The Nicoll Highway Collapse
The Nicoll Highway Collapse
The Nicoll Highway Collapse D. W. D W Hight Hi ht T.O. Henderson + A.R. Pickles S. Marchand Content • Background and construction sequence • Observations up to the point of collapse, including monitoring • The collapse • Post-collapse investigations • Design errors • Jet grout layers • Ground conditions and the buried valley • The need for a trigger • Back analyses of the collapse • Relative vertical displacement and forced sway • The bored piles • Collapse mechanism and its trigger • Lessons to be learnt 34m Diameter Temporary Staging Area (TSA) Shaft 35m deep 210m 2-cell cut & cover tunnels 200m cut30m & cover - 33m deep stacked 4-cell scissors crossover tunnel 3-level cut & cover Station (NCH) 25m - 30m deep 3-level cut & cover Station (BLV) C824 Collapse site M3 area 370m stacked 2-cell cut & cover tunnel 550m 2-cell cut & cover tunnel and siding (BLS) 800m twin bored tunnel 20m - 25m deep C825 C824 - 2km of cut and cover construction mostly in soft clay - up to 35m deep Circle Ci l Li Line St Stage 1 35m 2-cell cut and cover tunnel Reclamation dates Beach Road The Concourse Plaza Hotel NCH station Golden Mile Cover Tower Cut and tunnels 1930-1940’s 1930-1940 G ld sMil Golden Mile Merdeka M d k Bridge Complex reclamation Nicoll Highway 1970’s TSA shaft reclamation Courtesy of Richard Davies Kallang Basin 31700 ABH32 54+900 M3 ABH85 AC-2 NOR RTHING (m) ABH30 M2 MC3007 ABH83 54+812 ABH84 ABH82 AC-4 M3010 AC-3 31650 ABH34 ABH31 MC3008 AC-1 ABH35 ABH33 ABH29 ABH28 ABH81 MC2026 ABH27 M2064 M2065 MC2025 31600 31550 31600 31650 31700 31750 EASTING (m) Pre- and post-tender site investigation 31800 SOUTH 100 ABH 31 Fill Upper estuarine ABH 32 M309 M304 NORTH Fill Upper estuarine Upper U Upper 90 Marine 70 Clay Clay Upper F2 80 Marine Upper F2 Lower Lower Marine Marine Clay Clay Base marine clay Lower o e Top of OA estuarine Lower F2 Old Old Alluvium Alluvium Typical section in M3 0 04 0.4 Cone resistance, qc (MPa) 08 0.8 12 1.2 16 1.6 0 2 20 Undrained shear strength (kPa) 40 60 80 100 0 0 AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4 AC1 AC2 AC3 AC4 10 10 20 Depth (m) Depth (m) Nkt=12 20 30 30 40 40 Piezocone data for M3 area Construction details and sequence SOUTH NORTH Fill Formation level approx 33m bgl Upper E Upper Temporary diaphragm walls,0.8m Marine Clay Upper F2 gp Driven kingpost Permanent bored piles supporting rail boxes 10 levels of steel struts at 3m +3.5m vertical centres Lower Marine Clay Sacrificial JGP Permanent JGP Lower E Lower F2 OA SW2 (N=35) OA SW1 (N (N=72) 72) OA (CZ) General Excavation sequence for M3 – up to level for removal of sacrificial JGP and installation of 10th level strut Tidal sea TSA Shaft M3 Utility crossings M2 Curved walls Nicoll Highway 24/3/04 Support beam Shaft Kingpost M3 No waler C channel stiffener Jacking point Non-splayed strut Walers M2 Splayed strut Two Struts Bearing Direct on Single panel Single g Strut with Splays y Bearing on Waler for Single panel Struts on Walers - No Splays Gaps in Diaphragm Wall for 66kV Crossing South side 13 March 04 Events and observations prior to collapse Plate stiffener C channel stiffener Replacement of plate stiffeners at strut strut--waler connection Strut bearing directly on Dwall C channel connection Excavation for the 10th level of struts, including removal of the sacrificial JGP Observations on the morning of the collapse North wall M301 M302 334 333 M303 4 2 3 1 6 7 335 336 337 338 339 340 7 7 H H KP 181 1 H KP 182 1 M306 M305 M304 5 M307 KP 183 5 M308 Order in which distortion to waler noted 5 M309 M310 Excavation in progress Excavation to 10th complete Location of walers, splays and Dwall gaps S335 9 S335-9 Strut 335-9 south wall S338 9 S338-9 Strut 338 338--9 north wall Instrumentation and results of monitoring M2/M3 plan at 9th level M2 M3 GWV24 I 65 I 104 All struts at S335 instrumented for load measurements TSA Shaft Excavation Front Beyond S335 at the start of Day Shift on 18th April 2004 5000 4500 SG3358 Total Force Excavation Front Approaches S335 at the end of Day y Shift on 17th April 2004 4000 3500 Excavation Front for 10th Level Advancing from S338 3000 2500 2000 1500 Excavation Front for 10th Level Between S336 and S335 1000 500 15th April 16th April 17th April 18th April 19th April 20th April 0 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 Hours before collapse 40 30 20 10 0 Measured strut load d (kN) SG3359 Total Force Change in Measured Load at Strut 335 5000 336(N) & 337(N) 4500 Waler Buckling Observed 335(N) Support Bracket at 335(S) Drops Off Waler Buckling Observed Me easured strut load (kN) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 Strut Load 335-9 Strut Load 335-8 1500 338(N) & 335(S) 1000 Waler Buckling Observed 500 0 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 Time on 20April 2004 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 Observed trends in 8th and 9th strut loads Observed 8th 9th 9am m Excavation approaches + passes beyond S335 5 18 20 April 2004 3.30pm In nstallation off 9th Load The trends were consistent with there being g yielding of the 9th level strut-waler connection when the excavation passed beneath but with no further f th significant i ifi t changes h iin lload d iin either ith the 9th or 8th level struts until the collapse was initiated Horizontal displacement (mm) Horizontal displacement (mm) 0 200 400 400 200 0 0 0 I 104 10 April I 65 10 April 10 10 Behind South Wall North Wall 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 De epth (m) De epth (m) 20 Horizontal displacement (mm) Horizontal displacement (mm) 0 200 400 400 200 0 0 0 I 104 10 April 15 April I 65 10 April 16 April 10 10 Behind South Wall North Wall 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 De epth (m) De epth (m) 20 Horizontal displacement (mm) Horizontal displacement (mm) 0 200 400 400 200 0 0 0 I 104 10 April 15 April 17 April I 65 10 April 16 April 17 April 10 10 Behind South Wall North Wall 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 De epth (m) De epth (m) 20 Horizontal displacement (mm) Horizontal displacement (mm) 0 200 400 400 200 0 0 0 I 104 10 April 15 April 17 April 20 April I 65 10 April 16 April 17 April 20 April 10 10 Behind South Wall North Wall 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 De epth (m) De epth (m) 20 Maximum horizontal displacemen nt, mm 500 I104 max I65 max 400 South wall 300 200 N th wallll North 100 0 5-Jul 9-Aug 13-Sep 18-Oct 2003 22-Nov 27-Dec 31-Jan 6-Mar 10-Apr 2004 Comparison of inclinometer readings I65 and I104 • S338-9 stood for 8 days under load and was 20m from excavation front • S335 S335-9 9 stood for 2 2.5 5 days under load and was over 8m from excavation front • Both B th S335-9S S335 9S & S338 S338-9N 9N b buckled kl d within ithi 10 minutes i t • Load in S335-8 and S335-9 was almost constant b t between 18 A Aprilil and d iinitiation iti ti off collapse ll • All C-channel connections failed downwards at both ends • The south wall was pushing the north wall back Key observations The collapse 3.33pm 3.33pm 3.34pm 3.34pm 3.34pm 3.41pm 3.46pm Post-collapse Post collapse investigations Design errors Errors • Misinterpretation of BS5950 with regard to stiff b i llength bearing h • Omission of splays Effects • Design capacity of strut-waler strut waler connection was 50% of required design capacity where splays were omitted Errors in structural design of strutstrut-waler connection • Capacity based on BS5950:1990 = 2550 kN • Average ultimate capacity based on physical load tests = 4100 kN • Based on mill tests, 95% 9 % off connections had capacity of 3800 kN- 4400kN • Predicted 9th level strut load in 2D analyses which ignored bored piles was close to ultimate capacity therefore collapse was considered by the COI to be inevitable Inevitability of collapse • Method A and Method B refer to two alternative ways of modelling undrained soil behaviour in Plaxis (Pickles, 2002) • Method A is an effective stress analysis of an undrained problem bl • Assumes isotropic elastic behaviour and a MohrC Coulomb ffailure criterion • As a result mean effective stress p p’ is constant until yyield • Method A was being applied to marine clays which were of low over-consolidation over consolidation or even under-consolidated under consolidated because of recent reclamation • Method B is a total stress analysis Methods A and B t Cu from Method A Cu from Method B p’ The shortcomings of Method A Method B 105 105 100 100 95 95 90 90 85 85 RL (m) RL (m) Method A 80 80 75 75 70 70 65 65 60 60 55 -0.050 55 -0.050 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.000 0.050 Wall Disp. (m) 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 Wall Disp. (m) Exc to RL 100.9 for S1 Exc to RL 98.1 for S2 Exc to RL 94.6 for S3 Exc to RL 100.9 for S1 Exc to RL 98.1 for S2 Exc to RL 94.6 for S3 Exc to RL 91.1 for S4 Exc to RL 87.6 for S5 Exc to RL 84.6 for S6 Exc to RL 91.1 for S4 Exc to RL 87.6 for S5 Exc to RL 84.6 for S6 Exc to RL 81.6 for S7 Exc to RL 78.3 for S8 Exc to RL 75.3 for S9 Exc to RL 81.6 for S7 Exc to RL 78.3 for S8 Exc to RL 75.3 for S9 Exc to RL 72.3 for S10 Exc to RL 72.3 for S10 M3 - South S th Wall W ll Di Displacement l t Method A versus Method B Method B 105 100 100 95 95 90 90 85 85 Bending Moment (kNm/m) M3 - South Wall bending moments Method A versus Method B 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 4000 3500 3000 2500 -1500 Bending Moment (kNm/m) 2000 55 1500 55 1000 60 500 60 0 65 -500 65 -1000 70 -1500 70 -2000 75 -2500 75 -2000 80 -2500 80 -3000 RL (m) 105 -3000 RL (m) Method A Method B M th d A Method ( ) 2206 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 Strut Load (kN/m) Strut Load (kN/m) _ g 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 M3 – strut forces Method A versus Method B 2383 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 • Method A over-estimates the undrained shear strength of normally and lightly overconsolidated clays l • Its use led to a 50% under-estimate of wall displacements and of bending moments and an under-estimate of the 9th level strut force of 10% • The larger than predicted displacements mobilised the capacity p y of the JGP layers y at an earlier stage g than predicted Method A • Structural St t l design d i errors • Removal of splays p y at some strut locations • Introduction of C-channel waler connection detail • Use of Method A in soil-structure interaction analysis • C Collapse ll was an iinevitable it bl consequence off th the design errors which led to the applied loads on the struts increasing with time and equalling the capacity of the strut-waler connection COI view on the principal causes of the collapse • Structural St t l design d i errors • Removal of splays p y at some strut locations • Introduction of C-channel waler connection detail • Use of Method A in soil-structure interaction analysis • C Collapse ll was an iinevitable it bl consequence off th the design errors which led to the applied loads on the struts increasing with time and equalling the capacity of the strut-waler connection COI view on the principal causes of the collapse Post-collapse Post collapse investigations Jet grout Excavation of sacrificial JGP in Type H JGP quality in 100mm cores from borehole M1 in Type K Shear wave velocity measurements in JGP at Type K 5 Shear wave section 4 JGP thic ckness (m) Pressuremeter section 3 2 Design thickness 1 0 0 2 4 6 Thicknesses of JGP in Type K 8 Post-collapse Post collapse investigations Ground conditions and soil properties P36 BN3 P42/P48 P40P41/P47 P33 P54 CN3 P45 DN3 31700 P52 AN2 BN2E TSAN2 CN2 BN2W DN2E 54+900 DN2W EN2 CN1 NOR RTHING (m) BN1W BN1E 66KVNI DN1E DN1W FN2 BN1Ea M2 31650 54+812 FN1 AN1 M3 CL-1a EN1 CL-2 CL-3g CL 3g 66KVS CFVN CTSN CPTNa CPTN DS1E DS1W BS1Ea BS1Eb SPTSa BS1W AS1 CS1 TSAS2 TSAS2b ES1 FS1 AS2 BS2E CS2 BS2W DS2E DS2W 31600 ES2 31550 31600 FS2 AS3 BS3E BS3W 31650 31700 31750 DS3E CS3 ES3 DS3W EASTING (m) BS4W CS4 BS4E BS4Ea DS4W DS4E Post--collapse ground investigation Post 31800 0 0.4 Cone resistance, qt (MPa) 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 2 0 0.4 Cone resistance, qt (MPa) 0.8 1.2 1.6 BN1W BS2W qt u2 fs 10 qt u2 fs North South 10 De epth (m) Depth (m) D 2 0 20 30 20 30 40 0 0 0.4 0.8 Pore pressure, u2 (MPa) 0.02 0.04 Friction, f s (MPa) 1.2 0.06 0.08 40 0 0 04 0.4 08 0.8 Pore pressure, u2 (MPa) 0.02 0.04 Friction, f s (MPa) 12 1.2 0.06 CPT profiles north and south of collapse area 0.08 100 φ=28.5o Ko=0.5 t (kP Pa) 50 φ=34.2o 0 0 50 100 150 200 s' (kPa) -50 P-8 P-9 P-24 P-26 φ=35o -100 Kisojiban’s CAU tests on Upper and Lower Marine Clay Tender SI boreholes Tender SI CPTs Detailed design SI Detailed design SI CPTs Post collapse SI Post collapse SI CPTs Boreholes for bored piles Magnetic logging boreholes P36 BN3 P42/P48 P33 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 P40 100 105 P41/P47 P54 CN3 P45 31700 P52 DN3 TSAN2 AN2 BN2E CN2 BN2W DN2E ABH32 54+900 DN2W EN2 NORTHIING (m) AN1 M3 ABH34 ABH85 BN1W 66KVNI CN1 WN2 BN1Ea BN1E WN6 WN4 WN8 WN3 WN1 ABH30 WN12WN10 WN7AWN5 DN1E FN2 WN14 WN11 WN9 WN16 DN1W WN13 WN18 WN15 WN20 WN17 WN22 WN19 WN24MC3007 WN21 EN1 WN26 M3010 CL-1a WN23 ABH83 WN28 WN25 AC 3 AC-3 WN30A WN27 CL-2 FN1 WN29 CL-3g WN32 WN31 WN34 BS1Ea WN33 WS1 ABH84 66KVS SPTSa BS1Eb ABH31 WN37 WN35 WS3 WS7 WS5 WS11AWS9 WS12A WN36 WS13A WS11C WS12C WS6 WS4A WS2 WS15WS13C WN38 WS8 WS10 WS14 BS1W WS11 WS11B WS17 WS12B WS12 WS13B WS13 DS1E WS19 AS1 WN39 WS16 WS21 ABH29 WN40 WS18 ABH82 WS23 WS20 WS25 WS22 CS1 WS27 WS24 DS1W ABH28 WS29 WS26 WS34 WS31 WS28 WS30 ABH81 WS36 WS32 ES1 WS35A WS33 MC2026 WS37 AS2 BS2E WS38 FS1 CS2 BS2W M2064 AC-2 AC-4 M2 31650 54+812 CFVN CTSN CPTNa CPTN ABH27 ABH33 TSAS2 TSAS2b M2065 AS3 DS2W BS3E ES2 31550 MC3008 DS2E MC2025 31600 ABH35 AC 1 AC-1 31600 FS2 BS3W 31650 31700 DS3E 31750 CS3 DS3W ES3 EASTING (m) BS4W CS4 BS4E BS4Ea DS4W DS4E Evidence for a buried valley in the Old Alluvium 31800 110 100 ELEVATION ((mRL) 90 80 70 60 Bottom of F2 Clay in Marine Clay Detailed design site investigation Bottom of F2 Clay in Marine Clay Post collapse site investigations Top of OLD ALLUVIUM Post collapse site investigations 50 Section along north wall 110 100 ELEVATION (mR E RL) 90 80 70 60 50 Section along south wall Tender SI boreholes Tender SI CPTs Detailed design SI boreholes Detailed design SI CPTs Post collapse SI boreholes Post collapse SI CPTs Boreholes for bored piles Magnetic logging boreholes P36 BN3 86.07 77.02 P42/P48 P33 P40 86.39 86.30 86 90 P41/P47 86.90 86.84 P54 CN3 86.58 82.27 31700 P45 86.20 DN3 P52 85.98 81.91 BN2E 82.61 DN2E 81.94 54+900 ABH32 M3 BN1Ea BN1E 81.57 80.68 CN1 AN1 83.41 82.91 66KVNI 81.88 WN5WN4WN3WN2WN1 WN6 WN7A 82.16 WN8 81.3881.2582.31 WN10WN9 WN11 81.4281.43 81.38 WN12 DN1E WN13 81.2581.05 WN14 WN15 80.9581.21 80.66 WN16 80.37 M304 WN17 81.86 WN18 M305 79.8680.72 WN19 81.86 WN20 80.81 WN21 80.31 80.88 WN22 80.94 M303 WN23 WN24 79.9179.93 M3010 WN25 MC3007 80.15 WN26 80.65 82.55 ABH83 80.95 WN27 80.36 M302 79.57 CL-3g KP182 KP183 79.72 AC-3 83.39 M209 M210 KP181 CL 2 CL-2 M211 80.22 81.69 BS1Ea M301 338 NORTH HING (m) 83.13 M2 31650 54+812 WN38 CFVN WN39 CTSN 81.97 WN40 WN29 WN30A WN31 78.34 77.51 WN32 WN33 77.71 WN34 78.02 WN35 80.58 WN36 80.53 80.66 WN37 81.43 78.35 78.04 80.83 81.06 ABH82 83.19 82.17 74.60 66KVSSPTSa BS1Eb WS1 74.72 71.52 M309 ABH84 WS3 ABH31 M310 71.09 M307 M308 WS2 WS8 WS7 WS4A 78.20 M212 & M306 WS10WS9 76.59 82.07 73.84 75.20 missing82.57 76.77 72.2872.7072.61 WS16WS15 AS1 WS17M213 WS18 81.3981.39 WS19 75.98 WS20 WS21 81.2881.45 WS22 ABH29 CS1 81.38 WS23 80.84 WS24 WS25 79.9381.48 WS26 80.03 81.23 DS1E WS27 79.99 81.59 WS28 80.37 79.76 WS29 81.09 78.25 WS30 78.52 WS31 WS32 78.7879.57 79.23 79.10 79.25 ABH85 81.69 AC-2 AC-4 81.73 79.98 ABH35 AC-1 81.69 80.76 ABH33 80.51 TSAS2b 82.16 82.01 WS34 WS35A ABH81 79.69 WS37 80.13 WS38 80.65 BS2E 81 26 81.26 82.28 ABH27 M2064 80.69 79.00 31600 MC2025 DS2E 81.70 80.68 BS3E 81.29 31550 31600 31650 EASTING (m) 31700 BS4Ea 80.96 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 31750 31800 BS4E 80.33 12 DS4E 79.24 Distortion to upper F2 layer caused by the collapse Buried valley in the Old Alluvium Buried valley in the Old Alluvium Coincidence between buried valley and distortion to upper F2 layer • There was a buried valley crossing the site of the collapse diagonally from south-west to north-east • The presence and setting of the buried valley explain the asymmetric conditions and the different collapse on the north and south sides • The buried valley coincides with the major ground distortion on the south side and was clearly influential in the collapse • Below the Lower Marine Clay the buried valley was infilled with estuarine organic clays on the south side and fluvial clays on the north side • Gas exsolution almost certainlyy occurred in the deep p organic clays as a result of stress relief, reducing their strength further The buried valley CN3 DN3 TSAN2 BN2E AN2 BN2W CN2 DN2E DN2W ABH-34 AN1 ABH-32 EN2 CN1 GA BN1W MA I-65 DN1W AC-2 AC-4 IN FN2 II-67 67 BN1E BN1Ea ABH-30 WN1 66KVN S DN1E ABH-85 WN10 WN20 EN1 WN25 WN24 94.9WN28 WN27WN26I-102 FN1 WN34 WN29 WN31WN30 WN32 WN33 ABH-83 BS1Ea CL-2 BS1Eb BS1W 66KVS I-104 ABH-84 SPTSa WS10 WS1 ABH-31 ABH 31 I-66 ABH-33 AS1 WS20 WN39 CFVN ABH-35 MC3008 AC-3 AC-1 WN38 CPTNa KP183 KP182 KP181 WN36 WN35 WN37 CL-1A M3010 MC3007 CL-3G DS1E ABH-82 WN40 I-103 WS27 ABH-28 CPTN WS30 WS34 WS29 WS28 DS1W WS31 WS36 ABH-81 WS35 WS33 WS32 WS37 WS38 SE ES1 ABH-29 TSAS2 CS1 WS26 A TSAS2B AL W L MC2026 BS2E FS1 AS2 ABH-27 ABH 27 BS2W I-64 M2065 CS2 M2064 DS2E DS2W BS3E ABH-80 AS3 BS3W ES2 FS2 CS3 DS3E ABH-26 ES3 DS3W BS4E Post-collapse geometry and sequence of excavation superimposed on buried valley GA CN1 BN1W S MA I-65 N1W 66kV Cable BN1E BN1Ea IN DN1E ABH-30 WN1 66KVN I AC WN10 WN20 5 WN24 ABH-83 CL-1A M3010 MC3007 KP183 KP182 KP181 AC-3 CL 3G CL-3G BS1Ea CL-2 66KVS I-104 ABH 84 SPTSa ABH-84 WS10 BS1Eb BS1W WS1 ABH-31 AS1 WS20 DS1E ABH-82 DS1W ABH-29 ABH 29 CS1 WS26 LL Sequence of excavation in relation to buried valley • The buried valley was crossed without collapse developing • Strut forces would have been a maximum in the buried valley and would have varied across the valley • The collapse was not, therefore, inevitable • An external influence (trigger) is required to explain the timing of the collapse and why it occurred after crossing the buried valley Significance of crossing the buried valley without collapse • S338-9 stood for 8 days under load and was 20m from excavation front • S335-9 stood for 2.5 days under load and was over 8m from excavation front • Both S335-9S & S338-9N buckled within 10 minutes • Load in S335-8 and S335-9 was almost constant between 18 April and initiation of collapse • All C-channel connections failed downwards at both ends • The south wall was pushing the north wall back Key observations • 3D effects cannot explain why the collapse was initiated at 9am – S338 was 20-24m 20 24m from the excavation face and had stood for 8 days without distress, S335 was 8-12m from the excavation face • Time effects cannot explain why the collapse was initiated at 9am – there was no evidence of load increases in the monitoring Potential triggers Trigger Yielding of 9th Observed 8th Minor additional loading <2mm yielding in 9th 9th 9am m Excavation approaches + passes beyond S335 5 18 20 April 2004 3.30pm In nstallation off 9th Load Post-collapse Post collapse investigations Back analyses of the collapse • Analyses by Dr Felix Schroeder and Dr Zeljko Cabarkapa p using g Imperial p College g Finite Element Program (ICFEP) • 2D section through M307 (I104) and M302 (I65) • Bored p piles are not modelled ((enhanced JGP)) • Upper and Lower Marine Clays, F2 and lower Estuarine Clay modelled using Modified Cam Clay • Coupled p consolidation • Fill and OA sand modelled using Mohr Coulomb. OA-CZ clay/silt modelled as Tresca Geotechnical analyses • W Wallll EI reduced d d tto allow ll ffor cracking, ki b based d on reinforcement layout • Bending moment capacities set according to reinforcement layout and ultimate strengths of steel and a d co concrete c ete as supp supplied ed • JGP treated as brittle material • 9th level strut capacity set and strut allowed to strain soften 72 hours after excavation to 10th level. Geotechnical analyses North Fill Estuarine South +102.9 +98.58 +96.58 +102.9 +98.58 +97.07 +84.58 +81.58 +85.57 +82.07 Upper Marine Clay Upper Marine Clay F2 Fill Estuarine F2 Lower Marine Clay F2 OA (Sand) - OA-CZ OA (Clay/Silt) - OA-CZ +71.00 +67.00 +63.00 Lower Marine Clay +63.57 +61.57 +57.57 OA (Clay/Silt) - OA-SW-1 OA (Sand) - OA-CZ OA (Clay/Silt) - OA-CZ Stratigraphy assumed for ICFEP analyses North wall 9th South wall 100 100 95 95 90 90 measured predicted Elevation (m RL) 85 predicted measured 80 80 75 75 70 70 65 65 60 60 Horizontal displacement (mm) 55 50 85 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Horizontal displacement (mm) 55 450 -400 -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 North wall 10th South wall 100 100 95 95 90 90 measured predicted Elevation (m RL) 85 measured predicted 80 85 80 75 75 70 70 65 65 60 55 50 60 Horizontal displacement (mm) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Horizontal displacement (mm) 55 450 -400 -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 Predicted ed cted ttrends e ds in 7th, 8th a and d 9th st strut ut loads oads 4500 4000 Prop forrce (kN/m m) 3500 3000 2500 Strut 7 9 Strut 8 2000 Strut 9 8 1500 1000 7 500 0 280.00 281.00 282.00 283.00 ( 284.00 285.00 ) Time (days) 6 hours 286.00 Observed trends in 8th and 9th strut loads Observed 8th 9th 9am m Excavation approaches + passes beyond S335 5 18 20 April 2004 3.30pm In nstallation off 9th Load • The analyses matched reasonably well the build up in horizontal wall movements, and the trends in the forces in the 7th, 8th and 9th level struts • To match movements and forces at all stages it was necessary to model the jet grout as a brittle material • The upper JGP was predicted to pass its peak strength during excavation to the 6th level and the lower JGP to pass its peak strength during excavation to the 9th level • Th The 9th 9 h llevell strut reached h d iits capacity i d during i excavation i to the 10th level Key findings from geotechnical analyses • The collapse had to be initiated by allowing the 9th level strut to strain soften – a ductile failure of the connection was not associated with a collapse • The bending moment capacity of the south wall was reached on the first stage of excavation below the 9th l level, l b butt a hi hinge did nott form f in i the th wallll until til th the sacrificial JGP layer had been removed Key findings from geotechnical analyses Trigger required to initiate collapse Relative vertical displacement between the kingposts and Dwall panels Vertical diisplacement of Dw V wall (mm)) 100 Up Top of southern wall-nolimit Top of southern wall-OA1 Top p of southern wall-OA2 50 8th 9th 10th 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 -50 Down -100 Excavation depth (m) Predicted settlement of south wall during excavation 35 Verrtical disp placementts (mm) 500 Run 4apfnolimit 400 Run 4apfnolimit_OA1 Run 4apfnolimit_OA2 300 200 100 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -100 North Wall South Wall -200 Distance (m) Predicted vertical displacement of lower JGP layer after excavation to 10th level 30 20 Strut 262 no backfill Soutth wall kin ngpost Typical relative displacements of strut between walls and kingpost Diffference in leve l between wall and kingpost (mm) 10 North wall 2 1 0 7A 2 3 7B 3 -10 6A 4 6A -20 1 5 7A 7B 4 -30 5 • Calibrated FE analyses predict downward displacement of Dwall and upward displacement of kingpost when sacrificial JGP layer excavated • Survey data supports upward vertical displacement of centre of strut relative to ends Relative vertical displacement KP180 KP182 KP181 335 336 9th level Sacrificial JGP Excavation front Lower JGP Kingposts in long section 337 KP183 338 339 KP184 340 Post-collapse Post collapse investigations Structural steel physical tests and numerical analyses. The effect of relative vertical displacement 12mm stiffener plates 5000 Waler Axial load ((kN) 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 10 20 30 Axial displacement (mm) 40 50 Comparison of tests on connections with plate and C channel stiffeners 12mm stiffener plates 5000 Waler Axial load ((kN) 4000 3000 C channel stiffener Waler 2000 C channel stiffener has similar capacity to double plate stiffener but becomes brittle after an initial ductile response 1000 Unforced sway 0 0 10 20 30 Axial displacement (mm) 40 50 Comparison of tests on connections with plate and C channel stiffeners 5000 Test result Axial loa ad (kN) 4000 3000 C channel stiffener Waler 2000 1000 0 0 10 20 30 Adjusted axial displacement (mm) 40 Calibration of FE model of strutstrut-waler connection 50 5000 Test result FE prediction Axial loa ad (kN) 4000 3000 C channel stiffener Waler 2000 1000 0 0 10 20 30 Adjusted axial displacement (mm) 40 Calibration of FE model of strutstrut-waler connection 50 5000 Ductile plateau 10-15mm Test result FE prediction Axial loa ad (kN) 4000 3000 C channel stiffener Yield Waler 2000 Ductile plateau allows failure to develop at both ends 1000 0 0 10 20 30 Adjusted axial displacement (mm) 40 Calibration of FE model of strutstrut-waler connection 50 5000 8m strut Axial load (kN) 4000 3000 2000 C channel stiffener Waler 1000 0 0 10 20 30 Axial displacement p ((mm)) 40 Effect of strut length (bending restraint) on brittleness of connection 50 5000 8m strut 18m strut Axia al load (kN) 4000 3000 2000 C channel stiffener Reduced restraint increases brittleness and d reduces d d ductile til plateau l t 8m strut – effective kingpost 18m strut – ineffective kingpost 1000 Waler 0 0 10 20 30 Axial displacement (mm) 40 Effect of strut length (bending restraint) on brittleness of connection 50 Test on C channel stiffened connection by Nishimatsu Test on C channel stiffened connection by Nishimatsu 5000 axial load only Axial load (kN) 4000 3000 2000 C channel stiffener Waler 1000 0 0 10 20 30 Axial displacement p ((mm)) 40 Effect of relative vertical displacement 50 5000 axial load only axial load+RVD Axial load (kN) 4000 3000 2000 C channel stiffener Waler RVD reduces ductile plateau, increases brittleness, makes stable situation unstable 1000 Forced sway 0 0 10 20 30 Axial displacement p ((mm)) 40 Effect of relative vertical displacement 50 P Force, P D til Ductile strain Effect of brittleness of strut to waler connection 2500 Ductile 2000 Run 4apf2100drop Run 4apf2100drop4 ) Run 4apf2100drop2 1500 ( Run 4apf2100 p Prop force e (kN/m) Run 4apf2100drop3 p p 1000 500 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Total axial strain (%) 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Effect of brittleness of strut to waler connection 2500 500 R 4 Run 4apf2100 f2100 Run 4apf2100drop2 Ductile – no collapse Run 4apf2100drop3 Run 4apf2100drop4 2000 Prop force e (kN/m) Run 4apf2100drop 1500 1000 500 21 days 6 hours 9 days 0 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Time since reaching excavation level of 72.3m RL (days) 25 P Force, P D til Ductile No collapse hours to collapse Several days y to collapse strain • Th There was relative l ti vertical ti l di displacement l tb between t th the diaphragm wall, which settled when the sacrificial JGP was removed, and the kingpost, gp which rose, i.e. relative vertical displacement between the ends and centre of the strut (RVD) • The strut-waler connection was ductile-brittle. The ductile p plateau explains p why y both ends could fail • The brittleness of the connection determines the time taken for the collapse to develop Trigger required to initiate collapse • RVD reduces the length of the ductile plateau and increases the brittleness • RVD can make k a stable t bl situation it ti unstable t bl • RVD can shorten the time to collapse • Why downward failure at both ends? • Why collapse after crossing the buried valley? Trigger required to initiate collapse • Free • Fixed • Forced sway Downward failure at both ends Trigger required to initiate collapse Post-collapse positions of the Dwall panels GA CN1 BN1W S MA I-65 N1W 66kV Cable BN1E BN1Ea IN DN1E ABH-30 WN1 66KVN I AC WN10 WN20 5 WN24 ABH-83 CL-1A M3010 MC3007 KP183 KP182 KP181 AC-3 CL 3G CL-3G BS1Ea CL-2 66KVS I-104 ABH 84 SPTSa ABH-84 WS10 BS1Eb BS1W WS1 ABH-31 AS1 WS20 DS1E ABH-82 DS1W ABH-29 ABH 29 CS1 WS26 LL Post-collapse geometry superimposed on buried valley 31650 CL-2 WS14 WS17 WS12D SPTSa WS10 WS11D CS1 31630 WS13E BS1Ea 66KVS WS9 WS8 WS S11C 14.7 WS15 WS13C 12 2.5 WS16 WS1 12C 12.5 NORT THING (m) 31640 WS13B 13.7 WS13 16 WS13A 26 WS12B 15..2 WS12 12 9 WS12A 19 1 WS11B 7.5 19.6 WS11 1 WS11A 13.5 TUNNEL SOUTH WALL WS11E WS12E WS11F Post collapse SI boreholes Magnetic logging boreholes Unsuccessful magnetic logging boreholes 2005 boreholes WS13F 31620 31670 31680 31690 31700 EASTING (m) Coincidence between inability to advance boreholes and missing Dwall panels WS11E,11F, 12E,13F WS11-13A-D Obstruction created by missing Dwall panels 2 1 M212 1 Gap 3 1 M306 1. Panels M306 and M212, each side of the gap, and panel 213 fail by toe kick-in and rotate back. back 2. Soil flows through resulting gap between M306 and M307, rotating panel 307. 3 Soil 3. S il flflows th through h resulting lti gap b between t M307 and M308, rotating panel 308, etc. Sequence of south wall panel movements drag d drrag drag 4 5 304 305 303 3 302 2 301 1 2a 3a 4a 306 Sequence of south and north wall panel movements SOUTH NORTH Fill Upper E Upper Marine Clay Differing restraint imposed by bored piles at north and south walls Upper F2 Lower Marine Clay Sacrificial JGP Permanent JGP Lower E Lower F2 OA SW2 (N=35) OA SW1 (N (N=72) 72) OA (CZ) • The bored piles had a major influence on the displacements of the Dwall panels during the collapse and on their post-collapse positions • The bored piles restricted toe movements on the south side and prevented failure as the buried valley was crossed • Loads carried by the bored piles contributed to the under reading of the strain gauges under-reading Significance of the bored piles North wall M301 M302 334 333 M303 4 2 3 1 6 7 335 336 337 338 339 340 7 7 H H KP 181 1 H KP 182 1 M306 M305 M304 5 M307 KP 183 5 M308 Order in which distortion to waler noted 5 M309 M310 Excavation in progress Excavation to 10th complete Location of walers, splays and Dwall gaps GA CN1 BN1W S MA I-65 N1W 66kV Cable BN1E BN1Ea IN DN1E ABH-30 WN1 66KVN AC WN10 WN20 5 WN24 ABH-83 CL-1A M3010 MC3007 KP183 KP182 KP181 AC-3 CL 3G CL-3G BS1Ea CL-2 66KVS I-104 ABH 84 SPTSa ABH-84 WS10 BS1Eb BS1W WS1 ABH-31 AS1 WS20 DS1E ABH-82 DS1W ABH-29 ABH 29 I CS1 WS26 LL Repositioned bored piles at 66kV crossing • Upward displacement of KP 180 and 181 accentuated by toe displacement of M306 and M212, where bored piles had been re-positioned and additional dditi l ttoe movementt was possible ibl • Resulting RVD fed back into buried valley Relative vertical displacement KP180 KP182 KP181 335 335 KP184 336 336 9th level Upper JGP Excavation front Lower JGP Kingposts in long section KP183 337 338 339 340 • C channel stiffened connection undergoes brittle failure • Critical length of strut and of load in strut result in minimal lateral restraint to connection • Restraint from rising kingpost results in downward force on connection • RVD results in reduction in ductility of connection and increase in brittleness • RVD makes a stable situation with overstress unstable bl • RVD results in downward failure of connection • RVD was the trigger for the failure Failure mode of connection and RVD Overall conclusions • The use of Method A in the numerical analyses to model near normally consolidated soils is fundamentally incorrect • Its use led to under under-prediction prediction of wall displacements and bending moments and so to a reduction in the redundancy in the system. The JGP was strained beyond its peak and a plastic hinge formed in the wall as excavation of the sacrificial JGP was underway Overall conclusions • There were errors in the design of the strut-waler connection resulting in a design capacity that was 50% of the required capacity where splays were omitted • The collapse initiated some time after the excavation crossed th buried the b i d valley, ll where h fforces on th the under-designed d d i d strutt t waler connections would have been a maximum • An additional perturbation or trigger was necessary to explain the timing of the collapse, the downward failure of the walers at both ends and the trends in the monitoring data Overall conclusions • The permanent bored piles in combination with the JGP played p y a significant g role in p preventing g the collapse p as the valley was crossed • The collapse was triggered when working in the vicinity of the 66kV cable crossing • At this location, the permanent bored piles had been repositioned and the JGP layout had been modified, allowing g the wall toe to kick-in and cause additional uplift p of the local kingposts Overall conclusions • This additional upward displacement of the kingposts relative to the wall fed back into the system, introducing forced sway failure • Downward movement of the walls has been predicted by analysis; the potential for relative upward movement of the kingposts has been confirmed by surveys • Forced sway s a failure fail re red reduced ced the strain o over er which hich the connection remained ductile, increased the brittleness of the connection and allowed a stable situation to become unstable • Forced sway failure can explain the timing of the collapse, the form of the observed distortions, the trends in the monitoring data and the speed at which the collapse developed data, Overall conclusions • The collapse was not caused by hydraulic base heave and was not related to poor workmanship • Wall rotation,, which had been linked with inadequate q penetration of the wall into the OA, was not the cause of the collapse • Several factors had to act in combination to cause the collapse Unforgiving site • Deepest excavation in marine clay in Singapore –shortcomings in use of Method A not previously apparent because of depth dependence • Ground conditions – buried valley in OA infilled with soft fluvial and organic clay, rapid variation in depth of marine clay along and d across th the excavation ti resulting lti iin an asymmetric t i section ti plan requiring q g more frequent q use of • Curvature of walls in p walings • Presence of 66kVA crossing • Need to adopt p sacrificial JGP layer, y , removal of which caused step increase in 9th level strut load and step increase in wall settlement Lessons learnt • JGP is a brittle material • The mass properties of JGP need to be more carefully evaluated • Coring of JGP is not an adequate check • The use of numerical modelling of soils in design should be carried out by specialists and its incompatibilities with current codes needs to be removed • The potential for brittle failure of C channel connections mustt be b recognised i d Lessons learnt • Temporary and permanent works should be subject to independent checks • The effects of relative displacement between kingposts g of strutted and walls should be considered in the design excavations • Forced swayy failure and its consequences q should be recognised as a potential mechanism in design • Monitoring did not warn of the impending collapse