Please click here to the Sacré Cœur Strategic Plan 2012
Please click here to the Sacré Cœur Strategic Plan 2012
From strong foundations: Strategic Plan 2012 – 2015 Sacré Cœur International School of the Sacred Hear t 1. Introduction Sacré Cœur is a highly regarded school with strong foundations, well positioned to build on its many successful years educating students at Burke Road. Our Catholic faith and commitment to the educational philosophy of St Madeleine Sophie Barat are part of what makes Sacré Cœur distinctive and guide all that we do. The school has solid finances, excellent infrastructure and a high performing team of talented teachers and administrative staff. Sacré Cœur is forward thinking and embraces world’s best practice in education including collaboration with other schools in person and online; adopting a global outlook; offering virtual classroom experiences; and a commitment to full implementation of the National Curriculum. Our alumnae are an active group of women and are well represented among community leaders. Sacré Cœur’s Strategic Plan is based on consultation with students, staff, parents and others across the school community. It sets out our shared approach to improving what we do; responding to a changing environment; and achieving our collective goals. The Plan covers a four year period but looks further, including and anticipating future opportunities and challenges. It will be monitored and reviewed regularly. Our Strategic Plan will be achieved in conjunction with the School Board, Foundation Board, Parents’ Association, Past Parents and Alumnae Association. Academically, Sacré Cœur girls achieve results among the best in the State, and they participate widely in sport, music, the arts and social activities. 2. Sacred Heart goals As a Sacred Heart School, we find our meaning and purposes in the educational vision of the Mother Foundress, St Madeleine Sophie Barat, who founded the Society of the Sacred Heart in France in 1800. A Sacred Heart education is marked by a distinctive spirit. A Sacred Heart school emphasises serious study, social responsibility, personal growth and resilience, wise decision-making, and lays the foundations of a strong faith. The essence of a Sacred Heart school includes that it be deeply concerned for each student’s total development: spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical. This Sacred Heart spirit is expressed in the five Goals of Sacred Heart Education that members of the school community endeavour to ‘live out’ in our everyday lives. The goals are: • A personal and active faith in God • A deep respect for intellectual values • Building community as a Christian value • A social awareness that impels to action •P ersonal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom The Goals are fundamental to Sacré Cœur’s day to day operations, providing the framework for our specific objectives and helping hold us true to the Sacred Heart philosophy of education. For each Goal there are several Criteria guiding how it may be achieved and these are detailed on the Sacré Cœur website. 3. Distinctly Sacré Cœur Sacré Cœur is a Catholic school of the Sacred Heart tradition. Our education is guided by the vision of St Madeleine Sophie Barat, building on educational and institutional foundations laid over many years in the French tradition. These are the things that make us “distinctly Sacré Cœur”. •T he school offers a continuous, integrated education for girls from Prep to Year 12. It is one of 150 schools that makes up our network of International Schools of the Sacred Heart. •W e provide a strong faith based dimension in a contemporary context, following the Five Goals of Sacred Heart Education. • O ur purpose is to help our girls achieve the best they can, academically, socially, in their faith, and to become leaders. •W e promote a nurturing environment that supports individual needs and student wellbeing. •W e are committed to educating our girls to become internationally minded citizens with opportunities to develop a deep appreciation of cultural awareness, diversity and social justice. •S acré Cœur introduces students to the wider world with connections to many international Sacred Heart schools, a close network with our sister schools in Australia and New Zealand, and teaching languages - including French as per the tradition. •S acré Cœur encourages wide participation in co-curricular activities including via Girls Sport Victoria and performing & visual arts, especially in conjunction with other schools. •T he school - a single, non-residential campus on Burke Road, Glen Iris, Victoria – caters for a maximum of 775 students a year. This Strategic Plan seeks to build on these special qualities and enduring foundations. 4. Our Strategy Our school is built on the tradition of St Madeleine Sophie Barat and our philosophy is a living link with her and the French traditions of her Order. It remains vibrant and relevant at Sacré Cœur today. This Strategy is guided by this spirit and tradition and our School Improvement Framework program – a quadrennial, evidence based review of the school’s goals, achievements and opportunities for improvement. The Framework covers spiritual and academic aspects of the school, providing detailed insights and action plans for achieving our goals. Sacré Cœur has an excellent reputation and the quality of our education and student wellbeing is well recognised. Our academic program is based on serious study, a love of learning and the best of contemporary teaching and learning practices. It is delivered flexibly and anticipates the demands of academic and career pathways beyond school. The school is financially secure and this strategy consolidates and provides for financial resilience in a changing economic environment. We are accountable to students, parents, government and our community. We operate a sound governance model with suitable mechanisms to oversee decisions and decision makers. Sacré Cœur’s strategic direction in the period to, and beyond, 2015 includes: • Providing an education in faith • Fostering an environment of learning and teaching excellence •M aintaining a nurturing focus on student wellbeing •D elivering responsible and empowered leadership and management •B uilding a strong school community with focus on our internationalism •C ontinuing good governance and financial management •H aving a creative and innovative focus on infrastructure • Preparing for the future 4.1Education in Faith Sacré Cœur is foremost a Catholic school, inspired by a particular Catholic tradition – the Sacred Heart tradition. Our strategies for providing an Education in Faith include: •E ducating the community about the Sacred Heart charism and promoting it so that we develop our Catholic identity and share it more widely. Seeking the meaningful, relevant engagement of students, parents and staff in their spiritual journeys. •C ontinuing to provide opportunities for community Eucharistic celebrations; further developing Sacramental Preparation Programs where the student-school-family relationship is core; and increasing opportunities for the participation of the school community in prayer and liturgical life. •B uilding on our out-of-school social justice action and outreach activities within a clear framework of Catholic values and involving students in their planning. •E ncouraging more of our teachers to be accredited to teach Religious Education and clearly mapping this through professional learning pathways. 4.2Learning And Teaching Sacré Cœur’s commitment is to create an environment, and provide an education, for girls to achieve their full academic potential and gain relevant skills to equip them for global society. Our learning and teaching strategies include: •A ctively engaging girls in learning through the highest quality teaching practices, and seeking to inspire a lifelong love of learning within a framework that is designed to respond to individual needs. •O ffering a differentiated curriculum and environment in which teaching staff add value to all programs and commit to achieving the highest academic outcomes possible for students. •E ngaging students from Prep to Year 10 with an inquiry and problem solving based curriculum which incorporates differentiated and explicit teaching to add value to programs and continually improve learning outcomes for all students. •E nhancing our middle years philosophy and supporting transition program such that it recognises, celebrates and builds on this stage of development — particularly emphasising engagement, resilience and social skills — giving girls room to grow at this important stage of their lives. •D eveloping processes to formally identify, evaluate and introduce new teaching and learning tools. We will strengthen the use of assessment and program reviews and make appropriate changes to achieve improved outcomes for all girls. •S upporting innovation and initiative by continuing to encourage teachers to take ownership of the learning environment and culture, and to be open to new ideas. •A dopting new approaches to achieving the best learning outcomes in numeracy and mathematics throughout the school, particularly recognising the importance of this within Joigny. 4.3Student Wellbeing In developing confident, resilient young women, we equip them to thrive in the ever-changing world. Planning and providing safe, contemporary and effective learning environments will help us achieve excellent student wellbeing outcomes, including: • Encouraging greater independence in student learning. •D eveloping a common language and approach through Prep to Year 12 to foster resilience, wellbeing and raise the student voice. •R eviewing, refining and implementing the Cor Unum Program which delivers pastoral care. •E valuating and creating authentic student leadership experiences at all levels of the school, focussing on sharing life experiences via mentoring for senior students by alumnae and other women from a broad range of endeavours. •C reating frameworks to promote communication between year levels. •H elping our students bridge any gaps between life inside and out of school. 4.4Leadership and management Sacré Cœur’s leadership and management strategies are based on responsibility, empowerment and mutual respect. We promote: •A culture of collaboration, creativity, and innovative practice, where leaders empower each other and colleagues to explore new and improved structures and approaches to learning and teaching. • Authentic and effective communication principles and practices. •S taff accountability for their own specialist areas and for contributing to the overall strategic goals of the school as well as knowledge and expertise sharing and mentoring wherever appropriate. • Our leadership and management strategies also include: •C reating an appraisal and performance development culture in the school with an emphasis on developing emerging leaders; in particular, the school will embrace the tenets of the Melbourne Archdiocesan Leadership Standards Framework. •A ctively managing effective succession planning and professional staff development all so staff can be at the professional leading edge and are able to pursue fulfilling career paths. Pursuing a professional development plan will include formation in being a Sacred Heart educator, education in faith, student wellbeing, learning and teaching needs. 4.5School Community Sacré Cœur seeks to build community as a Christian value. We achieve this through greater consultation and network building across our community national and international. Our strategies include: •E nhancing Sacré Cœur’s identity as a Prep to Year 12 school through improved transition into, through and beyond the school, and with particular emphasis on fostering active links with younger alumnae. •W orking in partnership with parents, alumnae, external bodies, other schools and the wider community, particularly ANZNet, the Australasian Sacred Heart education network, and improving our communication across the board. •F ostering and expanding our internationalism, changing the focus of our exchange program and significantly deepening the experiences. •S trengthening our French heritage links and support for our sister schools in Australia, New Zealand and worldwide. •S etting up a scholarship/bursary fund for an annual learning and teaching exchange of two Sacré Cœur teachers to other Sacred Heart schools either in Australia or overseas. 4.6Governance & financial management The governance of the school will continue to be well designed, and effective in overseeing the commitment to the five Goals, the delivery of this strategy and the operational activities of the school. Our strategies include: •F ormalising existing processes to monitor and measure the performance of the Board and its subcommittees. •C ontinuing to seek parent feedback and encourage a greater degree of input to strategic discussions about the school. •P rioritising the financial security of the school to create a sustainable financial basis for the longer term, and provide predictable and adequate funding for activities including infrastructure development and maintenance. •M aintaining effective financial oversight and operational practices to ensure that budgeting and expenditure are effectively managed; and concentrating efforts on securing predictable funding through the careful management of the enquiry, application and enrolment processes. 4.7Infrastructure Sacré Cœur’s Master Plan guides the completion of projects and our plans for future infrastructure. Providing a safe environment and ensuring our buildings continue to be available and functional in the longer term is a key part of our strategy. The Master Plan will be reviewed and updated with a focus on: •P roviding a sound, secure, long term platform for learning tools to be acquired, developed and delivered to students, including the development and implementation of a robust supporting ICT strategy. •A dopting a creative and innovative approach to both aesthetic and functional renovations of current buildings and grounds to provide for personalised learning for students, professional standard amenities for staff, and opportunities for community involvement in whole school events. •C ontinuing our established, long term maintenance strategy for routine and preventative programmed maintenance as well as a program of building updates. 4.8Preparing For The Future Sacré Cœur strives to be the school of choice for existing and potential parents and students; to attract the best staff; to achieve excellent results; and to be seen as a leader in Sacred Heart, Catholic and school education. Additional strategies for a successful future include: •S upporting the efforts of staff as leaders representing the school and engaging our alumnae to benefit from their wisdom and experience; encouraging these important groups to contribute to Sacré Cœur’s welldeserved reputation for excellence. •E xploring innovative ways of using our campus and building on our positive, professional relationships with Korowa so that we can continue to offer the flexibility of a larger scale school within the familiarity of our current size. •A ssessing the impact of demographic change within our catchment area, monitoring trends and opportunities, including emerging social and faith characteristics as well as public and other transport access to the school. •M anaging our communication and marketing efforts and actively planning for and managing emerging issues relating to the image of the school, our students, staff and broad Sacré Cœur community. When it’s right, your heart will know. Sacré Cœur International School of the Sacred Hear t 172 Burke Road, Glen Iris, Victoria, 3146 Registrar: 9835 2713 Email: