Glass - Sunshine Glassworks Ltd.
Glass - Sunshine Glassworks Ltd.
Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A WISSMACH GLASS G L A S S GLASS The Heart of Your Projects! The following pages list hundreds of glass colors that are available for your selection. Often the hardest part of stained glass is the selection of colors! Follow the suggestions below for best results when selecting your glass. GLASS TYPES CATHEDRAL GLASS is glass that is transparent, or nearly so. The glass may be textured to give it more sparkle or to make it more obscure. OPALESCENT GLASS is very popular for lampshade work, as opalescent glass is more opaque and light diffusing. Opalescent glass is a mix of a ladle of opal with ladles of cathedral glass. The end result is a swirling of color across an opal background. The ratio of opal to cathedral will determine the opacity. More opal gives a “dense” opal, less gives a “wispy” opal. Solid opals are single color opalescents, in high demand for mosaic work. VARIEGATED or STREAKY GLASS has two or more colors mixed together, often on a clear base. Variegated glass combines the swirls of color found in opalescent glass with the transparency of cathedral glass. Popular for backgrounds and borders. IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT GLASS AVAILABILITY All colors listed are available nearly all of the time. On occasion, shortages may occur due to unpredictable combinations of factory production and market demand. Always indicate if you will accept substitutions. COLOR VARIATIONS Variations in color may occur as glass is produced in batches which can differ significantly. Along the same line, it is common for one end of a sheet of glass to appear different from the other end. Multi-color opals and streakies may show great variation within each sheet. Like purchasing yarn for knitting, it is important to purchase all of your glass from the same “lot”. If you run short before the project is completed, it may be very difficult to match the exact shade of glass that you started with! TRY TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU ORDER ENOUGH OF THE GLASS YOU NEED! AN EXACT MATCH MAY NOT BE POSSIBLE LATER. For colors for which an exact match is needed, please provide a sample for matching. This is especially important when matching antique glass, mixed opals or “touchy” colors like reds, purples or peach shades. SHEET SIZES AND GRAIN The glass sheet sizes specified in this catalog are nominal. Care is taken when sheets are cut, but there is no guarantee that sheets will be the exact dimensions listed, that edges will be perfectly straight, the corners square, or grain all following the same edge. If you have specific needs regarding sheet sizes or grain direction, please make them known when your order is placed. FACTORY CATALOG NUMBERS The Catalog Numbers shown for glass colors are Factory Numbers where ever possible. If a modified number is used, the actual Factory Number is shown in brackets [ ] in the color description. WISSMACH GLASS Easy Cutting and a Broad Selection WISSMACH GLASS has been making the widest variety of colored glass in the US since 1904. Their opalescent glass is in demand by lamp makers for their balanced color mixes and uniformity. The glass surface is smooth and scores easily, making Wissmach about the easiest cutting glass on the market. VICTORIAN MOTTLES Wissmach has perfected a method for bringing out soft mottled opalescent densities in their new line of Victorian Mottles. This mottled effect, when combined with color combinations that were popular earlier this century, makes this the perfect glass for restoration and reproduction work. W 67 VM W 85 VM sky blue, lt wine on white code VB W 7 VM W 27 VM pink on white opal orange on white opal code VJ W 87 VM W 94 VM W 51 VM W 58 VM W 61 VM code VG white opal with bits of clear code VAA medium amber on white opal code VAA dk green/dk brown on white code VB W 101 VM W 112 VM W 118 VM W 140 VM sky blue on white opal medium wine/amber dk green on white opal dk green, med amber dk blue on white opal medium wine (mauve) on white on white on white code VB code VB code VB code VB code VB code VB A-1 1/26/2016 dk purple on white opal code VB W 1 VM warm yellow & amber on white code VG Section A WISSMACH G L A W 163 VM W 191 VM med wine medium green on S mint green, and white white opal code VB code VB S Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS W 197 VM dk green/dk blue on white code VB W 238 VM dk blue/med wine on white code VD W 257 VM sky blue/wine/lt amber/white code VD W 325 VM pale amber on white opal code VAA W 441 VM dk blue/dk purple/ green/white code VD W 831 VM ruby red mottled on orange code VH WISSMACH MYSTIC Wissmach’s new Mystic line is a collection of 43 new cathedrals, streaky cathedrals and translucent wispy opals all with a traditional catspaw-type texture. Rich coloration, subtle texturing and a reasonable price will make this new line a sure hit and great choice for any project. W 701 LL med purple with light purple streaks code BY W 703 LL W 702 LL med green with streaks of dk blue code BY W 704 LL deep blue with streaks of purple code BY med green with streaks of brown code BY W 707 LL W 708 LL light blue with streaks light green with dark of dark blue green streaks code BY code BY MYSTIC STREAKY CATHEDRALS W 705 LL violet with streaks of amber code BY W 709 LL green with streaks of amber code BY MYSTIC WISPY OPALS W 706 LL W 703 W W 704 W W 707 W W 708 W W 25 MY W 34 MY W 220 MY W 241 MY brown with streaks of deep blue, purple with med green, brown with light amber white white code BY code BWY code BWY W 710 LL burgandy on clear & light blue code HY light blue, dark blue light green, dark green with white with white code BWY code BWY W 701 W med purple, light purple with white code BWY W 705 W violet, amber with white code BWY W 709 W green, amber with white code BWY W 702 W med green, dk blue with white code BWY W 706 W brown, amber with white code BWY W 710 W burgandy, clear, light blue with white code HWY MYSTIC CATHEDRALS W 0001 MY palest amber code DY W 118 MY pale steel blue code DY 1/26/2016 W 309 MY pale grass green code DY W 158 MY lt aqua blue code DY W 311 MY med violet [311-V] code DY W 0002 MY W 01 MY pale amber code DY crystal clear code DY W 195 MY W 218 MY pale lilac code DY deep cobalt blue code DBY W 322 MY W 341 MY W 343 MY pale greenish amber code DY pale green tint code DY med turq blue code DY med blue code DBY kelly green code DY A-2 lt amber code DY W 40CX MY med amber code DY W 286 MY W 287 MY dark wine code DY lt grass green code DY W 378 MY W 555 MY midnight blue code DBY W 49 MY lt olive green code DY lt gray code GY sage green code DY W 568 MY pink champagne code GY Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 SMOOTH CATHEDRALS Smooth, or “Double Rolled” cathedrals have a lightly sanded finish. Just enough texture to give it some sparkle! W 134 DR Section A WISSMACH GLASS W 0001 DR W 01 DR palest straw tint code A clear code A W 158 DR W 218 DR W 18 DR W 25 DR medium turquoise blue code A bright yellow code H W 243 DR medium amethyst code A light aqua blue code A light lilac violet code A dark cobalt blue code B W 220 DR W 241 DR W 310 DR W 311 DR W 329 DR W 342 DR W 343 DR dark wine code A medium dark amber med blue violet [311- deep, dark cobalt blue bright medium blue VDR] code A code A code B code B CORELLA CLASSIC CATHEDRALS Corella Classic is a very lightly hammered texture W 0001 CC with broad appeal. palest straw (amber) tint code C W 48 CC W 65 CC J an 201 kelly green Jan 6 201 W 378 DR W 1118 DR W 46 DR medium light amber code A W 309 DR pale grass green code A W 1146 DR cobalt blue bright avocado green code B code A 6 W 0002 CC W 01 CC clear cranberry pink W X-6 CC W 18 CC ruby red bright yellow pale amber code C code C code MP code H code H code C W 78 CC W 118 CC W 134 CC W 135 CC W 189 CC pale amber pale green [78-XXXX] pale steel blue [X118] code C code C W 241 CC W 243 CC royal blue pale bronze flesh tone code C code C code C code C dark amber brown [311-A] code C W 341 CC W 343 CC kelly green medium teal blue W 418 CC W 555 CC code C code C code C W 364 CC W 276 CC pale amethyst tint [XX418] code C A-3 med dark wine code C W 312 CC med wine code C W 318 CC W 31 CC lt steel blue code C W 319 CC W 34 CC W 190 CC deep aqua blue code C W 320 CC med olive green dark yellow green deep emerald green code C code C code C lt gray pink champagne W 568 CC W 1118 CC code G code G code C cobalt blue 1/26/2016 W 218 CC medium blue W 286 DR medium grass green code A code A light teal green code C deep wine W 40 CX DR light olive green code A royal blue code B midnight blue (deep navy) code B medium amber code C pale violet tint W 31 DR bright ruby red code H G L A S S Section A WISSMACH G ENGLISH MUFFLE CATHEDRALS Wissmach has worked hard to L reproduce this lovely Victorian texture. A S S W 4902 EM Dusky Rose, a rosy brown [50] code MG W 4910 EM Apricot Beige, pale bronze [276] code MG W 4921 EM W 4903 EM W 4904 EM W 4911 EM W 4912 EM London Fog, pale gray Manchester Red, brick [555] red [16] code MG code MCR W 4922 EM W 4929 EM W 4930 EM North Sea Blues - deep Castle Wall - lt olive aqua blue [190] [40 CX] code MB code MA RIPPLE CATHEDRALS Wissmach’s ripple is uniform in texture and W 0001 R thickness. Cuts so easy you won’t palest straw (amber) tint believe it’s ripple! code A 1/26/2016 W 4134 EM W 49 R W 4218 EM W 4568 EM Spring Lavender, md Light Lilac, pale violet Pink Champagne [568] wine [134] [218] code MA code MA code MG Windsor Blue, aqua tint [235] code MA Midnight Blue, dark slatey gray-blue [378] code MB W 34 R GLASS Cornwall Green, pale tint [322] code MA Rose Red, red with clear streaks [X16] code MCR Visit Us On The Internet: W 4923 EM bright selenium red [18] code MH W 4931 EM Bristol Blue - bright medium blue [342] code MB W 01 R W 4905 EM W 4906 EM Scottish Heather, light amethyst [XX-418] code MA Flaxen Tint, pale amber-green [195] code MA W 4913 EM W 4914 EM Cranberry Pink [X6] Sussex Green, medium army green [318] code MP code MA W 4924 EM W 4925 EM dark wine [241] Emerald Isle green [343] code MA code MA code MAA W 4907 EM Sage Green, medium olive [287] code MA W 4915 EM W 01 Ri W 4926 EM W 4927 EM deep cobalt blue [220] medium dark amber [310] code MB code MA W 18 R bright ruby red code A code AI code H W 300 R pale amber medium amber light teal green light aqua blue code A code A code A code A W 418 R pale amethyst [XX-418-R] code A A-4 W 4916 EM Noble Brass, med amber [47] code MA W 4932 EM clear IRIDIZED W 4908 EM Aqua Mist, light turquoise [65] code MA Salem Green, pale olive [161] code MA Spring Grass Green avocado green [1146] code MA clear W 65 R W 4901 EM Crystal Clear [01] W 1118 R deep cobalt code B W 4909 EM Princess Blue, pale steel blue tint [X118] code MA W 4917 EM Regency Gold, pale amber [34] code MA W 4928 EM palest amber tint [0001] code MA Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A WISSMACH GLASS MOSS CATHEDRALS This is a small, crinkled texture. The non-directional texture makes it easy to use. Bright and sparkly in sunlight. W 0001 M W 34 M W 189 M W 01 M W 18 M palest straw (amber) tint code A clear moss texture bright ruby red code A code H pale amber lt steel blue medium blue W 341 M W 343 M code A code A code B code A W 418 M kelly green pale amethyst [XX-418-M] code A GRANITE CATHEDRALS A very small, tight ripple. Available in selected cathedral, W 01 G streaky and opalescent colors. The fine clear granite texture texture works well to code A disperse light. W 49 G W 341 G G L A S S W 18 G bright ruby red code H W 343 G medium amber medium true blue kelly green code A code B code A RESTORATION RIPPLE This is a recreation of an old fashioned ripple. The Wissmach factory calls this texture “Stream-X”. W 01 RR clear [SX 01] code C HAMMERED CATHEDRALS This is a bright and polished hammered texture. Brighter than Kokomo’s hammered, more rounded than Spectrum’s. W 01 H clear code A SEEDY CATHEDRALS This is also known as “seedy marine antique”. Lots W 0001 S of tiny, round palest straw (amber) bubbles. tint code A W 118 S pale steel blue [X118 S] code A W 189 S light steel blue code A W 01 S W 0002 RR W 118 RR palest amber tint [SX 0002] code C pale blue tint [SX X-118] code C W 18 H W 45 H bright ruby red code H light amber code A W 18 S W 34 S W 322 RR pale green tint [SX 322] code C W 310 H medium dark amber code A W 40 CXS W 418 RR pale amethyst [SX XX-418] code C W 341 H medium true blue code B W 49 S clear bright ruby red pale amber light olive green medium amber code AAC code H code A code A code A W 299 S palest green (coke bottle) code A W 300 S W 343 S pale aqua blue kelly green code A code A W 343 H kelly green code A W 78 S pale green [78-XXXXS] code A W 418 S pale amethyst [XX-418-S] code A 1/26/2016 A-5 Section A WISSMACH G FLEMISH CATHEDRALS This is a large, irregular L rolling texture. Often used in panel lamps, as it adds A more interest than a smaller texture would. S S DEW DROP CATHEDRALS A very bright, angular crystalline effect. W 01 DW clear dew drop code A FLORENTINE CATHEDRAL The bright, star shaped texture is very obscure. Its widespread use as privacy glass gives its nickname “bathroom glass”. Similar to the Florex texture in the plate glass world. SOLID OPALS Single color opals. Dense with smooth texture, and little or no streak. Used most often in pieces seen in reflected light, such as mosaics. Also called “cast opals” as the molten glass is cast directly on the roller. W 214 DD butterscotch GLASS W 01 F W 18 F W 49 F clear bright ruby red medium amber code A code H code A W 18 DW ruby red code H W 01 FLR clear florentine code A W 51 DD W 47 DW W 343 DW medium amber code A kelly green code A FIGURE C CATHEDRAL Figure C was very popular in the 60’s and 70’s. A bright and very obscuring texture. W 51 LL dense white (pot white translucent white opal opal) (skim milk) code D code D W BLACK absolutely opaque black code A W 01 FC clear figure C code A W 135 F medium amethyst [134 F] code A W 341 F W BLACK i W 343 F medium blue kelly green code B code A MATRIX CATHEDRAL Larger and more coarse moss texture. AEROLITE CATHEDRAL Linear, reeded texture. There are nearly 7 reeds per inch. AQUALITE SOLID OPALS Similar to Spectrum’s Waterglass, but with a more matte finish on the back. The density variations make them popular for lamps. W 01 MX clear Matrix code A W 01 AE clear Aerolite code C W 204 AQ pale peach solid opal code E W 215 AQ opaque black, iridized code AI pale jade green solid opal code E 1/26/2016 code E Visit Us On The Internet: A-6 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 STREAKY CATHEDRALS Bright, transparent colors streaked together (usually on clear). “DR” suffix is smooth, “G” suffix is granite, “R” suffix is ripple. Colors are listed in order of predominance in mix. W 42 LL DR W 55 LL DR GLASS W 7 DR clear with pink streak [7LL] code J W 59 LL DR lt amber with clear with avocado clear with deep green burgandy red streaks green & amber streaks & brown streaks code G code B code B W 97 DR dk cobalt blue w/ purple [97] code B W 199 DR dark brown on med amber [199] code B W 243 LL DR W 97 G dk cobalt blue w/ purple, granite code B W 199 G dk brown/amber, granite code B W 245 DR W 101 DR emerald green on clear [101LL] code B W 199 LL R dk brown/amber, ripple code B W 245 G medium green with amber [245] code B med green/amber, granite code B OPALESCENT COLORS These colors are mixed with white opal. The “D” suffix is a DENSE opal, “L’s” are W1D LIGHTER density. All warm yellow/amber/ work well in lamp and white window work. code G bright yellow/white, dense code G dark blue & dark green streaky code B W 29 D W 35 L W2D W 36 D flamingo pink on dense white code H W 11 DR W 11 G reddish orange with amber [11] code G red orange/amber, granite code G W 67 DR W 67 G med wine on clear [67LL] code B W 14 LL DR clear with yellow & pink streaks code J W 87 DR W 25 LL DR clear withred & lime green streaks code G clear with sky blue [87LL] code B clear with sky blue, ripple code B W 145 LL DR W 197 DR W 197 G W 223 LL G W 238 DR W 238 G W 257 DR W 264 LL R W 118 DR W 27 LL DR clear with orange streaks code G W 87 LL R med wine on clear, granite [67 LGX] code B cobalt blue on clear [118LL] code B G L A S S clear with dark amber med blue/green/clear med blue/green/clear, streaks [197NLL] granite [197NLLG] code B code B code B pale amber with dark blue/wine/amber/grn blue/wine/amber/grn brown streaks, granite [238NLL] granite [238 NLLG] code B code D code D clear, lt sky bl, lt wine, clear with med purple, lt amber [257 LL] yel grn, sky bl, ripple code D code D W5L pink/sky blue/white, translucent code J W 51 D W7D pink/white, dense code J W 51 Di fiery white opal [51DDXXM] code AA fiery white, irid [51DDXXMi] code AZ A-7 W 14 L yellow/pink/white translucent code J W 55 D avocado green/amber/ white code B W 25 D red/lime green/white dense code G W 57 D lime green/white, dense code B W 27 D orange/yellow/white opal code G W 58 D white/medium amber (bone) code AA 1/26/2016 reddish orange, with sky bl, lt grn, yllw, pink white opal and white multicolor code H code J Section A WISSMACH Section A WISSMACH G L A W 71 D W 78 L dk green, dk brown spring green/amber/ S & white white translucent code B code B S W 140 D W 145 D med amethyst/white, med amb/wht (honey) dense translucent [145 SPL] code B code B W 264 D med yellow grn/sky bl/ lt wine/white, dense code D W 562 D white opal & midnight blue code B GRANITE OPALS The addition of the granite texture helps break the light up as it passes through. W 325 D white/pale amber (pale bone) code AA W 563 L GLASS W 87 D sky blue/white, dense code B W 166 L sky blue/lt amber/ white, translucent code B W 437 D cobalt blue/wine/ white/amber code D W 565 D denim blue & white streak code B stone gray/white, dense code E W 1 DG W 7 DG W 57 DG W 58 DG yellow /amber/white pink and white dense dense opal opal code G code J W 94 D W 100 SPL med purple, med amber, white code B dk green with a bit of white code B W 197 D W 218 D dk blue/dk green/wht, dense code B lt lilac/white, dense [2180 D] code B W 441 L W 502 D W 569 L W 600 D Visit Us On The Internet: W 101 D dark green/white, dense code B W 238N L dk bl/dk wine/yel grn/ white translucent code D W 112 L dk green/med amber/ white code B W 250 D white opal with turquoise code B dk bl/kelly grn/dk brownish gray & white wine/white translucent code D code B medium peach with pale gray/white, dense white code E code E W 25 DG W 51 DG W 51 WG red/lime grn/white, granite code G fiery white dense opal [51 DDXXMG] code A wispy white [WO 051 G] code B W 87 DG W 101 DG W 145 DG 1/26/2016 lime green/white opal white/medium amber sky blue/white dense dark green/white opal med amb/wht (honey) opal granite [145 SP G ] code B code A code B code B code B A-8 W 55 DG avocado green, amber and white dense opal code B W 118 D cobalt blue/white, dense code B W 257 D sky blue/lt wine/ amber/white code D Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 WISPY OPALESCENT COLORS Wissmach uses less white opal and adds a ladle of crystal clear to give a light, airy feeling to their wispy opals. Selected colors available iridized (-i suffix) W 36 W W 51 W flamingo pink, wht, clr white and clear wispy [WO 36] [WO 051] code HW code AW W 85 Wi sky blue/wine wispy iridized [WO 85 i] code BX W 218 W lilac, white & clear [WO 2180] code BW Section A WISSMACH GLASS W2W W7W brt yellow/white/clear [WO 2] code GW pink, white & clear [WO 7] code JW W 51 Wi W 58 W wispy white, iridized med amb/white/clear [WO 051 i] (wispy bone) [WO 58] code AX code AW W 87 W W 101 W W 250 W W 251 W sky blue/white & clear dk green/white/clear [WO 87] [WO 101] code BW code BW W 7 Wi pink/white/clear iridized [WO 7 i] code JX W 58 Wi W 27 W rust orange/white/ clear [WO 27] code GW W 67 W W 29 LW red, white & clear [WO 29] code HW W 69 W wispy bone, iridized [WO 58 i] code AX dk wine/white & clear [WO 67] code BW lt teal green wispy [WO 69] code BW W 118 W W 163 W W 191 W W 197 W W 563 W W 613 W G L A S S W 35 W sky bl, lt grn, yllw, pnk, wht & clr [WO 35] code JW W 85 W sky bl/med wine with white & clear [WO 85] code BW cobalt blue/wht/clear spring grn/med wine/ mint green/white/clear dark bl/med grn with [WO 118] white/clear [WO 163] [WO191] wht & clear [WO 197] code BW code BW code BW code BW turquoise grn with wht turquoise grn with wht, denim blue/white/clr med colonial blue on & clear [WO 250] purp & clr [WO 251] [WO 563] wht & clear [WO 613] code BW code BW code BW code EW WISSMACH STANDARD SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 10½” 0.58 sq ft Medium 16 x 10½” 1.17 sq ft Large 16 x 21” 2.33 sq ft Stock Sheets 32 x 42” 9.33 sq ft except VICTORIAN MOTTLE SHEET SIZES: Small not available Medium 14 x 8½” 0.83 sq ft Large 14 x 17” 1.66 sq ft Stock Sheets 28 x 34” 6.62 sq ft NOTE FOR CODE MP COLORS: Cranberry Pink is sold by the pound. 8x10½” sheets weigh roughly 1 pound. Stock sheets are about 17 x 20” (4.0 lbs). 1/26/2016 A-9 Section A Visit Us On The Internet: WISSMACH 90 GLASS G WISSMACH 90™ L COE 90 Compatible Glass for Fusing GLASS C has perfected their O 90 ompatible line. orking with the glass expert A WISSMACH oyce undstrom one of the originators of O 90 art glass and after extensive testing by artists S around the country issmachs entry into fusible glass is now widely accepted. S WISSMACH 90 CATHEDRAL COLORS WF 90-01-2 F clear, 2mm code BF WF 90-04-3 F STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) blue tint cathedral, 3mm code BF WF 90-01-3 F WF 90-01-6 F WF 90-05-3 F WF 90-06-3 F clear, 3mm code AF green tint cathedral, 3mm code BF clear, 6mm code A6 coral (striker) cathedral, 3mm code CF WF 90-07-3 F gray tint cathedral, 3mm code BF WF 90-08-3 F amber tint cathedral, 3mm code BF WF 90-09-3 F violet tint cathedral, 3mm code BF WF 90-06-3 F unfired Au g2 015 STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) THIN ROLLED 1/16” (~1.8mm) WF 90-10-3 F WF 90-11-3 F bright reddish-orange med green cathedral, cathedral, 3mm 3mm code HF code BF WF 90-12-3 F med true blue cathedral, 3mm code BF WF 90-13-3 F ruby red cathedral, 3mm code HF also available also available also available also available WF 90-10-2 F WF 90-11-2 F WF 90-12-2 F WF 90-13-2 F bright reddish-orange med green cathedral, cathedral, 2mm 2mm code HF code BF med true blue cathedral, 2mm code BF WF 90-02-3 F black opal, 3mm THIN ROLLED 1/16” (~1.8mm) WISSMACH 90 PRISM GLASS white opal, 3mm code BF code BF also available also available WF 90-02-2 F WF 90-03-2 F black opal, 2mm code BF Au g2 015 WF 90-18-3 F 1/26/2016 WF 90-03-3 F black streaked on clear code BF WF 90-14-3 F reddish orange opal, 3mm code HF white opal, 2mm code BF Au g2 015 WF 90-19-3 F red/clear code HF A-10 WF 90-17-3 F WF 90-16-3 F unfired ruby red cathedral, 2mm code HF WISSMACH 90 OPAL COLORS STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) WF 90-16-3 F champagne (striker) yellow cathedral, 3mm tint cathedral, 3mm code CF code HF WF 90-15-3 F bright yellow opal, 3mm code HF WISSMACH FUSIBLE SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 10½” Medium 16 x 10½” Large 16 x 21” Stock Sheets* 21 x 32” 0.58 sq ft 1.17 sq ft 2.33 sq ft 4.67 sq ft * NOTE: Larger Stock Sheets may be available. Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 GLASS Section A WISSMACH FUSIBLE G L A S S WISSMACH FUSIBLE OPTIONS WISSMACHS LMISC coating is similar to regular iridied coatings but not exactly. • When red Luminescent side down on a ber board kiln shelf that has a dry powder kiln wash dusting (ie. the dry powder right from the kiln wash container), the luminescent effect is intensi ed • When red on a regular kiln shelf or on Papyros shelf paper, the coating will look intense - but not quite the same as red above • Fire with the coated side up and the coating will stay on deeper, darker colors if red no higher than 1410°F. On lighter colors, the bulk of the effect will disappear, leaving a lovely sheen • Fire with a cap of clear and you will loose the effect. WISSMACH 90 CATHEDRAL LUMINESCENT WF 90-01-LU3 F clear, 3mm code AFL WF 90-08-LU3 F WISSMACH 90 CATHEDRAL TEXTURE WF 90-11-LU3 F amber tint cathedral, med green cathedral, 3mm 3mm code BFL code BFL WF 90-12-LU3 F WF 90-01-2 FLR F clear florentine, 2mm med true blue cathedral, 3mm code BFL code BF WISSMACH 90 OPAL TEXTURE WISSMACH 90 OPAL LUMINSECENT WF 90-02-LU3 F WF 90-03-LU3 F code BFL code BFL black opal, 3mm WF 90-02-2 FLR F white opal, 3mm black opal florentine, 2mm code BF WISSMACH 96 CATHEDRAL LUMINESCENT WF 96-01-LU3 F clear, 3mm code AFL WF 96-11-LU3 F honey, 3mm code BFL WISSMACH 96 CATHEDRAL TEXTURE WF 96-13-LU3 F deep sky blue, 3mm code BFL WF 96-16-LU3 F sapphire blue, 3mm code BFL WF 96-17-LU3 F garden green, 3mm code BFL clear florentine, 2mm code BF WISSMACH 96 OPAL TEXTURE WISSMACH 96 OPAL LUMINSECENT WF 96-03-LU3 F white opal, 3mm pale green opal, 3mm WF 96-06-LU3 F code BFL code BFL code BFL WF 96-02-2 FLR F black opal florentine, 2mm code BF A-11 1/26/2016 WF 96-02-LU3 F black opal, 3mm WF 96-01-2 FLR F Section A Visit Us On The Internet: WISSMACH 96 GLASS G WISSMACH 96™ Wissmach L COE 96 Compatible Glass for Fusing ™ GLASS C has perfected their O 9 ompatible line. orking with the glass expert A WISSMACH oyce undstrom one of the originators of O 9 art glass and after extensive testing by artists S around the country issmachs entry into fusible glass is now widely accepted. WISSMACH 96 CATHEDRAL COLORS S 96 WF 96-01-2 F WF 96-01-3 F WF 96-11-3 F WF 96-18-3 F WF 96-19-3 F WF 96-20-3 F clear, 2mm code BF clear, 3mm code AF WF 96-12-3 F honey, 3mm code BF cinnamon, 3mm code BF WF 96-13-3 F deep sky blue, 3mm code BF WF 96-15-3 F WF 96-16-3 F cornflower blue, 3mm code BF sapphire blue, 3mm code BF WF 96-06-3 F WF 96-07-3 F code BF code BF WF 96-17-3 F garden green, 3mm code BF emerald coast, 3mm peacock feather, 3mm midnight blue, 3mm code BF code BF code BF WISSMACH 96 OPAL COLORS WF 96-02-2 F WF 96-02-3 F WF 96-03-3 F code BF code BF code BF black opal, 2mm black opal, 3mm WF 96-04-3 F white opal, 3mm WF 96-05-3 F classic violet opal, 3mm code BF superior blue opal, 3mm code BF WISSMACH 96 REACTIVE OPALS WF 96-08-3 F pale green opal, 3mm olive green opal, 3mm Wissmach’s “reactive” glass creates a ne line as a result of the metals in one glass react with the metals in another. WF 96-09-3 F WF 96-10-3 F WF 96-14-3 F string of pearls opal, oyster pearl opal, 3mm gold tone opal, 3mm 3mm code BF code BF code HF reactive blue opal, 3mm code BF WISSMACH FUSIBLE SHEET SIZES: 8 x 10½” Small Medium 16 x 10½” Large 16 x 21” Stock Sheets* 21 x 32” 0.58 sq ft 1.17 sq ft 2.33 sq ft 4.67 sq ft * NOTE: Larger Stock Sheets may be available. WISSMACH 96 PRISM GLASS Au g2 015 Au g2 015 WF 96-21-3 F g2 015 1/26/2016 WF 96-29-3 F 015 WF 96-22-3 F sky blue/white opal, 3mm code BF Au Au g2 clear/sky blue, 3mm code BF Au g2 015 WF 96-30-3 F dark blue/white opal, cobalt blue/clear, 3mm 3mm code BF code BF WF 96-23-3 F white opal/superior blue, 3mm code BF Oct 201 5 WF 96-31-3 F classic violet/white opal, 3mm code BF Au g2 Au g2 015 WF 96-24-3 F WF 96-25-3 F superior blue/clear, 3mm code BF Oct black streaked on clear, 3mm code BF Oct 2 201 5 015 WF 96-32-3 F olive green/white opal, 3mm code BF A-12 015 WF 96-33-3 F white opal/hunter green, 3mm code BF Au g2 Au g2 015 WF 96-26-3 F white opal/clear, 3mm code BF Oct 2 015 WF 96-34-3 F hunter green/blue, 3mm code BF 015 WF 96-27-3 F reactive blue/clear, 3mm code BF Oct 2 015 WF 96-35-3 F blue/hunter green, 3mm code BF Au g2 015 WF 96-28-3 F white opal/dark blue blue, 3mm code BF Oct 2 015 WF 96-36-3 F reactive blue/pearl, 3mm code BF Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A KOKOMO GLASS G L A S S KOKOMO GLASS 116 Years of Glass Excellence M ALSC GLASS C has been making great glass since 1. okomo is the oldest maker of colored sheet glass in the US even producing glass for the Tiffany Studios. Since okomo has made glass for so long much of your repair work will call for okomo. ooking for the traditional stained glass look ell youve found it at okomo! KOKOMO OPALS All opals are Kokomo’s popular medium density unless noted as “ML”-med light density :or: “MD”-medium heavy dense. Colors with a “G” in the suffix have the Granite texture. Colors are shown in order of predominance in mix. K 14 dark blue/lt amber/ white code C K 37 K 14 SPL wedgwood blue/lt amber/white code C K 37 P K4C K 14 SPP wht opal, dk bl with pnk transl [14 SPL P] code E K 37 SPL sky blue with white opal code A sky blue and pink on white code E sky blue with wispy white code A K 61 SPL K 61 SPX K 64 K 101 X K 103 K 142 dk brown and wispy dk brown/amber/white dk blue, dk purple on white [61 SPLX] white opal code A code B code C K 98 N medium green on white code A K 123 K 11 KG K 23 SPL K 25 K 11 MD dense white/ med amber (bone) code A K 26 amber opal swirled turquoise opal/lt green dark purple on white with clear cathed opal code A code A code A K 42 blue gray with white opal code A K 48 K 52 ML white opal with deep green code A pink on translucent white code E K 72 K 78 K 106 N K 111 K 112 K 145 K 146 SPL K 70 lt green opal/blue opal/wine code B olive green/lt purple/ mint green/lt purple/ white opal white code B code B K 12 med green/med blue/ white opal code C K 28 spring green/white/ light amber code B K 59 dk green/brown/white K 13 avocado green/med amber/wht code B K 29 solid opal purple/med grn & bits of lt amber code B K 61 code B white opal with dk brown code A K 88 SPL K 94 ML K 113 K 122 ML K 148 K 151 tan opal with brown cobalt bl, dk purp, med streak grn on translucent wht code A code C med green opal with purple opal with lime ruby red, kelly grn on ruby red with grn & bl white with orange opal forest grn opal w/ med med green w/lt green white opal on wht opal streaks grn & dk bl streaks opal streaks of caramel opal grn & royal bl streaks code A code C code D code D code D code B code A K 140 white opal with lt wine/lt amber code B deep blue, med green, rich amber with white deep amber with white opal opal white code C code A code A A-13 K 147 turquoise opal/ caramel opal code A turquoise opal/amber aqua blue, lime green & white code A code B 1/26/2016 solid opal blue/dk blue streak code C K 4 SPP dk blue w/white opal dk bl, wht opal, pink & white opal/lt amber, streak crystal clear [4 SPL P] granite code C code E code A Section A KOKOMO G L A K 151 P lime green S &aquapinkblue, with white opal code E S Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS K 163 K 164 K 166 SPLP lt green, dk olive, white opal code B dk green/dk amber/ white opal code B yellow & pink with white code E K 222 K 246 K 249 K 263 K 629 SPL K 654 SPL K 169 K 192 K 205 K 214 SPL K 266 K 270 K 305 SPL K 622 SPLX yellow and amber on white opal, med violet white opal with pale white opal with orangy white opal streak grn & lt amber streaks red code D code C code B code D wht opal, sky bl, med cobalt bl, med wine, lt med blue/med purple/ white opal, lt blue, lt dk bl, med purple with sky bl on wht opal with pale seafoam green med blue solid opal w/ wine & amber [222 X] grn amber & wht opal white wine and lt amber med grn, amber & wht med amber streaks on white teal green & lt amber code C code C code C code C code C code B code A code C IRIDIZED OPALS. palest blue with wispy teal green with wispy white white code A code A K 4 Ci cobalt blue w/white opal, irid code CI NUED AIL ONTI DISC STOCK AV ED LIMIT K 4 SPPi K 1076 gray with white opal K 1145 code A amber & white (cross between 11 and 145) code A K 37 SPLi K 48 i K 123 i K 1 LLH K 1 MLH K 145 H K 205 MLH med bl, clear, pink, & sky blue & wispy white, dk green and white solid opal blue with dk wispy wht [4 SPLP IR] irid opal, irid blue streak, irid code EI code AI code AI code CI HAMMERED OPALS This is a small, tight texture. Perfect for restoration work. Tiffany utilized many Kokomo ML and L hammered opals in his window work. K 142 i K 249 i K 263 i dk blue/dk green/ white, irid code CI white w/blue and purple, irid code CI wht opal with lt amber, med wine & bl, irid code CI K 11 MLH K 13 MLH K 14 SMLH K 28 MLH K 222 XLH K 263 LH K 623 MLH skim milk white opal translucent white opal transluc white/lt amber translucent wht with transl wht/wedgwood transluc wht/spring streak avocado grn & amber bl/lt amb [14 SPL ML H] grn/med amber code A code A code A code B code C code B K 78 LH K 87 LH 1/26/2016 transluc wht/emerald/ transluc white w/ med amber with white opal pale mint grn/lt white opal, sky blue, transluc white/med bl/ wedgwood bl/transluc md purple purple amber/translucent wht med wine & amber med amb/med wine. wht [623 SPL MLH] code B code A code A code B code C code C code C A-14 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 OPALUMES (SOLID OPALS) PERFECT CHOICE for mosaics or stepping stones! Colors are K2D bright with just a bit bright green opalume of swirl that keeps it from looking plastic. code A K 31A D K 31 ML GLASS K3D purple opalume code A K 45 D turquiose opalume sky blue solid opal cream opalume code A code A code A K 605 D K 622 D code A code C code C K 853 D K LEM DX K PB D K 509 D sea green solid opal Section A KOKOMO deep blue solid opal medium blue opalume K8X K 17 DX lilac opalume (may vary!) code A K 20 D dk leaf green opalume almond opalume code A code A K 160W D K 188 D light seafoam green opalume code A K 627 D K 231 D K 23 D butterscotch (amber) solid opal code A K 254 D ivory opalume solid opal red pale pink opalume brt orange solid opal code A code D code A code D K 654 ML K 657 D K 629 D wedgwood blue opalume code A K 225 D K 22 D light seafoam green opalume code A pale powder blue opalume code A teal green translucent hunter green opalume opalume code A code A G L A S S K 789 D gray solid opal code A royal purple opalume bright yellow opalume purple brown opalume code C code D code A STREAKY CATHEDRALS Colors shown in order of predominance in mix. All colors are smooth unless the “G” (for granite) or “V” (for vertigo) suffix is shown. K 5 NLL K 29 LL K 30 LL lt wine, amber, med lt purple/med amber/lt blue green code C code B K 94 LL dk purple, med blue and med grn on clear code C K 192 LL code C K 249 LL clear with blue and purple code C K 106 NLLG K 111 LL dk green and red on clear, granite texture code D red, green & blue on clear code D K 265 K 266 LL K 50 SPL dark slate gray on clear code A violet w/amber [50 V SPL] code C K 111 LL V K 123 LL K 142 LL red, green & blue on dark blue on light blue dk blue, med green clear, vertigo on clear code DV code C code C deep cobalt bl/lt purp/ med blue, med purple, med amber/grn amber, green and clear code C code C A-15 K 70 LL lt green, med blue, med wine code B K 165 emerald green w/med amber code A 1/30/2015 clear with med violet K 103 LL med purple/royal blue/lime grn code C K 42 LL turquoise blue/lt amber/clear code B Section A KOKOMO G SMOOTH CATHEDRALS L Kokomo cathedrals have occasional swirls A and seeds, giving them more S movement and character. S K 257 LL vibrant reddish orange code D K 637 medium turquoise code A K 701 deep blue gray code A K 860 GLASS K 18 DD dark amber code A K 604 cobalt blue (lighter than 605) code C K 652 dark olive green code A K 789 medium charcoal gray code A K 865 light violet light blue violet code A code A SEEDY CATHEDRALS Often called seedy marine antique, Kokomo seedies have swirls and activity. K 33 S clear seedy [33 A] 1/30/2015 code A WAVOLITE CATHEDRALS Wavolite has a large irregular “nubby” appearance. Works well in larger pieces (such as diamond pane windows). Visit Us On The Internet: K 33 WAV clear wavolite code A K 18 medium amber code A K 605 K 41 deep burgundy red code D K 610 rich cobalt blue medium peacock blue code C code C K 654 deep teal green code A K 794 K 657 deep piney green code A K 806 K 181 light amber code A K 611 medium dark steel blue code C K 659 dark leaf green code A K 810 K 185 pale amber tint code A K 612 K 216 LL bright yellow code D K 620 K 225 LL bright cherry red code D K 627 light aqua blue med dk steel blue light steel blue code C code A code A K 663 medium leaf green code A K 813 pale amethyst code A K 665 light grass green code A K 853 rich royal purple code C K 690 chartreuse green code A K 855 med bronzy gray code A deep red violet code A light wine code A deep blue violet code C K 880 K PBN K PBN2 HAMMERED CATHEDRALS This small, tight texture is less intense than Wissmach or Spectrum hammered. clear hammered pale amber deep piney green palest amethyst tint code A code A code A code A palest salmon pink tint rosy brown (may vary) light rosy brown (may [PB] vary) [PB2] code C code A code A K 813 S palest amethyst tint [813 A] code A K 181 WAV medium amber code A K 225 WAV K 33 H K 618 WAV red code D aqua blue code A A-16 K 183 H K 663 WAV medium green code A K 657 H K 811 WAV light amethyst code A K 813 H Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 RIPPLE CATHEDRALS Kokomo’s ripple is known for tight, irregular ripples. K 33 R Try it iridized for a clear ripple [33 TRIP] striking effect. KDR CATHEDRALS Kokomo’s KDR texture looks like a “flattened moss” texture. Light, tiny imprint. GLASS K 33 Ri code AR clear ripple irid [33 TRIP IR] code ARI K 33 KDR K 183 KDR clear KDR code A Section A KOKOMO pale amber code A K 618 R medium sky blue[618 TRIP] code AR K 813 KDR pale amethyst tint code A K 813 R pale amethyst [813 TRIP] code AR VERTIGO CATHEDRALS Vertigo swirls are reminiscent of old ripply textures or can be used for a very modern look. K 33 V G L A S S K 33 VI clear vertigo clear iridized vertigo code AV code AVI K PBN2 KDR light rosy brown code A IRIDIZED SMOOTH CATHEDRALS K 225 LLi bright ruby red IRID code Di GRANITE CATHEDRAL This texture breaks up the light nicely. K 33 G clear granite code A K 605 i cobalt blue IRID code Ci STARBURST CATHEDRAL Capturing the essence of an old texture, this “star” or “pinwheel” texture is in demand for restoration or reproduction work. K 657 i deep emerald green IRID code Ai K 865 i medium violet IRID code Ai K 33 SB clear starburst code AB CELTIC CATHEDRAL Interlocking circles. K 18 L C K 216 LL C bright yellow code DB med true blue code CB dark leaf green code AB med leaf green code AB chartreuse green code AB K 18 L WS K 33 WS K 225 LL WS K 638 WS K 690 WS K 860 WS code A code A code D code A light amber code AB K 611 C K 659 C K 663 C K 690 C WHITNEY STUDIO CATHEDRAL Stylized rose pattern. light amber K 11 L MS translucent white and amber Mississippi code AV cerise ruby red deep aqua K 33 MS K 144 MS clear Mississippi code AV A-17 amber & brown streaky Mississippi code AV green apple (chartreuse) code A K 5510 MS aqua with dark bown streaks Mississippi code AV light violet code A 1/30/2015 OLD MISSISSIPPI CATHEDRAL A tight, small ripple texture which makes a good choice for restoration or reproduction work. clear Section A KOKOMO G GRANITE CATSPAW This is a deep granite texture, seen often L in old windows or bent panel lamps. The front surface of this glass is fairly rough: A the right look for antique restorations. S S K 52 GCP white opal and pink code EG K 83 GCP streaky brown & amber code AG SMOOTH CATSPAW Kokomo’s SCP’s have the antique look. If you’re repairing an old bent glass lamp, and it has a smooth opalescent glass in it, chances are it’s on this list! GLASS K 1 L GCP K 11 GCP translucent white [1 LL GCP] code AG bone beige, [11 D GCP] code AG K 98 NGCP K 113 GCP med green/white [98N dense forest grn opal/ MD GCP] med grn & deep bl code AG code BG K 11 SCP K 13 SCP bone beige [11 DSCP] white, avocado green, amber code AS code BS Visit Us On The Internet: K 12 GCP K 13 GCP K 28 GCP K 145 GCP K 222 GCP K 246 GCP dk grn, dk bl, pink on white/avocado green/ white/minty green/lt white opal [12 P GCP] amber amber code EG code BG code BG rich amber w/ white sky bl/med wine/lt amb/ cobalt bl, med wine, lt wht opal [222 X GCP] green, amb & wht opal opal code AG code CG code CG K 28 SCP white, spring green, amber code BS K 145 SCP rich amber and white opal code AS K 48 GCP dk green and white opal code AG K PBN GCP purple brown opal [PB ML GCP] code AG KOKOMO STANDARD SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 10½” 0.58 sq ft Medium 16 x 10½” 1.17 sq ft Large 16 x 21” 2.33 sq ft Stock Sheets 32 x 32” 7.11 sq ft except GRANITE CATSPAW SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” Medium 16 x12” Large 16 x 24” Stock Sheets* 24 x 42” 0.67 sq ft 1.33 sq ft 2.67 sq ft 7.00 sq ft* SMOOTH CATSPAW SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 10.5” Medium 16 x10.5” Large 16 x 21” Stock Sheets* 23 x 37” 0.58 sq ft 1.17 sq ft 2.33 sq ft 5.60 sq ft* 1/30/2015 * NOTE: Kokomo Catspaw sheet sizes will vary A-18 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A SPECTRUM GLASS G L A S S SPECTRUM GLASS Bright and Consistent Colors SCM GLASS is a favorite everywhere. olors are well mixed and consistent batch to batch. The smooth surface makes it easy to cut. ewest additions include ainwater texture plus shimmering Silveroats. Try their earl Opal rt ixes for artistic color combinations. mericas est Seller! SPECTRUM OPALESCENT Nice, even mixing make Spectrum Opals a top choice. Colors are shown in order of predominance in mix. All are smooth except Granite texture, noted with “G” suffix. SP 315.02 dense white, pale amber swirl code AA SP 317.6 dk brown/white translucent code E SP 327.6 SP 315.1 dense white/med amber (bone) code AA SP 318.05 med lt amber/white transluc code A SP 329.1 emerald green/ translucent white code B pale green/white wispy SP 201.61 SP 305 ivory opal and clear, translucent code AA SP 315.1 G SP 315.2 SP 319.02 SP 319.1 pearl white, bit of clear, dense code AA SP 315.6 dense wht/med amber dense white/med dk (bone) granite texture amber code AA code AA white/dark brown, dense code A SP 319.6 pale amber & wispy lt amber & wispy white white code A code A SP 329.2 SP 329.6 dk brown & wispy white code E SP 335.2 code A light green/white wispy code A dark green/white wispy code B white/powder blue, dense code A SP 337.6 SP 339.1 SP 339.2 SP 339.6 SP 347.1 SP 357.1 SP 359.1 SP 365.1 SP 367.1 cobalt blue with white pale steel blue/wispy soft powder blue/wispy deep cobalt blue/wispy white/pale amethyst white transluc transluc white white code B code A code A code B code A SP 369.1 brt yellow on wispy white code H A-19 SP 317.02 white/lt amber translucent code A SP 325.2 white/soft green, dense code A SP 335.6 SP 308 clear w/white opal, translucent code AA SP 317.1 lt amber with white, transluc code A SP 325.6 white/med green, dense code A SP 337.1 SP 309 clear with wisps of white code AA SP 317.2 med amber/white translucent code A SP 327.2 light green/white, transluc code A SP 337.2 white/cobalt blue, dense code A lt cornflower blue, white, transl code A light blue/white translucent code A SP 349.1 SP 349.2 SP 349.6 pale amethyst/wispy medium purple/wispy dk purple/wispy white white white code A code A code A SP 375.1 dense white and orange code E SP 379.1 brt orange on wispy white code H SP 385.2 med gray w/ white, dense code A 3/21/2016 brt red on translucent brt red on wispy white dense white and bright brt yellow on transluc white white yellow code H code H code E code H SP 307 feather white, translucent code AA Section A SPECTRUM G L A SP 387.2 SP 389.1 med gray/white, light gray with wispy S translucent white code A code A S SP 641.7 lt purple/amber/wht transluc code A SP 828.72 seafoam green/ white,transluc code A SP 838.72 country blue/white, transluc code A SP 675.5 orange-red on white transluc code E SP 828.91 Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS SP 395.1 SP 609.8 SP 621.7 white opal with pink, clear with pink & wispy dense white code P code P SP 818.91 bronze wispy opal code B SP 828.94 SP 823.72 amber, lt green & white code A SP 823.92 teal green/white translucent code A teal green/white wispy code A SP 833.51 SP 833.91 seafoam green/white wispy code A olive green/white wispy code B sky blue/white, dense code A bright aqua/white wispy code A SP 838.74 SP 838.94 SP 838.96 SP 843.71 steel (denim) blue/wht steel blue/white wispy navy blue wispy opal translucent white/light transl opal lavender code A code A code B code A SP 622.7 forest green opal, transluc code A SP 823.98 hunter green wispy opal code B SP 833.93 SP 623.7 white with dk green and blue code A SP 826.71 lime green/white transluc code A SP 834.92 deep aqua/white wispy violet wispy opal code B code A SP 843.92 grape purple wispy opal code A SP 891.61 pink champagne/ white, dense code A SP 633.7 sky blue/dk blue/wht trans code A SP 826.92 moss green/white wispy code B SP 838.52 dense white with country blue code A SP 891.81 pink champagne/ white,transluc code E n2 Ja PEARL OPAL ART MIXES Pearly white opal mixed in stunning color combinations. SP 6009.8 CC SP 6011.83 CC SP 6011.85 CC SP 6021.86 CC SP 6022.81 CC SP 6022.82 CC All have a Corsica SP 6000.81 CC Golden Honey: amber, Rainforest: dk grn, dk Key Lime: yellow grns Pearl: pearl white and Thunderhead: black, Hawkwings: reddish Congo: deep grn, moss (Vecchio) texture. 01 5 clear code D SP 6023.83 CC SP 603.81 CC Aqua-Lime: turq, lime Blue Skies: blues & grn, clr, pearl white clear on pearl white code D code E wht,clr code D SP 6033.83 CC Blue Yonder: navy & aqua on pearl white code E clear on pearl opal code E brown on pearl opal code D brown on pearl opal & clear on pearl white grn, lime, clr & pearl code D code E code D SP 6034.83 CC SP 6034.86 CC SP 6043.86 CC SP 605.85 CC SP 6069.81 CC SP 6076.83 CC SP 6092.86 CC SP 6093.86 CC aqua & rose on pearl cobalt & rose on pearl Purple Haze: grape, & Sierra Red: dk reddish white wht aqua on pearl wht brown on pearl opal code D code D code E code D 5 01 n2 Ja 3/21/2016 SP 6051.83 CC SP 6061.81 CC SP 6067.83 CC Heather: olive, Autumn Flame: reds Meadowlark: yellow, Mimosa: yellow, Harmony: ylw, pink, indigo blue, pink, & Inferno: orange, on pearl opal amber, clr, pearl white orange, clr, pearl white wht with amb hi-lights yellow, clr, pearl white cranberry, clr, pearl wht clear on pearl wht code H code E code E code P code E code P code P A-20 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 IRIDIZED OPALS Spectrum’s iridized finish is even, bright and full of fire and color. The nicest! SP 305 i dense white opal, irid M FG D BY AIL E U N K AV ONTI DISC ED STOC T I M LI SP 349.6 I GLASS SP 307 i SP 309 i code AAi translucent white opal, irid code AAi clear/white wispy iridized code AAi SP 359.1 i SP 609.8 i SP 823.92 i SP 317.02 i transluc white w/lt amber code Ai BAROQUE™ Spectrum’s Baroque™ glass has a wild swirling effect. SP 1009 i SP 200 SP 308 B FG BY M UED AVAIL N I T K ON DISC ED STOC LIMIT SP 530 B steel blue swirled on clear code J SP 609.2 B CRYSTAL OPALS Spectrum’s created a semitranslucent white opal that bursts into life when they are backlit. Chose from Firelight (kind of a half ripple, half waterglass) or the Krinkle (faux craquel). smooth black opaque code C SP 400 B SP 430 B SP 450 B SP 209 FL black swirled on clear cobalt blue on clear burgundy on clear white firelight code J code J code J code E SP 591.1 B champagne on clear code J SP 6000 B white & black opal on clear code J SP 602.6 B emerald and white on clear code J SP 603.9 B cobalt/white on clear SP 6091.1B code J STREAKY CATHEDRALS Spectrum’s very popular amber brown mix is available in Smooth, Chord or Granite textures. SP 411.15 C pink champagne/ white on clear code J amber/dk brown streak, chord code A A-21 SP 209 K white crystal opal krinkle code E SP 411.15 amber/dk brown streak, smooth code A SP 411.15 G amber/dk brown streak, granite code A 3/21/2016 peppermint pink/wht/ clear code PB SP 339.6 i aqua blue/ wispy white, irid code Ai SP 1009 solid opal white (no streaks) code D white opal swirled on clear code J SP 337.1 i wispy deep green, irid lt blue transluc opal, deep cobalt blue wispy irid irid code Bi code Ai code Bi NOTE: The IRIDIZED OPALS are quite possibly one of the most difficult types of glass to photograph and get a true representation. Trying to balance the desire to get a picture that will accurately show the rich iridescent coating and still show the underlying base color using transmitted light can be an exercise in frustration. The above pictures are the best result that we could create for each Iridized Opal glass from the Spectrum line. The Iridescent sheen is fairly accurately shown above and if you click on each color above you will see a part photograph of the underlying base glass without the iridescent coating. wispy grape, iridized opaque black iridized code Ai code Ci SOLID OPALS Spectrum’s solid opals are smooth and virtually without streak or other variation. See additional colors in the System 96 list. SP 329.6 i G L A S S SP 833.91 i dk purple wispy opal bright red/white wispy clear/pink/white wispy wispy teal green, irid iridized irid irid code Ai code Hi code Pi code Ai SP 843.92 i Section A SPECTRUM Section A SPECTRUM G ARTIQUE® CATHEDRALS L A scribed texture very similar to A drawn antique. But at a much more reasonable price! S S SP 132 A light blue code F SP 523.2 A teal green code F Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS SP 110.1 A palest amber code F SP 136 A SP 110.2 A pale amber code F SP 140.8 A cobalt blue code F pale amethyst code F SP 528.1 A SP 533.1 A code F code F SP 110.1 RR SP 110.2 RR pale seafoam green medium aqua/sky blue SP 110.8 A SP 121 A SP 142 A SP 152 A SP 538.4 A SP 543.2 A code F code F pink champagne artique code F SP 111 RR SP 121 RR medium amber code F light green code F light purple code F ruby red code FH steel (denim) blue grape purple SP 123 A medium green code F SP 161 A bright yellow code FH SP 125 A SP 130.8 A SP 171 A SP 180.8 A emerald green code F bright orange code FH pale blue code F pale gray code F SP 591.1 A ROUGH ROLLED CATHEDRALS Has a light texture to add soft obscurity. palest amber code A SP 130.8 RR pale blue code A SP 161 RR bright yellow code H FG BY M UED AVAIL N I T K ON DISC ED STOC LIMIT 3/21/2016 SP 528.4 RR olive green code B SP 132 RR light blue code A SP 171 RR bright orange code H SP 533.1 RR sky blue (aqua) code A pale amber code A SP 136 RR cobalt blue code B SP 180.8 RR pale gray code A SP 533.3 RR deep aqua blue code B SP 110.8 RR medium amber code A med dk amber code B SP 140.8 RR SP 142 RR pale amethyst code A light purple code A SP 518.1 RR SP 523.2 RR SP 538.4 RR SP 538.6 RR bronze code B teal green code A steel (denim) blue code A A-22 navy blue RR code B light green code A G Y MF ED B VAIL U N I KA ONT DISC ED STOC T I M LI SP 146 RR deep purple (wine) code A MFG D BY AIL E U N K AV ONTI DISC ED STOC T I LIM SP 523.8 RR hunter green code B SP 543.2 RR grape purple code A SP 123 RR SP 125 RR medium green code B emerald green code B SP 151 RR SP 152 RR SP 526.2 RR SP 528.1 RR cherry red code H moss green code B SP 591.1 RR pink champagne code E ruby red code H sea green code A Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 WATERGLASS® Shimmering ripples on a pond – Waterglass® is a natural for backgrounds. SP 110.2 W SP 130.8 W SP 132 W pale blue code WD SP 152 W deep ruby red code WH SP 528.1 W light seafoam green code WD SP 591.1 W pink champagne code WG STREAKY WATERGLASS® Swirls of color and the gentle ripple gives added motion to this glass. light blue code WD SP 161 W bright yellow code WH SP 528.4 W olive green code WD GLASS SP 110.8 W SP 111 W SP 121 W SP 134 W SP 136 W cobalt blue code WE pale pinky amethyst code WD medium purple code WD deep purple code WD bright cherry red code WH SP 171 W SP 180.8 W SP 518.1 W SP 523.2 W SP 523.8 W SP 526.2 W SP 538.4 W SP 538.6 W SP 543.2 W bright orange code WH SP 533.1 W medium aqua code WD SP 140.8 W medium gray code WD bronze code WD G Y MF ED B VAIL U N I KA ONT DISC ED STOC T I M I L SP 533.3 W SP 534.2 W deep aqua code WE violet code WD opaque black waterglass code DA SP 422.1 W SP 110.2 V pale amber code A SP 423.1 W pale green and aqua blue streak code WE SP 130.8 V pale blue code A SP 433.1 W aqua blue with steel blue streak code WE medium grass green code WD SP 125 W med dark amber code WD SP 1009 W sea green and olive streak code WE SP 123 W medium amber code WD medium blue code WD light grass green code WD G L A S S SP 142 W teal green code WD steel blue code WD forest green code WD SP 146 W hunter green code WD navy blue code WD SP 151 W moss green code WD violet (grape) code WD SOFT WATERGLASS® Solid opal colors with the Waterglass texture adds the SP 200.91 W SP 200.91 Wi perfect amount of white soft waterglass white soft water, IRID density variation. lt pink champagne code WG code WG SP 444.1 W pale purple w/deep violet streak code WE SP 140.8 V SP 180.8 V pale amethyst code A pale gray code A A-23 code WGi SP 291.91 W SP 451.20 W red with amber streak code WH OTHER RED CATHEDRALS Spectrum’s deep red is our most popular – it’s easy SP 152 G to cut and the color deep ruby red, granite is consistent from code H batch to batch. 3/21/2016 VECCHIO CATHEDRALS Tiny bubbles add sparkle to an obscure texture. A perfect choice for backgrounds. pale amber code WD Section A SPECTRUM Section A SPECTRUM G SPECTRUM CLEAR CATHEDRALS Spectrum offers an abundance of clear L textures to choose from. Whether you are looking for a soft texture for a A background glass or cabinet door (such 100 SDY) or you want to make a S boldas SPstatement (like SP 100 B) the perfect choice will probably be here. S SP 100 CC clear corsica code AA SP 100 H clear hammered code AA SP 100 R clear ripple code D SP 100 SN SP 100 CR SP 100 A clear artique texture code EE SP 100 CZ clear corteza code AA SP 100 Hi SP 100 HS code AAi code AA clear hammered IRID clear small hammered SP 100 RR SP 100 SNi clear satin finish clear satin finish IRID code AA code AAi HAMMERED Spectrum’s Hammered texture is more elongated and linear than other manufacturers. GLASS clear crackle code AA clear rough rolled cathedral code AA SP 123 H medium green hammered code B Visit Us On The Internet: FG BY M NUED AVAIL I T N K O DISC ED STOC L IM IT SP 100 RRi SP 100 BN SP 100 B clear barnwood code AA SP 100 G clear granite code AA clear baroque code G SP 100 Gi clear granite , IRID code AAi SP 100 K SP 100 Ki clear krinkle clear krinkle IRID code AA code AAi SP 100 Bi SP 100 GG SP 100 GGi clear ice crystal IRID code AAi SP 100 QR SP 100 QRi clear quarter reeded (approx 4 reeds/inch) code AA clear quarter reeded IRID code AAi A ug SP 100 RW SP 100 RWi SP 100 SDY clear rainwater clear rainwater IRID clear seedy cathedral code AAi code AA code AAi code AAS SP 100 SNS clear chord texture code AA clear ice crystal code AA clear rough rolled IRID clear satin seedy cathedral code AA SP 100 C clear baroque IRID code Gi SP 100 V NUED AIL ONTI DISC STOCK AV ED LI M I T 201 5 SP 100 SDYi clear seedy cathedral IRID code AAi clear vecchio clear vecchio IRID SP 100 Vi SP 100 W clear clear waterglass, IRID SP 100 Wi code AA code AAi code DA code DAi SPECTRUM STANDARD SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” 0.67 sq ft Medium 16 x12” 1.33 sq ft Large 16 x 24” 2.67 sq ft Stock Sheets 24 x 48” 8.00 sq ft SP 134 H medium blue hammered code B except SPECTRUM WATERGLASS SHEET SIZES*: Small 8 x 10” 0.56 sq ft Medium 16 x10” 1.11 sq ft Large 16 x 20” 2.22 sq ft Stock Sheets 20 x 48” 6.70 sq ft DA/DAi Stk Shts 24 x 48” 8.00 sq ft 3/21/2016 * NOTE: Waterglass sheet sizes may vary slightly. A-24 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 GLASS SPECTRUM SILVERCOATS™ Take Spectrum glass and add a mirror backing. SilverCoats™ are the shimmering result! Available in selected clear textures and Waterglass® colors. SPC 100 G clear granite silvered code SA SPC 130.8 W blue “blue moon” code SC Section A SPECTRUM SPC 140.8 W amethyst “Aurora Rose” code SC SPC 151 W SPC 100 QR SPC 100 W clear quarter round silvered code SA SPC 180.8 W SPC 110.2 W clear water “quicksilver” code SA SPC 528.1 W SPC 543.2 W candy apple red gray “gun metal” sea green “tree foil” grape “ultra violet” code SR code SC code SC code SC G L A S S SPC 121 W amber “gold water” emerald green code SC code SC SPC 591.1 W champagne “metallic blush” code SC SILVERCOATS CODE SA SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” 0.67 sq ft Medium 16 x12” 1.33 sq ft Large 16 x 24” 2.67 sq ft Stock Sheets* 24 x 24” 4.00 sq ft except SILVERCOATS CODE SC & SR SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 10” 0.56 sq ft Medium 16 x10” 1.11 sq ft Large 16 x 20” 2.22 sq ft Stock Sheets* 20 x 24” 3.35 sq ft * NOTE: Larger Stock Sheets are usually available. SP A/100 A artique code AR4 SP A/100 B Baroque code AR6 SP A/100 C chord code AR2 SP A/100 G SP A/100 H SP A/100 V SP A/100 W granite code AR2 hammered code AR2 G Y MF ED B VAIL U N I KA ONT DISC ED STOC T I M LI SP A/100 RW rainwater code AR2 SP A/100 SDY seedy code AR2 SP A/100 SNS satin seedy code AR2 vecchio code AR2 FG D D ED BY M INUE IN U E TINU VAIL UED AVAIL N N I O T C CONT CK AVAIL DISCONT CK AVAIL A S N I K O DIS STOCK D C C O O DIS ED STO ED ED ST ED ST LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT SP AA/100 CC corsica code AR7 SP AA/100 K krinkle code AR7 SP AA/100 QR quarter reed code AR7 SP AA/100 RW rainwater code AR7 A-25 waterglass code AR3 SP A/100 K krinkle code AR2 SP ARCHITECTURAL GLASS SHEET SIZES: Small Not Available Medium Not Available Large Not Available Price Codes AR1, AR2 & AR6: Stock Sheets 30 x 72” 15.00 sq ft Price Codes AR3: Stock Sheets 24 x 72” 12.00 sq ft Price Codes AR4 & AR9: Stock Sheets 26 x 72” 13.00 sq ft Price Codes AR5 & AR7: Stock Sheets 30 x 84” 17.50 sq ft SP AA/100 SDY seedy code AR5 3/21/2016 5 mm (3/16”) thick 3.2 mm (1/8”) thick 3.2 mm (1/8”) thick SPECTRUM ARCHITECTURAL These clear textures are available in larger and slightly thicker sheets. The larger sheets help maximize sheet usage (ie. less waste), while the slightly thicker sheets are more suitable for tempering. Section A Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS SYSTEM 96 G SYSTEM 96 GLASS L COE 96 Glass by Spectrum and Uroboros 96 now has a broad line of specially formulated “Tested Compatible” glass for the Hot Glass arts. These products have a nominal C.O.E. of 96 A System and are factory-tested for compatibility. Each glass is carefully formulated for multi-fire devitrification resistance. Though they may look the same standard stained glass, System 96 glasses are fundamentally different in their basic chemistries and are designed to deliver a broad working S asrange for fusing and slumping. Iridized colors don’t burn off when fired. See the Fusing Supplies Section of this Catalog for System 96 frit, stringer, noodles plus dichroic glass. S SYSTEM 96 CATHEDRAL COLORS STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) SF 152 SF ruby red code HF SF 60-612-96 grenadine red code QF SF 571.1 SF rust code HF SF 171 SF brt orange code HF SF 151 SFL SF 110.4 SF SF 111 SF medium dark amber code BF SF 110.8 SF medium amber code BF 170.2 SF SF 161 SF brt yellow code HF SF 170.2 SF unfired SF light amber code BF SF 110.2 SF pale amber code BF SF 60-906-96 straw cathedral code TF SF 60-57-96 walnut code VF SF THIN ROLLED ~1.8mm ~2.0mm SF 60-7312-96 lime grn cathedral code VCF SF 526.2 SF SF 128AV SF moss green code BF SF 518.1 SF bronze code BF SF 518.2 SF antique bronze code BF also available 61-1108-96 SF medium amber code SF STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) 61-358-96 warm yellow code XCF also available SF 518.1 SFL bronze code BF SF 528.2 SF SF 528.4 SF 60-774-96 SF 528.1 SF light olive green code CF olive green code BF SF 60-707-96 citron cathedral code VCF SF 121 SF light green code CF SF 123 SF med green code CF SF 125 SF dark green code CF also available 61-7312-96 lime grn cathedral code VCF STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) aventurine green SF ming green cathedral code LF code VCF sea green code BF SF 523.8 SF hunter green code CF also available SF 61-700-96 dark grn cathedral code TCF SF 61-774-96 ming grn cathedral code VCF = manufactured by Spectrum Glass 3/21/2016 SF strikes to tangerine code HF cherry red (S) code HF THIN ROLLED ~1.8mm ~2.0mm THIN ROLLED ~1.8mm ~2.0mm 151 SF cherry red code HF also available THIN ROLLED ~1.8mm ~2.0mm STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) SF = manufactured by Uroboros Glass A-26 SF 523.2 SF teal green code BF SF 532.1 SF Caribbean blue code BF SF 533.1 SF sky blue code BF Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A SYSTEM 96 GLASS G L A S S MORE SYSTEM 96 CATHEDRAL COLORS STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) SF 533.2 SF 533.3 SF SF aqua code CF 538.2 SF light steel blue code BF SF 538.4 SF steel blue code BF SF 538.6 SF navy code CF 61-402-96 SF 60-424-96 cobalt blue code TF SF aqua blue cathedral code TF SF 138AV SF aventurine blue code NF SF 136 SF cobalt blue code CF SF 132 SF light blue code BF 61-424-96 cobalt blue code TF SF 130.8 SF pale blue code BF SF 60-404-96 sapphire blue code VF SF 60-103-96 strikes dp gold pink code GPF SF 60-103-96 unfired THIN ROLLED ~1.8mm ~2.0mm STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) SF also available THIN ROLLED ~1.8mm ~2.0mm STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) SF blue topaz code CF SF 60-105-96 gold-pink striker code GSF SF 543.2 SF grape code BF SF 60-105-96 unfired Special firing schedules help you create either a pink or purple hue SF 543.1 SF light grape code BF SF 534.2 SF violet code BF CATHEDRAL IRIDIZED – The following colors are also available with a High-Fire Iridescent coating which won’t burn off at fusing temperatures. SF 146 SF dark purple code BF SF 142 SF light purple code CF SF 100 SFi clear, irid pale amber irid SF 125 SFi dark green irid SF 130.8 SFi pale blue irid SF 136 SFi cobalt blue irid SF 151 SFi cherry red irid SF 518.1 SFi bronze irid SF 543.2 SFi grape irid SF 110.2 SFi SF 140.8 SF pale purple code BF AiF BiF CiF BiF CiF HiF BiF BiF SF SF 591.1 SF champagne code EF SF 180.8 SF pale gray code BF 60-1108-96 GiR med amber cathedral gold irid code TiF SYSTEM 96 STANDARD SHEET SIZES: Small 6 x12” 0.50 sq ft Medium 12 x12” 1.00 sq ft Large 12 x24” 2.00 sq ft Stock Sheets 24 x 24” 4.00 sq ft SF 60-series* 24 x 30” 5.00 sq ft & SF Fracture/Streamers* = manufactured by Spectrum Glass = manufactured by Uroboros Glass A-27 3/21/2016 * NOTE: SF 60-series, 61-series & Fracture/ Streamers Stock Sheets are made by Uroboros and may vary in size. ** NOTE: SF 100 SFS, SF 100.2 SF, SF 100.5 SF, SF 200 SF, and SF 1009 SF are also stocked in 24x48” sheets. Section A SYSTEM 96 G SYSTEM 96 OPAQUE COLORS L A S SF 60-618-96 STANDARD black cherry S THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) code UF GLASS SF 60-615-96 lipstick red code UF SF 60-2502-96 red code UF SF 60-602-96 tomato soup red code UF SF SF 260.72 SF yellow code HF SF 228.72 SF celadon green code DF SF 271.71 SF SF 60-755-96 SF 226.72 SF SF orange code UF persimmon code HF 60-355-96 SF 267.72 SF 226.74 SF SF 222.72 SF marigold code XCF sunflower yellow code HF red code UF SF 60-782-96 dk olive green code TCF SF 220.76 SF dk green code DF SF fern green code TCF lemon grass code FF also available SF 61-755-96 STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) SF THIN ROLLED ~1.8mm ~2.0mm SF STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) SF 60-726-96 jade green code VCF SF 223.72 SF turquoise green code DF SF 223.74 SF peacock green code FF SF 233.74 SF turquoise blue code DF SF 233.75 SF mariner blue code DF also available 61-726-96 238.72 SF alpine blue code DF SF 60-421-96 riviera blue code TF = manufactured by Spectrum Glass = manufactured by Uroboros Glass SF 230.72 SF medium blue code DF SF 230.76 SF dk blue code DF SF 60-520-96 SF 215.72 SF dk purple (plum) code TCF also available SF 61-2306-96 cobalt blue code TF SF 291.61 SF champagne code GF SF 210.71 SF ivory code EF SF 210.72 SF almond code DF terracotta code HF THIN ROLLED ~1.8mm ~2.0mm A-28 SF 240.74 SF lilac code DF 61-2264-96 amazon green code TCF also available jade green code VCF Amazon green code DF SF fern green code TCF THIN ROLLED ~1.8mm ~2.0mm 3/21/2016 60-2702-96 61-2502-96 THIN ROLLED ~1.8mm ~2.0mm STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) SF also available THIN ROLLED ~1.8mm ~2.0mm STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) Visit Us On The Internet: SF 240.72 SF lt mauve code BF SF 230.71 SF hydrangea blue code EF pastel green code DF Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A SYSTEM 96 GLASS G L A S S MORE SYSTEM 96 OPAQUE COLORS STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) SF 211.74 SF chestnut brown code HF SF 211.76 SF chocolate brown code FF SF 60-070-96 SF 100 SFi-ICE SF cloud white code TF 280.72 SF pewter code EF SF 280.76 SF charcoal code EF SF 60-078-96 Payne’s gray code TCF SF 60-079-96 chambray code VCF BASE & TOP LAYER COLOR - CLEAR SF 100 SFXTL crystal clear cathedral ** code HCF SF 100 SF-ICE icicle clear cath ** code AAF also available also available 2 mm thick code HCF 2 mm thick code AAF SF 100 SFL-XTL SF also available icicle clear cathedral IRID code AAiF SF 100 CSF clear chord code DF 100 SFL-ICE also available SF 100 SFXTL-DT SF 100 SF-DT-ICE 5 mm thick ** code HTF 5 mm thick ** code AATF WHICH CLEAR DO YOU NEED? System 96’s Icicle Clear (#SF 100 SF-ICE) has a slight bluish edge tint. The System 96 Crystal Clear (#SF 100 SFXTL) provides the most neutral clear glass available. Both options are made using the same exacting standards as all System 96 products -- the same devit-resistance and tested compatibility that fusers trust world-wide. SYSTEM 96 STANDARD SHEET SIZES: Small 6 x12” 0.50 sq ft Medium 12 x12” 1.00 sq ft Large 12 x24” 2.00 sq ft Stock Sheets 24 x 24” 4.00 sq ft SF 60-series* 24 x 30” 5.00 sq ft 61-series* & SF Fracture/Streamers* * NOTE: SF 60-series, 61-series & Fracture/ Streamers Stock Sheets are made by Uroboros and may vary in size. ** NOTE: SF 100 SF-ICE, SF 100 SFL-ICE, SF 100 SF-DT-ICE, SF 100 SFS, SF 100.2 SF, SF 100.5 SF, SF 200 SF, and SF 1009 SF may also be available in 24x48” sheets. A-29 3/21/2016 = manufactured by Spectrum Glass = manufactured by Uroboros Glass Section A SYSTEM 96 G BASE & TOP LAYER COLOR - WHITE L A S SF 200 SF SF 200 SFi SF 209 SF S white opal ** white opal IRID firelight white opal code DF also available SF Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS SYSTEM 96 STANDARD SHEET SIZES: Small 6 x12” 0.50 sq ft Medium 12 x12” 1.00 sq ft Large 12 x24” 2.00 sq ft Stock Sheets 24 x 24” 4.00 sq ft SF 60-series* 24 x 30” 5.00 sq ft 61-series* & SF Fracture/Streamers* code DiF * NOTE: SF 60-series, 61-series & Fracture/ Streamers Stock Sheets are made by Uroboros and may vary in size. ** NOTE: SF 100 SF-ICE, SF 100 SFL-ICE, SF 100 SF-DT-ICE, SF 100 SFS, SF 100.2 SF, SF 100.5 SF, SF 200 SF, and SF 1009 SF may also be available in 24x48” sheets. code EF 200 SFL 2 mm thick code DF BASE & TOP LAYER COLOR - REACTIVE SF 60-045-96 red reactive opal code XF Uroboros has introduced exciting new “Reactive Red” Transparent and Opal to the ever-expanding System 96 line. Chemistry in these glasses causes a reaction with copper, a colorant in many Blue and Green glasses. When a glass containing copper is red on a Reactive glass, a reddish color is produced, ranging from a rim as on the Opal Turquoise Coarse Frit (#SFF 2334 C) to a complete transformation to red as shown from Sky Blue Fine Frit (#SFF 5331 F). Click here for more information on the Red Reactive Opal and Cathedral glass and the glasses that they react with. SF SF 60-003-96 red reactive cathedral code TF The platter below was made using mostly just the Vanilla Cream (#SF 210.73 SF) to create nearly all the details. Because of the way it lightens in its core, a lovely outline forms around each piece creating a beautifully subtle effect and preserves the detail of the design even when layered on itself. Click here for the Sysyem 96 Project Guide instructions for this platter. BASE & TOP LAYER COLOR - BLACK SF 1009 SF black opal ** code CF also available SF 1009 CSF SF 1009 AVSF aventurine black code NF SF 1009 SFi black opal IRID code CiF SF 60-56-96 GiR SF 60-56-96 SiR black GOLD IRID code TCiF black SILVER IRID code TCiF 1009.2 SF 2 mm thick code CF also available SF SF black opal CHORD code CF 1009 SF-DT = manufactured by Spectrum Glass = manufactured by Uroboros Glass 3/21/2016 5 mm thick code IF A-30 210.73 SF french vanilla opal reactive code EF The French Vanilla Reactive (#SF 210.73 SF) is quite a clever glass! In its cold state, it looks a lot like Almond Opal (#SF 210.72 SF), but when fused, you’ll discover just how unique this formula is. Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A SYSTEM 96 GLASS G L A S S THIN ROLLED TEXTURED SF 71-00-96 clear, fibroid 1.8mm code VF SF SF 60-005-96 SF 60-29-96 pink on white opal CODE=VF CODE=WF 60-4240-96 SF 60-4245-96 cobalt blue on white opal CODE=TCF CODE=TF 60-7550-96 SF fern green on clear CODE=TCF 81-00-96 clear, radium 1.8mm code VRF white streaked on clear cobalt blue on clear SF SF black, fibroid 1.8mm code XCF SYSTEM 96 STREAKY FUSIBLES Vibrant colors mixed on clear or white background. SF 71-56-96 SF 60-5000-96 SF 60-77-96 SF dark green on green opal CODE=XCF SF 60-5005-96 SF black, radium 1.8mm code XRF 60-93-96 root beer on cream opal CODE=TF SF SYSTEM 96 THIN RADIUM SHEET SIZES: Small NOT AVAILABLE Medium 10 x10” 0.70 sq ft Large 10 x20” 1.40 sq ft SF 81-series* 20 x 20” 2.78 sq ft 81-56-96 60-5600-96 chocolate on clear chocolate on white black opal on clear CODE=TCF CODE=TCF CODE=TCF SF 60-625-96 dark red on red opal CODE=UF SF 60-5605-96 397.2 SF pink on crystal opal CODE=LF CODE=TCF SF 11-25-96 60-2705-96 SF 60-6120-96 CODE=QF SF 60-6125-96 grenadine red on white CODE=QF = manufactured by Uroboros Glass fern green on white CODE=TCF WISPIES: SF 633.76 SF SF aqua and cobalt on crystal opal CODE=CF SF 11-29-96 cobalt blue opal on clear CODE=GF SF SF 4000.9 SF black opal on clear CODE=GF UROBOROS FRACTURE & STRINGER GLASS 11-45-96 green & pink fractures green & red fractures & grn streamers & green streamers CODE=YCF 403.96 SF CODE=YCF SF 11-51-96 SF green, blue & purple fractures & green streamers CODE=YCF A-31 14-05-96 SF 14-406-96 SF 14-524-96 white fractures & black blue & white fractures plum & white fractures stringers on clear & stringers on clear & black stringers on clear CODE=YF CODE=YF CODE=YCF 3/21/2016 CODE=YCF SF = manufactured by Spectrum Glass 60-7555-96 UROBOROS FRACTURE & STREAMER GLASS Hand cast, tested-compatible sheets have striking character and complexity. green fractures and green streamers 60-2700-96 orange opal on clear orange opal on white opal CODE=QF CODE=QF black opal on white grenadine red on clear CRYSTAL OPALS: SF SF Section A SYSTEM 96 G L MARDI GRAS GLASS A Tonal streamers and sprinkles are S embedded in a SF 13-200-96 transparent base S white mardi gras for a stunning look. Imagine the possibilities! CODE=YF STREAMER BITS GLASS Bits of streamers randomly embedded in a transparent base. SF 12-00-96 clear streamer bits on clear CODE=YF GLASS SF 13-2502-96 SF 13-2602-96 red mardi gras yellow mardi gras CODE=YCF CODE=YCF SF 12-200-96 white opal streamer bits on clear CODE=YF SF SF 13-5262-96 SF 13-5333-96 moss grn mardi gras deep aqua mardi gras CODE=YCF 12-2502-96 SF 12-424-96 red opal streamer bits cobalt blue cath on clear streamer bits on clear CODE=YCF CODE=YF CODE=YF SF SF 13-56-96 black mardi gras CODE=YCF SF 13-5605-96 black mardi gras on white opal CODE=YCF 12-56-96 black opal streamer bits on clear CODE=YCF t Oc SYSTEM 96 OPALART™ 20 15 The hypnotic OpalArt family embraces the moment when disparate glasses meet, and freezes it for all time. The resultant swirls of color are magnificent, always unique, and deliver incomparable options in project design. Visit Us On The Internet: SF 325.52 OA SF 335.5 OA SF 355.1 OA SF 623.52 OA Sour Apple: moss grn Nautica: mariner blue Strawberries N Cream: Lagoon: moss grn & on firelight white opal on firelight white opal cherry red with swirls deep aqua on firelight of white opal white opal CODE=IF CODE=IF CODE=HF CODE=IF t Oc SYSTEM 96 STANDARD SHEET SIZES: Small 6 x12” 0.50 sq ft Medium 12 x12” 1.00 sq ft Large 12 x24” 2.00 sq ft Stock Sheets 24 x 24” 4.00 sq ft SF 60-series* 24 x 30” 5.00 sq ft & SF Fracture/Streamers* 20 15 SF 634.52 OA SF 675.5 OA Blackberry Cream: Godiva: red-orange deep aqua & concord firelight white opal on firelight white opal CODE=IF CODE=IF SF 3005.9 OA * NOTE: SF 60-series & Fracture/Streamers Stock Sheets are made by Uroboros and may vary in size. ** NOTE: SF 100 SFS, SF 100.2 SF, SF 100.5 SF, SF 200 SF, and SF 1009 SF are also stocked in 24x48” sheets. Black Licorice: white opal swirled on opaque black CODE=GF SYSTEM 96 SPIRIT™ Across each sheet, brilliant comets of color splash over Crystal Clear or Firelight White. Not uncommon in blown glass art—but heretofore unheard of in compatible sheet glass. ON CRYSTAL CLEAR SF 4001 ST SF 410.7 ST Murano: ivory & black Monterrey: ivory on on clear clear CODE=LF CODE=HF SF 431.76 ST ON FIRELIGHT WHITE 3/21/2016 SF 6115.7 ST SF 623.76 ST SF 4361.76 ST Viena: ivory & cobalt Atlantis: ivory, blue & on clear yellow on clear CODE=LF CODE=LF SF 635.7 ST G Y MF ED B VAIL U N I KA ONT DISC ED STOC T I M LI SF 6356.7 ST SF 4561 ST Rio: ivory, yellow & red on clear CODE=LF 4941 ST = manufactured by Spectrum Glass = manufactured by Uroboros Glass SF 694.7 ST Sedona: amber & red Seattle: blue & grn on Philly: blue & red on New Orleans: bl, ylw & Geneva: pink & concord on firelight wht firelight white red on firelight white on firelight white firelight white CODE=LF CODE=LF CODE=LF CODE=LF CODE=MF A-32 SF Valhalla: ivory, pink, concord & wht on clear CODE=MF Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 GLASS Section A SYSTEM 96 G L A S S Color Stability Spectrum’s goal is to produce a family of glass whose color will stay dependably consistent even after multiple firings. However, some color chemistries are inherently less stable than others. Minimize most color shifts by reducing the time spent at the highest temperatures. Champagne Opal: shifts toward orange. Red, Orange & Yellow Cathedrals: may opacify and become darker. Sheet Thickness Spectrum’s sheet thicknesses are expressed in nominal metric equivalents. The exact thickness will have slight variations from batch to batch. The target and tolerances for their “Standard” and “Thin Rolled” sheet glass are as follows (as expressed in mils – thousands of an inch): 3mm Standard: target 120mil; tolerance 100-140mil 2mm Thin Rolled: target 80mil; tolerance 60-100mil Most cases of color shift can be minimized by reducing the time spent at the highest temperatures. Color Stability Spectrum’s goal is to produce a family of glass whose color will stay dependably consistent even after multiple firings. However, some color chemistries are inherently less stable than others. When Spectrum pinpoints color shifts in their post-production test firings improvements are sought for the formulations. However, let your own testing be your guide and be aware of colors that nearly always “strike.” Minimize most color shifts by reducing the time spent at the highest temperatures. Champagne Opal: shifts toward orange. Red, Orange & Yellow Cathedrals: may opacify and become darker. Sheet Thickness Spectrum’s sheet thicknesses are expressed in nominal metric equivalents. The exact thickness from batch to batch will have slight variations. The target and tolerances for their “Standard” and “Thin Rolled” sheet glass are as follows (as expressed in mils – thousands of an inch): 3mm Standard: target 120mil; tolerance 100-140mil 2mm Thin Rolled: target 80mil; tolerance 60-100mil Raked and slumped platter Platter Detail Sharper Lines, Better Detail Using System 96, you’ll find it very easy to maintain sharp, crisp design lines. System 96 glasses retain their sharp lines right up to raking (or combing) temperatures. System 96 Strawberries and Cream OpalArt (#SF 355.1 OA) System 96 Black Licorice OpalArt (#SF 3005.9 OA) 3/21/2016 A-33 Section A Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS YOUGHIOGHENY G YOUGHIOGHENY GLASS L For True Tiffany Appearance A GHIGH GLASS pronounce Oa is the product of ohn Triggs glass experience. traditional opalescent glass Stipple lass has an icy or waxy translucence. Stipple lass does not S Unlike reuire the heaviness of traditional opalescent glass to bring opacity to colors. The translucent colors up to bright light sources evenly diffusing the light giving a three dimensional effect to the colors that are streaked S hold through the sheet. s in the original Tiffany glass Stipple lass has some light mottling and surface hae. The overall effect of Stipple lass is unlike any other glass on the market. With each color listing, below, references to Tiffany lamps and/or windows are made. Use these references as a guide when making Tiffany reproductions and when designing your own creations. Stipple Glass lends itself to landscapes, oral pieces or any work looking for realism, depth or natural representations. YG 1 RSP YG 2 RSP YG 3 RSP YG 3 SP YG 4 SP YG 5 SP CODE=C CODE=C CODE=B CODE=B CODE=D CODE=B dk blue, dk green, purple med blue and med green with autumn gold and yellow gold autumn gold and yellow gold. neodymium ice. Pale lilac landscape glass. A mix of highlights, ripple texture. pink highlights, ripple. Use opals on ice white, ripple. For yellow flowers or yellow blue which goes to pink greens, brown, amber, and ice Use for rippling water effects. for rippling water. [WATER Use for flowers. backgrounds. when lit with incandescent white. Use for backgrounds or [WATER DARK RIPPLE SP] LIGHT RIPPLE SP] [LABURNUM RIPPLE] [LABURNUM SP] or natural light. A good foliage. [LANDSCAPE] background color, especially flowers. [NEODYMIUM SP] YG 6 SP YG 55 SP YG 057 SP YG 63 SP YG 67 SP CODE=D CODE=B CODE=D CODE=D CODE=D neodymium ice, dense neodymium opal. For backgrounds. [NN SP] beige stipple, dense beige opal, copper red. Use for backgrounds. [55 CR SP] neodymium ice with peach gold and bubble gum pink. For flowers and as background near flowers. [N 057 SP] YG 367 SP YG 637 SP YG 700 SP YG 1000 SP YG 1000 RSP CODE=D CODE=D CODE=A CODE=A CODE=B CODE=B icy white ripple. ice white with med leaf green, ripple. Use for foliage. neodymium ice, dense neodymium ice, dense neo neodymium (neo) opal, opal, gold pink, copper cobalt copper cobalt blue, purple. blue. Flowers or background Use for flowers and as near flowers. [NN 67 SP] background near flowers. [NN 63 SP] 3/21/2016 neodymium, dark purple blue neodymium ice, dense icy grey. Use for backgrounds. icy white. Use for and pink. Use for Clematis Neodymium opal, gold backgrounds or foil behind and other purple flowers. pink, copper cobalt blue, other pieces to diffuse the [N 367 SP] purple. Use for flowers and light. as background near flowers. [NN 637 SP] A-34 YG 77 SP CODE=D neodymium ice, dense neodymium opal, bubble gum. Use for flowers. [NN 77 SP] YG 1004 RSP YOUGHIOGHENY SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” Medium 16 x12” Large 16 x 24” Stock Sheets 24 x 36” 0.67 sq ft 1.33 sq ft 2.67 sq ft 6.00 sq ft Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A YOUGHIOGHENY GLASS YG 1007 SP YG 1007 RSP YG 1053 SP YG 1054 SP YG 1057 SP CODE=D CODE=D CODE=B CODE=B CODE=D CODE=C ice white with peach gold. Use for flowers. ice white, green, pink. Use for foliage around flowers. ice white with pink. A good ice white and pink ripple. For deep royal purple with yellow ice white, silver yellow and flower color. flowers with depth. gold and ice white. Use for green. Use for flowers and irises, pansies, etc. background around yellow flowers. YG 1074 SP YG 1097 RSP YG 1097 SP YG 1100 SP YG 1107 SP YG 1109 SP YG 1137 SP CODE=C CODE=C CODE=A CODE=D CODE=B CODE=C ice white, copper red and ice white copper (maroon) red ice white, dense white opal. Use for backgrounds. bubblegum pink RIPPLE. and bubblegum pink. Use for Use for very dimensional red poppies, tulips, poinsettia. flowers or borders. ice white, dense white opal, gold pink. Backgrounds. ice white, dense white opal, ice white, dense white opal, red. Use for flowers. purple, gold purple. Flowers. YG 1144 SP YG 1157 SP YG 1165 SP YG 1167 SP YG 1174 SP CODE=A CODE=D CODE=B CODE=D CODE=C YG 1176 SP CODE=C ice white, dense white opal, dk green. Use for foliage. ice white, dense white opal, peach gold. For flowers. royal blue with bubblegum pink, yellow gold and white opal. Great sky or background color. ice white, dense white opal, gold purple pink, gold pink. Use for flowers. ice white, dense white opal, dark green, gold pink. Foliage. ice white, dense white opal, gold pink, dk blue. Flowers. YG 1177 SP YG 1300 SP YG 1302 SP YG 1309 SP YG 1364 SP YG 1431 SP CODE=D CODE=A CODE=B CODE=A CODE=A CODE=A ice white, dense white opal, bubblegum, gold pink. Flowers. ice white with purple. Irises and other purple flowers. dark brown on ice white. Trees, rocks, Canada geese ice white, purple and copper red. Use for flowers, backgrounds or borders. ice white, purple violet & dk green. Dogwoods, Hydrangeas. ice white, lime & emerald greens. Good foliage color. YG 1499 SP YG 1537 SP YG 1567 SP YG 1574 SP YG 1634 SP YG 1650 SP CODE=A CODE=C CODE=C CODE=C CODE=A CODE=B 3/21/2016 ice white, dark green, copper ice white, silver yellow, purple Ice white, silver yellow, dark ice white, pink, green and ice white, green, sky blue royal blue, bubblegum pink, red. Flower buds, Poppies and gold pink. All flowers. blue, gold, purple and green. silver yellow. Use for spring and purple. Backgrounds yellow gold and ice white. and Woodbine. Dragonfly and Peony lamp and summer flowers. on Trumpet Vine, Peony and Less dense than 1165. More backgrounds. Grape Trellis. skies! A-35 G L A S S Section A YOUGHIOGHENY G L A S YG 1660 SP YG 1663 SP CODE=A S icy whiteCODE=B stipple and blue, purple and ice white. Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS YG 1665 SP YG 1697 SP YG 3000 SP CODE=B CODE=C CODE=A ice white, copper red, blue and pink. Poppies, Peonies, rose bushes, general flower colors. icy mauve sea blue opal Used on Flowering Lotus, Blue Dragonfly and Yellow Rose background. royal blue, yellow gold, ice white. A good sky or background color for areas near yellow flowers. YG 3457 SP YG 3600 SP YG 3603 SP YG 3610 SP YG 3613 SP CODE=C CODE=B CODE=B CODE=B CODE=B CODE=A ice white, green, purple, peach gold. Good for leaves or general backgrounds. violet stipple violet stipple and rose opal violet stipple and white opal violet stipple with white & rose opal pale green stipple. Backgrounds or use for plating. YG 4117 SP YG 4302 SP YG 4444 SP YG 4500 SP YG 4504 SP YG 4507 SP CODE=A CODE=A CODE=A CODE=B CODE=B CODE=C green stipple, dense green opal. Use for foliage. lime green stipple lime green stipple and emerald green opal mint green, silver yellow with red highlights. Peony, Nasturtium and Tulip lamp backgrounds. dk green, ice white, with ice white, dense avocado bluish gray highlight. Leaves green, black (deep red). Use & foliage. Use lighter parts for foliage. as background around leaves. YG 4000 SP YG 4566 SP YG 4637 SP YG 4644 SP YG 4676 SP YG 5000 SP CODE=B CODE=B CODE=C CODE=A CODE=C CODE=B lime green stipple with emerald green & silver yellow opal lime green stipple and turquoise opal lt green, dk copper blue, bubble gum pink & dk pink. Use for backgrounds around flowers & leaves, on Daffodil, Peony and Poppy lamps. lt, dk & mint greens with ice white and sky blue highlights. Works well for leaves and as background around foliage. dk copper blue, gold purple, lt & dark green highlights. Background for Laburnum shades or for purple flowers. lemon yellow stipple 3/21/2016 YG 4554 SP A-36 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A YOUGHIOGHENY GLASS YG 5002 SP YG 5009 SP YG 5033 SP YG 5090 SP YG 5409 SP CODE=B CODE=B YG 5040 SP CODE=A icy light amber icy yellow with copper red. Use for flowers. lemon yellow with black opal lemon yellow & emerald opal lemon yellow & red opal yellow, red and green mix. For Tulip and Dragonfly lamp backgrounds or background with flowers and foliage. YG 5502 SP YG 5506 SP YG 5562 SP YG 5642 SP YG 5697 SP YG 6010 SP CODE=A CODE=B CODE=A CODE=A CODE=C beige stipple, dense beige opal. Use for backgrounds. ice white, silver yellow, sky blue with orange brown. Backgrounds on Dragonfly lamps or landscapes. beige stipple, dense beige opal, cobalt blue. Use for backgrounds YG 6016 SP YG 6064 SP YG 6314 SP YG 6347 SP YG 6456 SP CODE=A CODE=A CODE=A CODE=D CODE=B medium sky blue and ice white. Sky color. YG 6617 SP CODE=B CODE=C CODE=B beige stipple, copper cobalt silver yellow, copper red and blue, dk green. Backgrounds sky blue. Use for flowers, autumn foliage and on Rosebush, Tulip Poppy lamps. lt blue, dk blue and dk green. dk cobalt, ice white, purple Background near leaves. with dk green highlights. Use for backgrounds on Peony, Rosebush & Dark Hydrangea lamps. Can also be used for dk purple flowers. YG 6616 SP turquoise stipple with white and cobalt blue opal CODE=B neodymium, pink, copper turquoise stipple with lime blue, purple with dk green green & cobalt blue opal and bubblegum pink highlights. For backgrounds on Peony & Bouquet lamp shades & near purple flowers. [N 6347 SP] YG 6637 SP CODE=A light blue stipple. Use for backgrounds. YG 6600 SP CODE=B turquoise stipple YG 6645 SP YG 9000 SP YG 9010 SP turquoise stipple and lime green opal cherry red stipple cherry red & white opal CODE=D CODE=B turquoise stipple with white neodymium, pink, copper opal and gold pink blue, purple with bubblegum pink highlights. A darker version of YG 6347 SP [N 6637 SP] CODE=B CODE=D CODE=D 3/21/2016 A-37 G L A S S Section A Visit Us On The Internet: OCEANA GLASS G OCEANA GLASS L Now Made By Youghiogheny CAA GLASS has been a popular art glass especially on the west coast of the US. imited A production made this beautiful glass tough to get. Since oughiogheny has restarted production this glass on the east coast supply is less of a problem. Oceana is used extensively for window and lampshade work S ofwherever natural coloration and shading are desired. S OCEANA MOTTLE GLASS has a soft feel with a wispy background showing between mottled areas. Many colors have highlights of red or yellow 300– SERIES SINGLE COLOR OCEANA SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” 0.67 sq ft Medium 16 x12” 1.33 sq ft Large n/a, see stock sheets Stock Sheets 18 x 27” 3.38 sq ft OG 301 light copper blue (turquoise) OG 302 cobalt blue with white highlights OG 303 silver yellow, a soft yellow with brown overtones CODE=A CODE=A CODE=A OG 324 teal copper green (with turquoise and yellow highlights) CODE=A OG 325 deep chrome green (with yellow highlights) CODE=A OG 350 cadmium orange mottled OG 363 dark copper (brownish) red OG 390 opal white CODE=A CODE=A CODE=A Oceana Stock Sheets are sold by the sheet. Sheet sizes shown above are approximate and may vary. 700– SERIES THREE COLOR MIXES OG 700 white opal, dark red and yellow CODE=B 3/21/2016 OG 712 copper blue, med green and red w/white highlights CODE=B OG 701 OG 702 OG 706 OG 708 OG 710 white opal, silver yellow and copper blue, yellow and gold white opal, green and cobalt copper and cobalt blues, dark white opal, dark green and gold pink pink blue green w/white highlights dark red CODE=D CODE=D CODE=B CODE=B CODE=B OG 714 red, cobalt blue and green CODE=B OG 718 OG 720 OG 724 OG 730 white opal, green and brown silver yellow, red and cobalt white opal, orange and green silver yellow, red and green blue with yellow highlights with white hightlights CODE=B CODE=B CODE=B CODE=B A-38 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A OCEANA GLASS 600– SERIES TWO COLOR MIXES OG 600 silver yellow with dark red running through CODE=A OG 601 white opal with gold pink mottling CODE=D OG 607 OG 608 copper blue and silver yellow copper blue and cobalt blue, with white highlights CODE=A CODE=A OG 602 OG 603 white opal and gold purple, a white opal and dark green rich combination with yellow highlights CODE=D CODE=A OG 609 dark copper red on cobalt blue CODE=A OG 614 OG 615 OG 619 white opal and cobalt blue dark green and cobalt blue, a white opal and silver yellow dark combination with brownish highlights CODE=A CODE=A CODE=A OG 624 white opal and manganese purple w/dark highlights CODE=A OG 625 copper blue and purple CODE=A OG 604 silver yellow and cobalt blue CODE=A G L A S OG 605 white opal and deep dark red S CODE=A OG 610 dark green and brown (old leaves) CODE=A OG 611 OG 613 dark red with chrome (deep) copper blue with dark green green and yellow highlights CODE=A CODE=A OG 620 white opal and copper blue OG 621 white opal and cadmium orange w/yellow highlights CODE=A CODE=A OG 627 OG 628 silver yellow and dark green teal green with dark green, a great foliage color CODE=A CODE=A OG 622 silver yellow and orange, a warm and earthy mix CODE=A OG 633 cadmium orange and green—fall foliage CODE=A 3/21/2016 A-39 Section A Visit Us On The Internet: COE 90 SHEET GLASS GLASS G L UROBOROS FUSION FX 90 GLASS Compatible with Bullseye A Uroboros lass first developed and released tested compatible fusible glass products in 199. Since then specialty O tested compatible fusing glass have become a maor product category for them. They currently produce glass at S and different O points. Their original clear fusing standard for the 90O ompatible to ullseye category was formulated melted to precisely fit ullseye lass master standard glass. Since then all their Fusion F 90 products are fuse S and tested daily to the long established ompatible to ullseye clear standard glass. This product line includes Over 100 sheet products ore than 00 frit products any oodle and Stringer products Specially formulated ater lear casting billets and rocks for thick work lass blowing cullet What’s the stripe? The images of our fusible colors below are of 6” x 6” (15 x 15cm) fused tiles. For most Most Tested Compatible glass is offered in the DOUBLE ROLLED texture (60- prefix). Double Rolled is preferred by transparent colors, the area left of the diagonal stripe fusers as it traps fewer air bubbles. is fused over clear (lighter color), while the area to the right is fused over white opal (darker color). UROBOROS COE 90 CATHEDRAL COLORS STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) UR 60-606-90 UR 60-6071-90 UR 60-610-90 grenadine red code ECF vermilion code ECF lt cherry red code ECF UR 60-357-90 lemon chiffon code CCF UR 60-905-90 root beer code AF UR 60-901-90 golden amber code BF also available also available also available UR 61-608-90 UR 61-901-90 grenadine red, 1.8mm code ECF STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) UR 60-575-90 walnut code BF tangerine, 1.8mm UR 60-530-90 sesame code AF UR 60-705-90 kelly green code ACF UR 60-703-90 lime code ACF sky blue code AF UR 60-403-90 cobalt blue code CF UR 60-436-90 periwinkle blue code BF UR 60-700-90 emerald code CCF UR 60-417-90 peacock code ECF UR 60-413-90 carribean blue code BF UR 60-402-90 aqua blue code CF also available also available also available UR 61-700-90 UR 61-402-90 emerald, 1.8mm code CCF aqua blue, 1.8mm code CF UR 60-501-90 plum code ACF also available also available UR 61-403-90 UR 61-501-90 cobalt blue, 1.8mm code CF pale amber code AF UR 61-703-90 lime, 1.8mm code ACF UR 60-401-90 UR 60-902-90 golden amber, 1.8mm code BF code ECF THIN ROLLED 1/16” (1.8mm) THIN ROLLED 1/16” (1.8mm) tangerine code ECF UR 61-606-90 THIN ROLLED 1/16” (1.8mm) STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) UR 60-608-90 plum, 1.8mm code ACF UROBOROS COE90 STANDARD SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” 0.67 sq ft Medium 12 x 16” 1.33 sq ft Large 16 x 24” 2.67 sq ft UR 60-series* 24 x 30” 5.00 sq ft 3/21/2016 * NOTE: UR 60-series Stock Sheets may vary in size. A-40 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A COE 90 SHEET GLASS GLASS G L A S S UROBOROS COE 90 FIBROID CATHEDRAL COLORS UR 70-402-90 UR 70-901-90 HELPFUL HINT: Fibroid is a linear, non-repeating sheet glass texture embossed into the sheet during the forming process. As with all textures, the Fibroid texture will melt at in a full fuse. Iridized or dichroic coatings, or using contrasting color powders or frit to ll the cavities will create strong visual effects that retain the Fibroid pattern after fusing. UR 70-902-90 aqua blue golden amber pale amber transparent, fibroid transparent, fibroid transparent, fibroid code CF code AF code AF UROBOROS COE 90 OPAQUE COLORS STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) UR 60-604-90 UR 60-605-90 UR 60-351-90 UR 60-408-90 UR 60-400-90 UR 60-521-90 red opal code FF cornflower blue opal code BF orange opal code FF cobalt blue opal code BF marigold opal code CCF UR 60-35-90 yellow opal code DCF UR 60-761-90 oasis green opal code BCF UR 60-753-90 fern green opal code CCF UR 60-791-90 seacrest green opal code BCF UR 60-726-90 apple jade opal code BCF plum opal code CCF UROBOROS COE 90 STREAKY COLORS UR 60-005-90 UR 60-4030-90 UR 60-4035-90 UR 60-5100-90 UR 60-5105-90 UR 60-5610-90 UR 60-5615-90 UR 60-6060-90 UR 60-6065-90 wispy white opal & cobalt blue trans & clear streaky clear streaky code BF code CF cobalt blue trans with white opal code CF chocolate trans & chocolate trans with clear streaky white opal code CCF code CCF black on clear streaky code CCF UR 60-6080-90 UR 60-6085-90 UR 60-628-90 UR 60-7500-90 UR 60-7505-90 UR 60-772-90 orange opal & clear streaky code ECF orange opal with white opal code ECF dark red trans with red opal code ECF black with white opal code CCF grenadine red trans grenadine red trans & clear streaky with white opal code ECF code ECF UR 60-935-90 fern green opal & fern green opal with oasis green opal root beer trans with clear streaky white opal with dk green opal antique white opal code CCF code CCF code DCF code CF UROBOROS COE 90 STANDARD SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” 0.67 sq ft Medium 12 x 16” 1.33 sq ft Large 16 x 24” 2.67 sq ft UR 60-series* 24 x 30” 5.00 sq ft A-41 3/21/2016 * NOTE: UR 60-series Stock Sheets may vary in size. Section A COE 90 SHEET GLASS G BASE & TOP LAYER COE 90 GLASS L MACHINE ROLLED COE 90 GLASS FROM UROBOROS A Our most popular machine rolled COE 90 glass. The super smooth surface with the fewest imperfections S make this the perfect choice for your projects! S STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) THIN ROLLED (2mm) UR 63-00-90 machine rolled clear, 3 mm code UY Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS UR 63-00-90IR MACHINE ROLLED UROBOROS COE 90 SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” 0.67 sq ft Medium 12 x 16” 1.33 sq ft Large 16 x 24” 2.67 sq ft UY Stock Sheets 24 x 48” 8.00 sq ft UB, UBT, URi & UT Stock Sheets 24 x 24” 4.00 sq ft UR 63-56-90 machine rolled clear, 3 mm, Irid code URi machine rolled black, 3 mm code UB also available also available UR 632-00-90 UR 632-56-90 machine rolled black, 2 mm code UBT machine rolled clear, 2 mm code UT UROBOROS HAND ROLLED WHITE COE 90 GLASS STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) UR 60-05-90 white opal, 3mm code BF UROBOROS COE 90 STANDARD SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” 0.67 sq ft Medium 12 x 16” 1.33 sq ft Large 16 x 24” 2.67 sq ft Stock Sheets 24 x 30” 5.00 sq ft UR 60-330-90 antique white opal, 3mm code BF * NOTE: Uroboros Stock Sheets may vary in size. UROBOROS HAND ROLLED CLEAR COE 90 GLASS STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) THIN ROLLED 1/16” (1.8mm) UR 60-00-90 clear, 3mm code AAF UR 51-00-90 UR 57-00-90 UR 58-00-90 also available also available UR 61-00-90 UR 71-00-90 clear, 1.8mm clear fibroid, 1.8 mm code BF code AAF STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) 3/21/2016 UR 80-00-90 also available UR COE 90 THIN RADIUM SHEET SIZES: NOT AVAILABLE Medium 10 x10” 0.70 sq ft Large 10 x20” 1.40 sq ft UR 81-series* 20 x 20” 2.78 sq ft UR 81-00-90 Small clear radium, 1.8 mm code BF UR 60-00-90 IR UR 60-00-90 GIR UR 60-00-90 SIR clear rainbow irid, 3mm code AAiF clear gold irid, 3mm code AAiF clear silver irid, 3mm code AAiF You can find more COE 90 glass on page A-10! also available THIN ROLLED 1/16” (1.8mm) UR 70-00-90 clear granite ripple, clear fipple (fibroid clear radium ripple, clear fibroid, 3mm clear radium, 3mm 3mm ripple), 3mm 3mm code CF code CF code CF code AF code AF UR 61-00-90 IR clear rainbow irid, 1.8mm code AAiF A-42 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A COE 90 SHEET GLASS GLASS G L A S S UROBOROS HAND ROLLED BLACK COE 90 GLASS STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) UR 60-56-90 black, 3mm code CCF UR 51-56-90 UR 57-56-90 UR 58-56-90 UR 70-56-90 also available THIN ROLLED 1/16” (1.8mm) also available UR 61-56-90 black, 1.8 mm black radium, 1.8 mm code DF UROBOROS COE 90 STANDARD SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” 0.67 sq ft Medium 12 x 16” 1.33 sq ft Large 16 x 24” 2.67 sq ft Stock Sheets 24 x 30” 5.00 sq ft UR 60-56-90 IR UR 60-56-90 GIR UR 60-56-90 SIR black rainbow irid, 3mm code CiF black gold irid, 3mm code CiF black silver irid, 3mm code CiF UR 12-00-90 UR 12-05-90 UR 12-56-90 CODE=HF CODE=HF CODE=HF * NOTE: Uroboros Stock Sheets may vary in size. also available THIN ROLLED 1/16” (1.8mm) STREAMER BITS GLASS Bits of streamers randomly embedded in a transparent base. UR COE 90 THIN RADIUM SHEET SIZES: NOT AVAILABLE Medium 10 x10” 0.70 sq ft Large 10 x20” 1.40 sq ft UR 81-series* 20 x 20” 2.78 sq ft UR 81-56-90 Small code CCF STANDARD THICKNESS 1/8” (3mm) UR 80-56-90 black granite ripple, black fipple (fibroid black radium ripple, black fibroid, 3mm black radium, 3mm 3mm ripple), 3mm 3mm code ECF code ECF code ECF code CCF code CCF UR 61-56-90 IR black rainbow irid, 1.8 mm code CiF clear streamer bits white opal streamer black opal streamer on clear bits on clear bits on clear UR 12-403-96 cobalt blue cath streamer bits on clear CODE=HF UR 12-604-90 red opal streamer bits on clear CODE=HCF 3/21/2016 A-43 Section A ARCHITECTURAL GLASS G L COE 104 GLASS HAND ROLLED THIN COE 104 GLASS FROM UROBOROS A Compatible with Effetre or Moretti rods and our Mille ori. Do NOT use with COE90 or System 96 glass. S S UR 61-00-104 hand rolled clear, 1.75 mm code B4 UR 61-56-104 hand rolled black, 1.75 mm code E4 Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS You can find COE 104 noodles and rods on page B-15 & B-36! HAND ROLLED UROBOROS COE 104 SHEET SIZES: Medium 10 x 10” 0.69 sq ft Stock Sheets 20 x 20” 2.78 sq ft NOTE: Uroboros COE 104 glas is hand rolled and there can be some variation in the thickness of the glass. The manufacturer targets glass thickness between 0.065”- 0.075” (1.65 – 1.9mm). ARCHITECTURAL GLASS ade by ilkington asa laverbel rchitectural lass features bright textures on clear glass. This glass offers plenty of light transmission with great obscurity. ost glass is to 4 mm thick about 1 to . AG 01 everglade code A 15% actual size AG 18 AG 02 AG 03 autumn code A 15% actual size sycamore code A 15% actual size AG 05 AG 08 cotswold code A 15% actual size English Flemish code A 10% actual size morisco sparkolite AG 22 AG 27 tafetta winterlake (glacier) AG 33 faux crackle bright AG 70 code D 20% actual size code M 20% actual size code M 10% actual size code K 33% actual size code O 33% actual size AG 11 ½” reeded code A 15% actual size AG 71 faux crackle sandblasted code J 15% actual size AG 12 floreal code O 15% actual size AG 95 ½” frosted flutes code J 10% actual size AG 17 corduroy (9 reeds/inch) code N 25% actual size AG 101 austral (½” crossreeded) code N 15% actual size 3/21/2016 ARCHITECTURAL GLASS SHEET SIZES: Price Codes A, D & M: Small 8 x 12” 0.67 sq ft Medium 16 x12” 1.33 sq ft Large 16 x 24” 2.67 sq ft Stock Sheets 32 x 42” 9.33 sq ft Price Codes J, K, L, N & O: Small 8 x 10½” 0.58 sq ft Medium 16 x10½” 1.17 sq ft Large 16 x 21” 2.33 sq ft Stock Sheets 32 x 42” 9.33 sq ft Note: Factory sheet sizes may vary from sizes listed above as sheet sizes vary from shipment to shipment. Many styles may be available in sheets larger than listed above. A-44 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A RESTORATION-STYLE GLASS GLASS G L A S S RESTORATION-STYLE GLASS Several manufacturers produce machine rolled products that have the look of old mouthblown window glass but without the hefty mouthblown price tag. Machine Drawn restorationstyle glass is the glass of choice for restoration of pieces from about 1900-1950. A distinctive drawn and fire polished glass adds beauty and elegance to any light restoration project where early 1900’s authenticity is required. It features a subtle wave and no seeds or defects, as illustrated above. Made in Germany by Schott Glass. RESTOVER SHEET SIZE: Small 8 x 12” Medium 16 x12” Large 16 x 24” Stock Sheets 29½ x 31½” -OR31½ x 59” # AG 106, Restover Restoration Glass code G 0.67 sq ft 1.33 sq ft 2.67 sq ft 6.45 sq ft 12.90 sq ft GLUE CHIP GLASS GL CHI GLASS makes outstanding backgrounds especially in cabinet doors. The texture is obscure but lets lots of light through. ery easy cutting. SINGLE CHIP is made by a special process that peels chips of glass from the surface, giving the random, feathery texture. DOUBLE CHIP is Single chip run through the process twice, producing a brighter, less defined texture. CP 01 clear single chip code A CP 01 DC GLUE CHIP SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” Medium 16 x12” Large 16 x 24” Stock Sheets 24 x 36” 0.67 sq ft 1.33 sq ft 2.67 sq ft 6.00 sq ft clear double chip code B ANTIQUE GLASS Selected Flashed Glass and Drawn Antique AW AIS are made by drawing glass vertically from the furnace using a method developed in the early 0th century. LASH GLASS has a thin layer of color over a base color usually clear. Flashed glass can be sandblasted to remove the dominant color revealing the base color below. DESAG DRAWN ANTIQUE GNA or German New Antique is produced by Desag. The neutral texture is great for contemporary or antique design work. Easy cutting! NOTE: Factory numbers appear in brackets [ ] where necessary for reference. DESAG GNA SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” Medium 16 x12” Large 16 x 24” Stock Sheets 27 x 40”* * Stock sheet size may vary 0.67 sq ft 1.33 sq ft 2.67 sq ft 7.50 sq ft COMM 1 red on clear code G COMM 6 cobalt bl on clear code G COMM 51 COMM 212 white on clear green on clear code H code GG A-45 COMMERCIAL FLASHED SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” 0.67 sq ft Medium 16 x12” 1.33 sq ft Large 16 x 24” 2.67 sq ft COMM 1, 6 & 212 (sheet size will vary): Stock Sheets 25 x 35” 6.08 sq ft COMM 51 (sheet size will vary): Stock Sheets 27 x 40” 7.50 sq ft 3/21/2016 COMMERCIAL FLASHED Commercial Flash is quite uniform with little or no texture or seeds (like colored window glass). Red, green and blue styles are made by St. Gobain, white by Desag (Schott Glass). 3 mm thick. GNA 00 clear [0189] code A Section A Visit Us On The Internet: WINDOW GLASS & NUGGETS GLASS G WINDOW GLASS AND MIRROR L The window glass mirror below has been selected for its high uality and with stained glass work in mind. A Float Glass & Mirror Front Surface Mirror Extra Thin Glass Glass (Window Glass) is offered Double Strength This is the high-tech aluminized mirror used by Extra Thin Glass (approx 1.0 mm thick) is about S Float (3mm or 1/8”) thick and Single Strength (2mm or Clarity Glass Designs in their kaleidoscope kits. While half the thickness of double strength window glass. 3/32”). Double is the same thickness as most colored known as “12-15 oz framing glass”. Use it for more expensive than regular mirror, the effects are S glass, making foiling and leading easier and is much much more brilliant. That’s the quality difference in Also sandwiching pressed flowers or wedding invitations. For stronger than single strength. Float mirror is offered in Double Strength and features a heavy coating on the back to help resist scratching and corrosion of the silver. Order: CAT # DESCRIPTION PRICE CODE #0124 Single strength window A #0125 Double strength window B #0127 Double strength mirror C FLOAT SHEET SIZES: Small Medium Large Stock Sheets 8 x 12” 16 x12” 16 x 24” 24 x 48” 0.67 sq ft 1.33 sq ft 2.67 sq ft 8.00 sq ft STANDARD QUALITY FS MIRROR is a balance between quality and price. Very good reflectivity, a great choice for hobbyists or for production. • • EXTRA THIN SHEET SIZES: Small 8 x 12” Medium 16 x12” Large 16 x 24” 25 x 32” Stock Sheets #0129-S for 8x12 sheets #0129-M for 12x16” sheets HELPFUL HINT: When cutting Front Surface Mirror, use LIGHT pressure, a rm (NOT padded) cutting surface and a Supercutter for best results. HELPFUL HINT: For best results, always use Silver Protector (#0790) to seal the cut edges on all mirror. Or try quick drying Sprayway Mirror Sealant (#0686). GLASS NUGGETS best results, foil the edge to keep flux or cleaner from seeping in. Order #0126 kaleidoscopes. CLEAR YELLOW Nuggets (or Globs or Gems) are rounded pieces of glass for use as accents in lamps, panels and WHITE suncatchers. Sold by the pound. Three sizes are available: BLACK Small – about 3/8” – 240 per lb Medium – about 9/16” – 100 per lb Large – about 1” – 18 per lb RUBY RED These sizes and counts are nominal, and may vary considerably. Colors may also vary from batch to batch. LIGHT BLUE AMBER TEAL DARK GREEN LILAC Nuggets are shown approximately 40% of actual size. DARK PURPLE Iridized Nuggets 3/21/2016 ridied nuggets add a classy touch with their bright metallic finish. They are used often for interior decorating for flower arrangements filling vases etc. All are sold in prepackaged 3/4 pound bags, ONE COLOR PER BAG. Approx 65-85 nuggets per bag. Approx 5/8” in diameter. Please order by catalog number: A-46 HELPFUL HINT: When sandwiching items with Extra thin glass, use small pieces of tape to hold the two pieces of glass in place. Foil over the tape, and solder in place. When nished, use a knife to cut and scrape the visible remains of the tape. When arranging dried owers, use a drop of E-6000 cement (#9351) to hold the stems in place. And always be extra careful when cleaning any sandwiched items! Never immerse or spray cleaner directly on item. Dampen paper towel with cleaner and gently rub clean. Order by Catalog Number in first three columns SMALL # MEDIUM # LARGE # COLOR 9100 9120 9140 Mixed colors 9101 9121 9141 Crystal clear 9102 9122 9142 White opal 9103 9123 9143 Opaque black 9104 9124 9144 Ruby red 9105 9125 9145 Light green 9106 9126 9146 Dark green 9107 9127 9147 Purple 9108 9128 9148 Yellow 9109 9129 9149 Dark blue 9110 9130 9150 Light blue 9111 9131 9151 Amber 9112 9132 9152 Teal 9113 9133 9153 Lilac DARK BLUE LIGHT GREEN 0.67 sq ft 1.33 sq ft 2.67 sq ft 5.56 sq ft CAT# 9161 9162 9163 9164 9165 DESCRIPTION Clear iridized Aqua iridized Black iridized Opal pink champagne iridized Amethyst iridized CAT# 9166 9167 9170 9171 9172 DESCRIPTION Lt green iridized White opal iridized Ruby red iridized Emerald green irid Cobalt blue iridized Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A JEWELS GLASS G L A S S FACETED JEWELS These are used extensively in Victorian windows for accents. Make great angel heads. CAT# COLOR 15 mm ROUND JEWELS 4600 Clear 4602 Blue 4603 Red 4604 Lt amber 4606 Green 4607 Amethyst 4608 White opal 4609 Gold pink 20 mm ROUND JEWELS 4610 Clear 4612 Blue 4613 Red 4614 Lt amber 4616 Green 4617 Amethyst 4618 White opal 4619 Gold pink 25 mm ROUND JEWELS 4620 Clear 4622 Blue 4623 Red 4624 Lt amber 4626 Green 4627 Amethyst 4628 White opal 4629 Gold pink 30 mm ROUND JEWELS 4630 Clear 4632 Blue 4633 Red 4634 Lt amber 4636 Green 4637 Amethyst 4638 White opal 4639 Gold pink CLEAR CAT# COLOR 35 mm ROUND JEWELS 4640 Clear 30x40 mm OVAL JEWELS 4660 Clear 4662 Blue 4663 Red 4664 Lt amber 4666 Green 4667 Amethyst 4668 White opal 4669 Gold pink 24x40 mm TEAR DROP JEWELS 4670 Clear 4672 Blue 4673 Red 4674 Lt amber 4676 Green 4677 Amethyst 4678 White opal 4679 Gold pink 25x25 mm SQUARE JEWELS 4680 Clear 4682 Blue 4683 Red 4684 Lt amber 4686 Green 4687 Amethyst 4688 White opal 4689 Gold pink 15mm Round 20mm Round 25mm Round RED 30x40mm Oval 24x40mm Teardrop 25mm Square Faceted Jewels shown approximate actual size. 30mm Round BLUE 35mm Round LT AMBER GREEN AMETHYST WHITE OPAL GOLD PINK 2/4/2016 A-47 Section A Visit Us On The Internet: FACETED JEWELS GLASS G L STOCK BEVELS Use Stock evels to produce beautiful sparkling windows at a very reasonable cost. A Bevels have a 1/2” wide bevel on 3/16” thick plate glass. Dimensions are listed in the order A, B, C, D as shown in the drawing for each shape. Use the Cat # shown to order individual pieces. Add the digit “3” to the end of the Cat # to order a box of 30 bevels, all the same size, for maximum savings. EXAMPLE: To order individual S 2x2 bevels, use Cat # 5550. To order a box of thirty 2x2 bevels, use Cat# 55503. CAT# SIZE S 3/4” SERIES STOCK BEVELS 5500 5501 5502 5503 5504 5505 5506 5507 5509 5511 3/4 x 3/4 Square 3/4 x 1 Rectangle 3/4 x 1-1/2 Rectangle 3/4 x 2 Rectangle 3/4 x 3 Rectangle 3/4 x 4 Rectangle 3/4 x 5 Rectangle 3/4 x 6 Rectangle 3/4 x 8 Rectangle 3/4 x 10 Rectangle Stock Bevels are shown approximately 25% of actual size. 1” SERIES STOCK BEVELS 5520 1 x 1 Square 5521 1 x 1-1/2 Rectangle 5522 1 x 2 Rectangle 5523 1 x 3 Rectangle 5524 1 x 4 Rectangle 5525 1 x 5 Rectangle 5526 1 x 6 Rectangle 5528 1 x 8 Rectangle 5530 1 x 10 Rectangle 5532 1 x 12 Rectangle 1-1/2” SERIES STOCK BEVELS 5540 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 Square 5541 1-1/2 x 2 Rectangle 5542 1-1/2 x 3 Rectangle 5543 1-1/2 x 4 Rectangle 5544 1-1/2 x 5 Rectangle 5545 1-1/2 x 6 Rectangle 5546 1-1/2 x 8 Rectangle 5547 1-1/2 x 10 Rectangle 5548 1-1/2 x 12 Rectangle 2” SERIES STOCK BEVELS 5550 2 x 2 Square 5551 2 x 3 Rectangle 5552 2 x 4 Rectangle 5553 2 x 5 Rectangle 5554 2 x 6 Rectangle 5555 2 x 8 Rectangle 5556 2 x 10 Rectangle 5557 2 x 12 Rectangle 2-1/2” SERIES STOCK BEVELS 5559 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 Square 9/22/2015 3” SERIES SQUARES & RECTANGLES 5560 3 x 3 Square 5561 3 x 4 Rectangle 5562 3 x 5 Rectangle 5563 3 x 6 Rectangle 5564 3 x 10 Rectangle 5565 3 x 12 Rectangle A-48 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 GLASS Section A STOCK BEVELS G L A S S CAT# SIZE LARGE FORMAT SQUARES & RECTANGLES 5570 4 x 4 Square 5571 4 x 6 Rectangle 5575 5 x 5 Square 5576 5 x 7 Rectangle 5577 6 x 9 Rectangle DIAMONDS 5580 1-1/2 x 2-1/2 Diamond 5581 1-3/4 x 3 Diamond 5582 2 x 3 Diamond 5583 2 x 4 Diamond 5586 2 x 6 Diamond 5584 3 x 5 Diamond 5585 4 x 7 Diamond 5587 6 x 9 Diamond TRIANGLES 5589 2x2x2 5590 3x3x3 5591 3 x 3 x 5 (split 3x5 diamond) 5592 4x4x4 5593 4 x 4 x 7 (split 4x7 diamond) 5596 6x6x6 CIRCLE, HALF CIRCLE & OVAL BEVELS 5622 2” Circle 5623 3” Circle 5624 4” Circle 5625 5” Circle 5626 6” Circle 5628 8” Circle 5650 2” Half Circle 5651 3” Half Circle 5652 4” Half Circle 5632 2 x 4 Oval 5633 3 x 5 Oval 5634 4 x 6 Oval 5636 6 x 9 Oval 9/22/2015 A-49 Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS G CAT# SIZE L GLUE CHIP SQUARES & RECTANGLES 5750 2 x 2” Glue Chip Square 2 x 4” Glue Chip Rectangle A 5752 5754 2 x 6” Glue Chip Rectangle 3 x 3” Glue Chip Square S 5760 5770 4 x 4” Glue Chip Square S GLUE CHIP DIAMONDS 5784 5785 5787 Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS Stock Bevels are shown approximately 25% of actual size. 3 x 5 Glue Chip Diamonds 4 x 7 Glue Chip Diamonds 6 x 9 Glue Chip Diamonds GLUE CHIP CIRCLES 5724 4” Glue Chip Circle BEVEL CLUSTERS Add Class with Bevel Clusters evel lusters add a touch of elegance to cabinet doors entry ways and windows. Use with a beveled border to achieve a dramatic effect. ll evel lusters are made with a 1 wide bevel on 1 float glass. Buds & Butter ies A refreshing look in bevel clusters! The three butterfly clusters make quick and easy projects ... there’s just four pieces to do up. Use the #1059 Bug Antennae (pre-formed brass wire) for detail! The flowers have eight pieces or less. #BB-01 5¼ x 7½”, 4 pieces antenna sold separately #BB-08 4¼ x 6¼”, 4 pieces antenna sold separately #BD-01 DAFFODIL 10½ x 5¾, 8 pieces #BB-05 4 x 6¾, 4 pieces antenna sold separately #1059 1½ x 1½”, Brass Antennae #BI-03 IRIS 10¾ x 7¼, 8 pieces #BT-02 TULIP 10¼ x 5”, 5 pieces Bevel Clusters are shown approximately 15% of actual size. Krystal Motifs These three piece bevel sets provide a quick and easy decorative suncatcher. The designs allow you to use standard 18-20 mm crystals in the center and you can suspend other crystals from the bottom. Brilliant prisms and rainbows will be created when the sunlight hits the crystals and the bevels, STUNNING! Itty Bitty Clusters These mini bevel clusters are so cute and affordable! Perfect for small panels, cabinet doors ... even jewelry boxes. #IB-01 3 x 5¾” 6 pieces 9/22/2015 Crystals sold separately see p. J-6 #IB-08 5½ x 4-1/8” 3 pieces #IB-09 6½ x 3¾ 4 pieces #IB-12 6¾ x 4¾ 4 pieces #KM-11 6½ x 2¼” each piece set of 3 pcs #IB-06 4½ x 5¼” 3 pieces A-50 Crystals sold separately see p. J-6 #KM-14 7¼ x 2” each piece set of 3 pcs Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS GLASS G L A S S GST Bevel Clusters The ST Series bevel cluster line includes the fanciful designs found in reak in Time 119 ork in rogress 11 orthern ights 110 The ext ook 110 and the Studio esign Series 1 11119. here else could you find a polar bear bevel cluster Bevel Clusters are shown approximately 15% of actual size. BIRD CLUSTERS: #GST 114CL Songbirds, facing left 5½ x 3¾” & 4½ x 5¾” 17 pieces total #GST 19 Hummingbird #3 6 x 6” 7 pieces Upright Songbird is gray and clear bevels, Nesting Songbird has turquoise and clear bevels #GST 4 Hummingbird 4¼ x 6” 6 pieces #GST 114CR Songbirds, facing right 5½ x 3¾” & 4½ x 5¾” 17 pieces total in as seen Series #1 esign 8) D io d Stu (#116 Head and tail are done in color, 1 bird in blue and the other in green #GST 106C Color Backed Hummingbirds 5½ x 4¾” each ls! d Beve 14 pcs total Colore in as seen (#1170) k o o B t x The Ne Upright Songbird is turquoise and clear bevels, Nesting Songbird has gray and clear bevels #GST 9 Large Hummingbird 6 x 9” 24 pieces in as seen Series #2 esign 9) D io d Stu (#116 #GST 12 Eagle #2 18 x 17” 44 pieces #GST 2L Dove, facing left 10¾ x 4¾” 12 pieces Also available as #GST 2R, facing right. in as seen Series #2 ign s e D io Stud (#1169) in as seen gress Pro Work In1185) (# #GST 7R Dove Facing Right 6¾ x 4¾” 5 pieces Also available as #GST 7L Dove, Facing Left. in as seen Lights rn e h rt o N 0) (#118 #GST 8 Flying Dove 9 x 10” 10 pieces #GST 21 GC Glue Chip Border Set 24 x 36” 12 pieces in as seen gress Pro Work In1185) (# #GST 10 Bird of Prey 9¼ x 31” 39 pieces Shaded areas are glue chipped bevels 9/22/2015 A-51 in as seen gress Pro Work In1185) (# Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS G L A #GST 15L Peacock, facing left S 9 x 29” 18 pieces S Also available as #GST 15R, facing right Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS in as seen n Series ig s e D io Stud (#1167) #3 #GST 17R Loon 6 x 13” 15 pieces #GST 18R Blue Heron, facing right 12 x 31” 23 pieces Also available as #GST 17L, facing left Also available as #GST 18L, facing left d Colore ! Bevels GST 136C Cockatiel 8”W x 17”H 31 pieces in as seen n Series ig s e D io Stud (#1167) #3 in 8) as seens #1 (#116 e ri e S 69) Design Studio & 2 (#11 #GST 27 Owlet 7¾ x 11” 15 pieces vels! d Be Colore GST 140C Bluejay 10”W x 6-5/8”H 13 pieces BUGS & BUTTERFLIES: #GST 113C Three Butterflies 4 x 2¾” 12 pieces total #GST 3 Butterfly 6¾ x 6¼” 9 pieces One butterfly is in clear glue chipped bevels, one is in jade and one is in sapphire (aquablue) beveled glass d Colore ! Bevels DAMSELFLIES: Sold as a set of 2 with clear wings and engraved color bodies. 5½ x 3½” each 12 pieces total/set in as seen n Series ig s e D Studio (#1168) #1 T Choose from: #GST 118C, Green #GST 119C, Blue #GST 6 Dragonfly 6 x 9¾” 10 pieces d Colore Wings are clear glue chipped bevels ! Bevels #GST 129C Bumble Bee 7½ x 4” 11 pieces Bee body is yellow and gray bevels, wings are made from clear glue chipped bevels. d Colore ! Bevels Bevel Clusters are shown approximately 15% of actual size. 9/22/2015 in as seen n Series esig 9) D io d Stu (#116 #2 in as seen (#1170) k o o B t he Nex A-52 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS GLASS G L A S S PLANTS & FLOWERS #GST 24 Clear Bell Flowers 4 x 4½” each flower 9 pieces total #GST 22 Calla Lily 3½ x 7½” & 5¾ x 6¼” 10 pieces total #GST 116C Blue Bell Flowers 4 x 4½” each flower 9 pieces total ls! d Beve Colore Bevel Clusters are shown approximately 15% of actual size. #GST 25 Clear Rose 6-3/8 x 6-3/8” 14 pieces in as seen (#1170) ook B t x e N The fin The Nd 3 Daisy ext B patte ook ( rns i #11 n 70) #GST 102CL Blue Iris, facing left 9 x 10” 10 pieces GST 28 Clear Daisies with light golden yellow centers 2 flowers each 9 x 2” 16 pcs total Also available as #GST 102CR, facing right ls! d Beve Colore ls! d Beve Colore GST 122C Peach Tulips 2 flowers each 4 x 4” 8 pcs total #GST 104C Colored Grapes 6½ x 6½” 16 pieces Grapes are in blue and leaves are green d Be Colore vels! #GST 103C Blue Morning Glory 7½ x 6” 9 pieces #GST 109C Green Garden Leaves 4½ x 2” each leaf 6 total leaves d Colore ! Bevel s ls! d Beve Colore GST 135C Black Eyed Susans light golden yellow with gray centers 2 flowers each 9 x 2” 16 pcs total #GST 142CL Left Facing Peach Orchid 7W x 6H” 6 pieces Colo #GST 5 Clear Grapes 6½ x 6½” in 16 pieces as seen (#1180) Lights vels! red Be Northern #GST 128C Green Bamboo each leaf is approx. 1½ x 7” 8 pieces total making 7 leaves ls ! d Beve Colore #GST 142CR Right Facing Peach Orchid 7W x 6H” 6 pieces 9/22/2015 vels! d Be Colore in as seen (#1170) Book t x e N e Th ls! d Beve Colore A-53 Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS G ANIMALS L A in as seen s (#1185) res g ro P S Work in S Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS #GST 1 Polar Bear 8¼ x 7” 13 pieces #GST 13 Horse 10 x 7” 12 pieces in as seen n Series ig s e D io Stud (#1169) #2 #GST 111C Small Smoky Brown Deer 9½ x 12” 12 pieces Colore d B e ve ls! in as seen (#1170) ook B t x e N The #GST 110C Smoky Brown Sirocco 10½ x 15½” 31 pieces #GST 23 Clear Sirocco 10½ x 15½” 31 pieces d Be Colore in as seen (#1170) ook B t x e N The vels! #GST 112C Large Smoky Brown Deer 11½ x 14½” 12 pieces Bevel Clusters are shown approximately 15% of actual size. d Be Colore #GST 124C Ram (gray head, bronze horns and clear nose) 10¾ x 13” 15 pieces C o l o re d Beve ls! #GST 125C Grey Elephant with Clear Tusks 10 x 11” 16 pieces Colore ls! Colore d Beve ls! #GST 130C The Buck in Clear & Brown with Grey Antlers 11.5 x 19” 34 pieces FROM THE SEA #GST 101C Whale Tail in Green Bevels 6 x 27” 11 pieces #GST 11 contains 2 clusters: Sea Horse 9½ x 4”, 7 pieces d B ev e vels! Sea King 24 x 12”, 9 pieces Th Sea Horse in as seen (#1180) ights L rn e h Nort 9/22/2015 Sea King A-54 in as seen (#1179) Time in k a A Bre in as seen (#11851) re tu ic P e Big Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS GLASS G L A S S #GST 16 Dolphin 5 x 13” 9 pieces #GST 29 Marlin 13 x 12¾” 15 pieces in as seen n Series Desig Studio (#1167) #3 ls! d Beve Colore #GST 14 Sailboat 10 x 7” 5 pieces GST 126C Grey & Clear Killer Whale 14 x 7¾” 12 pieces #GST 127C Grey & Clear Orca 14 x 10” 11 pieces GST 26 Oval Border 16¼ x 53-5/8” 8 pcs #GST 30 Inukshuk 8 x 11” 9 textured bevel pieces ls! d Beve Colore #GST 143C Green Turtle 15¼W x 9H” 32 pieces d Beve Colore ls! Bevel Clusters are shown approximately 15% of actual size. #GST 141C Iza Cat with lt blue body and face and lt gray tail, paws and ears 6 x 12” 15 pieces Colore d Beve ls! #GST 133C Teddy Bear with brown paws, ears and nose 6½ x 10½” 17 pieces l s! d Beve Colore #GST 134C Grey Teddy Bear with clear paws, ears and nose 6½ x 10½” 17 pieces d Be Colore vels! 9/22/2015 A-55 Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS G L A S S Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS Glassmith Studios has produced a series of the most imaginative pattern books! All three pattern portfolios and four book titles feature nature themes, lots of bevels from the GST-series of bevel clusters plus outstanding photographs showing good use of glass color and texture. Angel and Christmas Bevel Clusters These beautifully designed holiday favorites will surely become treasured heirlooms. ll include beveled glass pieces with full sied patterns and instructions. dditional ewels glass tinned wire or accessories may be reuired to finish the proects as shown. lease order using the catalog number shown below the illustration. These beautifully designed holiday favorites will surely become treasured heirlooms. All include beveled glass pieces with full sized patterns. Additional jewels, glass, tinned wire or accessories may be required to finish the projects as shown. Please order using the catalog number shown below the illustration. #BA 02 6 x 4” 3 pieces 25mm jewel & twisted wire sold separately #BA 09 5½ x 3½” 3 pieces #BA 63 7 x 6” 5 pieces 25mm jewel & twisted wire sold separately 30mm jewel, horn & twisted wire sold separately #BCE 211 Menorah 8-3/8 x 6½” 19 pieces #BMA 59 set of 4 Mini Angels 4 x 4” each, 12 pieces total #BM 56 Manger 5½ x 8½” 5 pieces #BS 29 Sleigh 5 x 7½” 3 pieces Colored glass & nuggets sold separately #BC 04 Candy Cane 10 x 5” 3 pieces #BC 30 Candles ? x ?” 2 pieces #BT 06 Tree 5½ x 5½” 4 pieces Colored glass sold separately 9/22/2015 20mm jewels & twisted wire sold separately Colored glass & jewel sold separately #BB 15 Bell 6½ x 5” 2 pieces Colored glass sold separately Colored glass & nuggets sold separately Jewel sold separately A-56 Bevel Clusters are shown approximately 15% of actual size. Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS GLASS G L A S S Bevel Clusters ll evel lusters are made with a 1 wide bevel on 1 plate glass. BCC Series ls ! d Beve Colore #BCC BG05 3 Sided Christmas Tree 7” Triangular base x 7¼” Tall 12 pieces d Be Colore ls! d Beve Co l o r e #BCC SA02A Praying Angel 4½ x 7” 8 pieces #BCC SA04 Hummingbird 4½ x 6” 13 pieces #BCC GH003 Entwined Rings 5¼ x 9¼” 6 pieces vels! ls! d Beve Colore ls! d Beve Colore #BCC GH001 Tea Pot 6¾ x 6½” 10 pieces C o lo re #BCC SA01A Cross 6½ x 8½” 8 pieces d Be v e ls! #BCC SA14 Tree 10-5/8 x 6-7/8” 9 pieces Bevel Clusters are shown approximately 15% of actual size. HB Series #HB 09 Tulip 4 x 4¼” 5 pieces #HB 13 Fuschia 4 x 4¼” 3 pieces #HB 16 “Jill” snowwoman 4½ x 7¾” 8 pieces total #HB 17 “Jack” snowman 6-7/8 x 8-1/2” 13 pieces total 25mm jewel & twisted wire sold separately 25mm jewel, filigree halo & twisted wire sold separately Hat is not beveled Hat, scarf and mittens are not beveled ls! d Beve Colore 9/22/2015 A-57 Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS GLASS G Bevel Clusters L ll evel lusters are made with a 1 wide bevel on 1 plate glass. A STARS: #BC 210 #BC 309S #BC 309L 7 x 8” 7 x 4¾” 10 x 7” S 12 pieces 4 pieces 4 pieces S #BS 05 3-D Star 10 x 8” 12 pieces Visit Us On The Internet: #BC 330 10 x 7¾” 4 pieces #BS 21 3-D Open Center Star 11 x 9” 12 pieces #BS 225 2¾” Stars - pack of 4 Each star 2¾ x 2½” 20 total bevel pieces CELTIC: #BC 400 6” diameter 9 pieces #BC 404 Green Trefoil Cross 5¾ x 5¼” 6 pieces d Colore #BC 323 Set of 4 Green Shamrocks 2¾ x 2¾” 16 pieces total ! Bevels #BS 226 4½” Stars - pack of 4 Each star 4½ x 4¼” 20 total bevel pieces #BC 402 Green and Clear Jeweled Cross 5¼ x 7” 9 pieces total #BC 401 Green and Clear Celtic Cross 6½ x 6½” 8 pieces total ls! d Beve Colore d Colore #BC 510 10 x 8” 8 pieces Colore ! Bevels Includes Faceted Jewel! Bevel Clusters are shown approximately 15% of actual size. d Beve ls! #BC 820 Irish Claddagh 10 x 10-3/8” 12 pieces CORNERS: #BC 410 3½ x 1” 4 pieces #BC 415 4 x 1½” 4 pieces 9/22/2015 #BC 420 5 x 2” 4 pieces #BC 430 4 x 4 x 1” 8 pieces (4 corners) #BC 431 4 x 4 x 1½” 8 pieces (4 corners) #BC 500 6-7/8 x 4” 4 pieces #BC 432 4 x 4 x 2” 8 pieces (4 corners) A-58 #BC 501 8-7/8 x 5¼” 4 pieces Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 #BC 311 30½ x 12½” 29 pieces Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS GLASS #BC 312 51½ x 12¾” 29 pieces G L A S S #BC 317 12 x 5½” 9 pieces #BC 326 17½ x 10” 9 pieces Bevel Clusters are shown approximately 15% of actual size. #BC 321 29 x 7½” 21 pieces #BC 336 6¾ x 18¾” 14 pieces #BC 307 16 x 4½” 6 pieces #BC 306 6½ x 4” 3 pieces 2/5/2015 A-59 Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS G #BC 801 L Cape Hatteras 18 x 12” A 25 pieces S S Visit Us On The Internet: GLASS #BC 800 11½ x 8½” 19 pieces #BC 319 12 x 12” 16 pieces ls! d Beve Colore #BCE 125 Pineapple 6-3/8 x 9” 15 pieces HEART BEVEL SETS Each set includes 3 bevel pieces + 1 square piece of x-thin to use for sandwiching dried flowers behind square bevel. Sold as sets that make 4 hearts. #BCH 02 Small Hearts 3¼ x 3½” #BCH 03 Medium Hearts 4¾ x 5” Bevel Clusters are shown approximately 15% of actual size. #BCH 103 Celtic Heart 7-7/8 x 6½” 12 pieces #BCH 130 Bevel Border Heart 8¾ x 9” 6 pieces PRAIRIE BEVEL CLUSTERS: This series has been designed with the help of Alex Spatz, author of several books on the Prairie Design. Neat and clean designs with classic lines. These modular designs can be expanded by adding additional units or by reversing or stacking designs. Order using the “PBC” catalog number below the illustrations. #PBC 114 11 x 5” 12 pieces 2/5/2015 #PBC 110 11 x 5” 9 pieces #BCH 81 Clear Gluechip and Peach Heart 8½ x 7¾” 15 pieces A-60 #BC 332 8½ x 8½” 4 pieces Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 GLASS Section A BEVEL CLUSTERS G L A S S Find more Bevel Clusters in the Mika Brochure. Mika has a deep line of high quality Bevel Clusters with a wide assortment of designs for almost every situation. 2/5/2015 A-61 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 CATALOG# GLASS ILLUSTRATION Section A GLASS PACKS G L A S S DESCRIPTION #000-OA12 Five sheets, 12x12” of Spectrum’s bold and wildly streaky Opal Art. This new System 96 Glass has bold swirls of color that seems to do all the work for you. All sheets are different. There’s 5 sq ft total. A over $80 value. Spectrum OPAL ART 12x12” ASSORTMENT #000-SFO4 A S S O R T M E N T S We have assorted a minimum of four sq ft of System 96 Opals in sheets ranging from 4x8” to 8x12”. Includes some premiums and you may find 3mm and 2mm thick sheets. This assortment is destined to be one of our best sellers! SYSTEM 96 OPAL ASSORTMENT #000-SFC4 There’s at least four square feet of assorted cathedral System 96 glass, sheets ranging from 4x8” to 8x12”. Will include some premium colors and may include both 3mm and 2mm thick sheets. A very nice assortment of usable sheets at a discount! SYSTEM 96 CATHEDRAL ASSORTMENT Fusers Reserve Packs include fusible glass like you’ve never seen before - and may never see again! Each pack includes: 10 sq ft of completely different assorted System 96 glass in 12x12 sheets Experimental mixes including Opal Art and Spirit Glass Fusible opalescent mixes You may never see these again! #SF 96 FR FUSERS’ RESERVE We’ve gone through dozens and dozens of these packs. The assortments are astounding and the price is right for some of the wildest fusible glass you’ll find anywhere. Factory packed. Fusers Reserve Packs include fusible glass like you’ve never seen before - and may never see again! Each pack includes: 5 sq ft of completely different assorted System 96 glass in 6x12 sheets Experimental mixes including Opal Art and Spirit Glass Fusible opalescent mixes You may never see these again! #SF 96 FR5 FUSERS’ RESERVE We’ve gone through dozens and dozens of these packs. The assortments are astounding and the price is right for some of the wildest fusible glass you’ll find anywhere. Factory packed. Includes 27 sq ft (45 lbs) of fusible System 96 glass in 12” x 12” and 6” x 12” pieces. 28 different colors, with extra clear, black and white. Includes Cathedrals, Opals, Hi-fire Iridescents and gorgeous Fracture-Streamer. Plus, the pack includes samples of glass goodies: 5 varieties of System 96 Glass Frit (5 different colors in 5 different particle sizes, a bag of “Stroodle” (Stringer & Noodles) and a dazzling sample of Dichroic. A great package to get you started with COE 96. Factory packed. #SF 96 PACK SYSTEM 96 PACK 2/12/2014 GP-5 Section A GLASS PACKS G CATALOG# L A #000-90COL FUSIBLE COLLAGE GLASS S FIVE PACK S GLASS ILLUSTRATION DESCRIPTION This assortment includes five different Collage Glass sheets including Fracture/Streamers, Mardi Gras (frit & streamers) and Streamer styles. Five sheets, 10x10”. There’s over $109 worth of glass in this bundle! #000-90SO A S S O R T M E N T S Visit Us On The Internet: You get five different Solid Opal sheets with hots and other premium colors including at least one pink. Five sheets, 10x10”. There’s over $95 worth of glass in this bundle! FUSIBLE SOLID OPAL GLASS FIVE PACK #000-90TR Five different colors of transparent (cathedral) glass with at least one hot and/or premium selection. Five sheets, 10x10”. There’s over $74 worth of glass in this bundle! FUSIBLE TRANSPARENT GLASS FIVE PACK #000-90BET Five different colors of opal and transparent Bullseye Thin Rolled (2mm thick) glass with at least one hot and/or premium selection. You get five sheets, 8x10” in this package There’s over $73 worth of glass in this bundle! 2/12/2014 FUSIBLE THIN ROLLED GLASS FIVE PACK GP-6 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 CATALOG# #SP-RACK GLASS ILLUSTRATION Section A FACTORY GLASS CRATES DESCRIPTION Our best selling Factory Crated Assortment. Includes: 80 sheets 12x12”, 16 different colors, 25% premium colors (hots, iridized, Baroque), no more than 5 sheets of a color, includes regular stock, T-glass and occassional experimental colors. 19 x 15 x 17” SPECTRUM RACK PACK #K-PONY KOKOMO PONY CRATE #K-COLT KOKOMO COLT CRATE #WISS1 WISSMACH MINI CRATE #WISS2 WISSMACH MAXI CRATE #UR PRIME UROBOROS PRIME CUTS #UR SHORT UROBOROS SHORT CUTS G L A S S CRATE DIMENSIONS APPROX. (L x W x H) WEIGHT 145 lbs Note: Spectrum T-Glass generally falls only slightly outside the standard color tolerances. There is no guarantee that any color of T-glass can be reproduced, therefore please do not purchase T-Glass with the intent of matching any sheet to another. Have 100 sq ft of assorted Kokomo Glass. Hots, pinks, iridized, ripple, and more! 50 sheets 16x18” (2 sq ft each) - no more than two sheets of any color. 190 lbs Has 75 sheets, 12x12”. Twenty five each of Cathedrals, Streakies and Opals. A wide variety. 140 lbs Wissmach Mini Crates #1 has 150 sheets, approx 5 to 8 sheets of about 20 different colors. Sheets are approximately 8x10” for a total of 84 sq ft. 28 x 15 x 15” 155 lbs Wissmach Maxi Crates #2 has 150 sheets, approx 5 to 8 sheets of about 20 different colors. Sheets are approximately 12x14” for a total of 175 sq ft. 330 lbs This crate is Uroboros’s signature art glass variety case for studios or store display containing a broad range of their best art glass styles to jazz up representational work. Includes 25 pcs 12”x12” (30.5x30.5cm), 60 pcs 9”x12” (23x30.5cm), and 50 pcs 6”x12” (15x30.5cm). Totals approx. 90 sq.ft. (8.4 sq m) or approx. 150 lbs (68kg) net wt. Colors vary. 190 lbs When you want a quick boost for your studio color palette, but need a larger size, Uroboros’ Short Cuts are the right at glass for you. From the mysterious to the sublime, they never fail to please! Contains 20 handpicked ‘Curious’ half-sheets, including one iridescent, all 15”x24” (38x61cm) each. Totals 50 sq.ft. (4.7sq m) or 83 lbs. (23kg) net wt. Colors vary. A S S O R T M E N T S 32 x 8 x 22” 100 lbs 32 x 8 x 22” 100 lbs Note: Uroboros “Uncat” or Uncategorized glass are non-standard mixes, experimental, or just unique colors created either deliberately or by happenstance during the production process. They result when there are leftover components from a standard run or experimentation with new colors. These are some of our most spectacular glass sheets, and they are all one-of-a-kind. Many artists use them to broaden their palette greatly. #UR RAINBOW Has 50 sheets, 12x12”, of 12-15 styles of hand rolled glass. Includes mostly opals and opal mixes. A wide vareity of colors including many hots. 3/15/2013 UROBOROS RAINBOW MINI CRATE FC-1 Section A FACTORY GLASS CRATES G L CATALOG# ILLUSTRATION A S S #SF RACK 96 GLASS CRATE DESCRIPTION DIMENSIONS APPROX. WEIGHT 19 x 15 x 17” 145 lbs Random Size Cases have 100 sq ft of first quality System 96 Glass in assorted colors. Sheets are squared up nicely and range in size from 12x24 30 x 11 x 32” up to 23x24, most are in the upper end of the range. A great way to get broad assortment of System 96 colors. 225 lbs These Random Size Cases have 50 sq ft of 11 different colors of System 96 Spirit and Opal Art glasses. All sheets are squared up nicely and range in size from 12x24 up to 23x24, most are in the upper end of the range. 30 x 11 x 32” 130 lbs 30 x 11 x 32” 345 lbs A Spectrum Rack Pack now available for fusers! Each pack contains a random assortment of 80 square feet of System 96 glass, consisting primarily of T-Glass, but can also include up to 8 sheets of assorted specialty glass (such as OpalArt, Spirit, or Fusers’ Reserve). Perfect solution for one-of-a-kind projects, or fun creative pieces. SYSTEM 96 RACK PACK A S S O R T M E N T S #SF RSVP SYSTEM 96 RANDOM SIZE VARIETY PACK Visit Us On The Internet: Note: System 96 T-Glass generally falls only slightly outside the standard color tolerances and is always tested 100% compatible. There is no guarantee that any color of T-glass can be reproduced, therefore please do not purchase T-Glass with the intent of matching any sheet to another. #SF RSVP OS SYSTEM 96 RANDOM SIZE VARIETY PACK - OPALART & SPIRIT There are 50 sheets, 24x24, of the most popular T-Glass styles in System 96. 30 sheets of 100 SFS, 10 sheets of 1009 SF and 10 sheets of 200 SFS. #SF 96 T-STAPLES Note: System 96 T-Glass generally falls only slightly outside the standard color tolerances and is always tested 100% compatible. There is no guarantee that any color of T-glass can be reproduced, therefore please do not purchase T-Glass with the intent of matching any sheet to another. 3/15/2013 SYSTEM 96 T-GLASS STAPLES FC-2 Visit Us On The Internet: Welcome to Catalog #41 Getting In Touch With Us You can write or visit us at our showroom and warehouse in the Garden Village area of Metro Buffalo, NY: Sunshine Glassworks Ltd. Member: Sunshine Square, 111 Industrial Pkwy. Buffalo, NY 14227-2712 YOU CAN PHONE US: In Metro Buffalo, call 668-2918 TOLL FREE ORDER LINE: (800)-828-7159 Call Toll Free from NY State outside of Metro Buffalo, the other 49 States plus Canada, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands From all other points (716) 668-2918 Our 24 Hour FAX number is: (716) 668-2932 Our TECHNICAL HELP HOT LINE: (716) 668-9625 E-Mail World Wide Website: Shop Hours MON, TUES, THURS & FRIDAY 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM WEDNESDAYS 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM SATURDAY 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Closed Saturdays during June, July and August. HOLIDAY HOURS are listed in our Specials Sheets and on our website. Please check for our hours on Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Years holidays. GENERAL INFORMATION 1) OUR PLEDGE Your satisfaction is our first concern. We're sure you'll be pleased with our merchandise, fast efficient service & the personal touch. 2) YOUR CUSTOMER ID NUMBER All customers and orders are tracked using your CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. Find it on all Mailing Labels and Invoices. 3) HOW TO ORDER When faxing, e-mailing or calling, please give us your Customer ID# so we may verify your address and credit card. To avoid errors, please use our catalog numbers including all letters and dashes. 4) SHIPPING YOUR ORDER ORDERS TO THE UNITED STATES LOWER 48 STATES ORDER SUBTOTAL S&H FEE $29.99 or less 8.99 $30 to 59.99 11.99 $60 to 99.99 17.99 $100 to 199.99 21.99 $200 and up 29.99 AK, HI, PR & US Territories ORDER SUBTOTAL S&H FEE $29.99 or less 9.99 $30 to 59.99 13.99 $60 to 99.99 19.99 $100 to 199.99 24.99 $200 and up 33.99 RUSH ORDERS: UPS Next Day Air (red), Second Day Air (blue) and Three Day Select (orange) services are used. Call for fees. INSURANCE Orders are automatically insured. COD's Add $13.00 COD charge. Maximum COD amount is $200 INTERNATIONAL ORDERS are most typically best served by PRIORITY MAIL INTERNATIONAL (PMI) through the Postal Service. No glass larger than 12x16", no liquids, hazardous materials or COD's. Most PMI orders are shipped within 24 hours when picked up by our Postal Carrier. At right ORDER SUBTOTAL S&H FEE are the shipping estimates for PMI $29.99 or less US$25.95 parcels. A few countries require that $30 to 59.99 US$39.95 we dispatch PMI parcels from our local $60 to 99.99 US$61.95 Post Office. These countries will $100 and up US$79.95 require an additional $9.99 handling fee. BOXING FEES Shipments with sheet glass, came or other specialized items will have boxing fees added. Check the Ordering Information in each section for details. PB-02 Directions To 111 Industrial Pkwy: COMING FROM THE NORTH AND EAST (Amherst, Tonawanda, Rochester): Take I-90, the NYS Thruway, westbound to exit 52-A, William St. Turn left at the bottom of the ramp, and follow William until it ends at Union and turn right. Follow Union to the fourth light. Take a left (two lanes for left turn) onto French Rd and go 1/10 mile to the first signal. Turn left onto Scrivner and immediately right on Industrial. Sunshine is the last building on the right. COMING FROM THE SOUTH AND WEST (Hamburg, PA, OH): Take I90 East to Exit 54, NY 400 (Aurora Expressway). NY 400 starts at I-90. The second exit is Union Rd. At the light at the end of the ramp, turn left on Union. French Rd will be the first right turn after Denny’s Restaurant, about 1.5 miles north of NY 400. Follow French Rd. as above. COMING FROM CANADA, VIA LEWISTON OR NIAGARA FALLS Take the I-190 South, across Grand Island to the I-290 East. Take I-290 East until it ends at I-90 (the NYS Thruway). Follow the I-90 West to Exit 52A, William St. (which is AFTER exit 52-E and 52-W). Turn left at bottom of the ramp and take William until it ends at Union. Follow Union as noted in "Coming from the North and East", above. COMING FROM CANADA, VIA THE PEACE BRIDGE AND FT. ERIE Take I-190 South until it ends at I-90. Take I-90 East to Exit 52-A, William St. At the bottom of the ramp, turn right and follow William until it ends at Union. Follow Union as noted in "Coming from the North and East", above. DELIVERY TIME The map below gives estimated travel time. Orders shipped Monday should be in Chicago or NJ by Wednesday, Denver by Friday. Use this as a guide only. During peak season, allow an extra day or two for delivery. 5) We Ship FAST! Most orders in by noon go the same day! Nearly every UPS order in the last 30 years has been shipped by the next business day. Please be sure your order is complete when you call. Once packed, additions are considered a new order. Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 6) PAYING FOR YOUR ORDER Master Card, Visa, Discover and American Express are welcome. We also accept PayPal payments. Not a PayPal member? Visit for details. Avoid COD charges and use your credit card! CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS are accepted. Returned checks are assessed a $35 service charge, regardless of reason. Checks sent for collection have a $75 collection fee added. Future orders will be on a “cash in advance” basis. COD can be used for UPS shipments (USA only). Add $11.00 fee. 7) BACKORDERS Backorders are issued for out of stock items if they are expected shortly AND total over $20. A Backorder Form will be enclosed. No additional shipping charges will apply. Please reorder any other out of stock items. 8) RETURN POLICY If we shipped the wrong materials, please contact us so we can make arrangements to get the right materials to you at no further cost. If you need to return merchandise, please call for a return authorization number. Returns must include the original invoice, and must be requested within 30 days of invoice date. After 30 days, all sales are final. There is a 15% restocking fee on mail order returns. SORRY, BUT WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT RETURNS ON: GLASS, CAME OR REBAR, BOOKS, VIDEOS, PATTERNS, SAMPLES OR SPECIAL ORDERS, ITEMS RETURNED WITHOUT AN INVOICE OR AFTER 30 DAYS No credit is given on materials returned in unsaleable condition, damaged in transit or in sealed packages that have been opened. 9) DAMAGED OR MISSING ITEMS Every order has an insert detailing steps to be taken should an order arrive damaged or short. CLAIMS FOR SHORTAGES MUST BE MADE WITHIN 48 HOURS OF RECEIPT. 10) SPECIAL REQUESTS We give each order personal attention. For your special needs such as selecting the grain of the glass, just ask. 11) SPECIALS SHEETS We mail Specials Sheets every 6-8 weeks. Current solder prices, new products and sale items are listed. Stay on the active list ... place orders! 12) EFFECTIVE DATE OF PRICES All prices are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to correct typografic errorrs. Our suppliers reserve the right to change the specifications on their products. We post updated prices on our website. 13) TAX EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS Schools, Religious Organizations or other tax exempt institutions MUST put their entire order on an official Purchase Order or letterhead regardless of method of payment. All tax exemption paperwork must be included with the first order. Sorry, but New York State allows no exceptions to this rule! 14) TECHNICAL HELP HOTLINE If you have a question about using a product, give us a call on our TECHNICAL HELP HOTLINE: (716) 668-9625. Our staff has decades of experience in stained glass and we use the materials in this catalog on a regular basis. PG A-1 GLASS ORDERING INFORMATION Please use the catalog numbers found in Catalog #41. Check the price code following the color description to find prices in the pricing chart. Mail order customers may specify special requests for color mix, direction of grain, etc. If no special requests are given, we will select the "nicest" sheets available. UPS'able SHEETS are priced per sheet. The UNIT PRICE shown is the cost per square foot. It is shown for price comparisons. FOR STOCK SHEETS TO BE SHIPPED VIA UPS, Add $2 per sheet handling. Stock Sheets are cut to UPS'able LARGE size sheets and packed in our special Large Box. Add $9.49 per box. Maximum three stock sheets per box. BOXING FEES All glass shipped via UPS is subject to boxing fees to cover the cost of custom cartons and extra labor to ensure safe delivery. SHEET SIZE COST/BOX #SHEETS/BOX UPS'able Smalls $1.69 Up to 35 sheets. UPS'able Medium $5.99 Up to 16 sheets. UPS'able Large $9.49 Up to 12 sheets. Please note that these boxing charges are in addition to the Shipping and Handling Charges shown on Page PB-02. PB-03 PG A - 1 WISSMACH VICTORIAN MOTTLES UPS’ABLE SHEET SIZES PRICE SMALL MED LARGE UNIT CODE N/A 14x8½ 14x17 COST/ft VAA, VB, VD NOT 6.95 13.90 8.38 VG AVAIL8.45 16.90 10.18 VH ABLE 14.70 29.40 17.71 VJ 17.00 34.00 20.49 STOCK SHEETS 34X28”, 6.62 SQ FT Cost/ft Cost/sht 7.55 49.99 9.18 60.78 15.94 105.53 18.45 122.14 SMALL MED LARGE UNIT 8x10½ 16x10½ 16x21 COST/ft 32X42”, 9.33 SQ FT Cost/ft Cost/sht PG A-2 THRU A-4 AA, AAC, A, AW, B, C AZ,AI,AX,BX BW, D E,EW,G,GW H, HW J, JW JX MA, MAA, MB MCR MG MH MP** WISSMACH STANDARD GLASS 4.50 9.00 5.90 4.80 5.50 8.80 11.00 12.00 11.80 9.60 11.00 17.60 22.00 24.00 4.50 9.00 18.00 6.95 64.85 23.60 10.12 9.11 19.20 8.23 7.41 22.00 9.43 8.49 35.20 15.09 13.59 44.00 18.86 16.98 48.00 20.60 18.54 ENGLISH MUFFLE GLASS 85.00 69.14 79.22 126.80 158.43 172.98 18.00 7.72 7.72 6.95 64.85 6.80 5.50 8.80 35.00 13.60 27.20 11.66 10.50 97.97 11.00 22.00 9.43 8.49 79.22 17.60 35.20 15.09 13.59 126.80 70.00 Stk sht 35.00/lb 31.50 126.00 MYSTIC STREAKY, WISPY OPAL, CATHEDRAL 4.80 9.60 19.20 8.23 7.41 69.14 BY, DY BWY, DBY, 5.50 11.00 22.00 9.43 8.49 79.22 GY HY, HWY 6.80 13.60 27.20 11.66 10.50 97.97 ** Code MP UPS’able Small and Medium sheets are sold “per piece” and a Small is approx 1 lb. Stock sheets are about 17x20” (4 lbs) and are sold “per pound”. Wissmach Sample Sets WISSMACH COMPLETE SET (#0100) 275+ samples (except Mystic) $189.99 WISSMACH MINOR SET (#0097) condensed version of the above. All colors & all textures seen at least once (except Mystic). 160+ samples. $125.99 WISSMACH CORELLA CLASSIC SAMPLE SET (#0096) 28 samples. $17.99 WISSMACH RESTORATION RIPPLE SET (#0100-RR) with 6 samples $4.99 WISSMACH ENGLISH MUFFLE SAMPLE SET (#0095) 32 colors. $20.99 VICTORIAN MOTTLE SAMPLES (#0099) 24 samples. $16.99 MYSTIC STREAKY & WISPY SAMPLES (#0098) 20 samples. $15.99 MYSTIC CATHEDRAL SAMPLES (#00981) 23 samples. $15.99 INDIVIDUAL SAMPLES ARE $1.50 EA. Please specify Catalog Number required WISSMACH WISSM90 ACCOLORS H 90 & CURRENTLY 96 GLASS AVAILABLE 2 mm & 3mm THICKNESS CAT# DESCRIPTION CODE 21X32”, NOTES 4.67 SQ FT SMALL MED LARGEPRICE UNIT WF 90-01-2 2mm clear16x10½ 16x21 COST/ft AF 8x10½ Cost/ft Cost/sht WFAF, 90-01-3 3mm AF BF 4.80clear 9.60 19.20 8.23 7.41 34.61 WF A6 No stock yet 42.55 CF, 90-01-6 Premium 6mm 5.90clear 11.80 23.60 10.12 9.11 WFHF, 90-02-3 3mm BF Hots 9.45black 18.90 37.80 16.20 14.58 68.09 WF 90-02-2 2mm black BF COLORS LUMINESCENT WFAFL, 90-03 opal BF BFL 3mm 5.90white 11.80 23.60 10.12 9.11 42.55 WF 90-04 3mm blue tint BF ORDERING INFO: Stock sheets are 21x32”, larger sheets may be available. WF 90-05 3mm green tint BF Stock sheets are3mm cut champagne into two pieces WF 90-06 tint 16x21 for UPS CF shipment. Add $2.00 handling plus $9.49 boxing. Up to 6 stock sheets per box. WF 90-07 3mm gray tint BF ISSM ACHtint90 GLASS 6mBF m THICKNESS WF 90-08 W3mm amber 8x10½ 16x21 Cost/ft 21X32”, 4.67 SQ FT WF 90-09 3mm violet16x10½ tint BF A6, 6mm Clr 9.45 18.90 37.80 16.20 14.58 68.09 ORDERING INFO: Stock sheets are 21x32”, larger sheets may be available. Stock sheets are cut into two pieces 16x21 for UPS shipment. Add $2.00 handling plus $9.49 boxing. Up to 3 stock sheets per box. Wissmach 90 Sample Sets WISSMACH 90 SAMPLE SET (#0100WF) has 23 samples of current production. $21.99 Visit Us On The Internet: PG A-5 THRU A-7 A AV, B AB, AI AVI AR,C,F ARI, CB, CI D, E DB, DI, EI DV PG A - 7 16x12 30.50 31.20 32.80 48.00 16x24 61.00 62.40 65.60 96.00 AG BG CG. FG EG AS, BS FS 8x10½ 16x10½ 16x21 15.40 30.80 61.60 16.30 32.60 65.20 Cost/ft 22.85 23.36 24.56 35.96 24x42", 7.0 sq ft 20.56 143.92 21.03 147.21 22.11 154.77 32.36 226.52 KOKOMO SMOOTH CATSPAW Kokomo Sample Sets Cost/ft 23x37", 5.9 sq ft each 26.44 23.80 140.42 27.99 25.20 148.68 KOKOMO STANDARD SAMPLE SET (#0103) all KOG colors EXCEPT Full Batch, SCP and GCP colors. Total of 179 samples for $109.99 KOKOMO GCP/SCP SAMPLE SET (#0093) 17 samples for $15.99 INDIVIDUAL SAMPLES ARE 99¢ EACH. Please specify Catalog Number desired. PG A-8 THRU A-10 A, AA, AAS B, C D E, EE AAi, Ai Bi, Ci, F, G J H FH Gi, Ji Hi P, PB Pi 16x12 9.90 11.20 11.60 12.30 13.10 14.00 15.20 16.50 18.30 17.50 21.20 27.90 32.00 16x24 19.80 22.40 23.20 24.60 26.20 28.00 30.40 33.00 36.60 35.00 42.40 55.80 64.00 CLEAR SA COLORS SR SC 8x12 9.30 8x10 10.50 8.00 16x12 18.60 16x10 21.00 16.00 16x24 37.20 16x20 42.00 32.00 PG A-10 PG A-11 Spectrum System 96 Sample Sets SPECTRUM SYSTEM 96 (#0075) – has 118 samples of all Spectrum’s System 96 sheet glass including opals, transparents, streakies, OpalArt and Spirit glass. $99.99 SPECTRUM SYSTEM 96 - TRANSPARENTS (#0076) – has 57 samples of all Spectrum’s transparent System 96 sheet glass. $49.99 SPECTRUM SYSTEM 96 - OPALS (#0077) – has 43 samples of all Spectrum’s System 96 solid opals, crystal opals and streakies sheet glass. $38.99 SPECTRUM SYSTEM 96 – OPALARTS & SPIRIT (#0078) – has 18 samples of Spectrum’s System 96 OpalArt & Spirit sheet glass. $16.99 SPECTRUM STANDARD GLASS 8x12 4.95 5.60 5.80 6.15 6.55 7.00 7.60 8.25 9.15 8.75 10.60 13.95 16.00 SPECTRUM SYSTEM 96 SMALL MED LARGE UNIT 24x24", 4.0 sq ft 6x12 12x12 12x24 COST/ft Cost/ft Cost/sht AAF** 3.75 7.50 15.00 7.50 6.75 27.00 AATF 5.85 11.70 23.40 11.70 10.53 42.12 AAiF 6.20 12.40 24.80 12.40 11.16 44.64 BF 5.35 10.70 21.40 10.70 9.63 38.52 BiF 7.50 15.00 30.00 15.00 13.50 54.00 CF 5.60 11.20 22.40 11.20 10.08 40.32 CiF 7.75 15.50 31.00 15.50 13.95 55.80 DF 5.80 11.60 23.20 11.60 10.44 41.76 DiF 7.95 15.90 31.80 15.90 14.31 57.24 EF 6.10 12.20 24.40 12.20 10.98 43.92 FF 6.35 12.70 25.40 12.70 11.43 45.72 GF 6.80 13.60 27.20 13.60 12.24 48.96 HF 15.30 30.60 15.30 13.77 55.08 7.65 HiF 19.60 39.20 19.60 17.64 70.56 9.80 HCF 12.20 24.40 12.20 10.98 43.92 6.10 HTF 8.05 16.10 32.20 16.10 14.49 57.96 IF 7.60 15.20 30.40 15.20 13.68 54.72 LF 8.95 17.90 35.80 17.90 16.11 64.44 MF 9.70 19.40 38.80 19.40 17.46 69.84 NF 10.80 21.60 43.20 21.60 19.44 77.76 **NOTE: Demand Colors (SF 100 SF, SF 100.2 SF, SF 100.5 SF, SF 200 SF and SF 1009 SF) are also available in 24x48” sheets. 32X42”, 7.11 SQ FT Cost/ft Cost/sht 10.52 74.80 11.13 79.14 12.36 87.88 12.83 91.23 11.90 84.61 13.60 96.70 20.09 142.84 23.18 164.81 21.63 153.79 KOKOMO GRANITE CATSPAW 8x12 15.25 15.60 16.40 24.00 PG A - 7 PG A-11 KOKOMO STANDARD GLASS SMALL MED LARGE UNIT 8x10½ 16x10½ 16x21 COST/ft 6.80 13.60 27.20 11.68 7.20 14.40 28.80 12.36 8.00 16.00 32.00 13.74 8.30 16.60 33.20 14.25 7.70 15.40 30.80 13.22 8.80 17.60 35.20 15.11 13.00 26.00 52.00 22.32 15.00 30.00 60.00 25.75 14.00 28.00 56.00 24.03 Cost/ft 24x48", 8.0 sq ft each 7.39 6.65 53.19 8.36 7.52 60.18 8.66 7.79 62.33 9.18 8.26 66.09 9.78 8.80 70.39 10.45 9.40 75.22 11.34 10.21 81.67 12.31 11.08 88.66 13.66 12.29 98.33 13.06 11.75 94.03 13.06 11.75 94.03 20.82 18.74 149.91 23.88 21.49 171.94 SPECTRUM SILVERCOATS Cost/ft 24x24", 4.0 sq ft each 13.88 12.49 49.97 20x24", 3.35 sq ft ea 18.75 16.88 56.53 14.29 12.86 43.07 SPECTRUM WATERGLASS 8x12 16x12 16x24 Cost/ft 24x48", 8.0 sq ft each DA** 5.50 11.00 22.00 8.21 7.39 59.10 DAi** 7.10 14.20 28.40 10.60 9.54 76.30 8x10 16x10 16x20 22x48", 7.34 sq ft ea WD 5.00 10.00 20.00 8.93 8.04 58.98 WE 5.35 10.70 21.40 9.55 8.60 63.11 WG, WDi 6.30 12.60 25.20 11.25 10.13 74.32 WH 7.15 14.30 28.60 12.77 11.49 84.34 WGi 7.50 15.00 30.00 13.39 12.05 88.47 ** NOTE: Only Clear and Black Waterglass comes in these sizes. Spectrum Sample Sets SPECTRUM STANDARD SAMPLE SET (#0104) has 215+ samples of standard Spectrum colors listed EXCEPT Waterglass and System 96. $166.99 SPECTRUM WATERGLASS SAMPLE SET (#0094) – 44 samples. $33.99 SPECTRUM SILVERCOATS SAMPLE SET (#0104-SC) – 12 samples. $13.99 INDIVIDUAL SAMPLES ARE 99¢ EACH. Please specify colors you require. PB-04 Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Prices below are effective Mar 1, 2016 and are subject to change due to production issues at the factory. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing PG A-11 UROBOROS SYSTEM 96 UPS’ABLE SHEET SIZES STOCK SHEETS PRICE SMALL MED LARGE UNIT 24x24", 4.0 sq ft ** CODE 6x12 12x12 12x24” Cost/ft Cost/ft Cost/sht QF 17.75 35.50 71.00 35.50 31.95 127.80 SF 9.55 19.10 38.20 19.10 17.19 68.76 TF 11.15 22.30 44.60 22.30 20.08 80.32 TCF 15.60 31.20 62.40 31.20 28.08 112.32 TIF 12.25 24.50 49.00 24.50 22.05 88.20 TCIF 16.70 33.40 66.80 33.40 30.06 120.24 UF 18.65 37.30 74.60 37.30 33.58 134.32 VF 10.70 21.40 42.80 21.40 19.26 77.04 VCF 15.05 30.10 60.20 30.10 27.09 108.36 WF 60-29-96 15.75 31.50 63.00 31.50 28.35 113.40 XF 12.00 24.00 48.00 24.00 21.60 86.40 XCF 16.70 33.40 66.80 33.40 30.06 120.24 YF 15.30 30.60 61.20 30.60 27.54 110.16 YCF 18.25 36.50 73.00 36.50 32.85 131.40 GPF STOCK SHEETS 46.50 93.00 83.70 83.70 60-103-96 ARE 12X12 GSF STOCK SHEETS 57.60 51.80 51.80 60-105-96 28.80 ARE 12X12 THIN RADIUM SYSTEM 96 STOCK SHEETS N/A 10x10 10x20 Cost/ft 20x20", 2.78 sq ft ea XRF - Black 14.80 29.60 21.44 19.29 53.62 VRF - Clear 23.20 46.40 33.39 30.06 83.57 ** NOTE: Uroboros Stock sheets vary from 24x24 to 24x34. Uroboros System 96 Sample Sets UROBOROS SYSTEM 96 (#0070) – has 78 samples of Uroboros’ System 96 sheet glass including opals, cathedrals, streakies, textures and thin rolled sheet glass. $85.99 UROBOROS SYSTEM 96 – COLLAGE GLASS (#0071) – has 19 samples of Fracture/Streamer, Mardi Gras, Streamer Bits and Fracture/Stringer System 96 sheet glass. $24.99 UROBOROS SYSTEM 96 – OPALS/CATHEDRALS/STREAKIES (#0072) – has 42 samples of Uroboros’ System 96. $55.99 UROBOROS SYSTEM 96 – THIN ROLLED (#0073) – has 15 samples of Uroboros’ System 96 thin rolled opals, cathedrals, streakies and textured sheet glass. $19.99 PG A-12 THRU A-13 PRICE CODE A B C D YOUGHIOGHENY GLASS UPS’ABLE SHEET SIZES SMALL MED LARGE UNIT 8x12 16x12 16x24 Cost/ft 12.90 25.80 51.60 19.26 13.65 27.30 54.60 20.38 17.55 35.10 70.20 26.20 21.75 43.50 87.00 32.48 Youghiogheny Sample Sets STOCK SHEETS 24x36", 6.0 sq ft Cost/ft Cost/sht 17.34 104.04 18.35 110.10 23.58 141.48 29.24 175.44 YG FACTORY FACTORY SAMPLE SET (#0105) 3x6” samples. $45.00 INDIVIDUAL SAMPLES are not available for Youghiogheny Glass. We suggest purchasing an 8x12” UPS’able sheet PG A-13 THRU A-14 OCEANA GLASS SMALL 9x13 13x18 Cost/lb 18x27” or 5.5 lbs * A, B NOT 20.00 40.00 14.55 13.09 71.98 C AVAIL 38.00 76.00 27.64 24.88 136.84 D ABLE 33.35 66.70 24.26 21.82 120.00 * NOTE: New UPS-able sheet sizes. Oceana Glass is now sold BY THE SHEET. Per pound price is shown for reference only. Stock Sheet size and weight shown are approximate. UPS-able sheets are priced per piece. Oceana Sample Sets OCEANA 300-700 SERIES FACTORY SAMPLE SET (#0111) includes Gold Pinks, as packaged by the factory. $71.95 PG A-14 GLUE CHIP GLASS: CLEAR SINGLE & DOUBLE CHIP A, B 8x12 2.95 16x12 5.90 16x24 11.80 Cost/ft 4.42 24x36", 6.0 sq ft 3.98 23.88 PB-05 Prices below are effective Mar 1, 2016 and are subject to change due to production issues at the factory. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing PRICE CODE AAF AF, AAIF ACF BF BCF CF CCF CIF, DF DCF EF ECF FF HF HCF BRF DRF PG A - 1 7 UROBOROS FX 90 SHEET GLASS UPS’ABLE SHEET SIZES 8x12 16x12 16x24 Cost/ft 11.60 23.20 46.40 17.37 12.80 25.60 51.20 19.17 17.90 35.80 71.60 26.82 14.40 28.80 57.60 21.57 20.10 40.20 80.40 30.12 15.00 30.00 60.00 22.47 20.85 41.70 83.40 31.23 16.20 32.40 64.80 24.26 22.35 44.70 89.40 33.48 17.10 34.20 68.40 25.62 23.80 47.60 95.20 35.65 25.00 50.00 100.00 37.45 19.10 38.20 76.40 28.61 22.90 45.80 91.60 34.31 THIN RADIUM FX90 N/A 10x10 10x20 Cost/ft 14.80 29.60 21.44 23.20 46.40 33.39 STOCK SHEETS 24x30", 5.0 sq ft ea 15.63 78.15 17.25 86.25 24.14 120.70 19.41 97.05 27.11 135.55 20.22 101.10 28.10 140.50 21.83 109.15 30.13 150.65 23.06 115.30 32.08 160.40 33.70 168.50 25.74 128.70 30.88 154.40 STOCK SHEETS 20x20", 2.78 sq ft ea 19.29 53.62 30.06 83.57 UROBOROS COE 90 LARGE FORMAT GLASS SPECIAL NOTE: All large format glass is sold by the square foot. PRICE UPS’ABLE SHEET SIZES STOCK SHEETS CODE 8x12 16x12 16x24 Cost/ft 24x24", 4.0 sq ft ea UY, 3mm 6.00 12.00 24.00 8.99 8.10 32.40 UB, 3mm Blk 12.50 25.00 50.00 18.73 16.86 67.44 URi, 3mm irid 9.00 18.00 36.00 13.49 12.15 48.60 UT, 2mm 6.00 12.00 24.00 8.99 8.10 32.40 UBT, 2mm Blk 12.50 25.00 50.00 18.73 16.86 67.44 Uroboros FX90 Sample Sets UROBOROS FX90 SAMPLE SET (#0080) – has 99 samples of Uroboros’ COE 90 sheet glass including opals, cathedrals, streakies, textures, machine rolled and thin rolled sheet glass. $109.99 UROBOROS FX90 – COLLAGE GLASS (#0084) – has 5 samples of Streamer Bits sheet glass. $6.99 UROBOROS FX90 – OPALS/CATHEDRALS/STREAKIES (#0084) – has 58 samples of Uroboros’ COE 90. $60.99 UROBOROS FX90 – THIN ROLLED (#0081) – has 12 samples of Uroboros’ COE 90 thin rolled opals, cathedrals, streakies and textured sheet glass (does NOT include thin textures). $15.99 UROBOROS FX90 – TEXTURES (#0082) – has 19 samples of Uroboros’ COE 90 texturesin 3mm and 1.8mm thicknesses. $24.99 UROBOROS FX90 – MACHINE ROLLED (#0083) – has 5 samples of Uroboros’ COE 90 super smooth clear and black in both 3mm, 2mm & iridized. $6.99 PRICE CODE B4, clear E4, black UROBOROS COE 104 GLASS UPS’ABLE SHEET SIZES N/A 10x10 10x20 Cost/ft 14.80 29.60 21.44 23.20 46.40 33.39 STOCK SHEETS 20x20", 2.78 sq ft ea 19.29 53.62 30.06 83.57 Visit Us On The Internet: PG A-18 THRU A-19 ARCHITECTURAL GLASS UPS’ABLE SHEET SIZES SMALL MED LARGE UNIT 8x12 16x12 16x24 Cost/ft 4.60 9.20 18.40 6.89 STOCK SHEETS PRICE 24x48", 8.0 sq ft CODE Cost/ft Cost/sht A, D, M 6.20 49.60 31.75x30”, 6.62 sq ft G 17.15 34.30 68.60 25.60 23.04 152.53 36x26”, 9.0 sq ft P, Krosnos 22.80 45.60 91.20 34.16 30.74 276.66 8x10½ 10½x16 16x21 32x42”, 9.33 sq ft J 5.40 10.80 21.60 9.28 8.35 77.91 K 5.60 11.20 22.40 9.62 8.66 80.80 L 5.40 10.80 21.60 9.28 8.35 77.91 N, O 4.20 8.40 16.80 7.21 6.49 60.56 NOTE: Stock sheet sizes may vary. If you have specific size requirements, please check with your Sales Person when you place your order. AG Sample Sets ARCHITECTURAL GLASS SAMPLE SET (#0089) includes all AG-series items. Sample size is a generous 4x8”. Total of 21 samples for $37.99 NOTE: AG 106 and 107, restoration glasses, are not sampled. Please order UPS’able small sheets to evaluate these unique glasses. . INDIVIDUAL SAMPLES are $2.99 ea. Please specify Catalog Number required. PG A - 2 0 ANTIQUE GLASS 8x12 16x12 16x24 Cost/ft STOCK SHEETS COMMERCIAL FLASHED GLASS STOCK SHEETS 25x35”, 6.08 sq ft avg. G 45.35 90.70 181.40 67.94 61.14 371.73 GG 48.00 96.00 192.00 71.91 64.71 393.43 COMMERCIAL FLASHED GLASS STOCK SHEETS 27x40”, 7.5 sq ft avg. H 16.00 32.00 64.00 23.98 21.59 161.93 DESAG DRAWN ANTIQUE STOCK SHEETS, 27X40”, 7.5 sq ft avg. A 12.60 25.20 50.40 18.81 16.93 126.98 B 12.60 25.20 50.40 18.81 16.93 126.98 D, red 18.00 36.00 72.00 26.98 24.29 182.18 NOTE: Stock sheet sizes may vary. You will be billed for footage shipped. Antique Sample Sets COMMERCIAL FLASH SAMPLE SET (#0086) has 4 samples $4.69 PG A-20 0123, Etch 0124, SS 0125, DS 0127, DSM 8x12 12.50 2.60 2.60 6.80 16x12 25.00 5.20 5.20 13.60 16x24 50.00 10.40 10.40 27.20 0126, XTHN 3.30 6.60 13.20 PG A-20 FLOAT GLASS & MIRROR Cost/ft 18.73 3.88 3.88 10.15 4.93 24x48", 8.0 sq ft 16.86 134.88 3.49 27.92 3.49 27.92 9.14 73.12 25x32", 5.56 sq ft 4.44 24.69 FRONT SURFACE MIRROR 8x12 16x12 16x24 Cost/ft 0129 17.50 35.00 N/A 52.24 0128 FRONT SURFACE MIRROR HAS BEEN DISCONTINED SPECIAL GLASS PACKS ORDERING INFO: Unless otherwise noted, all sheets are between 8x10 and 8x12”. Packs are pre-assorted, no color selection is possible. Packs will include standard stock colors with selected interesting non-stock glass. No boxing charges on these Packs. Our UPS Packs are a great way to see a wide variety of glass, at a major savings off our standard pricing. Wissmach Glass Packs WISSMACH PACK (#WPS-13) has 13 sheets. About $50 worth of glass here! Nice Pack, nice price. $39.99 VICTORIAN MOTTLE PACK (#000-VM) has10 sheets of Wissmach's Victorian Mottle Glass. An excellent assortment, perfect for lamp and window work. Includes hots! There's about $45 worth of glass here. Just $32.99 MUFFLE GLASS ASSORTMENT (#WPS-10) with 10 different sheets of English Muffle. $40 worth in this box. Sorry, NO Cranberry Pink. $25.99 Spectrum Glass Packs SPECTRUM WATERGLASS PACK (#SPS-WATER) has 7 sheets of Waterglass including at least one hot or iridized sheet. At least a $37 value. Easy cutting, smooth surface, popular colors. A deal for just $27.99 ARTIQUE ASSORTMENT (#000-ARTIQUE) The lightly scribed lines give the feel of expensive imported antiques. Seven different colors in this package, with at least one HOT Artique. Worth over $42. The pack is just $33.99 Youghiogheny Glass Packs YOUGHIOGHENY NON-STIPPLE PACKAGE (#YPS-02) has 10 sheets, 10x12” (over 8 sq ft). A great assortment of art glass that includes mottles, textures, some pink, some ripple – the best selection of Art Glass at this price! Worth at least $100, a steal for just $44.99 YOUGHIOGHENY STIPPLE PACKAGE (#YPS-01) has 10 sheets of assorted stipple colors, all are 10x12” (over 8 sq ft). We’ve mixed this one up really nicely to give you a super selection. Worth over $140 at our catalog price, just $65.99 Miscellaneous Glass Packs SPECIAL FIFTEEN PACK (#000-SP15) is our best selling pack by far = we’ve sold hundreds. You get 15 sheets of all types of glass including some non-stock colors and textures. You may find Artique, Glue Chip, hots, iridized, English Muffle and more. We have $60+ in glass here. Just $39.99 === STRICTLY LIMITED TO TWO SPECIAL FIFTEEN PACKS PER ORDER === CATHEDRAL GLASS PACK (#000-CATH) is a bright assortment of 13 different cathedral (transparent) colors in many different textures such as English Muffle, Waterglass, Granite and more. Worth at least $50, just $39.99 See Even More Assortments On Our Website PG A - 2 1 GLASS NUGGETS CAT # DESCRIPTION EACH ORDERING INFO: Order by catalog number as shown on Page A-21 Cat# 9100 thru 9153, all $4.79 colors and sizes EXCEPT per RUBY pound $6.69 Cat# 9104, 9124, 9144, per ¾ RUBY RED pound PB-06 PG A-21 IRIDIZED NUGGETS ORDERING INFO: Order by catalog number as shown on Page A-21 Catalog # 9161 thru 9172, $5.89 / EXCEPT 9164 & 9171 ¾lb bag Catalog # 9164 (Pink Opal) $6.69 / & 9171 (Ruby Red) ¾lb bag Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 PG A-21 FACETED JEWELS CAT # DESCRIPTION EACH 15 mm ROUND 4600 Clear 1.26 4602 Blue 1.26 4603 Red 1.44 4604 Lt Amber 1.26 4606 Green 1.26 4607 Amethyst 1.26 4608 White Opal 1.44 4609 Gold Pink 1.78 20 mm ROUND 4610 Clear 2.10 4612 Blue 2.10 4613 Red 2.20 4614 Lt Amber 2.10 4616 Green 2.10 4617 Amethyst 2.10 4618 White Opal 2.20 4619 Gold Pink 2.74 25 mm ROUND 4620 Clear 2.86 4622 Blue 3.52 4623 Red 3.82 4624 Lt Amber 3.52 4626 Green 3.52 4627 Amethyst 3.52 4628 White Opal 3.82 4629 Gold Pink 4.52 30 mm ROUND 4630 Clear 3.58 4632 Blue 4.46 4633 Red 4.80 4634 Lt Amber 4.46 4636 Green 4.46 4637 Amethyst 4.46 4638 White Opal 4.80 4639 Gold Pink 5.40 35 mm ROUND 4640 Clear 4.08 30 x 40 mm OVAL 4660 Clear 4.44 4662 Blue 6.10 4663 Red 6.64 4664 Lt Amber 6.10 4666 Green 6.10 4667 Amethyst 6.10 4668 White Opal 6.64 4669 Gold Pink 8.46 24 x 40 mm TEARDROP 4670 Clear 5.08 4672 Blue 5.76 4673 Red 6.34 4674 Lt Amber 5.76 4676 Green 5.76 4677 Amethyst 5.76 4678 White Opal 6.84 4679 Gold Pink 7.94 25 x 25 mm SQUARE 4680 Clear 3.28 4682 Blue 4.06 4683 Red 4.18 4684 Lt Amber 4.06 4686 Green 4.06 4687 Amethyst 4.06 4688 White Opal 4.18 4689 Gold Pink 5.14 PG A-22 TO A-23 PG A-22 SMOOTH JEWELS CAT # DESCRIPTION EACH 18 mm ROUND 4317 Purple 2.00 4318 White Opal 2.24 25 mm ROUND 4326 Green 2.94 4328 White Opal 3.42 24 x 14 mm OVAL 4336 Green 2.02 36 x 19 mm OVAL 4341 Aqua blue 3.60 4346 Green 3.60 4348 White Opal 3.94 45 x 18 mm OVAL 4354 Amber 4.46 4356 Green 4.46 4358 White Opal 4.80 CAT # PRICE BY THE BOX BOX OF PRICE/ PRICE/ SIZE 30 BEVEL BOX 2" SERIES SQUARES AND RECTANGLES 55503 2 X 2" 0.50 15.00 55513 2 X 3" 0.60 18.00 55523 2 X 4" 0.76 22.80 55533 2 X 5" 0.84 25.20 55543 2 X 6" 1.02 30.60 55553 2 X 8" 1.20 36.00 55563 2 X 10" 1.44 43.20 55573 2 X 12" 1.72 51.60 2½" SQUARES 55593 2½ X 2½" 0.64 19.20 3" SERIES SQUARES AND RECTANGLES 55603 3 X 3" 0.74 22.20 55613 3 X 4” 0.96 28.80 55623 3 X 5" 1.20 36.00 55633 3 X 6" 1.24 37.20 55643 3 X 10" 1.70 51.00 55653 3 X 12" 2.00 60.00 LARGE FORMAT SQUARES & RECTANGLES 55703 4 X 4" 1.04 31.20 55713 4 X 6" 1.32 39.60 55753 5 X 5" 1.44 43.20 55763 5 X 7" 1.66 49.80 55773 6 X 9" 2.40 72.00 DIAMONDS 55803 1½ X 2½" 0.68 20.40 55813 1¾ X 3" 0.64 19.20 0.64 19.20 PG A-22 TO A-23 STOCK BEVELS 55823 2 X 3" 55833 2 X 4" 0.72 21.60 ORDERING INFO: Stock Bevels are sold individually or in boxes of 55843 3 X 5" 0.84 25.20 30, all one size and shape. No mixing in boxes of 30. 55853 4 X 7" 1.08 32.40 TO ORDER INDIVIDUAL STOCK BEVELS: Use the FOUR digit 55863 2 X 6" 0.98 29.40 catalog # and prices in the shaded columns at the far RIGHT. 55873 6 X 9" 1.76 52.80 TO ORDER BOXES OF STOCK BEVELS: Use the FIVE digit catalog number in the left column. Prices shown are per box (the TRIANGLES price you will be invoiced) and per bevel (for comparison). 55893 2X2X2” 0.64 19.20 55903 3X3X3" 0.64 19.20 CAT # PRICE BY THE BOX CAT # PRICE 0.94 28.20 BOX OF PRICE/ PRICE/ SINGLE SINGLE 55913 3X3X5" SIZE 55923 4X4X4" 0.80 24.00 30 BEVEL BOX PIECE PIECE 55933 4X4X7" 1.28 38.40 ¾” SERIES SQUARES & RECTANGLES 55963 6X6X6" 1.45 43.50 55003 ¾" SQ 0.54 16.20 5500 0.70 55013 ¾ X 1" 0.54 16.20 5501 0.70 CIRCLES 55023 ¾ X 1½" 0.54 16.20 5502 0.70 56223 2" circle 1.02 30.60 56233 3" circle 1.26 37.80 55033 ¾ X 2" 0.54 16.20 5503 0.70 55043 ¾ X 3" 0.66 19.80 5504 0.86 56243 4" circle 1.44 43.20 55053 ¾ X 4" 0.90 27.00 5505 1.18 56253 5" circle 2.04 61.20 55063 ¾ X 5" 0.98 29.40 5506 1.30 56263 6" circle 2.72 81.60 56283 8" circle 3.98 119.40 55073 ¾ X 6" 1.14 34.20 5507 1.52 55093 ¾ X 8" 1.32 39.60 5509 1.74 OVALS 55113 ¾ X 10" 1.64 49.20 5511 2.18 56323 2 X 4" oval 2.02 60.60 56333 3 X 5" oval 2.50 75.00 1" SERIES SQUARES AND RECTANGLES 56343 4 X 6" oval 2.86 85.80 55203 1 X 1" 0.48 14.40 5520 0.64 56363 6 X 9" oval 4.82 144.60 55213 1 X 1½" 0.50 15.00 5521 0.66 55223 1 X 2" 0.60 18.00 5522 0.80 HALF CIRCLES 56503 2” 0.84 25.20 55233 1 X 3" 0.70 21.00 5523 0.92 56513 3" 1.04 31.20 55243 1 X 4" 0.90 27.00 5524 1.20 56523 4" 1.38 41.40 55253 1 X 5" 0.94 28.20 5525 1.24 55263 1 X 6" 1.08 32.40 5526 1.44 BEVELS IN GLUE CHIP GLUE CHIP SQUARES AND RECTANGLES 55283 1 X 8" 1.34 40.20 5528 1.78 57503 2 X 2 CHIP 0.60 18.00 55303 1 X 10" 1.50 45.00 5530 2.00 57523 2 X 4 CHIP 0.94 28.20 55323 1 X 12" 1.80 54.00 5532 2.40 57543 2 X 6 CHIP 1.14 34.20 1½" SERIES SQUARES & RECTANGLES 57603 3 X 3 CHIP 0.96 28.80 55403 1½ X 1½" 0.44 13.20 5540 0.58 57703 4 X 4 CHIP 1.32 39.60 55413 1½ X 2" 0.46 13.80 5541 0.60 55423 1½ X 3" 0.60 18.00 5542 0.78 GLUE CHIP DIAMONDS 57843 3 X 5 CHIP 0.90 27.00 55433 1½ X 4" 0.68 20.40 5543 0.90 57853 4 X 7 CHIP 1.36 40.80 55443 1½ X 5" 0.84 25.20 5544 1.10 57873 6 X 9 CHIP 2.04 61.20 55453 1½ X 6" 0.90 27.00 5545 1.20 GLUE CHIP CIRCLES 55463 1½ X 8" 1.14 34.20 5546 1.50 57223 2" CHIP DISC DISC 55473 1½ X 10" 1.38 41.40 5547 1.84 57243 4" CHIP 1.74 52.20 55483 1½ X 12" 1.44 43.20 5548 1.90 PB-07 STOCK BEVELS CAT # SINGLE PIECE PRICE SINGLE PIECE 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5557 0.66 0.78 1.00 1.10 1.34 1.60 1.92 2.28 5559 0.84 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 0.98 1.26 1.60 1.65 2.26 2.66 5570 5571 5575 5576 5577 1.38 1.74 1.90 2.20 3.20 5580 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 0.90 0.84 0.84 0.96 1.12 1.44 1.30 2.34 5589 5590 5591 5592 5593 5596 0.84 0.84 1.24 1.06 1.70 1.92 5622 5623 5624 5625 5626 5628 1.34 1.66 1.90 2.72 3.62 5.30 5632 5633 5634 5636 2.68 3.32 3.80 6.42 5650 5651 5652 1.10 1.38 1.84 5750 5752 5754 5760 5770 0.78 1.24 1.52 1.26 1.74 5784 5785 5787 1.18 1.80 2.72 5722 5724 DISC 2.32 Visit Us On The Internet: PG A-23 CAT # IB 01 IB 06 IB 08 IB 09 IB 12 PG A - 2 1 BB 01 BB 05 BB 08 BD 01 BI 03 BT 02 ITTY BITTY CLUSTERS EACH 9.39 8.29 8.29 9.89 10.59 BUDS & BUTTERFLIES 11.99 11.59 11.49 20.99 24.39 17.99 #1059 Brass Antenna, 2.29 sold individually EACH PG A-24-27 GST CLUSTERS CAT # GST 1 GST 2L GST 2R GST 3 GST 4 GST 5 GST 6 GST 7R GST 7L GST 8 GST 9 GST 10 GST 11 GST 12 GST 13 GST 14 GST 15R GST 15L GST 16 GST 17L GST 17R GST 18L GST 18R GST 19 GST 20 GST 21GC GST 22 GST 23 GST 24 GST 25 GST 26 GST 27 GST 28 GST 29 GST 30 DESCRIPTION Polar Bear Dove, left Dove, right Butterfly H Bird Grapes Dragonfly Sm Dove, Right Sm Dove, Left Flying Dove Lg. H Bird Bird of Prey Sea King/Horse Eagle II Horse Sailboat Peacock, Right Peacock, Left Dolphin Loon, faces left EACH 44.79 37.59 37.59 20.99 15.69 50.99 31.39 12.99 12.99 24.99 74.99 167.99 57.99 138.99 39.99 23.99 109.99 109.99 40.59 47.79 Loon, faces right 47.79 Blue Heron 188.89 Blue Heron 188.89 Hummingbird III 21.49 Spider Web DISC Glue Chip Bordr 62.59 Calla Lily 37.59 Sirocco Horse 209.99 Bell Flower 39.49 Rose, clear 57.29 Oval Border 62.69 Owl 72.79 Lazy Daisies 58.49 Marlin 102.99 Inukshuk 55.99 PG A - 2 7 BC 410 BC 415 BC 420 BC 430 BC 431 BC 432 CORNER BEVELS Corner, Round Corner, Round Corner, Round Corner, Miter Corner, Miter Corner, Miter PG A - 2 7 9.84 11.36 14.16 14.64 11.92 12.88 KRYSTAL MOTIFS KM 11 6½” tall 14.79 KM 14 7¼” tall 16.39 NOTE: Hanging crystals are sold separately. PG A-24-27 GST CLUSTERS CLUSTERS IN COLOR GST 101C Whale Tail, grn GST 102CR Blue Iris, right GST102CL Blue Iris, left GST 103C Morn Glory/blue GST 104C Grapes, blue/grn GST 106C Hummers, bl/grn GST 109C Leaves in green GST 110C Sirocco/brown GST 111C Sm Deer/brown GST 112C Lg Deer/brown GST 113C B’flies, bl/cl/grn GST 114CL Birds L bl/cl/gry GST 114CR Birds R bl/cl/gry GST 116C Bell Flowr, Blue GST 118C Damselflies-Grn GST 119C Damselflies-Blu GST 122C Peach Tulips GST 124C Ram GST 125C Elephant GST 126C Killer Whale GST 127C Orca GST 128C Bamboo GST 129C Bumble Bee GST 130C Buck GST 133C Teddy Bear, brn GST 134C Teddy Bear, gry GST 135C Black Eye Susan GST 136C Cockatiel GST 140C Blue Jay GST 141C Iza Cat GST 142CL Peach Orchid Left GST 142CR Peach Orchid Rt GST 143C Turtle EACH 49.99 41.79 41.79 27.59 57.29 44.59 22.99 249.98 95.99 119.99 47.99 67.99 67.99 46.99 55.99 55.99 45.99 95.99 106.99 95.99 80.99 54.99 29.99 152.99 54.99 54.99 59.99 131.99 60.99 47.79 41.99 41.99 125.99 PB-08 PG A - 2 7 CLUSTERS CAT # STAR CLUSTERS BC 210 BC 309L BC 309S BC 330 BC 510 BS 05 BS 21 2¾ 5pt BS 225 stars, 4/card 4½ 5pt BS 226 stars, 2/card BS 227 BS 229 BS 231 BS 233 12.19 DISC DISC DISC DISC HB 09 HB 13 HB 16 HB 17 17.12 9.68 8.08 9.92 16.16 23.99 17.99 15.99 PG A - 2 8 CLUSTERS PG A - 2 9 CLUSTERS PG A - 3 0 CLUSTERS CELTIC CLUSTERS BC 323 21.99 BC 400 17.99 BC 401 22.99 BC 402 27.59 BC 403 DISC BC 404 25.29 BC 405 DISC PRAIRIE BEVEL CLUSTERS PBC 100 – PBC 104 DISC PBC 110 13.48 PBC 111 – PBC 113 DISC PBC 114 16.74 BC 301 BC 306 BC 307 BC 311 BC 312 BC 317 BC 319 BC 321 BC 326 BC 332 BC 336 BC 500 BC 501 BC 800 BC 801 BC 820 BA 02 BA 09 BA 63 BB 15 BC 04 BC 30 BM 56 BMA 59 BS 05 BS 29 BT 06 BC 425 BC 426 BCE 125 BCE 203 BCE 204 BCE 211 BCE 230 CLUSTERS IN COLOR 3D Christmas BCC BG05 Tree/Green BCC Tea pot in clear, GH001 peach & brown BCC Entwined rings GH002 in clear BCC SA01A Cross BCC SA Praying Angel in Blue, clear, 02A peach & brown BCC SA04 Hummingbird in blue, grn, brwn BCC SA14 Tree in Brown and Green EACH 12.64 7.76 15.68 57.84 96.00 18.80 31.60 49.92 25.76 12.00 29.36 6.00 7.60 27.28 45.12 22.32 9.49 7.99 15.39 6.19 8.59 11.39 14.79 23.59 23.99 9.19 12.19 DISC DISC 20.80 DISC DISC 25.12 DISC 25.99 21.58 19.40 13.68 14.99 25.99 27.99 HB-SERIES BEVELS BCH 02 BCH 03 BCH 81 BCH 103 BCH 130 Tulip Angel Fuschia Angel Jack SnowMan 9.69 7.99 18.49 23.49 Sm Hearts, 4 pk Md Hearts, 4 pk Peach Border Celtic Knot Hrt Bevel Bord Hrt 9.99 11.39 22.99 29.29 14.95 Jill SnowWoman HEART BEVELS Call Toll-Free 1-800-828-7159 Mika International Full Color Insert Price List CLUSTERS CAT # MB8 MB10 MB11 MB12 MB14 MB17 MB19 MB20 MB22 MB24 MB26A MB26AT MB26B MB26BT MB28 MB29 MB32A MB32B MB33 MB36 MB37 MB38 MB40 MB42 MB45 MB46 MB50 MB51 MB52 MB53 MB54 MB55 MB56 MB61 MB64 MB65 MB67 MB70 MB71 MB72 MB73 MB74 MB76 MB76A MB77 MB78 MB79 MB81 MB82 MB82A MB83 MB83A MB84 MB89 MB90 MB93 MB93GRN MB-96 MB-97 MB-98 MB-99 EACH 12.18 29.68 17.98 22.68 48.98 22.78 72.28 144.68 7.98 21.88 12.18 26.38 15.18 34.88 53.88 22.18 32.58 49.98 31.48 13.48 23.98 13.98 23.28 28.78 9.58 13.98 17.48 11.48 11.58 12.78 12.88 11.68 13.58 10.98 ==> 19.68 12.28 9.98 16.78 24.68 53.98 29.98 69.28 92.98 69.28 60.58 47.98 48.98 93.48 66.98 70.98 56.38 13.28 143.98 259.98 15.38 15.38 27.68 72.98 31.88 36.38 CLUSTERS CAT # MB-110 MB-111 MB-112 MB-113 MB-114 MB400 MB401 MB402 MB403 MB404 MB-405 MB-407 MB-408 MB-409 MB-410 MB-411 MB-412 MB-413 MB-414 MB-415 MB-416 MB-417 MB500 MB 501 MB 502 EACH 168.88 58.88 129.98 67.88 33.98 24.98 56.98 33.98 36.48 47.88 40.98 52.48 35.38 52.48 198.88 20.48 34.28 56.98 52.48 42.48 19.38 130.88 11.98 14.58 13.28 PG 2 - 6 CLUSTERS Listed in Catalog # Order CAT # EACH MBX221 59.98 MBX222 32.38 MBX223 16.48 MBX224 63.48 MBX225 31.38 PG 6 CORNERS/CIRCLES/OVALS MB86 11.48 MB87 12.48 MB88 13.98 MBC1 88.88 MBC2 15.88 MBC3 34.48 MBO6 24.00 MB07 26.88 MBR4 20.48 MBR5 35.78 PG 6 FLEXIBLE BEVEL BORDERS MBB201 13.88 MBB202 13.88 MBB203 14.68 MBB204 14.38 PG 6 CAT # MB 64 MB100A MB100B MB100C MB100D MB100E HEARTS & STARS EACH 3.20 2.30 2.88 4.38 6.78 3.50 PG 7 ANGEL FILIGREES PG 11 CAT# DESCRIPTION ANGEL FILIGREES AWF-1 Mini Wings,12 Pcs AWF-2 Midi Wings, 6 Pcs AWF-3 Midi Wings, 6 Pcs AWF-4 Lg Wings, 6 Pcs AWF-5 X-Lg Wings, 2 Pcs ANGEL HALOS, SETS OF 4 AWH 100 35 mm AWH 101 30 mm AWH 102 25 mm AWH 225 25 mm AWH 230 30 mm AWH 235 35 mm AWH 325 25 mm AWH 330 30 mm AWH 335 35 mm EACH NL-Series – Classic NLB-Series – Large NLB 100, 200, 300, Sets 4.38 4.98 16.98 FLF-4 Four Sided Series FLF-6 Six Sided Series 1411-FLF9 Carousel Lamp 21.68 28.88 55.98 DISC 7.98 9.18 DISC 7.74 DISC DISC DISC DISC DISC 7.14 DISC 6.14 7.14 PG 8 NITE LITE FILIGREES PG 9 LAMP FILIGREES Mika International Full Color Insert Price List PG 1 1 MISC MATERIALS CAT # DESCRIPTION EACH NLC-1000 NITE LITE CLAMPS 0.39 PG 10 TIFFANY FILIGREES 3060 Clamp, singles 3061 Clamp, pk/10 3.79 1412-FLF12 Table Lamp 97.88 8.99 PG 11 BRASS HEAT CAPS 3062 Clamp, pk/25 3063 Clamp, pk/50 15.99 ORDERING INFO: When ordering, 3064 Clamp, pk/100 22.99 use SG# (Sunshine Glass) shown. MSC-402 SUCTION CUPS SG MIKA CAT# EACH 3080 Single piece 0.29 CAT# DESCRIPTION 3081 Pk of 10 2.49 MAPLE CAPS 3082 Pk of 50 9.99 6065 MLC5, 5" Maple 9.99 3083 Pk of 100 12.99 PG 1 2 0876 0877 PG 7 SOLDERING STUFF ORDERING INFO: When ordering, use SG# (Sunshine Glass) shown. SG MIKA CAT# EACH CAT# DESCRIPTION 0750 MSI-80, 80w Iron 30.98 0755 MSI-100,100w Irn 30.98 0768 MSIT-204, 3/8”Tip 10.88 MSIT-205, 1/16” 0767 Tip 10.88 MSIT-203, 1/4” 0769 Tip as supplied 10.88 w/irons 07539 MTC1000 Control 32.99 0753 MSIS-203 Stand 11.59 07535 MSIS-303 Stand 11.59 BEVELED JEWELS ORDERING INFO: When ordering, use SG (Sunshine Glass) CAT# shown MIKA SG CAT# CAT# EACH 25 MM SERIES J-16-K1 4720 3.68 J-12-K1 4700 DISC J-36-K1 4710 DISC 38 MM SERIES J-16-K1.5 4721 3.98 J-12-K1.5 4701 DISC J-36-K1.5 4711 DISC 50 MM SERIES J-16-K2 4722 DISC J-12-K2 4702 DISC J-36-K2 4712 DISC PB-09 0878 0882 PATTERN SHEARS MTIO-100, 2in1 Shear MLS-101 Lead Shear MFS-102 Foil Shear MMS-103 Mosaic Shear 18.99 10.99 10.99 10.99 PG 12-13 GRINDING BITS 37800 ME-1S 1” Std 39.98 37801 ME-1F 1” Fine 39.48 37810 ME-2S ¾” Std 37.98 37852 ME-11SF 7° Bevel 56.98 37860 ME-10S Jewelry 58.98 Mika Grinding Bits – high quality with a reasonable price! PG 1 4 MOSAIC TOOLS 0803 MMN-1000, Cutter 23.39 0804 MMN-2000, Nipper 19.79 0805 MMN-3000, Cut/Rn 16.69 08031 Repl Wheels for 9.99 0803 Cuttr
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