The Chronic Corvair


The Chronic Corvair
 The Chronic Corvair March 2014 Happy St. Patrick’s Day 29th Annual Corvair Lovers Holiday & Car Show West Florida Corvair Club #325: In this issue: 1. Minutes of our Last Meeting 2. What Is Expected of our Members? 3. The Wonders of Technology 4. How Corvair Lovers Celebrate Life 5. Did You Know? 6. Happy Birthday & Anniversary 7. Tech Tips 8. Chit Chat by June Lindsay 9. Coming Events 10. Club Stores 11. For Sale 12. Advertisements/Corvair Parts & Repair 13. Club Information/How to Contact Us Prize and 50/50 ticket sales were larger. On Friday night Mary Mierzwa served fifty-­‐three people. She served Pulled Pork, Fried Chicken and Hot Dogs with all the fixings. Several people brought a covered dish, snacks or deserts to share. On Saturday Mary served a lunch of leftovers. We were glad to see Lillian Law who is doing well after recently having back surgery. We were also pleased when two new members joined our club at the show: Barry Fry of Houma, LA and Billy and Judi Cannon of Goodwater, AL. Saturday morning we held our Ladies Tea and June told a story about a lady who said that her home had been invaded by an “Old Lady” and of course that old lady was June herself. 1. MINUTES OF OUR LAST MEETING: 29th Annual Corvair Lovers Holiday & Car Show February 21 & 22, 2014 By June Lindsay Photographs by Mary Anne Hanley The th
West Florida Corvair Club held it 29 Annual Corvair Lovers Holiday and Car show on February 21 & 22. We had members of the Heart of GA, Corvanatics, Vulcan, Low Country, Atlanta, Choo Choo and NC CORSA clubs attend our show. No CORSA directors attended. We originally had 35 pre-­‐registrations; but, we ended up with only 31 registrations because of the weather. (The weather was wonderful on Saturday the day of the show.) Over twenty cars were registered; but, only 16 Corvairs were in our parking lot the day of our People’s Choice concours. Our show was much smaller than last year; however, Door Linda and Joyce Miller and June Lindsay at Ladies Tea Page 1 of 9
The ladies played a word association game and most guessed that the words were things that helped to keep vampires away. Debbie Stelzer provided the snacks of Chevy Bow Tie Cookies, cheese and sausages and strawberry’s. She set the table with colorful paper plates. Barbara McAtee helped out with the Tea and the Friday Night Hospitality dinner. Donna Childs also helped Debbie with the Ladies Tea. Dottie Furr donated over 50 of her necklaces for the tea and as door prizes. Jeanette Rudolph took a few of Dottie’s necklaces to give to a nursing home in Atlanta and wants Dottie to make some necklaces for Springfest in Helen. Russ Thuleen’s Modified Loadside interior Chevy Bow Tie Cookies made my Debbie Stelzer for the Ladies Tea The People’s Choice concours was held from 10 am to 2 pm on Saturday. Russ Thuleen brought his Red, White & Blue Loadside with a customized Red, White & Blue interior. Karl and Debbie Stelzer are really enjoying the new rear seat in the back of their rampside and now have something in common with James Law. We added a “Display Class” this year for Tony Ellison’s 1965 Yellow 500 Coupe. There were five Corvairs in the Modified class. Both the Sara White Ladies Choice Award and the Best of Show Award went to Donna and Lamar Childs for their 1964 Modified Desert Beige 4dr. Russ Thuleen’s Modified Loadside Debbie Stelzer and Donna Martin sitting in Karl’s rear seat in the back of his rampside Donna and Lamar Childs holding their two Top Awards Page 2 of 9
Just outside the Hospitality room, Russ Thuleen conducted a Tech Session on steering box overhaul. Russ has done the Tech Session for our show for sever years now. He is very knowledgeable about the Corvair. If you are ever at a Car Show when he is around and have problems, he is the guy you want to go to for help. Donna and Lamar’s 1964 Desert Beige 4dr won both the Sara White Ladies Choice and the Best of Show Award Russ Thuleen conducting a Tech Session with James Law and our new club member Barry Fry looking on After the People’s Choice, we held our Valve Cover st
Race. Mary Mierzwa won 1 place, Gary Mierzwa won 2 rd
place and Ed Lindsay won 3 place. Others participating in the Valve Cover Race were John McAtee, Bill Clemens and Chris Brown. It was a great day for a Valve Cover Race. The sun was out, the sky was blue and there was no wind. Donna and Lamar’s custom interior Bill Clemens enjoyed watching the Jean Phillips play the Corn Hole Game in the parking lot. Jean is the Queen of the Corn Hole game. She can throw the bean bag in the Corn Hole like a pro. She and her husband are from the Chattanooga Choo Choo Club and told us about their Car Show coming up August 15, 16 & 17. Mary Mierzwa getting ready to race her Valve Cover while Lee Oxford prepares to release the handle to let them go! Bill Clemens looks on while Jean Phillips sinks her bean bag in the hole. We hear that Jean is the Queen of the Corn Hole Game The Award Ceremony was held after the Valve Cover Races. Ed Lindsay our president introduced our new officers. Our new officers were the same as last year: Ed Lindsay, president, Gary Mierzwa, vice-­‐president, Mary Mierzwa, Sec. / Treas., Katherine Carter, Activities and June Lindsay, Newsletter Editor. Ed & Gary gave out all remaining door prizes. Karl Stelzer made several “Corvair Pottery Lanterns” to give out as Grand Prizes. We also gave out a $50 bill as a grand prize. Page 3 of 9
Karl Stelzer shows off the Corvair Pottery Lanterns that he made special for our car show and given away as Grand Door Prizes Richard Stolzmann won $50. Howard Ruble won our 50/50 in the amount of $72. Howard Ruble’s grandson, Lucas, won the Red Valentine Bear. Ed Lindsay, Howard Ruble and Gary Mierzwa starting the Engine contest (Guessing how long the engine will run) John and Barbara McAtee pose behind the trophy they won for John’s Convertible Lucas Ruble, Howard Ruble’s grandson Lee Oxford won $15 in the Engine Contest guessing that the engine would run for 21 minutes and the actual time was 25.2 minutes. Lee donated his winnings to our Dog and Cat charity. Dan Avallone won our Cat drawing and Joyce Miller and Carol Keller won our Dog drawing. Tom Dudak won the small animal carrier. Every car at our show won a trophy. Our trophies were large glass mugs with our Club Flag etched on them. Tony Ellison won the Longest Distance Award with over 500 miles driving a Corvair. Ray Pease won the Hard Luck Award when he left his wallet at home and had to go turn around and go back to get it. Then after he got back on the road his muffler fell off and he had to turn around and go back home again. Unfortunately, Ray’s car was one of four Corvairs that did not make it to our show. Thanks to all who helped to make our car show a success. Most of all we would like to thank our sister club, the Vulcan Corvair Club, for helping out at our show. They drove Ed Lindsay’s CORSA Coupe and pulled the club engine trailer to the hotel. Also, thanks to Lillian Law for bringing Registration Forms for Springfest in Helen on April 18 and th
19 . Thanks to Molly Bacon and Chris Brown who set up a display about the 2014 National Convention in Tacoma, WA and brought stores items for sale. th
Next year will be our 30 Annual Corvair Lovers Holiday and we hope to make the 2015 Corvair Lovers Holiday very special. Please plan to celebrate with us again next year. Page 4 of 9
Don’t Make Us Bill You!
************************************ If you have not yet paid your dues, we will be contacting you very soon! 3. THE WONDERS OF TECHNOLOGY: To Email the newsletter editor: CORSA @ Clarks Corvair Parts@ Corvair Ranch @ Visit and <Speak your piece in forums at> 4. HOW CORVAIR LOVERS CELEBRATE LIFE: Poster for or 2014 International Convention in Tacoma, WA Life’s Instruction Book Volume II #532 Never miss an opportunity to sleep on a screened-­‐in porch. The “Top Three” winners in no special order are: Early Closed: Chris Brown, 1962 Yellow Station Wagon Late Open: John Mc Atee, 1965 Blue Debbie Stelzer, 1965 Maroon Richard Stolzmann, 1965 Red Late Closed: Ed Lindsay, 1966 Forest Green CORSA Howard Ruble, 1965 Blue FC: Karl Stelzer, 1963 Three Tone Rampside Jerry Moyer, 1964 Red Rampside Modified: Gary Mierzwa, 1965 Tangerine Pearl Coupe Billy Cannon, 1965 Black 2DR Coupe Tom Dudak, 1965 Pearl White Conv’t. Russ Thuleen, 1961 Red/Wht/Blue Loadside Specialty: Lee Oxford, 1975 Orange VW Camper June Lindsay, 1968 Wht/Blue Ultravan Display Class: Tony Ellison, 1965 Yellow 500 Coupe Sara White Ladies Choice: Donna & Lamar Childs 1965 Desert Beige 4DR Best of Show: Donna & Lamar Childs 1965 Desert Beige 4DR 5. DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that we all had a great time at the 29th Annual Corvair Lovers Holiday & Car Show? Next year th
marks our 30 Anniversary. Please put on your thinking caps and try to come up with new ideas for our show next year. Submit your suggestions by August of 2014 to June Lindsay, 5670 San Vair Street, Milton, FL 32583, or email her at 6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY: If your birthday is not listed below it is because you don’t have a Birthday listed on your personal profile at the bottom of your membership application or simply because you did not pay your dues. If you would like to be on the Birthday List pay your dues or contact June Lindsay at 850-­‐994-­‐2161 or email her at March Birthday’s Lynn Ruble 03/07 03/11 03/12 03/16 03/16 03/21 03/22 Tim Ruble Mary Anne Hanley Barbara Johnson Jennifer Wilkins Danielle Avallone Don Richmond Anniversaries Not a good month to get married! Page 5 of 9
7. Tech Tip: Vacuum Leak Problems April 18-­‐19: Springfest 2014 – Thirty Years in Helen, John Lucke From the 1996 Supplement to the Corvair Technical Guide, Engine Mechanical, Page 23 Vacuum leaks can have odd effects. A minor one will give a fast idle; a little bigger one can give an irregular idle through excessive leanness; a much bigger one will prevent the engine from idling at all –-­‐ it will run fast, but die-­‐out when you try to idle. These problems are particularly annoying when the engine is in need of general tune-­‐up, or when you are trying to get one going that hasn’t been run for a while. Cracked, broken, or loose vacuum hoses, or a ruptured distributor diaphragm, will make a small leak. A deteriorated vacuum balance tube connector will make a bigger leak. A ruptured Powerglide modulator can both leak vacuum and suck transmission fluid into the manifold, where it will burn to a dense white smoke, making you think you engine is shot. A loose carburetor or stuck throttle plate can make a big leak. A bad carburetor base gasket can make a leak of any size. Some folks don’t use the seconddaries on their 140s very much (can you imagine?) and I have seen them stick slightly open. Careful observation and methodical approach to tune-­‐up procedures are your best defenses against vacuum leaks. (3/94) 8. CHIT CHAT BY JUNE LINDSAY: I think that I have said enough! Whew! 9. COMING EVENTS: Every Saturday Night: Panhandle Cruisers "Show N Shine" held from 5 pm to 8 pm at Burger King on 9 Mile Road every Saturday but during November and December. Mar. 7-­‐9, 2014: 16th Annual Spring Warm-­‐Up hosted by Central Carolina CORSA, Myrtle Beach, SC, host hotel at Sea Mist Resorts oceanfront all activities will be held in Hospitality House. Friday: Registration and Hospitality House; Saturday: Complimentary Coffee, Registration, Car Corral, Valve Cover Racing, Peoples Choice Concours and Static Display, Lunch, Bingo, Poker Run/Rally (Scavenger Hunt), Awards Dinner and Entertainment. For information contact Carol Harris, 2410 Tindal Road, Sumter, SC 29154, 803-­‐795-­‐9434 or or contact Georgia Allsbrook 830-­‐720-­‐1484. Note: We have forms if you need them call 850-­‐994-­‐2161. GA, Festhalle contract has been signed. They want your th
ideas for ways to make Springfest a very special 30 anniversary! Contact Lillian Law 229-­‐291-­‐0567 or 229-­‐883-­‐
4123 or email at May 10: Panhandle Cruisers Car Show at Five Flags Speedway. (More information coming) July 21–25: CORSA International Corvair Convention in Tacoma, WA, Corvan and FC Expo 2014, host hotel is at the Hotel Murano in Tacoma, 888-­‐862-­‐3255, mention “Corvairs” or “CORSA” for special $109 room rate, reserve online at:
_new&eventID=10747152 The Le May Automobile Museum will be the center of convention events as well as displays and activities celebrating the Corvair. Note: Ed & I are going on a cruise to Alaska the week before the show and would love for you to join us. See for the ship Carnival Miracle for the date of July 15-­‐22. AAA got us a great deal on plane tickets to and from Sea/Tac airport. Aug. 15-­‐17: Chattanooga Choo Choo car show. (More information coming) 10. CLUB STORES: ** Silicone Wire Systems Plug Wires $35.00 ** T-­‐shirts Light Blue, Dark Blue, Gray, Yellow Brown, M, XL & XXL, $12.00 for Members and $15 for Non-­‐ Members. (New Style) **Club Stickers $2.00 ** Racing Champions Fitch Sprint Special price $10.00 We have CORSA merchandise: Men’s T, Ladies T, Sweatshirt, Hats, Key Chain, Patches and 3” and 6” Decals for sale. Contact the Club Historian and Storekeeper: Ed Lindsay at 850-­‐994-­‐2161 or 11. FOR SALE: New! For Sale: 1962 Corvair Rampside 78,000 miles, 110hp, 4 speed, dual exhaust, no rust holes in the bed or cab floor, body has some rust. Drive it home! Truck is in Fairhope, AL, Ken 404-­‐433-­‐4863, $6500 or reasonable offer. For Sale: 1966 2-­‐door coupe, 110/PG, completely restored to original condition. New red & white paint job, new 14´WW tires on chrome mag rims, 4-­‐speaker JVC CD radio, front scoop with running lights, full continental kit. Excellent condition, need to sell $5,295 OBO 352-­‐560-­‐4251. Page 6 of 9
For Sale: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rafee Corvair 2695 Bengal Rd. Wister, OK 74966 918-­‐753-­‐2486 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wolf Enterprises Corvair Carburetors & Collectibles Model M-­‐270FQS, 1 Slide out, Fiberglass exterior, Sleeps 6, Deluxe interior with 13500 BTU Ducted AC, 6 Gal Propane/110V DSI water heater, Stove/Oven, Microwave, Water purifies, Full rear bath, Extreme Temperature Edition Package with Double insulation & Heated/enclosed holding tanks, New Tires. Call Lee Oxford, 334-­‐379-­‐6792, Daleville, AL (Dothan Area). 32605 Rhode Island Ave. San Antonio, FL 33576 E-­‐mail: Write, call, or send an email to request our Free Catalog at 352-­‐588-­‐0645 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Po Wiggs Early & late model Corvair parts, including FC BBQ, Steaks, Etc. parts, Getting ready to scrap out several late models, (1965-­‐
67). What do you need? I might have it! Contact Ed Lindsay at or call him at 850-­‐994-­‐2161 or 850-­‐287-­‐3576. 12. Advertisements: A Catering Service by Karl Wiggins Ft. Walton Beach, FL 850-­‐830-­‐9009 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ California Corvair Parts: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Meadows Automotive We would like to let everyone here on Virtual Vairs know about our growing online parts store at: 991 Foxfire Trail Oviedo, FL 32765 407-­‐366-­‐0974 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Handy Car Care Ken Hand 1896 S. Gregory Rd. Fowlerville, MI 48836 248-­‐613-­‐8586 Engine, Trans. Diff and Head More than 30 parts categories including everything from New, Used, Rebuilt and NOS items. The store currently features over 560 parts available and we are adding more every week. For those of you who enjoy shopping online we invite you to have a look. We accept all credit cards and of course PayPal payments too. 951-­‐284-­‐3555, 15090 La Palma Dr., Chino, CA 91710 Thanks, Jeffrey Williams, CCPInc. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Clark’s Corvair Parts 400 Mohawk Trail Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 413-­‐625-­‐9776 FX: 413-­‐625-­‐8498 email: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bill Cotrofeld Automotive, Inc Call or write for a free brochure: America’s Oldest Corvair Shop 3630 Route 7A Arlington P.O. Box 235 East Arlington, VT 05252 802-­‐375-­‐6782 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That’s all Folks! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Page 7 of 9
Row of FC’s and one VW Camper Chris Brown’s Yellow Station Wagon Photographs by Mary Anne Hanley Tom Dudak’s Pearl White Convertible Billy Cannon’s Black 2DR Coupe Photographs by Donna Martin Page 8 of 9
13. WEST FLORIDA CORVAIRS, INC. is a chartered chapter # 325 of the Corvair Society of America? We advocate membership in CORSA of which dues are currently $45 annually. Send Dues to CORSA, P.O. Box 607, Lemont, Il 60439. CORSA publishes a monthly magazine dedicated solely to the Corvair. You may contact them at 630-­‐257-­‐6530, Fax 630-­‐257-­‐
5540, Web Site: -­‐ Executive Secretary: Harry Jensen, Executive Editor: Mike McGowan communiqué Membership Dues for West Florida Corvairs, Inc. is presently $15 annually for CORSA members and $18 annually for Non-­‐CORSA members. We meet on a regular basis on the third Sunday of each month at 2:30 p.m. at a predetermined place for our business meetings. Social gatherings are arranged for family enjoyment as weather permits. Both meeting places are published in our newsletter. Anyone who has an interest in the Corvair is welcome to join us at any of our meetings. Thinking about becoming a member? Three complementary newsletters can be mailed to you. Contact our club c/o Ed Lindsay, 5670 San Vair Street, Milton, FL. 32583, and Phone: 850-­‐994-­‐2161, E-­‐mail: How to contact us: President, Club Ed Lindsay Historian & Club Stores Vice President Gary Mierzwa Sec. /Treas. Mary Mierzwa Activities Kat Carter Newsletter Editor June Lindsay West Florida Corvairs, Inc. 5670 San Vair Street Milton, Fl 32583 5670 San Vair St., Milton FL 32583 850-­‐994-­‐2161 4568 N Spencer Field, Pace, FL 32571 850-­‐994-­‐5399 4568 N Spencer Field, Pace, FL 32571 850-­‐994-­‐5399 6000 Lurray St., Milton, FL 32583 850-­‐516-­‐8672 5670 San Vair St.., Milton FL 32583 850-­‐994-­‐2161 Page 9 of 9
First Class