annualreport 2 0 0 8
annualreport 2 0 0 8
A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 RIF: J-30083118-3 R E P O R T MISSION A N N U A L 2 0 0 8 MISSION Banesco Seguros, C.A., registered with the Venezuelan Superintendency of Insurance Companies under N∞ 109, was established in 1993 with the main purpose of offering high quality products and services to meet the needs of the market. The entrepreneurial approach guiding our team reflects the soundness, confidence, support, security harmoniously interwoven, identifying itself as one great family and a solid working team oriented towards the growth and consolidation of a common project. Banesco Seguros' presence at a national level allows it to opportunely manage, maintain and expand business relations using strategies based on needs existing in the environment. MISSION To be an Insurance Company known for the excellent quality of its services, oriented toward satisfying the needs of the clients of the Organization and those of its Intermediaries. 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 BANESCO SEGUROS BOARD OF DIRECTORS • ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Board of Directors Chairman of the Board Fernando Crespo Suñer Executive Chairman Pedro Luis Garmendia Directors Juan Carlos Escotet Luis Xavier Luján Salvador Cores María Josefina Fernández Nelson Becerra Adil Coury Emmanuelli Executive Personnel Executive Chairman Pedro Luis Garmendia Executive Vice-President Adil Coury Emmanuelli Human Capital Beatriz Pérez General Comptroller Mary Cruz Campos Internal Auditor Alexis Blanco Legal Department Marco Ortega Organizational Structure National Sales Management Crosses Sales Network Channels Exclusive Agents Insurance Brokerage Special Accounts Marketing Branches Countryside Suscription Equity Health and Persons Automobiles Suscription Control Service National Management Health Services Casualty and Property Claims Automobile Services Actuarial Administration Planning Technology of the Information and Processes Specialized Service Center Accounting Securities Reinsurances Branches Caracas Los Dos Caminos San Ignacio Countryside Araure Barquisimeto Barinas Maracaibo Maracay Pampatar Barcelona Puerto Ordaz Punto Fijo San Cristóbal Valencia William Cruz Carmery Narváez Yrmgar Arias Mario Verrocchi Gloria Velásquez Jaime Rocha Juliana Gómez José Guillermo León Rafael Casique Julio Marval Giuseppe Occhino Eleanor Martínez Jezmín Lezama Rosa Rodríguez Iris Quiroz Rosa Núñez María Vieitez Itziar Barandiaran Yaneth Martes Cristina Blassi Carlos Rivas María J. Martínez Ana Pinto Elizabeth Zambrano Ana Rosa Viera Alirio Valles Edgar Farías Rosa Miras Roberto Norbiato Wilfredo Campos Angel Ferrer Aliber González Pedro Luis Tineo Luis Silva Lino Chong Yelitza Rivero Claudia Cárdenas Gustavo Márquez A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 TO OUR CLIENTS, SHAREHOLDERS AND RELATED 2008 was a great year for our Institution. We had an 81.5% capital increase while the sector had a 44.3% average increase, and a 42.5% return on equity, which is considerably higher than the 33.4% average within the industry. Likewise, Net Premium Collected increased by 78% in nominal terms over last year, thus ratifying the consolidation of the Company, which ranked sixth in the insurance market. We are still the leading company in the Property and Life insurance industry. The results of the year certainly showed that our operation enabled the further strengthening of our Company, evidenced by records of significant improvement in indicators related to equity stability. As to our national network, during 2008, major investments in infrastructure were made to improve our customer service provision. We opened one branch office in Araure, Portuguesa State, acquired new premises for Barcelona branch office, extended the premises of Pampatar branch office, remodeled Valencia branch office, and began remodeling Maracaibo and Barquisimeto branch offices, thus consolidating our presence nationwide even more. As to our new branch in Caracas, it may be fully operative in mid 2009, and will offer more convenience to both employees and agents and insured. Additionally, we extended our services through the Specialized Service Center (Centro Especializado de Atención - CEA) in order to include claim reporting and car inspection. In 2009, we will include other services, the projects of which were not ready as of 2008 close. Our goal is that CEA acts like a virtual office for our insured, agents, and business associates. We incorporated the extranet service for inquiries, which allow us to provide more efficient services to agents and insured. Likewise, we made major investments in technology to strengthen the system, and we implemented solutions to procedures to improve Vehicle and Health related services provided to the insured. In order to boost the skills of our professional personnel, we implemented a training program, which was organized as a Specialization Course of Universidad Metropolitana. This is a continuous program which combines insurance related knowledge with management and human skills, aimed at branch offices' personnel nationwide. In addition, we implemented the pilot program “Justo y Pronto” (Fair & Soon) in the city of Caracas to offer our insured the possibility to directly choose the more convenient repair shop and promptly receive a fair indemnity. Lastly, but just as important, we began doing businesses in Panama. This is the first country where we expanded our businesses abroad in order to provide the services of an insurance company at both personal and general level within the Panamanian market. In 2009, we ratify our commitment to our insured, agents, business associates, and employees. Therefore, our strategic plan is focused on consolidating our position within the market and providing high quality services. Thank you for your trust. Pedro Luis Garmendia Executive Chairman 3 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 ECONOMY 2008 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 ECONOMY 2008 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) BALANCE OF PAYMENTS ECONOMY DURING 2008 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) During 2008, the gross domestic product of the Venezuelan economy maintained a steady increase, which extends to five consecutive years after showing a 4.8% actual variance as per preliminary aspects of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV). Although positive, these results imply a slowdown over 2007, when the year-on-year variance was 8.4%. The product rate of growth slowdown would be related to the rate of increase of the aggregate demand, which has been the main economy's driving force since 2004. In fact, the Venezuelan Government took economic policy measures aimed to reduce the consumption rate of growth in order to promote savings, such as interest rate increase of credit card transactions, and import restrictions for certain goods deemed luxury articles by reducing the foreign currency allocated for the purpose hereof. This caused a decrease of the final private consumption rate of growth from 18.7% in 2007 to 7.1% in 2008. Likewise, there was a 2.4% decrease of gross fixed capital formation during 2008, while 2007 experienced a 25.4% increase, which reveals a significant contraction of investments. As a result of the joint performance of these items, the aggregate demand increased by 5.5% in 2008, which implies a significant slowdown of the rate of growth over 2007, with a 18.3% increase. From the institutional point of view, the public sector recorded a 16.4% annual variance, which is related to the economic activity restructuring due to the company nationalization policy by the Venezuelan Government. By braking down the analysis into activities, the economic growth in 2008 was mainly driven by the 5.1% increase of non-oil activities over the 3.2% increase of the oil activity. The sectors with significant growth were communications (18.0%), community, social, and personal services (9.2%), Government services (5.1%), and trade and repair services (4.7%), while mining decreased by 5.6%. The private manufacturing industry increased by 1.3% with substantial outcome in paper manufacturing (6.2%), metal manufactured products (2.7%), and food industry (4.1%). Balance of Payments The balance of payments closed 2008 with US$ 9,275 million, as a result of a US$ 39,202 million surplus in the checking account and a US$ 26,180 million deficit in the financial account. The checking account showed a 96.2% increase over 2007, as oil export revenues increased as a result of the US$ 87,443 million increase of the value thereof, upon the increase of the Venezuelan oil basket prices (36.1%) and the export volume (2.5%). The non-oil related external sales experienced 7.7% decrease over last year to US$ 6,099 million (less invoicing of the main export products in common metals and motor vehicles). Import of goods increased by 5.8% due to the dynamic economic activity and higher requirements of intermediate inputs and final goods, which resulted in a greater demand of foreign products. The deficit in the financial account derived from the net flows related to other investment and direct investment accounts. Other investment account has greater incidence with a net assets increase of US$ 27,574 million, which shows the increase in public assets in oil deposits and loans granted to non-related foreign customers, as well as the increase of the private sector's deposits due to the complementary foreign currency offer (dealing of debt securities in foreign currency). 5 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 ECONOMY 2008 UNEMPLOYMENT The direct investment had a US$ 1,041 million deficit related to trade credits and the public oil sector's profit reinvestment in its foreign affiliates. On the other hand, there was an increase in liabilities of foreign investment in the country due to dividends payable to private sector companies and their related companies, and new investments and profit reinvestment in national financial institutions and private sector companies. Lastly, portfolio investment had a US$ 2,435 million surplus due to the reduction of portfolio instruments by national private financial institutions, which was partly compensated by the increase in public assets in marketable securities incorporated to the National Treasury's investment portfolios. The country's net international investment position closed with US$ 137,331 million, thus showing an increase over last year (US$ 86,851 million), due to the US$ 214,895 million increase of foreign assets and the US$ 77,564 million decrease in foreign liabilities. Unemployment As of December 2008, the unemployment rate was 6.1% (782,917 unemployed), based on an economically active population of 12,824,626 inhabitants. This implies a .1-point decrease over last year (6.2%), as a result of the general economic activity growth and the continuity of the social programs generated by the National Government. The unemployment rate decrease has progressively slowed down since 2004, which leads toward the conclusion that the economy is closer to its natural unemployment rate. This level of unemployment is considered to be a regular part of the functioning of the economy, and it relates to the concept of a production which changes the rate of growth of the potential GDP in the long term. The informal economy recorded a 44.1% during 2008. A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 ECONOMY 2008 INFLATION Inflation The National Consumer Price Index (CPI) recorded a 30.9% accumulated rate of growth during 2008. This performance is mainly related to offer-demand imbalances. The core inflation annual variance was 31.7%. Based on the preliminary figures of the BCV, during 2008, there was a 6.3% increase in consumption, while the internal offer increased by 4.9%, which led to a rising inflation throughout the period. Although the National Government and the BCV implemented a series of fiscal and monetary measures, such as exchange rate nominal anchor, prices administered for certain items, reduction of VAT rate, and elimination of Financial Transactions Tax (FTT), limited monetary policy and direct subsidy for some agricultural items, they proved to be insufficient for the performance of the general price level. Despite the inflation performance and the implementation of price controls, as to supply, there has been a steady improvement in merchandise availability in common market places. In December, the product shortage in the market was 11.0% -the lowest in the last 24 months. On the other hand, the index of product diversity in the market progressively improved, thus closing the year at 154.2, in comparison with the 93.8 index recorded in 2008. Monetary Policy During 2008, the monetary policy was characterized by maintaining the restrictive bias existing since 2007. The monetary aggregates were mainly used as a mechanism to decrease the existing rising inflation in the Venezuelan economy. The BCV mainly leveraged in the modification and increase of legal reserve regulations. This was used as a monetary policy instrument in order to moderate the rate of growth of monetary aggregates. Thus, the costs of implementing a rigorous monetary policy of the BCV are transferred to the national financial system through the non-productive asset increase, since a part of each institution's customers' deposits must be deposited in the issuing institute with no remuneration whatsoever for such funds1. 7 8 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 ECONOMY 2008 2008 INSURANCE MARKET Likewise, upon implementing this measure, the creation of secondary money decreases, which is evident in the progressive decrease of the monetary multiplier upon enforcement thereof, and of the money supply. The legal reserve increase caused the implementation of other measures like the increase of remuneration of savings and the use of absorption transactions. Since May 1, 2008, the minimum annual interest rate to be paid by financial institutions for customers' deposits from saving accounts and cash asset accounts will be 15%, and minimum 17% for customers' deposits from term deposits and interests. Likewise, the interest rate for absorption transactions of the central bank of Venezuela will be 13% at 28 days and 14% at 56 days. The interest rate payable to the BCV for injection transactions will be 23% for 14-day transactions and 24% for 28-day transactions, with the inclusion of a 22% interest rate for a 7-day term. On the other hand, a 33.5% of interest rate was established to be charged by the BCV in its credit assistance transactions through the concepts of discount, rediscount, advanced payment and repo. Therefore, the money supply-in terms of monetary aggregate M2-is Bs.F. 194,432 million, which entails a 26.89% increased over the balance recorded in 2007. This caused the reduction of the supply rate of growth for the second consecutive year, after having increased by 27.80% in 2007 and 69.35% in 2006. The monetary base recorded a 30.55% increase at 2008 close for a total balance of Bs.F. 83,787 million. This increase was related to partial monetization of resources derived from the increase of the national oil basket price. 1 Under Resolution 06-09-02 issued by the BCV (July 2007), the legal reserve increased from 15% to 16% of the total amount of the Reserve Base Net Obligations and by 17% in October. In July, the reserve for ceded investments was 13.75%, and gradually increased by .25 points up to 17%. The marginal reserve remained at 30% for those institutions with Net Obligations plus Ceded Investments of over Bs. 90 billion. 2008 Insurance Market The financial system, like the Venezuelan insurance industry, has shown an upward trend during the last years, thus meeting the needs of people from all walks of life by providing new products and services of greater relevance for the general population. The efforts made by insurance companies have obviously achieved highly favorable results. However, some factors have affected efficiency thereof, for example, the car segment, which has been affected mainly due to shortage of parts and specialized repair shops. In addition, there is an imbalance between supply and demand in the health industry mainly caused by the difference between cost of services and fees authorized to the industry. The challenges of the industry are still focused on diversifying the product supply and improving service quality through constant upgrading of the A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 ECONOMY 2008 2008 INSURANCE MARKET technological platform, which enables higher responsiveness. The new strategies implemented by the insurance industry generated during 2008 a nominal growth of 45.2% in total net premium collected, thus reaching the amount of Bs.F. 22,387.1 million, equal to US$ 10,412 million. In real terms, after deducting the annual variance of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the period under analysis (30.9%), accumulated net premium collected during the last twelve months showed a 14.3% increase, thus maintaining the progressive growth of the industry resulting from the greatest economic dynamism, which was mostly caused by the positive progress of the public sector during the entire period. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Net Premium Collected (MM BsF) 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 Source: Sudeseg 1990 24.000 22.000 20.000 18.000 16.000 14.000 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 Growth (%) The analysis by products evidenced 47.6% of written premiums are related to personal insurance, while 52.1% corresponded to general insurance and 0.3% to reassurance transactions. It is evident that during the last twelve months, the rate of increase of general premiums (46.0%) was slightly higher than that of personal premiums (44.2%), which were boosted by the increase in the take-out of car insurance policies. The increase in the personal segment was mainly caused by regular take-out of group insurance policies by Public Administration bodies since 2005. Claim ratio indicators showed a sustained increase 9 10 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 ECONOMY 2008 2008 INSURANCE MARKET caused by mass inflation in the Venezuelan economy. During 2008, claims paid-net premium collected ratio increased by 4.7 points over 2007, i.e. 50.4% at period close. This behavior is the result of the highest rate of increase experienced by claims paid (58.8%) over net premium collected (45.2%). 18% Source: Sudeseg 17% 16% 15% 15.9% 15.8% 14.3% 14% 12.4% 12.3% 12.8% 12% 12.2% 11% 10% 13.3% 13.4% 13.5% 13% 2002 2003 11.7% 2004 12.1% 12.1% 2005 Commission and Acquisition Costs vs. Net Premium Collected 2006 11.9% 2007 2008 Administrative Costs vs. Net Premium Collected Likewise, expenses derived from administrative and acquisition costs have increased in terms of net premium collected, however, it is lower than the increase in claims. During 2008, administrative costs-net premium collected ratio increased by 1.0 points (14.3%). On the other hand, commission and acquisition costs-net premium charge ratio stood at 12.3%, which represents a small .4 point increase over last year. As a result of the increase in claims, as well as in administrative and acquisition costs, year-end resultsnet premium collected ratio decreased by 1.3 points during the last twelve months and closed 2008 at 4.7%. On the other hand, the indicator resulting from return on equity ratio was 2.5% in real terms. The 20 first companies ranked concentrated 86.7% of total net premium collected in this period, while the remainder of 13.3% was distributed among the other companies within this market. As to the net result, we observed that the concentration increased, since the first 20 companies generate over 96.0% thereof. A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 BANESCO SEGUROS BANESCO SEGUROS With a sound track record within the Venezuelan insurance market, Banesco Seguros has positioned itself among the most important entities, which was evidenced by the figures recorded during the last years, and ranked sixth in the insurance market at 2008 close. The company's financial results evidenced an outstanding management during 2008, with total production of net premium collected of Bs.F. 1,182.9 million, equal to a nominal increase of 78.2%, thus exceeding total increase in the entire market. Where deducting the effects for inflation, the Institution recorded an actual increase of net premium collected of 47.3%, thus maintaining the distinctive progressive growth Banesco Seguros has had since it was established in 1993. The expansion of the Institution entailed a higher market share (from 4.3% in 2007 to 5.3% at 2008 close) in net premium collected, which ratified the progressive growth it has been experiencing since 2001, where it concentrated only 1.0% of net premium collected in the market. Since then, the share has consistently increased. The analysis by products evidenced that 40.9% of written premiums is related to issuance of personal insurance, while 59.1% corresponded to general insurance. The Institution evidenced a significant growth in personal insurance, upon recording a total net premium collected of Bs.F. 483.7 million, i.e. a 190.6% increase during 2008. On the other hand, income derived from general premiums amounted to Bs.F. 699.1 million, equal to a 40.6% increase in the same period. As per 2008 balance sheet, total assets amounted to Bs.F. 517.0 million, i.e. a 23.5% increase over 2007, where total assets amounted to Bs.F. 418.5 million. 11 12 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 BANESCO SEGUROS On the other hand, total liabilities amounted to Bs.F. 406.6 million, i.e. a 13.7% increase over the previous year. Technical reserves reached Bs.F. 182.4 million. We observed a sustained growth of the claim indicator, thus following the market trend. In 2008, this indicator of incurred claim-premium earned ratio showed a 7.7 point increase over the previous year, and closed the year at 39.6%. On the other hand, administrative cost-net premium collected ratio was at 8.3%, i.e. a .6 point increase over 2007. Acquisition and commission cost-net premium collected ratio was at 6.4%, i.e. a .2 point decrease in the same period. BANESCO VIDA INTEGRAL Taking the evolution of premiums, claims, and administrative and acquisition costs as a whole, net income- net premium collected ratio increased by .8 points during the last twelve months, and closed 2008 at 4.0%. The reserve coverage rate reached an ideal level (1.56%), which exceeded the market average (1.31%). On the whole, the positive performance of the Institution is related to the increase of its market share, the diversification of its product portfolio, and the rationalization process of its cost structure, which allowed for a profitability increase during 2008, despite of the downward trend observed in the market. Thus, the profitability of Banesco Seguros, measured in terms of liabilities, increased by 42.5%, thus exceeding 2008 accumulated inflation rate. BANESCO SALUD INTEGRAL 14 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 Banesco Seguros STATUTORY AUDITOR'S REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF BANESCO SEGUROS, C.A In my capacity of Statutory Auditor of Banesco Seguros, C.A., and pursuant to the provisions of Articles 287, 309 and 311 of the Code of Commerce, I hereby inform you that I have audited your balance sheet as of December 31, 2008, and the related statement of operations, changes in stockholders' equity, and cash flows for the year then ended, in historical amounts. The accompanying financial statements and their corresponding notes are the responsibility of the Company's management. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. I conducted my audit based on the scope I deemed necessary under the circumstances, which was significantly less comprehensive than that of an audit conducted under generally accepted auditing standards, which aims at expressing an opinion on the financial statements taken as a whole. Therefore, it is worth mentioning that my audit, as well as any opinions on the financial position of Banesco Seguros, C.A. as of December 31, 2008, is mostly based on the independent auditors' report of the Company, dated February 16, 2009, which shall be made part of my report. The Company prepares its financial statements in conformity with the accounting principles and standards established by the Superintendency of Insurance Companies of the Ministry of Finance, pursuant to the Venezuelan Law on Insurance and Reinsurance Companies, which differ in certain aspects from accounting principles generally accepted in Venezuela, as explained in Note 2 to the financial statements. Caracas, February 16, 2009 Therefore, the accompanying financial statements were prepared in order to comply with accounting standards and practices established by such Entity, and not to be presented in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in Venezuela. Based on the opinion of the Company's independent auditors, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Banesco Seguros, C.A. as of December 31, 2008, changes in stockholders' equity, and cash flows for the year then ended, in historical amounts, in conformity with accounting standards and practices established by the Venezuelan Superintendency of Insurance Companies. Therefore, I recommend approval thereof. The audit conducted by independent auditors was intended to express an opinion on the basic financial statements of Banesco Seguros, C.A., taken as a whole. The supplementary financial information included in Attachments I to IV, regarding solvency margin estimated as of December 31, 2008, is presented for additional analysis and is not required for basic financial statements. The financial information for the year ended December 31, 2008, has been subject to the same auditing procedures applied to the basic financial statements of the year then ended, and is presented fairly, in conformity with standards established by the Venezuelan Superintendency of Insurance Companies, Resolution Nº 1.723 of November 17, 2000. Gordy S. Palmero Luján Main Auditor CPC Nº 7202 • SIS Nº 148 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 REINSURERS INTERNATIONAL Munchener Ruckversicherungs-Gesellschaft (Germany) Swiss Re (Switzerland) Mapfre Re Compañía de Reaseguro, S.A. (Spain) Hannover Ruckversicherungs AG (Germany) Scor Global P&C (France) QBE Reinsurance (Europe) Limited (Ireland, Bermuda) Ace Property & Casualty Insurance Company (USA) Reaseguradora Patria SAP (Mexico) QBE del Istmo Compañía de Reaseguros, Inc. (Panama) NATIONAL Reaseguradora Delta Provincial de Reaseguro, C.A. RIV Reaseguradora Internacional de Venezuela 15 16 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 Balance Sheet AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 STATED IN VEF BANESCO SEGUROS, C.A. Subscribed Stock: Bs. 49,750,000.00 Paid in Capital: Bs. 49,750,000.00 Registered in the Finance Ministry under Number 109 Caracas / Venezuela RIF:J-30083118-3 ASSETS Investment Suitable for Representing the Technical Reserves Cash Security investment in public entities Mortgage Loans Dwelling Property Less: Accumulated Depreciation Deposits in Guarantee For Insurance Transactions For Trust Fund Transactions Investments Unsuitable for Representing the Technical Reserves Stock Investment in Private Companies Foreign Investments Property and Investments for Claim Recoveries Deposits in Other Institutions Reinsurance Accounts Checking Accounts with Reinsurers Checking Accounts with Reinsurance Intermediaries Depreciable and Amortizable Assets Furniture Less: Reserve for Depreciation Office Equipment Less: Reserve for Depreciation Computer Equipment Less: Reserve for Depreciation Vehicle Less: Reserve for Depreciation Sundry Accounts Accounts Receivable Advanced on Commissions Coinsurance Accounts Benefits Receivable Transitory Assets Other Deferred Charges Other Assets Deposit for Service Guarantees Transactions in Transit 284,141,154.33 30,016,762.54 103,425,874.70 71,758,056.30 82,525,000.00 (3,584,539.21) 78,940,460.79 1,744,384.57 874,489.12 869,895.45 107,662,093.42 25,193,813.93 20,960,079.77 740,500.00 60,767,699.72 1,750,596.98 563,532.60 1,187,064.38 7,489,393.83 4,313,045.26 (1,401,787.53) 564,120.32 (231,509.29) 5,337,551.54 (1,140,500.52) 129,893.70 (81,419.65) 2,911,257.73 332,611.03 4,197,051.02 48,474.05 38,983,878.27 33,045,307.21 718,105.76 274,948.62 4,945,516.68 11,681,804.23 11,681,804.23 63,578,286.22 37,900.00 63,540,386.22 TOTAL ASSETS Memorandum Accounts Premiums Receivable Trust Fund Assets Funds and Contracts Administered TOTAL MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS 517,031,591.85 632,035,451.15 601,331,746.98 30,241,961.28 461,742.89 632,035,451.15 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 Balance Sheet AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 STATED IN VEF BANESCO SEGUROS, C.A. Subscribed Stock: Bs. 49,750,000.00 Paid in Capital: Bs. 49,750,000.00 Registered in the Finance Ministry under Number 109 Caracas / Venezuela RIF:J-30083118-3 LIABILITIES Technical Reserves Reserves for Premiums - Personal Insurance Life Insurance - Mathematical Reserve Collective Insurance - Current Risk Reserve Single Insurance- Current Risk Reserve Funeral Insurance Reserve for Premiums - General Insurance Equity Liabilities Reserves for Benefits and Claims Pending Life Collective Single for Persons Funeral Equity and Liabilities Premiums Collected in Advanced Liabilities Payable Taxes and Contributions Accrued Expenses Sundry Accounts Accounts Payable Intermediary Accounts Coinsurance Accounts Accounts Payable Employee Reinsurance Accounts Checking Accounts with Reinsurers Checking Accounts with Reinsurance Intermediaries Transitory Liabilities Other Deferred Charges Reserves for Current Risk Other Purposes Update of the Securities Granted as Guarantee to the Nation Capital Capital Subscribed and Paid Earned Surplus Legal Reserve Retained Earnings Non-Realized Surplus Reserve for the Revaluation of Security Investments Reserve for the Revaluation of Real Property Profit of the Period Profit 10,388,446.00 14,078,958.00 19,528,010.00 156,419.00 40,031,768.00 5,003,241.00 2,512,739.00 47,695,972.00 3,758,629.00 289,071.00 34,597,938.00 44,151,833.00 45,035,009.00 88,854,349.00 4,372,409.01 34,519,596.62 5,062,215.17 4,830,219.01 1,422,485.58 17,659.67 4,586,989.86 47,521,128.71 27,947,742.34 78,000.01 581,938.54 133,596.78 4,975,000.00 55,672,121.14 49,750,000.00 60,647,121.14 14,288,442.03 36,285,114.49 46,945,741.89 39,581,811.79 10,857,354.12 75,468,871.05 78,000.01 715,535.32 110,397,121.14 50,573,556.52 46,945,741.89 517,031,591.85 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Memorandum Accounts Premiums Issued Receivable Trust Fund Assets Funds and Contracts Administered TOTAL MEMORANDUM ACCOUNTS 182,413,600.01 601,331,746.98 30,241,961.28 461,742.89 632,035,451.15 632,035,451.15 17 18 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 Profits and Losses Sheet AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 STATED IN VEF BANESCO SEGUROS, C.A. Subscribed Stock: Bs. 49,750,000.00 Paid in Capital: Bs. 49,750,000.00 Registered in the Finance Ministry under Number 109 Caracas / Venezuela RIF:J-30083118-3 INCOME Personal Insurance Transactions Premiums for the Period Benefits and Claims in Charge of Reinsurers Operating Expenses Reimbursed by Reinsurers Share of Reinsurers Profits Technical Reserves from Previous Period Technical Reserve for the Period in Charge of Reinsurers Taxes Charged to Reinsurances 645,631,704.98 518,634,549.04 21,587,457.80 5,302,765.84 2,363,474.38 59,921,673.00 36,969,295.00 852,489.92 1,264,289,614.75 Overall Insurance Transactions Reimbursed Premiums Claims Reimbursed by Reinsurers Operating Expenses Reimbursed by Reinsurers Share of Reinsurers Profits Technical Reserve from the Previous Period Technical Reserve for the Period in Charge of Reinsurers Taxes Charged to Reinsurances Claims Salvage 702,344,667.03 28,537,994.78 36,274,187.37 95,513.14 249,419,453.00 233,093,847.00 5,803,537.57 8,720,414.86 60,380.09 Reinsurance Accepted Transactions General Insurance Accepted Premiums Technical Reserve from the Previous Period 57,455.44 2,924.65 30,065,058.61 Overall Management Activity Securities' Update Income from Trust Funds Income from Service Benefits Sundry TOTAL INCOME 23,742,401.71 101,218.60 1,083,500.65 5,137,937.65 1,940,046,758.43 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 Profits and Losses Sheet AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 STATED IN VEF BANESCO SEGUROS, C.A. Subscribed Stock: Bs. 49,750,000.00 Paid in Capital: Bs. 49,750,000.00 Registered in the Finance Ministry under Number 109 Caracas / Venezuela RIF:J-30083118-3 EXPENSES Personal Insurance Transactions Reimbursed Benefits Reimbursed Claims Returned Premiums Commissions and Costs of Acquisition Premiums Ceded to Reinsurers Technical Reserves for the Period Technical Reserves from Previous Periods with Reinsurance Administrative Expenses Refund due to Favorable Experience Premiums Paid for Concept of Reinsurance not Proportional 579,059,732.52 28,318,245.03 239,185,348.27 28,867,641.49 19,879,036.93 48,709,611.63 135,377,539.00 12,982,311.00 41,236,007.44 87,494.24 24,416,497.49 General Insurance Transactions Reimbursed Claims Returned Premiums Commissions and Costs of Acquisition Premiums Ceded to Reinsurers Technical Reserves for the Period Technical Reserves from Previous Periods with Reinsurance Share of Reinsurers in Claims Salvage Administrative Expenses Premiums Paid for Concept of Reinsurance not Proportional 1,263,082,097.16 108,616,146.79 9,252,129.40 55,328,135.84 543,001,080.38 312,726,794.00 167,246,327.00 253,479.11 56,423,462.88 10,234,541.76 Reinsurance Transactions Accepted Reimbursed Benefits and Claims Administrative Expenses 159,060.38 68,828.23 90,232.15 Overall Management Activity Administrative Expenses Financial Expenses Update to the Reserves for Provisions Update to Securities and Other Assets Losses on Assets Service Expenses Other Expenses 50,800,126.48 1,778,306.06 843,971.01 37,171,389.59 3,144,115.86 19,338.06 5,637,112.64 2,205,893.26 TOTAL EXPENSES Income for the Period Profit TOTAL 1,893,101,016.54 46,945,741.89 46,945,741.89 1,940,046,758.43 19 20 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 8 SERVICE POINTS METROPOLITAN AREA • COUNTRYSIDE Metropolitan Area Oficina Principal Centro San Ignacio, Torre Kepler, Piso 1, Av. Blandín, Urb. La Castellana. Telephone: (0212) 277.7011 Barcelona - Estado Anzoátegui Av. Nueva Esparta, C.C. Nueva Esparta, Módulo 2, Piso 2, Locales 1 y 2, Sector Venecia. Telephones: (0281) 263.2666 / 7114 / 6842 / 6254 Oficina Comercial Centro San Ignacio Centro San Ignacio, Nivel Chaguaramos, Lado Oeste, Av. Blandín. Urb. La Castellana. Telephone: (0212) 277.7022 Punto Fijo - Estado Falcón Av. Pumarosa, Esq. Calle Don Bosco, Centro Comercial Wever. Telephones: (0269) 245.2025 / 0381 / 0392 Oficina Comercial Los Dos Caminos Av. Sucre de Los Dos Caminos, cruce con Segunda Transversal, Edif. Banesco Seguros, Urb. Los Dos Caminos. Telephone: (0212) 285.3311 Pampatar - Estado Nueva Esparta C.C. La Redoma, 2da. Etapa, Nivel Mezzanina, Locales 84, 85 y 86, Los Robles. Telephones: (0295) 262.3021 / 4655 / 3705 Oficina Comercial Solano, Torre Banesco III Av. Francisco Solano López, Sabana Grande. Telephone: (0212) 706.8415 San Cristóbal - Estado Táchira Av. Guayana, C.C. Paseo La Villa, Local B. Telephones: (0276) 341.9116 / 1002 / 4205 / 5321 / 2152 / 4002 Torre Las Mercedes Av. Francisco de Miranda, entre calles Cecilio Acosta y Av. Mohedano, Chacao. Telephones: (0212) 277.8511 / 8400 Puerto Ordaz - Estado Bolívar Calle El Aro, cruce con Calle Guri, Alta Vista Sur, C.C. Torre Alférez, Local 1 P.B. Telephones: (0286) 966.8111 / 8127 / 8125 / 8127 / 8023 Countryside Barinas - Estado Barinas Av. Cruz Paredes, entre Av. Sucre y Av. Marqués del Pumar, Torre Unión, Nivel Mezzanina. Telephones: (0273) 532.3177 / 2804 / 0420 Maracaibo - Estado Zulia Av. 9 con calle 78 (Dr. Portillo). Edf. Banco Industrial, Locales 14 al 17, PB. Telephones: (0261) 798.1793 / 2695, 798.2695 / 797.0591 / 2374 Maracay - Estado Aragua Av. Las Delicias, C. Empresarial Europa, Nivel PB, Locales PB y PB2. Telephones: (0243) 242.4364 / 3307 / 0482 / 5309. Urb. La Floresta, Calle Los Clubes, N˚ 10. Telephones: (0243) 242.3782 / 2135 / 1343 / 3692 Valencia - Estado Carabobo Av. Bolívar Norte entre Calle Montalbán y San José de Tarbes, Torre Unida, Piso 2. Telephones: (0241) 820.8173 / 8175 / 8056 Barquisimeto - Estado Lara Av. Lara con Av. Los Leones, C.C. Río Lama, V Etapa, Nivel Intermedio, Locales 12-14 y 15. Telephones: (0251) 254.0722 / 5322 / 267.6114 / 251.7522 Araure - Estado Portuguesa Av. 13 de Junio, entre Av. 17 y 18, Edif. Inverfica, PB., Local 2. Telephones: (0255) 664.1732 / 0879 / 2801 0-500 CONTIGO 2668446 Specialized Service Center
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