newf tracks - Old West Newfoundland Club


newf tracks - Old West Newfoundland Club
Newf Tracks
First Quarter 2014
Love is Blind
I'm taken back by all of the kind words by
so many. This whole experience comes at
such an interesting time and place in my
Where having a core foundation and
unconditional love mean more to me than I
could have ever known. I rediscover daily
the raw concepts of what it means to love,
to risk, to trust and to believe. Wondering
at times if these simple ideas are even
possible to do whole heartedly - to truly be
"all in." It's so easy for me to over think,
flood myself with self-doubt and build my
own obstacles as I go through my journey.
So as I reflect on this weekend and really
reflect on this process I see this handsome
dog being hitched to his cart for the first
time last year. Did he fret or worry about
what was there? What that loud thing was
attached to him bouncing around? Nope.
He approached it with an open heart ready
to risk the unknown and have some fun.
Many months pasted since that day, some
with loss and challenges for us both. But
when the fog cleared and I asked him what
we should do with ourselves that darn cart
collecting dust came back to mind. I
thought we both (okay mostly me) needed
a new goal, a new purpose. We could be
crazy and try for a NCA Draft Dog title.
Sounded crazy to some but I knew this
boy was up to the challenge. That we
were. Of course, I’d continue to doubt
myself but he stayed steady always saying
okay what’s next? Needless, to say here
we are today the day after an amazing
weekend at our first draft test. Though we
didn't pass this time, he taught me that it
was okay we did not pass this time. The
world didn't end and no one thinks of us as
failures (yes, more of my personal
obstacle building). What we will do is
continue to have fun and work as we go to
improve our skills. We are so blessed by
such a loving group of friends both 2 and 4
legged that love and support us no matter
the outcome.
So here I’m thinking how amazing that this
dog that is blind, right here in front of me
has always lived and continues to live by
the very things I’ve been searching for. He
loves unconditionally, he takes risk in love
literally walking blindly into the future
because I asked, he trusts me when at
times I don't trust myself and he believes
in me. He believes in us. He is “all in”
every day. All this time praying for signs
and searching for the answers of life and
here it is. I thank the Lord every day for
him and our journey, because my blind
dog just showed it to me and to those
around us. He is my hero every day.
Leah Schlagel
“The greatest most inspiring
performance I have seen on
the maneuvering course.”
Ron Horn
Inside this issue:
Special points of interest:
President’s Message
OWNC Man of the Year
2014 Draft Test Report, Results and Pics
New Provisional Water Test Judge
Some Braggity Brags!
Happy Birthdays!
Call for Newf Ambassadors
2013 Annual Donor Report
Nancy Varnum
In Tribute & In Memory
Semi-Annual Meeting Minutes
Treat Recipes
Page 2
President’s Message
Doug & Nikki Harris’ Gabriella
in a safe place
Sometimes you have
an idea that could
either be a really great
one, or it could be one
of your worst ideas
ever. That’s how I felt
about the idea of taking
our Newfs to a
restaurant. I decided
to roll the dice and go
for it, and am I ever
glad that I did!
Arboretum and River
Oaks, fourteen of us
visited Baba Yega
restaurant for
brunch. We were
accompanied by four
adult Newfs (Isabelle,
Oliver, Monster, and
Panda) and one very
sweet and cuddly four
month old puppy
named Gabriella.
weather was just
perfect---warm enough
for the humans not to
be cold and cool
enough for the Newfs
not to be hot. All the
dogs behaved
beautifully. I was so
proud of them! I think
it’s safe to say that a
good time was had by
As a grand finale to our
winter walks in the
We had our meal on an
outdoor patio, and the
Kathy Ayer
Panda with Chris, Ken, Mitch & Annalyn
Yes, it’s a dog.
No, it’s not a
black St. Bernard.
No, I don’t have
saddle for it. Yes,
it’s a house dog.
No, I don’t have a
Monster with Margaret, Kayte & Doug
huge house. Yes,
you may pet it.
No, it does not
Yes, that’s drool.
Isabelle & Gabby with Nikki, Doug
and Leo
The Landseer takeover of the Newf Nation!
eat that much.
Page 3
OWNC Man of the Year
If you’ve ever made something by hand,
you know that the finished product took
about 10 times longer to produce than
anyone would ever suspect. I used to
make quilts back in the day before arthritis
and I became such close companions,
and while I’m sure that people thought the
quilts took quite a bit of effort, they truly had NO IDEA of the hundreds of hours I
had spent agonizing over the distribution of color and making sure the points on
all the stars and triangles were perfect.
I say all this to try to convey to you the amount of time and effort Steve Martin
spent making the Newfie Christmas yard displays. I know it took Steve many
tries to get the finish of the paint just the way he wanted it, and I’m sure I don’t
know the half of it. Fortunately for Steve, he had Nan and Andy to help
him. (Ha! Ha! My attempt at humor!)
The two Christmas display sets brought in a total of $4300 for the club. I want to
thank Steve profusely for giving so much of his time and expertise to help
OWNC raise money. OWNC Rescue and those of us who enjoy the working
events are in your debt.
You are the OWNC Man Of The Year!
Kathy Ayer
Page 4
2014 Draft Test
What is draft
The Newfoundland
Club of America
Draft Tests are a
series of exercises
designed to develop
and demonstrate the
natural abilities of
Newfoundland dogs.
While working in a
land-work capacity
involving hauling,
the dog and handler
must demonstrate
teamwork skills. The
Newfoundland has
functioned as a draft
dog in various
capacities, and the
performance of
these exercises is
intended to
demonstrate skills
resulting both from
natural ability and
training that are
applicable to realistic
work situations.
Well, we did it
again friends!
successful draft
test was held on
February 22 &
23, 2014 at the
Parrie Haynes
Ranch in Killeen,
Texas. I first
want to thank
the committee
members for all
of their time and
effort that was
put into this
year’s test. The
hours dedicated
to find a site, get
approval from
NCA, finding
and arranging
for food and lodging and
of course locating and
securing judges, among a
hundred other things, are
all done in their spare
time. Thanks again to
Janice Swenson, Ken
Anctil and my husband
Ron, our head steward.
As Friday arrived at
Parrie Haynes Ranch so
did OWNC. I’m not sure
that Kate Love, the onsite
director for the ranch,
knew what she was in for.
As some members set up
camp, the judges were
briefed on the location
and the plan for the
weekend. That night
some of us met up at
Little Italy, a quant, little
Italian restaurant, that I
will gladly visit again the
next time I’m in Killeen.
We all knew Saturday
was going to be a long
day for everyone. With 10
entrants and
temperatures that were
going to reach mid 70’s
we were already mindful
of what lay ahead. The
Basic Handling went off
without a hitch and we
were on our way.
Throughout the rest of the
morning entrants and
their handlers executed
the harnessing and
hitching and then worked
their way through a
challenging maneuvering
course. We hope the
signs helped keep the
traffic flowing in the right
direction. While dodging
the occasional horse
dropping and those nasty
stickers, the entrants kept
going and one after
another they completed
their task. After a much
deserved break for lunch
we prepared for what will
go down in the books as
“That Damn Freight
Haul”. For some reason
the Army’s “The Caissons
Go Rolling Along” comes
to mind. And as promised
the heat came out to join
us for all the fun too. After
they completed the three
minute out of site and the
loading of the weights,
the teams prepared for
the 1 mile long freight
haul. As the two lead
stewards Ken and I
headed down the dusty
trail, the participants were
kept informed of their
progress every 1/8 mile,
and hopefully a little
entertained. A mid-point
rest stop was provided
and the dogs, and their
handlers, had a chance to
cool off with the much
appreciated buckets and
water. As the Road
March, I mean Freight
Haul, progressed it
provided various terrains
and inclinations to not
only challenge the dogs
but to also show off the
fabulous training that all
of them had received. But
I must say it may have
been the final hill that
proved the toughest when
some of the dogs
inadvertently discovered
a large area covered in
those nasty Texas grass
burrs. In the end there
were a bunch of proud
owners and more than a
few dogs happy to go
back to their crates for a
nap. Saturday’s test
resulted in 1 new TDD, 2
new DD, 1 DD1 and a
DD2. Congratulations to
the following.
TDD: Monster &
Sapphire; Handled by
Kate Champion Judice,
Owed by Kate Champion
Judice and Pattie
DD: Zac; Handled and
owned by Nan Martin
DD: Kate; Handled and
owned by Hosea
DD2: Bojie; Handled and
owned by Megan Goldin
Page 5
Holding court
Ready to Roll!
Now that everyone had a
chance to get some sleep
I hope everyone enjoyed
themselves and were
happy with the event. The
pride that our members
have in this club is so
very evident in everything
we do. That is why I so
look forward to each and
every event that we hold
and I imagine that’s why
we have people travel so
far just to spend time with
Out of Sight Down in the
As usual Saturday night
was set aside for our
annual dinner and
meeting. After a
wonderful meal provided
by the ranch we got right
down to business with the
clubs various financial
reports, a report on our
very successful rescue
program and the
presentation of gifts to our
Judges and Stewards. I
also had a couple of
special gifts for the
Longest Traveled; Ron
Horn and Megan Goldin
Morrison and the Official
Photographer; Leah
Wolfe Schlagel. Topping
off a wonderful evening
was the presentation by
Patti Emmerling. A
beautiful PowerPoint
honoring those beloved
Newfs we have lost this
year and those who are
still with us in their elder
years and then there was
the presentation of Titles
and Awards. This one
took a while since once
again our members and
their dogs exceeded any
of our wildest
expectations by earning a
combination of 40 AKC &
NCA titles in 2013. As
you can imagine, more
than a few tears were
shed that night.
and clear
their heads,
Sunday was
a new day.
The test
proceeded in
much the
same way
starting out
with 10
But after a
change in the
maneuvering course
and some of our furry
friends deciding to have
a mind of their own, the
numbers for the freight
haul dwindled down. Of
course the only constant
we had was the heat
and it rose its ugly head
to almost 80 degrees. In
the end we had only 2
entrants participate in the
final phase of the test and
both earned a
Congratulations again to
Kate and Hosea for
earning their DD1 and to
Bojie and Megan for
earning their DD3.
Janice and Team Brooke
& Raven
Thank You,
Laurie Sten
Judges Annalyn & Lori overseeing Patty adjust traces.
Page 6
2014 Draft Test Braggity Brags!
Qualifiers Megan & Bojie, Nan & Zac, Kayte & Patti with
Monster & Saphira, Ron & Nelson, and Hosea & Kate
Kate, new DD and DD1 giving
Hosea a congratulatory hug!
Kate waiting patiently for her turn
On February 22nd and 23rd at the OWNC NCA Draft test,
"Bojie" BeeCreek's Allan's Angel CGC, TDI, RN, BN, WD1,
WRD1, DD3 earned back to back requals in the oppressive
Texas heat with a full Colorado winter coat, making him a new
DD3. Could not be more proud of how hard this boy worked
for his momma. Owned and handled by Megan
Morrison. Thanks to all of the members of OWNC for such a
wonderful welcome and your gracious hospitality as
always! We LOVE Texas! Photo credit to Dani Bucy.
Page 7
2014 Draft Test Braggity Brags!
“Zac, right turn! Good boy!”
n Febru
Water, W
s in the e OWNC test o nd training
Shadra is draft title at
friends, Very proud of
Earned anks to all our ent and help!
d Nan M
22nd. T the encourage d by Steve an
group fo boy! Zac is lo
our swe
port & Thor
ion o
f the efore th
t tes new tra
t :)
Leah &
all about
Adapted from “Why
Titles” by Sandy
A title says your
dog was intelligent,
and adaptable, and
good-natured. It
says that your dog
loved you enough to
do the things that
please you, however
crazy they may
have sometimes
And a title says
that you loved your
dog, that you loved
to spend time with
him because he was
a good dog, and
that you believed in
him enough to give
him yet another
chance when he
failed, and that, in
the end, your faith
was justified.
Page 8
2014 Draft Test Braggity Brags!
Page 9
2014 Draft Test Braggity Brags!
Congratulations to Cara Perry who is now a Provisional
Water Test Judge!!!
Page 10
More Braggity Brags!
On February 14th at the HCNC NCA Regional specialty, on her debut in the show
world, BeeCreek’s Pucker Up “Smooch” was BOS in Sweeps at 8 months
old. Handled and owned by Megan Morrison
All primped up and ready to go!
Puddle of Smooch
Page 11
2014 Draft Test Braggity Brags!
TimberKnolls Mountain Magic CD BN RN CGC TODD (Magic), owned
by Anne & David Nored, Benita Edds and Patti Sutherland, completed
her CD with two 1st places and a 3rd place, November 14, 2013. We
are so proud of our Moo, it’s always a good time!
(originally submitted for the last newsletter but missed by the Editor. Publishing now with
apologies for its lateness)
Page 12
And more from the Noreds—Charlotte had an average of nine
inches over four days, the first time in 15+ years. Lizzie, Magic
and the kids were in heaven! Magic gave sled rides galore!
Anne, Lizzie , Magic, kids and snow—it really was magic!
The Abominable
Newfie (Magic)!
Lizzie working on under snow retrieve!
Who’s the happiest?
2014 Draft Test Braggity Brags!
From snow in North Carolina, to snow
in Texas ...
Bella, Tim, Maverick, Rio, Tracy, Nova
Page 13
Page 14
Happy Spring Birthdays from Ron and Laurie Sten!
Happy 10th Birthday to
Domino, March 4th
Happy first birthday to Terra, born March 8, 2013
And Happy 5th birthday
to Raven (right) and her
siblings Thor, Magnum,
Georg & Jaycee on April
Page 15
Will you be a Newfoundland Ambassador?
2014 Draft Test Braggity Brags!
Complete and return either electronically or by snail mail to Joan-Locker Thuring,,
120 Hazelwood Drive, Jericho, NY 11753
Application form for: ____________________________________ Date of Application: ________________
Minimum requirements to be a Newfoundland Ambassador:
Have been a member of the Newfoundland Club of America for three consecutive years.
Have owned two or more Newfoundlands over a period of five or more years.
Own (or have access to) at least one Newfoundland that can be introduced to the public. This Newfoundland
must have an exemplary temperament and be clean and reasonably well groomed.
Preferably belong to a Regional Club.
Can converse intelligently about several aspects of the Newfoundland breed, and respond to common
questions about Newfoundlands.
A Newfoundland Ambassador must agree to:
Respond to inquiries quickly – ideally within two days of being made aware of an individual to contact, which
will almost always come through email.
Agree to review and make available to the public the information suggested by the Newfoundland
Ambassador Committee.
Agree to recommend the nearest Regional Club as a source of information and activity and work with that
Regional Club to follow up with the individual.
Agree to abide by the current and future guidelines established by the Newfoundland Ambassador Committee
(e.g., don’t ever give medical advice).
Complete a very short online status report after each contact with the public.
Please consider me for designation as a Newfoundland Ambassador.
Name: ___________________________ Address: _________________________________
Email: _________________________ Phone: _________________
NCA Member since: _____________
Number of Newfoundlands you have owned _______ over how many years? _______
Are you a member of a Regional Club? If so, which one(s)? ___________________________
If you are not a member of a Regional Club, why not? ______________________________
Do you check your email no less frequently than every other day? ____________________
Why do you want to be a Newfoundland Ambassador?
Is there any additional information you can give us about yourself about why you would make a good
Newfoundland Ambassador?
(You may also use the back of this form to respond.)
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________
Page 16
Old West Newfoundland Club Rescue Corporation
2013 Annual Donors
(Including Auction Proceeds)
The Old West Newfoundland Club would like to thank the following donors to the
OWNC Rescue Corporation for their generous 2013 contributions that helped
rescue and foster Newfoundlands Dogs in need. OWNC appreciates every one
who gave to this worthy effort.
Diamond Level ($3,000+
Silver Level ($100 to $199
Doug and Nikki Harris
Mitch and Kathy Ayer (Includes
Thompson & Knight Foundation)
Ken Anctil and Chris Griffin
Barbara and William Bottorff
Teena Cole – in memory of Indigo
Cathy Comstock – in honor of The
Winery Boys
Hosea and Ilona Maggard
Cherri Paluch
Rosemary Redmond – In memory of
Midnight Cowboy Bob, my
George Shalda – for Winston
Barry and Stacy Smith – In memory
of our lost rescue – Haven and In
honor of our current rescues – Max
and Abe
Carol Winnert
Ron and Scarlett Horn
Bronze Level ($1 to $99
Jane Mullin
Pat Betchley – in memory of William
W. Betchley (Bill)
Leah Schlagel
Suzi Bidwell
Laurie and Ron Sten – in honor of
Emerald Level ($1,000 to $1,999
Karen and Paul Baker – for Fiona
Jan Davich (Nan Martin’s sister)
Janet Harriss and Hugh Dean – in
tribute for Harper – who is now a
Therapy Dog
Chad and Cara Perry – in Memory to
VN CH Sugarland’s She’s The One
Sugarland’s Winter’s Forest, WD
Jennifer Stewart (includes Corp
Platinum Level ($500 to $999
John & Dana Hubacek
Steve and Nan Martin
Gold Level ($200 to $499 Donation)
Jennifer and David Baker – for
O.Riley, Guinness and Shiner
Judy Hume – for Toby
John and Charlotte Hunsucker
Luanne Kimball-East – in memory of
Newftex’s Kachina Doll – 1-29-01 –12
Toni-Marie and Gilbert Long
Tracy Luber
Sarah McDowell
Dan and Kathy Melton – in honor of
Emma (previously Mary)
Meg Morrison
Amy Pelzel
Bobbie Jo & Robert Abbott – in tribute Jim and Geri Repass – For all the
for Harper
dear Newfs we’ve owned over 35
years – 3 of them Rescues
Ron and Karen Bailey
Bob and Andy Germann – tribute to
Ralph Burdett – Sadie, our special
lady and our first Newf
Jamie Jennings – To Honor all our
Rescues – Meggy, Maddie, Bentley,
Cosmo, Bogie and Wilber
Robin Clark – for Milo and Tilly
Kathryn and Kevin Johnson
Kayte and Coby Judice
John and Amy Little
Pat Herbrich
Marsha Davis-Riley – for Dakota
Sylvia Steffer
Kent and Jan Stevenson
Kathy Sylvia – In Memory of Travis,
Dane, Sable, and Skyler
Mike and Patty Taylor
Kristi Echols
Carm and Janelle Tassone
Patti Emmerling
Murphy and Darla Walker
Kristin Epstein – in honor/memory of
my friend Bill
Betchley. He really
introduced me to this wonderful
Christy Walton
Cindy White
Donna Zink
Page 17
Living, Loving
In honor of our little gal, Apache,
because she has proven to be a
great therapy dog. We have taken
her to a couple of facilities with her
class….one being a home for
mentality handicapped folks, and
the other was an assisted living/
Dementia and Alzheimer
facility. She was a star! To see
those people smile and hug her
was one of the best experiences my
husband and I have had in a really
long time. It was amazing!
Bobbie and Bob Abbott
ACK GCH (Silver), UKC
GCH Kilyka’s Better
Hide Your Heart Girl,
Lovingly owned by
Kathy Silvia and Doug
Page 18
2014 Draft
Test Braggity Brags!
Bentley (above) had large bald spots due to neglect and infection, but we still thought he was
handsome! We adopted Bentley when he was about 3 (we think) and only had him for 11 months
before he died of congestive heart failure. But it was a GREAT 11 months! Meggy (below) hated
having her picture taken so they are few and far between. We adopted Meggy when she was 5
and she lived until she was 12. We still miss them both very much. They were unique and
wonderful, and we were lucky to have them to love. It always makes me happy to talk about
Jamie Jennings
In memory of Forest and
Isabelle (right).
Chad, Cara and Brynn Perry
Page 19
In Memory Of
2014 Draft Test Braggity Brags!
Bill, Raffa and Caeser, 2010
With a broken heart I announced on
face book the passing of my Caeser
(the Landseer). He was helped across
the Rainbow Bridge March 5. He had
his yearly physical in Mid January.
By Mid February I had to take him to
the his vet for hip arthritis and losing
weight. She asked to do a more
detailed blood panel than his yearly
check up, which of course I said
yes. Also okayed digital x ray of his
abdominal area. Results glucose
levels had increased 2.5 times what
they had been (at normal). X ray
showed swelling of liver; spleen
misshaped and holding blood, thus the
heavy breathing. Her conclusion was
pancreatic cancer, which her dog
passed away last summer with and
had the same exact symptoms. I
know my first Newfy girl Sora and his
sister (though not related but where
together 8.5 years) where waiting for
him at the bridge to show him the way
and around and the ground rules
(Raffa was always the bossy one!)
The rest of the rescue story:
We got Caesar July 4th, 2002. Nancy Varnum brought him up
to Dallas. Raffa (female) was passing thru to go to Austin into
rescue in early November 2002 and she never left! They
bonded immediately like brother and sister. Of course Raffa
had to put him in his place to show him who the ALPHA was
going to be (when I was not around, yea!) What a show that
In early 2007 I went through a divorce. She got Caesar and I
got Raffa. Six months after the divorce I got a call from the ex
saying either I take him or he goes back to rescue. That was
not going to happen! So I paid the pet deposit and the next
weekend the 3 musketeers or 3 stooges, depending who you
asked, were one happy family again!
I bought a town home in Allen in May 2008. I found one with a
6' fence and respectable sized yard for them to enjoy! Yes I
bought it for the three of us. In July 2009 I lost my job, by
October my house was foreclosed and the three of us moved
to St. Louis. Raffa contracted ALS, which I did not know dogs
could get, and was helped across the Rainbow Bridge January
I want to thank OWNC for helping with their allergy medicines
and flea and tick RX's a couple of times during the hard
times. I greatly appreciate the assistance. I also want to
thank Nancy and the Rescue Committee for bringing those 2
wonderful Newfies into my life!!!!! They were so happy
together - loving, fun and a handful! I loved every minute of
it. My heart is totally shattered, missing both so much.
Raffa and Caeser in Allen TX, 2009
Thanks again, Bill Huheey
St Louis
Page 20
In Memory Of
Our Sweet Cranberry
Cranberry had her 11th birthday on
January 10. She crossed the Rainbow
Bridge on February 5.
As a puppy, Cranberry was a little
rascal. Her breeder had called her
“Spitfire.” We nicknamed her “El
Diablo.” She was a terror and mischief on
four legs, and we didn’t know how we’d
ever civilize her. We named her
Stargazer’s Sweet Cranberry. The word “Sweet” in her name was our attempt at
humor because she was such a handful.
We kept training, and Cranberry kept maturing, and she grew into a lovely girl who
was always excited to pull her cart and loved visiting nursing homes as a
registered Therapy Dog. The only thing that really made Cranberry excited was
when Mitch would take her harness in his hand and walk toward the back door. At
a nursing home, when it was time to leave, she’d stiffen her legs and try to keep
from moving forward because she wanted to stay and spend more time with the
When Cranberry was 4, we were afraid she was lonely so we added Big Irish to
our family. Irish almost drove Cranberry crazy when he was a puppy. She was
always very patient with him, and pretty soon Cranberry came to think of Irish as
her baby. A few weeks after Irish’s 4th birthday, he crossed the Rainbow
Bridge. Cranberry would roam the house looking for him and crying as she went
because she couldn’t find him.
When we brought Doonie and Panda (Irish’s
cousins) home, Cranberry had just turned 9
and looked at us like we had lost our minds.
Panda adored Cranberry, and he would lie
so close to her he would be touching
her. She came to accept him as her friend
and would often lick him and groom himespecially after he’d had a big drink of water.
Cranberry grew into her name and was truly
“Sweet Cranberry.” We miss her terribly but
know that she’s waiting at the Rainbow
Bridge with her baby, Big Irish.
Mitch & Kathy Ayer
Page 21
2014 Draft Test Braggity Brags!
We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Nancy
Varnum. Nancy was longtime rescue chair for OWNC and
saved many newfs and non-newfs along the way. Her heart
was as big as Texas and no journey was too long or too hard
when it came to rescuing a newf! We pray she is united
with all of her furkids who went before and were waiting
across the bridge. Rest in peace, sweet lady!
~ Nan Martin
& Judi
Nancy with Pat
n her 13th
Randall’s Lucy o
March 2003
In the Repass’ kitch
June 12, 2012
Page 22
The 2014 Nominating Committee is seeking persons willing to be considered
for nomination to the 2015 NCA Board of Directors. Anyone who is interested
in serving should send a written resume to the chair, including the following
Years of experience as a Newfoundland owner, breeder, and/or exhibitor.
Contributions to the sport of dogs.
Contributions to the Newfoundland breed and to the national or regional
clubs by virtue of talent, education, training, and/or professional endeavor.
Written assurance of willingness to run for office, attend meetings, serve
on committees, and be a consistently active board member, if chosen.
Your letter of intent and resume must be received by June 1, 2014.
No extensions will be given.
NCA Nominating Committee
David Hartmann, Chair
260 Old Mill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238
(412) 968 0968
Committee Members:
John Affel; Dwight Gorsuch;
Chris Rakyta; Cissy Sullivan
Cathy Hartke; Lori Eldridge
Page 23
2014 Draft Test Braggity Brags!
OWNC Minutes, February 2014
Anctil & Chris Griffin, adopted by Jeanine Connolly,
“Shooter/Bentley”, fostered by Brenda
Matheny..adopted by Dan & Billie Duncan, “Shelby”,
The February 22, 1914 semi-annual OWNC meeting
fostered by Kayte & Coby Judice….adopted by Robert
was called to order by President Kathy Ayer following
Moffitt, “Rosie”, fostered by Kayte & Coby
dinner at Parrie Haynes Ranch, in Killeen, Texas.
Judice…..adopted by Kayte & Coby Judice. “Luna”,
ROLL CALL…was taken by sign in. Twenty eight
fostered by Cherry & Bill Paluch….adopted by Robin
members were present: Laurie Sten, Janice Swenson,
Snyder. “Loretta”, fostered by Brenda
Kayte Judice, Hosea Maggard, Ilona Maggard, Tracy
Matheny….adopted by Kay & Clint Hart. “Harper”,
Luber, Douglas Harris, Nikki Harris, Scarlett Horn, Ron
Horn, Steve Martin, Nan Martin, Kevin Johnson, Kathryn fostered by Kathryn & Kevin Johnson….adopted by
Kathryn & Kevin Johnson. “Ellie”, fostered by Jennifer
Johnson, Ken Anctil, Cara Perry, Andy Germann, Leo
Stewart….adopted by Jennifer Stewart. “Dante”,
Paz, Annalyn Paz, Jennifer Stewart, Kathy Ayer, Mitch
Ayer, Janet Harriss, Leah Schlagel, Mike Taylor, Patti
fostered by Ken Anctil & Chris Griffin….adopted by
Taylor, Megan Morrison and Patti Emmerling.
Archie & Donna Dishman. “Bella”, fostered by Kathryn
& Kevin Johnson….adopted by Jim & Peggy Waldrep.
“Auggie”, was a direct re-home adoption by Jim &
moved to accept the minutes of the last meeting
October, 5, 2013. Patti Emmerling seconded the
Peggy Waldrep. Ken stated that they are 4 Newfs
motion, and it passed.
currently in foster care at the present time, “Baxter”,
REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT…Kathy Ayer welcomed fostered by Brenda Matheny, “Lil-Bit”, fostered by Ken
Anctil & Chris Griffin, “Trevor”, fostered by Kristin & Jim
everybody to the meeting and expressed her
appreciation to the Draft Test Committee for their hard
Sharp, and “Holly”, fostered by Kevin & Kathryn
work and nice site.
stated there had been no new applicants and no other
report was given.
filled in for Margaret Hahn) gave the OWNC general
account information, in 2013 the club spent $500 for
Trophies for the two supported entries, and $630 was
contributed trophies that year. The cost of the 2013
annual awards was $1,045.00, which is significantly
higher in the past since we purchased perpetual
plaques instead of individual plaques. We had
$2,010.00 in dues for 2013. The 2013 Draft Test had
$832.21 more in expenses then income. The 2013
Water Test made $498.58 more in income then
expenses. The 2013 Water Camp/Seminar brought in
$1,265.54 more in income then expenses. The Working
Fund Auction collected $2,255.00 and the Beach Party
collections were $500.00. For 2013 we received
$2,713.31 more then we spent.
TREASURER….Janet Harriss, reported a total of
$12,279.50 was spent for our Rescue Newfoundlands.
OWNC Rescue received $7,318.00 from our annual
auction. $335.00 more than the year before. We
received $7,080.00 in donations in 2013, $5,090.00
more than in 2012. Over all, OWNC Rescue received
$6,207.71 more in revenue then expenses in 2013. So
far in 2014, Rescue has spent $3,457.00 more in vet
expenses then we have received in donations.
COMMITTEE…..Nan Martin reported the water test was
a success in spite of challenging weather and low lake
levels. Feedback regarding the site at Vineyards
Campground on Lake Grapevine was positive. We
were pleased to have 25 total entries and the test was a
financial success. We appreciate everyone who
supported the working event fund by bidding at the
auction! Also, a BIG THANKS to Janet Harriss and
Hugh Dean for donating proceeds from Friday Night
thanked the Rescue Board members for their support
and hard work. Ken also thanked others who are not on Burgers on the Beach! Many thanks to Ron Horn and
Cindy White for great judging and cheerfully adjusting to
the Rescue Board for their support as well. He
the weather and beach conditions. Thanks to Patty Hall
expressed his excitement over all the contributors/
-Taylor and Andy Germann for being an awesome
bidders in this past year’s auction which helps the
committee; thanks to all the stewards who were, as
Rescues….. Ken reported there had been 12 Rescue
usual, stellar! Thanks to Karen Baker for organizing the
Newfs fostered by several different families in 2013.
Tadpole test which was a successful new event.
Special Thanks to my husband, Steve Martin, for the
“Yeti/Eddie”, fostered by Kristin & Jim Sharp…adopted
heavy lifting in the equipment/boat/rowing department.
by Mike & Marta Morris, “Wrangler”, fostered by Ken
Page 24
for coming, congratulated
Saturday’s qualifiers: Team Patti Emmerling and Kayte
Judice, Nan Martin, Hosea Maggard, Ron Horn, and
Megan Morrison. She also handed out prizes to the
people who drove the farthest which were Ron/Scarlett
Horn and Megan Morrison all from Colorado….Ron Sten
thanked everybody for helping make the draft test successful, thanked all the stewards and handed out a gift
to each of them, Ron thanked the judges..Annalyn Paz
and Lori Littleton for doing a great job, he then presented them each with a basket of goodies.
Test Braggity
all theBrags!
NEWSLETTER UPDATE…Patty Taylor reminded members that the newsletter is quarterly and that she is going
to ask members to please be a little timelier in getting
their news/pictures in on the deadline that she requests.
Janet Harriss suggested to include a picture of the dogs
in the newsletter that were in “Memoriam, Honor, or Tribute of” for those folks making 2014 donations to
WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE….Kathy Ayer announced who the members are, Janet Harriss, Nan Martin, Kathy Ayer and Andy Germann…..Nan Martin encouraged members to keep on keeping on…Janet Harriss reported the committee raised $2700 last year.
Janet Harriss also said that this evening’s draft test raffle
brought in $400.
Page 24
entry trophies. The trophies have been ordered from
Prairie Dog Pottery and are now paid for. Also the
OWNC logo pattern will be at the Houston show and the
Lighthouse patter will be at the Dallas show. Hope to
see everyone at these two events and let’s all pray for
better weather in Dallas this December!
DRAFT TEST 2015: Kathy Ayer asked if members
wanted a draft test for 2015, Patti Emmerling motioned
to have a draft test and Janet Harriss seconded the motion and it passed.
ANNUAL AWARDS: Patti Emmerling presented a wonderful slide presentation this year…..there were 40
Achievement awards and she also presented a Living
Legend slide narration….Kathy Ayer handed out the
awards while Patti Emmerling narrated. The following
NCA awards were earned this year:
Award type AKC CHAMPION..CH BeeCreek’s State of
the Union BN RN CGC “Rigsby” owned by Megan Morrison
AKC CHAMPION….CH King of Helluland Pride and
Honour “Nova” owned by Tracy Luber
AKC CHAMPION….CH Lakeside’s A Little Black Magic
“Rio” owned by Tracy Luber
AKC CHAMPION….CH Misty Mtn’s Moments to Remember “Mattie” owned by Ron/Scarlett Horn
NEW BUSINESS: Kathy Ayer motioned to vote on the
new slate of officers for 2014…..President: Kathy Ayer,
Vice President: Janet Harriss, Treasurer: Margaret
Hahn, Secretary: Nan Martin, Member at Large: Patty
Taylor, Member at Large: Kayte Judice, Member at
Large: Janice Swenson. Steve Martin moved to accept
the new officers and Mitch Ayer seconded it and it
AKC CHAMPION…CH Wilbon’s Up a Lazy River
“Dozer” owned by Bill/Bonnie Bennett
WATER TEST COMMITTEE 2014: Patty Taylor stated
pending NCA approval, OWNC Water Test will be
Sept26-28, 2014@ The Vineyards Campground, Lake
Grapevine, Grapevine, TX. Ron Horn and Annalyn Paz
have both graciously accepted the invitation to serve as
AKC GRAND CHAMPION….GCH Hatee’s Ask for a Tall
Ship & A Star to Steer by “Sailor” owned by Doug/Nikki
SUPPORTED ENTRIES for 2014: Tracy Luber stated
the winners from the Greater Collin Kennel Club supported Entry in Dallas, TX 12-7-2013….we had a great
entry of 16 Newfs! Unfortunately, we had a blizzard and
only 3 entries were able to make it to the show. WINNERS were: BOB: GCH MTN HIGH CALYSO, CD
PRIDE AND HONOUR……NOW for our 2014 Supported Entry update: We will once again have a supported
entry in Houston, with the Beaumont Kennel Club on
July 19, and in Dallas with the Texas Kennel Club on
December 6, 2014, have requested a 10 am ring time,
but there are no guarantees. The Board voted unanimously to approve the budget for the 2014 supported
AKC GRAND CHAMPION SILVER …GCH (Silver) Kilyka’s Better Hide Your Heart Girl CD RN CGC TODD
“Eli” owned by Kathy Silvia
AKC CHAMPION…CH 911 In the Line of Duty “Tribute”
owned by Patti/Mike Emmerling
the Union BN RN CGC “Rigsby” owned by Megan Morrison
AKC GRAND CHAMPION..GCH Tempest’s Eye of the
Storm WD “Halle” owned by Bob/Andy Germann
CD BN RN CGC DD “Roxy” owned by Margaret Hahn
AKC BEGINNER NOVICE…Springhaven’s Goofy Newfie Monster BN CGC DD WD WRD “Monster” owned by
Coby/Kayte Judice
AKC BEGINNER NOVICE…Stjarna’s Blaze of Glory BN
CGC “ Magnum” owned by Mike/Patty Taylor
AKC COMPANION DOG….GCH Kilyka’s River Dancer
CD BN RN CGC DD “Roxy” owned by Margaret Hahn
Page 25
AKC COMPANION DOG….Lakeside’s Who’s the Boss
NCA WATER DOG REQUAL….Top Shelf’s Whiskey RivHoss CD WD BN RN THD DD “Hoss” owned by Bob/Andy er CD RN CGC THD DD WD4 WRD3 WRDX “Willie”
owned by Ron/Karen Bailey
AKC COMPANION DOG….Timberknoll’s Mountain Magic NCA WATER RESCUE DOG…Springhaven’s Goofy
CD BN RN CGC TODD “Magic” owned by Anne Nored
Newfie Monster BN CGC DD WD WRD “Monster” owned
by Coby/Kayte Judice
Honorable mention in this presentation to Ron Horn’s
“Nelson” for his Canadian High in Trial !!!
NCA WATER RESCUE DOG…VN GCH Aukai-911 Dragon Rider’s Saphira CD CGC DD2 WRD TODD “Saphira”
AKC RALLY…GCH Kilyka’s River Dancer CD BN RN
owned by Patti/Mike Emmerling
CGC DD “Roxy” owned by Margaret Hahn
AKC RALLY..Lakeside’s Who’s The Boss Hoss CD BN
Allan’s Angel BN CGC DD1 WD1 WRD1 TDI “Bojie”
RN THD DD WD “Hoss” owned by Bob/Andy Germann
owned by Megan Morrison
AKC RALLY CH Stjarna’s Thunder Rolls RN CGC DD
“Thor” owned by Mike/Patty Taylor
Mtn’s Lord Of The Seas CD BN RE CGC DD2 WD WRD1
AKC RALLY…Wilbon’s Can’t Take My Eyes off of You RN TDI Can HIT “Nelson” owned by Ron/Scarlett Horn
WD “Meggie” owned by Karen Baker
911 Dragon Rider’s Saphira CD CGC DD2 WRD TODD
owned by Karen Baker
“Saphira” owned by Patti/Mike Emmerling
Stjarna’s Troubadour CGC “ Georg”
LIVING LEGENDS : Stargazer’s Sweet Cranberry
“Cranberry” 1/10/03-2/5/14 ..Owned and loved by Mitch/
Kathy Ayer
AKC THERAPY DOG…Lakeside’s Who’s The Boss Hoss
CD BN RN THD DD WD “ Hoss” owned by Bob/Andy GerClevedon’s Little Bullit “Bullit” recently just celebrated his
11th Birthday! Owned and Loved by Bill/Cherrie Paluch
Misty Mtn’s As you like it CD RE CGC THD DD TDD WD1 CH Sun Valley’s Final Departure “Pepper” 6/22/2002….Is
11.5 yrs young…Owned and Loved by Murphy/Darla
WRD TDI “Oliver” owned by Ron/Scarlett Horn
AKC THERAPY DOG…Timberknoll’s Sweet Valentine BN
CGC THD STAR TDIA TOD “Lizzie” owned by Anne
Mtn’s As You Like It CD RE WD1 WRD DD TDD THD
CGC TDI “Oliver” 8/13/ 11 yrs old and still doing Pet
NCA DRAFT DOG…CH Beowulf of Dragonhold RN RA
Therapy…Owned and Loved by Ron/Scarlett Horn
CGC DD “Domino” owned by Ron/Laurie Sten
Wilbon’s Waltz Across Texas “Dancer” 9/12/02 – is 11 yrs
NCA DRAFT DOG…Lakeside’s Who’s the Boss Hoss CD old….Owned and Loved by Bill/Luanne East
BN RN THD DD WD “Hoss” owned by Bob/Andy GerWilbon’s Spirit of Utah “Spirit” 10/15/02- is 11 yrs old…
Owned and Loved by Bill/Luanne East
NCA DRAFT DOG…CH Stjarna’s Thunder Rolls RN CGC
Stoney Pasture Farms Whateverlolawants
DD “ Thor” owned by Mike/Patty Taylor
“Lola”….11/5/2000- is 13 years young..Owned and Loved
NCA DRAFT DOG REQUAL….BeeCreek’s Allan’s Angel by Carlton/Mollie Standish
BN RN CGC DD1 WD1 WRD1 TDI “Bojie” owned by MeWonderlands Bentley Bear “Bentley”..6/28/03----11/21/13
gan Morrison
Owned and Loved by Doug/Nikki Harris
CH Sparnoir Loki Muz A Me Wilbon “Loki” …11/20/02 –
HIT “Nelson” owned by Ron/Scarlett Horn
10/10/2013 Owned and Loved by Bill/Bonnie Bennett
NCA WATER DOG…Springhaven’s Goofy Newfie Monster BN CGC DD WD “Monster” owned by Coby/Kayte
NCA WATER DOG…CH Timbermist’s Black Tie CD DD
WD “Otis” owned by Marsha Davis-Riley
NCA WATER DOG…Wilbons Can’t Take My Eyes Off of
You RN WD “Meggie” owned by Karen Baker
Newtex’s Kachina Doll “Kachina”..8/4/01---1/4/2013
Owned and Loved by Bill/Luanne East
Sugarland’s Winter’s Forest WD “Forest”….1/4/01--8/8/13 Loved and Cherished by Chad/Cara/Brynn Perry
VN CH Sugarland’s She’s The One CD DD WRD2 WRDX
THD “Isabelle”…1/4/01---3/11/13…Loved and Cherished
by Chad/Cara/Brynn Perry
Page 26
Page 26
VN CH Misty Mtn’s Indian Summer CD DD WD WRD
TDD TDI “Autumn” 1/23/1999---2/25/13…Owned and
Loved by Ron/Scarlett Horn
2014 Draft Test Braggity Brags!
ADJOURNMENT: Patti Emmerling motioned to adjourn
the meeting, Mike Taylor seconded the motion, motion
passed…meeting adjourned!
Respectfully Submitted
Andy Germann
4 Ingredient Dog Treats
1 cup all purpose flour
1 c (4 oz) shredded cheddar cheese
1 Tbl butter, softened
1/3 c milk
In a small bowl, combine flour and cheese. Stir in butter until combined. Gradually add milk until moistened. Turn onto a lightly floured surface; knead 8-10 times.
Roll dough into a 12” x 9” rectangle; cut into 3” x 1” strips. Place on ungreased baking sheets. Bake at
350 degrees for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Let stand in the oven with the door slightly open until
cooled completely. Store in an airtight container. Yield: 3 dozen.
Great for Kong stuffing
Page 27
Board of Directors:
Kathy Ayer, President
Janet Harriss, Vice President
Margaret Hahn, Treasurer
Nan Martin, Secretary
Members at Large:
Kayte Judice
Janice Swenson
Patty Hall-Taylor
Janice Swenson
OWNC is a regional club under the parent
organization, the Newfoundland Club of America.
As a regional club, OWNC is independent of the
NCA but seeks to act as a source of information for
both the prospective puppy buyer and the new owner.
Club members are dedicated to the betterment of the
Newfoundland and willingly spend time answering
questions and addressing concerns “Newfie” owners
may have. (adapted from NCANEWFS.ORG)
Newf Tracks Editor:
Patty Hall-Taylor
Get ready—water training is right around the corner!
Photo credits this issue: Bobbie Abbott, Kathy Ayer, Daniela Bucy, Bill Huheey, Kathryn Johnson,
Tracy Luber, Steve Martin, Megan Morrison, Anne Nored, Judi Randall, Geri Repass, Leah
Schlagel, Kathy Silvia, Mike Taylor