nl200812 - Chantilly Highlands


nl200812 - Chantilly Highlands
The Chantilly Highlander
Your Community Newsletter Serving Chantilly Highlands
V i s i t u s o n t h e w e b a t www.c
December 2008
Mark Your Calendars for the
Winter Wonderland!
Saturday, December 13th, 11 AM - 2 PM
There will be crafts and refreshments,
and the return of the horse-drawn ‘carriage’!
So bundle up the family,
and create some family memories
at this special time of year!
Join us at the Community Center on
December 13th from 11 am to 2 pm for
activities and refreshments.
Organized and Hosted by Girl Scout Troop 3132
MEETING will be held
Thursday, JANUARY 15, 2009, at 8 PM
at the Community Center
Board Members will be elected.
Seeking CHHA
Board Candidates
The Nominating Committee is accepting candidates interested in running for open positions on the CHHA Board of Directors in the
January election. Please contact the chairperson of the Nominating Committee, at if you are interested in running. Make a difference in your community!
Traffic Calming Update
Results Due Soon!
Traffic Calming ballots were mailed to all homeowners
the 4th week of October. The returned ballots had to be
postmarked no later than November 20th in order to be
counted by Supervisor Frey’s office. The CHHA Task
Force expects to receive the results of the vote in early
December. The results will be posted on the CHHA website at and printed in the January edition of
the Chantilly Highlander. Thank you to all the residents
who took the time to vote!
Residents of Chantilly Highlands will continue to be informed of
this matter through future newsletter articles and website postings. The June-November 2008 issues of The Chantilly Highlander contained important information regarding this project. If
you missed these articles, previous newsletters can be found on
the Chantilly Highlands website at
Mailbox Care
Be sure to keep the approach to and
front of your mailbox clear of vehicles,
snow, and other objects. Your mail
carrier must have access to your box
without having to leave the vehicle.
Make sure your guests do not block
your or your neighbor’s mailbox.
In This Issue:
Winter Wonderland
CHHA Annual Meeting
Board Minutes
CHHA Voting Proxy
Community Calendar
Bookkeeper Bids Accepted
Classified Ads
Board & Committee Contacts
The Chantilly Highlander
Page 2
Chantilly Highlands Homes Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Thursday, November 7, 2008
Submitted by Wendy Hunt
Minutes are tentative and will be reviewed and approved at the
upcoming Board of Directors’ meeting.
Board Attendees: Larry Miller, Wendy Hunt, Michelle
Doucette, Imrana Umar, Greg Zilberfarb, and Brian Keagy
Absent Board members: David Howlett and Paul Thurneysen
Homeowner attendees: 1
Michelle Doucette called the meeting to order at 7:43 pm.
Long Term Planning: Companies were researched and land
use companies were found. They are willing to do a walk
through and then will deliver a proposal to the board. They will
not facilitate the assessing of facilities or equipment. Reserve
requirement study was discussed and requirements needed were
Treasurer’s Report: Updated treasurer’s report was reviewed.
We are moving through the lien process. We have 4 delinquencies.
Community Facilities: The teeter totter handle is broken and
needs to be repaired.
Land Management: Palmer’s contract was renewed.
Architectural Control Committee: Attorneys are working on
certain outstanding issues to bring them to resolution.
Community Activities: The Halloween activities were successful and volunteers are needed for future events.
Civic Affairs: No further business beyond traffic calming.
Neighborhood Watch: Board members will meet with the
committee member to discuss ideas.
Communications - Newsletter and Website: Ongoing efforts
are proceeding to clean up the database. The website is being
updated and links are being worked on.
Articles for the newsletter are due to Deb Neuberger by the 12th
of each month. Items for the newsletter were discussed.
Old Business: The board needs to announce need for board
members and establish the nominating committee as some
members will come off the board this year.
New Business: Mike Laverdure joined the CHHA board.
Meeting Adjournment: With no additional new business to
discuss, Michelle Doucette made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Brian Keagy seconded it. The board unanimously approved the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 pm.
December 2008
Page 3
CHHA Annual Meeting PROXY
For the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Chantilly Highlands Homes Association, Inc.
The Nominating Committee will reissue this Proxy next month with potential Board Candidates for your consideration.
The undersigned hereby appoints _____________________________ as proxy to act and vote at the annual
meeting of the Chantilly Highlands Homes Association, Inc, to be held at 8:00 PM on January 15, 2009, at the
CHHA Community Center, Oak Hill, VA, and at any adjournments thereof, upon any business which may
properly come before said meeting, all in accordance with and as more fully described in the notice of said
meeting, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.
Print Name ________________________________________________
Date ____________
Signature _________________________________________________
Lot # _______ Address ____________________________________________________
Instructions: 1) CHHA bylaws require that a quorum be present at the annual meetings for actions taken to be valid. 2) Please complete
this form to ensure that a quorum is achieved. 3) A proxy can be rescinded if you attend the meeting. 4) When you complete the proxy,
you will be conveying your voting power to the appointed individual. 5) The only votes expected to be cast will be for Board of Directors
positions. 6) If you wish, you can abstain from the vote, but have your presence counted to ensure the quorum is achieved. 7) Proxies must
be signed by homeowners or renters granted a proxy from the homeowner. 8) Areas with BOLD type must be filled out for the proxy to be
valid. 9) If the Lot Number is not known, it can be filled in at the Annual Meeting. 10) Only one proxy per household.
The Chantilly Highlander
Page 4
Breakfast with Santa
Sunday, December 21st
8:00 AM-11:00 AM
at the Community
Support Your Schools
Area schools need your help to support their programs.
Local grocery stores have rewards programs which allow
you to designate more than one school to benefit from your
purchases, at no cost to you.
Some of the schools to consider designating include: Oak
Hill Elementary, Franklin Middle, Rachel Carson Middle, and Chantilly High.
Pancakes, sausage,
and assorted juices
Some stores that have rewards programs include: Giant
aplus; Bloom;
Harris Teeter;
Safeway; and Target. Go to their
websites and search for the school code(s) to register and start helping out!
Pictures will be available
Tickets $5.00 per person
Fundraising at Oak Hill
Call Renee Levendis
(703) 437-0383
With the holidays around the corner, shoppers can help Oak Hill
Elementary while getting their shopping done. has that special gift
for everyone on your list.
Sponsored by Troop 3132 will donate a percent to Oak Hill at no additional cost to you.
Just shop through the link at, then click on PTA funding and
shop. There you will see the link that will take you to Thank you
once again for supporting Oak Hill Elementary!
A portion of the proceeds will
go to feed the homeless.
December 2008
am-2 pm
13 11Winter
7:30 PM
Board Mtg
(see page 1)
1st Day of
Jan 1
Jan 2
Congratulations to Kelly Edwards
of Chantilly Highlands
Kelly Edwards, a Chantilly Highlands resident, sharpened
her professional edge and took her hair coloring talent to
the next level at the award-winning Redken Exchange in
New York City. Kelly was one of the dedicated salon
professionals who attended classes at the Redken Exchange, the hair industry’s leading resource for higher
learning. Along with stylists from around the globe, she
learned advanced techniques in hair design and hair color
from leading experts in the salon industry, bringing her
customers the latest in wearable fashion hair trends.
Kelly currently works in Great Falls.
Plan Now for School Closings
If you haven’t already done so, register
now for Keep in Touch, a service that allows employees, parents and others interested in emergency messages and other
information about the school system to receive updates via e-mail. To sign up (or update your profile), visit the FCPS web site at and
choose ‘Keep in Touch E-mail’ on the left side of
the web page.
Make plans for your children in the event that
you are not available for an early school closing,
such as due to inclement weather. Arrange for
someone who can pick them up for you. Also decide who will watch your children if school is canceled or delayed and you still have to work—
remember that the public library is not your babysitter and you cannot leave children alone there.
The Chantilly Highlander
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The Chantilly Highlander
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Opening doors and closing sales!
•Time is money: I provide customized
marketing programs to sell your home
quickly and at the highest price.
•Resources: I utilize traditional
methods, as well as the latest
technologies, to effectively market
your home or property.
•Enthusiasm: As a fellow Chantilly Highlands resident, I know that this is
a terrific neighborhood in an extremely
desirable location, and my enthusiasm
works to your benefit.
Fairfax County Seeks Public’s Input
for FY 2010 Budget
Fairfax County residents will have an opportunity to provide their input on the Fiscal
Year 2010 Budget (July 1, 2009 through June
30, 2010) to county leaders in a variety of ways
this year. Fairfax County is projecting a budget deficit of
more than $400 million for FY 2010.
Lee Abbud
•Commitment: I listen to your needs
and goals, and provide personal
service that allows you to make the
best decision regarding a residence
or investment property.
•Knowledge: I have knowledge of the
many diverse neighborhoods in the
region, new home builders, and market
trends; and I apply that knowledge to your advantage.
Please call me at (703) 362-2657 or
Email me at
Residents are encouraged to call the budget hotline at
703-324-9400, submit comments online at There are also links to
the school’s 2010 budget, where residents can provide
input on that budget as well.
Before you pack up the car and head off to Grandma’s
for the holidays, take a moment to go online to check the
weather and road construction for your route. The Virginia Dep’t of Transportation at
has useful travel information, including traffic cameras,
road conditions, and lane closures. In the Travel Center
section you can also find winter driving tips, which might
be a good review for both new and experienced drivers.
The Info Center provides various information, including
contact numbers to report unsafe conditions, such as blind
or poorly marked intersections, slick or icy roads. Call
the Highway Helpline at (800) 367-ROAD.
Another useful website from the Virginia Dep’t of
Transportation can be found at
Their toll-free 511 phone service and this website features
tools to help you get around.
The Chantilly Highlander
Page 7
Winter Driving Safety Tips
Spend a few moments to read through the tips below,
and prepare your vehicle in advance of bad weather.
Make sure your new drivers read this as well.
1. Check your tire pressure and tread wear. Have your
battery checked, as well, and replace if not holding a
2. Fill your windshield wiper fluid
reservoir regularly and change
your windshield wiper blades.
3. Clear all snow and ice from
ALL windows (front, back, and
side), headlights, brake lights, AND the roof of your
vehicle. Put your ice scraper and snow broom in your
car NOW!
4. Store a blanket, jumper cables, flashlight, snacks, mittens/caps, shovel, first aid kit, sand/cat litter/traction
devices, and charged cell phone in your car.
5. Do not leave your vehicle running unattended. Vehicle theft increases during winter months due to this.
6. Minimize night driving especially when snow and ice
are present.
7. When driving on wet or icy roads, give yourself more
stopping distance between vehicles than usual.
8. Slow down. The speed limit is the MAXIMUM
speed, not minimum.
Church of the Epiphany-Episcopal
All are welcome
Join us Sundays at 9:30 am
Oak Hill Elementary School
3210 Kinross Circle, Herndon, VA 20171
For more information:
Page 8
The Chantilly Highlander
Page 8
Holiday Shopping Safety Tips
Report Suspicious Persons and Activities
Over the next few weeks, many of us will be taking to the malls
and shopping centers in preparation for the holiday season.
Crime seems to increase during the holiday season, but more so
with tough economic times such as we have now. If you have
young adults that will be out without an adult nearby, even if
traveling with a group of friends, make sure to go over these
safety tips with them before they head out.
With the holidays upon us, please be extra vigilant in
monitoring the neighborhood while driving and walking
around (bring your cell phone with you). There have
been yard decorations stolen, vandalism, and thefts in
recent weeks in Chantilly Highlands. Call Fairfax Police
at their non-emergency number (703) 691-2131 to report
anything or anyone questionable. Call 911 with emergency reports.
• Dress casually and comfortably; don’t wear expensive jewelry or clothing.
• Inform children to find a store clerk or
security person if they get separated from
you in a crowded store.
• Avoid shopping alone.
• Trust your instincts. If you feel something is
wrong, or suspicious, take action—move or ask for assistance.
• Stand tall and display confidence. Walk with purpose, scan
the area around you and make eye contact with others.
• Be alert at all times, especially when leaving businesses.
• Park close to the store in well-lit spaces.
• Have your keys in hand before returning to your vehicle.
• As you approach the car, check to see if anyone is hiding
underneath, next to, or inside. If you are concerned for any
reason, simply walk past your car and call for help.
• Lock the car when you get in and keep windows closed. Do
not linger in the parking lot in your car. Get in and leave.
• Be aware of suspicious people and vehicles. Don’t wear
earphones and an i-Pod while shopping or going to your car!
• Keep a eye on your purse. Hold your purse close to your
body or use a front pocket if carrying a wallet.
• Keep your cell phone in your pocket instead of your purse.
If you do happen to be a victim of a robbery and they do get
your purse, you can still immediately call the police.
• Do not flash large amounts of money when making purchases—be discreet. Use checks or credit cards instead of
• Use credit cards safely. Keep your receipts, guard your PIN
numbers, record your credit card numbers at home (make
copies of credit cards, front and back, to have information in
case you need to call the companies to report a loss), and be
aware of identify theft. Reconcile your statements.
• Hide packages. Put packages in the trunk of your car. If
your vehicle does not have a trunk, such as a minivan or
SUV, bring a blanket to cover up your purchases. If you
need to continue shopping, consider moving your vehicle
after putting your packages in the back in case someone has
been watching you. Thieves will see you put packages in
your car and walk away, knowing that there is something to
take, and you will not likely be back for awhile.
• Report any suspicious activity or person(s) to the Fairfax
County Police at (703) 691-2131. For more information
about these and other personal safety tips, go to http://
Most malls have security personnel that will escort you to your
vehicle upon request. Be alert, and be safe!
Bookkeeper Bids Accepted
The CHHA Board is looking for a bookkeeper. Duties
include but not limited to: Pick up & deliver community
mail at least 2x/week, Accounts Receivable – annual
dues, Accounts Payable – prepare checks & obtain officers’ signatures, prepare bank deposits, maintain copies
of checks and all associated backup, input annual budget,
maintain file of all CHHA contracts, prepare 1096 and
1099 tax forms, organize and deliver all required records
to auditor for year-end audit, prepare monthly reports for
board mtg.
Applicant must have experience with
Quicken software. Please contact Michelle Doucette,
CHHA Treasurer or send resume to P.O. Box 710238,
Oak Hill, VA 20171-0238.
Designed to Appeal
Do you have a design vision
for the rooms in your home?
Let us help you bring it to life
while creating spaces
that are comfortable and inviting
for you and your family.
We provide full design, staging
and organizational services.
Happy Holidays
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency supply kits are needed for all types of emergency
situations, including those weather-related. Remember to
check and restock emergency supply kits in your home, office
and cars when you change batteries on your smoke detectors
for Daylight Savings Time twice a year. Listed below are some
supplies recommended to include. For more information about
emergency supply kits, contact the Fairfax County Office of
Emergency Management at 571-350-1000, TTY 711, or visit
their webpage at
Basic Emergency Supply Kit
• Water – one gallon of water per person per day for at least
three days, for both drinking and sanitation.
• Food – at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food,
such as ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits and vegetables;
protein or fruit bars; dry cereal; peanut butter; nuts; crackers;
and canned juices. Can opener for food determined by supplies.
• Flashlight and extra batteries.
• Battery-powered or hand-crank radio and a NOAA Weather
Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both.
• First-aid kit.
• Dust mask, to help filter contaminated air; plastic sheeting/
duct tape to shelter-in-place.
• Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal
• Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities.
• Prescription medications, eye glasses, contact lenses and
supplies and denture needs.
• Infant formula, powdered milk, bottles, diapers, diaper rash
ointment, medications and moist towelettes.
• Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification, bank account records, medical insurance
and Medicare cards in a waterproof, portable container. List of
doctors, relatives or friends who should be notified if you are
• Cash or traveler’s checks and change.
• Emergency reference material such as a first-aid book.
• Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person.
• Change of clothing: long-sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes.
• Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – When
diluted nine parts water to one part bleach, bleach can be
used as a disinfectant. Or in an emergency, you can use it to
treat water by using 16 drops of regular household liquid
bleach per gallon of water. Do not use scented, color safe or
bleaches with added cleaners.
• Matches in a waterproof container.
• Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items.
• Paper towels, paper cups, plates and plastic utensils.
• Paper, pens and/or pencils.
• Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children.
Additional Supplies for People with Disabilities
• Prescription medicines, list of medications including dosage
and list of any allergies.
• Extra eyeglasses and hearing-aid batteries; extra wheelchair
batteries and oxygen.
• A list of the style and serial number of medical devices.
The Chantilly Highlander
Page 9
Going on Vacation?
Don’t Let Everyone Know
When you go away to visit the relatives for the holidays,
or for that ski trip, the same common sense rules apply as
for when you take a summer vacation, and a few more.
⇒ Make is seem like you are home by using light timers.
⇒ Have a neighbor pick up your mail and newspapers,
or issue a vacation stop for them.
⇒ Ask a trusted neighbor to check your house daily—
give them a contact number in case of an emergency.
⇒ Do not leave empty boxes of gifts at the curb
(computer, TVs, etc.) to notify potential thieves. Put
them curbside after you’ve returned from your vacation or better yet, cut them up and put in the recycling
⇒ Do not put your house number on your key chain or
your luggage.
⇒ Be observant and report suspicious people or happenings to the Fairfax County Police Department nonemergency number at (703) 691-2131.
⇒ Contact the Fairfax County Police at the Fair Oaks
Station for a free home security inspection at (703)
The Chantilly Highlander
Page 10
Winter Check List
Classified Advertising
By performing preventive maintenance on an on-going
basis, you'll avoid expensive repairs and protect the investment you’ve made in your home.
Electric Guitar & Amp—NEW, never used. Great holiday gift. Epiphone Les Paul Special II Guitar, Crate 15
watt amp, cords, strap. $200 for all. (703) 709-0194.
Here are monthly and fall/winter maintenance checklists:
Test your smoke alarm & carbon monoxide detectors.
Check the filters on your heating and cooling systems. Be sure to clean and change according to the
manufacturer's schedule.
If you have a humidifier or an electronic air filter,
check these as well.
Check faucets for drips. Check plumbing for leaks.
Test your smoke alarms
and carbon monoxide detectors. Change their batteries
twice a year.
Have your furnace/
heating system serviced by a
qualified service company.
If you have electric baseboard heaters, vacuum them
to remove dust.
Remove the grills on forced air systems and vacuum
inside the ducts.
If you use a portable humidifier, it's time to clean it.
Make sure all doors to the outside shut tightly. Renew weather stripping as required.
Check your chimney for obstructions, such as bird's
nests. If you have a wood-burning fireplace make
sure to have it cleaned by a reputable chimney sweep
at least annually (perhaps more frequently if you burn
a lot of wood in one season).
Clean gutters and test downspouts to ensure proper
drainage from the roof.
Turn off the water supply to outdoor hose faucets and
drain. Drain and store outdoor hoses.
Protect young trees and bushes for cold winter winds
and put down mulch to winterize gardens.
Store/cover outdoor furniture and grill.
GOT JUNK? 123JUNK hauls virtually everything: furniture to garage clutter, appliances to yard debris. We’ll
even donate items in good condition! Call 703-400-7645
for a free estimate.
Almighty & Co-Painting-Int/Ext, Local Ref. Drywall &
rotten wood repair, power washing, wallpaper removal.
25 yrs. Free Est. Call Carl (703)378-5602 voice mail,
(703)926-8700 cell.
A&S Home Improvement-Remodeling Bath/Kitchen,
Ceramic floor & wall tile, Painting, Drywall, Electrical,
Plumbing, Ceiling fans, raises light, & more. Lic., Honest, Exp. Free estimates. (703) 860-4734; cell (703) 9443135.
Babysitter/Pet Sitter - Need a responsible babysitter or pet
sitter? Call Katie at 703-471-8654. Certified babysitting
classes completed.
Pet Care-12th grader willing to take care of your pets anytime.
Experienced, responsible, and dependable. References available. Call Jennifer at (703) 787-9323.
December 2008
Page 11
Board of Directors meets on the first Thursday of every month at
7:30 PM at the Community Center. Meetings are open, and all residents are welcome and encouraged to participate. To include a specific item on the agenda, please contact the Board President.
Architectural Control Committee (ACC) meets monthly at the
Community Center. Contact any ACC member or appropriate Board
member if you have ACC questions or concerns.
Chantilly Highlander newsletter welcomes your articles and community photos of specific events. Advertising questions and other information may be emailed to or mailed to the
Editor at P.O. Box 710238, Oak Hill, VA, 20171.
Community Activities Committee identifies and schedules events for
the participation of Chantilly Highlands families. The committee
meets as events are scheduled, and chairpersons vary throughout the
year. If you are interested in leading an event or have ideas for a
community activity, please contact a Board member.
Community Facilities Committee (ComFac) meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 PM at the Community Center. Issues
pertaining to our swimming pool, tennis courts, playground, Community Center and its grounds are managed by the Community Facilities Committee. If you would like to become involved in this
committee, contact Jeff Boehlert at 703-435-2836.
Land Management Committee handles all issues that involve the
common areas of our community: primarily lawn care and snow
removal. Meetings are held as needed. You may contact Paul Thurneysen at 703-318-1468 with questions and if you are able to help
on the Land Management Committee.
The Chantilly Highlander is a monthly publication which informs
the community of our accomplishments, upcoming events, committee meeting highlights and decisions, and provides a forum for you
and your family to communicate items of interest to your
neighbors! Articles are reviewed and published at the discretion of
the Board of Directors. Published advertisement is accepted, however it is not considered an endorsement by the Board.
Electronic submissions are encouraged via email; however, please
also provide a “camera ready” printed copy for comparison if there
are graphics or fonts (print styles) that must be maintained.
Email address: (Include ‘Chantilly
Highlander’ in the subject line so it is not deleted as spam)
Mailing address: CHHA, c/o The Chantilly Highlander, P.O.
Box 710238, Oak Hill, VA 20171
Please submit articles, advertising (with payment), and photos so
they are RECEIVED by the 12th of each month for consideration
in the next month’s issue: be sure to allow sufficient time for
mail processing. Any non-profit notices will be included only if
space allows—for guaranteed placement it must be paid advertising.
Classified & KidWorks ad wording should be no more than 30
words, or will be subject to editing.
Advertising Rates:
KidWorks (Under 18 yrs)
Classified Ad
Business Card 3½”W x 2”H
Quarter Page 3¼”W x 4½”H
$ 3.00
$ 15.00
$ 30.00
$ 55.00
$ 10.00
$ 20.00
$ 50.00
$ 70.00
When calling board or committee members, please be mindful that they are volunteers, with
jobs and families, making sacrifices to serve our community. Try to contact the appropriate
liaison or committee chair for the best response to a concern/question.
Chantilly Highlands Committees
Control (ACC)
Carla Abbud
Cindy DiPalma
Brian Keagy
Civic Affairs
Jeffrey Parnes
Community Ctr Rental Answering Machine
Community Events
Wendy Hunt
Community Facilities Jeffrey Boehlert
Database Administrator Greg Zilberfarb
Garden Club
Paul Thurneysen
Land Management
Imrana Umar
Neighborhood Watch
(see Comm Facilities)
Pool House Phone
Lori Manik
Resale Packages
Karin Johnston
Swim Team Chair
Steve Edwards
Tennis Courts
Greg Zilberfarb
Greg Zilberfarb
Web Posting
2008 CHHA Board of Directors
Paul Thurneysen
Vice President
David Howlett
Michelle Doucette 703-870-7677
Wendy Hunt
Community Facilities
Larry Miller
Long Range Planning
Mike Laverdure
Architectural Control
Newsletter, Database
& Website
David Howlett
Greg Zilberfarb
Neighborhood Watch
Imrana Umar
Community Events
Wendy Hunt
Land Mgmt & Civic
Paul Thurneysen
Board Member
Brian Keagy
H2O Power Washing
& Professional Painting
22 yrs Experience!
Interior painting Only Specialists!
Only Using Duron Paint!
"4 Step Prep" Of All Surfaces
Chantilly Highlands Resident!
Get Ready For The Holidays With A Fresh Look!
Now Offering "Economy
Friendly Rates"
Call 703-435-3408
Call Chriis Dolan
For Free Estimates!
Chantilly Highlands Homes Association
P.O. Box 710238
Oak Hill, VA 20171