

!‫א׳ בכסלו‬
FIND YOUR ISRAEL !"‫ גלה את ארץ ישראל‬- Galeh et Eretz Yisrael
The Jewish Homeland, the Holy land, or whatever else you may call it, Israel, is a central part of our Jewish
heritage. Jews all over the world are connecting with Israel and Speaking UP!
My Israel - ‫"! ישראל שלי‬Yisrael Sheli
For Your Information: There are many ways to connect, discuss and celebrate Israel.
•  Medinat Yisrael – ‫מדינת ישראל‬, meaning “the State of Israel,” focuses on the modern State of Israel
since its founding in 1948. Modern culture and innovation elevate this small country by impacting
the rest of the world in a myriad of fields.
•  First used in the book of Samuel, the term Eretz Yisrael – ‫ ארץ ישראל‬refers to the Land of Israel that
is promised to the Jewish people by God in the Torah. This 3000-year rich history with the land of
Israel creates a deep-rooted connection that has transcended time and borders.
•  Am Yisrael – ‫עם ישראל‬, the nation of Israel, is the link between the global Jewish community and the
land of Israel. The Jewish Homeland becomes not only a place to physically unite the Jewish
people, but a rallying point for all of our people.
These three ways of identifying with Israel were adapted from the iCenter's Aleph-Bet of Israel
Education as a framework to help each of us find our own personal connection to Israel.
Call To Action:
Go!to!BBYO.org/azabbg/speakup !to!vote!
FYI: iCenter
The iCenter envisions generations of young
North American Jews for whom contemporary
Israel is an integral and vibrant part of their
personal and collective Jewish identity. This vision
includes a Jewish educational system that fully
incorporates Israel – people, land, history,
language and culture – into the very fiber of its
overall mission.
The iCenter has some incredible resources to
enhance your own Speak UP For Israel
Please visit goodman.theicenter.org and
theicenter.org to access their wide array of
Israel programs!
Jews all over the world are connecting, discussing and celebrating Israel in their own way! We want to
hear your personal story of where and when you connect most with Israel. Where did or do you find your
Israel. The winner will receive Israel swag from StandWithUs!
You can submit your “I Find MY Israel when” video by November 1, 2013. Staring Monday, November, 4
you can go to BBYO.org/azabbg/speakup to vote for your favorite!
• All submissions must be Youtube videos
• After you upload your video to Youtube, please
submit your video here.
• All videos must start with ‘I Find My Israel when…’
• All submissions must be 2 minutes and 30 seconds or less
• Pictures are the only medium that may be edited into your
Remember to join the Israel conversation on social media and Tweet/Instagram/Facebook:
What is your relationship with Israel?
I Find My Israel when____. #MyIsrael
Israel is my_____. #MyIsrael
!‫ב׳ בכסלו‬
FIND YOUR ISRAEL !"‫ גלה את ארץ ישראל‬- Galeh et Eretz Yisrael
The Jewish Homeland, the Holy land, or whatever else you may call it, Israel, is a central part of our Jewish
heritage. Jews all over the world are connecting with Israel and Speaking UP!
Find Your Pride - ‫ גלה את גאוותך‬- Galeh
! et Ge’evatechah
For Your Information: Israel is often engaged in delicate and complex issues.
Much of the beauty of Israel can be
missed through the media’s portrayals. Did you know?
In 2005, LGBT couples in Israel were granted full adoption rights.
The PillCam, a disposable miniature video camera that patients swallow, was developed in Israel.
Instant messaging and chat room technology was developed by 4 young Israelis in Tel Aviv.
The ReWalk allows individuals with lower limb disabilities to stand, walk and become mobile.
Israel has over 150 nature reserves and 65 national parks established throughout the country.
Israel officially recognizes 15 distinct religious groups.
With over 70 years of emergency response expertise, Israel is always among the first on the scene at international
disaster sites such as, Rwanda (1994), Indonesia (2006), Haiti (2010) and most recently in Kenya (2013).
Call To Action:
FYI: StandWithUs
Primarily working with teens on Israel foundation
education and debunking myths, StandWithUS can
provide you with resources and programs on Israel
history, advocacy tactics and much more. They also
have engaging educators on staff that could be great
for a regional, council or even a chapter event. Please
let your staff, Joey Eisman (JEisman@BBYO.org), Ira
Dounn (IDounn@BBYO.org) or Miri Kornfeld
(mirik@stadwithus.com) know if you are interested in
bringing an educator to your next program!
For more information please visit
!‫ג׳ בכסלו‬
FIND YOUR ISRAEL !"‫ גלה את ארץ ישראל‬- Galeh et Eretz Yisrael
The Jewish Homeland, the Holy land, or whatever else you may call it, Israel, is a central part of our Jewish
heritage. Jews all over the world are connecting with Israel and Speaking UP!
Advocate for Israel - ‫ הגנת ישראל‬- Haganat
For Your Information: Jewish Proverbs teach us to Speak UP for the rights of all, to be just and advocate for
those who are in need (summarized from Proverbs 31: 8,9). Though Israel is not a politically small nation
anymore, advocating for Israel is important because the future of the country is dependent on effective
advocates and allies from all around the world. Good advocates are educated about the issues facing Israel
from all sides and know how to discuss these issues with others and are able to take action: plan a rally, make a
learning group or speak to elected officials.
Visit house.gov/representatives/find/ to contact your U.S. Representative
With greater challenges facing Israel, it is imperative to involve more pro-Israel advocates in the American
political process by broadening pro-Israel political participation. AIPAC, America’s largest Pro-Israel lobby, has
created an easy way to do that. AIPAC NGauge gives you the skills you need to increase your involvement in
this ongoing effort for Pro-Israel activism. Using AIPAC NGauge, you will: 1) Make personal impact and create
political influence. 2) Quickly disseminate best practices. 3) Help identify new leaders of the pro-Israel political
movement throughout the country.
Visit www.aipac.org/ngauge to get started!
Call To Action:
Tell us how and why you plan to advocate for
I will advocate for Israel because_____.
I will advocate for Israel by _____.
#SpeakUPWeek #BBYO4Israel
To stay up to date on Speak UP Week, join the ‘Speak
UP Week!’ group on Facebook.
FYI: American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
AIPAC is a 100,000-member grassroots movement of activists
committed to ensuring Israel’s security and protecting American
interests in the Middle East and around the world. AIPAC’s
priority is ensuring a strong relationship between the U.S. and
Israel. Described by The New York Times as “the most important
organization affecting America’s relationship with Israel,” AIPAC
advocates for U.S. cooperation with Israel on a wide range of
issues. From promoting peace between Israel and its neighbors
to facilitating U.S.-Israel exchanges of expertise and equipment
for homeland security, defense and counterterrorism to
collaborating on technology and science and agricultural
products, AIPAC is there to encourage the close working
relationship between the countries.
BBYO has a unique partnership with AIPAC and sends large
delegations to many of the AIPAC events like Policy Conference,
Saban Leadership Seminar and the Schusterman Advocacy
Institute High School Summit.
AIPAC NGauge is an online networking tool that facilitates pro-Israel
activism and collaboration on campus. It allows AIPAC to motivate, activate,
track, evaluate, and hand off student activists far more efficiently. And the
best part... it’s as fun and easy to use as Facebook!
“NGauge is a game changer! An activist accelerator and
force multiplier that will broaden civic engagement
and increase student empowerment.”
-Jonathan Kessler, AIPAC Leadership Development Director
Ge ints f r
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To log in to AIPAC NGauge, go to
www.aipac.org/NGauge and
click “Register.” Once you have
provided the required information,
an account will be created for you.
Get 2
ts for
logging in
profile pic
You will automatically be placed into communities based
on your school, Congressional District, organizational
memberships and more.
Every time you complete a pro-Israel activity or participate in an
AIPAC training opportunity, submit a report to receive GaugePoints
Each GaugePoint you earn improves your chances at being selected for an AIPAC Policy Conference
subsidy, a Diamond Summer or Semester Internship, AIPAC’s Advanced Advocacy Mission to Israel…even
a future job at AIPAC! Questions? Send an email to ngauge@aipac.org
!‫ד׳ בכסלו‬
FIND YOUR ISRAEL !"‫ גלה את ארץ ישראל‬- Galeh et Eretz Yisrael
The Jewish Homeland, the Holy land, or whatever else you may call it, Israel, is a central part of our Jewish
heritage. Jews all over the world are connecting with Israel and Speaking UP!
My Experience in Israel –
‫– הניסיון !שלי בישראל‬
Hanisayon Sheli B’Yisrael
For Your Information: BBYO has been sending teens to Israel on summer programs since 1956.
Now, we send over 500 teens to Israel – offering them an experience that connects them to their
Jewish heritage and homeland. Teens who travel to Israel experience the Kotel in Jerusalem, take
camel rides in the desert, hike in the plush North, create life long friendships with other Alephs and
B’nai B’rith Girls from all over the world and so much more. Teens return home with a new love for
For more information about BBYO’s Israel and immersive programs please visit
passport.bbyo.org or bbyo.org/teens/experiences/summer
Call To Action:
Tell us about your favorite memory from a BBYO
Israel experience, or one you hope to create.
My favorite BBYO experience in Israel was_____.
I am excited to experience _____on [immersive
I cannot wait to attend [immersive program]!
#SpeakUPWeek #BBYO4Israel
Suggest a BBYO immersive program to a friend.
Registration opens today!
@[name] you should check out [immersive
#SpeakUPWeek, #BBYO4Israel
To stay up to date on Speak UP Week, join the ‘Speak
UP Week!’ group on Facebook.
FYI: BBYO Israel Programs
International Leadership Seminar in Israel
(ILSI) is where teens develop skills as a Jewish
leader and build a community while experiencing
Israel on a deeper level.
March of the Living is where teens from around
the world come together and bear witness to the
destruction of the Holocaust in Poland and then
travel to Israel and rejoice in the Jewish
Beyond is BBYO’s Israel-based gap year
experience where Jewish young adults gain
important life skills, earn academic credit and
explore their Jewish identity by traveling, studying
and exploring State of Israel and other abroad
!‫ה׳ בכסלו‬
FIND YOUR ISRAEL !"‫ גלה את ארץ ישראל‬- Galeh et Eretz Yisrael
The Jewish Homeland, the Holy land, or whatever else you may call it, Israel, is a central part of our Jewish
heritage. Jews all over the world are connecting with Israel and Speaking UP!
My Dream, My Stand – ‫ העמדה שלי‬,‫ – החלום שלי‬Hachalom Sheli, Ha’amdah Sheli
For Your Information: Tonight and tomorrow is AZA and BBG Global Shabbat.
All around the
world Jewish teens will be joining together to celebrate some of our oldest traditions. AZA and BBG
Global Shabbat is unique because while we are all connected in our celebrations, each community chapter, town, city, council, region or country can make it their own by choosing with whom they want
to partner, how large their celebration will be, and what it will entail.
The AZA theme is, Im Tirzu Ein Zoh Agadah – If you will it, it is no dream. This famous quote from the
father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, spoke to his visionary spirit. Herzl, a secular Jew from Vienna
became an Israel advocate after he witnessed a wrongful trial of a Jew and saw the need for a Jewish
For Alephs, in honor of AZA and BBG Global Shabbat and Theodore Herlz, Tweet/Instagram/
Facebook your dream for Israel.
My dream for Israel is____. #SpeakUPWeek #BBYO4Israel #AZABBGShabbat 2013
The BBG theme is, Omdim B’yachad, Am Echad, Bayit Echad - We Stand Together, One Nation, One
Home. We unite in our love for Israel, and our fellow Jews all over the world. Klal Yisrael, a united
Jewish community bring together the importance of helping one another and supporting our own
people. As it says in the Talmud, Kol Yisrael Aravim Ze L’Zeh, all Jews are responsible for each other.
For BBGs, in honor of AZA and BBG Global Shabbat and our United Jewish community, Tweet/
Instagram/Facebook how you stand with Israel.
I stand with Israel by____. #SpeakUPWeek #BBYO4Israel #AZABBGShabbat2013
Below are resources you can use to bring Israel in your AZA and BBG Global Shabbat Program:
Hope - ‫ התקווה‬- Hatikvah
! ‫ּכֹל עֹוד ּבַּלֵבָב ּפְנִימָה‬
! ,‫נֶפֶׁש יְהּוִדי הֹומִּיָה‬
! ,‫ ָקִדימָה‬,‫ּולְפַאֲתֵי מִזְָרח‬
! ,‫עַיִן לְצִּיֹון צֹופִּיָה‬
! ,‫עֹוד ֹלא אָבְָדה ּתְִקוָתֵנּו‬
! ,‫הַּתְִקוָה ּבַת ׁשְנֹות אַלְּפַיִם‬
! ,‫לִהְיֹות עַם חָפְׁשִי ּבְאְַרצֵנּו‬
! .‫אֶֶרץ צִּיֹון וִירּוׁשָלַיִם‬
Kol-Od Balevav p’nimah
Nefesh ye’hudi holmiyah
Ul’fa’atei mizrach kadimah
Ayin l’tziyon tzofiyah.
Od lo avdah tikvatenu
Hatikvah sh’not alpayim
Lih’yot am chafshi b’artzenu
Eretz tziyon vi’rushalayim
As long as in the heart
The Jewish spirit yearns
With eyes turned eastward
Looking towards Zion, then our
The hope of two thousand years,
Is not lost:
To be a free nation in our land,
The land of Zion and Jerusalem
(Translation for siddur Sim
FYI: Hatikvah
The Hatikvah was written by a Jewish poet,
Naphtali Herz Imber, a few years prior to Imber
immigrating to Palestine. The poem was written
in the wake excitement and hope after the
establishment of the first Jewish agricultural
settlement in what is now a city just east of Tel
Aviv. The Hatikvah eventually had music added
to it and became a symbol of hope and the
Zionist movement until 2004 when it became
the official national anthem of the State of
‫ הָגֵן עָלֶיהָ ּבְאֶבְַרת‬.‫ ֵראׁשִית צְמִיחַת ּגְאֻּלָתֵנּו‬,‫ ּבֵָרְ אֶת מְִדינַת יִׂשְָראֵל‬,‫ צּור יִׂשְָראֵל וְגֹואֲלֹו‬,‫אָבִינּו ׁשֶּבַּׁשָמַיִם‬
.ָ‫ וְתַּקְנֵם ּבְעֵצָה טֹובָה מִּלְפָנֶי‬,ָ‫ ׂשֶָריהָ וְיֹועֲצֶיה‬,ָ‫חַסְּדֶָ ּופְרׁש עָלֶיהָ סֻּכַת ׁשְלֹומֶָ ּוׁשְלַח אֹוְרָ וַאֲמִּתְָ לְָראׁשֶיה‬
‫ וְנָתַּתָ ׁשָלֹום ּבָאֶָרץ וְׂשִמְחַת‬,‫ וְהַנְחִילֵם אֱֹלֵקינּו יְׁשּועָה וַעֲטֶֶרת נִּצָחֹון ּתְעַּטְֵרם‬,‫חַּזֵק אֶת יְֵדי מְגִּנֵי אֶֶרץ ָקְדׁשֵנּו‬
! .ָ‫עֹולָם לְיוׁשְבֶיה‬
!.‫וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן‬
Songs - ‫ שירים‬- Shirim
Im Tirztu, Words Spoken by Theodore Herzl
‫ אין זו אגדה‬,‫אם תרצו‬
Im tirtzu ein zo agadah
If you will it, it is no dream
Am Yisrael Chai
‫עַם יִשְָׂראֵל חַי עֹוד אָבִינּו חַי‬
Am Yisrael chai. Od Avinu chai.
The Jewish people lives! Our Father yet lives!
Eili, Eili, by Hannah Senesh
! ,‫ אלי‬,‫ אלי‬Eili Eili
! ‫ שלא יגמר לעולם‬Shelo yigameir l’alom,
! ‫ החול והים‬Hachol v’hayam
! ‫ רישרוש של המים‬Rishrush shel hamayim,
! ‫ ברק השמים‬B’rak hashamayim
! ‫ תפילת האדם‬T’filat ha-adam
O Lord, my God,
! I pray that these things shall never end. The sand and the sea, the rush of
the waters, the crash of the heavens, the prayer of man.
FYI: Hannah Senesh
Hannah Senesh was born in Hungary and moved to the
British Mandate of Palestine in 1939 to learn about
agriculture, but still loved to write plays and poetry. In
1942, she wrote Halikha LeKesariya ("A Walk to
Caesarea"), which we more affectionately call, Eili, Eili.
One year later during World War II, she enlisted in the
British Army and trained as a paratrooper. Senesh
parachuted in Yugoslavia and joined a partisan group.
She journeyed on to Hungary, but was caught by the
Hungarian police and was tortured for several months.
She remained steadfast in her courage even up until the
day of her execution.
Y’rushalayim shel Zahav, by Naomi Shemer
"‫ אויר הרים צלול כיין‬Avir harim tzalul kayayin
"‫ וריח אורנים‬V’reiach o-ranim
"‫ נישא ברוח הערביים‬Nisa b’ruach ha-arbayim
!.‫ עם קול פעמונים‬Im kol pa'a'monim.
"‫ ובתרדמת אילן ואבן‬Uv-tardeimat ilan va-even
"‫ שבויה בחלומה‬Sh’vuya ba-chaloma
"‫ העיר אשר בדד יושבת‬Ha-ir asher badad yoshevet
!‫ ובליבה חומה‬Uv-liba choma
"‫ירושלים של זהב‬
" ‫ושל נחושת ושל או‬
!‫הלא לכל שירייך אני כינור‬
Y’rushalayim shel zahav
V’shel n’choshet v’shel or
Halo l’chol shi-rayich ani kinor.
"‫חזרנו אל בורות המים‬
"‫לשוק ולכיכר‬
"‫שופר קורא בהר הבית‬
!.‫בעיר העתיקה‬
Chazarnu el borot hamayim
Lashuk v’lakikar
Shofar korei b’har habayit
Bair ha'a'tikah.
" ‫ובמערות אשר בסל‬
"‫אלפי שמשות זורחות‬
"‫נשוב נרד אל ים המלח‬
!.‫בדרך יריחו‬
!...‫ירושלים של זהב‬
U-vam’arot asher ba-sela
Alfei sh’mashot zor’chot
V’shuv neireid el yam
Hamelach b’derech Y’richo.
Y’rusalayim shel zahav…
"‫אך בבואי היום לשיר לך‬
"‫ולך לקשור כתרים‬
"‫קטונתי מצעיר בנייך‬
!.‫ומאחרון המשוררים‬
"‫כי שמך צורב את השפתיים‬
"‫כנשיקת שרף‬
"‫אם אשכחך ירושלים‬
!‫אשר כולה זהב‬
!...‫ירושלים של זהב‬
Ach b’vo-I hayom lashir lach
V’lach likshor k’tarim
Katonti mitz-ir banayich
Umei-acharon hamshor’rim
Ki sh’meich tzoreiv et
Has’fatayim kin-shikat saraf
Im eshkachiech Y’russhalyim
asher kula zahav.
Y’rushalayim shel zahav…
Mountain air as clear as wine and the scent of pine, borne on the evening wind with the sound of bells. And in the slumber of
trees and stone, imprisoned in her dream is the city which dwells alone, a wall within her heart.
Jerusalem of gold, of copper and of light, behold I am a harp for all your songs.
We have returned to the cisterns, to the market and the square, the shofar calls on the Temple Mount in the Old City. And from
the caves in the rocks a thousand suns glow again. We will go down to the Dead Sea by the way of Jericho.
Jerusalem of gold…
But when I come today to sing unto you and to bind garlands for you, I become smaller than the youngest of your sons, or the
least of the poets. For your name burns the lips like the kiss of a seraph, let me knot forget thee O Jerusalem that is all of gold.
Jerusalem of gold…
Al Kol Eilah, by Naomi Shemer"
! .‫ על בתנו התינוקת שמור אלי הטוב‬,‫ על המר והמתוק‬,‫על הדבש ועל העוקץ‬
! ‫ על האיש השב הביתה‬,‫ על המים הזכים‬,‫על האש המבוערת‬
! .‫מן המרחקים‬
! ,‫ על הדבש ועל העוקץ‬.‫ שמור נא לי אלי הטוב‬,‫ על כל אלה‬,‫על כל אלה‬
! .‫על המר והמתוק‬
! .‫ אל תשכח את התקווה השיבני ואשובה אל הארץ הטובה‬,‫אל נא תעקור נטוע‬
! ‫ מפחד פתע‬,‫ מיגון‬,‫ על החומה‬,‫ על הגן‬,‫שמור אלי על זה הבית‬
! .‫וממלחמה‬
! ‫ על האור ועל הטף על הפרי שלא הבשיל עוד‬,‫שמור על המעט שיש לי‬
! .‫ושנאסף‬
...‫על כל אלה‬
Al had’vash v’al ha-oketz, Al hamar v’hamatok, Al biteinu hatinoket, Sh’mo eili hatov
Al ha-eish ham’vo-eret, Al hamayim hazakim, Al ha-ish hashav habaita, Min hamerchaim
Al kol eileh, a kol eileh, Sh’mor na li eili hatov, Al had’vash v’al ha-oketz, Al hamar v’hamtok
Al na ta-akor natu-a, Al tishkach et hatikva, Hashiveinu v’ashuva, El ha-aretz hatova
Sh’mo eili al zeh habayit, Al hagan-al hachoma, Miyagon, mipchad peta, Umimilchama.
Sh’more al ham’at she-yeish li, Al ha-or v’al hataf, Al hapri shelo hivshil od, V’she-ne-e-saf.
Al kol eileh…
On the honey and on the sting, On the bitter and the sweet, On our baby daughter
Watch over and take care of them my good God
On the fire which is lit, On the pure water, On the man who returns home.
On all those, on all those, Please watch over for me my good God, On the honey and on the string, On the bitter and
the sweet
Please don’t uproot that which is planted, Don’t forget the hope, Bring me back, and I shall return, To the good land.
Watch over my God on this house, On the garden on the wall, From the sadness, from sudden fear, And from war,
Watch over on the little I have, On the light and on the children, On the fruit that did not ripen
And wasn’t yet picked.
On all those…
(translation and transliteration from B’kol Echad)
Whether you are a teen with the desire for new and innovative Speak UP For Israel ideas or a staff member
looking for a fun engaging program to run at an event, this resource has something for everyone! This is just
a taste of what is possible, as there is much to be celebrated and learned with regard to Israel. These
resources can be used to augment your own Speak UP programming throughout the year or just to educate
If you have any questions on how to elevate your local Speak UP For Israel programming please contact your
local Shlichim, the International Shlichim (shaliach@BBYO.org, shlicha@BBYO.org), Ira Dounn
(IDounn@BBYO.org) or Joey Eisman (JEisman@BBYO.org)
Table of Contents:
Creating Solid, Positive Speak UP Programming – This resource, created by Aleeza Lubin
(ALubin@BBYO.org), is designed to aid in the creative process of program planning and elevate unique Speak
UP for Israel within the chapter, council or region.
Program Templates – These program outlines have been effectively used in myriad outlets. These
templates outline the program methodology while allowing the programmer to design the content as desired.
All of these programs can be used for BBYO Connect too.
Programs – These are fully developed programs that can be used during Speak UP week and throughout the
year. Additionally most of these programs can be used for BBYO Connect programming.
General Content – In addition to the program templates, is introductory information about Israel, including the
major cities of Israel, political atmosphere and short summaries about the wars Israel has been involved in.
These three areas have been chosen based on their importance to the country and the desire to program
around these areas.
Creating Solid, Positive Speak UP Programming
Israel programs don’t have to be about ‘war’ or ‘humus’ – there are lots of
positive, modern and innovative ways to engage around Israel that will
teach and support a strong relationship to Israel.
Im eshkachech
Yerushalayim, tishkach
Israel isn’t just war or humus! Israel is
• Diversity
• Politics
• Social action
If I forget you, O
Jerusalem, let my right
hand wither.
• History
• Heritage
• Religious and ethnic qualities
• Science and technology
• The environment
• Medicine
Tactic One: Focus on interest based programming; identify the interests of
the teens and attach pieces of Israeli society, culture, innovation, etc. to their area of
• A group of teens are very interested in exploring Jewish pluralism. Create
programming about pluralism that contains images and examples from how
pluralism looks in Israel.
• Passionate about homelessness? Instead of just focusing on the local element,
make it a Speak UP program, where teens are learning about the Israeli issues
and understanding how the situation is handled there, so they can ultimately use
successful models back at home as well.
Tactic Two : Reach out to local and national organizations for help. Among
the people and organizations you can turn to are:
• Maccabi Tzair – This Israel based youth movement is the year-round educational
youth program of the World Maccabi Union.
• AIPAC – The American Israel Public Affairs Committee works toward
strengthening the ties between the US and Israel. AIPAC has great advocacy and
policy education opportunities for our teens.
• StandWithUs – Working with teens on Israel foundation education and debunking
myths, StandWithUS can provide resources and programs on Israel history,
advocacy tactics and much more. They also have engaging educators on staff
that could be great for a regional, council or even a chapter event.
• iCenter – This Israel education partner works to advance high-quality, meaningful
and innovative Israel education.
DESCIPRTION THAT FOLLOWS] – Most universities, organizations and
programs that focus on Israel have Israeli citizens on staff. They are a fantastic
local resource and know Israel first-hand. They bring an important element of
authenticity to the work they do.
Tactic Three: Find those that are passionate! Find those who have been to
Israel and let them bring their personal experience and passion to the table.
Links to the
Key Goal for
Participants in BBYO:
BBYO participants will be
confident about their Jewish
identity, connected to Israel and
the global Jewish community,
and committed to leading others
and improving the world.
Identify: Strengthen
Jewish identity
• Feel confident questioning and
integrating into one’s life Jewish
principles about G-d and Torah,
history, traditions, and culture.
Connect: Create Jewish
• Understand the role that Israel
plays for the Jewish people and
around the world.
Program Templates
Program: What Grinds Your Gears?
Time/Day: 20-40 minutes
Materials: Pre-numbered Popsicle sticks (one per person)
Goal: Discuss how words, concepts and ideas in the context of Israel can easily create tension
and frustration. The notion conveyed is that Israel can be a complicated topic to discuss and how
we discuss can have a major impact.
1. Split into groups of 10-15
2. Hand out Popsicle sticks that have been numbered from 8-15.
3. Read off a list of things about Israel; if it’s something that grinds your gears as well mark it
off in your head. (List to be made by program planner)
4. When you get to the number of things that reaches the number written on your Popsicle
stick, snap it.
Prepare about 10-15 statements for the groups
1. It really grinds my gears when_________.
Ex: people have the wrong idea of Israel
After program, debrief with group
Example question to ask group:
1. Why do you think Israel gets portrayed badly by the media?
Program: Beading our Israel Relationships
Time: 20-40 minutes
Materials: String, Scissors, Large Container of Multi-Colored Beads
Goal: Allow participants to identify their unique connection with Israel.
1. Cut a piece of string for each participant. NOTE: string should be big enough to fit on
participants’ wrists.
2. Introduce the program by stating how important it is to have and maintain a relationship to
3. With beads in the center, each bead color represents something related to Israel (place,
date, event, etc.)
4. Allow everyone to take the color respective beads (identities/relationships) that convey
their connection to Israel
5. String the beads on and create a bracelet.
6. Observe and discuss the differences and similarities of the color and volume of beads.
Program: BBYO Debate
Time: 30-45 minutes
Materials: Debate Bracket
Goal: In a fun informal way, participants will get to debate issues/items/themes from Israel. This
can be on any topic and related to Israel. Be creative, be open and have fun!
Notes: Depending on how many members are present, there could also be a 3, 4, 5- way debate.
1. Call up two members at a time to debate a topic, each member taking a side.
2. Each debater gets 45 seconds to talk and convince the rest of the members that their
side is the right one.
3. Members then will do a hand vote to decide which side they agree with the most. The
winner will go on to debate the next topic with another member.
Example debate topics:
Tel Aviv vs. Jerusalem
ILSI vs. Israel Journey
Shwarma vs. Falafel
Example of bracket set up:
Program: The Video Project
Time: 30-60 minutes
1. Projector
2. Laptop containing specific materials to execute program
3. Blank Wall/Projector Screen
4. Empty space facing screen
Goal: Using the multitude of material found on Youtube, participants will learn and discuss a
specific Israeli subject. This program can be tailored to fit any need or desire.
Notes: The leader of this program must choose a topic about Israel and find 5-7 short
(approximately X;XX:XX) videos on this subject each with a different message and compile into
one video.
Prior to Program:
• Decide on an Israel topic to discuss (e.g. history, wars, society, religion, etc.).
• Search for videos on your topic.
• If possible, download videos and edit them together.
During Program:
• Leader(s) should give an introduction on the substance of the program and why it is
• Leader(s) should give description between each video during the compilation video.
• Leader(s) should come up with 3-5 strong, emotional and thoughtful discussion questions
relating to subject he/she presents.
• Finish with a debrief and explore what things people learned and what was surprising.
Program: Building your own Platform of Beliefs
Time: 30-70 minutes
• Enough construction paper for each participant involved.
• Enough glue sticks for participants
• Enough Pens
• Many strips of paper with each statement (opinion) printed on them
• A room with a large enough wall(s) for people to move around comfortably
Goal: To tangibly create a personal platform of your views on a specific subject/ideology.
This program provides an opportunity for participants to tangibly choose what they intrinsically
believe in. The program themes can vary between from religious beliefs within different
denominations or political beliefs within different parties.
Prior to Program:
1. Research a specific subject/ideology along the lines of what is described directly above.
2. Choose different sects/opinions of that subject and find 7-10 items they all commonly held
beliefs in.
3. Type out these beliefs for every item and make the needed copy of those pages.
4. Cut out the every item and its copies into strips and paper clip the copied strips together.
5. Around the room, align the strips of each belief by category on a wall(s).
EXAMPLE OF LAYOUT (Subject is school teaching)
**Location: One wall**
Category: School Teachers’ Degree
Belief 1: School teachers should only be required to obtain an education degree to teach.
Belief 2: School teachers should be required to pass a federal test to be certified as a teacher.
Belief 3: School teachers should be required to pass both a federal test to be certified and obtain
a degree in the subject they are teaching.
The example above should be repeated (as explained earlier) 7-10 times regarding a specific
question/issue within a specific subject. Each belief is one strip and should have several copies
of the same belief.
During Program:
• Once participants are ready to engage in the program, give them an amount of time (of
your choice) to go around room and choose their strips (beliefs).
• After each participant has done so, they should receive a sheet of construction paper to
glue their chosen strips on their paper. (Have them write their name once finished).
• After construction paper activity, reveal which group/sect/party believes in which
belief. Do this for every strip they could have possibly chosen.
• Give participants the option to write beside their strips which group/sect/party believes in
that strip.
• Once done, provide 3-5 discussion questions of your choice that would engage
Full Programs
These programs are all quick, fun games that can be done with any group. All you need
are the materials and you are ready to go!
Kineret – The Sea of Galilee is a large body of water in the North of Israel. Below are two
programs based on the Kineret. The Kineret has become a major environmental issue and
concern for water conservation.
o Water passage (water conversation)
o Summary: Have the group fill up a bowl with water, transferring it from a separate
location, only using their tools and not walking. This is a great team building exercise!
o Directions:
 Give each person a tool to help transfer the water
 They may only use their tool
 When ready, one person pours water from the starting point
 Participants fill up the bowl while using their tools
o Example of supplies:
 Cups (one cup to start the water moving)
 Funnel
 Pipes (in different shapes)
 String
River Crossing
o Summary: Get each member of the group across the river without touching the river.
They may only touch the “rocks” (paper).
o Directions:
 Start everyone on one side and tell them they must cross the river without touching
the ‘water.’ If anyone ‘falls in’, they all must go back.
 Place pieces of paper on the ground to help them move across.
 If paper rips, leave it and let them continue the game
 To make the game more difficult, select members of the team, or have the entire
team be silent, be blind, not be allowed to use one or both arms, or legs or rip the
o Supplies: Paper, if thin “tissue” paper is available use that. The paper rocks may start
large, however as the game progresses the paper rips making it more challenging.
Dead Sea – Earth’s lowest point of elevation, is known for objects floating in it due to its high salt
o Floating Fun
o Summary: The groups will need to build a small boat that will remain afloat when
weight is added.
o Directions:
Each group will get materials that they will use to build a boat/raft.
Once they complete construction, they will place their boat/raft into a container full
of water and add a small weight.
If the boat stays afloat for five seconds the task is complete. If it sinks, the team
must make improvements and try again.
o Supplies:
 Container to hold water
 Water
 Assorted materials to build boat/raft (straws, corks, tape, cups, etc…)
 Towels
 Small weights
Team SpaceIL – Israel is attempting to become the third country on Earth to land a craft on the
moon. The program below is based on a spacecraft landing on the moon.
o Egg Drop
o Summary: Using the materials provided, the team goal is to build a structure that will
support a freefalling egg dropped from a predetermined height without the egg
o Directions;
 Provide equal materials to all groups and allow them to build their container in
a predetermined amount of time.
 Drop the containers from a predetermined height.
 1 fresh egg for each group
 Straws (Number depends on desired difficulty)
 Masking tape (Amount depends on desired difficulty)
 Other items for creating a package to protect the egg, e.g. popsicle sticks,
paper plates, cotton balls, shredded paper, etc.
Program: Israeli Issues, Without All of the Politics
Summary: Gain an understanding of the complex modern issues facing Israel, while engaging in
discourse that promotes participants to think about their political and social opinions/views.
• Handouts for each participant (Discussion Question, Fact Pages)
Time: 30-60 Minutes
• Pass out the ‘Discussion Questions’ handouts to the participants and ask them to read it
o Additionally, provide participants with ‘Fact Sheets’ to elevate the content and
• Participants will engage in a “fish-bowl-tap-out” style of discussion. This is where a select
few will sit in the center of a larger circle with one moderator. Only those who are in the
center may engage in discussion, however if someone else would like to join, s/he can ‘tap’
on someone and take their spot.
• Pre-designate 5 areas for the 5 discussions to occur.
• At the end, bring everyone back together and allow participants to debrief.
1. There are many ways to execute this program and this is just one suggestion. Be creative
based on your surroundings to plan an interactive program.
2. Some of the materials in the program are current and should be updated often. Take some
time and find what the hot topics are in Israel. Next, find out what the political parties
Israel say about those issues. Use the format of this program when updating it.
Discussion Questions
1. The first prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, exempted the ultra-Orthodox of Israel from
national military service. The first Chief Rabbi of the modern state of Israel said, “After the
horrible Shoah (the Holocaust), in which tens of thousands of students in Europe, their teachers
and sages were destroyed, they should be released from the army in order to allow these few to
continue to study our holy Torah, which is also a need and an honor for our state.” The Israeli
Supreme Court dismissed this law, the Tal Law, earlier this year. This came in part as a response
to the growth in the population over the years from 400 to approximately 58,000 Ultra-Orthodox
men. This current contested issue has created much strife in the country of Israel. Should
Orthodox Jews living in Israel participate in military or national service in some
capacity? Should they be left to study as Ben-Gurion allowed them?
2. The recent reopening of the peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians has once
again elevated the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the world stage. The two-state solution response
to the conflict calls for two states for two people; whereby, Israel and Palestine would both exist
independently and peacefully. This common answer to peace is often associated with giving land
and altering the borders of Israel. The original borders of Israel from 1947 were part of the UN
resolution 181, which gave the Jewish people land. However 70% was the Negev, which is still
considered a harsh environment to live. During the War of Independence, Israel recaptured 60%
of the land allocated to the Arabs, which included West Jerusalem. Since then Israel has claimed
and returned a lot of land, including the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip. Should we give up
land in order to achieve peace with the Palestinians?
3. In April 2013, Natan Sharansky, a prominent Israeli political figure and Chairman for the Jewish
Agency, spoke to a group of Rabbis outlining his goal to expand the Kotel Plaza and Robinson’s
Arch, which is the extension of the Western Wall, as a space for egalitarian prayer. This came in
response to the growing movement demanding a space for egalitarian prayer at the Western
Wall. This issue has become more popular with press from the Women of the Wall
movement. Women assemble at the Western Wall on Rosh Chodesh, the start of the new month,
to pray more in the style of the men. They do this to bring light to the issue of women’s prayer
rights at the Wall. Some of the women wear kippot, tallitot, tefillin and they have read from the
Torah. Until recently this was illegal. Should the Western Wall be open to all styles of prayer
or should this proposed new section alleviate that issue by creating three prayer spaces ne for men, one for women and one for both?
4. Israel’s peace talks take place with the legitimate and recognized government of whichever
country/people they are talking too. However, recently known terrorists groups have gained
political power, such as Hamas in the Gaza Strip or the contested Muslim brotherhood in
Egypt. In order to achieve peace, do you think Israel should be open to negotiate with
extremist political groups?
5. The Israeli government is based on both Jewish and democratic values. For Jews, marriage in
Israel has been placed under the jurisdiction of the Rabbinical Court. This has been contested by
the secular community as they do not desire to participate in a Jewish ceremony. The LGBT
community disagrees with the court’s decision on the definition of marriage, which prevents samesex marriage. This has also made it difficult for people from different religions to marry each
other, and for non-Halachic (Jewish law) Jews to marry. Should marriage continue to be
guided by Jewish law and thus be under the jurisdiction of the Rabbinical Court?
Hamas is the largest and most influential Palestinian
political party, which, along with the more moderate
Fatah party, creates the two political factions of the
government of Gaza – a “joint caretaker Palestinian
Founded in 1987 during the first Intifada, a Palestinian
uprising against the Israeli government.
According to the US, Hamas is a Foreign Terrorist
Organization violently opposed to the state of Israel.
Hamas is an acronym for Harakat al-Muqawana alIslamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement).
Hamas was founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a
Palestinian spiritual leader who became an activist in the
local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood after dedicating
his early life to Islamic scholarship in Cairo.
In June 2008, as part of an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire, Hamas ceased rocket attacks on
Israel and made some efforts to prevent attacks by other organizations.
Hamas funds health services so people can receive free or inexpensive medical treatment.
Hamas greatly contributed to the health sector, and facilitated hospital and physician services
in the Palestinian territory.
In the News
Fox News: Gaza Strip rulers, Hamas, on Monday, said peace talks with Israel were "futile,"
repeating its rejection of negotiations that are due to resume between Palestinians and Israelis
this week.
"We renew our rejection of these futile talks, and consider them purely a means for the occupation
(Israel) to look good to the international community," senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar told
a news conference in Gaza.
Marriage in Israel
Israel is both a Jewish and democratic state. The ultra-Orthodox rabbinate controls all issues of
personal status, including marriage and divorce. For two Jews to marry in Israel, they must both
prove they are Jewish.
Because of this policy, a significant portion of the Israeli population cannot marry in Israel. The
Law of Return grants anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent, and his or her spouse, the
right to immigrate to and settle in Israel and gain automatic citizenship. But the Israeli rabbinate
will only perform the marriage of a person defined as Jewish by Orthodox halachah (Jewish law) in other words, someone born to a Jewish mother or converted through the Orthodox rabbinate.
In the News
Diana Mirtsin and Alexander Skudalo, Israeli citizens who emigrated from the former Soviet
Union, live together with their baby, in Tel Aviv. Very much in love, they would like to marry--but
they cannot make it official in Israel. This is because the Israeli rabbinate does not recognize
Alexander as Jewish, because although his father is Jewish, his mother is not Jewish. Diana
points out the irony in their frustrating family situation: “If there is a war tomorrow, he'll be Jewish
enough to fight for Israel. But he's not Jewish enough to marry here.”
Women of the Wall
Mission Statement: Their central mission is to achieve the social and
legal recognition of women’s right to wear prayer shawls, pray and read
from the Torah collectively and out loud at the Western Wall.
Their social advocacy works to change the status-quo that is currently
preventing women from being able to pray freely at the Western Wall.
This goal has great ramifications for women’s rights in Judaism and in
Israel and must be achieved through social advocacy in order to raise awareness and change the
social perception of these issues. They take it upon themselves to educate Jewish women and
the public about the social, political and personal ramifications of limiting and eliminating women’s
right to pray as a group at a holy site. Their stance is that, when the law and the society
deliberately silence women in prayer, it is a violation of civil rights, human rights and religious
freedoms. Education is the key to changing perspectives, laws and lives.
Their vision is to strengthen and expand the organization, to reach out and influence policy
makers and leaders, to demand full access to prayer at the
Western Wall for women. In addition, Women of the Wall works
to expand to their network of allies and partners around the
world who will advocate and take action.
In The News
In a New York Times article earlier this year: “Women of the
Wall has been meeting on the first of each Jewish month for
nearly 25 years, and it recently won a court decision protecting women’s right to wear prayer
shawls and other religious garments traditionally used by men, which had long been prohibited at
the site by Israeli laws and court rulings.”
Israeli Borders – 1947 to Present
1947 UN Partition Plan
The UN General Assembly voted to partition British Mandated Palestine into Jewish and Arab
sectors. Soon after the adoption of the resolution on November 29, 1947, fighting broke out and
civil war spread.
1948 Declaration of Independence (1948-1949)
The Declaration of Independence was internationally recognized, but conflict spread and five Arab
armies invaded. By the 1949 armistice, Jordan captured the West Bank, Egypt had Gaza and
Jerusalem was divided.
1967 Six Day War
Israel, in a preemptive strike against three Arab states, captured Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula
from Egypt, the West Bank from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria and Arab East Jerusalem.
2005-Present, Gaza Withdrawal
Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and part of the West Bank.
Tal Law
The Tal committee was an Israeli public committee appointed in
August 1999 which dealt with the special exemption from
mandatory military service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)
given to Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jews, as well as extending
mandatory military service to Israeli-Arabs.
Based on the committee recommendations, in July 2002, the
Knesset passed the temporary Tal Law, which expired after five
years and was later renewed. The law authorizes a continuation
of the exemption to yeshiva students subject to the conditions within the law. According to the law,
at the age of 22, yeshiva students have a "decision year" and can choose between one-year
civilian national service alongside a paying job or a shortened 16-month military service and future
service in the reserves as an alternative to continuing to study.
Five motions against the law were filed with the High Court of Justice claiming it violated the
principle of equality. In 2005, the state admitted, in a response to a Supreme Court petition, that
the Tal Law had failed to change enlistment arrangements for ultra-Orthodox Jews, as only a few
dozen had enlisted in the army as a result. The law was then extended in 2007 for another five
years. However in February 2012, the law was overturned.
In the News
Haaretz: Over the next few weeks, the Israel Defense
Forces will send out draft notices to some 15,000 Haredi
youths aged 17-19, requiring them to show up for
interviews. The IDF does not intend on drafting them
immediately, but simply means to have them follow the
standard recruitment process required before military
service. The regular enlistment process usually takes up to
a year. The IDF has taken the step after the High Court of
Justice invalidated the "Tal Law" governing the enlistment of the ultra-Orthodox. The change took
effect in August.
General Areas of Israel Content
Cities in Israel
Jerusalem (‫ְרוּשׁ ַליִם‬
ָ ‫ )י‬The capital of Israel and the holiest city in Judaism. According to the Torah,
Jerusalem (specifically Mount Moriah) was where God told Abraham to bind Isaac. This is also
the site where the first and second Temples stood, and where the Temple Mount is today. The
Kotel (the Western Wall) has been in Israel’s control since the Six Day War in 1967 and is one of
the holiest sites in Judaism today because of its proximity to the site of the Temples. When we
face “east” during prayer, we are facing the site of the Temple Mount. Jerusalem is also a holy
city for Christianity and Islam. The status of Jerusalem is a central negotiation point in peace talks
between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
Hevron (‫)ח ְברוֹן‬:
ֶ Hevron is the site of the Ma’arat HaMachpelah, the Cave of the Patriarchs and
Matriarchs, a holy place for both Judaism and Islam and the burial place of Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca and Leah. Rachel is the only matriarch missing as she was buried in
Bethlehem where she died while giving birth to Benjamin. In the Torah, Abraham purchases this
land specifically in order to bury Sarah.
Tiveria (‫)ט ֶב ְריָה‬:
ְ Situated next to the Sea of Galilee (the Kinneret), Tiveria (also known as
Tiberias) was a center of Jewish scholarship (especially around the Jerusalem Talmud) and
Jewish life from the 2nd century to the 10th century. Rambam (Maimonides, 1135-1204), the
prolific Jewish commentator and philosopher, Naomi Shemer (1930-2004), Israeli musician and
songleader who is known for her song Jerusalem of Gold (Yerushalayim Shel Zahav) and others
are buried near Tiveria.
Tzfat (‫ְפת‬
ַ ‫)צ‬: In the north of Israel and with its panoramic mountaintop views, Tzfat became a
center for Jewish mystical thought after expulsion from Spain in 1492. Tzfat is also the place
where Kabbalat Shabbat liturgy and tradition was created, and famous Jewish prayers like Lecha
Dodi were composed in Tzfat.
Tel Aviv (‫ל־אָביב‬
ֵ Founded in 1909 when Jews who lived in Jaffa decided to settle outside of the
city, Tel Aviv has become Israel’s financial center. Tel Aviv is the Hebrew name of Theodore
Herzl’s influential work “Old New Land.” It is also the place where David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first
prime minister, declared independence on May 14, 1948. It is known for being a cultural center in
Israel and a popular tourist attraction with beautiful beaches, acclaimed restaurants, and popular
museums and attractions.
Haifa (‫יפה‬
ָ ‫)ח‬:
ֵ Haifa is one of Israel’s most diverse cities and a bastion of co-existence between
Jews and Israeli Arabs. It is also the home of the Technion, Israel’s prestigious science
university, the University of Haifa, a booming seaport, and the picturesque Baha’i Garden and
Beersheva (‫שׁ ַבע‬
ֶ ‫)בּ ֵאר‬:
ְ The Capital of the Negev, Beersheva is the largest city in the Negev
Desert. Home of Ben Gurion University, Beersheva is one of the successes in Ben Gurion’s
vision to settle the desert.
Sderot (‫)שׂדֵרוֹת‬:
ְ A town on the border of Gaza that has become famous because of its resilience
through rocket attacks from terrorist groups in Gaza. Sirens often signal that residents must seek
safety in bomb shelters, and they have built reinforced playgrounds that are “rocket-proof” so that
children can play more safely.
Eilat (‫)אילַת‬:
ֵ Eilat is Israeli’s resort city in the south that borders the Red Sea. The city's beaches,
coral reef, nightlife and desert landscapes make it a popular tourist destination.
Snapshot of the political atmosphere of Israel
The Israeli system of government is based on parliamentary democracy. The Prime Minister of
Israel is the head of government and leader of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised
by the government. Legislative power is vested in the Knesset. The Judiciary is independent of
the executive and the legislature. Israel does not have a written constitution.
The Knesset is Israel's unicameral legislature (unlike America’s bicameral legislature with a
House and a Senate, Israel has only a single legislative body) and is seated in Jerusalem. Its 120
members are elected to 4-year terms through party-list proportional representation. Unlike
American politics, voters select the party of their choice, rather than any specific candidate. All
Israeli citizens 18 years of age or older may participate in legislative elections, which are
conducted by secret ballot.
Likud (‫ ַהלִּכּוּד‬lit. The Consolidation) is the major center-right party in Israel. A secular party, it was
founded in 1973 by Menachem Begin in an alliance with several right-wing and liberal parties.
Likud's victory in the 1977 elections was a major turning point in the country's political history,
marking the first time the left had lost power. In addition, it was the first time in Israel that a right
wing party won the plurality of the votes. However, after ruling the country for most of the 1980s,
the party lost the Knesset election in 1992. Nevertheless, Likud's candidate Benjamin
Netanyahu did win the vote for Prime Minister in 1996 and was given the task of forming a
government after the 1996 elections. After a convincing win in the 2003 elections, Likud saw a
major split in 2005, when Likud leader Ariel Sharon left the party to form the new Kadima party.
This resulted in Likud slumping to fourth place in the 2006 elections. Following the 2009 elections,
the party appears to have mostly recovered from its loss, and led the Israeli government under
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Israeli Labor Party (‫ מפלגת העבודה הישראלית‬,Mifleget HaAvoda HaYisraelit (know commonly
as HaAvoda, ‫ )העבודה‬is a social democratic and Zionist political party in Israel. The party is a
member of the Progressive Alliance and observer member of both the Socialist
International and Party of European Socialists. The Israeli Labor Party was established in 1968 by
a merger of Mapai, Ahdut HaAvoda and Rafi. From 1948 until 1977, all Israeli Prime Ministers
were affiliated with the Labor movement. Following a split in the party in 2011, Shelly
Yachimovich was elected party leader.
Yesh Atid ( ‫ יש עתיד‬,lit. There is a Future) is a political party founded by former journalist Yair
Lapid in 2012 that seeks to represent what it considers the center of Israeli society:
the secular middle class. Running for election in 2013, Yesh Atid placed second in the general
election, winning 19 seats in the 120-seat Knesset, far more than polls had predicted it would win.
On 15 March 2013, the party signed a coalition agreement with the ruling Likud party to join the
Israeli government.
Wars Israel has been involved in:
1947-1949, Israel’s War of Independence
With a vote of the UN, the British Mandate ended and soon the State of Israel would be born. In
less than a day, five countries invaded Israel: Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon. The newly
organized Israeli Defense Force (IDF) defeated the Arab nations after more that a year of
sporadic fighting. 6,000 Israeli lives were lost.
1956, The Sinai/Suez War
Egypt prevented shipping through the Suez Canal and the port of Eilat, violating international law.
With support from allies France and Britain, Israel captured the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza
Strip. Israel later gave back the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.
1967, The Six-Day War
Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq attacked Israel and mobilized more than 250,000 troops. Israel
defended itself against the attack and in doing so defeated the four nations and gained control
over the West Bank in the east, Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula in the west and the Golan Heights
in the north.
1967-1970, The War of Attrition
Less than a month after the Six-Day War ended, Egypt attacked Israel in the Sinai. Over 1,500
Israeli soldiers and civilians died during the three-year engagement.
1967-1970, The War of Attrition
Less than a month after the Six-Day War ended, Egypt attacked Israel in the Sinai. Over 1,500
Israeli soldiers and civilians died during the three-year engagement.
1973, The Yom Kippur War
On Yom Kippur, Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel. The IDF was not prepared
but was still able to hold off the armies. After three weeks of fighting, 2,688 Israeli soldiers died.
1982-1985, The Lebanon War
After the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) moved into Southern Lebanon, the IDF
entered Lebanon to remove the organization. The PLO relocated and the IDF withdrew their
forces back to a security zone.
2006, Second Lebanon War
The Iranian supported terrorist group, Hezbollah, attacked civilians and soldiers. The war lasted
only 34 days and only 8 soldiers lost their lives.
2008-2009, Gaza War
This 22-day operation was implemented to end rocket fire coming in from Gaza and weapons