The AnimaLovers Companion (Fall 09 PDF)
The AnimaLovers Companion (Fall 09 PDF)
Inside this issue: Cat Adoption Special, Working with Emmett, BINGO with AnimaLovers Summer /Fall 2009 It’s a Matter of Black or White Emmett: A Work in Progress L-R Mimi & Sophia I’m a good cat. Really, I am. My foster human says I’m the most affectionate, most wonderful kitten in my litter and the one she’s going to miss the most when I’m gone. But so far she hasn’t had to miss me, because I haven’t been adopted. I don’t understand. My brothers and sisters found their forever homes, but no one has wanted me. I tried hard to be good when people were looking at us at the adoption clinic. I tried to make my mom proud of me, because she said it was important that I find a good family of my very own. I snuggled and purred and patted people’s faces with my paws. I played with their children and didn’t blink when the dogs walked by and barked. The volunteers at clinic said I had the nicest personality and that I was the kitten they’d choose to take home if they were going to adopt another cat. But all the people adopted the other kittens, not me – even though I purred the loudest and snuggled closer than my brothers and sisters did. My sister even hissed at somebody, but they still took her home but not me. I heard one of the people say my siblings are prettier than I am. My brothers are gray tiger kittens with white paws, and my sister is a calico, and I guess the people thought those colors are prettier. But I have white paws, too!! And my mom says I’m much friendlier and better behaved than the others, and that when you take the time to really look at me, my face is even more beautiful than any of theirs. She says I have the most amazing eyes that look right into her heart. (Continued on page 2) This sweet little guy, Emmett, was emaciated, skittish and scrounging for food in Troy’s city streets just over a year ago. Covered in filth, he was initially thought to be a dark brown dog. It took two days to pick the ticks from him and a good amount of scrubbing to get him clean. One would have hoped this would have been a terrific new beginning for Emmett, but that was not to be… yet. With a shortage of foster homes, AnimaLovers placed Emmett in the safety of a kennel. He waited 8 months for a family to take him home. Unfortunately, the guidance needed to turn Emmett from a scrappy road dog to a loving companion overwhelmed his new family. Emmett was returned almost immediately. My husband Tim and I brought Emmett home two months ago. He paced frenetically for days. Hording his belongings, he took any loose object outside for a good shredding. Because he has had to fight for everything in life, removing items from Emmett’s possession was something we had to work on as a team. Tim began with a favorite bone. He’d take it from Emmett and immediately give the bone back to gain Emmett’s trust. In less than a week, we could comfortably touch any of his toys. I repeatedly placed Emmett’s toys in a bucket and gave him the task of taking each one into the yard (Continued on page 2) Page 2 The AnimaLovers’ Companion Summer/Fall 2009 (Emmett-Continued from page 1) so he’d stop chewing things like our sofa pillows, coffee table, slippers and $200 worth of concert tickets. Just when I thought I could trust him, he stole my underwear while I showered, playing a game of tug-ofwar with our otherwise well-behaved Newfoundland, shredding them across the lawn in victory. The good news is that, for the past two weeks and with plenty of opportunity, Emmett has shredded nothing. Eating habits of another sort have also improved. In the kennel, Emmett would jump at his food bowl, often knocking the contents to the floor before his handler could put it down. Now, using meals as the perfect reward, we have taught Emmett to “sit,” “lay down” and “stay” until we release him. So eager to please, he now lays in wait on his rug without being asked and, although he drools like mad, he won’t budge until we say “okay.” This is exactly the kind of difference being in a home can make. We are no experts in dog training and Emmett is an extremely difficult case compared to most. We’d be lying if we said we weren’t scratching our heads at times, but fostering isn’t about being an expert. Patience, compassion and a willingness to try are most important. In just two months, Emmett has become a wonderfully affectionate and trusting companion who can now relax for hours at my feet. He respectfully bathes Kringle, our cat, scooting him across the floor with his nose and making us laugh. With supervision and guidance, he has also learned to play appropriately with our Newf. Emmett does still push the limits with houseguests, as he will with any new owner, but he quickly remembers his manners with a “no jumping” or “no begging” reminder from his foster parents. One day soon, very soon, this sweet and funny guy will be ready to thrive in a forever home. For now, he’s learning to enjoy his first meaningful and new beginning, one that fulfills his emotional needs as well as his physical needs. If you would like to foster, please call AnimaLovers. You too can give a dog like Emmett a second chance. ~Kim Clune You can find us, along with many other great rescue groups across the U.S. of A at Jenny, a beautiful black beauty (Black or White-Continued from page 1) I guess some people don’t see that when they look at me because they aren’t really seeing me. They just see my black face and think I look like all the other black kittens. They say they don’t want me; that I’m ordinary. They say they want a ‘special’ kitten. Can’t they see I’m special, too? AnimaLovers can. In recognition of the singular beauty of black and black-and-white cats, AnimaLovers will offer special adoption fees for these most remarkable felines. During the entire month of September, the fee to adopt a black or black-and-white cat or kitten will be $50. (Note: To qualify for the reduced adoption fee, potential adopters must mention the special fee and where they heard about it.) If you want to adopt a black or black-and-white beauty, but do not find your match at our clinic at the East Greenbush PetSmart, be sure to ask one of our volunteers or call our phone line to get more information about those we have awaiting adoption in foster care. ~Ronnie Lyons The AnimaLovers’ Companion Vol. XI No. 1 Copyright 2009 AnimaLovers The AnimaLovers’ Companion, the newsletter of AnimaLovers, is published 3 times a year by AnimaLovers, the Animal Welfare League of the Greater Capital District, Inc.; P.O. Box 6426; Albany, NY 12206-0426. The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in any form without the express consent of the authors. Please address all editorial or other queries to The Editors, The AnimaLovers’ Companion, at the above address. Editing/Layout Lisa Ruzza AnimaLovers Board of Directors Timothy Clune, Esq. Sally Daggett-Jude Martin Kathleen Murphy -Kathy Owens Tina Roche - Lisa Ruzza Jan Shannon -Terry Silic Summer/Fall 2009 The AnimaLovers’ Companion Page 3 The Struggle of Patches and her Preemie Kittens An exquisite, petite calico cat, Patches came to AnimaLovers both very sick with a severe upper respiratory infection, and very pregnant. So feverish that she went into preterm labor, Patches rapidly delivered two kittens, one of them tragically stillborn. Then her labor stopped. If the rest of her kittens weren't born within 24 hours, Patches would become septic and die. Heartbroken over the loss of one of the kittens, AnimaLovers volunteers were determined to try to ensure that Patches and her remaining babies survived. An emergency visit to the vet early the next morning resulted in a C-section that delivered four additional kittens, but Patches was much too sick to care for them. Even if she had been able to nurse, she was so ill that she wasn’t producing any milk – and she needed all her strength to work on her own recovery, which was still touch-and-go. Under the supervision of the vet, the kittens’ foster mom immediately began the painstaking, roundthe-clock process of bottle feeding the five babies, but had to watch helplessly as two of the kittens, too premature and weak, soon died anyway. In desperation, AnimaLovers made every possible attempt to find a nursing momcat to feed and care for the remaining kittens, as a mother’s milk provides a natural immunity that milk replacement formulas can’t (and nothing’s better than a momcat’s constant love and warmth), but without success. Luckily, with intensive, diligent, and attentive care from their foster mom, the three kittens survived and grew: one night, then one week, and now almost one month. Patches, moved to another foster home where she could receive individual care, also continued to improve, and is now almost fully recovered. The kittens’ foster mom, dedicated to making sure “her” babies continue to thrive, is still bottle feeding these wonderful kittens, and will do so until they’re big enough and strong enough to be weaned. Although they’re still months away from being available for adop- L-R-Perry and Penelope at five-weeks tion, if you’re interested in waiting for a very special, very courageous kitten, feel free to call AnimaLovers at (518) 448-5468 or email us at to learn more about these little ones and their adoption status. Or, if you’d prefer to offer a home to a beautiful momcat who’s endured a lot and survived it all, Patches will also be available for adoption as soon as her recuperation is complete. ~Ronnie Lyons LET’S PLAY B I NG O Support AnimaLovers on Monday, October 26th Games start at 7 PM Donate your car to AnimaLovers. The dogs and cats will love it! Atrium Bingo 49 4th Street Troy, NY! Page 4 The AnimaLovers’ Companion Summer/Fall 2009 Tail Tales Now that the summer is coming to an end and you will soon be back to school, start thinking about how to carve out some time in your busy “back to school” schedule for your pets. They probably had you and your family around more during the summer and are going to be a little lonely if they are left by themselves during the day. Here are some ideas: Schedule time to take your dog on a family walk after dinner or in the morning before you leave for school. If your dog enjoys being around lots of kids, ask an adult family member to walk him/her to the bus stop with you either when you leave for school or to greet you when you come home. Plan playtime with your cat or dog while you are getting ready for school or while you are waiting for other family members to get ready to leave the house. Cuddle with your dog or cat as you are taking your time waking up in the morning or pet him/her for a little while before you go to bed. Petting an animal is relaxing for both of you. Take time to visit with your cat or dog and give him/her attention when you are feeding him/her their breakfast or dinner (with adult help) instead of rushing through the event. Most importantly, make certain that all of your pet’s needs are met and that he/she will be safe and comfortable if you have to leave her alone for parts of the day. FALL WORD FIND: Circle the following words related to pet behavior in the puzzle below (words can be backwards, forwards, or diagonal): run, sleep, howl, bark, jump, meow, scratch, purr, wash, eat T I O P C A W H U M P M U J X O Z B H Y I R O S E D F C N U R H K M J K T Z X C R E E L S A B N A H M P Q W R T B Y O U E I O C H S A W D E F G S J K Z L X L A C B N M S E N S L T ~Abbe Hahn-Hook Summer/Fall 2009 The AnimaLovers’ Companion Page 5 Home is Where the Heart is These kind-hearted AnimaLovers animals are looking for love, attention and a forever home with a person like you to fill their hearts. Read their journey to us. They are searching for the next chapter of their happy ending ‘tail.’ For more information on any of the cats or dogs, please call (518) 448-5468 or E-mail: Penny Maybelline Maybelline is approximately three years old and looking for her forever home. She is a shy girl and needs a family to help bring her out of her shell. Penny is a mature and loyal, small dog looking for an understanding family with whom she can spend her twilight years Maurice Brady I have a very sad story. I spent months and months in a cage. I love animals and people! I'm a little shy because I'm mostly black, no one took me home. Suddenly, I didn't feel so happy any more. Now, I'm in a foster home and hoping someone is willing to give me a chance. At about 6 years old, Brady knows he may not appeal to all those people who want tiny little kittens. But this great, gentle guy can offer love, affection, and great appreciation to the family who is lucky enough to give him a home The AnimaLovers’ Mission Mix it Up Cooking with AnimaLovers Vegetarian Recipes from our Families & Friends • • • • Help support the continuing rescue of needy cats & dogs in the Capital District and get a great cookbook filled with people & animal treats as well. It's yours for a donation of $10 (or more, of course). They make great gifts for your animal loving friends as well. Cookbooks are currently available at: • AnimaLovers’ Adoption Center in the East Greenbush PetsMart (during clinic hours) • Our great cat fostering shop, TATTERED PAGES Used Books, located in Glenmont Center Square. • All of AnimaLovers upcoming events, so watch our website for more information, To provide housing, veterinary care, and adoption for unwanted, abandoned, injured, or stray dogs and cats; To educate adopters, as well as the general public, about the health and training needs of our companion animals; To promote spaying and neutering as an efficient and humane means of animal population control; To advocate for legislation which will prevent cruelty to animals. Page 6 The AnimaLovers’ Companion Summer/Fall 2009 Against the Odds: Joey’s Story JoBeth’s future did not look good. It was almost impossible to imagine any kind of happy ending for the 9-year-old tiger that had lived for many months in a shelter. Blind in one eye and quiet, JoBeth did not have much of a chance for adoption. Who would want such a cat when there were so many younger, prettier, more charismatic cats waiting for adoption? The course of JoBeth’s story was about to take an unexpected turn: One of AnimaLover's volunteers was looking for a quiet, older cat for her mother, Ruth, who had just moved from her home to an independent living residence. She had been lonely since her husband had passed away a couple of years ago and, since moving from her home of 50 years, was bordering on depression. AnimaLovers agreed to take JoBeth and set up the adoption with Ruth. As usual, AnimaLovers first scheduled an appointment with a veterinarian for a check-up and spaying. The news from the vet was not good—JoBeth needed to have the sightless eye removed and major dental work. “And, by the way,” said the vet, “JoBeth is a male!” Both surgeries were very expensive. How could the necessary work be completed? The seemingly doomed cat, now named Joey, could not live long without the surgeries. By this time, all who came in contact with Joey fell in love with him. He was the sweetest boy; all he wanted was someone to love him. He asked to so little, and he had so much love to give back in return. Several AnimaLovers volunteers and friends offered to donate money for the cause. It was still not enough to pay for both surgeries until the AnimaLovers organization stepped in and was able to make up the difference between the donations and the cost. Joey had the surgeries performed in June and he was off to his new forever home! In the final chapter of this story, we find Joey in love with his human and his human in love with him! In addition to being blind in one eye, it was discovered that he is also deaf. However, from Joey’s perspective, he is living in the perfect home—an “only cat” with an “only human”—both having a lot of love to give and receive! While Joey can’t hear, he is very vocal and charms his “mom” with “talking” that sounds like “hi” and “thank you”. Sometimes, there IS a happy ending—sometimes, against all odds! ~Sally Daggett Bark in the Park Saturday, September 12th 10am-2pm At The Crossings in Colonie Dog & Cat Adoption Clinic Basket Raffles Blessing of the Animals (noon) In the Gazebo, Albany-Shaker Road; Colonie, NY 12205 For more information, visit: Help AnimaLovers with the TU! You can help AnimaLovers raise funds just by subscribing to the Times Union---and you’ll receive a bonus also! It’s easy—just follow these steps: *Call the Times Union at 454-5454 and sign up for a 10-week Thursday to Sunday subscription for $20 (you must be a new subscriber, or anyone who has not been a subscriber in the past 30 days) *Tell your representative that you want your donation to go to AnimaLovers, by using the Code ALOV *You, the subscriber, will receive a $5 Dunkin Donuts gift card! And AnimaLovers will automatically receive a $15 donation from the TU—if you use the ALOV code! Already a subscriber to the TU? Call 454-5454 to convert to Easy Pay and you will receive a $10 Dunkin Donuts card, a TU Source card, and AnimaLovers receives a $7.50 donation. You must still use the ALOV code when converting to Easy Pay. It’s that easy to help us raise funds. So spread the word--tell your friends, neighbors, and co-workers to subscribe by using our code, and you’ll continue to help the dogs and cats in the Capital Region that are in need of our services. Summer/Fall 2009 The AnimaLovers’ Companion Page 7 Pets Helping Pets PETS HELPING PETS is a unique opportunity for you to make a donation in your animal’s name to help provide necessary medical and emergency care for animals in need. Animals who need medical care often suffer needlessly or are euthanized because their families cannot afford the necessary veterinary services. We want to give these animals a chance at a healthy life with the folks who love them. Additionally, the Winston Norek Memorial Fund provides senior pet owners with help in shouldering the cost of veterinary expenses. Meryl Norek, an AnimaLovers volunteer, conceived of the fund as a lasting memorial to her beloved feline companion of 17 years, Winston. Ms. Norek has generously committed an annual donation to the fund to ensure Winston’s loving legacy is passed on to companion animals in need in our community, but with your donation added we can help even more. All donations made to PETS HELPING PETS are maintained in a separate fund and will be used only for the purpose of providing needed veterinary care for animals. Your donation - in the name of your companion animal - will be recognized in the next issue of AnimaLovers’ newsletter. What a great gift for the cat or dog who has everything! What a lovely way to remember a beloved companion! And most importantly, what a great way to help other animals... Since our last issue, the following have given donations to the Winston Norek fund Ruth Norek ♥Alfred & Meryl Norek ♥ Kathy Owens ♥ Nadine & Neal Kramer John Robitzeik ♥ Patricia Shearer ♥ Joan Virgil Ora Joan Schepps♥ Margaret St Onge ♥ Meryl Norek Eric & Kara Wohlleber ♥ Jon & Laura Hungerschafer♥ And memorial contributions have been made in memory of: Jessica♥ Maggie Wolf ♥ Jack♥ Maggie♥ Johnah♥ Lindy♥ Rainwater Lucky♥ Smokey♥ Murdock & Stubby ♥ Max Landes♥ David Fischer ♥ Dolan & Hillje Family ♥ Gloria Perrotto ♥ Kathleen & Robert Luria ♥ Ambrose ♥ This contribution to AnimaLovers’ PETS HELPING PETS program (please check one) ___ is made in the name of: ___ is in memory of: (your companion animal’s name/names as you would like them recognized in our newsletter) Please mail this coupon, along with your contribution, to: AnimaLovers Please check one: P.O. Box 6426 ___ General PHP Fund Albany, NY 12206-0426 ___ Winston Norek Fund for Seniors Join AnimaLovers Now! Name:_______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ City: __________________ St:____ Zip: __________ Home: (___)___________ Work: (___)____________ Email: _______________________________________ Please circle one: New Renewal Please circle your membership level: Individual ($15) Family ($25) Patron ($75) Senior ($5) Student ($5) Please circle your volunteering interests, if any: Cat Fostering Dog Fostering Fund Raising Cat Adoption Center Dog Adoption Clinics Telephone Volunteer Humane Education AnimaLovers’ membership year is from September through August. Please send your completed coupon and check (payable to AnimaLovers) to: AnimaLovers, P.O. Box 6426, Albany, NY 12206-0426. For more information call 448-5468 or email AnimaLovers Information Phone: 448-5468 E-Mail: Web: Postal: P.O. Box 6426, Albany, NY 12206 Dog Adoption Clinics Please check our web site or call for dog adoption clinic locations and information. Cat Adoption Clinics Luv-A-Pet Center - PETsMART, East Greenbush Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings 6 to 8 PM Saturday & Sunday - 12:30- AM to 4:30- PM AnimaLovers is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization and is registered with the New York State Charities Registration Bureau. All contributions are deductible to the fullest extent of the law. A copy of our latest annual report may be obtained upon request from AnimaLovers, or from the Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, New York, 10271. CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED The Animal Welfare League of the Greater Capital District, Inc. P.O. Box 6426 Albany, NY 12206-0426 NONPROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID ALBANY, NY PERMIT NO. 844 Summer/Fall 2009 The AnimaLovers’ Companion Page 9
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