Spring 1969 - Graduation at UBC - University of British Columbia
Spring 1969 - Graduation at UBC - University of British Columbia
THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ANNUAL CONGREGATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PRESIDENT WALTER HENRY GAGE AND FOR THE CONFERRING OF DEGREES WEDNESDAY, MAY TWENTY-EIGHTH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Ex-Officio: The Chancellor The President Elected by Senate: Richard M. Bibbs, B.A.Sc. J. Stuart Keate, B.A. Donovan F. Miller, B.Com., S.M. Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council: Arthur Fouks, Q.C., B.A., LL.B. Walter C. Koerner, C.C, K.St.J., LL.D. Chairman of the Board John E. Liersch, B.A., B.A.Sc, M.F. Allan M. McGavin, CD. 1 SENATE A. D. Scott, B.Com, B.A, A.M., Ph.D. R. W. Stewart, M.Sc, Ph.D, F.R.C.S. H. V. Warren, B.A, B.A.Sc, B.Sc, D.Phil, A.I.M.M, F.G.S.A, F.R.S.C S. H. Zbarsky, B.A, M.A, Ph.D. The Chancellor. The President, Chairman. The Registrar, Secretary. The Deans: Dean of Agriculture—Michael Shaw, M.Sc, Ph.D., S.L.S., F.R.S.C. Dean of Applied Science—William M. Armstrong, B.A.Sc, P.Eng., M.C.I.M Dean of Arts—John H. Young, A.F.C., M.A., Ph.D. Dean of Commerce and Business Administration—Philip H. White, M.Sc. F R I C S Dean of Dentistry—S. Wah Leung, D.D.S., B.Sc., Ph.D. Acting Dean of Education—C. E. Smith, B.Sc., M.A., D.Paed., LL.D., F.Brit.Psych.Soc Dean of Forestry—Joseph A. F. Gardner, M.A., Ph.D., F.C.I.C. Dean of Graduate Studies—Ian McTaggart-Cowan, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C Dean of Law—George F. Curtis, Q.C., LL.B., B.A., B.C.L., LL.D., D.C.L. Dean of Medicine—John F.McCreary, M.D., F.R.C.P. Dean of Pharmacy—Bernard E. Riedel, CD., B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D., D.Biochem. Dean of Science—Vladimir J. Okulitch, M.A.Sc, Ph.D., F.G.S.A., F.P.S., F.R.S C Dean of Inter-Faculty and Student Affairs—Walter H. Gage, M.A., LL.D Dean of Women—Mrs. Helen McCrae, B.A., M.S.W. Elected by the Faculties: Agriculture: A. J. Renney, B.S.A., M.S., Ph.D. Applied Science: W. D. Finn, B.E., M.Sc, Ph.D., M. Am.Soc.C.E., M.A.S.E.E. Arts: M. W. Steinberg, M.A., Ph.D. Commerce and Business Administration: N. A. Hall, B.Com., M.B.A D B A Dentistry: G. J. Parfitt, F.D.S., R.C.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.M.D. Education: J. R. Mcintosh, B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. Forestry: J. H. G. Smith, B.S.F., M.F., Ph.D. Graduate Studies: H. P. Oberlander, B.Arch., M.C.P., Ph.D., A.R.I.B.A. A.M.T.P.I., M.R.A.I.C. Law: Kenneth M. Lysyk, B.A., LL.B., B.C.L. Medicine: W. A. Webber, M.D. Pharmacy: F. A. Morrison, M.B.E., CD., B.S.P., M.Sc, D.Pharm. Science: G. H. N. Towers, M.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S. Elected by a Joint Meeting of the Faculties: C. S. Belshaw, M.A., Ph.D. S. Black, R.S.W., D.A., A.T.D. M. Bloom, M.Sc, Ph.D. C. B. Bourne, B.A., LL.B. F. K. Bowers, M.A., Mem.I.E.E.E. S. D. Cavers, M.A.Sc, Ph.D., P.Eng., F.C.I.C J. D. Chapman, M.A, Ph.D. R. M. Clark, B.A., B.Com., A.M., Ph.D. D. H. Copp, B.A., M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S.C S. M. Friedman, B.A., M.D., CM., M.Sc, Ph.D., F.R.S.C. W. C. Gibson, B.A., M.Sc, D.Phil., M.D., CM., F.A.C.P. W. S. Hoar, B.A, M.A., Ph.D, D.Sc, F.R.S.C. W. L. Holland, M.A. D. T. Kenny, M.A, Ph.D. P. Larkin, M.A, D.Phil. C. A. McDowell, M.Sc, D.Sc, F.R.I.C, F.CI.C, F.R.S.C. I. McNairn, B.A. John M. Norris, M.A, Ph.D. G. Rosenbluth, B.A, Ph.D. 2 Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The Hon. H. Green, P C , Q.C, B.A, LL.D. J. R. Meredith, B.A, M.Ed. R. F. Sharp, B.A, D.Paed. Elected by Convocation: R. M. Bibbs, B.A.Sc D. M. Brousson, B.A.Sc. F. J. Cairnie, B.A. C. M. Campbell Jr., B.A, B.A.Sc J. Guthrie, B.A., M.A. J. S. Keate, B.A. H. L. Keenleyside, M.A, Ph.D, LL.D. S. S. Lefeaux, B.A.Sc D. F. Manders, B.A. D. F. Miller, B.Com, S.M. The Hon. Mr. Justice J. A. Macdonald, B.A. Mrs. H. J. MacKay, B.A. J. V. Rogers, B.A.Sc. Mrs. B. E. Wales, B.A. D. R. Williams, B.A, LL.B. Representatives of the Board of Management, Alumni Association of the University: D. A. Freeman, B.A. K. R. Martin, B.Com. E. D. Sutcliffe, B.A.Sc. Representatives of Affiliated Colleges: Union College of British Columbia (Theological), Vancouver, Rev. R. A. Wilson, M.A, B.D, Ph.D, D.D. The Anglican Theological College of British Columbia, Vancouver, Rev. J. Blewett, B.A, B.D. St Mark's College (Theological), Rev. E. C LeBel, C.S.B, C D , M.A, LL.D. University Librarian: B. Stuart-Stubbs, B.A, B.L.S. Representatives of the Students W. A. Ferguson Donald J. Munton Stuart A. Rush Mark C Waldman 3 THE PROCESSIONS Wednesday, May 28th PROCESSION OF GRADUATING STUDENTS Senior Marshal R. F. Osborne, B.A., B.Ed., Director of the School of Physical Education PROCESSION OF FACULTY Marshals H. D. Fisher, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Zoology E. I. Signori, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Psychology MUSICAL PROGRAMME Wednesday, May 28th, 1969 Mr. Hugh McLean, M.A., MUS.B., F.R.C.O, F.R.C.C.O., A.R.C.M., CHANCELLOR'S PROCESSION Marshals D. T. Kenny, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts J. M. Norris, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of History Honorary Organist to The University of British Columbia Concerto No. 7 in B Andante flat Andante George Frideric Handel Larghetto Bourree Pastorale PROCESSION OF DELEGATES Marshals J. R. H. Dempster, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computer Science J. K. Stager, B.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geography Ned Rorem Fugue in E minor - Franz Schubert Toccata and Fugue in G minor - - - Johann Ernst Eberlin Fantaisie Camille Saint-Saens Processional music Godfrey Ridout Recessional music Marche, op.27/2 Marcel Dupr6 CHANCELLOR'S PARTY Macebearer B. N. Moyls, MA., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Marshal R. M. Clark, B.A., B.Com., A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Director of Academic Planning Chief Usher Sheila A. Egoff, B.A., F.L.A., Associate Professor of Librarianship Usher for Mrs. Buchanan's Party P. Ford, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.Z.S., F.L.S., Associate Professor of Zoology CEREMONIES Director Malcolm F. McGregor, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C., Professor of Classics Administrative Assistant Irene Peggy Sayle Chief Marshal B. N. Moyls, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies 4 5 Programme of Ceremony Wednesday, May twenty-eighth O CANADA INVOCATION by THE REVEREND NEIL KELLY St Mark's College WELCOME TO REPRESENTATIVES OF OTHER INSTITUTIONS AND REMARKS by JOHN MURDOCH BUCHANAN O CANADA O Canada! Our Home and Native Land! True patriot-love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North, strong and free, And stand on guard, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. O Canada, glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! Chancellor INSTALLATION OF WALTER HENRY GAGE AS SIXTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PRESENTATION OF WALTER HENRY GAGE to the Chancellor by WALTER CHARLES KOERNER Chairman of the Board of Governors INSTALLATION by the Chancellor ROBING OF THE PRESIDENT by GEORGE FREDERICK CURTIS, Dean, Faculty of Law, and FRASER DOUGLAS HODGE, President, Alma Mater Society WELCOME TO THE PRESIDENT by THE HONOURABLE WALDO M. SKTLLINGS Minister of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce, Province of British Columbia WILLIAM DANIEL FINN President, Faculty Association FRASER DOUGLAS HODGE President, Alma Mater Society ALEXANDER J. FRASER for the Staff 6 7 THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS REMARKS by the President CONFERRING O F A N H O N O R A R Y D E G R E E by the Chancellor THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS DEAN COWAN Barbour, Michael McKay, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Begg, Hugh MacKemmie, M.A. (St. Andrews), by ARNOLD CANTWELL SMITH CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE by the Chancellor Bonney, Rubin, B.Eng. (McGill); B.D. (McMaster), PRESENTATION by JOHN C. W. RITCHIE President of the Graduating Class GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Education Nelson Philosophy Thesis: The Concept of Need. Boylan. Charles Robert, BA. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver English Thesis: The Social and Lyric Voices of Dorothy Livesay. England History Thesis: The Relations Between the British Treasury and the Departments of the Central Government in the Nineteenth Century. Buckland, Mrs. Jean Kirstine, B.S.N. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Education Thesis: An Institute as an Educational Experience in the Continuing Education of a Selected Population of Nurses. REMARKS Honorary President of the Graduating Class Geography Thesis: The Development of a Predictive Test for Mathematical Success. Boys Smith, Stephen Wynn, B.A. (Cantab.), by ROBERT J. ROWAN Scotland Biggs, Mrs. Marjorie Dudley, B.S. (California, Davis), United States VALEDICTORY ADDRESS by KEITH LOWES English Thesis: Factors in the Location of the Wholesale Grocery Industry in Metropolitan Vancouver. ARNOLD CANTWELL SMITH TO THE GRADUATES West Vancouver Thesis: Catch-22: Man in an Alien Society. Caldow, Douglas Kennedy, B.A. (California, Berkeley), United States Planning Thesis: An Analysis of Conservation Easements as a Means of Preserving Open Space. Chaland, Mrs. Ann, B.A. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver English Thesis: Paradox in the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Clark, Kenneth Barry, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Planning Thesis: The Formulation and Application of a Marine Recreation Planning Methodology: A Case Study of the Gulf Islands and the San Juan Islands. Cruikshank, Julia Margaret, B.A. (Toronto), Ontario Anthropology Thesis: The Role of Northern Canadian Indian Women in Social Change. Cummings, Stephen Foster, B.A. (Alabama), United States English Thesis: A Collection of Poetry. Dagg, Melvin Harold, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver English Thesis: The Beatsts Beneath the Round Table: The Role of Animals in Malory's Morte d'Arthur. Duncan, Paul Brayton, BA. (Blackburn College), Vancouver French Thesis: Honor* de Balzac et son Theatre. Duval, Claude J., B.A. (Sacramento State), United States French Thesis: Presences et Absences au Monde Chez Henri Michaud. Dyer, Sheila Josephine, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver French Thesis: Two Generations of Modern French Canadian Poets—A Study in Contrasts. Ehman, Gerard Kevan, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Richmond Psychology Thesis: The Induction of Satiety in the Rat. Fitzharris, Brian Blair, B.Sc. (Otago), New Zealand Fraser, William Donald, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Nelson Geography Education Thesis: Mental Abilities of British Columbia Indian Children. Reception in the Ballroom of the Student Union Building Freiman, Judith Ann, B.A. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Theatre Thesis: A Scent of Flowers—A Record and Analysis of a Production. 8 9 Friesen, Elaine Cornelia, B.A. (Waterloo), North Surrey Education Thesis: Usefulness of the Marianne Frostig Developmental Test of Visual Perception and the Frostig Program for the Development of Visual Perception at the First Grade Level. Fukui, June Yachiyo, B.H.E. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Planning Thesis: Activity Patterns: Their Relation to the Design of Low Income Housing. Furney, Mrs. Paulette Jacqueline, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver French Thesis: Le Mythe du Graal Chez Julien Gracq, Romancier. Ganz, Lothar Benno, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Education Thesis: An Analytical Survey of Participants in Non-Credit Liberal Arts Extension Classes. Gerard, Mrs. Sheila Gwendoline, B.A. (Manchester), England French Thesis: Amphitryon, Oedlpe et Antigone: Trois mythes portes a la scene. Glyde, Gerald Patrick, B.Sc. (Colorado State), Vancouver Economics Thesis: Demand for Labour and Unemployment: Canada's Maritime Provinces. Groenewold, Harm Jan, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Burnaby History Thesis: Duke Charles of Burgundy and the Low Countries: 1467-1477. Harris, Langdon Frank, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Mathematics Thesis: On Subgroups of Prime Power Index. Herbert, Lawrence, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Planning Thesis: Community Consequences of Rapid Transit Horsman, Mrs. Nancy Christine, B.A. (Washington), Vancouver English Thesis: A Phonological Approach to Tennyson's Maud. Howard, William James, B.A. (Brit Col.), Prince George English Thesis: John Clare and the Poetic Process. Hsu, William Chang Nang, B.A. (Western Australia), Malaysia History Thesis: Chinese Education in Malaya—One Dimension of the Problems of Malayan Nationhood. Innes, David Murray, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan Planning Thesis: University Housing: An Assessment of Current Policies and Practices at the University of British Columbia. Johnson, Mrs. Carell, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver English Thesis: The Making of Under the Volcano: An Examination of Lyrical Structure, with Reference to Textual Revisions. Juergens, Thorsten, B.A. (Brit Col.), Vancouver German Thesis: Ernst Juengers "Innere Emigration." Kerr, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Classics Thesis: The First Campaigns in Spain. Kidnie, Janet Lynn, B.A. (Toronto), Ontario Planning Thesis: The Evolution of Regional Planning and Government in the Province of Ontario. Koch, Dietrich Ewald Richard, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Manning, Edward Wesley, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Geography Thesis: The Sugar Central as an Agency for the Socio-Economlc Socio-Ecoi Development of Small Properties in the •'aflej Valley of Tehuacan Mexico, Mcintosh, John Duncan Lawrence, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Kinnaird Slavonic studies Thesis: The Russian American Company and its Trading Relations with Foreigners in Alaska Until 1839. McKinnon, Barry Benjamin, B.A. (Sir George Williams), Alberta Creative writing Thesis: Pages from a Prairie Journal. McMaster, Barrie Glenholme, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Political Science Thesis: Communications and Political Behavior in the International System: Explorations into Theory, Method, and Substance. McNeal, Wayne Caleb, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Planning Thesis: General Aviation in Canada: A Study of Its Development and Policy. Montgomery, David Alexander, BA.. (Western Ontario), Ontario Geography Thesis: The Internal Arrangement of Urban Arterial Business Districts. Moser, Douglas Steven, B.A. (Western Washington State), United States Anthropology Thesis. Social Structure in Village India with Particular Fmptumfa on the Panchayati Raj. Murby, Robert Neil, B.A. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Slavonic Studies Thesis: Canada's Siberian Policy 1918-1919. Na, Tsung Shun, B.Ed. (Taiwan Normal), Taiwan Asian studies Thesis: A Linguistic Study of P"i Pa CM Rhymes. Nichol, Mrs. Diane Sue, B.A. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Psychology Thesis: Problem Solving in Suicidal Individuals. Ohanjanian, Aram Haig, B.A. (Toronto), Vancouver Asian Studies Thesis: A Study of the Agrarian Policy of the T'ai-p'ing Tien-kuo. Parchelo, Joseph John, B.A. (Carleton), Ontario Political Science Thesis: Recruitment of the Burmese Political Elite in the Second Ne Win Regime: 1962-1967. Penz, Goetz Peter, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Economics Thesis: The Theory and Measurement of Structural Unemployment Philipchalk, Ronald Peter, B.A. (Victoria), Ontario Psychology Thesis: Response Rate as a Function of Shock-Food Association and Shock-Response Contingency. Poku, Sam, B.A. (Ghana), Ghana Planning Thesis: Integration of Publicly-Sponsored Housing Programs with the Development Plan: Cases of Ghana and Israel. Reimer, William Charles, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Sociology Thesis: A Model for Individual Choice in a Social Context. Robinson, Mrs. Frances Mary Playfair, B.A. (Brit Col.), Ful Vancouver e Arts Thesis: Humor in Japanese Art: A Survey of Humor in Japanese Art from Three Selected 200 Year Periods. Hispanic and Italian Studies (Spanish) Thesis: A Critical Edition of Luis de Avila y Zuniga's Comentario de la Guerra de Alemania. Kriese, Irma, B.A. (Alberta, Edmonton), Alberta German (Posthumously) Lamothe, Pauline Louise Marie, B.A. (Waterloo), Ontario Psychology Thesis: Semantic Generalization In French-English Bilinguals. Lee, Eugene Lieh-Jing, B.A. (Provincial Chung-Hsing), United States Planning Thesis: Metropolitan Government and Planning: A Case Study of Selected Metropolitan Areas in Canada. Maingon, Charles, B.Ed. (McGill), Quebec French Thesis: Les Primitifs et l'Oeuvre de Joris-Karl Huysmans. Rossen, Uwe Andreas, B.A. (Western Ontario), Vancouver Planning Thesis: Zoning for Comprehensively Planned Developments—A Case Study. Sabine, Francisco John, B.A. (Brit. Col.), South Burnaby English Thesis: Graham Greene's Heroes: Regeneration Through Experience. Sager, Mrs. Maureen Rose, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Slavonic Studies Thesis: The Genesis of S. N. Sergeev-Tsenskii's Preobrazhenie Rossii. San Andres, Maura Mendoza, B.S.E. (Cebu Normal); M.Ed. (Philippines), Philippines Education Thesis: The Effect of an Oral Reading Program on Reading Achievement Listening Vocabulary and Attitude Toward Reading of Grade Five Children. 10 11 Sanguinetti, Mrs. Sonja Patricia, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Andrews, Allen Robert Ernest B.A. (Brit Col.), PoHtical Science Thesis: Common Misperceptions of the Events Relating to the Rise of the Protest Movements on the Prairies. Savage, David Bicknell, BA. (McGill), North Vancouver English Thesis: Pope's Indignation. Shapiro, Harold Stephen, B.A. (C.W. Post College), United States Planning ,,,„,_ Thesis: The Impact of the Geographic Dispersal of Displaced Households in Urban Renewal Programs: Vancouver, A Case Study Simpson, Richard Lee, B.A. (Brit. Col.), North Surrey Psychology Thesis: Effects of Father Absence on Scholastic Aptitude and Achievement. Taylor, Mrs. Dorothy-Ann, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Romance Studies Thesis: A Study of the Beirut Dialect of Judeo-Spanish as Spoken by One Informant. Thorn, William Wylie, B.A. (Alberta), North Vancouver F™ Arts Thesis: The Fine Arts in Vancouver, 1886-1930: An Historical Survey. Thorvaldson, Sveinn Albert, B.A. (Manitoba), Vancouver Psychology ' Ontario Ujimoto, Koji Victor, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Salmon Arm Asian Studies and Sociology Thesis: Aspects of Modernization in Japan: The Adaptive and Transformation Processes of Late Tokugawa Society. Andstein, Mrs. Gladys Maria Hindmarch, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Saturna English ' Thesis: And So It Is: A Group of Short Stones. Anslev Clive Malcolm B.A. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Ansley, Clive Maicoim, D ^ J M I U ^ * ^ Revolution. ^ Berry, Mrs. Mabel Vivian, B.A. (Brit Col.), Deny, iwio. v **» Vancouver Cameron, Grant Ewan, B.A. (Brit. Col.), English Wilder, Mrs. Gillian Marjorie, B.Sc. (London), West Vancouver Alberta Burnaby English Camp, Lance Wallace, B.A. (Alberta), aa8Sic8 Alberta Thesis: The Sibylline Books. Coburn, Mrs. Marjorie Alice, B.A. (Brit. Col.), ' F ' Victoria j, Education Thesis: A Historical Perspective for a Literature Curriculum. ",? 1 ^ T W t o r m h l l l l l h l ,„ «,. United States Thesis: Pattern and Complexity: Psychophysical Needs as Determinants in the Visual Environment. &^ ^ M J^ Q fNation-Processing Capacity. EPp, Harold Bernard, B.AJBntCoL)^ fCbMwack ^ ^ ^ ^ Sociology Thesis: The Witness in Court: Problems of Demeanor in the Courtroom Setting. Williams, David George, B A. (Brit Col.), Education Thesis: Time! Time! Time! Eccles, Elsie Marie, B.A^tCrf.), D Vancouver d Vancouver . ^ ^ ^ . i P™. Coast Salish Indians of the Mission Reserve, Immigrant Italians and AngloSaxons of East Vancouver. Thesis: Gambling Games of the Northwest Coast Thesis: Love as an Ordering Principle in Cavalcanti, Pound and Robert Duncan. T Thesis: The Productivity of University Educators. Waterton, Eric Claude, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Westbrook, Ralph Robert, B.A. (Manitoba), g ^ proletarian Cultural M cati on " = Vancouver Dempsey, Nadine Marie, B.A. (Portland State), Anthropology Asian studies It§ R o l e m m e Thesis: The Functionally Illiterate Adult: Some Elements of an Instructional Program to Meet His Needs. Brown, Daniel John, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), ** office. ffom Urist, Sheila Norma, B.A. (McGill), Quebec *"»"* Thesis: LTJiprit Romantique dans 1'Oeuvre de Pierre-Simon Ballanche. Walker, Alexander Crawford, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Saanichton Mathematics Thesis: Homogeneity of Combinatorial Spheres. Vancouver History Thesis: Hannah More: Her Message and Her Method. English Thesis: A Critical Edition: Poems by Thomas Hoccleve in HM 744 (Formerly the Ashburnham MS), a MS in the Huntington Library, San Marino, California. ™*IL Andrews, Mrs. Margaret Winters, B.A. (Dennison), West Vancouver Thesis: Detection Threshold and Tolerance Level for Electric Shock in Psychopaths. Tremaine, William Robert, B.A. (Western Ontario), Vancouver Thesis: The Forward Party: The Pall Mall Gazette, 1865-1889. Frame, Gary Andrew, ^ ^ ^ % ^ Education v J S ^ ^ t > n n o i Anderson: ^ C d y of a Literary Rela- tionship. Thesis: A Survey of the Problem Choices of Senior High School Students. Gorman, Dublin, B.A. ( ^ ^ E ^ ^ N o ^ r i c a i n s entre Le ColoniauTelt rindependance. Wintermans, Adrienne Lucy, B.A. (St. Francis Xavier), Nova Scotia Theatre Thesis: No Trifling With Love: A Record and Analysis of a Production. Wood, Judith Mary, B A. (Cantab.), England Hispanic and Italian Studies (Spanish) Thesis: An Analysis of the Hero In the Novels of Benjamin James. Woods, Howard Bruce, B.S. (Miami), United States Linguistics Gossland Derek Maynard, B.A. (Saskatchewan), uussidiiu, i^cics. lYxajr Gourlay, Elizabeth Wastfield, B.A.; B.L.S. (McGill), •" Kitimat History Hagan, John Christian, B ^ G h a ^ a ^ G h a i ^ ^ Vancouver o£ ^ ^ A Hall William Edward, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), Theglv; THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Vancouver French North Vancouver tag, Albert B.A. (Washington), ^Vancouve^ ^ ^ ment. Thesis: A Decade of Literary Criticism in the Mlmoires Secrets of Bachaumont (1762-1771). 12 ^ ^ ^ Benevo . Education „ T . ^ t^vestigation to Determine the Effects of Teaching Elementary Logic to Tenth-Grade Geometry Students. Harpain, Franz Peter Edward, ^ J S S ^ i J l S S ^ ^ Almstrom, Mrs. Marjorie Elsie, B.A.; B.Ed. (Brit Col.), ^ Creative Writing lence in the Novels by Fielding and Sterne. nau, VYUU.UI1 cuwoiu, Thesis: Sir James Croft, 1518-1590. Planning Thesis: Set With A Certain Number: Original Poems. Thesis: A Case for the Danish Element in Northern American. Wright, Patrick Dermot, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Saskatchewan ^ ' ^ ^ Titer-Municipal Cost-Sharing for Urban Highways Improvements. 13 ^ ^ on £ £ £ £ + * Spaces. ^ ^ « ™ ^ ^ ^ ^ Joffe, Philip Hyman, B.A (Natal), South Africa English Vogel, Betty Louise, B.A. (Brit Col.), Thesis: D. H. Lawrence as a Critic of Bloomsbury. Kempo, Olga, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta French Thesis: Qu'est-ce que la Literature pour Simone de Beauvoir? Lazenby, Arthur Laurence, B.Com. (Brit Col.), Vancouver English White, Richard Kerry, B.A. (Brit Col.), North Vancouver Education Vancouver Alberta West Vancouver English Thesis: Hopkins' Inscape as Illuminated by a Consideration of the Cinqueccento Artistic Tradition and the Work of Michelangelo. Neufeldt Jerry Donald, B.A. (Brit Col.), Vancouver English Thesis: Allegory, Allegorical Interpretation, and Literary Experience: Essays in Criticism. Ornstein, Mrs. Toby Elaine, B.A. (Manitoba), England Anthropology Thesis: An Exploratory Study of Marriage Termination in Tribal Societies: Using a Role-Analysis Approach. Page, Gordon Graham, B.Sc. (Victoria), Victoria Education Thesis: A Study of Student Attitude Toward Two Contrasting Physics Laboratory Designs. Shaw, Richard Paul, B.A. (Brit Col.), West Vancouver Sociology Thesis: The Utilization and Development of Human Resource Potential in Selected Latin American Underdeveloped Economics. Skebo, Suzanne Michelle, B.A. (Toronto), Ontario History Thesis: Liberty and Authority: Civil Liberties In Toronto, 1929-1935. Smith, Mrs. Gloria Bessie Mary, B.A; BJEd. (Brit Col.), North Vancouver Education Thesis: The Contributions of Canadian Teachers in Overseas Aid Programs: A Comparative Analysis of Experience in External Aid and CUSO Programs in Nigeria and Sarawak, 1957-67. Stoddart, Kenneth Wayne, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Sociology Thesis: Drug Transactions: The Social Organization of a Deviant Activity. Stuart, Reginald Charles, B.A. (Brit Col.), Richmond History Thesis: The Role of Cavalry in the Western Theatre of the American Civil War from the Battle of Shiloh to the Tullahoma Campaign. Thorngate, Warren Bayley, B.A. (California), United States Psychology Thesis: An Analysis of Three Models Proposed to Account for Choice Behavior in Two Person Non-Zero Sum Games. Tindall, Albert Douglas, B.A. (Brit. Col.), North Surrey Psychology Thesis: Theoretical and Empirical Relationships Among Data Matrices: Difficulty Discrimination and Similarity. Tresidder, Warren David, B.A. (New South Wales), Australia Fine Arts Thesis: The Development of Landscape in Venetian Renaissance Painting 14501540, 14 Vancouver English Thesis: Touching Pitch: A Reader's Garland for Edward Dahlberg. Wilson, Edward George, B A (Victoria), Fas!Lcs, „ Victoria Thesis: The Triumph of Dynasticism in the Roman Imperial Succession from the Proclamation of Diocletian to the Death of Constantine. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC DEAN COWAN Chambers, Martin John, B.Mus. (Brit Col.), Sidney English Thesis: The Structure of Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy. Millard, Mary Janice, B.A. (Brit. Col.), . _ Theatre North Vancouver Education Thesis: An Investigation into the Use of Physical Devices in Teaching a Unit of Geometry. Matheson, Janet Mary, B.A. (Brit. Col.), , _.. Anthropology Thesis: Proxemics as an Aspect of Covert Culture — An Exploratory Study of the Spatial Dimension of Social Interaction. MacLean, Charles Fairbanks, B.P.E. (Brit. Col.), Nanaimo Whittaker, Edward Keith, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: The Effectiveness of Simple Enumeration as a Strategy for Discovery. Lind, Karin Marguerite, B.A. (Brit Col.), p^™811. Thesis: The Strategies of Waiting. A Study of Action in Samuel Beckett's Plays. Thesis: John Stuart M01 and The Subjection of Women. Leask, Isabel Campbell, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Thesis: 'Tromm und Frohlich"; The Conception of Happiness In Eichendorrrs Ahming und Gegenwart. THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Bowker, Melvyle Jesse Daniel, B.Mus. (Saskatchewan), Townsell, Frank Virgil, B.A. (Missouri), Saskatchewan United States Wicks, Mrs. Dolores, B.A. (Western Washington), United States THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK DEAN YOUNG Adler, Margaret Teresa, B J \ . (Toronto), Vancouver Anderson, John Orton, BA. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan Arce, Alice O., B.A. (Philippine Women's University), Baalim, Arthur George, B.A. (Calgary), Ballash, Alan Stephen, BA. (Alberta), Alberta Bates, Byron Nelson, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan Beatty, Morris Graham, B.A. (Victoria), B.S.W., Chemainus Bella, Leslie Frances, B.A. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Benson, Walene Carol, B A., North Vancouver Brook, Peter Barrie, BA. (McMaster), Buckley, Leslie Ralph, B A., Ontario Vancouver Vancouver Burnell, Myrtle Evelyn, BA. (Queen's), B.S.W., Campbell, Anne, B A., Langley Vancouver Campbell, Emily Ann, B A., Manitoba Vancouver Bisnar, Olivia Hilda, B.A., B.S.W., Buhner, Marie-Belle, B A., Philippines Alberta Vancouver Canning, David Lester, B.A. (Kansas), White Rock 15 Carter, Walter Benjamin Douglas, B.A., B.S.W., Vancouver Chelsom, Duncan Charles, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Clarke, Becky Lynn, B.A. (Queen's), Maerzke, Horst Kurt, B.A. (Andrews), Saskatchewan Ontario Malkin, Susan Frances, B .A., Vancouver Mason, Bert, B.A. (McMaster), Condon, William Theodore Jr., B.Sc. (Portland State College), United States Vancouver Ontario McCracken, Shirley Isabel, B.A. (Queen's), B.S.W., Vancouver Corda, Marilyn Jean, B.H.E. (Manitoba), Manitoba McLeod, Gordon Edward, B.A. (Sir George Williams), Doidge, Mary Elizabeth, B.A. (Toronto), Ontario McLeod, Roderick Alexander James, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Dron, Diana Margaret, B.A. (Victoria), B.S.W., Duerden, John Derek, B.A., Victoria Dunbar, Alexander Blair, B.A., B.S.W., Farr, John Tyrrell, B.A., B.S.W., Phelps, Marjorie H , B.A., B.S.W., Fleming, John William, B.A. (Sir George Williams), Funk, Else Annie, B.A., B.S.W., Ontario Alberta Yarrow Gibbons, Norman William, B.A., Manitoba West Vancouver Salmon Arm Hollick-Kenyon, Timothy Hugh, B.A., B.S.W., Hunt, Allen Thomas George, B.A., North Vancouver Burnaby Vancouver Suderman, Abe, B.A. (Bethel College), United States Manitoba Saskatchewan Vancouver Thomas, Wilna Gratia Audrey, B.A. (Saskatchewan), M.A. (Columbia), Vancouver Visser, Arend Jan, B.A. (Sir George Williams), Alberta Williams, Ronald Francis, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Ontario Willis, Barbara Joan, B.A., B.S.W., Hong Kong Victoria Saskatchewan Wigod, Annette Abrams, B.S. (Simmons College), M.A. (Radcliffe), Vancouver Lau, Jonathan Yuet Sam, B.A. (National Taiwan), Laverock, John Edward, B.A., Vancouver Vancouver Soules, Christine Anne, B.A. (Keele), Temple, Arthur, B.A., Johnstone, William John Robert, B.Com. (Alberta), Kovacs, Herman Ipoly, B.A., B.S.W., North Vancouver Tastad, Alice Corinne Lee, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Clearbrook Kelley, Elizabeth Anne, B.A., Vancouver Stewart, Penelope Sargent, B.A. (Queen's), Quebec Johnson, Dennis Brian, B.A. (Calgary), Sorin, David Gregory, B.A., Ontario Vancouver Seignoret, Edward David, B.A., B.S.W., New Westminster Harris, Bruce Edwin, B.A. (Western Ontario), Home, Alice Marian, B.A. (McGill), Saskatchewan Segal, Mary Alice, B.A. (Queen's), Alberta Harbord, Vivian Eleanor, B.A. (Simon Fraser), Heywood, Stephen Arthur, B.A., Victoria Rawlings, Marlene Diane, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Sadler, Frances Margaret, B.A., Goyer, Barbara Diane, B.A., B.S.W. (Manitoba), Gunter, Elizabeth Jane, B.A. (Alberta), Philion, George Arthur, B.A. (Victoria), B.S.W., Sadler, Barry Arnold, B.A. (Victoria), Vancouver Victoria Vancouver Rinne, Carolyn Margaret, B.A. (Waterloo), Vancouver Goodwin, Marjorie Elizabeth, B.A., Coquitlam Nowotniak, Edward Frank, B.A. (Victoria), Victoria Saskatchewan Vancouver Northup, Everett Leonard, B.A., Vancouver Fox, John Gary, B.A. (Gonzaga), B.S.W., Isaac, Frieda Evelyn, B.A., Murkin, Stewart David, B.A., New Westminster Alberta Vancouver Saskatchewan Alberta Young, Marion Gwenneth, B.A. (York), Ontario Vancouver Leach, Robert Gordon, B.A. (Saskatchewan), B.S.W., Lipp, Hilda Theresa, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Loeppky, Laura Corinne, B.A., B.S.W., Victoria THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATE COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Saskatchewan Odren, Roy, B.B.A. (Portland), Yukon Territories Luboff, Charlene Grace, B.A. (Saskatchewan), United States Saskatchewan Mackenzie, Thomas William, B.A. (Michigan State), B.S.W., 16 Alberta 17 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LIBRARY SCIENCE DEAN YOUNG Hopkins, Richard Leonard, B.Ed. South Burnaby Inouye, Judy, B.A. North Burnaby Kanji, Zainab Jenny, B.A. (American University of Beirut) Uganda Karpinski, Leszek Maria, M.A. (Jagiellonian) Poland Kaye, Claudia Mae, B.Mus. Vancouver Law, Jean Marianne, M.A. (Edinburgh) Vancouver Lewis, Joan Nelson, B.A. Vancouver Lewis, Susan Hathaway, B.A. (Pomona) United States Lindenbach, Eric Wallace, B.A., B.Ed. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan MacEachern, John Hugh, B.Sc. (Victoria) Victoria Mack, Lillian May, B.A. New Westminster MacMillan, Marionne Jean, B.A. Vancouver Martin, Frank, B.S.A. Cobble Hill McMillan, Carole Lynn, B.A. Richmond Metie, Anthony Albert, B.A. (Dalhousie) Nova Scotia Miller, F. Gordon, B.A. (Calgary) Alberta Money, Warren Stephen, B.Ed. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Muratoff, Helen, B.A. Vancouver Noble, Gordon David, B.Sc. Vancouver Norris, Deanna, B.A. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Osborn, Cheryl Elizabeth, B.A. (Victoria) Victoria Osborne, Martha Magdalene, B.A. (Pikeville), M.A. (Morehead State) United States Plant, John Frederick, B.A. M.A. Vancouver Porter, Beverley Katherine, B.A. (Victoria) Victoria Ranneris, Arnold Victor, B.A. Richmond Rowan, Helen Diane, B.A. (Simon Fraser) North Vancouver Sheppard, Paul Lawrence, B.A. Vancouver Slavik, Susan Ann, B.A. (Lewis and Clark) United States Sprecker, Myrna Helen, B.Ed. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Stewart, Gayle Heather, B.A. Vancouver Stirling, Margaret Elizabeth, B.Sc. Vancouver Allan, Shirley Patricia, B.A. (Saskatchewan) Manitoba Anastasiou, Joan Diane, B.A., M.A. Vancouver Arthur, Maureen Patricia, B.A. Vancouver Bainard, Carol Sandra, B.Ed. (Calgary) Alberta Bignell, Douglas Charles, B.A. Haney Bregaint, Geertje, B.A. Merritt Brodie, Nancy Eleanor, B.Sc. (Bishop's) Quebec Cannings, Elizabeth Jean, B.A. Penticton Cardin, Judith Mary, B.A. Vancouver Carrick, Sandra Maureen, B.A. (Western Washington State College) United States Carver, Jos. E., B.A. (Victoria) Victoria Cavalier, Jacqueline, B.A. (Toronto) Ontario Chambers, Wendy Rona, B.A. (Victoria), Vancouver Chapman, Elizabeth Ruth, B.A. (Winnipeg) Manitoba Corston, Christine Frances, B.A. (Dalhousie) Nova Scotia . Cuddy, Mary Louise, B.A. (Toronto) Ontario Curtis, Joanna Berry, B.A. (Victoria) Victoria de Bruijn, Joannes Erik, B.A. (Victoria) Vancouver Dorion, Geraldine Marian, B.A. Vancouver Evans, Linda, B.A. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Field, John Linwood, B.A., M.A. (Cambridge) England Fox, Herbert Stanley, B.A. (Concordia Seminary) Vancouver Freeze, Barbara Camilla, B.A. Quebec Geddes, Alexander Bruce, B.A. (Manitoba) Manitoba Ghent, Gretchen Kluter, B.Sc (Ohio State) Alberta Grabinsky, Warren Beverley Peter, B.Ed. (Saskatchewan), M.Ed. Vancouver Guthrie, Rita Jane, B.A. (Alberta) Alberta Hanbury, Paul Joseph Edgar, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Ottawa) Ontario Harding, Patricia Lynne, B.A. (Saskatchewan) Burnaby Hazlewood, Audrey Claire, B.A. Port Moody Hood, Linda June, B.A. (Manitoba) Manitoba 18 Wallace, Deborah Anne, B.Sc. (Bishop's) Ontario Warren, Patricia Mary, B.A. (Queen's) Ontario Waterton, Patricia Ann, B.A. Vancouver Wheater, Delma Joye, B.Sc. North Vancouver White, Mary Katharine, B.A. Vancouver Wiens, Paul Bernard, B.A. Vancouver Wisdom, Carol-Jean, B.A. (Manitoba) Manitoba Zimon, Katalin Elizabeth, B.A. Vancouver Stoklossa, Klaus, B.A. Coquitlam Szajbely, Elizabeth Vilma, B.A. Trail Thornton, Hazel Maude, B.A. (York) Ontario Troup, Marie Alexandra, B.A. (Carleton) Ontario Turnbull, Claire Louise, B.A. (Ottawa) Ontario Van der Gucht, Mary Jane, B A . (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Van Haitsma, Sylvia Joan, B.Sc. in Pharmacy (Alberta) Alberta THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS DEAN YOUNG ANTHROPOLOGY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Laforet, Andrea Lynne Persky, Stan Ontario United States First Class First Class ANTHROPOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Bogardus, John Arthur Brett, Allan Godwin Cochrane, Winifred Elizabeth Davis, Donald John Deas, Nancy Janet Drayton, Stephen Palmer Garrod, Stephen Edstrom Harlow, Diane Maureen Louwe, Ava Magdalena Maidstone, Peter McDermid, Cheryl Anne Price, Joan Ellen Richardson, Elizabeth Burnett Sawatsky, James Ronald Webber, Clare Louise North Wilkinson, Margaret Joan Winter, Anna Vancouver Prince Rupert Ladner Victoria Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Ladysmith Penticton Vancouver Alberta , Kitimat Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Alberta ASIAN STUDIES — HONOURS PROGRAMME Shoolbraid, Kristin Elizabeth Vancouver Wadsworth, Stafford Norman West Vancouver First Class First Class ASIAN STUDIES — MAJOR PROGRAMME Britt, Margaret Anne Hamilton, Gordon Charles Kawano, Donald Noriyuki Quan, Allan Wing Courtenay Vancouver Okanagan Centre Burnaby Savory, Judith Eve Theodora Sloan, Donald Charles Stevens, Catherine Paulette Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver CLASSICAL STUDIES — MAJOR PROGRAMME Akehurst, Mary Kathleen Cogzell, Margaret Mary Vancouver Vancouver Sayers, Ivan William 19 Vancouver CREATIVE WRITING — MAJOR PROGRAMME Ferguson, David Berkin Greenland, William Arthur Kennon, Janie Lillard, Charles Marion Vancouver Coquitlam North Vancouver Vancouver Turton, Leonard Gray Ward, Richard Charles Gordon Weintraub, Ruth Claire Ontario Trail Quebec ECONOMICS — HONOURS PROGRAMME Claydon, Frank Albert Fountain, John Andrew Graham Grauer, Frederick Lee Albert Mason, Gregory Creswell Penzer, Lyall Michael Saborio, Sylvia Maria First Class First Class First Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Richmond Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby Aldergrove Costa Rica ECONOMICS — MAJOR PROGRAMME Kelowna Aquilon, John Burpee Fort St. John Bjornson, David John Blain, Lawrance Alexander North Vancouver North Vancouver Bratner, Steen Amdi West Vancouver Brock, Timothy Britton Coquitlam Chalmers, Donald F. Prince George Chatwell, Richard James Vancouver Croll, Jeremy Scott Vancouver Duska, Susanne Aranka Vancouver Ellip, Harry Vancouver •Ellis, George Allen Vancouver Ford, Gordon James North Vancouver Geldart, Claude Alex Vancouver Hansen, Harald Vancouver Harris, Harry Maxime Vancouver Hay, John Randall Vancouver Humphries, James Phillip Richmond Hunchak, Vernon Clifford Vancouver Jacobs, Elliott Keith Manitoba Kaiser, Kenneth Lawrence Vancouver Kington, David Wallace Vancouver Klimek, Lawrence Robert Burnaby Love, Garfield Reid Wycliffe Lye, Hazel Maier, Herbert Harlan North Vancouver Main, Robert John Coquitlam McCaskill, Robert Whitney Alberta Meiklejohn, Julia Jane Cusance Victoria Peterson, Alan John Bateman Haney North Vancouver Poulus, Hendrik Vancouver Rollo, Gordon Paul Vancouver Sache, Donald Jerome Trail Sadkowski, May Helen Vancouver Sandison, Margot Lynn Vancouver Senior, Ross Laurence Vancouver Sheridan, Casey John Vancouver Sigurdson, Jon Stephen Vancouver Simpson, Verne Grant New Westminster Sinclair, Ross Allen North Vancouver Smith, Blair McLean Vancouver Smith, Robert Peter Vancouver Soon, William George Vancouver Steed, Adrian Vancouver Taylor, Richard John Vancouver Tinglin, Audley Barrington, B.Sc North Vancouver Topp, Charles Walter Vancouver Wey, Richard Herman Vancouver Young, Hugh Torrance ENGLISH — HONOURS PROGRAMME Amor, Penny Marie Balsevich, Mary Margaret Bell, Alison Jean Brown, Allan Gordon Corbett, Nancy Jean Second Class Second Class Second Class First Class First Class Vancouver Vancouver Rossland Vancouver Vancouver 20 Second Class Second Class Vancouver Easton, Tristan Richard Vancouver Elson, Myra Rodica Finemore, Margaret New Westminster Elizabeth Richmond Graf, Cherry Anne North Vancouver Henderson, Carol Solveig Vancouver Irwin, Rodney Vancouver Jantzen, Dorothy Helen Vancouver Knott, Ronald Frank Mission City Lee, Mary Audrey Vancouver Life, Allan Roy Vancouver Lin, Margaret Dung-Ning Kamloops MacKinlay, John David Vancouver Macskasy, Klara Chilliwack Minter, Brian Earl Vancouver Newbold, Heather Yvonne Vancouver Perry, Sylvia Margaret Lillooet Pritchard, Ernestine Harland Vancouver Robertson, Andrew Charles J White Rock Robinson, David Robert Burnaby Rubben, Juliette Irene Vancouver Scott, Andrew Paul Vancouver Sexton, James Penman West Vancouver Slipper, Anne Lizbeth Burnaby Stanley, Donald Hutton Vancouver Stephens, Eileen Theresa Vancouver Storey, William Rowland Vancouver Surges, Phyllis Juanita North Vancouver Tapping, Glen Craig North Vancouver Tetreault, Ronald Richard Robson Waldie, Ronald Craufurd Vancouver Wang, Charles Raymond Port Alberni Weaver, Grant Kenneth Courtenay Whitley, Raymond Kenneth Vancouver Wickens, Glen Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class First Class Second Class Second Class Second Class, Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class First Class Second Class First Class Second Class Second Class Second Class First Class First Class First Class Second Class Second Class First Class First Class Second Class Second Class First Class Second Class ENGLISH — MAJOR PROGRAMME Adams, Desmond Cipriani Allan, Jean Elizabeth Altman, Sharon Estelle Auld, Catherine Joan Aydin, Kurt Turhan Barkley, John Charles Bie, Shirley Jean Bishop, Gloria Jean Bosdet, Virginia Mae Boychuk, Bonnie Louise Boychuk, Natalie Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Alberta Vancouver West Vancouver White Rock Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Ontario Brake, Bonnie Evelyn Port Alberni Brayden, Alex James Victor Vancouver Brown, Vincent Murray Vancouver Bryce, Joyce Burt Vancouver Bygrave, Percy Clive Vancouver Calder, James Arthur Vancouver Campbell, Lawrence Sherwood Campbell, Mardie Catherine Vancouver Carlisle, Eric Bruce West Vancouver Cavendish, Alison Kaleden Charles, Patria Edith Kamloops 21 Cooke-Dallin, Bruce Richard, North Vancouver Cousins, Beverley Kathleen Vancouver Cox, David Neil Vancouver Crampton, Gordon Leslie Delta Crickmay, Lois Sharon Vancouver Curling, Kathleen Margaret-Mary Richmond Devereux, Susan Audrey Vancouver Dieno, Lesley Noreen Ladner Dillingham, Shirley Faye Richmond Evans, Catherine Nancy Courtenay Fiorito, Cristina Karen Vancouver Foweather, Vivienne Judith Ladner Fox, Gabrielle Alexandra Damienne England Fraser, Judith Gael Ontario Frerichs, Heather Mary Vancouver Gatien, Mary Lynn Kamloops Gladman, Michael Frederick Richmond Goldman, Ricki Rowena Vancouver Golightly, Bronwen Elizabeth Kelowna Gourlay, Ronalda Denise Vancouver Govan, Victoria Elizabeth Vancouver Gradin, Lawrence Peter Revelstoke Greenall, Stephen Ocean Falls Greenberg, Dene-Jo Vancouver Griffin, Elizabeth Annie Westbank Grinkus, Antony Algirdas, B.Sc. Vancouver Haberstroh, Nora Vancouver Haddock, Irene Mary Vancouver Hardie, Alison Mavis Vancouver Hellmen, Raymond Lome Cranbrook Hill, Marilyn Elsie Vancouver Hodgson, Barry Graham Vancouver Hoppus, Patricia Mary Ladysmith Hosgood, Margaret Susan South Burnaby Housser, Bruce Mackenzie Farris Vancouver Irons, Eleanor Jean Vancouver Jensen, Peter Michael Port Coquitlam Jerczynski, Joseph Walter Paul North Vancouver Johnson, Murray Clark Steveston Jones, Loryl Dawn Vancouver Jones, Peter Donald Alberta Keate, Kathryn-Jane Vancouver Kemp, Linda Joyce Vancouver Kidston, Michael Vernon Lall, Edward St. Elmo Vancouver Lam, Rita Vancouver Lawrance, William Scott North Vancouver Lendvoy, Leonard Roy Vancouver Creston Lester, Shannon Jean Saskatchewan Lewis, Thomas George Vancouver Lewison, Joyce Rosalind Richmond Lidkea, Patricia Anne Nanaimo Litch, Margaret Ann Lopianowska, Elizabeth Vancouver Helena Maria Matsqui Machell, Roy Garfield Burnaby Mackenzie-Wallace, Marguerite Trinidad Maharaj, Nirmala Vidhya Manitoba Marvin, Georgia Ruth McDonell, Allan Douglas West Vancouver McGee, Maureen Ellen Vernon McKenzie, Leigh Ann Vancouver McKeown, Thomas Wilson Vancouver Meagher, Deirdre Margaret Mary Surrey Mitchell, Ruth Marjorie Trail Mizuno, Karen Kiyomi Vancouver Mok, Rose Tsz-Yuk Vancouver Monroe, Margaret Mary Vancouver Murray, Allan Buchanan Richmond Naimark, Carol Susan Vancouver Nakamura, Tamiko Vancouver Nemrava, Jacqueline Louise Kimberley Neufeld, Dianne Lynn North Vancouver Norberg, Nicola Susan Kamloops Ohm, Vibeke Ruth Vancouver Osborne, James Stephen West Vancouver Parker, Susan Ontario Pass, John Richard Vancouver Paterson, Susan Jane Vancouver Paukert, Elizabeth Stephanie West Vancouver Peskett, Lorna Jean Burnaby Pobst, James Coquitlam Pollard, Penelope Katharine Winfield Poppell, Leslie Ellen-Marie Vancouver Porter, Lesley Joan West Vancouver Purdy, Karen Elizabeth West Vancouver Ramsay, Joan Margaret Vancouver Raphael, Barbara Louise Vancouver Redford, Ray Edward Campbell River Reed, Catherine Anne Westbank Rivers, Betty Anne Nelson Saltman, Judith Michelle Vancouver Sauder, Margaret Avril Cowichan Bay Sexton, Janice Barbara Vancouver Shapiro, Barbara Ellen Quebec 22 Sharp, Margaret Elaine Sheardown, Margaret Leigh Shepard, James Bernard Shikaze, Bernice Seiko Simmonds, Wendy Arlene Sloan, John Peter Smith, Ronald Fenwick Smith, Victoria Linda Sommer, Judith Gail Spohn, Nancy Caroline Stackhouse, Linda Noreen Stark, Carolyn Morva Still, Richard Bruce Swanson, John Donald Thompson, Paul Norman Vancouver West Vancouver Ontario Aldergrove Steveston Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Port Moody Vancouver Vancouver Thomson, Gordon Bruce Vancouver Tingey, Arthur David Adrian West Vancouver Turnell, Kerry Kay Vancouver Vaughan, Richard Charles Vancouver Von Dein, Christa Th6rese Vancouver Waber, Wolf-Dietmar Richmond Wadge, Douglas Vancouver Wallace, Jacklyn Maureen North Surrey Wark, Mary Lucinda Vancouver Westgarth, Doreen Vancouver White, George Duncan Vancouver Wiebe, Susan Juniata Grand Forks Williamson, Linda Jean Vancouver Winter, Frank Howard Vancouver FINE ARTS — MAJOR PROGRAMME Bell, Sharilyn Blake, Sibly Allan Boychuk, Gary-Conrad Cluck, Nancy Gail Culter, Patricia Lee Dobson, Elizabeth Mary Enomoto, Bruce Donald Higgs, Roberta Doraine Hopkins, June Anne Korner, Sidney Joan Vancouver Manitoba Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Duncan Vancouver North Vancouver Oliver Vancouver Dickinson, Barbara Helen Gilmaster, Linda Margaret Lambert, Arlene Rose Mackenzie, Susan Jane MacRae, Margaret Joanne Meloche, H61ene Marguerite Peter, Marie-Catherine Genevieve Tbirese North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Nanaimo Vancouver Vancouver First Class First Class Second Class First Class First Class Second Class Langley First Class Mahood, Sarah Margaret Moodie, Robert James Nolan, Ronald James A. O'Connell, Jane Ellen Scott, Heather Lynn Seidler, Lynne Anne Smith, Judith Hilary Hinton Smyth, Diana Mary Vineberg, Louise Carol Weinreich, Gary West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver Mission City West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver FRENCH — HONOURS PROGRAMME FRENCH — MAJOR PROGRAMME Carncross, Patricia Joan DeVall, Kenneth Robert Dove, Jane Christine Fallowfield, Merrily Diane Friesen, Margaret Anne Gildersleeve, Stephen Wilfrid Joseph, Meraa Lynette Kennett, Margaret Nancy Leaney, Diana June Lloyd, Grace Elizabeth McCutcheon, John Philip McDonald, Patricia Moraig Morris, Mary Elizabeth Muller, Lorraine Audrey Nordine, Ronald George North, George Alexander Pekovich, Mirja Ailikki Seaman, Diane Maureen Shewchuk, Kenneth Philip Siddall, Alice June Port Moody Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver Antigua Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver 23 Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver New Westminster North Burnaby Vancouver West Vancouver Alberta Bralorne PortAlberni GEOGRAPHY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Miller, Donna Irene Second Class Ontario GEOGRAPHY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Addison, Robyn Kathleen Barac, Frank John Birrell, Betty Blanche Bradley, Patricia Anne Burkitt, Patricia Jo Callaway, Ian Carter, John Edward Christopher, John Paul Cooper, Kenneth Charles Degan, Marisa Dick, Lucy Janette Vancouver Burnaby Ladysmith Vancouver New Westminster Vancouver Bella Coola Vancouver Vancouver Trail Vancouver Driediger, Irma Louise Handford, Barbara May Loge, Wallace Edgar Mandl, Elizabeth Patricia New Westminster Vancouver Chilliwack Vancouver Kennedy, Jacqueline Judith MacPhee, Erl Ross Douglas Rosin, Evi Stein, Robert Louis Wilson, Harold Edmund New Westminster Vancouver Vernon Vancouver Vancouver Dukowski, Cornel Joseph Hampton, Charles Meredith Hobbs, John Frederick Loewen, Agnes Loewen, Benjamin Peter Lundeen, Richard Miles McKim, Linda Francis Patterson, John Michael Price, Brian Edward Ruggles, Douglas Sterling Spooner, Robert John Arthur Vancouver Chilliwack Vancouver Clearbrook Abbotsford Dawson Creek Kami oops Vancouver Burnaby North Surrey Alberta GERMAN — MAJOR PROGRAMME Mason, Janet Elizabeth Orr, U. Newton Wood, Judith Arleen Kimberley Vancouver Port Alberni Precious, Russell William Read, Sandra Janet Robertson, George Douglas Robinson, Patricia Gail Rothstein, Harley Steven Rutherford, Robert Wilson Sasaki, Rumi Sheppard, Alan Brawn, Douglas Heath Covell, Richard Donavon Fratkin, Ronald David Jewett, Marianne Elizabeth Kerr, William Alexander Kleaman, Alice Mary Koot, John Kripps, Bonnie Louise Vancouver Rossland North Vancouver Robson Vancouver Ontario North Burnaby West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver Vancouver Haney North Surrey Vancouver Macleod, John Buchanan England McKee, William Carey North Vancouver Nijdam, Georges Oskar Hennanus Vancouver Paterson, Margaret Elizabeth Alberta Solheim, Merlin James White Rock Taylor, Ruth Lea Ontario Woo, Nancy Eugenia Vancouver ITALIAN — MAJOR PROGRAMME Vakomies, Leena Marketta West Vancouver LATIN — HONOURS PROGRAMME First Class First Class Second Class First Class First Class Emanuele, Paul Daniel Kennedy, David Alexander Vancouver Knight, Alan Raymond Osoyoos Lefroy, Mark Stephen Vancouver Lewis, Ronald Douglas White Rock Louis, Randolph Vincent Craig Vancouver MacLean, Michael John Vancouver Mahoney, Shelagh Marion Vancouver Mai, Gabriele Johanne Victoria Martin, Norman Thomas Vancouver McCuaig, Ralph Scott Vancouver McKinnon, Margaret Louise Port Alberni McLaren, Martin Bruce Vancouver M'Gonigle, Shelagh West Vancouver Mary Eileen Mission City Neale, Julian Kenneth Vancouver O'Grady, Jonathan Conn Vancouver Paton, Lome Cheatham Flather Vancouver Second Class LINGUISTICS — MAJOR PROGRAMME Brown, Dorothy Alisen Vancouver MATHEMATICS — HONOURS PROGRAMME HISTORY — MAJOR PROGRAMME 24 Siemens, Donald Ralph Sperry, Donald Lynn Turner, William Alexander Waldie, Richard Bodwell Walters, Flora Edith Dundas Westren, Susan Gail Wood, Keith Robert INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS — MAJOR PROGRAMME HISTORY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Vancouver Barak, Leonard West Vancouver Barry, Joanne Beatrice New Zealand Bates, Brian Robert Vancouver Bishop, Ann Josephine Louise Vancouver Bishop, Kathleen Patricia Vancouver Bishop, Thomas James Vancouver Brewster, Jo Ann Marie North Vancouver Carey, Lance D. Summerland Charles, Linda Kathleen Vancouver Couch, Brian Edgar Trail Dewdney, Melissa Helen Vancouver Firbank, Linda Joyce Vancouver Goepel, Richard Bruce Tremayne Courtenay Grieve, Valerie Jean Ontario Jensen, James Viggo Kinnaird Johnson, William Michael Nelson Keiran, Michael Edward Vancouver Richmond Vancouver Ontario Vancouver Penticton Vancouver Campbell River Bates, Susan Clark, Judith Aileen Port Alberni Vancouver Second Class First Class MATHEMATICS — MAJOR PROGRAMME Beattie, Wendy Lynn Hopkins, John Arthur Hornby, Ronald William Klassen, John Bernhard Kurahashi, Yoshiaki McCrindle, Deryl James McKenzie, James Beaton Muehling, Winfried Guido Nickel, David John Piccini, Vera Mary Desiree Schmidt, Helen Mary White, Sally-Ann Wood, Mary Elizabeth Zilber, Alice Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver North Surrey Kitimat Vancouver Cranbrook Richmond Vancouver Chilliwack North Vancouver PHILOSOPHY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Graham, Douglas Arthur Lopatecki, Michael John Macdonald, Nancy Alberta Summerland Vancouver First Class First Class Second Class 25 PSYCHOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME PHILOSOPHY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Bledsoe, John Kent Port Alberni Gransby, Susan Miranda Vancouver POLITICAL SCIENCE — HONOURS PROGRAMME Boyd, Brian Gordon North Vancouver Campbell, Avril Phaedra Douglas Vancouver Costain, Wilfred Douglas New Westminster Cramer, Jack Samuel Alberta Easton, Robert Anthony South Burnaby Farstad, Graham Laurence Vancouver Gibbins, Roger Vancouver M'Gonigle, Robert Michael West Vancouver Miller, Fern Audrey Rae Salmon Arm First Class First Class Second Class First Class First Class Second Class First Class Second Class First Class POLITICAL SCIENCE (INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS) — HONOURS PROGRAMME Nicol, John Stuart West Vancouver Second Class POLITICAL SCIENCE — MAJOR PROGRAMME Adler, Jerry Sheldon Vancouver Anderson, Patricia Jean West Vancouver Armstrong, John Marshall Vancouver Armstrong, Robert Edward Vancouver Burianyk, Darey Barker Vancouver England Burke, Henry Peter Desmond Vancouver Campbell, Alasdair Vancouver Carlson, Leonard Bruce Chamberlist, Eric Gothard Yukon Vancouver Cruchley, Frances Anne Shawmgan Lake Curtis, Christopher Graham Natal Dufour, Patricia Ann Vancouver Dunn, Susan Jane North Vancouver Farrell, Judith Ann Vancouver Gentles, Alan Fraser Alberta Higgs, Catherine Eleanor Duncan Hogan, Sean Michael Victoria Hooson, Barbara Janine Vancouver Hungerford, Robert Farrell Ontario Kovacsics, Miklos Peter Vancouver LeMarquand, David George Burnaby Lenoski, Joseph Gerard John New Westminster Mack, Bruce Howard Marks, Leslie Irwin Vancouver McDonald, Robert Brian New Westminster McLellan, James Lloyd North Vancouver Morton, Thomas Leon Vancouver Murdoch, Patricia Jean Prince George Nemetz, Theodore Vancouver O'Callaghan, Patrick Francis Ontario Pearce, Michael Leslie Richmond Philip, Patrick William England Pulham, Brian William Vancouver Roller, Donald Ruben Vancouver Smalley, Michael Frederick West Vancouver Gunton Vancouver Stirling, Ian James Vancouver Sturdy, Walter Ronald Vancouver Terry, John Charles Prince George Tessovitch, Kenneth Stephen Galiano Island Tweedale, A. Ross Abbotsford Van Voorst Vader, Jasper Karel Vancouver Wai, Hayne Yip Powell River Wishlaw, Ivan Robert William Vancouver Zitko, Carley Francess Airth, Laura Anita Vancouver Arnet, Martin Walter North Vancouver Avery, Margaret Anne Vancouver Batchelor, Georgina Lynn Vancouver Bramwell, William Warren Vancouver Brock, Rodger Bruce North Surrey Brottvick, Andrew Michael Vancouver Campbell, Donna Jean Powell River Camporese, Giovanni Vancouver Carey, Linda Christine Vancouver Cavers, Gordon Douglas Vancouver Chubb, Peter Vancouver Collier, Susan MacLean North Vancouver Cooper, Lynn Patricia Vancouver Crickmay, Geoffrey Gordon North Vancouver Cristall, Peter Vancouver Vancouver Cunningham, Lynne Patricia Currie, Mary Christine West Vancouver Margaret North Vancouver Davis, Edna Esther Nelson Divorski, Stanley Wayne Ocean Park Elyea, Joseph Montague Vancouver Ewonus, George Anthony Richmond Fair, Beverly Frances White Rock Fast, Shirley Anne Vancouver Flook, John Davidson Kimberley Frizzell, Maria Kendall Manitoba Gourley, Catherine Anna Alberta Hall, Helen Joan Nanaimo Hennessy, Charles Michael Burnaby Herdman, Alexander Thomas West Vancouver Hoffar, Beverley Ardis Vancouver Home-Douglas, Christopher Jr. Vancouver Hoskins, William Gary Vancouver Hutton-Potts, Reginald George West Vancouver Jervis, Daphne Doreen Vancouver Johnston, William Elsworth Judd, Michael Anthony Lance West Vancouver Vancouver Jung, Palmi Vancouver Karmel, Nathan Vancouver Kirkpatrick, Mary Isabel Kobus, Robert Charles Burnaby Korsch, Margo Joanne Vancouver Koyanagi, Larry Takahiro Vancouver Laverock, Margaret Jean North Vancouver Lewis, Patricia Irene Vancouver Livingstone, Grant Barrowman Vancouver Locklin, Ulrike Maria Vancouver Low, Roger Lee Vancouver MacKay, John Scott Vancouver Magee, Susan Elizabeth Burnaby Mate, Ferenc Vancouver McEwen, Margaret Jane Courtney Alberta McKinlay, Carol Alice West Vancouver McKinnon, Donna Marie Kamloops McTavish, Donna Jean West Vancouver Muller, Raymond Jacob Vancouver Norvell, Margaret Diane North Vancouver Ogilvie, Airlie Susan Okanagan Centre Okulitch, Peter Vladimir Vancouver Olsen, Garry Richard Vancouver Paine, Jacqueline Margaret Vancouver Palmer, Janice Vancouver Pilorusso, Filomena Powell River Prentice, Wendy Eleanor Manitoba Reimanis, Ruta Arija Vancouver Robertson, Elizabeth Margaret West Vancouver Ruskin, Can Vancouver Sabatino, Teresa Vancouver Saldov, Morris Vancouver Schultz, Elizabeth Amy Vancouver Simpson, Sheila Mary West Vancouver Sloman, Angela Carolyn Vancouver Stickwood, Dianne Elizabeth Vancouver Ternes, Willi Vancouver Walker, Robert Cecil Pennington Vancouver Whitlam, Linda Mary CultusLake Wildeman, David Edward Burnaby Wilson, Barry Leslie Ontario Wood, David John Vancouver Wootten, Susan Ellis Vancouver RELIGIOUS STUDIES — HONOURS PROGRAMME PSYCHOLOGY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Blakely, Barbara Lynn Creighton, Dianne Elizabeth Williamson, Lesley Trail Vancouver Vancouver Nichols, Joanna Ruth First Class First Class Second Class 26 Vancouver First Class ROMANCE STUDIES — HONOURS PROGRAMME Butcher, Jennifer Ann Vancouver Second Class 27 RUSSIAN — MAJOR PROGRAMME Vancouver Milosevich, Helen Nemetz, Lillian Jagna Vancouver SLAVONIC STUDIES — MAJOR PROGRAMME Polonich, Leona Adele Stooshnoff, Elizabeth Olga Vancouver Robson Suitra, Victoria Jean Thorne, Deborah Mary New Westminster West Vancouver Lee, Roberta Ann Alberta Lukin Johnston, Elizabeth Geli Vancouver Mcintosh, Gladys Ellen New Westminster Mullen, Colleen Sylvia West Vancouver Nason, Robert Herbert Brannen New Brunswick Pryce-Jones, Ellis MacGregor West Vancouver Stoney, Lana Lorraine New Westminster Watson, Jocelyne Elizabeth Belle Vancouver White, Leanne Gail Saskatchewan DOUBLE MAJOR PROGRAMME SOCIOLOGY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Kabba, Muctaru Rock Achebe Nowakowsky, Mary Ann Second Class Second Class Sierre Leone Vancouver SOCIOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Abramson, Carole Anita Vancouver Allester, Geraldine Elizabeth Duncan Block, Stephen Charles Quebec Cameron, Annabelle Elizabeth Vancouver Cameron, Colleen Margaret Catharine Wasa Chud, Gyda Meara Vancouver DeBeck, Brian Donald Kamloops Eng, Peggy Vancouver Fruman, Sheila Saskatchewan Galloway, Donald Ross Vancouver Green, Carole Lillian Vancouver Haar, Frances Marilyn Vancouver Hampton, Lynn Constance Victoria Hawkins, Gary John Vancouver Jackson, Solomon Vancouver Johnson, Lynne Frances Vancouver Jones, Richard Neville Vancouver Kaip, Lynda Marlene Ladysmith Margitan, Mary Elizabeth Creston Mate, John Joseph Vancouver Maze, Margaret Rose-Ann Vancouver Mooney, Terence Joseph Michael Burnaby Moscovich, Leslie Ann Alberta Murray, Gordon Raymond Vancouver Nestman, Michael Joseph Vancouver Newell, Claire Marion Vancouver Ormerod, Rose Mary Vancouver Ostergard, Jana Michele Burnaby Pearson, Patricia Joan Vancouver Pooley, Ian Robert East Kelowna Ratcliffe, Donald Arthur Vancouver Reid, Ralph Edward Mission City Richard, Adrien Frederic Ontario Stevens, Betty Gail Kamloops Stone, Phillip Murray Alberta Thatchuk, Margaret Ann Vancouver Voth, Lyle Rudy Clearbrook Warren, Mary Margaret Prince Edward Island Ann North Vancouver Welton, Peter Ronald Vancouver Whitman, Joyce Ellen Vancouver Wiebe, Peter Michael Clearbrook Wiens, Walter Vancouver Wong, Adrian Li-Tsing Vancouver Woosnam, Brenda Lynn Richmond Yardley, Jim Robert SPANISH — MAJOR PROGRAMME Bejar, Flaury Sloan, Mary Kathleen Vancouver Vancouver Walach, Carol Celia Vancouver THEATRE — MAJOR PROGRAMME Bartlett, Bernard John Call, John Barton Vancouver Vancouver Dallas, John Charles Bradley Davidson, Craig Holte 28 Vancouver Gabriola Island Allen, Bryan Vancouver Barnhill, Roy David Archibald Vancouver Beswick, Raymond William Vancouver Birrell, Gordon Thomas Vancouver Blaikie, Shirley Beatrice Ontario Brace, Faith Mary Ontario Caldecott, Peter John Vancouver Calder, Hunter Andrew Vancouver Craig, David Killam Vancouver Deverell, Tekla North Vancouver Drake, Ernest William Victoria Farrell, Allan Ross Powell River Fossen, Alan Ivor Abbotsford Fraser, Janet Isabel Vancouver Frederickson, John Brian Vancouver Frith, David Wayne Ladner Gill, G. P. Vancouver Grout, Noel Anthony Vancouver Hill, James Walter North Vancouver Hill, May Agnes Vancouver James, Brenda Susan Alberta Joe, Delbert Thomas Vancouver Kelgard, Daphne Sylvia Vancouver Kennett, Margaret Gertrude New Westminster Maier, Charles Robertson Vancouver Mawhinney, James Douglas Burnaby McGilp, Sylvia Judy Vancouver McLaughlin, Gordon Howard Campbell River Mhene, Augustine Silas Gosie Rhodesia Miller, Tessa-Nan North Vancouver Milliard, Elizabeth Ann Vancouver Prowse, Maureen Lillias Alberta Rendenbach, Siegmund Henry Vancouver Scholz, Christa Trail Schreiber, John Patrick Jeune Landing Collingwood Vancouver Sigmundson, Helga Hildegard Vancouver Smith, Robert Brian Vancouver Stevens, Margaret Elaine Cloverdale Stewart, Robert Leslie Geography and Zoology English and History Geography and History Psychology and Sociology Psychology and Zoology English and French Economics and Political Science Classical Studies and Philosophy English and Psychology Psychology and Sociology Classical Studies and Religious Studies English and Zoology Economics and History English and History English and History Creative Writing and English Psychology and Sociology French and Spanish English and History English and Psychology Psychology and Sociology Anthropology and Psychology Philosophy and Sociology Political Science and Psychology Economics and History English and Italian English and Philosophy English and History Geography and History English and History Anthropology and Fine Arts Psychology and Sociology Economics and Philosophy English and German Geography and Sociology Psychology and Sociology Economics and Political Science Anthropology and English Psychology and Sociology 29 Thomson, Jean Burbidge Woodsworth, Joy Patricia Vancouver Vancouver English and Geography History and Psychology THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 COMBINED HONOURS PROGRAMME Calendino, Pietro Attilio Ingre, Maurice David White, Mary Katharine Second Class in Italian and Spanish First Class in French and Spanish First Class in French and Latin Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver ANTHROPOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Vancouver Vancouver Aitken, Malcolm Neil Klassen, Mary Ruus, Laine Gisela Margareta Sellers, David Michael Vancouver Burnaby ASIAN STUDIES — MAJOR PROGRAMME Jang, Terry Fook Chun ENGLISH — MAJOR PROGRAMME Allison, Stephen Douglas Atleo, Eugene Richard Baker, Leslie Ann Barbour, Ross Patrick Baynes, Jeanette Ethelwyn Burgess, Karen Gale Chiba, June Harumi Cinnamon, John Howard Cluff, John Joseph Craig, Beverly Jean Edwards, Melville William Fanson, Charles Wesley Ferguson, Roderick Gordon Field, Elizabeth Agnes Fraser, Dorothy Claire Harkness, Nancy-Lee Harrison, Ronald Eric Jozsa, Erika Ann Juelsberg, Elizabeth West Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver West Vancouver West Vancouver Vancouver Kelowna Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver Sidney Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver Rossland West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Kaczor, Richard Walter LaCroix, Daryl Norma Main, Heather Ann McMaster, Nancy Grae Parkhill, Gloria June Peters, Robert Avery Planidin, Claudius Ivan Pullinger, Betty Joanne Quartermain, Mildred Carol Reid, Michael Alexander Romilly, Lorna Marie Scott, Brian George Shuman, Barbara Smith, Gwenyth Anne Stevens, Clare Malcolm Stewart, Jill Veronica Stewart, John Sandall Woodbury, John Woodward, Linda Jean Richmond North Vancouver Victoria Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby Vancouver Richmond Vancouver Smithers Vancouver Vancouver White Rock New Westminster Ladner Comox Ladner Cloverdale Vancouver CLASSICAL STUDIES — MAJOR PROGRAMME Patterson, Pamela Jane FINE ARTS — HONOURS PROGRAMME Vancouver Wall, Jeffrey David Vancouver Second Class CREATIVE WRITING — MA/OR PROGRAMME FINE ARTS — MAJOR PROGRAMME Payerle, George Thomas Vancouver Hedley-Smith, Kenneth Arthur PROGRAMME ECONOMICS — MAJOR M Bakke, Clifford Carl Bird, Thomas Frank Campbell, John Duncan Clark, Bruce Benjamin de Lotbiniere-Harwood, Reginald Bruce Gray, Hugh David Duncan Trail Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Whonnock Wellington Vernon Alberta 30 Vagvolgyi, Istvan Steven Vancouver FRENCH — MAJOR PROGRAMME Jones, Vernon James West Vancouver Marshall, William Craig Vancouver Miller, Richard Gerald Henry Vancouver Priestman, John George North Vancouver Runzer, James Allan Vancouver Toft, Milton Saul Vancouver Vilven, George John Comox ENGLISH — HONOURS PROGRAMME Garling, Hugh David Sherraden Harris, Margot Louise Hoogers, Evert Robert Sandwell, Cheryl Lois Sjoman, Norman Ernest Thornley, Gary Campbell Udy, Michael Trevelyn Walsh, Gerald Patrick Ontario Clark, Esther Ann Gamache, Richard Albert Kreusler, Sylvia Elmina Beryl Leatherdale, Douglas Arthur Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Michaud, Lucile Eliane Plummer, Gillian Shirley Tufts, Elva Leonora Georgena, B.Ed. Vancouver West Vancouver North Surrey GEOGRAPHY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Eyton, Geoffrey Tudor Gyuro, Joseph Steven Holm, Carl Gary Perry, Harry Brian Redekop, Harold Vancouver Vancouver Richmond Vancouver Clearbrook Rehnby, Kenneth Roberts, Allan Phillip Waddell, Rodger Jay Wilson, Bruce Thomas Vancouver Vancouver Kamloops Prince Rupert GERMAN — MAJOR PROGRAMME Doerksen, Irene Elfrieda Elias, Marlis Clearbrook Vancouver Ruebsaat, Norbert Siegfried Ruebsaat, Ursula 31 Vancouver Vancouver HISTORY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Vancouver Allard, Peter Andrew Vancouver Carstens, Barbara Ann Fraser, David Wayne Joseph North Vancouver Goldsmith, Neil Kessen Vancouver MacKenzie, Ruth Wendell Vancouver Mathisen, Peggy Anne Vancouver McCormack, James Gordon Vancouver McEachern, Laurie Kathleen Vancouver Novakowski, Grace Cristol Vancouver Page, Bruce Geoffrey Victoria Schweizer-Bowness, Bernice Maurene Victoria Smith, Clifford Douglas Botswana Vulliamy, Richard Lewis Coquitlam Wagner, Tamac Janos Vancouver Waugh, Earl John Langley Gibson, Adeline Hislop Harvey, Raymond George Hudson, Janet Louise Kingston, Frederick Alden Kotula, David John Kruse, Grant Curtis West Vancouver Vancouver Victoria Vancouver Vancouver Haney Burnaby Valemount Burnaby Vancouver North Vancouver SOCIOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Burnaby Aylen, Donald Brian Vancouver Connelly, Margaret Helen Jane Vancouver Groom, John Winston Halverson, Douglas Andrew New Westminster LATIN — MAJOR PROGRAMME Vancouver Ellis, Christina Elizabeth MacDonald, Rita Therese Mortenson, Shirley Ann Porth, Suzanne Elizabeth Rathborne, Donald Charles Willard, Sandra Ann Knight, Wayne Richard Lewis, Brian Edward McDonald, Bruce John Talbot, Bruce David Vancouver North Vancouver Burnaby Vancouver SPANISH — MAJOR PROGRAMME MATHEMATICS — MAJOR PROGRAMME Mitchell, Margaret Maureen Craig, Linda Lee THEATRE — MAJOR PROGRAMME PHILOSOPHY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Second Class First Class MacKay, Donald Harrison Vancouver MacPherson, William Garry Wayne Vancouver West Vancouver POLITICAL SCIENCE — HONOURS PROGRAMME McKinnon, Gillis David Vancouver POLITICAL SCIENCE — MAJOR PROGRAMME Bowden, David Paul Catherwood, Alan Wayne Derrick, Roy Albert Port Coquitlam Vancouver Kamloops Grant, Derek Clayton Pengelly, Larry Walter Spiess, Gerald Walter Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver PSYCHOLOGY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Livingstone, John William Yacowar, Harold Neil Second Class First Class Vancouver Vancouver PSYCHOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Vancouver Ballentine, Louise Patricia Vancouver Bismanis, Ilze Kristine Salmon Arm Blanc, Edmond Murray South West Africa Boyce, Barbara Anne Vancouver Callahan, Albert Dewan Davidson, Christopher Hamish Vancouver Davidson, Robert Wayne McCambridge Devine, Andrew Paul Donner, Linda Marilyn Dornan, Lynn Anne Gangur, Jerry Nicholas 32 Parry, Mark Peter Raines, Eugene Cary North Surrey Vancouver Rupert, Gary Blair Warren, Sarah Eleri Meyler North Vancouver Vancouver DOUBLE MAJOR PROGRAMME PHILOSOPHY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Coles, Margaret Edith Richmond Powell River Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby North Surrey Geography and German Psychology and Sociology Economics and Political Science English and Psychology Fine Arts and Mathematics English and Mathematics Anthropology and Sociology English and Psychology English and Psychology Geography and History Economics and Psychology Philosophy and Psychology Economics and Sociology Political Science and Slavonic Studies English and History English and History English and History English and History English and History English and Psychology Classical Studies and English Geography and Zoology English and History French and Geography Bartel, Leonhard Vancouver Bawtinheimer, Brian Glen Abbotsford Beardmore, Ian Mackenzie Vancouver Berry, Karen Lucille Vancouver Black, William Douglas Vancouver Buckley, Patricia Gail Vancouver Campbell, Anne Vancouver Carvell, Margery Megan Vancouver Cheney, Evalyn Mary Alberta Ciccone, Allan Thomas Vancouver Dineen, Gary Daniel Patrick Quebec Doruyter, Karel Vancouver Dowling, David Hardy Tsawwassen Dring, Wilfred Charles Hamilton Quebec Epp, Elizabeth Agatha Vancouver Erickson, Pamela Ruth Richmond Farrell, Susan Elizabeth Ontario Ferries, Kenneth William Vancouver Fisher, Janis Marja Prince Rupert Fogal, Dean Beverley Port Alberni Genis, Lily Theodora Vancouver Good, Thomas Beevor Port Alberni Guglielmin, Donna Ruth Kerrighan Ontario Hall, Ralph Donald Saanichton 33 English and Psychology Economics and Geography History and Psychology English and Geography English and French German and History Geography and Political Science Geography and History Economics and English Psychology and Theatre Geography and History History and Political Science English and Psychology English and Fine Arts French and History History and Latin Economics and French English and French Economics and Geography Political Science and Sociology Geography and Psychology Classical Studies and English Economics and Philosophy English and Political Science History and Political Science English and Psychology Geography and History Economics and Political Science Economics and English English and History Hallonquist, Virginia June Vancouver Hamilton, Owen Bradford Burnaby White Rock Hardman, James Roy West Vancouver Hawkins, Lorraine Belle Vancouver Heneghan, Mary Vancouver Hepting, Nancy Ann Vancouver Hepting, Robert Henry Vancouver Hethey, Robin Spencer Prince George Horth, Edwin Vernon Vancouver Houtman, Basil Vancouver Huffman, John Charles Vancouver Hunter, Robert James Vancouver Jones, Margot Hillas Burnaby Jones, Rowena Olivia Australia Keith, Douglas James Vancouver Kelley, Michael Barry Vancouver Kipferling, Rolf Fritz Eberhard Vedder Crossing Kosub, Alexander Elias Vancouver Lavallee, Edward Pierre Alberta Litven, Walter Sardis Loewen, Walter Herman Macdonald, Catherine Alma Vancouver Malkin, Marvin Howard Vancouver Vancouver Manning, Paul Edward Harold North Surrey McJannet, Danny Lytle West Vancouver McMillan, Jane Henderson Vancouver Milbradt, Elmer Otto Lothar Vancouver Mindell, David Allan Vancouver Moffett, Andrew James Nimsick, Marina Joan Ernst Vancouver O'Malley, Anthony New Westminster Joseph Paul White Rock Orser, Wayne Harlan North Vancouver Pearson, David Michael Ontario Pearson, Jean Margaret Vancouver Peyman, Ian Wynne Rackham, Marie Sophia Campbell River Ralston, Edith Mary Vancouver Randall, Bryson Gordon Vancouver North Vancouver Randle, Brian David Vancouver Rogers, Ian Alexander Lindsay Vancouver Rogers, Susan Jane Saunders, Darlene Bethea North Vancouver Scotland, Sandra Jane Vancouver Sheehy, Catherine Prince George Shimokura, Alan Mitsuru Vancouver Stevenson, Douglas Bruce Vancouver Geography and History English and Geography, English and History History and Sociology Philosophy and Political Science English and Geography English and History English and Philosophy Economics and English Fine Arts and Mathematics English and Psychology English and History Anthropology and Psychology English and History English and Psychology Geography and History 34 Stewart, Colin Michael West Vancouver Cunningham North Vancouver Storey, Stephen George Vancouver Syssoloff, Basil Alexander Vancouver Whetham, Robert Donald Richmond Wiebe, Daniel Milton Ontario Wiggs, Frank Ryder erman Alberta Winestock, Suzanne Adele Alderman Vancouver Witherly, David Osgoode Vancouver Wong, Alfred Psychology and Sociology Economics and History Economics and Russian English and Sociology Psychology and Sociology Economics and History International Relations and Spanish English and History Economics and Geography THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF HOME ECONOMICS DEAN YOUNG MAJOR PROGRAMME Auld, Barbara Anne Vancouver Avent, Joan Teresa Courtenay Barwell, Gerardine Leona North Vancouver Begg, Sandra Leonora Vancouver Berry, Lynda Margaret North Vancouver Boer, Noriko Jeanne Vancouver Bradley, Anne Elizabeth West Vancouver Bray, Janice Elizabeth Burnaby Brown, Beverly Jean Victoria Brown, Karen Linda Vancouver Caspersen, Charlotte Esther New Westminster Charnley, Gail Lynn West Vancouver Clark, Susan Jane Haney East, Rosemary Sandra North Surrey Enns, Margaret Erika Mission City Fitzpatrick, Pamela Margaret Vancouver Goerzen, Elfrieda Louise Abbotsford Gregorash, Carol Ann Vancouver Gustavson, Heather Airlee Vancouver Hamm, Elizabeth Hulda Vancouver Hampton, Margaret Gaye Vancouver Harrington, Amy Lynore Vancouver Hartley, Marion Doris Vancouver Harvey, Dianne Elizabeth Vancouver Holder, Patricia Lynne Quebec Holowaychuk, Susan Loraine White Rock Hurford, Margaret Louise New Westminster Jackson, Gay Marilyn West Vancouver Jessen, Joyce Anne Forrest Vancouver King, Suzanne Victoria Leith, Shirley Marion Kimberley Leitner, Judith Ann Vancouver Lore, Joyce Elizabeth Victoria Maddock, Virginia Dell Westbank Matsumoto, Rita Wakami North Vancouver McConkey, Jacqueline Helen Vancouver McCuaig, Patricia Christine Vancouver McGuire, Jane Kathryn Kamloops Milburn, Donna Joan Vancouver Millner, Frances Laura Lister Noble, Rosemary Jane Vancouver Olund, Cherilyn Faye Burnaby Penzer, Mary Lynn Langley Schorss, Angela Maria Alberta Seabrooke, Linda Ann Vancouver Sexton, Denise Christine Vancouver Sheppard, Patricia Ann Victoria Spence, Sharon Dorothy Victoria Strawson, Susan Joan Pitt Meadows Sugiyama, Alice Asako North Vancouver Thomson, Lynne Ann Vancouver Thyer, Bonita Jean Murrayville Towstyka, Patricia Shirley Vancouver Van Hecke, Joyce Shirley Richmond Wait, Barbara Beverly Nelson Webber, Beverly Lynne Vancouver Whittaker, Elizabeth Anne Nanaimo Wilson, Judith Leslie Vancouver Wong-Moon, Shirley Noreen Vancouver Yuen, Frances Mae Victoria 35 THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Finley, Dorothy May Fowler, Barbara Jane Homer, Ruth Lynn Loch, Susan Erskine Vancouver Red Rock Alberta Vancouver Lyons, Maureen Helen Marett, Julie Louise Saarinen, Debbie-Jo Wilson, Helen Marguerite Vancouver Vancouver North Surrey Langley THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC DEAN YOUNG Burns Lake Anderson, Jean Diane Vancouver Armstrong, Brian R. Kamloops Baker, Joyce Isobel Biegler, Leopold Albert Anthony, Vancouver B.A. North Vancouver Booth, Leanne Gordon Gibsons Brown, Frances Madeleine Vancouver Buch, Ingrid Pauline North Vancouver Clark, Donald Edward Duncan Colk, Alma Lorraine Mission City Dandy, Elinor Ruth Vancouver Davidson, Doreen Salmon Arm Demmon, John Randolph Vancouver Falls, Linda Dawn Campbell River Frank, Constance Patricia Frewer, Terrance Russell Hartley, Garry Marshall Hollins, Robert Frank Hudson, Jane Irene Hudson, Roy Peter Kilgren, Dorothy Hilda Kobylansky, Karl Antonio Kravinchuk, Daniel Peter Lawrence, Garry Dean Lye, Barbara Jean Mutter, John Alexander Norgard, Dennis Ralph Tompkins, William David Wallbank, Philip Dexter North Vancouver Vancouver Sardis Vancouver Vancouver Creston Vancouver Vancouver Richmond Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Alberta Port Alberni THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Coates, Walter Bacon Edie, Grace Ellen Finlay, Trudy Ann Vancouver Vancouver Agassiz Johnston, Judith Pamela Phillips, Denise Lyn 36 Merritt Vancouver SCHOLARSHIPS, MEDALS AND PRIZES Winners in this list are mainly students in the graduating classes. Awards for graduate study and awards for undergraduates will be announced later. HEADS OF THE GRADUATING CLASSES The Governor-General's Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Classes in Arts and Science, B.A. and B.Sc. degrees): Robert James Epp (Vancouver). The Wilfrid Sadler Memorial Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Agriculture, B.Sc. (Agric.) degree): E. Jane Termuende (West Vancouver). The Association of Professional Engineers Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Engineering, B.A.Sc. degree): Norman Truster (100 Mile House). The Kiwanis Club Gold Medal and Prize, $100 (Head pf the Graduating Class in Commerce, B.Com. degree): Gary K. Hewitt (Vancouver). The University Medal for Arts and Science (Head of the Graduating Class in Arts, B.A. degree): John A. G. Fountain (Vancouver). The Law Society Gold Medal and Prize, Call and Admission Fee (Head of the Graduating" Class In Law, LL.B. degree): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). ' The Hamber Gold Medal and Prize, $250 (Head of the Graduating Class in Medicine, degree of M.D.): Robert J. Duke (Vancouver). The Horner Gold Medal for Pharmacy (Head of the Graduating Class in Pharmacy), B.Sc. (Pharm.) degree): Beverly C. Henderson (New Westminster). The Helen L. Balfour Prize, $250 (Head of the Graduating Class in Nursing, B.S.N. degree): Joyce Ellen Kathleen Page (Richmond). The Canadian Institute of Forestry Medal (best all-round record in Forestry in all years of course, B.S.F. degree): R. James Pearson (Vancouver). The H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forestry, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Forestry, B.S.F. degree): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education, B.Ed. degree, Secondary Teaching field): Gloria M. Mackenzie (Vancouver). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education, B.Ed, degree, Elementary Teaching field): Colin Anthony Farrell (Vancouver). The College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Dentistry, D.M.D. degree): Robert John Clarke (Vancouver),.,.. The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Medal (outstanding student in Architecture, degree of B.Arch.): David Wayne Nichols (Vancouver). The Ruth Cameron Medal for Librarianship (Head of the Graduating Class in Librarianship, degree of B.L.S.): Anthony Albert Metie (Vancouver). The Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Physical Education and Recreation, BJP.E. degree): John H. Salmela (Vancouver). Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Home Economics, B.H.E. degree): Lynda M. Berry (North Vancouver). Special University Prizes, $50 each (Outstanding in the Graduating Class in Social Work, M.S.W. degree): Olrs.) Leslie Bella (Winnipeg) (Mrs.) Annette Wigod (Vancouver). Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Music, B.Mus. degree): Ingrid P. Buch (Vancouver). Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Rehabilitation Medicine, degree of B.S.R.): Barbara Vaughan-Parks (Quebec). AGRICULTURE The Dean Blythe Eagles Medal (good overall academic record and outstanding contributions in student or community affairs): Richard Barichello (Langley). ARCHITECTURE The Architectural Institute of British Columbia Prizes, books ($50 each): Keith Donald (Vancouver) James Robert Goodwin (Alberta). The Architectural Institute of British Columbia (Vancouver Chapter) Medal: Rodger F. Woods (Vancouver). ARTS The Ahepa Prize, $100 (outstanding in Greek): Kenneth C. Cooper (Vancouver). British Columbia Psychological Association Gold Medal (graduating with most outstanding record in Psychology): Dianne E. Creighton (Vancouver). 37 The Canadian Association of Geographers Book Prize (proficiency in geography): Richard M. Lundeen (Dawson Creek). The David Bolocan and Jean Bolocan Memorial Prize, $25 (outstanding in Psychology): Barbara L. Blakely (Trail). The English Honours Medal (outstanding student in Graduating Class, English Honours): Ronald Richard Tetreautt (North Vancouver). The English Honours Prize, $300: Ronald Richard Tetreault (North Vancouver). French Government Book Prizes (proficiency in French): M. Marie Simons (Vancouver) Barbara H. Dickinson (North Vancouver). The Italian Scholarship, $180 (proficiency in Italian): Giovanni Camporese (Vancouver). The J. H. Stewart Reid Medal in Honours History (most outstanding record): R. D. ErI MacPhee (Vancouver). Joseph A. Crumb Book Prizes (outstanding essays in money and banking and related fields): John A. G. Fountain (Vancouver) Frederick Grauer (Vancouver). National Council for Geographic Education (Citation for leading student in Geography and Education): (Mrs.) Jean B. Thomson (Vancouver). Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland (books) (Outstanding in French Language and Literature): Susan J. Mackenzie (Nanaimo). Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland (books) (Outstanding in German): Rita Mueller (Vancouver). Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland (book) (Proficiency in Italian): Leena Vakomies (West Vancouver). COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Graduating Class of 1958 Memorial Shields (outstanding in academic records, personal qualities, contributions to undergraduate activities): Dorothy Anne Dllworth Memorial—Lucille Lee (Vancouver) Sofia Lee (Vancouver) Matthew Henderson Memorial—Kenneth Bruce Hallatt (Vancouver). EDUCATION The Gilbert Tucker Memorial Prize, $25 (proficiency in the field of the French in North America): Richard A. Johnson (Vancouver). Grolier Limited Prize (books and bookcase) (Proficiency in Education): Colin Anthony Farrell (Vancouver). ENGINEERING The Amalgamated Construction Association of B.C. Graduation Prizes, $25 each (highest standing in highway engineering): Gordon L. Dunnet (West Vancouver) Tak-Wah Ma (Vancouver) Association of Professional Engineers Book Prizes ,$50 each (outstanding in report-writing ability in various branches of engineering): Metallurgy—John P. Bachlet (Ferule). Electrical—Corntliu Constantinescu (Vancouver). Mechanical—Julian Matson (Victoria). Civil—Michael H. Okun (Vancouver. Geological—Graeme R. Percy (New Westminster). Chemical—Ho Yew Wong (Vancouver). Mineral—Dick W. Zandee (Oliver). The Letson Memorial Prize, $100 plus book prize, $25 (highest standing in Mechanical Engineering): Donald L. Workman (Steveston). Merrill Prindle Book Prize in Engineering, books to value of $50 (overall record and contributions to Engineering Undergraduate Society): Dorm Aven (Vancouver). Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key) (highest standing in Chemical Engineering): Brian J. Hasan (Vancouver). The TPL Industries Ltd. Prizes (for students enrolled in C.E. 476 who submit specifications, judged to be the best, of a structure of modern engineered timber construction requiring preservative treatments): First Prize, $100—Kenneth W. Wilson (Vancouver). Second Prize, $60—Wayne A. Johnson (Burnaby). Third Prize, $30—David H. Black (Vancouver). Merit Prizes, $20 each—Allen Clyde Mitchell (Revelstoke). Jan B. Atlung (Vancouver). Ole T. Vik (Vancouver). FORESTRY Association of British Columbia Foresters Prize (Memorial to Dr. George S. Allen), $125 (best Senior Thesis): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). 38 Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Prizes in Forestry, $100 each (proficiency, harvesting option): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). Gerald Young (Powell River). Canadian Institute of Forestry Schlich Memorial Award (highest class standing in particular subject) (Forestry Text Book Prize, $35): Gary C. Johnson (West Vancouver). Commonwealth Forestry Bureau Book Prize (high standing): David N. Holmes (Mission City). H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forest Harvesting, $100 (highest standing in Forest harvesting option): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). Special University Prizes, $100 each (proficiency): R. James Pearson (Vancouver). Mark D. Godfrey (Nanaimo). HOME ECONOMICS British Columbia Dietetic Association Scholarship in Dietetics, $100 (highest standing proceeding to interneship in Canada, field of dietetics): F. Laura Mlhier (Vancouver). The Clothing and Textiles Scholarship, $100 (excellence in clothing and textiles related to marketing): E. Anne Whittaker (Nanaimo). The Lillian Mae Westcott Prize, $75 (outstanding in areas of clothing and textiles): M. Gaye Hampton (Vancouver). Singer Company of Canada Ltd. Prize (portable Singer Sewing Machine, originality and skill in field of clothing, intending to enter teaching): Anne F. Bradley (West Vancouver). LAW The Allan S. Gregory Memorial Prize (proficiency, Moot Court): David A. G. Birnie (West Vancouver), $125. Gaynor R. Smith (Surrey), $75. Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Book Prize (outstanding in three years of law course): John K. Lowes (Richmond). Canada Law Book Company Prize, books to value of $50 (high overall standing)- Robert K Bryden (Victoria). The Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation Prize, $50 (highest standing in Real Estate Transactions): David A. G. Birnie (West Vancouver). The Carswell Company Limited Prize, books to value of $35 (highest standing in Third Year): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). Faculty of Law Legal Writing Prize, $100 (best legal writing during session): Jerome B. Paradis (Vancouver). Prize in Labour Law, $100 (proficiency): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). The Thomas Francis Hurley Prize, $150 (highest in Criminology Seminar): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). University Prize (highest standing in Succession), $50: Robert K. Bryden (Victoria). University Proficiency Prize, $100: Robert K. Bryden (Victoria). UBRARIANSHIP The Alcuin Society Prize (highest standing in course History of the Book): Richard L. Hopkins (South Burnaby). The Marion Harlow Prize in Librarianship, $25 (leadership and academic or research ability in studies relating to special librarianship): Nancy E. Brodie (Quebec). The Neal Harlow Book Prizes, value $25 each: Mary L. Cuddy (Ontario). T. Gordon Miller (Alberta). MEDICINE The CIBA Company Limited Medical Prizes (six volumes of medical illustrations): Robert C. Offer (Penticton). Richard S. Muir (Vancouver). CIBA Prize in Psychiatry, $100 (outstanding in Psychiatry): Michael S. Dettman (Vancouver) The Arthur Crease Award, $300 (best thesis or graduating project in Psychiatry): Lee I Gislason (Lake Cowichan). The B.C. Oto-Opthalmological Society Prize in Opthalmology (proficiency), $125: Robert J. Duke (Vancouver). The B.C. Oto-Opthalmological Society Prize in Otolaryngology, $125: Harold T. Popma (Ontario). The C. V. Mosby Company Prizes (books, value $30 each) (excellence in field or fields of studies): Douglas Lee (Greenwood). Erwin Demiany (Vancouver). The Dean M. M. Weaver Medal (outstanding overall record): Victor F. Huckell (Vancouver). 39 The Dr A B. Schinbein Memorial Scholarship, $250 (outstanding in subject of surgery): Tne ^ ' l ^ ^ e ^ S o r ^ S c h o l a r s h i p , $200 (proficiency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology): Robert C. Offer (Penticton). The Dr. Frank Poter Patterson Memorial Scholarship, $150 (meritorious in subject of surgery) : Hugh L. N. MacKechnie (Vancouver). The Dr. Peter H. Spohn Memorial Prize, $150 (outstanding in paediatrics): Carol P. Herbert (Vancouver). , The Dr W. A. Whitelaw Scholarship, $250 (overall good academic and other qualifications): The l u M f c K ^ a S ? ^ S c h o l a r s h i p , $300 (research): Gerald W. Karr (Vancouver). The Hamber Scholarship in Medicine, $750 (proficiency, proceeding to interneship): Victor The H a n ^ H e ^ r M c I u t o s h Memorial Prize (books) (student, who in opinion of Faculty, is best qualified in every respect, to practice his profession): Randall NJairey (Vancouver). 1 1 , 6 ' S t T S ! A ^ t ^ M e r i t o r i o u s in health care research: Catherine McCallum (b) n f s ^ ^ r T M u r r a y Prize (meritorious in Public Health): Richard P. Brierly (Shawnigan Lake). The Horner Prize, $100 and Gold Medal (highest aggregate standing in the four-year course in Medicine): Robert J. Duke (Vancouver). The Ingram & Bell Limited Prize (overall qualifications to terms ofteterest, student affairs, Sideniic standing, character): William D. Robertson (Saskatchewan). Lange Medical Publications Awards (four books each for excellence in studies): Dorian V. Morris (Vancouver). Gwen Prout (Vancouver). Mead Johnson of Canada Ltd. Prize in Paediatrics, $100 (highest standing in paediatrics). Hugh L. N. MacKechnie (Vancouver). GENERAL Vancouver B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Scholarships, $125 each (graduating and continuing with graduate studies): Norman Truster (100 Mile House). A. G. Fountain (Vancouver). MacMiUan Company of Canada Prizes in Creative Writing, $100 each: Short Story—Janie Kenon (North Vancouver). Poetry—George McWhirter (Vancouver). University Essay Prize, $25: Sonia E. Puchalski (Gibson's). AWARDS BASED ON SUMMER SESSION 1968 Summer Session Association Prizes, $100 each (proficiency in graduating year - announced in January, 1969): Daniel P. Tatroff (Vancouver). Lloyd Arntzen (North Vancouver). Geraldine Bruckner (Campbell River). Robert L. Campsall (Windermere). Judith M. McGillivray (Oliver). Anne Lorraine Walsh (Williams Lake). PHARMACY Bristol Award (books) (generall overall record): Mabel Ko (Vancouver). Cunningham Prize in Pharmacy (most outstanding record in all years of course), $100. Beverly C. Henderson (New Westminster). Dean E. L. Woods Memorial Prize, $50 (most outstanding record in botti the g e o r e t i ^ and practical parts of the pharmaceutics courses in all years): Beverly C. Henderson (New Westminster). . Merck, Sharp and Dohme Awards, Books and $25 (highest standings in pharmaceutical chemistry): Wernick Schultz (Kelowna). F. Patricia Strandberg (Prince George). Parke, Davis & Company Ltd. Award (for overall record) (illustrated history): Trevor M. J. Lee (New Westminster). ™„i«„ Poulenc Gold Medal (highest standing in the pharmacology courses): Victoria Macaulay (Burnaby). SCIENCE Armstead Prize in Biology and Botany, $100 (outstanding achievement): Patrick A. Moore David ^ T i t t l e Memorial Scholarship, $100 (academic and research ability in Physics): Glen C. Forrester (Vancouver). Edgar C. Black Memorial Prize in Honours Physiology (proficiency), $50: Donald Richard Ricd (Vancouver). The Lefevre Gold Metal and Scholarship, $200 (general proficiency in chemistry): William H. Hocking (North Vancouver). The Loraine Schwartz Prize in Statistics and Probability, $80: Anthony Maurice Buckland Society of Cbemfcal Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key): Brian F. Edwards (Penticton). Vancouver Natural History Society Prize, $50 (proficiency in Botany): Linda Ley (Vancouver). SOCIAL WORK Greater Vancouver Branch, British Columbia Association of Social Workers Prizes, $50 each Academic standing and all-round professional activity and promise): (Mrs.) Leslie Bella (Winnipeg) (Mrs.) Annett Wigod (Vancouver). 40 41 THE UNIVERSITY THANKS ITS FRIENDS FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS The University owes much of its stature to private gifts. Research, special teaching projects, scholarships, prizes, and bursaries have been supported by individual benefactors, alumni, firms, foundations, and associations. Some of the major buildings on the campus, as well as a wide variety of other projects, serve as lasting testimony to the generosity of those who helped to build U.B.C. The basic support of the University is provided by fees and by the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada. The excellence of the education it offers, however, depends in part on financial assistance received from friends. Gifts have been made anonymously, directly, in memory of relatives, in honour of friends, and by bequest. Many alumni contribute annually. During the past year, benefactors donated $5,706,596.00. A record of private gifts made in the year ending March 31, 1969, will be mailed to the donors. Should you wish to receive a copy of this brochure, please write to or call the Resources Council.* The brochure shows a fascinating variety of gifts-in-kind, as well as over a thousand donations in money: portable seismograph components; an Eskimo needle case; 80 pounds of fresh blueberries; a mid-19th century house-post; a mountain-goat pelt; a gold specimen from the University of Witswatersrand, South Africa. This brochure does not include the detail of the magnificent support received from donors to the Alumni Fund and the Three Universities Capital Fund. Provincial and Federal grants, the mainstay of the University, are recorded in other publications. With twelve Faculties, seven Schools, and four Institutes, the University's needs are many and varied. Support is welcome in every area of teaching and research; and money for the assistance of students is essential. We welcome the opportunity to discuss with donors the form their support might take. No gift is too small — and none is too large. THE UNIVERSITY RESOURCES COUNCIL *Enquiries regarding the brochure, needs and gifts should be addressed to: A. T. Adams, Executive Secretary, The University Resources Council The University of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, B.C. Tel. 228-3917 42 THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ANNUAL CONGREGATION FOR THE CONFERRING OF DEGREES THURSDAY, MAY TWENTY-NINTH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Ex-Offido: The Chancellor The President Elected by Senate: Richard M. Bibbs, B.A.Sc. J. Stuart Keate, B.A. Donovan F. Miller, B.Com., S.M. Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council: Arthur Fouks, Q.C., B.A., LL.B. Walter C. Koerner, C.C., K.St.J., LL.D. Chairman of the Board John E. Liersch, B.A., B.A.Sc., M.F. Allan M. McGavin, CD. l SENATE A. D. Scott, B.Com., B.A., A.M., Ph.D. R. W. Stewart, M.Sc, Ph.D., F.R.S.C H. V. Warren, B A , B.A.Sc, B.Sc, D.Phil., A.LM.M., F.G.SA, F.R.S.C. S.H. Zbarsky, B.A., MA., Ph.D. The Chancellor. The President, Chairman. The Registrar, Secretary. The Deans Dean of Agriculture—Michael Shaw, M.Sc., Ph.D., S.L.S., F.R.S.C. Dean of Applied Science—William M. Armstrong, B.A.Sc., P.Eng., M.C.I.M. Dean of Arts—John H. Young, A.F.C., M.A., Ph.D. Dean of Commerce and Business Administration—Philip H. White, M.Sc., F.R.I.C.S. Dean of Dentistry—S. Wah Leung, D.D.S., B.Sc., Ph.D. Acting Dean of Education—C. E. Smith, B.Sc., M.A., D.Paed., LL.D., F.BritPsych.Soc Dean of Forestry—Joseph A. F. Gardner, M.A., Ph.D., F.C.I.C. Dean of Graduate Studies—Ian McTaggart-Cowan, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. Dean of Law—George F. Curtis, Q.C., LL.B., B.A., B.C.L., LL.D., D.C.L. Dean of Medicine—John F. McCreary, M.D., F.R.C.P. Dean of Pharmacy—Bernard E. Riedel, CD., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Biochem. Dean of Science—Vladimir J. Okulitch, M.A.Sc., Ph.D., F.G.S.A., F.P.S., F.R.S.C. Dean of Inter-Faculty and Student Affairs—Walter H. Gage, M A , LL.D. Dean of Women—Mrs. Helen McCrae, B.A., M.S.W. Elected by the Faculties: Agriculture: A. J. Renney, B.SA, M.S., Ph.D. Applied Science: W. D. Finn, B.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., M.Am.Soc.C.E., M.A.S.E.E. Arts: M. W. Steinberg, M.A., Ph.D. Commerce and Business Administration: N. A. Hall, B.Com., M.B.A., D.B.A. Dentistry: G. J. Parfitt, F.D.S., R.C.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.M.D. Education: J. R. Mcintosh, B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. Forestry: J. H. G. Smith, B.S.F., M.F., Ph.D. Graduate Studies: H. P. Oberlander, B.Arch., M.C.P., Ph.D., A.R.I.B.A., A.M.T.P.I., M.R.A.I.C. Law: Kenneth M. Lysyk, B.A., LL.B., B.C.L. Medicine: W. A. Webber, M.D. Pharmacy: F. A. Morrison, M.B.E., CD., B.S.P., M.Sc, D.Pharm. Science: G. H. N. Towers, M.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S. Elected by a Joint Meeting of the Faculties: C S. Belshaw, M.A., Ph.D. S. Black, R.S.W., D.A., A.T.D. M. Bloom, M.Sc, Ph.D. C B. Bourne, B.A., LL.B. F. K. Bowers, M.A., Mem.I.E.E.E. S. D. Cavers, M.A.Sc, Ph.D., P.Eng., F.C.I.C J. D. Chapman, M.A., Ph.D. R. M. Clark, B.A., B.Com., A.M., Ph.D. D. H. Copp, B A , M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. S. M. Friedman, B.A., M.D., CM., M.Sc, Ph.D., F.R.S.C. W. C Gibson, B.A., M.Sc, D.Phil., M.D., CM., F.A.C.P. W. S. Hoar, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc, F.R.S.C. W. L. Holland, M.A. D. T. Kenny, M.A., Ph.D. P. Larkin, M.A., D.Phil. C. A. McDowell, M.Sc, D.Sc, F.R.I.C, F.C.I.C, F.R.S.C I. McNairn, B.A. John M. Norris, M.A., Ph.D. G. Rosenbluth, B.A., Ph.D. 2 Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The Hon. H. Green, P.C, Q.C, BA., LL.D. J. R. Meredith, B.A., M.Ed. R. F. Sharp, B.A., D.Paed. Elected by Convocation: R. M. Bibbs, B.A.Sc D. M. Brousson, B.A.Sc. F. J. Cairnie, B.A. C. M. Campbell Jr., B.A., BA.Sc J. Guthrie, B.A., M A . J. S. Keate, B.A. H. L. Keenleyside, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D. S. S. Lefeaux, B.A.Sc D. F. Manders, B.A. D. F. Miller, B.Com., S.M. The Hon. Mr. Justice J. A. Macdonald, B.A. Mrs. H. J. MacKay, BA. J. V. Rogers, B.A.Sc Mrs. B. E. Wales, BA. D. R. Williams, BA., LL.B. Representatives of the Board of Management, Alumni Association of the University: D. A. Freeman, BA. K. R. Martin, B.Com. E. D. Sutcliffe, BA.Sc. Representatives of Affiliated Colleges: Union College of British Columbia (Theological), Vancouver, Rev. R. A. Wilson, M.A., B.D., Ph.D., D.D. The Anglican Theological College of British Columbia, Vancouver, Rev. J. Blewett, B A , B.D. St. Mark's College (Theological), Rev. E. C LeBel, C.S.B., CD., M.A., LL.D. University Librarian: B. Stuart-Stubbs, B A , B.L.S. Representatives of the Students: W. A. Ferguson Donald J. Munton Stuart A. Rush Mark C. Waldman 3 THE PROCESSIONS Thursday, May 29th PROCESSION OF GRADUATING STUDENTS Senior Marshal R. F. Osborne, B.A., B.Ed., Director of the School of Physical Education PROCESSION OF FACULTY Marshals E. I. Signori, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Psychology E. C. E. Todd, LL.B., LL.M., Professor of Law MUSICAL PROGRAMME Thursday, May 29th, 1969 Hugh McLean, M.A., MUS.B., FJLC.O., F.RX.CO., A.R.C.M., Honorary Organist to The University of British Columbia Concerto No. 7 in B Andante flat Andante George Frideric Handel Larghetto Pastorale Bourrie Ned Rorem CHANCELLOR'S PROCESSION Marshals A. Beedle, B.Com., F.C.A., Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration C. C. Gourlay, B.Com., M.Com., Professor and Assistant Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration ' Toccata and Fugue in G minor - - - - Johann Ernst Eberlin CHANCELLOR'S PARTY Macebearer B. N. Moyls, MA., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics, and Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Fantaisie Marshal C. B. Bourne, B.A., LL.B., Professor of Law Fugue in E minor Processional music Recessional music Marche, op.27/2 Franz Schubert Camille Saint-Saens . . . . - - . . . . . . . Godfrey Ridout Marcel Dupre Chief Usher Shiela A. Egoff, B.A., F.L.A., Associate Professor of Librarianship Usher for-Mrs. Buchanan's Party P. Ford, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.Z.S., F.L.S., Associate Professor of Zoology CEREMONIES Director Malcolm F. McGregor, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C., Professor of Classics Arfminidnriitg Assistant Irene Peggy Sayle Chief Marshal B. N. Moyls, M A , Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies 4 5 Programme of Ceremony Thursday, May twenty-nmth O CANADA INVOCATION by THE REVEREND C. R. PEARSON Lutheran Campus Centre ADDRESS by JOHN MURDOCH BUCHANAN Chancellor O CANADA O Canada! Our Home and Native Land! True patriot-love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North, strong and free, And stand on guard, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. O Canada, glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE by the Chancellor THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE SIR MICHAEL Wnxcox PERRIN TO THE GRADUATES by SIR MICHAEL WILLCOX PERRIN CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE by the Chancellor VALEDICTORY ADDRESS by KEITH LOWES REMARKS by ROBERT J. ROWAN Honorary President of the Graduating Class PRESENTATION by JOHN C. W. RITCHIE President of the Graduating Class GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Reception in the Ballroom of the Student Union Building 6 7 THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Curtis, Mrs. Mae Evelyn, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), DEAN COWAN Bradley, Ian Leonard, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.),; M.Ed. (Western Washington), New ealand Thesis: A Study of the Effects of a Specially Designed Listening Program in Contemporary Art Music Upon the Expressed Musical Preferences of Grade Seven Students. Hodgkinson, Christopher Edward, B.Sc. (London); M.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: Values and Perceptions in Organizations. A Study of Value Orientations and Social Inter-action Perceptions in Education Organizations. Johnson, Terry Dawson, B.Ed.; M.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: The Relationship Between Connotative Meaning and the Reading Achievement of Boys and Girls in the Second Grade. Sandvoss, Joachim, Mus.B. (Toronto); M.Ed. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver Thesis: A Study of the Musical Preferences, Interests, and Activities of Parents as Factors in Their Attitude Toward the Musical Education of Their Children. THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Fleet, Lettie Celestia, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: The Relationship of Augmented Feedback and Directed Practice in the Improvement of Typewriting Accuracy. Thompson, Mrs. Sheilah Doreen, B.A.; M.Ed. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver Kamloops Frost Mrs. Shirley Ann, B.A. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Horsman, Ormonde, B.A.; M.A. (Leeds), Jamaica Horwood, James Vincent B.A.; M.A. (Cantab.), Hunter, John Alexander, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Montalbetti, Charles Edward, B.Com. (Brit. Col.), Neumann, Gerhard Henry, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Burnaby Ban-, Robert Andrew, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Beynon, Mrs. Mary Winifred, B.A.; B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Birkenthal, Kurt Edgar, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Russell, John Samuel, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Schlosser-Moller, Peter, B.A. (Yale), Surrey Prince Rupert India Sloan, Mrs. Eleanor Gordon, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Gibsons Buckley, Mrs. Catherine Robina, B.A., B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Cawood, John Clinton, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Clark, Donald Alexander, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Quebec Vancouver Vancouver Clarke, Frederick Dale, B.A., B.Ed. (Brit Col.), Cornish, Norman Charles, B.A., B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Cox, Brian John Alfred, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Vancouver Carr, Margaret C , B.A. (Sir George Williams), Saskatchewan Vancouver New Westminster Thesis: Some Motoric Parameters of Functional Misarticulation. 8 North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Wilson, Mrs. Adeline Bell, B.A. (Saskatchewan), North Vancouver Zachri, Abdul Lathief, B.A., M.A. (Padjadjaran), Indonesia THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 North Surrey Campbell, Mrs. Audrey Lucille, B.A. (Brit Col.), Cannon, Robert Dennison, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Vancouver Wakefield, Mrs. Helen Patricia, B.A. (Manitoba), Weinstein, Mrs. Pauline, BA. (Brit. Col.), Burnaby Calhoun, Reginald Lloyd, B.A.; B.Ed. (Acadia), Kitimat Watt, Mrs. Martha Elizabeth, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Baker, Sherry Corrine, B.Ed. (Brit Col.), Vancouver North Vancouver Tobin, Ronald Terrence, B.P.E. (Brit. Col.), DEAN COWAN Burnaby Thesis: The Political Speaking of the Hon. Howard C. Green as Viewed Within the Framework of Cicero's "Five Canons of Rhetoric." Soltau, Mrs. Susan Mae, B.A. (Brit. Col.), THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION Vancouver West Vancouver McDonough, Mrs. Theresa Bernice, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Sikka, Mrs. Usha, B.A.; B.T. (Panjab), Thesis: Some Personality Characteristics of Student Teachers of Guidance. Gold River Vancouver Friesen, Roland Arthur, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Nielsen, Jorgen, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Rankine, Frederick Charles, B.Ed.; M.A. (Brit Col.), Burnaby Ellwood, Thomas Gordon, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Apted, Edward James, B.A. (Brit Col.), North Burnaby Baggoo, Kieth Raffeek, B.A. (Brit Col.), North Vancouver Ballantyne, Gordon, B.A. (Brit Col.), Prince George Barrieau, Donn MacKay, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Beck, Edwin Gilbert, B.P.E. (Brit Col.), Campbell River Bohay, Andrew, B.Sc. (Alberta), North Vancouver Burton, Leo Frederick Vincent, B.A. (Toronto), Alberta Cooper, George Ashtead, B.A. (Saskatchewan); B.Ed. (Brit Col.), Corrigan, Mrs. Doris Mabel, B.Ed. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Craig, Ethel Mary, B.A. (Brit Col.), Vancouver 9 Gibsons Dang, Joe Kum, B.P.E. (Brit Col.), Tucker, Thomas Irving, B.P.E. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Dougan, Kenneth Blois, B.A., B.Ed. (Alberta), Wainwright Jack Henry, B.Ed. (Brit Col.), Alberta Farkas, Glen Wayne Winston, B.A. (Saskatchewan); B.Ed. (Alberta), Gallacher, Desmond Bell, M.A. (Glasgow), Gamble, Leonard James, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), Harrison, David Roy, B.Ed. (Brit Col.), Whiteley, Mrs. Shawne, B.Ed.; B.Sc. (Alberta), Clearwater Saskatchewan Lamb, Mrs. Eila Maria, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), DEAN COWAN Saskatchewan New Westminster Vancouver Langley, Edmund William, B.A. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Larsen, Lawrence Danny, B.P.E. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver MacAulay, David Albert Neil, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Macdonell, John Charles, B.Ed. (Alberta), Vancouver McDowell, Michael Thomas, B.P.E. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: Saskatchewan Junior "A" Hockey and Withdrawal Rates from High School. Richmond Thesis: The Personality Characteristics of Three Groups of Athletes. North Kamloops Welch, David Eustace, B.P.E. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: The Effect of Training in Gross Motor and Fine Motor Skills on the Improvement of Reading in a Selected Group of Grade One Students. Okanagan Falls Whittaker, Sharon Anne, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Kamloops Burnaby Vancouver Thesis: Inter-Individual and Intra-Individual Variations of the Phase Plane Measurements of the Brachial Pulse Wave. North Surrey THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Kamloops Onn, Gerald Alfred, B A.; M.A. (Western Ontario), Parolin, Mrs. Winnifred Joan, B.A. (Brit Col.), Pollard, Robert Norman, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Ontario North Surrey Rollins, Keray Franklen, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Ladner Thesis: A Case Study Concerning Time-Motion in Athletics. Rizak, Eugene Donald, B.A. (Assumption); B.P.E. (McMaster), Schmunk, Clarence Donald, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Powell River Smith, Maurice Alan, B.A.; B.Ed. (Brit Col.), Richmond Thomas, Norman Raymond, B.A. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Waldie, Jean Vasey McDermott, B.P.E. (Brit Col.), Vanderhoof Kamloops Tsang, Phyllis Yuet-Ching, B.A. (National Sun Yat-Sen), Saskatchewan Thesis: Fitness-Performance of Southern British Columbia Indian Children. Vancouver 10 Ontario Thesis: The Effect of Elevation of the Legs on Recovery Time of Varsity Ice Hockey Players. Burnaby Swanton, Richard Arthur, B.S.A.; B.Ed. (Brit Col.), McCallum, Malcolm Duncan, B.P.E. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: Physical Education Programmes in the Parochial Schools of the Archdiocese of Vancouver, British Columbia, 1966-1967. Vancouver Rapanos, George Peter, B.A.; LL.B. (Brit Col.), Toews, Cornelius Bruno, B.A. (Brit Col.), Ontario Thesis: The Women's Intramural Program at the University of British Columbia: An Evaluation. Murray, Neil Henry, B.P.E. (Brit. Col.), Kamloops Neumeyer, Mrs. Susie Deliah, B.Ed.; B.A. (Brit. Col.), Jones, Brian Edgar, B.P.H.E. (Toronto). MacLean, Mrs. A. Carol, B.P.E. (Brit. Col.), Chilliwack McDonald, Neil Whitworth, A.B. (Michigan), Till, Mrs. Karen Anne, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Saskatchewan Thesis: Comparison of the Ice Skating Starting Styles Used in Ice Hockey. Alberta MacKenzie, Ian Maxwell, B.A. (Brit Col.), Debienne, Raymond Louis, B.A.; B.Ed. (Saskatchewan), Thesis: Changes in Body Fat, Physical Working Capacity and Personality of Obese Women Undergoing Training. Langford, Kenneth Glenn, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Olafson, Mrs. Nadia, B.A. (Brit Col.), Kamloops THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Kelowna Norman-Martin, Charles Gerald Maurice, Zacharias, Raymond Gordon, B.A. (Brit Col.), Coquitlam Hewitt Robert Alan, B.A., B.Ed. (Saskatchewan), Mowbray, Victor Lome, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Alberta Ladner Chilliwack Port McNeill Morris, James Claire, B.A. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Vancouver Wiebe, Merino Martin, B.A. (Brit Col.), Hayhurst John Douglas, B.Ed. (Brit Col.), Hopper, Charles, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Alberta Watson, William Elton, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), Duncan Grabinsky, Warren Beverley Peter, B.Ed. (Saskatchewan), Halladay, Philip Edwin, B.Ed. (Brit Col.), Victoria Hong Kong 11 THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEAN COWAN Ranta, James Lawrence, B.S.A.; M.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Rennie, Charles Peter, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Abbott, George Henry, B.Com. (Saskatchewan), Vancouver Allsopp, Harold Robert, B.Com. (Saskatchewan), Ontario Spencer-Johnson, B.A.; M.A. (Dublin), Alberta Turner, Thomas Sydney, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Watt, Norman Dennis, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ontario Thesis: A Program Budget Model for Selected School Programs in the Province of Ontario. Vancouver Thesis: International Banking Activities of Canadian and American Banks: Experience and Prospects. Scotland Thesis: Husband and Wife Interaction in House Buying. Fitch, John Woodruff, B.Sc. (New Brunswick), United States Fromson, Douglas Arthur, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: Management of Large Capital Projects. Gamey, Ronald Kenneth, B.A. (Victoria), Victoria Gray, John Sinclair, B.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Richmond Thesis. The Role of Secrecy in Meeting Business Competition. Husband, Bryan Eric, B.Com.; B.L.S. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Thesis: Adoption and Diffusion Research in Marketing. Ontario Thesis: The Public Interest in Collective Bargaining: An Analysis of the Changing Role of the Government Kidston, Hew Keith, B-A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Japan Thesis: Japanese Business Organization—Through Mentality Perspective. Freybe, Henning Carl Albert, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: A Study of the Precision Gases Market in British Columbia. Lo, Vincent Wing-Sun, B.Com. (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Tanzania Vancouver Thesis: An Analysis of Freight Transportation in the Yukon Economy. Hong Kong Ontario Thesis: The Economic Evaluation of Public Investment in Transportation in Underdeveloped Countries. Hill, Sidney Ronald, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: A Study of the Daily Price Changes of Selected Stocks Listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Holloway, James Benjamin, B.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Thesis: A Critical Evaluation of the Role of the Cost of Capital as a RiskAdjusted Discount Rate in the Economic Analysis of Capital Investments. Little, Paul Frederick, B.A. (Toronto), Malaysia Jelking, Robert Paul, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Yamashita, Hideo, B.A. (Rikkyo), Griffiths, William Henry, B.Com. (Manitoba), Thesis: The Character and Pervasiveness of Transport Competition in the Movement of Commodities from Greater Vancouver Origins to British Columbia Destinations. Huang, Hua Chai, B.A. (Malaya), Winter, Gordon Thomas O'Hagan, B.Sc. (Oregon), Thesis: Effective Competition and Corporate Disclosure: A Critical Study. Thesis: Regional Effects of Canadian Protectionism and Its Influence on the Relative Trade Positions of British Columbia and Eastern Canada. Hoggard, Leslie Cline, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Devji, Razahussein Mohamedhussein Merali, B.Sc. (London), Thesis: Long Range Forecasting of Domestic and International Boarding Passengers at Canadian Airports by Multiple Regression Analysis. Vancouver Vancouver Williams, Brian Duncan Charles, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Thesis: Common Ownership in Transportation. George, Phillip Ashley, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: An Analysis of Base Wage Rates for Select Bargaining Units in British Columbia. Ontario Brandwood, Colin, B.Com. (Sir George Williams), Egan, Michael Bernard, B.A. (Glasgow), Abbotsford Thesis: The Demand for British Columbia Kraft Pulp. Beagle, Gary Jay, B.Com. (Sir George Williams), Bruce, Barry Douglas, B.Com. (Brit. Col.), Alberta Thesis: Decision Making and the Brewing Industry. Suderman, Henry Leonard, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Trail Braaten, Peter Alfred, B.A. (Western Ontario), Vancouver Thesis: The Application of Linear Programming to Forest Products Planning. Thesis: Total Management Information System Concept Barnes, Gary Richard, B.S.F. (Brit. Col.), Langley Sitter, Robert Morris, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: A Profile of British Columbia Sales Managers. Vancouver Thesis: The Derivation of an Economic Shipping Weight for Beef Cattle. Ontario Thesis: The Problem of Measuring a Fair Rate of Return in Regulated Industry with Special Reference to the Motor Carrier Industry. McMullan, Wallace Edward, B.A. (Brit Col.), North Vancouver Thesis: Port Administration Structures (A Study Relating the Characteristics of Proficiency and Autonomy in Ports). Mitchell, David Hoadley, B.A. (Queen's), Alberta Thesis: Retail Price Competition in Canadian Whole Life Insurance Muller, David Walter, B.Ed. (Brit Col.), Kamloops Thesis: Corporate Liquid Assets: Theory and Practice. Ney, Hugh John Daniel Wallingford, B.A.Sc.; M.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), Thesis: Operations Research for Small Business. Lockhart, David Culton, B.Com. (Brit. Col.), Burnaby Thesis: Sales, Advertising and Distance—A Regression Analysis. McAdam, James Clifton, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Richmond McGuire, Brian Michael, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan Ng, Kim Seah, B.E. (Malaya), Malaysia Thesis: The Relevance of Game Theory in its Application to Decision Making in Competitive Business Situations. Nolet, J. Gilles, BA.Sc. (Laval), Quebec Thesis: Agreed Charges. Thesis: Interviews and Psychological Tests—Their Values as Selection Devices. 12 Vancouver 13 Nye, David James, B.Com. (Brit Col.), West Vancouver Thesis: Relative Value Analysis. Parchomchuk, William, B.S.F. (Brit Col.), Vernon Scrivener, David Lionel, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), West Vancouver Thesis: Truck, Rail and Water Transport of Raw Wood in the British Columbia Forest Industry. Thesis: The Income Elasticity of Demand for Cash Balances in Canadian Industry: An Empirical Investigation. Seek, Hong-Chee, B.Sc. (Singapore), Malaysia Thesis: Performance as a Function of Ability, Motivation and Emotion. Shand, Eden Arthur, B.Sc. (Aberdeen), West Indies Thesis: The Development of the Japanese Market for Pacific Northwest Lumber: A Historical Survey. Smith, Margaret Aileen, B.Com. (Queen's), Ontario Thesis: The Evaluation of Alternative Airport Plans. Smith, Patrick John, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: An Investigation of Gordon's Common Stock Valuation Model. Spence, John David, B.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), West Vancouver Thesis: An Analysis of the Cost of Capital Hypotheses. Thong, Gregory Tin Sin, B.Eng. (Malaya), Malaysia Thesis: Level of Automation in Industry and the Propensity to Strike in Certain Industries in the United States. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS DEAN COWAN Bhavnani, Narain, B.A.; M.A.; LL.B. (Sind), Pakistant Thesis: Sexual Offences in Canada. Chen, Charng Ven, B.A. (Law) (National Taiwan), Taiwan Thesis: The Problems of Micro-States in International Law. THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (SECONDARY) ACTING DEAN SMITH Brunelle, Claude Bernard Cloverdale Buhr, John Clinton Vancouver Burns, Susan Patricia West Vancouver Cart, Nan Louise Vancouver Chang, Richard L. Vancouver Chapman, Michael Spencer Courtenay Chappell, June Penelope Vancouver Chiba, Susumu Richmond Clayton, Robert Burnaby Colclough, Gordon Stanley Vancouver Cole, Patricia Dorothy North Vancouver Colton, Ann Louise North Vancouver Cooper, Frederick Marshall Vancouver Corker, Evelyn Anne Port Alberni Addie, Catherine Alice North Vancouver Allan, Elizabeth Jane Burnaby Armstrong, Robert Bruce West Vancouver New Westminster Arnold, Uta Allers Kimberley Barrie, Barbara Joyce Bartel, Gerd Henry Agassiz Vancouver Bauming, Delmont Friedrich Bock, Dennis Wilfred Chilliwack Vancouver Bondoreff, Gloria Anne Vancouver Bonnett, Rebecca Nora Vancouver Botnen, Dwight Ronald Vancouver Broadley, Robert Ian Brosseuk, Nancy Anne Naramata Powell River Brown, William Dewiss 14 Davie, Frances Jermaine Deboni, Irene Margaret DeJong, Laura Ellen Kristin de Wit, Antonius Leonardus Carel Dutka, Patricia Ellen Eakin, Magdalena Ebbeson, Dennis Aksel Eliason, Frank William Elliott, Gordon Kenneth Embree, Ronald Mark Erickson, Steven William Fisher, Robert Leonard Fornelli, Richard James Fry, Marlene Yvonne Gear, Barry James Geary, Lome Michael Gerow, David Hall Gilchrist, Robert Hugh Gilpin, Allan Gordon Goss, Brian Walter Gottschau, Wayne Paul Grant, Bruce Lawrence Harrison, Edward Butler Hay, Gordon Angus Heffernan, Susan Margaret Hetherington, Joanne Lynne Heyman, Jannette Lydia Hoodicoff, Peter Hunter, David Wallace Hutson, Barbara Elizabeth Inrig, Richard Dale Joe, Ronald Way Hon Karlsen, Elizabeth Hazel Kawamoto, Amy Emiko Kelly, Daryl Robert Klassen, Shirley Marie Koretchuk, Tom Peter Kromhout, Bernard Jerome Kruchek, Jane Baird Kurz, Monika Renata Lambert, Robert Graham Law, Patricia Lees, Jean Louise Leeworthy, Audrey Elizabeth Lieb, Roberta Ann Long, Gwen Lillian Lorentsen, Louise Agnes Vancouver Lothrop, Eileen Norma Lake Cowichan Loutet, Margaret Anne Vancouver Mackenzie, Gloria Mary North Surrey MacKinnon, Roderick Neil Vancouver Madsen, Ann Margaret Vancouver Mah, Mary Puey-Ling Prince Rupert Man, William Kim Naen Vancouver Mann, Lome Arthur Richmond Martin, David John Vancouver Martin, Peter Vancouver McBay, Bruce Purves Victoria McCormick, Donald Buraham Vancouver McDonagh, Maureen Elizabeth Kimberley McLean, Robert Leslie Vancouver McLellan, Patricia Elaine Vancouver McLeod, David James Fort Langley Medd, George Byron Vancouver Morris, Peter David Jr. Vancouver Morris, Wayne David Milner Mufford, Patricia Millicent Richmond Mukai, Sadao Donald West Vancouver Murray, Robert Vemon Mission City Olund, Gerald William Burnaby Paisley, Brian James Courtenay Pearse, Beverly Ruth Kelowna Pedersen, Ernest Niels Dawson Creek Peel, David Richard North Vancouver Perkins, Raymond Francis Prince Rupert Pick, Barbara Carol Saskatchewan Pilsner, John Ralph Bums Lake Powers, Heather Ann Vancouver Preddy, Andrew Leonard Vancouver Purvis, Kenneth Gordon Read, Kathlyn Margot West Vancouver Read, Mary Arvilla North Vancouver Rebman, John Lawrence Vancouver Rector, Barry Barton Vancouver Reynolds, Kenneth Frederick Vancouver Roth, Garry Bernard Richmond Sanderson, Amy Celia Cobble Hill' Sellars, Linda May Hayes North Vancouver Shields, Campbell Michael Vancouver Sims, Paul MacFarlane Kimberley Smaltz, Alvin Louis Vancouver Stewart, Terry Kathleen Kamloops Stoddart, Susan Mona Vancouver Tarbuck, Daphne Norma Vancouver Taylor, Dorothy Joan Vancouver White Rock Dawson Creek North Vancouver North Vancouver Vancouver North Surrey Langley Richmond New Westminster Summerland Vancouver Quesnel Castlegar Vancouver Port Alberni Vancouver Vancouver New Westminster Burnaby New Westminster Burnaby Coquitlam Vancouver North Vancouver Vancouver North Vancouver Mission North Surrey Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby Vancouver Langley South Burnaby Vancouver New Westminster Creston North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Ladner Squamish Burnaby McBride Sardis 15 Wells, Nancy Vera Whyard, Darken Evelyn Williams, Edward Lowell Wong, Amelia Mil-Gen Wong, Carol Janice Woodman, Janice Lynne Wyse, Charles Richard Yip, Preston Thomas, Richard James Bassett Vancouver Port Coquitlam Timtiman, Gordon Grant Rhodesia Tsikayi, Francis Zengeya Turner, Alexander John Harrison Hot Springs Vancouver Valentin, Mary Alice CultusLake Vannatter, Donald Scott South Burnaby Wagar, Robert Bruce Vancouver Wannop, Sylvia Marie North Vancouver Wehrs, Greta Gesine Terrace North Surrey Burnaby Vancouver Manitoba Vancouver Kamloops Vancouver THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Hannah, Glenn Sinclair North Vancouver Hargreaves, Barbara Ann Vancouver Hart, Keith Milton Vancouver Hecker, Kenneth Glen Vancouver Holland, Leonard Leigh Victoria Hughes, Lynda Caroline Clearwater Huish, Ronald Arthur Richmond Hunter, Gordon Wayne Vancouver Hynek, George Kenneth Vancouver Jones, Marjorie Helen Port Moody King, Donald Wayne Burns Lake Knippelberg, Rudolf Oliver Kozak, Edward Michael Vancouver Kuiperi, Henry Gerald Theodore Vancouver LeGear, Lome Lyle Richmond Leukov, Serge John West Grand Forks Lewis, Robert William Vancouver Logan, Fay Francis Campbell River Logie, Raymond Thomas Chilliwack Maeland, Jan Magnus Kamloops Martin, Norman Bryan Vancouver McCall, Robert Carl Salmon Arm Mclnally, George Inglis Chilliwack McLeod, Robert MacKenzie Okanagan Falls McNamara, Maureen Anne Vancouver McRae, William Kenneth Kimberley Mentis, Evangelos Vancouver Merritt, Joan Agnes North Surrey Miller, Joseph William Burnaby Minato, Kathleen Yukiko Burnaby Mitchell, Angus Ewing Vancouver Moran, Reginald Frederick Vancouver Morrison, Thomas Alexander Haney Mullan, Thomas Michael Vancouver Murray, Barbara Anne Osoyoos Murray, Janice Lynn Vancouver Murray, Norman Brian Grand Forks Andrew, Douglas Fredrick Vancouver Baldwin, William Herbert Cloverdale Bauman, Arnold Kenneth North Surrey Bavis, James Edward Murray Vancouver Beguin, George Fred Richmond Berndl, Hartwig Courtenay Blount, Robert George Desmond Vancouver Boag, Brian Geoffrey Vancouver Caldow, George David Vancouver Callender, Graham Fort St. John Carey, Nora Agnes Victoria Carter, Stephen Anthony Vancouver Chisholm, Thomas Douglas Vancouver Collins, Edward Arthur Burnaby Cook, Owen Gladstone Burnaby Corbett, Walter Kerry New Westminster Cormier, Ernest Gene Vancouver Cuthill, Lance Owen Cranbrook Davies, Ivor William West Vancouver Dixon, William Anthony North Surrey Domai, Lois Sylvia Vancouver Dovell, Alva Marion Marysville Easy, Paul Clifford Vancouver Edwardson, Eric Arthur Vancouver Eldstrom, Lloyd Allan New Westminster Faulks, Lynda Beatrice Victoria Ferguson, Alfred Aubrey Vancouver Fisher, John Edward Vancouver Fraser, Angus Hardy Richmond Gaskell, Ronald Trail Gibbs, Gordon Francis West Vancouver Goble, Lawrence Edward North Vancouver Gower, Ronald George Alan Vancouver Grieve, Kenneth George Courtenay Hack, Faye Irma McBride Hale, Richard Percy Cranbrook Hallisey, Irene Vivian Kelowna 16 Nann, Dennis Neufeld, Elvin Kurt Neuman, Andrew Noble, Bruce James Norman, Raymond Olfert, Jacob Palfreyman, Barrie Jerome Picketti, John Roy Poole, Ellen Kathleen Pulley, Annamaria Vilma Raison, Kenneth Jack Rand, Walter Edward Reid, James Dennis Rogers, John Graham Rolston, Peter William Rooney, George David Sayer, Wayne Thomas Shulhan, Ronald David Qualicum Beach Simpson, James Arthur Whonock Smith, Kenneth Ross West Vancouver Smith, Richard Lea North Surrey Springnatic, Rudolph Vancouver Stravrakov, Marion Vancouver Stephens, George Thomas Vancouver Sterling, Kenneth Richard Victoria Stevens, Donald Francis Gerald Syer, Robert Marven Penticton Taylor, Ralph Dennis New Westminster Thomas, Jack Howard White Rock Thompson, Brian Ernest North Surrey Turner, Thomas John New Westminster Wapple, Joseph Patrick Nelson Webber, Victor Albert White Rock Wilson, David Camden North Vancouver Woodrow, Larri Hugh Burnaby Woolsey, Frances Joan Vancouver Burnaby Quesnel North Vancouver Penticton Port Hardy Aldergrove North Surrey Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Victoria Port Moody North Vancouver Ladner Port Coquitlam THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (ELEMENTARY) ACTING DEAN SMITH Chilliwack Ackerman, Elizabeth Marie Mission City Adolphe, Robin Wayne Vancouver Adrian, Carolyn Lee Alexander, Barbara Diana Vickers Vancouver Vancouver Andres, George Bernard Vancouver Ansell, Sherian May Richmond Armstrong, Marion New Westminster Arthur, Joycelyn Mary Richmond Atagi, Shirley Ritsuko Vancouver Austin, Marilyn Irene Vancouver Barr, Penelope Jane Vancouver Bell, Margaret Irene Nanaimo Berry, Patricia Ann Penticton Blackwell, Susan Marie England Bloom, Edward Vincent Cultus Lake Bodo, Dawn Lorraine West Vancouver Bohna, Kathleen Diane Vancouver Booth, Leona M. Cloverdale Bose, Marilyn Louise Vancouver Bowen, Shannon Margaret Cloverdale Bower, Albert Francis Vernon Brady, Carolee Sharon Abbotsford Brandt, Martha Maria Madeira Park Bremer, Solveigh West Vancouver Brimacombe, Dulcie Vancouver Burgar, Donna Joy Vancouver Burgess, Tami Jean Byington, Ann Louise Callander, Patricia Ann Campbell, Hugh Campbell, Joan Elizabeth Chamberlin, Laurel Ann Cherry, Norma Jean Clark, Robert George Conradi, Jacqueline Muriel Copp, Carolyn Ann Cot6, Anne Elizabeth Cot€, Catherine Louise Cousins, Roberta Lyn Cowan, Harriet Louise Crowther, Marie Estell Cruikshank, Norma Irene Cumyow, Cynthia Eva Won Davies, Frances Ann Davies, Ivy Jo-Anne Devlin, Anne Sylvia Dill, Elizabeth Segrid Dodman, Patricia Joan Doerksen, Marie Doig, Sheila Isobel Donegan, Margaret Juliet Dueck, Eleanor Helen Dunn, Redvers Allison 17 Penticton Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver North Vancouver Chilliwack Grand Forks Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver North Vancouver Vancouver North Vancouver Victoria Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Campbell River Manitoba North Vancouver Vancouver Aldergrove Richmond Easton, Marjory Roberta Edwards, Paul Selwyn Elliott, Ruth Carol Ellis, Barbara Anne Emberly, Jack Allan Erickson, Patricia Anne Falk, Hertha Fargey, Elsbeth June Farrell, Colin Anthony Faulkner, Howard Leonard Fiket, Natasha Margaret Finlay, Rena Eileen Fisher, Carol Frances Fitch, Sherryl Anne Ford, Lincoln James Fulton, Ann Ganann, Gail Paulette George, Marion Ruth Gibbins, Isabella Davina Gibbs, Mark Edward Gilmour, Beverley Jean Gottinger, Gloria Christine Granger, Bonnie Lee Griffiths, Alison Roweena Gunn, Susan May Hacking, Helen Louise Hamagami, Gloria Akemi Harmel, Lloyd Raymond Hatzl, Mary Beverly Henderson, Carolyn Edith Homma, Marilyn Rury Home, Irene Hull, Kathleen Florence Hunter, Grace Kathleen Husband, Margaret Jeannie Jack, Kay William Jack, Linda Dianne Johnson, Edward Philip Johnson, Marilyn Dale Jones, Kathleen Margaret Kallio, Gail Anne Kantonen, Vicki Lorraine Karpuk, Mary Elizabeth Katai, Florine Kiyomi Kellington, Kathryn Margaret Kelly, Beverley Anne Kelly, Sharon Margaret Kermode, Beverley Joan CultusLake Kerr, Lynda-Jean Vancouver Klassen, Anita Mary Chilliwack Klassen, Elizabeth Vancouver Knight, Dorothy Winifred Vancouver Kobylansky, Marlene North Vancouver Kotush, Patricia Mary North Vancouver Kruse, Norman David Vancouver Kwan, Mildred Sau Ling Vancouver Laing, John Edwin Burnaby Lamb, Susan Elizabeth United States Lambert, Sidnee Jane Vancouver Landels, Barbara Louise Vancouver LaRouche, Louise Marie Haney Lazar, Carole Dawn Haney Lazar, Daniel Grant Vancouver Lea, Elizabeth Joan Vancouver Leahy, Kenneth Michael North Vancouver Lennox, John Ernest Kelowna Leonard, John Wayne Vancouver Libby, Eleanor Lorraine Cloverdale Livingstone, Pamela Anne Lobb, Reta Joyce Lorenz, Johann Jackob Grand Forks Lundstrom, Gene Dale Burnaby Lynch, Lenore Ida Haney MacKay, Heather Ann White Rock Maclachlan, Karen Anne Vancouver Macleod, Bernard Russell Vancouver MacMillan, Anne Ross Nanaimo Maggs, Alexander Australia Mandigo, Caroline Mary Ocean Park Marks, Elsie South Burnaby Marten, Valentine Vancouver Martin, Linda Miriam Port Renfrew Matson, Carol Jeanne North Vancouver Matthews, Nancy Susan Osoyoos Mawhinney, Raymond Francis Vancouver Mcintosh, Elizabeth Jane Anne Vancouver McKee, Mamie Vancouver McKinnon, James Vancouver McMeans, Barbara Jo Vancouver McMurtrie, Carrol Diane Port Alberni McNay, Margaret Lynne North Surrey Michie, Margaret Helen Penticton Mitchell, Susan Irene North Surrey Montague, Raymond Jack North Vancouver Moran, Leslie Helen Vancouver Morrison, Nancy Aris White Rock Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Comox North Vancouver North Surrey North Surrey North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Nanaimo Agassiz Vancouver Burnaby Alberta Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver New Westminster North Vancouver Richmond Delta Vancouver Ladner Vancouver Vancouver North Vancouver Chilliwack Vancouver Vancouver Port Coquitlam Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Merritt North Surrey Vancouver Sicamous Vancouver Cranbrook Richmond Salmon Arm South Burnaby Vancouver Vernon IS Mueller, Ingeborg Lisbeth Murie, Anne Margaret Newson, Patricia Anne O'Day, Linda Bonita Oram, Jennifer Leigh Otterbein, Hannelore Otto, Donna Lorraine Pada, Gloria Jean Palmer, Marilyn May Park, Lorna Olivia Pattenden, Ann-Marie Patterson, Kathleen Anne Pauls, Helen Rose Perrins, Anne Susan Peterson, Dustine Polowy, Hannah Sonia Pumfret, Patricia Lynn Price, Lois Camilla Pringle, Penelope Ann Ptashnick, Ruth Elizabeth Pym, Gwendolyn Roberta Quarry, Margaret Elizabeth Raincock, Arlene Marguerite Ravening, Robyn Anne Reusse, Christine Riedlinger, Shannon Dale Rinta, Sandra Lynn Robinson, Judy Diane Rosenberg, Evelyn Helene Rosenthal, Audrey Lea Rougeau, Robbie David Rush, Dorothy Joan Salo, Wibecke May-Gret Sanderson, Leslie Doreen Sandground, Louis Sapinsky, Sally May Schreck, Florence Anne Sciotti, Donna Joanne Shelling, Elizabeth Ann Sheward, Carla Rae Sibilleau, Aline Anna Marie Sinclair, Elvaretta Jean Singh, Ada Marie Sisson, Pamela Joyce Sklaruk, Nadine Helen Vancouver Smith, Barbara Suzanne North Vancouver Smith, Gillian Heather Vancouver Smith, Janis Elizabeth Vancouver Smith, Sharon Ann North Surrey Speed, Joyce Helen Celista Spratt, Linda Jorgine Quebec Stark, Barbara Lynne West Vancouver Staveley, Cheryl Anne Vancouver Steeds, Donna Marilyn Lake Cowichan Stiles, Lance Foster Vancouver Stonell, Franklin Bruce Alberta Stryer, Sylvia Vancouver Stuart, Helen Thelma Vancouver Styles, Daphne Anne Invermere Swift, Colleen Elizabeth Trail Tait, Margaret Ellen Vancouver Tawse, Robert Edward Vancouver Thomas, Gwyneth Ellen Vancouver Tischer, Anita Erna Vernon Trethewey, Barbara Anne Haney Upton, Walter Charles Vancouver van Ryswyk, Alwilda Audrey Kamloops Violette, Marion Yvonne Abbotsford Voth, Hilda Kristine Pitt Meadows Waite, Joy Jean Ernestine Bumaby Walker, Pamela Susan North Vancouver Walker, Walter Bryan Vancouver Way, Ronald Frank Richmond Webster, Frank Anthony Port Coquitlam Wheeler, Ted New Westminster Whitelaw, Bonnie Elaine Vancouver Wiens, John Prince George Wilkinson, Gail Bonnie Vancouver Wilkinson, Nancy Lynn Chilliwack Williamson, Margaret Eileen Revelstoke Wilson, Carolyn Gail Quebec Wilson, Donald James Ladner Wiwchar, Sydor Bohdan Vancouver Wolfe, Judith Joan Trail Wong, Lai-Moy Patricia Vancouver Wong, Patricia Rose Vancouver Woodhouse, Beverly Jean Vancouver Wright, Lynda Elsie Vancouver Young, Dorothy Margaret Vancouver Haney Vancouver New Westminster Vancouver North Vancouver Grand Forks Vancouver Westbank Kamloops Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby Vancouver ISO Mile House Burnaby Vancouver West Vancouver Vancouver North Vancouver White Rock Victoria Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Abbotsford Vancouver Vancouver Armstrong Vancouver North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Richmond Vancouver South Burnaby Agassiz Chemainus Vancouver Vemon Kelowna Vancouver North Vancouver THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Abrahams, John J. Adams, Valerie Ann Prince George Richmond Anderson, Dorothy Lynne Anderson, Leonard William 19 Vancouver Vemon Angus, Lillian Olive Powell River Armstrong, Carol Anne Vancouver Arntzen, Lloyd Ernest North Vancouver Atwood, Donald Robert Rosedale Baier, Sandra Joyce Kitimat Barahardt, Gary Targett Penticton Baron, Vera Kitimat Beckett, Robert Leroy Chilliwack Beda, Gisela Maria Elizabeth North Vancouver Bentley, Barry Arthur Burnaby Bickerton, Terence Desmond White Rock Birtch, Barry James Ladysmith Black, Barrie Arthur North Vancouver Bogstie, Patricia Lynn Trail Bontkes, Hans Edward Carel Richmond Bortoletto, Valerie Ann Vancouver Botta, Dorothy Alice Alert Bay Bowman, Elisabeth Ross Vancouver Braddell, Janice Lorraine Burnaby Braun, Siegfried Fred Clearwater Briscall, John Edward Clifton Coquitlam Bruckner, Geraldine Belle Campbell River Brunelle, Raymond Armand Joseph Vancouver Brynjolfson, Solveig Ingibjorg Vancouver Bunt, Merlin Roberts Nanaimo Byrne, John Leslie North Vancouver Campbell, Heather Margaret Vancouver Campbell, Joan Diane Salmon Arm Campbell, Kathleen Patricia Vancouver Campsall, Robert Lome Windermere Cardozo, Myra Joan White Rock Carlson, Kathryn Lily Westbank Carre, Catherine Patricia Vancouver Carrico, Melvin Andrew Squamish Caston, Elizabeth Ray Burnaby Chan, Julie Cho Coquitlam Chapman, Donald John Quesnel Cheesman, Wayne Charles Fort St. John Cherrington, April Irene Vancouver Chiba, June Takako Richmond Cikes, Lodema Marie Burnaby Clark, Arlene Beatrice Vancouver Clark, Faldwyn Jane Corbet White Rock Coke, James William Edward Charlie Lake Copp, Nancy Jean Slocan Courts, Patricia Lynn Prince George Cox, Douglas Ian Vancouver Cryer, Marilyn Joyce White Rock Cummings, Barbara Agnes Vancouver Dagneau, Maria Elisabeth Salmon Arm Dale-Johnson, Lynne Arleen Vancouver Davies, Donna Lynn Vancouver Davis, Judith Louise Richmond Dawe, Helen Louise New Westminster Deacon, Sharon Lynne Vancouver Defieux, Diane Elizabeth New Westminster de Moissac, Monique Marie Alberta Deshaies, Ruth Elizabeth Vancouver Domai, Toshiko Steveston Dosen, Steficia Vancouver Duck, Margaret Elizabeth North Vancouver Duerksen, George Gerhard Kamloops Dykman, Lorraine Elizabeth Cloverdale Easton, Carole Margaret Powell River Ellsay, Rae F Fort Nelson Eng, Pamela Julie Vancouver Eriksson, Barbro Elizabeth Coquitlam Eugster, Evelyne Myrta West Vancouver Ewonus, Isabella Margaret Gloria Vancouver Farrington, Margaret Florence Richmond Feser, Heather Lynne Abbotsford Fisher, Marjorie Joan Vancouver Foster, Catherine Lynn Vancouver Fowler, Mary Ann Vancouver Freeman, Barbara Elaine Burnaby French, Vernon Frederick Cranbrook Freney, Elizabeth Anne Burnaby Fridge, Edwin George Vancouver Gailloux, Raymond Joseph Courtenay Gilliatt, Thelma Anna Mae Burnaby Gilmour, Robert Alexander Ladner Grafton, Donna Clare Vancouver Graham, Doreen Buchanan Burnaby Griffin, Margaret Jean Vancouver Groat, David Leslie Ontario Gyoba, Sachiko Charlotte Spuzzum Hagman, Sherrilyn Diane Coquitlam Hansman, Patricia Jane Vancouver Hanson, Gaylene Delores Vancouver Harder, Lorna LaVerne New Westminster Harper, John Thomas Kamloops Harris, Darlene Gloria North Vancouver Harris, Diane Elaine Richmond Harris, Treva Mae Vancouver Harris, Trevor Dunn Squamish Haywood-Farmer, Frank Vancouver 20 McKay, Sandra DeWitt Vancouver McKee, Andrew George Sinclair Sechelt McKee, Noriko Sechelt McKernan, Donald Waldon Fort St. John McKinnon, Wendy Dianne Vancouver McKnight, Jennifer Mary Nanaimo McLaren, Donald Lloyd North Vancouver McRae, Marie Vina Josephine Port Coquitlam McVicar, Marilyn Louise Castlegar Meredith, Robert Alexander Riondel Miklavic, Olga Vancouver Miklic, Stanley Cloverdale Mitchell, Francis Joseph Natal Mitton, Carol Ann Vancouver Moore, Michael Gibson Vancouver Muir, Jacquelyn Barbara Vancouver Mulder, Norma Lillian Vancouver Muraro, Sylvia Joan Nelson Nagle, Audrey Louise Golden Neale, Alice Vancouver Nelson, Judith Arlene Burnaby Nolt, Kay Mary Cloverdale Paisley, Donna Bernice White Rock Palmer, Gladys Pearl Rossland Parker, Mary Anne Burnaby Pash, Hazel Marie Vancouver Passmore, Patricia Ann Kelowna Pellegrin, Iidia Louise New Westminster Pincott, Carol Louise Vancouver Pratt, Gwenyth Ellen Burnaby Pyne, Susan Margaret Vancouver Reid, Norma Elaine Burnaby Retallick, Gerald John Richmond Riediger, Tina Chilliwack Riley, Leona Dorothy Vancouver Robb, Stephanie Joan Vancouver Roberts, Betty Louise Vancouver Robinson, Landra Leslie West Vancouver Rooney, Frances Irene Saskatchewan Roulston, Nell Burton Richmond Scargill, Queenie Menota North Vancouver Schulz, Margaret Ruth Abbotsford Scott, Mary Joan Vancouver Scullard, Rosalie Evelyn Langley Seaman, George Maurice Osoyoos Shaw, Diane Mary Vancouver Shepherd, Heidi Vancouver Shone, Joanne Loraine Ladner Yukon Healy, Margaret Ellen Wellington Hedberg, Helen Phyllis Vancouver Heine, Irmgard Evelyn Vernon Hentschel, Erna Marita Campbell River Herrewig, Sharon Leone Calgary Hettinga, Lambertus Vancouver Holm, Mavis Louise Vancouver Hope, Charlene Willa New Westminster Hughes, Margaret Mary Vancouver Hunter, Anna Pearl Coquitlam Inkster, Maxwell Leonard Isherwood, Donald Roy Cranbrook Izumi, Katrina Keiko Greenwood Jackson, John Alan Vancouver Jackson, Robert Wyatt Port Moody Janeway, Cyril Cadman West Vancouver Janzen, Arthur Jacob Clearbrook Johnson, Robert Grant Salmon Arm Johnson, Vera Helen Anne Burnaby Johnston, Ellen Marguerite Burnaby Kampen, Linda Sorene Vancouver Kelly, Gladys Doreen Vancouver Kilbey, Georgia Jo-Ann Vancouver Kirin, Cherie Eloise White Rock Klassen, William New Westminster Kobayashi, Yoko Kamloops Kolesnikoff, Marion Vancouver Lee, Alice Greenwood Lefort, Phyllis Adrienne Trail Leib, Elmer Stanley Rutland Lennox, Lucy Sanae Burnaby Littler, John Albert Fernie Livingstone, Marguerite Alice Vancouver Lownsbrough, Glenn Ray Fort St. John MacAskill, Margaret Anne Vancouver Macdonnell, James Elwyn Westbank Macdonnell, Laverne Augustus Prince Rupert MacDougall, Gordon Alexander Burnaby Mackenzie, Vera Eugenia Revelstoke Mackereth, Joan Brandon Castlegar Maguire, Gerald Philip Vancouver Manduca, Patricia Lou New Westminster Martens, Theodore William Grand Forks Martin, Margaret Vernon McCarthy, Veronica Margaret Vancouver McComb, Wendy Carolyn Ontario McDougall, Mary Louisa West Vancouver McGillivary, Judith Muriel Oliver 21 Shuto, Norman Makoto Vancouver Sieffert, Judith Ernestine Vancouver Simpson, Barbara Mary Shalalth Smeaton, Walter David Kamloops Smith, Ethel Beverly Christina Kimberley Solloway, Sigrid Ann Vancouver Sparkes, Frederick Harvey New Westminster Stampel, Joanne Evelyn Burnaby Steele, John Hempseed Vancouver Stephens, Barbara Joan Kitimat Stevens, Patricia Mary Vancouver Stewart, Agnes Edna Cloverdale Stovell, Bryan Wellington Stubbs, Ruth Elizabeth North Vancouver Swinton, Rosemary Vancouver Tapio, Anna Marie North Surrey Taylor, Elizabeth Ellen Vancouver Taylor, Gerald John Vancouver Theilade, Heather Gail Vancouver Thompson, Doris Lynn Vancouver Thompson, Harold James North Vancouver Thorneycroft, Susan Joy Vancouver Tietjen, Barry Thomas Salmon Arm Tingley, Beverly Jean Vancouver Uchida, Nellie Yukiko Vancouver Unger, Walter James Coquitlam van Vloten, Willem Hendrik Vancouver Walsh, Ann Lorraine Williams Lake Warkentin, Elsie Clearbrook Warn, Joan Catherine Gibsons Webber, Joseph Hilton Abbotsford Webster, Arlene Jean Hope Webster, Beverley Jean Burnaby Wells, Bernard Leslie North Vancouver Frederick North Vancouver White, Mary Christina Port Coquitlam Whitelock, Patricia Dianne Ladner Willms, Albert Jacob North Surrey Wills, Dorothy Frances Williams Lake Wilson, Margaret Joan Vancouver Winch, Margaret Mildred Vancouver Wright, Isabella Margaret Port Moody Young, Margaret Joan Burnaby Zapf, Michele Mary North Surrey Zazelenchuk, Sylvia Anne NAMES OF CANDIDATES WHO COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR DIPLOMAS IN ADULT EDUCATION AND EDUCATION OF THE DEAF APPEAR ON PAGE 28. THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTING DEAN SMITH Brownsword, Robert John Chappell, Kent Edward Coleman, John Brian Desharnais, Miles Francis Doray, Leonard Patrick Dunbar, Derwyn Gilmour Edwards, Dolores Maureen Gribling, Gary Allen Griffiths, Margot Hubbard, Gayle Louise King, Gary Allan Klassen, Helene Hildegarde Lamont, Mildred Yvonne Lieb, Vernon Lawrence Macko, Johnny Michael MacLean, Robert John Miller, Richard Wayne Nickerson, John Michael West Vancouver Fernie North Surrey Cranbrook Vancouver Ocean Park Kelowna Courtenay Vancouver Langley New Westminster Coquitlam New Westminster Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver Rossland Burnaby Ladner Ohman, Dale Murrie Vancouver Percevault, Robert Bruce South Burnaby Polzen, Walter Glen Burnaby Protocky, Ronald Wallace West Vancouver Ramsay, Carol Janice Quebec Salmela, John Henry Vancouver Schuss, Terence Campbell Vancouver Shields, Kenneth William Daniel New Denver Sutherland, Edward Raymond Alberta Taylor, Sandra Mae Kamloops Thomson, Mary Louise Vancouver Thony, Marilyn Grace North Surrey Thorsteinson, Leona Christine Madeira Park Vader, Shirley Winfield Volk, Reginald George Quebec Watson, Sheila Irene Vancouver Yacub, Ernest Ronald Delta Zingrich, Janice Rae 22 THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968: Bagshaw, Sharon Elaine Barron, Brian Edmond Boulton, Dennis Guy Conroy, John William DesLauriers, Dennis William Drdul, John Peter Durose, Paul Frederick Fast, Stephanie Ann Goodwin, Kenneth Edward Hunter, Dora May Johnson, Larry Elgin McDowell, Michael Thomas Mitton, Sharon Weatherbee Rahn, Victor David Rehtlane, Endla Salisbury, Gerald Raymond Schriber, Jack Spearing, Dianne Joan Tobin, Nancy Valdai, Asbjorn Wills, Norma Diane Wilmink, Ernst Willem Wilson, Larry Harold Burnaby Abbotsford West Vancouver Abbotsford Vancouver .Kitimat Kelowna Richmond Vancouver Ontario Vancouver Vancouver Saskatchewan New Westminster West Vancouver Ladner Vancouver Richmond Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver Burnaby White Rock THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF COMMERCE DEAN WHITE Ames, Richard Mark Andersen, Ivan Keith Anderson, Kenneth Arnold Anderson, Wallace Kent Anderson, William Craig Argyle, Lome Stuart Atkins, Brian Arthur Baillie, Robert Brown Baker, Kenneth Charles Barbour, Daniel Spencer Bardal, Brian Paul Barker, John Richard . Barnes, Carl Edward Baron, Stephen Joseph Barry, Michael Thomas Bartlett, Henry Robert Beninger, Harold George Bledsoe, Richard Carroll Bottom, John Bower, Roger Alan Buchan, Andrew Benzie Jr. Buchan, Charles Alexander Burnard, Ronald Alexander Buzza, David Allan Callaghan, Arthur Robert Campbell, Alan Duncan Campbell, David Ian Campbell, John Lloyd Carter, Kirby Wilfred Vancouver Prince George Vancouver Vancouver Nanaimo Victoria Vancouver North Vancouver Vancouver North Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver South Burnaby Qualicum Beach Campbell River Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver North Vancouver ' Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby Causey, Brian Frederick Vancouver Chan, Gary Dennis Vancouver Chowen, David Elmor White Rock Chrisopher, James Stauros Vancouver Cormack, Robert Leonard West Vancouyer Dale-Johnson, Frank Roderick Arthur Vancouver Danderfer, Kenneth Jacob Naramata DeBeck, Michael Keary Kamloops Delf, John Michael United States Dennis, William Neil New Westminster Drake, William James Victoria Dubnov, Martin Vancouver Dunn, James David Vancouver Edgar, Timothy Peter Vancouver Edgington, Ronald John Edwin Victoria Elkin, Joseph Steven Vancouver Elliott, David Michael Stuart West Vancouver English, William David Vancouver Ensor, John Butler West Vancouver Evans, Donald Norman Vancouver Faraone, Tommasso Vancouver Feldstein, Sidney Vancouver Finnestad, Donald Henry Vancouver Fisher, Alexander Tourtellotte Vancouver Flett, Stephen Lawrence North Vancouver. Fong, Gregory Vancouver Fraine, Thomas Edward Vancouver Gaitt, Stuart Eric Burnaby 23 Gamble, Donald Bradley Vancouver Gardiner, Brian Charles North Vancouver Gelhorn, Kenneth Gordon Vancouver Gibberd, John Davidson North Vancouver Gordon, Peter Douglas Ontario Gregory, Richard Peter Vancouver Guy, Ronald Leslie Victoria Hadley, Robert Eric Vancouver Hall, Edwin Barr Cobble Hill Hallat, Kenneth Bruce Vancouver Hastie, Walter Douglas Burnaby Hastings, Gerald Leslie Vancouver Hedge, Calvin Douglas Riondel Hewitt, Gary Keith Vancouver Hodson, Charles Stephen Vancouver Howe, David William Vancouver Inglis, Frederick Walter Vancouver Jackson, Gary Earl Vancouver Jamieson, Leslie Donald Vancouver Johnson, William Edward Vancouver Jolivette, Theodore Robert New Westminster Jolly, Michael Charlwood Vancouver Jordan, Jon Vincent Ontario Kelso, Donald Hugh Victoria Knott, Thomas Leonard Alberta Komm, H&kon Louis Vancouver Lambert, Maurice Edward John Vancouver Lee, Alec John Vancouver Lee, Lucille Vancouver Lee, Sofia Vancouver Lee.Stanford Suen Ying Vancouver Libby, Harold David Vancouver Longbottom, Ronald Arthur Vancouver Lundell, Fredrick Ralph Vancouver MacKinnon, James Ross Vancouver MacMillan, John Lyle Cloverdale Manning, Donald Norman Vancouver Manson, John Robert Vancouver Martens, Henry Vancouver McCandless, Henry Alexander II Victoria McDonald, Harvey Warner Revelstoke McGinn, Robert Campbell Vancouver Mclntyre, Daniel Bruce Vancouver McKinley, Martin Richard North Vancouver New Westminster McMillan, John Douglas Quebec Meisterman, Erik Uno Ladner Mewhort, William John Richmond Meyerman, Harold John Miacika, Jerry Marko Vancouver Michell, Eric Sutherland Salmon Arm Millar, William Larry Vancouver Monkman, Lome Gordon Victoria Monroe, Kenneth Gordon North Vancouver Vancouver Moore, Michael Keith Mudry, Wayne Alexander Richmond Murphy, Douglas Gordon Victoria Vancouver Nakagawa, Daniel Noriyuki Vancouver Nicholson, Thomas Reid Richmond Olsen, Keith Allan Vancouver O'Reilly, Verne Saskatchewan Parkes, James Michael North Vancouver Partridge, James Robert Vancouver Paton, Ronald Vancouver Pitcher, John Ronald Vancouver Poettcker, Alvin George Vancouver Pratt, Brian John North Vancouver Proctor, Robert William Vancouver Race, Douglas Arneil Vancouver Rathie, David George Port Alberni Raven, John William Victoria Rawnsley, Gail Vancouver Reid, Richard Philip New Westminster Reimer, Robert Parker Victoria Rennie, Richard Albert Vancouver Richards, Robert Gordon Victoria Rickard, Glenn Paul Vancouver Rieve, Otto Vancouver Robertson, David Arthur Vancouver Rooney, William John Vancouver Russell, George Crompton Schreiber, Christopher Carlyle Port Alice Schwartzenhauer, Walter George Castlegar Shaler, Barrie Vancouver Shannon, Heather Laraine Vancouver Sharp, Daniel James New Westminster Sharp, Malcolm Egerton North Vancouver Simmers, Donald Neil Vancouver Simson, John Spencer Vancouver Smith, Gary Bruce Richmond Sowerby, Ronald Eric Coquitlam Steele, Philip Michael Vancouver Sutherland, John Evan Stanley Vancouver Thorn, Harvey Tang Nanaimo Thomas, Gordon Coslett Vancouver Thomas, John Alfred Vancouver Tietjen, George Vancouver 24 Tindall, Gary Martin Trites, James Norman Trueman, William Stanley Turner, William Henry Utter, Kristine Valleau, Allen Keith Voelkl, Frank W. Wagner, Grant Robert Waite, Brian Peter Walker, Thomas Duncan Wallace, Robert Brian Vancouver West Vancouver Quesnel Vancouver Whonnock Burnaby Victoria North Vancouver Kamloops Alberta Vancouver Walley, Derek Graham Welwood, Kenneth Roy Whitman, John Roderick Whittaker, Ronald James Wong, Terrence Wong-Moon, Wilkie Joseph Woo, Kenneth Ian Wood, Peter Lome Wylie, Frederic William Young, Robert Walter Zen, Paul Romano Vancouver Chilliwack North Vancouver New Westminster Vancouver Trinidad Vancouver Vancouver loco Vancouver Vancouver THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE I N THE FALL, 1968 Abrahamson, John Lorell Vancouver Berman, Frederick Vancouver Boss, Terrence Alan Vancouver Brown, William Charles Victoria Campbell, Kathleen Kennedy Trail Conroy, Daniel Frank Vancouver Delf, Brian William Vancouver Dixon, Charles Thomas New Westminster Dunham, Arnold Rodney North Vancouver Elliott, Patti-Anne Vancouver Ferguson, Derek Rankin Honeymoon Bay Foster, Anthony Elwood Alberta Gray, Pat Harold Duncan Gustafson, Gary Kurt Powell River Hay, Bruce Selkirk Vancouver Herd, James David Burnaby Howell, Donald John Victoria Humenick, Michael South Burnaby Johannesen, Leslie Oswald Quesnel Johnstone, William Bruce Vancouver Ketchen, Sotheby Huntly West Vancouver Ian Brodie New Westminster Kirk, Richard Bruce Kelowna Kornalewski, Timothy James Vancouver Lee, Yick Yip Vancouver Louie, Gain Soon Vancouver Miller, Melynie Jane Vancouver Morgan, John Stephen Sidney Newton, Donald Winston Vancouver O'Hara, Charles Hayden Vancouver Rompf, Winfried Vancouver Routledge, John Alexander Service, William Keith North Kamloops Shaffer, Jerrold Anthony Vancouver Skinner, Hugh Gordon West Vancouver Stanford, John Ronald Vancouver Stevenson, Allan Gary Vancouver Towers, Richard Ian Alberta Tupman, Trevor Douglas Kelowna Wark, John Victor Russell Vancouver THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS DEAN CURTIS Beuhler, Carmen Floyd John, B.A. Kamloops Birnie, David Alexander George, B.A. West Vancouver Black, Allan Earl, B A . Vancouver Blair, James Michael, B.A. Vancouver Bledsoe, Richard Carroll Vancouver Boskovich, Joseph Andrew, B .A. Vancouver Bradbury, Keith Lyall, B.A. Vancouver Braund, Peter Ralph, B.A. West Vancouver Alexander, Ralston Stewart, Salmon Arm B.Com. Alliston, Stafford David North Vancouver Robert Vancouver Altaian, Joel Mark, B.A. Vancouver Anas, Ari Johannes, B.A. Anderson, Douglas Nurse, B.Com. Vancouver Vancouver Baron, Don Paul, B.Sc. Vancouver Baxter, Kenneth James, B.A. 25 Brooke, Thomas Richard, B.A. (Manitoba) Vancouver Brooks, William Neil, B A . (Alberta) Alberta Bryden, Robert Keith, B.Sc. (Royal Military College) Victoria Burris, William Martin, B.A. (Manitoba) Ontario Camp, James John.B.A. (Victoria) Victoria Carter, Peter John New Westminster Close, Arthur Leon, B.Sc. (Alberta) Alberta Dayan, Gary Cesar, B.A. Vancouver Dinsley, Thomas Edward, B.S. (Indiana) Vancouver Dobell, Edward Reid, B.A. West Vancouver DuMoulin, Anthony Bruce Philip, B.A. Vancouver Edwards, Michael James, B.A. North Surrey Egolf, George, B A . (Walla Walla) Burnaby Elian, Gilbert Wayne Saskatchewan Ernewein, Barry Fredrick, B.A. Vancouver Feller, Helmut Del, B.Com. Vancouver Forsyth, Robert Bruce, B.A. Vancouver Fox, Ronald George, B.A. Vancouver Gibbons, David Walter, B.A. Vancouver Gill, James Wilson, B.A. (Washington), B.L.S. Vancouver Grandison, Reginald David, B A . Vancouver Grant, John Forrest, B .A., B.S.W. Vancouver Gutkin, Ronald Keith, B.Sc. Vancouver Hamilton, William James, B.A. (Toronto) Ontario Hannah, John Merle, B.Com. Vancouver Helsing, John Eric, B.A. Vancouver Hitch, William Morris North Vancouver Holmes, Christopher Ronald, B .A. Vancouver Hoodekoff, Bernard, B.Com. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Humphries, David Albert B.A. (Victoria) Victoria Isaak, Willi, B.Sc. (Alberta) Alberta Johns, Murray Edward, B.Com. Haney Jolliff, Samuel Douglas, B.A. (Victoria) Victoria Klinck, John Earl, B.Com. (Alberta) Alberta Kong, Vincent Matthew, B.A. Vancouver Laughton, Donald Peter Vancouver Lawrence, Paul Ronald, B .A. North Vancouver Lee, Emily Mee-Lee, B.A. (Hong Kong), M.Ed. (Alberta) Hong Kong Libby, Keith Jerome, B.Com. (Brit.Col.), M.B.A. (Washington) Vancouver Linley, Peter Blane, B.A. (Alberta) Calgary Loptson, Terrence Ronald, B.A. Vancouver Lowes, John Keith, B.A. Richmond Macdonald, Alan Webster, B.A. (Alberta) Calgary Marriott, Robert Edward, B.Com. Vancouver Mass, Morris Quebec McKenzie, Russell Dale, B.Sc. Eng. (Manitoba) Manitoba McKinlay, Donald John, B.A. West Vancouver McKinley, Andrew John Ansel, B.A. Nanaimo McQuarrie, Robert William, B.Com. Vancouver Merritt, William Peter, B.Sc. Vancouver Miles, James Doran, B.A. (Calgary) Alberta Morgan, Vincent, B.A. Shawnigan Lake Moscovich, Michael Harris, A.B. (Brandeis) Alberta Norquist, James Barrie, B.A. Vancouver Norton, David Hawley, B.Com. Vancouver Norton, John William, B.Com. Vancouver Paradis, Jerome Bruno Vancouver Phillips, Kenneth Gary, B.Com. Vancouver Polsky, Leonard Harvey, B A.. Vancouver Powlett, Carol Jane, B.A. Vancouver Ramsay, David Peter, B.Com. Vancouver Reagh, Frederick Eugene Vancouver Romilly, Valmond, B.A. Trinidad Rothe, Reiner Oswald, B.A. West Vancouver Sabatino, Paolo, B.A. Vancouver Saunderson, Brian Hugh, B.A. (McGill) Quebec Schmidt, William Edward, B A . Vancouver Seifred, Edward Alexander Vancouver Serka, Anthony Paul North Burnaby Shirreff, Grant Edward, B.A. Vancouver Silversides, Donald Arthur Vancouver Smith, Deanna Faye North Surrey Smith, Gaynor Rich, B.Sc (Brigham Young) North Surrey Smith, Michael Ford Vancouver Somers, Gary Lenard Franklin South Burnaby Standerwick, Richard Warren, B.Com. Vancouver Steele, Peter Melvin West Vancouver Sutherland, Sandra Donna, B.Com. Vancouver Sweeney, Colin Malcolm, B.A. North Vancouver 26 Switzer, Linda Jean, B.A. (Alberta) Webber, Philip Bernard, B.Com. Whitson, Dwight Hector, B.A. (Calgary) Alberta Oyama Whittaker, Joseph Burley, B.Sc. Duncan Wood, Stephen Michael, B.A. Vancouver Woods, William Bruce, B.A. (Calgary) Alberta Zlotnik, Martin David, B.Com. Vancouver Alberta THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE DEAN McCREARY Abbott, Edward Francis, B.A. (Queen's) Ontario Allan, David Stewart North Burnaby Vancouver Anderson, David Keith Babuin, Pierino Peter Emilio Trail Banno, Victor West Vancouver Beach, Donald Frederick Victoria Blackman, Douglas Henry New Westminster Bloudoff, Michael John, B.Sc. Vancouver Brierley, Richard Peter, B.Sc. Shawnigan Lake Broome, Ernest Alan, B.Sc. Vancouver Brynjolfson, John Robert Victoria Buie, Daniel Archie, B.Sc. (Victoria) Victoria Clement, Philip Bruce Vancouver Curran, Edward Hugh Richmond Demiany, Erwin Cornel, B.Sc. Vancouver Dettman, Michael Scott Vancouver Donaldson, Paul Alexander (Posthumous) Vancouver Dougan, Helen Sharon, B.Sc. Shawnigan Lake Duke, Robert Jackson Vancouver Fairey, Randall Neale, B.Sc. Vancouver Fitzpatrick, Donald Gordon Vancouver Forrest, Frederick Grant Vancouver Frinton, Vera Margarethe West Vancouver Gillies, John Humphrey, B.Sc. Vancouver Gislason, Irving Lee Lake Cowichan Gray, Irene Mary, B.Sc. Vancouver Herbert, Carol Pearl, B.Sc. Vancouver Hignell, Allen Bruce Burnaby Huckell, Victor Frederick, B.Sc. Vancouver Hunt, David Gilmore White Rock Karr, Gerald William, B.Sc. (Pharm.), Ph.D. Vancouver Lee, Douglas Greenwood MacKechnie, Hugh Lachlan Neil Vancouver McBride, Judith Ann Vancouver McCallum, Catherine Lea Vancouver McConkey, John Patrick Vancouver McFadden, Gordon Ray Coquitlam McMurtry, Thomas John Vernon Morris, Dorian Vincent Vancouver Morrison, Burns Fraser, B.Sc. New Westminster Muir, Richard Scott, B.Sc. Vancouver Mundhenk, Andreas Hugh August Lillooet Nelson, David Eric Vancouver Nelson, John Christian, B.Sc. Vancouver Offer, Robert Charles Penticton Petraki, Lawrence, B.Sc. Vancouver Pettit, David Dale Vancouver Popma, Heertje Theodoor Ontario Prout, Gwen Vancouver Robertson, William Douglas, B.A. (Saskatchewan) Saskatchewan Saunders, Kaye William George Vancouver Swenerton, Jean Elizabeth, B.A. Vancouver Swenerton, Kenneth Douglas Vancouver Tan, Sonny Kay-Soon, B.Sc. Malaysia Unger, Waldemar Gerhard Vancouver Waechter, Dennis Francis Abbotsford Wakelin, David Lome Vancouver Winsby, Brian Kenneth, B.Sc. (Victoria) Kelowna Wiseman, David Paul West Vancouver Wood, Marilyn M. Vancouver 27 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN REHABILITATION DEAN McCREARY Vancouver Revelstoke Vancouver Saskatchewan Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Ashcroft Adam, Carol May Brasell, Jane Leone Culter, Nancy Jane Ernest, Marilyn Luella Falconer, Janet Hamilton, Hallie Gene Jang, Bonita Julie Lawn, Gillian Edith McMillan, Lynda North Vancouver Miles, Georgina Carole North Vancouver Mui, Paul Kwong Wah Vancouver Thiel, Maureen Judith Salmo Turner, Edith Carolyn Vancouver Vaughan-Parks, Barbara Mary Quebec West, Josephine Louise Vancouver THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE DEAN LEUNG Ariss, Clinton Allan Clarke, Robert John, B A. Fukusbima, Edwin Kengo Lin, Betty Heui-Chu, B.M. (National Taiwan) Burnaby Vancouver Merritt Rossland Vancouver Chilliwack Malnarich, Albert Jack Panar, Matthew Vogt, Benjamin James Viet Nam THE DIPLOMA IN ADULT EDUCATION Ewanchuk, Morris Harold Kemble, Kathryn Maisie Matzke, Bernard Alois Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby Minnis, John Richard MacRae, Effie Mary North Vancouver Vancouver THE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION OF THE DEAF Fiedler, Martha Elizabeth Fraser, Dorothy Claire Ontario Rossland Holsti, Mava Jo Maloy Vancouver SCHOLARSHIPS, MEDALS AND PRIZES Winners in this list are mainly students in the graduating classes. Awards for graduate study and awards for undergraduates will be announced later. HEADS OF THE GRADUATING CLASSES The Governor-General's Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Classes in Arts and Science, B.A. and B.Sc. degrees): Robert James Epp (Vancouver). The Wilfrid Sadler Memorial Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Agriculture, B.Sc. (Agric.) degree): E. Jane Termuende (West Vancouver). The Association of Professional Engineers Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Engineering, B.A.Sc. degree): Norman Truster (100 Mile House). The Kiwanis Club Gold Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Commerce, B.Com. degree): Gary K. Hewitt (Vancouver). The University Medal for Arts and Science (Head of the Graduating Class in Arts, B.A. degree): John A. G. Fountain (Vancouver). The Law Society Gold Medal and Prize, Call and Admission Fee (Head of the Graduating Class in Law, LL.B. degree): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). The Hamber Gold Medal and Prize, $2S0 (Head of the Graduating Class in Medicine, degree of MJ3.): Robert J. Duke (Vancouver). The Horner Gold Medal for Pharmacy (Head of the Graduating Class in Pharmacy), B.Sc. (Pharm.) degree): Beverly C. Henderson (New Westminster). The Helen L. Balfour Prize, $250 (Head of the Graduating Class in Nursing, B.S.N. degree): Joyce Ellen Kathleen Page (Richmond). The Canadian Institute of Forestry Medal (best all-round record in Forestry in all years of course, B.S.F. degree): R. James Pearson (Vancouver). The H. R. MacMUlan Prize in Forestry, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Forestry, B.SJP. degree): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education, B.Ed, degree, Secondary Teaching field): Gloria M. Mackenzie (Vancouver). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education, B.Ed, degree, Elementary Teaching field): Colin Anthony Farrell (Vancouver). The College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Dentistry, D.M.D. degree): Robert John Clarke (Vancouver). The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Medal (outstanding student in Architecture, degree of B.Arch.): David Wayne Nichols (Vancouver). The Ruth Cameron Medal for Librarianship (Head of the Graduating Class in Librarianship, degree of B.L.S.): Anthony Albert Metie (Vancouver). The Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Physical Education and Recreation, BJ.E. degree): John H. Salmela (Vancouver). Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Home Economics, B.H.E. degree): Lynda M. Berry (North Vancouver). Special University Prizes, $50 each (Outstanding in the Graduating Class in Social Work, M.S.W. degree): (Mrs.) Leslie Bella (Winnipeg) (Mrs.) Annette Wigod (Vancouver). Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Music, BJtfus. degree): Ingrid P. Buch (Vancouver). Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Rehabilitation Medicine, degree of B.S.R.): Barbara Vaughan-Parks (Quebec). AGRICULTURE The Dean Blythe Eagles Medal (good overall academic record and outstanding contributions in student or community affairs): Richard Barichello (Langley). ARCHITECTURE The Architectural Institute of British Columbia Prizes, books ($50 each): Keith Donald (Vancouver) James Robert Goodwin (Alberta). The Architectural Institute of British Columbia (Vancouver Chapter) Medal: Rodger F. Woods (Vancouver). ARTS The Ahepa Prize, $100 (outstanding in Greek): Kenneth C. Cooper (Vancouver). British Columbia Psychological Association Gold Medal (graduating with most outstanding record in Psychology): Dianne E. Creighton (Vancouver). 29 28 The Canadian Association of Geographers Book Prize (proficiency in geography): Richard M. Lundeen (Dawson Creek). The David Bolocan and Jean Bolocan Memorial Prize, $25 (outstanding in Psychology): Barbara L. Blakely (Trail). The English Honours Medal (outstanding student in Graduating Class, English Honours): Ronald Richard Tetreault (North Vancouver). The English Honours Prize, $300: Ronald Richard Tetreault (North Vancouver). French Government Book Prizes (proficiency in French): M. Marie Simons (Vancouver) Barbara H. Dickinson (North Vancouver). The Italian Scholarship, $180 (proficiency in Italian): Giovanni Camporese (Vancouver). The J. H. Stewart Reid Medal in Honours History (most outstanding record): R. D. Erl MacPhee (Vancouver). Joseph A. Crumb Book Prizes (outstanding essays in money and banking and related fields): John A. G. Fountain (Vancouver) Frederick Grauer (Vancouver). National Council for Geographic Education (Citation for leading student in Geography and Education): (Mrs.) Jean B. Thomson (Vancouver). Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland (books) (Outstanding in French Language and Literature): Susan J. Mackenzie (Nanaimo). Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland (books) (Outstanding in German): Rita Mueller (Vancouver). Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland (book) (Proficiency in Italian): Leena Vakomies (West Vancouver). COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Graduating Class of 1958 Memorial Shields (outstanding in academic records, personal qualities, contributions to undergraduate activities): Dorothy Anne Dilworth Memorial—Lucille Lee (Vancouver) Sofia Lee (Vancouver) Matthew Henderson Memorial—Kenneth Bruce Hallatt (Vancouver). EDUCATION The Gilbert Tucker Memorial Prize, $25 (proficiency in the field of the French in North America): Richard A. Johnson (Vancouver). Grolier Limited Prize (books and bookcase) (Proeciency in Education): Colin Anthony Farrell (Vancouver). ENGINEERING The Amalgamated Construction Association of B.C. Graduation Prizes, $25 each (highest standing in highway engineering): Gordon L. Dunnet (West Vancouver) Tak-Wah Ma (Vancouver) Association of Professional Engineers Book Prizes ,$50 each (outstanding in report-writing ability in various branches of engineering): Metallurgy—John P. Bachlet (Fernie). Electrical—Corneliu Constantinescu (Vancouver). Mechanical—Julian Matson (Victoria). Civil—Michael H. Okun (Vancouver. Geological—Graeme R. Percy (New Westminster). Chemical—Ho Yew Wong (Vancouver). Mineral—Dick W. Zandee (Oliver). The Letson Memorial Prize, $100 plus book prize, $25 (highest standing in Mechanical Engineering): Donald L. Workman (Steveston). Merrill Prindle Book Prize in Engineering, books to value of $50 (overall record and contributions to Engineering Undergraduate Society): Donn Aven (Vancouver). Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key) (highest standing in Chemical Engineering): Brian J. Hagan (Vancouver). The TPL Industries Ltd. Prizes (for students enrolled in C.E. 476 who submit specifications, judged to be the best, of a structure of modern engineered timber construction requiring preservative treatments): First Prize, $100—Kenneth W. Wilson (Vancouver). Second Prize, $60—Wayne A. Johnson (Burnaby). Third Prize, $30—David H. Black (Vancouver). Merit Prizes, $20 each—Allen Clyde Mitchell (Revelstoke). Jan B. Atlung (Vancouver). Ole T. Vik (Vancouver). FORESTRY Association of British Columbia Foresters Prize (Memorial to Dr. George S. Allen), $125 (best Senior Thesis): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). 30 Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Prizes in Forestry, $100 each (proficiency, harvesting option): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). Gerald Young (Powell River). Canadian Institute of Forestry Schlich Memorial Award (highest class standing in particular subject) (Forestry Text Book Prize, $35): Gary C. Johnson (West Vancouver). Commonwealth Forestry Bureau Book Prize (high standing): David N. Holmes (Mission City). H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forest Harvesting, $100 (highest standing in Forest harvesting option): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). Special University Prizes, $100 each (proficiency): R. James Pearson (Vancouver). Mark D. Godfrey (Nanaimo). HOME ECONOMICS British Columbia Dietetic Association Scholarship in Dietetics, $100 (highest standing pro' ceeding to interneship in Canada, field of dietetics): F. Laura MUner (Vancouver). The Clothing and Textiles Scholarship, $100 (excellence in clothing and textiles related to marketing): E. Anne Wnittaker (Nanaimo). The Lillian Mae Westcott Prize, $75 (outstanding in areas of clothing and textiles): M. Gaye Hampton (Vancouver). Singer Company of Canada Ltd. Prize (portable Singer Sewing Machine, originality and skill in field of clothing, intending to enter teaching): Anne F. Bradley (West Vancouver). LAW The Allan S. Gregory Memorial Prize (proficiency, Moot Court): • David A. G. Birnle (West Vancouver), $125. Gaynor R. Smith (Surrey), $75. Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Book Prize (outstanding in three years of law course): John K. Lowes (Richmond). Canada Law Book Company Prize, books to value of $50 (high overall standing): Robert K. Bryden (Victoria). The Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation Prize, $50 (highest standing in Real Estate Transactions): David A. G. Birnie (West Vancouver). The Carswell Company Limited Prize, books to value of $35 (highest standing in Third Year): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). Faculty of Law Legal Writing Prize, $100 (best legal writing during session): Jerome B. Paradis (Vancouver). Prize in Labour Law, $100 (proficiency): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). The Thomas Francis Hurley Prize, $150 (highest in Criminology Seminar): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). University Prize (highest standing in Succession), $50: Robert K. Bryden (Victoria). University Proficiency Prize, $100: Robert K. Bryden (Victoria). UBRARIANSHIP The Alculn Society Prize (highest standing in course History of the Book): Richard L. Hopkins (South Burnaby). The Marion Harlow Prize in Librarianship, $25 (leadership and academic or research ability in studies relating to special librarianship): Nancy E. Brodie (Quebec). The Neal Harlow Book Prizes, value $25 each: Mary L. Cuddy (Ontario). T. Gordon Miller (Alberta). MEDICINE The CIBA Company Limited Medical Prizes (six volumes of medical illustrations): Robert C. Offer (Penticton). Richard S. Muir (Vancouver). CIBA Prize in Psychiatry, $100 (outstanding in Psychiatry): Michael S. Dettman (Vancouver). The Arthur Crease Award, $300 (best thesis or graduating project in Psychiatry): Lee I. Gislason (Lake Cowichan). The B.C. Oto-Opthalmological Society Prize in Opthalmology. (proficiency), $125: Robert J. Duke (Vancouver). The B.C. Oto-Opthalmological Society Prize in Otolaryngology, $125: Harold T. Popma (Ontario). The C. V. Mosby Company Prizes (books, value $30 each) (excellence in field or fields of studies): Douglas Lee (Greenwood). Erwin Demiany (Vancouver). The Dean M. M. Weaver Medal (outstanding overall record): Victor F. Hnckell (Vancouver). 31 The Dr. A. B. Schinbeln Memorial Scholarship, $250 (outstanding in subject of surgery): Victor F. Huckell (Vancouver). The Dr. A. M. Agnew Memorial Scholarship, $200 (proficiency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology): Robert C. Offer (Penticton). The Dr. Frank Poter Patterson Memorial Scholarship, $150 (meritorious in subject of surgery) : Hugh L. N. MacKechnie (Vancouver). The Dr. Peter H. Spohn Memorial Prize, $150 (outstanding in paediatrics): Carol P. Herbert (Vancouver). The Dr. W. A. Whitelaw Scholarship, $250 (overall good academic and other qualifications): Edward H. Curran (Richmond). The Elizabeth K. Craig Memorial Scholarship, $300 (research): Gerald W. Karr (Vancouver). The Hamber Scholarship in Medicine, $750 (proficiency, proceeding to intemeship): Victor F. Huckell (Vancouver). The Hamish Heney Mcintosh Memorial Prize (books) (student, who in opinion of Faculty, is best qualified in every respect, to practice his profession): Randall N-Fairey (Vancouver). The Health Officers Prizes, $100 each: _ . , „ „ „ (a) The G. F. Amyot Prize (meritorious in health care research: Catherine McCallum (West Vancouver). . _ _ . . (b) The S. Stewart Murray Prize (meritorious in Public Health): Richard P. Brierly (Shawntgan Lake). The Horner Prize, $100 and Gold Medal (highest aggregate standing in the four-year course in Medicine): Robert J. Duke (Vancouver). The Ingram & Bell Limited Prize (overall qualifications in terms of interest, student affairs, academic standing, character): William D. Robertson (Saskatchewan). Lange Medical Publications Awards (four books each for excellence in studies): Dorian V. Morris (Vancouver). Owen Prout (Vancouver). Mead Johnson of Canada Ltd. Prize in Paediatrics, $100 (highest standing in paediatrics): Hugh L. N. MacKechnie (Vancouver). PHARMACY Bristol Award (books) (generall overall record): Mabel Ko (Vancouver). Cunningham Prize in Pharmacy (most outstanding record in all years of course), $100: Beverly C. Henderson (New Westminster). Dean E. L. Woods Memorial Prize, $50 (most outstanding record in both the theoretical and practical parts of the pharmaceutics courses in all years): Beverly C. Henderson (New Westminster). Edith and Jacob Buckshon Memorial Prize, $100 (highest marks in laboratory course in compounding and dispensing, Final Year): H. Robert Williamson (West Vancouver). Merck, Sharp and Dohme Awards, Books and $25 (highest standings in pharmaceutical chemistry): Wernick Schultz (Kelowna). F. Patricia Strandberg (Prince George). Parke, Davis A Company Ltd. Award (for overall record) (illustrated history): Trevor M. J. Lee (New Westminster). Poulenc Gold Medal (highest standing in the pharmacology courses): Victoria Macaulay (Burnaby). SCIENCE Armstead Prize in Biology and Botany, $100 (outstanding achievement): Patrick A. Moore (Vancouver). David E. Little Memorial Scholarship, $100 (academic and research ability in Physics): Glen C. Forrester (Vancouver). Edgar C. Black Memorial Prize in Honours Physiology (proficiency), $50: Donald Richard Ricd (Vancouver). The Lefevre Gold Metal and Scholarship, $200 (general proficiency in chemistry): William H. Hocking (North Vancouver). The Loraine Schwartz Prize in Statistics and Probability, $80: Anthony Maurice Buckland (Vancouver). Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key): Brian F. Edwards (Penticton). Vancouver Natural History Society Prize, $50 (proficiency in Botany): Linda Ley (Vancouver). GENERAL Vancouver B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Scholarships, $125 each (graduating and continuing with graduate studies): Norman Truster (100 Mile House). A. G. Fountain (Vancouver). MacMillan Company of Canada Prizes in Creative Writing, $100 each: Short Story—Janie Kenon (North Vancouver). Poetry—George McWhirter (Vancouver). University Essay Prize, $25: Sonia E. Puchalski (Gibson's). AWARDS BASED ON SUMMER SESSION 1968 Siunmer Session Association Prizes, $100 each (proficiency in graduating year - announced in January, 1969): Daniel P. Tatroff (Vancouver). Lloyd Arntzen (North Vancouver). Geraldine Bruckner (Campbell River). Robert L. Campsall (Windermere). Judith M. McGillivray (Oliver). Anne Lorraine Walsh (Williams Lake). SOCIAL WORK Greater Vancouver Branch, British Columbia Association of Social Workers Prizes, $50 each (academic standing and all-round professional activity and promise): (Mrs.) Leslie Bella (Winnipeg) (Mrs.) Annett Wigod (Vancouver). 32 33 THE UNIVERSITY THANKS ITS FRIENDS FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS The University owes much of its stature to private gifts. Research, special teaching projects, scholarships, prizes, and bursaries have been supported by individual benefactors, alumni, firms, foundations, and associations. Some of the major buildings on the campus, as well as a wide variety of other projects, serve as lasting testimony to the generosity of those who helped to build U.B.C. The basic support of the University is provided by fees and by the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada. The excellence of the education it offers, however, depends in part on financial assistance received from friends. Gifts have been made anonymously, directly, in memory of relatives, in honour of friends, and by bequest. Many alumni contribute annually. During the past year, benefactors donated $5,706,596.00. A record of private gifts made in the year ending March 31, 1969, will be mailed to the donors. Should you wish to receive a copy of this brochure, please write to or call the Resources Council.* The brochure shows a fascinating variety of gifts-in-kind, as well as over a thousand donations in money: portable seismograph components; an Eskimo needle case; 80 pounds of fresh blueberries; a mid-19th century house-post; a mountain-goat pelt; a gold specimen from the University of Witswatersrand, South Africa. This brochure does not include the detail of the magnificent support received from donors to the Alumni Fund and the Three Universities Capital Fund. Provincial and Federal grants, the mainstay of the University, are recorded in other publications. With twelve Faculties, seven Schools, and four Institutes, the University's needs are many and varied. Support is welcome in every area of teaching and research; and money for the assistance of students is essential. We welcome the opportunity to discuss with donors the form their support might take. No gift is too small — and none is too large. THE UNIVERSITY RESOURCES COUNCIL ^Enquiries regarding the brochure, needs and gifts should be addressed to: A. T. Adams, Executive Secretary, The University Resources Council The University of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, B.C. Tel. 228-3917 34 THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ANNUAL CONGREGATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ALLAN MORTON McGAVIN AS CHANCELLOR AND FOR THE CONFERRING OF DEGREES FRIDAY, MAY THIRTIETH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Ex-Officio: The Chancellor The President Elected by Senate: Richard M. Bibbs, B.A.Sc. J. Stuart Keate, B.A. Donovan F. Miller, B.Com., S.M. Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council: Arthur Fouks, Q.C., B.A., LL.B. Walter C. Koemer, C.C., K.St.J., LL.D. Chairman of the Board John E. Liersch, B.A., B.A.Sc., M.F. Allan M. McGavin, CD. I A. D. Scott, B.Com., B A., A.M., Ph.D. R. W. Stewart, M.Sc, Ph.D., F.R.S.C H. V. Warren, B.A., B.A.Sc, B.Sc, D.Phil., A.I.M.M., F.G.S.A., F.R.S.C. S.H. Zbarsky, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. SENATE The Chancellor. The President, Chairman. The Registrar, Secretary. The Deans: Dean of Agriculture—Michael Shaw, M.Sc, Ph.D., S.L.S., F.R.S.C. Dean of Applied Science—William M. Armstrong, B.A.Sc, P.Eng., M.C.I.M. Dean of Arts—John H. Young, A.F.C., M.A., Ph.D. Dean of Commerce and Business Administration—Philip H. White, M.Sc, F.R.I.CS. Dean of Dentistry—S. Wah Leung, D.D.S., B.Sc, Ph.D. Acting Dean of Education—C. E. Smith, B.Sc, M.A., D.Paed., LL.D., F.Brit.Psych.Soc Dean of Forestry—Joseph A. F. Gardner, M.A., Ph.D., F.C.I.C. Dean of Graduate Studies—Ian McTaggart-Cowan, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. Dean of Law—George F. Curtis, Q.C., LL.B., B.A., B.C.L., LL.D., D.C.L. Dean of Medicine—John F. McCreary, M.D., F.R.C.P. Dean of Pharmacy—Bernard E. Riedel, CD., B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D., D.Biochem. Dean of Science—Vladimir J. Okulitch, M.A.Sc, Ph.D., F.G.S.A., F.P.S., F.R.S.C. Dean of Inter-Faculty and Student Affairs—Walter H. Gage, M.A., LL.D. Dean of Women—Mrs. Helen McCrae, B.A., M.S.W. Elected by the Faculties: Applied Science: W. D. Finn, B.E., M.Sc, Ph.D., M.Am.Soc.C.E., M.A.S.E.E. Arts: M. W. Steinberg, M.A., Ph.D. Commerce and Business Administration: N. A. Hall, B.Com., M.B.A., D.B.A. Dentistry: G. J. Parfitt, F.D.S., R.C.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.M.D. Education: J. R. Mcintosh, B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D. Forestry: J. H. G. Smith, B.S.F., M.F., Ph.D. Graduate Studies: H. P. Oberlander, B.Arch., M.C.P., Ph.D., A.R.I.B.A., A.M.T.P.I., M.R.A.I.C Law: Kenneth M. Lysyk, B.A., LL.B., B.C.L. Medicine: W. A. Webber, M.D. Pharmacy: F. A. Morrison, M.B.E., CD., B.S.P., M.Sc, D.Pharm. Science: G. H N. Towers, M.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S. Elected by a Joint Meeting of the Faculties: C. S. Belshaw, M.A., Ph.D. S. Black, R.S.W., D.A., A.T.D. M. Bloom, M.Sc, Ph.D. C. B. Bourne, B.A., LL.B. F. K. Bowers, M.A., Mem.I.E.E.E. S. D. Cavers, M.A.Sc, Ph.D., P.Eng., F.C.I.C. J. D. Chapman, M.A., Ph.D. R. M. Clark, B.A., B.Com., A.M., Ph.D. D. H. Copp, B.A., M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S.C. S. M. Friedman, B.A., M.D., CM., M.Sc, Ph.D., F.R.S.C. W. C. Gibson, B.A., M.Sc, D.Phil., M.D., CM., F.A.C.P. W. S. Hoar, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc, F.R.S.C. W. L. Holland, M.A. D. T. Kenny, M.A., Ph.D. P. Larkin, M.A., D.Phil. C. A. McDowell, M.Sc, D.Sc, F.R.I.C, F.CI.C, F.R.S.C 1. McNairn, B.A. John M. Norris, M.A., Ph.D. G. Rosenbluth, B.A., Ph.D. 2 Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The Hon. H. Green, P.C, Q.C, B.A., LL.D. J. R. Meredith, B.A., M.Ed. Elected by Convocation: R. M. Bibbs, B.A.Sc. D. M. Brousson, B.A.Sc F. J. Cairnie, B.A. C. M. Campbell Jr., B.A., B.A.Sc. J. Guthrie, B.A., M.A. J. S. Keate, B.A. H. L. Keenleyside, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D. S. S. Lefeaux, B.A.Sc D. F. Manders, B.A. D. F. Miller, B.Com., S.M. The Hon. Mr. Justice J. A. Macdonald, B.A. Mrs. H. J. MacKay, B.A. J. V. Rogers, B.A.Sc. Mrs. B. E. Wales, B.A. D. R. Williams, B.A., LL.B. Representatives of the Board of Management, Alumni Association of the University: D. A. Freeman, B.A. K. R. Martin, B.Com. E. D. Sutcliffe, B.A.Sc Representatives of Affiliated Colleges: Union College of British Columbia (Theological), Vancouver, Rev. R. A. Wilson, M.A., B.D., Ph.D., D.D. The Anglican Theological College of British Columbia, Vancouver, Rev. J. Blewett, B.A., B.D. St. Mark's College (Theological), Rev. E. C LeBel, C.S.B., CD., M.A., LL.D. University Librarian: B. Stuart-Stubbs, B.A., B.L.S. Representatives of the Students: W. A. Ferguson Donald J. Munton Stuart A. Rush Mark C Waldman 3 THE PROCESSIONS Friday, May 30th PROCESSION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY Marshals N. O. Adedipe, B.S.A. W. Allegretto, B.A.&. PROCESSION OF GRADUATING STUDENTS Senior Marshal R. F. Osborne, B.A., B.Ed., Director of the School of Physical Education MUSICAL PROGRAMME Friday, May 30th, 1969 Hugh McLean, M.A., MUS.B., F.R.C.O., F.R.C.C.O., A.R.C.M., Honorary Organist to The University of British Columbia Concerto No. 7 i n B f l a t Andante Andante George Frideric Handel Larghetto Bourrie Pastorale PROCESSION OF FACULTY Marshals G. W. Eaton, B.S.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Plant Science H D. Fisher, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Zoology CHANCELLOR'S PROCESSION Marshals E. K. McCann, B.A., B.A.Sc., M.S.N., R.N., Associate Professor of Nursing and Acting Director, School of Nursing R. W. Wellwood, B.A.Sc., M.F., Ph.D., Professor of Forestry Ned Rorem Fugue in E minor Franz Schubert Toccata and Fugue in G minor - - - Fantaisie Johann Ernst Eberlin Camille Saint-Saens Processional music - - - - - Godfrey Ridout Recessional music Marche, op.27/2 Marcel Dupr6 PROCESSION OF DELEGATES Marshals J. R. H. Dempster, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computer Science J. K. Stager, B.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Geography CHANCELLOR'S PARTY Macebearer B. N. Moyls, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies Marshal F. Noakes, B.Sc., M.S., Ph.D., P.Eng., F.A.I.E.E., M.E.I.C., Professor of Electrical Engineering Chief Usher Sheila A. Egoff, B.A., F.L.A., Associate Professor of Librarianship Usher for Mrs. Buchanan's Party P. Ford, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.Z.S., F.L.S., Associate Professor of Zoology CEREMONIES Director Malcolm F. McGregor, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.C., Professor of Classics Administrative Assistant Irene Peggy Sayle Chief Marshal B. N. Moyls, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies 4 5 Programme of Ceremony Friday, May thirtieth O CANADA INVOCATION by THE REVEREND M. JOHN V. SHAVER Chaplain, United Church of Canada WELCOME TO REPRESENTATIVES OF OTHER INSTITUTIONS AND REMARKS by JOHN MURDOCH BUCHANAN Chancellor CONFERRING OF H O N O R A R Y DEGREES by the Chancellor O CANADA O Canada! Our Home and Native Land! True patriot-love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North, strong and free, And stand on guard, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. T H E D E G R E E O F DOCTOR O F SCIENCE ALFRED WALKER HOLLINSHEAD NEEDLER RONALD GEORGE WREYFORD NORRISH TO THE GRADUATES by RONALD GEORGE WREYFORD NORRISH CONFERRING O F DEGREES IN COURSE by the Chancellor V A L E D I C T O R Y ADDRESS by KEITH LOWES O Canada, glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! REMARKS by ROBERT J. ROWAN Honorary President of the Graduating Class PRESENTATION by JOHN C. W. RITCHIE President of the Graduating Class INSTALLATION O F A L L A N M O R T O N M c G A V I N as Chancellor of The University of British Columbia by JOHN MURDOCH BUCHANAN PRESENTATION OF A SCROLL to JOHN MURDOCH BUCHANAN by WALTER HENRY GAGE President of The University of British Columbia GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Reception in the Ballroom of the Student Union Building 6 7 THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Guarnaschelli, Claudio, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Alberta), Ontario Hammerton, Anthony James, B.A. (Sir George Williams), Adedipe, Nurudeen Olorun-Nimbe, B.SA. (Brit. Col.), r Nigeria Pakistan chemistry Thesis: The Oxidation of Secondary and Tertiary Aromatic Alcohols by Chromium (VI) and Manganese (VII). Beamish, Peter Charles, B.A.Sc. (Toronto); S.M. (Inst, of Tech., Massachusetts), Ontario Physics Thesis: Qualitative Measurements of Marine Acoustic Scattering from Zooplanktonic Organisms. Beardsmore, BarringtonFrancis, B.A. (Liverpool); M.A. (McMaster), Victoria French „ , m _ „_ . Thesis: Ysaie Le Triste, An Analysis, and a Study of the Role of the Dwarf, Troncq. Brown, Christopher Richard, B.Sc. (Exeter); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Ww»te» , v Thesis: Thermal Wave Propagation in Bismuth Single Crystals at 4 K. Bruce, David Lome, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Microbiology Thesis: Factors Contributing to the Maintenance and Activation of Corynebacterial Pseudotuberculosis in the Laboratory Mouse. Byfleet, Colin Russell, B.A. (Cantab.), England United States Zoology Thesis: The Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on the Daily Pattern of Locomotor Activity in Juvenile Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum). Byrne, Peter Michael, B.E. (Dublin); M.A.SC. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Civil Engineering Thesis: Elastic-Vlscoplastic Response of Earth Structures to Earthquake Motion. Carlone, Cosmo, B.Sc. (Windsor); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver United States Botany Thesis: Dinoflagellates and Vitamin B u in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Cerezke, Herbert Frederick, B.Sc; M.Sc. (Alberta), Alberta Forestry Thesis: The Distribution and Abundance of the Root Weevil, Hylobius Warreni Wood in Relation to Lodgepole Pine Stand Conditions in Alberta. Chew, Kim-Peu, B.Sc. (Nanyang); M.A. (Brit. Col.), Duncan Mathematics Thesis: On Certain Rings of E-Valued Continuous Functions. Coukell, Milton Barrie, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Biochemistry Thesis: Catabolite Repression in Streptomycin-Dependent Escherichia Coll. David, Lyle Anacletus, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Alberta), Alberta Genetics Thesis: An Immunofluorescent Demonstration of Nuclear Proteins. Fenwick, James Clarke, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Manitoba), Manitoba Thesis: The Functions of the Fish Pineal Organ. 8 Zoology Ontario Chemical Engineering Quebec Mathematics Hoge, Reinhold, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Lam, Toong Jin, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Malaysia Zoology Thesis: Existence of Algebras of Symmetry-Classes of Tensors with Respect to Translation-Invariant Pairs. Thesis: The Determination and Refinement of the Structures of Some Chlorinated Carbohydrates. Ingledew, William Michael, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Victoria Microbiology Thesis: The Biosynthesis of Pyocyanine. Kee, Herbert William, B.A. (Toronto); M.A. (Brit. Col.), Ontario Psychology Thesis: The Development, and the Effects Upon Bargaining, of Trust and Suspicion. Kerr, Charles Randall, B.A. (State College, Washington); M.A. (Brit. Col.), United States Mathematics Thesis: Inner Equivalence of Thick Subalgebras. Thesis: The Role of Prolactin in Osmotic and Ionic Regulation of the Marine Form (Trachurus) of the Threespine Stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L. in Fresh Water. Lau, Anthony To-Ming, A.B. (California, Berkeley), Hong Kong Mathematics Thesis: On Topological Semigroups with Invariant Means in the Convex Hull of Multiplicative Means. MacLean, Douglas William, B.A. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Mathematics Thesis: Differentiable Engulfing and Coverings of Manifolds. Mason, Lloyd Judson, B.Sc. (Mount Allison); B.E. (Nova Scotia Tech.); M.Sc. (New Brunswick), Ontario Electrical Engineering Thesis: The Realization of Minimal Two-Element-Kind One-Port Networks. Masters, Ian Martin, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Mechanism of Pyrolysls of 1-Pyrazolines. McAndless, John Madden, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: The Exchange and Oxidation Reactions of 6,7,8-Trimethyllumazine and Its Dihydro Derivative. Physics Thesis: Spectrum of the Hydroxyl Radical. Cattell, Sidney Allen, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Pacific), Mathematics Hillel, Joel, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (McGill), Chemistry Thesis: An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of a Manganese (IV) Ion in a Trigonal Environment Byrne, John Edward, B.A.; M.S. (Hawaii), Manitoba Thesis: Some Results In the Theory of Radicals of Associative Rings. Thesis: Psychrometric Studies. Thesis: Comparison and Oscillation Theorems for Elliptic Equations. Banoo, Fariza, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Rajshahi), Heinicke, Allan George, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Manitoba), Henry, Herbert Clarke, B.Sc. (Queen's), ™. M J ath * ma « cs Vancouver Quebec History Thesis: A Study of Middle-Class Female Emigration from Great Britain, 1830-1914. Ptant Science Thesis: Growth, Mineral Uptake and Phosphorus Metabolism of Plsum sativum L. as Ineuenced by Air and Soil Temperatures, Phosphorus Nutrition and Growth Retarding Chemicals. Allegretto, Walter, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Mineral Engineering Thesis: Illumination and the Absorption of Xanthate in the Flotation of Galena and Marmatite. DEAN COWAN Nair, M. S. Parameswaran, B.Sc. (Madras); M.Sc. (Aligarh Muslim), India Biochemistry Neilson, John Emery, B.Sc. (Manitoba), Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Purine Nucleotide Biosynthesis in Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Cells in vitro Effects of Actinomydn D and Glucose. Nova Scotia Thesis: On the Attitude Dynamics of Slowly Spinning Axisymmetric Satellites under the Influence of Gravity Gradient Torques. Nelson, Verner Robert, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Nelson Chemistry Thesis: Studies Related to Synthesis and Biosynthesis of Indole Alkaloids. Nguyen, Mrs. Laure Marie Kim-Khanh, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Laval), France Chemistry Thesis: Branched-Chain Sugar Nucleosides. O'Riordan, Jonathan, M.A. (Edinburgh; M.A. (Brit. Col.), Scotland Geography Thesis: Efficiency in Irrigation Water Use—A Case Study in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia. 9 Pandey, Satyendra, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Bihar), India Zoology Thesis: The Endrocrine Control of Sexual Development in the Male Guppy Foecilia reticulata Peters. Parkinson, Robert George, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Electrical Engineering Thesis: Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Long Radially Inhomogeneous Isotropic Cylinders. Pickering, Dennison John, B.Sc. (Manchester), Vancouver Civil Engineering Thesis: A Simple Shear Machine for Soil. Picozzi, Rosemary, B.A. (Reading), England German Thesis: A History of Tristan Scholarship. Potts, Joy Margaret, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Kamloops Microbiology Thesis: Survival of Microorganisms under Conditions of Total Starvation. Powell, John Martin, B.Sc. (London); M.Sc. (McGill), Alberta Botany Thesis: The Aerobiology of the Aecial State of the Comandra Blister Rust, Cronartium comandrae Peck, in Alberta. Randhawa, Ajit Singh, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Panjab), India Botany Thesis: Variability in Saxlfraga ferruglnea Graham (Saxifragaceae). Robinson, Ross, B.A.; M.A. (New South Wales), Australia Geography Thesis: Spatial Structuring of Port-Linked Flows: The Port of Vancouver, Canada, 1965. Safranyik, Laszlo, B.S.F.; M.F. (Brit. Col.), Alberta Forestry Thesis: Development of a Technique for Sampling Mountain Pine Beetle Populations in Lodgepole Pine. Sandhu, Jagjit Singh, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Panjab); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), India Chemistry Thesis: Photoelectron Spectroscopic Studies of Some Polyatomic Molecules. Santosham, Thomas Viji, B.Sc. (Strathelyde); M.A.SC. (Brit. Col.), India Thesis: Inelastic Wave Propagation in Metal Rods. Mechanical Engineering Schau, Mikkel Paul, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ontario Geology Thesis: Geology of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group in South Central British Columbia. Shankowski, Allison Eugene, B.Sc. (Alberta), Alberta Electrical Engineering Thesis: Microwave Plasma Diagnostics. Slater, Jonathan Ernest, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Sidney Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Aeroelastic Instability of a Structural Angle Section. Small, William David, B.Sc. (Rensselaer Polytechnic I n s t ) ; M.S. (Harvard), United States Geophysics Thesis: Cordilleran Geochronology Deduced from Hydrothermal Leads. Thomas, Gary Evan, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: High Resolution Electron Impact Studies. Tiwari, Narayan Prasad, B.V.Sc. (Jabalpur); M.Sc. (Panjab), India Microbiology Thesis: Succinate Metabolism and Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Activity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Torrens, Alain Bernard, Dip.Ing. (Grenoble); M.Sc. (Laval), France Electrical Engineering Thesis: Negative Differential Conductivity Effects in Semiconductors. Usher, Mrs. Jean Edwards, B.A. (McGill), Ontario History Thesis: William Duncan of Metlakatla: A Victorian Missionary in British Columbia. Watkinson, Alan Paul, B.Eng. (McMaster); M.A.SC. (Brit. Col.), Quebec Chemical Engineering Thesis: Particulate Fouling of Sensible Heat Exchangers. 10 Whelan, Ernest David Pratt, B.S.A. (Guelph); M.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Manitoba Plant Science Thesis: Meiosis and Pollen Fertility in Prunus avium L. cv. Lambert and Irradiation Propagates of Lambert. Whitlow, Simon Hugh, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: The Structure Determination of Some Cyclic Phosphonitrilic Compounds. Wigfield, Mrs. Yuk-Yung, B.Sc. (Hong Kong Baptist); M.A. (St. Francis Xavier), Hong Kong Chemistry Thesis: Mechanistic Studies of the Pyrolsis of 1-PyrazoIines. Wong, James Chin-Sze, B.A. (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Mathematics Thesis: Topological Invariant Means on Locally Compact Groups. Wootton, Robert John, M.A. (Cantab.), England Zoology Thesis: A Comparative Study of Test Procedures and Measures of Behaviour in the Male Three-Spined Stickleback, (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.). Zwarich, Ronald ames, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Kamloops Chemistry Thesis: A Study of the Spectra of Some Organic Compounds. THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Agrawal, Krishna Murari, B.E. (Jabalpur); M.E. (Roorkee), India Civil Engineering Thesis: Analysis of Elastic Shells of Revolution with Membrance and Flexure Stresses under Arbitrary Loading Using Trapezoidal Finite Elements, Akhtar, Ainul, B.Sc. (Utkal); B.E. (I.I. of Sc., Bangalore), India Metallurgy Thesis: Solid Solution Strengthening of Magnesium. Aleksiuk, Michael, B.Sc. (Alberta), Alberta zoology Thesis: The Metabolic Adaptation of the Beaver (Castor canadensis kuhl) to the Arctic Energy Regime. Aspinwall, Nevin, B.S.; M.S. (Washington), United States Zoology Thesis: The Maintenance of Reproductive Isolation Between Hybridizing Populations of the Peamouth Chub, MyUtchetlus caurtnum and the Redside Shiner, Rtchardsontus balteatus. Auersperg, Mrs. Nelly, M.D. (Washington), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: The Interaction of Cellular and Environmental Factors in Tumor Histogenesis. Behera, Saroj Kumar, B.Sc. (Utkal); B.E. (LI. of Sc., Bangalore), India Metallurgy Thesis: The Effect of Stress in Chemical Diffusion. Biggs, Richard Gregory, B.S. (Stanford), United States Mathematics Thesis: Some Generalizations of Nilpotence in Ring Theory. Cable, John, B.Pharm.; M.Pharm. (Sydney), Australia. Chemistry Thesis: The Total Synthesis of Veratrum Alkaloids. Chan, Choi-Lai, B.Sc. (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Physics Thesis: Octet Enchancement in Hadronic Interactions. Cowan, Garry Ian McTaggart, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: Comparative Analyses of Separate Data Sources in a Systematic Study of the Genus Myoxocephalus (Pisces; Cottidae). Cretney, Walter James, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Studies in the Fields of Steroids and Alkaloids. Dickman, Michael David, B.A. (California); M.A. (Oregon), United States Zoology Thesis: The Relation of Freshwater Plankton Productivity to Species Composition During Induced Successions. 11 Dimoff, Kenneth, B.A.; M.A. (Toronto), Ontario Physics Thesis: A Time Correlated Study of the Z-Pinch Discharge in Helium. Fish, Arthur Geoffrey, B.Sc. (Carleton); M.Sc. (McGill), United States Zoology Thesis: Field Observations in an Oxycline in Relation to Laboratory Determinations of Oxygen Requirements in Some Species of Marine Zooplankton. Regan, Lance, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), New Westminster Rennie, Robert Richard, B.S.; M.S. (Brigham Young), Schindel, Wesley Gerald, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), Gletsos, Constantine, Dip.Chem. (Athens); M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Seagraves, Paul Henry, B.Sc. (New Mexico); M.Sc. (Brit Col.), United States Greece Thesis: Synthetic Studies in Indole Alkaloids. Chemistry Mathematics Thesis: Oscillation Theorems for Elliptic Differential Equations. Holt, Richard Thomas, B.Met (Sheffield); M.Sc. (London), England Metallurgy Thesis: The High Temperature Deformation of Cobalt Single Crystals. Horita, Robert Eiji, B.A.Sc.; M.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Geophysics Thesis: Wave-Particle Interaction Around the Lower Hybrid Resonance. Janzen, Wayne Roger, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Saskatchewan Vancouver Chemistry Physics Singh, Bharat, B.Sc. (Banares); M.Sc. (Ranchi), India Botany Thesis: Chemical Control of Growth In Sugar Beet (Beta saccharlfera L.). Stein, Richard Adolph, B.Sc. (Alberta); M.Sc. (Illinois), Alberta Electrical Engineering Thesis: On the Synthesis of Two-Element-Kind Multiport Networks. Williamson, Denis George, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), Trail Thesis: Studies on the 11 Biochemistry - Hydroxylation of Deoxycorticosterone. Wilson, Mrs. Nadine, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Microbiology Zuzak, William Walter, B.S., M.Sc. (Saskatchewan), Thesis: Some Physico-Chemical Studies on Two Icosahedral Viruses. Leung, Fred Ying Toy, B.S.P.; M.S.P. (Brit Col.) Vancouver Thesis: The Stereochemistry of the Reaction of Molecular Oxygen with Alkyl Free Radicals. Chemistry Thesis: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Saturation and Rapid Passage Experiments in Non-Metallic Solids. Kalmakoff, James, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), Mathematics Thesis: A Critical Comparison of some Theories of Classical Irreversible Statistical Mechanics. Headley, Velmer Bentley, B.Sc. (London); M.A. (Brit Col.), Barbados Ontario Thesis: Finite Mixtures of Distributions with Common Central Moments. Gerrath, Joseph Fredrick, B.A.; B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Botany Thesis: Studies on the infrastructure of Desmids and its Relation to their Taxonomy. Zoology Thesis: Euphausia pactfica and other Euphauslids in the Coastal Waters of British Columbia: Relationships to Temperature, Salinity and other Properties in the Field and Laboratory. Germany Zoology Thesis: Isolation and Amino Acid Sequence of Neuropypophysical Hormones of Pacific Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha). Saskatchewan Physics Thesis: Investigation of the Dynamics of Radiation Fronts. Biochemistry Thesis: Studies on DNA and DNA Polymerases from the Intestinal Mucosa of Rat Lewis, John Eugene, B.Eng. (New Brunswick), New Brunswick Electrical Engineering THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Thesis: A study of Certain Types of Surface Waveguides. Lindsay, Owen Burnett, B.S.A.; M.S.A. (Brit Col.), Jamaica Poultry Science Thesis: The Influence of some Physiologic and Dietary Factors on Plasma Sterol Concentration and Bile Acid Excretion in the Domestic Chicken. Masak, Mart, B.A.Sc. (Toronto), Ontario Electrical Engineering Thesis: Decomposition and Optimal Control Theory. Mitchel, Ronald Edward John, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Biochemistry Thesis: Selective Cleavage of Transfer Ribonucleic Acid. Nielsen, Ole Anders, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), Powell River Mathematics Thesis: Maximal Abellan Subalgebras of Von Neumann Algebras. North, Robert Neville, B.A. (Cambridge), England Geography Thesis: Transport and Economic Development in Western Siberia. Olivo, Miguel Angel, Lie. en Fis. (Argentina), Argentina Physics Thesis: The Gamma-Ray Angular Distribution from the Reaction D(p,tj)* He Below 200 KeV. Osborn, John Edward, B.Sc. (Wales); M.F. (Brit. Col.), England Forestry Thesis: Influence of Stocking and Density upon Growth and Yield of Trees and Stands of Coastal Western Hemlock. Pastro, Kenneth Ralph, B.S.A.; M.S.A. (Brit Col.), Abbotsford Ontario India Cranbrook Arden, Nich0las Russel, B.A. (Cantab.), Vancouver Computer Science Thesis: Network Planning and Resource Allocation for Project Control. Bejar Hurtado, Jose Antonio, Cert. (Inst. Catolico de Artes e Industrias), Spain Physics Thesis: Wave Propagation in Rarefied Gases. Borden, Mrs. Carol Ann, B.S. (Massachusetts), United States Botany Thesis: A Study of Codium Fragile. Chen, Liang-Ing, B.Sc. (Chung-Hsing), Taiwan Plant Science Thesis: Effect of Captan on Pollen Germination and Fruit Set in Strawberry. Chu, Soong-Ming Felicia, B.Sc. (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Hong Kong Botany Zoology Thesis: Interactive Segregation Between Adult Dolly Varden (Saheltma malma) and Cutthroat Trout (Salmo clarkt clarkl) in Small Coastal British Columbia Lakes. History Thesis: Physiological and Biochemical Aspects of Growth and Yield Stimulation of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Plants by 2, 4-D-Mineral Sprays. 12 Andrusak, Harvey, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Childs, John Frazer, B.Sc. (Syracuse), Thesis: Victorian Missionaries in Meiji Japan: The Shiba Sect 1873-1900. Rathore, Vikram Singh, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Agra), Akinbode, Isaac Adefolu, B.Sc. (Me), Nigeria Agricultural Economics Thesis: The Relationship Between the Socio-Economic Characteristics of Farmers in British Columbia and Their Contacts with District Agriculturists. Poultry Science Thesis: The Effect of Dietary Lysine Level on Thyroid Activity and Body Temperature in the Chick. Powles, Cyril Hamilton, B.A. (McGill); M.A. (Harvard), DEAN COWAN United States Geology Thesis: Contact Relationships of Mount Carlyle Stock Slocan, British Columbia. Botany Thesis: Growth and Biochemical Responses of the Tomato (Lycoperstcum esculentum var. Bonny Best) to K Napthenates. Dougan, Patrick Daniel, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Trail Physics Thesis: Knight Shift and Quadrupole Interaction in Single Crystal Magnesium. 13 Dunlop, Clifford Arthur Allan, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Food Science Thesis: The Effect of Temperature During Fruit Development on the Quality of Green Snap Beans. Fenwick, Mrs. Julie Margaret, B.Sc. (McGill), Alberta Zoology Thesis: A Comparative Study of the Behaviour of Two Sympatic Species of Freshwater Sculpins, Coitus asper Richardson and Coitus aleutlcus Gilbert, in Relation to Their Differences in Microhabitat. Finch, Caroline Margaret, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), White Rock Microbiology Thesis: Intermediary Carbohydrate and Amino Acid Metabolism in Clostridium perfringens Type A. Flicker, Urs Josef, Dip.Ing. (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Switzerland Planning Thesis: Regional Land Use Allocation Models and Their Application to Planning. Fuchs, Jens Peter, Vordiplom (Technische Universitat, Munchen), Germany Geophysics Thesis: Evaluation of a Rectilinear Motion Detector. Moritz, Lutz Erich, B.Sc. (McGill), Quebec Physics Thesis: An Investigation into the Possibility of Using a HE-3 Filled Ionization Chamber to Measure Neutron Flux. Nielsen, Mrs. Katherine Stephanie, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Chemistry Thesis: Collision Theory as Applied to the Calculation of a Relaxation Time. Panteleyev, Andrejs, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), N e w Westminster Geology Thesis: Mineralization of the Driftwood Property, McConnell Creek District, British Columbia. Prasad, Mahendra, B.Sc.; M.Sc. (Ranchi), India Chemistry Thesis: Electrical Conductivity of Potassium Iodide Between 200°C and Room Temperature. Hanson, Arthur John, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Zoology Thesis: The Life-History of the Sand Crab Hlppa cubensls Saussure Living on a Small Island. Redman, Lyle Wharton, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Biochemistry Thesis: Nucleic Acid Metabolism of a Estrogen Dependent Adrenal Cortical Tumor. Richardson, Donald George, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: The Chemiluminescence of Acridinium Salts. Ross, Bruce Herbert, M A . (Iowa), New Zealand Physiology Thesis: A Study on the Effects of Exercise and Confinement on the Calcium Metabolism of the Rat. Ho, Ronghui, B.S.; M.S. (National Taiwan), China Forestry Thesis: Some Observations on Germination of Pseudotsuga meaztesli (Mirb.) Franco Pollen in Vitro. Russell, William Ward, B.S.P. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Pharmacy Thesis: Synthesis of 2:3-Benzo-4-Hydroxy-l,l-Dimethyl-l-Silacyclohex-2-Ene. Horvath, Leonard James, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Computer Science Thesis: DDS/I, An Applications-Oriented List-Processor. Keziere, Robert John, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Studies Related to the Synthesis of Eremophilane Sesquiterpenes Concerning the Structure of Eremophilene. Scheer, Howard Donald, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Animal Science Thesis: I. The Effects of Feeding Diethylstilbesterol and a Forage Antiestrogen on the Reproduction of Female Mink. (Mustela vison). H. The Effects of Various Protein and Energy Levels on the Maintenance and Early Growth of Mink. (Mustela vison). Kraft, Kris Lance, A.B. (California, Berkeley), United States Mathematics Thesis: Perception-Like Machines. Kropinski, Andrew Maitland Boleslaw, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Microbiology Thesis: Isolation, and Characterization of a Bacteriophage Active Against Pseudomonas acidovorans. Kvist, Tage Nielsen, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: The Distribution of Glycosaminoglycans (Mucopolysaccharides) in the Axial Region of the Developing Chicle Embryo. Lee, Gregory Frank, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Physics Thesis: The Annihilation of Positrons in Helium. Leschyson, Margaret Ann, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Plant Science Thesis: Some Effects of Urea and Nitrate Nitrogen on the Growth and Composition of Cranberry. Lesk, Earl Michael, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Microbiology Thesis: Purification and Characterization of Proteolyic Enzymes from Bacteroldes AmylophUus H-18. Shelford, James Arthur, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Burns Lake Animal Science Thesis: The Utilization of Alder Sawdust by Sheep and Cattle. Sloan, David Scott, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: A Search for Galactic H a +. Physics Steiner, Paul Robert, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Conformational Studies of Furanosyl Fluorides by Proton and Fluorine Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Stewart, William Brien, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Chemistry Thesis: Studies of Geometrical Isomers by Photo-ionization Mass Spectrometry. Stockmayer, Philip Henry, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Physics Thesis: Measurement of Relative Transition Probabilities in Argon Using the Faraday Effect. Tapping, Robert Laurence, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: An Electron Spin Resonance Study of the Chlorpromazine Cation. Truant, Paul Thomas, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Trail Physics Thesis: Inelastic Neutron Scattering to Isomeric Levels. Malakoff, Walter, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Grand Forks Physics Thesis: Nuclear Orientation at Very Low Temperatures. Malcolm, Robert Bennet, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Conformational Analysis of Some Novel Isomeric Phosphate Esters by Phosphorus Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Van Sickle, Gordon Allan, B.S.F. (Brit. Col.), New Brunswick Forestry Thesis: Decay Following Pruning of Balsam Fir in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. McFarlane, Archibald, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Computer Science Thesis: Minimal Spanning Trees with Degree Restraints. Michkofsky, Ronald R , B.Sc. (Carnegie), United States Geophysics Thesis: Magnetics of Bowie Seamount. Willington, Robert Peter, B.S.F. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Forestry Thesis: Some Effects of Slashburning, Clearcutting and Skidroads on the PhysicalHydrologic Properties of Coarse Glacial Soils in Coastal British Columbia. 14 Wiens, Elmer Gerald, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Mathematics Thesis: Reduction of Games Using Dominant Strategies. 15 THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Bennion, Glenda Ruth, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: The Control of the Function of the Heart in Teleost Fish. Camm, Edith Ellen, B.Sc. (Queen's), Ontraio Botany Thesis: Tyrosine and Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyases in Sporobolomyces roseus. Carew, Barbara Agnes Mary, B.Sc. (Memorial), Newfoundland Zoology Thesis: Some Effects of Methallibure (I.C.I. 33,828) on the Stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L. Davies, Gordon Stanley, B.P.E.; B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ontario Zoology Thesis: The Productivity of the Macrophytes of Marion Lake, B.C. Flegel, Timothy William, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), Blueberry Creek Botany Thesis: Some Aspects of Conjugation in the Genus Tremella Dill, ex Fr. Gates, Bryan Rodd, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), N e w Westminster Zoology Thesis: Deer Food Production in Certain Serai Stages of the Coast Forest. Gibbons, Cyril Stephen, B.Sc. (Memorial), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: The Determination of the Crystal Structure of 1,5-Diphenyltricyclo [* E] Pent-3-YL p-Bromobenzoate by X-Ray Diffraction. Groves, David John, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Aldergrove Microbiology Thesis: Carbohydrate Transport and Metabolism in Resting Suspensions of Clostridium perfrlngens Type A. Rahmani, Riyadh Abdul-Rahim, B.Sc. (Baghdad), Iraq Geology Thesis: Sedimentology and Petrology of the Cedar District Formation, Late Cretaceous, Southwestern British Columbia. Ryall, Patrick Randall, B.Sc. (Windsor), Ontario Physics Thesis: Thin Films of Gallium Antimonide by Flash Evaporation. Samson, John Craig, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), N e w Westminster Geophysics Thesis: Deep Resistivity Measurements in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia. Tarasoff, Frederick John, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Cobble Hill Zoology Thesis: The Osmotic and Ionic Regulatory Capacities of the Kidney of the Harbor Seal, Phoca vitulina. Tarasoff, Mrs. Mary Somerville, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: The Use of Conditional Lethals in the Analysis of Development of Drosophila melanogaster. Tingle, James Nisbet, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), White Rock Plant Science Thesis: The Effects of Temperature, Light, and Variety on Sterility in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. and H. distichum L.). Tseng, Kuang-Hsing, B.Sc. (Taiwan Normal); M.S. (National Central), Taiwan Geophysics Thesis: A New Model for the Crust in the Vicinity of Vancouver Island. Koss, Terry, B.Sc. (Washington), United States Physics Thesis: Many-Quantum Transitions in the Conduction Electron Spin System of Lithium Metal. Van Der Kamp, Garth Stephen John Paul, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), New Westminster Physics Thesis: Scattering of Light from a Plasma Jet Vizsolyi, Mrs. Elizabeth, Dip. in Sc. (Eotvos Lorand), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: Studies of the Sheep Neurohypophysis during Pregnancy and Foetal Development. Webb, Terry Lavern, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Chilliwack Zoology Thesis: Some Aspects of Conjugation in Stentor coeruleus. Wiebe, Victor Graham, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: Coordination Compounds of Alkyl Gallium Hydrides. Yakel, Kent Alexander, B.Sc. (Manitoba), Manitoba Physics Thesis: The Irreducible Representation of the Space Group D". 2h Lam, Lui, B.Sc. (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Physics Thesis: Theoretical Cross-Sections of Pion Production by 450 MeV Protons on Various Nuclei. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Hill, Joan Emily, B.Sc. (Toronto), Vancouver Physics Thesis: An Action Spectrum of Nitrobacter agilis. Jiang, Kuo-Shii, B.S. (National Taiwan), Taiwan Forestry Thesis: Variation in Two Families of Compounds Across Stems of Western Red Cedar (Thuja pllcala Donn.) Johns, Robert Eric, B.Sc. (Victoria), Victoria Physics Thesis: A Study of the Density Structure and Water Flow in the Upper 10 M. of a Selected Region in Bute Inlet, British Columbia. Livingstone, Kent Wayne, B.Sc. (Carleton), Ontario Geology Thesis: Geology of the Crawford Bay Map-Area. MacFarlane, Tracy Lynn, B.Sc. (New Brunswick), New Brunswick Physics Thesis: Efficiency Calibration of a Neutron Long Counter. McMillin, Douglas John, B.Sc. (Victoria), Richmond Physics Thesis: Calculated Cross-Sections of Pion Production by 450 MeV Protons on Various Nuclei. Medveczky, Nicholas E., B.A. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Microbiology Thesis: The Biosynthesis of Ribosomes in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. Morrison, Duncan John, B.S.F. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Botany Thesis: Effect of Hot-Water Soluble Thuja pltcata Heartwood Extractives on the Growth of Thuja and Hon-Thuja Isolates of Porta weiril. Pease, Alan K , B.Sc. (Washington), United States Zoology Thesis: The Use of Estimates of Ribonucleic Acid to Predict the Growth Rates of Zooplanktonic Organisms. DEAN COWAN THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Dent, William John, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Alberta Agricultural Extension Thesis: The Sources of Agricultural Information Used by Farmers of Differing Socio-Economic Characteristics. Groundwater, Richard Austin, B.S.A. (Alberta), Alberta Agricultural Economics Thesis: A Simulation Study of Grain Assembly from Farm to Elevator at Six Elevator Points in Alberta. Vanderstoep, John, B.S.A. (Brit Col.), Langley Poultry Science Thesis: A Study of Management Practices on Broiler Farms in British Columbia. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE LN PHARMACY DEAN COWAN THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATE COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Procunier, James Douglas, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Zoology Thesis: Dominant Temperature-Sensitive Lethal and Semilethal Mutations on Chromosome 2 of Drosophlla melanogaster. Janis, Ronald Allen Joseph, B.S.P. (Brit. Col.), Mission City Thesis: Synthesis of Dispiro Compounds and Derivatives as Potential Medicinal Agents. 16 17 THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEAN COWAN Aoki, Yosbinori, B.Sc. (Tokyo Metropolitan), Japan Civil Engineering Thesis: Vibration Analysis of Dry Sand Models. Baskerville-Bridges, Herbert James, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Manitoba Electrical Engineering Thesis: On Automating the Accessioning Process in a Clinical Pathology Laboratory. Bennett, John Reavely, B.Sc. (Queen's), Ontario Electrical Engineering Thesis: A Study of the Human Visual Evoked Potential. Brodie, John Buchan, BA.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Metallurgical Engineering Thesis: The Electrochemical Dissolution of Galena. Chong, Yu Sen, B.Sc. (Nanyang), Malaysia Chemical Engineering Thesis: Hindered Settling. Feng, Chia-Ching, B.S. (National Taiwan), Taiwan Mechanical Engineering Thesis: The Measurement of Vortex Induced Effects in Flow Past Stationary and Oscillating Circular and D-Section Cylinders. Helmer, Richard Lloyd, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Engineering Physics Thesis: The Absolute Cross Section for the Reaction D(p, b)»He From 400KeV to 1100 KeV. Jewsbury, Frank Edward, B.Eng. (Royal Military College of Canada), Manitoba civil Engineering Thesis: An Experimental Study of Plastic Behavior of Short Lengths of Wide Flange Steel Columns. Johnston, David Lawrence, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Trail Mineral Engineering Thesis: The Flotation of Apatite and Dolomite in Orthophosphate Solutloa Kapoor, Aran Kumar, B.Tech. (Indian Inst, of Tech., Kanpur), India Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Wave Propagation in Elastic Bars Coupled by Viscoelastic Element. Kupper, Arthur K., Dip.Tech. (Swiss Federal Inst. of Tech.), Switzerland Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Combined Free and Forced Convection in a Horizontal Tube Under Uniform Heat Flux. Liu, Ming-Shen, B.Eng. (Shizuoka), Taiwan Thesis: Oxygen Transfer in a Stirred Tank. Chemical Engineering Orton, Harry Ernest, B.E. (New South Wales), Australia Electrical Engineering Thesis: A Multiconductor Transmission Line with Distributed Compensation. Palffy-Muhoray, Peter, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Kitimat Electrical Engineering Thesis: Effect of Channel Transmission Errors on DPCM Systems. Serif, Norman John, B.E. (Nat. University of Ireland), Ireland Civil Engineering Thesis: The Influence of Impermeable Cores on the Seismic Behaviour of Earth Dams. Shimozawa, David Tetsuo, B.Sc. (Manitoba), Manitoba Electrical Engineering Thesis: Coherent Local Oscillators for a 21 CM. Supersynthesis Experiment. Sikka, Satish, B.Sc. (Delhi), India Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Conductive and Convective Heat Transfer with Radiant Heat Flux Boundary Conditions. Surana, Virendra Singh, B.Sc. (Banaras Hindu), India Thesis: Leaching of Geothite in Acid Solutions. Metallurgical Engineering Vaid, Yoginder Pal, B.Sc. (Panjab), India Thesis: A Plane Strain Apparatus for Soils. Vasey, Joseph Steele, B.S. (Seattle), United States Thesis: Stability of an Embankment on Soft Clay. Wedman, Leonard Nickolaus, B.Sc. (Alberta), Alberta Thesis: Stabilization and Optimization of a Power siderations. Civil Engineering Wilcox, Philip Stanley, B.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Forest Grove civil Engineering Electrical Engineering System with Sensitivity ConElectrical Engineering Thesis: Dielectric Properties of Thin Insulating Films. THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Booth, Robin Geoffrey, B.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Chemical Engineering Thesis: Optimization with Random Error. Bowering, Kenneth Wayne, B.Sc. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Electrical Engineering Thesis: A Polarity Coincidence Spectrum Analyzer for Imputs with a Wide Dynamic Range. Charania, Hajimohammed Gulamhusain, B.Tech. (LIX, Bombay), India Civil Engineering Thesis: Plane Stress Analysis with Isosceles Trapizoidal Bar Cells. Cook, Richard Charles, B.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), Vancouver Metallurgy Thesis: Superplasticity in a Dilute Zinc Aluminum Alloy. Deczky, Andrew Gustav, B.A.Sc. (McGill), Quebec Electrical Engineering Thesis: A Portable Physiological Recording System. Douville, Paul Joseph Rene, B.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), Creston Electrical Engineering Thesis: Selective Evaluation and Comparison of Digital and Analog Modulation Systems. Gantayat, Akhilananda, B.Sc. (Utkal); B.Tech. (LI-T., Kharagpur), India Civil Engineering Thesis: Rectangular Bar and No-Bar Finite Elements for Three Dimensional Stress Analysis. Ramsay, William Desmond, B.Eng. (Carleton), Ontario Electrical Engineering Thesis: Design of a Simple Reading Machine for the Blind. Robbins, Robert Jaroslaw, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Lateral Effects in a Thermal Boundary Layer. Gergis, Isoris Sobhi, B.Sc. (Ain Shams), Egypt Electrical Engineering Thesis. Fundamental Experimental Study of the Operation of Gunn Effect Diodes in Resonant Circuits. Saint-Jacques, Robert Gustave, B.Sc.A. (Montreal), Quebec Metallurgical Engineering Thesis: Creep of Compacts of Colloidal Boehmite (A100H) During Dehydroxylation. Lucas, James Peter, B.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), Mission City Chemical Engineering Thesis: Optimization of Multi-Stage Adsorption Systems. Sakata, Kenji, B.Eng. (Kyoto), Japan Chemical Engineering Thesis: Mechanical Properties of Sheep Skin in Compression. Schneider, Bernd Christoph, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Milner Mechanical Engineering Thesis: Experimental Investigation of Nonlinear Coupled Vibrations of Bars and Plates. Maini, Rameshwar Kumar, B.Tech. (I.I.T., Bombay), India Civil Engineering Thesis: Steady State Vibrations of Framed Structures. Mason, Robert Edward, B.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), White Rock Mineral Engineering Thesis: Instrumentation of the Shotcrete Lining on the Canadian National Railways Tunnel, Vancouver, B.C. 18 19 Meier, Otto, Dip. Eng. (Swiss Institute of Tech.), Switzerland Electrical Engineering Thesis: Television Picture Transmission and Optical Signal Processing. Reed, Albert James, B.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), New Westminster THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF APPLffiD SCIENCE DEAN ARMSTRONG Electrical Engineering Thesis: A Study of Ferroresonance with Application to Digital Logic. Robinson, William Reginald, B.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), Burnaby Electrical Engineering Thesis: Identification and Parameter Optimization of Linear Systems with Time Delay. Whale, Kenneth George, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Salmon Arm Electrical Engineering Thesis: An Automatic Optimizer for Use in Optimal Process Controllers. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FORESTRY DEAN COWAN Adams, Roy Douglas, B.Sc. (Aberdeen), Vancouver Thesis: Fracture Development in Wood Resulting from Bending Stresses and Detected Using the Acoustic Emission Phenomenon. Richmond, Anthony Eaton, B.S.F. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: An Analysis of Some Physical and Economic Criteria for the Determination of Rotations for British Columbia Forests. Robinson, Mrs. Elizabeth Aino Francis, B.S.F. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: The Evaluation of Forest Land in British Columbia. THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Apt, Kamill John Z., B.S.F. (Sopron), CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Ballantyne, Andrew Robert Gordon Bollans, Ronald Arthur Clark, John Robert DeBoni, Walter Duncan, Paul William Hagan, Brian James Hamilton, Jay Findlay Herschmiller Donald Wayne Iwanick, Arnold Calvin Lawson, Ernest MacLeod Marlow, James Richard Foster Matson, Dennis Douglas Matthews, Robert Henry McBean, William Neil Mercer, John Leslie Miller, Donald Warren Mitchell, Robert Alexander Mohr, Kenneth Allen West Vancouver Nielsen, Darryl Evan Bernard Riondel Oei, James Khong Vancouver Quan, Arthur Kee Vancouver Rieder, Robert William Coquitlam Roberts, Terence North Vancouver Sahay, Arvind Vancouver Schinkel, Gary Wayne Chilliwack Schofield, Brian Trevor Vancouver Shepherd, Robert Brook Alberta Sheraton, Donald Frederick West Vancouver Skands, Erling Harold Vancouver Smith, Warren Alec Haney Stewart, Dennis Goldwin, B.S.P. Vancouver Stringer, Michael John North Vancouver Wong, Ho Yew Vancouver Young, Victor Edward Vancouver Vancouver Cranbrook Vancouver Nakusp Vancouver Vancouver Richmond Ocean Falls United States Gold River Coquitlam Ladysmith Canoe Alberta Vancouver Vancouver Victoria Vancouver Thesis: Preferences of Mountain Park Visitors Regarding Some British Columbia and Alberta Forest Habitats. Boateng, Peter Edward Kodwo, B.Sc. (Edinburgh), Thesis: An Economic Appraisal of Forest Policy in Ghana. Chiu, Shui-Tung, B.Sc. (Taiwan Provincial Chung-Hsing), Taiwan Thesis: Sulphate and Bisulphite Pulp Yields within Wood Growth Zones of Picea martana (MTU.) B.S.P. and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. 20 CIVIL ENGINEERING Ghana Atlung, Jan Botwid Barker, John Black, David Holmes Blakeston, William Hartley Brenner, Ronald Lloyd Brett, Edwin Victor Brotherston, Robert Murray Doyle, Daniel Patrick Dunnet, Gordon Leslie Elliott, John Anthony Fraser, Richard Allan Gurr, Robert William James Harrington, Dennis Ralph Hepworth, William Arnold Hodge, Fraser Douglas Johnson, Wayne Adrian Jordens, Ronald Charles Kennedy, Michael Allan Konrad, Jacob Ernie Lam, Howard Francis Timothy Hou-Tat Vancouver Burnaby Vancouver Burnaby Vancouver PortAlberni Victoria Victoria West Vancouver Victoria Victoria Vancouver West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby Victoria Burnaby Yarrow Louie, Ronald David Vancouver Ma, Tak-Wah Vancouver Maber, Colin Terrence Westbank Mickelson, Peter Raeburn West Vancouver Mitchell, Allen Clyde Revelstoke Moore, David Nelson North Vancouver Moseley, Martin John, B.Sc. (Victoria) Victoria Neden, Douglas George Vancouver Nemeth, Leslie Vancouver Oakley, Charles Richard North Vancouver O'Connor, Michael John Vancouver Okun, Michael Howard Vancouver Ritchie, John Clarke Weldon Victoria Shikaze, Ben Hideyo Aldergrove Vik, Ole Thorvald Norway Wait, Alan Douglas Trail Webb, Gordon William Barriere Wightman, Edgar Ross Terrace Wilson, Kenneth William Vancouver Vancouver 21 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Vancouver Apfelbaum, Jerry Vancouver Au, Kenneth Kit Haney Barber, David William Vancouver Bates, Robert Charles Kelowna Bedell, Philip Stanley Vancouver Bessuille, Paul Andr6 Kamloops Bowers, Alan Ross Turkey Buyuktugrul, Ahmet Sezen Powell River Carter, Frederick Howard Burnaby Christie, Donald Mannion Vancouver Constantinescu, Corneliu Horia Golden Davis, Alan Edwin Vancouver Dawson, Stuart Douglas Port Coquitlam Einarson, Terrence CliflFord Nanaimo English, John Gordon Campbell River Fulton, Brian Richard North Vancouver Garnett, Gerald Alexander Coquitlam Gemmill, James Edgar Vancouver Gillespie, Donald Francis Vancouver Goodenough, David Philip Haddow, George Robert Victoria Haksi, Thomas Arne Ladner Jamison, Allan George Thomas Vancouver Jespersen, Paul Jesper Salmon Arm Kelsch, Robert George Vancouver Kerchum, Walter Nicholas King, Donald Wayne Kline, Richard Kelly Lam, Thomas Gain Hong Larsen, Richard Lee, William Yun Piu Lees, Allan James Lefebvre, Denis Alyre Maughan, Michael John McKinnon, Wayne Lome Moran, John Thomas Mumford, Donald Gregory Mussell, Peter John Neuman, Richard William Nichols, Alan David Nygaard, Harold Okano, Parker Smeaton, Donald Alistair Stephenson, Michael Alan Truster, Norman John Watt, John Victor Woelbera, John Hartmut Wolfram, Lawrence Raymond Yan, James Zielke, Gary Harold Vancouver Vancouver North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby Coquitlam New Westminster Burnaby Vancouver Abbotsford North Vancouver Burnaby Burnaby North Vancouver Victoria Vancouver Coquitlam 100 Mile House North Vancouver Vancouver Grand Forks Philippines Vancouver Orchard, Antony Spencer Patterson, Mark Ralph Peskett, Elwood Arthur (Posthumous) Prinz, William Paul Redlack, Larry Glen Roberts, Donald Edward Shergill, Karamjeet Singh Springer, Selwyn James, B.Sc. (University College of the West Indies) Vancouver Tarn, Mon-Hoy Quebec Tippett, Alan James Nanaimo Waller, Richard John Edward Vancouver Wensel, Ronald Gordon Richmond Workman, Donald Lloyd Steveston Yager, Danielle Scheffer United States Vancouver West Vancouver Naramata Vancouver Vancouver Duncan Ontario METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING Ablitt, Michael John Akeroyd, Lloyd Douglas Aven, Donn Bachlet, John Paul Bell, Mark Moshe Carter, Laurence Reginald Coffey, David Barry Currie, David Alexander Jackson, Robert Orrin Lidkea, Thomas Roy Morton, Stewart Kenneth Peace, Wayne Alan Rusch, William Charles Sasaki, Stanley G. Seto, Vernon Staples, Brian Baird Willis, Kenneth John Witzke, Kenneth Edward North Vancouver Ladner Vancouver Fernie Vancouver PortAlberni North Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver Richmond New Westminster LakeCowichan Oliver Vernon Vancouver Creston Courtenay Winfield MINERAL ENGINEERING Bennett, Norman Harold Dowds, Norman Arthur, B.Sc. Janssens, Joseph August Linzey, Richard Douglas Bartlett Cranbrook Vancouver Richmond Chilliwack Ogilvie, Gordon Morley North West Territories Porteous, John William Robert Penticton Sutton, Donald Gordon Nanaimo Zandee, Dignus Willem Oliver GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING Anderson, Douglas Atwater, James Wesley Findlay, Robert Brent North Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver McLeod, James Albert Percy, Graeme Raymond Sanford, Gerald Robie, B.Sc. Princeton Vancouver White Rock ENGINEERING PHYSICS Draper, Donald Arthur Hives, Lawrence Bruce Jackie, Douglas Frederick Cranbrook Dawson Creek Vancouver Pelton, William Harvey Yu, Richard Kwok-fun Vancouver Vancouver MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Alexander, Bryan John Altmeyer, John Dennis Baker, David Edmund Bryenton, Roger Weldon Cameron, Robert Brian Chow, Kee San, B.Sc. (Chu Hai College) Dame, David Allan Dunn, Daniel Thomas Engel, Simon Leslie Foster, Michael Franklyn Frank, Arthur Manfred Gronert, Paul Harold Harcoff, Peter Haverstock, Wayne Albert Hendren, Murray Kent Henriksen, Jens Suhr Jupp, Ronald Joseph Klassen, George Lee, Edward Joe Yam Lee, Tung Yan Victor Little, Alan Keith Lunam, Douglas James Macham, William Edward MacLeod, Frederick Allan Matson, Julian B. McDonald, James Allan Olund, Dexter George Rutland Enderby Vancouver Vancouver Alberta Hong Kong Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver North Vancouver West Germany Vancouver Vancouver 22 Vancouver Creston North Vancouver Saanichton North Surrey Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Courtenay Vancouver New Westminster North Vancouver Vancouver Mount Lehman THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Batchelor, Arthur Mark Blueberry Creek Dodman, Dennis James Vancouver Ogden, John Morris Nova Scotia CIVIL ENGINEERING Drummond, James Warren Vancouver ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Chappell, Michael Stanley Fitzroy Sobkowicz, Edward William Coquitlam Richmond Yen, William Shou-yun 23 United States MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Andersen, Williams John Crompton, Clifford Robert Meek, Ronald Charles North Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver Thomson, Brian Daniel Todd, Alan Edward Webb, George Allan Burnaby Vancouver North Vancouver MINERAL ENGINEERING McCormack, James Alfred Burton ENGINEERING PHYSICS Brown, Melvin George Vancouver Klein, Mabel Irene Krauss, Rona Avis Latta, Wendy MacRae, Heather Anne Madu, Margaret Isabelle McLean, Frances Helen Mendieta, Myrna Lois Minniss, Patricia Elaine Morrow, Arline Bessie Myers, Vera Marjorie Page, Joyce Ellen Kathleen Peters, Helen Frances White Rock Saskatchewan Chemainus Vancouver Vancouver New Brunswick Vancouver Alberta New Westminster South Burnaby Richmond Burnaby Power, Patricia Ann Rankin, Joan Margaret Smith, Helen Irene Soball, Gail Sherridan Sorensen, Dorothy Gillian Sundberg, Sharon Eloise Taylor, Helen Louise Thiel, Joanne Beverley Thomas, Fae Irene Thompson, Susan Franckum Verner, Jane Anne Wong, Trudi Sue South Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Hope Dawson Creek Vancouver Salmo North Vancouver West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE DEAN ARMSTRONG Bancroft, James Lester Vancouver Clark, Richard Gordon, B.Eng. (Carleton) Ontario Donald, Keith Sullivan, B.A. Vancouver Dorsey, Tanja Hahn Quebec Dub, Eugene Nicholas, B.A. (Alberta) Alberta Everett, Ronald Keith Ladner Goodfellow, Ronald James Alberta Goodwin, James Robert Alberta Holmen, Linden Alfred, B.A. (Calgary) Alberta Hulme, Brian Edmund Haney Kemble, Michael John West Vancouver Mahlberg, Kari Uolevi, B .A. . Vancouver Marchant, Edward John Steele, B .A. Vancouver Murray, Charlotte Coe Vancouver Nichols, David Wayne, B.A. Vancouver Oberti, Oberto Eugenio Italy Pauls, Jacob Leander New Westminster Rain, Lloyd Howard, B.A. (Miami) Vancouver Stenson, Donald Garrett, B.Sc. Vancouver Wai, Wayne Yip Vancouver Woods, Rodger Frank, B.A. Vancouver THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATE COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Nixon, Barry Charles Victoria Brown, Carol Kathleen Campbell, Lynda Jean Davies, Betty Jane Journeaux, Norma Gladys Vancouver New Westminster North Vancouver New Zealand Kosaka, Thelma Midori Mercer, Rose Kathleen Unruh, Margaret Ann Alberta Vancouver Mission City THE DIPLOMA IN ADMINISTRATION OF HOSPITAL NURSING UNITS Schoening, Doloris Helen Shmyr, Marie Margaret Smith, Eunice Mary Stephens, Nancy Elizabeth Stewart, Margaret Diane Tucker, Audrey Faye Tuinman, Grietje Jo-Hanna Vancouver Cooper, Patricia Ann New Westminster Elmes, Patricia Cairine Alberta Grady, Bernice Margaret Vancouver Heinrichs, Katie Lenora West Vancouver McLean, Eileen Louise Nickel, Sharon Anita Emily New Westminster Mission City Oppertshauser, Sandra Linnea Vancouver Rhode, Margaret Alice Vancouver New Westminster Delta Ontario Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Jones, Maud Ottawa Radcliffe, Elaine Charlotte Vancouver DEAN ARMSTRONG Anderson, Ruth Marilyn Begg, Vicki Joan Bertoncin, Franca Maria Blair, Fearon Ruth Chapala, Carol Lyn Clark, Lola Gail Cridland, Gloria Eva David, June Marguerite Davies, Wendy Joan Fay, Laurie Edith Fulcher, Marietta Anne Gardner, Lynne Frances Greenwood, Brenda Hempstock, Margaret Mae Howden, Jocelyn Ann Johnson, Joanne Edythe Johnston, Jennifer Mary Kerry, Shirley Ann New Westminster Vancouver Burnaby Vancouver Trail Nelson Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby 24 Kelowna Vancouver Ladysmith New Westminster Richmond West Vancouver Vancouver Haney Vancouver T H E D I P L O M A I N PUBLIC H E A L T H N U R S I N G Anutooshkin, Violet Vera Ballantyne, Caroline Rouel Barton, Dorothy Wendy Bell, Louise Elizabeth Cran, Doreen Sheila Davis, Lois Kathleen Brilliant Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver Salmon Arm Saskatchewan Daykin, Irene Evelyn Dodd, Ruth Ann Duff, Silvia Irmgard Grasset, Stephany Greenfield, Elizabeth Ann Gummeson, Linda Christine 25 Vancouver Kelowna Vancouver Vancouver Alberta Chilliwack Haak, Betty Helen Hall, Joan Elisabeth Harrod, Patricia Gail Iwanczyk, Margarita Hanna Kerby, Judith Ann Mackay, Janet Leckie Marshall, Teresa Gertrude McClughan, Ruth Marie McDermott, Maureen Grace McDougall, Janet Elizabeth Mcintosh, Dixie Bernice McMurchy, Janet Dewar Clearbrook Alberta Saskatchewan West Vancouver Terrace Vancouver Burnaby Ocean Park Alberta Saskatchewan Vancouver Vancouver Myrehaug, Irene Alison Neudorf, Margaret Elsie Nickel, Ruth Elaine O'Leary, Shelagh Ann Olstad, Carol Marie Perry, Linda Lee Pothier, Sara Madeline Powne, Barbara Mary Schuler, Uta Brigitte Spilsbury, Lauren Helen Suter, Joan Audrey Alberta Saskatchewan Clearbrook Vancouver North Vancouver Fort St. John Nova Scotia Alberta Vancouver Vancouver Castlegar THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Cheveldov, Diane Faith Hazlette, Margaret Jean New Westminster Salmon Arm McKenzie, Areta Lorean Smith, Deirdre Jean White Rock Vancouver THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE DEAN SHAW Alcock, Robert James Vancouver Amundson, Linda Joan Vancouver Barichello, Richard Ralph Langley Botta, Joseph Richard Alert Bay Vancouver Breckner, Edward Denman Island Brown, Ronald Murray Campbell, James Gordon Stener Vanderhoof Vancouver Charles, Ronald Downing West Vancouver Cole, Robert Edward Gray Vancouver Currie, Karen Louise West Vancouver Dawson, Kathleen Diane Cloverdale de Leeuw, Arnold John Dodd, Christopher John Hamilton Vancouver Kenya Donnelly, Cherry Lynne Port Moody Eastman, Paul DeWolfe Erickson, Lloyd Ronald Vancouver Gates, Arthur James Nova Scotia Hansen, Glenn Menard Cloverdale fiQatky, Robert Michael Kamloops Jakobsen, Margo Louise Creston Jones, Christina June McKinley Barbados Kosaka, Howard Masao Haney Lane, William David Summerland Vancouver Lautard, Guy Bayard Edouard South Viet Nam LS, Anh-CM Kelowna Lobb, Terence Michael West Vancouver Malowney, Peter George Newcomb, Kenneth Roland Vernon Parsons, David Cecil Vancouver Perry, Dennis Stephen Burnaby Quaedvlieg, Mark Theodore Keremeos Reimer, Elwin Alberta Stewart, Marilyn Gail Vancouver Termuende, Elizabeth Jane Thompson, Cedric Basil Hilton West Vancouver Guyana Truran, John McKay Vancouver Virdi, Bessie Violet Brunei Wall, Donald Gordon Vancouver Walmsley, Diane Christine Vancouver Yeulett, George Vernon Godwin Westbank Young, Gavin Kenneth Kelowna Zabawa, Eugene Michael Vancouver Zuccolo, Joseph Leonard Ontario 26 THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 HONOURS PROGRAMME Ricardo, Naomi Sheila Vancouver First Class MAJOR PROGRAMME Arndt, Helmut Boer, William Allan Framst, Gordon Ellison Gilmor, Gary Penticton Vancouver Cecil Lake Vancouver MacKenzie, Margaret Mary Rees, Roma Helen Wright, Victor Arthur West Vancouver Vancouver Salmon Ann THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FORESTRY DEAN GARDNER Allan, John Curry Roberts North Vancouver Allison, Angus Phillip Vancouver Andersen, Christian Erich Alberta Arnold, Rodney Joseph Vancouver Baender, Horst Erhard Vancouver Becker, Earle William Edward Kitimat Begrand, Victor Charles Saskatchewan Bettles, James Richard New Westminster Borkowski, Wesley Walter Manitoba Burge, David Raymond Vancouver Burton, Gordon Douglas Vancouver Chittenden, Wilfrid Harold Sardis Clapperton, David Russell Monte Creek Ellison, Thomas Leslie Vancouver Ennik, Arnold Victoria Ennis, Roger Victor Abbotsford Godfrey, Mark David Nanaimo Gregory, Frank William Rainier ;r Nanaimo Hartley, John Mitchell Vancouver Holmes, David Nowell Mission Hopwood, William Allen Vancouver Hutchings, Kenneth Brian Burnaby Jamieson, David Stuart Port Alberni Johnson, Gary Clifford West Vancouver Jones, John Russell Burnaby Kinnear, Donald Wesley Burnaby Kot, Ronald Joseph Vancouver Lacelle, Larry Edward Harvey Ontario Lambert, William Jamieson North Vancouver Louie, Robert Hong, B.Sc. (Alberta) Alberta MacDonell, Colin Patrick England Mischke, Harold Michael Vancouver Moller, Knut Martin Vancouver Pearson, Robert James Vancouver Roadhouse, Bryan Clark Penticton Ruault, Robert Eugene Cranbrook Stelmack, Colin Jack North Vancouver Stenberg, Gerald Eugene Nelson St. John, Roger Kenwood White Rock Tustin, Kenneth Grant, B.Sc. (Victoria University of Wellington) New Zealand Vader, Colin William Penticton Voight, Kenneth Walter Vancouver Webb, Derrek Harold Clinton Whyte, James Gordon West Vancouver Willms, Walter David Chilliwack Young, Gerald Glen Vancouver THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATE COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Molnar, James Edward Alberta 27 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCffiNCE IN PHARMACY DEAN RffiDEL Archambault, Arlane Frances Kinnaird Balodis, Dga-Ella Vancouver Bayer, Gerald Howard Vancouver Cheng, Derick Yuk Heng, Hong Kong B.Sc. (McGill) Vancouver Cook, Ronald Burnaby Dahlo, Susan Kathleen Vancouver Gagnon, Barbara Ann Vancouver Hanna, Barry Michael Brentwood Bay Haugen, Kenneth Edwin Henderson, Beverly New Westminster Carol Ann Nanaimo Hogarth, John David Vancouver Hollins, Barbara Marie Vancouver Ko, Mabel Lee, Trevor Mathew Joseph, New Westminster B.Sc. Macaulay, Victoria Catherine Mackie, Agnes Colleen Minato, Masayoshi Kenneth Porter, Kenneth Gilbert Rands, David Gordon, B.A. Reynolds, Carol Louise Sample, Eve Sylvia Schultz, Werner Smeeton, Roger Allan Strandberg, Patricia F. Trousil, D'Arcy Arvid Wiens, Allen Gordon Williamson, Harold Robert Yee, Marguerite Mae Yen, Peter Burnaby Burnaby Vancouver South Burnaby West Vancouver Victoria Vancouver Kelowna Vancouver Prince George Burnaby Abbotsford West Vancouver Ontario North Burnaby East Pakistan North Surrey Burnaby Matsushita, Elaine Masaye Maxwell, George Haig Paul, Norman Perry New Denver Penticton Vancouver BIOLOGY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Bradford, Bonnie Louise Holden, Jeanette Jeltje Davidson, Michael Hartley Jakeway, Marian Edith Krajina, Vladimir Peter Jan McLean, Brian George Second Class First Class COMBINED HONOURS PROGRAMME South Burnaby Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver BIOCHEMISTRY — HONOURS PROGRAMME First Class First Class First Class First Class Second Class First Class Second Class First Class 28 Prince, Peter Robert Spady, Carol Joan Tanner, Glennis Pamela Wilson, Douglas Mackenzie Vancouver Alberta West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Abbotsford First Class Second Class BOTANY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Ross, Shirley Ann Geology and Geophysics, Second Class Mathematics and Physics, First Class Geophysics and Physics, First Class Biology and Forest Biology, First Class Mathematics and Physics, First Class Penticton Vancouver Vancouver Golden Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Salmo BOTANY — HONOURS PROGRAMME DEAN OKULJTCH Carew-Gibson, Elizabeth Gail Del Vicario, Giuseppe Dunn, Bruce Partridge Fast, Diane Kay Lander, Douglas Edward McMeekin, Linda Noreen Thomson, Thomas Allan Vahejaus, Velio North Vancouver Vancouver Ley, Linda Marjorie Quinn, Patricia Elizabeth Maureen THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DePaoli, Gary Melvyn Easson, Ian Whiteman Isherwood Barclay Clifford Moore, Patrick Albert Yeung, Yiu Pik David McGinn, Peter Bruce Vancouver Mitchell, Brent Frederick West Vancouver Naegele, Barbara Ellen Vancouver Narod, Mary Ellen West Vancouver Porter, Glendon Leslie Vancouver Ramey, Charles Wilfred Quesnel Steele, Donald Roderick Jr. North Vancouver Storey, David Lambton Summerland Tomko, Daniel Alan Burnaby Waters, Barry Thomas Courtenay Yap, Vincent James Seng Heng Vancouver Yoshida, Margaret Akemi Vancouver BIOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 Kabir, Md. Anwarul Kennedy, John David Law, Nai-Yiu Darwin BIOCHEMISTRY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Aynsley, Susan Carol Kelowna Botting, Douglas Allan North Vancouver Cragg, Geoffrey Arthur West Vancouver Fairhurst, Lynda Marie Richmond Feuchuk, Danny Mitchel Vancouver Glanzberg, Monte Mendel Hyman Vancouver Graham, Bruce Howard Shawnigan Lake Guichon, Donald Melville Peter Quilchena Hammerberg, Ole West Vancouver Hattori, Joseph Takayuki Vancouver Macdonell, John Cameron Vancouver McBay, Heather Dorrelle Vancouver Vancouver CHEMISTRY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Kelowna Bebault, Gwendolyn Mary Abbotsford Brown, Terrance George Burnaby Dong, Dennis Frederick Penticton Edwards, Brian Francis Peregrine Malaysia Fan, Ching-Ying New Westminster Flynn, Garry John Woodfibre Frizell, John William Vancouver Guthrie, Donald James Burnaby Hardy, Christine Mary-Ann North Vancouver Hocking, William Hiram Burnaby Hou, Frank Liang Ontario Lynn, Elsie LaVerne Vancouver Morgan, Richard Glenn First Class Second Class First Class First Class First Class First Class Second Class Second Class Second Class First Class First Class Second Class Second Class 29 First Class First Class Second Class Second Class First Class First Class First Class First Class Second Class First Class First Class First Class Oakley, Richard Thomas Victoria Pattenden, Thomas Wilfred Edward Vancouver Penland, Allen David Ladner Poder, Christine North Surrey Poh, Bo Long Malaysia Rosenberg, George Nathan Vancouver Sager, John Earl Vancouver Skinner, Frank William Burdon Vancouver Smith, David Gordon Morris North Vancouver Weitemeyer, Christa Josefa North Surrey Whitelaw, John Peter Vancouver Yeats, Philip Allen West Vancouver CHEMISTRY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Andrich, Linda Joan North Vancouver Bjarnason, Stefan Edgar Golden Borthwick, Robert Bruce Richmond Buonanno, Francesco Vancouver Chau, Douglas Tak-Yuen Vancouver Claassen, Hannes North Surrey Clyne, Randolph Douglas Richmond Cochrane, Gordon John Alexander Vancouver Dournovo, Martin Paul North Vancouver Ford, Richard Alfred Smithers Garrett, Beverley Jill Richmond Giesbrecht, Wesley George Vancouver Greenway, Michael Wayne Burnaby Hipler, Gerhard H. Prince George Kellett, Bruce Alexander Prince George Koster, Waldemar Hans Alfred Vancouver Koster, Waldemar Hans Alfred Vancouver Ewald Vancouver Luck, Gert Siegfried Vancouver MacKillop, Ronald Ian Yukon Territories Main, Charles Alexander West Vancouver Mammone, Roddy Joseph Vancouver Moses, Ralph Vancouver Olson, Robert Wilfrid Vancouver Perrins, Sidney Lawrence Vernon Popowich, Dennis Joseph Richmond Schmidt, Frank Leon Invermere Seymour, Penelope Diane North Vancouver Teetzel, Walter Webster Vancouver Thompson, Edwin Ryland Thorp, Robert Giles William WesfVancouver Vancouver Whitney, Frank Andrew Vancouver Wilson, James Alexander GEOLOGY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Hutcheon, Ian Edmondson Mclnnis, Michael Douglas Openshaw, Ronald Edwin Santer, Georgina Muriel Stowell, John David Watson, John Leslie Wiese, Wolfgang Wolfhard, Michael Richard Second Class Second Class First Class First Class Second Class Second Class First Class First Class Richmond Vernon Vancouver Vancouver Vernon Vancouver West Germany Nelson GEOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Casselman, Michael James Fulcher, Bruce Charles Kasian, Douglas Robert Klewchuk, Peter Kruzick, John Harvey Malachowski, Ursula Grace Trail Vancouver Mission City Manitoba Burnaby Port Alberni McCandless, Robert George Meixner, Henry Mario Morgan, Richard Creighton Morrison, Murray Scott O'Grady, Frank Peter Pringle, Thomas Richard 30 Yukon Territories Vancouver Nanoose Bay Groundbirch Wycliffe Grand Forks GEOPHYSICS — MAJOR PROGRAMME Beattie, Robert James Jantzi, Donald Christian Nielsen, Philip Pihl Ontario Ladner Port Moody Palmiere, John David Bruce Potts, Edward Booth Still, David Albert Cranbrook West Vancouver Bridesville MATHEMATICS — HONOURS PROGRAMME Ballard, Alan John Buckland, Anthony Maurice Daniel, Ian Alistair Elliot, Robin Michael Epp, Robert James Finlay, James Andrew Galik, Frank John Hughes, James Arthur Humphries, Richard James Immerzeel, Gerrit Jr. Ireland, Rainseford Michael Kremsater, Terry Philip Laub, Alan John Nicolson, Robert Alexander Walton, Lome Alan Yeung, Wai-Han White Rock Vancouver Richmond West Vancouver Vancouver North Vancouver Royston Alberta West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver North Vancouver North Vancouver Port Coquitlam Vancouver Hong Kong First Class First Class First Class Second Class' First Class First Class First Class Second Class First Class First Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class First Class MATHEMATICS — MAJOR PROGRAMME Edmonds, Walter Henry Kemp Vancouver Egglestone, Frederick Peter Mission City New Westminster Euverman, John Henry Vancouver Ewing, Bruce David Fergie, Nedra Elizabeth Cranbrook Fleming, Frank Alan North Vancouver Vancouver Flynn, Francis Robert John Burnaby Frederick, Jack Perry Vancouver Froese, Edgar Wilmer Gaynor, Donald Clifford Vancouver Goddard, Frederick Ralph Vancouver Vancouver Gomez, Maria Antonia Vancouver Grahame, Ross Evan Halco, James Alexander Vancouver Harrison, Lee Edward Nelson Hohn, David Richard Haney Holm, Harold Peter Quesnel Horry, Daniel Jean Marcel Vancouver House, Kenneth Richard North Surrey Howsam, Grace Isabella Vancouver Innes, Donald Alexander Vancouver Ireland, John William Vancouver Amos, David Gerard Vancouver Anderson, Kenneth James Ladner Barnes, Brian Erwin Vancouver Birmingham, Patricia Harry Muncho Lake Bow, Donna Anne Vancouver Bradley, Timothy John Vancouver Browning, Walter Frank McBride Bryan, Graham Aldergrove Buch, Edward Joseph Vancouver Burdett, Dennis Neil North Vancouver Byl, John Burnaby Cambria, Benedict John Quebec Carton, Elizabeth Carol Crescent Valley Chang, Victoria Ho Vancouver Chapman, Frederick John North Vancouver Chapman, William Ray North Vancouver Chernoff, Russell Michael Vancouver Corbet, Carol Blakely Alberta Daniel, Ian Vancouver deGroot, Ian Christie Edward Vancouver Domenico, Joseph Arthur Vancouver Drake, Ernest Bruce Vancouver Dunbar, Henry Arthur Haney 31 Richmond Mueller, George Victoria Mugford, Maurine Lynne Nanaimo Muir, Wendie Faye Woodfibre Mulligan, Gordon Fredrick Nanaimo Nelson, Vaughn Castlegar Nowak, Alain Vancouver Ogden, Fred Morris Vancouver Osing, Roy Arvid Vancouver Paget, Peter James Kelowna Petretta, Joseph Mario Vancouver Pollock, James Douglas Lynn Chilliwack Polukoshko, William Alexander Vancouver Rose, Robert Alan Vancouver Sample, John Edward Vancouver Shore, Linda Faye Alberta Slemon, Peter John Vernon Smith, Linda Heather Vancouver Stedham, Glen Mark North Vancouver Steele, Douglas Burns Vancouver Stiglich, Ralph Vancouver Sutton, Robert Maynard Takeuchi, Kaoru Richmond Thorpe, Robert William North Vancouver Sidney West Vancouver Turner, Melvin Howard United States Walker, Dorcas Elizabeth Anne Oyama Webber, Christopher Alan Vancouver Weiss, Cary Vancouver Wilson, Thomas Craig Fruitvale Zaetsoff, Peter Ishida, Shigeru Greenwood Johnson, Leonard Brian Nanaimo Kadohama, Linda Yukiko Merritt Kingsbury, Edward James Vancouver Kipp, Robert Arthur Vancouver Vancouver Kitchen, Vivien Beth Klaus, Gunther Vancouver Kleyn, Robert Vancouver Kornya, Peter Stephen Vancouver Larsen, Hemming Miller Burnaby Lasko, Edward John Vancouver Lee, Barbara Patricia Victoria Lee, Linda May Vancouver Lee, Phillip See Mau Vancouver Lee, Richard Vancouver Lingle, Audrey Mae Kelowna Lott, Kenneth John Ontario Low, Reginald Ramsay North Surrey Mandl, Manfred Frank Yukon Territories McCormick, William Johnston Vancouver McDonald, William Sheldon Vancouver McPhee, Michael Robert West Vancouver Meek, Freya Ladner Meighial, Joan Indira Trinidad Melville, Bruce Robert Kelowna Miller, Norman Vancouver Milne, David Frank Vancouver Milne, Lawrence Norman Vancouver Monteith, Ian Robert Vancouver Morgan, Daniel North Vancouver MICROBIOLOGY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Kavanagh, Moya Terese Kelln, Rodney Alexander Lynch, William Henry Skirrow, Gregory Paul Ontario Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Second Class First Class First Class Second Class MICROBIOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME North Vancouver Bird, Leslie Lorene Vancouver Catherall, David Michael Epstein, Michael Harvey Vancouver Frizell, Louise Antonia Invermere Hughes-Games, Gwendoline Mary Kelowna Lasko, Darlene Joan Richmond Law, Penelope Elizabeth Campbell River McGrath, Lorraine Marcy North Vancouver Moore, Elizabeth Dawn Nakanishi, Michiyo Potter, Lynne Maureen Rich, Judith Anne Whittaker, Nancy Marion Whittaker, Patricia Jean Wilson, Joan Carole 32 North Surrey Richmond Burnaby West Vancouver Duncan North Vancouver North Vancouver PHYSICS — HONOURS PROGRAMME Albrecht, Robert Stephen Arvonen, Seppo U. Beckmann, Peter Adrian Compton, Joyce Catherine Forrester, Glen Campbell Hunter, Nina Jo-Anne Langille, Brian Lowell Lindstrom, Douglas Willard Louie, Paul Yok Tong McGrath, Frances Carolyn Ninnis, Ronald Michael Steenbergen, John David Webster, Ian Taylor Westlund, Wayne Arthur Wiebe, Eric Donald Zawadzki, Janusz Andrzej Zbigniew Comox Port Moody Vancouver North Vancouver Vancouver North Surrey North Vancouver Ruskin Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Nanaimo West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver First Class Second Class First Class Second Class First Class First Class First Class First Class Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class First Class Second Class Second Class North Vancouver First Class PHYSICS — MAJOR PROGRAMME Brydle, L. Douglas Hills, David Brian Horita, Merton Mamoru Johnson, David Stanley Lally, Graydon Douglas Lear, William Charles Marshall, David Barry Martin, Joseph William Mason, Milton Aston Mendez, Philip Aristides Mewburn, Robert Milner Nealy, Douglas Edward Pilas, Andrija Radke, Curtis Erwin Ranta, Peter Alan John Renneberg, Kenneth David Shannon, William Eugene Sissons, Donald George Underhill, Garry William Viitre, Tarmo Volp, Larry Steven Wong, Roy On Tong Wright, John Robert Ladner Vancouver Vancouver Fernie Penticton Vancouver Nanaimo North Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby Vancouver North Vancouver New Westminstel Vancouver Vancouver Aldergrove Summerland Vernon Bella Coola Vancouver South Burnaby Burnaby Coquitlam PHYSIOLOGY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Afari, Goodwill Clarke, Robert John de Vette, Jane Martine Mason, James Melvin Ricci, Donald Richard Ghana Vancouver Vancouver New Westminster Vancouver Second Class Second Class Second Class Second Class First Class ZOOLOGY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Anvik, John Oystein Boyd, Richard Owen Easton, Michael Donald Leary Funk, James David North Surrey North Vancouver First Class Second Class North Vancouver Agassiz First Class Second Class 33 Goh, Soon Leong Gopaul, Abdool Samad Husted, Lynne Diane Metcalfe, Helen Anne Tan, Soon-Peng Wright, Virginia Ann Malaysia Mauritius Vancouver South Slocan Malaysia Vancouver First Class Second Class First Class Second Class First Class First Class ZOOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Vancouver Letcher, Marshall Gene Vancouver Ling, Joan Elizabeth Vancouver Loptson, Brian Camoens Vancouver Masse, Brian Aldore North Vancouver Matheson, David Joseph Malaysia Mazlan, Jusoh Duncan Mei, Lily Suk-Men Vancouver Mullard, Charles Henry Quesnel Pearson, Earl Douglas Vancouver Roy, Stuart Alberta Rubin, Earl David Creston Scott, Linda Mary Vancouver Simpson, Fred Albert Ladner Tasaka, Elaine Sachiko Vanderhorst, Elizabeth Wilhelmina Telkwa Maria New Westminster Walton, George O'Donnell Ucluelet Watkins, Wendy Diane Vancouver Whiting, Christopher Allen Kitimat Williams, David Griffith AbuBakar, Sulaiman East Malaysia Alexander, Ronald Ivan Dawson Creek West Vancouver Ander, Brian Franke Vancouver Baker, Marilyn Janet Vancouver Balfour, Patricia Anne Louise Burnaby Banks, Sally Barbara Vancouver Baumann, Paul John Courtenay Check, Chester Edward Port Alberni Church, Randolph Alan Nelson Cossarini, James Allan Burnaby Cotton, Richard Edward •Vancouver DesBrisay, Carl Maurice Chilliwack Dickson, Frances Veronica Vancouver Foster, Marlene A. New Westminster Gresko, Robin Kamloops Hope, John William Hutton, Carley Susan Victoria North Surrey Koch, William Lindsay Burnaby Lamb, Andrew Ormond Vancouver Leimanis, Antra DOUBLE MAJOR PROGRAMME Drew, John Michael Nemeth, Agnes Helen Pegg, Daniel Evans THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES COMPLETED REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS DEGREE IN THE FALL, 1968 COMBINED HONOURS PROGRAMME Vancouver Williscroft, Stuart Neil Melanson, Edward Nicholas Hallock Coquitlam Morrison, Gerald Grant Kelowna Muth, Douglas John Vancouver Rideout, John Anthony Burnaby Rowden, Robert Bruce Richmond Ruthven, David Malcolm Vancouver Shepherdson, Stephen Dwight Vancouver Shoemay, Robert John Coquitlam Simpkins, Derek Arthur Clarke Vancouver Steele, Michael James Vancouver Trueman, Linda Sue Vancouver Vogt, Edward David North Surrey Walker, Lionel William Alexander Vancouver White, James Franklin Vancouver Wood, George McDonell Vancouver Young, Margaret R. Nelson 34 Biology and Chemistry, Second Class BIOCHEMISTRY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Dong, Gordon Haugen, Roy John Johnstone, Bruce Alexander Leung, Katherine Kit-Yuan O'Brien, Robin Karen Powell, Catherine Anne Roberts, David James Vancouver Armstrong Nanaimo Toronto Burnaby Summerland Vancouver BIOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Kalley, John Peter West Vancouver BOTANY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Crichton, Colin Andrew Trail CHEMISTRY — HONOURS PROGRAMME Soniassy, Nunderdass GENERAL PROGRAMME Summerland Adams, Brian Patrick Duncan Billings, Bryce George Iceland Brynjolfsson, Erik Mission City Clark, William James Vancouver Collett, Lewis Joseph Tulameen Craigie, Eric Roy Crowe, Delbert Artimus Nanaimo Davison, Peter West Vancouver Dworkin, Ruth Judith Vancouver Flader, Larry Charles Vancouver Frater, Arlene Victoria Grimwood, Henry Russell Jr. North Vancouver Hay, Thomas Randall Richmond Hoogland, Rosina Adelaide New Westminster Kerr, Carolyn Ruth Quebec Lesiuk, Stephen John Trail McGuinness, Robert Alan Vancouver McNiven, Wendy Christine Quebec Biology and Microbiology Mathematics and Physics Geology and Mathematics West Vancouver Victoria Richmond Mauritius Second Class CHEMISTRY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Beheshti, Iraj Bryce, Ronald Thomas Wayne Bentzen, Asger Vancouver Vancouver Peters, Terrence GEOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Vancouver Brown, Anthony Alexander Vancouver Port Moody MATHEMATICS — MAJOR PROGRAMME Richmond Armstrong, Glenford Whitman Barber, Gavin John Scott Burnaby Brend, Harold Donald Vancouver Crook, Gary Edward Burnaby Fournier, David Anthony Vancouver Gillingham, Robert Pearce West Vancouver Jollymour, Glen Wallace Langley Kangro, Mihkel Victoria Morton, John Owens Duncan Murao, Phillip Teruo Oakey, John Walter Osborne, Lionel Sidney Patterson, David Rogers Ritchie, Richard Ross, David Alexander Samuels, Jeffrey Lee Savage, Kenneth Raymond Sinkewicz, David Neil 35 Vancouver Vancouver West Indies Vancouver Vancouver West Vancouver Vancouver Ladner Burnaby Smortchevsky, Nicholas Jr. Stotz, Arthur Truscott, Gary Owen Vancouver Kelowna Alberta Ussher, Heather Ann Webber, Paul Mason Wright, Judith Bridget Ontario Burnaby Kitimat MICROBIOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Reid, Dianne Susan Vancouver Slawsky, Gwendolyn Cheryl North Surrey PHYSICS — HONOURS PROGRAMME Mahoney, Michael Joseph First Class Quebec PHYSICS — MAJOR PROGRAMME Eade, James Elliot Ellingsen, Wilfred Andrew Goldie, Geoffrey Robert Richmond Manson's Landing Vancouver Hewson, Michael David Siewert, Arthur Werner Thielmann, Gary Gerald Kitimat Vancouver Mission City ZOOLOGY — MAJOR PROGRAMME Airth, Bruce Patrick Leslie Boehm, David Frederick Burton, Arthur Hugh Scott Hazelwood, William Grant Kirby, David George Ponich, Paul Bruce Slaney, Patrick Albert Wong, Brian Vancouver Ontario West Vancouver Procter Terrace Cowichan Bay West Vancouver Vancouver GENERAL PROGRAMME Albrecht, John Edward Aspinall, Hugh Beng, Catherine Lee Hua Borkowsky, Kenneth Alfred Chapman, Huntly Gordon Fortune, Christopher John Gill, Elizabeth Jane Goodman, Dan Mackie, Lome William Malcolm, Robert Colin Martindale, Michael Ernest Shearer, Alan Ronald Sherry, Wilbur Bernard Stocks, Donna Elizabeth Weir, Ren6Viala Vancouver Vancouver Singapore Cloverdale Vancouver West Vancouver Vancouver Vancouver Burnaby Burnaby North Vancouver West Vancouver New Westminster Vancouver New Westminster DOUBLE MAJOR PROGRAMME Brynjolfson, Jens Stanley Craig, James Walter Gordon, Donald George Lang, Grant Wells Stenson, Donald Garrett Chemistry and Mathematics Mathematics and Physics Psychology and Zoology English and Zoology Physics and Mathematics Vancouver Ontario Kamloops Alberta Vancouver 36 SCHOLARSHIPS, MEDALS AND PRIZES Winners in this list are mainly students in the graduating classes. Awards for graduate study and awards for undergraduates will be announced later. HEADS OF THE GRADUATING CLASSES The Governor-General's Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Classes in Arts and Science, B.A. and B.Sc. degrees): Robert James Epp (Vancouver). The Wilfrid Sadler Memorial Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Agriculture, B.Sc. (Agric.) degree): E. Jane Termuende (West Vancouver). The Association of Professional Engineers Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Engineering, B.A.Sc. degree): Norman Truster (100 Mile House). The Kiwanis Club Gold Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Commerce, B.Com. degree): Gary K. Hewitt (Vancouver). The University Medal for Arts and Science (Head of the Graduating Class in Arts, B.A. degree): John A. G. Fountain (Vancouver). The Law Society Gold Medal and Prize, Call and Admission Fee (Head of the Graduating Class in Law, LL.B. degree): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). The Hamber Gold Medal and Prize, $250 (Head of the Graduating Class in Medicine, degree of MX).): Robert J. Duke (Vancouver). The Horner Gold Medal for Pharmacy (Head of the Graduating Class in Pharmacy), B.Sc. (Pharm.) degree): Beverly C. Henderson (New Westminster). The Helen L. Balfour Prize, $250 (Head of the Graduating Class in Nursing, B.S.N. degree): Joyce Ellen Kathleen Page (Richmond). The Canadian Institute of Forestry Medal (best all-round record in Forestry in all years of course, B.S.F. degree): R. James Pearson (Vancouver). The H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forestry, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Forestry, B.S.F. degree): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education, B.Ed. degree, Secondary Teaching field): Gloria M. Mackenzie (Vancouver). Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Medal and Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Education, B.Ed, degree, Elementary Teaching field): Colin Anthony Farrell (Vancouver). The College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia Gold Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Dentistry, D.M.D. degree): Robert John Clarke (Vancouver). The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Medal (outstanding student in Architecture, degree of B.Arch.): David Wayne Nichols (Vancouver). The Ruth Cameron Medal for Librarianshlp (Head of the Graduating Class in Librarianship, degree of B.L.S.): Anthony Albert Metie (Vancouver). The Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation Medal (Head of the Graduating Class in Physical Education and Recreation, B.P.E. degree): John H. Salmela (Vancouver). Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Home Economics, B.H.E. degree): Lynda M. Berry (North Vancouver). Special University Prizes, $50 each (Outstanding in the Graduating Class in Social Work, M.S.W. degree): (Mrs.) Leslie Bella (Winnipeg) (Mrs.) Annette Wigod (Vancouver). Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Music, BJtfus. degree): Ingrid P. Buch (Vancouver). Special University Prize, $100 (Head of the Graduating Class in Rehabilitation Medicine, degree of B.SR.): Barbara Vaughan-Parks (Quebec). AGRICULTURE The Dean Blythe Eagles Medal (good overall academic record and outstanding contributions in student or community affairs): Richard Barichello (Langley). ARCHITECTURE The Architectural Institute of British Columbia Prizes, books ($50 each): Keith Donald (Vancouver) James Robert Goodwin (Alberta). The Architectural Institute of British Columbia (Vancouver Chapter) Medal: Rodger F. Woods (Vancouver). ARTS The Ahepa Prize, $100 (outstanding in Greek): Kenneth C. Cooper (Vancouver). British Columbia Psychological Association Gold Medal (graduating with most outstanding record in Psychology): Dianne E. Creighton (Vancouver). 37 The Canadian Association of Geographers Book Prize (proficiency in geography): Richard M. Lundeen (Dawson Creek). The David Bolocan and Jean Bolocan Memorial Prize, $25 (outstanding in Psychology): Barbara L. Blakely (Trail). The English Honours Medal (outstanding student in Graduating Class, English Honours): Ronald Richard Tetreault (North Vancouver). The English Honours Prize, $300: Ronald Richard Tetreault (North Vancouver). French Government Book Prizes (proficiency in French): M. Marie Simons (Vancouver) Barbara H. Dickinson (North Vancouver). The Italian Scholarship, $180 (proficiency in Italian): Giovanni Camporese (Vancouver). The J. H. Stewart Reld Medal in Honours History (most outstanding record): R. D. Erl MacPhee (Vancouver). Joseph A. Crumb Book Prizes (outstanding essays in money and banking and related fields): John A. G. Fountain (Vancouver) Frederick Grauer (Vancouver). National Council for Geographic Education (Citation for leading student in Geography and Education): (Mrs.) Jean B. Thomson (Vancouver). Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland (books) (Outstanding in French Language and Literature): Susan J. Mackenzie (Nanaimo). Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland (books) (Outstanding in German): Rita Mueller (Vancouver). Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland (book) (Proficiency in Italian): Leena Vakomies (West Vancouver). COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Graduating Class of 1958 Memorial Shields (outstanding in academic records, personal qualities, contributions to undergraduate activities): Dorothy Anne Dilworth Memorial—Lucille Lee (Vancouver) Sofia Lee (Vancouver) Matthew Henderson Memorial—Kenneth Bruce Hallatt (Vancouver). EDUCATION The Gilbert Tucker Memorial Prize, $25 (proficiency in the field of the French In North America): Richard A. Johnson (Vancouver). Grolier Limited Prize (books and bookcase) (Proficiency in Education): Colin Anthony Farrell (Vancouver). ENGINEERING The Amalgamated Construction Association of B.C. Graduation Prizes, $25 each (highest standing in highway engineering): Gordon L. Dunnet (West Vancouver) Tak-Wah Ma (Vancouver) Association of Professional Engineers Book Prizes ,$50 each (outstanding in report-writing ability in various branches of engineering): Metallurgy—John P. Bachlet (Fernie). Electrical—Corneliu Constantinescu (Vancouver). Mechanical—Julian Matson (Victoria). Civil—Michael H. Okun (Vancouver. Geological—Graeme R. Percy (New Westminster). Chemical—Ho Yew Wong (Vancouver). Mineral—Dick W. Zandee (Oliver). The Letson Memorial Prize, $100 plus book prize, $25 (highest standing in Mechanical Engineering): Donald L. Workman (Steveston). Merrill Prindle Book Prize in Engineering, books to value of $50 (overall record and contributions to Engineering Undergraduate Society): Donn Aven (Vancouver). Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key) (highest standing in Chemical Engineering): Brian J. Hagan (Vancouver). The TPL Industries Ltd. Prizes (for students enrolled in C.E. 476 who submit specifications, judged to be the best, of a structure of modern engineered timber construction requiring preservative treatments): First Prize, $100—Kenneth W. Wilson (Vancouver). Second Prize, $60—Wayne A. Johnson (Burnaby). Third Prize, $30—David H. Black (Vancouver). Merit Prizes, $20 each—Allen Clyde Mitchell (Revelstoke). Jan B. Atlung (Vancouver). Ole T. Vik (Vancouver). FORESTRY Association of British Columbia Foresters Prize (Memorial to Dr. George S. Allen), $125 (best Senior Thesis): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). 38 Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Prizes in Forestry, $100 each (proficiency, harvesting option): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). Gerald Young (Powell River). Canadian Institute of Forestry Schlich Memorial Award (highest class standing in particular subject) (Forestry Text Book Prize, $35): Gary C. Johnson (West Vancouver). Commonwealth Forestry Bureau Book Prize (high standing): David N. Holmes (Mission City). H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forest Harvesting, $100 (highest standing in Forest harvesting option): David S. Jamieson (Port Alberni). Special University Prizes, $100 each (proficiency): R. James Pearson (Vancouver). Mark D. Godfrey (Nanaimo). HOME ECONOMICS British Columbia Dietetic Association Scholarship in Dietetics, $100 (highest standing proceeding to interneship in Canada, field of dietetics): F. Laura MUner (Vancouver). The Clothing and Textiles Scholarship, $100 (excellence in clothing and textiles related to marketing): E. Anne Whittaker (Nanaimo). The Lillian Mae Westcott Prize, $75 (outstanding in areas of clothing and textiles): M. Gaye Hampton (Vancouver). Singer Company of Canada Ltd. Prize (portable Singer Sewing Machine, originality and skill in field of clothing, intending to enter teaching): Anne F. Bradley (West Vancouver). LAW The Allan S. Gregory Memorial Prize (proficiency, Moot Court): David A. G. Birnie (West Vancouver), $125. Gaynor R. Smith (Surrey), $75. Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Book Prize (outstanding in three years of law course): John K. Lowes (Richmond). Canada Law Book Company Prize, books to value of $50 (high overall standing): Robert K. Bryden (Victoria). The Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation Prize, $50 (highest standing in Real Estate Transactions): David A. G. Birnie (West Vancouver). The Carswell Company Limited Prize, books to value of $35 (highest standing in Third Year): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). Faculty of Law Legal Writing Prize, $100 (best legal writing during session): Jerome B. Paradis (Vancouver). Prize in Labour Law, $100 (proficiency): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). The Thomas Francis Hurley Prize, $150 (highest in Criminology Seminar): Arthur L. Close (Vancouver). University Prize (highest standing in Succession), $50: Robert K. Bryden (Victoria). University Proficiency Prize, $100: Robert K. Bryden (Victoria). UBRARIANSmP The Alcuin Society Prize (highest standing in course History of the Book): Richard L. Hopkins (South Burnaby). The Marion Harlow Prize in Librarianship, $25 (leadership and academic or research ability in studies relating to special librarianship): Nancy E. Brodie (Quebec). The Neal Harlow Book Prizes, value $25 each: Mary L. Cuddy (Ontario). T. Gordon Miller (Alberta). MEDICINE The CIBA Company Limited Medical Prizes (six volumes of medical illustrations): Robert C. Offer (Penticton). Richard S. Muir (Vancouver). CIBA Prize in Psychiatry, $100 (outstanding in Psychiatry): Michael S. Dettman (Vancouver). The Arthur Crease Award, $300 (best thesis or graduating project in Psychiatry): Lee I. Gislason (Lake Cowichan). The B.C. Otc-Opthalmological Society Prize in Opthalmology (proficiency), $125: Robert J. Duke (Vancouver). The B.C. Otc-Opthalmological Society Prize in Otolaryngology, $125: Harold T. Popma (Ontario). The C. V. Mosby Company Prizes (books, value $30 each) (excellence in field or fields of studies): Douglas Lee (Greenwood). Erwin Demiany (Vancouver). The Dean M. M. Weaver Medal (outstanding overall record): Victor F. Huckell (Vancouver). 39 The Dr. A. B. Schinbein Memorial Scholarship, $250 (outstanding in subject of surgery): Victor F. Huckell (Vancouver). The Dr. A. M. Agnew Memorial Scholarship, $200 (proficiency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology): Robert C. Offer (Penticton). The Dr. Frank Poter Patterson Memorial Scholarship, $150 (meritorious in subject of surgery) : Hugh L. N. MacKechnie (Vancouver). The Dr. Peter H. Spohn Memorial Prize, $150 (outstanding in paediatrics): Carol P. Herbert (Vancouver). The Dr. W. A. Whitelaw Scholarship, $250 (overall good academic and other qualifications): Edward H. Curran (Richmond). The Elizabeth K. Craig Memorial Scholarship, $300 (research): Gerald W. Karr (Vancouver). The Hamber Scholarship in Medicine, $750 (proficiency, proceeding to interneship): Victor F. Huckell (Vancouver). The Hamish Heney Mcintosh Memorial Prize (books) (student, who in opinion of Faculty, is best qualified in every respect, to practice his profession): Randall NJFairey (Vancouver). The Health Officers Prizes, $100 each: (a) The G. F. Amyot Prize (meritorious in health care research: Catherine McCallum (West Vancouver). (b)The S. Stewart Murray Prize (meritorious in Public Health): Richard P. Brierly (Shawnigan Lake). The Horner Prize, $100 and Gold Medal (highest aggregate standing in the four-year course in Medicine): Robert J. Duke (Vancouver). The Ingram & Bell Limited Prize (overall qualifications in terms of interest, student affairs, academic standing, character): William D. Robertson (Saskatchewan). ' Lange Medical Publications Awards (four books each for excellence in studies): Dorian V. Morris (Vancouver), Gwen Prout (Vancouver). Mead Johnson of Canada Ltd. Prize in Paediatrics, $100 (highest standing in paediatrics): Hugh L. N. MacKechnie (Vancouver). GENERAL Vancouver B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Scholarships, $125 each (graduating and continuing with graduate studies): Norman Truster (100 Mile House). A. G. Fountain (Vancouver). MacMillan Company of Canada Prizes in Creative Writing, $100 each: Short Story—Janie Kenon (North Vancouver). Poetry—George McWhirter (Vancouver). University Essay Prize, $25: Sonia E. Puchalski (Gibson's). AWARDS BASED ON SUMMER SESSION 1968 Summer Session Association Prizes, $100 each (proficiency in graduating year - announced in January, 1969): Daniel P. TatrofI (Vancouver). Lloyd Arntzen (North Vancouver). Geraldine Bruckner (Campbell River). Robert L. Campsall (Windermere). Judith M. McGillivray (Oliver). Anne Lorraine Walsh (Williams Lake). PHARMACY Bristol Award (books) (generall overall record): Mabel Ko (Vancouver). Cunningham Prize in Pharmacy (most outstanding record in all years of course), $100: Beverly C. Henderson (New Westminster). Dean E. L. Woods Memorial Prize, $50 (most outstanding record in both the theoretical and practical parts of the pharmaceutics courses in all years): Beverly C. Henderson (New Westminster). Edith and Jacob Buckshon Memorial Prize, $100 (highest marks in laboratory course in compounding and dispensing, Final Year): H. Robert Williamson (West Vancouver). Merck, Sharp and Dohme Awards, Books and $25 (highest standings in pharmaceutical chemistry): Wernick Schultz (Kelowna). F. Patricia Strandberg (Prince George). Parke, Davis & Company Ltd. Award (for overall record) (illustrated history): Trevor M. J. Lee (New Westminster). Poulenc Gold Medal (highest standing in the pharmacology courses): Victoria Macaulay (Burnaby). SCIENCE Armstead Prize in Biology and Botany, $100 (outstanding achievement): Patrick A. Moore (Vancouver). David E. Little Memorial Scholarship, $100 (academic and research ability in Physics): Glen C. Forrester (Vancouver). Edgar C. Black Memorial Prize in Honours Physiology (proficiency), $50: Donald Richard Rlcd (Vancouver). The Lefevre Gold Metal and Scholarship, $200 (general proficiency in chemistry): William H. Hocking (North Vancouver). The Loraine Schwartz Prize in Statistics and Probability, $80: Anthony Maurice Buckland (Vancouver). Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (inscribed gold key): Brian F. Edwards (Penticton). Vancouver Natural History Society Prize, $50 (proficiency in Botany): Linda Ley (Vancouver). SOCIAL WORK Greater Vancouver Branch, British Columbia Association of Social Workers Prizes, $50 each (academic standing and all-round professional activity and promise): (Mrs.) Leslie Bella (Winnipeg) (Mrs.) Annett Wigod (Vancouver). 40 41 THE UNIVERSITY THANKS ITS FRIENDS FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS The University owes much of its stature to private gifts. Research, special teaching projects, scholarships, prizes, and bursaries have been supported by individual benefactors, alumni, firms, foundations, and associations. Some of the major buildings on the campus, as well as a wide variety of other projects, serve as lasting testimony to the generosity of those who helped to build U.B.C. The basic support of the University is provided by fees and by the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada. The excellence of the education it offers, however, depends in part on financial assistance received from friends. Gifts have been made anonymously, directly, in memory of relatives, in honour of friends, and by bequest. Many alumni contribute annually. During the past year, benefactors donated $5,706,596.00. A record of private gifts made in the year ending March 31, 1969, will be mailed to the donors. Should you wish to receive a copy of this brochure, please write to or call the Resources Council.* The brochure shows a fascinating variety of gifts-in-kind, as well as over a thousand donations in money: portable seismograph components; an Eskimo needle case; 80 pounds of fresh blueberries; a mid-19th century house-post; a mountain-goat pelt; a gold specimen from the University of Witswatersrand, South Africa. This brochure does not include the detail of the magnificent support received from donors to the Alumni Fund and the Three Universities Capital Fund. Provincial and Federal grants, the mainstay of the University, are recorded in other publications. With twelve Faculties, seven Schools, and four Institutes, the University's needs are many and varied. Support is welcome in every area of teaching and research; and money for the assistance of students is essential. We welcome the opportunity to discuss with donors the form their support might take. No gift is too small — and none is too large. THE UNIVERSITY RESOURCES COUNCIL *Enquiries regarding the brochure, needs and gifts should be addressed to: A. T. Adams, Executive Secretary, The University Resources Council The University of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, B.C. Tel. 228-3917 42
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