The Certificate of Bank Treasury Risk Management
The Certificate of Bank Treasury Risk Management
The Certificate of Bank Treasury Risk Management The Global Standard in Bank Asset-Liability Management Founded by Professor Moorad Choudhry A Message from the Course Founders Welcome to the world’s first practitioner-developed and practitioner-orientated professional qualification in bank asset-liability management, the Certificate in Bank Treasury Risk Management, the BTRM. We have designed it to be a leading-edge programme for those working in bank balance sheet risk management, be they in Finance, Risk or Treasury. This brochure contains full details on the BTRM syllabus, together with information on Lifelong Learning, BTRM Masterclasses and the Alumni Programme. All the lectures are also delivered via live streaming, making the BTRM a truly global qualification. The BTRM Faculty is comprised of both respected academics and highly experienced practitioners, enabling us to deliver a seamless combination of best-practice in business and robust intellectual rigour. At the same time the programme is dynamic and moves with the latest changes in financial markets. This enables students to be at the forefront of developments in bank risk management. Obtaining the BTRM is a solid demonstration of continuing professional advancement and one that will keep both you and your employer ahead of the competition. We are confident of the high quality and practical value of the BTRM. It is a privilege to be able to bring this programme to you. Contents Introduction1 Your BTRM Journey 2 BTRM Course Textbooks 3 Programme Delivery 5 Course Syllabus 6 The BTRM Faculty 8 Full Certification & Accreditation 14 Course Venue 17 FAQ18 Registration form Professor Moorad Choudhry FCSI FIFS FIoD Course Founder Neil Fowler Course Director Join our BTRM group on @THEBTRM 19 Introduction The Certificate in Bank Treasury Risk Management (BTRM) is a six-month part-time course designed to empower individuals working in, or intending to work in, every aspect of bank risk management and assetliability management (ALM). The BTRM is unique in being the only professional qualification for bank Treasury, Finance and Risk professionals that covers every aspect of bank ALM and liquidity risk management. The strong emphasis of the course throughout is on practical relevance and equipping students with the tools and techniques used by banks in the real world. The BTRM is a careerenhancing professional qualification. Asset-liability management is the core discipline in banking, and one that must be mastered by every bank, irrespective of its operating model or product suite. The post-crash Basel III environment emphasises a strong adherence to conservative principles of capital and liquidity management – the traditional role of the Treasury function in a bank. Obtaining the BTRM provides students not only with a recognised professional qualification demonstrating excellence in the Treasury space, it is also a sign of genuine commitment to excellence in risk management. BTRM is practitioner led, developed and orientated, and enables students to acquire an advanced-level understanding on the core process of bank ALM governance and liquidity risk management. Practitioners will be able to apply best-practice techniques to measure ALM risks and formulate strategies for management of these risks at their employing institutions. Benefits Gold standard Treasury, Finance and Risk professional qualification •B TRM is a graduate-level professional qualification, internationally renowned and a solid demonstration of individual commitment to career development Qualify from anywhere in the world •S ix-month part-time global programme delivered twice a year •A ll lectures streamed live over the Internet and recorded. Lectures can be viewed at any time •S tudy while working: career-enhancing qualification that can be taken worldwide Practitioner orientated • BTRM delivers learning of practical value, developed and taught by highly experienced practitioners Expert teaching and support •T he BTRM Faculty, led by Professor Moorad Choudhry, is an acclaimed team of instructors combining respected academics and renowned practitioners, all specialists in the field of bank ALM and Treasury risk management Lifelong learning • BTRM alumni benefit from continuous education and an always expanding professional development programme •B TRM alumni membership enables access to all materials, books, lectures, webinars and masterclasses in perpetuity Start Date: Wednesday 22nd April 2015 FORMAT: 1 live lecture per week over 22 weeks, 3 hour lecture (streamed live globally) TEACHING HOURS: 66 (22 weekly lectures x 3 hours) TOTAL LEARNING HOURS: 301 LOCATION: Central London / Streamed live globally Internet-based student-faculty forum and seminars. This is a truly global qualification with weekly worldwide interaction via webeX during lectures. All lectures will be recorded and stored on a personalised candidate’s area. 1 BTRM Journey Attend MODULE ONE Find out more about the BTRM by attending one of our live information sessions or webinars Bank balance sheet risk management Meet the Faculty • Open Evening: Wednesday 25th March 2015 at 16:00, in the City of London • Discuss course details • Live webcasts available • Recorded session available at MODULE TWO ALM operating model and governance MODULE THREE Apply Strategic ALM and financial markets Apply online or via the registration form and the Admissions Team will confirm acceptance within 3 working days Prepare The BTRM programme begins with a primer on bank balance sheet risk, which kicks off the lecture programme and enables all students to get up to speed on the introductory aspects of bank asset-liability management. MODULE FOUR Bank liquidity risk management MODULE FIVE Bank capital management Students will also receive the full set of course materials and textbooks before the start of the programme. Learn The examined part of the BTRM programme comprises five modules or varying length. Each module covers a different but inter-related aspect of bank ALM and Treasury risk management, and consists of lectures, on-line seminars and the student-faculty forum. Students are required to take an on-line test at the end of each module and obtain at least 60% in order to gain the formal Award in that module. After completion of Module 5 students sit a 3-hour unseen written examination. A pass mark of 60% is set for the exam and students obtaining this will receive the Certificate. A mark of 80% confers the Certificate with Distinction. DIPLOMA MODULE Optional dissertation project, satisfactory completion of which confers the award of the Diploma in BTRM LIFELONG LEARNING Alumni lectures: frequent lectures and webinars are arranged for BTRM Alumni, recorded and added to your portal MASTERCLASSES A series of lectures looking deeper into specific technical issues, including lectures from the Founder Professor Moorad Choudhry and other City professionals 2 Candidates Treasury Senior Management Heads of ALM / Money Markets Asset-Liability Committee (ALCO) membership Finance Senior Management Risk Senior Management Heads of Balance Sheet Management Liquidity Managers Liquidity stress testing Balance Sheet Managers Academic backgrounds Funds Transfer Pricing Treasury consultants Regulators in the liquidity risk space Policy analysts in central banks Product controllers ALM Managers Internal Auditors Operational risk management Capital stress testing ICAAP and ILAAP submission Economics Business Studies Mathematics Physics Finance and Accounting Banking and Finance Business management International business Management studies Economic history Social sciences BTRM Course Textbooks Students receive the following core texts for use in the course: Bessis, J., Risk Management in Banking, 3rd edition, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons 2010 Choudhry, M., The Principles of Banking, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons 2012 Choudhry, M., Bank Asset and Liability Management, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons 2007 Baig, S., Choudhry, M., The Mechanics of Securitization: A Practical Guide to Structuring and Closing Asset-Backed Security Transactions, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons 2013 Choudhry, M., An Introduction to Value-at-Risk, 5th edition, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons 2013 Choudhry, M., Moskovic, D., and Wong, M., Fixed Income Markets, 2nd edition, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons 2014 Choudhry, M., Global Repo Markets, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons 2004 Choudhry, M., Analysing and Interpreting the Yield Curve, Singapore: John Wiley & Sons 2004 3 4 Programme Delivery The BTRM is at the forefront of interactive online learning, which enables students from anywhere in the world to enrol on the programme. We offer a high quality interactive tablet and comprehensive learning portal giving 24-hour access to all the lectures and study materials in perpetuity. LIVE LECTURES RECORDED CORE LECTURES ANNOTATED CLASS NOTES PORTAL: All classes are recorded and placed on the BTRM portal. Every student is provided with their own online account enabling them to access: REAL-WORLD EXERCISES AND CASE STUDIES SAMPLE TEMPLATES AND SPREADSHEET MODELS AD HOC WEBINARS LIFELONG LEARNING LIBRARY DEDICATED BTRM FORUM 5 Course Syllabus Pre-course module: Banking primer The BTRM programme begins with the single lecture banking primer, covering all the core principles of bank balance sheet risk management. The primer has been designed to ensure all students start the course with the necessary entry-level understanding of bank ALM and the role of the Treasury function. 1. Primer on bank business model, financial statements and regulation – Lecturer: Moorad Choudhry Module One: Bank balance sheet risk management We introduce the key tenets of bank ALM and proceed to delve in depth into the tools, techniques and principles available that students must be familiar with if they are to manage ALM strategy for their bank. We assess and analyse key risk and performance metrics including NII/NIM, and also present best-practice principles of interestrate and FX hedging. 2. Asset-Liability Management I: strategic ALM and balance sheet management – Lecturer: Moorad Choudhry 3. Asset-Liability Management II: products, interest rates, NII/NIM and FX – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Gino Landuyt 4. Basel III capital and liquidity rules – Lecturers: Ed Bace and Chris Westcott 5. ALM trading and hedging principles I: Money markets – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Peter Eisenhardt 6. ALM trading and hedging II: Banking Book interest-rate risk management – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Ed Bace Online multiple-choice test to obtain Award in this module. Module Two: Bank ALM operating model and risk management governance An essential ingredient in sound ALM structure is the effectiveness and efficiency of the Treasury operating model. This module presents business best-practice recommendations for the target operating model and the management and operation of the bank’s asset-liability committee (ALCO). 7. Treasury Target Operating Model and reporting line – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Polina Bardaeva 8. Asset-Liability Management III: The ALCO ToR / charter – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry, Jamie Paris and Graeme Wolvaardt 9. ALCO and sub-committee organisation and governance – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Chris Edwards Online multiple-choice test to obtain Award in this module. Module Three: Strategic ALM and financial markets Module Three reviews in depth the operation of the bank within the wider capital and financial markets. We review market instruments, the use and application of securitisation for balance sheet management and wider stakeholder concerns including how a bank should undertake its recovery and resolution planning. We also run through the process of obtaining a formal credit rating. 10. Capital market disciplines for bank issuers (AT1, T2, Secured, Unsecured) – Lecturer: Peter Eisenhardt 11. The mechanics of securitisation for balance sheet management – Lecturer: Suleman Baig 12. Recovery and Resolution Planning – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Bruce Walker 13. Investor relations and the credit rating process – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Ed Bace Online multiple-choice test to obtain Award in this module. 6 Module Four: Bank liquidity risk management Module four is perhaps the most arcane and technical, and yet easily up there with the most important, of all the BTRM modules. It covers all aspects of liquidity risk management and how this vital function should be carried out in order to ensure continuous through-the-cycle survivability. Related topics such as yield curve construction and stress testing, an essential part of the Basel III regulatory regime, are covered in depth. 14. Liquidity risk management I – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Jamie Paris 15. Liquidity risk management II: risk metrics and limits; collateral management and XVAs – Lecturer: Moorad Choudhry 16. Liquidity risk management III: optimum liabilities strategy and managing the liquidity buffer – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Jamie Paris 17. Internal funds pricing (“FTP”) and funding policies – Lecturer: Engelbert Plassmann 18. Analysing and constructing the bank’s yield curve – Lecturer: Polina Bardaeva 19. Liquidity reporting and stress testing, and ILAAP – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Chris Westcott Online multiple-choice test to obtain Award in this module. Module Five: Bank capital management The final module covers capital management, capital planning and capital strategy. The role of the CFO and Treasurer in this regard is examined in detail. We also present guidelines for the policy template process, where the student will learn about the latest developments in business best-practice and how these are brought to a particular committee such as ALCO. 20. Capital management I: capital structure and planning, and ICAAP – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry, Ed Bace and Chris Westcott 21. Capital management II: capital strategy – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Ed Bace 22. Principles of policy documentation: liquidity and capital – Lecturers: Moorad Choudhry and Graeme Wolvaardt Online multiple-choice test to obtain Award in this module. Examination Following one week allocated for revision, in Week 24 students will sit a formal 3-hour closed book written examination. The exam is held in London for UK students and in an appropriate local centre for overseas students. The pass mark is 60%, with those achieving 80% being granted a pass with Distinction. The Choudhry Prize is awarded to the highest-performing student in the Cohort. Diploma Module The Diploma is an optional stage of the BTRM following award of the Certificate. It consists of an 8,000-word student dissertation, the successful submission of which confers the designation Dip. BTRM. Students first submit their dissertation proposal and once approved the project will involve 300 hours of self-directed learning. Teaching hours: 66 (22 weekly lectures x 3 hours). Total learning hours: 301 (including 235 hours self-directed learning). Equivalent to 30 credits 7 The BTRM Faculty BTRM Designer and Founder Moorad Choudhry Professor Moorad Choudhry is at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Brunel University. He is also Honorary Professor at Kent University Business School and Visiting Teaching Fellow at the Department of Management, Birkbeck, University of London. Moorad has over 25 years experience in investment banking in the City of London and was latterly Treasurer, Williams & Glyn plc at The Royal Bank of Scotland. Prior to that he was Head of Treasury at RBS Corporate Banking, Head of Treasury at Europe Arab Bank, Head of Treasury at KBC Financial Products and vice-president in structured finance services at JPMorgan Chase Bank. At KBC FP Moorad led the team that designed, originated and structured Picaros Funding LLP, the world’s first multiSPV synthetic asset-backed funding vehicle, and later winner of the Euromoney Structured Finance Deal of the Year award for 2005. Moorad is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, a Fellow of the Institute of Directors and a member of the Board of Governors of IFS-University College. He is Editor of Review of Financial Markets, and on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Structured Finance, Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, International Journal of Economics and Finance and American Securitization. He has authored over 20 textbooks on finance and banking. Moorad is Founder of the Professor Moorad Choudhry Scholarship at the University of Westminster, awarded every 3 years to two undergraduate students at Westminster Business School. 8 Abukar Ali Abukar Ali is a financial engineering professional with extensive experience in derivatives and structured finance. During a 14-year career at Bloomberg LP he was responsible for developing a wide range of analytics capabilities, including several well-known pages on the Bloomberg system used for FX Options pricing and valuation. Abukar holds the MSc in Mathematics and Statistics from Birkbeck, University of London and is also the holder of the CQF and PRM professional designations. Edward Bace Edward Bace is a finance professional specialising in credit and liquidity risk. He is an advisor to the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), where he is involved in professional finance qualifications. He lectures at Middlesex University Business School’s Accounting & Finance Department, teaching graduate and undergraduate finance, banking and economics programmes. Dr. Bace has been a banking and credit risk professional for many years in New York and London, and served as Head of Education for the CFA Institute in Europe, Middle East and Africa. He serves on Academic Editorial Panels for the CISI and IISES, and on PRMIA’s Ethics & Professional Standards Committee. Edward has a University of Michigan PhD and a New York University Business School MBA. He is a CFA and a Charter Member of the CISI. Suleman Baig Suleman Baig has over 17 years experience in investment banking, over half of which has been in the securitisation and covered bond space. Within the securitisation market, Suleman has executed a significant number of transactions in variety of asset classes spanning four continents. He has structured a number of market ‘firsts’ including the first ever South American covered bond (Structured Finance Deal of the Year, Latin Finance 2012). Suleman is a board member of the European Securitisation Forum. He is currently responsible for Securitisation in the Investment Banking Division of Goldman Sachs. He is a graduate of the London School of Economics. 9 The BTRM Faculty Polina Bardaeva Polina Bardaeva graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Economics in 2007 with a Masters degree and obtained her PhD from the same institution in 2010. During 2011-2014 she was Head of Internal Treasury at MTS Bank in Moscow, currently she is Head of Group FTP at Sberbank. Polina is on the faculty of Moscow State University (for its Masters program) and has authored 16 publications on finance and economics. Chris Edwards Chris Edwards is Head of Treasury at FBN Bank (UK) Ltd. He has 40 years experience in Treasury and Capital Markets. His career began in the mid-1970s and since then he has carried out a number of roles, including Stock Jobber on the London Stock Exchange, head of a floor operation on the London Financial Futures Exchange, Head of Gilt Trading at Credit Lyonnais, Head of European Government Bonds at IBJ, Head of Government Bonds, Swaps, Swaptions and Options at Helaba and Head of Proprietary Trading at VTB. Chris is a Certified Technician and has been a member of the Society of Technical Analysts since the mid-1980s. Peter Eisenhardt Peter Eisenhardt is an independent consultant based in London. He has worked in treasury, money market trading, bond options trading, repo, credit, and debt origination in New York, London, and Tokyo over a 30-year career at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and J.P. Morgan. Peter was voted by industry peers to Euroweek’s “Dream Team of the Global Capital Markets” in 2004. He is past chairman of the International Capital Markets Association Euro Commercial Paper Committee. Peter holds a BA from Wesleyan University and an MBA from New York University. 10 Gino Landuyt Gino Landuyt is a Partner at Trium Capital in London, with a special interest in the peer to peer lending space. Prior to that, he worked at Europe Arab Bank, ING Bank and KBC Bank in their offices in Frankfurt, New York and London, building up an expertise in fixed income, structured finance, securitisation, convertible bond arbitrage and yield curve analysis. Gino is the co-author of Capital Market Instruments: Analysis and Valuation, 3rd edition (Palgrave Macmillan 2009), and The Future of Finance: A new Model for Banking and Investment (John Wiley & Sons, 2010). He holds an MA in Applied Economic Sciences from the University of Antwerp and a Financial MBA from St. Ignatius University in Antwerp. Jamie Paris Jamie Paris is the Regional Head of Liquidity Management (West) in Standard Chartered Bank’s Asset & Liability Management (ALM) business, responsible for planning and optimisation around the Bank’s Liquid Asset portfolio. As part of these responsibilities, he provides thought leadership on how to manage the Bank through regulatory changes and their implications on liquidity risk management. He re-joined Standard Chartered in 2012 after 2 years at the Royal Bank of Scotland where he worked in Business Treasury, RBS Global Banking and Markets. Prior to that Jamie was at Standard Chartered for 12 years where he was Head of Regulatory Liquidity Reporting and COO ALM. Jamie is a Fellow of the ACCA. Engelbert Plassmann Engelbert Plassmann is Director at Commerzbank’s Treasury ALM department in Frankfurt. The department is responsible for controlling structural liquidity risk including Liquidity FTP and covers also regulatory developments relating to liquidity management. Previously Dr Plassmann worked in several roles in former Dresdner Bank’s risk department, including market risk modelling and economic capital allocation. Before entering banking in 2001, Engelbert pursued academic interests and earned a doctoral degree in econometrics from University of Constance, Germany. 11 The BTRM Faculty Bruce Walker Over a 32 year career in banking Bruce has acquired a wide range of experience; including stints in front-line roles of relationship management, leading the structuring and execution of tax deals and company sales, aviation and shipping finance, big-ticket leasing and asset finance, and noncore disposal activity. Latterly Bruce has worked within the Treasury environment, structuring and executing large-scale balance sheet trades for secured funding and capital optimisation purposes. His most recent role was as senior manager in the embryonic Treasury unit for the RBS-divesting challenger bank, Williams and Glyn plc, where he was involved in the whole range of treasury activities building out the Bank’s Treasury function. Chris Westcott Chris has had over 30 years of experience in the banking industry, with the majority of time spent in the field of treasury management. He has held a range of senior positions in the Treasury functions of both Nat West and RBS. These have included divisional ‘Treasurer’ roles and various project assignments, such as leading the development of an inhouse securitisation capability and the integration of the ABN AMRO treasury function post-acquisition. More recently, in the lead-up to the implementation of CRD IV, Chris was the Basel 3 Programme Director for RBS, accountable for over-seeing the groupwide set of projects to achieve compliance with the new regulations. He is a graduate of Loughborough University of Technology, with a BSc in Economics and Econometrics. Graeme Wolvaardt Graeme is Head of Market & Liquidity Risk Control at Europe Arab Bank plc in London. In this role he is responsible for providing control oversight over market and liquidity risk issues as well as coordinating and delivering the firm’s ICAAP and Recovery & Resolution Plan. Graeme worked in product control and finance for Standard Chartered, Natwest Markets, CSFB, Commerzbank and Danske Bank before joining Europe Arab Bank in 2001. Since joining the Arab Bank Group, Graeme has worked in a senior capacity in a number of areas including Treasury, Product Control, Finance and Risk. 12 Guest Lecturers The BTRM is very privileged to be able to bring highly respected and esteemed practitioners and academics to the programme to present guest lectures on issues of topical interest. Past guests have included: •P rofessor Carol Alexander, Head of the Business and Management Department at the University of Sussex and co-editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance •P rofessor Jessica James, MD, Head of FX Quantitative Solutions Group at Commerzbank AG •V alerie Maysey, Director Trading Risk Management at UniCredit Bank AG •E nrique Benito, Adjunct Professor at the Barcelona School of Management (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) •S tephen Laughton, Head of FIC Front Office Risk & Resource Optimisation, Commerzbank AG •C olin Johnson, Chairman of the UK ALM Association Professor Enrique Benito Valerie Maysey Professor Jessica James Professor Carol Alexander 13 Full Certification & Accreditation CPD Certified The CPD Certification Service was established in 1996 as the independent CPD accreditation institution operating across industry sectors to complement the CPD policies of professional and academic bodies. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD principles. You will be able to receive up to 301 CPD points for completing this course. Accreditation The BTRM is accredited by The Financial Risk Institute. The Financial Risk Institute (FinRisk) provides regulators and industry professionals with a forum to shape the future in financial risk management, by creating avenues to provide thought leadership on developing risk areas, discuss major risk policy matters, exchange ideas and share knowledge, and build resources to support future development. Our programme includes the FinRisk Young Professionals Journal, a quarterly publication building thought leadership in risk management. FinRisk is represented globally by three regional centers: in Washington DC for the Americas, London for the EMEA region, and Singapore for the Asia-Pacific region. Affiliates CompatibL CompatibL is a software integrator and consultancy specializing in CVA/FVA/PFE, limits, and Basel compliance. CompatibL’s unique blend of expertise in quantitative and engineering aspects of the project makes us an ideal partner for complex implementations involving advanced Monte Carlo analytics and complex trade, market, and reference data. Our customers are some of the most respected firms in the financial industry including 4 dealers, 3 supranationals, over 20 central banks, and 3 major financial technology vendors. TPG Software TPG Software is a 20 year old company specializing in Investments / Liabilities and Derivatives Accounting for Depository Institutions in US. We have over 150 direct customers and more than 5,000 depository institutions In North America & Puerto Rico use TPG as system of record (via service bureaus). TPG is a Texas company and has a sub ledger accounting and regulatory reporting solution for banks. We have a very cost effective and efficient tool to account for banks investments, funding activity (repos, advances, etc.) and derivatives (interest rate swaps, cap/floors futures, options) well as tools for risk monitoring including shock testing, pre trade due diligence documentation, and impairments/OCI accounting. 14 Global Analytics Consulting Global Analytics Consulting is a strategy, financial and economic development consulting firm registered in Nigeria, and UAE, providing services since 2006 to private and public sector organizations alike. The company’s activities is concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa, where it has consulted and trained professionals from Nigeria, Uganda, Ghana and Kenya, among others. GAC is one of the pioneers in deepening the financial space in this region, with its initiatives in financial derivatives, fixed income markets, structured products and market regulation. Some of its core clients include central banks, capital market regulators and national governments. Commercial and Investment Banks within the region have also subscribed to a number of our training programs over the years. Recently, GAC began the process of acquiring a Ratings Agency licence, which will enable us to add more value to the financial and intellectual space. The Pinnacle Group The Pinnacle Group International is a leader in the conference industry in Asia-Pacific, designing and launching its own brand of conferences and events. We pride ourselves in our ability to anticipate and read underlying socio-economic and investment trends in emerging and developed markets, creating brands and events to capture these opportunities and launching them with our clients and partners in both regional and international markets. Our specialisms cover every aspect of banking and finance, from asset-liability management to securitisation. Our relentless pursuit of excellence in the business of connecting people and businesses across nations is derived from our core beliefs in improving lives, welfare and status of societies. We are committed to supporting charitable ministries and projects to the betterment of human lives. Every year, our staff and management commit our time and resources to global missions and charities. Website: Advanced Trainings Advanced Trainings was established to support representatives of the financial industry with constant knowledge and skills development. The main characteristics of our training are professionalism and knowledge at the highest level. Many years of experience and cooperation with experts from Poland and Eastern Europe allows us to respond quickly to new needs and changes in the financial market. Our aim is to deliver advanced, practical knowledge, organising training and conferences that fully meet your expectations. We would like to support you in your development and strengthen your competitiveness. 15 Full Certification & Accreditation Quantifi Quantifi is a specialist provider of analytics, trading and risk management solutions. Founded in 2002, Quantifi has over 140 clients across 16 countries including 5 of the 6 largest global banks, 2 of the 3 largest asset managers, leading hedge funds, pension funds, insurers, brokers, clearing members, corporates and other financial institutions. The client base is evenly divided between the sell and buy-side. Quantifi has offices in London, New York, Frankfurt, Paris, New Jersey, and Sydney. Quantifi re-invests significantly into research and development each year. We work closely with clients, market experts, and industry participants to drive our products. Reflecting this long term commitment, Quantifi has an unparalleled track record of being first-to-market for all of the most significant innovations in the OTC markets including CVA, FVA and OIS/ CSA Discounting. Quantifi is also a leader in financial technology with early adoption of key technologies that give our clients advantages in terms of speed, scalability, and usability including being the first commercial native .NET analytics library and the first financial software vendor to support the Intel TBB multi-core API. Wiley Over the years, financial professionals around the world have looked to Wiley and the Wiley Finance series with its wide array of best-selling books for the knowledge, insights, and techniques that are essential to success in financial markets. As the pace of change in financial markets and instruments quickens, Wiley continues to respond. With critically acclaimed books by leading thinkers on value investing, risk management, asset allocation, and many other critical subjects, the Wiley Finance series provides the financial community with information they want. Written to provide professionals and individuals with the most current thinking from the best minds in the industry, it is no wonder that the Wiley Finance series is the first and last stop for financial professionals looking to increase their financial expertise. / Global Customer Profile BTRM students have come from around the world and from across the banking, consulting and financial software industries. Employing institutions have included Barclays Bank, UBS, Santander, Belfius, Sungard, KBC Group, FIH Erhvervsbank, Qatar National Bank and TPG Software, with students coming from the USA, Western Europe, Middle East and South-East Asia. 16 Course Venue Lectures are held in the heart of the City of London at the offices of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The lecture suite is at: London Chamber of Commerce and Industry 33 Queen Street London EC4R 1AP England +44 (0)20 7248 4444 17 FAQ Should I attend the programme? BTRM is a practitioner-orientated professional qualification that will enhance the short-term and long-term career prospects of anyone working in the following fields: Treasury, Risk Management, Finance, Capital Markets, Money Markets and Middle Office. When will the BTRM commence? Cohort 2 starts on Wednesday 22nd April 2015 How long is the course? The examined part of the course takes place over 24 weeks, with the examination taking place at the end of the course. What is the fee & early bird structure? BTRM fee: £5950.00 + UK VAT (20%) VAT is chargeable for residents in the UK and EU. 20% Discount Before 16th January 2015. 10% Discount Before 27th February 2015 Why consider the BTRM in preference to ACCA, CFA, ACT or ACI qualifications? The BTRM teaches in-depth actual practitioner best-practice in the field of bank balance sheet risk management. It addresses topics covered only lightly, if at all, in other learning programmes including subjects such as liquidity risk management, funds transfer pricing, collateral management and the XVAs, to name but a few. How do I access the live global streaming lectures? The live streaming will be available on Cisco WebEx, you will be given weekly login access details. What happens if I miss a lecture week? All the lectures are filmed and are available for you in your BTRM member’s area for the duration of the course. What happens if I fail The BTRM? Who should attend the BTRM? You will have one chance to retake the final examination. The BTRM Certificate of Bank Treasury Risk Management will enhance the careers of the following: Can I stagger my BTRM payments? • Treasury Senior Management • Heads of ALM / Money Markets • Asset-Liability Committee (ALCO) membership • Heads of Balance Sheet Management • Senior Risk Management • L iquidity Managers • Liquidity stress testing • Balance Sheet Managers and Funds Transfer Pricing • Money Markets / Repo Traders • C ollateral management • T reasury consultant • Product controllers • Financial accountants • Regulators in the liquidity risk space • Policy analysts in central banks Can I defer my Bank Treasury Risk Management educational learning? At any stage during the BTRM you may defer you education until the next cohort. The cohort runs twice per annum in April and October. Where do I attend the course? The course will take place in central London with weekly lectures at 17.45 each Wednesday for 3 hours. 18 Yes The BTRM offers flexible payment options where candidates can pay for the course by instalments. Option 1: Pay 50% on registration and 50% in week 22. Option 2: Pay £1000 on registration, 50% of remaining balance at week 11 and the final 50% in week 22. Is it possible to take only selected modules The BTRM is designed to be taken as one complete and interdependent programme. However in exceptional circumstances it is possible for students to take individual modules and be conferred the Award in that module upon receipt of at least the 60% pass mark. The fee for individual modules where these are taken separately is available on request. How do I register to The BTRM? Register online or fax/scan the form (opposite) to: Email: Fax: +44 (0) 1273 201360 What level of mathematics is required? Students should have a numerate academic qualification and be familiar with spreadsheet problem solving. What happens if I am unable to complete the course in six months? It is possible for students to defer completion of the BTRM to the next cohort at no extra charge. Registration Form Start Date: Wednesday 22nd April 2015 Regular Course Fee Early Bird Discount £5950.00 + UK VAT (20%) VAT is chargeable for residents in the UK and EU 20% Discount Before 16th January 2015 Discount code 10% Discount Before 27th February 2015 DELEGATE DETAILS COMPANY: To register, please fax or scan and email the completed booking form to: NAME: E-mail: JOB TITLE/POSITION: Fax: +44 (0) 1273 201 360 NAME: JOB TITLE/POSITION: FLEXIBLE PAYMENT OPTIONS: NAME: 1. Pay in full online 2. Pay 50% on registration and 50% in week 20 3. Pay £1000 on registration, 50% of remaining balance at week 11 and the final 50% in week 22 JOB TITLE/POSITION: DEPARTMENT: ADDRESS: COUNTRY: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: DATE: SIGNATURE: The Certificate of Bank Treasury Risk Management powered by The WBS Training group E-mail: / Tel: +44 (0) 1273 201 352 / Fax: +44 (0) 1273 201 360 19 Contact details Neil Fowler +44 (0) 1273 201 352 Bobby Adejare +44 (0) 1273 201 352 World Business Strategies Ltd. Brighton Media Centre 15-17 Middle Street Brighton BN1 1AL United Kingdom Brochure design:
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