3rd year
3rd year
Sanju 9681634157 A single step barrier:- A single step barrier is shown in the figure and represented by , ( ) The particle moves like a free particle in the region but as it approaches the step potential towards the right for ,it has to face a potential barrier of height Denoting the wave function in the region ( ) by ( ) respectively, we can write down Schrodinger equation as follows ) ) The energy of the particle may be greater or less than separately . Case 1 > ; we can consider the two case Here we rewrite the equation (1) and (2) as, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( The general solution of the above two equation ) Sanju 9681634157 Were; Represents the incident wave; Represents the wave reflected from barrier. Represents the remitted wave into region Represents the wave which would get reflection into barrier (ii), which does not exist here.So ( ) Determination of constants:- To evaluate the contents B and C in terms of A, we apply the flowing conditions , (a) The wave function must be continuous at the boundary ( ) ( ) ( ) (b) The 1st order derivative must be continuous at [ ] ; [ ( ] ) ( ) Solving (8)and (9) ( ) ( Solving ) ; Sanju 9681634157 Now incident wave Probability current density for incident wave 6 | | 7 The wave reflect back is now ) ; corresponding current density, | | ( The wave transmitted into region (ii) ) ; corresponding current density ( | | ) The reflection coefficient in this case | | | | | | | | | | | | ( ( ) ) ( ) The tram mission coefficient in this case | | | | It can be noticed | | | | | | | | ( ) ( [conservation of probability at boundary] ) Sanju 9681634157 Here we rewrite the equation (1) and (2) as ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) The general solution of the above equation, Since ( ) ( ) which shows ( ) Where Represents the incident wave; Represents the ware reflected from barrier. Represents non –oscillatory disturbance which penetrates the potential barrier for indefinite distance. Determination of constants:- To evaluate B,C in term of A , we use the following condition . 1. must be continuous at boundary ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) must be continuous at boundary | | ( ) ( ) Sanju 9681634157 ( ) Solving (23)and (24) The solution is Here incident wave function Probability current density for incident wave 6 | | 7 Similarly we have for reflected probability current density | | The reflection probability | | | The transmitted wave | ; probability current density , 6 [ ( ) =0; The trasmission coefficient in this case T=0; Note, 7 ( ) ] Sanju 9681634157 You can readily obtain the results in the 2 nd case by replacing . Discussion:- case -1 i) Since so the amplitude of the remitted ware is greater than that of the incident wave. Also the de Broglie wave length is shorter in region1. (ii) Since T hence the particle has some probability not being completely transmitted , though its energy . It contradict classical point of view (iii) if are exchanged R,T, remain unchanged i.e. we shall get the same result if the particle incident on the step potential from the right . Case-2 i) In this case we have i.e. There is no absorption of the wave in the region (ii). Actually the wave penetrating a small distance from the boundary into the region (ii) is continually reflected till all incident energy is turned back in to the region I. ii) Due to such reflection the amplitude of wave penetrating the region (ii) falls off exponentially (this is similar to the total internal reflection of light). 3.ScatteringOverPotentialStep.cdf 3quantum-tunneling_en.jar Sanju 9681634157 POTENTIAL BARRIER OF FINITE HEIGHT AND WIDTH Let us consider a particle of mass and energy incident on a constant potential barrier of height in the region while the potential is zero everywhere else. The nature of the potential and its mathematical from is shown below . As the potential is independent of time we have to solve Schrodinger’s time independent wave equation, , - ( ) to know the behaviour of the particle. (i)For region (i) ( ) : Let be the wave function here, (i) Equation ( ) becomes √ Solving (ii) For region (ii) ware for becomes ( ) ; ( ) :- Let be the wave function. Taking ( ) the Sanju 9681634157 √ ( ) Solution this equation = 1 ( ) ( ) In region (iii) Let : be the wave function here , Schrodinger equation ( ) Since there is no particle comes from right in this region ( ) ( ) The coefficients can be determined from the boundary conditions, i) ii) is continuous at is continuous at Hence boundary conditions at and and ; ( ) ( ) gives ( ) ( ) gives ( ) ( ) ( ) Boundary conditions at Adding (7) and (8) ( ) ( ) gives C ( ) ( ) gives ( ) ( ) Sanju 9681634157 ( ) ( ) Subtracting (8) form ( 7) ( ) ( ) Adding 9 and 10 6 7 [cosh ( ) sinh( )] ( ) Subtracting (10) form ( 9) [sin ( ) cosh ( )] [cosh( ) sinh ( )] ( From equation (5) From equation (6) [sin ( 0cos ( ) ) cos ( sin ( )] )1 Solving (13) and (14) [cos ( ) [ ( ) sin ( ] sin ( ) )] ) Sanju 9681634157 Refection probability . | | / sinh ( ) cos ( ) 4 5 sinh ( cos ( ) 4 5 sin ) Transmission probability | | sinh ( ) 4 4 5 sinh ( 5 sinh ( ( ) ) ) Putting values of | | ( ) sinh ( ) Quantum mechanical tunnelling :- From the above discussion, we get there is a finite probability of transmission of the particle through the potential barrier of height and width ‘ , even if . This cannot be explained by classical theory. This phenomenon of transmission of a particle through a potential barriers of finite width and height when its energy is less than the barrier height, is called quantum mechanical tunnelling. It can be noted that transmission probability depends on barrier( ) T rapidly decreases with increase of E and , [very large ‘ ’ and ] and also width of the Sanju 9681634157 sin ( ) 4 5 ( | | ( ) sin ( ) ) Explanation of alpha decay:- Heavy elements are generally unstable .In attempt to gain stability they may undergoes spontaneous disintegration with emission of particles ( nucleus ) alpha-decay_en.jar The particles are held inside a nucleus by strong attractive short range nuclear forces. However when they are outside, there exists long range coulomb repulsive forces .The variation of potential with distance from nucleus is shown below. Sanju 9681634157 alpha-decay_en.jar Now maximum potential energy due to coulomb repulsion at radius ( ) effective nuclear [ ] Now particles emitted from most of the radioactive dements have energy from (510) Mev, much lower than . Thus according to classical mechanics it is difficult to understand how the a particles of lower energy can go over a potential barrier of higher energy. According to quantum mechanics, we know that tunnelling through the potential barrier is possible due to wave property of the particle, incident on a rectangular potential barrier even though the incident energy might be too low for transmission according to classical theory . e.g.The transmission coefficient is given by | | ( ) √ ( ) For If we assume that -particle moves back and forth almost freely inside nucleus | then number of collisions mode by the particle of and with a velocity with the wall in one second , probability of escape per second mean half line sec min Sanju 9681634157 Since T decreases with hence a small change in value of causes large change in the value of T and hence explains wide variation in half lives of active radio elements. This also explain why the observer - emission half- lives vary over such wide limits , - Sanju 9681634157 One dimensional rectangular potential well.:A 1D rectangular potential well is shown below .It consists of the three regions (i),(ii),(iii) as, [ We consider a particle of mass and energy to be initially in the potential well ( ) ]. The 1D time independents Schrodinger equation for these regions are, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) The energy E of the particle is considered less then so that all are real quantities. Since the wave function must vanish at , the well –behaved solutions of the above equation . ( ) ( ) ( ) The boundary condition at At , ( ) ( require that ) and must be continuous at boundary. ( ) Sanju 9681634157 ( ) ( ) [ ] ( ) ( ) Again from boundary condition at ( ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ) [ ) ] ( ) From the above equations, ( ) Both the conditions shows, ( For , ) from equation (5) cos ( ) Showing the wave function inside the well is symmetric * For , ) ( )+ from equation (5) sin Showing the wave function inside the well is anti-symmetric * ( )+ BoundStatesInASquarePotentialWell.cdf bound-states_en.jar ( ( ) ( ) Sanju 9681634157 Eigenvalues: From equations (9) and (12) we have; The ( ) ( ( ) ) ( ) ( ) signs represents the symmetric and anti-symmetric wave functions respectively. For the symmetric case ; ( ) ( ( ) ) sin ( tan ( ) cos ( ( ) ) ) ( ) For the symmetric case we can have, ( From the values of and , ( Denoting ) ) ( ) we rewrite the equations tan ( ) .......................... (20) (Symmetric functions) cot ( ) ........................ (21) (Anti-symmetric functions) And ( ) Sanju 9681634157 The solutions of the above two pair of equations gives the permissible energy eigen values for the symmetric and the anti-symmetric cases. The equations can only be solved graphically for . The points of intersections of the graph for any of the above equations((20) or (21)) with (22) gives the permissible energy values. The solutions are sketched graphically for two cases √ √ [ √ ] Sanju 9681634157 Hence there are two circles, intersection of these with the plots of tan ( ) cot ( ) gives the permissible values. From the above cases we have; √ 2 solutions(symmetric , antisymmetric ) for 3 solutions(symmetric , antisymmetric, symmetric ,) for The number of possible energy levels increases with value of √ √ ; more precisely with product of √ From the figure it follows that there will be , One bound state(S) if Two bound states (S,A) if Three bound state (S,A,S) N bound states (S A S A where √ √ if ) if ( ) bound-states_en.jar NOTE 1. In the limiting case the circle’s radius r also becomes infinite, and hence there will be infinite number of solutions. Function asymptotes will cross the curve . √ tan ( ) cot ( ) at the Sanju 9681634157 ( ) It is the solutions for 1d infinite potential well. NOTE 2. In the region , becomes imaginary. Solutions hence becomes sinusoidal [in the regions (i) (ii)] also. It means probability density is distributed all over the space and state becomes unbound. Sanju 9681634157 The Linear Harmonic Oscillator (1D) :Wave equation for the oscillator :- The time independent Schr ̈ dinger wave equation for the linear motion of a particle along the x- axis, ( ) ( Or, ) ............... (1) Where E is the total energy, V is the potential energy and particle. is the wave function for the For a linear S.H.O. along the x- axis with angular frequency proportional to the displacement the potential energy, under a restoring force ................... (2) Substituting value of V in (1) . Or, . / =0 / = 0............................. (3) This is the Schrodinger wave equation for the oscillator. To simplify the above equation, we introduce a dimension less independent variable y, ; Where a = √ Now = And Substituting the values of in equation (3); +. Or, / . / Sanju 9681634157 Or, . Or, ( Where λ / ) =0 = 0......................... (4) .................... (5) Solution :- To solve the above equation let us try first an asymptotic solution i.e. when Equations (4)reduces to, .......... (6) Which has approximate solution, ....................................... (7) [since - &, . / ( ) ( Or, ( ) ) = 0................................. (8) For large values of y equation (8) is reduced to equation (6). This suggests an accurate solution of the equation (6) must be in the form, ( ) ..................... (9) Where ( ) is a finite polynomial in y. To solve the equation (4) let us change the equation into a different equation for dependent variable ( ). ( . . . ) / / . / / ( ) Sanju 9681634157 ( ) . Or , Replacing ( / ( ) ) ...................................(10) ,(n = 0,1,2 ,...............) Eq (10) becomes 2n This is well known Hermites differential equation. The solution of the equation are called Hermite’s Polynomials and are given by, ( ) ( ) ............(11) Eigen values :- For physical significance only those solutions of the Hermite eq (10) are acceptable , for all values of for which , [ n = 0,1,2,........called quantum numbers] Substituting , Or, ( ) ( ) Or more generally, =(n + ) ...........................................(12) From equation (12) we have the following conclusions, 1. The wave equations for the oscillator is satisfied only for discrete values of total energies, 2. The lowest energy of the oscillator is obtained by putting n = 0 and it is, This is called the ground state energy or the zero point energy of the harmonic oscillator. (iii) The eigen values of the total energy depends only on one quantum number ‘n’ all energy levels are hence non degenerate . (iv) The successive energy levels are equally spaced; separation between two adjacent energy level being . Wave functions :- For each value of ‘n’ there is a different wave function general form , which have the Sanju 9681634157 ( ) ( ) ( ) Or, ( ) where a = √ is the normalization constant and is defined from the requirement, Or, ( ) ( ) ∫ ( ) ∫ ( ) , - ( ) Or ∫ Using the relation of Harmait’s polynomial ( ) ∫ ( ) √ √ Or , =0 ( ) √ 0 1 √ ( ). 1 First few Hermite polynomials corresponding to the eigen values and wave functions are given below. ( ) n 0 1 ( ) 1 3 ( )=2y 2 5 3 7 4 9 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 0 √ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) [ [ √ √ 1 ] y ] ( √ √ [ 0 [ ( ). 1 ] ( √ ) ) ] ( ) Sanju 9681634157 QuantizedSolutionsOfThe1DSchroedingerEquationForAHarmonicOsc.cdf Correspondence with classical oscillator :- The classical probability of finding the particle performing a linear S.H.M , within the distance between and from its equilibrium position is the ratio of the time ‘ ’ which particles takes to pass over distance dx in one oscillation to the period of oscillation T; i.e. Probability of finding it in dx, ( ) Now ( = = ) ( ( √ √ √ ) ) ( Sanju 9681634157 ( ) i.e. √ ( ) √ ............................... (1) According to the quantum mechanics the probability – density, ( ) ( ) ( ) .................... (2) For ground state (n =0), ( ) ( ) . / √ | | . / √ This shows probability of finding particle is maximum at x=0 and decreases on either side of x=0. But equation (1) says the probability of finding the particle is maximum at i.e. at the end of the paths and minimum at . Here there is contradiction in the two cases . However for longer values of n the quantum mechanical probability density approaches to classical probability density. For n=0 and n =10 , n =50 the classical and quantum mechanical probability density are shown below. QuantumClassicalCorrespondenceForTheHarmonicOscillator.cdf Sanju 9681634157 Algebraic method to solve S.H.O problem; Raising and Lowering operators :- Let us introduce two operators, ̂ ̂ ( √ ( √ ̂) ̂ ̂) ̂ ̂ ̂ √ √ ̂ ̂ √ √ From the defination of ̂ ̂ we have the following conclusions , ) ̂ ̂ are dimensionless operators. ) ̂ ̂ are not Hermitian but ( ̂ ) =̂ ) ̂ ̂ satisfy the communication relation ,̂ ̂ Proof : The product gives , ̂ ̂ = (√ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ ,̂ ̂ - ̂̂ ,̂ ̂ - ̂ √ ) (√ ̂ ̂ √ ̂ (̂ ̂ ̂ ̂) ̂ (̂ ̂ ̂ ̂) ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂= ................ (5) )Hamiltonian operator ̂ can be represented by ̂ ̂ as, ̂ ( ̂ ̂ + )..................................(3) ) Sanju 9681634157 ̂ (̂ ̂ )..................................(4) The product gives , ̂ ̂ (√ ̂ ̂ √ ̂ ̂ ) (√ ̂ ̂ (̂ ̂ √ ) ̂ ̂) ̂ ̂ =(̂ Similarly, ̂ ̂+ ) (̂ ̂ ) a) Commutation relation of ̂ ̂ with ̂ , [ ̂ ̂- ,̂ ̂ *, ̂ ,̂ ̂- ̂ , ̂ ̂ ̂- ̂ , ̂ ̂{ ,̂ ̂ - ̂- ̂ ̂ Similarly [ ̂ ̂ - = ̂- + ......................................... (6) ̂ is the eigen function of ̂ belonging to the Lowering operator and Zero point energy :- If eigen value E of teh oscillator , we can write , ̂ Now [ ̂ ̂Or, ̂ ( ̂ ) ̂( ̂ ) Or, ̂ ( ̂ ) ̂ Or, ̂ ( ̂ ) Equation (2) says ̂ ( (̂ ̂ ̂ ̂) ̂ ̂ ̂ )( ̂ ).................... (2) is an Eigen function of ̂ with the eigen value The operator ̂ is called the lowering operator. – Sanju 9681634157 Repeated application of ̂ to the eigen functions will finally lead to the state of lowest energy , the ground state say i.e. ̂ ̂ (̂ ̂ ) This ground state energy ............... (3) is called zero point energy. Raisng operator and energy eigen values: Starting from the relation [ ̂ ̂ (̂̂ ̂ ̂) ̂( ̂ ) ̂( ̂ ) ̂( ̂ ̂ ; we have; ̂ ̂ (̂ ) ) ̂ ̂ ̂ ( )̂ ̂ is an eigen function of ̂ with the eigen value operator. For the ground state ̂( ̂ ̂( ̂ ̂( ̂ . Hence ̂ is called raising , from equation (3); ) ( )̂ =. / = ̂ ) = (̂ ) = ( ̂ ) ) is called 1st excited state. is the corresponding energy eigen value. Thus proceeding in the similar way, operating on ̂ *( ̂ ) + =. / (̂ ) n times with ̂ , we obtain, ̂ Sanju 9681634157 = Here . / is the energy eigen value in the nth state wave function. Eigen function: Let be the ground state wave function. Hence the lowering operator, ̂ ( √ ̂) ̂ ̂ ̂ √ √ operating on it will produce zero.; i.e. ̂ 4√ Let √ ; ̂ , ̂ √ . 5 / Solving, is a constant that can be calculated from normalizing condition. i.e. ∫ | with ; where √ | ; ∫ ( ) Therefore normalize wave function, √ Sanju 9681634157 ( √ ) . To calculate 1st excited state, we operate ̂ on ̂ as; ( ) ( )( √ can be determined from the normalizing condition. Hence repeated operation by ̂ on / ) from left will produce ; ( ( ) ) Normalizing it we can get the nth state for the linear harmonic oscillator. Sanju 9681634157 Operators for Angular Momentum: - In classical mechanics the angular momentum ⃗ of a particle is defined by, ⃗ = × , Where the position vector of the particle relative to some arbitrary rigin is linear momentum. is its The components of ⃗ , ; ; The Expressions for the linear momentum operators, ̂ =̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ [ ] ̂ = ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ [ ] ̂ =̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ [ In a spherical polar coordinate, ̂ ( sin cot ̂ ( cos ̂ ( ) ] cos ) cot sin ) The operator for the square of the total angular momentum can be obtained from the above expressions as, ̂ ̂ ̂ ̂ 0 . / 1 Three dimensional motion in a central field :- For a particle of mass m , the time independent Schr ̈ dinger equation in three dimensions , 0 1 ( ) ( ) In spherical polar coordinate , 0 . / . / 1 ( ) ( ) ( ) The above equation can be solved by the method of separation of variable when ‘V’ the potential is central one, i.e only depends on the distance from the origin. In other words (⃗⃗⃗) Sanju 9681634157 The Hydrogen atom :- In the hydrogen atom the charge of the proton +e and that of electron –e , Electrostatic potential energy of the system , V = ; The proton being 1836 time heavier than the electron, it is considered to be stationary with the electron in motion around it . The time independent Schrodinger equation, 0 1 ( ) Which is in spherical polar coordinate , 0 Or, . . / . / . 1 ( ) / / ]+ ( ) ( ) To solve this equation, we use the method of separation of variables; Putting, ( ) ( ) ( ) and dividing by RY, . ( / ) * . / + ............(3) The left side of this equation is function of only; while the r.h.s. depends on θ ϕ, hence both sides must be equal to a constant λ Thus we get a radial equation. . ( / ) ..............(4) And angular equation is given by, . / λY ( ) Radial wave equation :- From equation (4) we have , after dividing by . Or, + Or, + ( / 0 ) ( ) 0( ) 1 1 .....................................(6) The above equation is the radical wave equation. It is equivalent to the motion in 1D with effective potential, Sanju 9681634157 Angular wave equation :- The Angular equation (5) can be separated by putting , ) ( ) ( ) equation ( ) Y( Which gives , . / Dividing by QF, . Multiplying by sin / and re arranging , . / Taking both sides to be equal to a separation constant ...........................(6) the becomes , ..........................................(7) And the - equation becomes, . Solution of / ............................(8) - equation :- The - equation., The solution of this equation, ( ) Since the wave function must be single valued , a change of value, Hence, ( ) ( ) i.e. which gives , ( ) ‘ ( ) by 2 must give the same = ’ is known as magnetic quantum number Physical significance:- The magnetic quantum number is the measures of the zcomponenet of angular momentum. The operator of the z- component of angular momentum, ̂ Sanju 9681634157 ̂ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) = ( ) = ( ) = Which shows is the eigen value of ̂ for the wave function. Hence z – component of angular momentum is quantized. Solution of The Multiplying by Putting - equation(8) . / . / , . / ( ) cos Or , ( & ) ( ), 2( Or, ( ) ) 3 . / . / ................................(10) This is associated Legendre ‘s equation The series solution of this equation can be obtained as a polynomial series by Frobenius method . The condition for the series to be terminated, ( ) (k+ ) Where k, are integers. Let is also the integer ; Hence ( ), is called azimuthal quantum number; Since minimum values of k is 0 hence maximum value of values of , | | The solution of equation (10) are associated Legendre Function l and order | written as , | and Sanju 9681634157 (cos ) is normalizing constant. ASSOCIATED LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS In mathematics, the associated Legendre polynomials are the canonical solutions of the general Legendre equation , or equivalently , where the indices ℓ and m (which are integers) are referred to as the degree and order of the associated Legendre polynomial respectively. This equation has nonzero solutions that are nonsingular on [−1, 1] only if ℓ and m are integers with 0 ≤ m ≤ ℓ, or with trivially equivalent negative values. When in addition m is even, the function is a polynomial. When m is zero and ℓ integer, these functions are identical to the Legendre polynomials. In general, when ℓ and m are integers, the regular solutions are sometimes called "associated Legendre polynomials", even though they are not polynomials when m is odd. The Legendre ordinary differential equation is frequently encountered in physics and other technical fields. In particular, it occurs when solving Laplace's equation (and related partial differential equations) in spherical coordinates. Associated Legendre polynomials play a vital role in the definition of spherical harmonics. Definition for non-negative integer parameters ℓ and m These functions are denoted , where the superscript indicates the order, and not a power of P. Their most straightforward definition is in terms of derivatives of ordinaryLegendre polynomials (m ≥ 0) The (−1)m factor in this formula is known as the Condon–Shortley phase. Some authors omit it. The functions described by this equation satisfy the general Legendre differential equation with the indicated values of the parameters ℓ and m follows by differentiating m times the Legendre equation for Pℓ:[1] Moreover, since by Rodrigues' formula, the can be expressed in the form Sanju 9681634157 similarly This equations allows extension of the range of m to: . Note: the differentiable term has the highest order term ; hence it is at the best times differentiable i.e. Hence Physical significance :- The square of the total angular momentum operator , ̂ , . / Operating on total wave function, ̂ = = The solution for. Or ̂ 0 . 0 / . 0 1 / . 1 using / 1 From equation (9); . / ( ) λ QRF ) = ( This shows the wave function is an eigen function of ̂ with the eigen value ( where being orbital angular momentum number. This measures the experimental values of square of orbital angular momentum. The magnitude of angular momentum vector is , ( ) |⃗ | ) √( The radial equation :- The radial equation given by equation (6) ) ; Sanju 9681634157 ( + Or , + 0 ( )) =0 . /– ( ) 1 Solution of radial wave equation for ground state:The radial part of time – independent Schrodinger wave equation for the hydrogen atom + 0 . /– ( ) 1 .....................(1) Where is the orbital angular momentum quantum number and other symbols have their usual meanings. For ground state ( ) + . / ...................(2) We consider the simple solution of (2) consistent with all physical requirements, ( ) . ( ) + 0 1 Since R (r) Or, . / . L.H.S. of the above Equation is independent of both sides of the above equation must be zero. ( ) / and must be true for all values of Hence ....(2) (1st Bohr radius ) Combining (1) and (2) E = The radial wave equation is the only equation that contains of a term involving the total energy E. The Energy E can be positive or negative Where E is positive the electron is unbound to the proton. In this case the solutions of the wave equation give finite wave functions only for the total energies given by, = Sanju 9681634157 Where n =1,2,3,... is called total quantum number or principal quantum number . This is associated with total energy of the electron. A summary of three quantum numbers with their permissible values are as follows: 1) Total quantum number :2) Orbital angular momentum quantum number , HydrogenAtomRadialFunctions.cdf 3) Orbital magnetic quantum no. Hydrogen atom wavefunctions.mp4 Compute the expectation value of r for the ground state of hydrogen atom. The normalized ground wave function is radius of the Bohr orbit. Ans:- ( ) Normalising condition gives , ( ) ( ) ∫ ∫ ∫ . / π . / ( ) ∫ ( ) Or, √ ( ) ( ) , being the Sanju 9681634157 u (r) = √ ( ) ( ) ( ) Now <r> = ∫ ( ) ( ) ∫ = ∫ ( ) ( ) ∫ ⌈( ) = = Most probable position of the eletron : The probability dp of locating the electron between and is, , Now ( ) √ . / = = ( ) Where ( ) Now for a maximum , ( ) [ [ ] ] This equation , gives i.e. Probability of finding the electron of the H- atom at the ground state is maximum at r= , the 1st Bohr radius. For normalized wave function of hydrogen atom for 1s state is, ( ) . / is the Bohr radius. Find the expectation value of potential energy of the electron 1s state. Sanju 9681634157 Now ( ∭ . ) ( / ) ∭ ∫ ∫ ( ( ∫ ) ) Note Find the expectation value of coulomb force on an electron in the above case We know F = <F> ∭ ( )( ∭ *√ + ( ) + ∫ ( ( ) ) sin ∫ sin ∫ ) The unnormalized hydrogenic 2p state wave function for m = 0 is Determine the normalization constant . also calculate <r>. Let the wave function be, ( ) is cos ∭ Or, ∭ Or, ∫ ( ) sin ∫ sin ∫ cos Sanju 9681634157 Or, ⌈( ) ( ) Or, . Or, =1 =1 Or, A = √ ∭ ∫ ∫ ⌈ ⌈ sin ∫ ∫ . sin ∫ ∫