Some facts about Trabajo Casino Guadalajara
Some facts about Trabajo Casino Guadalajara
The Tie Bringing together St. Thomas, Waldo and Trinity-Town Wilson February 2015 Issue 2-15 Newsletter Inside this issue: Precious Gems 2 Birthdays and Anniversaries 3 TLCC P News 4-5 Lent 6 Time and Talents and 7 Calendar Other News Fun Page Pastor Frederick K. Jabs Secretary - Cathy Timm Office E-mail: St. Thomas Lutheran Church N4097 County Road M P.O. Box 223 Waldo, WI 53093 920-467-1888 Trinity Lutheran Church – Town Wilson 6522 S. Business Drive Sheboygan, WI 53081 920-458-8881 8-9 10-14 15 Steward16 Ship Thought Website: Website: Like us on Facebook at: Like us on Facebook at: St.ThomasLutheran.Waldo Worship Service Sundays at 8:30 AM Worship Service Sundays at 10:15 AM Sunday School/Bible Study Sundays at 9:30 AM Precious Gems Page 2 Dear Friend, How are you? I just had to send a note to tell you how much I love you and care about you. I saw you yesterday as you were talking with your friends. I waited all day, hoping you would also talk with me. As evening drew near, I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you. I waited – you never came. Oh yes, it hurts, but I still love you because I am your Friend. I saw you fall asleep last night and longed to touch your brow, so I spilled moonlight upon your pillow and face. Again I waited, waiting to rush down so we could talk. I have so many gifts for you! You woke up late and rushed off to work. My tears were in the rain. Today you look so sad – so all alone. It makes my heart ache because I understand. My friends let Me down and hurt Me many times too … but I love you. Oh, if you would only listen to Me. I love you! I try to tell you in the blue sky and in the green grass. I whisper it in the leaves on the trees and breathe in the colors of flowers. I shout it to you in the mountain streams. I give the love birds songs to sing. I clothe you with warm sunshine and perfume the air with nature scents. My love for you is deeper than the ocean and bigger than the biggest want or need in your head. Oh if you only knew how much I want to walk and talk with you. We could spend an eternity together in heaven. I know how hard it is on this earth, I really know! And I want to help you. I want you to meet My Father. He wants to help you, too. My Father is that way you know. Just call Me – ask Me – talk with Me! Oh please do not forget Me. I have so much to share with you! Your friend, Jesus I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord!" Psalm 122:1 In Christ’s service, Pastor Jabs Birthdays and Anniversaries Page 3 Trinity – Town Wilson 1 - 36710 15 - 16 19 20 21 23 25 26 27 28 - Jean Butzen William Peaslee Taylor Wallace Cindy Beltran Roman Martin Tammy Rammer Justin Koene Doris LeMay Richard Miller Wayne Bramstedt Jolene Gartmann Jax Lukaszewski Carl Ten Haken Nancy Kissel Suzy Boehm Craig Peaslee Mike Suchalla Madison Koene Katelynn Kempf 5 - 68914 18 23 27 - St. Thomas Elaine Cordell Robert Lemkuil Tiffany Marquardt Jesse Schneider Owen Hayon Joel Koepke Betty Feldmann Roger Jentsch Ron Reitz Drew Heiden Birthdays Anniversaries 28 - Trinity – Town Wilson Pauline and Roger Ostermann (1981) Tender Loving Christian Child Care & Preschool 6522 South Business Drive, Sheboygan, WI 53081 In God’s Loving Hands 920-803-1986 From the Director … Happy Valentine’s Day! ing in the temple as a boy, Jesus’ baptism, Jesus healing the ten lepers, JeWe learned about sus Raising Jairus’s dental health and daughter from the dead how to take and Jesus feedcare of our ing 5 thousand teeth. people. Let the Children Come BRRR… It’s The younger to Me cold outside. children learned Our classes about Jesus got all bundled up begrowing up, Jesus’s bapcause it’s snowing out. tism, Jesus calling His disciples and Jesus calmWe learned how commu- ing the storm. nity helpers help us everyday. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day. Show someone how During religion time we much you love them. learned about good health. The older children heard In Christ, stories about Jesus studyMiss Wendy February 2015 Who do you love? Make a list of the people that you love. How many of them will be joining you in heaven? How many of them know about God’s saving grace, and what He has done for all who believe in Him? Now make another list of people who you enjoy being around, who would come to your house for a dinner party. It could be your neighbors, friends, family, or church members. How many of them know about Jesus’ love for us? What could you share with them, so that they can join you in eternal life? WISH LIST IN NEED OF PRAYER * Giles Family— Laurie’s Mom who is battling cancer. Kleenex Bleach Floor Cleaner Refill Hand soap 9 Volt Battery 2 Bars of Ivory Small Envelopes Soap Sponges Toilet Paper Baby Oil THANK YOU! To Louette Ostermann, Miss Debbie, Miss Cindy, and members of St. Thomas and Trinity Church for all your donations that you have given to our program. GOD has blessed us with very special people. RELIGION TIME: Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10 Jesus loves us very much. He loves you and me, and He loved a man named Zacchaeus a long time ago. Only Zacchaeus didn’t know it yet. Zacchaeus was a wee little man. When Jesus came to teach the crowd, Zacchaeus couldn’t see. Zacchaeus heard Jesus loves all people. He wondered if Jesus loved him. So he wanted to see Him and find out. He stood up on his tippy toes and stretched his neck way out. He jumped and jumped up high until he had to stop. At last, he cried, “I’ve got a plan!” He climbed up a tree. And from the branches way up high, Zacchaeus now could see. When Jesus walked beneath the tree, He looked up happily. “Zacchaeus, come down here. I’m coming home with you.” Zacchaeus was happy to learn Jesus loved Him; Zacchaeus wanted to show His love for Jesus too, as do we. We love Jesus because He first loved us. Rattles & Practices HEARTFELT PANCAKES To kick off the day, serve some heart-shaped pancakes. Pancake batter makes nearly ideal "ink" on a hot griddle. We used our regular made-fromscratch pancake recipe with a splash of extra milk for fluidity and doubled the recipe so we'd have plenty to practice with. It works with pancake mix, as well. The key is to sift the flour (ideally with a real sifter) so that lumps won't gum up the process. For a "pen," funnel the batter into a squeeze bottle with a hole in the cap, such as a clean chocolate syrup container. On the griddle, shape the hearts one lobe at a time. They're really just a V shape, which spreads out into a heart on the griddle. You can also write secret messages or your child's initials. Top with fresh berries and maple syrup. TESTER'S TIP For a perfectly shaped heart, make regular round pancakes and cut them with a heart-shaped cookie cutter. STAR OF THE MONTH Hello! My name is Hannah. I am 9 months old. My favorite person is my mom and dad. I love to play with my piano and bouncing elephant. My favorite food is peaches, not green beans! My favorite song is “Rainbow Connection”. I can pull myself into a standing position and crawl. I learned to walk with a walker. When I’m with my family I like to play, laugh, smile, have Mom toss me (gently) onto the bed and have Dad blow raspberries on my tummy. When I’m at day care I like to paint. HANNAH Next Month’s Star is BRIANNA Jesus Loves Me Jesus loves me this I know For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak but he is strong. Yes, Jesus love me! Yes, Jesus love me! Yes, Jesus loves me! For the Bible tell me so. Other News Page 6 The theme for this year’s Lenten Pulpit exchange is I Tell You The Truth. Our faith is dependent on the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. If Christ had not been raised, our faith would be futile. But thanks be to God, He is alive. Since Christ rose from the grave we can be confident that all of His other claims are true. This series focuses on some of Jesus’ “I tell you the truth” statements. The following is the schedule of themes and who will be our speakers for our special services: February 18 I Tell You the Truth … Anyone Who Sins Is a Slave to Sin – John :31-36 Pastor Jabs February 25 I Tell You the Truth … If One Dies, It Produces Life for Many – John 12:23-27 Pastor Ken Serr, Grace Lutheran Church, Haven March 4 I Tell You the Truth … You Will Disown Me – Mark 14:27-31 Pastor Darrel Bergelin, Trinity Lutheran Church, Howards Grove March 11 I Tell You the Truth … One of You Will Betray Me – Mark 14:12-21 Vicar Adam Archer, Trinity Lutheran Church, Howards Grove March 18 I Tell You the Truth … Fruits of Faith Will be Remembered – Mark 14:1-9 Pastor Dana Loney, Christ Lutheran Church, Sheboygan March 25 I Tell You the Truth … Faith Can Move Mountains – Matthew 21:18-22 Pastor Bryan Osladil, Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, Sheboygan April 2 I Tell You the Truth … Until I Drink It Anew in the Kingdom of God – Mark 14:22-25 Maundy Thursday Communion Service, Pastor Jabs April 3 I Tell You the Truth … Today You Will Be With Me in Paradise – Luke 23:39-43 Good Friday Communion Service, Pastor Jabs April 5 I Tell You the Truth … Your Grief Will Turn to Joy – John 16:16-22 Easter Services, Pastor Jabs EASTER SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY WORSHIP TIMES St. Thomas Lutheran – Waldo .…..6:00 PM Trinity Lutheran – Town Wilson …7:30 PM Trinity LENTEN SUPPERS Suppers will (with your help) be served prior to our Lenten worship services. Plan to join us at 6:15 PM for a time of food and fellowship on: February 25 March 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 A free-will offering will be taken for the Roof Fund. Sonrise at Trinity … 6:27 AM Festival at Trinity … 8:30 AM Festival at St. Thomas … 10:15 AM LENTEN SUPPERS at St. Thomas The Ladies Aid will be providing soup suppers. Plan to join us at 5:00 PM for a time of food and fellowship prior to our Lenten worship on: February 25 March 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 A free-will offering will be taken for the Roof Fund. Time and Talents and Other News Page 7 December Stewardship of Time and Talents St. Thomas Lutheran Church, Waldo Date Attend Comm 12/3 18 $11.25 12/7 18 $851 12/10 17 $10 12/14 20 $1,020 12/17 12 $12 12/21 24 22 $2,840 12/24 31 29 $49 12/25 17 $2 12/28 15 $482 12/31 13 12 Home Mission Christmas Eve Christmas Day New Year’s Eve Advent Bldg Fund $138 $26 $185 $50 $85 $80 $250 $362 $105 $50 $50 $1,650 Sunday, February 1, is “Souper Bowl Sunday” at Trinity-Town Wilson. The Phoebe Society will put out the soup kettle that day and invites you to join them in adding your cash donations for St. Mark’s Food Bank. Monies given will be used to purchase items not always donated to the bank but always needed by families. Thank you for your help in this charitable cause. Other News Page 10 Congregation Night at Lutheran High Thursday, February 19 All members of Trinity-Town Wilson and St. Thomas are invited! Free admission to the boys’ basketball game against Sheboygan Christian— JV2 plays at 4:30 p.m., JV plays at 5:50 p.m., and Varsity plays at 7:30 p.m. Cheer on the Crusaders! Trinity-Town Wilson Mid-Winter Brunch Sunday, February 8 Please join us after the 8:30 a.m. worship service as we celebrate God’s Word and enjoy fellowship with each other. Please bring a potluck dish to share. Other News Page Page11 9 St. Thomas Lutheran Church 2014 Membership Action Summary Date Baptized Confirmed January 1, 2014 86 70 December 31, 2014 84 67 Attendance Report 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Regular Services Attendance (52 Services) 1418 1359 1412 1298 1106 Regular Services Average 28 26 27 25 21.3 Special Services Attendance (14 Services) 318 317 358 253 295 Special Services Average 23 23 24 18 21.1 Total Communion Attendance 686 669 685 650 583 Average Times per Communicant (divide total comm. attend. by confirmed number) 10 10 10 9 8.7 Gains in Membership Baptism Elaine Lottie Cordell on April 19, 2014 Transfers In Eugene and Helen Buhler on May 16, 2014 Losses in Membership Removals – Jim Lodl removed December 8, 2014 Anthony Florencio removed December 18, 2014 Anita Florencio removed December 18, 2014 Deaths – Joan M. Lemkuil on July 12, 2014 Eugene G. Buhler on October 7, 2014 Other News Page 12 St. Thomas Voters’ Meeting – January 26, 2015 Chairman Jerry Selk called the meeting to order. Pastor Jabs opened with reading a paraphrase of Psalms 117 and 118 followed by prayer. Roll Call was take with 10 members present, including Pastor. The Minutes of previous meeting were printed and the members reviewed them. A motion was made, seconded and approved the minutes. Pastor Jabs read two notes. The first was a thank you from Pastor and Joan for the Christmas gift – as well as the support throughout the year. The second was a note that was included in a memorial we received in memory of Eugene Buhler commending St. Thomas for the fond memories the contributor had of Sunday School and hearing of God’s love from the members of St. Thomas. Membership Report Baptized – 84 Confirmed – 67 Losses in Membership over the past quarter included the following transfers: Jim Lodl to St. Paul’s, Sheboygan Falls (LCMS) on December 8 th, 2014 Anthony Florencio to St John’s, Sherman Center (LCMS) on December 18, 2014 Anita Florencio to St. John’s, Sherman Center (LCMS) on December 18, 2014 A motion was made, and seconded and carried to accept the Membership report. Pastor Jabs also gave a summary of attendance and membership action from the year 2014. Financial Secretary’s Report The Financial Secretary’s Fourth Quarter and Annual Reports were presented. A motion was made, seconded and carried to file the reports. It was reported that Memorial and Student Aid CDs are due. Joan Hanson is looking for guidance. Since there is not a current need for these funds at this time, Helen Hayon made a motion we should roll over the funds. Motion was seconded and carried. A question was asked if the Initial offering envelopes paid for the church envelopes. It was pointed out that those envelopes also go into the general fund, and gets paid from there. A questioned was also asked as to why nothing was on the treasurer’s report for the envelopes. Pastor pointed out that the Concordia bill for the envelopes was included in the Office Supplies line. Treasurer’s Report It was noted that the Money Market account is taken care of by the Treasurer. The minutes from our last meeting had a note regarding this under the Financial Secretary’s report. It should have been listed under the Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Fourth Quarter and Year End reports were presented. A motion was made, seconded and carried to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Elders Report – no report. (continued on next two pages) Other News Page 13 Trustees Report Kurt Stegemeyer reported all was going well. They have been keeping the sidewalks cleaned from snow. Among items that are being worked on are the railings for the covered entrance (Pastor’s) to the parking lot. We will also be looking at the roof as well as the canopy covering the front entrance, perhaps making it bigger and to match the church roof line. Board of Education Report – Bible Classes are going well. Mission/Evangelism/Stewardship Report – With the absence of Sue Kracht there were no report, but we are sure thank you for visiting notes were sent to people visiting. Lutheran High Report Things are going well. Citrus order are due. If you are still interested in getting some fruit, orders need to be placed this evening. The Lutheran High Auction is April 18 th. They are once again asking for Baskets. A motion was made, seconded and carried to take door offerings and ask the Ladies Aid to put the baskets together. Motion carried. Pastor’s Report We will once again be participating in a Lenten Pulpit Exchange with the same pastors as in the past. Lenten suppers are usually provided by the Ladies Aid. However, it would be nice to publish in the newsletter where the free will offering will go. The Voters felt a good project is the new roof. Pastor thanked everyone for their help. Without the help of the congregation, Pastor would not always be aware of things that are happening. Unfinished Business Pastor provided an update on the elections from last meeting. Currently we have only one elder. Jeff Koepke and Ernie Koepke both declined the office, but are willing to help when needed. With regard to Strategic Planning, Pastor is encouraging that we set up a total congregation meeting where we would be looking at and discussing the future of St. Thomas. It was decided to have a potluck meal following worship on March 8th with the meeting to follow. Letters and phone calls will be sent and placed to encourage everyone’s attendance. It was reported that Pastor Gugel was reelected as Circuit Visitor. Pastor also reported that South Wisconsin District is looking at rearranging the circuits during their convention this summer. This is an effort to make the circuits closer in size. New Business Plymouth Review is no longer printing church times free in their paper. These will be published twice monthly in the Plymouth Extra with a cost of $120.00 per year. A motion was made, seconded and carried to publish our church in this publication. It is something we need to do so people know who and where we are in order to join us. It was suggested that we advertise for a sponsor to pay for this advertisement. However, if not enough comes in, we should take the money out of the Outreach Fund to pay the cost. As a congregation we need to start thinking ahead and planning for our big Sale Day to be held on June 27, 2015. (continued on next page) Other News Page 14 Spring clean-up day was discussed. We will be starting at 4:00 pm followed by a potluck mean. Motion was made, seconded and carried to set May 6th as the date. Pastor reminded the Voters that Matt Gartman will be the delegate and Elmer Hazen will be the alternate representing Trinity and St. Thomas at the District Convention this summer. Pastor recommended that St. Thomas nominate President Wille for another term as District President and Pastor Bergelin from Howards Grove for another term on the District Board of Directors. Motion was made, seconded and carried to make these nominations. Helen Hayon reported that there are some problems with the organ and she has found someone to work on it. She wanted to know if she should proceed in having the organ checked. Motion was made, seconded and carried to proceed with the money coming from the Organ Fund. Karen Van Ess asked if we, as a congregation, would like to give money to the Arbuckle’s who had a fire earlier this year. Motion was made, seconded and carried to give $50.00. Next Voters Meeting – April 27th at 6:30 pm Adjournment and the Lord’s Prayer – 8:09 pm Karen Van Ess, Secretary Kids’ Fun Page Page 15 Stewardship Thought Page 16 From the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod ( “Be merciful as your Father in heaven is merciful” (Luke 6:36). The word for mercy that Jesus uses here has a more concrete meaning than what we typically associate with mercy. It means more than just being kind. It means to be concerned about your neighbor’s state and well-being. Thus, Jesus taught that we are to care, to be concerned about our neighbor’s state and well-being even as our Father in heaven cares for and is concerned about our state and well-being. How has our Father in heaven cared for our state? How has He shown His concern for our well-being? How has He showered this mercy upon us? He gave of Himself. He sent His only-begotten Son in human flesh, to become one of us—a man—and to suffer all that we suffer and to endure what we endure—a fallen world full of sinful people, temptation, the attacks of the devil, and death. He took upon Himself what rightfully belongs to us—sin and death—in order that He could give to us what rightfully belongs to Him—righteousness, purity, eternal life, and victory over the temptation of Satan and this fallen world. That is how He cared for our state. That is how He was concerned for our well-being. He entered into our state for the sake of our wellbeing, died in our place, rose for our justification, redeemed us to make all things new. He entered our state so that by water and His Word we would be granted entrance into His state as children of our Father in heaven. In other words, He had empathy toward us, which resulted in true sympathy. Jesus, therefore, calls the church to empathy and sympathy for her neighbors. “Be merciful even as your Father in heaven is merciful.” He asks the church to give of herself, to enter into her neighbors’ state for their well-being. And the church gives of herself the only thing in her that is worth giving. As the Body of Christ, she gives Christ to her neighbors. She gives out the same mercy that she has received. She gives the mercy that the heavenly Father poured out upon her through the sending of His Son. And she does it through the preaching of the forgiveness of sins in Word and Deed, in Word and Sacrament. For this is how the church lives—in the forgiveness of sins received in the means of grace—and, therefore, this is what the church does. What else can she do? And since this is how the church lives and what the church does, this is likewise how Christians live and what Christians do. That is why giving to the church is so important. It ensures that the proclamation of the forgiveness of sins in Word and Deed continues. It ensures that our neighbors’ state and well-being is cared for and attended to. It ensures that our neighbors have access to our heavenly Father’s mercy just as we have received it here in time for all eternity. Therefore, I say, let us be merciful even as our Father in heaven is merciful.