Final Report: pdf
Final Report: pdf
An Investigation of QCD Radiation from Top Quarks Caroline Robson University College London Supervised by Dr. Mark Lancaster April 7, 2004 Abstract Presented here is a study of QCD radiation distributions in events involving tt̄ pair production. The HERWIG Monte Carlo simulation package is used to make a theoretical comparison of the momentum and spatial distribution of gluons radiated from the incoming partons, the tt̄ pair and the decay b and b̄ quarks in the channel pp̄ −→ tt̄ −→ W ± bb̄ and a calculation of the size of the top quark dead cone is made. 1 2 [4] CONTENTS Contents 3 4 1 2 BACKGROUND Introduction The nature of QCD radiation from heavy quarks is currently a phenomenon that is not well understood. In the case of the heaviest of the six quark flavours, the top quark, it is known that gluon radiation carries away momentum from the quarks although the effect has not been quantified. This may be causing errors in the reconstructed top mass and the aim of this investigation was to use Monte Carlo simulations in order to elucidate the nature of the radiation pattern, which may contribute towards a reduction the top mass uncertainty. Pressing questions in the field include the nature of an extra hadronic jet observed in several top quark candidate events and the total energy, and therefore mass, which is lost from the top quarks through gluon radiation. There is also an uncertainty in the nature of the quark-gluon radiation vertex, which may be resolved by a direct calculation of the angles at which gluons are radiated from these heavy quarks. This investigation is based upon the CDF detector at Fermilab’s Tevatron pp̄ collider, where the top quark was discovered in 1995. The measurement made of the top mass is subject to statistical and systematic errors of approximately five per cent, although it is hoped that this will be greatly improved with data from Run II. 2 2.1 Background The Tevatron The Tevatron pp̄ synchrotron is currently the world’s most powerful particle accelerator. It is situated at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago, Illinois, and originally began operations in 1983. The Tevatron itself consists of a four-mile long underground ring in which bunches of protons and antiprotons are accelerated to energies of 1 TeV, giving a centre of mass collision energy of 2 TeV. Figure 1: Aerial view of the Tevatron (top ring) and the Main Injector (bottom ring) The first stage of the process involves producing protons. This is done in the Cockroft-Walton pre-acelerator, in which hydrogen gas is negatively ionised so that each atom has two electrons. The ions are then accelerated by a linear accelerator to 400 MeV and then passed through a carbon foil which removes the electrons to leave only protons. A circular accelerator bends the beam of protons into a circular path and then boosts the energy to 8 GeV. The next stage is the Main 2.2 CDF 5 Injector (the bottom ring on Figure 1), which has several functions. The first is that it accelerates protons to 150 GeV. Secondly, it produces 120 GeV protons to be sent to the antiproton source, which collides them with a nickel target and stores resulting antiprotons. When there are enough antiprotons they are sent back to the main injector, which boosts their energy to 150 GeV. Finally, the protons and antiprotons are fed into the Tevatron. An antiproton recycler stores the antiprotons that return from the Tevatron so that they can be used again. The Tevatron (top ring on Figure 1) receives the 150 GeV protons and antiprotons and accelerates them to 1 TeV in opposite directions. The bunches travel at 99.9999%c and are kept in line by 1,000 helium-cooled superconducting magnets. The beams are brought together in the CDF and D0 detectors positioned on the Tevatron ring. 2.2 CDF The Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) Collaboration was the first to measure the mass of the top quark and is officially credited with its discovery in 1995, although data from the D0 experiment was used alongside the CDF data in further calculations. CDF is a general-purpose particle detector and between Run I (1992-1996) and Run II (2001-present) underwent a substantial upgrade. Figure 2 shows the installation of the silicon vertex detector. This is the centremost tracking detector, which determines the trajectories of charged particles via the electron-hole pairs they create as they pass through the solid state silicon ionisation chambers. After the silicon vertex detector is the Central Outer Tracker, a gas drift chamber which operates via the detection of charged ions. A solenoid coil sits between the tracking detectors and calorimiters to bend the tracks of charged particles so that their momentum and energy can be determined. Figure 2: The CDF detector in its assembly hall during installation of the new silicon vertex detector. One of the plug calorimeters has been removed to allow access The calorimeters (electromagnetic and hadronic) are constructed from alternating layers of absorbers and scintillation detectors, which cause particles to shower and enable a calculation of the energy lost at each stage. The inelastic production of secondary particles causes energy to be deposited in each absorbing layer until all or most of the primary particle’s energy is lost. In the electromagnetic calorimeters, high energy electrons and positrons lose most of their energy by bremsstrahlung and photons lose energy via the production of electron-positron pairs. The depth of penetration of an electromagnetic shower is related to the radiation length and increases logarithmically with primary energy. This means that the physical size of elecromagnetic calorimeters 6 3 THE TOP QUARK increases slowly with the energy of the particles it is designed to detect. The penetration of hadronic showers is determined by the nuclear absorption length, which is generally longer than radiation length and so the hadronic calorimeters are thicker than the electromagnetic ones. The calorimeter modules at CDF are divided up into smaller cells, enabling the determination of position as well as energy. The outermost detectors are the muon chambers, which detect highly penetrating muons via scintillation detectors. The presence of quarks, heavy bosons and gluons is detected via the products of their decay chains and neutrinos are inferred from missing energy which is required to comply with the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. The entire CDF detector is 27 metres long, ten metres high and weighs around 500 tons. 3 The Top Quark 3.1 Discovery of the Top Quark The top quark is the heaviest of the set of six quarks predicted by the Standard Model of Particle Physics and is the heaviest known fundamental particle. Formulated in the 1960s, the predictions of the Standard Model have so far proven accurate and in 2001 the final predicted particle, the tau neutrino, was discovered at the Tevatron. The top quark was the final quark to be discovered because due to its mass it requires large collision energies to be produced. 3.2 Importance of the Top Mass “The top mass represents one of the crucial parameters for testing the standard model while the production properties, should they display anomalies, could point to the existence of exotic phenomena”[?] The mass of the top quark was established from data produced during CDF Run I as 175.9 GeV ± 4.8 GeV (statistical) ± 4.9 GeV (systematic). The main background factors in top events are discussed in Section 6.1. The top mass is of particular interest because it is much heavier than the other quarks; the bottom quark, as the next heaviest, has a mass of only 5 GeV. The top mass also lies in the energy range of 150 - 200 GeV, which is currently of interest in particle physics. The hypothesised Higgs boson is predicted to lie within this region and its mass is constrained by the mass of the top quark, along with that of the W boson. The Higgs particle or set of particles is thought to be responsible for the breaking of electroweak symmetry in the early universe and will hopefully explain why the mediators of the weak interaction, the W and Z bosons, are very heavy while the photon, mediator of the electromagnetic force, is massless. It is important to know the top mass as accurately as possible as a difference of 5% in the top mass corresponds to a difference of around 100% in the mass of the Higgs. 3.3 3.3.1 Production of the Top Quark at the Tevatron The Parton Model The top quark is produced at the Tevatron via the annihilation of two incoming valence quarks from the colliding proton and antiproton. In the parton model, a high energy proton is considered to be a composite object made up of quasi-free quarks and gluons. Each of these particles carries a fraction xi of the proton’s momentum. The ‘partons’ are confined within the proton as the net colour charge of all macroscopically observable particles must be zero. At short distances or very high energies the αs coupling constant is small and the quarks within the proton can move almost freely as the coupling to surrounding quarks and gluons can be neglected. However αs increases with the interquark distance and the result is that the quarks are confined within a particle of 7 radius ∼ 10−15 m - the approximate size of a proton. When protons are collided at high energies the valence quarks can be knocked beyond this radius and annihilate to produce new particles. The remaining ‘spectator’ quarks also hadronise. Figure 3: The Parton Model: High energy protons and antiprotons are made up of quasi-free quarks 3.3.2 The tt̄ Decay Chain Tops and antitops are most commonly produced in pairs from a gluon created by the annihilating valence quarks (See Figure 4). It is also possible for the proton and antiproton to each radiate gluons which then annihilate with each other to create a tt̄ pair but this is very rare and so has been neglected in this study. Due to the large mass of the top quark its lifetime is too short to allow it to hadronise so top hadrons are never observed. More than 99% of the time the top quarks decay in the tt̄ −→ W + W − bb̄ channel [?]. W bosons most often decay to a q q̄ pair, resulting in six hadronic jets being produced in the detector. However this channel has a large background component from other processes. Instead, the ‘lepton plus four jets’ channel is more commonly used in the study of top events because while the cross section is of the order of one third of that of the six jet channel, there are much fewer background processes that produce similar results. The data is therefore purer, increasing the likelihood of a candidate event involving top quarks. Figure 4: Feynman diagram showing production and decay of the top quark at the Tevatron via the lepton plus four jets channel 4 QCD Radiation Quantum Chromodynamics is the study of the colour interactions between quarks. These interactions are mediated by the strong force and its exchange particle, the massless gluon. The 8 5 DETECTOR PARAMETERS mathematical theory behind QCD was produced in the 1970s and is has become increasingly important as colliders of higher and higher energies have been built. QCD is particularly important to the study of heavy quark and hadronic jet production as gluons carry the colour charge and cause quarks to be bound into hadronic states. All quarks can radiate gluons and it is known that these gluons take with them some of the quark’s energy and momentum. In the case of the top quark, this can cause a considerable uncertainty on the mass because the nature of this energy loss is not well understood. Gluon emission occurs because as a quark becomes more isolated from other quarks the coupling αs , and therefore the potential energy, of the binding colour force increases. At a critical point the potential stored in the colour field manifests itself as spontaneously emitted gluons, which then split into q q̄ pairs. These recombine into colourless hadronic states, creating a highly collimated hadronic jet in the direction of the original quark. In a large proportion of top events an extra isolated hadronic jet has been observed in the detector and it is thought that this may be the result of the hadronisation of high energy gluon emissions from the top and antitop quarks. However gluons also radiate from the initial parton quarks and the bottom quark decay products of the W bosons, as illustrated in Figure 5. Thus in order to calculate the energy loss from the top quarks due to gluon radiation, the gluons of different origins have to be distinguished from each other. Figure 5: Gluon radiation from the initial parton quarks, top quarks and bottom quarks The radiated gluons themselves are not directly observed but are instead detected via their hadronic decay products. Gluons create quark-antiquark pairs which then hadronise into jets containing mostly pions. π + hadrons leave tracks in the tracking detectors because they are electrically charged and also energy deposits in the hadron calorimeters. Neutral π 0 particles do not leave signals in the tracking detectors but they do deposit energy in the electromagnetic calorimeters. 5 5.1 Detector Parameters Transverse Momentum At CDF the beamline is taken as the z -axis in conventional three-dimensional spatial coordinates. The protons and antiprotons have equal momentum in opposite directions so when they collide there is no z component of momentum in the centre of mass frame. Thus the energy given out in the x and y directions can be taken as the total energy transferred to new particles. The transverse momentum PT is defined as: PT = q Px2 + Py2 (1) 5.2 Pseudorapidity 5.2 9 Pseudorapidity The polar angle to the beamline, θ, is not a convenient quantity to use due to the fact that often there are several particles travelling at angles very close to the beam direction. In order to describe the differences in these angles it is more useful to use a logarithmic scale. Rapidity is a scale which equals zero at 90◦ to the beamline and infinity along the beamline (see Figure 6. Forward and backward topologies can then be described by positive and negative rapidities. Rapidity is usually denoted as y but in the case of massless particles such as gluons, the quantity is redefined as pseudorapidity, η. Figure 6: Schematic of the detector, demonstrating θ and η Pseudorapidity is calculated as follows from θ: θ η = − ln(tan ) 2 (2) Pseudorapidity also becomes very useful when considering Lorentz transformations into frames other than the centre of mass frame as a change in pseudorapidity, ∆η, is Lorentz invariant. 5.3 Phi Phi is the azimuthal angle in the transverse plane, as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: The transverse plane, showing the x,y axes and φ 10 6 6 RECONSTRUCTING THE TOP MASS Reconstructing the Top Mass 6.1 The Reconstruction Process at CDF Top events decaying in the lepton plus jets channel are characterised by the appearance of a single isolated high PT electron or muon, four leading hadronic jets arising from the b quarks from the top decays and the hadronically decaying W boson and missing transverse energy indicating the presence of a neutrino. Jets from the hadronisation of b quarks are tagged by reconstructing either secondary vertices from the decays of the bottom’s hadronic products (SVX tagging) or extra leptons where the bottom quark has decayed semileptonically (SVT tagging). Restrictions are put on the energies and distributions of the leptons and jets in order to help reduce background events. The restrictions at CDF are set at ET >20 GeV and | η |<1 for the electron or muon, ET >20 GeV for the missing neutrino energy and for three of the four jets, ET >15 GeV and | η |<2. The restriction on the fourth jet is lower at ET >8 GeV and | η |<2.4 in order to increase event acceptance, as long as at least one of the jets is SVX or SLT-tagged. If none of the jets have been tagged, the fourth jet must satisfy the same requirements as all of the others in order for the event to be accepted. Once the momenta and masses of the quarks and leptons have been calculated, the most basic requirements are that the total PT of the tt̄ pair and its QCD products is zero and that the invariant masses of the l ν and q q̄ pairs must be equal to the W mass. The mass of the top must also be equal to the mass of the antitop. A jet is defined as a cluster of calorimeter towers within cones of radius ∆R = 0.4 in η − φ space: ∆R = q (∆η)2 + (∆φ)2 (3) The jet energies have to undergo a series of corrections to account for losses in the cracks bewteen the calorimeter cells, losses outside the defined jet radius and the uncertainty on the energy scale. Corrections are also made for contributions from the ‘underlying event’. This includes the hadronisation products of the spectator partons from the proton and antiproton and the results of gluon radiation from these quarks. Estimations are made using both simulated and real data. There are many different configurations for assigning jets to particular quarks. Generally each set of data is fitted to the hypothesis that pp̄ −→ tt̄ −→ W + W − bb̄ −→ l+ νbq q̄ b̄ or q q̄bl− ν̄ b̄ via a χ2 fit and the lowest χ2 configuration used. The data is then fitted to simulated Monte Carlo (discussed in Section 7.1) data in order to find the mass value with the optimum likelihood of being correct. The background in top events is calculated by accounting for factors including the reduced energy and pseudorapidity requirement on the fourth jet, the likelihood function of the mass calculation, the SVX and SLT-tagging efficiencies and the cross sections of possible background events. In Reference [?] the background factors to the top mass result of 175.9 GeV in the sample used were calculated as follows: • 67%: Other events involving W + jets • 20%: Multijet events where a jet is misidentified as a lepton and other bb̄ events where a b hadron has decayed semileptonically. • 13%: Z events where the Z decays leptonically; WW,WZ and ZZ diboson events and from the production of single top quarks. 6.2 6.2 Isolated Track Asymmetry 11 Isolated Track Asymmetry The tt̄ is colour connected to the valence quarks of the incoming pp̄ pair unlike the the other quarks, which usually come from gluon initial states [?]. The top is thus coupled to the proton and the antitop to the antiproton. Reference [?] suggests that along with the fact that the probability of gluon emission is dependant on the bending angle of the colour line associated with the radiating quark, this should cause an asymmetry in the radiation patterns of the top and the antitop. The study found that there was a difference in the track multiplicities but that this differed from the values predicted by perturbative QCD theory. The authors suspected that the result was due to inaccuracies in their interpretation of the underlying event and the hard (high energy) jet hadronisation process. 6.3 The Effect of Gluon Radiation on the Top Mass A study was made in 1995 of the effect of gluon radiation on the reconstructed top mass (Reference [?]). The extra hadronic jets in a sample of top events were assigned to either ‘production’ gluons radiating from the initial partons and the top quarks before their decay, or ‘decay’ gluons radiated during and after the decay. They cannot be precisely separated from each other due to interference but for the purposes of the study these definitions were used as working approximations. In pp̄ collisions there are other processes which can contribute to the production of the extra jet but their influence was taken to be negligible due to their low cross sections. One of the results of the study was that the production gluons were found to have slightly higher energies than the decay gluons. This is in contrast to the results of this investigation, although the spatial distributions were found to be of a similar shape. When the top mass is reconstructed from its W boson and bottom quark decay products, the mass will be correct if the extra jet came from a production gluon but Mtt̄ is underestimated if the gluon was a decay gluon. In calculating the invariant mass of the top quark, a shoulder was observed on the lower side of the main Breit-Wigner resonance peak when the momentum of the extra jet was omitted. In the case where it was included, an even larger shoulder appeared on the upper side of the resonance peak, indicating an asymmetrical background with a preference for mass values higher than the ’true’ value. Thus Mtt̄ cannot be unambiguously reconstructed in either case. However, if the production and decay gluons were found to have different characteristics then a strategy could be devised to decide whether or not the extra jet should be included in reconstructed mass. 7 7.1 Software HERWIG Monte Carlo Event Generator The simulated top event data in this investigation was created using the HERWIG (Hadron Emission Reactions With Interfering Gluons) Monte Carlo program. All of the particles and decays have well-defined formulae describing their associated probabilities of occurrence. Monte Carlo throws a random number into this bank of formulae and propagates an event. This is repeated thousands or millions of times and the data can then be analysed to find trends and average values for various parameters based upon probability. HERWIG is multipurpose Monte Carlo generator which supports all combinations of hadron, lepton and photon beams. Hard scattering processes are factorised into several components from the beginning. These include the hard subprocess (the breaking up of the pp̄ pair in this case), the perturbative initial and final state beam showers, non-perturbative hadronisation, resonance decays and the hadronisation of the spectator partons in the remnants of the beam. The latter is not well understood and as such cannot be precisely calculated so HERWIG uses relatively simple models to predict the outcomes of these processes. 12 8 QUARK PT LOSSES In Reference [?] a comparison of the kinematical distributions for top quark pairs when calculated via Next to Leading Order (NLO) QCD and by the HERWIG Monte Carlo simulation is discussed. It was found that distributions which do not always agree at leading order, such as PT , η and Mtop , agree perfectly between HERWIG and NLO for values of PT and Mtop that are not too large. At large PT and Mtop (>200 GeV) the distributions begin to diverge slightly because the NLO calculations only take into account one gluon emission from each top. The Monte Carlo simulation, however, picks up on the fact that there may be multiple gluon emissions from any one quark. 7.2 ROOT ROOT is an object oriented data analysis framework originally devised at CERN for the analysis of LEP I data. Its functionality has increased such that it will be able to handle the large amounts of data that will be produced at the LHC and is routinely used for the analysis of CDF data. Within ROOT, data is stored as a set of objects and direct access to separate parts of the data can be achieved without the need to analyse the bulk of it. The main function of ROOT utilised in this investigation was its histogramming capability. 8 8.1 Quark PT Losses Generating the Event Sample The first step in this investigation was to look at the transverse momentum losses of initial parton quarks from the pp̄ pair, the top quarks themselves and the bottom quarks in their decay chain. As the main three types of heavy/ high energy quarks in the process, these are the main QCD emitters contributing to the radiation pattern in the detector. A sample of 10,000 events involving a tt̄ pair was created with HERWIG. The top mass was calculated using a real data sample of only 76 events and the number of events that will form the basis of CDF Run II top quark statistics is estimated to be around 2,000. Therefore 10,000 events was judged to provide adequate statistics for the theoretical study of top events. There were some corruptions during the generation process so the final number of events analysed was 8,606. For each event HERWIG generates a log file containing a list of particles in the event in the approximate order in which they occur. Each log contains on average between 400 and 800 entries, which are indexed consecutively with an IHEP number. Each different type of particle also has its own PDG number, which is a standardised identification number used in all types of Monte Carlo. Antiparticles have negative numbers. The standard PDG numbers for the quarks and antiquarks are shown in Table 1. Other parameters in the files include the momentum components Px , Py and Pz , the energy, mass and velocity components and also the IHEP number of the particle’s mother. For example, if a gluon is radiated from a top quark, the top quark is listed as the gluon’s mother. Table 1: Standard Monte Carlo Identification Numbers for Quarks and Antiquarks Quark d u s c b t PDG 1 2 3 4 5 6 Antiquark d¯ ū s̄ c̄ b̄ t̄ PDG -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 8.2 8.2 Coding Logic 13 Coding Logic The principal C++ logic involved looping over all of the particles in each event and selecting the particles required for each calculation. Once a particular particle was selected, its transverse momentum components could be extracted and manipulated. In HERWIG, particles are sometimes entered more than once and this happens quite often for quarks. The variables are measured and registered at various stages of the quark’s progress, for example before and after emission of a gluon or when there has been a momentum change due to another factor. The first and final time each quark appears, its IHEP is the standard Monte Carlo number. The various ‘intermediate’ states of the quark are labelled internally by HERWIG with the number 94. In order to calculate the PT lost by the quark over its lifetime, the transverse momentum components were extracted just after the quark appeared (i.e. from its first appearance in each log) and just before it annihilated or decayed (from its last appearance in each log). The transverse momentum at each point was calculated and the final momentum subtracted from the initial momentum. Relevant sections of code can be seen in Appendix A.3. 8.3 Results Calculations of the PT lost from the initial parton quarks, top quarks and bottom quarks during their lifetimes gave the results shown in Table 2. Table 2: PT Changes During Quark Lifetimes Quark Initial q Initial q̄ t t̄ b b̄ Mean PT Loss (GeV) 10.43 10.24 10.21 10.01 26.99 24.91 The calculations for the initial parton quarks (either up, down or in rare cases, strange) and the top quarks were fairly straightforward but in the case of the b and b̄ quarks there were extra hadronisation effects to be taken into account. The mean PT loss from an initial quark or antiquark was calculated as 10.34 GeV; from a top or antitop the mean PT loss was 10.11 GeV but the mean loss from a bottom or antibottom quark was well over double the value of the other two at 25.95 GeV. 8.4 Bottom Quark Hadronisation Of the three types of quark, the bottom quarks have the longest lifetime and are the only ones which go on to produce hadrons. During the process of jet formation there are extra uū and dd¯ pairs which are listed in the particle logs as coming from some of the intermediate state b and b̄ quarks. The total PT of these extra quarks was calculated by looking for particles with the same mother particle as the final state b or b̄. An investigation of a sample of Monte Carlo log files implied that the q q̄ pairs always list the second-to-last b or b̄ as their mother. This is most likely a reflection of the order in which HERWIG calculates the event probabilities and made it easier to locate the q q̄ pairs in the logs. An asymmetry was found in the mean value of the total PT of these extra quarks, with the mean for those associated with the b at 31.90 GeV and those associated with the b̄ much lower at 20.06 GeV. The two calculations were coded in the same fashion so either 14 8 QUARK PT LOSSES there is a real asymmetry or the assumption based on the example logs that the quarks always stem from the penultimate b or b̄ entry is wrong. If this was the case, however, the systematic error would be expected to apply equally to both the b and b̄ due to the thousands of events included in the statistics. The implication is therefore that there is a genuine asymmetry. The shapes of the distributions are similar, as can be seen in Figures 8 and 9. For the b quarks the mean PT of the extra q q̄ pairs is higher than the mean PT lost. The q q̄ pairs are therefore part of the hadronisation process and not the decay chain. Perturbations in the colour field during the fragmentation process can cause gluons and q q̄ pairs to appear in the vacuum and go on to create pions and B mesons with the outgoing b and b̄ quarks, contributing to the final B jets. h1_26 Entries 8608 Mean 31.9 RMS 29.52 # Events HADRONISATION LOSSES FROM B QUARK SYSTEM 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) Figure 8: Hadronisation losses from the b quark system 8.5 Extrapolating Back From B Mesons In order to clarify the amount of PT lost from b and b̄ quarks in the hadronisation process, measurements of the PT of the first B mesons were taken on the premise that due to the large mass of the b compared to the d and u, there would be little change in momentum between the final state b or b̄ quark and the first meson it creates when it combines with a lighter quark. The results were inconsistent with this assumption as the mean PT of the B mesons was found to be higher. For example in the case of the b quark the PT was found to increase by a factor of 1.64 from 29.2 GeV to 47.83 GeV. The mean PT of the b̄ quark was found to increase by a factor of 1.65 from Extrapolating Back From B Mesons 15 h1_27 Entries 8608 Mean 20.06 RMS 18.09 HADRONISATION LOSSES FROM BBAR QUARK SYSTEM # Events 8.5 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) Figure 9: Hadronisation losses from the b̄ quark system 16 9 DIRECT GLUON PT CALCULATIONS 28.94 GeV to 47.83 GeV. Upon taking a random sample from the log files and calculating the total momentum P, the values for the quark and the meson were found to agree much better although there was still an increase. The hadronisation process therefore gives a considerable energy boost to the b and b̄ quarks and using the PT of the B mesons as an approximation to the PT of the b and b̄ is not a useful method. 8.6 The Cone Only the b and b̄ quarks undergo a large change in momentum due to direct hadronisation but all three types of quark (initial, top and bottom) are affected by what HERWIG calls the ’cone’. When the PT of the cone was plotted for each case, all of the entries in the histograms were binned around the value of 1 GeV. Upon the inspection of five randomly chosen log files, the momentum of the cone is within a few MeV of this value each time. This suggests that HERWIG is producing an extra hadronisation ’fudge factor’ in order to describe the effects of the underlying event i.e. the hadronisation of the spectator partons and any other perturbative effects due to multiple interactions in the same beam crossing. At 1 GeV this is a small but still significant factor. The fragmentation of the beam remnants is at the present time too complicated to calculate accurately and so HERWIG’s estimation of its effects is based upon relatively simplistic models. 9 9.1 Direct Gluon PT Calculations Logic The next stage of the investigation was to select the gluon radiation events directly from the Monte Carlo data and plot their PT distributions. The overall logic involved first selecting the gluons from each event via their PDG number of 21. Gluons can radiate other gluons and in some events a series of gluons appear to come from one quark. The code had to select those whose mother particle was not another gluon so that only the quark-gluon vertex was being analysed. The next problem was that although the initial and final states of each quark were generally labelled with the standard Monte Carlo PDG numbering, the intermediate states were labelled with HERWIG’s internal numbering of 94. This number is the same for all flavours so it was not simply enough to select each type of quark based upon its standard PDG number; the logic also involved looking for quarks with a PDG of 94, whose mother particle had a PDG corresponding to the standard quark labelling, or whose mother’s mother had a standard PDG. Therefore the gluons from initial and final states of each quark were extracted separately from the intermediate states and the results ¯ s and s̄ quarks a limit on the IHEP number was set at combined. For the initial parton u, ū ,d, d, 28 in order to exclude any gluons potentially radiating from the decay q q̄ pairs of the W bosons. This value was chosen from a study of 21 random logs in which it was determined that the IHEP of the highest-IHEP gluon to be emitted from one of the initial quarks was 26 and the IHEP of the lowest-IHEP appearance of u, d and s quarks from W ± decays was 31. The value of 28 was chosen as it is in the middle of the two values and therefore minimises the likelihood of either missing gluon emissions from the initial parton quarks or mistaking any hadronisation or decay quark radiation for parton quark radiation. The value of PT was calculated for each gluon radiated and then the values for each event were summed in order to give a calculation of the total momentum lost to each quark through gluon radiation. The PT of the maximum PT gluon (i.e the one that would form the basis for clustering in standard jet clustering algorithm see Section ??) was also calculated. See Appendix A.4 for the relevant code. 9.2 Results 9.2 17 Results The initial and final states of the initial parton q and q̄ were observed to produce no gluons. In the sample of 8,606 events however, the intermediate states produced 43,263 gluons between the two. Similarly for the initial and final states of the b there were two gluons radiated in the whole sample and for the b̄ there were none. The intermediate states radiated 19,742 gluons. The intial and final states of the t and t̄ produced larger statistics at 444 and 450 respectively, although these are still very much short of the intermediate state numbers of 12,601 and 12,229. Checks were made using 21 randomly selected logs and at that level the statistics were observed to approximately correlate. It should be stressed at this point that the ‘initial and final’ and ‘intermediate’ states do not necessarily represent real phenomena; instead they represent a method of breaking up the data based upon the methods used by HERWIG to propagate events. These methods are based upon the probabilities of processes occurring in a certain order and the numbering system reflects this. The main PT results are shown in Table 3. Table 3: PT of Radiated Gluons Quark Initial Parton q Initial Parton q̄ t t̄ b b̄ Mean Gluon PT (GeV) 4.046 3.905 7.603 7.702 7.658 7.631 Mean Total PT (GeV) 13.54 9.405 14.42 13.43 13.78 12.43 PT of Max PT Gluon 5.178 4.582 9.340 8.962 9.200 8.284 Looking at the initial parton q and q̄, the mean PT of the gluons they radiate is of the order of approximately half of the that of the other quarks. The gluons radiating from the top and bottom pairs have very similar average PT , although a trend towards the antiquarks radiating gluons of slightly lower momentum can be observed. This appears to occur for all of the different types of quark studied although the effect is most pronounced in the mean total PT of the initial parton antiquarks. Reference [?] describes an asymmetry in the track multipicity for jets radiated from the t and t̄ due to differences in the bending angles of the colour lines. The results presented here suggest that on a probabilistic level there is also an asymmetry in the amount of momentum given to the radiated gluons between matter and antimatter. Table 2 in Section 8.3 shows a similar trend in the overall PT lost from each quark. The shapes of the PT distributons are similar in each case, with a peak at the lower end of the scale and a long tail leading into the higher PT region. For example, the mean PT of the intitial q gluons and the t and b gluons are shown in Figures 10, 11 and 12. For plots of the mean PT of the q̄, t̄ and b̄ quarks, together with plots of the total PT and the PT of the maximum PT gluon, see Appendix 2. 10 10.1 Spatial Gluon Distributions Pseudorapidity, η The gluons from the initial partons were found to be biassed in their distribution towards one side of the detector or the other. Gluons from the initial q appeared mostly in the negative η side (i.e. in the topology of the p̄) and the q̄ gluons appeared mostly in the positive side (towards the direction of the p. This implies that a substantial amount of the outgoing parton’s momentum comes from the opposite particle in the pp̄ collision. There is a very slight asymmetry in the mean pseudorapidities, with the q gluons having a mean η of -2.204 and the q̄ gluons having a mean 18 10 SPATIAL GLUON DISTRIBUTIONS h1_43 Entries 23180 Mean 4.046 RMS 5.664 # Events PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL Q 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) Figure 10: Mean PT of gluons radiating from initial parton quark Pseudorapidity, η 19 h1_49 Entries 13045 Mean 7.603 RMS 9.682 PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM TOP # Events 10.1 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) Figure 11: Mean PT of gluons radiating from t quark 20 10 SPATIAL GLUON DISTRIBUTIONS h1_55 Entries 10017 Mean 7.658 RMS 8.648 # Events PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM B 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) Figure 12: Mean PT of gluons radiating from b quark 10.1 Pseudorapidity, η 21 η of 2.297. This is a relatively small difference although it could be enough to cause noticeable asymmetries in jet distribution. Figures 13 and 14 show the distribution in η of gluons from the initial parton q and q̄, in which the bias can be clearly seen. The distributions of the gluons from the top and bottom quarks are located in the central region of the detector, with no obvious bias to either side. Coupled with the fact that the mean PT values for the gluons from each type of quark are very similar, a large amount of real data would be needed in order to determine likelihoods of either type of gluon by statistical methods. Figures 15 and 16 show the η distributions of gluons from the t and b quarks. Note the mean values of 0.013 and 0.014, which are very close to each other even on the logarithmic η scale. h1_97 Entries 23180 Mean -2.204 RMS 1.495 # Gluons PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL Q 1000 800 600 400 200 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pseudorapidity Figure 13: Pseudorapidity distribution of gluons radiating from initial parton q Plots of η distributions of the max PT gluon for each type of quark are displayed in Appendix ?? A summary of the mean η values are presented in Table 4. For the initial parton quarks and the t quarks, the η of the max PT gluons are shifted towards positive η compared with the overall means. The t̄, b and b̄ gluons show the opposite trend, both having started in positive η and reducing in value slightly for the max PT gluons. The shift is most prominent for the initial parton quarks, with ∆η being an order of magnitude bigger than for tops and bottoms. 22 10 h1_100 Entries 20083 Mean 2.297 RMS 1.513 PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL QBAR # Gluons SPATIAL GLUON DISTRIBUTIONS 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pseudorapidity Figure 14: Pseudorapidity distribution of gluons radiating from initial parton q̄ Table 4: η of Radiated Gluons Quark Initial Parton q Initial Parton q̄ t t̄ b b̄ Mean Gluon η -2.204 2.297 0.013 0.018 0.014 0.026 Mean η of Max PT Gluon -1.778 2.639 0.002 0.027 0.011 0.022 Pseudorapidity, η 23 h1_103 Entries 13045 Mean 0.01287 RMS 1.043 PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM TOP # Gluons 10.1 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pseudorapidity Figure 15: Pseudorapidity distribution of gluons radiating from initial parton q̄ 24 10 h1_109 Entries 10017 Mean 0.01394 RMS 1.05 PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM B # Gluons SPATIAL GLUON DISTRIBUTIONS 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pseudorapidity Figure 16: Pseudorapidity distribution of gluons radiating from initial parton q̄ 10.2 10.2 Azimuthal Distribution in φ 25 Azimuthal Distribution in φ The gluon distributions from all of the quarks studied were approximately even, with a mean of ∼ π. This implies that the distribution of quarks inside the proton and antiproton must be in a constant state of flux i.e. in the HERWIG model, the alignment of quarks inside the p and p̄ is on average unaffected by magnetic fields, or the influence of the electromagnetic force is suppressed by the more dominant strong coupling. Figure 17 demonstrates a typical distribution. h1_139 Entries 13045 Mean 3.122 RMS 1.815 # Gluons PHI OF GLUONS FROM TOP 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Phi (radians) Figure 17: Typical distribution of the gluon radiation pattern in the transverse plane. The distribution in φ is approximately even, with a mean of ∼ π 10.3 Gluon Distributions in η − φ Space It is useful to look at two-dimensional distributions in order to gain an idea of how much the gluon distributions overlap. Plotted in η − φ space, the initial parton quark gluons distributions can be seen to overlap slightly, although the peaks can still be made out. The distributions are spread over a large range in the detector, from η of approximately -5 to 5 (See Figure 18). The top and bottom quark gluons occupy a much narrower space in the central region of the detector. As can be seen from Figures 19 and 20 the distributions overlap each other. The total radiation pattern for initial parton quarks, top quarks and bottom quarks is shown in Figure 21. Gluons from the initial q q̄ pair could be distinguished statistically due to the fact that their mean 26 10 h2_1001 Entries 86526 Mean x -0.1145 3.141 Mean y RMS x 2.702 1.814 RMS y GLUONS RADIATING FROM Q + QBAR Phi (radians) SPATIAL GLUON DISTRIBUTIONS 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Pseudorapidity Figure 18: Distribution of gluons from the initial parton quarks in η − φ space. The peaks can be clearly seen. 10.4 Ratios Between Gluon Types 27 PT is in the region of approximately half that of the gluons from the tops and bottoms. The tops and bottoms, however, are much harder to tell apart due to their similar mean PT . h2_1009 Entries 51588 Mean x 0.01563 3.131 Mean y RMS x 1.031 1.812 RMS y Phi (radians) GLUONS RADIATING FROM T + TBAR 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Pseudorapidity Figure 19: Distribubution of gluons from the tt̄ pair. Both are located centrally in the detector. 10.4 Ratios Between Gluon Types The top and bottom gluon distributions are however not identical. The gluons from the bb̄ pair occupy a slightly narrower region in η than those from the tt̄ pair. Although this is not immediately clear from the distributions in Figures 19 and 20, the difference becomes apparent when the ratio of top and bottom gluons is plotted over the same parameters. Figure 22 is a lego plot showing the ratio of the two gluon distributions. The towers are plotted with a difference of 0.1 in each of η and φ, giving a separation ∆R of 0.14 (as calculated in Equation 3). These values correspond to the size of the calorimeter cells in the CDF detector and hence give an indication of the population ratios that could be expected for cells in different regions. As can be seen, there are regions at the edges of the coupled distribution where the gluons are almost exclusively from top quarks. These regions are located at approximately η = -2 to -3.5 and η = 2.5 to 4. In the central region of the detector the ratio of top to bottom gluons is more even, although there are still slightly more top gluons than bottom. The ratio at the centre is approximately 0.6 in favour of top gluons. Although due to interference effects the origin of a gluon can never be determined with 100% accuracy, QCD jets in the aforementioned η cuts are more likely to be from top quarks than initial or bottom quarks. 28 10 h2_1010 Entries 36802 Mean x 0.01547 3.134 Mean y RMS x 0.9969 1.807 RMS y GLUONS RADIATING FROM B + BBAR Phi (radians) SPATIAL GLUON DISTRIBUTIONS 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Pseudorapidity Figure 20: Distribubution of gluons from the bb̄ pair. Again located centrally. Ratios Between Gluon Types 29 DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL, TOP AND B QUARKS Phi (radians) 10.4 6 5 h2_203 Entries 177598 Mean x -0.04678 3.136 Mean y RMS x 2.028 1.814 RMS y 4 3 2 1 0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Pseudorapidity Figure 21: Total radiation pattern of gluons from all three quark types 30 11 THE TOP QUARK DEAD CONE Gluons from initial parton quarks can be statistically ‘removed’ using their lower mean PT . Thus these areas of the CDF detectors may be more useful than others for top quark QCD studies. RATIO OF TOP QUARK GLUONS TO BOTTOM QUARK GLUONS h2_206 Entries 51588 Mean x 0.04718 3.151 Mean y RMS x 1.942 1.825 RMS y 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 6 Ph i (r 5 ad ian4 s) 3 2 1 0 -6 -4 -2 0 6 ity 4orapid 2Pseud Figure 22: Lego plot showing the ratio of top gluons to bottom-radiated ones Figure 23, overleaf, shows the overall numerical ratios in η − φ space of the gluons from initial, top and bottom quarks over the 8,606 event sample. The off-centre peaks of the parton quark distributions (in yellow) can be clearly seen, as can the disparity between the numbers of gluons from the tt̄ and bb̄ pairs. 11 11.1 The Top Quark Dead Cone Gluon Emission From Heavy Quarks Due to the fact that quarks have mass, the phase space available for the emission of gluons is reduced. Near the phase space boundary, corresponding to the radiation of gluons approximately collinearly to the quark’s direction of motion, there is a suppression of the gluon emission cross section. In the case of massless quarks there would be a collinear singularity along the propagation direction causing gluons to radiate collinearly. For heavy quarks there are next-to-leading order loop diagrams which cause the probability that gluons will be radiated collinearly to be cancelled out. This suppression results in the phenomenon of the ‘dead cone’, within which gluons cannot be radiated because angular momentum and helicity would not be conserved (see Figure 24). In theory 11.1 Gluon Emission From Heavy Quarks 31 PROPORTION OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL, TOP AND BOTTOM QUARKS blue = bottom quarks red = top quarks # Gluons 250 yellow = initial quarks from p/pbar 200 150 100 50 0 6 Ph i (ra5 dia 4 ns ) 3 2 1 0 -6 -4 -2 0 6 ity orapid 2 seu4 d P Figure 23: Stack histogram showing the numerical ratios of gluons from the three quark types in the sample of 8,606 events 32 11 THE TOP QUARK DEAD CONE the quark (spin- 12 ) should only be able to emit gluons (spin-1) at 90◦ to the quark’s direction of motion, otherwise a component of the gluon’s helicity along the direction of the quark’s momentum would mean that helicity had not been conservedcause an increase in helicity. However helicity is not a perfect quantum number, allowing energy smearing and interference effects to reduce this angle. The higher the quark’s energy with respect to its mass, the smaller the dead cone angle is. the light quarks (u, d, s) are often approximated as radiating gluons collinearly as their masses are small in comparison to their energies. The heavier quarks, however, have more pronounced dead cones. Figure 24: The dead cone is the area around a quark’s direction of motion within which gluons cannot be emitted due to energy and momentum conservation 11.2 Calculation from QCD and Parton Distributions A working approximation based upon the quark and gluon cross sections [?] is: 2Mqq̄ θ∼ √ s (4) This assumes that the quarks are stable, but in practice the heavy quarks decay weakly after a finite time. The centre of mass energy is calculated from the two beam energies: √ p s = 2 E1 E2 (5) The energy which actually goes into top production, however, is related to the momentum fractions of the incoming partons: √ 0 s = √ √ x1 x2 s (6) The proton is described in the most general sense as a bound state of two u quarks and a d. However on a deeper level this model does not give a complete picture. Quarks have a finite probability of emitting gluons and those inside the proton are no exception. The quarks continually interact with each other via the exchange of virtual gluons and also emit gluons which can create q q̄ pairs before annihilating again. The result is a quark-gluon sea wihtin the proton and depending on the point in time at which the proton and antiproton collide, a quark other than the standard u or d can be the one to get knocked out. Due to the creation of q q̄ pairs it may even be an antiquark. Similarly for the antiproton, u, d, s, s̄, or in rare cases, c or c̄ quarks have a probability of appearance. The cross sections for these processes are much smaller than those for the standard component quarks and as such are rare but their probabilities are still finite. On a superficial level however, the momentum fractions xi carried by the quarks which become detatched from the pp̄ pair can be taken to be 11.3 Calculation From Relativistic Kinematics 33 approximately one third of the total p or p̄ momentum. Therefore the centre of mass energy which goes into the production of the tt̄ pair at the Tevatron centre of mass energy of 2 TeV is calculated to an approximation as follows: √ 0 s = √ 0.33 · 0.33 · 2T eV = 660GeV (7) Inserting this into the dead cone angle approximation in Equation 4, taking Mtt̄ = 176 GeV: 2M 2 · 176 θ ∼ √ t0t̄ θ ∼ = 0.53rad ≈ 31◦ 660 s (8) By comparison, for the initial parton quarks from the pp̄ pair, taking the mass of the most common parton, the u quark as Mqq̄ = 5MeV: θ∼ 2 · 5 · 10−3 = 1.5 · 10−5 rad ≈ (8 · 10−4 )◦ 660 (9) Thus it can be seen that due to the lighter quarks’ much lower mass, they are usually assumed to radiate collinearly. 11.3 Calculation From Relativistic Kinematics By considering the conservation of relativistic energy and momentum, the minimum angle at which gluons should radiate can be calculated in terms of the mass of the quark. Assume θ is the angle at which the gluon is radiated with respect to the initial momentum and α is the angle through which the quark is deflected, as shown in Figure 25). In practice, α is very small due to the mass of the top quark and is usually neglected. For now it will be kept in the calculation for demonstration purposes. Figure 25: Schematic diagram of the angles through which quark and gluon are deflected during emission In this notation, P~ is a four-vector and P is a three-vector. The norm of a four-vector is invariant i.e. the same in all frames. Therefore: P~ = (mu, imc) P~ 2 = −M 2 c2 (10) (11) 34 11 THE TOP QUARK DEAD CONE Where M is the rest mass. The initial momentum P~i can therefore be calculated a follows. The speed of light, c, is set to 1 in natural units and is neglected in this calculation. P~i2 = (P~g + P~qq̄ )2 − Mq2q̄ = P~g2 + P~q2q̄ + 2P~g P~qq̄ (12) (13) Where P~g and P~qq̄ are the four-momenta of the gluon and the quark or antiquark respectively. Now P~g2 = −Mg2 and the gluon is massless, so P~g2 = 0. Therefore: P~i2 = P~q2q̄ + 2P~g P~qq̄ = −Mq2q̄ (14) + Mg Mqq̄ (15) = −Mq2q̄ (16) But Eg2 6= 0 ⇒ Eg2 = Pg2 + Mg2 ⇒ Eg = Pg as Mg = 0. Multiplying the energies together: ~ qq̄ = Pg · Pqq̄ = Eg Pqq̄ cos(θ + α) Eg E ~ qq̄ = Pqq̄ cos(θ + α) ⇒E ⇒ ~ q2q̄ E = Pq2q̄ cos2 (θ + α) (17) (18) (19) ~ q2q̄ is the norm of the energy momentum four-vector (P, i E ). Its result is P~q2q̄ − Mq2q̄ . E c ⇒ Pq2q̄ cos2 (θ + α) = P~q2q̄ − Mq2q̄ P~q2q̄ − Mq2q̄ 2 cos (θ + α) = P~q2q̄ cos2 (θ + α) = 1 − Mq2q̄ P~q2q̄ (20) (21) (22) Using the identity cos2x = 2cos2 − 1, This gives the final result: Mq2q̄ 1 1 cos(θ + α) + = 1 − 2 2 P~q2q̄ (23) 1 1 Mq2q̄ cos(θ + α) = − 2 2 P~q2q̄ (24) 11.4 Monte Carlo Results 35 cos(θ + α) = 1 − 2 11.4 Mq2q̄ P~q2q̄ (25) Monte Carlo Results Each gluon in the code had been selected based on the fact that it came directly from a quark and not another gluon. The quarks which had radiated gluons could be easily selected by looking for the mother of each gluon. This had the added advantage of being able to extract the momentum components of the quark just before it radiated each gluon in the case of multiple gluon emission. The gluon-radiating t and t̄ quarks were studied and the intial parton quarks were included for comparison. The three momentum components Px , Py and Pz of the gluons and their parent quarks were used to calculate firstly the mean momentum of the quarks at the radiation vertices and secondly the angle between the two momentum vectors, i.e. the radiation angle. The momentum distribution of the t and t̄ quarks is shown in Figure 26. h1_214 Entries 25794 Mean 105.9 RMS 73.06 # Top quarks MOMENTUM OF TOP AND TBAR QUARKS 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 P (GeV) Figure 26: Total momentum of the t and t̄ pair The mean value of the top momentum is 105.9 GeV. This is the three momentum and in the kinematical formulation in Equation 25 its square must be added to the square of the mass of top 36 11 THE TOP QUARK DEAD CONE to form the square of the relativstic four-momentum. At this point the trajectory of the quarks is assumed not to deflect, α is assumed zero and the radiation angle θ is calculated. cosθ = 1 − 2 · 175.92 ⇒ θ = 1.03rad = 58.95◦ 105.92 + 175.92 (26) This is of the order of double the value predicted using the centre of mass energy of the hard scattering system. Figure ?? displayes the distribution of the gluon radiation angle in the HERWIGgenerated events. # Gluons ANGLE OF GLUON RADIATION FROM T AND TBAR QUARKS 500 h1_210 Entries 25794 Mean 0.5365 RMS 0.4655 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Angle of Radiation (radians) Figure 27: Distribution of angles at which gluons radiated from t and t̄ quarks in the sample As can be seen there is a region at low θ where there are very few gluon radiations. There is not a perfect cut off due to energy smearing, although there is a clear peak at ∼ 0.1 rad. This is much lower than the two values calculated via the QCD approximation and the kinematics. The mean value of 0.54 rad is very similar to the minimum angle of 0.53 rad calculated in the QCD parton momentum approximation. With a minimum angle of 0.1 rad, as is implied by the HERWIG data, the mean momentum calculated via kinematics would be ∼ 1753 GeV. This is of the order of 17 times the value of the mean momentum calculated from the simulated data. For comparison, the momentum and gluon radiation distributions of the initial parton quarks were plotted (see Figures ?? and ??). Monte Carlo Results 37 h1_215 Entries 23180 Mean 243.4 RMS 116.3 MOMENTUM OF INITIAL QUARKS # Top quarks 11.4 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 P (GeV) Figure 28: Total momentum of the initial parton quarks 38 11 # Gluons ANGLE OF GLUON RADIATION FROM INITIAL QUARKS 600 THE TOP QUARK DEAD CONE h1_211 Entries 23180 Mean 0.5123 RMS 0.5247 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Angle of Radiation (radians) Figure 29: Distribution of angles at which gluons radiated from the initial parton quarks in the sample 39 The average momentum of the initial partons was found to be 243.4 GeV and the peak of the gluon radiation distribution at approximately 0.05 rad. Using kinematics as before (Equation 25 the theoretical minimum angle was calculated. The rest mass of an average initial parton was again taken as 5 MeV. cosθ = 1 − 2 · 0.0052 ⇒ θ = 4.11 · 10−5 rad = (2.35 · 103 )◦ 243.42 + 0.0052 (27) Thus the minumum angle suggested by the HERWIG distribution is not sufficiently small to account for the larger momentum of the initial parton quarks. The minimum angle suggested by the QCD parton approximation is however of the same order of magnitude, if slightly larger at 1.5·10−5 rad. There are several approximations that have gone into these calculations, most notably the assumption that the initial partons each carry one third of the proton’s momentum. However, within the scope of the defined kinematical formulae, the HERWIG results for momentum and dead cone angle do not agree well. Because of the incomputable collinear singularity of a ‘massless’ quark, HERWIG generates a suppression region around light quarks so that gluons are only radiated down to a small dead cone cut off angle. This can be seen in the radiation angle distribution (Figure ??) in the peak at 0.05 rad. 12 12.1 Future developments Comparison with CDF Data In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the nature of QCD radiation in events at the Tevatron, a comparison with the real CDF data needs to be made. The theoretical calculations made in the previous section suggest that the gluon radiation angles should be much larger than those simulated by HERWIG. The calculations in this study were made using data which was known to contain top quarks and to decay via the most common channel. Working with the real data is much more complicated due to its statistical nature. The study of the lab frame gluon distributions for the different quarks may help to isolate those jets which are most likely to have originated from top quark gluon emissions. The isolated jet observed in several top quark candidate events could also be compared with the simulated momentum and η − φ distributions. The disparities between the HERWIG distributions and the theoretical calculations could be investigated further, using real data to verify one or the other, or neither. 12.2 A Jet Algorithm A potential next step in this investigation would have been to use the simulated momentum and spatial gluon distributions in order to improve upon the jet clustering algorithms currently in use at CDF, potentially including the possibility of extra hadronic jets. A typical clustering algorithm works by selecting the calorimeter tower with the highest energy deposit in a jet, then associating with it all others within a fixed separation, usually ∆R = 0.4 at CDF. From the remaining towers in the cluster, the one with the highest energy is selected and together with all of the others within ∆R, forms a second jet. The process is repeated until all of the calorimeter towers have been accounted for. At the current time the hadronic products of the top quark’s gluon radiation may be getting excluded completely or being mistaken as being from a different origin. Either way there are potential errors on the reconstructed top mass and these need to be quantified. 40 13 15 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Conclusion The main success of this investigation has been to isolate the η region in the lab frame in which jets produced by QCD radiation from top quarks may be the most easily identified. There have been a few surprises in the apparent distribution asymmetries between gluons radiating from t and t̄ quarks and in the wider scope of the investigation, quarks and antiquarks generally. The gluons radiating from the top quark pair were found to have a very similar mean PT to those radiating from the bottom quarks, although the initial parton quark gluons radiated away on average approximately half this amount of PT per gluon. There was a disparity in the total PT radiated from each quark with respect to its antiquark partner, the antiquarks losing less momentum in total compared to the quarks. This effect was most pronounced in the case of the initial parton quarks. The PT of the maximum PT gluons also showed a marked difference between quarks and antiquarks. The top quarks were found to lose on average 14.42 GeV in PT through gluon radiation and the PT of gluons from the antitops totalled on average 13.78 GeV. In Reference [?] shoulders on the lower and upper sides of the Breit-Wigner peaks of the reconstructed top mass were found when the the extra hadronic jets were included or omitted, respectively. Thus it was found that the mass of the top cannot be unambiguously determined in either case. However, if the jet source can be determined as most likely being the top quarks then the decision can be made to include the jet. The finding of this investigation was that in the η regions of -2.0 to -3.5 and 2.5 to 4.0, gluon jets are more likely to be from top quarks than bottom quarks. Jets arising from the initial parton quarks have a lower mean PT and as such, over large statistics, can be eliminated. The asymmetries between gluon PT for quarks and antiquarks may also be useful in determining whether a jet arose from the t or t̄. A comparison with real CDF data needs to be made in order to establish whether this is possible. The theoretical calculations of the top quark dead cone did not agree well with the results suggested by the HERWIG simulations. For the t and t̄ the angular distribution of gluon radiation suggested a dead cone that is of the order of 10% of the size of that calculated using kinematics and approximtely only 20% of that calculated by an approximation based on the centre of mass energy of the system. The initial parton quarks are generally assumed to be almost massless in gluon radiation studies and HERWIG creates an artificial cut off region close to the direction of momentum. However, this cut off region was found to be a much better approximation to the centre of mass QCD calculation in this case, agreeing to within an order of magnitude. The understanding of this process is still somewhat limited and again the results need to be compared to experimental data in order to work out what is really happening. Once the findings of this investigation have been compared to experimental data, progress can be made towards the improvement of jet clustering algorithms and the reduction of the uncertainty on the top mass. 14 Website A website dedicated to this project is located at:˜crobson/ 15 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dr Mark Lancaster for his patience and dedication during the course of this project and Dr David Waters for acting as a second supervisor. I would also like to thank Dr Stuart Boogert and Dr Mark Sutton for their invaluable help and advice. REFERENCES 41 References [1] S. Frixione. Top Quark Distributions in Hadronic Collisions. 1995, [hep-ph/9503213]. [2] CDF Collaboration. Measurement of the Top Mass. Physical Review Letters, 80(13):2767–2772, 1995. [3] CDF Collaboration. Measurements of Soft QCD Radiation in Top Events from pp̄ Collisions at √ s = 1.8 TeV. 2002, CDF/PUB/TOP PUBLIC/6243. [4] L.H. et al. Orr. Gluon Radiation in tt̄ Production at the Fermilab Tevatron pp̄ Collider. Physical Review D., 52(1):124–132, 1995. [5] W.J. Webber R.K. Ellis, W.J. Stirling. QCD and Collider Physics. Cambridge, 1996. 42 A A.1 A Code Setting Up Histogram Objects in ROOT CODE A.1 Setting Up Histogram Objects in ROOT 43 // Set up histograms (, title, no.of bins, min, max, zero (must be there)) //Initial state quarks______________________________________________________ gH->Hbook1(1,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL STATE QUARK",150,0.0,150.0 ,0.); gH->Hbook1(2,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL STATE ANTIQUARK",150,0.0,1 50.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(3,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL STATE Q+QBAR",200,0. 0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(4,"CONE LOSSES FROM QUARK SYSTEM",200,0.999,1.001,0.); gH->Hbook1(5,"CONE LOSSES FROM ANTIQUARK SYSTEM",200,0.9,1.1,0.); gH->Hbook1(6,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL STATE QUARK CORRECTED FOR CONE LOSSES",150,-2.0,150.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(7,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL STATE ANTIQUARK CORRECTED FOR CONE LOSSES",150,-2.0,150.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(8,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL STATE Q+QBAR CORRECT ED FOR CONE LOSSES",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(9,"Q CODING TEST",100,0.0,100.0,0.); //Top quark_________________________________________________________________ gH->Hbook1(10,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM TOP",150,0.0,150.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(11,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM ANTITOP",150,0.0,150.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(12,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM T+TBAR",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(13,"CONE LOSSES FROM TOP SYSTEM",100,0.0,100.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(14,"CONE LOSSES FROM ANTITOP SYSTEM",100,0.0,100.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(15,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL STATE TOP CORRECTED FOR C ONE LOSSES",100,0.0,100.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(16,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL STATE ANTITOP CORRECTED F OR CONE LOSSES ",100,0.0,100.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(17,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM T+TBAR CORRECTED FOR CONE L OSSES",300,0.0,300.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(18,"TQ CODING TEST",100,0.0,100.0,0.); //Bottom quark______________________________________________________________ gH->Hbook1(19,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM B QUARK (NO CORRECTIONS)",250,0.0 ,250.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(20,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM BBAR QUARK (NO CORRECTIONS)",250, 0.0,250.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(21,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM B+BBAR (NO CORRECTIONS)",35 0,0.0,350.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(22,"CONE LOSSES FROM B QUARK SYSTEM",100,0.0,100.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(23,"CONE LOSSES FROM BBAR QUARK SYSTEM",100,0.0,100.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(24,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM B QUARK CORRECTED FOR CONE LOSSES ",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(25,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM BBAR QUARK CORRECTED FOR CONE LOS 44 A CODE SES",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(26,"HADRONISATION LOSSES FROM B QUARK SYSTEM",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(27,"HADRONISATION LOSSES FROM BBAR QUARK SYSTEM",200,0.0,200.0,0. ); gH->Hbook1(28,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM B QUARK CORRECTED FOR HADRONISATI ON LOSSES",250,-250,250.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(29,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM BBAR QUARK CORRECTED FOR HADRONIS ATION LOSSES",250,-250,250.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(30,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM B + BBAR CORRECTED FOR HADR ONISATION LOSSES",350,-250,350.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(31,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM B QUARK CORRECTED FOR CONE AND HA DRONISATION LOSSES",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(32,"PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM BBAR QUARK CORRECTED FOR CONE AND HADRONISATION LOSSES",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(33,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM B + BBAR CORRECTED FOR CONE AND HADRONISATION LOSSES",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(34,"B CODING TEST",200,0.0,200.0,0.); //Calculations directly from gluons__________________________________________ gH->Hbook1(35,"PT OF FIRST B MESON",300,0.0,300.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(36,"PT OF FIRST BBAR MESON",300,0.0,300.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(37,"PT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN B MESON AND THE INITIAL B QUARK",600,-3 00,300.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(38,"PT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BBAR MESON AND THE INITIAL BBAR QUARK", 400,-200,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(39,"PT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN B AND B MESON MINUS HARONISATION LOSSES ",300,-150,150.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(40,"PT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BBAR AND BBAR MESON MINUS HARONISATION LOSSES",400,-200,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(41,"PT OF ,200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(42,"PT OF 200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(43,"PT OF gH->Hbook1(44,"PT OF s)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(45,"PT OF )",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(46,"PT OF gH->Hbook1(47,"PT OF .0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(48,"PT OF 0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(49,"PT OF gH->Hbook1(50,"PT OF 0.0,200.0,0.); GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL Q (initial/final states)" GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL Q (intermediate states)", GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL Q",200,0.0,200.0,0.); GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL QBAR (initial/final state GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL QBAR (intermediate states GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL QBAR",200,0.0,200.0,0.); GLUONS RADIATING FROM TOP (initial/final states)",200,0 GLUONS RADIATING FROM TOP (intermediate states)",200,0. GLUONS RADIATING FROM TOP",200,0.0,200.0,0.); GLUONS RADIATING FROM TBAR (initial/final states)",200, A.1 Setting Up Histogram Objects in ROOT gH->Hbook1(51,"PT .0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(52,"PT gH->Hbook1(53,"PT ,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(54,"PT 200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(55,"PT gH->Hbook1(56,"PT 0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(57,"PT .0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(58,"PT 45 OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM TBAR (intermediate states)",200,0 OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM TBAR",200,0.0,200.0,0.); OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM B (initial/final states)",200,0.0 OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM B (intermediate states)",200,0.0, OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM B",200,0.0,200.0,0.); OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM BBAR (initial/final states)",200, OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM BBAR (intermediate states)",200,0 OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM BBAR",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(59,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS al states)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(60,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS e states)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(61,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS .0,0.); gH->Hbook1(62,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS final states)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(63,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS iate states)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(64,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS ,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(65,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS tes)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(66,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS es)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(67,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS gH->Hbook1(68,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS ates)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(69,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS tes)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(70,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS .); gH->Hbook1(71,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS s)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(72,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS )",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(73,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS gH->Hbook1(74,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS ates)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(75,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS tes)",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(76,"TOTAL PT OF GLUONS ); RADIATING FROM EACH INITIAL Q (initial/fin RADIATING FROM EACH INITIAL Q (intermediat RADIATING FROM EACH INITIAL Q",200,0.0,200 RADIATING FROM EACH INITIAL QBAR (initial/ RADIATING FROM EACH INITIAL QBAR (intermed RADIATING FROM EACH INITIAL QBAR ",200,0.0 RADIATING FROM EACH TOP (initial/final sta RADIATING FROM EACH TOP (intermediate stat RADIATING FROM EACH TOP ",200,0.0,200.0,0.); RADIATING FROM EACH TBAR (initial/final st RADIATING FROM EACH TBAR (intermediate sta RADIATING FROM EACH TBAR ",200,0.0,200.0,0 RADIATING FROM EACH B (initial/final state RADIATING FROM EACH B (intermediate states RADIATING FROM EACH B ",200,0.0,200.0,0.); RADIATING FROM EACH BBAR (initial/final st RADIATING FROM EACH BBAR (intermediate sta RADIATING FROM EACH BBAR",200,0.0,200.0,0. gH->Hbook1(77,"PT OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL Q (initial/final states)",200 46 ,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(78,"PT 0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(79,"PT gH->Hbook1(80,"PT 200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(81,"PT 00,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(82,"PT gH->Hbook1(83,"PT 00.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(84,"PT 0.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(85,"PT gH->Hbook1(86,"PT ,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(87,"PT 200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(88,"PT gH->Hbook1(89,"PT .0,0.); gH->Hbook1(90,"PT 0,0.); gH->Hbook1(91,"PT gH->Hbook1(92,"PT 200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(93,"PT 00.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(94,"PT A CODE OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL Q (intermediate states)",200, OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL Q",200,0.0,200.0,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL QBAR (initial/final states)", OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL QBAR (intermediate states)",2 OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL QBAR",200,0.0,200.0,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TOP (initial/final states)",200,0.0,2 OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TOP (intermediate states)",200,0.0,20 OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TOP",200,0.0,200.0,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TQBAR (initial/final states)",200,0.0 OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TQBAR (intermediate states)",200,0.0, OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TQBAR",200,0.0,200.0,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM B (initial/final states)",200,0.0,200 OF MAX PT GLUON FROM B (intermediate states)",200,0.0,200. OF MAX PT GLUON FROM B",200,0.0,200.0,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM BBAR (initial/final states)",200,0.0, OF MAX PT GLUON FROM BBAR (intermediate states)",200,0.0,2 OF MAX PT GLUON FROM BBAR",200,0.0,200.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(95,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL Q (initial/final states )",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(96,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL Q (intermediate states) ",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(97,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL Q",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(98,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL QBAR (initial/final sta tes)",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(99,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL QBAR (intermediate stat es)",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(100,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL QBAR",100,-8.0,8.0,0.) ; gH->Hbook1(101,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM TOP (initial/final states)",10 0,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(102,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM TOP (intermediate states)",100 ,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(103,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM TOP",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(104,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM TBAR (initial/final states)",1 00,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(105,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM TBAR (intermediate states)",10 0,-8.0,8.0,0.); A.1 Setting Up Histogram Objects in ROOT 47 gH->Hbook1(106,"PSEUDORAPIDITY gH->Hbook1(107,"PSEUDORAPIDITY -8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(108,"PSEUDORAPIDITY 8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(109,"PSEUDORAPIDITY gH->Hbook1(110,"PSEUDORAPIDITY 00,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(111,"PSEUDORAPIDITY 0,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(112,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF GLUONS FROM TBAR",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); OF GLUONS FROM B (initial/final states)",100, gH->Hbook1(113,"PSEUDORAPIDITY states)",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(114,"PSEUDORAPIDITY states)",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(115,"PSEUDORAPIDITY 0.); gH->Hbook1(116,"PSEUDORAPIDITY nal states)",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(117,"PSEUDORAPIDITY te states)",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(118,"PSEUDORAPIDITY .0,0.); gH->Hbook1(119,"PSEUDORAPIDITY s)",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(120,"PSEUDORAPIDITY )",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(121,"PSEUDORAPIDITY gH->Hbook1(122,"PSEUDORAPIDITY es)",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(123,"PSEUDORAPIDITY s)",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(124,"PSEUDORAPIDITY gH->Hbook1(125,"PSEUDORAPIDITY ",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(126,"PSEUDORAPIDITY ,100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(127,"PSEUDORAPIDITY gH->Hbook1(128,"PSEUDORAPIDITY es)",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(129,"PSEUDORAPIDITY s)",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(130,"PSEUDORAPIDITY OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL Q (initial/final OF GLUONS FROM B (intermediate states)",100,OF GLUONS FROM B",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); OF GLUONS FROM BBAR (initial/final states)",1 OF GLUONS FROM BBAR (intermediate states)",10 OF GLUONS FROM BBAR",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL Q (intermediate OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL Q",100,-8.0,8.0, OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL QBAR (initial/fi OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL QBAR (intermedia OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL QBAR",100,-8.0,8 OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TOP (initial/final state OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TOP (intermediate states OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TOP",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TBAR (initial/final stat OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TBAR (intermediate state OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TBAR",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM B (initial/final states) OF MAX PT GLUON FROM B (intermediate states)" OF MAX PT GLUON FROM B",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM BBAR (initial/final stat OF MAX PT GLUON FROM BBAR (intermediate state OF MAX PT GLUON FROM BBAR",100,-8.0,8.0,0.); gH->Hbook1(131,"PHI OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL Q (initial/final states)",100,0.0 ,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(132,"PHI OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL Q (intermediate states)",100,0.0, 6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(133,"PHI OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL Q",100,0.0,6.3,0.); 48 A CODE gH->Hbook1(134,"PHI 0.0,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(135,"PHI .0,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(136,"PHI gH->Hbook1(137,"PHI .); gH->Hbook1(138,"PHI ); gH->Hbook1(139,"PHI gH->Hbook1(140,"PHI 0.); gH->Hbook1(141,"PHI .); gH->Hbook1(142,"PHI gH->Hbook1(143,"PHI ; gH->Hbook1(144,"PHI gH->Hbook1(145,"PHI gH->Hbook1(146,"PHI 0.); gH->Hbook1(147,"PHI .); gH->Hbook1(148,"PHI OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL QBAR (initial/final states)",100, gH->Hbook1(149,"PHI 00,0.0,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(150,"PHI 0,0.0,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(151,"PHI gH->Hbook1(152,"PHI ",100,0.0,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(153,"PHI ,100,0.0,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(154,"PHI gH->Hbook1(155,"PHI ,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(156,"PHI 6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(157,"PHI gH->Hbook1(158,"PHI 0,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(159,"PHI ,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(160,"PHI gH->Hbook1(161,"PHI .3,0.); gH->Hbook1(162,"PHI 3,0.); gH->Hbook1(163,"PHI OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL Q (initial/final states)",1 OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL QBAR (intermediate states)",100,0 OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL QBAR",100,0.0,6.3,0); OF GLUONS FROM TOP (initial/final states)",100,0.0,6.3,0 OF GLUONS FROM TOP (intermediate states)",100,0.0,6.3,0. OF GLUONS FROM TOP",100,0.0,6.3,0.); OF GLUONS FROM TBAR (initial/final states)",100,0.0,6.3, OF GLUONS FROM TBAR (intermediate states)",100,0.0,6.3,0 OF GLUONS FROM TBAR",100,0.0,6.3,0.); OF GLUONS FROM B (initial/final states)",100,0.0,6.3,0.) OF GLUONS FROM B (intermediate states)",100,0.0,6.3,0.); OF GLUONS FROM B",100,0.0,6.3,0.); OF GLUONS FROM BBAR (initial/final states)",100,0.0,6.3, OF GLUONS FROM BBAR (intermediate states)",100,0.0,6.3,0 OF GLUONS FROM BBAR",100,0.0,6.3,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL Q (intermediate states)",10 OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL Q",100,0.0,6.3,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL QBAR (initial/final states) OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL QBAR (intermediate states)" OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL QBAR",100,0.0,6.3,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TOP (initial/final states)",100,0.0 OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TOP (intermediate states)",100,0.0, OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TOP",100,0.0,6.3,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TBAR (initial/final states)",100,0. OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TBAR (intermediate states)",100,0.0 OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TBAR",100,0.0,6.3,0.); OF MAX PT GLUON FROM B (initial/final states)",100,0.0,6 OF MAX PT GLUON FROM B (intermediate states)",100,0.0,6. OF MAX PT GLUON FROM B",100,0.0,6.3,0.); A.1 Setting Up Histogram Objects in ROOT 49 gH->Hbook1(164,"PHI OF MAX PT GLUON FROM BBAR (initial/final states)",100,0. 0,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(165,"PHI OF MAX PT GLUON FROM BBAR (intermediate states)",100,0.0 ,6.3,0.); gH->Hbook1(166,"PHI OF MAX PT GLUON FROM BBAR",100,0.0,6.3,0.); //Set axis titles: for (int j = 1; j < 95; j++){ TH1D *h=gH->get1d(j); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("PT (GeV)"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# Events"); } for (int j = 95; j < 131; j++){ TH1D *h=gH->get1d(j); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pseudorapidity"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# Gluons"); } for (int j = 131; j < 167; j++){ TH1D *h=gH->get1d(j); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Phi (radians)"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# Gluons"); } //2D Histos___________________________________________________ gH->Hbook2(167,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS ates)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(168,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT inal states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(169,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS tes)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(170,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT ate states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(171,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS .0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(172,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT .0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); FROM INITIAL QUARKS (initial/final st GLUONS FROM INITIAL QUARKS (Initial/f FROM INITIAL QUARKS (intermediate sta GLUONS FROM INITIAL QUARKS (intermedi FROM INITIAL QUARKS",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0 GLUONS FROM INITIAL QUARKS",70,-7.0,7 gH->Hbook2(173,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL ANTIQUARKS (initial/fina l states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(174,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT GLUONS FROM INITIAL ANTIQUARKS (initi al/final states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(175,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL ANTIQUARKS (intermediate states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(176,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT GLUONS FROM INITIAL ANTIQUARKS (inter mediate states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(177,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL ANTIQUARKS",70,-7.0,7.0, 50 A CODE 63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(178,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT GLUONS FROM INITIAL ANTIQUARKS",70,-7 .0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(179,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS )",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(180,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(181,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS ",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(182,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(183,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS .3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(184,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT 3,0.0,6.3,0.0); FROM TOP QUARKS (initial/final states gH->Hbook2(185,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS s)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(186,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT l states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(187,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS )",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(188,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT gH->Hbook2(189,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS 6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(190,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT 63,0.0,6.3,0.0); FROM TBAR QUARKS (initial/final state gH->Hbook2(191,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS ates)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(192,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT inal states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(193,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS 70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(194,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT ates)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(195,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS ,0.0); gH->Hbook2(196,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT 0.0,6.3,0.0); FROM INITIAL QUARKS (initial/final st gH->Hbook2(197,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS s)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(198,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT l states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(199,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS )",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(200,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT states)",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); FROM BBAR QUARKS (initial/final state GLUONS FROM TOP QUARKS (initial/final FROM TOP QUARKS (intermediate states) GLUONS FROM TOP QUARKS (intermediate FROM TOP QUARKS",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6 GLUONS FROM TOP QUARKS",70,-7.0,7.0,6 GLUONS FROM TBAR QUARKS (initial/fina FROM TBAR QUARKS (intermediate states GLUONS FROM TBAR QUARKS (intermediate states)",70 FROM TBAR QUARKS",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0, GLUONS FROM TBAR QUARKS",70,-7.0,7.0, GLUONS FROM INITIAL QUARKS (initial/f FROM B QUARKS (intermediate states)", GLUONS FROM B QUARKS (intermediate st FROM B QUARKS",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3 GLUONS FROM B QUARKS",70,-7.0,7.0,63, GLUONS FROM BBAR QUARKS (initial/fina FROM BBAR QUARKS (intermediate states GLUONS FROM BBAR QUARKS (intermediate A.1 Setting Up Histogram Objects in ROOT 51 gH->Hbook2(201,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS FROM BBAR QUARKS",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0, 6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(202,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT GLUONS FROM BBAR QUARKS",70,-7.0,7.0, 63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(1001,"GLUONS RADIATING FROM Q + QBAR",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0) ; gH->Hbook2(1002,"GLUONS 0.0); gH->Hbook2(1003,"GLUONS .0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(1004,"GLUONS 63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(1005,"GLUONS .3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(1006,"GLUONS .0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(1007,"GLUONS .0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(1008,"GLUONS .0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); RADIATING FROM Q + QBAR + T",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3, RADIATING FROM Q + QBAR + T + TBAR",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0 RADIATING FROM Q + QBAR + T + TBAR + B",70,-7.0,7.0, RADIATING FROM MAX PT Q + QBAR",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6 RADIATING FROM MAX PT Q + QBAR + T",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0 RADIATING FROM MAX PT Q + QBAR + T + TBAR",70,-7.0,7 RADIATING FROM MAX PT Q + QBAR + T + TBAR + B",70,-7 gH->Hbook2(1009,"GLUONS RADIATING FROM T + TBAR",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0) ; gH->Hbook2(1010,"GLUONS RADIATING FROM B + BBAR",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0) ; gH->Hbook2(1011,"GLUONS .3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(1012,"GLUONS .3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(1013,"GLUONS .0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(1014,"GLUONS .0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); RADIATING FROM MAX PT B + BBAR",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6 RADIATING FROM MAX PT B + BBAR",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6 RADIATING FROM T + TBAR + B + BBAR",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0 RADIATING FROM MAX PT T + TBAR + B + BBAR",70,-7.0,7 gH->Hbook2(203,"DISTRIBUTION OF GLUONS FROM INITIAL, TOP AND B QUARKS",70,-7 .0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(204,"DISTRIBUTION OF MAX PT GLUONS FROM INITIAL, TOP AND B QUARKS ",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(205,"RATIO OF TOP QUARK GLUONS TO INITIAL QUARK GLUONS",70,-7.0,7 .0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(206,"RATIO OF TOP QUARK GLUONS TO BOTTOM QUARK GLUONS",70,-7.0,7. 0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); gH->Hbook2(207,"RATIO OF TOP QUARK GLUONS TO INITIAL AND BOTTOM QUARK GLUONS ",70,-7.0,7.0,63,0.0,6.3,0.0); for (int j = 167; j < 208; j++){ TH1D *h=gH->get1d(j); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pseudorapidity"); 52 A CODE h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Phi (radians)"); } for (int j = 1001; j < 1015; j++){ TH1D *h=gH->get1d(j); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Pseudorapidity"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Phi (radians)"); } //Calculating the angle of radiation from top quarks_______________________ gH->Hbook1(208,"ANGLE gH->Hbook1(209,"ANGLE gH->Hbook1(210,"ANGLE ,0.); gH->Hbook1(211,"ANGLE OF GLUON RADIATION FROM TOP QUARK",320,0.0,3.2,0.); OF GLUON RADIATION FROM TBAR QUARK",320,0.0,3.2,0.); OF GLUON RADIATION FROM T AND TBAR QUARKS",320,0.0,3.2 OF GLUON RADIATION FROM INITIAL QUARKS",320,0.0,3.2,0. ); gH->Hbook1(212,"MOMENTUM gH->Hbook1(213,"MOMENTUM gH->Hbook1(214,"MOMENTUM gH->Hbook1(215,"MOMENTUM OF OF OF OF TOP QUARKS",700,0.0,700.0,0.); TBAR QUARKS",700,0.0,700.0,0.); TOP AND TBAR QUARKS",700,0.0,700.0,0.); INITIAL QUARKS",900,0.0,900.0,0.); for (int j = 208; j < 212; j++){ TH1D *h=gH->get1d(j); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Angle of Radiation (radians)"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# Gluons"); } for (int j = 212; j < 216; j++){ TH1D *h=gH->get1d(j); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("P (GeV)"); h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# Top quarks"); } A.2 A.2 Variables Variables 53 54 A int np = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.nhep; //Select the initial state quarks: double double double double pxQI = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[3]; pyQI =[3]; pxQBarI = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[4]; pyQBarI =[4]; //define and set variables for calculating difference in PT and evaluating the effects of the ’cone’ and hadronisation (b and bbar only) double double double double double ptQ = 0.0; pxQCone = 0.0; pyQCone = 0.0; ptQCone = 0.0; ptQMinusCone = 0.0; double double double double double ptQBar = 0.0; pxQBarCone = 0.0; pyQBarCone = 0.0; ptQBarCone = 0.0; ptQBarMinusCone = 0.0; double double double double double ptTQ = 0.0; pxTQCone = 0.0; pyTQCone = 0.0; ptTQCone = 0.0; ptTQMinusCone = 0.0; double double double double double ptTQBar = 0.0; pxTQBarCone = 0.0; pyTQBarCone = 0.0; ptTQBarCone = 0.0; ptTQBarMinusCone = 0.0; double double double double double double double double double double double double ptB = 0.0; pxBCone = 0.0; pyBCone = 0.0; ptBCone = 0.0; pxBHadrons = 0.0; pyBHadrons = 0.0; ptBHadrons = 0.0; ptBMinusCone = 0.0; ptBMinusHadrons = 0.0; ptBMinusHadronsAndCone = 0.0; ptBInitial = 0.0; ptBFinal = 0.0; CODE A.2 Variables double double double double double double double double double double double double ptBBar = 0.0; pxBBarCone = 0.0; pyBBarCone = 0.0; ptBBarCone = 0.0; pxBBarHadrons = 0.0; pyBBarHadrons = 0.0; ptBBarHadrons = 0.0; ptBBarMinusCone = 0.0; ptBBarMinusHadrons = 0.0; ptBBarMinusHadronsAndCone = 0.0; ptBBarInitial = 0.0; ptBBarFinal = 0.0; double totalPtGluons = 0.0; double totalPtGluonsMinusCone = 0.0; double totalPtTQGluons = 0.0; double totalPtTQGluonsMinusCone = 0.0; double totalPtBGluons = 0.0; double totalPtBGluonsMinusHadrons = 0.0; double totalPtBGluonsMinusHadronsAndCone = 0.0; //Test variables to check arithmetic of code: double Qtest = 0.0; double TQtest = 0.0; double Btest = 0.0; //Define variables for the calculations based on first B mesons: double double double double double double ptBmeson = 0.0; ptBBarmeson = 0.0; totalPtBLost = 0.0; totalPtBBarLost = 0.0; totalPtBLostMinusHadrons = 0.0; totalPtBBarLostMinusHadrons = 0.0; //Define variables for the calculations made directly from the gluons: double double double double double double double double double double transverseQGluon1 = 0.0; transverseQGluon2 = 0.0; transverseQBarGluon1 = 0.0; transverseQBarGluon2 = 0.0; transverseTQGluon1 = 0.0; transverseTQGluon2 = 0.0; transverseTQBarGluon1 = 0.0; transverseTQBarGluon2 = 0.0; transverseBGluon1 = 0.0; transverseBGluon2 = 0.0; 55 56 A double transverseBBarGluon1 = 0.0; double transverseBBarGluon2 = 0.0; double double double double double double double double double double double double sumPtQGluons1 = 0.0; sumPtQGluons2 = 0.0; sumPtQBarGluons1 = 0.0; sumPtQBarGluons2 = 0.0; sumPtTQGluons1 = 0.0; sumPtTQGluons2 = 0.0; sumPtTQBarGluons1 = 0.0; sumPtTQBarGluons2 = 0.0; sumPtBGluons1 = 0.0; sumPtBGluons2 = 0.0; sumPtBBarGluons1 = 0.0; sumPtBBarGluons2 = 0.0; double double double double double double double double double double double double ptQMax1 = 0.0; ptQMax2 = 0.0; ptQBarMax1 = 0.0; ptQBarMax2 = 0.0; ptTQMax1 = 0.0; ptTQMax2 = 0.0; ptTQBarMax1 = 0.0; ptTQBarMax2 = 0.0; ptBMax1 = 0.0; ptBMax2 = 0.0; ptBBarMax1 = 0.0; ptBBarMax2 = 0.0; double double double double double double double double double double double double psRapQGluon1 = 0.0; psRapQGluon2 = 0.0; psRapQBarGluon1 = 0.0; psRapQBarGluon2 = 0.0; psRapTQGluon1 = 0.0; psRapTQGluon2 = 0.0; psRapTQBarGluon1 = 0.0; psRapTQBarGluon2 = 0.0; psRapBGluon1 = 0.0; psRapBGluon2 = 0.0; psRapBBarGluon1 = 0.0; psRapBBarGluon2 = 0.0; double double double double double double double double pseudorapidityQMax1 = 0.0; pseudorapidityQMax2 = 0.0; pseudorapidityQBarMax1 = 0.0; pseudorapidityQBarMax2 = 0.0; pseudorapidityTQMax1 = 0.0; pseudorapidityTQMax2 = 0.0; pseudorapidityTQBarMax1 = 0.0; pseudorapidityTQBarMax2 = 0.0; CODE A.2 Variables double double double double pseudorapidityBMax1 = 0.0; pseudorapidityBMax2 = 0.0; pseudorapidityBBarMax1 = 0.0; pseudorapidityBBarMax2 = 0.0; double double double double double double double double double double double double phiQGluon1 = 0.0; phiQGluon2 = 0.0; phiQBarGluon1 = 0.0; phiQBarGluon2 = 0.0; phiTQGluon1 = 0.0; phiTQGluon2 = 0.0; phiTQBarGluon1 = 0.0; phiTQBarGluon2 = 0.0; phiBGluon1 = 0.0; phiBGluon2 = 0.0; phiBBarGluon1 = 0.0; phiBBarGluon2 = 0.0; double double double double double double double double double double double double QMaxPtPhi1 = 0.0; QMaxPtPhi2 = 0.0; QBarMaxPtPhi1 = 0.0; QBarMaxPtPhi2 = 0.0; TQMaxPtPhi1 = 0.0; TQMaxPtPhi2 = 0.0; TQBarMaxPtPhi1 = 0.0; TQBarMaxPtPhi2 = 0.0; BMaxPtPhi1 = 0.0; BMaxPtPhi2 = 0.0; BBarMaxPtPhi1 = 0.0; BBarMaxPtPhi2 = 0.0; //Define variables to be used in dead cone calculations: double double double double double double alpha = 0.0; alphabar = 0.0; quarkalpha = 0.0; topmom = 0.0; topbarmom = 0.0; quarkmom = 0.0; //Set index numbers to be either the maximum or zero: int int int int TQi = np; TQBari = np; TQFi = 0; TQBarFi = 0; int Bi = np; int BBari = np; int BFi = 0; 57 58 A int BBarFi = 0; int Bmesoni = np; int BBarmesoni = np; CODE A.3 A.3 Calculating PT Loss Calculating PT Loss 59 60 A CODE //loop over all of the particles in the event: for (int i = 0; i < np; i++){ int idpdg = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[i]; int mother = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[i][0]; double xmom = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; double ymom =[i]; //look for the initial state quarks after they have radiated gluons: if (idpdg == 94 && mother == 4){ double pxQF = xmom; double pyQF = ymom; double pxQGluon = pxQI-pxQF; double pyQGluon = pyQI-pyQF; ptQ = TMath::Sqrt((pxQGluon*pxQGluon)+(pyQGluon*pyQGluon)); } //Calculate the PT lost in the cone: if (idpdg == 0 && mother == 4){ pxQCone = xmom; pyQCone = ymom; ptQCone = TMath::Sqrt((pxQCone*pxQCone)+(pyQCone*pyQCone)); ptQMinusCone = ptQ - ptQCone; } //Look for the initial state antiquarks after they have radiated gluons: if (idpdg == 94 && mother == 5){ double double double double ptQBar pxQBarF = xmom; pyQBarF = ymom; pxQBarGluon = pxQBarI-pxQBarF; pyQBarGluon = pyQBarI-pyQBarF; = TMath::Sqrt((pxQBarGluon*pxQBarGluon)+(pyQBarGluon*pyQBarGluon)) ; } //Calculate the PT lost in the cone: if (idpdg == 0 && mother == 5){ pxQBarCone = xmom; pyQBarCone = ymom; ptQBarCone = TMath::Sqrt((pxQBarCone*pxQBarCone)+(pyQBarCone*pyQBarCone)); ptQBarMinusCone = ptQBar - ptQBarCone; A.3 Calculating PT Loss 61 } //Look for the initial and final top quark entries: if (idpdg == 6){ if (i < TQi){ TQi = i; } if (i > TQFi){ TQFi = i; } } double double double double double double ptTQ = pxTQI = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[TQi]; pyTQI =[TQi]; pxTQF = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[TQFi]; pyTQF =[TQFi]; pxTQGluon = pxTQI-pxTQF; pyTQGluon = pyTQI-pyTQF; TMath::Sqrt((pxTQGluon*pxTQGluon)+(pyTQGluon*pyTQGluon)); //Calculate the PT lost in the cone: if ((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[i][0] == TQi + 1) && (idpdg == 0)){ pxTQCone = xmom; pyTQCone = ymom; ptTQCone = TMath::Sqrt((pxTQCone*pxTQCone)+(pyTQCone*pyTQCone)); } ptTQMinusCone = ptTQ - ptTQCone; //Look for the initial and final tbar entries: if (idpdg == -6){ if (i < TQBari){ TQBari = i; } if (i > TQBarFi){ TQBarFi = i; } } double pxTQBarI = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[TQBari]; double pyTQBarI =[TQBari]; double pxTQBarF = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[TQBarFi]; double pyTQBarF =[TQBarFi]; double pxTQBarGluon = pxTQBarI-pxTQBarF; double pyTQBarGluon = pyTQBarI-pyTQBarF; ptTQBar = TMath::Sqrt((pxTQBarGluon*pxTQBarGluon)+(pyTQBarGluon*pyTQBarGluon )); 62 A CODE //Calculate the PT lost in the cone: if ((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[i][0] == TQBari + 1) && (idpdg == 0)){ pxTQBarCone = xmom; pyTQBarCone = ymom; ptTQBarCone = TMath::Sqrt((pxTQBarCone*pxTQBarCone)+(pyTQBarCone*pyTQBarCo ne)); } ptTQBarMinusCone = ptTQBar - ptTQBarCone; //Look for the initial and final b entries: if (idpdg == 5){ if (i < Bi){ Bi = i; } if (i > BFi){ BFi = i; } } double pxBI = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[Bi]; double pyBI =[Bi]; ptBInitial = TMath::Sqrt((pxBI*pxBI)+(pyBI*pyBI)); double pxBF = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[BFi]; double pyBF =[BFi]; ptBFinal = TMath::Sqrt((pxBF*pxBF)+(pyBF*pyBF)); double pxBGluon = pxBI-pxBF; double pyBGluon = pyBI-pyBF; ptB = TMath::Sqrt((pxBGluon*pxBGluon)+(pyBGluon*pyBGluon)); //Calculate the PT lost in the cone: if ((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[i][0] == Bi + 1) && (idpdg == 0)){ pxBCone = xmom; pyBCone = ymom; ptBCone = TMath::Sqrt((pxBCone*pxBCone)+(pyBCone*pyBCone)); } ptBMinusCone = ptB - ptBCone; //Calculate the PT lost to hadronisation processes: if ((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[i][0] == _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[BFi][0]) && (idpdg != 5) && (idpdg != -5)){ pxBHadrons = pxBHadrons + _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; pyBHadrons = pyBHadrons +[i]; ptBHadrons = TMath::Sqrt((pxBHadrons*pxBHadrons)+(pyBHadrons*pyBHadrons)); A.3 Calculating PT Loss 63 } ptBMinusHadrons = ptB - ptBHadrons; ptBMinusHadronsAndCone = ptBMinusHadrons - ptBCone; //Look for the initial and final bbar entries: if (idpdg == -5){ if (i < BBari){ BBari = i; } if (i > BBarFi){ BBarFi = i; } } double pxBBarI = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[BBari]; double pyBBarI =[BBari]; ptBBarInitial = TMath::Sqrt((pxBBarI*pxBBarI)+(pyBBarI*pyBBarI)); double pxBBarF = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[BBarFi]; double pyBBarF =[BBarFi]; ptBBarFinal = TMath::Sqrt((pxBBarF*pxBBarF)+(pyBBarF*pyBBarF)); double pxBBarGluon = pxBBarI-pxBBarF; double pyBBarGluon = pyBBarI-pyBBarF; ptBBar = TMath::Sqrt((pxBBarGluon*pxBBarGluon)+(pyBBarGluon*pyBBarGluon)); //Calculate the PT lost in the cone: if ((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[i][0] == BBari + 1) && (idpdg == 0)){ pxBBarCone = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; pyBBarCone =[i]; ptBBarCone = TMath::Sqrt((pxBBarCone*pxBBarCone)+(pyBBarCone*pyBBarCone)); } ptBBarMinusCone = ptBBar - ptBBarCone; //Calculate the PT lost to hadronisation processes: if ((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[i][0] == _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[BBarFi][ 0]) && (idpdg != 5) && (idpdg != -5)){ pxBBarHadrons = pxBBarHadrons + _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; pyBBarHadrons = pyBBarHadrons +[i]; ptBBarHadrons = TMath::Sqrt((pxBBarHadrons*pxBBarHadrons)+(pyBBarHadrons*p yBBarHadrons)); } ptBBarMinusHadrons = ptBBar - ptBBarHadrons; ptBBarMinusHadronsAndCone = ptBBarMinusHadrons - ptBCone; //Locate the first appearances of B0bar and B- mesons (from b quark) 64 A CODE if (idpdg == 511 || idpdg == 521 || idpdg ==10511 || idpdg == 10521 || idpdg == 513 || idpdg == 523 || idpdg == 10513 || idpdg == 10523 || idpdg == 20513 || idpdg == 20523 || idpdg == 515 || idpdg == 525 || idpdg == 531 || idpdg == 10531 || idp dg == 533 || idpdg == 10533 || idpdg == 20533 || idpdg == 535 || idpdg ==541 || id pdg == 10541 || idpdg == 543 || idpdg == 10543 || idpdg == 20543 || idpdg == 545){ if (i < Bmesoni){ Bmesoni = i; } } double pxBmeson = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[Bmesoni]; double pyBmeson =[Bmesoni]; ptBmeson = TMath::Sqrt((pxBmeson*pxBmeson)+(pyBmeson*pyBmeson)); //Locate the first appearances of B0 and B+ mesons (from bbar quark) if (idpdg ==-511 || idpdg ==-521 || idpdg ==-10511 || idpdg ==-10521 || idpd g ==-513 || idpdg ==-523 || idpdg ==-10513 || idpdg ==-10523 || idpdg ==-20513 || i dpdg ==-20523 || idpdg ==-515 || idpdg ==-525 || idpdg ==-531 || idpdg ==-10531 || idpdg ==-533 || idpdg ==-10533 || idpdg ==-20533 || idpdg ==-535 || idpdg ==-541 || idp dg ==-10541 || idpdg ==-543 || idpdg ==-10543 || idpdg ==-20543 || idpdg ==-545){ if (i < BBarmesoni){ BBarmesoni = i; } } double pxBBarmeson = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[Bmesoni]; double pyBBarmeson =[Bmesoni]; ptBBarmeson = TMath::Sqrt((pxBBarmeson*pxBBarmeson)+(pyBBarmeson*pyBBarmeson )); //add the transverse momenta together: totalPtGluons = ptQ + ptQBar; totalPtGluonsMinusCone = ptQMinusCone + ptQBarMinusCone; totalPtTQGluons = ptTQ + ptTQBar; totalPtTQGluonsMinusCone = ptTQMinusCone + ptTQBarMinusCone; totalPtBGluons = ptB + ptBBar; totalPtBGluonsMinusHadrons = ptBMinusHadrons + ptBBarMinusHadrons; A.3 Calculating PT Loss 65 totalPtBGluonsMinusHadronsAndCone = ptBMinusHadrons + ptBBarMinusHadrons - p tBCone - ptBBarCone; totalPtBLost = ptBInitial - ptBmeson; totalPtBBarLost = ptBBarInitial - ptBBarmeson; totalPtBLostMinusHadrons = totalPtBLost - ptBHadrons; totalPtBBarLostMinusHadrons = totalPtBBarLost - ptBBarHadrons; //Test to see if arithmetic is correct: Qtest = ptQ - ptQMinusCone - ptQCone; TQtest = ptTQ - ptTQMinusCone - ptTQCone; Btest = ptB - ptBMinusCone - ptBCone; } 66 A.4 A CODE Momentum and Spatial Calculations Directly From HERWIG Gluon Entries A.4 Momentum and Spatial Calculations Directly From HERWIG Gluon Entries 67 //Calculate Pt, eta and phi of the gluons as they appear in HERWIG for (int i = 0; i < np; i++){ //Select gluons which have not radiated from other gluons: if (idpdg == 21 && _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[0][ i]-1] != 21){ //initial u,d or s //limit the search to particles with i=0 to i=27: if (i<28){ //Look for the intermediate states i.e those with an idpdg of 94, whose //mother is a u,d or s: if((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == 94) && (_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1 ]==1 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1 ]==2 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1 ]==3 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[_HepEvtBlock.h epevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1][0]-1]==1 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[_HepEvtBlock.h epevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1][0]-1]==2 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[_HepEvtBlock.h epevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1][0]-1]==3)){ //Extract momentum components: Double_t qx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; Double_t qy =[i]; Double_t qz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; //Calculate PT transverseQGluon1 = TMath::Sqrt((qx*qx)+(qy*qy)); gH->Hf1(42,transverseQGluon1); //Add each gluon PT to the sum for the event: sumPtQGluons1 = sumPtQGluons1 + transverseQGluon1; gH->Hf1(60,sumPtQGluons1); 68 A //Create new TLorentzVector object with momentum components as arguments : TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(qx,qy,qz); Double_t qEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); //Assign the correct phi value according to position in the transverse p lane: if(qy<0.0){ Double_t qPhi = TMath::ACos(-qx/transverseQGluon1) + TMath::Pi(); phiQGluon1 = qPhi; gH->Hf1(132,phiQGluon1); } if(qy>=0.0){ Double_t qPhi = TMath::ACos(qx/transverseQGluon1); phiQGluon1 = qPhi; gH->Hf1(132,phiQGluon1); } //Define pseudorapidity of each gluon: psRapQGluon1 = qEta; gH->Hf1(96,psRapQGluon1); //Fill 2D histogram with eta and phi for each gluon: gH->Hf2(169,psRapQGluon1, phiQGluon1); //Select mother quark’s momentum components: Double_t quarkx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[mother-1]; Double_t quarky =[mother-1]; Double_t quarkz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[mother-1]; //Calculate the complete momentum of the quark and the gluon: quarkmom = TMath::Sqrt((quarkx*quarkx)+(quarky*quarky)+(quarkz*quarkz)); Double_t quarkgluonmom = TMath::Sqrt((qx*qx)+(qy*qy)+(qz*qz)); //Calculate the angle between the two vectors: Double_t dotproduct = ((qx*quarkx)+(qy*quarky)+(qz*quarkz)); Double_t cosalpha = (dotproduct/(quarkmom*quarkgluonmom)); quarkalpha = TMath::ACos(cosalpha); gH->Hf1(211,quarkalpha); gH->Hf1(215,quarkmom); //Select the highest PT gluon in the event: CODE A.4 Momentum and Spatial Calculations Directly From HERWIG Gluon Entries 69 if (transverseQGluon1 > ptQMax1){ //PT of highest PT gluon: ptQMax1 = transverseQGluon1; gH->Hf1(78,ptQMax1); //eta of highest PT gluon: pseudorapidityQMax1 = qEta; gH->Hf1(114,pseudorapidityQMax1); //Assign correct phi value for highest PT gluon: if(qy<0.0){ Double_t qPhi = TMath::ACos(-qx/transverseQGluon1) + TMath::Pi(); QMaxPtPhi1 = qPhi; gH->Hf1(150,QMaxPtPhi1); } if(qy>=0.0){ Double_t qPhi = TMath::ACos(qx/transverseQGluon1); QMaxPtPhi1 = qPhi; gH->Hf1(150,QMaxPtPhi1); } //Fill 2D histo with eta and phi of highest PT gluon: gH->Hf2(170,pseudorapidityQMax1,QMaxPtPhi1); } } //Select gluons from initial and final state u,d,s: if (_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == 1 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pd g[mother-1] == 2 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == 3){ Double_t qx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; Double_t qy =[i]; Double_t qz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; transverseQGluon2 = TMath::Sqrt((qx*qx)+(qy*qy)); gH->Hf1(41,transverseQGluon2); sumPtQGluons2 = sumPtQGluons2 + transverseQGluon2; gH->Hf1(59,sumPtQGluons2); TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(qx,qy,qz); Double_t qEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); 70 A CODE if(qy<0.0){ Double_t qPhi = TMath::ACos(-qx/transverseQGluon2) + TMath::Pi(); phiQGluon2 = qPhi; gH->Hf1(131,phiQGluon2); } if(qy>=0.0){ Double_t qPhi = TMath::ACos(qx/transverseQGluon2); phiQGluon2 = qPhi; gH->Hf1(131,phiQGluon2); } psRapQGluon2 = qEta; gH->Hf1(95,psRapQGluon2); gH->Hf2(167,psRapQGluon2, phiQGluon2); if (transverseQGluon2 > ptQMax2){ ptQMax2 = transverseQGluon2; gH->Hf1(77,ptQMax2); pseudorapidityQMax2 = qEta; gH->Hf1(113,pseudorapidityQMax2); if(qy<0.0){ Double_t qPhi = TMath::ACos(-qx/transverseQGluon2) + TMath::Pi(); QMaxPtPhi2 = qPhi; gH->Hf1(149,QMaxPtPhi2); } if(qy>=0.0){ Double_t qPhi = TMath::ACos(qx/transverseQGluon2); QMaxPtPhi2 = qPhi; gH->Hf1(149,QMaxPtPhi2); } gH->Hf2(168,pseudorapidityQMax2,QMaxPtPhi2); } } //initial ubar, dbar or sbar if((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == 94) && (_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1]= =-1 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1]= =-2 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1]= A.4 Momentum and Spatial Calculations Directly From HERWIG Gluon Entries 71 =-3 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[_HepEvtBlock.hep evt.mother[mother-1][0]-1][0]-1]==-1 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[_HepEvtBlock.hep evt.mother[mother-1][0]-1][0]-1]==-2 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[_HepEvtBlock.hep evt.mother[mother-1][0]-1][0]-1]==-3)){ Double_t qbarx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; Double_t qbary =[i]; Double_t qbarz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; transverseQBarGluon1 = TMath::Sqrt((qbarx*qbarx)+(qbary*qbary)); gH->Hf1(45,transverseQBarGluon1); sumPtQBarGluons1 = sumPtQBarGluons1 + transverseQBarGluon1; gH->Hf1(63,sumPtQBarGluons1); TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(qbarx,qbary,qbarz); Double_t qbarEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); if(qbary<0.0){ Double_t qbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-qbarx/transverseQBarGluon1) + TMath::Pi( ); phiQBarGluon1 = qbarPhi; gH->Hf1(135,phiQBarGluon1); } if(qbary>=0.0){ Double_t qbarPhi = TMath::ACos(qbarx/transverseQBarGluon1); phiQBarGluon1 = qbarPhi; gH->Hf1(135,phiQBarGluon1); } psRapQBarGluon1 = qbarEta; gH->Hf1(99,psRapQBarGluon1); gH->Hf2(175,psRapQBarGluon1,phiQBarGluon1); if (transverseQBarGluon1 > ptQBarMax1){ ptQBarMax1 = transverseQBarGluon1; gH->Hf1(81,ptQBarMax1); pseudorapidityQBarMax1 = qbarEta; gH->Hf1(117,pseudorapidityQBarMax1); if(qbary<0.0){ Double_t qbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-qbarx/transverseQBarGluon1) + TMath::P i(); 72 A CODE QBarMaxPtPhi1 = qbarPhi; gH->Hf1(153,QBarMaxPtPhi1); } if(qbary>=0.0){ Double_t qbarPhi = TMath::ACos(qbarx/transverseQBarGluon1); QBarMaxPtPhi1 = qbarPhi; gH->Hf1(153,QBarMaxPtPhi1); } gH->Hf2(176,pseudorapidityQBarMax1, QBarMaxPtPhi1); } } if (_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == -1 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_p dg[mother-1] == -2 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == -3){ Double_t qbarx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; Double_t qbary =[i]; Double_t qbarz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; transverseQBarGluon2 = TMath::Sqrt((qbarx*qbarx)+(qbary*qbary)); gH->Hf1(44,transverseQBarGluon2); sumPtQBarGluons2 = sumPtQBarGluons2 + transverseQBarGluon2; gH->Hf1(62,sumPtQBarGluons2); TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(qbarx,qbary,qbarz); Double_t qbarEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); if(qbary<0.0){ Double_t qbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-qbarx/transverseQBarGluon2) + TMath::Pi( ); phiQBarGluon2 = qbarPhi; gH->Hf1(134,phiQBarGluon2); } if(qbary>=0.0){ Double_t qbarPhi = TMath::ACos(qbarx/transverseQBarGluon2); phiQBarGluon2 = qbarPhi; gH->Hf1(134,phiQBarGluon2); } psRapQBarGluon2 = qbarEta; gH->Hf1(98,psRapQBarGluon2); gH->Hf2(173,psRapQBarGluon2,phiQBarGluon2); if (transverseQBarGluon2 > ptQBarMax2){ ptQBarMax2 = transverseQBarGluon2; A.4 Momentum and Spatial Calculations Directly From HERWIG Gluon Entries 73 gH->Hf1(80,ptQBarMax2); pseudorapidityQBarMax2 = qbarEta; gH->Hf1(116,pseudorapidityQBarMax2); if(qbary<0.0){ Double_t qbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-qbarx/transverseQBarGluon2) + TMath::P i(); QBarMaxPtPhi2 = qbarPhi; gH->Hf1(152,QBarMaxPtPhi2); } if(qbary>=0.0){ Double_t qbarPhi = TMath::ACos(qbarx/transverseQBarGluon2); QBarMaxPtPhi2 = qbarPhi; gH->Hf1(152,QBarMaxPtPhi2); } gH->Hf2(174,pseudorapidityQBarMax2,QBarMaxPtPhi2); } } } //t if((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == 94) && (_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1]= =6 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[_HepEvtBlock.hep evt.mother[mother-1][0]-1][0]-1]==6)){ Double_t tx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; Double_t ty =[i]; Double_t tz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; transverseTQGluon1 = TMath::Sqrt((tx*tx)+(ty*ty)); gH->Hf1(48,transverseTQGluon1); sumPtTQGluons1 = sumPtTQGluons1 + transverseTQGluon1; gH->Hf1(66,sumPtTQGluons1); TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(tx,ty,tz); Double_t tEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); if(ty<0.0){ Double_t tPhi = TMath::ACos(-tx/transverseTQGluon1) + TMath::Pi(); phiTQGluon1 = tPhi; gH->Hf1(138,phiTQGluon1); } if(ty>=0.0){ 74 A Double_t tPhi = TMath::ACos(tx/transverseTQGluon1); phiTQGluon1 = tPhi; gH->Hf1(138,phiTQGluon1); } psRapTQGluon1 = tEta; gH->Hf1(102,psRapTQGluon1); gH->Hf2(181,psRapTQGluon1,phiTQGluon1); Double_t topx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[mother-1]; Double_t topy =[mother-1]; Double_t topz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[mother-1]; topmom = TMath::Sqrt((topx*topx)+(topy*topy)+(topz*topz)); Double_t gluonmom = TMath::Sqrt((tx*tx)+(ty*ty)+(tz*tz)); Double_t dotproduct = ((tx*topx)+(ty*topy)+(tz*topz)); Double_t cosalpha = (dotproduct/(topmom*gluonmom)); alpha = TMath::ACos(cosalpha); gH->Hf1(208,alpha); gH->Hf1(212,topmom); if (transverseTQGluon1 > ptTQMax1){ ptTQMax1 = transverseTQGluon1; gH->Hf1(84,ptTQMax1); pseudorapidityTQMax1 = tEta; gH->Hf1(120,pseudorapidityTQMax1); if(ty<0.0){ Double_t tPhi = TMath::ACos(-tx/transverseTQGluon1) + TMath::Pi(); TQMaxPtPhi1 = tPhi; gH->Hf1(156,TQMaxPtPhi1); } if(ty>=0.0){ Double_t tPhi = TMath::ACos(tx/transverseTQGluon1); TQMaxPtPhi1 = tPhi; gH->Hf1(156,TQMaxPtPhi1); } gH->Hf2(182,pseudorapidityTQMax1,TQMaxPtPhi1); } } if(_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == 6){ Double_t tx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; CODE A.4 Momentum and Spatial Calculations Directly From HERWIG Gluon Entries Double_t ty =[i]; Double_t tz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; transverseTQGluon2 = TMath::Sqrt((tx*tx)+(ty*ty)); gH->Hf1(47,transverseTQGluon2); sumPtTQGluons2 = sumPtTQGluons2 + transverseTQGluon2; gH->Hf1(65,sumPtTQGluons2); TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(tx,ty,tz); Double_t tEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); if (ty<0.0){ Double_t tPhi = TMath::ACos(-tx/transverseTQGluon2) + TMath::Pi(); phiTQGluon2 = tPhi; gH->Hf1(137,phiTQGluon2); } if (ty>=0.0){ Double_t tPhi = TMath::ACos(tx/transverseTQGluon2); phiTQGluon2 = tPhi; gH->Hf1(137,phiTQGluon2); } Double_t topx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[mother-1]; Double_t topy =[mother-1]; Double_t topz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[mother-1]; topmom = TMath::Sqrt((topx*topx)+(topy*topy)+(topz*topz)); Double_t gluonmom = TMath::Sqrt((tx*tx)+(ty*ty)+(tz*tz)); Double_t dotproduct = ((tx*topx)+(ty*topy)+(tz*topz)); Double_t cosalpha = (dotproduct/(topmom*gluonmom)); alpha = TMath::ACos(cosalpha); gH->Hf1(208,alpha); gH->Hf1(212,topmom); psRapTQGluon2 = tEta; gH->Hf1(101,psRapTQGluon2); gH->Hf2(179,psRapTQGluon2,phiTQGluon2); if (transverseTQGluon2 > ptTQMax2){ ptTQMax2 = transverseTQGluon2; gH->Hf1(83,ptTQMax2); pseudorapidityTQMax2 = tEta; gH->Hf1(119,pseudorapidityTQMax2); 75 76 A if (ty<0.0){ Double_t tPhi = TMath::ACos(-tx/transverseTQGluon2) + TMath::Pi(); TQMaxPtPhi2 = tPhi; gH->Hf1(155,TQMaxPtPhi2); } if (ty>=0.0){ Double_t tPhi = TMath::ACos(tx/transverseTQGluon2); TQMaxPtPhi2 = tPhi; gH->Hf1(155,TQMaxPtPhi2); } gH->Hf2(180,pseudorapidityTQMax2,TQMaxPtPhi2); } } //tbar if((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == 94) && (_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1 ]==-6 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[_HepEvtBlock.h epevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1][0]-1]==-6)){ Double_t tbarx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; Double_t tbary =[i]; Double_t tbarz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; transverseTQBarGluon1 = TMath::Sqrt((tbarx*tbarx)+(tbary*tbary)); gH->Hf1(51,transverseTQBarGluon1); sumPtTQBarGluons1 = sumPtTQBarGluons1 + transverseTQBarGluon1; gH->Hf1(69,sumPtTQBarGluons1); TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(tbarx,tbary,tbarz); Double_t tbarEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); if(tbary<0.0){ Double_t tbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-tbarx/transverseTQBarGluon1) + TMath::Pi (); phiTQBarGluon1 = tbarPhi; gH->Hf1(141,phiTQBarGluon1); } if(tbary>=0.0){ Double_t tbarPhi = TMath::ACos(tbarx/transverseTQBarGluon1); phiTQBarGluon1 = tbarPhi; gH->Hf1(141,phiTQBarGluon1); } CODE A.4 Momentum and Spatial Calculations Directly From HERWIG Gluon Entries Double_t topbarx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[mother-1]; Double_t topbary =[mother-1]; Double_t topbarz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[mother-1]; topbarmom = TMath::Sqrt((topbarx*topbarx)+(topbary*topbary)+(topbarz*top barz)); Double_t topbargluonmom = TMath::Sqrt((tbarx*tbarx)+(tbary*tbary)+(tbarz *tbarz)); Double_t dotproduct = ((tbarx*topbarx)+(tbary*topbary)+(tbarz*topbarz)); Double_t cosalpha = (dotproduct/(topbarmom*topbargluonmom)); alphabar = TMath::ACos(cosalpha); gH->Hf1(209,alphabar); gH->Hf1(213,topbarmom); psRapTQBarGluon1 = tbarEta; gH->Hf1(105,psRapTQBarGluon1); gH->Hf2(187,psRapTQBarGluon1,phiTQBarGluon1); if (transverseTQBarGluon1 > ptTQBarMax1){ ptTQBarMax1 = transverseTQBarGluon1; gH->Hf1(87,ptTQBarMax1); pseudorapidityTQBarMax1 = tbarEta; gH->Hf1(123,pseudorapidityTQBarMax1); if(tbary<0.0){ Double_t tbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-tbarx/transverseTQBarGluon1) + TMath:: Pi(); TQBarMaxPtPhi1 = tbarPhi; gH->Hf1(159,TQBarMaxPtPhi1); } if(tbary>=0.0){ Double_t tbarPhi = TMath::ACos(tbarx/transverseTQBarGluon1); TQBarMaxPtPhi1 = tbarPhi; gH->Hf1(159,TQBarMaxPtPhi1); } gH->Hf2(188,pseudorapidityTQBarMax1,TQBarMaxPtPhi1); } } if(_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == -6){ Double_t tbarx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; Double_t tbary =[i]; Double_t tbarz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; 77 78 A transverseTQBarGluon2 = TMath::Sqrt((tbarx*tbarx)+(tbary*tbary)); gH->Hf1(50,transverseTQBarGluon2); sumPtTQBarGluons2 = sumPtTQBarGluons2 + transverseTQBarGluon2; gH->Hf1(68,sumPtTQBarGluons2); TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(tbarx,tbary,tbarz); Double_t tbarEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); if(tbary<0.0){ Double_t tbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-tbarx/transverseTQBarGluon2) + TMath::Pi (); phiTQBarGluon2 = tbarPhi; gH->Hf1(140,phiTQBarGluon2); } if(tbary>=0.0){ Double_t tbarPhi = TMath::ACos(tbarx/transverseTQBarGluon2); phiTQBarGluon2 = tbarPhi; gH->Hf1(140,phiTQBarGluon2); } Double_t topbarx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[mother-1]; Double_t topbary =[mother-1]; Double_t topbarz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[mother-1]; topbarmom = TMath::Sqrt((topbarx*topbarx)+(topbary*topbary)+(topbarz*top barz)); Double_t topbargluonmom = TMath::Sqrt((tbarx*tbarx)+(tbary*tbary)+(tbarz *tbarz)); Double_t dotproduct = ((tbarx*topbarx)+(tbary*topbary)+(tbarz*topbarz)); Double_t cosalpha = (dotproduct/(topbarmom*topbargluonmom)); alphabar = TMath::ACos(cosalpha); gH->Hf1(209,alphabar); gH->Hf1(213,topbarmom); psRapTQBarGluon2 = tbarEta; gH->Hf1(104,psRapTQBarGluon2); gH->Hf2(185,psRapTQBarGluon2,phiTQBarGluon2); if (transverseTQBarGluon2 > ptTQBarMax2){ ptTQBarMax2 = transverseTQBarGluon2; gH->Hf1(86,ptTQBarMax2); pseudorapidityTQBarMax2 = tbarEta; gH->Hf1(122,pseudorapidityTQBarMax2); CODE A.4 Momentum and Spatial Calculations Directly From HERWIG Gluon Entries if(tbary<0.0){ Double_t tbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-tbarx/transverseTQBarGluon2) + TMath:: Pi(); TQBarMaxPtPhi2 = tbarPhi; gH->Hf1(158,TQBarMaxPtPhi2); } if(tbary>=0.0){ Double_t tbarPhi = TMath::ACos(tbarx/transverseTQBarGluon2); TQBarMaxPtPhi2 = tbarPhi; gH->Hf1(158,TQBarMaxPtPhi2); } gH->Hf2(186,pseudorapidityTQBarMax2,TQBarMaxPtPhi2); } } //b if((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == 94) && (_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1 ]==5 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[_HepEvtBlock.h epevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1][0]-1]==5)){ Double_t bx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; Double_t by =[i]; Double_t bz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; transverseBGluon1 = TMath::Sqrt((bx*bx)+(by*by)); gH->Hf1(54,transverseBGluon1); sumPtBGluons1 = sumPtBGluons1 + transverseBGluon1; gH->Hf1(72,sumPtBGluons1); TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(bx,by,bz); Double_t bEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); if(by<0.0){ Double_t bPhi = TMath::ACos(-bx/transverseBGluon1) + TMath::Pi(); phiBGluon1 = bPhi; gH->Hf1(144,phiBGluon1); } if(by>=0.0){ Double_t bPhi = TMath::ACos(bx/transverseBGluon1); phiBGluon1 = bPhi; gH->Hf1(144,phiBGluon1); 79 80 A } psRapBGluon1 = bEta; gH->Hf1(108,psRapBGluon1); gH->Hf2(193,psRapBGluon1,phiBGluon1); if (transverseBGluon1 > ptBMax1){ ptBMax1 = transverseBGluon1; gH->Hf1(90,ptBMax1); pseudorapidityBMax1 = bEta; gH->Hf1(126,pseudorapidityBMax1); if(by<0.0){ Double_t bPhi = TMath::ACos(-bx/transverseBGluon1) + TMath::Pi(); BMaxPtPhi1 = bPhi; gH->Hf1(162,BMaxPtPhi1); } if(by>=0.0){ Double_t bPhi = TMath::ACos(bx/transverseBGluon1); BMaxPtPhi1 = bPhi; gH->Hf1(162,BMaxPtPhi1); } gH->Hf2(194,pseudorapidityBMax1,BMaxPtPhi1); } } if(_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == 5){ Double_t bx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; Double_t by =[i]; Double_t bz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; transverseBGluon2 = TMath::Sqrt((bx*bx)+(by*by)); gH->Hf1(53,transverseBGluon2); sumPtBGluons2 = sumPtBGluons2 + transverseBGluon2; gH->Hf1(71,sumPtBGluons2); TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(bx,by,bz); Double_t bEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); if(by<0.0){ Double_t bPhi = TMath::ACos(-bx/transverseBGluon2) + TMath::Pi(); phiBGluon2 = bPhi; gH->Hf1(143,phiBGluon2); CODE A.4 Momentum and Spatial Calculations Directly From HERWIG Gluon Entries } if(by>=0.0){ Double_t bPhi = TMath::ACos(bx/transverseBGluon2); phiBGluon2 = bPhi; gH->Hf1(143,phiBGluon2); } psRapBGluon2 = bEta; gH->Hf1(107,psRapBGluon2); gH->Hf2(191,psRapBGluon2,phiBGluon2); if (transverseBGluon2 > ptBMax2){ ptBMax2 = transverseBGluon2; gH->Hf1(89,ptBMax2); pseudorapidityBMax2 = bEta; gH->Hf1(125,pseudorapidityBMax2); if(by<0.0){ Double_t bPhi = TMath::ACos(-bx/transverseBGluon2) + TMath::Pi(); BMaxPtPhi2 = bPhi; gH->Hf1(161,BMaxPtPhi2); } if(by>=0.0){ Double_t bPhi = TMath::ACos(bx/transverseBGluon2); BMaxPtPhi2 = bPhi; gH->Hf1(161,BMaxPtPhi2); } gH->Hf2(192,pseudorapidityBMax2,BMaxPtPhi2); } } //bbar if((_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == 94) && (_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1 ]==-5 || _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.mother[_HepEvtBlock.h epevt.mother[mother-1][0]-1][0]-1]==-5)){ Double_t bbarx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; Double_t bbary =[i]; Double_t bbarz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; 81 82 A transverseBBarGluon1 = TMath::Sqrt((bbarx*bbarx)+(bbary*bbary)); gH->Hf1(57,transverseBBarGluon1); sumPtBBarGluons1 = sumPtBBarGluons1 + transverseBBarGluon1; gH->Hf1(75,sumPtBBarGluons1); TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(bbarx,bbary,bbarz); Double_t bbarEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); if(bbary<0.0){ Double_t bbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-bbarx/transverseBBarGluon1) + TMath::Pi( ); phiBBarGluon1 = bbarPhi; gH->Hf1(147,phiBBarGluon1); } if(bbary>=0.0){ Double_t bbarPhi = TMath::ACos(bbarx/transverseBBarGluon1); phiBBarGluon1 = bbarPhi; gH->Hf1(147,phiBBarGluon1); } psRapBBarGluon1 = bbarEta; gH->Hf1(111,psRapBBarGluon1); gH->Hf2(199,psRapBBarGluon1,phiBBarGluon1); if (transverseBBarGluon1 > ptBBarMax1){ ptBBarMax1 = transverseBBarGluon1; gH->Hf1(93,ptBBarMax1); pseudorapidityBBarMax1 = bbarEta; gH->Hf1(129,pseudorapidityBBarMax1); if(bbary<0.0){ Double_t bbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-bbarx/transverseBBarGluon1) + TMath::P i(); BBarMaxPtPhi1 = bbarPhi; gH->Hf1(165,BBarMaxPtPhi1); } if(bbary>=0.0){ Double_t bbarPhi = TMath::ACos(bbarx/transverseBBarGluon1); BBarMaxPtPhi1 = bbarPhi; gH->Hf1(165,BBarMaxPtPhi1); } gH->Hf2(200,pseudorapidityBBarMax1,BBarMaxPtPhi1); } CODE A.4 Momentum and Spatial Calculations Directly From HERWIG Gluon Entries } if(_HepEvtBlock.hepevt.id_pdg[mother-1] == -5){ Double_t bbarx = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.px[i]; Double_t bbary =[i]; Double_t bbarz = _HepEvtBlock.hepevt.pz[i]; transverseBBarGluon2 = TMath::Sqrt((bbarx*bbarx)+(bbary*bbary)); gH->Hf1(56,transverseBBarGluon2); sumPtBBarGluons2 = sumPtBBarGluons2 + transverseBBarGluon2; gH->Hf1(74,sumPtBBarGluons2); TLorentzVector *lorentz = new TLorentzVector(bbarx,bbary,bbarz); Double_t bbarEta = lorentz->PseudoRapidity(); if(bbary<0.0){ Double_t bbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-bbarx/transverseBBarGluon2) +TMath::Pi() ; phiBBarGluon2 = bbarPhi; gH->Hf1(146,phiBBarGluon2); } if(bbary>=0.0){ Double_t bbarPhi = TMath::ACos(bbarx/transverseBBarGluon2); phiBBarGluon2 = bbarPhi; gH->Hf1(146,phiBBarGluon2); } psRapBBarGluon2 = bbarEta; gH->Hf1(110,psRapBBarGluon2); gH->Hf2(197,psRapBBarGluon2,phiBBarGluon2); if (transverseBBarGluon2 > ptBBarMax2){ ptBBarMax2 = transverseBBarGluon2; gH->Hf1(92,ptBBarMax2); pseudorapidityBBarMax2 = bbarEta; gH->Hf1(128,pseudorapidityBBarMax2); if(bbary<0.0){ Double_t bbarPhi = TMath::ACos(-bbarx/transverseBBarGluon2) +TMath::Pi (); BBarMaxPtPhi2 = bbarPhi; gH->Hf1(164,BBarMaxPtPhi2); } 83 84 A if(bbary>=0.0){ Double_t bbarPhi = TMath::ACos(bbarx/transverseBBarGluon2); BBarMaxPtPhi2 = bbarPhi; gH->Hf1(164,BBarMaxPtPhi2); } gH->Hf2(198,pseudorapidityBBarMax2,BBarMaxPtPhi2); } } } } CODE A.5 A.5 Filling and Adding Histograms Filling and Adding Histograms 85 86 A // Get the ROOT histogram objects by passing in the integer id of histogram TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D *h41= *h42= *h43= *h44= *h45= *h46= *h47= *h48= *h49= *h50= *h51= *h52= *h53= *h54= *h55= *h56= *h57= *h58= *h59= *h60= *h61= *h62= *h63= *h64= *h65= *h66= *h67= *h68= *h69= *h70= *h71= *h72= *h73= *h74= *h75= *h76= *h77= *h78= *h79= *h80= *h81= *h82= *h83= *h84= *h85= *h86= *h87= gH->get1d(41); gH->get1d(42); gH->get1d(43); gH->get1d(44); gH->get1d(45); gH->get1d(46); gH->get1d(47); gH->get1d(48); gH->get1d(49); gH->get1d(50); gH->get1d(51); gH->get1d(52); gH->get1d(53); gH->get1d(54); gH->get1d(55); gH->get1d(56); gH->get1d(57); gH->get1d(58); gH->get1d(59); gH->get1d(60); gH->get1d(61); gH->get1d(62); gH->get1d(63); gH->get1d(64); gH->get1d(65); gH->get1d(66); gH->get1d(67); gH->get1d(68); gH->get1d(69); gH->get1d(70); gH->get1d(71); gH->get1d(72); gH->get1d(73); gH->get1d(74); gH->get1d(75); gH->get1d(76); gH->get1d(77); gH->get1d(78); gH->get1d(79); gH->get1d(80); gH->get1d(81); gH->get1d(82); gH->get1d(83); gH->get1d(84); gH->get1d(85); gH->get1d(86); gH->get1d(87); CODE A.5 Filling and Adding Histograms TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D *h88= gH->get1d(88); *h89= gH->get1d(89); *h90= gH->get1d(90); *h91= gH->get1d(91); *h92= gH->get1d(92); *h93= gH->get1d(93); *h94= gH->get1d(94); *h95= gH->get1d(95); *h96= gH->get1d(96); *h97= gH->get1d(97); *h98= gH->get1d(98); *h99= gH->get1d(99); *h100= gH->get1d(100); *h101= gH->get1d(101); *h102= gH->get1d(102); *h103= gH->get1d(103); *h104= gH->get1d(104); *h105= gH->get1d(105); *h106= gH->get1d(106); *h107= gH->get1d(107); *h108= gH->get1d(108); *h109= gH->get1d(109); *h110= gH->get1d(110); *h111= gH->get1d(111); *h112= gH->get1d(112); *h113= gH->get1d(113); *h114= gH->get1d(114); *h115= gH->get1d(115); *h116= gH->get1d(116); *h117= gH->get1d(117); *h118= gH->get1d(118); *h119= gH->get1d(119); *h120= gH->get1d(120); *h121= gH->get1d(121); *h122= gH->get1d(122); *h123= gH->get1d(123); *h124= gH->get1d(124); *h125= gH->get1d(125); *h126= gH->get1d(126); *h127= gH->get1d(127); *h128= gH->get1d(128); *h129= gH->get1d(129); *h130= gH->get1d(130); *h131= gH->get1d(131); *h132= gH->get1d(132); *h133= gH->get1d(133); *h134= gH->get1d(134); *h135= gH->get1d(135); *h136= gH->get1d(136); *h137= gH->get1d(137); 87 88 A TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D *h138= *h139= *h140= *h141= *h142= *h143= *h144= *h145= *h146= *h147= *h148= *h149= *h150= *h151= *h152= *h153= *h154= *h155= *h156= *h157= *h158= *h159= *h160= *h161= *h162= *h163= *h164= *h165= *h166= gH->get1d(138); gH->get1d(139); gH->get1d(140); gH->get1d(141); gH->get1d(142); gH->get1d(143); gH->get1d(144); gH->get1d(145); gH->get1d(146); gH->get1d(147); gH->get1d(148); gH->get1d(149); gH->get1d(150); gH->get1d(151); gH->get1d(152); gH->get1d(153); gH->get1d(154); gH->get1d(155); gH->get1d(156); gH->get1d(157); gH->get1d(158); gH->get1d(159); gH->get1d(160); gH->get1d(161); gH->get1d(162); gH->get1d(163); gH->get1d(164); gH->get1d(165); gH->get1d(166); // add histos h43->Add(h41,h42,1.0,1.0); h46->Add(h44,h45,1.0,1.0); h49->Add(h47,h48,1.0,1.0); h52->Add(h50,h51,1.0,1.0); h55->Add(h53,h54,1.0,1.0); h58->Add(h56,h57,1.0,1.0); h61->Add(h59,h60,1.0,1.0); h64->Add(h62,h63,1.0,1.0); h67->Add(h65,h66,1.0,1.0); h70->Add(h68,h69,1.0,1.0); h73->Add(h71,h72,1.0,1.0); h76->Add(h74,h75,1.0,1.0); h79->Add(h77,h78,1.0,1.0); h82->Add(h80,h81,1.0,1.0); h85->Add(h83,h84,1.0,1.0); h88->Add(h86,h87,1.0,1.0); h91->Add(h89,h90,1.0,1.0); h94->Add(h92,h93,1.0,1.0); CODE A.5 Filling and Adding Histograms h97->Add(h95,h96,1.0,1.0); h100->Add(h98,h99,1.0,1.0); h103->Add(h101,h102,1.0,1.0); h106->Add(h104,h105,1.0,1.0); h109->Add(h107,h108,1.0,1.0); h112->Add(h110,h111,1.0,1.0); h115->Add(h113,h114,1.0,1.0); h118->Add(h116,h117,1.0,1.0); h121->Add(h119,h120,1.0,1.0); h124->Add(h122,h123,1.0,1.0); h127->Add(h125,h126,1.0,1.0); h130->Add(h128,h129,1.0,1.0); h133->Add(h131,h132,1.0,1.0); h136->Add(h134,h135,1.0,1.0); h139->Add(h137,h138,1.0,1.0); h142->Add(h140,h141,1.0,1.0); h145->Add(h143,h144,1.0,1.0); h148->Add(h146,h147,1.0,1.0); h151->Add(h149,h150,1.0,1.0); h154->Add(h152,h153,1.0,1.0); h157->Add(h155,h156,1.0,1.0); h160->Add(h158,h159,1.0,1.0); h163->Add(h161,h162,1.0,1.0); h166->Add(h164,h165,1.0,1.0); TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D *h167= *h168= *h169= *h170= *h171= *h172= gH->get2d(167); gH->get2d(168); gH->get2d(169); gH->get2d(170); gH->get2d(171); gH->get2d(172); TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D *h173= *h174= *h175= *h176= *h177= *h178= gH->get2d(173); gH->get2d(174); gH->get2d(175); gH->get2d(176); gH->get2d(177); gH->get2d(178); TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D *h179= *h180= *h181= *h182= *h183= *h184= gH->get2d(179); gH->get2d(180); gH->get2d(181); gH->get2d(182); gH->get2d(183); gH->get2d(184); TH2D TH2D TH2D *h185= gH->get2d(185); *h186= gH->get2d(186); *h187= gH->get2d(187); 89 90 A TH2D TH2D TH2D *h188= gH->get2d(188); *h189= gH->get2d(189); *h190= gH->get2d(190); TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D *h191= *h192= *h193= *h194= *h195= *h196= gH->get2d(191); gH->get2d(192); gH->get2d(193); gH->get2d(194); gH->get2d(195); gH->get2d(196); TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D *h197= *h198= *h199= *h200= *h201= *h202= gH->get2d(197); gH->get2d(198); gH->get2d(199); gH->get2d(200); gH->get2d(201); gH->get2d(202); TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D *h1001= *h1002= *h1003= *h1004= *h1005= *h1006= *h1007= *h1008= *h1009= *h1010= *h1011= *h1012= *h1013= *h1014= TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D TH2D *h203= *h204= *h205= *h206= *h207= gH->get2d(1001); gH->get2d(1002); gH->get2d(1003); gH->get2d(1004); gH->get2d(1005); gH->get2d(1006); gH->get2d(1007); gH->get2d(1008); gH->get2d(1009); gH->get2d(1010); gH->get2d(1011); gH->get2d(1012); gH->get2d(1013); gH->get2d(1014); gH->get2d(203); gH->get2d(204); gH->get2d(205); gH->get2d(206); gH->get2d(207); h171->Add(h167,h169,1.0,1.0); h172->Add(h168,h170,1.0,1.0); h177->Add(h173,h175,1.0,1.0); h178->Add(h174,h176,1.0,1.0); h183->Add(h179,h181,1.0,1.0); h184->Add(h180,h182,1.0,1.0); h189->Add(h185,h187,1.0,1.0); h190->Add(h186,h188,1.0,1.0); CODE A.5 Filling and Adding Histograms h195->Add(h191,h193,1.0,1.0); h196->Add(h192,h194,1.0,1.0); h201->Add(h197,h199,1.0,1.0); h202->Add(h198,h200,1.0,1.0); h1001->Add(h171,h177,1.0,1.0); h1002->Add(h1001,h183,1.0,1.0); h1003->Add(h1002,h189,1.0,1.0); h1004->Add(h1003,h195,1.0,1.0); h203->Add(h1004,h201,1.0,1.0); h1005->Add(h172,h178,1.0,1.0); h1006->Add(h1005,h184,1.0,1.0); h1007->Add(h1006,h190,1.0,1.0); h1008->Add(h1007,h196,1.0,1.0); h204->Add(h1008,h202,1.0,1.0); h1009->Add(h183,h189,1.0,1.0); h1010->Add(h184,h190,1.0,1.0); h1011->Add(h195,h201,1.0,1.0); h1012->Add(h196,h202,1.0,1.0); h1013->Add(h1009,h1010,1.0,1.0); h1014->Add(h1011,h1012,1.0,1.0); h205->Divide(h1009,h1003,1.0,1.0); h206->Divide(h1009,h1013,1.0,1.0); h207->Divide(h1009,h203,1.0,1.0); TH1D TH1D TH1D *h208= gH->get1d(208); *h209= gH->get1d(209); *h210= gH->get1d(210); h210->Add(h208,h209,1.0,1.0); //TH1D TH1D TH1D TH1D *h211= gH->get1d(211); *h212= gH->get1d(212); *h213= gH->get1d(213); *h214= gH->get1d(214); h214->Add(h212,h213,1.0,1.0); //TH1D *h215= gH->get1d(215); 91 92 B.1 Gluon PT Histograms Mean PT h1_46 Entries 20083 Mean 3.905 RMS 5.331 PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM INITIAL QBAR # Events B B 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) GLUON PT HISTOGRAMS Mean PT 93 h1_52 Entries 12749 Mean 7.702 RMS 9.781 # Events PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM TBAR 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) h1_58 Entries 9725 Mean 7.631 RMS 8.493 PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM BBAR # Events B.1 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) 94 Total PT Radiated From Each Quark h1_61 Entries 23180 Mean 13.54 RMS 17.98 TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM EACH INITIAL Q # Events B.2 B 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) GLUON PT HISTOGRAMS Total PT Radiated From Each Quark 95 h1_64 Entries 20083 Mean 9.405 RMS 12.88 # Events TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM EACH INITIAL QBAR 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) h1_67 Entries 13045 14.42 Mean RMS 15.66 TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM EACH TOP # Events B.2 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) 96 B h1_70 Entries 12749 Mean 13.43 RMS 15.7 # Events TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM EACH TBAR 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 h1_73 Entries 10017 Mean 13.78 14.4 RMS TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM EACH B # Events 180 200 PT (GeV) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) GLUON PT HISTOGRAMS B.3 PT of Maximum PT Gluon 97 h1_76 Entries 9725 Mean 12.43 RMS 13.9 # Events TOTAL PT OF GLUONS RADIATING FROM EACH BBAR 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 B.3 20 40 PT of Maximum PT Gluon 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) 98 B h1_79 Entries 12366 Mean 5.178 RMS 7.119 PT OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL Q # Events 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) h1_82 Entries 13053 Mean 4.582 RMS 6.198 PT OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL QBAR # Events 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) GLUON PT HISTOGRAMS PT of Maximum PT Gluon 99 h1_85 Entries 8717 Mean 9.34 RMS 11.06 PT OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TOP # Events 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) h1_88 Entries 9684 Mean 8.692 RMS 10.76 PT OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TQBAR # Events B.3 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) 100 B h1_91 Entries 6833 Mean 9.2 RMS 9.642 # Events PT OF MAX PT GLUON FROM B 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 h1_94 Entries 7764 Mean 8.284 RMS 9.119 PT OF MAX PT GLUON FROM BBAR # Events 180 200 PT (GeV) 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 PT (GeV) GLUON PT HISTOGRAMS 101 η Distributions of Max Pt Gluons h1_115 Entries 12366 Mean -1.778 RMS 1.343 PSEUDORAPIDITY OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL Q # Gluons C 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pseudorapidity 102 C η DISTRIBUTIONS OF MAX PT GLUONS # Gluons PSEUDORAPIDITY OF MAX PT GLUON FROM INITIAL QBAR 500 h1_118 Entries 13053 Mean 2.639 RMS 1.549 400 300 200 100 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 # Gluons PSEUDORAPIDITY OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TOP 600 6 8 Pseudorapidity h1_121 Entries 8717 Mean 0.0023 RMS 1.008 500 400 300 200 100 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pseudorapidity 103 # Gluons PSEUDORAPIDITY OF MAX PT GLUON FROM TBAR h1_124 Entries 9684 Mean 0.02732 RMS 0.9868 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 h1_127 Entries 6833 Mean 0.01093 RMS 1.033 PSEUDORAPIDITY OF MAX PT GLUON FROM B # Gluons 6 8 Pseudorapidity 500 400 300 200 100 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pseudorapidity 104 C η DISTRIBUTIONS OF MAX PT GLUONS # Gluons PSEUDORAPIDITY OF MAX PT GLUON FROM BBAR 500 h1_130 Entries 7764 Mean 0.02209 RMS 1.003 400 300 200 100 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Pseudorapidity