the principal`s newsletter - Bishop George Ahr High School
the principal`s newsletter - Bishop George Ahr High School
March/April 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE THE PRINCIPAL’S NEWSLETTER Sister Donna Marie CALENDAR REMINDERS Spring Musical - See Newsletter ............................................. March 11th-13th Freshman & Sophomore School Pictures ...................................... March 15th End of 3rd Marking Period ............................................................... March 18th NHS Annual Spring Musical - See Newsletter .............................................. March 18th-20th Blood Drive Last Day of Classes - Grades 10, 11 & 12 *....................................... March 23rd ~ Freshmen Testing - 12 Noon Dismissal *.......................................... March 24th Parent Athletic Club Easter Recess ..................................................................... March 25 - April 3rd News ~ Upcoming CSAC Events ~ Adding to Ahr Tradition ~ Counseling Department News ~ Golf Outing ~ Spring Musical ~ Communion Breakfast Classes Resume ................................................................................... April 4th Hoops For Hearts - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. .................................................... April 7th NHS Spring Blood Drive ...................................................................... April 8th Sophomore Semi ............................................................................... April 16th Spring Open House - 7:00 p.m. ........................................................... April 18th NHS Inductions - 7:30 p.m. .............................................................. April 26th Senior Portraits - Grade 11 Only ........................................April 25th - April 29th Spring Concert ........................................................................ April 27th & 28th *Reflects schedule change Senior Prom The Class of 2016 will hold its Senior Prom on Thursday, May 19th at The Bridgewater Manor, Bridgewater, New Jersey. Prom tickets will go on sale in early April. The prom will be held from 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. Students should arrive at 7:00 p.m. so pictures can be taken early in the evening; however, all students must arrive by 8:15 p.m. and may not leave before 10:30 p.m. If you require other arrangements, please contact Mr. Any student and/or guest leaving before 10:30 p.m. must be personally escorted from the prom by his/her parent or guardian. Once again, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 1 CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ACTION CLUB NEWS COMMUNION DRESSES/SUITS New and used Communion dresses/suits will be collected during the month of March. These dresses/suits will be given to the St. Vincent de Paul Society to distribute to their clients who are in need of a nice communion outfit. Dresses/suits, if used, must be clean and usable. See details in this Newsletter. USED CLOTHING DRIVE BGA will once again be holding its Annual Clothing Drive. The Drive will take place on March 14 - March 16, 2016. Look for more details in future Newsletters and on our website. The money is always put to good use. Typically, we purchase new Communion Dresses, Veils and Suits for those less fortunate. The remaining money is put toward our “Change The World” Project. If you have a place to store the used clothing and stuff, please do! CELL PHONES We are still collecting used cell phones. Our cell phone collection helps offset some of the expenses associated with our projects. Service hours are awarded. However, to receive credit, all phones must be in good working order, e.g., casing can not be cracked, no water damage, no software corruption, etc. Also, please make certain that you unlock the keypad before donating the cell phone. Please do not donate phones that are not in working order and no accessories or chargers please! Phones can be brought to Room 215. Thank you for your continuing support. For more information or if you have any questions/comments regarding the CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ACTION CLUB activities, please feel free to e-mail our Campus Minister, Sister Cynthia Marie Babyak, C.S.S.F. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 2 SAVE THE DATE! SUNDAY, JUNE 5TH BREAST CANCER WALK-A-THON Walk starts at the Jewish Community Center, Edison. Look for more details in the next Newsletter Bishop Ahr Athletic Summer Camps The following Athletic Summer Camps will be held: Wrestling: Monday 6/20 - Thursday, 6/23 Girly Basketball and Baseball: Monday 6/27 - Friday 7/1 Volleyball: Monday 7/11 - Friday 7/15 Boys Basketball: Monday 7/18 - Friday 7/22 Softball: Tuesday 8/2 - Thursday 8/4 Go to the website under Athletics to download the brochures. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 3 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 4 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 5 The BGA Drama Department The Spring Musical for the 2015/2016 School Year is Friday, March 11th & 18th @ 8pm Saturday, March 12th & 19th @ 8pm Sunday, March 13th & 20th @ 3pm Tickets are on sale now! To purchase tickets, please download a Ticket Order Form from the BGA website ( Please congratulate Mr. Kowalczyk, who has been named New Jersey Teacher of the Year by the Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey. He was honored on February 12th during a ceremony held at the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages in New York. Please offer Mr. Kowalczyk your best wishes. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 6 SERVICE WITH A SMILE Once a year, we take time to recognize the top three students in each grade level who have gone above and beyond the service requirements. They have volunteered at BGA events, cantored at mass, been an alter server, assisted at dance studios, and helped at bible camps. They have also coached cheerleading, worked as camp counselors, volunteered at nursing homes, food pantries, and collected coats for the needy. Class of 2016 – Seniors 3rd Ruth Hartnett 2nd Luke Roche 1st Katrina McCarthy 827 hours 840 hours 867 hours Class of 2017 – Juniors 3rd Krystyna Ebert 2nd Gabriela Abreu 1st Tara Genovese 508 hours 717 hours 800 hours Class of 2018– Sophomores 3rd Jude Roche 2nd Christine Houghton 1st Joo Eun Lim 401 hours 421 hours 451 hours Class of 2019– Freshmen 3rd Trisha Ponik 2nd Alyssa Sierra 1st Bria Vainqueur 83 hours 86 hours 104 hours Congratulations to each of our BGA students for giving their time and talents so freely. We are very proud of you! WANTED: Senior Parents and Seniors Willing to Donate Lightly Used Uniforms Senior Parents and Seniors, what do you do with a uniform when it stops being a uniform? If there are no brothers or sisters or cousins or neighbors to whom you can pass on uniform pieces, please consider giving them to Ms. Czajkowski in the Math Department at the end of the year. For several years, Ms. Czajkowski has been collecting uniforms from seniors and "handing them down" to underclassmen free of charge. So, if uniform pieces will just be sitting in a bag in a closet, bring them to Room 104. Please wash the pieces first. Thank you. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 7 B.G.A. 18th Spring Concert Without a Theme!!! Come enjoy our Spring Concert! The Concert will take place on Wednesday, April 27th and Thursday, April 28th, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the Gym. Tickets are available by completing the ticket order form in this newsletter or by contacting Tickets will also be on sale during all lunch periods just prior to the concerts. The cost is $12. SPRING SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES The NHS Blood Drive will take place on Friday, April 8th – student donors receive 2 hours and adult donations are worth 1 hour per donation. Other Service opportunities are announced in homeroom, religion classes, and are posted outside the Religion Department Office and Room 106A. You can now view volunteer opportunities that are available in the surrounding communities on our website under “News & Announcements”. + New or Used First Communion Outfit Collection + Spring Used Clothing Drive Communion outfits that have been worn are worth 4 service hours and any new outfits that are donated will receive credit based on the sales price (1 hour for every $5 dollars) please attach the receipt. Each bag of donated used clothing is worth 1 hour – so start cleaning out those closets! Please be certain to check the website or the newsletter for dates and/or forms. Freshmen are reminded that community service makes up 10% of their religion grade. Each freshman is responsible for an active service journal and 10 service hours by the end of the third quarter. Hours (timesheets) should be handed in no later than March 14, 2016. See Mrs. Wilton in Room 215 with any questions or feel free to call at (732) 549 – 1108, ext. 658. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 8 Please join us at our annual “Hoops For Hearts” THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2016 7:00 p.m. See Flyer in this Newsletter GERTRUDE HAWK EASTER CANDY The Gertrude Easter Candy orders will arrive in plenty of time for Easter. Look for them to arrive during the week of March 14, 2016. SOPHOMORE SEMI The Class of 2018 will host its Sophomore Semi on April 16, 2016 at Bishop Ahr High School. The dance will begin at 7:00 p.m., students will be not be allowed to arrive after 8:15 p.m. The dance concludes at 11:00 p.m., students will not be allowed to leave before 10:30 p.m. More details will be given to the sophomore students as the date gets closer. Any questions regarding the dance can be directed to Mr. Reilly, Sophomore School Uniforms The 2016/2017 Flynn & O’Hara uniform forms are available in the Main Office. Please be reminded that the color for boys uniform pants is black. Girls can also order black uniform slacks from Flynn & O’Hara. The Flynn & O’Hara toll free phone number is 800-441-4122. The Flynn & O’Hara store location is: 2145 Route 35, Holmdel, N.J. (Near Kohl’s and Stein Mart) The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 9 COUNSELING NEWS ATTENTION JUNIORS AND JUNIOR PARENTS - Juniors are reminded that they should register for one of the College Exams, either SAT or ACT, offered in March, April, May, or June. They can register on-line @ or SAT & ACT Test Schedules ACT Test/Deadline April 9, 2016 - Deadline March 4, 2016 June 11, 2016 - Deadline May 6, 2016 (A special note for ACT test takers who have an IEP/SP - please contact the Counseling Department for the necessary documentation should you require additional time to take your ACT test.) SAT Test/Deadline *March 5, 2016 - Deadline February 5, 2016 May 7, 2016 - Deadline April 8, 2016 June 4, 2016 - Deadline May 5, 2016 *Please note: As of March 2016, the newly redesigned SAT takes effect. SPECIAL NOTE TO SENIOR PARENTS: Please encourage your student to apply for the programs listed in the Scholarship Newsletter. •The Scholarship Newsletter is now available on the BGA website. •Check the website regularly as the Newsletter is updated often. •Scholarships are listed by earliest due date, new scholarships can be added at any time. • A hardcopy of the Scholarship Newsletter is available in Guidance. Reminder: Scholarships needing information from the Guidance Office must be submitted to Guidance two weeks prior to the due date! Deadlines are real and the students are responsible for them! The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 10 COUNSELING NEWS Course Selection During the months of February/March students will be asked to make course selections for the 20162017 school year. Care and time should be given in selecting their courses. Since class size and student teacher assignments are based on original selections, program changes will be discouraged. Please consult the course description outline which your child has received. Course selection forms must be signed by a parent and returned to the Counseling Office by March 18, 2016. After that date, any forms not returned will be assumed to be correct and course changes will incur a $15.00 charge. Advanced Placement (AP) Courses and AP Exams Students in AP courses are required to take the AP exams in each AP course they are taking. The exams are given on specific dates in May: AP Chemistry - May 2, 2016 (a.m. session) BC Calculus - May 5, 2016 (a.m. session) AB Calculus - May 5, 2016 (a.m. session) AP English Lit & Comp - May 4, 2016 (a.m. session) AP Art History - May 3, 2016 (p.m. session) AP U.S. History - May 6, 2016 (a.m. session) AP Biology - May 9, 2016 (a.m. session) AP Physics - May 9, 2016 (p.m. session AP Eng Lang & Comp - May 11, 2016 (a.m. session) AP Statistics - May 12, 2016 (p.m. session) Each exam will cost $92.00. Bills have already been sent to parents with an explanatory letter regarding payment. All payments are due by March 4, 2016. PSAT/NMSQT Update Test results are available online to Sophomore and Junior students. Financial Aid For College Bound Seniors FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid should be filed as early as possible on-line. Both parent and student require an individual PIN. SPECIAL NOTE TO ALL PARENTS: If your child is absent, homework is on Canvas. We advise students to have a phone number of another student in each class in case they have a question. Students are also encouraged to contact their teachers via e-mail. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 11 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NEWS Juniors who may be eligible for National Honor Society must have completed 50 hours of service in their freshman and sophomore years. The junior year minimum requirement of 50 hours must have been completed and submitted prior to mid-year exams. Please be reminded that the minimum GPA for elegibility in the National Honor Society is 3.9. All areas including academics must be met to be eligible for consideration. Leadership, as well as Service, Scholarship, and Character must be evident. Potential members must be prepared to identify leadership positions they have held. The NHS would like to thank everyone who came out to donate blood on Friday, December 11, 2015. The Blood Drive was a success. If you were unable to make this Blood Drive, the next NHS Blood Drive will be on Friday, April 8, 2016. Look for more details in March Newsletter. YEARBOOK & PICTURE NEWS Freshman and sophomore pictures will be taken on March 15, 2016. Those who opted to pay for yearbook ads at a later date will be billed in early April. All senior ads must be paid before graduation tickets are issued. Yearbooks can still be purchased for $125, please send payment, attention: Mrs. Diane Fucci. Juniors will have their senior portraits taken April 25 - April 29, 2016 here at Bishop Ahr. Further details will be given and appointment cards issued prior to pictures. ITED TEST - The ITED TEST (Iowa Test of Educational Development - our version of the HSPT) will be administered to all freshmen and any upperclassmen who have not as yet passed the reading and/or math section on March 24, 2016 This is a graduation requirement and students need to be present. The results will be returned to the students before the end of the school year. All students who are testing are expected in school on March 24, 2016. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 12 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY SPONSORS ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE ON APRIL 8TH LOOKING FOR DONORS Please help us. As a service to our community, on Friday, April 8th, our National Honor Society will host its annual blood drive. Our goal is 115 donors. BGA students 17 and older (16 years old with parent/guardian permission) who wish to donate will be scheduled to give blood. Parents and friends are encouraged to come anytime between 7:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Friday, April 8th. If you wish to make an appointment, please contact us for a convenient time slot, (732) 549-1108, ext 618. Those donating on that day, should first come to the Main Office for a visitor’s pass. If we work together, we will once again be successful. ATTENTION JUNIORS PARENTS The Counseling Department would like to inform Junior Parents of a College Information Program which will be held on Monday, April 11, 2016, at 7:30 p.m. in the Little Theatre. A presentation on financial aid will be held on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 7:30 pm in the Little Theatre. Please mark the date on your calendar for these very important parent information nights. Please note: At least one parent is expected to attend. To All Seniors and Senior Parents/Guardians: In order for Bishop Ahr to accurately report how much scholarship money the Class of 2016 is offered, we are requesting that you hold onto all scholarship offers until graduation. Please remember it doesn’t matter whether this is an offer you will accept or decline. We need to account for all offers. Thank you for your continued cooperation in this matter. Mrs. Markert Scholarship Coordinator SENIORS SAVE THE DATE! Senior Prom - Thursday, May 19th Senior Trip to Florida - May 24th - May 28th Baccalaureate Mass - June 2nd Graduation - June 4th The senior class trip to Orlando, Florida is scheduled for May 24 through May 28, 2016. Seniors participating in the class trip are required to abide by all school rules. Seniors not going to Florida are expected to be in school for their scheduled exams. More details about senior schedules and expectations will be comunicated to the seniors and their parents in the coming weeks. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 13 Parent Athletic Club - PAC Raffle Tickets Please keep in mind that everyone who purchased PAC Raffle Refund Tickets should be turning in their ticket stubs. They can be dropped off in the Parent Athletic Club box in the Main Office. The drawing will be held at the May Parent Athletic Club Meeting, scheduled for May 9, 2016, 7:30 p.m. Thank you. BGA SAT PREP PROGRAM for Juniors! The College Board SAT is a 3 hour test that measures math and evidence-based reading and writing skills that students need to do college-level work. The next SAT test will be administered on Saturday, March 5th. Although there are other test dates each year, this is a very popular time slot as they embark on the next 12-18 months of college selection and acceptance process. Many juniors across the nation, as well as those here at BGA, are signed up to take this particular exam. The remaining dates for the SAT test are May 7th and June 4th. As a result, the English and math departments will be working on SAT prep during the third quarter. In class tests and lessons will attempt to target weaknesses in algebra and geometry concepts that were covered in freshman and sophomore years. Vocabulary, grammar and writing will be emphasized in English classes. Both subject areas teachers will be using SAT prep materials. Quizzes and/or tests administered will be part of the 3rd quarter grade. Parents/guardians and students should understand that our mission as a college prep school means everything we do in class and with extracurricular activities is meant to ensure success in entering and completing their college education. We highly recommend a visit to the College Board website ( to take advantage of the wealth of information for parents/guardians and students. A Message from the Development Office........ Anyone wishing a statement of 2015 contributions to Bishop Ahr for tax purposes please contact the Development Office, 732-549-1108 x 605. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 14 STUDENT ASSISTANCE OFFICE PROM: A time of concern and unanswered questions for most parents. Parents find themselves in a dilemma regarding the best way to address most teens’ questions, with safety topping the list. Why Concern? Binge drinking - Does your teen realize that binge drinking can possibly result in fatal alcohol poisoning? Large amounts of alcohol can affect judgement, lead to risky and even violent behavior and slow down reaction time. Statistics to consider: the leading cause of death of teens 15-24 is alcohol related car crashes, 15% of high school seniors drive while intoxicated, 7000 teenagers and young adults die in alcohol related car crashes, and it is illegal to purchase or consume alcohol under the age of 21. REMEMBER: 1 drink = 5 oz. of 12% wine 1 drink = 1.5 oz. of 80% proof liquor 1 drink = 12 0z. of 5% beer Neither coffee nor a cold shower will help sober someone up. Only time can do that. Peer Pressure - How do teens refuse trouble when everybody is doing it? Knowing how to refuse trouble is a skill all teens should know. Parents can help teens avoid trouble and keep their friends with the use of these skills. Skills practiced before needed provide teens with the security to avoid trouble. Identify a scenario with possible trouble · · · · · Ask questions... “What are we going to do?” Name the trouble... (Teen responds) “That’s ...!” Identify the consequence... (Teen identifies) “If I did that, then...” Suggest an alternative... (Teen thinks of alternatives to suggest to friend) “Instead why don’t we...” Move it, sell it, leave the door open... (Teen practices telling a friend who refuses to do another alternative) “If you change your mind...” Remind your teen if pressure continues they should try looking the person in the eye and repeating the person’s name while continuing to express the above skills. Remember, taking time to practice these useful skills before trouble begins allows teens the security necessary to say “no.” Try playing a “What if” game with your teen: make up scenarios and ask teens how they would react prior to Prom Night so the skills are fresh in their minds and trouble can be avoided. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University report that “children tell us that their parents can be the single greatest influence in their decision not to use...” (continued) The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 15 STUDENT ASSISTANCE OFFICE What Can Parents Do? Before talking to your teen about drinking and driving, drug use, etc.: 1. Establish a clear position on these subjects yourself. To do this, clarify a vision you have for your child and decide how that vision will be accomplished. Also, visualize how drugs will alter that vision. Then establish your family position on drugs and the consequences of not following these established guidelines. The consequences can be both positive and negative. Positive consequences should result from positive behavior. An example: “You will not use alcohol in any form.” Negative consequence - no allowance for a month Positive consequences - after 3 months, have friends over for a pizza party Research tells us teens that know the expectations of their parent(s) are less likely to get involved in trouble than those teens that don’t know family expectations. Providing a clear family position on issues shows teens that parents care. “In short, the impact of parents is more important than commonly thought. Your power as a parent comes from several sources, and its effectiveness is marked by the time spent with your children and the consistency of the message.” (National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, Columbia University) 2. Network with other parents - Know where your teen will be and for how long. Know the person’s address and phone number and agree to a check-in time with your teen. This will make you feel better and reassure your teen that you care about their well-being. Clear expectations between parent, teen and other parents and teens bring everyone together for a fun, safe event. 3. Share your feelings and expectations with your teen - show your concern for your teen’s safety in a sensitive, non-accusatory way - e.g., “I feel scared and worry about you when you are out with your friends. I love you and want you to be safe.” This expression encourages positive youth development and strong family bonding. If a parent doesn’t approve of something a teen insists on doing, you might respond by, “I don’t think this is the best choice, but if you’re determined to do it, I’d like to help you think about a way to do it that keeps you safe.” A HEALTHY FAMILY: · Communicates and listens · Affirms and supports one another · Has strong family traditions · Respects each others’ privacy · Shares responsibility · Teaches right from wrong · Develops trust · Has a sense of humor · Establishes clear expectations Excerpt from : NECASA , _Time_for_Parents_.asap Additional important information available on the website The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 16 PowerSchool........... your ultimate academic information tool! If you have lost or forgotten your username or password, click on the “Having trouble signing in?” link on the Parent PowerSchool portal. From there you will be prompted on what steps to take. If you still have questions or need your Access ID information, please call our Librarian, Mrs. Taub at 632 or send her an email ( Students must get login information from their parents. STOP & SHOP REWARDS BISHOP AHR STOP & SHOP is pleased to continue to offer its A+ School Rewards Program. Each time a BGA supporter shops at Stop & Shop using their Stop & Shop Card. BGA will earn A+ School Rewards. This money can be used to purchase smart boards, to go on field trips, etc. Last year the top school earned $11,000 and hundreds of schools earned $1,000 or more. Participation is easy...log on to and register your Stop and Shop Card. The BGA Code is 11628. That’s it. BGA will begin receiving credits for your purchases. Thank you! You must re-register your card every year! See Flyer attached for more information. STOP & SHOP REWARDS BISHOP AHR The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 17 JUNIOR PROM The Class of 2017 will hold its Junior Prom on Friday, May 6th, 2016 at The Imperia, Somerset, New Jersey. Prom tickets will go on sale in early April. The prom will be held from 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. Students should arrive at 7:00 p.m. so pictures can be taken early in the evening; however, all students must arrive by 8:15 p.m. and may not leave before 10:30 p.m. If you require other arrangements, please contact Ms. Any student and/or guest leaving before 10:30 p.m. must be personally escorted from the prom by his/her parent or guardian. Once again, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. ENGLISH NEWS......... AP LANGUAGE TEST PREPARATION SEMINARS Time: Place: Instructor: Goal: 2:15 - 3:00 p.m./3:15 p.m. Room 207 Ms. M. Nice Preparation for AP Language Test These sessions are open to any AP Literature students Session 1 - Session 2 - Session 3/4 - Session 5 - Session 6 - Session 7 - Session 8/9 - Session 10 - Thursday, March 3 Thursday, March 10 Thursday, March 17 (3:15) Tuesday, March 22 Thursday, April 7 Thursday, April 14 Thursday, April 21 (3:15) Thursday, April 28 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 18 SCHOOL POLICY REMINDER The Bishop Ahr School Policy mandates that all students wear their school issued lanyard every day unless otherwise instructed. The lanyard should be prominently displayed around the student’s neck and be in good condition. Replacement lanyards are to be purchased in the Library. Parents picking up their students at dismissal are asked to park in the rear parking lot, adjacent to the “Seven-Eleven.” This facilitates the flow of traffic and avoids delaying the buses. Your cooperation is always appreciated. Any questions regarding lanyards or parking should be directed to Mr. Brogno, Vice Principal. SENIOR LATES Senior year is a special time at Bishop Ahr High School. As leaders of the school , our expectations of our seniors are very high. Senior year is also the time to prepare our students for college and beyond. With that in mind, seniors are expected to be in school on time. Seniors who are late will be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to administrative detention and make-up time. Seniors are well aware of this long standing policy. Any questions regarding the policy should be directed to me. Thank you. Mr. Brogno, Vice Principal ATTENTION STUDENTS & PARENTS REGARDING ABSENCES When students have twenty (20) or more cumulative absences in any subject, they may not be granted credit for that subject. Report cards and permanent records will reflect a grade and no credit wil be given due to excessive absences. If you have any questions, please refer to the student handbook, or consult with the student’s guidance counselor. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 19 Bishop Ahr Service Program – Freshmen • Freshmen are required to complete 50 hours of service during the school year. • Freshman summer service hours will be added to their cumulative BGA service records, but do not count toward the required 50 hours for 2014 - 2015. • Freshmen need to complete: • 15 hrs of service - 1st Quarter • 15 hrs of service - 2nd Quarter • 10 hrs of service - 3rd Quarter • 10 hrs of service - 4th Quarter • There are two types of service that count toward hours: • Donations - food, blankets, coats, etc. • Active Service – a student’s participation in a Bishop Ahr or community event. Each Freshman is required to participate in one Active Service Event per quarter. • Service counts for 10% of your religion grade each quarter. • Please direct any questions regarding service to Mrs. Wilton at Ext. 658 or Mrs. Williamson at Ext. 643. ALL ATHLETES NEED A PHYSICAL All athletes need a yearly physical and must submit the BGA physical packet. The History Form is to be completed by the parent/guardian prior to each season. The Physical Examination Form (yearly physical) is to be completed by the physician. In addition to the physical forms, all student athletes must submit the BGA Sports Participation Packet, the BGA Cardiac Packet and the BGA Permission for Transportation Form (if applicable). All of the above forms can be downloaded from the Bishop Ahr website. Go to required athletic forms. If you have any questions, please call Michael Wolfthal, Athletic Director, 732549-1108 ext. 606. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 20 RELIGION DEPARTMENT Let’s help keep someone’s feet warm! BGA will donate NEW WHITE ADULT CREW SOCKS to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen Every pair counts! Just add a pack of thick, warm WHITE ADULT socks to your cart the next time you’re shopping. **You must provide a copy of the receipt in order to receive service hours** Please bring your package of socks to Room 215, Mrs. Wilton’s Office Besides Hourly Service Projects, the following are suggested for service credit: Used Prescription Eyeglasses * Blanket - New * Blanket - Used * Coat(s) Clean * New Coat(s) * Christmas Shoe Boxes * Turkey(s) Food - ($5) Personal Products ($5) Cell Phones Soda Tabs (200) Box Tops (50) 1 hour per pair 4 hours 1 hour Label Size - 1 hour 4 hours 5 hours 4 hours 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 21 Please Donate BGA is collecting New Blankets to bring to our Local Area Soup Kitchens Let’s spread our BGA warm hearts by providing them with a warm blanket For every $5.00 you spend…. you will receive one hour of service credit (please provide receipt). All blankets should be brought to the Mrs. Wilton, Student Service Office, Room 215. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 22 · • • • • • Thursday, April 7, 2016 7- 9pm! $5 Admission, Tickets will be sold in advance during lunch periods (March 18 - 24) and at the door All proceeds go to benefit the American Heart Association Halftime free-throw game & raffle prizes! Contact Sr. Cyndi at (732) 321 – 8815 for more info. Every minute, someone’s mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son, husband or wife dies from heart disease in the US. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 23 CSAC is joining the St. Vincent de Paul Society in their collection of new or slightly worn Communion Dresses and Boys Communion Suits , Veils, purses, etc. Collection dates: March 21 - 23, 2016 Collection times: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for other collection times, please make arrangements by calling Sister Cyndi at (732) 549 - 1108, ext. 648 If you have a Communion Dress or Suit, or money to be used for buying Communion items, that you would like to donate, please fill out the form below and return it to the Main Office before March 15, 2016 All items need to be in good condition, clean and usable. If you are buying a dress or suit, please buy a larger size. However, all sizes will be accepted. Return this form to the Main Office by March 15, 2016 BGA Student Name: _____________________________________________________ BGA Student ID Number: ____________ Parent Name & Signature: ________________________________________________ I will be donating ______ (inicate the number) new used Communion Dresses (circle one) Suits. (circle one) The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 24 46th ANNUAL PTG FAMILY MASS/COMMUNION BREAKFAST & ALUMNI MEMORIAL CEREMONY COMMUNION BREAKFAST RESERVATION FORM The 46th Annual Family Mass/Communion Breakfast Sponsored by the PTG will be held on PALM SUNDAY, March 20, 2016. Mass will be celebrated in the Aquinas Theater at 9:30 A.M. A hearty breakfast of sausage, French Toast Sticks, eggs, rolls, assorted Danish, juice and coffee will follow in the school cafeteria. Tickets are $12.00 per person. Children under six years of age may attend the breakfast at no charge. Deadline for tickets is Friday, March 11, 2016. Please return the COMMUNION BREAKFAST RESERVATION FORM and a check made payable to “Bishop Ahr - PTG” to the school office in an envelope marked “Communion Breakfast”. Tickets will be sent home with your son or daughter. We welcome you to join us in this observance and to participate in the fellowship of our Bishop Ahr Community. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COMMUNION BREAKFAST RESERVATION FORM NUMBER OF TICKETS____________ NUMBER OF TICKETS FOR CHILDREN UNDER SIX TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ ___________ AT $12.00 _______ ______ NAME OF STUDENT _______________________ HOMEROOM___________ PARENTS / GUARDIAN NAME ____________________________________________ The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 25 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 26 Navin Bros. Food Service is proud to begin our fourth year of the NB Express Lunch Meal Card, a safe and convenient option for parents to purchase their student’s meals in the Bishop George Ahr Dining Hall. This innovative technology provides your student with the opportunity to purchase meals in the dining hall using a prepaid meal card. The card’s bar code is linked to your student’s assigned ID number, facilitating and tracking all dining hall purchases. Among other benefits, the program ensures that the money allocated for your student’s meals will not be misplaced or forgotten. NB Express Lunch online payments are handled through PayPAMS Lunchroom, LLC. PayPAMS is an easy to use, secure, website where you will register your child(ren), deposit funds, and view your student’s meal history. Below is the step-by-step registration process if this is your first time using the program: Navigate your web browser to Click the "NB Express Lunch Program" toggle displayed in the right hand column of the main webpage. Proceed to select the link directing you to the payPAMS home. Click the "Not a Member Yet Register Now" at the bottom of the page. Select the option "Click Here for Navin Bros. NB Express Program" on the bottom of the "Select State" web page. You are now ready to begin filling out the necessary information. PayPAMS is a simple, safe, and secure portal for all of your school cafeteria payment needs. Please follow the registration instructions outlined on the PayPAMS website to set up an NB Express Lunch account. The entire process takes less than 5 minutes. There are two ways to deposit to this account. To fund the account using a credit card on the website, please note that there is a $50 minimum. However, you can also fund the account by check or cash in any amount. The cashiers will process these transactions instantly on site in the dining hall. At the end of the school year, money left in the account will be transferred to the new school year for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Seniors may request a refund of any leftover money through Navin Bros. Food Service. Please note that this service is run through Navin Bros. directly. Bishop Ahr has no access to either the account or the money, so they cannot make deposits or issue refunds. If you have any questions, please contact an NB Express specialist at or 860.665.0448. Best Regards, Joseph M. Navin Navin Bros. Food Service, Inc The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 27 NURSES NOTES This is a reminder that all incoming Freshman, Transfer and all Junior students must have a Physical by August 1st. Please return the Physical Examination form, accompanying Health History form, and Medication Requirement forms to the school nurse. Each form must be signed by the parent, student and physician in the appropriate spaces. * Please note that any student participating in a sport must have an annual physical exam that is valid within 365 days of the first day of tryouts. A physical update form must be filled out within 60 days prior to the beginning of each sport. All physicals must be sent to the attention of the NURSE’S OFFICE. If, for insurance reasons this cannot be done until a later date, please provide us with the previous physical. It is imperative that you notify the Nurse’s Office with the date of your child’s physical appointment. Please notify us at the following phone number 732-549-1108 Ext 642 or 619. If your child is a fall athlete and there is a problem with his/her physical, please call the Athletic Office at 732-549-1108, ext 606. All physicals must be on the State approved forms which may be obtained at the BGA website at www. under “Student” and “Athletics”, or in the Main Office. • Parents please inform the Nurse’s office of any immunizations your child receives so that we can maintain current records. • The State of New Jersey passed legislation allowing student to carry medication for asthma or other life threatening illnesses ONLY, i.e. an inhaler or ANA kit. o Any student requiring an inhaler or Epi-pen Must Have a Physician order to carry, along with Physician’s instructions for administration in the nurse’s office. • All other medications will be kept in the Nurse’s Office and dispensed with a written order from a Physician and with parental approval. ie: Tylenol, Advil, Midol, etc. • Forms may be obtained from the nurse’s office. • Necessary requirements for Students requiring crutches: _____MD note stating student will be using crutches _____Gym note stating the time frame: beginning date and end date or date of next MD visit _____May use stairs in case of Emergency, i.e.: fire _____ Students will be assigned an escort _____ If a student cannot participate in gym, they may not participate in sports activities. _____Students must report to the nurse’s office upon returning to school The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 28 BGA Website News Visit Canvas – Canvas is the school’s learning management system. Parent logins are available for Canvas via the grey banner on the BGA Canvas Homepage, bgahs.instructure. com. Powerschool - Powerschool is the official school portal for parents to check on attendance and grades. ATHLETICS - Here you will find information regarding BGA’s athletics program. All game and practice schedules, as well as required medical forms can be found here. To keep up-to-date on how our teams are doing, you can also read the Daily Sports Roundup, to catch a short recap of athletic events. Multimedia - Here you will find online versions of the Principal’s Newsletter, the Satoma school newsmagazine, and our collection of photos and videos from throughout the school year. Morning Announcements - Read the morning announcements to stay up-to-date on club meeting dates and times, service opportunities, and other happenings at the school. NB Express Lunch Program - This allows parents to pre-pay for lunches for students with online payments. Detailed, step-by-step instructions can be found in the newsletter, or by following the link on the homepage. A calendar view of all lunches for the month can be found in the Food Menus link under the Students tab on our homepage. If you have any questions regarding the website or Canvas, please contact Mr. Patrick Gaston at 732.549.1108 ext. 670, or at The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 29 Message Repeat: A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE ................................ Dear Parents and Guardians, In our effort to improve communication between parents and school, Bishop George Ahr High School has implemented a telephone broadcast system that will enable school personnel to notify all households and parents by phone within minutes of an emergency or unplanned event that causes early dismissal, school cancellation or late start. The service may also be used from time-to-time to communicate general announcements or reminders. This service is provided by School Messenger a company specializing in school-to-parent communications. Bishop Ahr will continue to report school closings due to snow or weather on television and radio and will use this system as an overlay to the public announcements. When used, the service will call the parent/guardian home and cell phone numbers that were provided on the 2015-2016 registration form and will deliver a recorded message from a school administrator. The service will deliver the message to both live answer and answering machines. No answers (phones ringing over 40 sec.) and busies will be automatically retried twice in fifteen minute intervals after the initial call. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1) This requires NO registration by the parent on the School Messenger website. 2) All information and contact numbers are strictly secure and confidential and are only used for the pur poses described herein. Here is some specific information you should know: Caller ID: The Call ID will display 732-549-1108, which is the main number for Bishop George Ahr High School. Live Answers: There is a short pause at the beginning of the message, usually a few seconds. Answer your phone as you normally would; “hello” and hold for the message to begin. Multiple “hellos” will delay the message. Inform all family members who may answer your phone of this process. Answering Machines:The system will detect that your machine has answered and will play the recording to your machine. The phone will ring for up to 40 seconds. Make sure that your machine answers after four rings or you may miss the message. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. John Roche at The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 30 Message Repeat: A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE ................................ School Messenger, the service provider, uses the best available technology in the industry to detect the difference between human answer and machine or voicemail answer. Here’s how detection works: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The system detects and measures the voice energy when the phone is answered. The system measures this energy in combination with the background noise and line impairments. If the system determines that it is a “live” answer, it will immediately start playing the message. If the system determines that it is a machine, it will wait for three full seconds of silence before playing the message with a maximum wait time of twenty seconds. If the system cannot make a determination, it will default to answering machine thus requiring several seconds of silence for the message to play. In this case, you may hear a prompt to “press any key to hear the message immediately.” Some reasons for false detection: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Loud background noise; television, radio, general noisy environment. A cordless phone that has static or other foreign noise. Not saying “hello” or repeatedly saying “hello”. Cellular phones which, when called, have the ‘ringback tones’ music option. Answering machine/voice mail greetings which are too long or have long pauses in speech. What can be done to remedy this? 1. Do not say “hello” more than once. If the system detected your answer incorrectly, all noise will reset the three-second counter. 2. If, after you answer, the message does not immediately play, cover the mouthpiece of the phone to cutout all background noise. The message should begin after three seconds. Please make every effort to provide the school with current and accurate phone information any time there is a change to ensure that you do not miss important information. Thank you for your on-going cooperation. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 31 ABSENCES & EARLY DISMISSAL FROM SCHOOL When a student is absent from school, it is necessary that a parent/guardian call school that morning (before 8:00 a.m.) to advise the Attendance Department at (732) 549-1108; follow the prompts for reporting absences. The call needs to be followed up with a note from the parent/guardian regarding the absence. Any absence note not received the day the student returns to school results in an unexcused absence. In the case of a student needing to leave school early for an emergency , the student must bring a parent/guardian note to the Main Office before 8:00 a.m. If the student is driving to the appointment or being picked-up by someone you designate, then the parent/guardian note must include the phrase “ I take full responsibility for my child.......” (leaving school early with their car or leaving with the designated individual). The Main Office will issue a pass from class at the time requested. Parents/guardians picking up the student need to come to the Main Office at the specified time to sign-out the student. Please adhere to these school regulations. Students must be at school a minimum of 4 hours to receive credit for a full day as well as to participate in a school sponsored activity. ~ Mr. Brian Brogno, Vice Principal ~ School Uniforms POLICY ON SCHOOL CLOSINGS Students will be bused according to city/township decisions. If school districts are closed, no transportation will be provided. Bishop Ahr does not have “Delayed Openings”; school starts at 7:58 a.m. when school is in session. “Delayed Opening” means students follow the decision of their township. If Bishop Ahr is open and your district is closed, we will depend on parent’s discretion about bringing their child to school. WCTC 1450 AM, WERA 1590 AM, New Jersey 101.5 FM, or NJ News, Channel 12 will only announce if Bishop Ahr is closed. Students who drive to school should follow the decision of their township. If school is closed, a message will also be on the phone system and on the website. ATTENTION STUDENTS & PARENTS Uniforms - All students are expected to be in school uniform beginning Orientation Day. Order forms for uniforms are available in the Main Office. All uniform clothes are to be purchased from Flynn & O’Hara Uniform Company only. No exceptions or substitutes will be permitted. For girls: the length of their skirt must be three inches above the knee or longer. Another option is wearing uniform black pants. Only charcoal grey or maroon tights may be worn. For boys: the pants should have the correct fit. All boys are required to be in uniform black pants. Uniforms will be checked on an on-going basis. If the uniform does not meet our dress code requirements, uniforms must be exchanged for the correct size at the student’s expense. Please be reminded that once a student enters the Shoes - Appropriate brown or black CLOSED school in the morning, he/she is not allowed to leave the HEEL and TOE shoes must be worn. This exbuilding without permission from the administration. cludes: flip flops, sneakers/athletic shoes, beach A reminder.... As the temperature drops, please remember that a Bishop Ahr Sweater or Fleece is the only outerwear accepted as part of the BGA Uniform. Long Sleeve knit shirts, leotards (grey & maroon) and fleeces are available at the Bookstore. ATTENTION STUDENTS & PARENTS sandals, shower shoes, boots, high platforms, high heels, workboots/shoes or western boots. Physical Education Uniforms - Physical Education uniforms are worn by all students and may be purchased only through the bookstore in September. Sneakers and white socks must be worn as part of the uniform. Backpacks - Backpacks, duffel bags, large handbags or soft/hard back/fannypacks are not to be carried during the school day. PARENTS Any student driving to school must purchase a parking decal from the bookstore during their lunch hour. The cost is $10.00. Any car parked without a decal will be considered as illegally parked and the vehicle may be towed from the property at the student’s expense. Bishop Ahr accepts no responsibility for accidents, vandalism, or theft occurring on school property. ....ANY CHANGES? Please report any change of address, phone numbers, emergency contacts, emergency numbers, employment, etc. to the school. It is very important that our records be kept up-to- date in order to communicate with you effectively. Equally important, should your child need to be picked-up from school, he/she cannot be released to a person not listed as an emergency contact. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 32 SCHOOL POLICY REMINDERS All students will receive the policies of Bishop George Ahr High School printed in a planner that they will use daily for assignments and notes. It is very important that both parents and students read and be familiar with this information. In fact, there is a parent/guardian signature page in the planner which must be signed and returned to the school indicating that these policies have been read and are understood. Listed here are just a few of those policies that must be noted: Tardiness A student who enters the school after 7:58 a.m. must report to the attendance office (located in the main office) for admittance. A phone call from a parent/guardian must be made to the attendance office the day the student is tardy. The student must also present a note from a parent /guardian stating the date and reason for the tardiness. In addition, if a student is late to school, any full class(es) missed constitutes a cumulative absence. Lateness of fifteen minutes or more to class also constitutes a cumulative absence for that class. All seniors reporting to school late without a valid excuse will be required to make up double the time late (minimum of 15 Early Dismissal Certain appointments may have to be made during the school day. Since absence from classes missed for the day are considered cumulative, these appointments should be kept to a minimum. In requesting an early dismissal, a note must be presented by the student from the parent/guardian to the attendance office before classes the day of the early dismissal. The parent/guardian must sign the student out of school. In case of emergency, please call the school if you must pick up your child without prior notification. Pep Rally Senior attendance is optional. Seniors not staying will be dismissed at approximately 1:00 p.m. Identification All students are required to wear their lanyard with their picture identification card throughout the school day. Temporary lanyards will be issued if a student does do not have their lanyard available. Use of Tobacco/Tobacco Products The New Jersey Smoke-Free Act (P.L.2005, Chapter 383, C.26:3D-55 et seq.) states “The Legislature finds and declares that tobacco smoke constitutes a substantial health hazard to the nonsmoking majority and it is clearly in the public interest to prohibit smoking in all enclosed indoor places of public access and workplaces and on the property of any public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school.” In compliance with this law, Bishop Ahr High School prohibits all persons (students, faculty, staff, administration, parents, coaches, visitors) from the use of tobacco or tobacco products on the school grounds (both in the building and on the property). In addition, tobacco or tobacco products paraphernalia such as matches, lighters, etc. are not permitted in the school. They will be The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 33 Accidents A student who has an accident while at school, or while participating in a school related activity must notify the teacher or person in charge not only of the nature of the accident, but also the time and manner of its occurrence. If an accident occurs on the way to or from school, the student is obligated to report all information to the school. Student Dance Policy All parents are urged to review the dance policy for the current school year. In order to insure the safety of your children, please observe the following: 1. When dropping your children off at the dance, wait until they enter the building before you leave. 2. All dances are scheduled from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. unless otherwise posted. No one may enter after 8:15 p.m. or leave before 10:15 p.m. Students departing prior to 10:15 p.m. may do so only when accompanied by a parent or guardian. Visitors must be escorted by a member of the student body and register at the door. Only one visitor per student is permitted. Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Cameras All handheld devices are prohibited during the school day. These devices include: cell phones , MP3/CDplayers, iPods, games, remote control devices, water pistols, laser pointers, spell checkers, cameras, etc. All handheld devices must be left in student lockers during the regular school day, 7:55 a.m. - 2:05 p.m. Any student in possession of an electronic device during the school day will have it confiscated. Only a parent/guardian can retrieve any of these devices from the Office of the Vice Principal. No items will be returned to a student. Repeat violators will be subject to strong disciplinary action. Students are encouraged not to bring expensive items to school. Photos may only be taken by authorized individuals. Suspension At times it is necessary to separate a student from other students and school activities because of some serious offense. Normally, this will be accomplished by a suspension. The student will be placed on Saturday suspension which will be held approximately twice a month. All students and parents will be notified by mail and phone concerning the reason for and the date of the suspension. All Saturday suspensions will be from 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. A failure to report to a Saturday suspension will result in the student being suspended for a period of time determined by the administrator. The Principal reserves the right to assign either an in or out of school suspension depending upon the seriousness of the offense. Students are responsible for all academic work during the time of suspension. Personal Property The school is not responsible or liable for any student’s lost or stolen property. Students are discouraged from bringing to school any expensive personal items including electronic devices, clothing, purses, etc. Parent Athletic Club P.A.C. Our Mission: The Parent Athletic Club supports Bishop AHR Athletics by raising funds to help offset the costs of running the Athletic Department. In these times of rising costs and defeated budgets, when we see many public school boards and state universities cutting funding for athletic programs, the importance of our mission is vitally clear. PAC provides a great opportunity to meet other BGA families, earn service hours and to be involved in making a real impact on the quality of our children’s high school experience. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month @ 7:30 p.m. in Room 119. Please join us for our next meetings: Monday, March 14, 2016 – 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 11, 2016 - 7:30 p.m. Our Primary fundraiser is called the Raffle Refund in which all athletes are required to participate. Other fundraising activities throughout the year include: • • • • • • Polar Plunge – “Freezin for a Reason” BGA Spirit Wear – Show your BGA pride with fleeces, windbreakers, blankets and umbrellas. Customized BGA Athletic Apparel Concession Stands at Indoor and Outdoor sporting events BGA Bowling Tournament Grammar School Basketball Tournament Volunteer Online for available services hour opportunities: Volunteer Spot BGA PAC Page: Be sure to Visit the PAC web page under the “About Us” – “Parent Organizations” section of the BGA Web Site for up to date news, events, service hour opportunities, and more. Also see what’s happening by following BGA on Twitter and Facebook !!! For more information contact our president, Chris Jensen at 732-754-7545, or call the Parent Athletic Club hotline at (732)549-1108 ext. 599. The Parent Athletic Club Executive Board for the 2015/2016 school year is as follows: President – Chris Jensen Vice President – Bob DeVoe Secretary – Ward Lubeski Treasurer – Harry Gelpke The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 34 Do You Need To Fill Volunteer Hours? The Parent Athletic Club (PAC) Needs You! We can help you fulfill your hours at the same time you make a meaningful contribution to the BGA athletic program: • Sell tickets at athletic events • Help with Concessions • Sell BGA Spirit Wear at athletic events • Sell 50/50 raffle tickets • And more The mission of the PAC is to generate income that is used to offset the cost of running the BGA athletic program. We need your volunteer hours to help with that mission. How can you get started? • Attend a PAC Meeting. The PAC meets at 7:30 PM on the second Monday of every month. Meetings are held in room 119. Come and ask any questions you have! • Learn more on the PAC web page, under “Parents” on the Bishop Ahr website: www. • Follow BGA & PAC on Twitter: • Create an account on the Volunteer Spot website. When you sign up, you’ll be e-mailed all opportunities for volunteer hours as they come up. Here is the link: Click on “Create a Sign Up” to set up your Volunteer Spot account The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 35 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 36 Parent Teachers Guild - P.T.G. The Parent Teacher Guild (PTG) helps and supports all of the school families. Our fundraising activities are for our children and the needs of the school. We encourage all parents to get involved in the PTG. It is a great opportunity to play an active role in your child's school. If you have any questions please, contact any member of the PTG Executive Board: Sharon Bednarz, President & Acting Treasurer Patti Loftus, Vice President Elaine O’Leary, Recording Secretary Cherie Albanese, Tricky Tray Co-Chair Lisa Ciszek, Tricky Tray Co-Chair Carmen Mongelli, Fundraiser Coordinator Barbara Herbert, Fundraiser Coordinator Michele O’Neil, Fundraising Coordinator Susan O’Donnell, Yankee Candle Fundraiser Become an integral part of the BGA Family. The rewards are great and it is also a way of getting to know the families and become connected to the BGA Community. Keep in mind, being involved with the PTG is an excellent opportunity to earn service hours. Sincerely, Sharon Bednarz President, BGA Parent Teacher Guild The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 37 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 38 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 39 BGA Music Booster News Calling all music student parents! If you have a student who participates in any form of music at BGA (instrumentalist, singer, color guard member, etc.), please consider supporting our students as part of the Music Boosters. The purpose of the Booster organization is to provide necessary support for all students in all aspects of our music program. There is much more to do than fund-raising! Parents are needed to plan, organize, and lend a hand at many of our music events. There are several ways to get involved: come to our meetings to help plan and receive all the Music Department information; send contact information to 732-549-1108, ext 640 or e-mail and volunteer your time to help at an event; and subscribe to our message group on-line group/bgamusicboosters/ to keep abreast of all relevant events and volunteer opportunities. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 22 at 8:00 p.m. and April 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Music Room. Meetings are posted on the school calendar, and usually take place the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Music Room. Make a difference - be involved! SHOW YOUR SCHOOL PRIDE! Car Magnets for Sale - only $5 Get one for each car! See Mr. Cullinan in the Music Room (new wing, downstairs) The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 40 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 41 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 42 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 43 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 44 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 45 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 46 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 47 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 48 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 49 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 50 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 51 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 52 YEAR BOOK 2016 ORDER FORM Bishop George Ahr High School One Tingley Lane Edison, New Jersey 08820 Student ‘s Name:___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ If more than one copy is being ordered, place second name here ____________ Student’s Grade _________________ Student’s Homeroom PLEASE CHECK ONE: _____I am enclosing a check for $125 (payment in full) _______________ Student’s Number _____Order online by going to Our order number is 4977. Please Note: Place this order form and a check made payable to Bishop George Ahr High School Yearbook in an envelope addressed to: Insight 2016 Att: Mrs. Fucci Bishop George Ahr High School One Tingley Lane Edison, New Jersey 08820 Students may also place yearbook orders in the appropriately marked box in the Main Office. This form must be submitted by March 1, 2016 in order to guarantee a copy of Insight 2016. Yearbooks, if available, may be purchased after March 1, 2016. The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 53 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 54 The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 55 Honor Roll Distinguished Honors Second Marking Period 2015 -2016 Seniors Devon Bhavsar Lauren Borowick Anthony Cabahug Sarah Ciccarelli Megan Colagrande Shay Decker Jessica Fajardo Catherine Fernando Brooke Grzeszczak Karishma Jagad Cara Lescott Alexandra Mandalakis Tiffany Onyeze Stephanie Palyha Gillian Popino Julia Sese Juniors Nina Acosta Jonah Arnault Andrew Brazicki Gabriella Cangialosi Lacey Clarke Samantha Fellin Kaitlin Fermalino Isabella Fiorello Maria Fossas-Sala Alejandro Garcia Diez-Roncal Tara Genovese Nicole Genser Luli He Kevin Howarth Alexandra Jansson Emily Kearney Christine Kelly Timothy Mazzarelli Brigid Moynihan Cassie Ng Erin O'Donnell Andree Ordaniel Rafael Parsacala Lexi Rutkoski Erin Saggese Justin Sandstrom Emily Sturgeon-Turso Klaudia Wielowski Sophomores Sara Abboud Jacob Bael Erica Bocanegra Sofia Campanella Colleen Chan Taylor Chan Jasmine Chang Jessie Choucrallah John Dallagnese Allison Favale Bridgette Favale Emma Friedlander Ansel Gomez Ryleigh Greenwald Kathryn Guiang Joshua Hornilla Michael Malvone Pauline Marzan Joshua Minick Maximillian Mrozek-McCourt Jessica Murawski Thaomi Nguyen Chelsea Onyeze Michael Pacitti Pamela Picerno Sabrina Ramirez Alexandria Wonski Victoria Wright Rebecca Yang Elizabeth Zhao Freshmen Isabella Adorable Ariyana Agarwala Anabel Batista Arnav Bhavsar Ishan Bhavsar Melina Colasanti Colleen Cronin Jared Currie Aryana Dehghan Marie Elbert Sarah Hardy Laurie Jimenez Elizabeth Kubiak John Loftus Ryan Loftus Philip Mezzacappa Avery Murillo Sachi Negri Kevin O'Neil Tristan Palyha Katherine Perez Lilah Silar Madison Squeri The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 56 Honor Roll 1st Honors Second Marking Period 2015 -2016 Seniors Mikayla Albanese Hayley Allen Nkechi Amadiegwu Saumil Amin Emily Antonisin Alexa Arzano Lauren Barlow Collin Belk Jasmine Blades Serina Bou Mansour Deanna Casazza Melanie Circelli Emily Colagrande Dylan Cruz Jessica Dallagnese Karen Elenjickal Spencer Fontaine Christopher Garr Robert Gee Allison George Jamie Gibson Jenna Harsh Qiyang He Miguel Hernandez Justin Inigo Dylan Jensen Lauren Jurcsek Brianna Kovach Emily Lancia Katharine Lee Allyson Lombardo Dane Lupton Jessica Maran Katrina McCarthy Samaria Mosley Marissa Mulligan Vy Thi Tuong Nguyen Victoria Olexsa Robert O'Neil Sydne Powers Kaitlyn Prendergast Nicole Pychewicz Caroline Rankin Alexandria Reguinga Dina Saba Alexis Sofo Stephanie Spada Nadia Tran Christina Yang Juniors Erin Boyle Corinthian Burton Mara Isabel Cabangon Kimberly Calix Skyler Caruso Elizabeth Cimilluca Sydney Corio Isiah DaCosta Michael DeSantis Patrick Doherty Nicolette Koszalka Dezhi Liu Gabriella Loftus Emily Louie Kevin Maxi Jared McCrea Duncan Merriman-Mendez Joseph Mollica Dylan O’Connor Stephanie Driscoll Charlene Enriquez Julia Fedor Jailyn Frazier Rachel Giannakopoulos Sabrina Gil Serena Gil Alex Guketlov Kelsey Kacsmar Michelle Perullo Jillian Ramirez Rachel Reyes Jacob Salazar Sophia Schlesener Colleen Sharlow Fernando Sullivan Xi Wei (Nicole) Yang Kyrollos Zieton Sophomores Victoria Albani Naomy Azcona Tia Azzi Jessica Boakye Winalis Bruce Maximillian Calero Angelina Cerasani Megan Crocco Alexa D'Aiello Amanda Dembowski Dayna Dobkowski Anna Froehlich Maree Chestea Fuentes Sarah Glazewski Mariel Gomez Robert Herbert Christine Houghton Kerriann Howley Thomas Knapp Emily Lam Anthony Leung Ethan Lim Colin Lombardo Joseph Makoski Swapna Mannam Elsa Martinez Michael Medvetz Jr. Matthew Mellos Gabriella Nasto Danielle Navara Maya Pandya Michael Parsacala Nicole Petrick Vincent Prado Jude Roche Amarilis Rodriguez Mia Rodriguez Alexa Romanella Timothy Sauer Catherine Schilp Alfonso Sibayan Jr. Jessica Singh Hannah Skarzynski Gabrielle Stankosh Joseph Strunak II Cristian Sullivan Nicholas Tirri Gianna Ventimiglia Annelisse Zara Mia Zhu Samantha Pignatello Ryan Pittari Britney Rafols Freddy Ramirez Lazo Jenna Reyes Joy Marie Reyes Nicholas Rhodes Jenna Sheedy Alyssa Sierra Hunter Smith Ivanna Starozytnyk Lauren Sy Michael Trinidad Desiree Twumasi-Ankrah Angelissa Vazquez Martin Villanobos Julia Viviano Brianna Wright Freshmen Bethany Barber William Barlow Hailey Bojar Jalen Buliyat Kristopher Campbell Gina deLutio Isabella DeMesa Amanda Donato Jazmin Genao Lianna Hallett Ryan Han Melissa Juarez Megan Lim David Loniewski III Johanna Lu Cecile Molina Girley Oyola Arjun Patel Dhruv Patel The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 57 Honor Roll 2nd Honors Second Marking Period 2015 -2016 Oscar Ayllon Erica Balsamo Amanda Burgeson Yifei Cao Casey Caprio Brandi Carrion Isabelle Cerami Catrina Cerasani Mary Kate Doyle Courtney Duffy Michelle Egnasko Donald Fackina Thomas Galante Seniors Brittany Georges Ruth Hartnett Erica Healy Kieara Hill Samantha Juarez Brendan Laird Ji Woo Lee Madison Lee Amanda Loubnan Lauren Machalany Celine Maligranda Amirthavarsini Manikandan Alessandra Mauro Michael Mazzei Robert Meier Brianna Melodick Michael Mesaros Reilly Mullin Ziwen Niu Kate O'Leary Shannon Pepe Jenna Reckfort Joshua Reilly Gian Reyes Luke Roche Andrew Ruzicki Pooja Shah Joseph Tejedor Anthony Tirri BaoDung Tran Doraliza Urena Kyle Veltre Martin Verendia David White Christopher Wilton Alexander Woodrow Philip Yang Juniors Gabriela Abreu Joshua Advincula Saiprathiba Anbumani Joslyne Andres Nora Bogart Daniel Cardona Jenna Ciancimino Nicholas Eckert Miranda Elmo Drew English Dudley Engram Nicole Fehrman Justin Martinez Jaylin Matysik Asia Mayo Bryce McCall Olivia Menture John Murray Sabrina Norris Melissa Oakes Samantha Obolsky Erika Orellana Jonathan O'Such Paul Fernandez Michaela Finan Danielle Freund Sydney Gelpke Adrian Genao Paige Jardine Pilar Jimenez Isabella Joson Alexa Karp Skyler Kiessling Sean LeGall-Fleming Justin Lorenzo Rhystan Pangilinan Dominique Rafael Alexander Saber Elizabeth Short Darlene Slavick Alexis Swanson Spencer Tardy Michaela Therattil Anthony Villavicencio Andrew Weiler Katherine Yochim Sophomores Maricruz Azcona Nia Baird Charlene Balmaceda Kyle Bednarz Amanda Bell Arjun Bhattacharya Katherine Bodnar Nikith Boyapati Kristen Brady Nina Delmonaco David Essel Caitlin Flores Jaime Foster Brandon Georges Kelly Harmon Julia Hauss Alison Huang Kaiyang Jiang Kelly Jimenez Payal Kumar Walter Lopez Katie Mazzarelli Ryan Mohabeer Julissa Montero Olutosin Oladipo Erin Pepe Marisa Rader Jalen-Gerard Reyes Sophia Kelly Rivera Patrick Salas Agustin Sullivan Disnie Thambugala Caroline Tramontana Luke Vizzoni Jordan Wells Sean Zagarola Katherine Zevallos Freshmen Jeffrey Ayllon Sean Baelis Sohini Bhattacharjee Shakthi Boobalan Jacqueline Columbus Skylar Davisson JAngela DeVoe Nicolette Nunes Upasna Parikh Sasha Pierre Ailyn Pilamunga Breyanna Puccio Gina Santorella Cheyanne Diem Emily Fedor Sean Healy Paul Iskander Jayda Ledford Cara Makoski The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 58 Rohan Tonk Caroline Trevino Jay Laurence Turiano Bria Vainqueur Kelly Welsh Ethan Wojcich Charli Zaretsky The Principal’s Newsletter March/April 2016 59