Fall 2012 - High School Canada


Fall 2012 - High School Canada
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International News
Sea to Sky International Student Program
Our Homestay Families
are the Best!
Welcome International Students!
A big Sea to Sky welcome to all of our new students and our returning students. For the 2012/13 school year we are expecting students from over 20 different countries. We are especially excited to welcome our first students from Norway and Poland! We are also pleased to be receiving a group of students from Brazil who have received academic scholarships from the Brazilian government to be able to allow them to experience a Canadian education in Sea to Sky. We are happy to be hosting some of these students at Pemberton Secondary School. I am really excited about the upcoming year and I look forward to meeting all of you in the weeks ahead. Amy Shoup, Manager Save the Date!
Vancouver Trip
Saturday, Sept 8
Lunch and Hike
Sunday, Sept 9-9:30
Fright Nights at the
PNE in October
Spend the day in Vancouver. Bus departs 8 AM Whistler and 9 AM Squamish. For students and families. Bus will depart at 8:30 from WSS for Alice Lake.
Haunted houses and scary rides at the Pacific National Exhibition. I have been involved with our International Program as Homestay Coordinator for several years, and this one is already shaping up to be one of our best yet! We have an amazing group of host families, and I know our students arriving will receive a very warm welcome at their homes! Our schools are amazing with lots of variety in subjects to choose from! I look forward to meeting every International student, and working with you as the year progresses! Welcome to Sea to Sky School District! Jeff Larcombe, Homestay Coordinator INTERNATIONAL NEWS
FALL 2012
Clubs and Classes in
Squamish, Whistler and
Squamish Windsurfing Society Providing sailors with access to a high wind sailing location where the Squamish River meets Howe Sound www.squamishwindsports.com Climbing Access Society of BC Organizations involved in access and conservation of cliffs and mountains in BC. www.access-­‐society.ca Squamish Youth Soccer For children ages 5-­‐17, runs September – April www. squamishsoccer.ca Gordon Sturtridge League (GSL) Football Football for boys and girls. www.gslfootball.ca Howe Sound Curling Club Curling for men, women and youth. www.howesoundcurl.com Whistler
Vibe Dance Academy Ballet, Jazz and hip hop. www.thevibedancecentre.com Howe Sound Dance Academy Ballet, Jazz and hip hop. www.howesounddance.com Whistler Youth Soccer For children ages 5-­‐17, runs September – April. www.whistlersoccer.com Howe Sound Minor Ball Association Softball and Baseball for boys and girls. www.howesoundminorball.ca Whistler Off Road Cycling Association WORCA Weekly bike rides and maintains the trails. www.worca.com Squamish Academy of Music Music lessons for students in a variety of instruments. www.squamishacademyofmusic.com Whistler Olympic Park Cross country skiing, Snowshoeing, Biathlon, Skeleton and Bob Sled Teams training and lessons. www.whistlerolympicpark.com Squamish Minor Hockey September -­‐ March for boys and girls aged 5-­‐20. squamishminorhockey.com Squamish Off Road Cycling Association SORCA Weekly bike rides and maintains the trails. www.sorca.ca Whistler Skating Club Skate Canada Junior figure skating, competitive skating. Professional coaching. www.whistlerskatingclub.ca Squamish Pirates Swim Club Lessons and competitive swimming. www.squamishpirates.com Whistler Mountain Ski Club Provides world-­‐class training and racing opportunities. wmsc.info Squamish Climbing Provides information on trails in the Sea to Sky area. www.squamishclimbing.com Whistler Valley Snowboard Club Snowboard program providing training for both recreational and competitive snowboarders. www.whistlervalleysnowboardclub.ca Squamish Skating Club Skate Canada Junior figure skating, competitive skating. Professional coaching. www.skatinginbc.com/club/squamish-­‐figure-­‐skating-­‐club Pemberton
Pemberton Dragon Boat Racing For seasonal schedule info call (604) 894 5684. Squamish Titans Athletic Club Focus is on endurance sports especially in the three disciplines: swimming, cycling and running. www.squamishtitans.com/ Pemberton Canoe Club Learn to paddle and kayak. www.canoekayakpemberton.webs.com Squamish Valley Equestrian Association Promotes multi-­‐discipline equine sport and recreation in Squamish and throughout the Sea-­‐to-­‐Sky Corridor. www.svea.ca Pemberton Youth Soccer For children ages 5-­‐17, runs September – April. www.pembertonsoccerclub.com 2
FALL 2012
The Canadian Education System
You may find some differences between the educational/value system in your home country and that in Canada. It is essential for you to understand the appropriate and accepted roles for students in the Canadian educational system. Here are some of the general characteristics of the Canadian educational system: Group work is an important part of the school learning; it values cooperation, tolerance, and compromise. Discussion is often used as a means of teaching. Students are expected to be able to discuss in order to develop their ideas and opinions and to present them for reactions. One of the main objectives of a discussion is to arrive at a mutually satisfactory understanding or a solution to a problem. Students are encouraged to ask questions for clarification, to challenge information, or to extend thinking. The philosophy of education in Canada includes the idea that students should be involved in an interactive learning process; that is, they should not sit passively and accept or memorize what the teacher says. Students learn not just information, but how to arrive at conclusions, to solve problems, and to analyze. As part of this process, students are often asked how they got an answer, rather than just what the answer is. Plagiarism (submit the work of another person as your own/copy the work of another person and present it as your own) is a serious offence. Teacher-­‐student relationships tend to be relatively informal compared to those in many Asian countries. Here comes the Snow!
While it is only August we know that students are already gearing up for the winter ski and snowboard season. Students can get a Season Ski Pass for $350.00. Please ask for the form from your school office. Complete the form and return this to the school office to be stamped. Take this stamped form to the Whistler Blackcomb Guest Services for your season pass. Don’t forget the Whistler Blackcomb Turkey Sale, which is a great place to get amazing deals on new and second hand Ski and Snowboard gear. The Turkey Sale is on Thanksgiving weekend (October 6,7 and 8). Please remember that helmets are mandatory for skiing and snowboarding! 3
Welcome Events!
Pemberton and Whistler Welcome Evening for students and
homestay families will be held on September 11 at 7 PM in
Whistler Secondary School in the Multi Purpose Room.
Squamish Welcome Evening for students and homestay families
will be held on September 12 at 7 PM in Howe Sound Secondary
School in the Library.
We Want your Best
Please be sure to send us copies of the great photos you take while you are here. These will be featured on our website, Face Book and published in brochures around the world. Remember we need the originals with a high resolution. Send these by email to deboramorton@sd48.bc.ca Homestay Parent Meetings
Here are the dates for the first set of 2012 Homestay Parent Meetings. Whistler -­‐ Tuesday October 2 -­‐ 7:00 at Whistler Secondary Squamish -­‐ Thursday October 4 -­‐ 7:00 pm at the School Board Office The next meetings will be held in February. All families in the program must attend at least one meeting. Hockey Eh!
This is a true Canadian event! Come and join us in Vancouver for a hockey game on November 13th at 7PM. The Canucks will be playing the Florida Panthers. Tickets are $50.00 and will be available through the school on a first come first served basis.
Find us on Face Book for all the up to the minute
news and photos
Contact Information
Manager Ms Amy Shoup Tel: 604 892 5228 x 134 Cell: 604 815 8758 ashoup@sd48.bc.ca Clerical Assistant Mrs Deb Kent Tel: 604 892 5228 x 131 dkent@sd48.bc.ca Homestay Coordinator Mr. Jeff Larcombe Cell: 604 815 3885 jlarcombe@shaw.ca Activities Coordinator Ms. Dawn Armstrong Cell: 604 848 9671 darmstrong@sd48.bc.ca Senior Recruitment Advisor Ms. Debora Morton Tel: 703-­‐243-­‐3373 dmorton@sd48.bc.ca