Caroline Castro
Caroline Castro
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uién me habla? Fernando? TOMMY Sí. ABUELO Ah, sí, bueno, sabías que tu hija esta portándose muy mal. Muy mal, Don Sánchez. TOMMY Esa es la vecina, no te preocupes. ABUELO De veras? Parece a mi Cuquita. TOMMY No, no, no es ella. ABUELO Ay, ahora me siento bruto. 210 TOMMY No, no, no te sientas mal. ABUELO Pues, perdóneme, señorita suelta. Que disfruten la noche. TOMMY Vente, Ricardo. ABUELO Dónde está Cuca? TOMMY En el baño. Acuéstate y vendrá ahora mismo. ABUELO !"#$%&'()##*$+##),$-./.0'&$102+&3$'4$4564)#$42')4$1&5$ 5&%&20'&57$!89:";$'#$(05$)##*, TOMMY Gloria, what’chu doing? GLORIA Nothing, Tommy. TOMMY Who’s that? GLORIA A friend, Tomás. 211 TOMMY You be careful with my sister, fucker, you hear me? GLORIA Tomás Castillo. TOMMY This is my house. GLORIA Mine too. TOMMY I don’t want Alexandra learning nothing. GLORIA Nothing’s happening. TOMMY Fine. Don’t be loud. GLORIA Okay. TOMMY Goodnight. GLORIA Bye. 212 !"#$$%&'()*+, TRISTAN What just happened? GLORIA My sister-in-law’s father has dementia. He thinks I’m his wife, Cuca. TRISTAN That’s a funny name. GLORIA We all have to play around it. He thinks Tommy’s his father-in-law. TRISTAN You can’t check him into a hospital, or a home? GLORIA They don’t speak Spanish. I mean, I can’t really speak to him either, but Bea and Tommy can. He rarely speaks unless he’s in a spell. TRISTAN He sounded really worried. GLORIA He thought I was cheating on him with you. 213 TRISTAN He went back to bed though. GLORIA Yes. TRISTAN So come kiss me, Cuca. GLORIA !"#$%&'()$*+(,#$$+$(*#-./(01(213(4&''&(51(614'$%&#"$(%1( the basement? TRISTAN Is that where your grandma is? GLORIA No. It’s where my room is. TRISTAN You gonna put me to sleep? GLORIA No. TRISTAN Well then hush. GLORIA 71-+(-&,+(-+/(()89:(51+$(614'$%&#"$;(9:(<1==14$. 214 !"#$#%& !"#$%"&'(")*+,-)./01+2-),3,45)(410674)8056429:)) ALEXANDRA Me dijo que te dijera que si no hubieras hecho eso como si tuviese—como si no fuese—fuese? RONALDO Sigue. ALEXANDRA Fuese tan enojado que podías tener el control. RONALDO Haber tenido. Que hubieras tenido el control. ALEXANDRA Really? I don’t know what I’m saying. RONALDO Alexandra. ALEXANDRA What? I get all confused. RONALDO En español, por favor. 215 ALEXANDRA Me siento estupida. Like a fake or something. I’m never gonna learn this. I just look brown I don’t speak it, okay? RONALDO Marrón? ALEXANDRA Yeah, you know in the U.S., Latino people are brown. You don’t know that in Argentina? RONALDO Si soy blanco, casi pálido. Que dirían de mi? ALEXANDRA That you speak brown. What? RONALDO Hm. Me parece extraño. ALEXANDRA How long have you lived here? Ay, cuantos años vivía aquí? RONALDO He vivido aquí por—déjame ver—han sido tres, sí, tres años. ALEXANDRA And do you speak English? 216 RONALDO Of course, but not during Spanish tutoring. Ahora, cuéntame de tus padres. ALEXANDRA Well, papi’s probably in the parking lot. He doesn’t trust you but he says I gotta learn Spanish or it’s a shame. RONALDO Ya veo. Y la señora Castillo? ALEXANDRA Mami speaks both and has a pretty accent. I like it. Papi speaks both all the time he can’t even separate them. But he says I should speak Spanish so that we’re not hypocrites. He won’t come here just in case you try to talk to him all proper. He only needs slang in his special meetings that our jibaro neighbor keeps taking him to. RONALDO Y que opinas del idioma? Te gusta o no te gusta? ALEXANDRA It’s alright. Casi casi. RONALDO Un poco. ALEXANDRA I think our class is over. 217 RONALDO Qué hora es? ALEXANDRA Son las hora that my Aunt Gloria’s picking me up. !"#$%&'()*+,-(./0 GLORIA Excuse me. Sorry. Alexandra is your class over? ALEXANDRA Yeah. Ciao, Ronaldo. RONALDO Hasta luego, Alexandra. GLORIA Your dad had to go, so—I know I’m early. If you need to 1/.-2(345 RONALDO No se preocupe, señora. ALEXANDRA Aunt Glo doesn’t speak Spanish, Ronaldo. RONALDO Ah no? 218 GLORIA I understand it. ALEXANDRA She understands it real good. She’s a translator. RONALDO Y no hablas? GLORIA No. I know it’s strange. Never found a voice for it. RONALDO Well, you have a very beautiful voice. ALEXANDRA She tells me stories at night when I wanna feel like a little girl. She translates them from the page from the books. What’s that one you’re reading to me now? GLORIA Cien Años de Soledad— RONALDO Soledad. Usted tiene un acento precioso. GLORIA Oh, well, thank you. Alex, don’t forget your workbook. 219 ALEXANDRA I always leave it here. RONALDO You’re supposed to do your homework. Toma. ALEXANDRA Thanks a lot, titi. GLORIA You know your papi will get mad if he sees you’re skipping !"#$!%$&#"''($$)*!$+!%,-.!/$*0,%1&$'!2$-3##4%5$63$#,13$032$ !"#$3,2-78$93:!2$+!%,-.!; RONALDO Ronaldo Carlos Goracci Sepúlveda. Mucho gusto, Gloria. Here, I’ll get the door. GLORIA Oh, thank you. ALEXANDRA She’s gotta boyfriend, Ronaldo. GLORIA Alex. RONALDO Women of any status deserve good treatment. 220 ALEXANDRA !"#$%&'((&$)*&+#,(-.&/)001(%&2',#-,3&,)&4#+"&)*,&,5(&6))-7 RONALDO Could I, could Alexandra maybe bring some of your translations to me? I’ve never read Gabriel García Márquez in English with that voice. GLORIA Oh, I haven’t written the translations. RONALDO You do it all automatically when you read to her? GLORIA Yes. RONALDO Impressive. GLORIA I translate in the courtroom, so it’s very quick work. RONALDO Oh. ALEXANDRA I’m gonna wait at the car. 221 GLORIA I’m coming, Alexandra. !"#$%"&'(")*+,-./ RONALDO She’s very animada. GLORIA Yes. RONALDO I really like your voice. GLORIA My voice? RONALDO It has a Spanish rhythm. The accent is very slight but it’s not American. GLORIA 012)3*442)56789*)-1*):9.-);*9.6<)-6)-*44)=*)-1>-? RONALDO Maybe you should take lessons. Just to get comfortable speaking. GLORIA Oh well, thank you but— 222 RONALDO You wouldn’t like that? GLORIA I get by with what I studied. RONALDO Would you like to speak it? GLORIA Someday. Sure. I speak it, I just don’t prefer it. RONALDO You prefer to stay silent in Spanish? GLORIA I don’t know. RONALDO Do you get nervous to speak it? Your English is beautiful. GLORIA I get tired of it sometimes. RONALDO Of English? GLORIA Of speaking just to talk. People think hearing each other’s voices makes them closer. 223 RONALDO You don’t think conversation does that? GLORIA It depends on what you’re saying. RONALDO It’s true, listening is better. GLORIA I’m not a very good listener either. I should go. RONALDO Do you enjoy court hearings? GLORIA Sometimes. Lawyers either say a lot or they get straight to the point. Unless I’m translating, I only listen when they get straight to the point. RONALDO Your boyfriend must appreciate that. GLORIA He’s a lawyer. RONALDO Is he from here? 224 GLORIA Yes. Alexandra is waiting. RONALDO Yes, of course. We’ll talk later at your lesson. GLORIA I can’t. RONALDO Tomorrow. GLORIA I can’t afford it—time or moneywise. I’m sorry. RONALDO It would be my pleasure. Just pay me with translations. GLORIA I’ll think about it. RONALDO Si trabajas hasta esta ahora, quizás sería mejor coger la lección mañana por la noche? Después de la cena? GLORIA I can’t. RONALDO !"#$%&'$(")$*+$,-($./$0/12.3/4 225 GLORIA I sing Tuesday nights. RONALDO Where? Qué cosa? GLORIA Jazz. RONALDO Latin Jazz? Tito Puente, Ray Barretto— GLORIA That’s New York. RONALDO So bring that music here. GLORIA I should take Alexandra’s workbook, she left it again. RONALDO Take it for you. Do exercises in the back, it’s more advanced. But we’ll talk tomorrow. GLORIA !"#$%&'$()*+,-./* RONALDO Hasta luego, señora Gloria Castillo. 226 !"#$#%& At the kitchen sink. BEATRIZ Tommy, qué le pasa? Is it broke for real? TOMMY I don’t know. Looks like it. Give me a minute. BEATRIZ First the bathroom water’s brown, y ahora esto. TOMMY Cálmate, Bea. BEATRIZ I know. I’m trying. !"#$%&'()*+),-. BEATRIZ Ay que bueno, Gloria. Tommy salte de ahí. Gloria, could you help me make a phone call? GLORIA Sure, what happened? 227 BEATRIZ Well, I could do it but I get nervous with them on the phone explaining things and it’s la fregadora que está tapa’ y no se como arreglarla y el agua a veces se pone brown en el baño y estoy estrésica— GLORIA Okay. Let’s just get a phone. TOMMY !"#$%"&'"()*" BEATRIZ No, baby. It needs professionals. TOMMY !"#$%"+,)")-,"+./0")1"#12,"&'"()*"" BEATRIZ I don’t want all those Young Lord men up in here. No, que no. Que ayuden a las viejitas y que los gringos uniformados me ayuden a mí. TOMMY Whatever you say. We’re free. They’re gonna charge un montón de chavo’, you know it. BEATRIZ Well, let’s see when Gloria calls. 228 GLORIA Hello. BEATRIZ See, she sounds more American, they’ll help. TOMMY She still sounds different, Bea. BEATRIZ Ah pues, change your voice, chula. GLORIA Yes, we need a repairman for our sink. Yes we’ve checked it and it’s a problem with the set up, I mean the valves? Our address is 2321 Lincoln and Larrabee. You don’t come here? Is there another number of someone to contact? We know it’s just a sink but the water in the bathroom needs to get repaired as well, something’s wrong with the pipes. Excuse me, sir, we are residents of this !"#$%&'()&*+,&!"#"-(+)%&&.(/00&!1+#*!#&)12(1+(&*+,&30(&*& complaint. Oh and where do you suggest we move? Don’t worry, we’ll be more used to the heat in hell while you 2(0#%&45*#/)&6"75#8&71&5(009:5*+7)&;<= TOMMY Motherfuckers. BEATRIZ 412>)8&:(?<0*"+"+7=&@0(?*+,6*%&& 229 TOMMY They can’t do this. Beatriz, it’s shit. They treat us like little brown shit. Gloria, there has to be someone you know up where you work that can help us. BEATRIZ Alguien que intercedería por nosotros. GLORIA I’ll look it up. TOMMY Ask your white fucker while you’re at it, maybe he should do something besides fuck my sister. GLORIA I’ll ask him, okay. He’ll have advice. TOMMY Good. I’ll go see if la manguera works outside so we can put water in the fridge and near the tub. BEATRIZ Gracias, bebé. (TOMMY exits mumbling: gringo mother fuckers, I spic !"#$%&'()"*(+,)"%&'GLORIA What’s Don Fuentes doing? 230 BEATRIZ Carving all day. Como siempre, nunca para. At least it keeps him busy. GLORIA What does he make? BEATRIZ Nothing, he can’t do nothing with that head of his. Pobrecito. One day he won’t know how to talk. GLORIA A mute Puerto Rican, we’ll shock them with that news, right? BEATRIZ They won’t be listening, ah Papi? (ABUELO whittles away at a big chunk of wood. We can!"#$%&&$'()#$(&*%$+),-!.$&/)0#1234 BEATRIZ Quizás haces algo para mi, ah papi? ABUELO Ah? BEATRIZ Nada, nada. I don’t know. It keeps him ocupado, you know. Wish he could make us a crib. 231 GLORIA Beatriz, you’re not? Are you? Can you? BEATRIZ He could make it for you. GLORIA Oh, I don’t want a baby. BEATRIZ I woulda had ten, but I’m all dried up. Look at him go, like he really has something to do. Envuelto en un sueño. Perdido. !"#$#%& GLORIA is onstage singing Peggy Lee’s Is that All there Is at jazz club. At the end of the song, both Ronaldo Carlos and Tristan approach Gloria. RONALDO Buenas noches. GLORIA Hello. RONALDO That was pretty. A bit sad, but the music and narration, a good blend. 232 GLORIA Tristan, this is Alexandra’s Spanish tutor. TRISTAN Hi. You here for a music lesson? GLORIA It’s Peggy Lee night. RONALDO Is that All There Is? GLORIA Exactly. Yes. Funny. TRISTAN A gas. GLORIA Ronaldo Carlos, this is Tristan my boyfriend. RONALDO Un placer. TRISTAN Back at’chya. RONALDO She has a spectacular voice. 233 TRISTAN I know. GLORIA Ronaldo wants me to sing Latin jazz. TRISTAN Might be money in it in a couple years. These old fogies like the classic stuff though, unfortunately. RONALDO !"#$%&&"'(")*$+,"-%",'./0$+("(*"-%#'1"&*2%(3'1#"%1('4%+5" new. GLORIA Well, I’m up again. TRISTAN This one’s for me. GLORIA 6. "0*$4&%7""89*":*1;+,*<"=4%"5*$"&(;5'1#";4*$1,> RONALDO I was planning on listening to some jazz here, yes. And then maybe go to Humboldt if you’re interested, they’re having a street concert. GLORIA Talk about it with Tristan, I have to go up. 234 TRISTAN Kiss me, honey, for good luck. !"#$%&'())* GLORIA sings Let’s do it, let’s fall in love. TRISTAN Beautiful, Glo. RONALDO Well, I should get going to the street festival. It was nice meeting you, Tristan. Enjoy the rest of Peggy Lee. GLORIA Oh, no, you have to stay for the next one. I think you’ll like it. I know the last one was a little racist, but it’s old— TRISTAN It’s not racist, Gloria what are you talking about? GLORIA Well, it could offend some people. TRISTAN Who? RONALDO The Argentine with no means. 235 TRISTAN Oh, are you South American? I thought maybe Spain or Puerto Rico even. RONALDO I’m from Argentina. But that’s not what offended me. TRISTAN Well what did? The chink part? You part Chinese, Ronaldo? RONALDO No. TRISTAN Hey, I’m all for civil rights, tell him, Glo. It’s just a song is what I’m saying. RONALDO Well then I should listen to another. TRISTAN I mean if you have to go, don’t let us keep you. GLORIA Thank you for coming. RONALDO I’ll stay. 236 TRISTAN I’ll buy you a drink. RONALDO It’s alright. TRISTAN No, really. C’mon. GLORIA Let him. TRISTAN !"#$$%$&&'()%*&+%+,%-&.%"/(%'".(("%-('"012$3%"/(*#$$%2$$%4(%5.+)6% on rum anyway. You can catch up with ‘em here. GLORIA Just don’t be offended. RONALDO I will do my best. GLORIA It’s just old jazz. I like it. TRISTAN And we all like Peggy. C’mon to the bar, Ronaldo Carlos. 78(-(..0)9%"&%/0'%)2:(;%</(%=/&$(%"/0)9%.09/">%8&)2$5&% Carlos? 237 RONALDO Yes. End with GLORIA singing Peggy Lee’s Mañana. !"#$#%& Abuelo playing el cuatro. GLORIA and ALEXANDRA come back from tutoring that day. ABUELO thinks Gloria is Cuca again and Alexandra is Beatriz. ABUELO Cuca. Cuca, oyéme. Cuca escúchalo, escucha la música del cuatro. Cuca baila. GLORIA No, Don Fuentes, no soy Cuca. I’m Gloria. I’m kind of like your daughter? ABUELO De qué tu hablas, Cuca? Mi loca. Mueve las caderas, !"#$%&'()*+(,&*-!,(.'*%/(0"12 ALEXANDRA Buelo, no. Leave her alone. GLORIA 304'*15(.6*7,&8($9"()*+($%&*:#0;*<&)*-=;&.*9($%&2 238 ABUELO No, tú sola, Cuca. Sin Beatriz. Beatriz, siéntate aquí con tu papi. ALEXANDRA You’re my grandpa! GLORIA !""#$ ALEXANDRA It gets so annoying. GLORIA He can’t help it. GLORIA dances for a little but ABUELO stops abruptly ABUELO Beatriz, casi te veo la chocha con esa falda cuando te sientas. GLORIA Don Fuentes. ABUELO Cállate mujer si es verdad. Mírala. Beatriz Fuentes Sánchez en este mundo, en mi casa y en mi reino te portas como %&'$(%)*+$,&'-$&.$/.(.$0'1$2+.1343%3'1$5*$!'&3%+/*6$7413*8 239 ALEXANDRA I’m going to my room, I don’t have to hear this shit. Tu estás loco en la cabeza, abuelo. Viejo y enfermo. Okay? !"#$%&'()*+,ABUELO No respetan, Cuquita. GLORIA Lo sé. ABUELO Pues, que me respete la correa (runs up the stairs with his ./0+GLORIA Ay bendito. Beatriz. ALEXANDRA That’s not my name. GLORIA I’m calling your mother. ALEXANDRA I’m locking my room. Abuelo, dejáme. ABUELO Abuelo? No soy tan viejo. Me has hecho un abuelo, putita?! 240 GLORIA Beatriz. BEATRIZ Que pasó? Ay, papi, ya! Suelta la correa. Caramba. Gloria say something. GLORIA What? BEATRIZ Your voice calms him down. GLORIA What do I say? ABUELO Cuca. BEATRIZ Let me think. ABUELO Cuca. BEATRIZ San Francisco de Asís. A prayer. GLORIA You say it. 241 BEATRIZ !"#"$%&$'%"(&)"*&+"%&)"&%(,&$-.&(")")/"(*&&0"12(3& 4)))3*5,&6$($)/$*&&07-8&92)"%47-8&$-.&:;<<&82&8"%&),& book. GLORIA Starts singing “Nowhere Man” by the Beatles BEATRIZ =>*?*@&02)"%47-8&-76"A ABUELO Canta, princesa. GLORIA All I know in Spanish are parranda songs. ABUELO Asalto! GLORIA Temporal, temporal, allá viene el temporal. Temporal, temporal, allá viene el temporal. Qué será de mi borinquen cuando llegue el temporal? Qué será de mi borinquen cuando llegue el temporal? ABUELO Dame la mano Paloma! Pa qué! Pa— BEATRIZ Okay. Here it is. La Oración de San Francisco de Asís. 242 ABUELO La canción de Ricardo Fuentes. BEATRIZ Shhh. He needs to calm down. He’s all eléctrico. Read this, Gloria. GLORIA Señor— ABUELO Me cago en na’. GLORIA Hazme un instrumento de tu paz. Que donde haya odio, siembre yo amor. Que donde haya injuria, perdón. Que donde haya duda, fé. Que donde haya desánimo, esperanza. Que donde haya oscuridad, luz. Que donde haya tristeza, gozo. ABUELO Gozo, gozo. Tengo un gozo en mi alma. GLORIA Oh Divino Maestro, concédeme que yo no busque ser consolado, sino consolar. 243 Que no busque ser entendido, sino entender. Que no busque ser amado, sino amar. Porque dando es como recibimos. Perdonándo, es como somos perdonados. !"#$%&'()*"+,-".,-/*"0*12" es como nacemos a la vida eterna. ABUELO Amen. Eterna. Paz—ha, ha. Sueño. El sueño es eterno. Necesito descansarme. BEATRIZ Vente, Papi. ABUELO Sí, ángel. BEATRIZ Thank you, Gloria. +345"6,7'/"8&#"6*"8&/"%**#1 !"#$#%& ABUELO is either playing or carving. Knock on the door. He ignores it. Knock on the door again. ABUELO Aha? 244 CITY OFFICER 1 Hello, sir. Are you Mr. Castil-loh? ABUELO Americanos! Hola y bienvenidos a Jayuya. Gracias por darnos ciudadanía. Soy orgulloso de ser Americano. Es!"#$%&'!()*%+&%,$-%#&'+&.$-%&-#*/$,&-%0-#(11('23%#"45%#"46%% Libertad, entra. CITY OFFICER 2 Sir. Mr. Castil-oh. ABUELO 745%0,*"24-3%28('2"(1$-9:&,,$-;%%<"&'*%2&'1&5%:"&'*%2&'1&% en verdad. CITY OFFICER 2 I knew we should have gotten someone to accompany us. He probably doesn’t speak a word of English. Sir, we have a very important message. The city of Chicago is going to renovate this house. Here’s the notice. CITY OFFICER 1 Do they sell Spanish-English Dictionaries somewhere? CITY OFFICER 2 I don’t know. 245 CITY OFFICER 1 !"#$%#&'()*'+",'%'$%#-'./0*/'(1**#'234'45)('$)66'7%8/'45/' house better for all of those who live in it. ABUELO Sí, sí gracias. (Looking at the paper and thinking it’s his !7/*)9%"'9)4):/"(5);<'!7/*)9%"1(&'43'#'#1=''>5/5-''?*%cias. Van a tomar una foto para el pasaporte? CITY OFFICER 1 Get that to someone who can translate. What do we do now? CITY OFFICER 2 I don’t know. CITY OFFICER 1 Well, good day sir. ABUELO Adios, gringos honrados. Pueden volver cuando quieran, oiste. Mira esto. In-glish. !"#$#%&% Gloria is in the living room and starts playing the Sandpiper’s Guatanamera—trying to learn the words and sing to it— on an old record player. ALEXANDRA comes and turns it off at “the palms of my soul” during the narrated English part of the song. 246 GLORIA Why’d you do that? ALEXANDRA It’s boring. I wanna play something. GLORIA You should listen with me. Ronaldo Carlos gave me records to listen to. ALEXANDRA Oooo, Ronaldo Carlos. (Beat!""#$%"&'"()*"%++,"-+."/+%*thing else. (Alexandra plays Summer in the City"01"()*"2+3&'4"56++'-78! ALEXANDRA 9:3*."()*"%7/&;!"<)&/"&/"0*((*.= GLORIA Don’t play it loud, your abuelo’s sleeping. Turn it down. ALEXANDRA Fine. It’s done. I’ll play something soft. GLORIA #">+78,"8&?*"(+"@'&/)"%1"A807%/="#")A3*"(+".*(7.'"()*%"(+" him. 247 ALEXANDRA I’m sure he’ll give you a break. He likes you. Here, this you might like too. (ALEXANDRA plays “Sound of Silence” by Simon and !"#$%&'()* GLORIA Lower it still. ALEXANDRA Fine. GLORIA This is sad. ALEXANDRA It’s supposed to be. GLORIA It’s good. ALEXANDRA Just because it’s not in Spanish doesn’t mean it’s not about us too. GLORIA I agree. Ronaldo Carlos just gave the music for me to practice. 248 ALEXANDRA He’s always saying something. Even with the albums. !"#$%&'()*+&,)*-.()(/&-0&-+.&*0(/1&23$425672&80)(*& with the “Wells of silence9&:;<-= ALEXANDRA I really like this song. GLORIA Me too. ALEXANDRA Do you pray, Gloria? Or when you sing, is it like praying? GLORIA I like singing. It’s not to anyone though. Why do you ask? ALEXANDRA I don’t know. I’m thinking about praying. You know. Things are shitty. GLORIA You shouldn’t use that language. ALEXANDRA I shouldn’t have to but that’s how things are. GLORIA You’re too young. 249 ALEXANDRA I’m serious. I’m just afraid that if I pray things will stay the same. Like God will be quiet and everything will be the same as always. Do you think God speaks brown? GLORIA What is that? What do I know? ALEXANDRA Mamí seems to hope sometimes. When she’s praying next to me at the bed. I can’t understand everything because she prays those Catholic prayers so fast in Spanish, but I can tell there’s hope in there. In her prayers. BEATRIZ !"#$"%&' Ah, Gloria y Alexandra. Come here. I have a surprise for your abuelo. Sit for a second. Papá, bájate un momentito. ABUELO !()*)'+,-. BEATRIZ ("#+/0/12/34+!5"#+/0/6+/2/34')++ ABUELO !7489#:+;4<#+$-"+&$/9%&'+,-.+ (BEATRIZ reaches for him to help him the rest of the </=)' 250 BEATRIZ !"#$%&'$()*+,-$+'./'$*##0$1#*$&)0$)2$%&'$0)33+'$#1 $%&'$ 4#54&6$!"#$789:;<-$=)>2%.%'$.?5@A$B.B)%#6$$"'$4#0B*>$ algo especial. ABUELO Qué? Dónde estamos? Mujer? Háblame. BEATRIZ Todo está bien, siéntese, si ahí. Y ahora (brings out a 4.**CD#5%$%&)2(-$4E0'%'$',%#6 ALEXANDRA What is that? BEATRIZ It’s a jibarito. Papi, para ti. Jibarito ah? Como tu. Rico. ABUELO No soy un jibaro! Soy un artista poblano! BEATRIZ Papi, cómetelo. ABUELO Pero por qué pusieron el bistec entre dos tostones? BEATRIZ Porque sabe rico así. Pruébalo. 251 !"#$%&'()*+,-(*(./),0 ABUELO Lo como separao’. BEATRIZ Ay, papi. ALEXANDRA I wanna try it. Jibarito? Dámelo, Abuelo. ABUELO #,*)1/23(41,5/6-*7((&6(89/,1,-:(!;,(4*--,-(/)()6(<,10( ALEXANDRA It’s so good. BEATRIZ It’s a Chicago thing. They invented them here. I love it. ABUELO Dámelo separao’, mujer. BEATRIZ Give it to him, baby. He’s hungry. ALEXANDRA Fine. Here grandpa. I’m gonna play more music. 252 GLORIA Play one of mine, please. So it’s two and two. ALEXANDRA Fine. !"#$%&'(&)*+&,+-.+/&.0&123425&6+75(%8 942%&2%&+3$#+770&:#(;&!<+(35%&+(=&%4+>5%8 ABUELO Que geso? ALEXANDRA Música. ABUELO De dónde? ALEXANDRA ?45@5A%&2$&:@'-B&C7'@2+D&&!9'&E,FG*H8&1'(+7='&I+@7'%J&& GLORIA Es de México y de aquí. ABUELO Huh. La bamba. Debe ser la bomba! !9HKKL&5($5@%8 TOMMY Turn that off. What’s going on in here? 253 BEATRIZ Try this. TOMMY Later. I gotta take a shower. BEATRIZ You smell like smoke, what happened? TOMMY We burned trash in the streets. Right in the middle. BEATRIZ Tomás. That’s silly. Se comportan como niños. Alexandra, take abuelo upstairs please. ALEXANDRA Vente, abuelo. ABUELO Beatriz? ALEXANDRA Sí. ABUELO Linda. ALEXANDRA Vente, papi. 254 (ALEXANDRA and ABUELO go upstairs while !"#$%&'()*+)(',-))./0'*1*2'+345+6(7 TOMMY They treat us like trash, we gotta do something. BEATRIZ Ay, Tomás, that doesn’t mean burning trash in the middle of the street. Puñeta. TOMMY Don’t talk like that, you’re a respectable woman. BEATRIZ You talk trash all the time, fresco. TOMMY Bea, I need you to understand this, mujer. This is big shit. They gotta do something about it now. BEATRIZ Qué van a hacer? What’s it gonna solve, honey? TOMMY Something. Gloria, I need you to write me a letter. BEATRIZ Una carta a quién? 255 TOMMY A alguien, mujer. Don’t be all in my business. GLORIA What’s the matter? BEATRIZ What’s this (gets paper that Abuelo left near his wood !"#$%&'()** TOMMY Later, Bea. Gloria, I want to write a letter to someone you know from up there, the government or whatever. Did you get me the name? GLORIA Yeah. Tristan said we could write to the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico. TOMMY Who’s that? GLORIA Santiago Polanco-Abreu. TOMMY Okay well, here. Start writing. Dear Resident Commiwhatever. 256 GLORIA There’s a problem. TOMMY What’s that? GLORIA He doesn’t really have a vote in anything. TOMMY What? What does he do? GLORIA He represents Puerto Rico. TOMMY And? Then doesn’t he vote stuff ? He can pass a bill and shit. GLORIA No, Tristan told me he can only show an opinion so that Puerto Rico participates in political things. TOMMY But it doesn’t count for nothing? GLORIA Just like an opinion in the room. 257 TOMMY But— GLORIA It’s a silent vote. It doesn’t change anything. Maybe you should write to Mayor Daley. TOMMY That prick, uh-ah. GLORIA Tristan said he could maybe help, I mean probably more than the other guy. TOMMY No, I want this guy. He’s my guy. GLORIA Then Tommy, why don’t you do this? TOMMY You write prettier and you spell perfect. Hurry up, Dear !"#$%&'()*+%*,-.*+/01"0*2$ GLORIA Uhuh. TOMMY This shit has got to stop. 258 GLORIA Tommy— TOMMY Put it in your own words. GLORIA Fine. TOMMY How you gonna say it? GLORIA As a Puerto Rican resident of Chicago, I believe some things need to come to your attention. It’s gonna take longer if we do it like this. TOMMY I don’t care. It’ll take one second. BEATRIZ Tommy, you gotta read this. TOMMY Beatriz, not now. I’m doing something important. BEATRIZ Write that with your Young buddies, this is about us. 259 TOMMY This is about us too, linda. BEATRIZ They’re kicking us out of the house. GLORIA What? BEATRIZ Read it. They want us to leave the house for renovations. !"#$%&'(&)*+$,%-.$/0-1&+2 GLORIA I can ask Tristan. Can I take this? BEATRIZ I don’t know. Papito, don’t you wanna look at it? TOMMY 345$'-&('$6-$67,$-8)*,9 BEATRIZ :+;,$+$0--;$+6$67&%$)1%69 TOMMY I don’t have to. You know what it means, Bea. BEATRIZ Don’t come home too late. 260 GLORIA What about the letter. TOMMY Trash. !"#$$%&'()"*+ BEATRIZ It happened to Doña Ines from down the street. And across the street. I’m not stupid, just because I’m a jibarita. I know what they’re doing. GLORIA What are they doing? It’s renovations, right. For free. ",-./00&12&3,-&4567&869&3,-&:5:-4;&<,83&.=>&?863-9@&A5B,3C BEATRIZ They think they can come and wipe out whatever? Nothing’s free, Gloria. They charge later. Something. I don’t know exactly what because all the people it happens to leave before telling us. It costs money. GLORIA I’ll ask Tristan. BEATRIZ You think he’ll help? GLORIA Yes. He knows about this stuff. 261 BEATRIZ So why don’t you know about it? GLORIA I don’t know. BEATRIZ Me dieron una vacuna de esterilización. That’s why I only have Alexandra. They made me all clean for free. Came in when I was working in Juana Diaz where Tommy and I lived a couple years after getting married. And they came in. Health Something of the United States. I didn’t speak !"#$%&'()'*"(+,)("-.(/(0"-.1((2*(.*")()-(3"(-456*(3"7( they sucked our womanly power from us and no more babies. Schools closed down because there were no children. Some women were jealous because of Alexandra y me siento bendecida por ella. (Touching/referring to her &)-836'9(:,)()'*;(<-++*7()'%&('-,&*(-4 (3(=,*<)-(>%63"( family. GLORIA When was this? BEATRIZ Hace once, doce años. 1950s. This is the same thing, Gloria. Pero ahora puedo leer lo que están diciendo. GLORIA I’ll call Tristan. 262 BEATRIZ I’ll check on papi. !"#$#%& Abuelo playing cuatro singing Jayuya himn. ABUELO Ante nos se yergue fuerte y majestuoso nuestro pueblo cuya historia nos ensalza. En sus montes de un verdor indescriptible nacen ríos, riachuelos y quebradas. Siente orgullo todo aquel buen jayuyano por sus bardos sus patriotas y poetas en esencia sus mujeres amorosas son orgullo de la tierra borinqueña. Tierra alta primorosa las riberas de tus ríos nos recuerdan nuestra infancia y la herencia del Taíno luchador. 263 Tierra alta patrimonio de nobleza gente amena hospitalaria y muy sincera. Compatriota en nuestro Pueblo eres hermano te brindamos un abrazo Borincano. Jayuyano tú que amas nuestro pueblo si estás !"#$%&!!'()!$&"*&+,&-$.)/0*& no te olvides de la historia y del honor. Tierra alta primorosa las riberas de tus ríos nos recuerdan nuestra infancia y la herencia del Taíno luchador. Act two !"#$#%& Tristan and Gloria walk from the car to the classroom. He’s given her a ride to Ronaldo’s after taking her out to dinner. They’re continuing a discussion they started in the car. TRISTAN !"#$%&'(()*%+),"-./&'".0,1 264 GLORIA And what can we do about it? TRISTAN Make more money. GLORIA How are we supposed to do that? TRISTAN All three of you in that house make enough money. GLORIA Tommy’s a janitor. Beatriz is a waitress. It pays for small stuff. TRISTAN Then you move somewhere else. GLORIA Where? TRISTAN Southside? Some other side. GLORIA You want me to move there? TRISTAN Move in with me. 265 GLORIA I can’t do that. TRISTAN We could maybe get married or something. Eventually. Why not? This tutoring guy getting to your head? GLORIA What are you talking about? TRISTAN I’m just saying, you’ve been going to him right? GLORIA Yeah, to improve. It’ll be better for work too. You should take lessons. Speak with me. TRISTAN !"#$%&'(#&""$#)(*#+%,'-"#.&"*#+%,#/%,0$#1(%2#3%)&3#4&$# spend more time with me. GLORIA I will spend time with you after class. TRISTAN Don’t go today. GLORIA I’ll see you after. 266 TRISTAN I love you, Gloria. GLORIA Pick me up at 9 then we’ll go to the club, okay? TRISTAN Uhuh. GLORIA And thank you for dinner. !"#$%"&'()*+,-.(/01#$&(2345-(+6,7(843--9 Spanish Lesson Gloria and Ronaldo RONALDO Buenas noches, Gloriosa. GLORIA Hola. Aquí están los álbumes. RONALDO Gracias. Te gustaron? GLORIA Sí. RONALDO Tengo otra canción para ti. La borinqueña. 267 GLORIA Qué? RONALDO I looked up La borinqueña!"#$%&#'%(#%)*+,-%%.(/)%(01%+2tional anthem of your island, no? GLORIA Sí. You didn’t have to do that. RONALDO Discúlpame, qué? No te entendí. Ahora no hablo inglés. GLORIA No tenías que hacerme eso. RONALDO Hacer eso. GLORIA I knew that. RONALDO It’s okay. Will you sing it for me? GLORIA Qué? RONALDO Si lo cantarías para mí? 268 GLORIA No lo recuerdo tan bueno. RONALDO No importa. Lo recordarás. GLORIA (Looks at the lyrics he got her and sings La Borinqueña! La tierra de Borinquen donde he nacido yo !"#$%#&'()*%#+,(-), de mágico primor. Un cielo siempre nítido le sirve de dosel y dan arrullos plácidos las olas a sus pies. .$'%),#'#"$"#/0'1'"#00!23#.,03% 4560'73#00!%,#)!#')7-('6-3%8 “Oh!, oh!, oh!, esta es la linda tierra que busco yo”. Es Borinquen la hija, la hija del mar y el sol, del mar y el sol, del mar y el sol, del mar y el sol, del mar y el sol. Now can we talk about the homework. RONALDO Sí, trajiste el trabajo? 269 GLORIA Uhuh. RONALDO Por qué se fueron de Puerto Rico? GLORIA Uh, nos fuimos porque no había trabajo. We had to leave Puerto Rico for money. RONALDO No había ninguna manera de sobrevivir? GLORIA !"#$%&$'&$()*)+,-$.$/%-(0%$1-&23$*%)004$,3*56%$5&$()*)15,%#$ nothing much to do. So we came here. What about you? Why’d you come to Chicago? RONALDO Persiguiendo a una mujer. GLORIA A woman? Your wife? RONALDO No. Pero la amaba mucho. GLORIA Y qué pasó? 270 RONALDO Bueno, se casó con otro hombre después que nació nuestro hijo. GLORIA Your son? RONALDO Antonio. GLORIA So they live here? RONALDO Sí. GLORIA And her husband doesn’t mind? RONALDO Qué me importa a mi? I’m here for Antonio. GLORIA I stay for my brother. RONALDO Te gustaría regresar a tu isla? 271 GLORIA Quizás, but not really. Pero quizás me gustaría mudarme a otro lugar. RONALDO Pero él te necesita. GLORIA Exacto. Gracias por el himno. RONALDO Sabía que te iba gustar. GLORIA Sí, me gusta mucho. !"#$#%& We see Abuelo making another cuatro upstairs. We see all the ones he’s made already. He tunes some. Plays la boriqueña (and other songs on the cuatro, they should be !"#$%&'%()*%+,-./0.(112%3(242(%546%.#41*%(1+#%5-%7-118 9)#7)%+#):+%#"%#"/:/)(1+;<%=1#"/(%+1--,+%#)%6>-%.#4.>% downstairs and has a dream of Ronaldo Carlos. RONALDO ?4()*#%.()6(+%.#)%-+(%@#AB%=1#"/#+(C@/5"(%4)%$-)+(D-% personal. Penetrable. 272 GLORIA Ronaldo Carlos. RONALDO Sing. Sing those songs. GLORIA People may not understand. RONALDO They will. It’s in your voice. The energy. The language doesn’t matter. GLORIA My voice puts people to sleep. RONALDO Only because it gives peace. GLORIA !"#$%&'()$#*)$+),+-)$.*,$/01$+)&2)$30$%'$4,32)$1,05#$ have it inside them already. RONALDO Maybe you bring it out in them. Give them a peaceful voice to listen to. GLORIA And you? What do I bring out in you? 273 RONALDO Háblame en español, hermosa. GLORIA What am I supposed to say? RONALDO Whatever you like. GLORIA Ronaldo Carlos. RONALDO Sí. GLORIA !"#$%#&"'(#)*%#+%#'*,$-./-#,"#+%#0%,-.-,1)*%#2-./-,3 RONALDO Te preguntaría si estás segura. GLORIA Uhuh. RONALDO 4*5#6%7,-./-,#,"#$%#&".5#)*%#*7#0%,(#6-.-#+"#$"%7%#,"'7"8cado. No es silencioso. GLORIA I would tell you to speak then. 274 RONALDO Ven acá, linda. GLORIA !"#$%&'()*&+,#-.&/012&345&"+467&8	:5#;;$<+46&:/#:& 8&:/0+"&#=45:&0:&./45;>+?:<8&./45;>&:#;"&:4&@-0.:#+&A-.:& because— RONALDO Gloria, hush. Let me speak to you. (RONALDO kisses her while dipping her back into her position on the couch. Gently drops her and disappears. BCD*E!&",,F.&F;#$0+G2 !"#$#%& BEATRIZ and ABUELO BEATRIZ Papi, que pasó cuando te dieron esta forma? Que te dijeron? ABUELO Donde está mi nena? Déjame contarle de nuestra identidad nueva. Americanos verdaderos. Mira, tienes mi pasaporte en la mano. Dámelo. Please. BEATRIZ Papi. 275 ABUELO Mujer. Dónde está mi beba. Pa’ contarle. Voy pa’ la guerra. Representante boricua. Borinqueño americano. Americahn. Inglish. BEATRIZ Papi, pero qué te dijeron cuando trajeron esto? ABUELO Inglish. 1917. BEATRIZ Sí, papi. Very good. English. ABUELO !"#$%&'%($$&%)'*+%%,-'".&/%&'%0'1(2%3'45"$1/%61".7%"&+ BEATRIZ Yes? ABUELO You are very pretty American. BEATRIZ Thank you. ,89::;%$.&$1/2 TOMMY Beatriz. Good, you’re here. Stay inside. 276 BEATRIZ Honey, you’re all sudao. What happened? TOMMY !"#$%&'(%$)*+,$-&$.'/'0'&($1-233-4$$!$(33535$-&$%3-$#6$7*%4 GLORIA 89(-320:$;3*-2'<=$>&##64 ABUELO Cuca? (HE takes the form from Beatriz and makes it into a ?*?32$*'2?@*(3: BEATRIZ Where’s Alexandra? GLORIA I don’t know. I was at the beauty parlor, about to pick her up from her friend’s and— BEATRIZ What friend? GLORIA Carmen Trujillo. TOMMY The Trujillo’s live on Division. 277 GLORIA That’s where it happened, right? BEATRIZ What happened? GLORIA They shot a boy. TOMMY A kid, Beatriz. A Puerto Rican kid on the damn Puerto Rican Day parade. Cabrones— BEATRIZ Who did it—where are you going? GLORIA The police did it. TOMMY I’m going back to Division. BEATRIZ Get Alexandra. TOMMY !"#$$%&'())$*'$+,'#$-".$/012$3,$&'4'# BEATRIZ Tommy, this is crazy. 278 GLORIA They’re having riots. BEATRIZ Tomás Castillo. TOMMY I’m going. I wanted to make sure you stay here. Please. !"#$%&' BEATRIZ I’m calling a los Trujillo. GLORIA I’m sorry I didn’t pick her up. BEATRIZ Just let me call. GLORIA What’s going to happen? BEATRIZ No sé. ABUELO Cuca mira. Un avión jet pilot. Como los ví en el cielo en Alemania. 279 BEATRIZ Ven conmigo, soldado. Arriba. ABUELO Con los aviones? BEATRIZ Sí. Vente, paso a paso. Escalón por escalón. Muy bien. ABUELO !"#$%&#'()*$+,(-.$/01)2$/0)3,#$'45'4.#$6)7#.$)$18(35)'$ cada noche hasta que tengamos doce hijos— BEATRIZ Papi. ABUELO Te amo, Cuca. GLORIA Te amo. ABUELO Quiero que la primera hija se llame Lidia. Y la segunda Beatriz. Las segundas siempre salen más bellas. GLORIA Sí, amor. 280 ABUELO Te quiero a tí con todo mi corazón, reina de mi alma. Y a nuestra familia americana. Americana! Pero siempre puertorriqueños de corazón. No te olvides eso mientras yo esté allá. GLORIA No olvidaré. ABUELO Que nuestros hijos hablen español como sus padres. Como la patria. Que su madre lengua les enseñe, que les diga los secretos del paraíso y de la paz. Compromiso. Estoy comprometido a tí como Puerto Rico a los Estados Unidos. Lucho por ti, bella hermosa. Mi isla jibarita. Te amo. BEATRIZ Te amo, papá. (BEATRIZ takes ABUELO into his room after he throws the plane down the stairs. GLORIA picks it up. She un!"#$%&'(&)*$&%'+,%-&./(%&'(&$"0*-1 2345637893&:*(:;%1 GLORIA Alexandra. BEATRIZ 29/%,'*+&$"0*&(,:&%()';%1&3#:<)*$;)=&>'?'()=&@/:&(:&A)%B281 ALEXANDRA I was with Carmen. BEATRIZ Ah-huh. ALEXANDRA And we looked out the window. The men were running outside. And, I don’t know what’s going to happen. BEATRIZ Where were you? ALEXANDRA At her apartment on the second story. BEATRIZ So nothing happened. ALEXANDRA No. Not really. I mean stuff was happening. BEATRIZ Did you see your papi? ALEXANDRA No. A lot of cars were there because of the parade. Streets were closed off. So we waited. 282 BEATRIZ Good, baby good. BEATRIZ You didn’t take the bus, mija. ALEXANDRA No. No buses. I walked. BEATRIZ En ese revolu? ALEXANDRA I don’t know. Where’s papi? BEATRIZ I don’t know. There. Let me call Carmen’s mami so she knows you’re here. Ay, you’re here baby. (Kisses her fore!"#$%&!"'%(#)"*%&!"%+#,,%-'%#'.&!"/%/..(0 ALEXANDRA A policeman pointed a gun at me—I was looking out the window to see—and he looked up and pointed it and said, “Get in or I’ll shoot.” But he was trying to protect me right, Gloria? GLORIA What did you do? 283 ALEXANDRA Closed the window and I tried to start praying with Carmen. She was crying. And we were praying. In Spanglish. Her in Spanish and me in English. Together. The message won’t get mixed up, right Gloria? God’ll get the message, right? I don’t know how else to get his attention. Will papi be alright? GLORIA I hope so. !"#$#%& Tommy coming back from prison. BEATRIZ !"#$%$&'(%&)%&$*%%+)%&$%,-(%#./(#01* GLORIA +$2)%,3(4%5(#$/&67 BEATRIZ Talk to me a bit. To calm me down. Okay? Alexandra, get in here and get those albums stacked up, okay? Your papi’s gonna be here soon. ALEXANDRA 893$(/):%;<%$"(1%0/&-(%$"('%&3%=/<'%>#&.*%%?/%0<()%"(%"#-(% to walk? 284 BEATRIZ El vecino’s bringing him. Stack ‘em up, and come sit down. You gonna wear that? I need a fan. Hace calor, ah? Gloria talk. GLORIA What do you wanna hear? BEATRIZ Talk about— ALEXANDRA Ronaldo Carlos and love. GLORIA Ronaldo Carlos has taught me to love some things. Like Spanish. BEATRIZ Hear that, Ale? ALEXANDRA Yeah, yeah. GLORIA !"#$%$&'()*$+,&+,-$$%$&'()$./0+$/'1+)-$$2()34./0"5$0"$./0+$ house. ALEXANDRA Even abuelo? 285 BEATRIZ Alexandra, shhh. GLORIA !"#$%&'(')**+',*-'%-.$)/01''23-')"#$%&1''45).-)&'"366#$%7 BEATRIZ Ah, our things. Thank you, Gloria, for giving me perspective. See, Alexandra, this woman knows what to say and how to say it that makes me feel warm inside. Warm like home. Like my Puerto Rican mami. You’re lucky you got one too, Alexandra. ALEXANDRA Yeah. BEATRIZ Yeah. And this house. We ain’t never letting go. ALEXANDRA You hear that? BEATRIZ 48/)&'397'(&')".):'!*66;: TOMMY Familia Castillo. Ábreme! BEATRIZ Tommy. Corazón. 286 TOMMY !"#$%&'()*"+$,%%-./(0%1*++,2 BEATRIZ Bienvenido, amor. A tu reino. ALEXANDRA How was it, daddy? TOMMY Donde está Don Fuentes? BEATRIZ Durmiendo. ALEXANDRA How was it, papi? TOMMY We don’t have to talk about those things. ALEXANDRA Okay, just asking. TOMMY Asking is good, Alexandra. Pregúntame en español. ALEXANDRA Was that your special code in the big one, papi? Spanish. 287 TOMMY Yeah. And everyone loved me for it. Imagínate. They had a special language too. With all sorts of pretty messages for me. And names. I hope you never hear them, amor. Ahora, vete y cámbiate la ropa. ALEXANDRA What? What are you saying? BEATRIZ Nice girls don’t dress like that. TOMMY Don’t look like a puta, Alexandra. That’s what I’m saying. BEATRIZ Tomás. TOMAS Si es la verdad. Go. To your room. ALEXANDRA I can do what I want. It’s a revolution, papi. TOMMY Yeah, I can still whirl my belt in revolutions. (Getting his !"#$%&'(!"&)*+*&,"&-.)"&",$*&"/&",0(1*#2&/"/(3&&4.,).0#./(5 BEATRIZ Ya, Tommy. Deja el show. 288 TOMMY Háblame. Háblame puñeta. En nuestro código de amor, ah? No quiero que hables el idioma del invasor. ALEXANDRA Yeah, what about the language of the conquistador? The Spanish invaded us too. TOMMY Don’t get smart with me. ALEXANDRA Fine. I’ll just leave. BEATRIZ You can’t, there’s curfew. TOMMY Good. She needs a curfew. Don’t go out until you’re twenty. GLORIA The curfew’s for everyone, Tommy. TOMMY Excuse me? GLORIA They’re enforcing a curfew for everyone. Can’t go out past seven. 289 TOMMY Adults too? BEATRIZ It’s okay, papito. TOMMY The hell it’s not. They wanna keep us inside. Doing nothing. BEATRIZ Someone was shot, papito. TOMMY I was there, baby. At the parade. BEATRIZ Pues. TOMMY So, what? They wanna keep us inside so there’s less temptation to shoot somebody? What? We don’t gotta stay inside. Gloria has to sing. I gotta meet with the boys. BEATRIZ I thought that was over. TOMMY What? No. They want us to help in New York. Might take a couple of years for them to set up. But things are 290 happening, Bea. I’m not stopping now. BEATRIZ They’ll lock you up again. I can’t have that. TOMMY I can’t have this. House arrest. I’m going to get a drink. BEATRIZ Tomás. TOMMY I can do what I want. Just like the other Americans out!"#$%&&'(!)&*$+,(!$&)-$.&/0)&-$1$&21!)�$!34)&5$,3&645&30)& here now, because of them. Coming to PR in 1898, making us citizens—let them not forget—in 1917. We fought the wars. Still do. Someone got a problem with me, let me show them my passport. It says U.S. citizen from Estado Libre de Puerto Rico. Libre! Free! It doesn’t say unincorporated dependent overseas possession. No, it says Estado libre. Maybe it should say Commonwealth and what that means. That I’m second class. And that I gotta stay inside if they want me to. Right? I’ve been learning things, mamita, all about us. But don’t they get it? I wanna be outside. Out there, in the U.S.A. I love the U.S.A. I’m here, ain’t I? Here. I’m yours, Uncle Sam. Tío. Socio. Be mine. Ah? Ah? What do my women think, that I’m crazy? Shit, this place is ours. All of it. Tío Sammy will come around, bring some Corona or Miller Light. Or a Medalla. And I’ll give him some rum, and Puerto Rican blood on 291 the front lines. Ah? I’ll do it. We’ve done it. We love doing it. We love having a common wealth between us. But how about some autonomy. Just a little. To say this house is ours. To say we can walk outside when we want. And breathe together, breath in little Spanglish breezes, trading !"#$%%&'((')%*+!,-.%'/ %!"#0%'123+)0%!)4%5!-#"'-"6%6')7dence. I’m going outside. Let them have another huff of a red-hot Puerto Rican. !"#$#%& GLORIA Ha sido un placer, Ronaldo. RONALDO Vas a dejar las clases? GLORIA Creo que sí. Le dan celos a Tristan. RONALDO No deberías dejar las clases por eso. Pero no los voy a juzgar. Ni a tí ni a él GLORIA Gracias por lo que me has dado. RONALDO Qué te di? Nada que no tenías ya en tu alma. 292 GLORIA Despertaste mucho en mí. En mi corazón. RONALDO Que bien. Te felicito, Gloria. Lo mereces. La paz de conocer todo lo que eres. Todo tu herencia genética, cultural, mundial, verbal. Felicitaciones. GLORIA Quiero invitarte al club esta noche. RONALDO Para la noche de jazz con Peggy Lee? GLORIA No. Con Gloria Castillo. RONALDO Pues acepto [la invitación] y vendré. !"#$#%& !"#$#%&'%(%)$#%&*%+"#%,('+&--.%"./'#".-01%!"#23$#%4#++&*4% burned out of their home. BEATRIZ Papi, corre. Afuera. Ahora mismo. ABUELO Beatriz, mis cuatros. 293 BEATRIZ Quédate aquí. ABUELO Mi música. Mi voz. Beatriz, no. No. Cuca. Cuca está ahí adentro. Cuca! CUCA! BEATRIZ !"""#$%&'()*+,$-)-.*/0$$1)(.$+2*&$-3/*+4.5)$-/3$')2$(6rallas del Morro. ALEXANDRA Mom, my albums are burning. My Simon and Garfunkel. And our book. Me and Glo’s. Cien Años de Soledad. Gloria’s gonna come home and see that it’s all gone. BEATRIZ She’ll be okay, Alexandra. ABUELO Mi Cuquita bella. Muerta. BEATRIZ Sí, papi. Pero yo estoy aquí contigo. ALEXANDRA I prayed, mami. And God didn’t listen. BEATRIZ Yes, He did, angel. 294 ALEXANDRA !"#$%&#'(#)%*+*#,+*BEATRIZ So we can go back to the water. To Puerto Rico for a little bit. ALEXANDRA I don’t speak Spanish to go to Puerto Rico. I’m gonna die. BEATRIZ !%%.#/0*1234+2.#5"6700#8*#,3*.##9*700#8*#)":*)%*+. TOMMY ;<"'3'3:#)%*=>#9%"#)%*+'3:#,+*#,:%)*+(#$%*3#)%*&# started it? I’ve been here hours pouring out from the manguera and buckets. BEATRIZ It doesn’t matter, Tomás. We’ll go home. That’s what they want. TOMMY This is home. We’ll do something about this. Me and the guys. BEATRIZ Quit with the guys. We’ll go home. 295 TOMMY Beatriz. BEATRIZ For a little while. Then you can go to New York, to D.C. Be the president of the United States. Whatever. TOMMY Be the Resident Fucking Commissioner. Say silent things. “Spic” in my head. Not out loud. We’ll move to Division Street. Next to the Trujillos. BEATRIZ !""#$%&'()*+),$$-../$01$1")($10/)$.21$1")$34), ABUELO 564)$7.4/+,$896+:4.2*.2*;6*<=$5.241$.> $?2'@,$ !"#$#%& Gloria singing En Mi Viejo San Juan, maybe with a Latin jazz sound to it. #'%()%*)+,-%!.'%/0.'1 En mi Viejo San Juan cuantos sueños forjé en mis noches de infancia !"#$%"!&%'#"()*"+,# y mis cuitas de amor son recuerdos del alma 296 Una tarde me fuí !"#$"%&'"%()*+","%'"#$-'% pues lo quiso el destino .(+/%0$%#/+"1-'% 2(%3&(4-%5+('*(%"6%0"+% en mi viejo San Juan 74$-2%8"4$-2%"4$-29% borinquen querida (tierra de mi amor) "4$-2%8"4$-2%"4$-29% mi diosa del mar (mi reina del palmar) me voy (ya me voy) pero un día volveré a buscar mi querer a soñar otra vez en mi viejo San Juan :(+/%(6%*$(0./%."2-% ;%(6%4(2*$'/%<&+6-% mi terrible nostalgia y no pude volver al San Juan que yo amé pedacito de patria 0$%#"<(66/%<6"'3&(-% y mi vida se va ya la muerte me llama y no quiero morir alejado de ti puerto rico del alma 74$-2%8"4$-2%"4$-29% borinquen querida (tierra de mi amor) "4$-2%8"4$-2%"4$-29% 297 mi diosa del mar (mi reina del palmar) me voy (ya me voy) pero un día volveré a buscar mi querer a soñar otra vez en mi Viejo San Juan END OF PLAY 298