March 2 0 ^ No. 361 March 2 0 ^ No. 362 May ist No. 363 May ist Sarah Dau. of William & Garlands Sarah Joseph Son of John & Charlotte Samuel Son of George & Shepherd Ann No. 365 June 19th No. 366 4th No. 368 Nov 6 No. 369 No. 3 7 ! Taunton Serjeant ot the i S* Mary Magdalene Somerset Militia Servant Sansome Taunton S* James E. T. Halliday 8t E. T. Halliday William Henry Son of Henry & Elizabeth Charles Son of James & Elizabeth Bray Wilton Mary Atkins Wilton Hill Wilton Labourer E T Hailiday Street Wilton Carpenter E. T. Halliday Gibbet Wilton Servant Wilton Labourer Charles William & Son of Jane Emma Mary Dau. of Robert & Mary Ann Novr 1 3 Mary Ann John Dau. of Harris & No. 370 Ann Novr 27th E. T. Halliday 5t Benjamin George & Shepherd Son of Ann Augt 21st Mary Ann Dau, of No. 367 Illegitimate Sepr Taunton Serjeant of the i S* Mary Magdalene Somerset Militia (aged 2 years) No. 364 June 1 6 * Hill Sarah Dau. of David & Summers' hays Sarah Gardiner E. T. Halliday E. T. Halliday Hailiday E. T. Halliday 202 When Baptized Nov r th 27 ] Parents' Name Child's Christian Name Christian Surname James Son of James & Elizabeth Quick Robert Son of Robert & | Diamond Ann Quality, Tradej Abode or Profession B y whom the Ceremony was performed Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday No, 372 r Dec 25 No. 373 Jany-8*h No. 374 Emma-Mary Elizabeth Dau. of- R-ebertr Samuel Son of William and Mary Govier Wilton Sawyer E. T. Halliday Henry Son of Robert and! Charlotte Linton Wilton Cabinet Maker Walter King Coker Off. Min. Charles Son of Isaac and Sarah Penny Wilton Butcher Walter King Coker Off. Min. Richard Richard & Vickery Son of Elizabeth Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Sedwill Dau. of 1 1832 Feby 12th No. 37s th March n | No. 376 March n* No. 377 April 29 No. 378 May 1 3 t h Henry & Ann Martin Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Mary Peregrine Christiana Francis Dau. of & Mary Thorne Wilton Major in the Army E. T. Halliday Burston Wilton Fish monger E T. Hailiday T,homas &| Hoskins Sarah Wilton Gardner E T. Halliday No. 379 June 9 t h No. 380 Samuel Son of July 29 John & Ann No. 381 s John Son of 2 illegitimate th Aug* No. 382 William Dec 1 No. 383 Son of Mary Atkins Wilton E. T. Hailiday 203 When Parents' Name Quality, T r a d e Child's Christian Name Christian Surname Darby Son of James & Mary Gale Wilton Selina Fanny Collard Wilton Henry Son of John & Fanny Snow Wilton Carpenter Ann March 24th] Dau. of John & Mary Perratt Wilton Gardner Elizabeth Dau. of John & Charlotte Hill Wilton Labourer Joseph & Ann Arberry Wilton Labourer March 31st] Dau. of William & Edwards Elizabeth Wilton Labourer Bray Wilton Gardner Martin Wilton Labourer Baptized - Dec 26 No, 384 r Dec 30 Abode or Profession Whitesmith Illegitimate Dau. of No. 385 1^33 Jany 27'h No. 386 No. 387 March ist| 3 No. 388 No. 389 April 7th William Son of No. 390 April 14th No. 391 Charlotte Jane Dau. of James & Elizabeth May 12th Charlotte Henry & Dau. of Ann Aged i s No. 392 June*9 th William Son of William & Sarah Cridge Wilton Labourer William & Bennett Sarah Bishops Hull Mason Dau. of No. 393 July 28th No. 3944 ugt 4th AU; No.•395 Emma Mary Ann Caroline i Hill Wilton 2©4 Child's Christian Name When Baptized Parents' Name Quality, Trade Abode Christian Surname Samuel Son of William & Sarah Pring Emma Dau. of Thomas & Stuckey Sarah or Profession B y whom the Ceremony was performed Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday, Wilton Carpenter E. T. Halliday Wilton Writer r Wilton Banker E.T. Halliday r Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday r Nov 1 0 No. 396 Nov r 24 t h No. 397 r *Oet 2 0 * No. 398 Henry Charles Son of John & Mary Ley Nov 25 Bella Mary Robert Badcock Dau. of Gibson & No 399 Bella Remington Dec i s t George James & Quick Son of Elizabeth No. 400 1834 Dec 1 i 3 t No. 401 Hailiday Elizabeth William & Lamb Mary Dau. of Owens Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Elizabeth William & Dau. of Mary Govier Wilton Sawyer R. Gould Davey Wilton Carpenter R. S. Beadon 1834 Jany 5 * No. 402 Jany 1 9 No. 403 Feby 2 n d Mary Jane James & Dau. of Mary James Son of Samuel & Mary Durston Wilton Labourer W. E. Trenchard Jane Dau. of William & Jane Hill Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Mary Dau. of David & Sarah Summers Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday March 23rd ; Robert Son of No. 407 Robert & Unity Budd Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday No. 404 March No. 405 March 23rd No. 406 205 When Baptized Parents' Child's Christian Name Name Quality, Tradei Abode or Profession B y whom the Ceremony was performed Christian Surname Sarah Dau. of Robert & Charlotte Linton Wilton Carpenter E. T. Halliday Jane Dau. of John & Mary Sparks Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Harriet Dau. of John & Dummett Charlotte Wilton Gardner E. T. Halliday Samuel Son of John & Dummett Charlotte Wilton Gardner E. T. Halliday George James Son of Elizabeth Dummett Wilton Charlotte Richard & Dau. of Elizabeth Morgan Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday George Son of Abraham & Mary Ann Govier Wilton Sawyer E. T. Halliday Henry Son of John & Mary Long Wilton Turnkey at Wilton Gaol E. T. Halliday Sarah Dau. of Abraham & Mary Ann Govier Wilton Sawyer E. T. Halliday Mary Dau. of Charles & Ann Warren Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Jane Dau. of Charles & Ann Warren Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Mary Dau. of John & Sarah Sully Wilton Cordwainer E. T. Halliday 1 March 23rd No. 408 April 13th No. 409 May 19th No. 410 May 19th No. 4 n May 19th No. 412 May 25th No. 413 Octr 5 No. 414 Octr 12 No. 415 Octr 12 No. 4T6 Octr 12 No. 417 Oct. 12 No. 418 Oct. 26th NO. g 4 l E. T. Halliday 206 Child's Christian Name When Baptized Nov. 2 4 Robert William Son of th No. 420 Nov* 3 0 Parents' Name Quality, T r a d e Abode Christian or Profession Surname Robert Badcock Gibson & Bella Remington Isaac & Talbot Elizabeth B y whom the Ceremony was performed Wilton Banker E, T, Halliday Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday th John Son of th James Son of Isaac & Elizabeth Talbot Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Emily Sarah Dau. of Isaac and Sarah Pinney Ruishton Butcher E. t . Halliday Charles John Son of John & Susanna Incledon Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Charles Son of Joseph & Mary- Brookes Wilton Tinman E. T. Hailiday Eliza Dau. of William & Bennett Sarah Bishops Hull Mason R. S. Bowei Gardener E, T. Halliday No. 421 Nov r 30 A g e d 3 years No. 422 1835 Jany 4 No. 423 Feby 8 * No. 424 April 5 No. 425 May 10th No. 426 May io*h No. 427 May 24 Edwin James Son of James & Elizabeth Bray Wilton Elizabeth Mary Atkins Wilton Caroline Dau. of Born 17 Dec " 1832 John & Sarah Wensley Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday John Son of John & Sarah Wensley Wilton Labourer E T. Hailiday Henry James Son of James & Elizabeth Bradbeer Wilton Carpenter E T. Hailiday E. T. Halliday Illegitimate Dau, of No. 428 June i Bt No. 429 June I 1 s t No. 430 June 7 No. 431 t h 207 When June 2 1 Parents' Child's Christian Name Baptized s t No. 432 June 21st No. 433 July 5th No. 434 July 1 2 * No. 435 No. 437 Oct. 18 No. 438 Quality, Trade! Abode Christian Elizabeth Thomas & Anna Harriet Dau. of or Profession Surname Wilton Sawyer E. T. Halliday Oaten Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Sarah William & Edwards Hannah Elizabeth Dau. of Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Charles Son of Henry James Son of James & Charlotte John & Fanny Snow Wilton Carpenter John & Ann Webber Wilton Labourer Mary Dau. of John & Mary Ann Sparke Wilton Labourer Isaac Dau. of William & Sarah Pring Wilton Labourer Hill Wilton (stc) Oct* 18 Mary Jane] Mary Ann Atkins illegitimate No. 439 1 Oct" 25 No. 440 Novr 15 No. 441 Dau. of John Son of William & Woodman Elizabeth Wilton Cordwainer Charles Son of James & Elizabeth Quick Wilton Labourer Ann Dau. of Abraham &i Mary Ann Govier Wilton Sawyer Louisa Dau. of Joseph & Jane Arbury Wilton Labourer - Nov" 29 No. 442 Decr 6 No. 443 B y whom the Ceremony was performed Clarke July 19th Mary Ann Dau. of No. 436 Sepr 6*h Name 208 Child's Christian Name When Baptized Parents' Quality, Trade Abode Christian or Profession Surname Sawyer B y whom the Ceremony was performed E. T. Halliday Govier Wilton Elizabeth Bradbeer Wilton John Son of Henry & Mary Rowsell Wilton Labourer E T. Hailiday Charlotte Jane Dau. of James & Mary Gill Taunton S* Mary White smith E. T. Halliday Diana Dau. of James & Mary Davy Wilton Carpenter E, T. Halliday Edward Son of Frederick & Anna Taylor S* Sidwells Exeter Coachmaker E T. Hailiday Wilton Banker E. T. Halliday Elizabeth William & Dau. of Mary r Dec 6 Name No. 444 William Decr 6th E. T. Halliday Illegitimate Son of No. 445 r Dec 2 5 * No. 446 r Dec 25 No. 447 r Dec 27 No. 448 r Dec 29 No. 449 r Dec 31st Reginald Robert Badcock Follett Gibson & Son of Bella No. 450 Remington 1836 Jany 3 Eliza Dau. of John & Mary Vickary Wilton Servant E. T. Halliday Elizabeth Dau. of Henry & Elizabeth Sansome Taunton S* James Gardener E. T. Hailiday James Son of John & Elizabeth Toller Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Charlotte Robert & Dau. of Charlotte Linton Wilton Carpenter E. T. Halliday Richard Wright Wilton No. 451 Jan. 7 No. 452 ' Jany io*h ; No. 453 Feby 14 No. 454 April I s t Illegitimate No. 455 Son of Harriet E. T. Hailiday 209 When Baptized April ist No. 456 April 3rd Child's Christian Name Parents ' Name Quality, Trade Abode Christian Surname Mark King Son of Henry & Sarah Trott George Mary Wright or Profession Wilton Servant Hailiday Wilton Halliday illegitimate No. 457 April 10 No. 458 April 17 No. 459 May 15th Son of James James & Son of Sarah born in Augt 1826 Quick Wilton Labourer Hailiday Charles Son of Robert & Unity Samuel Elizabeth Maccormic Budd Wilton Labourer July r d E. T. Halliday E. T. Halliday Wilton illegitimate No. 460 B y whom the Ceremony was performed Son of George Son of John & Mary Babb Wilton Tinman E. T. Halliday Louisa Dau. of John & Charlotte Fronks Wilton Cordwainer E. T. Halliday Hill Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Limbery Winsham Cordwainer E. T. Halliday Jenkins Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Jany 14 Sarah Anna Richard & Vickery Dau. of Elizabeth No. 466 Wilton Labourer Feby 19th Eliza Ann Thomas St Dau. of Harriet No. 467 Wilton 3 No, 461 July io*h No, 462 Augt 14 No. 463 Thomas Thomas & Son of Sarah Sepr 25th Mary Ann Josiah & No. 464 1837 Jany 14 No. 465 Dau. of born March Ann 2 5 * 1806 William Son of James & Mary Clarke Halliday Sawyer E. T. Halliday 210 When Child's Christian Name Baptized March 2 6 Born Dec th 1- 29 1835 Parents' Name Quality, Trade Abode or Profession B y whom the Ceremony was performed Christian Surname Ellen Elizabeth Dau. of John & Maria Bryer Wilton Labourer E. T, Halliday Jane Dau. of John & Mary Perratt Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday Emma Dau. of James & Elizabeth Bray Wilton Gardener E. T. Halliday Emily Dau. of Richard & Harriet Carver Wilton Architect E. T. Halliday Harriet Ellen Dau. of Richard & Harriet Carver Wilton Architect E. T. Halliday Job Son of George & Mary Collard Wilton Thatcher E. T. Halliday Henry Son of James & Elizabeth Quick Wilton Labourer E. T. Halliday James Son of John & Susan Incledon Wilton Labourer R. S. Bowe Hill Wilton Labourer Edwards Wilton Ambrose Wilton Atkins Wilton No. 468 March 2 6 * No. 469 March 26 th No. 470 April 5 * Born Feby 11 t h 1835 No. 471 April 5 * No, 472 May 7 t h No. 473 May 28*h No. 474 June 1 3 t h No. 475 June 1 8 * Elizabeth William & Jane Dau. of No. 476 June 2 5 th Elizabeth Ann E. T. Halliday Illegitimate No. 477 July 2«<* No. 478 July 1 0 * No. 479 Dau. of Eliza Joseph & Charlotte Harriet Dau. of Mary J Dau. of Mary E. T. Halliday Labourer E. T. Halliday Rob* S. Bower 211 When Baptized Child's Christian Name July 14th Awdry No. 480 Parents Name Quality, Trade Abode Christian Badcock Robert Gibson & Bella Remington 24 Sep MarieAnne Thomas & tember Emily MarieAnne Beaugnon or Profession Surname Bastin B y whom the Ceremony was performed Wilton Banker Rob* S. Bower Wilton Naval Officer H. Barker M.A. late of Beverley Yorkshire Born at Verdun de- partment de la Mense in France 30 N o v r . 1813 No. 481 Oct' I No. 482 Ocf No. 483 i Emma George & Daughter Sarah of Jane Dau. of Samuel & Frances Hayward Wilton Dunn Wilton Silk weaver H. Barker Labourer H. Barker PARISH OF REGISTER WILTON No. V. CONTAINING A.D. aiatttages from 1813 A.D. to 1837 213 d a m a g e s ^olemni^eD tn $ e Parte!) of Hilton in thz eotmtg o i Somerset, tn tfje geat 1813. James How of [this] Parish, a Bachelor, and J o a n Nation of [this] Parish, a Spinster, zew£ Married in this [Church] £y [Banns] this twenty-sixth Day of June in the Year One Thousand eight Hundred and thirteen by me John Townsend (Off. Minister). This Marriage was / T h e Mark X of James How. folemnizedbetween Us[The Mark of J o a n Nation. In the / J o h n Parce. (?) Presence of\George Bond. No. i * Robert Richards, a Widower, and Ann Babb, a Spinster, were married this 9th day of September 1813 by John Townsend, (Off. Minister). In the / E m a n u e l Saunders. Presence of (George Bond. No. 2 George Bond, a Widower, and Elizabeth Bryant, a Widow, of the Parish of Taunton S Mary Magdalene were Married by Licence this 1 5 ^ day of September 1813 by F . H. Clapp, Vicar of Taunton S M. M. In the / J a m e s Parsons. Presence 0 / l T h o s Holburd. No. 3 1 fc Elias Blackmore, a Widower, and J a n e Ellis resident in this parish, a Spinster, were married this 1 5 day of December 1813 by John Townsend (Off. Minister). In the / J o h n Witherston. Presence 0 / I E . Winslade. No. 4 t h V * The form of entry is given at length in No. 1, and abbreviated in the following numbers. 214 Robert HelHer, Private in the Royal Marines, resident in this parish, a Bachelor, and Sarah W y a t t resident in this parish, a Spinster, were married this 2 8 day of February 1814 by John Townsend (Off. Minister). In the / S a m u e l Brooks. Presence t ? / \ G e o r g e Bond. No. 5 Nathaniel Villies of the parish of Overstowey, Somerset, Bachelor, and Ann Lodge were married this 22nd day of March 1814 by J . B . Beed, Vicar of Feltham, Sussex. In the / S o p h i a Villis. Presence of \George Bond. No. 6 John Tabert of the Parish of Kingston, a Bachelor, and Charlotte Corrock, a Spinster, were married by Licence this 20 day of September 1814 by Thomas Tudball, Curate. In the fThos Holburd. Presence of\E. Stenveson. No. 7 James Turle of the Parish of Bishop's Hull, a Widower, and Mary Ann Golding, a Spinster, were married by Licence this 6 day of October 1814 by Thomas Tudball, Curate. In the IJ° Robber. _ \ Elizabeth Rodber. Presence of ( No. 8 John Honniball of the Parish o f Stoke S t Mary, a Bachelor, and Mary Hartnell, a Spinster, were married by Licence this 16th Day of March 1815 b y John Townsend (Off. Minister). In the /Elizabeth Hartnell. Sarah Hartnell. Presence of y o h n Steevens. No. 9 th th t h h n M a r y T u r l e < Walter Tite, Bachelor, and Ann Ricketts, Spinster, were married this 20* day of March 1815 b y H. W . Rawlins, Minister. In the / S a m u e l Body. Presence of \ S a r a h Ricketts. Elizabeth Higgens. No. 10 Samuel Durston resident in this parish, a Bachelor, and Mary King, a Spinster, were married this 27th day of March 1815 by John Townsend (Off. Minister). In the / T h e Mark X o f Mary Turner. Presence 0/"\George Bond. No. 11 215 James Blackmore resident in this parish and Sarah Loney resident in this parish were married this 3 day of April 1815 by Thomas Tudball, Curate. In the f J a n e Blackmore. Presence <?/[George Bond. No. 12 r d George Laver o f the parish o f Monkton and Mary Hole were married this 1 9 * day of J u n e 1815 by Thomas Tudball, Curate. In the / W i l l i a m Hole. Presence of {Ann Hurford. No. 13 John L a n e o f the parish of St Mary Magdalen and Martha Newberry were married this 7 day of August 1815 by Thomas Tudball, Curate. In the / B e n j a m i n Hammet. Presence of {Amy Keirle. No. 14 t h Thomas Whitehead of the Royal Artillery, Sojourner in this parish and Mary Sydenham of the parish of Bishop's Hull were married with consent of parents this 1 8 day of September 1815 by Thomas Tudball, Curate. In the / J o s e p h Taylor. Presence of [George Bond. No. 15 t h Richard Phippen and Elizabeth Woolfery were married this 29th day of October 1815 by Thomas Tudball, Curate. In the / J o h n Rowsell. Presence of {George Bond. No. 16 Joseph Arberry and J a n e Spiller were married this 5 February 1816 b y T h o m a s Tudball, Curate. In the / M a r i a Strapnell. Presence of "(George Bond. No. 17 t h day of t h Richard Gudger and Mary Callard were married this 1 3 day of February 1816 by Thomas Tudball. In the f George Bond. Presence of{The Mark X of Robert Callard. No. 18 George Callard and Elizabeth Edwards resident in this parish were married this 8^ day o f J u l y 1816 by Thomas Tudball, Curate. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence of ( T h e Mark X of Mary Baker. No. 19 2l6 t h William Garland and Sarah J a m e s were married this 1 5 day of October 1816 b y H. W . Rawlins, Curate. In the / J a m e s Bennett. Presence 0 / ( J o s e p h Holburd. No. 20 Charles Chick of the parish of W e s t Monckton and Sarah Nott were married this n t h day f November 1816 by H . W . Rawlins, Curate. In the / J o h n Smith. Presence of (George Bond. No. 21 0 John Hodge, Bachelor, and Sarah Davey, Spinster, were married this 9th day of December 1816 by H . W . Rawlins, Curate. Pretence No. 22 .*/{j o s e P h P r o w s e ' Samuel Handole, Bachelor, and Sarah Buncombe, Spinster, were married this 2 5 ^ day o f January 1817 by William George Royse, Off. Min. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence of [ T h e Mark X o f Ann Northcote. No. 23 fc Peter Richards Mynors, Bachelor, o f the parish of S Weonards Herefordshire and Mary Elizabeth Halliday, Spinster, were married by Licence this 2 0 day of February 1817 b y Edmund Trowbridge Halliday. In the / J o h n Halliday. Frances L . Arscott. Presence < ? / [ J a n e Halliday. Ann Innes Halliday. No. 24 th James married Trowbe In the Presence No. 25 e Wyatt, Widower, and Sarah Bale, Widow, were by License this 24th day o f April 1817 b y Edmund Halliday, Offg Min. / J o h n Bale. Mary Ridle. ^ [ W i l l i a m How. Robert Callard and J a n e Glass were married this 6& day of May 1817 by H. W. Rawlins, Curate. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence o* [John Callard X his Mark. No. 26 217 James Bennett, a Bachelor, and Martha Toller, a Spinster, were married this 2 5 day of J u n e 1817 by John Townsend (Off. Minister). In the / J o h n Toller. Presence of [George Bond. No. 27 Andrew Curnow and Joan Browning were married this 30 day of J u n e 1817 by H. W . Rawlins, Curate. In the / J o h n Cood. Presence of ( J o h n Holley. No. 28 James Pring and Mary Shute were married this 9 day of October 1817 b y H . W . Rawlins, Curate. In the / J o h n Pring. Presence of [Georg Bond. No. 29 James Pring of the Parish of Rushton and Sarah Bluett were married this 4th day of Nov 1817 by Charles Henry Lethbridge, Off. Min. In the / A n n Hyett. Presence of (George Bond. No. 30 John Street o f the parish o f Aisholt and Elizabeth Prowse of the parish o f Wilton were married by License this 1 9 day of February 1818 by Sam* Payne, Off. Min, In the / T h o s Prowse. Presence of [Mary Prowse. No. 31 t h th t h r t h Robert Barratt, a Bachelor, and Maria King, a Spinster, were married this n t h day o f May 1818 by John Townsend (Off. Minister). In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence of [ T h e Mark X o f John Babb. No. 32 Thomas Landsey & Sarah' T r o t t were married this 30th day of June 1818 by J o h n Townsend (Off. Minister). In the / E . Bryant. Presence of [George Bond. No. 33 Abraham Preddy of the parish of Taunton St Mary Magdalene, a Bachelor, and Harriet Johns, a Spinster, were married this 22nd d y of J u l y 1818 by John Townsend (Off. Minister). a Presence of No. 34 H e n r y J o h . n s ' Elizabeth Preddy. 218 William Gregory and Ann Hyett of the parish o f Bishop's Hull were married this 2 8 day o f J u l y 1818 by R i c h Winsloe (Offg Minister). In the / J o h n Billings. Presence of [Hephzibah Dommett. No. 35 Thomas Forkner and Elizebeth Budd were married this 2 day of November 1818 b y H . W . Rawlins, Curate. In the / J a s . Woodforde. Presence of [George Bond. No. 36 Walter Tite, a Widower, and Elizabeth Higgins, a Spinster, were married by licence this sixth day o f March 1819 b y John Townsend (Off. Minister). In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence of ( T h e Mark X o f John Higgins. No. 37 Richard Winsloe o f the Parish of Taunton S James, a Widower, and E m m a Patton, a Spinster, were married by licence this 13& day o f May 1819 by John Townsend (Off. Minister). In the f Mary Patton, Matilda Winsloe, Thos Patton. Presence of [ F a n n y Patton. No. 38 John Woolfrey and Ann Stowell were married this 2 0 day of May 1819 b y H. W . Rawlins, Curate. In the / T h o m a s Stowell, Presence of [Joseph Dyer. No. 39 Evan Morgan and Ann Harries were married this 1 9 day 01 July 1B19 by John Lewin Sheppard, Off. Minister. In the /William Willis. Presence of [George Bond. No. 40 John Spiller and Sarah Coles were married this 2 0 day of D e c 1819 by H. W . Rawlins, Curate. In the / T h e Mark X o f Elizabeth Spiller. Presence of [George Bond. No. 41 James Billing o f the Parish of Taunton S t Mary Magdalene and Ann Evans were married this *«* r j f J u l y 1820 by Thomas Tudball, Offg Minister. In the / R o b t Evans. Presence <?/[John Billing. No. 42 th d n d fc th t h th r a y Q 219 William Gebbet and Mary Buttle were married this 1 3 of August 1820 b y H. W . Rawlins, Minister. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence 0/" [ J o h n Woolfery. No. 43 t h t h James Podger and Ann Chambers were married this 5 of February 1821 b y H. W . Rawlins, Minister. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence of [John Woolfery. No. 44 day day Richard Vicary and Elizabeth James were married this 8 day of February 1821 by H. W. Rawlins, Minister. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence of ( J o h n Toller. No. 45 th William Pippin and Frances Layman were married this 2 6 day of March 1821 by R. Swyer, Off. Min. In the / J o h n Nation. Presence of [Elizabeth Brooks. No. 46 th James Dunn and Elizabeth Pavey were married this 1 5 of June 1821 by Tho« Strangways, Minister. In the ( ^ Thomas. PvpcMr* „-r ! T h e Mark o f Sarah Cridge. Presence of ^ A. Pavey. No. 47 t h day m t t t James Bird and Elizabeth Pinney were married this i o of July 1821 by Wm Jennings, Offg Minister. In the / J a m e s Burnett. Presence <?/1 George Bond. Ann Holton's X Mark. No. 48 John Cordwent and J a n e Warren were married this 2 2 of January 1822 by T h o Strangways, Minister. In the / W a l t e r Tite. Presence of [Elizabeth Cordwent. No. 49 day 1 n d day s Aron W y a t t and Ann Atkins of S* Mary Magdalene Taunton were married this 2 3 ^ day of April 1822 b y T h o Strangways, Minister. In the / W i l l i a m Wyatt. Presence of [Susanna Chivers. No. 50 s 220 William Corrick and Mary Ashelford both sojourners in this parish were married this 2 7 * day o f May 1822 by Rich* Winsloe, Offg Minister. In the / J o s e p h Ashelford. Presence of [John Marks. No. 51 John Marks and Mary Caswell were married this 2 7 * day of May 1822 by R i c h Winsloe, Offg Minister. In the / J o s e p h Ashelford. Presence of (Georg Bond. No. 52 d Frederick Welland o f the parish of Lympton in the County of Devon and Sophia Corfield were married by Licence with consent of parents this i s t day o f August 1822 by T h o Strangways, Minister. t th {J°hn Corfield. s Presence of Presence of | Raban. n E m i l y W e a n d > No. 53 John Parrot and Mary Prowse were married this 5 of November 1822 by Richd Winsloe, Offg Minister, In the / J o s e p h Prowes, Presence of [George Bond. No. 54 John Incledon and Agnes Rich were married this 5 of Nov. 1822 by R i c h Winsloe, Offg Minister. In the / J o s e p h Prowse. Presence of [George Bond, No. 55 t h t b day day d William Maylard and Mary Ann Cornish were married this iofr day of Fefry 1823 by R i c h Winsloe, Offg Minister. In the / J o h n Woolfery. Presence of [George Bond. No. 56 d Samuel Saturley and Elizabeth Nethercoate were married this 12«* day of FebT 1823 by R i c h Winsloe, Off. M. In the fThe Mark of Samuel Sulley X Presence of [ T h e Mark of Ann Curry X No. 57 d 221 Samuel Watson, Bachelor, and Hannah Nickleson Metford of the Parish of Taunton S Mary Magdalen were married by Licence this 1 3 " day of March 1823 b y A. Foster, Vicar of Kingston. In the ( Elizabeth Smith. Presence of ° ' presence oj ( li Metford. No. 58 William Edwards and Hannah Hurley were married this 1 8 * day of J u n e 1823 b y Richard Winsloe, Off. M ' In the / J o h n Vincent. Presence of \ E m m a Spiller. No. 59. Robert Colman, Bachelor, and Sarah Commens, Spinster, were married this 17th day of J u l y 1823 by Loftus A . Cliffe, Minister. In the / J o h n Colman, Presence 0 / ( T h e Mark of X Elizabeth Hertnall. No. 60 William Coles, Bachelor, and Claressa Cook were married this 2 8 * day of J u l y 1823 by Loftus A. ClifTe, Minister. In the / W i l l i a m Williey. Presence of \The Mark X o f Mary Coles. No. 61 1 th T h w S m M i a C h a r t e r m M e t f o r d > M a r y E z a J a m e s Bray, Bachelor, and Elizabeth Brooks were married this 23rd day of September 1823 by Loftus A. ClifTe, Minister. In the ("The Mark ^ of John Brooks. Presence of\Harriet Brooks, No. 62 John Hicks, labourer, and Mary Ann Coles were married this i Q day of November 1823 by John Gale, officiating for David Stone, Curate. In the / J o h n Adams. Presence of \ T h e X o f Sarah Adams. No. 63 th Loftus Owen, Bachelor, of the Parish o f Hastings County Sussex, Capt 73 R e g o f foot and Mary Sophia Farrington, Spinster, were married this 4 day of October 1824 by Loftus A. ClirTe, Off. Mint In the ( E l i z a Gilbert. Pre™*,r<> nf presence of { Arabella Gilbert. 4 t h w> No, 64 M < F a r r i n g t o n > 222 Samuel HaHett, Bachelor, and Mary Davey were married this 2 0 day of January 1825 by David S. Stone, Perp Curate, In the fjames Hallett. Presence 0/" (Sarah Chorley. No. 65 th 1 James Cotterell and Deborah J o a n s were married this 2 7 * day of February 1825 by David S. Stone, Perp* Curate. In the /Stafford Greenway, Presence of (Sarah Pettit. No. 66 Thomas Holburd, Widower, o f the parish of St Mary Mag dalene Taunton and Eleanor Tucker were married by Licence this 8& day of Sep* 1825 b y Richd Winsloe, Offg Minister, In the / L o u i s a Mary Coles. Presence <T/" [ J a n e Martin. No. 67 William Nott and Sarah Burton were married this 2 5 December 1825 b y William Wood, Curate. In the / W Shipcott. Presence of 1 John Woolfery. No. 68 t h day of m Robert Budd, Bachelor, and Unity Atkins, Spinster, were married this 2 6 * day o f Dec* 1825 b y William Wood, Curate. In the / W i l l i a m Turner. Presence of [George Bond. No. 69 William Stacey and Caroline Thompson were married this 2 6 day o f March 1826 by William Wood, Curate. In the f W Williams. Presence of [ T h e Mark of X Maria Sumrays. No. 70 th m Thomas Wood and Ann Jones were married this 6 April 1826 by Richd Winsloe, Offg Minister. In the | W » Meecham. Presence of [Mary Wood. No. 71 t h day of Samuel Cordwent and Elizabeth Atkins were married this 2 ist day o f July 1826 b y W™ Wood Curate. In the /William Hardy. Presence of [George Bond. No. 72 223 David Somerhays, Bachelor, and Sarah Shepherd, Spinster, were married this 6 day o f August 1826 by R i c h Winsloe, Offg Minister. In the / J a m e s Quick. Presence of [ A n n Woolfrey. No. 73 t h d Nathaniel Jones, Bachelor, and A m y Griffiths, Spinster, were married this 2 3 day o f November 1826 by William Wood, Curate. In the / T h e Mark o f - f William Hambame. Presence of [Catherine L a y . No. 74 r d Robert Dyer, Bachelor, and Elizabeth House were married this 25th day of January 1827 by David S. Stone, P. Curate. In the / J a m e s Lenthall. Presence of [ M a r y Dyer, No. 75 James Quick and Elizabeth Summerhays were married this 1 3 day o f March 1827 by David S . Stone, P. Curate. In the. CDavid Summerheys. Presence of ( A n n Woolfrey. No. 76 t h John Clemments, Bachelor, and Elizabeth Atkins were married this 2 2 day of J u l y 1827 by David S. Stone, P Curate. In the /Aaron Wyatt. Presence of [ S a r a h Clemments. No. 77 n d 1 Robert Northam Upham and J a n e Studley Clemments were married this 19th day o f August 1827 by David S. Stone, P Curate. In the / I s a a c Sellick. Louisa Upham. Presence of [Sarah Clemments. No. 78 1 John Fowler and Mary F o x were married this 2 3 August 1827 b y G. B . Norris, Off. Min. In the / G e o r g e Bond. Presence of [Samuel Allen. No. 79 r d day o f 224 William Hill and J a n e Clash were married this 22nd day of November 1827 b y David S . Stone, P. Curate. In the fEliztk Wilkins. Presence of [George Bond. No. 80 William Skinner, now resident in this parish, and Charlotte Morris, o f the parish of Chard in this County, were married this 1 2 day of March 1828 by David S. Stone, F* Curate, In the / J . U . Williams. Presence of (George Bond. No. 81 James Clarke and Mary Coles were married this 3 day of April 1828 by David S . Stone, P Curate. In the fjames Smith. Presence of\George Bond. No. 82 John Edwards and Temperance Hill were married this 25th day o f May 1828 b y David S . Stone, P Curate. In the / J o h n Woolfrey. Presence of [George Bond. No. 83 Henry Southwood and Elizabeth Grant were married this 1 7 * day o f J u l y 1828 b y G. B . Norris, Off. Min. In the / T h s Allen. Presence of (George Bond. No. 84 William Chave and Charlotte Buary were married this 14& day o f September 1828 b y David S. Stone, P Curate. In the / T h e Mark of X Henry Hill. Presence of [ T h e Mark of \ Frances Buston. No. 85 t h r d 1 1 1 1 Samuel Ham of the Parish of Honiton and Elizabeth Spiller were married this s day o f November 1828 b y David Smith Stone, P Curate. In the / J n ° Pain. Presence of\R. G. Halls. Peggy Hammet. No. 86 xd 1 Henry Atkins and Anna L a n e were married this 3 0 * day of November 1828 by David Smith Stone, Pi Curate. In the/ A a r o n Wyatt. Presence of [Ann Woolfrey. No. 87 225 Charles Cook and J a n e Gillard were married this 2 2 December 1828 b y David S. Stone, P Curate. n d day of 1 In the Presence of\Ann No. 88 Woohfrey. Charles Bond and Elizabeth Budd were married this 2 9 of March 1829 b y David S. Stone, P Curate. In the / J o h n Woolfrey. Presence of [George Bond. No, 89 t h day 1 John K i n g and Sarah Chorley were married this 8 April 1829 by David Smith Stone, P Curate. th day of 1 In the Presence of No. 90 \John^Woolfery. Arthur Linton and J a n e Atkins were married this 3 0 April 1829 by David Smith Stone, PI Curate. In the / A n n Linton. Presence of (Aaron Wyatt. No. 91 William 2 4 day o f In the Presence of No. 92 th th day o f Potter and Elizabeth Baker were married this J u l y 1829 b y Octavius Swale Harrison, Curate. / R o b e r t Dyer. [ M a r y Rowden Mitchell. William Aplin and Susan Silk were married this 6 August 1829 b y Octavius Swale Harrison, Curate. In the / S a m u e l Monkton. Presence of [ M a r y Wescombe. No. 93 t h day of Isaac Penny, o f Trull, a Bachelor, and Sarah Brewer, a Spinster, were married by Licence with consent of William Brewer this 3* day of November 1829 by Robert Smith Bower. In the / R d Penny. Presence of ( M a r y Ann Penny. No. 94 d Samuel Monkton and Mary Doble were married this 7 o f January 1830 by Robert Smith Bower. In the / J o h n Woolfery. Presence of [George Bond. No. QC t h day 226 t Walter Page Cousins o f the parish of S J a m e s Bristol and Harriette Eliza Light were married by Licence this 1 2 day of April 1830 by Henry P. Gale. In the / H a r r i e t Butler. Presence of ( H a r r y Pigou. No. 96 t h Joseph Wood, Bachelor, and Mary Stone were married this 1 8 day o f May 1830 b y W » Burridge, Offg Minister. In the | B e n j Granger. Presence of\W Seager. No. 97 \ t h n m James Allen of the City o f E l y Cambridgeshire, Bachelor, and Susannah Winter o f this Parish, Spinster, were married by Licence this 12th day o f August 1830 by H . W. Rawlins, Off. Minister. In the / I s a a c Winter. G. R . Radford. Presence ^ [ S u s a n n a Gadd. M. A . Winter. No. 98 John L u g of S* Mary Magdalene and Maria Dascombe were married this 9 day o f November 1830 b y John Nutcombe Gould, Curate. In the / A n n Dascombe. Presence 0 / y a m e s Durnes. No. 99 t h William James, Bachelor, and Mary Ann Hill, sojourner, were married this 3 1 day of January 1831 by E . T . Halliday, Curate. In the {^e Mark X of William Leonard. I T h e Mark X o f Eliza Hill. T h e M a r k X of Presence of \ No. 100 s t E l i z a b e t h D y e r > Samuel Ham, Widower, and Betsy Farmer, Widow, were were married this ist day f March 1831 by E . T . Halliday. In the /Charles Davey, Presence of [Mary Wescombe. No. 101 0 John King, Widower, and Sarah Hodder, Spinster, were married this 19th day of J u l y 1831 by E . T . Halliday. In the / J a m e s Dyer. Presence of \Jarte Bulpin. No. 102 s 227 William Manning, Bachelor, and Elizabeth Monders, Spinster, were married this 2 6 ^ day o f Sep* 1831 b y E . T . Halliday. In the / T h e Mark + of Mary Manning. Presence of [The Mark + o f Mary Quick. No. 103 William Bennett, a Bachelor, and Sarah Sommerhayes, a Spinster, were married this 2 7 day of October 1831 b y Robert Smith Bower, Offg Minister. In the / J a m e s Bennett. Presence of [Mary Hartnell. No. 104 t h John Baker, sojourner, Bachelor, and Eliza Hand, sojourner, Spinster, were married this 5 day of D e c 1831 by E . T . Halliday. In the / T h e Mark X of Samuel Percy. Presence of \ T h e Mark X of Mary Fowler. No. 105 t h r Thomas Clerk, sojourner, Bachelor, and Harriett Osley were married this 31st day of Janu*y 1832 b y R i c h Winsloe, Offg Minister. In the / A n n Ousley. Presence of [Ann Lawrance. No. 106 d J o h n Tottle, sojourner, Bachelor, and Hannah Clfst, Spinster, were married this i o day of Feby 1832 b y E . T . Halliday. In the / H e n r y Perry. Presence of [Ann Seaford. the mark X o f Ann Tottle. No. 107 t i l Thomas Stuckey, sojourner, Bachelor, and Sarah Wolfrey were married this 17& day of J u l y 1832 by E . T . Halliday, P. Curate. In the / J o h n Woolfery. Presence of [Ann Properjohns. No. 108 Robert Weir, Bachelor, and Hannah Jennings, sojourner, Spinster, were married this 1 4 day of Oct* 1832 b y E . T . Halliday, P. Curate. In the / J o h n Woolfery. Presence of\the Mark X o f James Goold. No. 109 t h 228 William Wyatt, Widower, and Elizabeth Gollop, Spinster, were married by Licence this 1 5 day o f Nov* 1832 b y E . T. Halliday. In the / E . J . Bicknell. Presence of\Hannah Gollop. George Gollop. No. n o t h William King, sojourner, Widower, and Mary Bussell, sojourner, Spinster, were married this 19& day of N o v 1832 b y E . T. Halliday. r t h e ** P™°"*°f No. i n P a .|joh n Toller. ( B e t s e y Bussell. William Bennett, sojourner, Bachelor, and Sarah Mogg> Spinster, were married this 2 3 ^ of D e c 1832 by E . T . Halliday. In the / A b r a h a m Govier. Presence of ( T h e Mark X o f Mary Ann Bennett. No. 112 r Thomas Brown, sojourner, Bachelor, and Charlotte Clement, sojourner, Spinster, were married this 1 2 ^ day of Feby 1833 by E . T . Halliday, P. Curate. In the / W i l l i a m Riggs. Presence of (Elizabeth Clements. No. 113 Thomas Emery, sojourner, Bachelor, and Harriet Porter, Spinster, were married this 17th day of Feby 1833 by E . T . Halliday. In the /George Porter. Presence of ( T h e Mark of X Ann Rugg. No. 1 1 4 William Parks, sojourner, Bachelor, and Mary Bryant, Spinster, were married this 2 6 day o f Feby 1833 by E . T . Halliday. In the / J o h n King. Presence of [ T h e Mark X o f Sarah Chick. No. 115 t h James Baker, sojourner, Widower, and Mary Chapman, Spinster, were married this 21st day of April 1833 by E . T . Halliday. In the / T h e Mark X of George Hayward. Presence of [Maria Bulgin. No. 116 229 Henry Batten, sojourner, Bachelor, and Anna Lock, Spinster,, were married this 2 0 day o f May 1833 by E . T . Halliday. In the / W m Batten. Presence of [ T h e Mark X of Mary Wood. No. 117 th Abraham Govier, sojourner, Bachelor, and Mary Ann Bennett, sojourner, Spinster, were married this 2 6 day of May 1833 by E . T. Halliday. In the / T h e Mark + of J a c o b Govier. Presence of {The Mark X o f Sarah Bennett. No. 118 th Joseph Webber, sojourner, Widower, and J a n e Buston, Spinster, were married this 3 day o f June 1833 by E . T . Halliday. In the / J o h n Chudleigh. Presence of ( F a n n y Buston. No. 119 r d Edward Dyer, Bachelor, of the Parish of Lambeth in the County of Surrey and Elizabeth Mary Greenway, Spinster, were married b y Licence this 17th day of June 1833 by E . T . Halliday. In the /Stafford Greenway. Presetice of [Mary Ann Langdon. James Cottrell. No. 120 John Silly, a Bachelor, and Sarah Hunt Bluett, a Spinster, were married this 3 0 day of J u l y 1833 by R o b S. Bower, Offg Minister. In the (The X Mark o f Adam Rugg. Presence of[John Toller. No. 121 th 4 Samuel Piatt o f the Parish o f Saint George Bloomsbury Middlesex and Mary Champante, Spinster, were married b y Licence this 15th day o f A u g 1833 by E . T . Halliday. In the [ F a n n y J . Champante. Eliza Champante. Presence J a c o b J . Champante. Rachel Dyer. W . Champante. ( M.V.Piatt. Sophia Champante. Louisa Champante. No. 122 1 J Robert Criddell, Bachelor, and Harriett Thomas, Spinster, were married this 24th day of Augt ^ 3 3 b y E . T . Halliday. In the / T h e Mark X of James Mayes. Presence < ? / [ T h e Mark X of Sarah Mayes. No. 123 23o William Henry Dunsford of the Parish o f S* Gluvias County of Cornwall, Bachelor, and Charlotte A n n Grose, Spinster, were married by Licence this 17th day o f Sep* 1833 b y E . T . Hailiday. In the ("Geo. Pippet. Presence 0/* (Maria Dunsford. Arabella Wingron, No. 124 J a m e s Duck, a Widower, and Elizabeth Sergeant, Spinster, were married by Licence this 2 6 * day o f December 1833 by Henry Bower, Offg Minister. r- , T ( W . Sergeant. /LSL «A Presence * / | jJ a m e s A. Duck. a S N > C r Q s s No. 125 Adam Rugg, Bachelor, and Harriet Sully, Spinster, were married this 4^ day o f Feby 1834 b y E . T . Halliday. In the / T h e Mark X of Mary Sully. Presence of\t\\e Mark X of William Rugg. No. 126 Robert Williams, sojourner, Bachelor, and Sarah Perry, Spinster, were married this 1 7 ^ day o f Feby 1834 b y E . T. Halliday. In the / H e n r y Tucker. Presence of (William Perry. No. 127 Joseph White o f the Parish o f S* Mary Magdalen Taunton and Mary L e y were married by Licence this 2 6 day o f March 1834 by E . T . Halliday. In the /Andw Bruford. Presence 0^ [Mary Tucker. No. 128 th Robert Rud, sojourner, Bachelor, and Elizabeth Mager, Spinster, were married this 8 day of May 1834 by E . T . Halliday. In the / T h e Mark of x Hannah Mager. Presence of (George Salter. No. 129 th Charles Francis Merriott, sojourner, Bachelor, and Mary Dyte, Spinster, were married this 14th day of M a y 1834 by E . T . Halliday. In the / J o h n Toller. Presence of [Ann Woolferry. No. 130 231 Lawrence Turpin, sojourner, Bachelor, and Ann Honiball, sojourner, Spinster, were married this 1 4 day of May 1834 by t h In the / E l i z a b e t h Honniball. Presence < ? / \ E d w Stedley. No, 131 d J a m e s Oaten, sojourner, Bachelor, and Charlotte Martyn, sojourner, Spinster, were married this 1 9 day of May 1834 by E . T . Halliday. In the / T h e Mark X o f William Willie. Presence of ( T h e Mark X o f Mary Willie. No. 132 t h George J a m e s , Bachelor, and Elizabeth Dummett, Spinster, were married this 1 9 * day o f May, 1834 by E . T . Halliday. In the Presence <?/\Harrett Newton. No. 133 John Incledon, a Widower, and Susannah Shuchburgle, a Widow, were married this 3 0 day of J u n e 1834 b y Henry Bower, Offg Minister. th In the Presence <?/\Hariet Carnell, No. 134 J a m e s Greenslade, sojourner, Bachelor, and Hannah Culverwell, Spinster, were married this 2 day of July 1834 by E . T . Halliday. n d Henry Samuel Drake, Bachelor, and Amelia Thresher o f the Parish o f S Mary Magdalene Taunton were married by Licence this 19th day of J u l y 1834 by E . T . Halliday. In the / R o b e r t Day, Jun* Presence of 1 Eliza Ash. No. 136 t J o h n Withers, sojourner, Bachelor, and Maria Withers, Spinster, were married this 3 0 * day o f O c t 1834 by E . T . Halliday. In the / T h e Mark X o f Elizabeth Toller. Presence of \ J o h n Toller. No. 137 r 232 Robert Johns-, sojourner, Bachelor, and Eliza Haine, Spinster, were married this 4 day of November 1834 b y E . T . Halliday, In the f Charlotte Winter. Presence 0 / \ B e n j a m i n Vickery. No. 138 . Isaac Carter, Bachelor, and Mary Ann Jenkins, Spinster, were married this 8* day of D e c 1834 by E . T . Halliday. In the / R o b e r t Linton. Presence < ? / \ T h e Mark o f X Charlotte Linton. No. 139 Robert Gamlin, a Widower, and Ann Perry, a Spinster, were married this 27th day o f January 1835 b y Rob* S. Bower, Offg In the ("Elizabeth Piney. [Minister. Presence of ( J a m e s Bowbeer. No. 140 William Mitchell, sojourner, Bachelor, and F a n n y Northcott, Spinster, were married this 1 1 day of March 1835 by E . T. Halliday. In the / H e n r y Vile. Presence of \ T h e Mark X of Rachel Vile. No. 141 Samuel Dunn, sojourner, Bachelor, and F a n n y Collard, Spinster, were married this 14A day. o f May 183s by E . T . Halliday. . In the / T h e Mark X of Eliza Cridle. Presence of y o s e p h Hancock. No. 142 Robert Paramore, Bachelor, and Ann Sharp, Spinster, were married this 7 day o f June 1835 b y E . T . Halliday. In the / J o s e p h Hancock. T h e Mark X of Eliza Cridle. Presence o f \ T h e Mark X o f William Pavey. No. 143 t h t h t h Henry Trott, Widower, and Sarah Lane, Spinster, married this day of J u n e 1835 b y E . T . Halliday. In the / J o h n Davey. Presence of [Ann Cousins, No. 144 were Martin Cooksley, sojourner, Bachelor, and Charlotte Chapman, Spinster, were married this 13th day o f July 18 W b y L . A . CHfle, Off. Min. J ¥ In the / T h e Mark of x Abraham Babb. Presence < ? / \ T h e Mark of x Eliza Babb. No. 145 233 John Franks, Bachelor, and Charlotte Hartnell, Spinster, were married this 19th day o f J u l y 1835 by L . A. Cliffe, Off. M. In the / T h e Mark of X Mary Heughes. Presence of [The Mark of X J a m e s Hartnell. No. 146 Charles Wensley, Bachelor, and Sarah Furze, Spinster, were married this 29th day of Oct* 1835 by E . T . Halliday. In the / T h o m a s Wensley. T h e Mark of X Ann Wensley. Presence of ( T h e Mark X o f W™ Wensley. No. 147 William Buncombe, a Bachelor, and J a n e Manning, Spinster, were married this 19th day of January 1836 by Rob* S. Bower. In the fjames Milford. Presence of [John Toller. No. 148 Joseph Atkins, Widower, and Mary King, Widow, were married this 28th day of Jany 1836 by E . T , Halliday. In the / M a r y Payne. Presence < ? / \ J o h n Toller. No. 149 Samuel Jones, Bachelor, and Sidwell Martyn, Spinster, were married this 21st day of Feby 1836 by E . T . Halliday. In the / A a r o n Jones. Presence of [ T h e Mark X of Mary Ann Payne. No. 150 George Hayward, Bachelor, and Sarah Brookes, Spinster, were married this 20th day o f March 1836 by E . T . Halliday. In the / R o b e r t Linton. Presence ^ [ H a r r i e t Brooks. No. 151 William Forward, sojourner, Widower, and Mary Robins, Spinster, were married this 3 1 day of March 1836 by E . T . Halliday. In the / M a r y Ann Gaylor. Presence ^ [ W i l l i a m Seager. No. 152 William Marks and Sarah Maccormic were married this 3 day o f April 1836 b y E . T . Halliday. / T h e Mark X of Charles Chuck. (?) In the J T h e Mark X of Susan Marks. Presence of i T h e Mark x of Elizabeth Chuck. (?) « 153 ( T h e Mark X of John Marks. s t r d N o 234 James Jenkins, a Bachelor, and Mary Wood, a Spinster, were married this 12& day of April 1836 b y Henry Bower, Offg Minister. In the Presence of [John Toller. No. 154 Thomas Hill, Bachelor, and Sarah Summerhayes, Spinster, were married this 26th day o f April 1836 by E . T . Halliday. In the Presence No. 155 tf/\The Mark X of Sarah Summerhayes. Thomas Moor, Bachelor, and Johanna Bonner, Spinster, were married this 9 * day of May 1836 b y E . T . Halliday. In the / T h e Mark of X George Sully. Presence of [The Mark of X Mary Ann Guddeer. No. 156 John Babb, Bachelor, and Mary Wright, Spinster, were married this I2& day o f M a y 1836 by E . T . Halliday. In the / T h e Mark of X George Babb. Presence o / \ S a r a h Babb. No. 157 Samuel Redwood, sojourner, Bachelor, and Ann Redwood, Widow, were married this 1 2 day of M a y 1836 by E . T . Halliday. In the f John Toller. Presence of [Ann Woolfery. No. 158 t h t Edwards Beadon, Bachelor, of the Parish o f S Mary Magdalen Taunton and Anne Clarke Follet, Widow, were married by Licence this 8^ day of June 1836 by Richard J . Beadon. In the ("William B . Bere. Presence of [J. H. Beadon. No. 159 Isaac James, Bachelor, and Sarah Woollen, Spinster, were married this 19& day of June 1836 b y E . T . Halliday. 235 Frederick Frampton, sojourner, Bachelor, and Matilda K e m p Pitchers, sojourner, Spinster, were married this 5 day o f J u l y 1836 by E . T . Halliday. In the / W i l l i a m Stansell. E m i l y Stansell. Presence of (Sophia Doran. W . Dodsworth. No. 161 t h Frederick Willment, Bachelor, and Mary Ann Taylor, sojourner, Spinster, were married this 2 0 day of J u l y 1836 by E . T . Halliday. In the fRobert Burch. Presence of \Mavy Burch. No, 162 th Thomas Hill, Bachelor, and Sarah Yard, Spinster, were married this 17th day of October 1836 by E . T . Halliday. In the / C h a r l e s Pursey. Presence 0 / ( T h e Mark X o f Martha Hill. No. 163 Abel Scott, sojourner, Widower, and J a n e Baker, sojourner, Spinster, were married this 2 7 day of Nov* 1836 by E . T . Halliday. In the / R o b t Bond. Presence of [The Mark X of J a n e Bond. No. 164 t h Daniel Matthews o f the Parish o f Brixham in the County of Devon, a Bachelor, and Amelia Hoare Porter, a Spinster, were married b y Licence this 3 day of December 1836 by Henry Bower, Offg Minister. In the / R o b e r t Porter. Presence of\ Louisa J a n e Porter. No. 165 r d John Chard, sojourner, Bachelor, and Sarah Bucknell, Spinster, were married this 23* day of Feby 1837 by E . T . Halliday. In the / W . D . Bucknell. Presence of [Mary Rossiter. No. 166 d Isaac Forward, sojourner, Bachelor, and Sarah Wyatt, Spinster, were married this 2 day of March 1837 by E . T . Haliiday. n d 236 Thomas Were, sojourner, Bachelor, and J a n e Hawkins, Spinster, were married this 1 4 day of March 1837 by E . T . Halliday, In the / T h e Mark X of Robert Were. Presence of \ T h e Mark X of Hannah Were, No. 168 t h John Garnsey, sojourner, Bachelor, and Maria Clarke, Spinster, were married this 2 7 ^ day of March 1837 by E . T . HalHday. In the Presence of \ T h e Mark X of Maria Branfield. No. 169 Joseph Brookes, Widower, and Mary Ann Dring, Spinster, were married this 2 8 day of March 1837 by E . T . Halliday. In the Presence of\ Harriet Brooks. Elizabeth Dring's Mark X. No. 170 th PARISH OF REGISTER WILTON No. VI. CONTAINING A.D. IBUnate from 1813 A.D. to 183; 239 iBmim in m P a r t s * of WLi\m, in m County of %mmtu in tbz pear t8i3. Name Abode Sarah Down Near the No. i Church Mary Fleming Middle W a y No. 2 Charles Down Near the No. 3 Church Mary Ann Gaunton Bennet No. 4 Charlotte Middle W a y Somerhays No. 5 Sarah W o o d Middle W a y No. 6 Abraham Near the Woolfrey Church No. 7 Joan Bond Sherford No. 8 Mary Pollard West No. 9 Monckton Sarah Gibbs Wilton No. i o 1814 Matilda Tottenham No. 1 1 James Thorn No. 12 Sarah Toller No. 13 James Click No. I 4 W h e n Buried Age 2 4 * Jany 28 28 FebY 24 11 t h 2» d April 11 t h 18 t h d 5 J . Townsend Off. Minister June 30 June 77 R e v J . Pitman Off. Minister J . Townsend Off. Minister July 52 4& M a y th Tho. Tudball Curate R e v T . Tudball Curate R e v T . Tudball Curate J . Townsend Off. Minister d I May 6 B y whom the Ceremony was performed d J . Townsend Off. Minister Rev Tho Tudball J . Townsend Off. Minister d August 8 s Nov* 25 91 Clifton Jany 2 8 * 18 J . Townsend Off. Minister Bishops Hull Feby 2 * d 38 Sherford Feby 1 3 t h Infant Taunton S t M . M. April 1 0 J . Townsend Off. Minister J . Townsend Off. Minister T . Tudball Curate t h Inft 240 Name Abode Hatch Mary Strangways Beauchamp No. IS , Alice Franks Sherford No. 16 Mary Vincent Taunton No. 17 St M . M . Martha Marks Wilton No. 18 Harriet White Wilton No. 19 James Wilton Summerhays No. 20 Harriet Incledon Turkey Court No. 21 tQ f loIS Samuel Bisgood Turkey Court No. 22 Stephen Dring Turkey Court No. 23 Sarah Hartnell Gamlington No. 24 ElizabethProwse Wilton No. 25 Sarah Maul Wilton No. 26 William Dring Taunton S No. 27 Mary Magdalen Harriet Budd Wilton No. 28 Hannah Budd Wilton No. 29 1816 Anna Morgan Wilton No. 30 J a m e s WoodingI Wilton No. 31 Hannah Brown Wilton No. 32 W h e n Buried Age April n t h 29 April 17 Inft 29th May 69 3 d Inft July October 9 t h 2 October 23rd Infant Nov r 27th Infant By whom the Ceremony was performed T . Tudball Curate T. Tudball Curate T . Tudball Curate T . Tudball Curate T . Tudball Curate T . Tudball Curate T. Tudball Curate T 1 T . Tudball Curate H. W . Rawlins Feby 2»<a 74 March 26th 72 J u n e 15th 16 T . Tudball Curate H. W . Rawlins J u n e 24th 92 July 28* 16 Septr 26th 7 October 8th 16 months T . Tudball Curate T . Tudball Curate T . Tudball Curate . T . Tudball Curate January 8th 12 June 29* January 24th Infant January 30th 18 T . Tudball Curate W . G. Royse Off. Min. T . Tudball Curate 241 Name Abode W h e n Buried Joan Woolfery Wilton No. 33 Thomas Spiller Sherford No. 34 Anne Caller Turkey Court No. 35 Louisa J a n e Wilton No. 36 Sarah Wilton Summerays No. 3 ; Keziah Buston Wilton No. 38 Ann R i c h Taunton S No. 39 Mary Magdalene William Pring Taunton Buncombe S* J a m e s No. 40 Peggy Goddard St Mary No. 41 Magdalene Taunton Ann Hare Wilton No. 42 Ann Brooks S* Mary No. 43 Magdalene Paul Street Lieutt Gen Wilton Walter Cliffe Cottage No. 44 Sarah Pring S James No. 45 * l 1 t 1817 Hannah Hurly No. 46 Jane White No. 47 William Jeboult No. 48 t h April 1 1 May I s t Age 79 78 May 3 ^ Inft Sep* ist Inft t r 15 Inft Sep. 22 Inft Sep Oc. Oc. B y whom the Ceremony was performed T. Tudball Curate J . Townsend Off. Minister J . Townsend Off. Minister E . T . Halliday Offg Minister J . Hawtayne Offg Minr J . Hawtayne Offg Min* H. W . Rawlins Curate 7th 39 loth Inft H . W . Rawlins Curate 24 H. W . Rawlins Curate AA H . W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate O c 20 th Nov. 1 4 t h 1 I Nov. 21st 3 July 1 3 * 58 Dec. 1 7 t h T. Tudball Curate 79 H. W . Rawlins Curate John Townsend Off. Min. H. W . Rawlins Curate H . W . Rawlins Curate Wilton Jany 6th 32 Wilton Jany 23rd 1 Wilton Feb. 10& 5°* 242 Name Abode Wilton Henry T i t e No. 49 S* Mary Margaret Magdalene Gollard No. 50 Sherford William J a m e s No. 51 James Turkey Court Somerville No. 52 Maria Sexton Wilton No. 53 Mary Slocombe Wilton No. 54 J a n e Chaffey Wilton No. 55 AmeliaStephens St Mary No. 56 Magdalene Elizabeth Wilton Mockridge No. 57 Samuel Davy Sherford No. 58 Marianne Turkey Court Incledon No. 59 William Pring St J a m e s ' St No. 60 T . S t James John Click St Mary No. 61 Magdalen MatthewTargett Salisbury No. 62 William Pring Galmington No. 63 Isaac Wyatt T . S* James No. 64 Wilmot Square Catharina Taunton Fortnom St M. Mag. No. 65 B y whom the Ceremony was performed W h e n Buried Age March 13th I H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate 41 H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate t h March 1 6 April 20 th M a y 4th n d May 2 2 J u l y iotk 69 36 22 H. W . Rawlins Curate F . H. Clapp Vicar of Taunton S t . M . M . July th 11 4 J u l y 16th 5 t b 2 July 1 6 August 15 th 25 August 24th 2 H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H, W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate W . K . Coker August 2 9 * 7 Off. Min. months J . Townsend Sept* 12th 14 Off. Minister H . W . Rawlins Nov. n t h 6 Curate months H . W . Rawlins Nov* n 2 Curate August 29th 41 Nov. 27th 43 H . W . Rawlins Curate 243 Name W h e n Buried Abode 1818 Adam Owen Wilton Gaol No. 66 Joseph Pool Pitminster No. 67 JamesMeCormic Wilton No. 68 Harriet Hewer Taunton Poole Mary No. 69 Ann Atkins Taunton No. 70 St M. M. Ann T i t e Taunton No. 71 St M, M. Caroline Patton Wilton House No. 72 Isaac Winter Wilton No, 73 Winifred Ann North Street Westcote Taunton No. 74 St M . M. George Click Wilton No. 75 1819 John Callard Wilton No. 76 James Cade Wilton No. 77 Elizabeth Wilton Incledon No. 78 Rachel Hill Wilton No. 79 Robert Barrett Wilton No. 80 Martha E s c o t t Wilton No. 81 Caroline Pring Taunton No. 82 St M. Mag. Abraham Wilton No. 83 Woolfery Jany 14 April 30 M a y 3* 8th d May May 2 1 s t Age J . Townsend Off. Minister S a m Payne 30 Off. Min. weeks S a m Payne 2 Off. Min. W . M. Harrison 7 months Off. Min. 74 1 1 70 May 2 5 * 36 July 20* IS S e p * 25th 80 Dec* 2 4 t h B y whom the Ceremony was performed 79 H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate J o h n Hughes Off. Minister John Townsend Off. Minister Infant J n ° Cregoe Offct Minister January 3i January 29th 96 Feb. 28th 9 R . Jarratt Offg Minister H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate March 1 8 * 74 March 19th 66 Dec^ 24th 3 d May 2 3 d May 27* June 6 t h 2 2 54 H. W. Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H, W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate F Warre (Off. Minister) 244 Name Abode Mary Ann B a b b Wilton No. 84 John Page Wilton No. 85 Sarah Grove T . StM. Mag. No. 86 Anne Atkins Wilton No. 87 Mary Mockridge Wilton No. 88 1820 Isaac Wilcocks T . S t M. Mag. No. 89 William Pyne Wilton No. 90 Mary Hurly Taunton No. 91 St James T h o Arthur Taunton Click St M. Mag, No. 92 William Atkins Taunton No. 93 St M . Mag. Daniel Pring Taunton No. 94 St M. Mag. David Hewer T . St M. No. 95 Magdalene Eliza T . St M. Properjohns Magdalene No. 96 Samuel Phippin Wilton No, 97 Elizabeth Down Wilton No. 98 Susannah Taunton Clitsome St M. Mag. No. 99 William Burston Wilton No. 100 Elizabeth Shute Wilton No. i o 1 s W h e n Buried June 20 June 17 months 23 Sep. 2 1 Nov. th s t T 19 65 H. 8 H. th m Feby yrs 9 Dec* 5 ths 1 y nth 5 March 5th 82 March 20th 83 March 24th Inft March 24th 40 April 4th Inft June 2 5 t h August 2 7 * Sep. i o Sep. t h n'h Oc. 24th Inft 4 2 9 80 Oc. 25th Nov. 5th B y whom the Ceremony was performed Age 7 r H. R , Swyer Off. Min. Sheppard Off. Min* W . Rawlins Curate W . Rawlins Curate W . Rawlins Curate h H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H. W . Rawlins Curate H, W . Rawlins Curate 245 Name Abode Joan Winter Wilton No. 102 Charles Incledon Wilton No. 103 1821 Elizabeth Shutei Wilton No. 104 Sophia Click Taunton No, 105 St M. Mag. Richard Spiller Taunton No. 106 St M. M, William Pring Taunton No. 107 St M. M. Ann Granger Taunton No. 108 St M. M. Charles Martin Prisoner from No. 109 Wilton Gaol Mary Willcocks Taunton No. n o St M. M. Betty Taunton Summerfield St M. M. No. i n J o h n Hill Wilton No. 112 Sarah Spiller Wilton No. 113 Robert Amory Taunton No. 1 1 4 St M. M. Abraham Taunton Toterdale St M. M. No. 115 Elizabeth Taunton Hartnell St M. M. No. 1 1 6 J a c o b Buston Wilton No. 1 1 7 William F r o s t Wilton No. 118 M a r y Cotter Wilton No. 1 1 9 W h e n Buried Nov. 1 5 * s t Dec. 3 1 Age B y whom the Ceremony was performed H. W . Rawlins Curate 2 H. W . Rawlins months Curate 79 Jany 3rd 62 53 H. W . Rawlins Curate John Cabbell(?) Off. Minister H. W . Rawlins January 16 33 69 H. W . Rawlins March 12th 83 March 17th 23 R . Swyer Off. Min. H. W . Rawlins March 28th 48 t h Feby 1 1 Feby 2 2 June 2 1 n d s t June 2 8 R . Swyer Off. Min. T h o Strangways Minister s 70 2 mon 40 th J u l y ist yrs 21 J u l y 12 s Thos Strangways Minister T h o Strangways Minister Henry Bower s Vicar of St. M . M , Taunton August 1 8 t h Tho 70 s yrs September 6 Sep* 9th Henry Bower Off. Minister 70 ho s Strangways Minister mon J o Bradney 2 months Curate of St J a m e s T a u n t o n h o Strangways 57 Minister years 7 s Oct* 28th Nov* 2 5 * Strangways Minister s s 246 Name Abode B y w h o m the Ceremony was performed W h e n Buried I822 Elizabeth Hyett, Wilton M a y 19th No. 120 Samuel Rich Wilton J u l y 30 No. 121 Sarah Folkner Sept* ist Taunton No. 122 St M . Mag* Elizabeth Fudgej September 4 Wilton No. 123 Samuel Sept* 15 th Taunton Properions St M. Mag* No. 124 William Grigg Wilton Oct* 23*^ No. 125 1823 David Hewer Taunton March 9th No. 126 St My Tho Strangways| Hatch March 24th No. 127 William Wilton May 2 « Somerays No. 128 Mary Bicknell Pitminster May 12 No. 129 James Callard Wilton Oct* 16 No. 130 John Crocker Watchet Nov * 6& No. 131 Samuel Wood Bishops Hull Nov* i6tk No. 132 Charlotte Budd Wilton Dec* 18th No. 133 1824 Elizabeth Peters Wilton January 8th No. 134 Ann Wilkings Pitminster January 23rd No. 135 William F r y Wilton 15th March No. 136 John Adlam From 1 3 * May No. 137 Wilton Gaol th s d b s 28 T h o Strangways Minister years A. Barker 76 Offg Minister 2 y*s T h o Strangways Minister 8y*s Henry Bower Offg Minister 87 y* T h o Strangways Minister s 3 s s 39y Tho r s 47y*s 69 y*s 22 y* s s Strangways Minister d R i c h Winsloe Off. M. R i c h Winsloe Off. M. R i c h Winsloe Off. M. d d d R i c h Winsloe Off. M. R i c h Winsloe 10 months Off. Minister L . A . Cliffe 10 Perpetual Curate months! D, S . Stone 54 Curate D . S . Stone 18 Curate 51 d 55 22 5-' 30 D . S. Stone Curate D . S . Stone Curate R i c h Winsloe Offg Mint D . S . Stone Curate d 247 Name W h e n Buried Abode Age John Brookes Taunton S M a y 31 No. 138 Mary Magdalen Caroline Atkins Taunton S July No. 139 Mary Magdalen George K i n g Sep* 1 2 * Gaunton in No. 140 psh of Wilton Mary Poole Shoreditch in October 8 No. 141 psh o f Pitminster Thomas Phillips Shurford psh October i o No. 142 of Wilton William Farrant Wilton Gaol Nov* 24th No. 143 Dec* 1 2 * Henry Toller Shurford No. 144 12 Dec* Shurford Thomas Brevitt No. 145 1825 15th Jany Frances Muttle Wilton No. 146 [bury John L e y Wilton 2 1 Jany No, 147 6 * March Caroline Hill Shurford No. 148 Maria T u c k e r S* M. Mag- 18th March No. 149 dalenTaunton 20 March Sarah Davey Shurford No. 150 27th March Mary Whitehead Wilton No. 151 13th April Ann C o x Wilton No. 152 Ann Pain Wilton House 13th April No. 153 of Correction 2 2 May Mary Smith Taunton No. 154 St My Magd* 2 June J o h n Hole Wilton House No. 155 o f Correction 2 6 * June William Phillips Wilton 1 No. 156 4 t th t h s t th d d J 48 7 67 62 B y whom the Ceremony was performed G. B . Norris Off. Min. D . S. Stone Curate D . S. Stone Curate D. S. Stone Curate 2weeks & David S. Stone Curate R i c h Winsloe Sen* Offg M . D. S. S t o n e 2 Curate months D . S. Stone 65 Curate 3 days 82 89 36 9 months So 85 8 years 53 years 3 months old 24 d D . S. Stone Minister D. S. Stone Minister D . S. Stone Minister G. B . Norris Offg M* D. S. Stone Minister D . S. Stone Minister D . S. Stone Minister D. S. Stone Minister D. S. S t o n e Perp Curate G. B . Norris Offg Min* G. B . Norris Off. Min. 1 12 weeks 8 months 248 Abode Name W h e n Buried r d 3 August Wilton Elizabeth Woolfrey No. 157 Wilton 3 August Sarah Henley No. 158 James Hill Wilton House 14th August of Correction No. 159 1826 Wilton Henry Pring 22 Janry No. 160 Shurford Harriet Hoskins 5 Feby No. 161 Thomas Buston March 3 No. 162 William Buston March 3 No. 163 Mary Quick Wilton April 2 No. 164 Elizabeth Sutton S* Mary Mag- April 30 No. 165 dalenTaunton J a n e Innes S* Mary Mag- M a y 2 8 No. 166 dalenTaunton r d n d th No. 167 J a n e Barrett S Sidwell's J u n e 7th No. 168 Exeter John Dominy Fullands 13 June No. 169 Housein Wilton J a m e s Wilment Augst 8tii Wilton No. 170 Martha Hornet Wilton 3* October No. 171 Mary Jeffery Taunton October 9 No. 172 StephenNormarj 1 Wilton Gaol Oct* 1 8 No. 173 Samuel Marks Wilton Nov* 8* No. 174 Joseph Hill Shurford Nov* 10th No. 175 4 th 2 d t h t h Age B y whom the Ceremony was performed 2 weeks G. B . Norris Off. Min. 55 G. B , Norris Off. Min. D . S. Stone P. Curate 15 weeks 3 years Infant T. G. Maddison Offg Minister W . Wood Curate W . Wood Infant W . Wood 49 W . Wood 2 y*s 85 38 G. B . Off. H. W. Off. Norris Min. Rawlins Min. 29 David S. Stone P. Curate David S. Stone P. Curate William Wood 74 William Wood 49 W . Wood 43 W . Wood 80 W . Wood Infant W . Wood 64 33 249 Name Abode W h e n Buried Age James Milton Wilton Nov 2 3 9 No. 176 1827 George W a t t s Wilton House Jany 2 2 9 No. 177 o f Correction months Lucy Milton Shurford 2 2 February 3 No. 178 years Richard Hill 2 2 February Shurford 38 No. 179 Henry Hill March 9 * Infant Wilton No. 180 J a n e Budd 14 Wilton April 2 No. 181 months John Townsend Wilton House April 1 4 * 73 No. 182 of Correction Richard Hames Shurford 1 year April 1 7 No. 183 Eliza Summers Shurford June 7 IS No. 184 Mary Arberry J u n e 17 Wilton 85 No. 185 William Galmington June 1 7 SO Clements No. 186 Mary Ann 6 Shurford July 1 7 Milton months No. 187 Sidney Harding Wilton House J u l y 1 8 5 No. 188 of Correction weeks William Wilton House July 2 5 40 Lovelace of Correction No. 189 James August 1 9 * Shurford 9 Summerhayes months No. 190 William Parrott 8 August 2 6 * Wilton months No. 191 6 September 3 Elizabeth Wilton years Arberry No. 192 r r d d d d d t h t h t h B y whom the Ceremony was performed H . G . W . Comber Offg Minister David S. Stone . Curate David S. Stone P. Curate David S. Stone P. Curate David S. Stone P. Curate David S. Stone P. Curate G. B . Norris Offt MiniDavid S. Stone P. Curate G. B . Norris Offg Minr David S. Stone P. Curate David S. Stone P. Curate t h David S. Stone P. Curate t h David P. David " P. t h S. Stone Curate S. Stone Curate David S. Stone P. Curate David P. David P. S. Stone Curate S. Stone Curate 250 Name Abode J a n e Southwood No. 193 Harriet Tabert No. 194 Robert Bennett No. 195 Martha Toller No. 196 1828 Elizabeth Warren No. 197 James Willie Wilton Wilton Shurford When Buried Age B y whom the Ceremony was performed G. B . Norris Offg Min* David S. Stone 1 8 * Sep 16 P. Curate tember months David S. Stone 2 December 32 P Curate David S. Stone 30 D e c 12 pl Curate years 6th September 46 d 1 Shurford Wilton th r Feby 3 r d 67 Psh o f St March 2 3 SS M. Magdalen in Taunton No. 198 Peter Mumford Fullands May 6th 52 No. 199 House Shurford May 1 8 * John Cogan 7i No. 200 Mary Arberry May 27th Wilton 11 No. 201 Elizabeth Bray J u l y 27 Shurford 21 No. 202 Rebecca Wilton House August 19th 4 Sparkes of Correction months & No. 203 12 days Hannah S e p ist Shurford years Summers 72 No. 204 George Callard Sep* 14th Wilton years No. 205 7 Diana Davey Sep* 2 1 Wilton years Np. 206 54 JeremiahParsons Sep 23 Fullands 65 No. 207 House Elizabeth Caines Sep* 2 3 ^ Fullands 30 No. 208 House Richard Curtis Wilton House Oct* 25th 6 of Correction months No. 209 r d r s t r r d & 18 d a y s David PI David PI S. Stone Curate S. Stone Curate David S. Stone Pi Curate David S. Stone pl Curate G. B . Norris Offs Min' G. B . Norris Off. Min. David S. Stone pi Curate G. B . Norris Offg MiniDavid F David Pl David Pl David Pl David Pl S. Stone Curate S. Stone Curate S. Stone Curate S. Stone Curate S. Stone Curate 251 Name Abode Thomas Burten Wilton House No. 210 of Correction Alexander Wilton Palmer Gane No. 211 ElizabethSutton Taunton No. 212 St M. Mag* Charles Taunton Edwards St M. Mag" No. 213 1829 John Arberry Wilton No. 214 Robert Jeffery Wilton House No. 215 of Correction William Perrott Wilton No. 216 Charlotte Shurford Vickery No. 217 Mary Goodyer Wilton No. 218 Robert Quick Wilton No. 219 James Commins Wilton House No. 220 of Correction Fanny K i n g Wilton No. 221 Edward Bennet St Mary Mag No. 222 dalen Taunton Henry Johns Wilton No. 223 James Godfrey Wilton House May of Correction No. 224 1830 William Willis Wilton House No. 225 of Correction James Commins Wilton House No. 226 of Correction W h e n Buried Age Oct* 28th 63 B y whom the Ceremony was performed David P David PI S. Stone Curate S. Stone Curate David P David P S. Stone Curate S. Stone Curate 1 Nov* 9th 54 Nov* 15th 37 1 10 Nov* 23 weeks 1 David S. Stone 86 P Curate years David S. Stone April 1 7 * 18 Pi Curate years W . B . Bere May 1 9 * 11 Offg Min* months R . S. Bower May 26 2 Offg Minister Feby 17th 1 May 28 45 June 14 7 July 27* 17 Sep* 6 * 26 y* 1 Sep * 20 4 Oct* 5th 69 y* Dec. 28 Jan*y 29 Jany 29 3 s y*s s 8y*s 30 30 R. S. Bower Offg Minister . S. Harrison Curate O. S. Harrison Curate J . Blake Officg Minister O. S. Harrison Curate H . G . W . Comber Offg Minister O. S. Harrison Curate R . Bower Off. Min. R. Bower Off Min. 2$2 Name Abode Miriam Toller Wilton No. 227 Maria Webber North Town No. 228 S* James's Frederick Gane Wilton No. 229 Charlotte Poole Wilton House of Correction late of L y n c h c o m b e No. 230 Bath Sarah Hill Wilton No, 231 James Cridge Wilton No. 232 George Bond Wilton No. 233 Robert Wilton Blackmore No. 234 1831 Mary Langdon No. 235 Ellen Mary Street No. 236 Thomas Brookes No. 237 James Tabert No. 238 Richard Hill No. 239 Mary Marks No. 240 Bartholomew Bale No. 241 Herbert Sep timus Thorne No. 242 W h e n Buried Janry 3 1 June 4 s t t h June 8th June 12 Age 18 months Si 17 23 June 4 24 July 19 9 Sep* 8th 76 B y whom the Ceremony was performed 0 . S. Harrison Curate H. P. Gale Off. Min. H. P. Gale Off. Min. H. P. Gale Off. Min. J . N. Gould Offg Min* J . Cabbell Offg Minr Henry P. Gale Off. Min John H. Stephenson Off. Min. r Oct. 24 22 Wilton January 5th 98 Wilton Jany 9 * 5 Wilton Jany 13th weeks 68 David S. Stone Pl Curate David Stone Pl Curate E . T . Halliday Curate Wilton Jany 23rd 3 E. T. Halliday Wilton Jany 25th 55 E. T. Halliday Wilton March 23rd 70 E. T. Halliday Wilton April 24t 90 E . T . HalHday Wilton April 30th E . T . Haliiday 6 months 253 Name Abode W h e n Buried Age B y whom the Ceremony was performed Ann Shepherd Taunton S Mary Magdalene Wilton May 1 st 36 E. T. Halliday fc No. 243 Mary Gibbett E . T . Halliday J u l y 17 47 No. 244 Robert Hood E . T . Halliday Wilton July 20 34 Baker No. 245 Mary Ann 1 year E . T . Wilton July 30 Hallett 11 No. 246 months Charles W i l c o x s Stogursey Sep* 1 9 * E . T. 26 No. 247 E . T. John Smith Nov. 21 st Wilton 49 No. 248 E. T. Dec nth MaryAnnAtkins Wilton 4 months No. 249 1832 E . T . Halliday 66 Betty K i n g Jany 15 Wilton .•No. 2$0 Hy Bower 13 John Rossiter January 31 Wilton No. 251 Hy Bower 13 J a m e s Budd Jany 31 Wilton "No. 252 E . T . Halliday 1 William Bennett W ilton i House Feby 5th No. 253 of Correction Walter King Elizabeth March 1 2 * 70 Sidmouth Coker Pleydell Off. Min. No. 254 R. S . Bower Henry Clarke April 11 6 days Wilton Offs Minister No. 255 R , S. Bower 5 days Oct. 2 Isaac Winter Wilton Offg Minister No. 256 E . T . Halliday Oct* 2 2 " William L e e Wilton 19 No. 257 E . T . Halliday Oct* 20th Anne Brookes Wilton 90 No. 258 T . J . Marker Elizabeth Nov. n t h Taunton 38 Offg Minister Phippen S Mary No. 259 Magdalene th th r d t 254 Name J a n e BrayNo. 260 1833 , , William Atkinsl No. 261 Jane Locke No. 262 Frederick Hayman No. 263 Charles Sutton No. 264 Agness Ingleton| No. 265 1834 John Duckett No. 266 William Davey No. 267 Sarah Brooks No. 268 Sarah Summers! No. 269 Richard ViceryJ No. 270 Richard Francisl Follett No. 271 Sarah Bennett No, 272 Sarah Pring No. 273 John Pring No. 274 Henry Snow No. 275 Elizabeth Toleman No. 276 Abode "When B u r i e d Age Wilton Dec. 26 67 Feby Wilton March 14 Wilton J u l y 14th Taunton St Mary Wilton Sep r Dec* 23 r d Wilton 27th I 5 4 months 77 50 B y whom the Ceremony was performed J . King Eagles Off. Min, E. T. Halliday E. T. Halliday E. T. Halliday E . T . Halliday 59 . S. Bower R . S. Bower Wilton Jany 9th 22 Wilton Feby 16& 63 E. T. Wilton Feby 24th 61 Wilton May nth 2 Walter King Coker Off. Min. E . T . Halliday Wilton M a y 16th 2 E. T. Hall'iday Wilton May 20th 38 E. T. Halliday Wilton May 25th 17 E. T. Halliday Wilton May 29th 3 E. T. Halliday Wilton June 16th 13 E. T. Hailiday Wilton July nth 1 Wilton July 31st 44 Halliday Henry Bower E. T. Halliday 255 W h e n Buried Age B y whom the Ceremony was performed Catherine Taunton Sep* 4 Webber S Mary No. 277 Magdalene William J o g g e t t Wilton Sep* 18th Champante No. 278 Charles Tallbut Sep* 2 i t Wilton No. 279 John Vivian Oct* 16 Wilton Gaol No. 280 ElizabethAtkins Nov* 16 Wilton No. 281 Richard BrayNov* 2 3 Wilton No. 282 J a n e Hayward Nov* 27 Wilton No. 283 J a n e Coles Dec* 7 Wilton No. 284 John Hill Dec* 17th Wilton No. 285 George Quick Dec* 2 5 Wilton No. 286 1835 Betty W e b b e r Jany 11 Wilton No. 287 Robert Wilton Feby 6 Dummett No. 288 James Bray Feby 9th Wilton No. 289 Samuel Govier Feby 1 5 Wilton No. 290 Mary Trott Feby 17 Wilton No. 291 Feby 19 Wilton Elizabeth Govier No. 292 March 12 B e t t y Maule Wilton No. 293 March 22* Mary Brookes Wilton No. 294 86 E . T . Hailiday 23 E . T . Halliday Name Abode fc s th rd & E . T . Halliday 17 months R . S. Bower 8 months E . T . Halliday 60 73 E . T . Halliday 7 E . T . Halliday 63 E . T . Halliday 35 E . T . Halliday 14 E . T . Halliday months t h t h d 77 E . T . Halliday 8 R. S. Bower Offg Min* 5 E . T . Halliday 3 E . T . Halliday 58 E . T . Halliday 1 E . T . Halliday 77 E . T . Halliday 20 E . T . Halliday 256 Name Joseph Hill No. 295 James Monkton No. 296 Charles Brookes No. 297 E m m a Jeboult No. 298 William Click No. 299 1836 Simon Turk No. 300 BenedictStafford Greenway No. 301 Elizabeth Hannah Clarkel No. 302 John Baker No. 303 Rachall Gane No. 304 Enos Evans No. 305 Elizabeth Collard No. 306 Anna Sutton Abode W h e n Buried Age B y whom the Ceremony was performed Wilton April 19 81 E . T . Halliday Wilton M a y 20 49 R . S. Bower Wilton June 7th Taunton S* Mary's Taunton St Mary's Sep 2 r 62 W . K . Coker Off. Min. 21 R. S. Bower Jany 1 1 * 83 E . T . Halliday Feb*y 25 th 8 months W . K . Coker Off. Min. March 7 * 3i R . S. Bower April 1 st 59 E . T . Halliday 2 9 * April 35 R . S. Bower fc May 8th 73 4 May n t h 49 May 22 45 May 27th unknown May 29th I May 29 8 Nov Wilton Gaol Wilton Wilton Wilton Gaol Taunton St Mary Magdalene Wilton Jail Taunton S Mary Magdalene Taunton S Mary No. 307 Magdalene William Gibbet' Wilton No. 308 Samuel Wools Wilton Gaol No. 309 Samuel Maccor-! Wilton No. 310 [mic Martha Edwards Wilton No. n 3 E . T . Halliday 4 months E . T . Halliday Infant br Jany 12 I & ST E . T . Halliday E . T . Halliday E , T . Halliday R . S . Bower E . T . Halliday E . T . Halliday 257 W h e n Buried Age B y whom the Ceremony was performed Wilton May 3 I 38 E . T . Halliday Wilton June 1 9 63 E . T . Halliday Wilton J u l y 31st 22 E . T . Halliday Taunton S* Mary Magdalene Wilton Augt 15 73 E. T . Halliday 9 E . T . Halliday Name Abode Charles Warren No. 312 John B a b b No. 313 Thomas H a y man No. 3 1 4 Hannah Woolfrey No. 315 William Dring No. 316 Henry Southwood No. 317 John Vickery No. 318 William Summerhayes No 319 ElizabethProuse No. 320 1837 Thomas B a k e r l Taunton S Mary Magdalene Wilton Gaol Wilton Wilton Taunton S* Mary No. 321 Magdalene William Quick Taunton No. 322 S James Samuel Gillard Wilton Gaol No. 323 William B r a y Bishops Hull No. 324 Daniel G a y Wilton Gaol No. 325 Henry Quick Wilton No. 326 Charles Budd Wilton No. 327 J a n e Warren Wilton No. 328 s * t h t h Aug* 2 1 s t r Oet 9 9 E . T . Halliday months Oct* i o R, S. Bower t b 62 86 E . T . Halliday Nov* 21 77 E . T . Halliday Feby 12th 48 E . T . Halliday Feby 26 60 E . T . Halliday Nov 20 th t March 7* Henry Bower March 14 25 E . T . Halliday n d 21 E . T . Halliday an Infant 2 years 2 years W. K . Coker Off. Min. H. Barker Office Minister H. Barker April 2 July 4 t h J u l y 30 August 13 a$8 Name Harriett Dummett No. 329 Harriett Dring No. 330 William Mountsteven No. 331 Elizabeth Dring No. 332 Mary Pounsbery Jeboult No. 333 Elizabeth Bond No. 334 James Rogers No. 335 Elizabeth Hill No. 336 Henry Day No. 337 Mary Muliins No. 338 Sarah Hare No. 339 Frances Sutton Abode W h e n Buried Age Wilton August 21 rs 8 mo B y whom the Ceremony was performed Rob* S. Bower 7 y s Wilton August 23 Robt S. Bower Wilton Gaol August 25 Rob 4 S. Bower Wilton August 27 74 H. Barker September 4 19 J a m e s Cottle September 4 77 Rob September 9 45 Robt Taunton S Mary Magdalene Wilton l Wilton Gaol 4 s. Bower S. Bower Henry Barker 5 months Rob* S. Bower Taunton St September 12 11 M. Magdalene) Imonths E . T . Halliday Sep* 18 Wilton 47 E . T . Halliday Oct* 1 0 Wilton 80 E . T . Halliday Taunton St October 1 9 63 Mary No. 346 Magdalene E . T . Halliday Mary Sheppard Wilton October 22 ] 65 No. 341 E . T . Halliday John Hurford Wilton Oct* 2 9 7i No. 342 E . T . Halliday Ann Parrott Wilton Oct* 3 0 * 4 No. 343 Wilton September IO, t h t h nd t h x x !Bumt to death. 259 INDEX OF PERSONS. A. Ackland Ann, 145; Benn 165; Elisabeth, 135, 138, 157; EHzth 165; Isaac, 126, 135; Sarah, 128, 140; Thomas, 128; William, 140; Wm 128. Acland, see Ackland Adams Ann, 75; Anne, 51 j John, 221; Mary, 103; Philip, 138; Robert, 5 1 ; Roberte, 75 ; Sarah, 138, 221; Thomas, 103. Addams, Addames, see Adams Aderlie Elizabeth, 26; Richord, 26; Robert, 26, Adkins Ann, 182; Elizabeth, 182,- Joseph, 182. Adlam John, 246. Adtherlee Widdow, 77. Alderman Marye, 73 ; Fetter, 73 ; Richard, 70, 73. Alford Jane, 112. Allen Ann, 145; Betty, 146; Eliner, 116; Eliz., 119; Hannah, 118; James, 226; J '-> 93 ; Joan, 93 ; John, 116; Mary, 93, 160 ; Samuel, 223.' Susannah, 226 ; Ths 224. ei Allin, see Allen Ambe Elezebeth, 27 ; Philip, 27. Ambrose Eliza Charlotte, 210; Harriet, 210; Joseph, 210. Amory Robert, 245. Andrews Eliz., 114* James, 112 ; John, 30; Mary, 112 ; Richard, 30. Andrewes, see Andrews Andross Elizabeth, 88,113, 125 j Jane, 77 ; John, 88,113, 123,124; Mary, 125; Richard, 77- 260 Atidrowe Elizabeth, i ; Johes, i. Ansell James, 160: Sarah, 160. Aplin Hannah, 96, 141; Henricus, 44; Johana, 44; Jno 96; John, 96; Mary, 9b ; Susan, 225 ; William, 96, 225. Aplen, see Aplin Arberry Abraham, 163, 189; Ann, 203; Elizabeth, 249; Isaac, 183; Jane, 183, 189,197, 207, 215; John, 251; Joseph, 183, 189, 197, 203, 207, 215; Louisa, 207; Mary, 249, 250; Mary Ann, 203 ; Samuel, 197. Arbury, see Arberry Archer James, 126. Armstrong John, 111; Susanna, i l l . Arscott Frances L., 216. Ash Eliza, 231; Eliz., 120; John, 120. Ashdon Ed - > 93; Jane, 93 ; John, 93. Ashelford Joseph, 220; Mary, 220. Atkins Ann, 58, 121, 219, 243; Anna, 198, 224; Anne, 244; Betty, 98, 106, 109, 127 ; Caroline, 247; Eliza, 172; Elizabeth, 117, 222, 223, 163, 172, 178, 206, 255; Hannah, 201 ; Henery, 136, 138, 141, 142 ; Henry, 58,90, 97, 116, 198, 201, 224; Jane, 225, 132; Jane Hannah, 201; Joseph, 90, 97, 98, 99, 106,109 127, 140, 103, 172, 178,233; Louisa, 198 ; Mary, 90, 109 116, 125, 169, 201, 202, 206, 210, 233; Mary Ann, 201, 253; Unity, 97, 98, 99, 106, 140, 150, 222; William, 99. i 7> 133, 177» 202, 244, 254. 2 Atkings, see Atkins Atherley Alice, 52; Ellinor, 24; Ffrances, 7 5 ; Georg, 52; George, 15, 25; James, 25; Joan, 24; Nathaniell, 24, 25; Purnell, 24, 25 ; Richard, 75 ; Richord, 24, 25 ; Robart, 24, 25 ; Robert, 15, 27, 29 ; Winifrid, 27. Atharlye, Atherle, Atherlie, Atherly, Atherlye, see Atherley Ayshley Anasticia, 19; Anna, 19; Edwardus, 19; Robertus, 18. Ashley, Aishiey, see Ayshley Atter Eliz., 119, Aubrry Elizabeth, 186; Jane, 186; Joseph, 186. Autherlie Andreew, 29 ; Christopherus, 20; Elianor, 69; George, 69; Georgius, I9> Richardus, 19. Awtherlye, Awtherlie, Autherlye, see Autherlie 2 0 5 26l Babb Abraham, 232; Ann, 107, 165, 213; Betty, 146; Eliza, 232; George, 171, 209, 234; James, 107, 131 ; John, 109, 146, 171, 180, 186, 209, 217, 234, 257; Maria, 180; Mary, 209, 234; Mary Ann, 244; Robt 22; Sarah, 22, 109, 171, 180, 186, 234; Thomas, 146. Backer John, 131. Bacon Tho., 38 ; William, 130. Badcock Awdry, 2 1 1 ; Bella Mary, 204 ; Bella Remington, 204, 206, 208, 211; Reginald Follett, 208; Robert Gibson, 204, 206, 208, 211; Robert William, 206. Bagbeer Dinah, 164. Bagge Antic, 24; Anstice, 26; Henery, 28, 56; Henrie, 26, 29; Henry, 24; Joan, 29; John, 26, 28, 29; Jone, 56. Bagg, see B a g g e Bailey Charles, 117; Dinah, 1 1 7 ; Elizth., 166; Frances, 117; James, 166; Sarah, 58, 125 ; Willi, 58; William, 117, 125. Baily, see Bailey Baker Agnetn, 46; Amos, 144; Anna, 140; Benjamin, 163; Catherine, 144; Charles, n o ; Christian, 68; Christiana, 43; Christopherus, 4; Eliza, 227; Elizabeth, 160, 225; Grace, 51; Hannah, 163; Harry, 138, 139, 140; Isaac, 126; James, 228 ; Jane, 114, 235; Johana, 2, 46, 63 ; Johes, 1, 2, 4; John, 227, 256; Mary, n o , 113, 116, 173, 215, 228; Richardus, 43 ; Robert, r6o; Robert Hood, 253; Sarah, 116, 131; Seble, 71 ; Susanna, i n ; T., 157, 160; Tamsine, ri; Thomas, n o , 151, 173, 257 ; Thome, 46 ; William, 114, 124; Willius, 11. Bale Bar., 81 ; Bartholomew, 252 ; Charity, 84, 121; Christiana, 47; Elisabeth, 128; Elizabeth, 41, 81, 85, 87, 91; Henry, 93, 125, 126; Joan, 91, 92, 93, 116. 127 ; Joim,4i, 84, 85, Hj, 91, 92, 93, Il6, 125, 126, 129, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142. 143» H4» *45> H > 47> 4 > *49> 169» * ; Mary, 85, 91, 119, 125, 169 ; Richard, 87, 123 ; Robert, 169 ; Robtus, 68; William, 92. 6 J r 8 2 6 Ball Agnes, 50; Agneta, 14; Benj., 137, 142; Elizabeth, 46, 74; Elizabetha, 13; George, 171; Hewgos, i$; Henricus, 14, 66; John, 1 7 1 ; Maria, n , 19, 63; Mary, 147; RacheE, 16, Robt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 43, 44» 45» 4°, 47, 59, 60, 6i, 62, 63 ; Robertas, 12, 14, 15, 46, 63, 66 ; Sarah, 115, 1 7 1 ; Winefred, 50 ; Wynifrida, 12. Ballard Mary, 123. Bamide Hennere, 75. Bamptfield Sarah, 116, 262 Band _ , T r . , Alicia, 12 ; AUisa, 48; Ffrauac, 8, 1(3; Heoricus, n , iz, 48» 64 ; Hemic, 16 , Johnes, 8, 9; Margareta, 66; Robtus, n , 64-, Valintinus, 9. Bande see Band Bandon Johana, 48 ; Richardus, 4 ; Tomasina, 4. Banner Christopher, 49 ; Jane, 49. Barber Marye, 55 ; Willia, 55. Barker A., 246; Alfred, 188 ; H., 211, 257, 258; Henry, 258 ; J. C , 190. Barnes Elisabeth, 139; John, 91, 139; Mary, 91, 125; Thos., 159. Bams, see Barnes Barnstable Francis, 123. Barratt Maria, 217 ; Robert, 217. Barrel Annah, 85; Christian, 113 ; Daniel, 93; George, 126; Mary, 93, 126; Robert, 85, 121. Barrell, see Barrel Barrett Fanny, 194; Jane, 248; Robert, 243; Sarah, 194; Wm., 161. Barrington Henry, 166. Barting Abraham, 153. Bartlet Charles, 166; Elizabeth, 30, 166; Humfrie, 27; James, 152; Jeffry, $8 Joane, 57; Johana, 43 ; John, 25, 52; Leuse, 26; Margaret, 53; Mane, 25 M«7» 38, 54, 74, 152; Phillip, 25, 74; Philip, 30; Rachell, ^ ^obt., 57 Samuel, 166; Susan, 26, 27; Susanna, 25; Thomas, 28; Willia, 2b, 27 William, 25, 28. Barlet, Barlett, Bartlett, see Bartlet Barton John, 80. Bartrm William, 166. Bastin Marie Anne, 211; Marie Anne Emily Beaugnon, 211; Thomas, 211. Baston Mary, 109; Richard, 109; Samuel, 109. Batenbuery Elisabeth, 127. Batt Thomas, 112; Tobitha, 1x2. Batten Anna, 229 ; Henry, 229 ; Wm., 229. 263 Battey Ruth, 143. Batsonn Sarah, 114. Baylie Elizabeth, 51; Robert, 51. Baylis Mary, 114. Baynes Eleanor, 152. Beadon Anne Clarke, 234; Edwards, 234 ; Jane, 118; J. H., 234; Sarah, 117, 118 ; Richard J., 234; R. S., 204 ,• William, 117. Beale Agneta, 61 ; Christiana, 61 ; Elizabetha, 64; Henricus, 61, 62; Johes, 3, 59. Beekam Johana, 44. Bedgood Grace, 167; Saml., 167. Beed John, 157; J . B - , 214. Bellamy Francis, 196; John, 130; Sarah, 196; William, 196. Bennett Agneta, 43, 48 ; An, 53 ; Ann, 109, 199; Charles, 41; Edward, 251; Elezebath, 169 ; Eliza, 206; Elizabeth, 34,41, 192 ; Georgius,48; Hugh, 128 ; James, 216.217,227; Joane, 112; John, 34, 112, i6o; Martha, 217; Mary, 23, 41, 160, 169; Mary Ann, 228, 229,239; Mary Anne, 203; Nicholas, 23 ; Richardus, 43 ; Robert, 192, 250; Sarah, 192, 199, 203, 206, 227, 228, 229, 254; Susanna, 52; Thomas, 52 ; William, 109, 199, 203, 206, 227, 228, 253. Bennat, Bennet, Benett, see Bennett Bere Christian, 69; Mary, 168 ; Thomazin, 69; William B., 200, 234; W , B., 251. Beer, Beere, see Bere Bergood Mary, 132. Berry Anthonius, 7, 63 ; Ann, 89; Edw., 126; Elizabetha, 62; Enoch, 130; George, 87,89; Gualterus, 5, 7, 43; Johes, 5, 12; Margaret, 87,89; Martha, 159; Melinr, 43 ; Thomas, 87 ; Thomasina, 43 ; Willius, 61. Berri, see Berry Besgood Mary, 141: Samuel, 141. Bess Joseph, 184; Mary, 184; William, 184. Best Hannah, 153 ; John, 153 ; Joseph, 179; Mary, i?9- Betts Mary, 116; Robert, 116. ; Bicknell E. J., 228; Isaac, 154; Maryi 246, 264 Bidgood Elisabeth, 95 ; Elizabeth, 92, 93, 94; Frances, 125; George, 92, 93, 94, 95, 141. Hannah, 94, 130; Henry, 95 ; Martha, 94; Samuel, 92; Sarah, 93. Bidggood, see Bidgood Billing Ann, 218; James, 218; John, 218. Bindon Joane, i n ; Joseph, 55; Marie, 55. Binden, see Bindon Binford Hannah, 116; Jeremiah, 116. Bird Christopher, 64; Elizabeth, 219; Gonnett, 47; James, 219; Johana, 64; John, 93, 155 ; Laurence, 47 ; Mary, 93 ; Sarah, 93. Birdd, Birde, see Bird Bisgood Betty, 127; Sarah, 143. George, 129; Hannah', 127, 128; Henry, 128; Samuel, 240; Bishop Anne Oxenham, 174; Mary, 119 ; Sarah, 174. Blackaller Anna, 47 j Christopherus, 47. Blacketaer Christophr, 71. Blackmore Abraham, 94 ; Bartholomew, 30, 35 ; Charlotte, 168 ; Dorothy, 30; Eleanor, 169; Elias, 168, 213 ; Elizabeth, 94, 168; Hanoa, 35; James, 21$; Jane, 213, 215; John, 94: Mary, 93, 119; Nicholas, 93; Richard, 35; Robert, 252; Sarah, 215, Blackemore Blackmoor, see Blackmore Blagden ? Ann, 81; Anne, 37, 42; Benedict, 37 ; Edward, 37 ; John, 37, 42, 79; Mar garet, 37, 42 ; Martha, 37. Blake J.» 251Blancheler Alicia, 46. Blanchflore Georgius, 13; Willius, 13. Blanchflower Elizabeth, 56, Blinman Ames, 34, 57» 78, 80; Allen, 57 ; Eliz., 57. Amos, 56 ; Dorathy, 34, 78 ; Dorothy, 56; Ellianor Bluett Buckland, 165 ; Sarah, 217 ; Sarah Hunt, 229. Blvne Gwilhelimus, 66. Bobie 5 6 6 Agneta, 12, 43, 62; Eliza, 113; Johes, io; Necholaus, 10, 12, 13, 4 > 3» Nicholaus, 11, 13; Margareta, 43; Peternell, 46, 63; Thomas, I I . .Boobie, Bobye, Booby, see Bobie c 26$ Body Samuel, 214. Boit Grace, 139. Bolt Mary. 102, 112, 129; Sarah, 102. Bond Alice, 52, 70; Charles, 225 ; Eliner, 116; Elizabeth, 117, 213, 225,258 ; Esther, 119, 136; George, 147, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 252; GuHelmus, 9; Henrie, $1; Henry, 69, 70; Humphry, 41, 124; Jane, 235; James, 119, 130; Joan, 118, 147, 160, 239; Joane, 69; John, 97, 118, 127; Johnes, 9; Margaret, 70, 126; Margarett, 41,51; Mary, 97, 112, 118, 130, 145, 149, 200; Mary Jane, 200 ; Nicholas Selvanus, 200; Rachell, 41; Robt., 235 ; Sarah, 98,116 ; Thomas, 149. Bonde, Bonn, see Bond Bonner Eliz., 113 ; Johanna, 234. Bookthought Richard, 128. Boone Alice, 70; Ann, 119; Jane, 51. Born Richard, 102. Bororin Ann, 125. Borowe Catherina, 8; Johanna, 8, 61; Willius, 7, 8, 61. Borrowe, see Borowe Bossell Elizabeth, 156. Bosson Sarah, 129. Boston Betty, 103; Richerd, 103 ; Sarah, 103. Bottell Elizabeth, 154. B o vet John Hayne, 144; Richard, 80; Sarah, 144. Bouett, see B o v e t Bowbeer James, 232. Bowdon John, 22, 52, 71. Bower H., 187, 200; Hemy, 230, 231, 234, 235, 245, 246, 253,254,257, R., 2s 1; Robt. S. 199, 200,210, 211, 229, 232, 233, 258; R . S., 206, 2x0, 251,253, 254, 255, 2 S6, 257; Robert Smith, 225, 227. Bowerman Esther, 136; Henry, 136. Bowin Benjamin, n 6 j Sarah, 116. 266 Bowne Christopherus, 6; Dorithia, 47 ; Henricus, 6 ; Henrie, 70; Jobnes, 47 ; M*rgareta, 44; Robtus, 59; Willius, $, 6. Johana, 5, 6, 46 Bowring Agneta, 45 ; Mary, 123. Bowringe, see Bowring Boyer Ffraunc, 8. Boys Elizabeth, n o ; Octavia Harvey, n o ; William Hemy, no. Bradbeer Betty, 90; Elizabeth, 174, 206, 208; George, 181; Henry James, 206; James, 105, 106, 108, 109, no, 164, 174, 181, 187, 206 ; Jane, 105, 106, 108, 109, no, 174,181,187; John, 90; Margaret, 90, 118 ; Mary Ware, 108; Sarah, 187; William, 208 ; William Warr, 105. Brad bear, Bradber, Bradbere, Bradbier, see Bradbeer Braddey Mary, 130. Bradley Wm., 153. Bradney Jos, 245. Bradripp Alice, 73 ; Christopher, 73. Bradrippe, see Bradripp Bragg Hannah, 119; Thos., 119. Brailey Hannah, 103; William, 103. Branfield Maria, 236. Bray Ann, 42; Anne, 40; Betty, 152; Charles, 201; Charlotte Jane, 203; Edwin James, 206; Elizabeth, 190, 193, 195, 198, 201, 203, 206, 210, 221, 250; Elizabeth Ann, 193; Emma, 210; Geo., 42, 119; Hannah, 98, 132; Harriet Brooks, 190; Henry, 195; Jane, 40, 160, 254; James, 190, 193, 195, 198, > 203, 206, 210, 221, 255; John, 98; Joseph, 42; Josephus, 40; Margaret, 119; Revd., 130; Richard, 160, 255; Thomas, 98, 130, 145 ; William, 257. 2 0 I Brayly Wm., 135. Brevitt Thomas, 247. Brewer Ann, 184; Charles, 184; Jane, 103; Thomas, 103 ; William, 225. John, 184; Mary, 103; Sarah, 225; Briar Margaret, 54 ; Richard, 54. Brice Agneta, 46; Elizabeth, 192; Joane, 51; John, 50, 51, 67, 69, 71, 119; Lucres, 69; Lucris, 50; Mary, 1925 Mrs., 119, 130; William, 156. Bridges Betty, 130. 26y Bridle ^Ffrances, 58, i n . Brinsmead Richard, 55 ; Tanson, 55. Bristow Ann, 51. Broadmead Ann, 128; Eliz., 38, 39, 41, 119; Grace, 131; Joan, 39, 126; Jno 4 1 ; John, 3 » 39» 41, 84, 126, 129; Martha, 38; Rebeaca, 84; Rebeckah, 41. 8 Broadmeade, Broudmead, see Broadmead Broadway Elizabeth, 129. Brooks Ann, 241 ; Anne, 253; Charles, 206, 256; Elizabeth, 219, 221; Fanny, 98; Hannah, 119, 132, 160; Harriet, 180, 221, 233, 236; Jacob, H 9 ; James, 129; John, 99, 221, 247; Joseph, 97, 98, 99, 102, 129, 140, 206, 236; Mary, 97, 98, 99, 140, 152, 156, 206, 255; Mary Ann, 175, 236; Nancy, 158; Rebecca, 136; Samuel 98, 146, 160, 214 ; Sarah, 162, 167, 172, 175, 180, 233, 254 ; Thomas, 97, 152, 162, 172, 175, 180, 252; William, 97, 128. Brookes, see Brooks Broom ALUs, 1 1 2 ; Francis, 112; Mary, 168: Sarah, 168. Broome, see Broom Bross Francis, 107 ; John, 107 ; Sarah, 107. Brown 117; Sarah, i59;*Th'omas,"22o\ Browne, see Brown Brownjohn Mary, 118. Browning Joan, 217 ; Susanna, 169. Bruer Joan, 75. Bruford Alexander, i n 5 Andw., 230 ; Joane, i n . Brufford, see Bruford Brush James, 112; John, 136; Mary, 112, 118. Bryant Agnes, 1 5 1 ; Anne, 115, 124; E . , 217; Elisabeth, 136, 138,* Eliza, 113; Elizabeth, 213 ; Hugh, 122 ; James, 123, 127, 136, 138; Jane, 122; Jonathan, 113 ; John, 38, 121, 126; Mary, 114, 122, 228. Bryer Ellen Elizabeth, 210; John, 210; Maria, 210; Nicholas, 155; Sarah, 155. Buary Charlotte, 224, 268 Bucey Hannah, 118; Mary, 119J Nehemiah, 119. Buck] and Mary, 127. Bucknell Sarah, 23s J W. D., 235. Buckthorp Mary, 129, Budd Charles, 209, 257; Charlotte, 106, 246; Eleanor, 152; Elizabeth, 106, 189, 225; Elizebeth, 218; Fanny, 98, 152; Hannah, 240; Harriet, 108, 240; Harriott, 189; Henry, 197 ; James, 181, 253 ; Jane, 105,106, 107,108, 109,173, 176, 181, 249 j Johana, 45; John, 102, 107, 152, 200; Mariah, 109; Mary, 49, 161, 163; Nancy, 105; Robert, 98, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 130, 173, 176, 181, 197, 200, 204, 209, 222; Sarah, 102, 130, 161, 176; Susanna, 173; Unity, 197» 200, 204, 209, 222 ; William, 103. Bud, see Budd Buddie Mary, 168; William, 168. Bulford Georg, 53; Tamsan, 53. Bulgin Maria, 228. Bulpin Jane, 226. Bult Agnes, 68, 69; Anna, 63; Anne, 10; Johane, 49; Elinore, 49 ; George, 68; Georgius, 10, 11, 63, 70; Johana, 1 1 . Bulte, see Bult Bunch Agneta, 9; Georgius, 9. Buncombe Christiner, 33 ; Christo, 81; Christopher, 31, 79; Christover, 30; Eleanor, 121; Elizabeth, 33, 78; Hannah, 115 ; James, 81; Jane, 118, 233; Jn» 81; John, 31, 81, 122, 123; Lydia, 155; Maria, 159; Mary, 81; Richard, 155, 162; Robert, 159:31,81; Samll., 81 ; Sarah, 216; William, 118, 233; William Pring, 241. Bunckcombe, Bunckom, Bunkcomb, Buncomb, see Buncombe Bunter Betty, 96; Joan, 130, 137; Sarah, 95, 96; Thomas, 95, 129; Thos 96,137- B urges Ales, 67; An, 74; Ane, 21; Anna, 18; Eliza, 107, 109; Elizabeth, 52, 109; Ffrances, 23; George, 16; Jane, 51; Jhoan, 53; Johana, 46; Johane, 16; Johannes, 20; John, 21, 23, 25, 26, 74, 107; Margaret, 71 j Margarett, 70; Peregrine, 26 ; Robert, 25, 68, 75 ; Robertas, 18; Thoma, 18 ; Thomas, 15,10, 20, 51, 70, 71, 75; Wilmoth, 50; Zacariah, 109, Burgis, see Burges Burgesse Anna, 18 ; Thoma, 18. Burnel Edward, 130; Elizabeth, 160,161. Burnett, see Burnel 269 Burridge Tanson, 55; Wm., 226. Burrows Ann, 93; Elizabeth, 168 j James, 93; Joan, 167; Mary, 93; Richard, 131. Burrow, see Burrows Burch Mary, 235; Robert, 23$. Burcher Catherine, 129; John, 129; Mrs., 126; Thomas, 128. Burgam Mary, 119, 126. Burgum, see Burgam Burman Elizabeth, 117. Burnett James, 219. Burston Ann, 184, 202; Elizabeth, 157; Jane, 179j Joane, 113; John, 113, 179, 184, 202; Joseph, 184; Mary, 1795 Richard, 179; Samuel, 202; William, 157, 244. Burt Stephen, 126. Burton Dinah, 164; Marie, 56 j Sarah, 222; Thomas, 164, 251, Burten, see Burton Bussell Betsey, 228; Frances, 108; Harriet, 107; Jane, 104; John, 113; Mary, 107, 108, 113, 228; Richard, 104, 107, 108; William, 104. Bussel, see Bussell Buston Ann, 173, 191; Charles, 171; Fanny, 229; Frances, 224; Jacob, 186, 245; Jane, 173, 229; John, 173, 191; Kezia, 175; Keziah, 241; Mary, 171, 17$, 186; Richard, 171, 175, 186; Sarah, 191; Thomas, 248; William, 133, 248. Butler Harriet, 226 ; Ruth, 126. Buttle Anna, 148; Grace, 98; Joan, 94; John, 98, 185; Mary, 185, 219; William, „ 94» 135. Butell, Buttel, Buttell, see Buttle Byss Elizabeth, 57; Lawrence, 57. c Cabell J., 252 j John, 245 j William, 143. Cabbell, see Cabell Cad Elizabeth, 24; James, 24. 2?0 aC ^ AMee, 126; Elis., ioo; Elisabeth, 100, 147; Eliz., 36; Elizabeth, 79, 85,88, 117, 118; Jacobus, 18, 19; James, 25, 68, 72, 73» 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, ioo, 128, 129, 147, 150, 156, 243 ; Maria, 18; Marie, 29, 68; Martha, 90; Mary, 57, 88, 91, 125, 129; Samuell, 19; Sarah, 85,87, 88, 89, 90, 91; Simon, 29, 36, 77, 79, 85, 123 ; Symon, 30; Thomas, 25, 73, 88; William, 126. Caines Elizabeth, 250. Callar Anne, 241; Betty, 164; Henry, 164. Caller, see Callar Callard Ann, 174; Caroline, 192; Elizabeth, 215; Fanny, 172 ; George, 172, 174, iea, 188, 192, 194, 215, 250; Harriett, 182; James, 188, 246; Jane, 179» ' Joanna, 133; John, 216, 243; Marianne, 179; Mary, 172, 174, 182, 192, 194, 215 ; Robert, 179, 215, 216 ; Thomas, 194. 2 1 b Callerdj see Callard Callew Mary, 121. Callow Elizabeth, 41; Hen., 81; Henry, 41, 81, 122; Joan, 81; Marg" 81; Margaret, 41. Callowe, see Callow Calway Betty, 159; Elisabeth, 143; William, 139, 143. Calwey, see Calway Calysont Mary, 56. Cambell Eliz., 114; William, 114. Camplin Mary, 128. Cane Robert, 115; Rose, 115. Cann Ann, 102; Betty, 97, 103; Eliz., 94; Eliztbi63; James, 94; John, 97, 139; Sarah, 97, 103, 130,139 ; Stephen, 104 ; William, 105 ; Wm 94. Can, see Cann Caperne Anna, 19; Thoma, 19. Capon Edith, 168,169; Jane, 168; John, 116; Mary, 168,169; Sarah, 116. Carde Christopherus, 48; Maria, 48; Mary, 565 Simon, 56. Carnell Hariet, 231. Carpender Darrity, 57. Carswell Thamsene, 49; Williame, 49. Carter Betty n o ; Elizabeth, 116,178; Isaac, n o , 232; Mary Ann, 232; Richard, n6; Thomas, 110» 178, 7 271 Carvanell Elizabeth, 48; EHzabethe, 17; Gorge, 16; Robertas, 15; Thomas, 15, 16, 48 William. 17. Carvaniell, Carvaniel, Carvaniele, see Carvanell Carver Emily, 210; Harriet, 210; Harriet Ellen, 210; Richard, 210. Casley Elizabeth, 125. Caswell Dinah, 142; Elizabeth, 125; Mary, 220. Catell Ann, 156. Cates Syseley, 49. Cattle Betty, 130; Eliza, 109; Isaac, 161; Mary, 1095 Sarah, 149; William, 109. Cattal, see Cattle Cattler Hen., 41; Joan, 41; Mary, 41. Catts Ann, 95; Benjamin, 95 ; William, 95. Cawley Charles, 95 ; Mary, 95; Sarah, 136; William, 95 ,* Willm 136. Cawly, see Cawley Cenneck Anna, 64. Chaffey Charles, 139; Jane, 242; Rennole, 28. Chafe, see Chaffey Challender Ann, i n . Chambers Alicia, 46 j Ann, 219; Johes, 46, Champante Eliza, 229 ; Fanny J., 229; Jacob J., 229; Louisa, 229; Mary, 229; Sophia, 229 ; W . , 229; William Joggett, 255. Champion Robart, 73. Channing Anna, 118 ,• Jane, 156; Mary, 117; Peter, 117, 118. Channon Mary, 136; Thos 136. Chaple John, 36, 38, 81; Jno 38; Mary, 38; William, 38. Chaplen Thomas, 63. Chapman Anne, 125; Catherine, 122; Charlotte, 232; Francis, 151; John, 117, 151; Mary, 117, 151, 153, 228; Thos 153. Chappell Elizabeth, 168; Richd 142. Chappie, see Chappell 2J2 Chard Ann, 127; Esther, 119; Hester, 87; Jane, 119; Jno 119; Joan, 88, 126; Joane, 85, 87; John, 84, 85, 87, 88, 125, 126, 235; Mary, 88, 124, 128 ,* Sarah, 235; Thos 127; William, 84; Willm 126. Charter Thos M., 221. Chave Charlotte, 224; Elizabeth, 162, 165; William, 224. Chedington Henry, 130. Chedy Mary, n6. Cherry Jno 127 ; John, 96. Chester Sarah, 58, h i . Chick Charles, 216; Sarah, 216, 228, Chilcot Alice, 56; Als, 76; Annis, 142; Elianor, 114; George, 161; John, 28, 56, 76; May, 146; Richd 138. Chilcott, Chillcott, see Chilcot Chipcott Mary, 157 ; Thomas, 157. Chipman Betty, 91; Mary, 91; Miriam, 117; Thomas, 91. Chivers Susanna, 219. Chorley James, 155 ; Jane, 155; Mary, 143 ; Sarah, 222, 225. Chuck Charles, 233; Elizabeth, 233. Chudleigh John, 229. Churchill Geo., 41; Mary, 41, 121. Churchhill, see Churchill Cibly Edward, 112; Joane, 112. Claek Emelia, 180; Mary, 180; Samuel, 180. Clapp Charlotte, 181, 182; F . H., 177,213, 242; Francis Hunt, 153 ; James, 104,10$; John, 104; Mary Ann, 181; Susanna, 104, 105; William, 181, 182. Clark Aaron, 118; Ann, 81, 167; Benjamin, 81; Betty, 160; Eliza Ann, 209; Elizabeth Anna, 207; Hannah, 118, 256; Harriet, 207, 209; Henry, 253 > James, 224; Joane, 51; John, 81; Maria, 236; Mary, 224; Sarah, H»J Thomas, 207, 209; Willm 118. Clarke, see Clark Clash James, 188; Jane, 188, 224. 273 Clatworthy Margareta, 48; Sarah, 142. Cleake Justina, 48. Cleeve Joan, 119 ; Thos 119. Cleft Elizabeth, 115; Thomas, 115. Clement Ann, 28; Charlotte, 228; Christian, 31; Debora, 29; Deborah, 77; Elisebeth, 28 ; Elizabeth, 29 ; John, 28, 29, 31, 77. Clemment, see Clement Clements Ann, 164; Elizabeth, 184, 187, 223, 228; Jane, 184; Jane Studley, 223 John, 223 ; Sarah, 187, 223 ; Thos 164; William, 184, 187, 249. Clemments, see Clements Clerk Harriett, 227 ; Thomas, 227. Click Ann, 177; George, 181, 243; James, 175, 239; John, 177, 242; Sophia, 175, 181, 183, 245; Thomas Arthur, 183,244; William, 175, 177, 181, 183,256. Cliffe Harriett Salome, 188; L . A . , 187, 188, 232, 233, 246; Lieutt Genl Walter, 241; Loftus A . , 221; Loft us Anthony, 188; Sabme, r88. Clist _ Hannah, 227. Clitsome Honour, 128; John, 132; Susannah, 244, Clitsom, see Clitsome Clockford Joan, 119. Clodge Fransis, 28; Thomas, 28. Clold, see Clodge Clog Ffraunces, 29; Ffrancis, 55; Frances, 76; Margaret, 30; Thomas, 29, 30, 55, 76; William, 76. Clogg, see Clog Cloutter Anne, 86; Eliz., 87; Eliza., 86; John, 86, 87. Ciutsom Mary, 141; Thomas, 141. Clutter Elisabeth, 126. Cockes Christopher, 55 ; Joane, 55 ; Lateren, 55 ; Susanna, 117. Cocks, Cocx, see Cockes Cogan Ann, 149; B-'tt? 149; Eliz., 102, 112; Hannah, i o i , 151; Henerey William, 102; Jane, 97, 101; John, 112, 250; Mary, 158; Page, 101; Ruth, 97, 149; Sanford, 149; Willliam, 143, 151, 158; Willm 147; Wm 97, 101,102,143, 145. Coggen, see Cogan 274 Coker W . K . , 242, 256, 257; Walter K . , 197 ; Walter King, 202, 253, 254« Cokera Joane, 56, Cole Alice, 56; Amy, 107; Elianor, 50; Gyles, 36; Jane, 50; John, 36; Louisa, 107; Marie, 36; R., 102; Robert, 50. Coleman Ann, 160; Eliz., 119; Joan, 125; John, 221; Robert, 221; Sarah, 221. Colman, see Coleman Coles Aaron, 159; Agnes, 127 ; Ann, 182 ; Claressa, 221; Clarissa, 191; Edword, 130; George, 95; Jane, 255; Joan, 119; Joseph, 107; Leah, 95; Louisa Mary, 222; Martha, 107; Mary, 119, 221, 224 j Mary Ann, 191, 221; Nany, 130; Sarah, 107, 182, 218 ; William, 191, 221. Colickles John, 26; Mary, 26 ; Tamsen, 26. Colin Eliz., 119; Jonathan, 119. Coll Katherina, 14b. Collard Ann, 90, 147 ; Betty, 91, 104,105, 130; Charlotte, 199; Edward, 89 ; Elizabeth, 104, 109, 160, 256; Elizabeth Charity, 156; Fanny, 203, 232; Frances Ann, 156; George, 107, 109, 110, 178, 186, 199,210; Isabella, 130; James, 104, 130; Jane, 104; Jdith., 54; Job, 210; John, 89, 105, 107, 132; Joseph, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 114; Mary, 8$, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 107, 109, no, 114, 119, IS7> 178, 186, 199, 210; Mary Ann, 110,178,; Richard, n o ; Selina, 203 ; Tristram, 77 ; Tristram, 75 ; William, 86; Willm 92. Colard, Collerd, see Collard Colliford John, 117 ; Mary, 117. Collington Dorothy, 56. Collins Bernard, 81; Edetha, 62; Gwilhelimus, 66; James, 112; J ana, 58; Jane, i n ; Johana, 6; John, 153; Jone, 49; Katherina, 46; Mary, 112; Thomas, 58, 61, 62, i n ; Thome, 5, 6, 8, 61; Valingtinus, 65 ; Valintinus, 5, 46; Willius, 8, 65. Colmer Alice, 30; J,, 156, 160; John, 156,157, 158, 159; Nicholis, 30; Phillipp, 30. Comb Ann, 91; Anne, 88, 115; George, 94; Matthew, 94; Sarah, 91. Joan, 94; John, 88, 91, 94» "5 J Combe, see Comb Comber Charles Thomas, 194; H. G. W., 194, 249, 251; Henry, 194; Hester, 194; Thomas, 169; Thos 191; Thos B. Comber, 193. Comer Agries, 29; Agnis, 28; Allis, 31; Bridgett, 33; Elezabeth, 32; Mary, 28; Nicholas, 28, 32 j Nicholis, 29; Nicholas, 31; Nicollas, 33. Commer, see Comer 275 Commens Ann, 104,125; Hannah, 104; James, 251 ; Jane, 38,125; Joanna, 156; Robert, 104; Roger, 38, 81; Sarah, 104, 221. Comens, Commins, Commons, Comons, Comyns, see Commens Conybear Elk,, 93, 94; John, 10$ ; Sam, 93; Saml 93; Sarah, 105; Thomas, 136,142; Thoa 94; William, 105. Conebeer, Coneybear, Conybeare, Conybeer, see Conybear Cood John, 217. Cook Ann, 105; Charles, 225; Christopher, 118; Claressa, 221; Henry, 144; Jane, 22$; Mary, 105; Ruth, 58; Sarah, 118; Susanna, 152; Tho,, 105; William, 152. Cooke, see Cook Cookesley Charlotte, 232 ; Elisabeth, 92; Eliz., 126; Jane, 92; Martin, 232. Cooksley, see Cookesley Coolme John, 90; Peter, 90, Coombes Joan, 137. Coome Ann, 89, 125; John, 89; Richard, 89. Cooper Ann, 106, 107; Joan, 118; Margaret, 116; Mary, 107; Philip, 124; William, 106, 107. Cope James, 139. Copham William, 236. Coram Robt 81. Cordwent Elizabeth, 196, 219, 222; Jane, 219; John, 219; Mary, 112; Robt 165; Samuel, 196, 222; Thomas, 141, 196. Corfield John, 220; Sophia, 220. Corkin Agneta, 2; Johannes, 2. Cornish Betty, 99,100, 146; Eliz., 94; Grace, 144; Hannah, 94, 95, 96, 119, 127, 153; Joan, 55 ; John, 9$, 99,153 ; Joseph, 117; Margaret, 103; Mary, 95, 117, 15 » Mary Ann, 220; Ruth, 119; Saml 94, ioo, 126; Samuel, 95, 96, 99, 100, 119, 131, 144, 146, 169; Sarah, 95; 96, 169, 234; William, 117. 2 Corrick Charlotte,'214; Jane, 158; John, 158; Mary, 220; Sarah, 163; William, 158, 163, 220. Corrich, Corrock, see Corrick Cosin Dorothy, 124. 276 Cote Catherine, 143» Cotter Betty, 131; Mary, 245. . Cotterell Deborah, 222 ; James, 222, 229; Richard, 72, Cottrell, see Cotterell Cottle Betty, 131; James, 258. Couch Elizebeth, 138 ; James, 138. Counsel William, 31, 75. Counsell, see Counsel Cournye Roger, 73. Courtney Agnes, 51; Elianor, 69; Elinor, 48; Elizabeth, 70; Ezecbell, 15; EzechieU, 51, 70; Georgius, 19; Johanna, 18; Johannes, 19, 48; Johes, 18; John, 15» 69 ; Johne, 67 ; Sarah, 136 ; Thomas, 74. Coortney, Coourtney, Courtnye, see Courtney Cousins Ann, 232; Harriette Eliza, 226 ; Jane, 147; Walter Page, 226. Cox Ann, 247; Elisabeth, 127 j Elizabeth, 118; Jane, 118; Jerome, 16; John, 17; Maria, 49 ; Robert, 165 ; Sarah, 119; Willm 156. Coxe, see C o x Cranklin Ann, 125, Craven Francis, 106, 164; Susanna, 106, 164. Credell Mary, 101, 129; Sarah, 101. • Credimham Jeromy, 57 ; Mary, 57. Creed Agneta, 5, 60; Johana, 10, 61; Maria, 44, 65; Necholaus, 10, 6$ ; Rabige, 8 ; Willius, 5, 8, 44, 60, 61, 64. Creede, see Creed Cregoe Jn° 243. Crempe Margerie, 73. Crescet Thomas, 125. Crettchett Johana, 44; Larencius, 44. Criddle Ann, 93, 94 99, 127; Eliz., 94. Eliza, 232; Elizabeth, 117; Harriett, 229; James,^117 ; John, 93, 94, 99; Mary, 94; Robert, 229; Sarah, 99 > Wfflm 93- Cndle, Cnddell, see Criddle 277 Cridge Charles, 200; James, 189, 252; Sarah, 189, 200, 203, 219 ,• William, 200, 203. Cridland Betty, 105 ; Elisabeth, 146 ; George, 146; lonh, 105 ; John, 50; Joice, 50. Crimpe Gulihelmus, 59 ; Johana, 44 ; Margeria, 48; Thomas, 59 ; Willius, 59. Crymp, see Crimpe Crime Christiana, 45, Crispin Elisabeth, 142. Crocker Elizabetha, 48 j Joan, 147 ,- John, 246. Crook Eliza, 133 j Jane, 109; Johana, 48; John, 109; Thomas, 48, 109. Crooke, see Crook Cross Agis, 70; Alicia, 20; Ann, 73; Aunstice, 51; Anstic, 73; Antic, 73 ,* Charitas, 19; Charitie, 70; Eliz., 113; Elizabeth, 66, 150; Georg, 73,* George, SI, 75 ; Georgius, 20 j Gulihelmus, 11; Hannah, 161; Henry, 121; James, 123 ; Jas N „ 230; Johana, 43; Johes, H, 63 j John, 150; Mary, n8,126; Robart, 73 5 Samuel, 118, 127; Sarah, 112; Tansyn, 15; Thomazin, 70; Thomazina, 191 William, 73. Crose, Crosse, see Cross Crost Damoris, 54; Richard, 54. Crudge Charlotte, 178; James, 178, 183, 185, 186; Jane, 183; Richarda, 52; Sarah, 178, 183, 185, 186; William, 185. Cudbee Robert, 77. Cudd Simon, 129. Cuff Helen, 55. Culverwell Betty, 87, 140; Elizabeth, 90; George, 88, 112; Hannah, 89, 137, 231; Henry, 231 ,- Hugh, 89; Jane, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90; Mary, 86, 124, 127; Sarah, 93, "2, "7, 123 J Stephen, 89, 126; William, 86, 87, 88, 89, 140; Wm o. 9 Culluerwell, see Culverwell Cumings Ann, 156 j Richard, ,97 ; Robert, 156; Sarah, 97. Cummins, see Cumings Cure Jane, 54. Curlteny Annes, 71. Curnow Andrew, 217 ; Joan, 217. Curry Ann, 220. Curtis Mary, 198; Patience, 153; Richard, 198, 250. 278 D Dadd Jane, 114; John, 114. Dammett Charlotte, 195 ; John, 195 ; Robert, 195. Danger Robert, 149, 158; Sarah, 149. Daniell Margarett, 51. Dansey W., 158. Darbey Charlotte, 105; Edward Thomas, 109; Jane, 106; John, 104,130; Mary, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109, n o ; Samuel, n o ; Sarah, 104; Tarpey, 103; Tarpy, 104, Thorp, 105; Thorpe, 106; Torpe, 104, 109; Torpie, n o . Darb, Darbe, Darby, see D a r b e y Dare Ann, 91, 107, 112; Anne, 115; Charles, 107; Joan, 117; John, 98, "2; Jno 98; Mary, 118; Richard, 91, 115,* William, 107, 118. Dark Edward, 96; James, 96; Martha, 96. Dascombe Ann, 226; Maria, 226. Dauson Eleanor, 87 ; John, 87. Davey Ann, 105, 106, 108; Anne, n o ; Betty, 106, n o ; Charles, 226; Diana, 103, 159, 181, 208, 250; Elizabeth, 163, 173; Elizabetha, 57; Francis, 10»; Hannah, 173; Elizabeth Harriet, 173; James, 105, 204, 208; Johannes, 57 5 John, 106, n o , 130, 150, 232; Luke, n o ; Maria, 181;.Mark, n o ; Mary, 132, 204, 208, 222; Mary Anne, n o ; Mary Jane, 204 ; Nicholas, 154; Samuel, 242 ; Sarah, 103, 150, 154, 216, 247 ; Thomas, 108 ; Thomas Melchisedec, 108; William, 103, 105, 106, 108, 159, 173, 181, 254; Willm n o . Dave, Davie, Davy, see D a v e y David Anthony, 36; Antonius, 7; Eliz., 36"; Elizabetha, 36; Jana, 36; Jo., n » Johannes, 36; John, 36; Rogerus, 36. Davis Alee, 35; Betty, 176; Catherine, 115; Elisabeth, 35, 127, 135; Francis, 159 J Hannah, 116; Henry, 57,159; Job, 176 ; John, 35, 53, 126, 176 ; Mary, 57,159» 172; Roger, 115; Susanna, 53; Valentine, 159; William, 172. Dauis, Davies, see Davis Daw Ann, 95; Elisabeth, 95 5 George, 156; Grace, 117; Joanna, 156; Jonas, 95? Margena, 48; Sarah, 93; Thomas, 117. Dawe, see D a w Dawley Margeria, 48 5 Rogerus, 48. 279 Day Henry, 258; Robert, 231. Deacon Betty, 95; Elianor, 72; Fanny, 95, 135; James, 95, 135; Mary, 57; William, 72. <... Deane Joane, 44 j Johana, 46; Temprance, 52. Deanne, see D e a n e Dearing James, 156. Delemar Ann, 92 ; Willm g . 2 Deling Mary, 116. Denham Ann, 139; Blackmore, 97; Henry, 139; Margaret, 111; Sarah, 97. Denman William, 143. Denmead Elijah, 142; Sarah, 142. Dennis Jane, 115; Jasper, 157; John, 115; Susannah, 157. Densheine Maria, 47. Deway Maria, 58; Thomas, 58. Dey m Ann, 139. Diamond John, 100; Sarah, 100, 101; William, 101, Dibble Betty, 100; Martha, 101; Mary, 100,101; Richard, 100. Dicker Mary, 118, Dickin . John. 159 »* Sophia, 159. Dickson A . M., 102 j Anna Maria, 102; Jean, 102; M., 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156; Mich., 151, 153, 154, 156; Michael, 102; Michl 102, 154. Digence Alice, 36; Bridgett, 36; Daniell, 36. Diggens Daniel, 127; Rachel, 128. Dight Ann, 117; Betty, 136, 165; Edward, 136; Samuel, 136; William, 117. Dillicat Sarah, 153, Dimond Ann, 198, 202; William, 198. Anne, 194; Grace, 141; John, 194; Dimind, Dimon, see Diraond Robert, 194, 198, 202; 28o Dingle Elizabeth, 175; John, 175 Dinham Ada, 55; Elizabeth, 117; Johana, 43; Julian, 55; Robtus, 43; Sarah, nS. Dinim, see Dinham Dinster Anna, 129; Elizabeth, 154; William, 154. Dix Eliz., 121. Doble Elisabeth. 135; James, 138; John, 126, 135; Mary, 225. Dodderidge Mary, 166. Dodsworth w., 235. Dolling Ann, 119; Betty, 91; Charity, 86; Eliz., 84; Elizabeth, 90; Elizbth 91; EJntr, 57; Joane, 112; Mary, 85, 86, 88, 122, 123; Richard, 57; Robert., 90, 91; Tamsin, 91; Thos 119; William, 84, 85, 86, 88, 90. Dollen, Dollin, see Dolling Dominy John, 248, Dommett Caroline, 192; Charlotte, 192, 205 ; Elizabeth, 205, 231; George James, 205 ; Harriet, 205; Harriett, 258; Hephzibah, 218; John 192, 205; Robert, 255; Samuel, 205. Dummett, see D o m m e t t Doran Sophia, 235. Dorson John, 85; Thomas, 85. Dosson Betty, 130; Elizabeth, 154; George, 154; Thoa 129. Doston George, 130. Doudny John, 150; Sarah, 150. Down Ann, 149; Charles, no, 171, 239; Elizabeth, n o , 244; Sarah, no, 171, 239. Downs Ann, 100; Sarah, 100. Drake Amelia, 231; Elizabeth Charity, 156; Henry Samuel, 231; Mary, 112; Richard, J12; William, 156. Dring Betty, 106; Elizabeth, 177, 236, 258; Elizth ^ 3 ; Harnett, 182, 258; Jane Curtcis, 189; John, n o , 167, 174, 177, 182, 189, 193, 195, 198, 236; Mary Ann, 236; Matilda, 193; Sally, n o ; Sarah, 110, 167, 174, 177, 182, 189, 19.3» 19S, 198; Simon, 106; Stephen, 106, 131, 163, 198, 240; William, 195, 240, z 57' Drygs Gyllion, 52. 281 Dryuer Robertus, 66. Duck Elizabeth, 230; James, 230; James A . , 230. Duckett John, 254. Dudwell Thomas, 9. Duning Joane, m ; Nicholas, 1 1 1 . Dunn Betty, 97, 98, 154; Daniel, 195; Elizabeth, 219; Fanny, 232; Frances, 211; .Henry, 193, 194. James, 97, 194, 219; James Bragg, 195; Jane, 211; John, IS4; Mary, 194, 195 . Samuel, 97, 98, 193, a n , 232; Sarah, 193 j William, 98. Duns Hannah, 100 • Thomas, roo; William, ioo. Dunsford Charlotte Ann, 230 j Maria, 230; William Henry, 230. Dunster Betty, 100; Elezbath, 129,- Hannah, 99, 124, 14s; Martha, 155; Robert, 99, 129; William, 99, 129,145; Wm 100. Durk Eliz., 119; Elizabeth, 162; Elizth 162; Francis, 162; Henry, 162; Susannah, 120. Durck, see Durk Durnes James, 226. Dursey John, 136. Durston Agnes, 70; Agneta, 44, 47, 65; Alice, 50; Alicia, n ; Ann, 26, 28, 56, 176; Anna, 14, 20; Anne, 25, 26, 52; Aunstice, 51 ,* Anstina, 13; Betty, 127, 128; Charles, 128; Christen, 24; Christian, 21, 28, 52, 57, 79; Christiana, 43, 60; Christo, 1, 2 ,* Christoforus, 48; Christopher, 16, 24, 44, 72, 90, 91, 92, 127; Christopheras, 59, 63; Christopler, 76; Crasey, 90; Crecy, 90, 91; Cressy, 128; Cresy, 92; Dorothea, 19; Dorothy, 22, 56; Elener, 28; Elenor, 53; Elezabeth, 32; Elianor, 50; Elinor, 61,* Elinore, 16; Elis., 92, 97, 129; Elisa beth, 127, 148; Eliz., 93, 119; Elizabeth, 22, 25, 27, 40, 52, 91, 154; Elnor, 7i; Ffraunsiscus, 48; Ffrances, 30; Francisca, 20; George, 86, H 9 , 142; Georgius, 14 ; Grace, 49; Gulielmus, 18 ; Hanna, 27; James, 204 ,* Jana, 9, 64, Jane, 27, 50, 52; Joan, 25, 26, 74, 89, 125, 127; Joane, 26, 27, 30, $0, 68, 86 ; jobm, 34; Joham, 68; Johana, I, 2, 10, 45, 47, 59, 63; Johanes, 15; John, 26, 78, 86, 89, 93, 122, 126, 127, 200; Jone, 34; Mare, 28,* Maria, 18; Marie, 23, 49 • Mary, 17, 24, 25, 56, 73, 91, 127, 141, 176, r82, 186, 191, 200, 204, 214; Marya, 9,* Morganus, 63; Nan, 48; Rabidge, 59; Rachel, 26: Ralfe, 23; Riccardus, 14 ,* Richard, 92, 97; Richardus, 66; Robart, 22, 23, 24, 70; Robarte, 16, 17; Robert, 15, 21, 27, 28, 70, 72, 78, 79; Robertus, 10, 11, r2, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 48, 64, 65, 66; Robrt 52; Robtus, 47; Ruth, 91, 126; Samuel, 176, 182, 186, 191, 200, 204, 214; Sarah, 29, 30, 58, 191; Tamosina, 65; Tamsafi, 53; Tamsen, 27; Tamsine, 48; Tho., 81; Thomas, 13, 21, 22, ?3, 25, 27, 30, 34, 45, 50, 52, 68, 71, 73, 74, 78, 80, 92, 122, 127, 182 J Thome, 68; Thomazina, 18; Thos 93, 126; Willa, 40; Willia, 26, 27, 28; William, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32, 33, 52, 74, 90, 124, 125, 186; Willm 92, 93, 97, 140; WilHus, 9, 10, 11, 61, 63, 65. Durson, Dursone, Durstone, Durstoune, see Durston 282 Dwelling i; James, 103 ; Joan, 116 ; Saml 103. 223; Mary' 197. Dyke Elizabeth, 156; James, 156; Marey, 156; Wm 156. Dymant * Betty, 145; John, 149; Sarah, 149. Dyte Mary, 230. E Eagles J. King, 203, 254. Earns John, 101; Mary, 101, 102. East John, 185. Easton Able, 85, 87; Betty, ttS; Caleb, 40; Christopher, 85 ; Eliz., 85, 87 ; Elizabeth, 40; Hannah, 116; Joane, 87 ; John, 117; Sarah, 117. Eason, Eston, see Easton Edmonde Andrews, 47; Elizabetha, 47. E d mons Mary, 153 ; William, 153. Edwards Ann, 117, 210; Anne, 114; Charles, 197, 251; Elezebeth, 159; Elizabeth, 54» 117, 203, 207, 210, 215 ; Hannah, 145, 221; Henrie, 54 ; James, ictf ; Joan, 57 ; John, 95, 114, 144, 197, 224; Martha, T59, 197, 256; Mary, 95, 115 > Rachael, 157; Rachel, 151; Rice, 159; Richard, 57; Robert, 114; Sarah, 144, 197 J Sarah Hannah, 207; Susanna, 139; Susannah, 157 ; Temperance, 197, 224; Thomas, 151 j William, 203, 207, 221. Elgrove Elizabeth, 163, Elliott E., 162. Ellis A m i a » 40; Amy, Anna, 40; Carolus, 40? Charles, 84, 125; Jane, 213; John, 84} Susanna, 40; Susannah, 114. Elworthy ThS 99 1 2 8 ' "^ 1 0 6 ' 9 9 M a i y » 99* Nanny, 151; Thomas, 99, 129 5 Emery Harriet, 228 j Mary, 166; Phfflippia, 47 ; Thomas, 47, 228. Emry, see E m e r y 28 3 Endecott Elisabeth, 142; William, 142. Endger Mary, 176; Richard, 176. England Alicia, 11, 64; Christian, 73; Christiana, 43, 45; Ffrauncus, 9; Henricus, 10, 655 Johana, 8; Johes, 9, 10, n , 12, 45, 64; John, 71; Katherina, 12, 63; Larencius, 10; Mgareta, 5; Mychaelus, 5; Richard, 62; Richardus, 10; Robertus, 9, 10; Tammosina, 65 ; Thome, 8. Errington Grace, 160; Mark, 160. Escott Betty, 105; Hannah, 105, 161, 180, 185, 188; Joane, 113; John, 188 ; Martha, 180, 243; Mary, 1S0; William, 105, 161, 180, 185, 188. Evans Ann, 218; Anne, 23; Enos, 256; Hanah, 56; Hannah, 34; Joane, 51, 54; John, 21, 34, 56; Mary, 33, 77; Robart, 22, 23; Robert, 21, 51» Robertus, Robt 218; Thomas, 22, 33, 77. Eauens, E u a n s , Euanes, Euens, Evons, see Evans. Evatt Betty, 99; Charity, 85 ,* Josh 138; Thomas, 85, 99; William, 99. E u a t t , see E v a t t Eveleigh Betty, n o , 166, 175, 177; Joane, 86; Mary, 86, n o ; Richard, no, 166, 175, 177 5 Sarah, 177. Evelley, Evely, see Eveleigh Every Ann, 148; Frances, 119; Joan, 118; John, 132, 145, 148; Mary, 128. F Fabre Hannah, 139; Isaac, 139, 141. Farmat John, 78. Farmer Betsy, 226. Farrant Gillianna, 48; William, 247. Ffarrent, see Farrant Farress Ann, 101, 102; William, 102. John, 101; Robert, 101, 102; Robt 101; Thomas, 101 ; Farrass, see Farress Farrington Mary Sophia, 221; W . M., 221. Farthing Abraham, 101; EL, 138; Mary, 101; Sarah, 157; Thomas, 101,129. 284 Faulkner Sarah, 132, 165; Susanna, 141. Falkner, see Faulkner Fawcett John, 154. Fearncombe Samuel, 15$. Febray Isaac, 129. Ferris Ann, 100, 129, 130, 149; Robert, 100, 149, Sarah, 100. Ferres, Ferress, see Ferris Ffarden Jane, 54; John, 54. Ffarnham Eliz,, 113; Parson, 85. Ffevyn Alicia, 44: Christiana, 44; Emmont, 44; Mgeria, 44; Regenoldus, 44. Ffevin, see Ffevyn Ffisher Alixander, 60 j Christiana, 5; Henricus, 59 ; Jacobus, 3, 5 ; Maria, 3. Ffleey Luckrecia, 48. Fickus Sarah, 157. Fitch John, 163, 164; Mary, 133, 163, 164. Fleming Ann, 112 ; Mary, 239. • Fflemming, see Fleming Floyde Thomas, 158, Fluder Darrity, 57 ; Symon, 57. Foan Jenny, 155; Thoas, 102; Thomas, 102; Thoa 155. Folkener Elizabeth, 184; Sarah, 184, 246; Thomas, 184. Folkner, see Folkener Follett — 198; Anne Clarke, 234; Joane, i n ; Joseph, 111 j Richard Francis, 254. Ffollatt, Follet, see Follett tooks Sarah, 115. Ford John, 122 ; Mary, 112; Sarah, 117. Fford, see Ford Forkner Elizebeth, 218; Thomas, 218. 28s Fortnom Catharina, 242. Forward Elizabeth, 196,* Isaac, 196, 235 ; Mary, 233; Sarah, 235; William, 233. Foster Foureacres Ann, 90; Anne, 86, 87, 89; Hester, 89; Joan, 90,137; John, 86; Richard, 86, 8 7, 89, 90, 124. Ffouracre, Fouracre, Fouracres, see Foureacres Fowler John, 223 ; Mary, 223, 227. Fox Elizabeth, 172; John, 117; Joseph, 172; Mary, 127,223; Sarah, 117. Foxwell Agnes, 50; Edward, 109; Joane, 50; Mary, 109; Thomas, 50; William, 109. Ffoxwell, see Foxwell Foy Elizabeth, 117; William, 144. Frampton Frederick, 235; Matilda Kemp, 235. Franklin Agneta, 47; Eleanora, 58. Ffranckline, see Franklin Franks Alice, 173, 240 j Charles, 173, 174, 185; Charlotte, 233; John, 174, 233; Robert, 185; Susan, 174; Susanna, 173.; Susannah, 185. Fraser James, 99, 128; John, 99, 146; Mary, 146; Sarah, 99, 146. Frazer, see Fraser Freke Ann, 165; John, 165. ' French Helen, 55 ; Margaret, 141; Thomas, 55. Ffrench, see French Fronks Charles, 169; Charlotte, 209; John, 209; Louisa, 209; Susannay 169. Frost Ann, 97; Mary, 187; Robt 97 ; William, 187, 245. Fry Jane, 161; William, l6r, 246, Fudge Charles, 192; Elizabeth, 246; Mary, 192; Richd 81. Ffudge, see Fudge Furden Thomasin, 52. Furnival John, 117, 123; Parson, 86; Sarah, 117. Ffurnavil, see Furnival 286 Furze Elizabeth, n8; John, 118; Sarah, 233. Fussey Hannah, 120; Saml 120. G Gadd Anna, 171; Emanuel, 157; Henry, 171; John, 97; Jno 162; Richard, 99, 171; Robert, 96 ; Robt 97, 98, 99, 145, 147, 152, 156, 157,162,165 ; Susanna, 96, 97, 98, 99, 141, 150, 162, 226; William, 96, 98. Gad, see Gadd Gaeles Margereet, 68; Margeret, 17 ; William, 17; Williame, 68. Gales, see Gaeles Gaiffin Owne, 129. Gainham Jail, 162. Gait Mary, 168. Gale Agneta, 45; Alece, 71; Alice, $2; Ane, 34, 75; Anstes, 34; Blanch, 113; Darby, 203; Elizabeth, 66; Elizabetha, 14, 44; Fanny, 180; G., 190; EL P., 252 ; Henrie, 23 ; Henry, 52; Henrye, 16 ; Henry P., 226, 252 ; J., 191 ; James, 203; Jane, 31; Jhoan, 73; Joane, i n ; Johes, 8, 13; John, i n , 191, 221; Margareta, n ; Margarett, 70; Mary, 76, 180, 203; Necholaus, 12; Rachell, 71; Riccardus, 14, 66; Richard, 32, 77; Richardus, 66; Robart, 71 ,* Robert, 16; Robertus, I I , 12, 13, 14; Ruth, 23, 73; Thomas, 32, 33, 44, 77; Thome, 8 ; William, 31, 32, 33, 34, 75, 76, 77, 180. Gal, Gall, Galle, see Gale Gamlin Ann, 232; Robert, 232. Gane Alexander, 172; Alexander Palmer, 251; Eliza, 172; F., 162, 163, 164 \ Frederick, 172, 252; Georg, 33 *, Jane, 172; Mary, 33; Rachall, 256; Rachel, 172. Gange Sarah, 145. Ganne Ane, 34; Robert, 34. Gannett Ann, 147; Mattw 152. Gardener Ann, 108, 124, 132 ,* Andreew, 29; Bel- Sheba, 141; Christopher, 36 ,• Eieoner, i2g ; Eliz., 126 ; Elizabeth, 117; Ffrancis, 27 ; Francis, 125 ; George, 27, 54* 124, 125, 126; Hennery, 36; Isaac, 38; James, 108; Jane, 108; Joane, 38 J JohnyjS; Margaret, 119; Margeret, 28; Marie, 545 Mary, 27,125; Nathaniell, 27; Purnell, 27; Richard, 27, 54; Robert, 28; Samuel, 117, 126; Sarah, 14* > Susana, 36; Widdow, 77. Gardiner, Gardner, see Gardener 28; Garland Eliza, 198; Elizabeth, 155, 183; Henry, 190; John, 177; Sarah, 177, 183, 190, 198, 201, 216; William, 183, 190, 198, 201, 216. Garlands, see Garland Garnett Sarah, 116. Garnish Mary, 101, 129; Thomas, 150; Thos 101; Unity, 150. Garnisse Joane, 54 ; John, 54. Garnsey John, 236; Maria, 236. Garrat Elizabetha, 47. Gates Eliza, 113; Mary, 114; Peter, 113; Robert, 114. Gay Daniel, 257. Gayer Thomas, 62. Gaylard Humfrie, 55 ; Marie, 55. Gaylor Mary Ann, 233. Gebbet Mary, 219; William, 219. Gebence Anstice, 75 ; William, 75. Gennes Susanna, 53. Genson » Johana, 15; Margareta, 15. Gent Alice, 79. Gibbet Ann, 201; Jane, 189; John, 197 ,* John Harris, 201; Mary, 189, 197, 253 ; Mary Ann, 201; William, 189, 197, 256. Gibbett, see Gibbet Gibbons .aSmilia, 18; Agneta, 46, 47; Alica, see Alicia,* Alicia, 3, 4,43, 45 ; Alixander, 1; Anne, 23; Anstes, 21, 71; Antic, 24; Christiana, 44, 59,605 Dorothia, 4; Elinora, 8 j Elizabeth, 50; Ehzabetha, 12, 44, 48; Elezebeth, 73; Georgius, 4, 7, 60; Gualterus, ro, 11, 12, 64; Gulihelmus, 44; Gulihellmus, 11; Gwilhellimus, 14; Henricus, 6, 12, 13, 14, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65; Henrie, 70,7r ; Henrytius, 14} Hugo, 60; Jaan, 24; Jane, 52, 76; Joane, 44; Johana, 7, 12, 43, 62, 65 ; Johanna, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,14, 18, 62, 64; Johes, 43,45, 60; John, 21, 22, 24, 52, 69; Tno 71; Justiana, 5; Margareta, 6, 47, 59, 6° 5 Mane, 52; Mary, 22; Marye, 2*4 ; Peterneli, 4,46 Robertus, 9; Robtus., 43, 61, 64 j Rogerus, 6, 60; Susan, 70; Thomas, 8, 48; Thome, 44; Walterus, 2, 46, 65 j Wilham, 23, 24, 52, 73Willielmus, x, 2, 4, 6; Willius, 60, 65. Geebons, Gibbens, Gibbines, Gybbons, see Gibbons 288 Gibbs Agnes, 53 ; Betty, 95, 164; Elizabeth, 101, 149; George, 101, 150; Hannah, 94; Heniy, 131; Jane, 101, 150; Joseph, 148; Martha, 96; Mary, 123; Phebe, 100'. Sarah, 93, 94, 95» 96, 101, 119» 129» 39 5 Susanna, 148; Thomas, 53 j Thos 94; William, 95, 96, 130, 148; Willm 93, 94, 119, 130; Wm 94. 2 Gibbes, see Gibbs Gifford Johes, 8; Willius, 8. Gilbert Arabella, 221; Eliza, 221. Giles Ann, 99, 146; John, 99, 146; Mary, 99, 145. Gill Abraham, 135; Ann, 117; Charlotte Jane, 208; Christian, 92; Christopher, 117; Elisabeth, 92, 135; Em, 55; James, 208; Margerie, 66; Mary, 127, 208; Richard, 125 ; Robt 92 ; Willm 92. Gillard Jane, 225; Samuel, 257 ; Sarah, 160. Gillet Elizabeth, 118; John, 126; Nathanl 118. Gillett, see Gillet Gillingham George, 36, 121, 125; Mary, 125 ; RacheE, 36; RachiE, 122. Gillinham, see Gillingham Gilmore John, 116; Sarah, 116. Glass Ann, 148; Danel, 28; Jane, 216; Jno 136. Glas, see Glass Glendining John, 155. Glutsom Ames, 38; Andrew, 36, 38. Goddard pe 2 g g y » 4!«, Godsall Lucie, 51. Godwin Agnes, 50; Gabriel, 21; Robert, 50; Robt., 21. Goinham Fesinisha, 32 ,* John, \z. Gold Elisabeth, 128; John, 34; Maria, 58; Sarah, 128. Golding Mary Ann, 214. Gollard Margaret, 242. Gollop Elizabeth, 228; George, 228 ; Hannah, 228. Gomer 1995 ^TkS^M^ Mary 97 '' 9B > 1005 Saraue1 97 98> '' 289 Gooden Sarah, 158. Goodman Maria, 167 ; Mary, 158. Goodridge Jos., 153; M., 151; Rachel, 153. Goodyer Caroline, 193; Jane, 198; Mary, 193, 198, 251; Richard, 193, 198. Gore Francis, 144; Hannah, 144. Gosling Mary, 127. Gouch James, 95 ; Susanna, 95. Gould Frances, 32; Gulihelmus, 47; Hanna, 34; James, 227; J. N., 200, 252 ,* John Nutcombe, 226; Margareta, 47; Margarett, 71; Mary, 49; N,, 203; R., 204 ; Rogere, 49 ; William, 32, 34, 78, 79. Goold, Goole, Guld, see Gould Govier Abraham, 205, 207, 228, 229; Ann, 207; Elizabeth, 204, 208, 255; George, 5 1 * Jacob, 229 ; John, 199 ; Mary, 199, 202, 204, 208; Mary Anne, 205, 207, 229 ; Samuel, 202, 255 ; Sarah, 205 ; William, 199, 202, 204, 208. z o Grabham Elizabeth, 108; Harriet, 108; John, 108. Granger Arm, 131,245; Benjn 226; Maiy, 131; Samuel, 133; William, 132. Grant Elizabeth, 224; Mary, 118; Richard, 118. Gray Alexander, 146; Ann, 161; Elizabeth, 169; Lawrence, 39; Mary, 39, 146; Samuel, zq. Green Sophia, 133. Greenham Debora, 58 ; William, 78. Greenslade Annis, 142; Eliz., 119; Hannah, 231; James, 231 ,* John, 119, 142. Greenway Benedict Stafford, 256 ; Elizabeth Mary, 229; Stafford, 222, 229. Gregory Ann, 140, 187, 218; Jane, 155; John, 58, 140, 155; Margaret, 58; Marye, 55; William, 187, 218. Gregorie, see Gregory Griefen Alice, 73. Griffiths Amy, 223. Gngg Ann, 184; Elizabeth, 184; Grace, 55; Richard, 55; William, 184, 246. Greig, see Gvigg 290 Grose Charlotte Ann, 230. Grove Isabella, 159; Sarah, 244. Guddeer Mary Ann, 234. Guddridge Eliz., 113; Jane, 49. Gudridge, see Guddridge Gudger . James, 188; John, 183; Mary, 179, 183, 188, 215; Mary Ann, 179; Richard, 179, 183, 188, 21$. Guliz Henry P., 200. Gullie Ffrauncis, 51. Gulliford Joane, 112. Gully Hannah, 123. Gummer Elisabeth, 95; Giles, 9$; Mary, 117; Sarah, 95, 126. Gun Dina, 20, 7$; Elizabetha, 20; Georg, 77; Joane, 50; Mary, 77 ; Puchard, 50; Richardus, 19, 20; Robertus, 19, 20. Gune, Gunne, see Gun Gunston Sarah, 113. H Hacker Thomas, 121 Haines Eliza, 232; Elizabeth, 50; Henry, 50, 190; James, 182; Jane, 182, 186, 190 5 Maria, 47 j Mary, 131, 148 * Thomas, 186; Willius, 47, 60; William, 182, 186, 190. Haine, Hains, Hayne, Haynes, see Haines Halborow Eliz., 113 ; John, 113. Hale Johana, 2 ; Symon, 2, Hall Benjamin, 39,118; Elianor, 39 *, Elinor, 39; Elinor 39; John, 39; Joseph, 39 > ' Mrs 118; Samuel, 39. Haller Ann, 127. 291 Hallett Ann, 93, 128; Daniel, 79; George, 127; Hannah, 86, 123, 141 ,* James, 222 ; Joan, 116; John, 98, 116; Jos., 84; Joseph, 41, 86, 93, 131, 141; Margaret, 124; Martha, 98; Mary, 41, 79, 93, 222; Mary Ann, 253; Samuel, 222; Sarah, 79, 119; Tryall, 41; Tryan, 86, 126; Tryann, 84, 122. Hallatt, Hallet, see Hallett Halliday Ann Innes, 216 ; Edmund Trowbridge, 216 ; E. T., 176, 200, 201, 202, 203,204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 241 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258; Jane, 216; John, 216; Mary Eliza beth, 216. Halls R . G., 224. Halse Gualter, 61; Alicia, 63. Hawlse, see Halse Ham Betsy, 226; Betty, 106; Elizabeth, 224; James, 106; John, 106 j Luthera, 118; Samuel, 224, 226; Sarah, 163. Hambaine William, 223. Hambe Anstis, 28; Ffelbebeth, 28. Hamber Betty, 95, 136; John, 95» 136. Hames J a n e > 174; J°hn, 174; Richard, 249; William, 174. Hammett Ann, 145, 175, 184; Anna, 129; Benjamin, 128, 215; George, 109,- James, 108,109,175,184; Jane, 108,109; John, 145,146; Mary, 128,130,184 j Peggy, 224; Sarah, 108; Sr Benn 130. Hamet, Harnett, Hammet, see Hammett Hammon Dorothy, 77; Nathaneel, 77. Hamwode Agneta, 59; Ane, 2; Deans, 61; Eisot, 67; Elizabetha, 44; Jacobus, 6 1 ; Johan, 671 Johana, 43 ; Johes, I , 2, 3, 4, 5,,44» 61, 63; Margareta, 4, 59; Rachell, 3 ; Thomas, 43; Willius, 5. Hamwod, Hamwood, Hamwoode, see Hamwode Hancock Elizabeth, 175; Lydia, 104,* John, 127, 175; Joseph, 232; Jno 142; Mary, 127, 175; Tho., 142,* Thomas, 104; Thos 160. Hangcock, see Hancock Hand Eliza, 227. Handole Samuel, 216; Sarah, 216. Harberry Henry, 145; Jane, 177, 199 j Joan, 145; John, 194; Joseph, 177, 194, 199,Mary, 177, 194. Harbury, see Harberry 292 Hardel Ann, 117. Harding Kitty, 196 ; Sidney, 249; Sydney, 196; William, 196. HardwiU Elizabeth, 153; Jos., 168. Hardy William, 222. Hare Ann, 241; Anna, 81; Christopher, 128; Dmis Henricus, 60; Richd 81; Sarah, 258. Ffrances, 81; Harford Margaret, 54 ; Marie, 55 ; Nathaniell, 55 ; Richard, 54; Richard Briar, 54. Harkcombe Mary, 166. Harman Ann, 146; Margaret, 152; Sarah, 144. Harris Ann, 141, 218; Bettey, 161; Dauid, 53; Elisabeth, 127; Margaret, 53 ; Richard, 143 ; Ruth, 143 ; Thomisina, 46. Johannes, 64; Harries, see Harris Harrison Octavius Swale, 225; O. S., 198, 199, 251, 252; W . M., 243. Hart Anstes, 76 ; Anstic, 24, 53; Ansstis, 29; Hannah, 125; John, 24, 76; Mary, 160; Thomas, 24, 29, 53, 76, Hartt, see Hart Harthrow Elizabeth, 57. Hartland Henry, 137; Joan, 137. Hartnell Ann, 105; Betty, 103; Charlotte, 233; Edward, 132,185; Elizabeth, 103, 106, 157, 179, 214, 245; Elizth 166; Emma, 189; George, 106; James, 107, 131, 132, 233; John, 103, 106, 131, 157, 179, 182, 185, 189, 192, 195, 199; Judeth, 165; Martha, 179, 182, 185, 189, 192, 195, 199; Mary, 214, 227; Nancy, 107; Nicholas, 105, to6, 108, 163; Sarah, 105, 106, 108, 163, 214, 240; Susanna, 106; Thomas, 108, 192; William, 195. Hartnall, see Hartnell Hartry Elezabeth, 76; John, 75, 76, 77 ; Thomas, 77 ; William, 76. Harttry, see Hartry Harvey Alicia, 64; Betty, 91; Elinor, 2; Elisabeth, 95; Ellenora, 66; Hannah, 161; Jane, 119; Margaret, 91, 116, 126; Mary, 89, 125, 128; Patience, 95, 127; Robertus, 2; Robtus, 63; Samuel, 91, 116; William, 89; Willm 128; Wm 89. Harvie, Harvy, Harvye, see Harvey Harwell Hannah, 113. Hawker Charlotte, 200; George, 157; Harriet, 200; Jane, 107; Martha, 107; Rachael, 157; William, 107. ' 293 Hawkins Betty, 109; Isaac, 145; Jane, 236; John, 109. Hawtayne J-> 176, 241. Haydon Christian, 127; Sarah, 118. Hayes Ann, 92, ii2; Frances, 92; Grace, 55; Hannah, 122; John, 122; Sarah, 163; William, 92. Hays, Hayse, see Hayes Hayman Charles, 96; Elizabeth, 153; Frederick, 254,« Mary, 166; Pa,, 96; Richard. 154 j Susanna, 96, 127 ; Thomas, 257; William, 153, 166. Hayward rard Agneta, 3; Betty, 109, 167; Elizabeth, 192, 196; Emma, 211; George, 109, Harriet, 192; James, 109; Jane, 196, 255; 167 192, 191, 196, 211, 228, 233; , rah, 211, Sarah, 211, 233; 233; Thome, Thome, 33. Haywarde, see Hayward Haywood John, 158. Hazel] Samuel, 127. H earns Jane, 177; William, 177. Hearringe Maria, 12; Rogerus, 12. Heringe, see Hearringe Heath James, 140, 150, 154. Heavans Philip, 24; Robart, 24. Heell Betty, 101 j Dyanah, 102; Martha, 102 ,* Mary, 101; Richard, 102; Sarah, 102, 155; Tho 102; Thomas, 101. Heel, see Heell Heetry Alis, 55 ; Thomas, 55. Hellard Mary, 114. Hell* ^iq; oaran, i z o , 1 0 7 , 1 / 0 , tiq, A J U U U I M , «j-* > • » — > 53. 75, 8i, 84, 98, 130; Willm 94. ' . Healer, Heliar, Hellear, Heller, Hellyer, see Hellier Hellings Henry, 115 ; Mary, 115. Hemborrow Agnes, 53. Henbery Phillippia, 47 294 HenleySarah, 248. Herd An, 57 ; Thomas, 57. Herle Henricus, 60; Johana, 43. Heme Ffrancis, $$ ; Joane, 55. Herring Elizabeth, 150; John, 151; Sarah, 140. Hertnall Elizabeth, 221. Herton Joseph, 163. Hesters Hanna, 40; Jasper, 40 ; Maria, 40. Hewer David, 244, 246. Hewlett John, 158; Sarah, 158. Hex Mary, 118; Tristram, 118. Hickman Hannah, 151. Hicks John, 221; Mary Ann, 221, Higgins Elizabeth, 214, 218 ; John, 218. Higgens, see Higgins Hinton Alice, 38; Edith, 39, 121; Eliz., 39, 121; Elizabeth, 38 ; Hannah, 38; Tho., 39; Thomas, 38, 121, 123. Hill Agneta, 45 ; Anna, 47; Ann,l4 ; Betty, 96, 103, 104,105, 108, 129,152 ; Caroline, 192, 247 ; Charles, 201; Charlotte, 201. 203 ; Christiana, 45, 62 ; Elisabeth, 95, 148; Eliza, 226; Elizabeth, 203, 210, 258; Elizabetha, 63; Emma Caroline, 203; Fflorencia, 63; Ffraunsiscus, 15; George, 69, 176; Georgius, 9, 13, 47» 63; Gulihellmus, 45; Henry, 195, 224, 249; Honor, 105; Isaac, 197; Isott, 81; James, 184, 248; Jana, 58 ; Jane, m , 197, 201, 204, 2to, 224; Joane, 70 j Joannah, 112; Johanna, 19; Johes, 8, 9, 45, 62, 63, 66; John, 104, 186, 201, 203, 245, 255 ; Joseph, 103, 104, 105, 108, 152, 194, 201, 248, 256; Laur., 81; Margare , 155; Margeri, 9; Maria, 9 j Marie, 9; Martha, 182, 186, 188, 19 » 194, 235 5 Mary, 53, 109, 176; Marye, 49; Mary Ann, 203, 207, 226; Mary Jane Atkins, 207; Necholaus, 9, 62; Peter, 95, 96; Prudence, 50; Prudentia, 11; Rachel, 125, 243; Rachel, 81; Richard, r6, 148, 182, 186, 188, 192, 194, 249, 252; Robert, 96; Sarah, 108, 209, 234, 235, 252; Temperance, 104, 184, 19S» 224; eThoma, 19; Thomas, 12, 15, 1C16, 70, 74, 95, 109, 155, 209, 234, 235 ; lh ' - r ' * > >3> I 2 8 > 130» 197, 201, 204,^210, 224«' Willius, 8,9; Wm 141. "* 2 3£2? ' I 2 1 3 4 , 4 9 Hillear Hannah, 119. Hilliard Samuel, 118; Sarah, 118. 5 W i U i a m J 295 Hinde Agneta, 44; Necholaus, 44. Hine Jane, 50. Ho "William, 127. Hoare Ann, 128, 148 j Miss 119; R., 146, 149; Roger, 129, 148. Hoar, see Hoare Hobbes Agneta, 45 Larencius, 45. ; Hodder Eduardus, 21; Johannes, 21; Sarah, 226. Hoddy Mary, 157,. Thomas, 157. Hodge Ann, 106,131; Anna, 181; Betty, 105,130; James, 191; John, 103,105,106,177, 181,185, i , 216; Mary, 103, 105, 106, 130, 177,- Sarah, 177* 181, 185, 191, 216; Thomas, 104. g i Hodg, see H o d g e Hodges John, 156, 166; Mary, 156. Hodie T T Elizabeth, 27; Nicholas, 27, 74. Hoke James, 161. Holbard Eleanor, 222; Joseph, 163, 216; Luthera, 118; Thomas, 118, 222; Thos 213, 214. Holburd, see Holbard Hole John, 247; Mary, 215; William, 215. Holgrove Eh, 153. Holley John, 217. Hollwaye Christiana, 45; Johana, 46; Johes, 45, 63; Johnes, 9, ™> " J Robertas, 9, 11, 63 ; Thomas, 46; Wilraont, ro. Hollwaie, see Hollwaye Holman . M a n a > I 0 * . Eliabeath, 74; Elizabeth, 25; John, 29; Morgan, 25, 27, 20; Morgme, 24; Nicholas/24; Rachel], 24, 27; Raychell, 29; Robert, 161; Sarah, 161, Thomas, 27. Holeman, Hollman, see Holman Holtons Ann, 2x9. Honiball Ann, 231; Elizabeth, 231; John, 214; Mary, 214. Honniball, see Honiball 296 Hony W. E . , 177- Hood Richd 157. Hooper Ann, i n , 127; Anne, 86, 87, 88; Anthony, 38, 92, 126; Benjamin, 125; Christian, 70; Christiana, 2,45 ; Christopherus, 3, 6, 43,61; Deius, 59 ; Elinora, 43; Elisabeth, 127; Eliz., 41, 86, 112; Elizabeth, 117, 123; Elizabetha, 5; Elizabethe, 46; Henry, 124; Honor, 114; Joane, 54; John, 86, 87, 88,117,126; Margeria, 6 ; Maria, 43, 44; Mary, 88; Mgeria, 46; Philip, 38, 81; Phillip, 39, 41; Sarah, 92, 116; Susan, 39; Susanah, 41; Susanna, 39; Susannah, 81, 116; Thomas, i n ; Willi, 2 ; Willius, 60, 61; Xpofer, 2 ; Xpoferus, 2, 3, 5, 60. Hoopper, Hoper, Hopper, see Hooper Hopp Christiana, 44; Georgius, 44, 65. Horman Edith, 45. Horner Martha, 248. Horsie Christopherus, 62. HOsgood Rebecca, 128. Hoskins Ann, 191; Harriet, 248; Harriott, 188; John, 202; Mary, 199; Sarah, 184, 188, 191, 195, 199, 202; Thomas, 188, 191, 195, 199, 202; Tho« 184. Hoskin, see Hoskins Hosman Ann, 109; John, 109; Mary, 109. House Elizabeth, 223. How Ann, 175; Caraline, 186; Charlotte, 183 ; Elizabeth, 188; James, 172, 175» 178, 183, 186, 188, 191, 213; Jane, 175, 178, 186, 188; Joan, 119, 172, 183, 191, 213; John, 119, 172; William, 191, 216. Howe, see How Howell Betty, 100; Elizabeth, 100; John, 100. Hoyle John, n8; Margaret, n8. Huate Robert, 116 ; Sarah, 116. Hucker Ellezebeth, 34; Jone, 32 ; Mary, 32; Robert, 34; Samuel, 32 ; Samuell, 34 "> Sammuell, 32. Hughes Betty, 142; J., 181; John, 243 ; Mary, 42, 119, 233 ; Will, 42 ; Wm 119. Heughes, Hews, Hughs, see Hughes Hukley Ann, 148. Hulburd Ann, 145. 297 Hulgrave Joan,.137. Humphries Elizabeth, 162; James, 167. Humphres, see Humphries Hunt Elizabeth, 54; Jsett, 114 j Thomasina, 45. Hurford Ann, 215; Jane, 158; John, 258; Mary, 158; Thos .146,151,158. Hurkem Elizabeth, IS7; John, 157. Hurley Hannah, 93,118,126,130, 131, 221, 241; Ja„ 93, 94, 99, 119, 135,136, 137, 138, 39, 140, 141, 142. 143» 144. 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, ISO; James, 93, 129, £38. 143, 148; Jane, 93 ; Jas., 137, 138, 139, 141, 143,144, 145,148, 149, 150 ; Joan, 117; Margaret, 93; Mary, 244; Sarah, 143; Susan, 126,* Thomas, 117, 129. Hurly, see H u r l e y Hurtnoll John, 102. Hortnell, see Hurtnoll Husson Jane, 158. Hussy Agnus, 33 ; Jams, 33. Hutchins Amy, 95,96; Ann, 34, 114; Anne, 122; Dorcas, 36; Ffrancis,34; Francis, 34, 35» 57 ,* Geo., 120; Hannah, 96; Joane, n r , 121; Josiah, 85; Josias, 35 j Judith, 120; Mary, 36,126; Nath., 36; Prudence, 71; Samuel, 128; Santtiell, 34; Sarah, 85, 95 ; Thomas, 34, 35, 57, 95» & Hutchens, Hutching, see Hutchins Hyett Ann, 217, 218; Elizabeth, 246. Hynaford J Phillippia, 46. I Incledon Agnes, 220; Betty, 109, n o ; Charles, 185, 245; Charles John, 206; Elizabeth, 173* 175, 180, 185, 243 • Harriet, T73, 240; James, 210; John, 109, 110, 173, 175, 180, 185, 206, 210, 220, 231; Marianne, 242; Mary Ann, 109, 132, 175; Susan, 2io; Susanna, 206; Susannah, 231. J n c e l d o n , see Incledon Ingleton Agness, 254; Elizabeth, 188; John, 188; Maria, 188. Innes Jane, 1248. c ; 298 Elizabeth, 80; James, 80, 124; John, 80, 126; Mary, 80; Richard, 80; William, 80. Isaac Ann, 104,109; Charlotte, 109; James, 104, 105, 109; Joan, 116; John, 105; Nancy, 105 ; Robert, 116; Tamosina, 61; Thomas, 169. Jsacke, see Isaac Isgar Joane, 54; John, 54, 76 • Jone, 76. Isger, see Isgar J Jackson Moses, 191. James Betty, 96, 97 ; Elizabeth, 219, 231; Elizth 105 ; George, 231 ; Isaac, n o , 234; Mary, 96, 105,106,108, n o , 161; Mary Ann, 106, 226 ; Mathew, 139 ; Richard, 97; Sarah, 97, 216, 2345 William, 96, 97, 105, 106, 108, n o , 138, 226, 242; Wm 96, 161, 234. Jane Louisa, 241. Jarratt J,, 194; R., 174,177,178» 181,182,191, 243. Jeane Mary, 117, n8. Jeans John, 97. Jeboult Emma, 256; Mary Pounsbery, 258 ; William, 241. Jefferies 2 8 Elisabeth, 100; John, 97, 99, 128; Mary, 97, 98, 99, 100, 112, 117» 4 '> Robert, 251; Sarah, 58, 100, 1 1 1 ; Tho., 58; Thomas, 97, 98, 99, H I ; Thos 98, 100, 128; William, 98. Jeffery, Jefferys, see Jefferies Jefford Joane, i n . Jenkins James, 209, 234 ; Jane, 107 ; Jean, 167 ; Mary, 141, 209, 234 • Mary Ann, 232; Thomas, 107; William, 107, 209. Jennings Hannah, 87, 227 ; Samel 140; Thomas, 140; William, 87 ; Wm 186, 219. Jenings, see Jennings Joans Deborah, 222 j Joan, 92; Mary, 92, Willm 92. Job Mary, 130. Johns Eliza, 232; Harriet, 217j Henry, n o , 217, 251; John, n o ; Mary, n o ; 299 Johnson Ann, 167; Sarah Ann, 128. Jones Aaron, 233 ; Agneta, 43 ; Amy, 223 ; Ann, 97, 141, 222; Betty, 97 ,• Deborah, 107, 126, 128; Eliz., i n ; Elizabeth, 165, 166; Jacobus, 13, 46, 48, 65, 66; James, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,'43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 59, 60, 6t, 6z, 63, 64, 108, 168; Joan, 118; Johana, 46, 48, 65; Joseph, 97, 141, 166; Mary, 101, 115, 132, 142, 164, 168; Nathaniel, 223; Roger, 142; Samuel, 2335 Sarah, 107, 131, 146; Sidwell, 233; William, 115, 118, 127. Jordaine Johana, 4$; Marga, 10 j Robertus, 10, n ; Robtus., 45, 65; Thamosina, 11. Juhall Jsett, 114; John, 114. Jurdane Joane, 71. Jury Betty, 146; Elisabeth, 128. Jyfford Petrus, 62. K Kates Jsat, 114; Peter, 114. Keek John, 128. Keen Hanah, 56; Mary, 117; Rachel, 151; William, 117. Keene, see K e e n Keirle Amy, 215. Kellen Mary, 160. Kelwaie Jacobus, 6; Maria, 6. Kerslake Catherine, 144. Kersley Gill, 128. Kerswell Jane, 231. Kevell Henricus, 59» Jane, 115. Kevill, see Kevell Kimberlaine Ann, 125 j Anne, 113, Hannah, 88, 125; Mary, 88,117. Kimberlin) Kimberline, see Kimberlame 300 ^"Inn, 53; Betty, 104, 105, 106, 108, 253 j Dorcas, 36; Eliz., 36; Elizabeth, 158; *anny, 251; George, 104, 105, 106, 108, 158, 225, 247; Humfhe, 26; Huphrie, 53; Humphrey, 52; Humphry, 21, 31* 33 "> Humphrye, 21; James, 16; Jane, 82; Joan, 16; Joane, 50; Joanna, 48; Johana, 15, 48; Johannes, 48; John, 26, 106, 225, 226, 228; Joseph, 31; Margery, 31; Maria, 217; Mary, 214, 228, 233; Prew, 124; Prudence, 33; Rachell, 52; RacheUa, 15; Sarah, 108, 225, 226; Tarosane, 74; Thomasin, 52; Willi, 82; William, 105, 131, 228; Wm 36. Kinge, see K i n g Kinglock Hannah, 108; John, 108; Mary, 108. Kingsberry Mary, 41; William, 41. Kirk Joan, 119; Thoa 119. Kirkpatrick James, 144; Mr., 118; Mrs., 118; Sarah, 144. Knight Ann, 53, H 2 ; Elizabeth, 39; George. 112; Gulihelmus, 46; Hannah, 125; Jas 180; Joan, 97; Maria, 46; Martha, 97 ; Mary, 123 ; Richard, 15, 39, 67 ; Robart, 67; Robert, 15, 95", Thamosin, 57. Knowles Alicia, 43. Lackington " Judith, 120. Lake Betty, 161 j Elizabeth, 108; Henry Monk, 168; James, 109; Jane, 177? Mane, 55; Mary, 107; Robert, 106; Sarah, 106, 107, 108, 109, 161, 177» Simon, 106, 107, 108, 109,161, 177 ; William, 153. Lakkey Mary, 163. Land Martha, 115. Landsdown Catherine, 115. Landsey Sarah,.2i7; Thomas, 217, Lane Anna, 224; Betty, 165* Elizabeth, 132; Ellen, Ffrauncis, 51; Jane, 26} Joane, 69; Johanna, 74, 215; Martha, 215; Mary, 119; Richardus, 51; Samuell, 74; Sarah, 167, 232; Simon, 165; 51; Ellina, 12; Ffranris, 26} 19, 21; Johannes, 21 j John, 19: Robart, 21; Robert, 26, Thomas, 65,167 ; Thome, 12. Lang Mary, 84; Nich., 845 Robert, 194; Sarah, 194.' Langdon Martha, 129, 135; Mary, 130, m, 156, 252« Mary Ann, 229; SamU 137; Saml 129; Samuel, 135,156; Sarah, 119; Willm i i Wm 143. 9 J 3©i Langford Elisabeth, 95; Grace, 95 ; James, 95, 162; Tobitha,,ii2; William, ,95. Langman Elisabeth, 95, William, 95. Lanne Agnes, 24; Alee, 24; Alic, 25; Ffrauncees, 24; Grace, 22; Joan, 51, 73;. Joana, 14; Johes, 14; John, 22, 23, 24, 25, s r , 73, 74; Robart, 22, 24,Samuell, 25 ; William, 22. Lann, see L a n n e Lanton Eliz., 114; John, 114. Lapthorn George, 145. Larrisse An, 53; Henrie, 53, Larway Mary, 99; William, 99. Lave Hannah, 163. Laver George, 215 ; Mary, 215. Lawrance Ann, 227. Lay Catherine, 223. Layman Frances, 219. Laysell Robert, 153* Leakey L s John, 143. Hannah, 1 1 6 ; John, 142; Liddy, 108 j Mary Ann, 108; WUliam,.253- L e a , see L e e Leg Daniell, 122; Mary, 123 ; Patient, 89. L e g e , Legg, see L e g Leigh Nancy, 163 Lembry James, 124. Lemon Mary, 154; Thomas, 154. Lenthall James, 223. Leonard Jone, 49; William, 226. Leonarde, see Leonard Lethbridge Charles Henry, 217. 302 Lewes Ellianor Allen, 57; Samuell, 57. Lewington Ann, 161; Joshua, 161. Lewis Sarah, 115, 138; Thomas, 115. Ley Alicia, 47; Charlotte 178; Emma, 180; Henry Charles, 204; Jane Bygrave, 183; John, 177, 178, 180, 183, 187, 204, 247; Mary, 177, 178, 180, 183, 187, 204, 230; Thomas, 187; William, 178. Light Harriette Eliza, 226. Limberry Ales, 75; Ann, 209; Fransis, 28; Hewe, 54; Hugh, 28, 29, 31, 56, 75, 76; John, 31, 81, 121; Josiah, 209; Mariery, 29; Mary, 54, 56; Mary Ann, 209; Wm 126. Limbary, Limberie, Limbery, Limbry, Lymberie, L y m b r y see Limberry Linton Ann, 225; Anne Susan, 199; Arthur, 225; Charlotte, 199, 202, 205, 208, 232; Henry, 202 ; Jane, 225 ; Robert, 199, 202, 205, 208, 232, 233 ; Sarah, 205. Lissant George, 111; Margaret, 111. Lister Jane, 114. Littlejohns Benjamin, 154; Elizabeth, 154. Lock Anna, 229; Charles, 165; Jsat, 114; Jane, 118, 254; John, 118, 145; Mary, 09, 145; S., 157; Saml 157; Samuel, 156, 157, 158. Locke, see L o c k Locket Joane, 54, 55. Lockett, see Locket Lockson Elizabeth, 125; John, 124, Lodge Ann, 214. Lowman Hannah, « 6 ; James, 105; Jane, 175; Joanna, 103, 104, 105"; Johanna, 104; John, 103, 175; Maria, 104; Mary, 104, 130; P., 142; Sarah, 175; Thomas, 116; William, 103, 104, 105. Loman, see Lowman Lombry Ann, 124. London John, 155, Loney Sarah, 215. Long Longe, see Long 3°3 Lorkin • Jdith., 54; Willia, 54. Loud Joseph, 114« Mary, 114. Loueringe Ann, 53. Louibond Allis, 112. Love Charlotte, 181 j William, 181. Lovelace William, 249. Loxton EHz., 36 j Jane, 38; John, 36, 38 j Katherine, 36; Marie, 36 j Shasanah, 36 ; Sushanah, 38. L o x o n , see L o x t o n Lucas Ann, 144, 147,* Miss, 1x8. Luckson Jane, 125; Thomas, 123. L u x s o n n , see Luckson • Ludlowe Mary, 119. Lug John, 226; Lydia, 162 j Maria, 226. Lugg, see L u g Luke Robert, 171; Sarah, 171; Simon, 171. Lusscombe John, 17 j Xpofer, 75. Luscum, see Lusscombe Lutley Christopher, 140, 142. Luttrell F . Fownes, 151. Luxton Ann, 162; Jane, 34; John, 162; Susannah, 123; Thomas, 31, 34. huxon, see L u x t o n Lyde Ann, 145; John, 145. Lye Eleabeth, 53; William, 53. Lyndon Christiana, 44; Larencius, 44. M Betsy, 189; Caroline, 189;. Elizabeth, 209; James, 189, 243; Louisa, 189; Samuel, 209, 256 j Sarah, 233. Maccormick, McCormic, see Maccormic 3<H Macie Israeli, 55; Joane, 55. Mackmillion Mary, 121. Maddison T. G., 248, M!ajor Elizabeth, 230; Faith, 57; Hannah, 230; 116 j Thamosin, 57. John, 57, 116 j Nan, 48; Sarah, Mager, Magior, Maior, see Major Male Betty, 94; Elezebath, 129; Mary, 143; Samuel, 143; Sarah, 94; Willm 94,119. Maall, Mall, see Male Malla,ck Thomas, 128. Mandfeild Elener, 79; Elizabeth, 79; William, 79. Manly Betty, 164. Manning Alice, 92, 12$, 126; Eleanor, n8; Elisabeth, 126; Elizabeth, 125,227; Ffraunssiscous, 14; GuHhellmus, 13; GwUhellimus, 14; Jane, 233; Martha, 92, 126; Mary, 125, 227; Sarah, 115; Richard, 92; Richd 138 j William, 09, 227 ; WilMus, 13. Maning, Maninge, Mannen, Mannig, see Manning Mansell Elener, 79; Joan, 131; Richard, 79; Suaneh, 149; Will, 79. Mantle Johnes, 65. Marder Joan, 117; Nicholas, 117. Mardon Nicholas, 90; Sarah, 90; William, 90. Marker Joan, 41, 42; John, 42; Jno 41; Mary, 117; Sarah, 41; T. J.,253. Marks Ann, 93; Betty, 99, 150; Edward, 96; Elisabeth, 96; Elizabeth, 131; George, 182, 183; Hannah, 97, 98, 99; James, 98; Joan, 104; Johanna, 182,* John, 96, 97» 98, 99, 196, 220, 233; Joseph, 93, 148; Martha, 98, 99, 142, m , 240; Mary, 104, 155, 160, 171, 220, 252; Mary Ann, 196; Matilda, 196; Rebecca, 148; Richard, 150; Robert, 98; Samuel, 98, 99, I04 142, 156, I7«t> 4»» Saml 160; Sarah, 96, 154, 167, 233; Susan, 233; Susannah, 182; Thomas, 99; William, 233. 2 ? Marcks, see Marks Marler James, 120; Sarah, 136,; Susannah, 120. Marquiss Betsey, 167 *, Thomas, 167. Marshall Ann, 163; Betty, 100, IOX, 130; Elianar, 53? Elizabeth, 149, 151 j George, *£0>.J° > H% *5*i Joane, 851 Thomas, 85,, 100, 101, 129, 149; Thou 101; William, 53, an Marshal, Marshel, Marshell, Marshall 305 M arson Eliza, 113, Martin Agnes, 51; Ann, 202, 203; Charles, 245,* Charlotte, 203, 231,• Henry, 202, °3 »" Jane, 222; Richard, 121; Sedwill, 202* Sidwell, 233 ,* William, 130. 2 Marten, Martyn, see Martin Mason Eliz., 113; Mary, 128. Massey Anthony, 115; Martha, 115. Masshill Ann, 156; Mary, 156; Robert, 156. Mashill, see Masshill Masters Eelener, 27; Elizabeth, 23 ,• Elner, 24; Frances, rrg; Geles, 28; Grac, 22; Margeret, 24 ; Robert, 22; Roger, 22, 23, 24, 28 * Rogers, 27; Willia, 27. Masteres, see Masters Mastes Elnor, 52; Grace, 57 ,* Roger, 52, 76, Mathewe Johana, 45; Tammosina, 61. Mathews Amelia Hoare, 235 ; Daniel, 235; Mary, 155; William, 155. Matthews, see Mathews Mattocks John, I6Q ; Susanna, 169; William, 143. Mattock, see Mattocks Maull Ann, 103; Betty, 103, 104, 106, 255; Elizabeth, 41, 153; Joane, 113; John, IS4; Joseph, 84; Mary, 104; Sami 106 j Samuel, 131,- Sarah, 102, 2405. Thomas, 41, 84, 128; William, 103, 104, 106, ir3, 133, 153; W » 102. Maul, Maule, see Maull Maunder Elianor, 114; Elisabeth, 118; John, 114. May James Godfrey, 251. Mayes James, 199, 229; Mary Anne, 199; Sarah, 199, 229. Maylard Mary Ann, 220; William, 220. Meade Alicia, 43; Hannah, 120; Margareta, 3, 4; Maria, 48; Robertus, 3, 4; Robtus., 43. Mear Elizabeth, 165; Thomas, 165. Meecham Wm 222. Meller Anstic, 53 ; John, 25Mary, 25; Philip, 25; Phillip, 17. 3o6 Elizabeth, 157; Henrie, 35; Henry, 33, 78; Jane, 15s; Joan, 82; Marie, 33, 35; Mary, 78 ; William, 33, 78, 82, 122. Mericke, Merreck, Merricke, see Merrick Merriott Charles Francis, 230; Mary, 230. Meteyard Sarah, 119, Metford Mary Eliza, 221; Sarah, n ? ; William, 221. Midleton Elner, 30; Thomas, 30, 33, 121. Middellton, Midelton, see Midleton Milard Agneta, 43 ; Anstie, 16; Guliehelmus, 43; John, 16,49; Marye, 49. Myllard, see Milard Miles Jane, 152. Milford James, 233. Miller Agneta, 4,- Ann, 161; Elenor, 28; Elizabetha, 18, 68; Jane, 147; Johannes, 4, 18, 19, 68; John, 54, 69, 75, 168; Maria, 19; Marie, 26, 28, 54; Mary, 69; Phillip, 26, 28 ; Thomas, 147. Myller, see Miller Mills Ann, 91, 92, 93,117 ; Betty, 109; Christopherus, 45; Elizabeth, 125 ; Elizabetha, 44, 45 ; Elz., 41; Ffrances, 17 ; Garter, 47 ; Gulihellmus, 9; Isaac, 91; Jacob, 93 J Jn° 415 Joane, 51; Johes, 47 ; John, 91, 92, 93, i°9, "7> 9 I y> 9 5 Mary Ann, 109 ; Necholaus, 44; Robarte, 16; Sarah, 93; Xpoferus, 9. l 6 M a r Z Meeles, Milles, see Mills Milton 2 James, 190, 195, 249; Lucy, 190, 249; Mary, 190, 195; Mary Ann, *95> 49*» Obadiah, 190. Minifey Agnes, 68; Edward, 79; Edwd 82; Eliz,, 122; James, 121; Joan, 124; Nathaniell, 121; Robt 82; Susanna, 79; Thomas, 124. Minifie, see Minifey Minors Mary Elizabeth, 216; Peter Richards, 216; William, 162. Mynors, see Minors Mitchell Catherine, 143; Fanny, 232; Jane, 200; John, 129, 200; Margaret, 118; Mary, 118, 128; Mary Rowden, 225; Richard, 143; Robert, 118; Saml 200; William, 232. Mitchel, see Mitchell Mockridge Agness, 184; Ann, 178,181,184; Anne, 189,194; Elizabeth, 242; Joanna, 90; Johes, 3; John, 74,91, 94, 100, 178, 181, 184, 189, 194; Joseph, 90, 91, 9 » 99, 100, 116; Margaret, 100; Marie, 52; Martha, 94, 178; Mary, 91, 94, 99, 125, 181, 244; Susanna, 92; Susannah, 90, 91, II6J Sussannah, 91; Thome, 3. 2 Mockeridge, Mogeridge, Mogridg, Mogridge, see Mockridge 307 Mogg Sarah, 225, 228. MondayMary, 119; Thomas, 127; Thos 119. Mundey, see Monday Monders Elizabeth, 227. Monkton James, 256 ; Mary, 225 ; Samuel, 225. Monro Henry Hervey, 101. Moore Georg, 78; Grace, 53; Henrie, 53; Joharlna, 234; Mary, 53»* Melior, 43 ; Thomas, 234; William, 51. John, 53; Marie, 51; Moor, More, Moure, see Moore Moorcroft Betty, 160; John, 160. Moram Sarah, 153 ; William, 153. Morcome Christian, 3S ; Emanuel, 35; Georgious, 14; Gilhelimus, 155 Gulihellimus, 48; Joan, 57; Johanes, 15; John, 35; Margeria, 48; Wigllelimus, 14. Morcom, Morcomb, Morcum, see Morcome Morcn Fflorence, 53; Steuen, 53. Morgan Ann, 218; Anna, 178, 240; Charlotte, 205; Edith, 84; Eleanor, 169, 173; Elizabeth, 118, 192, 196, 205; Elizabeth Martha, 192; Evan, 218; James, 84; Mary, 197; Richard, 178, 192, 196, 205; Richard Gibbons, 178; Robert, 169, 73> 197; Simon, 196; Thomas, 197; Thos n8. J Morris Agneta, 62; Charlotte, 224 ,* Christopher, 51, 70; Christopherus, 20; Edith, 45; Elizabetha, 20; Ellen, 51, 70; Fflorence, 53; Robtus., 45; Thos 143. Morishe, Morrice, Morrise, Morrish, see Morris Mountsteven William, 258- Mudford Ann, 91; Anthony, 91; Elizabeth, 91; Mary, 122. Mudge Elizabeth, 51. Mullens Mary, 258; Thomas, 88. Mullins, see Mullens Mumford Peter, 250. Munite Ann, i n . Murphey Jams, 129. Musgrave Diana, 98, 159; Ffrances, 82; Frances, 117; Humphry, 82, 84; James; 95, 96, 136; John, 82; Mary, 96, 113; Rebecca, 95, 96, 136, 148. Musgraue, see Musgrave 3°8 Musgrove Elizabeth, 115; John, 57; Mary, 57. Mutter Jane, 160. Muttlebury Frances, 247. Myers Ann, 148; Mary, 129; Samuel, 148. Myer, see Myers N Nation Dinah, 142; Elizabeth, 114; Jane, 183, 185; Joan, 213; John, 183, 185, 219; Marianne, 183 ; Thamsene, 49. Natione, see Nation Natt William, 125. Neacklis John, 28; Tamsen, 28. Nethercoate Elizabeth, 220. Nevell Ann, 98 j Anna, 99; Wm 98. Fanny, 98, 99, 143 \ William, 99, 143 ; Willm 98; Nevel, see Nevell Newberry Aaron, 122; Elizabeth, 124; Martha, 215; Mozes, 122; Stephen, 123. Newbury, see Newberry Newcombe Harriet, ioi, 151,152; John, IOI, 151. Newton Ann, 119; Harrett, 231; Jane, 155 ; Mary, 152 ; Willm 147. ' Nibbs Thomas, 131. Nicholls Sarah, 149. Nickleson Hannah, 221. Noble • Mary, 115. Norington Elinor, 48; Robert, 78. Norrington, see Norington Norman Agnes, 52; Ann, 161; Geo,, 152, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160; John, Joseph, 109, 167; Sarah, 109, 150, 1675 Stephen, 248; William, 161. 109; Norris Agneta, 45'; Anne, 87; Egidius, 45; Eliz., 87; G. B., 191, 192, 193, 195. 196, 197, 223, 224, 247, 248, 249, 250; John, 87. I 309 Nors Susanna, 52. North Ann, 150; Catherine Adelaide, 200; Henry, 200; Martha Catherine, 200. Northcote Ann, 216 ; Fanny, 232. Northcott, see Northcote Northie Elizabeth, 54; Tooke, 54. Norton Joannah, 112; Mary, 30; William, 30, 112. Notham Sarah, 160. Nott Sarah, 216, 222 ; William, 222. Nowell Maria, 47 ; Richard, 53 ; Richardus, 47 ; Tamisan, 53. o Oaten Betty, 167; Charlotte, 207, 231; Hannah, 104, 105; Henry James, 207; James, 207, 231; John, 104, 105, 130; Joseph, 151, 168; Mary, 165; Maryn, 162 ; Sarah, 104. Oatan, see Oaten O'Connor Edward, n o ; Jeremiah, n o ; Mary, n o . Old Elizth 161; Mid 161, Oliver Ann, i n ; John, i n , 131. Oliuer, see Oliver Orchard Eliza, 107; John, 107; Mary, 107. Osmond Mary, 162. Osmont Elizabetha, 47. Oswold Elizabeth Catherine, 198; Lucy, 198; William, 198. Ousley Ann, 227 ; Harriett, 227. Osley, see Ousley Owde Dorothea, 49; Guihhellimus, 49. Owen Adam, 243 ,* Elizth 152; Loftus, 221; Mary Sophia, 221. Owens Elizabeth Lamb, 204; Mary, 204; William, 204. 1 3io P Page John, 244. Paine Ann, 247; Danl 126; Edm<" O., 136; George, 119; Grace, 119; J., 228; Jno 224; Josan, 164; Mary, 128, 136, 233; Mary Ann, 233; Sam* 180, loi, 217, 243; Sarah, 147. Pain, Payne, see Paine Paffrey Lydia, 155. Palfrey Betty, 100; Christopher, 123 ; Elizabeth, 131; Susanna, xoo; Susannah, 352. Palfry, see Palfrey Palmer Georgius, 8; Joane, 54.; John, 68; Johnes, 8 Sarah, 117. Paramore Ann, 232; Robert, 232. Parce John, 213. Parish Anne, 114; Elisabeth, 143; Kenwood Charles, 90; Jane, 90; Wm 172 Parker Ann, 53; Elisabeth, 145; Ffraunsiscus, 48; Ffraunc, 9; George, 165 *, Giles, 136; Gulihelmus, 9; Jane, 165; Joan, 73; Robart, 73,74*, Robert, 66; Robertus, 9; Robtus., 45 ; Tamson, 66; Thomasina, 45. Parkman John, 162. Parks Mary, 228; William, 228, Parrott Agnes, 132, 151; Ann, 203, 258; Charles, 105, 106, 107, 108, 162, 164; Eliza, 105; Elizabeth, 108, 129, 190; Jael, 105, 106, 107, 164; Jail, 162; James Prouse, 189; Jane, 108, 210; John, 129, 132, 151, 189, 190, 195, 197, 200, 203, 210, 220; Kitty, 107 ; Mary, 189,190,195; 197, 200, 203, 210, 220; Sarah, 161; Thomas, 200; William, 195, 197, 249, 251. Parratt, Parrett, Parrot, Perratt, Perret, Perrot, Perrott, see Parrott Parry Betty, 98, 99; Isaac, 99; John, 98 ; Thomas, 98, 99, Parsons Aunstice, 51; Daniel, 119; Edwardus, 10; Elinore, 49; Elisabeth, 127, 140 *, Eliz., 119; Frances, 119, 126; George, 157; Hannah, 141; Honor, 114; Honr 126; James, 2x3; Jeremiah, 250; Johana, xo; Johes, 12; Maria, 10, 62 ; Mary, 53, 124, 128, X39; Robart, $3 5 Robarte, 49; Robert, 49; Robertus, 16, 66; Tammosina, 64; Thomas, X22, 127 ; Thome, 10, X2, 62, 64; William, Si, 114, 137, 139» H°5 Willm x i j Wm 129. 9 Psons, see Parsons Patton Caroline, 243; Emma, 218; Fanny, 218; Frances, 127 j Mary, 218; Thos 2x8. Patten, see Patton , Paul Ann, 98 ; Elisabeth, 98 ; Elizabeth, 154 ; Isaac, 98. Paull, see Paul Pavey Elizabeth, 219; M . A . , 219; William, 232. Pavior Charity, 90; Charles, 89; Davey, 90; David, 89, 91, 93, 94, 126; Joan, 89, 90, 91, 129, 137 ; Mary, 91, 93, 94, i 7 J Robt 93 • Sarah, 93, 94, 137. 2 Paviour, see Pavior Paynter J., 157; James, 161. Pearce Ann, 54; Christophr, 78; Edward, 29 j Edwarde, 28; Joana, 147 ; Joane, 78 ; John, 106, 132, 163; Joseph, 147; Margareta, 65; Mary, 28, 54; Sarah, 106, 132, 163; Wm 136. Pearse, Peirce, Perce, see Pearce Pecke Elizabeth, 50; William, 69. Peck, see P e c k e Peden Jaen, 52. Peel Harriet, 103 ; Jacob, 103 ; Mary, 103. Pender Edmund, 154; Sarah, 154. Penny Ann, 117; Charles, 202; Isaac, 199, 202, 225; Mary, 157; Mary Ann, 225; Onesiphorus, 117; Rd 225; Sarah, 199, 202, 225; William, 199. Pepper James* 94; John, 94; Sarah, 94. Pepperl Jane, 160; William, 160. Percy Samuel, 227. Perriam Sarah, 114, Perry Abraham, 97; Ann, 232; Betty, 97, 99, 100, 142; Elisabeth, 139; Elizabeth, 138 Henry, 227; Jacob, 99; Jane, 159 ,* Martha, 100 • Sarah, 230; Thomas, 97, 99, 139, 142; Thos 100; William, 230. Pery, see Perry Persons Anstina, 13, 66 ; Thome, 13, 66. Pese Joan, 137. Pester Dennis, 3 ; Johana, 2, 59; Necholaus, 6; Penticost, 5 * Richardus, 2, 3, 5, 6. Peters Elizabeth, 246. Pettit Sarah, 222. 312 Pettmar Betty, 146. Pey Jno 126. Phillips Agneta, 45; George, 87; Gilbard, 87; Gilbert, 88, 126; H a n n a h , 144; Jane, 06; Joan, 88, 125; Joane, 87; Mary, 87, 122, 191; Necholaus, 45; Sarah, 88; Thomas, 116, 144, 191, 247 ; William, 191, 247. Philips, Phillip, Phillipps, see Phillips Philly Richard, 78. Philpott Elisabeth, 139; Mary, 144. Philpot, see Philpott Phippen Ann, 183; Charlotte, 171; Eliza, 176; Elizabeth, 176, 181, 183, 215, 253; Hannah, 171; John, 171, 183; Richard, 176, 181, 215; Samuel, 181, 244;' Susanna, 164. Phippin, see Phippen Pidgeon Joseph, 166. Pigou Harry, 226. Pile Fanny, 143; Jane, 137. Pincard Eliz.,111; William, i n . Pinchard Elizabeth, 103 ; Hannah, 113; John, 103 ; Richard, 113; William Price, 103. Pine Alice, 105; Ann, 99, 147, 158; Betty, 96; Edmund, 95, 96, 136; Edward, 101, 151; Elizabeth, 115, 117; Em., 93; George, 96; Hannah, 101, 151, 158; Hugh, 93 ; James, 105, 131; John, 99, 115 ; Mary, 95, 96, 99, 101, 136, 161; Samuel, 158; Sarah, 95; Thomas, 90 ; William, 244. Pyne, see Pine Pingstone Eleanor, 118; Robert, 118. Pinney Elizabeth, 219, 232; Emily Sarah, 206; Isaac, 206 ; Sarah, 206. Piney, see Pinney Piper James, 127. Piphfen Ann, 177 ; John, 177 ; Sarah, 177. Pippet Geo., 230. Pippin Anna, 200; Elizabeth, 153, 190, 200; Frances, 219; Hannah, 174; John, 174? Mary Ann, 174; Richard, 190; Richd 200; Samuel, 190; William, 219. Pippen, see Pippin Pitcher Ann, 53; Joice, 50; Richard, 53. 313 Pitchers Matilda Kemp, 235. Pitman Anna, 140, 1455 Hannah, 96; J., 171; Jacob, 117, 118; Joan, 117, 125 j John, 96, 172; Mary, 96, n8, 128 j Nicholas, 135, 140; Revd J., 239. Pittens John, 88; Mary, 88. Pitts John, 128 ; Mary, 137. Pitt, see Pitts Piatt Mary, 229; M. V., 229; Samuel, 229. Pleydell Elizabeth, 132, 159, 253; Harriet, 151,* J. M., 159; Jonathn 130; Jonathan, 130; Maria, 151, 158; Sophia, 159. Pococke Mary, 0 3 ; Thomas, 113. Poddle Robert, 130. Podger Ann, 219; James, 219. Pojntington Alice, 70; Anstis, 13; Annstice, 515 Duke; ir6j George, 67; Georgius, 13; Hannah, 116; Marie, 51. Peoyntingtone, Poyntingeton, Poyptirigton, see Pointington Pollard Ann, 124; Joane, 116; John, 114; Joseph, ,123; .Mary, 114, 239; Simon, n 6 ; Thomas, 167. Pollet Anna, 118. Policy Mary, 125. Pqmeroy Ann, 100; DanieU, 50; Hannah, 160; John, 100 j Mary, 1251 Wilmoth, 50; Wm loo. Pomery, Poirierye, Pomroy, see Pomeroy Poole Alex., 86; Alexander, 41, 81; Allexander, 3^; An, 102; Ann, 81, 127, 139; Anne, 41, 86; Charlotte, 252; Christian, 126; Elisabeth, 136; Elizabeth, 158 ; Eliz,, 41, 113; Geo., 41; George, 125; Grace, 36, 96, 119,12X ; Harriet Hewer, 243 ; Humphry, 113; Jacob, 102,1:04; James, 41; Jason, 96; John, 86; Joseph, 102, 243; Lewis, 126; Maria, 104; Mary, 104, 117, 247; Robert, 102; Samuel, 96; Sarah, 159; "Valentine, 121 j William, 117. Pool, Pole, Pool!, see Poole Pooley Mary, 91; Meriam, go, 1251 Sarah, 89; Susannah, 89, 90, 91; William, 90, 91; Wm 89. Poolman Maria, 162. Pope Benjamin, 58/111; Grace, 51; Hannah, 58, i n ; John, 118 j Sarah, 118, 314 Amelia Hoare, 235; George, 228 j Harriet, 228; Joseph, 147; Joshua, 147; Louisa Jane, 235; Mary, 118, 119; Robert, 235; Samuel, 118; Sarah, 147, 163; Willm 119, Possey Sarah, 108; William, 108. Potter Dorothy, 69; Elizabeth, 70, 75» 225,- Ffrancis, 27; Georg, 76; George, 69, 70; Georgius, 18, 19; John, 26, 27, 28, 30, 75; Mare, 71; Martha, 161; Mary, 26, 30; Samuell, 19, 75 j Tamsane, 26; Tamsen, 27; William, 28, 225; Wilmot, 28; Wilmoth, 18. Pottor, P o t t Powell r see Potter Amia, 78; Dorothy, 36, 78, 79; Edward, 17, 69; Elias, 68; George, 36, 78; Hanna, 78; Honer, 78; Joane, 112; Johanes, 14, 15, 48; John, 16, 36, 69; Luckrecia, 48; Lucris, 50; Robert, 69 ; Robertus, 14; Roger, 36; Thomas, 16. Powill, see Powell Poyer Mary, 153. Poyl Johanna, 91; John, 91. Pratt . Ann, 117; Betty, 96; Mary, 96, 119, 127; Susanna, 141; Thomas, 96, 119; William, 141. Preddy Abraham, 217 ; Elizabeth, 217 ; Harriet, 217. Price Ann, 164 j David, 100,129; Edward, 100,129; Mary, 100, 117. Prier Alexander, 57 ; Christian, 57. Priest Aaron, 231; Elizabeth, 117; Elizabetha, 57; Thomas, 117. Pring Anna, 129; Betty, 104; Caroline, 243; Daniel, 129, 244; Eleanor, 133; Elizabeth, 155, 196; Fanny, 164; Henry, 248; Jno 100; Isaac, 2075 J » 100, 104, 129, 183, 185, 187, 190, 193, 194, 196, 217; Jane, 130; John, 38, 104, 155, 185, 217, 254; Mary, 100, 183, 185, 187, 190, 193, 196, 217; Robt., 38; Samuel, 108, 204; Sarah, 38, 104, 187, 190, 194, 204, 207, 217, 241, 254; Thomas, 38, 164; Thomas Edward, 187; William, 104, 187, 193, 194, 204, a m e s 207, 242, 245. Pritchard Ami, 158; David, 155. Pitchard, see Pritchard Prockter Alice, 41, 81; Alike, 122; Cathu, 42; Catherine, 129; Christian, 113, 12$; Christopher, 75; Eliz., 42; Ffrancis, 41, 81; Gulielmus, 18, 19; Hannah, 08 ; Jane,.5o; 76; Joan, 41,-43, 8 1 , % 90, 117, 124, 125,127, 137 ; Toane, 85, 88; John, 88, 123; Jone, 29, 32; Josiah, 42, 113, 128; Josias, 118; Marie, 55; Mary, 42, 124, 138; Prudenc, 75; Prudence, 31; Robart, 75; Robeart, 31, 32, 76; Robert, 29 41, 88, 89, 90, 124, 127, 137, 138; Robertus, 19 j Robrot, 32; Robrt.,32; Robt 81,90; Robt P., 135, 136, 137; Sarah, 32, 41, 117; Jammosma, 61; Will, 41, 42; Willi, 81; William, 29, 42, 50, 68; W i i u s , 61; Willm 138; Witt 42, 85. ... . • Procktor, Procter, Proctour, see Prockter 315 Prole Elizabeth, 1 1 7 ; Francis, 117« Properjohns Abraham, 185* Ann, 227; Eliza, 176, 244? Grace, 141; Isaac, 141; John, 176, 181, 185; Mary, 138, 176, 181, 185; Mary Ann, 181; Samueal, 141; Samuel, 246. Properions, see Properjohns Prowse Ann, 102, 168; Betty, 96, 102, 103; Bety, 102; Elisabeth, 97, 98, 137, 148 ; Elizabeth, 102, 151, 217, 240, 257; Elizabth, ,147, 148,; Grace, 51; Isaac, 98 Julian, 92; James, 106; Jane, 91; John, 105; Josaph, 102; Joseph, 96, 102 103, 130, 151, 216, 220; Lewis, 91, 92, 126; Mary, 57, 103, 217, 220; Miriam, 117; Robert, 57; Roger, 51; Sarah, 96, 97, 105, 106, 129, 132,162; Thomas, 97, 106, 117; Thos 92, 105, 130, 162, 168, 217; William, 91, 96, 97, 98, 137 I 5 4 > * Wm 96, 97, 141, 156. Prous, Prouse, Prouses, Prows, Prowes, see Prowse Prowell Mary, 144; William, 144. Pugh Mary, 123. Pullen Charles, 88; Susannah, 88; William, 88. Pully Mary, 88; Susannah, 88, 114; William, 88, 114. Pursey Ann, n o , 168, 172, 180, 191; Charles, n o , 235; Elizabeth Ann, 191; Harriet, 180; John, 172; Mary, 112; Sarah, 109; Thomas, 109; William, 109, n o , 168, 172, 180, 191. Pussy Betty, 92 ; John, 92 ; Richard, 92. Puttome Syseley, 49; Thomas, 49. Pye Elizabeth, 41,116; Hannah, 86, 122; Tno 41; John, 39, 41, 85, 86, 121, 125; Mary, 125 ; Ruth, 39, 41, 86, 125; William, 39, 85, 121, 122. Pyke Mary, 88; William, 88,123. Q Quick Aaron, 182; Charles, 207,* David, 198; Eliza, 196;, Elisabeth, 93; Elizabeth, 196, 198, 202, 204, 207, 2io, 223; George, 204, 255,* "Henry, 210, 257; James, 191, 196, 198, 202, 204, 207, 209, 210, 223; Johana, 47; Mark, 92, 93; Mary, 92» 93» m> * > ?» 4 i Robert, 191, 251; Sarah, 163, 191, 209; William, 92» m> m> *82, 2S7; Willius, 47. 82 * Quoram 'Anne, 123. 22 2 8 3i6 R Raban Wm 220. Rabins Ann, 129; James, 101; John, 101; Mary, 101. Radford Betty, 94; David, 941;. Eliz,, 93, 94? G. R . , 226; Sarah, 93. Radnege Hannah, 135; Philip, 135. Ramster Ann, 119; Mary, 119; Thos 119. Rawlington Mary, 117. Rawlins H. W., 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185,186, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 226, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 248. Raynolds Jacobus, 20 j James, 70; Mary, 114; Prudene, 74 5 Prudence, 50, 70; Prudentia, 20; Robert, 50, 70; Robertus, 20." Rannoles, Raynoldes, Rennols, see Raynolds Reap Joan, 127. Redwood' Ann, 234; Hannah, 105, 106; Henrietta, io$; James, 152; Samuel, 234; Susannah, 152; William, 105, 106. Reed Abraham, 180; Ann, 126, 150, 156; Eliz\, 38,* Hannah, 38; James, 118; Jane, 180; John, 150; Martha, 38,122; Mary, 118; Matilda, 180; Sam, 3S j Samuel, 38. Reeves Ann, 118; Edward, il8. Rendall Betty, 118, 137, 140; Francis, n8, 127; Georgius, 10 • Jno 96; Joan, 138; John, 95, 96, 131, 149; Mary, 95, 96, 128; Sarah, 95, 127,162; Thomas, 96; Thos 162. Randall, Randell, Rendal, Rendel, Rendell, Rendle, see Rendall Reson Arm, $6; Lusii, 49 j William, 56. Resson, see Reson Resterrick Jane, 116. Rew John, 115,159? Mary, 115. Rice John, 125. Rich Agnes, 220} Ann, 109,130, 133, 241; Grace, 130, 131, 167; John, 108, 132, 163; Mary, 106, 108, 109, 163; Saml 108, 163; Samuel, 106, 109, J31, 167, 246; SameU, 159; Thomas, 106,131; William, 130,131. ° 317 Richards Ann, 85, 114, 213 j Edward, 68; Eliza, 132; Ffhraces, 85; GabreL 114; ^ Richard, 85; Robert, 213. Richardes, see Richards Ricketts Ann, 214; Sarah, 214. Ridan Elizabeth, 115, Ridge ^ Eliz., 126; J., 159; John, 151; Mary, 116. Ridle Mary, 216. Ridler Mary, 117. Riggs William, 228. Risdon Peter, 116; Sarah, 11=6. Ritherton Edward, 84; Edwd 38, 41; Joseph, 84; Mary, 38, 41; Willi, 41. Robins Ann, 100, 101; Charles 100, 129; Hannah, 100, 130; Harriet, 101; James, ioo, ioi, 144; Jno 145; John, 144; Mary, 131,144,145, 233; Thomas, 145. Robbins, Robens, see Robins Roberts Grace, 160; Miss, 118. Rockwell Eliz., 113; John, 113. Rodber Elizabeth, 214; John, 214. Rodford Axon, 112; Grace, 112. Rogers David, 94; Ffrances, 49; Hannah, 94, 119; James, 258; John, 153; Judeth, 56; Maria, 46; Mr 49; Patience, 153 ; Wm 94. Rogeres, see Rogers Rose Rose, 115. Rossiter Eliza, 114; John, 253; Mary, 235. Rove Phillip, 17. Rowe Ann, 92, 113; Charles, 92; Elinore, 16; Eliz., 57; Elnor, 52; Ffrances, 22, 29; Geffreus, 15; Geffrey, 52; Gillian, 24, 73; GylHon,52; Jefferie, 22, 23,27, 29» S4»* Jefery, 28; Jeffery, 24, 25, 73! Joane, 54; John, 113; Jone, 28; Julian, 27; Julyen, 25; Lauerence, 16; Lauerentius, 15; Lawrence, 24, 70; Mary, 25; Robart, 23, 73; Robt 57 j Thomas, 92; Widow, 75; Wilia, 27; William, 28. R o e , R o o e , R o w , see Rowe Rowland Lydia, 162 j Sattt* t6t. 3i8 Rowlocke Ann, 53 ; Aster, 53. Rowsell Elezebath, 102; Elisabeth, 138; Elizabeth, 118, 143, 181; George, 152, 153; Henry, 08, 208,* Isabella, 176; John, 102, 176, 181, 208, 215; Maria, 176, 181; Mary, 101, 102, 127, 152, 208; Sarah, 127; Thomas, 128, 138, 143. Roussell, Rousell, Rowsel, see Rowsell Rowswell Sarah, 114; Thomas, 114. Royse W . G., 240; William George, 216. Rud Elizabeth, 230; Robert, 230. Ruddie Elizabetha, 45. Rugg Adam, 229, 230; Ann, 228; Harriet, 230; Jane, 35, 81; Katherine, 35; Sarah, 160 ; Walter, 35 ; William, 160, 230. John, 35, 125; Rugge, see R u g g Rumbelowe Alicia, 44; Maria, 43; Willius, 44. Runbylowe, see Rumbelowe Russell Briggett, 114; Harriet, 132. Ryarton Edwardus, 38 ; Johannes, 38; Maria, 38. Rydon Elizabeth, m ; Mary, 87, 127; Thomas, 87; William, 87. Ryedon, see Rydon s Salter Avis, 43; Betty, 99, 100, 101, 103, 145; George, 230; Humphry, 100, 148; Jsaac, 103; John, 81; Mary, 99, 100, 129, 148 j Sarah, 99, 100, 129; Susanna, 100; Thomas, 43, 101, 129; William, 99, 101, 103, 145 j Wm 99,100, 147. Sam , Rich* 82. Samsone Richardus, 46; Thomisina, 46, Sandell Elezebeth, 159'; Geo., 159-.'George,"161. Sanders Elizth 166; John, 23, Simonus, 48. 52; Margareta, 48; Moses, 166 j Richarda, Sanford Brigded, 48. Sansome Elizabeth, 201, 208; Henry, 201, 208 j WilUam Henry, 201, 52; 3*9 Sarven Mary, 107; "William, 107. Satchell Alice, 52; Christoforus, 6$; Christopherus, 7; Elenoner, 71; Grace, 71; Gulielmus, 18 j Hannah, 114; Henricus, 10; Humphry, 21; Jaan, 71; Jaen, 52; Johnes, 6,7, 9, 10, 63 ; Martha, 77 ; Nicholas, 69 ; Peternell, 9; Petternel, 75; Rachell, 8; Robertus, 18; Thomas, 8; Thome, 8; William, 52, 71 ; Williame, 17 ; Willius, 6 ; Willm 17, Sachell, Sathell, Sattchell, see Satchell Saturley Elizabeth, 220; Samuel, 220. Saunders Elizabeth, 114; Emanuel, 213; William, 114. Savage Debora, 58; Eliz., 81; Gulielmus, 58; Willi, 81.' Sawier Elinora, 43 ; Gabrielus, 43. Sayer Anne, 114j Dorothia, 5; Gabrielius, 5, 6; Jana, 6. Sayman Johana, 43. Scadding Joan, 132. Score Eliz., i n ; John, i n . Scott Abel, 235 ; Jane, 235. Screven Eliz., 93 ; Margaret, 93; Thos 93. Seadary Arm, IOO ; John, 100; William, 100. beading Joan, 96, 137 ; John, 96; Stephen, 96, 137. Seaford Ann, 227. Seager Mary, 117 ; William, 233 ; Wm 226. Seagar, see S e a g e r Sealy Agnes, 52; Ane, 57; Ann, 24, 27; Elizabeth, 106, 131, 168; Ffrances, 58, i n ; Georg, 23, 24; George, 21, 27, 52, 73, 168; Hannah, 106, 107, 108, 109, 173; Harriet, 108; Henry, 21, 106,107, 108,109,173; James, 107,* John, 109,* Mary, 106; Richord, 24; Robart, 23, 73,* Robert, 111; Robt., 58; Thomas, 23; William, 173. Sealie, Seally, Sealye, Seely, Selley, Selly, Selye, see Sealy Seaman Mary, 149. Searle Betty, 97 ; Edward, 97; Humfrey, 69,* Humfridus, 18; Joan, 73; Joseph, 149; Mary, 97; Ruth, 149? Sarah, 154; Thoma, 18; Thomas, 69, 73, Searll, see S e a r l e j j I 32o Bengamen, 24; Jone, 49; Marie, 56; Marye, 24; Thomas, 24, 49, 75. Seathard Richd 119; Ruth, 119. Seaward Dinah, 142; Joseph, 142. Seeton Phillippus, 43 * Thomasina, 43. Sellect Grace, 117. Sellick Henry, 125; Isaac, 223. Semery Betty, 107 j James, 107; Mary, 107. Sergeant Elizabeth, 230; W . , 230. Serone Thohmas, 17. Seville Mary, 143; Samuel, 143. Sexton Maria, 242. Shallis Jane, 161. Shapton Margaret, 152, 155; Thomas, 152. Sharland Susanna, 152, Sharp Ann, 114, 140, 141, 232; Ema, 35; Emanuall, 35; Emunuel, 35; James, 114; Mary, 187, 193; Stephen, 187, 193. Sharpe, see Sharp Sheat Sarah, 157. Shepherd Abigale, 121; Ann, 201, 253; Benjamin, 201; George, 201; Jn° 126 j John, 38, 123; John Lewin, 218; Mary, 38, 56, 258 ; Samuel, 201 j Sarah, 116, 223 ; Tb 244; Thomas, 56. Shephard, Shepheard, Shephurd, Sheppard, see Shepherd Sheroode Brigded, 48 ,* Robertus, 48. Ship El., 153; John, 153. Shipcott Wm 222. Shoobrooke Gulielmus, 1 9 ; Johannes, 19; Margarett, 50; William, 50* Shoolle John, 154; Nancy,„JS4i I I i Shorland Jane, 147. 321 Shorlard Mary, 129, Shorler Martha, 151; Mary, 04, 151. Shorn ey Hannah, 135. Shorte Samuell, 114; Sarah, 114. Shropnell Grace, 112. Shuchburgle Susannah, 231 Shurne Jeffery, 50; Johane, 50. Shurwood Elner, 57. Shute Betty, 101; Elisabeth, 145,* Elizabeth, 244, 245; George, 145; Joan, 1*6; John, 117; Margareta, 44; Mary, 101, 217; Sarah, 117; Willius, 44. Shut, see Shute Shyldon Eleabeth, 53. Siley Hannah, 168; John, 229 ; Sarah Hunt, 229. Silly, see S i l e y Silk Susan, 225. Simmonds John, 51; Mary, 30; Rebecca, 51; Thomas, 30, 31, 78; William, 31. Simonds, Simons, see Simmonds Sims Jane, 115; Sam, 139. Syms, see S i m s Singer Necholaus, 62. Skinner Charlotte, 224; John, 141; Mary, 141; Sarah, 116; William, 224. Slade Dorithia, 64; Edward, 16; Fanny, 146; John, 117; Mary, 114,117; Willia, 16 ; William, 114. Slape Blanch, 113; Dorothia, 3; Georgius, 3, S, 7 j Janna, 7; Johes, 2, 59, 60, 66; Margareta, 59; Thomas, 5, 60; William, 113. Slocombe Dauid, 27, 71; Elizth 165; Frances, 76; Francisca, i8; Grace, 124; Joan, 25, 26; Joane, 27; Johannes, 18 • John, 23, 2s, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 69, 76, 165; Marie, 29, 30; Mary, 56, 242; Philip, 123; Phillip, 29• Robeart, 30; Tamsan, 26; Thomas, 28, 71J William, 30. f Slocomb, Slocome, Slocum, Slocumb, Slocumbe, see Slocombe Slowe Johes, 45; Maria, 45. 322 Smale Mary, 117. Smallcorn Joan, 138; Lazaras, 128, 138, 140. Smith Agneta, 64; Alice, 50; Ann, 127; Anna, 14, 118; Betsey, 167; Christofer, 62; Christoferus, 14; Christopher, I , 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 59, 60, 61, 64, 75; Christopherus, 2, 13, 46; Cristofer, 63; Dorathy, 34; Dorothy, 56; Eleanor, 122; Elinora, 12, 13; Elizabeth, 161, 221; Elizabethe, 67 ; Georg, 22 ; George, 27, 28, 29, 34, 54; Georgius, 11; Gorge, 75 ; Gustavus, 91; Hannah, 58, n r , 03 ; Henricus, 3; James, 155, 224; Jane, 1, 138, 164; Jas 167; Jasper, 165 ; Johana, 4, 7, 47 ; Johes, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 60, 64, 65, 66; John, 22, 23, 29, 34, 50, 56, 75, 127, 216, 253; Johnes, 13, 64; Jone, 66; Jonna, 13 ; Lucy, 167 ; Mare, 75 ; Maria, 4, 13, 61; Marie, 28, 54; Mania, 13; Mary, 27, 34, 91, 117, 121, 247; Mgeria., 46; Necholaus, 63; Nicholaus, 5; Rebecca, 51; Robeart, 56; Robt., 34; Robtus., 8; Saml 160; Samuel, 113; Samuell, 23 ; Sarah, 119; Simon, 119; Susan, 34; Susana, 60; Susanna, 5; Thomas, 7, 59; William, 164; Willius, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 64; Xpofer, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13. Smeth, Smethe, Smyth, see S m i t h Smock Johana, 63. Snook James, 140 ; Joan, 140; Mary, 190; Susannah, 190; Thomas, 190. Snow Charles, 207; Fanny, 203, 207 ; Henry, 203, 254; John, 203, 207. Somerville James, 242. Sortie Elianar, 53. Southward Elizabetha, 20; Valintinus, 20. Franscisca, 18; Phillippus, 19; Radolphus, 18, 19, 20; Southwood Elizabeth, 224; Grace, 49; Henry, 224, 257 ; Jane, 250; John, 17, 67 ; Ralfe, 74; Raph, 77 ; Raulf, 49; "Valentine, 74. Southwod, Sowthwod, Sowthwood, see Southwood Southy Bridget, 79 ; Grace, 78; Ralph, 21; William, 21. Sowthy, see Southy Sowdon Jane, 106; Mary, 106; Thomas, lo6. Sowthed Elizabeth, 48. Spark John, 105, 160, 207; Mary, 105, 207; Mary Ann, 207; Sarah, 105, 130. Sparke, see Spark Sparks Henry, xo6; Isaac, 106; Jane, 106, 156, 164, 205; John, 205; Mary, 205 Rebecca, 250; Robt 156. ** • ' ' J Sparkes, see Sparks Speer Joane, 57 ; Mary, 57. Speere, see Speer J 323 Spencer Maria, 162 ; Thomas, 162. Spickernell Elezabeth, 32 ; Thomas, 32. Spiller Ann, 103, 174; Betty, 98, 103, l$o, 166; Charlotte, 104; Eliz., 90; Elizabeth, 90, 117, 218, 224; Emma, 221; Hannah, 131; James, 99, 104; Jane, 99, 103, ziS» Ja° 97; Joan, 90, 145; John, 90, 95, 96, 98, 100, 103, 104, 130, 136, 154, 174» 184, 218; Joseph, 103; Lucy, 108; Mary, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 103, 104, 105, 108, 132, 136, 144, 158; Mathew, 105; Nancy, 104, 154; Rachel, 103; Ricd 104; Richard, 90, 105, 108, 158, 245; Richd 103; Robt 120; Samuel, 100, 108, 126 • Sarah, 99, 120, 166, 184, 218, 245; Susana, 103 ; Thomas, 95, 150, 241; Thos 142,* William, 97, 117, 158. Spr James, 85 ; Margt 85. Sprage Ann, 118 j Elizabeth, 91; Joseph, 91; William, 91. Spratt Ann, 148. Spray Elizabeth, 89, 90, 92, 115 ; Elizth 90; John, 89; Joseph, 90, 92,124; Richard, 89, 90, 92, 115. Spring Anna, 118 j Henry, 118. Spurl Eliz., i n ; Elizabeth, 123, Richard, i n ; Unity, 140. Spurle, see Spurl Squire J., 152- Stacey Benjamin, 146; Caroline, 222; Sarah, 146, 149; William, 222. Stagg Mary, 159. Stampeer Joan, SS 5 Thomas, 55. Standard John, 88 ; Mary, 88, 128. Standfast Ann, 119; Jane, 115; Jno 119; John, 102, 115; Mary, 102, 103; Thomas, 102; William, 103. Stansell Emily, 235; William, 235. Stantone Humfridus, 63. Stark James, 152. Starre Henrie, 51; Lucie, sr. Stedley Edwd 231. Steedem Elizabeth, 150. 324 Steer John, 107, 108; Joseph, 107; Mary, 107, 108; Sarah, 108, 169; William, 169. Stenveson E., 214. Stephens ' Amelia, 242; Hannah, 34, 36, 97; James, 174; Jno 97; John, 34, 36, 214; Maiy, 97 ; Rawling, 142 ; Rebecah, 132 ; Samuell, 36 ; Sarah, 174 ; Thomas, 168, 169, 174. Steephens, Steeuens, Steevens, Stevens, see Stephens Stephenson J. H., 200; John H., 199, 252. Sticklands Tames, 86. Sticklen John, 56; Marie, 56. Stocker Ann, 113; Eliz., 120 j Elizabeth, 88; John, 88; Mary, 118, 131; Richard, 133- Stockman Charlotte, 108; Eliza, 107, 131; Mary, 106, 107, 108, 131, 164; William, 106, 107, 108, 164; Wm 163. Stone An, 78; Anastice, 68 ; Anasticia, 18 ; Anna, 15 ; Beniamin, 31; Benjamin, 76 ; David, 221, 252 ; David S., 193, 194, 195, 196,197,198, 222, 223, 224, 225, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252; David Smith, 224, 225; D, S., 190, 191,192, 193, 195, 246, 247, 248 ; Dorothey, 67 ; Dorita, 48 ; Edith, 50; George, 70; Georgius, 20 ; Grac, 24; Grace, 50; Gulielmus, 19 ; Honour, 122; Honor, 34; James, 23, 34; Jams, 33 ; Jellian, 68 *, Jethro, 22 ; Joane, 32, 56 ; Johana, 15 ; Johannes, 20; Johes, 65 ; John, 68, 69, 163; Jone, 33, 34, 56; Marie, 56; Mary, 78, 114, 226; Philip, 32, 33; Phillip, 31, 35; Phillipp, 21; Richard, 69; Richardus, 19; Robert, 56; Robertus, 20; Sara, 24, 33; Thoma, 18, 19, 20; Thomas, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 48, 50, 56, 68, 70, 77 ; Williame, 16; Willius, 65; Willyam, 68; Wm 138. Ston, Stoone, see Stone Store Agneta, 7 ; Richardus, 7. Stowell Ann, 218; Thomas, 218. Stowey James, 146; M,, 146. Stracy Joane, 03. Stradling Grace, 51; William, 51. Strange Anne, 86, 124; James, 79, 122; Joane, 84, 86; John, 84, 85, 86, 124; Mary, 05; Peter, 122. Strang, see Strange Strangways Hannah, 130; Mary, 240; Thos 160, t86, 187, 188, 219, 220, 245, 246. otrapnell Maria, 215. 325 Street Agneta, 18; Ann, 58; Elenor, 21; Elizabeth, 217; Ellen Mary, 252; Elnor, 71; Emma Mary, 201; Ffrancis, $5; Francisca, 19; Grace, 50; Joan, 125 ; Johane, 49 ; Johanna, 18 ; John, 217 ; Mary Ann, 201; Rob 71; Robarte, 49; Robert, 21, 201; Robertus, 18, 19; William, 8r. Streat, Streatt, Streete, Streett, Strete, see Street Strickland Jos., 152, 154. Strode Anne, 116; Gabill, 80; Mountgomery, 116. Strong Anne, 87; Daniell, 113; Elizabeth, 55, 117; Hannah, 87; Henry, 117; James, 35; John, 35, 87; Mary, ioo, 127, 136; Sarah, 95, 113; Simon, 100; Thomas, 55 ; Thos 100; William, 95. Stronge, see S t r o n g Stroude Mary, 118. Stuard Elisabeth, 140; Robert, 140. Stuckey Anne, 116; Emma, 204; Sarah, 204, 227 ; Thomas, 204, 227. Stukeley Joan, 119. Sugg Julian, 129 ; Mary, 118. Sugge, see S u g g Sully George, 234; Hannah, 175, 178; Harriet, 230; Henry, 17s, 178; John, 205 ; Mary, 205, 230; Robert, 175; Samuel, 220; Sarah, 205. Sulley, see Sully Summers Ann, 99; Betty, 99 ; David, 195, 204 ,* Eliza, 249 ,* Hannah, 103, 250; James, 3°» I9S; Jams, 102, 129 j Margaret, 118; Mary, ror, 204; Naney, 102; Robt n8; Sarah, 102, 195, 204, 254; W m ^ , 102. 1 Somers, Sumers, see Summers Summerhayes Ann, 132,147 ; Betty, 107,109, n o ; Charlotte, 109, 239; David, 199, 201, 223, 234; Eliza, n o ; Elizabeth, 176, 223; James, 107, 109, n o , 176, 240, 249; John, 179, 180; Joseph, 132 j Magdalene, 180; Maria, 222; Mary, 107, 132, 133, 179; Nancy, 104; Sarah, 104, 109, 199, 201, 223, 227, 234, 241; Thomas, 180; Thos 104; William, 104, 147,179, 4 > 572 6 z Somerays, Somerhays, Somerys, Sommerhayes, Sumery, S u m . erys, Summerays, Summerhays, Summerheys, Summershays, Sumrays, see Summerhayes Sumptor Abraham, 126; Ann, 126. Sumpter, see Sumptor Summerfield Betty, 245. Sutton Ann, 127; Anna, 256; Charles, 254; Daniel, 130; Elizabeth, 248, 251; Frances, 258; Hannah, 128; Jno 129; Sarah, 129. 326 Swain Arthur, 114; Hannah, 114; Mary, 117, 136; Thomas, 117. Swaine, see Swain Sweete Eliz., 114. Sweeting George Edward, 198, 200; Georgius, 2; John Anstis, 200; Juha Anne, 198; Mary Anne, 198, 200; Thoma, 2 ; William Edward, 198. Sweetinge, see Sweeting Switten Robert, 149 ; Sarah, 149. Swonson Hannah, 153. Swyer R., 219, 244, 245. Sydenham Mary, 132, 215 ; Sarah, 154. Sidenham, see Sydenham T Tabert Betty, 187, 189; Charlotte, 214; Elizabeth, 193; Hannah, 187 ; Harriet, 250; Isaac, 187, 193; Isach, 189; James, 252 ; Jane, 189; John, 214. Tackle Elizabeth, i n ; Jno 41; John, Samuel, 117 ; Sarah, 41, 123. in, 121; Joseph, 41; Mary, 117, 121; Tackel, see Tackle Talbot Charles, 255; Eliz., m ; Elizabeth, 196, 199, 206; James, 196, 206; John, 199, 206. Isaac, 196, 199, 206; Talbott, Tallbut, see T a l b o t Tanner Johes, 1; Maria, 44. Tap James, 116; Martha, 125; Sarah, 116, 128. Tapp, see T a p Tapley Elizabeth, 123; Joseph, 126, 129; Martha, 128; Mary, 128. Taply, see Tapley Targett Matthew, 242. Tarner Thos 129. Taylor Ann, 144; Anna, 208; Edward, 208; Frederick, 208; Tames, 161; Toseph, 215; Margerett, 50; Mane, 54; Martha, 161 j Mary Ann, 235. Tayler, Tayller, see Taylor 327 Teape Mary, 140. Temlett Betty, 145. Terry John, 84, 85. Thanine Elizabeth, 54. I hatcher Ann, 92, 141; Charlotte, 132 ; Elis., 92; Eliz., 92, 93, 94; Elizabeth, 93, 166; Jno 94; John, 92, 93, 127, 154; Mary, 94, 132; Sarah, 167,- Thomas, 92. Thomas Betty, 90, 124; Harriett, 229; Joan, 89, 90, 94, 116; John, 89, 93, 94, 106, 107, 125, 132; Mary, 93, 94, 106, 107, 108, 142; Nicholas, ro8; Sarah, 90, 120; "William, 50, 90, 108, 125, 127; Willm 139; Winefred, 50; Wm 89, 219. Thompson Caroline, 222; Elizabeth, 06, 150; Susanna, 148; William, 150. Thomson, Tomson, see Thompson Thorne Agnes Maria, n o , 133; An, 57, 77; Anasticia, 18; Ann, 132,* Arthur, 35; Cfiarls, 132; Christian, 34, 35; Elizabetha, 20 ; Ffaith, 32; Galphridus, 18,19, 20 ,* George, n o ; Hannah, 34; Herbert Septima, 200; Herbert Septimus, 252; James, no, 239; Jana, 20; Jefferey, 13; Jefferie, 69; Jeffery, 72; Joane, 69 ; Johana, 19,43; Johannes, 20; Johes, 43; John, 30; Judeth, 165 ; Lateren, 55 ; Marie, 55; Martha, 34; Mary, 200, 202; Mary Christiana, 202; Peregrine Francis, 200, 202; Sarah, 132; Simon, 31; Thomas, 148, 165; William, 30, ^ 31,32,34,35. Thorn, see T h o m e Thrasher Amelia, 231; Mary, 141. Thresher, see Thrasher Tibbs Polexena, 166. Tice David, 98; Eliz., 81, 1225 Jno 126; Joan, 81; Joane, 113, 122; John, 113; Mary, 98; Robert, 124, 125; Robt 81; William, 98. T y c e , see T i c e Tillar Maria, 46. Tirry Gonnett, 47. Tite Ann, 176, 179, 183, 214, 243; Caroline, 185; Elizabeth, 179, 183, 185, 187, 190, 194, 218; Henry, 176, 242; Jane, 190; Mary, 187; Matilda, 194; Walter, 176, 179, 183, 185, 187, 19°, *94> 214, 218, 219. Tocker Johan, 73; Sarah, 129. Toogood, Elizabeth, 117; Henry, 117; Made, 45. Togood, see Toogood Tolber Grace, 30; Jane, 30; William, 30. 328 Toleman Elizabeth, 254. Toller Ann, 100, 131, 133, 147, 185, 192; Anne, n o ; Betsy, 185; Elizabeth, 100, 168, 174, 180, 189, 193, 197, 200, 208, 231, 234; Harriet, 193; Henry, 192, 247; James, 208; John, 100, 101, no, 147, 168, 172, 174, 180, 185, 189, 193, 196, 197, 200, 208, 217, 219, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234; Martha, 101, 174, 217, 250; Mary, no, 172, 174, 196; Miriam, 197, 252; Nanny, 101; Robert, 77; Sarah, 100, 166, 172, 189, 239; Thomas, 192, 196. Toose Agneta, 46, 48; Alicia, 45, 63, 64; Ann, 9; Dorita, 48; Dorothia, 8; Elizabeta, 66; Elizabeth, 7; Johana, 62; Johes, 45, 46; John, 7 ; Johnes, 8, 9, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66; Thomas, 65. Tooss, Toosse, Touse, Towse, see T o o s e Tooser Eliz., 119; Simon, 119. Tory AUic, 74; Allisa, 48 ; Robrt, 74. Torrye, see T o r y Toser Charity, 122 ; Edeth, 73; Edith, 50; Elianora, 18 ; Julian, 69; Juliana, 20; Maria, 19, 49; Mary, 69, 168; Richard, 49, 50, 69, 71, 121; Richardus, 18, 19, 20; Thomas, 168; Williame, 17. Tosere, Tozer, see T o s e r Toterdale Abraham, 245. Totten John, 125 ; Robert, 121. Tottenham Matilda, 239. Totterdell Elizath 140. Tottle Ann, 227 ; Hannah, 227; John, 119, 227 ; Mary, 119. Tottel, see T o t t l e Toulmin Jane, 138 ; Joshua, 138. Tout Ann, 167; Michael, 167. Towell James, 155 ; Martha, 155. Towells Margaret, 118; Margareta, 44. Towills, see Towells Townsend George, 145; J., 167, 168, 171, 172, 174, 182, 190, 239, 241, 242, 243; John, 117, 132, l 6, 166, 167, 168, 169, 213, 214, 217, 218, 241, 243, 2491 Mary, 117. I 7 3 > S Trancher Jane, 160. Trapnell Abraham^ 179,190; John, 190; Maria, 179, 190, 193; Matilda, 193 * Pamela, 179. Trapmll, Trappnell, see Trapnell 329 Tratt Elisabeth, 127. Trebble Frauncis, 78 ; Lucie, 78. Tren chard Henry, 120; Joan, 120; W . E., 204. Trett Sarah, 146. Trevena John, 158. Trigge Made, 45; Thomas, 45. Tripp Elisabeth, 147. Trott Elizh 90; Elizabeth, 90; Henry, 209, 232 ; Johes, 46; Mark King, 209 ; Mary, 255; Phillippia, 46; Robert, 90; Sarah, 150, 209, 217, 232; Thomas, Troott, see T r o t t Trout Ane, 35, 57; Anne, 124; Eliz,, 87; Elizabeth, 91; John, 34; Margaret, 38 127 ; Margett, 122 ; Robert, 34, 35, 57, 87, 91; Robt,, 38 ; Thomas, 91. Troute, Troutt, see T r o u t Trow John, 159. True Betty, 103; John, 103; William, 103. Trump Eleanora, 58; Guilelmus, 58; Joan, 58; Joane, i l l . Tucker Adamus, 12, 46, 65; Addimus, 64; Anne, 51, 115; Benjamin, 150; Betty, 188; Eleanor, 222; Elizabeth, 124; Eme, 64; Garter, 47; Hannah, 151; Henry, 230; James, ri8, 126, 188; Jana, 64; Joan, 117; Johana, 46; Maria, 161, 247; Martha, 118, 128, 142; Mary, 132, 230; Peter, 81; Robert, 51; Robtus., 12; Sarah, 130. Tudball Revd T., 173,239; Revd Thos 172, 239; T., 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 183, 239, 240, 241; Tho., 239; Thomas, 214, 215, 218. Tupp Catharine, 159; Maria, 159. Turk Simon, 256. Turle James, 165, 166, 168, 175, i?7, 214; Johes, 48; Justina, 48; Mary, 214; Mary Ann, 175, 177, 214; Matilda, 175; Sarah Selina, 177. Tourle, see Turle Turner Ann, 96; Betty, 92,94; Edward, 119; Elisabeth, 128; Eliz., 85, 92; Elizabeth, 90, 91, 92, 116, 125 ; Frances, 119; George, 96; Grace, 195 ; Hannah, 87, 119; fames, 128; John, 93, n.4; Joseph, 128,144; Martha, 85, 86, 87, 91,118,125; Mary, 85, 93, 94, 114, 118, 214; Roger, 93, 94; Sarah, 86, 91, 119, 127; Tomas, 85; Thomas, 85,86, 87, 91,92, 116,128; Thoe 90; William, 195,222; Willm 92, 96. 330 Turpin Ann, 231; Lawrence, 231. Turton Edward, 158; Maria, 158. u Upham Briggett, 114; Charlotte, 168; H., 162; Jane Studley, 223; John, 118; Louisa, 223; Mary, 118; Richard, 04; Robert Northam, 223; "William, 168, Urirtce Joseph, 154 ; Nancy, 154. V Varder Daniel, 118; Hannah, 118. Veaosie Maria, 66. Veasy George, 97 ; Maria, 44 ; Mary, 97 ; Nathanl 97 ; Necholaus, 44. Veysy, see Veasy Veghan Joanna, 48. Ventill Mary, 154. Venycombe Maria, 45. Verm an Mary, 148 ; Sarah, 98. Verrier John, n8; Margaret, 118. Vicary Abraham, 115; Benjamin, 232; Betty, 91, 132; Charlotte, 194, 251; Eliz., 122 ; Eliza, 208 ; Elizabeth, 32, 34, 77, 168, 186, 188, 192, 194, 198, 202, 209, 219; Francis, 119; Grace, 34, 57; Hannah, 115; Harriet, 198; Henery, 56; James,-105; Jane, 91, 105; John 73, 91, 186, 208, 231, 257; Judeth, 56; Mary, 112, 119, 192, 208; Philip, 32, 57, 77, 126; Phillip, 34; Richard, 186, 188, 192, 194, 198, 202, 209, 219, 254; Richord, 73; Sarah Anna, 209. Vicery, Vickary, Vickerry, Vickery, Vickry, Vicorrie, Vicorry, see Vicary Vile Henry, 232 Rachel, 232. Villies Ann, 214; Nathaniel, 214; Sophia, 214. Villis, see Villies m 33i Vincent John, 221; Mary, 240. Vinsom Bety, 129. Virgin Henry, 116, 117; John, 154; Mary, 116; Nancy, 154; Susanna, 117. Vivian John, 255. Voysey Necholaus, 63. Vycars Emmout, 44. w Waddim Androw, 103; Ann, 103 ; Hannah, 103 ; William, 103. Wadim, see W a d d i m Waddon Mary, 164; Robt 164 ; Wader Mary, 117. Wadham Anna, 20; Elizabeth, 50; Elizabetha, 20; Thoma, 20; Thomas, $0« Waggett Mary, 143. Wake Elizabeth, 117; James, 117. Walford Alicia, 6; Christiana, 1, 45, 61; Christoferus, 14; Christoforus, 14, 66; Christopher, 73 ; Christopherus, 2, 47 ,* Cristofferus, 15; Dorothia, 6; Janna, 66 ; Joane, 51; Joanna, 14; Johana, I , 15, 47; Johnes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 61, 64; Jone, 75; Katherina, 8; Margareta, 4; Necholaus, 7; Nickoles, 71; Susana, 3; Tammosina, 64. Walfor, Wallford, see Walford Walker Joane, 54; Robert, 54. Wall Sarah, 166. Wallen Sarah, 139. Walters Eliz., 113 ; John, 113. Wannil Ann, 32 j Elizabeth, 315 Zacharias, 32. Shusanna, 32; Zacariah, 32; Wannill, Wannell, see Wannil Ward Charity, 187; Elizabeth, 187,188 j Thomas, 187, 188. Zachariah, 31; 332 Ware Alice, 127; Elisabeth, 139. Warkman Joseph, 115; Sarah, 115. Warman Martha, 135 ; Thos 135. Warnell An, 34; Ane, 34; Hana, 34; Jone, 34; Zacary, 34; Zacharis, 34. Warner Christiana, 2; Jacobus, 2; John, 143 ; Mary, 143. Warre Ann, 114; F., 177, 189, 190, 243. Warren *7 1 —* * * w w " f r 1 •— 7 sj+j ? j f —— —7 — J 14; Temprance, 52; Will, 41; William, 16, 35, 81, 124. Warrene, Warrenn, Warrin, Warin, see Warren Washer James, 153; Mary, 153. Watts Dorothea, 49; George, 249; Johana, 46. Wates, Wattes, see Watts Watson Hannah, 221; Hugh, 130; Joseph, 109; Mary, 109; Samuel, 221. Way John, 53; Mary, 53, 147. Waye, see W a y Weakier Elizabeth, 55. ' Wearier Henricus, 19; Johannes, 19. Webb Ann, 162; Elinor, 3; Elizth 162; Hannah, 113; Johana, 61; John, 58, Ruth, 58, 122. 124; Webbe, see W e b b Webber Ann, 167, 207; Betty, 255; Catherine, 255; D., 108, 131; David, Dd 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167; Grace, 139; Hannah, 100, 130; James, 152; Jane, 165, 229; Jno 100j John, 139, 193, 196, Joseph, 112, 229; Mana, 252; Mary Ann, 193, 207; Revd Mr David, Robert, 196; Sarah, roo, 127, 137,193, 196; Susanna, 130; Thomas, 137. Wedlocke " Martha, 121. Weeks Hannah, 112; Joana, 147; Mary, 116; Thomas, n6. Weekes, see Weeks Weety Eliz., 94; Saml 94; Sarah, 94.. 163; 112, 207; 132: 333 Weir Hannah, 227, 236; Jane, 236; Robert, 227, 236; Thomas, 236. W e r e , see W e i r Welch James, 146. Welland Elizabeth, 115; Emily, 220; Frederick, 220 j Sophia, 220. Welshman Jane, 116. Wensley Ann, 223; Caroline, 206; Charles, 233; John, 206; Sarah, 206, 233 ; Thomas, 233 J W a 233. Wescombe Mary, 225, 226. Westcott Abel, 128 j Ann, 165; Mary, 119; Richd 119; "Winifred Ann, 243. Westcote, see Westcott Westcombe Alicia, 47 ; Jacobus, 47. Western Agnes, 50; Johes, 48, 68; John, 50; Tamsan, 68; Tamsine, 48. Westoren, Westorne, Westorn, see Western Westover Ann, 98 ; Gabrilns, 49 ,• Lusii, 49 j Mary, 98; Richard, 98. Wethers Agneta, 13 ; Charles, 49; Jone, 49; Simonus, 13. Withers, see W e t h e r s Whale James, 108; Mary, 108. Wheadon James, 112; Joane, 112. Wheatly Jane, 112; Thomas, 112. Wheler Larencius, 44; Margareta, 44. Whetcomb Betty, 106; James, 155; Josiah, 118; Mary, 118; Robert, 106; William, 106. W h e t c o m b e , see Whetcomb Whetham Anne, 85, 86; Elizabeth, 85; John, 86; Joseph, 85, 86. Whitby Mary, 162 j Robt 162. White Ann, 132; Anstice, 87; Elisabeth, 100, 137; Elizabeth, 92; Elizth 165; Harriet, 172, 240; Haniot, 129; Jane, 87, 88, 114, 132, 241; Jno 128; Joane, I I I ; Johane, 50; John, 88, 99, 107, 130, 166, 172; Joseph, 92, 93, 94, 99, 127, 128, 163,230; Mary, 98, 99, 100, 107, 112, 129, 166, 172, 230; Nancy, 163; Nanny, 151» Richard, 123; Robert, 87, 88, 112; Sarah, 92, 93, 94, 98, 128, 129, 132, 137, 139, 146 J "Walt, IS3J William, 98, 99, 107, 148, 149, 150, 151, *S3» IS7> IS8 J Willm 93; Wm 100, 146, 149, 150, 151,152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157.158» m- Whitehead Mary, 215, 247 ; Thomas, 215. Whitmash Ann, 117; Mary, 118. Whitt Christiana, 47; DoritMa, 47 ; Richardns, 47. Whittrow Anne, 113; William, 113. Whores Alicia, 45 ; Christiana, 45. Wilcox Ann, 107; Charles, 106, 253; Isaac, n o , 133, 173, 2445 Joel, 171; John, 106, 107, »8, 109, 110, 165, 171, 173; a r y , > 7» 109, n o , 165, 171, 173, 245; Sarah, 108, 154,- Thomas, 167; William, 107; Zebedee, 154. M I o 6 I0 Wilcocks, Wilcoxs, Willcocks, W i l l c o x , see W i l c o x Wilkey Joseph/ n o ; Susanna, n o ; William, n o . Wilkins Alicia, 43; Andrew, 137; Ann, 246; Elizth 224; Fanny, 92, 135; Frances, 93; Francis, 92, 93; Jane, 137 ; John, 92; Thomas, 93 ; William, 92. Wilkings, see Wilkins Williams Alexander, 98; Betty, 96; Cathren, 151; Charles, 176; Edward, 98, EL, 95; Eleanor, 95, 96, 98; Eliz., 85, 121; Eliza, 114; George, Hannah, 176; John, 89, 95; J. TJ„ 224; Mary, 86, 89, 90, 98, 112 Mathew, 85, 86, 89, 90, 112, 121; Rawling, 142; Richard, 80, 95, 96, Robert, 230; Rowland, 98; Rowley, 98; Sarah, 90, 95, 230; Thomas, Thos 98; William, 176; Wm 222. 128; 114; 164; 98; 142; Wiliams, Willams^ see Williams Williamson Ann, 105 ; Maria, 105 ; William, 105. Willis William, 218, 251. Wilment Caroline, 105; Frederick, 171, 235; James, 248; James Cade, 104; Martha, 104, 105, 107, 109, 171; Martha Elizabeth, 105; Martha Elizth 130; Mary Ann, 235; Ricd Adams, 104; Robert, 109, 131, 132 ; Saml 104,105 ; Samuel, 104, 105, 107, 109, 131, 171; Thomas, 107. Willment, see Wilment Wills Ann, 4; Christiana, 7» 66; Christiane, 6; Ffrances, 49; Ffrauncs, 44, 61; Grace, 108; Henricus, 3, 60; James, 108; Johana, 44, 61; Johes, 4, 7, 45; Julian, 55; Katherina, 7; Maria, 45; Mgeria, 44; Robtus, 6; Willius, 3, 4, Wiles, Wylls, see Wills Willy Eliza, 179; Elizabeth, 109; Ffrancis, 66; Grace, 107, 171, 174, 176, 179; Henry, 179; James, 107, 171, 174, 176, 179, 250; Jno 137; Joan, 137, 138; Margene, 66; Mary, 171, 231; Samuel, 109; Susanna, 174; Susannah, 176; William, 107, 109, 221, 231. Wile, Wille, Willey, Willie, Williey, see Willy Wilmont Elizabeth, 56; Humfvie, 56. 335 Wilshcr Hugo., 43 j Margareta, 43. Wilson Edward, 167; Joan, 167; Mary, 131. Wilthmott < Faith, 57; Odes, 57. Willway Avis, 79; Elener, 79 j Grace, 79. Wilway, see Willway Wingron Arabella, 230. T W inslade E . , 213; Sarah, 118. Winslad, see Winslade Winsloe Charlotte, 197; Emma, 197, 218 ,* Matilda, 218; Richard, 218, 221; JRichd 188, 189, 191, 197, 218, 220, 222, 223, 227, 246, 247. Winter Alicia, 6$; Anna, 148; Charlotte, 96, 232; Elizabeth, 31; Elizabetha, 20; Ffrauncees, 255 Francis, 57; Gulielmus, 20; Hanna, 28; Hannah, 130; Harriot, 103; Isaac, 96, 97, 105, 106, 107, 109, 142, 162, 226, 243, 253; James, 148; Jane, 97, 148, 150; Joan, 73, 96, 97, 245,- Joane, 113; Johana, 46; Johannes, 20; Johes, 46; John, 31, 33, 70, 78, 150; Johnes, 11; Julian, 24, 25, 26, 28; Julien, 23; Lullyane, 78; M. A., 226; Mary, 24, 33, 57, 119; Mary Ann, 197; Robert, 34, 103, »7, 128, 197,* Robertus, 11; Robt 81; Robt Chilcott, 97 ; Roger, 23; Samuell, 26 ; Samuel Henry, 197; Sarah, 103 ; Susanna, 105, 106, 107, 109, 162; Susannah, 226; Tamsen, 34; Thomas, 150; Thomas Chilcott, 96; Thos 152; Willia, 22, 26; William, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 109. Wenter, Wimter, Wintere, Wynter, see Winter Wish Ann, 119; Thos 119. Withe Christiana, 43. Withers Ann, 149; Ellezabeth, 34; George, 34; John, 33, 34, 231; Maria, 231. Witherston John, 213. Wodden Andrew, 158; Nancy, 158. Wood 2 2 2 B e An, 102; Ann, 99. 131, 144, H5> i « y > 99» 109, 164, 173, 178, 182; Diana, 107; Elizabeth, 117, 186; George, 129; Joan, 99, 101, 120, 152; John, 107, 144; Joseph, 226,- Maria, 47- Mary, 99, 101, 106, 107, 109, 179, 182, 222, 226, 229, 234; Richard, 99, 14s; Richerd, 102 ; Saml 160, 164; Samuel, 99, 101, 107, 109, 173, 178, 182, 186, 246; Sarah, 102, 178, 179, 39; Thomas, 222 j W., 193,194, 248; William, 106, 132, 186, 222, 223, 248; Wm 222. 2 Woods Jno 160. Woodberry Elisabeth, 148. 33^ Woodfrey Abraham, 104, 165; John, 104; Sarah, 162. Woodferry, Woodfry, see Woodfrey Woodforde F . , 158 ; Jas., 218. Woodham Mary, 112; Nicholas, 112, 115, Sarah, 115. Woodin Elizabeth, 173, 177, 181; Henry, 181; James, 240; Joseph, 177 ; Robert, 173, 177, 181. Wooding, see Woodin Woodlande Christiana, 43 ; Jocobus, 43. Woodley Joan, 90; Richard, 90. Woodman Elizabeth, 157, 207 ; John, 166, 207 ; Sarah, 166; William, 207. Woodrow Betty, 159 ; John, 159 \ Joseph, 138; Mary, 138. Woolcot Ann, 180; Elizabeth, 193; George, 180, 186, 190, 193; Mary, 180, 186, 193; William, 190. 190, Woolcott, see Woolcot Woolfrey Ab., 129; Abaham, 147; Abraham, 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 137, 139, 148, 153, 155, 157, 193, I9S, 239, 243; Abrahem, 150; Abram, 144; Abramham, 144*, Abrn» 97; Ann, 184, 187, 191, 195, 218, 223, 224, 225, 230, 234; Betty, 103; Elisabeth, 99; Elizabeth, 91, 92, 118, 191, 193, 215, 248; Hana, 103; Hanna, 102; Hannah, 97, 101, 104, 127, 128, 153, 257; Isaac, 96; Isack, 102; Joan, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,137, 241; John, 98, 102, 129, 184, 187, 191, 195, 218, 219, 220, 222, 224, 225, 227; Mary, 97, 101, 193; Samuall, 102, ,129; Samuel, 99, 128; Sarah, 98, 103, 104, ro6, 130, 227 j Susanna, 106; Thomas, 91, 92, 96, 100, 125, 127; Thos 128. Wolfree, Wolfrey, Wolfry, Woolf—, Woolfery, Woolferry, W o o l free, Woolfry, Woollfre, Woollfree, Woollfrey, see Woolfrey Woollen Sarah, 234. Wools Samuel, 256. Worman Sarah, 157; William, 157. Wornell Eliz., 94, * " ? George, 94; Mary, 94, 119, 139; Robt 94, o 9 > 126. Wornall, Wornel, see Wornell Worncell Damons, 54. Worrell Angle, 121; Charles, m j Fanny, 164; Jane, n6; Joan, 125 t John, 116. Worrel, see Worrell Worterman Elezt 102; Thomas, 102. 1 \ 33; Wreth Mary, n8. Wright George, 209; Harriet, 208,* Joan, 58; Joane, i n ; John, 58, i n ; Mary, 199, 209; Matilda, 199; Richard, 199, 208; Sarah, 107 ; William, 107. Wrinckmore Johana, 7 ; Johnes, 7. Wyatt Aaron, 223, 224, 225; Ann, 92, 219; Aron, 219; Elenor, 53; Elizabeth, 169, 228 ; Em., 55 ; Georg, 55; Henrie, 53; Isaac, 132, 242; Jacob, 92 ; James, 216; John, 138, 160, 169; Johnes, 7; Mary, 138; Miriam, 235; Necholaus, 7; Samuel, 92; Sarah, 169, 214, 216, 234, 235; Susanna, 169; Vrselowe, 62 ; William, 169, 219, 228; Wm 235. Wiat, W i e t , W y a t , see W y a t t Wytt Elisath, 169. Y "VTandel Hannah, 139; Margaret, 141; Mary, 115, 119; Philip, 141; Saml 119. Yandell, Yeandell, see Yandel Yeard Tamisan, 53. Yeovanes Joan, 25; Robart, 25, 74; Simon, 25, 74. Yeoranes, Yeovans, see Yeovanes Youens Jenny, 148; Richard, 148. Yorcke Agneta, 47; Willius, 47. Young Elizth 165; Mary, 159. Younlett Lonard, 160. \ 339 INDEX OF P L A C E S . A Aisholt, 217. Amsbury, 162. Ashbrittle, 112. B Bampton, 1 1 2 . Bath, 252. Beverley, 2 1 1 , Bicknell, 58. Bicknoller, 114. Bidralton, 1 1 2 . Bishops Hull, n o , 112, 1 1 5 , 133» 139, 147. 175, 1 7 $ 177. 79> 203» 206, 214, 215, 218, 239, 246, 257. Bishopslydard, 1 1 2 . Bishops Lydeard, 141, 159. Bloomsbury, Saint George, 229. Bradford, 40, 75, i n . Broadclist, 155. Bridgwater, 137. Bristol, S* James, 226. Bristoll, S* Phillips and S* James; 113. Brixham, 235. Bromvill, 116. Buckland Saint Mary, i n . Camber, 1 1 5 , Cambridge, S Andrews, 158. Cambridgeshire, 226. Castle Inn, 179. Chard, i n , 112, 224. Chedon, 1 1 5 , 1 1 6 . Church Taunton, 1 1 2 . Clifton, 239. Colliscorribe, 46. Colyton, 138. Cornwall, 230. Crediton, 113. Creech Saint Michael, 1 1 3 , 1 4 5 , l l Crowcombe, 104. Cullumpton, 58. Curland, 58, i n . Curry mallett, 1 1 2 . 340 D Deavon, 7 3 . Devon, 115, 138, 152, 155, 163, 220, 23$. E E l y , 226. Enmoore, 57. Enmore, 163. E x t e r , S* Davids, 1 5 1 . E x e t e r , S Sidwells, 208, 248. 4 F Feltham, 214. France, 2 1 1 . Fullands House, 248, 250. G Gallmington, 86. 189, 190, 1 9 1 , 192, 195, 239, Galmington, 78, 173, 179» 180, 247. 182, 183, 196, 199, 242, 249. Ganton, 181, 182. Gamlington, 175, 200, 240. Glastonbury, 164. Gaunton, 172, 174, 184, 185, Gloucester, 162. H Halse, 142. Hastings, 221. Hatch, 246. Hatch Beauchamp, 164, 240. Herefordshire, 216. Highham, 112. Hillbishopps, 58. Hillfarance, 1 1 1 . Ireland, 1 1 5 . Hillfarrence, 47, 146. Hoi way Lane, 1 7 1 . Honiton, 224. Hulbishopps, 114. Hullbishops, 1 1 2 . Hullbishopps, 1 1 1 , 1 1 3 . Huntspill, 1 1 2 . Isle Abbots, i n . 341 K Kingsbury-West, 143. Kingstone, x 11. Kingston, 5 7 , 1 1 5 , 1 1 6 , 214, 221. Lambeth, 229. London, S Martin Fields, 150. Luppitt, 163. l in Lympton, 220. Lynchcombe, 252. Lyng, 143. the M Mense, 2 1 1 . Middle W a y , 1 7 2 , 1 7 3 , 178,181, 182, 239, Middlesex, 229. Miluerton, 1 1 1 . Milverton, 58, 115, 143. Monkton, n 6 , 142, 215. Munkton, 113. N Northcurry, 1 1 2 . " North Street, Taunton, M. M., 243. North Town, S* James's, 252. Norton ffitz-warren, 112. t S o Orchard Portman, 140. Otcombe, 73- Overstowey, 214. Paul Street, S* Mary Mag- Pitmister, 77, 1 1 1 , 138. dalene, 241. Pittmister, 112, 1 1 3 . Paul St, St M. M., 174. Pittmistor, 58. Petmester, 45. Plymouth, 1 1 1 . Pitminster, 133, 141, 149» *5h Foole Farm, 171. 156, 161, 188, 191, 243, 246. 342. R Ruishton, i n , 142, 206. Rushton, 217. s Staplegroue, i n . Staplegrove, 114, 143, 165. St Gluvias, 230. S J a m e s , 116, 241. S* J a m e s S , T . St J a m e s , 242. St Mary Magdalen, 1 2 1 , 138, 149, 157, 174, 176, 177» 190, 215,242. St M . M., 133. St M. Mag., 179. Stogursey, 253. Stoke Mary, 6 1 . S t o k e St Gregory, 58, i n , 143, 168. Stoke S Mary, 214. St Weonards, 216. Surrey, 229. Sussex, 214, 221. Salisbury, 242. Sherford, 7 0 , 1 7 1 , 172, 1 7 3 , 1 7 4 , 175, 178, 179, 180, 182, 185,. 200, 239, 240, 241, 242. Sherforde, 18. Shurford, 187, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 247, 248, 249, 5 0 , 251. Sherford, Higher, 173. Shoreditch, in psh o f Pitminster, 247. Shuttern, 1 7 1 . Sidmouth, 253. Somerset, 115, 139, 143, 214. Somset, 72. Spaxon, 1 1 2 . Staplefitzpaine, i n . Staple-fitz-pain, 58. 1 fc 2 1 X Tanto, 9. Tanton, 44. Taunto Magdelin, 66, Taunton, 35, 114, 200, 248. Taunton Mag., 114. Taunton Magdalen, 1 1 3 . Taunton S. Mary Magdalen, 148. Taunton S t a Magdalena, 58. Taunton, St J a m e s , 80, 82, 98, 100, i n , 112, 1 1 3 , 114, i i g , 137, 140, 141, 146, 148, 1 5 1 , 201, 208, 218, 241, 244, 245, 257. Taunton St Mary, 174, 1 7 5 , 208, 243, 254, 256. Taunton S Mary Magalen; 144. Taunton St M. M., n o , 133, 171, 179, 180, 183, 239, 242, 243. 245. Taunton St Mary Mag., 102, 183. Tauntbn S* Mary Magdale, fc 343 4 Taunton S Mary Magdalen, 58, 82, i n , 112, 113, 115, 136, I37> 3 8 , 140» 144. 4 > 147, 148, 149, 150, 1 5 1 , 156, 158, 159, 162, 168, 169, 181, 189, 191, 198, 199, 200, 201, 213, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 230, 231, 234, 240, 241, 247, 248, 251, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258. Taunton S Mary Magdalin, 1 1 5 , 116. Taunton S M a r y M a g ^ , 177. Taunton S* Mary Mag*, 190. Taunton S* M. Mag., 184, 242, 243, 244, 245. J J 6 l fc Taunton S* M. Magdalen, 247, 250, 258. Taunton S M. M a g , 246, 251. Taunton S My, 246. Taunton S MY Magd , 247. T . S M. Mag., 244. T . S* M. Magdalene, 184, 244. Tingmouth, 115. Tiuerton, i n . Tiverton, 115, 152. Trull, 30,44,45,53* 72, 81, 112, 116, 121, 138, 144, 152, 159, 225. Turkey Court, 1 7 1 , 173, 175, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 240, 241, 242. 1 n l fc n l V Verdun, 2 1 1 , w W a t c h e t , 246. Wellengton, 1 1 5 . Wellington, 1 1 1 , 113, 145. Welne, 113. W e s t Buckland, 139, 165, W e s t Hatch, 144. W e s t Monckton, 216, 239. W e s t Monkton, 1 1 5 . Westmuckton, 1 1 2 . Wheatleigh Lodge, 179. Wilton Cottage, 241. Wilmot Square, T . S James, 242. t Yorkshire, 2 1 1 . Wilton Jail, 256. Wilton Gaol, 191, 1 9 2 , 1 9 4 , 1 9 5 , 205, 243, 245, 246, 247, 248, 255, 256, 257, 258. Wilton House, 243. Wilton House of Correction, 196, 198, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253. Winsham, 112, 209. Wiveliscombe, 114, 165. Wivelscomb, 115. Copyright © Anguline Research Archives, All Rights Reserved. These images are supplied for information and personal research only. No reproduction may be made for publication without prior permission of the copyright owner.
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