sdtdc`s edition - South Dakota Trucking Association
sdtdc`s edition - South Dakota Trucking Association
May 2014 SDTDC’s EDITION WADE WAGEMANN Professional truck driver for YRC Freight was named the Grand Champion of the 2014 SD Truck Driving Championships on Saturday, May 10th. MAY 23, 2014 Chairman’s Message..................................3 President’s Message..................................5 Update From Black Hills Log Haulers Association President Robert Christian.................7 May Driver of the Month...........................9 Dates to Remember.................................10 CVSA’S Roadcheck 2014 Slated For June Third Through June Fifth.........................11 Acting FAST at the First Sign of A Stroke...13 Agricultural Commodities Conference, & Log Haulers Conference Registration Form.......15 Tentative Agenda For SDTA Summer Board of Directors Meeting, Agricultural Commodities Conference & Log Haulers Conference.......16 SDTA’s Annual Cliff Tjaden Fishing Event Registration Form...................................17 Review of 35th Annual South Dakota Truck Driving Championships.......................18-24 Welcome New SDTA Members..................25 New Member Chart..................................25 Congratulations To A&A Express, Inc., on FIrst Place Finish at Truckload Carrier Conference Fleet Safety Contest................................27 Courts in Missouri and Oregon Say Flashing Lights Are OK.........................................27 SDTA Associates Appreciation East River Golf Event Registration Form..........................28 Rude Transportation Earns Safety Award....29 SDTA Associates Appreciation West River Golf Event Registration Form..........................30 SDTA’s 9th Annual Poker Run..................31 Pierre Truck Route Construction Traffic Impact......................................................35 Board of Directors List.............................36 Wade has been a truck driver for 24 years and has competed in the TDC’s since 2006. This is his second time as Grand Champion -- he received the title for the first time in 2008. Congratulations to all who qualified to compete! TDC PARTICIPANT LIST: STEP VAN Teri Spencer - A&A Express, Inc. Bernie Weber - MCT Transportation LLC STRAIGHT TRUCK Rodney Cudmore - Conway Freight Dan Norgaard - MCT Transportation LLC Gerry Stevenson - Cliff Viessman, Inc. 3-AXLE TRUCK Tamara Folsom - FedEx Freight Matt Minor - Conway Freight Jason Skotvold - FedEx Freight Wade Wagemann - YRC Freight 4-AXLE TRUCK Marty Ellis - A&A Express, Inc. Bob Hoffman - K&J Trucking, Inc. Roger Lammey - Stan’s, Inc. Seth Sigafoos - MCT Transportation LLC Troy Swenson - FedEx Freight 5-AXLE VAN Don Bardsley - MCT Transportation LLC Jeff Eschen - K&J Trucking, Inc. Tim Gamber - Orion Food Systems Jesse Moeller - TBI, Inc. Russell Wendt - Stan’s, Inc. Tank Randy Aga - Blachowske Truck Line Jim Anderson - K&J Trucking, Inc. Brian Cusson - FedEx Freight Jamie Hagen - Cliff Viessman, Inc. Greg Keller - A&A Express, Inc. TWINS Harley Gray - Trimac Transportation Jere Rions - FedEx Freight Virgil Thiewes - FedEx Freight 5-AXLE SLEEPER BERTH Glenn Benson - FedEx Freight Joe Dykstra - Johnson Feed, Inc. John Krause - MCT Transportation LLC Ronald Olson - Cliff Viessman, Inc. Teddy Robinson - Blachowske Truck Line Leo Ruder - Orion Food Systems Quincy Tambo - TBI, Inc. Mitch Wilcox - Stan’s, Inc. Rick Witczek - Orion Food Systems FLATBED Rachel Bothwell - FedEx Freight DeJuan Hale - Blachowske Truck Line Don Jensen - Don Jensen Enterprises Rick Otten - Mid States Transport, Inc. SDTA’s EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Rick Hoogendoorn, Chairman of Board Mike Habeck, Vice Chairman David Bultsma, Treasurer Jeff Gillespie, Secretary Alton Palmer, Past Chairman Myron L. Rau, President Mike Habeck, ATA Vice President SDTA’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS Justin Anders Tom Beuzekom Linda Bickford Kimberly Bonhart Lloyd Bultsma Robert Christian Brian Clark Art Donovan Bryan Eden Francis Hamm Randy Hartley Larry Klaahsen Stan Kopfmann Jerred Koppmann Jody Kuper Tim Miller Ben Oldenkamp Jerry Ollerich Matt Parker Robert Punt Wade Stebbins Dan Swenson Dave Stoterau Jeff Watkins Bud Westendorf Bob Willey SDTA’s Past Chairpersons Stan Anders Larry Anderson Robert Appelwick Ted Bultsma Rich Burns Darrold Dean Bernard Feldhaus Alton Palmer Jeff Parker Gene Phillips Michelle Schipper Randy Thompson Wayne Viessman Stephen Willers First, just a short recap of our “Call on Washington”. We met with all three of our congressional delegates, albeit our meeting with Representative Noem was cut very short as she was called to a vote on the floor. As one of our members noted, “that’s what we have her here for is to represent us and VOTE!” We did have some good face to face time with Senator Thune and Senator Johnson. We also had a full morning meeting with ATA officials which was time well spent. As I noted earlier, I will be bringing a full report of our trip to the June Board of Directors meeting. All SDTA members are invited so if you can make it you are very welcome to attend. I see there are rumblings coming out of the Senate, pushing for a 6-year highway bill along with some dialogue about fuel-tax hikes. We will see how far those efforts go. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope after all. TRUCK DRIVING CHAMPIONSHIPS! Wow. What a great day. There are so many people that make such a strong effort to make that day successful for the participants, it is difficult to identify them all. We had a great group of volunteers, great cooperation from businesses donating equipment for the day, great support from the SDTA staff and a special thanks to Southeast Technical Institute for allowing us to use their facilities. The drivers work so hard each year to quality for this event, I really appreciate having the competition at a location that helps bring a higher level of prestige to the event. All of this starts with great leadership. The TDC Chairman, Glade Evenson did a marvelous job throughout the planning effort, coordinating the entire team and making the day a huge success. Joel Sandoval as Co-Chairman was right beside Glade all the way being a great support. Thank you gentlemen for a job well done. Drivers – what can we say. What a great group of people and congratulations to every participant that competed and special congratulations to the winners in your respective classes as well as those that were honored for the special recognitions. I really enjoyed seeing two of the classes being won by women! Congratulations ladies. The diversity that you bring to this event only makes us stronger and hopefully brings greater interest to the competition. I hope I can speak for everyone that helped make the day a success, all the work was worth it to see the smiles on the drivers faces and allow them to have a special day. They all deserved it. To the winners, we wish you the best of luck at Nationals in August. We know you will make us proud! P.S – our summer events are just around the corner. Check your calendars and save the dates! Rick Hoogendoorn, YRC Freight 3 South Dakota Trucking News is published monthly by the PO Box 89008 Sioux Falls, SD 57109-9008 Phone: 605-334-8871 Fax: 605-334-1938 Annual Subscription FOR $35.00 SDTA STAFF MEMBERS Myron L. Rau President Michelle Wells Executive Assistant Pam Kolseth Comptroller JaY Steensma Printshop Manager Patty Hinz Office Assistant/Graphic Designer When you read this message, a couple of association events will be in the history books. The 2014 SDTA Call on Washington and the annual Truck Driving Championships. I hope that several of the members were able to participate in these events. Chairman Hoogendoorn will again be providing an overview report regarding the Call on Washington during the summer meeting of the SDTA Board of Directors. I am sure the Truck Driving Championships have again yielded a group of the “best of the best” to represent South Dakota and the South Dakota Trucking Association in the national championships. In March, I had the opportunity to attend the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) meeting in Dallas, TX. This group usually meets during the SD Legislative Session, preventing me from attending. It was quite interesting to sit in on committee meetings, the general session and several round table discussions. It seems that federal regulations are the “gift that just keeps on giving”. The problems and concerns are shared equally by all jurisdictions and all trucking companies regardless of size or the commodity they haul. If there is a rule that we particularly like or egregiously hate, hang on because the rule will change! We need to hang together in order to seek change. As you probably know, I am presently serving as President of NORPASS; I am in the second year of my two-year term. One of my recent duties in that position required me to attend the Mid America Truck Show (MATS) for the first time in my career. Wow, what a show! There were over 70,000 people that came through the gates. If you have never had the opportunity to attend, please take the time when you can. It is a great time to visit Louisville, KY and see every possible gadget and piece of equipment that deals with the trucking industry. There were also several companies with booths designed specifically to recruit drivers. I also had the opportunity to be present for the kickoff of the American Trucking Associations (ATA) new image campaign entitled “Trucking Moves America Forward.” You will be hearing much more about this new campaign. Please take the time to review the “Dates to Remember” on the SDTA Website; we have a busy schedule for the next month. I hope many of you get a chance to participate in one or more of these events. The summer meeting of the SDTA Board of Directors is scheduled immediately following the our annual Cliff Tjaden Fishing Event. Also coupled with the board meeting is the annual Agricultural Commodities Conference and the Log Haulers Conference. Also in June, is the Annual East River Golf Outing in Brandon, the West River Golf Outing in Rapid City and the Annual Poker Run in Rapid City. On a personal note, on May 1st, I started my 14th year as your employee. It has been a fun ride and I look forward to many great years to come! The SDTA is a great organization that has a very bright future. REMEMBER: If you do not have a seat at the table, you may be what is served for dinner and perhaps that will be WELL DONE. Get involved and stay involved! 5 I have to confess I didn’t know what to really expect at the Call on Washington, but I have to tell you it was nothing short of an exceptional experience…and educational! When the two days were finished, I had a new level of support and respect for what takes place there, as well as for the individuals who are committed at that level to address the issues at hand. We addressed many different topics with our congressional delegates, such as the Keystone Pipe Line, Tolls, Federal Excise Tax, Sleep Apnea, Problems with EPA Compliance Engines, Continued CSA Issues, States Collection of Business Taxes from Interstate Carriers, Hours-of-Service and Highway Funding. Again, as log haulers we are very lucky in the fact that we are virtually not regulated at the level of most CDL operators. But it doesn’t make us any less responsible or accountable! We become a little immune to the fact that these issues do effect us. If we do nothing and say nothing we are faced with additional regulations that we may not always agree with. Highway funding seems to be one of the most pressing issues at the time. With the Highway Trust Fund slated to start running out of funds as early as June or July and no new bill for funding, the DOT will cut back on payments to States when the fund balance goes below 4 billion. It will be interesting to see what happens here when this all comes to a head in the beginning to middle of the construction season. A crumbling infrastructure ignored and neglected will only be more costly to be repaired. I want to thank the SDTA Board of Directors and members for the experience and opportunity to represent them and I look forward to the possibility of doing this again in the years to come. I want to thank the American Trucking Association for their briefing on the issues before we meet with our congressional delegates and for the social time meeting with ATA officials. The ATA has implemented a program called Trucking Moves America Forward. This program is designed to help shape a more positive image of the trucking industry. I don’t think anyone can appreciate this more than us as log haulers! If you get the chance check out their web site at www. Also want to thank UPS for the dinner and social. This was one of the more relaxing and less stressful times in the 2-day Washington trip. Thank you Kimberly — the only thing that would have made this dinner better is if you would have been able to attend! SDTA has many different events taking place in the near future. The Convention is scheduled for September 3, 4 and 5, in Rapid City. I know it is hard to attend all the events, but pick one that interests you and attend! I promise you will have a very enjoyable time. The annual BHLH Association survey has been completed and the results will be presented sometime this summer. If you have not received this information and would like a copy of the results please contact Bruce Votroubek, Larry Jahner or myself. Remember these surveys are done not only to try and justify the funds we feel are needed, but to use as a tool to manage our businesses. Robert Christian, President 7 MAY 2014 Driver of the Month TERRY MOHLENCAMP Terry Mohlencamp, TBI, Inc., Sioux Falls, SD, has been selected as the May 2014 Driver of the Month by the South Dakota Safety Management Council. Mr. Mohlencamp has logged 1.2 million accident-free miles in his 15 years as a professional truck driver for TBI, Inc. Terry has been in the trucking industry for nearly 30 years and has been employed by TBI for the past 6 years. Terry volunteers yearly to help with the Truck Driving Championships. He also participates in the South Dakota Chapter of the World’s Largest Convoy for Special Olympics. Although Terry spends most of his days as a local driver, he works with multiple shippers and receivers. He represents TBI and the trucking industry very professionally. He is also very helpful in working with new drivers when it comes to the procedures and processes of loading and delivering. Terry and his wife Shari are the parents of two children, Cody, 19 and Courtney, 14. They reside in Sioux Falls, SD. SDTA joins the Safety Management Council in congratulating Terry Mohlencamp for being selected as the May 2014 Driver of the Month. 9 • Social Hour, Dinner and Calcutta for the Annual Cliff Tjaden SDTA Fishing Event – starts at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 11, 2014. • Annual Cliff Tjaden SDTA Fishing Event – Thursday, June 12, 2014, with boats launching on the Missouri River at 8:00 a.m. and returning for weigh-in at 3:30 p.m. with dinner to follow at the RedRossa Italian Grille next to the Clubhouse Inn & Suites, Pierre. • SDTA Summer Board Meeting – 8:00 a.m. on Friday, June 13, 2014, at the Clubhouse Inn & Suites, Pierre. Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Commodities Conference and the Log Haulers Conference will take place in conjunction with the meeting of SDTA BOD. • SDTA East River Golf Outing at the Brandon Golf Course – 10:00 a.m. shotgun start on Tuesday, June 17, 2014. • SDTA West River Golf Outing at the Elks Golf Course, Rapid City – 9:00 a.m. shotgun start on Friday, June 27, 2014. • 9th Annual West River Poker Run, Saturday, June 28, 2014 in the Rapid City area. • National Truck Driving Championships – August 12 through 16, 2014 in Pittsburgh, PA. • SDTA Annual Convention – Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn, Rapid City, SD on September 3 through 5, 2014. • SDTA Fall Executive Committee Meeting - Crossroads Hotel & Event Center, Huron at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 12, 2014, with dinner served during the meeting. • SDTA Fall Board Meeting – Crossroads Hotel & Event Center, Huron at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 13, 2014, with the Annual Guided Pheasant hunt scheduled to start at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 12th at Stan’s, Inc., east of Alpena, SD. • West River Legislative Reception - Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn, Rapid City - Monday, December 8, 2014, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. (west river time). • East River Legislative Reception - Callaway’s, 500 East 69th Street, Sioux Falls on Wednesday, December 10, 2014, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. (east river time). • SDTA Winter Executive Committee Meeting - 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at the RedRossa Italian Grille with dinner served during the meeting. • SDTA Winter Board of Directors Meeting - RedRossa Italian Grille at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, February 9, 2015 with a Board of Directors Dinner at 5:30 p.m. In the evening, we will hold the annual legislative reception and sundae bar at the RedRossa Italian Grille. The SDTA Executive Committee will meet jointly with the SDADA Executive Committee in the afternoon of Monday, February 9, 2015. 1101 West Russell Street Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Phone: (605) 336-4444 Fax: (605)274-9034 CVSA's Roadcheck 2014 slated for June 3-5 REPRINTED FROM OOIDA -- 5/6/2014 By Land Line staff It’s that time of year again. The CVSA Roadcheck 2014 is right around the corner. The annual inspection event – the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s 72-hour safety blitz – is scheduled for June 3-5. This year’s Roadcheck event will be focusing on hazardous materials. CVSA sponsors Roadcheck with participation by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, Transport Canada, and the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (Mexico). Roadcheck is the largest targeted enforcement program on commercial vehicles in the world, with approximately 14 trucks or buses being inspected, on average, every minute from Canada to Mexico during a 72-hour period. can Standard Level 1 inspections – the most comprehensive roadside inspections. Over 24 percent of drivers who underwent Level 1 inspections were found with Out-of-Service violations. The agency also conducted more than 71,600 driver inspections, from which 4.3 percent were found with OOS violations. There were 899 seatbelt violations issued, according to the agency’s published results. CVSA is made up of local, state, provincial, territorial and federal motor-carrier safety officials and industry representatives in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Since its inception in 1988, the roadside inspections conducted during Roadcheck have numbered more than 1 million. Learn more about the program at Copyright © OOIDA CVSA provides a Roadcheck checklist for drivers. Included in it are tips such as: • Buckle up. • Pre-inspect the condition of your vehicle and check for load securement issues. • Check your brakes. • Inspect coupling devices. • Ensure all required lamps are the proper color and operational. • Check for loose fuel tank mountings, leaks, etc. • Look over your tires and check for proper inflation, cuts, bulges, etc. The full checklist can be found here. Each year, approximately 10,000 CVSA-certified local, state, provincial and federal inspectors at 1,500 locations across North America perform the truck and bus inspections. In 2013, CVSA completed more than 73,000 truck and bus inspections during the enforcement campaign. Of those, a total of 47,771 were North Ameri- 1701 E. Benson Rd. Sioux Falls, SD 57104 TRUCK & TRAILER SALES Service & Repair on Trucks and Trailers Part Sales • New and Used Phone: (605) 334-0304 Toll Free: (866) 862-8498 Fax: (605) 334-8057 11 15 SIOUX FALLS, SD 877-449-5400 Doug Norgaard, Sales Dean Palmer, Service SIOUX CITY, IA 800-274-2364 Gary March Mark Dermit Kevin Kiewel BJ Thompson IMPROVING THE HUMAN CONDITION Acting F.A.S.T. at the first sign of a stroke Like a lot of unpleasant things, a stroke is something you think won’t ever happen to you. But strokes are the leading cause of disability in the U.S. and the fourth leading cause of death. To put it another way, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds and someone dies of a stroke every 4 minutes. A stroke occurs when there is an absence of blood flow to an area of the brain. This can cause permanent cell damage and can result in anything from a simple speech impediment or partial vision loss to a complete loss of function with the inability to walk, talk, or even swallow and breathe properly. But the faster you act at the onset of a stroke, the better the outcome will be. One of the best things you can do is know if you are at risk for a stroke. Some risk factors you can’t change like your age, race and family history. People who are 80 or older, African American or have a family history of stroke are more inclined to have one themselves. However, there are a number of risk factors that you can manage and modify. Elevated blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking, drug use or cardiac problems increase your chances of having a stroke, but with proper medical care, medication and determination, you can help lessen those risk factors. Strokes often come on suddenly. You can usually tell one is occurring by looking for one or any combination of the following: a droop in one side of the face, arm weakness or slurred speech. If a person suddenly cannot move one side of their face or has trouble moving one of their arms or legs, it may be a stroke. People typically have slurred speech, but sometimes a stroke may cause a person to be unable to speak at all. Other times a stroke can affect a person ability to understand verbal words or even written words. Additional signs of stroke are trouble with balance, partial vision loss, decreased sensation to touch over arms, face, or legs, or a change in cognition. These symptoms could be due to a number of medical conditions, but you should seek medical assistance immediately to rule out a stroke. If you suspect someone is having a stroke, they should be immediately taken to the closest emergency department. There is a small window of time of about 3 hours in which a person can receive a treatment and has the greatest chance of recovering from a stroke. Some people can recover from speech deficits and regain mobility with intensive physical and occupational therapy. So know your risk factors and be ready to act F.A.S.T. at the first sign of a stroke. Breakout Box Is it a stroke? Act F.A.S.T. F- Face: Ask the person to smile. Does their face droop or look uneven? A-Arm: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does their arm drift? Is it numb? S-Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Does their speech sound strange or hard to understand? T-Time: If the answer is yes to any of the above, call 911 immediately. Every minute counts. Act F.A.S.T. 13 Arvid J. Swanson PC 27452 482nd Avenue Canton, SD 57013 A.J. Swanson (605) 743-2070 42 YEARS of helping truck lines grow! Corporate Law Business Formation Real Estate Transactions Agricultural Law Sales & Use Tax Law Estate Planning Probate Administrative Law Zoning & Planning Law Transportation Law Motor Carrier Emphasis AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES CONFERENCE & LOG HAULERS CONFERENCE CLUBHOUSE INN & SUITES - PIERRE, SD - FRIday, june 13, 2014 NOTE: Room reservations for the Clubhouse Inn & Suites, 808 West Sioux Avenue, Pierre, SD, are being accepted by Rebecca Mickelson at or by calling (605) 301-4930 or (888) 420-0376. When making room reservations, be sure to tell them you are with the South Dakota Trucking Association. IMPORTANT: Room reservations must be made prior to MAY 13TH to ensure you have reservations at the Clubhouse Inn & Suites. After that, rooms will be available on a first come basis. Company Name Date Mailing Address City State Zip E-mail Address Please list names as you wish them to appear on Official Conference Badges: WOMen’s Names Men’s Names Single Registration(s) @ $25.00 = $ Couple Registration(s) @ $40.00 = $ Total Registration Check Enclosed = $ Check Enclosed Credit Card: Bill Me Discover Bill the following credit card Mastercard Visa American Express Card Number: Expiration Date:CVV#: Printed Card Holder Name: Card Holder Signature: Return or Fax this form to: SDTA • PO BOX 89008 • SIOUX FALLS, SD 57109-9008 PHONE: (605) 334-8871 • FAX: (605) 334-1938 E-mail: 15 Tentative Agenda For SDTA Summer Board Meeting, Agricultural Commodities Conference & Log Haulers Conference WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2014 6:00 p.m. - Social Hour 7:00 p.m. - Dinner followed by Calcutta for SDTA Annual Cliff Tjaden Fishing Event THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 2014 7:30 a.m. - Check In 8:00 a.m. - Launch on the Missouri River 3:30 p.m. - Weigh In / Dinner following weigh-in at RedRossa, adjacent to the Clubhouse Inn & Suites 7:30 p.m. - SDTA Executive Committee Meeting FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014 SDTA Summer Board Meeting, Agricultural Commodities Conference & Log Haulers Conference 8:00 a.m. • Call To Order • Roll Call for SDTA Board Members • Approve Minutes From SDTA Fall Board Meeting • Review SDTA’s Third Quarter Financial Statement • Review Important Dates To Remember • SDTA Executive Committee Report • SDTA Safety Management Council Report - Tim Miller, Chairman • SDTA Associates Conference Report - Bryan Eden • SDTA Issues Management Report - Matt Parker • SDTA Membership and Membership Services Report • SDTA Public Relations Discussion - Review SDTA Truck Driving Championships / Discuss National Truck Driving Championships Funding • ATA Vice President Report • SDTA Old Business • SDTA New Business • Agricultural Commodities Conference Annual Business Meeting • Election of Agricultural Commodities Conference Officers & Directors • Agricultural Commodities Conference Old Business • Agricultural Commodities Conference New Business • 2014 Legislative Update - Myron Rau • Review from Robert Christian on Spring Log Haulers Meeting in Spearfish • Log Haulers Conference Old Business • Log Haulers Conference New Business ALL EVENTS & MEETINGS WILL BE HELD AT THE CLUBHOUSE INN & SUITES, PIERRE, SD 16 RESULTS FROM THE Winners By Class: First Place Finish: Teri Spencer A&A Express, Inc. Second Place: Bernie Weber MCT Transportation LLC STEP VAN First Place Finish: RODNEY CUDMORE Conway Freight Second Place: Dan Norgaard MCT Transportation LLC Third Place: STRAIGHT TRUCK GERRY STEVENSON MCT Transportation LLC First Place Finish: WADE WAGEMANN YRC Freight Second Place: JASON SKOTVOLD FedEx Freight Third Place: TAMARA FOLSOM FedEx Freight 18 3-AXLE TRUCK Winners By Class CONTINUED... First Place Finish: MARTY ELLIS A&A Express, Inc. Second Place: SETH SIGAFOOS MCT Transportation LLC Third Place: 4-AXLE TRUCK ROGER LAMMEY Stan’s, Inc. First Place Finish: Russell Wendt Stan’s, Inc. Second Place: TIM GAMBER Orion Food Systems Third Place: 5-AXLE VAN JEFF ESCHEN K&J Trucking, Inc. First Place Finish: JOHN KRAUSE MCT Transportation LLC Second Place: RICK WITCZEK Orion Food Systems Third Place: (not pictured) 5-AXLE SLEEPER GLENN BENSON FedEx Freight First Place Finish: BRIAN CUSSON FedEx Freight Second Place: (not pictured) JAMIE HAGEN Cliff Viessman, Inc. TANK Third Place: GREG KELLER A&A Express, Inc. 19 Winners By Class CONTINUED... First Place Finish: HARLEY GRAY Trimac Transportation Second Place: JERE RIONS FedEx Freight Third Place: TWIN TRAILERS VIRGIL THIEWES FedEx Freight First Place Finish: RACHEL BOTHWELL FedEx Freight Second Place: DON JENSEN Don Jensen Enterprises FLATBED Third Place: DEJUAN HALE Blachowske Truck Line SPECIAL AWARDS Chuck Fjellin Award Ron Green Award Best written exam score Troy swenson FedEx Freight 20 Best written pre-trip inspection score Larry Thury Award Best skills test score WADE WAGEMANN DAN NORGAARD YRC Freight MCT Transportation LLC Rookie of the Year Rookie with highest overall score RACHEL BOTHWELL FedEx Freight SPECIAL AWARDS continued... Team Trophy Highest team score using top three drivers driver stats MCT Transportation LLC (left to right: Dan Norgaard (straight truck), John Krause (5-axle sleeper), Seth Sigafoos (4-axle), Jeff Gillespie (Vice President, Administration), Don Bardsley (5-axle van) and Bernie Weber (step van). Don Knowler (left) was recognized with the Distinguished Service Award by the South Dakota Champions Club for his dedication to the SDTDC’s. Cliff Viessman Inc, Gary, SD (right) was also recognized by the Champions Club with the Partnership In Safety Award. Congratulations to both Don & Cliff Viessman, Inc. The Champions Club took time to recognize both Jerry Cudmore (left) and Glade Evenson (right) for their years of dedication and commitment to the SD TDC’s. To put it simply, the TDC would not be what they are today without the two gentleman in this photo. They have dedicated countless hours to the betterment of the TDC’s and the skills of those participating! We truly appreciate all that Jerry and Glade have done and continue to do for the SDTDC’s! 21 2014 SD CHALLENGE WINNERS Congratulations to all 14 contestants! First Place Finish: Trooper TOMMY TOROK Sioux Falls Motor Carrier Trooper Second Place: inspector Phil lentz Sioux Falls Mobile Team Third Place: INSPECTOR NICK VEFLIN Sisseton Port of Entry 2014 SD CHALLENGE PARTICIPANT LIST: Inspector Challenge Contestants: Inspector Jordan – Tilford Port of Entry Inspector Lentz - Sioux Falls Mobile Team Inspector Lindblom – Tilford Port of Entry Inspector Lounsbery - Sioux Falls Port of Entry Inspector Stapleton – Sioux Falls Port of Entry Inspector Wells – Tilford Port of Entry Trooper Torok - Sioux Falls MC Trooper 22 Master Inspector Testing: Inspector Fields - Jefferson Port of Entry Inspector Grave - Yankton Mobile Team Inspector Jordan – Tilford Port of Entry Inspector Lyngstad - Jefferson Port of Entry Inspector Miller - Jefferson Port of Entry Inspector Schubauer - Vermillion Mobile Team Inspector Veflin - Sisseton Port of Entry 23 thank YOU TO the following companies for their support of the 2014 SDTDC’s: Ruby sponsors Baldwin DeBates, Sioux Falls Midwest Truck Insurance, Sioux Falls Quality Truck Insurance, Rapid City RAS Companies / Dakota Truck Underwriters, Sioux Falls Transportation Insurance Services, Pierre Truck Insurors, Mitchell Emerald sponsors K&J Trucking, Inc., Sioux Falls Northwest Food Products Transportation, Volga South Dakota Truck Driving Champions Club Saphire sponsors Boyer Ford Trucks of Sioux Falls Cliff Viessman, Inc. FedEx Freight, Inc., Harrison, AR Great West Casualty, S. Sioux City, NE Inland Truck Parts & Service, Sioux Falls Ken Darling, Spencer MCT Transportation LLC, Sioux Falls Peterbilt of Sioux City, Norfolk, NE, Des Moines & Council Bluffs, IA Transport Data, Brookings WorkFORCE Occupational Health / Medical Services, Sioux Falls Topaz sponsors Burns Moving & Storage, Sioux Falls Interstate PowerSystems, Sioux Falls Omnitracs, LLC, Flower Mound,TX Orion Food Systems LLC, Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Truck & Trailer, Sioux Falls Stan’s, Inc., Alpena Trimac Transportation, Rapid City IN-KIND SPONSOR Custom Art Graphics, Sioux Falls 24 Banner sponsors A&A Express, Inc., Brandon Blachowske Truck Line, Inc. K&J Trucking, Inc., Sioux Falls SD Chapter of the World’s Largest Truck Convoy for Special Olympics Trimac Transportation YRC Freight Door Prize Sponsors Avera Medical Group, Sioux Falls Great West Casualty Company, S. Sioux City, NE Interstate PowerSystems, Sioux Falls I State Truck Center, Sioux Falls K&J Trucking, Inc., Sioux Falls Prostollo’s All American Auto Mall, Madison RAS Companies, Sioux Falls Taylor & Martin, Fremont, NE Thermo King of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls Training Solutions Institute of Southeast Tech, Sioux Falls Vander Haag’s, Sioux Falls Wells Fargo, Sioux Falls WorkFORCE Occupational Health, Medical Services, Sioux Falls EQUIPMENT Sponsors A&A Express, Inc., Brandon CHS Transportation, Sioux Falls Cliff Viessman, Inc., Gary Conway Freight, Sioux Falls Custom Tank Leasing, Sioux Falls Dizco, Inc., Sioux Falls FedEx Freight, Sioux Falls Heartland Paper Company, Sioux Falls Interstate PowerSystems, Sioux Falls Jim Hawk Truck Trailer Sales, Sioux Falls K&J Trucking, Inc., Sioux Falls Lloyd Bultsma Trucking, Inc., Sioux Falls MCT Transportation LLC, Sioux Falls Mid States Transport, Inc., Sioux Falls North Central International of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls Sheehan Mack Sales & Equipment, Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Truck & Trailer, SIoux Falls Tucson Motors, Hartford Vander Haag’s, Sioux Falls YRC Freight, Sioux Falls Zomer Truck Trailer Sales, Inc., Sioux Falls WELCOME NEW SDTA MEMBERS: Independent Truck Repair Brad Richey 3045 Pool Drive, Rapid City, SD 57702 Phone: 605-716-5462 / Fax: 605-716-5463 Service Provided: Engine Sales & Service, Parts & Service Sponsored by: Don Litzen, Litzen Transport McKee truck salvage llc Ryan McKee 26066 Brower Circle Hartford, SD 57033 Cell: 605-310-0889 / Fax: 605-528-3176 Office: 605-528-3175 Service Provided: Engine Sales & Service, Parts & Service New & Used Truck Parts Sponsored by: Premier Compliance, LLC GERRY STEVENSON 6708 Westview Road Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Phone: 425-210-0298 Sponsored by: Tim Miller, Cliff Viessman, Inc. WET RHINO TRUCK WASH Mitch Baartman 5120 N Granite Lane Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Phone: 605-275-9770 / Fax: 605-285-9772 Service: Truck Wash Sponsored by: Arlie Gill # of members recruited since 2013 convention CALL SDTA AT 605-334-8871 IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO SHOULD BE A MEMBER OF THIS ASSOCIATION! 1 New Member Recruited by: Argo & Sons 1 New Member Recruited by: Arlie Gill 1 New Member Recruited by: Dan Swenson ProHaul 1 New Member Recruited by: Larry Thury 1 New Member Recruited by: Don Litzen Litzen Transport 1 New Member Recruited by: Steve Hoffman Mid States Transp. 1 New Member Recruited by: Premier Compliance LLC 2 New Members Recruited by: Black Hills Log Haulers Assoc. 2 New Members Recruited by: Tim Miller Cliff Viessman 6 New Members Recruited by: I State Truck Center 17 New Members Recruited by: SD Trucking Association 25 A&A Express, Inc., Brandon, SD, placed first in Division III of the Truckload Carrier Associations National Fleet Safety Award LARRY ANDERSON Contest. This is the second year in a row that A&A has received this award. FIRST PLACE / Division III / 15-24.99 million miles The ATA State Laws Newsletter is sponsored by U.S. Legal Services, which offers comprehensive legal benefit plans with Industry-leading customer service. Please visit: May 2, 2014 Written and edited by Robert C. Pitcher Courts in MO & OR Say Flashing Lights OK – Two courts have recently ruled that a driver’s flashing his headlights to warn other drivers of a speed trap is constitutionally protected “speech.” In the first case, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri so held, and issued a permanent injunction against the city of Ellisville in that state, prohibiting it from enforcing its ordinance that forbade the flashing of lights by any vehicles other than buses. The judge pointed out that the ordinance contradicted guidance by the state’s department of transportation to the effect that drivers should be allowed to flash their lights to warn others of emergencies, and then went on to hold that, as in the case before him, warning of a speed trap was protected communication under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Elli v. City of Ellisville, docket no. 4:13-cv-711-HEA, injunction issued February 23, 2014 The Oregon case, in the Justice Court for Jackson County, involved a truck driver who flashed his lights to warn drivers ahead of him that he was being followed by a police car. The court found this to be protected “expressive conduct,” under the state constitution. The driver had been issued a ticket for misuse of his high beams. The court found that rule invalid “as applied.” State v. Hill, citation no. 034117, decided March 26, 2014 Each month the SDTA Safety Management Council selects one driver to be recognized as the Driver of the Month. During the Annual SDTA Convention the Driver of the Month winners interview for the SDTA Driver of the Year. The nomination forms and rules are available online at: 27 28 RUDE TRANSPORTATION, INC. EARNS SAFETY AWARD Rude Transportation, Inc., was recently presented with the Acuity Safety Award. This award is given to businesses that are exemplary in their partnership with acuity to help ensure a safe workplace. “Rude Transportation, Inc. has always prided itself on maintaining an excellent record for workplace safety,” said Jerry Strating, General Manager. “We are pleased to partner with an insurance company that works just as hard to ensure the safety of our employees.” Rude Transportation, Inc. headquartered in Redfield, SD is a third generation LTL carrier successfully doing business in South Dakota since 1925. Acuity, headquartered in Sheboygan, WI is a property and casualty insurer that operates in 22 states, generates over $1 billion in revenue through 1,000 independent agencies, and manages $3 billion in assets. Named the best medium sized workplace in America by Great Place To Work, Acuity employs over 950 people. 29 30 Wet Rhino Truck Wash 5120 North Granite Lane Sioux Falls, SD 57107 (605) 275-9770 Hand Washed Tractors Automated Machine Used On Most Trailer Sides and Tops Underbody Flush • Citrus • Rain Shield • Acid Open 7 days a Week 6:00 a.m to 12:00 a.m. 3 Bay Truck Wash - One Bay Designated For Wash Outs On Reefers and Hoppers 23 TransporT DaTa sysTems Quality Products & ProfEssional sErvicE sincE 1987 call: 605-692-8623 fax: 605-692-5995 PoWEr – Powering your business. flEXiBility – Working like you do. Email: autoMation – Creating efficiencies. control – Producing results. Pierre Truck Route Construction Traffic Impact The Truck Route in Pierre (US Hwy 14B) will be reconstructed this summer (2014) from near the Airport Road / 4th Street and Truck Route intersection, north to the divided highway in Pierre. Anticipated bid letting of March 5, 2014 and anticipated start date late April / early May (dates subject to change). The project will be constructed in three phases: - Phase 1: Traffic maintained through the project. - Phase 2: Project closed to through traffic for approximately 3 months. - Phase 3: Traffic Maintained through the project, with a 12’ width restriction. Access to the businesses located in the project area will be maintained from the south (Airport Road / 4th Street). The median crossover in the divided highway, located at Kingsway / North Airport Road will be closed during Phase 2. Commuter and residential truck route traffic will be required to utilize Euclid Avenue during Phase 2. Through trucks will be required to utilize a 19-mile detour around the Oahe Dam during Phase 2. Local delivery only permitted to utilize Euclid Avenue. Over-width vehicles required to detour around the Oahe Dam during Phases 2 and 3. A permanent left turn lane will be constructed in the median crossover located at Windsor Place for eastbound traffic that needs to access the developments to the north of the divided highway. Temporary traffic signals will be installed at the intersection of Euclid Avenue and 4th Street in Pierre during construction of this project. 35 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE COMPANY CITY RICK HOOGENDOORN, cHAIRMANYRCsioux falls MIKE HABECK, vice chairman HabECk Trucking Belle Fourche DAVID BULTSMA, TREASURER D&J BULTSMA TRUCKING PLATTE jeff gillespie, secretarymct transportation llcsioux falls ALTON PALMER, PAST CHAIRMAN Alton Palmer Trucking, LLC RAPID CITY MYRON L. RAU, PRESIDENTsdta SIOUX FALLS BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMPANY CITY TERM EXPIRES Justin Anders Anders Trucking Union Center 2015 TOM BEUZEKOM GREAT WEST CASUALTY CO. S. SIOUX CITY, NE 2014 LINDA BICKFORD QUALITY TRUCK INSURANCE RAPID CITY 2014 KIMBERLY BONHART UNITED PARCEL SERVICE LEAWOOD, KS 2015 LLOYD BULTSMA LLOYD BULTSMA TRUCKING SIOUX FALLS 2014 ROBERT CHRISTIAN BLACK HILLS LOG HAULERS ASSOC. RAPID CITY 2015 BRIAN CLARK ZOMER BROS. SIOUX FALLS 2016 ART DONOVAN DEAN FOODS / LAND O’LAKES SIOUX FALLS 2015 BRYAN EDEN BUTLER MACHINERY COMPANY SIOUX FALLS 2016 FRANCIS HAMM TRIMAC TRANSPORTATION RAPID CITY 2015 Randy Hartley Hartley Transportation, INc. Watertown 2014 LARRY KLAAHSEN DAKOTA TRUCK UNDERWRITERS SIOUX FALLS 2014 STAN KOPFMANNSTANS, INC. ALPENA2014 jerrEd KOPPMANN NORTH WESTERN WAREHOUSE RAPID CITY 2014 Jody kupervalley queen cheese factorymilbank 2016 BEN OLDENKAMP OLDENKAMP TRUCKING KENNEBEC 2014 JERRY OLLERICH JERRY OLLERICH TRUCKING SIOUX FALLS 2014 MATT PARKER PARKER TRANSFER & STORAGE SIOUX FALLS 2014 ROBERT PUNT ROBERT PUNT TRUCKING STICKNEY 2016 WADE STEBBINS East West logistics llcpiedmont 2014 Dave Stoterau CHS TRANSPORTATION SIOUX FALLS 2016 DAN SWENSON Pro Haul, LLCwoonsocket 2016 LYN TSCHETTER THERMO KING OF SIOUX FALLS SIOUX FALLS 2016 JEFF WATKINS SIOUX FALLS TRUCK & TRAILER SIOUX FALLS 2016 BUD WESTENDORF CUMMINS CENTRAL POWER LLC SIOUX FALLS 2016 BOB WILLEY BOB WILLEY TRUCKING GETTYSBURG 2014 TIM MILLER SDTA SAFETY MANAGEMENT COUNCIL PAST CHAIRPERSONS COMPANY CITY TERM EXPIRED alton palmeralton palmer truckingrapid city 2012 WAYNE VIESSMAN CLIFF VIESSMAN, INC. GARY 2010 STAN ANDERS ANDERS TRUCKING UNION CENTER 2008 LARRY ANDERSONa & a express, inc.brandon 2006 MICHELLE SCHIPPER K & J TRUCKING, INC. SIOUX FALLS 2002 BERNARD FELDHAUS, JR. FELDHAUS TRUCKING HOWARD 2000 DARROLD DEAN DIZCO, INC. SIOUX FALLS 1998 GENE PHILLIPS B & G TRANSPORTATION MADISON 1996 RICH BURNS BURNS MOVING & STORAGE SIOUX FALLS 1992 TED BULTSMA BULTSMA TRUCK LINE PLATTE 1990 RANDY THOMPSONTBI, INC. SIOUX FALLS1988 36
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