K;VgEATER llfODELK l_tfq" CAPACITY PART$ tIgT snd IERYICE mAilUAt It, is importont for prompf service to give Seriol Number of Mochine when requesting informotiJn ot orderingports THE D. C. MORRTSOil CO. 201JohnsonSt.,Covington,Ky.41011,U. S. A. . FAX:8591581-9642. . Website:www.DCMORRISON.C Telephone: 859/581-7511 Fl BI <l TI ,l ol UI ul LI z 9 = El 6l <c, u() E< 36 J FI fl =l 'l il sl zl :EI Fl EI <l fl JI ol ol (D to!; rl ,l EI UI Jl J] ol EI ! \ \ i= u{ do 3I ol \ E5 HS 2l .. -l \ 'l t!l ol \ _ ' ; -i - Poge 2 Pll rlHl z t .l zl ol Sl a l SAFETYPRECAUTIONS Carefullyread instructionmanualbeforeoperatingmachine.DO NOToperatewithout all guardsand coversin position. Be sure machineis electricallygrounded.Removeor fasten loose articles of clothing such as neckties,etc. Confine hair. Removejewelry such as finger rings,watches,bracelets,etc.Alwaysusefaceshield,goggles,or glasses to protect eyes and other personalsafetyequipmentas required.Stop machinebefore makingadjustmentsor cleaningchips from work area.Keepthe floor aroundthe machine clean and free from scraps,sawdust,oil or greaseto minimizethe danger of slipping. INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING t-lI 4"ilt0RRlsolt ffYsIAIIR WIRING-|n wiringmotor,lookingintothe baseof the machine,BE SURElargebullgear turnsclockwise. Alsooil betweenthe cutterbarandthe spools OILING-Use"oneshot"oilingsystemhourly. in thecutterbarsupports. Oil motorsas perinstructions on motorplates.The motor wasfilledwithoil beforeleavingfactory. untiltableis allthewayforward. OPERATIONTurnhandwheelcounterclockwise Thisinsures fullfeed.(lf tableis runpastits normaltravela limitswitchwillturnoffthe motor.To counterclockwise startagainturnhandwheel bringingtablefonvardto its correct armandclampbarout of theway. startingposition.)Swingoverhead whichsupports cutterat tablelevel.Thesupportis placed UsetheCutterBarSupport in thegroovebehindthecutterbarso thatthe cutterbaris ridingfirmlyin the spool. ringfoundon the column. The supportis then lockedin placeby the adjustable Settoolpostor cutterbarso thatthecuttingedgeof thecutteris 1/16",andno more than1/8"abovetheworkat the top of the stroke(usejog switchfor convenience whensettingup work).Be surecutterwillclearworkat bottomof stroke.* veeso thatit just clearscutteron down Locateandcenterworkby usingcentering Adjustthe swingingclampbarso thatthe veesecurely. stroke.Clampcentering clampbarbearsfirmlyon theworkon both sidesof the cutterbar.Todo thishave clampbar restingon lefthandsideof workandthenwhenit is tightened, it willbear firmlyon bothsides. Whendoingthissupportthe Adjustoverheadarmas closeto the workas possible. bottomof theverticalcolumnwithyourlefthandso thatit doesnotslipor fallwhen lowercolumnclampis loosened. Adjustoverheadarm so thatthe cutterbar is ridingfirmlyin the spooland lockin place.Ratchetpawl can be set to feed one tooth,two teeth or threeteeth giving .OO2",.004" or .006"feed. Brushon a heavysulphur-baseoil as a coolantwhencutting steelkeywais. (Usegenerously.) Startthekeyseater andthenwiththe ratchetfeedon,let it rununtilcutterjusttouches to desireddepth.Do notfeedin by handtoodeepa work,andthenset micrometer cut mightbe taken,resultingin brokencutters,or damageto the cutterbar. * T h e Ke y s e a te r l e ft the factory set for a stroke of 6" . l f the pi ece to be keywayed is longerthan 5" the strokecan be increasedto 9" by changing the link rod on the bull gear to the outer position. For keywaysunder5" the shorterstroke is recommended. Poge 3 MACHINETAYOUT ..-.-..-t22- --L rflFT F++tt ' tt i {\ ac I i 5!r -: --- L ' -'= ,15 48 / \ t -52- r \ / tco c3 \\ | r )tF*rr -F--;l o?/--lHA\ -54 t'# 2A I r4O I ItJ aa. 2A rl7 30 4€ \51 tt * Old style for new style see back page Pqrts Description Refer P qrt N umber P oge 5 Poge 4 Pqrt No. I 2 2A 2B 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 II 12 l3 |4 15 16 17 t8 I9 20 2l 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5l 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6l 62 Port Colum n Screw Screw Screw S lide Rod Bro c k e t Screw P in B r ooc h H e o d Gu i d e Screw Hor iz onto lT u b e Su p p o rt Hor iz onto lT u b e Screw V er lic ol Tu b e C o p S c r ew V er t ic ol T u b e Colum n B ro c k e t Screw P in V er t ic ol Tu b e Ke y J om Nut S pool S h o ft Cent er in g Sp o o l B or S upp o rt C o l l o r S c r ew Com S ho ft B ro c k e t M ot or P i n i o n Sc re w B oll Lev e r Wo s h e r S pool B e o ri n g Loc ot ing C o l l o r T ube Loc o ti n g K e y B r oc k et S tu d Colum n D o o r S c r ew Door Ho n d l e Door Hin g e S c r ew S c r ew Door Lotc h S c r ew Door Lo tc h Sp o c e r Nut Nom e Pl o te Dr iv e S c re w Nom e P l o te S c r ew B or S up p o rt S uppor t Sl i d e S c r ew S uppor t B e o ri n g S uppor i R o l l e r S uppor i Wo s h e r S c r ew S pool S h o ft T oble S c r ew Nut T oble C l o m p T oble G i b T oble W o rm o n d Ge o r Rot c het H o n d w h e e l T oble R . H . Stu d T oble N u t Hondwh e e l R o tc h e tS h o ft Pqrl No. 63 64 65 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 78 79 80 8l 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 l0l 1O2 I0 3 104 105 106 1O7 108 109 110 ' |1 l 112 113 I l4 Ii5 116 117 .I1 8 I l9 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Porf Screw L ock W osher R otchetS hoft C ol l or Feed S hoft W osher R otchef W heel W i ng N ut R otchetC om S crew Mi crometer D i ol R otchel Lever Pin C om R ol l er C ronk Lever R otchet P ow l R oi chet Geor R otchet Lever S hoft Lever S hoft B ushi ng Lever R ol l er S tud D i ol B ushi ng R . H . B ol l Lever L. H . B ol l Lever Tobl e L. H . S tud H ondw heel H ondl e C om Lever B eori ng D i ol S pri ng C om Lever S pri ng R otchetGeor Guord R ntchei l (ey Feed S hoft B eori ng R otchet P ow l S tud P ow l S top P i n Motor P i ni on Motor S hoft W osher Moror S hoft K ey B ul l Geor B ul l Geor P l ug B ul l Geor C ol l or B ul l Geor S pocer B ul l Geor S l eeve B ul l Geor S tud C om Outer R i ng C om Inner R i ng B ul l Geor B eori ng B ul l Geor Oi l S eol B ul l Geor S tud N ut B rooch C orri er C orri er S l i de R od W ork C l omp C l omp H i nge W ork C l omp W osher B ul l Geor Guord S crew H i nge S i de R od C ol l or R od Toper P i n C enteri ng V ee Screw Pin C l omp S i de R od Li nk R od Li nk R od B eori ng Li nk R od S l eeve S crew Lock W osher Poge 5 Port No. 128 129 'I 3 l Port L. H. Screw Link Rod Sleeve Com Shoft Roller Stud R o l l e r S t u d Wo s h e r Roller Shoft Rock Pin 136 B r o o c h H e o d G u i d e Scr e w 137 Roller Shoft Bushing .|38 Feed Shoft Pinion '| 39 . Woodruff Key 140 Feed Shoft Coupling 141 Screw 14 2 Feed Shoft 143 C o l u m n Wo r m 144 Column Nut 145 Roller Beoring |50 Lubricotor I 5l Screw 152 Tubing Meter - Unit 153 'l 5 4 Meter - Unit '| 5 5 Meter - Unit 'I 5 6 Meter - Unit 157 Meter - Unit 158 Meter - Unit 159 Meter - Unii 160 Junction-3 Wo y l6l Junction-2 Wo y 162 Screw .|63 Connector - 90' Elbow 164 Connector - 45' Elbow 165 Adopter - Elbow 166 H o s e A s s e m b l y - 6" 167 Hose Assembly -7" '|6 8 H o s e A s s e m b l y - |8 " 169 Clip - Single Tubing 170 Screw 17l Nut - Compression B u s h i n g - C o m p r e ssi o n 172 173 Sleeve - Compression 175 Motor - 1rt H.P. 176 Screw 177 Slorier - non-rev. Mognetic Heoier - Overlood 178 179 Switch - Motor I 80 Screw '| 8 l Switch - Sofeiy B r o c k e t - S w i t c h ( S o f.e ty) I82 I83 R o d - S o f e t y S w i t ch 184 Nut - Jom Hex .l85 Wi r e - 1 4 T W 186 Conduct - Flex. 187 Connector - Stroight 188 Connector - Anole 'I 8 9 Screw 195 R o t c h e t S t u d Wo s he r 196 R o t c h e t P o w l B u sh 197 Rotchet Powl Knob .|98 Spring 199-209 Bock Brocket Assemblv 132 133 '| 34 .l35 AUTOMATICFEEDDIAGRAM t9 \rt )@- P-t t1 IV 3 rt c F- *.' -z Psrls Description Refer Pqrt Number Poge 5 Poge 6 CUTTER DIAGRAM t I I I I t I - - -r.l I I I-T I I I Foctory cutters ore ground.00l5" for generol purpose work. _TJ I I I I Lr_ II ll [l' oversize on width, ond os obove To reshorpen grind surfoce morked "G". CUTTERS GALLING: Lock of cooloni, use high sulfur bose cufting oit. Brush on generously. Cullers ground incorrectly. For correct ongles refer obove. Cutters ore ground ot foctory wilh o 5' cutting ongle ond Yz" side cleqronce. For very tough moteriols this ongle could be increosed up to 15", the side cleoronce could be increosed up to 2o. However this tends to shorten tool life os it becomes undersized when reshorpened. CHATTERINGDURING CUTTING OPERATION:lmproper set up, work should resr solidly on iqble. Cutter too dull, refer obove. lock of coolont, refer obove. Cutter set more thon Ya" obove work ot top of stroke. See operotion instructions. Complete REBUIIDINGServiceon KEYSEATERS We con offer complete rebuilding of your Morrison Keyseoter. We con dismonile the Keyseoter completely, reploce oll domoged or worn ports, geors, shofts, etc. We re-olign the tobl e with the bose ond con reship the mochine with its originol foctory occurocy. Prices quoted upon request. We believe thot the reconditioning of mochinery moy be chorged off os expense ond thot the corporotion olso soves o high percentoge of the rebuilding chorges depending on the corporotion's tox brocket. Write us for further porticulors ond shipping instructions. BACK SHAFTBRACKETASSEMBLY(NEWSTYLE) WORM SHAFT #203 WO R M WH E E L BUSHING #209 Prinledin U.S.A. 1M 3/01JSS CO
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