Part b - Jersey Australia


Part b - Jersey Australia
~ The Wilson Family ~
Brian, Vicki Wilson & family - 02 6761 5783 – Brian: 0407 176 425
Todd & Sarah - 02 6761 5676 – Todd: 0404 081 352
Lindsey & Shirley - 02 6765 5378
words: Michael Porteous
Invergordon breeder
takes the next step
avid van Popering says
wryly that his strategy is
“to do less so that others can do
more” as he steps back from the
front line at the Invergordon
stud where his 300 Jerseys
produce 1.7million litres of milk
a year.
David is recovering from hipreplacement surgery, and he and wife
Annie are building a new home on a
second Invergordon property, leaving
their son Tim at the 106ha home farm
Brunetta Jerseys, 30km north-east of
But “doing less” is relative. Dutch-born
Queensland-raised David moved to
Victoria almost 30 years ago to be in the
thick of Australia’s dairy industry. This
year, he was back in the thick of things
in the dairy only six weeks after his
And even as he steps back, he still plans
to continue to breed better Jerseys
which are better-tempered, healthier
and better fed to produce more milk.
“My philosophy on breeding is that
you need genetics,” he says. “You need
production genetics in an animal to
make the milk, and you need a vehicle to
carry those genetics around in.
“If the vehicle breaks down, all the
genetics in the world aren’t worth a
cracker. She’s got to walk from the dairy
to the pasture and back again. If she
can’t do that, well there’s no point.
“And if she’s got an attitude problem,
there’s no point either.
“So it’s just not one thing. There’s no
point in having the highest-indexing bull
if I’m not happy with the daughters.”
David says a cow from a good family is
not guaranteed to be a good long-term
influence in a herd: “Some of them don’t
keep improving. Sometimes, it’s up to
you. And some of it can be down to luck
20 Jersey Journal – January/February 2012
Tim and David van Popering at Brunetta Jerseys.
- I’ve had good cow families that just ran
out of heifer calves.”
David does progeny-test, but says the
best proof of a bull can be milking its
daughters. He used Astound for years
after he milked its daughters and noted
their good temperament, type and
With water now overtopping Eildon
Weir, the van Poperings have
re-established perennial rye grass on
the 90ha of flood-irrigated land on their
home farm. They also grow some annual
rye grass, and may grow millet for
summer grazing. Their second property
also has irrigation, and is expected to
grow cereal to make hay.
David says it was difficult for him to deal
with having to buy in feed in drought
years when his water allocation fell to 29
percent. “This is the best dairying area
in Australia,” he says “and then all of a
sudden we had no water.”
But now they have at least two years
of water security, coupled with better
winter and spring rain.
David says Invergordon was not a
soldier-settlement area, and was set up
for “closer settlement” when the Bolte
government increased the capacity of
Lake Eildon.
David’s father Peter had worked on
farms in Holland before the family
moved to Queensland when David was
aged two. Peter worked on and leased
farms in Queensland before buying land
in the Lockyer Valley.
When his father retired in 1982, David
moved his Jerseys to Victoria to be in
“I’ve got some heifers calving this year
by a Danish bull. We tend to not get into
bed with any country or AI company.
Wherever the best bulls are, we’ll go and
get them.”
David looks at bull ratings, talks to
other breeders, and does his own
progeny testing. But he also watches
how the daughters perform in the dairy
because “you tend to be a little bit more
persuaded by what you’ve actually
milked yourself”.
He says the quality of Jerseys has
certainly improved since he started
breeding: “What we got out of mature
cows in those days, we get out of twoyear-old heifers now.”
breeding, and farmers have also made
great improvements in the health and
nutrition of their Jerseys.
The dry conditions of the past decade
helped farmers see what cows need to
perform at their best, “and not just look
at production per cow, but look at what
you can do with them financially and
make a profit”.
David’s farm is pasture-based, and
focuses on “keeping quality grass in
front of the cows” – hard to do in a
He says pasture-based farming is easier
to manage: “When you put cows out in
a good paddock of pasture, that’s where
they live.” They can’t live on a feed pad
“My philosophy on breeding is that you need genetics,”
he says. “You need production genetics in an animal to
make the milk, and you need a vehicle to carry those
genetics around in.” – David van Popering
But he emphasises that farms need “a
sound animal with a sound udder, and
sound feet and legs”.
“As herds get bigger, temperament is also
an issue,” he says.
“Three years ago, we built our new dairy
which is a 15-a-side rapid exit. There’s
30 cows that can milk at a time, and you
can’t afford to be fiddling around with
bad-tempered cows.
the state that produces 60 per cent of
Australia’s dairy produce.
Asked why he likes Jerseys, David jokes
that “we don’t like Collingwood” – a
reference to the Victorian football team’s
black-and-white outfits.
But he soon turns to talk in detail about
his favourite Jersey families, which
mostly originate in Queensland.
These include the Jade family bred
by Jack Ahern (father of a former
Queensland premier) and cows bred by
Fred Sippel of Lynford Jerseys. David
also has cows from the Marie family that
came from the Lynford stud.
“We have had a lot of influence from
mainly US sires, but we also use NZ sires
and Australian bred-sires – where ever
the best bull is,” David says.
“Years ago, people would leg rope
them and this, that and the other. Now
they just get sold – they just end up as
Having a herd with good temperament
is also important to staff: “It’s always
hard to get relief milkers. If they are
not happy milking your cows, they go
somewhere else.
“As herds and dairies get bigger,
temperament is probably more
However, Jersey temperament has also
improved. Breaking in heifers is easier
now than it was decades ago.
Good herd temperament will help as
David steps back at Brunetta Jerseys,
“but I will still do the breeding in the
herd, and a fair bit of the milking.”
David says herd management may be
even more important to production than
without five-piece stalls, rubber matting,
and acres of concrete. In a paddock,
the cows can have feed and water. They
leave their manure “where it should
be” and have less mastitis and foot
David has visited Jersey farms in Holland
and dairies in Denmark where cattle
spend whole seasons in sheds, but he
says these are small operations: “I think
their governments look after them
better so they can afford to do that.”
David hopes his step back at Brunetta
Jerseys will give him more time for
other interests, including breeding and
showing Leghorn chickens.
He last year won best bird in the
Mediterranean Poultry club of
Australia’s annual show.
“I don’t say I’m an expert in Leghorns,”
David says. “I’ve been breeding them
for 12 or 15 years, but I’ve only been
showing them for a couple.
“But I think I can pick out which ones I
need to show.
“I think if you’ve got an eye for one
animal, you’ve got an eye for all animals.
“Maybe you are better at some.
“I’m more comfortable judging cows
than I am judging white leghorns.
“I think I can still get it reasonably right.”
Jersey Journal – January/February 2012 21
Current production @ 5ys - 6063 Ltrs, 4.9%, 296 Kg Ft, 3.7%, 226 Kg Prt, 280 days cont. - PI 96.
• 6th Snr 3 yr old in milk International Dairy Week 2010.
The most recent of eleven daughters of Denfield Melanie P36 Sup 92 EXC 7, to score EXC 90 or greater.
BWC Melanie is due to calve 2nd Feb 2102 so will be fresh in 3 mths and ready to roll come sale day!
She is the most like her dam in strength and udder make up and we think she could become a super brood cow also.
She sells...
Check out our exciting IDW Jersey Showcase Sale Lot.
Wallacedale Acts D Melanie EXC92 x Action
• Champion 2yr old 2008 Sth Gippsland On Farm Challenge
and Champion Udder Overall.
Her current PI is 111 and she looks set to break 8000 litres.
A powerful cow who carries quite possibly the best udder in our herd!
Next dam VG 87 X Lemvig PI 120, EXC 90 Adonis PI 114,
EXC 90 Skyline PI 139, EXC 90 MVS.
Other members of the
Melanie family will sell at our Future Fortunes Sale, 2012
Wallacedale & Bemersyde Jerseys
Cliff, Marieka, Luke & Melanie Wallace
O’Mearas rOad sth, POOWOng nOrth, VIC 3988
Contact Luke m: 0400 562 764 - t: 03 5627 5668 - e: -
Agri-Gene Highlights
Grayson’s Dam –
Lloyn Jude Griffen – ET EX95
Tequila Daughter Norse Star Tequila Katie – EX91
IDW Jersey Blue Ribbon Specials
In the way of the Jersey sires we are
pleased to be able to announce the
arrival of the following new sires to our
IDW Jersey Blue Ribbon specials which
include – Tower Vue Prime TEQUILA ET has lived up to the hype as being the
No.1 Type and Udder sire in the USA
dominating the show ring at the recent
World Dairy Expo, All-American Jersey
Show and Royal Agricultural Winter
Fair with daughters taking out various
championships and classes.
Bushlea GIGGLES GREAT-ET, sired by
Action from the much admired RAWF
and World Dairy Expo Grand Champion
– Alexvale Made Me Giggle – ET EX96
3E who has a good USA Genomic proof
- +1.4 PTAT and +5.93 JUI. Arethusa
VALID ACTION is an Action son from
the Queen of the Breed – Veronica
who offers good overall show type,
production and udders.
Farmer favorites SPIRITUAL,
SANDBLAST and TBONE will also be
available on special at great value.
Jersey Highlights
Jersey Sire SANDBLAST has cemented
himself at the top of the Australian
ABV rankings after receiving his first
official proof in April this year, where he
enhanced his position at the very top of
the breed by adding more daughters and
improving for all his production traits
while maintaining his excellent type
Not only is Sandblast now the only
Jersey Sire over +300 for APR he is 66
points clear of the No.2 bull and is also
the breeds No.1 Sire for ASI, JSI and
protein kgs. So dominant is he now for
production traits it is easy to ignore
the fact that he also has an outstanding
all-round type proof with very good
functional traits; over +110 for both
overall type and udders and top 1% of
the breed for ligament strength and rear
udder width with great workabilities, his
daughters show tremendous strength
and capacity and he will also improve
cell counts.
The other highlight from the August
proofs was the second crop success of
popular Australian sire SPIRITUAL who
added over 150 second crop daughters
since April and increased almost 20
points on APR to once again find himself
in the Top 20 Australian proven sires
from the ADHIS Good Bulls Guide
where he is one of the best for type
and No.4 Sire for longevity with good
workabilities, cell counts and fertility
traits which will see him remain a
farmer favourite into 2012 and beyond.
Spiritual has been siring progeny
which have been excelling in the show
ring as well as various cows winning
classes in the 2011 On Farm Challenge
competition around Australia. SEXED
SEMEN is now available from this
perfect all-rounder.
Valid Action’s Dam –
Huronia Centurion Veronica – EX97
From the August USA Jersey proofs
the highlights were the continued
performance of TBONE and TEQUILA
who remains the No.1 Type and Udder
Sire in the breed.
Tbone in particular had an extremely
impressive proof run where he added
over 2,200 daughters and held his
position amongst the best type and
production sires in the breed. His first
Australian daughters have started to
come into milk now to rave reviews and
he is set to make his mark in Australia as
he has done overseas.
Tequila remains as the premier type
sire of the breed and he further
enhanced this reputation by adding
more daughters and improving on his
previously impressive udder rating
where he was already the No.1 PTA type
and JUI bull of the breed. For type he
has few peers and is a top 10 Sire for 11
individual type traits and No.1 for no
less than 5 of them.
Agri-Gene are pleased to be able to
announce the arrival of two new Jersey
sires from the USA in Budjon-Vail Jade
GRAYSON – ET who hails from the
perfect combination of Jade and “Lloyn
Jude Griffen – ET EX95”. His dam is
world renown for her show credentials,
massive dairy strength, openness and
beautiful capacious udder.
New release sire - BW THE ONE is a
maternal brother to popular Agri-Gene
outcross sire BW SUREFIRE sired by
Governor. He offers a combination of two
breed greats with a good USA Genomic
proof - +1.7 PTAT and +4.17. Both bulls
will be available as part of Agri-Gene’s
IDW promotions in January.
Jersey Journal – January/February 2012 23
Spring Stars
with familiar names... from Miami Jerseys
Miami Country
Eileen 4070 - VG87
Sure has been a busy girl this spring...
September: Jersey & All Breeds Intermediate Champion, Finley Feature Show.
October: 3rd 3 year old in milk Melbourne Royal.
November: 1st 3 year old South West Riverina, Semex On Farm Challenge.
December: 4th 3 year old Great Southern Challenge to the overall champion.
32 months 4548 3.7% 168 P 4.7% 216 F in 230 days
Eileen 4070’s sister, Miami Willunga Eileen 166 HC+87-2YR. 6 Lactation average PI of 111.
Their dam: Miami Astronomer Eileen 126
9 x 305 day lactation average of 5,500 litres
74months 7226 3.7% 267 P 5.2% 376 F 302 days PI 107
Next dam sired by GANT, also had 3 x 305 day 6000 litre lactations.
Mark and Philippa Flemming & Sons - Newell Highway, Tocumwal … (on the Murray)
03 5883 3133 | Mark 0419 320777 | Philippa 0400 833133 |
Miami Spiritual
Cowslip 115th - EX90
27 5938 3.8% 224 P 4.2% 248 F 305 PI 113
56 8662 3.6% 308 3.8% 326
305 PI 130
68 5766 3.9% 224 4.4% 253
209 PI 116 cont.
* 1st 6 Years in milk & Res. Senior Champion Finley Feature Show 2011
* 2nd Mature Cow South West Riverina, Semex On Farm Challenge.
* Hon. Mention Senior Champion, Finley 2010. * Pregnancies, by Vanahlem, Tequila, & Eclipes
She has a VG88 daughter with a 2 year old Lactation of 5644 3.9% 221 4.0% 226 305 days PI 107.
And also has a smart Autumn born Region daughter.
Dam: Miami Felix Cowslip 46 HC+ 86 - 6 Lact ave 6627 3.9% 254 P 5.4% 352 F PI 121.
Selling at IDW
Miami Harland
Girl 4283
By White Star ‘HARLAND’ (Minstrel/Lemvig).
One of 3 prospective graduates at Genetics Australia,
that are currently having LTEs completed.
APR (p)184, ASI (p)143 Prot 11, .43%. Fat 29, .82%.
Type 103. Surv 104.
She is pregnancy tested to Calve in March.
Dam: Miami Ghandi Girl 11th HC+
27 6341 3.7 232P 4.7 299F 305 PI 107
42 7396 3.9 287 4.9 361 305 PI 116
57 6859 4.2 285 4.7 325 305 PI 112
Next Dam: HC+87(@2Yrs) x Marina.
Next Dam: HC+ 86 Sooner, with five 305 day
lactations of between 6,100 & 7,700 litres
President: David Anderson (03) 5627 6344 Secretary: Anthea Day (03) 5626 6373
The Club’s 22nd Annual On Farm Challenge was held November 2nd to 4th 2011 and was judged by Mr. Brian Wilson of
Shirlinn Jerseys, Tamworth, New South Wales. 166 head from 23 exhibitors were scored on farm out of forty for each of twentytwo different type traits over the three days.
A presentation evening was held at the Drouin Golf Club on the Friday evening. 70 people in attendance saw the highest
pointed cows in each class rewarded with a range of prizes supplied by our many sponsors, to 13 different exhibitors. The two
major sponsors were Genetics Australia supplying semen vouchers and Reid Stockfeeds supplying bags of grain mix. Cliff,
Marieka, Luke & Melanie Wallace of Wallacedale Jerseys picked up the highly sort after “Pen of Five” award and the “Highest
Pointed Cow” with Wallacedale Addict Marie. New this year, were our “Youth Encouragement Awards”. Reece Attenborough took
out the “Highest Pointed Cow Exhibited by an Under 30” with Attenvale Action Melaine and Donald & Renee Ross received the
“Judges Choice” award for a breeder under 30.
Winner Three Year Old
Kings Vista Pepper 6
L & J Anderson & Family
Winner Five or Six Year Old
Almervista Gus Viva
A, M & K York
Winner Two Year Old
Wallacedale T Bone Melys
C & M, L & M Wallace
Winner Four Year Old
And Highest Pointed Cow
Wallacedale Addict Marie
C & M, L & M Wallace
Winner Two Year Old by PT Sire
Colonsay Fidel Nola
D & P McPhie
Winner Seven Years or Older
Wallacedale Connect Silk
C & M, L & M Wallace
Genetics Australia : Reid Stockfeeds : Central Sires Co-operative : John Duff & Co.
Longwarry Foodpark : Gippsland Bulk Spreaders : HICO : Westfalia Warragul : Brown Wigg
West Gippsland Vet Centre : Traf Tractor & Machinery : Bass Valley Embryo Services
Graham’s Seeds : Semex Australia : Mangarra Jerseys : Almervista Jerseys
Selling at the IDW Jersey Showcase Sale 2012
Daisymae 5857 - EX90
24mths 5235 4.4 232 3.7 193 305d PI 112
• 2nd 3 years in milk
Shepparton National 2011
• 1st 3 years in milk and
2nd Best udder of show Kyabram 2011
• Sired by FLOWER POWER from an Excellent
words: Michael Porteous
The Australian Jersey Journal continues its series on classification
discussing the traits in a cow’s rump and legs with Jersey Australia
classification panel member Darrin Grevett:
Rump and legs critical
to productive longevity
fter they have gained an overall picture of a cows “dairyness”, Jersey Australia
classifiers score a cow’s different traits in a report which they can discuss with
The classifiers score eight different
aspects of a cows rump and legs:
rump length
pin width
pin set
foot angle
heel depth
bone quality
side view of rear legs
rear view of rear legs.
Jersey Australia classifier Darrin
Grevett says the rump starts at the
pitch of the loin and goes to the end of
the tail, covering the hips, thurls and
“We look for a long rump in balance
with the rest of the cow,” Darrin says.
“The length of the neck from behind
her head to her shoulders should be
the same length as her rump.
“There should be two of those lengths
between her shoulders and her hips at
the front of the rump.
“If she has a very long neck, she should
therefore have a very long mid-section
and a very long rump.”
He says the rump is the supporting
framework for the cows mammary
system. All the mammary system’s
lateral and suspensory ligaments
are attached to the pelvic floor, the
internal base of the rump.
“The longer and wider the rump cavity
– the hips, the length of the rump
and the width of the pins – the more
capacity of the vessel up inside the
cow,” he says.
28 Jersey Journal – January/February 2012
Classifiers say breeders are improving the rumps and legs of Australian Jerseys. Our picture shows
Robinvale Paramount Fiona. The pins are the two bones of the
pelvis on each side of the tail. Their
width affects the capacity of a cow’s
milk vessel, as well as its ability to
Darrin says average pin width is about
the same as the length of a writing
pen, and most cows are close to this.
“Pins can never be too wide, but they
can be too narrow,” he says.
He says that pin set – the angle of
the pins – has changed over time in
Australian Jerseys.
“Twenty years ago, our Jersey cows
were a little weak in the loin,” he says.
“The pitch of the loin was probably
lower than the hips, and the thurls
were set back a little bit.
“The pin set was higher than the hips,
and we saw the rump shooting up in
the air.”
However, he says today’s Jersey twoyear-olds have rumps that slope off at
an angle to the ground.
“But by the time they’ve had two
or three calves, their rumps should
be level, enhancing longevity and
reproduction,” Darrin says.
“Most cows now score five or six for
rump traits.
“If we come across a cow nowadays
that is weak in the loin and high in the
pins, she’ll score threes and twos.
“But we don’t come across a lot of
them anymore. It’s a very uncommon
trait now because the breeder has well
and truly fixed the rump problem.”
Darrin says there should be a 60:40
ratio in the lengths from hip-to-thurl
and thurl-to-pin.
Correct positioning of the thurls
allows for correct rump angle, and
correct angle of leg set.
Darrin says the five traits in a cows
legs affect a cows comfort while it is
“The less strain she has on her joints
and parts of her feet and legs, the less
likely she is to develop injuries and
break down,” he says. Leg-injury break
downs can end calving and cause
prime production cows to leave herds.
Darrin says a steep foot angle gives a
nice short round hoof, enabling the
cow to track better and put less strain
on its pasterns at the back of its heels.
Classifiers look for a high steep heel,
rather than flat-foot angles which give
long toes.
“The more heel the better,” Darrin
says, “there‘s less chance of injury, and
more support for the pastern.”
The rear view classifies the shape of
the leg. Classifiers concentrate on the
rear feet and legs because they bear a
cows weight.
The front legs don’t have the same
pressures on them, but when a
balanced cow walks, its rear feet
should land in the same spots that its
front feet have just left.
“If they have what we call a sickled leg,
they may overstep that,” Darrin says.
“If they have straight legs, they may
step short of that”
He says a sickled leg puts more
pressure on a cows heel and pastern.
A cow that is straight in the side view
of the rear legs is putting extreme
pressure on her hock when she walks.
Darrin says Jersey Australia classifiers
now seldom see cows with poor side
or rear-view angles: “They track very
straight in their legs, and that’s really
good for the Jersey breed.
“On the whole, the Jersey breed has
extremely good legs, but their feet may
have a little bit of problem,” he says.
Darrin says he has found in his own
breeding that some bulls’ cow families
have offspring with better feet and
legs, and he thinks this is a natural
result of genetic influence.
But Jersey Australia classifiers
generally don’t know the details of
a cows genetic heritage when they
score its traits, and give an objective
score for the animal based on visual
Darrin says nutrition can also affect
feet and legs, with high grain diets
tending to produce long feet.
North East Jersey Cattle Club
President: David Dinning - (03) 5727 6355 • Secretary: Lyn Jones - (02) 6027 5111
Mrs EA Baker & Sons
3739 Tooma Road, Tooma, NSW
tel: 02 6948 4408
DA & BL Edwards
11 McLachan Road, Thowgla Valley, VIC 3707
tel/fax: 02 6076 1516 | m: 0427 761 516
Home of the Reserve Champion Mature Cow
2010 Semex - Jersey Australia Great Southern Challenge
Mikandan Centurions 918 HC+88pts
9001L - 380F - 313P - 312D (PI 112)
David & Jenny Dinning
165 Grahams Lane, Hansonville, VIC 3675
tel/fax: 03 5727 6355
Mark & Lynda Evans
702 Oxley Flats Road, Oxley Flats, VIC 3678
tel: 03 5727 3441 | e:
Bill & Rita McVean ~ Robert & Karly McVean
538 Thowgla Road, Corryong VIC 3707
tel/fax: 02 6076 1115 | m: 0417 444 908
Darryn & Emily Hourigan
44 Milawa-Tarrawingee Road, Milawa VIC 3678
tel: 03 5727 3604 | m: 0439 273 606
Ken & Lynne Jones
947 Gundowring Road, Gundowring VIC 3691
tel/fax: 02 6027 5111 | m: 0409 389 404
Jersey Journal – January/February 2012 29
5 or 6 Year Old Class
Representing CGJBC in
The Great Southern Challenge
for the 2nd year in a row.
Dtr. Of Almervista Mistro Viva (87)
2010 Born Dtr by LARFALOT
Pen of Five
Almervista Gus Viva EX (92)
Almervista Taranak Inch EX (91)
Almervista Taranak Shirley EX (91)
Almervista Bart Kathy (87) @ 2 YRS
Almervista Harris Columbine EX (91)
4 Year Old Class
Dtr. of Almervista Manhat Inch (83)
G-Dtr. of Almervista Barber Inch EX (90)
2010 Born Dtr by VALERIAN
Almervista Jerseys - AJ, MA & KE York
355 Old Drouin Road Longwarry
Ph: (03) 5629 9409, E-mail:
Balingen Park Jerseys
“Little Cows - Big Attitude”!
Kieron & Melissa Eddy
685 Hooper Road, Tatura, 3616
Ph: 0427 061 705
Charles & Carolyn Smith
80 Rathbone Road, St Germains 3620
Ph: 03 5826 0325
Brookbora Jerseys
Robert and Sandra Bacon
Tennyson Vic 3572
03 5488 2323 - 0429 333 119
Bercar Jersey Stud
Lynton and Lisa, Toni, Gavin and Cassie Broad
388 Johnson Road, LOCKINGTON 3563
03 5486 2624 - 0427 862 624
Jimann Jerseys
Trevor & Julie Campbell
286 Lowe Rd Rochester 3561
PH: (03) 5484 1624
Dalbora Genetics
Robert & Sandra Bacon
Daryl & Maria Collins
Tennyson Vic 3572
0427 882 227 - 0429 333 119
Bernie and Carol McManus
252 Bamawm Rd Bamawm. 3561
Ph: 03 5483 2245
N R & J M McDonald
715 Andrews Rd Kyabram 3620
Ph: 03 5855 2516 - 0428 992 450
LincoLndeLL Jerseys
Ron and Val Read & Family
167 Panoo Road
Lockington 3563
Utopia Jerseys
Gordon & Lyn Emmett
12 Curr Road, Stanhope
Ph: 03 5857 2629
.....breeding since 1930
Craigielea Jerseys
Bill, Kaye and Andrew Cochrane
836 Hansen Rd, Bamawm, 3561
Ph: 03 5486 5474
Gailee Jerseys
Norm & Dawn Stone
489 Hill Rd Stanhope
Ph: 03 5857 2399
Nicholson Family
Curr Rd Girgarre 3624
Ph/fax 03 5854 6393
Pat 03 5854 6513
Stewart Mancer
2/1 Moama Court, Moama
Ph: 0429 882 201
Jared & Courtney Ireland
53 Hewlett Lane, Lockington.
Ph: 03 5486 2694
Silhouette Jerseys
Richard & Ann Worboys
Echuca Mitiamo Rd • Kotta
Ph: 03 5483 7500
Sybilgrove & Summer
Spirit Jerseys
Collins Family
202 McColl Road, Ballendella 3561
Ph/Fax: 03 5486 5393
Jersey Stud
Bryan & Lee Rushton
79 Brooks Rd Rochester 3861
Ph: 03 5484 1551
Frank Walsh
41 A Finlay Road, Tongala VIC 3621
Ph: 03 5859 0532
Mobile: 0418 576 856
NortherN District
Jersey BreeDers cluB
Presdient: Bill Cochrane 03 5486 5474 Secretary: Lisa Broad 03 5486 2624
20th September, 2011 - Melbourne, VIC
Judge: Kevin Lutz, US
Heifer 7-9 months: 1. Sweet Pumpkins
Delight (Griffens Governor, C Allen and J
Cochrane); 2. Rivendell Minister Tammy
(Select-Scott Minister, S and H Menzies); 3.
Buffel Vale Malcolms Cinderella (Duncans
Prince Malcolm, J Hayes)
Heifer 1.5 years old, dry: 1. Glencraig
Intgold Mistletoe 5007 (Glencraig Golden, S
Salway); 2. Riverside Miss Mamie (Bonnyburn
Ali Whitsler, CB and K Couch and family);
3. Brunchilli JS Macquita (ABrunchilli Jades
Storm, Brunchilli Jerseys).
Heifer 2 years old, dry: 1. Buffel Vale Iatola
Molly (SC Gold Dust Paramount Iatola, J
Hayes); 2. Rivendell RJE Whistler Noelene
(Bonnyburn Ali Whistler, S and H Menzies and
R Easterbrook); 3. Kings Vista Tulip 5 (SHF
Centurion Cultan, Kings VIsta Jeseys).
Glencraig Intgold Mistletoe 5007
(Glencraig Golden) S Salway
Riverside Miss Mamie
(Bonnyburn Ali Whistler) CB and K Couch
Junior champion female with exhibitor Jim
Salway, NSW, handler, Rocky Allen, NSW, and
placing the sash, Margaret Nicholas, Vic.
Melbourne Royal 2011 - 2.5 year old in milk class.
Belle 3 (Forest Glen Avery Action, Wallace
Cow 3 years in-milk: 1. Willow Dell Fancy
618 (OF Montana Saber, Deniliquin High
School); 2. Glenbrae Country Daisy (BW
Country, Carson Farm); 3. Miami Country
Eileen 4070 (BW Country, Philmar Dairy
Cow 3.5 years in-milk: 1. Attenvale
Action Melaine (Forest Glen Avery Action,
R Attenborough); 2. Warrion Polly Sue 48
(Altheas Lester Pitino of AI-Top, SR and
RF Changt); 3. Rye Valley Comerica Biance
(Bridon Remake Comerica, R and H Perrett).
Emu Banks Navara Bubbly
(Daraway Flowerpower Navara)
BJ & JL Dickson
Bundaberg Crakers Melba 2
(Wilgo Fire Cracker) Salway, Allen and Rundle
Judge Kevin Lutz, USA, with Stewart McCrae, Vic,
and David Nicholas, Vic sashing the intermediate
champion with handler, Lora Schultz, Cobden, Vic.
Reserve junior champion with judge Kevin Lutz,
USA, and Gavin Nash, International Animal
Health, Tahnee King and Corey Couch, Vic.
Heifer 2 years in-milk: 1. Kings Ville Canary
34 (BW Finalist, R and K Anderson); 2.
Broadlin Bubbles 2709 (Molly Brook Berretta
Fabulous, L and L Broad); 3. Wallacedale
TBone Melys (Richies Jace TBone, Wallace
Heifer 2.5 years in-milk: 1. Emu Banks
Navara Bubbly (Daraway Flowerpower
Navara, BJ and JL Dickson); 2. Bundaberg
Crakers Melba 2 (Wilgo Fire Cracker, Salway,
Allen and Rundle); 3. Wallacedale Actions
32 Jersey Journal – January/February 2012
Cow 5 years and over dry: 1. Bogga Billa
Cent Veronica (Sooner Centurion, WJ and RM
Cow 4 years old in-milk: 1. Kings Ville
Lassie 16 (Rapid Bay Ressurection, R and
K Anderson); 2. Wallacedale Acting Belle
(Forest Glen Avery Action, Wallace family);
3. Bushlea Com Fernleaf 7 (Bridon REmake
Comerica, Deniliquin High School).
Cow 5 years old in milk: 1. Fresh Start
Statesman Suzanne (Warrian Statesman, M
Norman); 2. Stewartdale Saber 2807 (OF
Montana Saber, JA Haebich and LK Nagel);
3. Glenbrae Javas Daisy 3 (Wallacedale Cool
Breeze, Carson Farm Holdings).
Cow 6 years old in milk: 1. Broadline
Bubbles 2365 (Molly Brook Berretta
Fabulous, L and L Broad); 2. Kings Ville
Canary 23 (Rapid Bay Ressurection, R and K
Anderson); 3. Elmsdale Signature Superstar
(Family Hill Avery Signature, Elmsdale Pty
Cow 7 years and over in-milk: 1. Ellendale
Bluebell 563 (Beulah Taranak Badger, Collins
Farms); 2. Ivanhoe Illusion 45 (Ivanhill Petals
Lester, G and DL Robertson).
Kings Ville Lassie 16
(Rapid Bay Ressurection) R and K Anderson.
Wallacedale Acting Belle
(Forest Glen Avery Action) Wallace family.
Fresh Start Statesman Suzanne
(Warrian Statesman) M Norman.
Grand champion female with judge Kevin Lutz,
USA, David Nicholas, Vic, exhibitor Robert
Anderson, Vic, and Stewart McCrae, Vic .
Reserve senior champion female with judge Kevin
Lutz, USA, Stewart McCrae, Vic, and handler Jason
Hayes, Vic.
26th-27th October, 2011 - Camden, NSW
Judge: Mr Shane Paulger
Heifer under 6 months: 1. Bralock Excitition
Queen (Bridon Excitation) B. Gavenlock; 2.
Bralock Kenedys Kookie (Brunchilli Domenic
Levi) B. Gavenlock; 3. Cedar Vale Governer
(Poppy Griffens Governor) W & S Oslear.
Heifer 6-12mths: 1. Shirlinn Reagan
Melys (Rapid Bay Reagan) Wilson Family;
2. Brunchilli Bosmaster Annie (Kaarmona
Marstar) Brunchilli Jerseys; 3. Shirlinn
Reagan Iota (Rapid Bay Reagan) Wilson
Heifer 12-18mths: 1. Nimerald Reagan
Maybell (Rapid Bay Reagan) D & L Buckley;
2. Brunchilli Opportunity Sox 2, Brunchilli
Jerseys; 3. Orana Tbone Silverfinch (Richies
Jace T Bone) J. Quin.
Heifer 18-24mths: 1. Orana Verify Sunshine
(Arthusa Sambo Verify) J. Quin; 2. Brunchilli
B.S.O. Beccy (Brunchilli Sambo Opportunity)
Brunchilli Jerseys; 3. Foxton RM Peeress
(Family Hill Ringmaster) R & S Brown.
Juvenile Champion
- Orana Verify Sunshine, J. Quin
Orana Verify Sunshine
(Arthusa Sambo Verify) J. Quin
Shirlinn Reagan Melys
(Rapid Bay Reagan) Wilson Family
Brunchilli Bosmaster Annie
(Kaarmona Marstar)
2011 Futurity: 1. Shirlinn DB Priscilla
2nd (Gold Label Dream Boy) Wilson
Family; 2. Nimerald Excavate Canary
(Bridon SC Excavate) D & L Buckley; 3.
Shirlinn Connection Priscilla (Giprat Belles
Connection) Wilson Family.
Female under 2yrs in milk: 1. Shirlinn ILB
Eileen (Ingalala Legion Bret) Wilson Family;
2. Southern Star Very Nice (Bridon Remake
Comerica) S & R Robertson;
3. Foxton RM Doris (Family Hill Ringmaster)
R & S Brown.
Female 2-2.5yrs in milk: 1. A-Class Senior
Rarity (Pine Haven Senior) A. Gavenlock;
2. Shirlinn Free Dawn (Bushlea Freeagent)
Wilson Family; 3. Shirlinn DB Priscilla 2nd
(Gold Label Dream Boy) Wilson Family.
Female 2.5-3yrs in milk: 1. Shirlinn
Connection Priscilla, 1st Production 419kgs
Intermediate Champion
- Shirlinn Connection Priscilla, Wilson Family.
Reserve Intermediate Champion
- Shirlinn ILB Eileen, Wilson Family.
F+P (Giprat Belles Connection), Wilson
Family; 2. Southern Star Vanila Bean (OF
Montana Saber) S & R Robertson; 3. Brunchilli
Thunder Rose (Giprat B Midnight Thunder)
Brunchilli Jerseys.
Junior Best Udder:
Shirlinn Connection Priscilla
(Giprat Belles Connection) Wilson Family
Power L Poppy (Claydon Park Flower Power)
E. Osborne; 2. Shirlinn Caesar Starfinch
(Fleurieu Caeser), 1st Production 603kgs
F+P, Wilson Family; 3. Elm Grove Invest Elite
(Miami Tidy Investment) P Buckley, S Oslear
& J Chesworth.; 2nd Production 602kgs F+P,
Orana Legion Pet (BW Legion) J. Quin
Cow 6 years and over in milk: 1 Brunchilli
Extreme Rose 2 (Piedmont Nadine Extreme)
P. Buckley; 2. Burnside Powers Silverflower
(Claydon Park Flower Power) M & R Wilson;
3. Shirlinn Just Stephanie, 1st Production 571
kg F+P (Rapid Bay Just Wait) Wilson Family.
Pen of 3 females over 3 years: 1. Wilson
Family; 2. J. Quin.
Dams Progeny: 1. A Gavenlock; 2. S & R
Robertson; 3. D & L Buckley.
plus Brunchilli Farming Trust Trophy
Shirlinn Connection Priscilla
(Giprat Belles Connection) Wilson Family
Shirlinn ILB Eileen
(Ingalala Legion Bret) Wilson Family
A-Class Senior Rarity
(Pine Haven Senior) A. Gavenlock
Pen of 2 females under 3yrs: 1. Wilson
Family; 2. D & L Buckley; 3. S & R Robertson
Cow 3-4 years in milk: 1. Transit Park Hattie
5746 (Wattlebrink Whisky) P Buckley & W &
S Oslear; 2. A-Class Bomber Rarity (Ingalala
Bomber 2) A. Gavenlock; 3. Brunchilli
Maestro Rose 2 (Select-Scott Whist Maestro)
Brunchilli Jerseys.
Production winners: 1. 467kgs F+P, Orana
Jace Sunlight (Windy Willow Montana Jace) J
Quin; 2. 445kgs F+P, Shirlinn DB Queen (Gold
Label Dream Boy) Wilson Family; 3. 431kgs
F+P, Orana Sensational Sunshine (Nimerald
Sultans Sensation) J Quin.
Cow 4-5 years in milk: 1. Shirlinn Icy Eve,
2nd Production 562 kg F+P (Kendale Big
Time Ice), Wilson Family; 2. Cedar Vale
Country Floss (BW Country) M & R Wilson;
3. Shirlinn Icy Mandie, 1st Production 664kgs
F+P, (Kendale Big Time Ice) Wilson Family;
3rd Production 465kgs F+P, Orana Daydream
Serenade (Orana Daydreams Astound) J Quin.
Cow 5-6 years in milk: 1. Misty Springs
Champion Cow and Champion Production
- Shirlinn Icy Mandie, Wilson Family.
Champion Production Cow:
Shirlinn Icy Mandie
(Kendale Big Time Ice) Wilson Family
Production 664 kg Fat + Protein
Reserve Champion Production Cow
Shirlinn Caesar Starfinch
(Fleurieu Caeser) Wilson Family
Production 603 kg Fat + Protein
Senior Best Udder
Shirlinn Icy Mandie
(Kendale Big Time Ice) Wilson Family
plus Bralock Jersey Trophy
Shirlinn Icy Mandie
(Kendale Big Time Ice) Wilson Family
Transit Park Hattie 5746
(Wattlebrink Whisky)
P Buckley & W & S Oslear
A-Class Bomber Rarity
(Ingalala Bomber 2) A. Gavenlock
Most Successful Exhibitor
Wilson Family - “Shirlinn” Jersey Stud
Reserve Champion Cow - Transit Park Hattie
5746, P Buckley and W and S Oslear
Jersey Journal – January/February 2012 33
26th October, 2011 - Camden, NSW
Judge: Mr Justin Walsh
16 years & over: 1. Cameron Yarnold;
2. Grace Jeffery; 3. Sharniece Hazell
13 – 15 years: 1. Jade Whatman;
2. Amy Hayter; 3. Ben Essam.
12 years & under: 1. Chelsea Dickinson;
2. Toby Whitten; 3. Hannah Whatman
Champion Parader
Plus “Rivendell Jersey” Trophy
Cameron Yarnold
Reserve Champion Parader
Grace Jeffery
Honourable Mention Parader
Chelsea Dickinson
Heifer under 6 months (born on or after
27/4/11): 1. Hurlstone Keeping Bright,
Hurlstone Ag. High School; 2. Hurlstone Kutie
Jolie, Hurlstone Ag. High School.
Heifer 6-9 mths (born 27/1/11 to
26/4/11): 1. Shirlinn Governor Eve, Wilson
Family; 2. Bralock Kenedys Kookie,
B. Gavenlock; 3. Nimerald Fashion Princess,
D & L Buckley.
Heifer 9-12 mths (born 27/10/10 to
26/1/11): 1. Brunchilli Duaiseoir Marcia,
Brunchilli Jerseys; 2. Bralock Excitition
Queen, B. Gavenlock; 3. Orana BBC Pet, James
Heifer 12-15 months (born 27/7/10 to
26/10/10): 1. Strongbark Governor Jess,
K & J Strong; 2. Brunchilli Bosmaster Annie,
Brunchilli Jerseys; 3. Wollingurry MP Illusion,
C & P Dickinson.
Heifer 15-18 months (born 27/4/10 to
26/7/10): 1. Shirlinn Reagan Melys, Wilson
Family; 2. Nimerald Reagan Maybell, D &
L Buckley; 3. Shirlinn Reagan Iota, Wilson
Heifer 18-21 months (born 27/1/10 to
26/4/10): 1. Orana Tbone Silverfinch, J. Quin;
2. Brunchilli Opportunity Sox 2, Brunchilli
Jerseys; 3. Shirlinn Special Finch 2, Wilson
October 3, 2011
Selling Agents: DLS
The inaugural Gippsland Jersey Spring
Spectacular Sale was held at Warragul Selling
Centre with buyers coming from all parts of
Sale top of $5200 was paid by Riverside
Jerseys of Western Victoria for First Choice
DE Martha EX 90 (imp Can ET), this 6 year
old is a daughter of noted Canadian cows
Pleasant Nook J Imp Martha EX94. The same
buyers also selected Blasland DC Jazelle VG87
34 Jersey Journal – January/February 2012
(imp Can ET) at $3000. This 12-year-old
cow was by Duncan Chief from the famous
Canadian cow Rapid Bay Imperial Jazelle EX.
Nowell Jerseys of Kyabram selected several
lots including Blaxland Badger Fantastic
from the famed Molly Brook Flower family at
Well known Gippsland breeders Trevor
Saunders and Anthea Day of Shady Creek
sold a wonderful line of in milk cows that
met strong demand. Top of their draft was
Araluen Park Parade Danielle EX90 at $4500
selling to G & P Sprunt of Kaarmona Jerseys in
Northern Victoria. These buyers also selected
Stonyrun Aus Passive Mary Sue VG88, bred
from the USA Montana family at $3100,
Araluen Park Lexington Wendy at $3100 and
Araluen Park Jacinto Wendy 4 at $3000.
There were many good daughters of Jacinto
in the sale and also included Araluen Park
Jacinto R Girlie, this deep pedigree 3 year
old sold for $3200 to Wanstead Jerseys of
Western Victoria who also purchased Araluen
Park Augustus Quetta 3 VG88 at $3000.
The Araluen Park/Stonyrun Aus Jersey line of
39 cows averaged $2397.
Selling Agents Dairy Livestock Services report
the following details:
• 58 registered Jerseys Ave $2208
• 26 grade Jersey cows Ave $934.
• 11 unjoined grade Jersey heifers Ave $870
• 95 Jerseys Gross $161,975 Ave $1705
October 26, 2011
Selling Agents: DLS
The Jersey Breed staged their Stars of the
State Sale at the Camden Showgrounds in
conjunction with the NSW State Jersey Show.
A NSW State Sale record price of $11,500
was paid for Lot 7 - Shirlinn Futurity Moya,
account of the Wilson Family, Tamworth,
NSW. This AltaFuturity had won the State
Futurity Class in 2010 and sold to I, C & R
Simpson of Deniliquin, NSW. These buyers
also selected Bushlea On Time Fernleaf, a
rising yearling from the winning 4-year-old
at IDW in 2011, account of the Kuhne Family
of Leongatha, Vic, she sold with a package
of 4 embryos at $6000 and A-Class Bomber
Rarity EX90, a very milky 3-year-old, account
A Gavenlock at $5000.
Second top of the sale at $10,000 was Lot 1,
Shirlinn DB Priscilla 2, a classy 2-year-old
backed by many generations of EX dams, she
sold to Pyelanda Partners of Mount Gambier,
SA. This great young cow went on to win the
2½ year old in milk class the next day.
M & L Strong & Son of Jamberoo selected the
outstanding 2-year-old, Shirlinn ILB Eileen at
$6500, this top young cow went on the next
day to be Reserve Intermediate Champion.
Top selling joined heifer was the Queensland
entry Ascot Park TBones Beauty 2 (ET),
this maternal sister to the 2010 Brisbane
Champion Cow, Ascot Park Pitino Beauty
EX94, sold to T Saunders & A Day, Araluen
Park Jerseys of Shady Creek, Victoria at
Other noted sales included Brunchilli
Duaiseoir Marcia who had won her class at
the State Youth Show at $4200 to Shirlinn
Jerseys. Shirlinn Special Finch 2 at $3800 to
S & R Robertson of Aberdeen – Brunchilli
Bosmaster Annie, a classy unjoined heifer
who had won Honourable Mention Junior
Champion of the Show at $3600 to A & A
Koch of Moculta, South Australia. Bralock
Excitation Queen, a January 2011 born heifer
who had won her class at the State Show
at $3400 to J & K Strong of Albion Park.
Brunchilli Prix Sarah sold for $3300 to B
Snowden of Mittagong.
Selling Agents Dairy Livestock Services report
buyers came from various parts of NSW,
Victoria and South Australia.
• 9 Cows ave $4,933.00
• 7 Joined Heifers ave $3,150.00
• 13 Unjoined Heifers ave $3,115.00
• 1 Embryo Package at $3000.00
• 30 Jerseys Ave $3665.00
TO $5800
November 7, 2011
Selling Agents: DLS
A large crowd of Jersey enthusiasts from
throughout Western Victoria and South
Australia were at the Warrnambool Selling
Centre for the Complete Dispersal Sale of the
long established Killyowen Jersey Stud of Don
Clarke of Panmure.
Sale top of $5800 was paid for Killyowen Bell
Tana 2, this 5 year old was classified Excellent
90, she was sired by a son of Taranak and
from a Montana dam bred from the famed
Katandra/Kooroo Bluebell family, she was
purchased by K & M Smith of Moorimbina
Jersey of Naracoote, SA. These buyers selected
several top lots including the third high seller
Jackiah Elton Verna 2300 a 5 year old Elton
from a Berretta dam at $5200 and Killyowen
Gaile 4 at $3600.
Second top selling lot at 5300 was Killyowen
Hazel 27 selling to Greg Bryce of Green Pines
Jerseys at Nullawarre. The same buyer also
selected Killyowen Rhonda 22 EX90 at $3600
and Killyowen Beryl 78 at $3400. Colac
dairyman D Dare paid 3900 for Killyowen Rae
31 a Mentor daughter with a PI of 126.
Other noted sales included Killyowen
Linda 2nd at $3700 to the Croft Family.
Killyowne Trixie 40 at $3500 to C Porter
of Framlingham. Killyowen Beryl 75 a
Manhatten daughter at $3500 to Moraine
Jerseys of Noorat. Killyowen Hazel 31 a
Fernjace 3 year old at $3400 to Jackiah
Jerseys of Irrewillippe and Killyowen Airlady
78 at $3400 to Howe P/Ship of Naringal.
Selling agents Landmark and Dairy Livestock
Services report the following averages
• 139 Jersey Cows ave $2130.00 • 16 Heifer calves ave $ 572.00
• 2 Bulls 157 Jerseys Gross $307,650.00 ave
High Type & Health
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dtr: duPAt PAPPy 6497
Ask your local Alta Representative about our IDW Specials
Unit 11, 85-91 Keilor Park Drive, Tullamarine, VIC, 3043
tel: (03) 9330 3444
fax: (03) 9330 3144