Internationalized Domain Names and ENUM Protocol Suite
Internationalized Domain Names and ENUM Protocol Suite
Internationalized Domain Names and ENUM Protocol Suite Minseok Pyo Sunyoung Han Keecheon Kim Konkuk University 1 Hwayang-dong Gwangjin-gu Konkuk Univ. Seoul, Korea +82-2-450-3537 Konkuk University 1 Hwayang-dong Gwangjin-gu Konkuk Univ. Seoul, Korea +82-2-450-3537 Konkuk University 1 Hwayang-dong Gwangjin-gu Konkuk Univ. Seoul, Korea +82-2-450-3518 ABSTRACT As the development of Internet usage and globalization of Internet, the requests of Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) are being increased. To solve this request, many IDN solutions are developed. But there are problems of interoperability and backward compatibility are emerged. In this paper, we suggest IDN protocol which supports ENUM and IDN Test Suite on IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack for guarantee interoperability and backward compatibility. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2.2 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network Protocols – application General Terms Standardization Keywords DNS, IDN, ENUM 1. INTRODUCTION Many problems were brought up in Internet because the user of Internet and the area of users are spread around the world as growth of Internet and various developments of the applied services. The problems of DNS are the part of new requirement among them, and they need to be investigated more. First, non-English speaking countries like Korea, China, Japan, etc. can’t use Domain Name with their language because the existing DNS has supported exceptional Domain Name which is constructed only the type of ASCII such as alphabet, digit and hyphen(-) [1], [2]. Indeed, as all of the Domain Names are expressed only English which is based on ASCII, users who are in non-English speaking countries has complained. Second, as the Internet growth, various communication systems are integrated into Internet. And, there are so many URI to remember and use. Web, E-mail, FTP, Telnet, Phone, Fax and etc. And, it has been brought up to be problems that it cannot help using the Domain Name of the existing ASCII type in new applied environment where the acting of DNS are increased as the home-networking and mobile-networking are augmented. Those problems make troubles in the popularization and the globalization of Internet and the fixing of various applied environment. Many countries have encouraged researches and developments of Copyright is held by the author/owner(s) Asia Pacific Advanced Network 2003, 25-29 August 2003, Busan, Republic of Korea. Network Research Workshop 2003, 27 August 2003, Busan, Republic of Korea. Internationalized Domain Names (IDN), but also E.164 Number Mapping (ENUM) [6], [11] to solve these problems. And it brings up the developments of IDN or ENUM relative solutions. For example, mBIND, ngDN Kit (Korea), iDNS (Singapore) and idnkit/mDNkit (Japan). But, there’s no solution that support IDN and ENUM together. Likewise, many countries have supported to the development of various IDN relative solutions, but many problems remain yet. First, the standard specification for the development of IDN is setting up condition. Second, from this cause, each various specifications and the methods of encoding have been used. Third, the compatibility and interoperability among the existing IDN solutions are also troubles. Fourth, apply IDN on ENUM service. Fifth, interoperability with the existing DNS (BIND 4.x, BIND 8.x, and BIND 9.x) is a problem, too. Finally, the gearing problems with various applied services for supporting Internet services remain to solve. In this paper, we suggest IDN protocol specification for IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack. Next, interoperability and backward compatibility are examined by testing and developing of IDN Test Suite and the constructing of international test bed. Through these testing conclusions, it makes better circumstance for global Internet users. This paper is constructed like this: In the second chapter, the relational investigations such as IDN, encoding, nameprep and ENUM are introduced. In the third chapter, IPv6 IDN protocol suite. In the fourth chapter, International IPv6 IDN test bed. In the fifth chapter, the test results of IDN solutions are examined. And finally, this paper is concluded. 2. Relative works 2.1 IDN Protocol Mechanism 2.1.1 Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) IDN and a mechanism called IDNA for handling them in a standard fashion. IDN use characters drawn from a large repertoire (Unicode), but IDNA allows the non-ASCII characters to be represented using only the ASCII characters already allowed in so-called host names today. In particular, IDNA does not depend on any changes to DNS servers, resolvers, or protocol elements, because the ASCII name service provided by the existing DNS is entirely sufficient for IDNA. This backwardcompatible representation is required in existing protocols like DNS, so that IDN can be introduced with no changes to the existing infrastructure. This work is supported by NCA(National Computerization Agency) of Korea for “Research of International Testbed Construction and IPv6 International Domain Name System (IDN)” Project 2002~2003. IDNA works by allowing applications to use certain ASCII name labels (beginning with a special prefix ‘xn— ‘) to represent nonASCII name labels. Adding IDNA support to an existing application entails changes to the application only. If an application wants to use non-ASCII characters (IDN) in host names, then encode the IDN, add prefix ‘xn— ‘ and then send it to DNS. This mechanism uses Punycode and Nemeprep. This mechanism is IETF proposed standard. [3] 2.1.2 Internationalized Host Names Using Resolvers and Applications (IDNRA) IDNRA requires the updating of applications and resolvers, but once a user has updated these, she or he could immediately start using internationalized host names. This protocol mechanism supports IDN by encoding it resolver or application. First, resolver was updated. The resolver encodes IDN by ACE and sends it to DNS. Second, application was updated. The application encodes IDN and sends it to DNS through resolver. Third, resolver and application were updated. The application encodes IDN by using UTF-8 algorithm and sends it to resolver. And, resolver encodes it by using ACE algorithm then resolves it. This protocol mechanism is that only user applications and the resolvers on user's systems are updated, no changes are needed to the DNS protocol or any DNS servers. This mechanism was merged into IDNA. [7] 2.1.3 Internationalized Domain Names Server (IDNS) IDNS requires the updating of DNS Servers. IDNS encodes the IDN query on server-side and resolve it. So, it brings up the problem of backward compatibilities and overload on encoding procedure. But has an advantage that it could support legacy application which couldn’t use IDN and there’s no change on client-side. 2.2 IDN relative solutions Today, many companies have supported the solution of IDN around the world. The solutions of IDN are as following. because the domain name which is encoded are satisfies with RFC 1034[1], RFC 1035[2]. [16]. 2.2.3 idnkit/mDNkit idnkit (mDNkit) by JPNIC is the kit which is able to develop various applied methods in IDN. And it is constructed by the patched BIND and DNS Proxy Server for supporting 8bit clean. DNS Proxy Server can perceive various local characters set from client, and it transmits the real DNS which is encoded by ACE or UTF after perceiving languages. This DNS Proxy Server always listens IP address of IDNS or Port number (53). As soon as the packet reached, it usurps these packets, and encodes with the information in constructed files. Likewise, it transmits the packet to DNS. [17] 2.3 Encoding algorithms 2.3.1 ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) ASCII compatible encoding for IDN. For examples, Punycode [4], DUDE [8], RACE [9], BRACE, TRACE, SACE and etc. These encoding algorithms encode IDN to ASCII format except ASCII formatted host names. So, ASCII host names keep there form. Host names that through these encoding algorithms are formed ASCII. Therefore satisfy RFC1034 [1], RFC1035 [2]. Now, Punycode is IETF proposed standard ACE encoding algorithm. 2.3.2 Unicode Transformation Format (UTF) Unicode Transformation Format is the method of encoding to transfer Unicode to specified bits letter, and methods to express Unicode. For examples, UTF-5, UTF-6, UTF-8 [10] and UTF-16. It also encodes ASCII letters except UTF-8. 2.4 Nameprep A Stringprep Profile for Internationalized Domain Names. Nameprep specifies processing rules that will allow users to enter internationalized domain names in applications and have the highest chance of getting the content of the strings correct. Nameprep is used by the IDNA protocol for preparing domain names. [5] 2.2.1 ngDN Kit 2.5 E.164 Number Mapping (ENUM) ngDN Kit, the solution of Korean company (Netpia), is able to distinguish IDN with MSS (Multi-lingual Scan System), and it also supports all methods of hierarchical domain and keyword domain. It services distributed native domain system which is able to manage at the root server in distinguishing IDN. ngDN Kit, which distinguishes each letter using MSS after receiving questions from client and encodes it after distinguishing the encoding of client’s question in using ESS(Encoding Scan System), was made as the version so that BIND may perceive 8bits letter. [15] ENUM uses E.164 numbers (telephone numbers) to identifier of Internet resources. E.164 numbers are globally unique, language independent identifiers for resources on Public Telecommunication Networks that can support many different services and protocols. ENUM system is mapped E.164 number to Internet addresses. So, E.164 numbers should be used as URIs. If sender inputs E.164 number to ENUM system, then ENUM convert that as URIs and returns it. Sender could select URI among returned URIs and uses it to communicate. [11], [12], [13], [14] 2.2.2 iDNS 3. IPv6 IDN protocol suite iDNS solution in Singapore accomplishes the acting of Proxy Name Server. Not it achieves the acting of real Name Server by itself, but it accomplishes the functions of transmitting the adapted type’s data packet from client to real DNS as a gobetween and giving back to client what are recollected the returned data. iDNS supports ACEs, UTFs and various local character set. When the client requests the resolving to iDNS server, IDN letters are transformed into Unicode at first, and they are transformed to apply UTF-5 encoding. iDNS has compatibility of all standard Internet protocol and the existing client/sever To solve the requests of IDN and ENUM, and the problems of there’s. We propose IDN protocol suite on IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack. This was consisting of next elements. First IDN protocol specification which supports ENUM service. Second, IDN Test Suite for test interoperability and backward compatibility among IDN solutions and DNS. Third, ENUM client. In addition, we’ve constructed International IPv6 IDN test bed. Figure 1 represents IDN protocol suite’s architecture. Figure 2 represents the specification. IDN&ENUM server Cellular Phone IDN Query ENUM Query Web server We’ve implemented prototype of this specification, which is called mBIND (Multi-lingual BIND). mBIND based on BIND 9 and which was 8-bit clean set. PDA IPv4/IPv6 Internet Computer ftp server 3.2 IDN Test Suite Client mail server Gateway PSTN IDN Test Suite Other Client Q: IDN : http://건국대.대학.kr A: ENUM Client 2001:220:1017::2 IP Phone ENUM : 8224503537 http://건국대.대학.kr mailto:한선영@건국대.대학.kr sip:한선영@건국대.대학.kr Figure 1. IDN Protocol Suite Map. 3.1 IPv6 IDN protocol specification. We propose IPv6 IDN protocol specification to support IDN and ENUM service. First, specification supports various RR types and reverses domains. For examples, A, AAAA, A6, DNAME,, and etc. Second, uses IDNA mechanism which was IETF’s proposed standard. Third, provides a client plug-in module supports legacy application and non-IDNA application as a solution in transition period. Fourth, uses NAPTR record to support ENUM service. An application which follows IDNA mechanism performs resolving as same fashion with existing DNS. So the backward compatibility was guaranteed and there’s no overhead on DNS server. But, it takes long time periods to settle an IDNA mechanism. In addition, perhaps many applications will not support IDN, which was developed in English speaking country. For that reason, we apply IDN plug-in module to specification for support legacy application and non-IDNA applications. NonIDNA applications send query then plug-in module encodes it by Punycode encoding algorithm and resolve it. This process should be done by following steps. First, plug-in module checks the query if which contains IDN. ASCII letters were assigned under 0x80 codes. So, if query contains over-0x80 codes, we could decide the query includes IDN. This is only for DNS area, not for other area. Second, if the query includes IDN then encode it by Punycode encoding algorithm. Finally, DNS resolves the query and returns result to client. Today, IDN solutions have being operated in various operating systems. And, it should be considered backward compatibility and interoperability between the legacy DNS and the new one. For testing backward compatibility and interoperability, we developed IDN Test Suite (called Idnslook) which supports various encoding algorithms and query types on multi-platform. First, it should support not only basic letter row of ASCII type in the existing DNS but also Punycode, RACE, UTF-8, Encoding-n and UTF-5. Likewise, we can test the interoperability of IDN solutions which is used various encodings. And we are also able to test backward compatibility with the existing DNS. Second, it should support A, PTR, MX, TXT, HINFO, CNAME and SOA to test various DNS services. APIs which are in Java supports only simplified A, PTR version, so we developed the resolving routine to support various query type. It is easily extended by adding int form to the RR type number. Third, It implemented by Java for supports multiplatform. Fourth, it should support GUI and CUI environments for convenience. Finally, modulates resolving, encoding and GUI part for support more reusability, flexibility and extensibility. Therefore it could be extended functional module more easily. IDN Test Suite is basically divided into three files. with encoding related method and file that executes the resolver are embodied to be used in other programs without any change. In addition, file which is the main program and the part of GUI, it reads the user's input and shows the result after producing each object that are used in the system. Also, it has the function of restoring the various set up results into the environment set up file. Figure 3 represents IDN Test Suite (Idnslook) and Figure 4 represents query type and encoding type choice. Name server input Query input Query type choice Application Name Service (A, AAAA or A6) Encoding type choice Punycode Decoder Punycode Encoder ENUM Service (NAPTR) Result output Query send button Status display line ENUM Resolver Name Resolver IDN & ENUM Check Figure 3. IDN Test Suite – Idnslook. [IDN Cl ient] [IDN & ENUM Server] Figure 2. IPv6 IDN Specification Design Konkuk University Zone Singapore University Zone Root Top Level IDN Figure 4. Query Type & Encoding Type Choice. 3.3 ENUM Client We developed ENUM client prototype which support IDN. User inputs ENUM then sends it IDN/ENUM server. The result (URIs) from server is displayed on client, and then user could choice to use. ENUM client calls appropriate application for selected URI. Web kr sg Second Level IDN ac co 대학 회사 건국대 삼성 … … ac 敎育 ac co 公司 建國大 三星 … … 대학 싱가포르 … co 회사 ac 敎育 co 公司 무역 新可坡 貿易 … … … Figure 7. Domain Hierarchy. Mail 5. Interoperability test Phone Fax [ENUM Client (prototype)] Figure 5. ENUM Client. 4. International IPv6 IDN Test bed We’ve constructed IPv6 IDN test bed for interoperability and compatibility test with Singapore national Univ, Singapore. But also, local test bed. Konkuk Univ. manages root server for Korean domains and local test bed. Singapore Univ. manages root server for Singaporean domains and there local test bed. IDN root servers were operated by using mBIND. These are connected through KOREN and SingaREN. KOREN and SingaREN are native IPv6 network. So, we could perform IPv6 IDN test. In addition, we’ve performed IDN test through IPv6 tunneled network. Figure 6 represents International IPv6 IDN Test bed and extension plan. Figure 7 represents virtual domain hierarchy of test bed. So, to access Konkuk Univ.'s web page, we could use the existing DNS method, ‘’, or also we could use Korean like ‘http://건국대.대학.kr’. IDNS Testbed Testbed extension plan Network extension plan Interior Testbed APAN-JP XP Seoul XP Tokyo IPv6 IDN Root Server vBNS, Abilene CA*Net2, etc TransPAC KOREN Singapore Univ. Dacom ATM Local Testbed Euro GW XP Singapore SingaREN TEN-155 Figure 6. International IPv6 IDN Test bed. In this paper, we have tested mBIND and other IDN solutions on the test bed. The interoperability test is progressed mainly of International test bed. And, we have tested many encoding from one DNS. But this test is only for test to confirm the movement of encoding. Main test items were basic RR type and name query test applying the encoding which is provided by IDN Test Suite to test the interoperability of IDN solutions. The result of interoperability test was produce successful results if they uses same encoding algorithm or uses supported encoding algorithm by IDNS. But, if they use different encoding algorithms which was not-supported on other server-side than result is failure. We can draw a conclusion from these results that the interoperability is supported among those servers which look like they are using the same or supportable encoding systems. Next, the backward compatibility test. The testing method in this test executes English domain names on various IDNS. The result of backward compatibility is success when they use ACE or UTF-8 encoding algorithm. The result is failure when they use UTF encoding algorithms except UTF-8. 6. Conclusion This paper is embodied for IPv6 IDN protocol suite for support IDN and ENUM. Invented mBIND supports IDNA protocol mechanism. IDN Test Suite has the characteristics of Java that is executed in multi-platforms. Also it has various RR type and encoding type test functions to interoperability and backward compatibility test. These functions have food points that it can provide the convenient user interface in testing by producing the GUI environment, which is distinguished from the existing test tools. We have tried various tests such as the interoperability and backward compatibility test among the IDN solutions on test bed and analyzed the results to find out the problems and presented the solutions. In addition, we’ve developed ENUM client which supports IDN. mBIND, IDN Test Suite and ENUM client are still having many problems. We’ll investigate stable mBIND version. Integrate IDN Test Suite with ENUM client and fully support IPv6. In addition, add functions on IDN Test Suite to robustness, stability and availability test. 7. REFERENCES [1] P. Mockapetris, “DOMAIN NAMES - CONCEPTS AND FACILITIES”, RFC 1034, November 1987. [2] P. Mockapetris, “DOMAIN NAMES - IMPLEMENTATION AND SPECIFICATION”, RFC1035, November1987. [3] P. Faltstrom, P. Hoffman, A. Costello, "Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)", RFC 3490, March 2003 [4] A. Costello, "Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for IDNA", RFC 3492, March 2003 [5] P. Hoffman, M. 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