032816 Agenda - City of Plainwell
032816 Agenda - City of Plainwell
City of Plainwell Rick Brooks, Mayor Todd Overhuel, Mayor Pro-Tem Lori Steele, Council Member Brad Keeler, Council Member Roger Keeney, Council Member “The Island City” Department of Administration Services 211 N. Main Street Plainwell, Michigan 49080 Phone: 269-685-6821 Fax: 269-685-7282 Web Page Address: www.plainwell.org AGENDA City Council – March 28, 2016 7:00 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Approval of Minutes/Summary – 03/14/2016 regular meeting. General Public/County Commissioner Report A. Commissioner Black report Agenda Amendments Mayor's Report Recommendations and Reports: A. Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Request Council will consider approving the request to continue treating the Ash trees for Emerald Ash Borer. B. 2016/2017 Road Salt Purchase Request Council will consider approving the road salt purchase for the 2016/2017 fiscal year. E. Resolution 16-08 –Recreation Grant – Sherwood Park Council will consider adopting a resolution funding City Match and applying for a DNR Grant. Communications: The 2/16 Water Renewal Report and the 12/17/2015 Inter-Municipal Sewer Meeting Minutes. Accounts Payable - $86,471.99 Public Comments Staff Comments Council Comments Adjournment Note: All public comment limited to two minutes, when recognized please rise and give your name and address The Island City Plainwell is an equal opportunity provider and employer SUMMARY Plainwell City Council February 22, 2016 1. Mayor Brooks called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2. Invocation was given by Scott Fenner. 3. Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present. 4. Roll Call: Present Brooks, Steele, Overhuel, Keeney and Keeler. Absent:None 5. Approved Minutes/Summary of 02/22/2016 Regular meeting. 6. Heard from County Commissioner Don Black. Roberts Kengis introduced himself to the Council he is a Republican Candidate running for County Prosecutor. Frank Baker introduced himself to the Council he is running for Allegan County Sheriff. Marge Bakker: Chief County Court Judge she is running for County Court Judge. She spoke about the Allegan County Legal Assistance Center 7. Adopted Resolution 16-07 Approving Sherwood Street Project funding for the 2019/2020 fiscal year. 8. Approved Special Event Permit 16-001 for the Annual Hicks Park Easter Egg Hunt. 9. Approved Special Event Permit 16-002 for Lighthouse Baptist to hold Summer Bible School on August 9, 10 & 11 at Cook Park. 10. Approved sale of selected City Assets as presented. 11. Accepted and placed on file the January 2016 DPS Report, the 02/17/2016 Planning minutes, the 02/29/2016 Investment Activity and Fund Balance Reports. 12. Approved Accounts Payable for $402,541.13 13. Adjourned the meeting at 7:34 pm. Submitted by, Lori Steele Council Member The City of Plainwell is an equal opportunity provider and employer MINUTES Plainwell City Council March 14, 2016 1. Mayor Brooks called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2. Invocation: Was given by Scott Fenner 3. Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present. 4. Roll Call: Present: Mayor Brooks, Mayor Pro-Tem Overhuel, Councilwoman Steele, Councilman Keeney and Councilman Keeler. Absent: None 5. Approval of Minutes/Summary: A motion by Overhuel, supported by Keeler, to accept and place on file the Council Minutes and Summary of the 02/22/2016 regular meeting. On voice vote, all voted in favor. Motion passed. 6. General Public / County Commissioner: Heard from County Commissioner Don Black. Roberts Kengis introduced himself to the Council he is a Republican Candidate running for County Prosecutor. Frank Baker introduced himself to the Council he is running for Allegan County Sheriff. Marge Bakker: Chief County Court Judge she is running for County Court Judge. She spoke about the Allegan County Legal Assistance Center 7. Agenda Amendments: None 8. Mayor’s Report None. 9. Recommendations and Reports: A. Superintendent Updike presented a Resolution adopting the Small Urban Program Grant to pave Sherwood Street in the 2019/2020 fiscal year. The total cost of the project is $476,677 and the city matching share is to be $101,677. The city will do additional water/storm and sanitary work including engineering. A motion by Keeler, supported by Keeney, to adopt resolution 16-07 as presented. On a voice vote, all in favor. Motion Carried B. A motion by Keeney, seconded by Overhuel to approve Special Event Permit 2016-001 requesting to use Hicks Park for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. On a voice vote, all in favor. Motion passed. C. A motion by Keeler, seconded by Keeler to approve Special Event Permit 2016002 requesting to use Cook Park for Vacation bible School on August 9,10 & 11. On a voice vote, all in favor. Motion passed. D. A motion by Keeney, supported by Keeler, to authorize the sale of listed City assets (see attached). On a voice vote, all in favor. Motion Carried 10. Communications: A motion by Keeler, seconded by Overhuel to accept and place on file the January 2016 DPS Report, the 02/17/2016 Planning minutes, the 02/29/2016 Investment Activity and Fund Balance Reports.. On a voice vote, all in favor. Motion passed. 11. Accounts Payable: A motion by Keeler, supported by Overhuel that the bills be allowed and orders drawn in the amount of $402,541.13 for payment of same. On a roll call vote, all in favor. Motion passed. 12. Public Comments None 13. Staff Comments Superintendent Updike reported that winter clean-up in Hicks Park has been completed. ED Manager Siegel reported that the Art Hop was a success with over 300 people attending. She also reported that she has been working on the bike path with other governmental units. The Chamber dinner is at Lake Doster on March 29th. May 20th the Farmers Market reopens. Superintendent Pond reported that he was working on hot water line pricing for the plant to utilize the methane gas in additional ways. The cost is running about $60,000. Manager Wilson reported that Chef Recycling wants to raise the cost. It will be a large increase. He will be giving the Council more info on the on-going sewer issues with Martin. 14. Council Comments: None 15. Adjournment: A motion by Steele, supported by Keeler to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 PM. On voice vote, all voted in favor. Motion passed. Minutes respectfully Submitted by, Lori Steele Council Member City Auction WATER RENEWAL Broken STHIL weed whip 2 - 30’ green houses with entry doors no fabric 3 19”computer monitors 2 HP 1 Dell 1 HP Docking station 5 Exterior Hood lights Used Well Holding tank 4 pallets of decorative brick 2 Wilo-Emu 480 volt 4Hp grinder sewage pumps DPW Small Trailer Large yellow trailer Two Marble weighing tables Unit heater from City Hall basement Boiler from City Hall Plate Compactor Engine analyzer Tire balancing unit Tire changing station Case W-20 front end loader Allegan County Board of Commissioners DISTRICT 1 Dean Kapenga 616-218-2599 dkapenga@ allegancounty.org DISTRICT 2 Jim Storey 616-848-9767 jstorey@ allegancounty.org DISTRICT 3 Max R. Thiele 269-673-4514 mthiele@ allegancounty.org DISTRICT 4 Mark DeYoung 616-681-9413 mdeyoung@ allegancounty.org DISTRICT 5 Tom Jessup 269-637-3374 tjessup@ allegancounty.org DISTRICT 6 Jon C. Campbell 269-694-4632 jcampbell@ allegancounty.org DISTRICT 7 Don Black 269-792-6446 dblack@ allegancounty.org County Services Building nd 3283 – 122 Avenue Allegan, MI 49010 269-673-0203 Main Office 269-686-5331 Main Fax http://www.allegancounty.org Mark DeYoung, Chairman Dean Kapenga, Vice Chairman BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING – AGENDA Thursday, March 24, 2016 – 1PM Board Room – County Services Building 1. 9AM Settlement of Pending Litigation (Approve; passed unanimously) Criminal Justice Team Update (Presentation by Under Sherriff Frank Baker; jail population, bookings, costs, inmate programs, use of inmate workers, arrest process, etc.) Courthouse Projects Probation (Approve moving plan of probation to the Correction Center; passed 4-1Thiele) Courthouse Carpet Replacement (Assess Repair and or replace) Courthouse Main Entrance (Modify main entrance and scaled back Sally Port-perhaps single stall garage to hold a van. Have further conversation with all commissioners present) 1PM CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: OPENING PRAYER: Commissioner Don Black PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 25, 2016 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Michael VanDenBerg (Requested help providing electronically assess to Register’s Deed documents to residents of Gun Plain Township.) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: PRESENTATIONS: PROCLAMATIONS: Child Abuse Prevention Month - April 2016 (178 children were helped in Allegan County 2015 without charge) CONSENT ITEMS: 1. Motion to approve of claims paid and to incorporate into proceedings of the Board (3/18/16 & 3/25/16) ($802,629.04, $324,971.11; passed unanimously) ACTION ITEMS: 1. Senior Services—award Personal Emergency Response System Bid (141-374) (Leased PERS at $96,390.00 stretched over 3 years ; passed unanimously) 2. Board of Commissioners—adopt ICMA Retirement Health Savings Plan Changes (140-274) (Change to Vantage Trust II reducing costs for POLC and Patrol Command Deputies; passed unanimously) DISCUSSION ITEMS: NONE Mission Statement “The Allegan County Board of Commissioners shall plan, develop, and evaluate the necessary policies and resources to ensure our county continues to progress and prosper” NOTICE OF APPOINTMENTS & ELECTIONS: None APPOINTMENTS: REQUEST FOR PER DIEM/MILEAGE: BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS REPORTS: ROUND TABLE: • District-1-Dean Kapenga-(Nothing) • District-2-Jim Storey-(Nothing) • District-3-Max R. Thiele-(Nothing) • District-4-Mark DeYoung-(Nothing) • District-5-Tom Jessup-(Absent) • District-6-Jon C. Campbell-(Absent) • District-7-Don Black-(Attended The Forgotten Men Ministries last Thursday night at The Silo 250 or so, a full room. 100% of the donated $ went to the ministry because all Food, costs were donated for the evening.) District #7 Commissioner (616) 920-2875 Don Black Synopsis-March 24, 2016 (Comments in italics are my opinions and interpretation of the Commission meeting and actions) Patience “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish” ~ John Quincy Adams ADJOURNMENT: Thursday, April 14, 2016, 1PM @ BOARD ROOM – COUNTY SERVICES BUILDING, COUNTY SERVICES COMPLEX. City of Plainwell Rick Brooks, Mayor Todd Overhuel, Mayor Pro-Tem Lori Steele, Council Member Brad Keeler, Council Member Roger Keeney, Council Member “The Island City” Department of Public Works 126 Fairlane Street Plainwell, Michigan 49080 Phone: 269-685-9363 Fax: 269-685-7278 Web: www.plainwell.org Date: March 23, 2016 To: Erik Wilson, City Manager City of Plainwell 211 N. Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080 From: Rick Updike, Public Works Superintendent City of Plainwell 126 Fairlane Plainwell, MI 49080 Re: Emerald Ash Borer Treatment In 2009 the City hired Mike Connor of Honey Tree Nursery to conduct a study on ash trees on City property, including rights-of-way, to judge the impact of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestation. Based on the results of the study the City and with Council approval, the City entered into an agreement with Honey Tree to treat some of those trees. Some ash trees were removed by the City and by City hired contractors. Honey Tree has treated the remaining trees annually since 2009. The City originally treated 91 trees and cut 62. Most of the 91 trees originally treated remain in relatively good condition. The average City ash tree treated in 2009 was 13” in diameter and the average is now 16”. The chemical application rate has increased as a result and there is an increase in cost this year from the 2009 price of $78.50 per tree to $80.00 per tree for each 2-year treatment. Honey Tree is suggesting that the cost will increase again next year to $85 per tree. The City has treated half of the trees one year and half the next at a cost of $3532.50 per year. The price is rising to $3600 next year and will rise to $3825 in 2018. When Honey Tree began treatment the goal was to preserve the City's trees until a “natural” control could be established. The United States Department of Agriculture has successfully implemented several biological controls in Michigan. If those controls prove effective statewide the City may be able to end treatment. Therefore, The City of Plainwell is an equal opportunity provider and employer I recommend Council again approve EAB treatment by Honey Tree Nursery for the cost of $3600. The City of Plainwell is an equal opportunity provider and employer City of Plainwell Rick Brooks, Mayor Todd Overhuel, Mayor Pro-Tem Brad Keeler, Council Member Roger Keeney, Council Member Lori Steele, Council Member “The Island City” Department of Wastewater Treatment 129 Fairlane Street Plainwell, Michigan 49080 Phone: 269-685-6821 Fax: 269-685-7282 Web Page Address: www.plainwell.org To: Erik Wilson, City Manager Plainwell City Council From: Sheryl Gluchowski, Administrative Assistant Public Works Subject: Road Salt Purchase Date: March 18, 2016 It is time to place our 2016-2017 Road Salt Order through the State of Michigan Purchasing Program. We must commit to the amount we believe we will need, before the State places it out for bid. The cost for 2015-16 was $62.82 per ton. We need to commit 250 to 350 tons for next winter, depending on how much more we use this spring. We are then required to accept 70% of salt ordered, and allowed to get 30% more salt than ordered. We ask Council approval to commit Plainwell for up to 350 tons. “The City of Plainwell is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.” Resolution 16-08 City of Plainwell Allegan County, Michigan A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE RECREATION PASSPORT PROGRAM GRANT AVAILABILITY At a Regular meeting of the Plainwell City Council, Allegan County Michigan, held in the Plainwell City Hall, 211 North Main Street, Plainwell, MI on the 28th day of March 2016 at 7:00 PM Present: Absent: The following resolution was offered by ____ and was supported by _______. WHEREAS, the Recreation Passport Grant administered by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has up to $45,000 available for qualifying Development projects for public outdoor recreation on a yearly basis; and WHEREAS, the City of Plainwell has determined that up to $45,000 funding will be available for the City of Plainwell if the City provides a local match for the funding; and WHEREAS, City of Plainwell has a qualifying project, Sherwood Park Restroom qualifies for this project. WHEREAS, the project will be funded by the grant and a local match of 25% of the grant funds. WHEREAS, The term “PROJECT COST”, as herein used, is hereby defined as the cost of materials and physical construction necessary for the completion of the project as estimated by City engineers, excluding non-participating costs such as the cost of preliminary engineering (PE), plans and specifications, construction engineering (CE), legal, appraisal, financing, and any other non- participating expenses; and WHEREAS, the PROJECT COST and the respective shares of the parties is estimated to be as follows: TOTAL ESTIMATED DNR LOCAL COST FUNDING MATCH Sherwood Restroom $60,000 $45,000 $15,000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. Erik Wilson, City Manager is designated as an Authorized Representative for purposes of the submittal of the forms and resolutions necessary to obtain funding for the project. 2. The proposed forms and resolutions are hereby approved and the Authorized Representative is authorized and directed to submit the forms and resolutions with such revisions as are permitted by law and agreed to by the Authorized Board. YEAS: NAYS: RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED Noreen Farmer, City Clerk March 28, 2016 City of Allegan Plainwell, County of I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Boar d of the City of Plainwell, County of Allegan, State of Michigan, at a regular meeting held on M a r c h 2 8 , 2 0 1 6 , and that said meeting was conducted and public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open Meetings Act, being Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, and that the minutes of said meeting were kept and will be or have been made available as required by said Act. Noreen Farmer, City Clerk City of Plainwell, County of Allegan Water Renewal Superintendent: Bryan Pond February 2016 Significant Department Actions and Results The Motisa Industrial User Permit was issued , The company makes powder coats office furniture ; fabricates aluminum fire truck cabs, and fabricates medical equipment. The permit is good for the next five years. Staff installed a timer on our influent screen to accommodate high volume inflows. The Electrical Services contract was sent out evaluated and Moore electrical was chosen as the lowest cost provider. A safety evaluation was conducted by GHD, the findings will assist the City in improving our safety program. Pending Items (including CIP) Expenditure Summary/Issues Budgeted Renovate piping raw sludge pump room $18,500.00 Completed November 2015 2nd new raw sludge pump $11,500.00 Completed December 2015 Paint Raw sludge & final sludge pump rooms 5000.000 Replace PLC's@ lift stations Clean Plant Digesters, every 5-7 yrs. Land App. Cleaning $21,315.00 $19,226.75 $40,541.75 $11,000.00 Completed August $46,000.00 $40,541.75 $5,458.25 Completed Oct. 2015 remaining budget Monthly Flow Data Our permitted volume of treatment is 1,300,000 gallons per day. The table and graph below shows the breakdown of average monthly flow from our customer communities, the percent ownership of our customer communities. Total Gallons 1,195,740 647,000 0 Village of Martin Gun River MH Park US 131 Motor Sports Park Otsego Township Gun Plain Township Permitted Daily Flow Gallons Reserve Ownership of Plant Capacity Total: AVG. DAILY: 1,842,740 57,586 180,000 68% 14% Total: AVG. DAILY: 4,040,000 126,250 250,000 50% 19% Total: North 10th Street Gores Addition AVG. DAILY 1,882,700 308,700 216,000 75,231 150,000 50% 12% 720,000 85% 55% City of Plainwell Total: ########### AVG. DAILY: 105030.871 Avg. Daily Plant Flow from entire service district 0.373 Monthly % of Flow Per Municipality Ownership of Plant Capacity Village of Martin 5% 14% Village of Martin Otsego Township 11% 19% Otsego Township Gun Plain Township 6% 55% City of Plainwell 12% Gun Plain Township Plant Reserve 70% City of Plainwell 8% State Required Reporting Compatible Pollutants MI State Requirement City Benchmark Monthly Avg. Reported/MDEQ 25 mg/l 15 23.06 30 mg/l 15 19 PHOSPHORUS (P): Controlling phosphorous discharges is a key factor in preventing eutrophication of surface waters. Eutrophication is caused by water enrichment of inorganic plant nutrients. Eutrophication negatively effects water bodies due to increases in algal blooming, causing excessive plant growth which depletes dissolved oxygen in the river which is necessary for aquatic life to survive. 1.0 mg/l 0.45 0.42 Total Coliform (COLI): A group of bacteria found in soil, on vegetation and in large numbers in the intestine of warm-blooded animals, including humans. Water is not a natural medium for coliform organisms and their presence in water is indicative of some type of contamination. 200counts/ml 50 2 Carbonaceous Biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD-5): This test measures the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria during the decomposition of organic materials. Organic materials from wastewater treatment facility act as a food source for bacteria. TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS): Includes all particles suspended in water which will not pass through a filter. As levels of TSS increase, a water body begins to lose its ability to support a diversity of aquatic life. Monthly Pump Hours Pump 1 250.60 373.8 41.9 9.4 PS #1 (Cushman) PS #4 (Hill) 8.8 4.9 PS #5 (Wedgewood) Pump 2 5 Pump 3 21.6 21.6 145 21.1 PS #3 (Jersey) 15.5 PS #6 (Peach) PS #7 (Wakefield) 145.5 PS #2 (12th St.) -4881.94 -5437.13 Pumps convey the waste where gravity sewers cannot, run times are a indicator of how the station is operating and being maintained. CITY OF PLAINWELL, MI Inter-Municipal Sewer Meeting Thursday, December 17, 2015 1. Call to Order Water Renewal Superintendent Bryan Pond opened the meeting at 1 PM at Plainwell City Hall. Attending were City of Plainwell (COP) Erik Wilson and Bryan Pond, Otsego Township (OT) Bryan Winn and Chuck Cushman, Village of Martin (VOM) Don Flower, Gun Plain Township (GPT) Mike VanDenBerg and Ron Kopka. Also: Recording Secretary Sheryl Gluchowski and Engineer Mike Schwartz. 2. Approval of Minutes Mike Vandenberg moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the September 3, 2015 meeting. Ron Kopka supported the motion. On voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. 3. Recommendations and Reports A. Gun Plain Township VanDenBerg reported that GPT has no news. B. Village of Martin Flower asked about a recent news report on plastic found in waterways. Pond explained that these are very tiny plastic micro-beads used in some items such as hand soaps, which do not break down and are being passed through to waterways. He clarified that they are not due to any breakdown in the treatment process. Flower noted that the city is not supposed to visit village industries without notifying village officials, as happened recently. Pond noted that they were not inside the industries not performing inspections, they tapped on the door to Marshall Plastics to let ask permission to install a temporary sampler in the manhole to confirm that there are only bathrooms on the line. John Roggow, the manager on duty, said it was not a problem, and Pond believed that Roggow would call the other industry on the line to let them know. He apologized for not notifying the village of his intent to sample the outside line, and will call them in the future even if no entry or inspection is planned. Flower reported that Dollar General will build in the spring on the former supermarket and library lots on the southeast corner of the downtown. The village had hoped to preserve the former library building and obtained a quote for moving it, but could not find a vacant parcel on which to place it, so it will be demolished. Flower confirmed that VanElderen has a building under construction, with storage areas to aerate and haul production fluids. The village was given site plans. Pond asked for a copy of them. Responding to questions, Flower stated that Marshall Plastics and VanElderen share a manhole. C. Otsego Township Jimmy John’s is open for business. Pond asked if the township is still considering installing a rags basket; Winn does not believe so. Perhaps when the pumps need to be replaced, they will consider chop pumps. They have not had a problem with rags lately. “The City of Plainwell is an equal opportunity provider and employer.” D. City of Plainwell Pond reported that he is working on a 5-Year & a 20-Year Capital Improvement Plan as part of the new permit. Pond was contacted by an engineer representing Konos/VandeBunte. They are planning a possible expansion and investigating the cost to haul egg wash for treatment. VanDenBerg asked if Pond had calculated the capacity of the holding tank; he has not. Winn noted they are constructing a large freerange facility in OT; it could be they are planning to haul from there. Pond is willing to work with them but needs to know the strength of the flow. VanDenBerg asked if the casino had contacted anyone; they have not. Pond reported that the plant replaced a raw sludge pump and has a backup pump if it is needed. Wilson noted that the Notice of Violation issued to the village carried fines of $84,000, which the village negotiated down to $44,000. Ron asked about the VanElderen flow; Flower said that it had dropped to 25% of the original flow for a time but was now over 1,000,000 gallons a month again. Wilson noted that Tom Deneau engineered the holding building and tanks, and Plummer’s is said to be hauling their industrial waste. 4. Public Comments None. 5. Schedule Next Meeting The next meeting was scheduled for March 03, 2015 at 1:00 PM at Plainwell City Hall. 6. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:22 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted, Sheryl Gluchowski Deputy Clerk “The City of Plainwell is an equal opportunity provider and employer.” Joint Sewer Meeting of December 17, 2015 Page 2 03/24/2016 CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF PLAINWELL CHECK DATE FROM 02/23/2016 - 03/31/2016 Check Date Check Vendor Vendor Name Description Amount Bank APPNC PNC Accounts Payable Checking 03/23/2016 8173 004261 OTSEGO/PLAINWELL CHAMBER OF COMMER E. WILSON, S. LAMORANDIER, R. BROOKS D. 03/23/2016 8174 002699 GARY HERBERT, TREASURER CD INTEREST THROUGH 03/19/2016 112.00 132.89 APPNC TOTALS: Total of 2 Checks: Less 0 Void Checks: Total of 2 Disbursements: 244.89 0.00 244.89 OffCyclePaymentAuthorization BrianKelley,CityTreasurer ErikJ.Wilson,CityManager IȱverifyȱthatȱIȱhaveȱreviewedȱtheȱoffȬcycleȱpaymentsȱlistedȱ IȱverifyȱthatȱIȱhaveȱreviewedȱtheȱoffȬcycleȱpaymentsȱlistedȱ aboveȱandȱtoȱtheȱbestȱofȱmyȱknowledgeȱtheȱlistingȱisȱaccurateȱ aboveȱandȱtoȱtheȱbestȱofȱmyȱknowledgeȱtheȱlistingȱisȱaccurateȱ andȱcompliesȱwithȱtheȱCityȇsȱpurchasingȱpolicy.ȱȱ andȱcompliesȱwithȱtheȱCityȇsȱpurchasingȱpolicy.ȱȱ InsertSignature: InsertSignature: Digitally signed by Brian Brian Kelley Kelley Date: 2016.03.24 10:57:39 -04'00' Erik Wilson Digitally signed by Erik Wilson DN: c=US, st=Michigan, l=Plainwell, o=City of Plainwell, ou=CoP, cn=Erik Wilson, email=ewilson@plainwell.org Date: 2016.03.24 15:45:54 -04'00' 03/23/2016INVOICEAPPROVALBYINVOICEREPORTFORCITYOFPLAINWELL POSTDATES03/28/2016Ͳ03/28/2016 BOTHJOURNALIZEDANDUNJOURNALIZED BOTHOPENANDPAID VendorCode VendorName Invoice Description AISCONSTR/JOHNDEERE/POWERPLAN G56666 EQUIPPARTS TOTALFOR:AISCONSTR/JOHNDEERE/POWERPLAN Amount 000624 APPLIEDIMAGING 786193 786451 TOTALFOR:APPLIEDIMAGING 150.00 150.00 000035 AT&TͲSBC 2016Ͳ03AIPPORTFUEL 2016Ͳ03CITYDATAGA 2016Ͳ03DPS 2016Ͳ03DPW 2016Ͳ03DPWSECURITY 2016Ͳ03TRAININGDPS 2016Ͳ03WR TOTALFOR:AT&TͲSBC 3/13/16Ͳ4/12/16CITYHALLCOPIER COPIERRENTAL,30%WR,70%PW 120.45 12.78 133.23 000002 BOB'SHARDWARE 033129 33147 TOTALFOR:BOB'SHARDWARE 2/14/16Ͳ3/13/16AIRPORTFUELPUMP 2/14Ͳ16Ͳ3/13/16CITYDATAGATE 2/14/16Ͳ3/13/16DPWNONPUBLISHED# 2/14/16Ͳ3/13/16DPWCENTRALH20DIALER 2/14/16Ͳ3/13/16DPWSECURITYGATE 2/14/16Ͳ3/13/16DPSTRAININGROOM 2/14/16Ͳ3/13/16WRPHONES 94.88 105.04 126.48 435.55 111.03 219.53 431.19 1,523.70 000461 LANDSCAPEMIX WR C.O.P.S.TRUSTINSURANCE 2016Ͳ03 MARCH2016HEALTHINS TOTALFOR:C.O.P.S.TRUSTINSURANCE 42.99 50.47 93.46 002527 CALIBREPRESS 37799 TOTALFOR:CALIBREPRESS 35,200.38 35,200.38 002857 CENTURYLINK 2016Ͳ02 TOTALFOR:CENTURYLINK CLASS7/25/16D.RANTZͲJ.WELCHER 278.00 278.00 001925 FEB2016LONGDISTANCE CHAMPIONLAWOFFICES 2016Ͳ01/02 JAN/FEB2016ATTORNEYFEES TOTALFOR:CHAMPIONLAWOFFICES 4.62 4.62 002458 CHARTERCOMMUNICATIONS 2016Ͳ03DPW/FIRE 3/19/16Ͳ4/18/16DPS/FIREINTERNETͲPHONE TOTALFOR:CHARTERCOMMUNICATIONS 380.00 380.00 002116 CHEFCONTAINERLLC 367206 TOTALFOR:CHEFCONTAINERLLC 482.31 482.31 002890 MONTHLYRECYCLINGSERVICESPERCONTRACT CORBYENERGYSERVICES 1 REHABSECTIONOFALLEGANSTREETSEWERLINE TOTALFOR:CORBYENERGYSERVICES 2,164.50 2,164.50 004170 DAN'STREESERVICE 002051 TOTALFOR:DAN'STREESERVICE 14,770.00 14,770.00 001415 502THOMASSTTREEREMOVAL 450.00 450.00 004136 DICKINSONWRIGHTPLLC 1066210 2016FEBATTORNEYFEES TOTALFOR:DICKINSONWRIGHTPLLC EJUSA,INC(EASTJORDANIRONWOR) 110160004799 FIREHYDRANTS TOTALFOR:EJUSA,INC(EASTJORDANIRONWOR) 1,007.00 1,007.00 002889 EVOQUAWATERTECHNOLOGIESLLC(SIEM 902536636 ANNUALBIOXDECOST80Ͳ%INVOICEDTOMARTIN TOTALFOR:EVOQUAWATERTECHNOLOGIESLLC(SIEM 4,629.02 4,629.02 000984 FISHERSCIENTIFIC** 9273202 TOTALFOR:FISHERSCIENTIFIC** 300.00 300.00 000166 REPLACEFAILEDSTERILIZINGOVEN FUELMANAGEMENTSYSTEMPACIFICPRID 1607501 PDFUEL3/15/16 TOTALFOR:FUELMANAGEMENTSYSTEMPACIFICPRID 1,840.38 1,840.38 002650 GBSGOVERNMENTALBUSINESSINC 16Ͳ25574 ELECTIONSUPPLIES TOTALFOR:GBSGOVERNMENTALBUSINESSINC 365.00 365.00 002651 GHDSERVICESINC 751313 751543 756114 TOTALFOR:GHDSERVICESINC 150.00 150.00 004241 HOMEDEPOT 2016Ͳ02 TOTALFOR:HOMEDEPOT CITYHALL/COMMONAREAUTILITIES/MAINTENANCE HEALTHANDSAFETYASSESSMENT CITYHALL/COMMONAREAUTILITIES/MAINTENANCE 2,697.09 3,475.00 2,276.86 8,448.95 2016FEBSTATEMENT 2,809.25 2,809.25 002281 002301 JOYFULCLEANINGͲSIDTUBBS 692 MARCH2016CLEANING TOTALFOR:JOYFULCLEANINGͲSIDTUBBS KARLABINC** 602515 602612 602614 602751 602758 TOTALFOR:KARLABINC** 964.00 964.00 000113 KELLYWHITEDESIGN 4067 TOTALFOR:KELLYWHITEDESIGN DRINKINGH20SAMPLES3/10/16 WRSAMPLES WRSAMPLES WRSAMPLES MARTINSAMPLES 112.00 215.00 80.00 885.00 295.00 1,587.00 004148 2016RECORDSIMPORTED KERKSTRAPORTABLERESTROOMSINC 89564 EXTRARESTROOM@SHERWOODPARK 89565 RESTROOM@SHERWOODPARK TOTALFOR:KERKSTRAPORTABLERESTROOMSINC 75.00 75.00 001993 MADISONNATIONALLIFEINSURANCECO 1206052 2016APRILLIFEINS TOTALFOR:MADISONNATIONALLIFEINSURANCECO 70.00 95.00 165.00 004206 MARTINSPRING&DRIVE 73666 REPAIRHYDRAULICSONTRUCK10 TOTALFOR:MARTINSPRING&DRIVE 96.05 96.05 001155 000014 MICHIGANGASUTILIITIESCORP. 1,349.24 1,349.24 2016Ͳ03 MARCH2016GASBILLS TOTALFOR:MICHIGANGASUTILIITIESCORP. MORGANBIRGE'&ASSOCIATES 16802 MARCH2016PHONEMAINTCITYHALL/WR/DPW TOTALFOR:MORGANBIRGE'&ASSOCIATES 3,819.19 3,819.19 002708 PERCEPTIVECONTROLSINC 11927 WIRELESSROUTERREPAIRED TOTALFOR:PERCEPTIVECONTROLSINC 130.00 130.00 001829 RENEWEDEARTHINC 23684 TOTALFOR:RENEWEDEARTHINC 419.63 419.63 002371 YARDBLEND SOCIETYFORHUMANRESOURCEMANAGEME 9006552160 6/1/16Ͳ5/31/17S.LAMORANDIERMEMBERSHIP TOTALFOR:SOCIETYFORHUMANRESOURCEMANAGEME 51.30 51.30 002353 STEENSMALAWN&POWEREQUIPMENT 324229 CHAINSAWREPAIR 325215 CONCRETESAW 418142 REPAIRCHAINSAW TOTALFOR:STEENSMALAWN&POWEREQUIPMENT 190.00 190.00 002402 SUPERIORASPHALTINC 47717 COLDPATCHASPHALT TOTALFOR:SUPERIORASPHALTINC 72.79 21.10 144.58 238.47 004263 VAMOOSEVARMINT 3581 TOTALFOR:VAMOOSEVARMINT 1,000.00 1,000.00 004770 CITYHALLMOUSEISSUE VANMANENOILCOMPANY 2014976 DIESELFUEL3/17/16 TOTALFOR:VANMANENOILCOMPANY 209.00 209.00 002653 WIGHTMAN&ASSOCIATESINC 51935 GISEXPANSIONTOCITYHALLDPS TOTALFOR:WIGHTMAN&ASSOCIATESINC 558.33 558.33 004200 TOTALͲALLVENDORS 195.00 195.00 86,227.01 INVOICEȱAUTHORIZATION Person Compiling R eport BrianȱKelley,ȱCityȱTreasurerȱȱȱȱȱ Iȱverifyȱthatȱtoȱtheȱbestȱofȱmyȱknowledgeȱtheȱattachedȱinvoiceȱlistingȱ IȱverifyȱthatȱIȱhaveȱreviewedȱtheȱexpendituresȱattributedȱtoȱmyȱ isȱaccurateȱandȱtheȱproceduresȱinȱplaceȱtoȱcompileȱthisȱȱinvoiceȱlistingȱ departmentȱandȱtoȱtheȱbestȱofȱmyȱknowledgeȱtheȱattachedȱinvoiceȱ hasȱbeenȱfollowed. listingȱisȱaccurateȱandȱcompliesȱwithȱtheȱCityȇsȱpurchasingȱpolicy.ȱȱ InsertȱSignature: InsertȱSignature: Digitally signed by Cheryl Pickett DN: c=US, st=Michigan, l=Plainwell, o=City of Plainwell, ou=CoP, cn=Cheryl Pickett, email=cpickett@plainwell.org Date: 2016.03.23 09:31:05 -04'00' Digitally signed by Brian Brian Kelley Kelley Date: 2016.03.24 10:58:09 -04'00' BryanȱPond,ȱWaterȱRenewalȱPlantȱSupt.ȱȱȱ BillȱBomar,ȱPublicȱSafetyȱDirectorȱȱȱȱȱ IȱverifyȱthatȱIȱhaveȱreviewedȱtheȱexpendituresȱattributedȱtoȱmyȱ IȱverifyȱthatȱIȱhaveȱreviewedȱtheȱexpendituresȱattributedȱtoȱmyȱ departmentȱandȱtoȱtheȱbestȱofȱmyȱknowledgeȱtheȱattachedȱinvoiceȱ departmentȱandȱtoȱtheȱbestȱofȱmyȱknowledgeȱtheȱattachedȱinvoiceȱ listingȱisȱaccurateȱandȱcompliesȱwithȱtheȱCityȇsȱpurchasingȱpolicy.ȱȱ listingȱisȱaccurateȱandȱcompliesȱwithȱtheȱCityȇsȱpurchasingȱpolicy.ȱȱ InsertȱSignature: InsertȱSignature: Bryan Pond Digitally signed by Bryan Pond DN: c=US, st=Michigan, l=Plainwell, o=City of Plainwell, ou=CoP, cn=Bryan Pond, email=bpond@plainwell.org Date: 2016.03.24 13:25:51 -04'00' Bill Bomar Digitally signed by Bill Bomar Date: 2016.03.23 10:00:12 -04'00' RickȱUpdike,ȱPublicȱWorksȱSupt.ȱȱȱȱ ErikȱJ.ȱWilson,ȱCityȱManagerȱȱ IȱverifyȱthatȱIȱhaveȱreviewedȱtheȱexpendituresȱattributedȱtoȱmyȱ IȱverifyȱthatȱIȱhaveȱreviewedȱtheȱexpendituresȱattributedȱtoȱmyȱ departmentȱandȱtoȱtheȱbestȱofȱmyȱknowledgeȱtheȱattachedȱinvoiceȱ departmentȱandȱtoȱtheȱbestȱofȱmyȱknowledgeȱtheȱattachedȱinvoiceȱ listingȱisȱaccurateȱandȱcompliesȱwithȱtheȱCityȇsȱpurchasingȱpolicy.ȱȱ listingȱisȱaccurateȱandȱcompliesȱwithȱtheȱCityȇsȱpurchasingȱpolicy.ȱȱ InsertȱSignature: InsertȱSignature: Rick Updike Digitally signed by Rick Updike DN: c=US, st=Michigan, l=Plainwell, o=City of Plainwell, cn=Rick Updike, email=rupdike@plainwell.org Date: 2016.03.23 12:06:04 -04'00' Erik Wilson Digitally signed by Erik Wilson DN: c=US, st=Michigan, l=Plainwell, o=City of Plainwell, ou=CoP, cn=Erik Wilson, email=ewilson@plainwell.org Date: 2016.03.24 15:46:27 -04'00' Reports & Communications: A. Emerald Ash Borer Treatment Request: In your packet is a memo from Superintendent Updike requesting to continue treatment of the City Ash Trees for Emerald Ash Boer by Honey Tree Nursery for $3,600. Recommended action: Consider approving Honey Tree Nursery to treat the City Ash Trees for $3,600. B. 2016/2017 Road Salt Purchase Request: This is a request to order the road salt for the 2016/2017 fiscal year thru the State of Michigan Purchasing program. It is estimated that Plainwell will need 350 tons of salt for the next season. Recommended action: Consider approving to commit for up to 350 tons of salt for the 2016/2017 season. C. Resolution 16-08 –Recreation Grant – Sherwood Park: This is a resolution-authorizing city Staff to apply for a Recreation Passport Grant administered by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for $45,000 with $15,000 in matching City funds to build a permanent restroom in Sherwood Park. Please note that much, if not all, of the $15,000 will come from in-kind City services (labor, cement etc.). Recommended action: Consider adopting Resolution # 16-08 as presented. The Island City Plainwell is an equal opportunity provider and employer