December 2007


December 2007
Photo Gallery
A story made by photos
A : Can you manage to raise me?
B : Oh, My godness. No way~
A: Why don’t we try? Come on~
See, we’ve done successfully!
1, 2, 3… Let’s smile~
Taekwondo | Yap~ one,
two...Bring it on!
Monthly Activity "2007 Air-show
in Korea"
Let’s make a fun! | Please, save
me. I promise I will eat Kimchi
Big Ducks escort Iraqi participants
with a warm welcome
What do you think where I am
from? | (Tanzanian, Cambodian)
Cheers! | Great Korean Traditional
Dora Observertory | Afganistan
Delegation with Middle School
Please let us know on the KOICA community homepage if you received this copy of the newsletter. Your reply will ensure you continue to
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Issue 15, DECEMBER l 2007 ISSN 1229~4926 • Publisher Training Team 2, Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA) •
Writer Shin Soyeon, Training Team 2, KOICA, Ha Kichul, International Exchange Promotion Association • Editor Lee Sunmin,
KOICA • Mailing Address International Cooperation Training Center(ICTC), 304-3 Yeomgok-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 134-170,
Korea • Phone 82-2-3460-6114 • Fax 82-2-740-5667 • E-mail • Website
KOICA Alumni Newsletter
KOICA Alumni Newsletter
KOICA Alumni Association Meeting
About KOREA | Korean Marriage
KOICA Training Program
Health Sector in KOICA
Voice of the Participants
ODA News
Photo Gallery
Issue 15
Alumni Association
2. The Equivalence of Gender
3. The
between KOICA Alumni Association
and KOICA Offices
4. The focus on the specific subjects
concerning a country
distributing it to all members
8. Co-operating pre-departure orientation to trainees with KOICA
9. Holding meetings e.g. “Voice of
KOICA Alumni” after trainees
returned to their countries
10. Informing Alumni Association of
financial support for activities next
The 2nd KOICA Alumni Association
11. Alumni Association to be consulted
Meeting was held on Oct. 28 ~ Nov.3,
by local authorities e.g. embassies,
2007 at KOICA ICTC, gathering 23
ministries and KOICA offices, etc
representatives of 23 countries. It was
focused on sharing the knowledge on
>>How to diversify the activi-
the Korea's International Development
ties of the association
Cooperation, strengthening the net-
1. Activities
work of KOICA participants and helping
>>Improving Administration Sys-
them perform in the Association. It
tems and membership manage-
was made up of several lectures, study
visits, cultural experiences, case pre-
1. Selecting Administration and Man-
2. The awareness of cooperation
sentation on KOICA Alumni Associa-
agement Team to run activities of
between Alumni Association and
tions' activities and group discussion.
the Association (By-Laws-activities
& responsibilities of offices/mem-
● Asia(10 Countries) : Bangladesh,
Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia,
Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri
Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam
● Africa(5 Countries) : Democratic
Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia,
Morocco, Tanzania
bers, dues, etc)
2. Making registration of Alumni Association in appropriate agency
3. Setting office with necessary facilities - computers, telephones and
necessary furniture
4. Communicating with members by
● America(6 Countries) : Peru,
sending brochures or putting mes-
Paraguay, Guatemala, El Salvador,
sages on the website (mentions
Ecuador, Colombia
clearly about objectives and benefits
● Middle East(1 Country) : Jordan
for members: e.g. re-training
● CIS(1 Country) : Kazakhstan
opportunities in the field of leadership management, etc)
>>How to maximize the effective-
5. Fund-raising: collecting membership
fee when they subscribe to be
member of the Association
ness of training: ways to apply the
6. Inputting data on the Alumni web-
ideas obtained by the training in
site for members to share/download
my country.
1. The Effective Selection
2 KOICA Alumni Newsletter
7. Making the Alumni Directory and
2. The establishment of KOICA overseas offices in every country
KOICA offices or Korean Embassies
3. The sustained management of former participants
4. Effective fund raising by the small
amount of Alumni Membership fee
5. The promotion to the public in their
6. Increasing the number of paid staffs
to be in charge of Alumni activities
Traditional Marriage
A Marriage in
In Korean traditional
society, the marriage
between a man and
woman represents the
joining of two families,
rather than the joining of
two individuals. Stepped
in traditional Confucian values, the ceremonies and events
surrounding the actual marriage were long and elaborate
from the pairing of the couple to the rituals performed after
the ceremony.
2006 "Ssangchunnyeon"(雙春年) and 2007 "Year
of the Golden Pig" in Korea
marriage, with the new couple often meeting for the first
Professional matchmakers paired up likely candidates for
In 2006, many young Korean couples were busy with
time at their wedding. The families considered many factors
getting married. The NSO(Korea National Statistical Office)
in the decision, consulting with fortunetellers for predictions
mostly attributed the rise to the increasing number of mar-
about the couple's future life together. During the Chosun
riages in “Ssangchunnyeon,” or “double ipchun(立春) year.”
period, people got married in their early teens with the girl
Ipchun is one of the 24 Korean traditional seasonal divisions
often being several years older than the boy.
referring to the beginning of spring. The year 2006 had two
onsets of spring on the lunar calendar.
The groom usually traveled to the house of the bride for
the ceremony, then stayed there for 3 days before taking his
The number of marriages surged last year as the couples
new bride to his family's home. The actual ceremony
getting married in the lucky year are believed to live happi-
involved many small rituals with tons of bows and symbolic
ly. Also the baby boom is expected to continue as “the gold-
gestures. The participants were expected to control their
en pig year,” which is believed to bring luck to newborns this
emotions and remain somber.
year. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the
number of newborns in the first half of this year totaled
238,817, 5.1 percent higher than a year ago.
Terms on Traditional Marriage
1. Eum/Yang (Yin and Yang) (陰/陽)
Marriage represented the perfect union and balancing of
Modern Marriage in Korea
Then how we Korean get
the two primary elements of the world: Eum, the dark, female
married? Actually, we had our
element; and Yang, the bright, male element ("yin" and
own wedding style, but as Kore-
"yang"). Often, the marriage ceremony took place at dusk,
an society had been changed a
representing a balance between light (day) and darkness
lot, the wedding ceremony also
(night). The blue color stands for Eum, while red represents
had been drastically getting different. These days the wedding is usually held in public wedding halls, hotels and churches etc. With the accompaniment
of piano music, the bridegroom, wearing a Western-style
suit, enters the hall where guests are seated and stands
before the presiding person. The bride, escorted by her
father, enters the hall and then
takes her place by the
Facing each other before the officiator, the bride and
groom exchange vows and gifts. The officiator usually gives
2. Jungmae (matchmaking)
First of all, each family of bride and groom would send a
person to the others and look into prospective son-in-law or
daughter-in-law's social class, education, and family lineages.
Both families would ask fortune teller what the young couple
would be harmonious by 'the principles of Yin and Yang and
the five elements'(=metal, wood, water, fire, and earth). After
that, two families would reach an agreement and then marriage is decided.
3. Ham (similar hope chest)
a sermon about love, marriage, and the new social responsi-
The Ham usually contained 3 items, the Honseo (marriage
bilities involved in married life. And then the officiator asks
contract paper) and Chaedan. Chaedan is a collection of red
both the man and woman if they are willing to be married to
and blue fabrics, which is used to make clothing. The blue
each other. If they both say “yes,” then they are declared
fabrics were wrapped with red threads, while the red fabrics
“husband and wife.” The bride and groom then bow to the
were wrapped with blue threads. The two colors represented
guests; photo sessions usually follow the ceremony in addi-
the philosophy of Eum/Yang (Yin/Yang).
tion to a large feast.
4. Hwachok (candle)
However some couples are still looking for a place to be
held a traditional wedding ceremony to preserve the cultural
A thick candle with carved dragon and would turn it on
when a new couple go to bed on the wedding day.
Issue 15
KOICA Training Program
KOICA Scholarship
1. KOICA Scholarship Programs currently in progress
Public Policy
Development Cooperation Women and Development
International Development
(World Trade and WTO)
International Trade &
Training Institute
KDI School
Ehwa Womans University
Korea University
Ajou University
2. Procedures of KOICA Scholarship Program
- Request to the Korean embassies/overseas KOICA
offices in your countries for recommendations (KOICA)
> Receipt of recommendations and applications (Korean
embassies/overseas KOICA offices)
> First round of selection (Training Institutes in Korea)
> Second round of selection (KOICA)
> Notification of the selected candidates to the Korean
embassies/overseas KOICA offices (KOICA)
3. Qualifications
- Be a government official, an employee in public sector,
or a researcher in a state institute working in his/her
home country with a Bachelor's Degree or higher
- Be nominated by his/her government
- Have sufficient command of both spoken & written English to take classes conducted entirely in English
- Be in good health, both physically and mentally, to
undergo the program
> Trainees enter Korea
- Preferably be under 35 years of age
> Orientation at KOICA
- Have not participated in KOICA’s program as well as
> Medical examination
the same type of program before; or have at least
> Orientation at the training organization
three years elapsed from previous participation in
> Participation in the training program
KOICA’s training program
> Evaluation
(-In case of Women's Development program, candi-
> Trainees leave Korea
dates should be women.)
Interview with KDI School Staff
Who am I?
here as representatives of their countries through their knowl-
I am Ms. PARK Jung-woo, a pro-
edge and experiences which they have learned in Korea. This
gram coordinator since Dec. 2005,
year, Nugroho Bayu Fajar who is working for Ministry of Indus-
who was in charge of supporting
try of Indonesia came to Korea to negotiate Korea-ASEAN FTA
participants by creating a better envi-
as a representative of Indonesia. I was really happy to meet
ronment for them to study during their
him in KDI School again.
stay in Korea as well as coordinating
a variety of extracurricular activities.
Tips to the prospective participants
Since Oct. 2007, I have been
I think it is a great
involved in External Relations and the Development Affairs
opportunity for people
Dept. KDI School and responsible for suggesting a training pro-
to be invited from the
gram to KOICA and recruiting participants.
Korean Government
and participate in the
My happy moment
Every time I meet people, I am pleased and proud of my
would like to recom-
job. It is especially fruitful for me when the participants go
mend them to expand
back to their countries with unforgettable memories in their
their personal networks
heart. For instance, when the participants come to Korea again
with people from the different countries as well as build up
for a business trip related to Korea and when people come
much knowledge.
4 KOICA Alumni Newsletter
KOICA Training Program
Interview with
KOICA Scholarship Program
Master's Degree Program on Development Cooperation
(Woman and Development)
in Ewha Womans Univ.
by Ms. Leann Pascal Molina / Philippines
1. How did you get the information of KOICA Master
interview made by the National Eco-
experience was able to contribute to
nomic Development Authority (NEDA)
my development as a person based not
that screens applicants for the foreign
only on the perspective of Korean ide-
I got to know about KOICA when
scholarship. In our department, there
ology and theory but the overall ideolo-
were two candidates including me.
gy of the success stories of different
our Human Resource Officer at Department of Labor and Employment Central
NEDA Officers have all of us appli-
Office. Manila called me on my mobile
cants go through the interview and
phone for I was in field work and
answer the questionnaire for the schol-
informed me of the urgency of KOICA's
arship. Based on the answers and
search for applicants regarding women
interviews, the NEDA will decide who
As a government employee in
and development masters program in
they will recommend to the sponsor
Philippines, I have experienced discon-
Development Cooperation. She had
country. I felt that I impressed them by
tentment in my field, but I guess it's
nominated me as one of the candi-
acknowledging the relevance of this
just natural. But the discontentment
dates. All I knew then was that it was a
program to gain intellectual breath and
grows and grows to the point of wanti-
wonderful opportunity for a foreign
development necessary to launch
ng to quit my job and shifting to pri-
scholarship program.
women in the international arena
vate sectors. I think the basis of my
through Korean Studies. I believe they
discontentment was the system of
2. Tell us about your experience of the application procedure of the KOICA Master
were able to link my present job and
bureaucracy and economic factors. And
our department's possible benefits with
not long before I got this scholarship
this program.
program, I have been planning of
It's really something I didn't expect.
3. Tell us the advantages of the
course you were involved in.
suffering and is really having a hard
ernment employees are really a rare
The EWHA GSIS Master Program for
Over the past years, there was small
privilege and usually only for personnel
Development Cooperation is indeed a
economic growth. The prospect of
with higher positions and in the man-
great program especially for women's
going abroad is shining in the distant
agement level who have had a long
enrichment and empowerment. With
shore. Most of our fellow Filipinos are
service in the government. Whenever
this program, I can say that I was able
abroad for greener pastures. And like
there are open opportunities like this
to be enriched intellectually, and I
them, I also want to go out of the
one, I always have the assumption that
believe it will be a great contribution to
country and work abroad for a better
it's not for me, because I am young in
my professional development. With
the service (six years), so I never
Korean studies and a year of stay here
applied for it. Very fortunately, our
in Korea, I was able to equip myself
However having gone through this
Human Resource Officer in the Central
with the many issues of globalization
program, I felt I needed to go back and
Office had nominated me as one of the
and development as well as basic
stay in the government for a while and
applicants among the other govern-
understanding on international busi-
share what I have learned from this
ment employees. I had only one day to
ness. Overall, it was an opportunity to
program. I think that is the best thing I
submit the preliminary requirements,
open my eyes and promote under-
should do for now.
and I really made sure I met the dead-
standing of the dynamics and complex-
ities in the international arena. In the
Foreign scholarship programs for gov-
After three days, there was an
countries. With this, I am most grateful
for this wonderful opportunity.
4. Your Future Career Plan.
resigning. I must admit, my country is
time both politically and economically.
end, what's undeniable is how this
Issue 15
Health Sector in KOICA
Based on Korea's comparative advantages, the development strategies of partner countries, and the
MDGs, KOICA selected education, health, governance, rural development, information & communication technology, industry & energy, disaster relief & reconstruction, and environment & gender as
the key sectoral priorities. Since 2006, training programs of KOICA also have been planned by the
strategy. In this issue, overall performance and training programs on Health area will be reviewed.
and child health, reproductive health, family planning, and
potable water development. While the international community highlights the importance of poverty reduction and the
satisfaction of basic human needs, population has emerged
as another essential development issue, especially since the
International Conference on Population and Development
(ICPD) in 1994. Since then, foreign assistance programs
related to family planning have increased steadily.
In order to join global efforts to achieve MDGs targets for
reducing infant mortality (Goal 4), promoting maternal
health (Goal 5), and reducing HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other
diseases (Goal 6), in 2006, KOICA helped strengthen the
health infrastructure of partner countries by constructing
hospitals and improving medical facilities. KOICA also helped
the development of health policies by training medical professionals in Korea and by dispatching Korean medical workers overseas. Other assistance programs include the supply
of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities.
In KOICA, US$ 26,662 million or 13.8% of the total project budget was administered for health and medical services in 2006. The Middle East and Asia (including Oceania)
were the first and second partner regions, accounting for
33.2% and 30.7% of the total health assistance, respectively. Iraq continued to be the top beneficiary, followed by Jordan, Peru Tanzania and Cambodia. The top five partners in
this sector received 7.6% of KOICA's total project budget or
52.9% of the total health related assistance.
2. Training Programs on Health Sector in 2007
In line with these efforts, Human Resources Development Department in KOICA planned and organized 8 train-
1. Overview and Performance in 2006
ing programs on Health Sector in this year as following.
Despite rise in the global average life expectancy, Africa
and some Asian countries have low life expectancies and
●Health Policy and Program Management
regional inequality is widening. These countries experience
●HIV/AIDS Prevention and Eradication for African Countries
socio-economic instability and deteriorating health care ser-
●Population and Reproductive Health
vices due to delayed economic development, widespread
●Clinical Study on Traditional Medicine
contagious diseases, rapid population growth, and problem-
●Health Policy and Program Management (Sri Lanka)
atic urbanization.
●Population and Reproductive Health (Ethiopia)
OECD/DAC guidelines on health include assistance for
primary health care facilities, medical personnel, maternal
6 KOICA Alumni Newsletter
●Infant Disease Management (Honduras)
●Prevention of Infectious Diseases
Interview with Kim Jae-wan
Health Team Staff of KOICA
Health Team
Kim Jae-wan
1. How did you become interested in the health
In 2006, projects in the health sector accounted for
Infant Disease Man-
13.8% of all the projects of KOICA, which is the largest
agement for Hon-
percentage for a single sector. This shows that health-relat-
duras program is
ed assistance is very important in grant aid projects and
the most recently
that the demands for health-related assistance is great in
finished one imple-
many partner countries.
mented by Yonsei
Assistance for health is directly related to meeting the
University, College
basic human needs (BHN) and leads to substantial results.
of Nursing, running
In other words, it not only ensures a better life for the peo-
from the 1st to the
ple living in developing countries, but it also ensures their
30th of November. Twelve nurses from this country vividly
survival. That is why health-related assistance is absolutely
participated in the training program in order to promote
necessary. I think the importance of this work is what
health of newborn babies and mothers, and to decrease the
made me interested in this field.
infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate in Honduras. The thing is that the objectives of the course are
2. While working with the health team, when
directly related to MDGs No. 4 and 5 as above mentioned.
do you most feel that your work is worthwhile?
During the course, participants enjoyed lectures, prac-
I feel that my work is worthwhile when I meet the local
tices, study visits and presentation sessions in which they
people who are benefiting from the project I am working
talked about their future plans and strategies after going to
on. For example, I was moved when I went to Vietnam
their country. Above all, the special feature of this program
and saw how happy the local people were to have access
is giving opportunities to trainees to practice with nurses
to safe drinking water with the help of KOICA and the
who are actually caring newborns in Korea. KOICA sincerely
Korean government. However, since I've worked at
hopes that they can contribute to tackling pending issues
KOICA for only 9 months, I have not been able to work on
regarding infant mortality and maternal health in Honduras.
a single project from the beginning until the end, so I
haven't experienced the joy of completing a whole project
yet. For now, I am pleased to think that I'm making a small
difference in someone else's life.
3. What kind of work or project would you like
to work on in the future?
Until now, I've only worked on establishing health
infrastructure and providing medical equipment. Now, I
would like to work on something more comprehensive. Personally, I want to work on a community-based comprehensive health project. More specifically, I would like to
improve the general health conditions of local communities
by training professionals in the health field, educating the
local residents on basic sanitation and health, building
their capacity to manage the health infrastructure, and so
Issue 15
Voice of the Participants
O ur G ro up
ha s
be en cr ea te d
m ak e al l
ou r
b e l o v e
pa rt ic ip an ts
th e
Alumni Assoc
iation 2nd M
eeting" Conne
Forever. Tim
e can stand st
ill for us. by
Mohamed Ane
es Sharara (Egy
MS.KIM Jin-h
I am b ac
k to m y
co u n tr y
w it h
of you. I
am su re ev
er yb o d y
h as
th e
sa m e
fe el in g s. It
w il l b e
treasure to
me the mem
ories of co
P as si o n at e
operative K
P h il ip p in es
In n o ce n t
Thailand, C
T an za n ia ,
onceptual V
it ty
ietnam, Wis
El Salvado
e Sri Lanka
r, Paraguay
and Guatem
Calm Kazak
ala, Cool N
hstan and E
thiopia and
Morocco. D
uring the se
n days of o
fun, share
ur stay, we
our knowle
dge and ev
with each o
en private
ther. I hope
we continu
our life. by
e this for th
Mr. Sheikh
e rest of
Shahariar Z
aman (Bangl
Meeting was re
w el l or
an d I su pp
the results will
al l
ut ili ze d by
w el l
m em be rs as
Your officials
go od
gi ve n
r ev er yt hi ng
T ha nk yo u fo
re co m
regards to all
r us. Give my
in i
you've done fo
. by M r.
al ly M s. K IM
st af f, es pe ci
Wijesinghe (Sri
Anyong Haseo
at th e em ai
It so un
am on g
sy. You
Members are
ome and it's
are all so awes
it h
m ee
ho no r to jo in
th e be st
yo u. Yo u ar e
just copy Ric
Kristiyanti (Ind
ever met and
by Ms. Wiwik
statement "DR
8 KOICA Alumni Newsletter
"Umoja" - The Spirit of Togetherness
ja" survived through their sense of unity.
In the interion of Africa, chief Mkwawa of Tanzania
and Shaka Zulu of South Africa found their strength in
"Umoja" to fight foreign invasion in the late 18th centuParticipation in Public Sector Training
Development Program
William J, Ngunda from Tanzania
African Communities found their victory and strength
in "Umoja", a sense of collectiveness and bonding. This
The British learned about the strength behind "Umoja," and came with "Divide and Rule" approach.
Nonetheless, the Spirit thrives and still exists among
many African countries.
cultural practice has its roots from ancient African soci-
Some African leaders of modern African societies
eties when they encountered difficult situations and con-
until the 1960's demonstrated this strong spirit in nation
fronted their enemies.
building. The Late Kwane Nkurumah of Ghana and Julius
It is a typical African way of life. Its essence was
from the interior weapons and working tools which were
Nyerere of Tanzania were
good examples.
for bonding and working together in tilling the land and
defending against their enemies.
The Spirit of "Umoja"
Through this way of life, the communities were able
together and explains why
to fight against foreign invasion by other tribes and colo-
we always matter the uni-
nial powers successfully. Communities which had "Umo-
Name of KOICA Alumni Newsletter
The most well-known traditional Korean fermented dish
made of seasoned vegetables with red pepper.
A principal body through which the OECD study issues
Adopted the UN Millennium Declaration at the Millennium
related to cooperation with developing countries responsi-
Summit in September 2000, committing their nations to a
ble for development issues and development policies
new global partnership to reduce extreme poverty and set-
This organization was established in 1989 to further
ting out a series of time-bound targets, with a deadline of
enhance economic growth and prosperity for the region
and to strengthen the Asia-Pacific community. The 13rd
The distributed area of 2km to south and north from the pre-
summit conference of this intergovernmental grouping was
sent cease-fire line set up where military equipment and
held at Nurimaru House in Busan, Korea, in 2005.
activity are prohibited in Korea.
The facility which provides KOICA program participants
with comfortable stay and KOICA Programs are implemented.
The UN’s global development network, an organization
advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life.
Established in 1947 with its headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, this organization seeks to overcome some of Asia
and the Pacific’s greatest challenges such as poverty, globalization and social issues. This organization is the regional development arm of the United Nations for the region
and has 62 governments as a membership.
It is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the
UN system’s authoritative voice on the state and behaviour
of the Earth’s atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans,
the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of
water resources.
* If participants give the answer through email, KOICA will give 30 persons away the newsletter during another two more years even if they got
it for three years.
Issue 15
ODA News
The MoU was signed on the Egyptian side by the fund's
Korean chair opens in Uzbek University
secretary general Tarek Ghoneim who said the memo aims
Chair of Korean language opened at Uzbek State World
at setting up a framework for technical cooperation in the
Languages University, Jahon news agency reported.
information technology domain.
The report said the chair became result of fruitful coop-
In statements after the signing ceremony, Ghoneim
eration of the Uzbek university and Korea International
said that 20 delegates will be invited from Cote D’Ivoire,
Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania and
KOICA sent first Korean teachers to Uzbek university in
2000 and currently over 185 students study Korean as sec-
Zimbabwe for a three-week training course at the Cairobased National Institute for Telecommunications.
*Source : Egypt State Information Service
ond language.
KOICA assisted Uzbek State World Languages University to create modern rooms for teachers and students. It is
planned to accept first students to new chair.
*Source : The Journal of Turkish Weekly
KOICA donates mobile water treatment trucks
Banda Aceh, Indonesia-Relief The Korea International
Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has donated 2 water tank
Agreement signed by TVTO and KOICA
trucks and a mobile water treatment truck to Satkorlak or
TVTO and KOICA of Korea
Aceh Disaster Management Agency. The trucks directly
signed an agreement regarding
sent to Aceh, and not part of the stranded container in
the establishment of a Car
Belawan port of Medan, North Sumatra.
Technology Vocational Training
The trucks sent directly to us, to be provided to Satkorlak, said Head of Aceh Transportation Office Muhammad
After a 10 day presence of
Sidik, as quoted by Aceh Cominfo Office news release on
Korean experts in Iran, in a meeting between TVTO &
Saturday. He handed over the trucks on Monday to Aceh
KOICA officials and experts, held in TVTO HQ, the proceed-
Militarys Chief of Staff Brigadier General Kuswa, on behalf
ings of all negotiations and agreements were signed by two
of Satkorlak.
parties, TVTO Public Relations reports.
Sidik added that KOICA couldnt hand over the trucks
Esfandyar Chaharband, TVTO training & technical
directly because currently they have no representative in
deputy, commended the mutual cooperation opportunity
Aceh. KOICA asked his office to forward the trucks to
and while pointing out the important characteristics of the
project wished success for its implementer.
Kuswa praised the KOICA donation and said the trucks
The educational & training deputy of KOICA agency
will be used to bring water to several refugee camps that
while pointing out the characteristics & advantages of this
currently still lack of clean waters. But Satkorlak has to
project for Irans training system expressed interest in
identify first which camps would be prioritized.
expansion and further developed of cooperation between
*Source : Indonesia Tsunami Relief Portal
two countries in similar fields.
At the end of this meeting, two parties exchanged the
signed documents of this mutual cooperation and stressed
on the acceleration of the implementation phase.
KOICA donates over 13m/- for Amana
Hospital equipment
*Source : The Public Relation department of IRAN TVTO
The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) -
(Technical & Vocational Training Organization)
an organization responsible for Korea’s grant aid programme to developing countries, has donated USD13, 000
to Amana Hospital in Dar es Salaam.
Egypt, Korea sign MoU
Speaking during the handing over ceremony of the
The Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation with Africa
donation, KOICA Country Resident Representative, Nam
and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) on
Kwon-Hyoung said poverty and diseases hindered econom-
Thursday 5/7/207 signed a memorandum of understand-
ic and social development.
The hospital is in dire need of a 35m/- patients anes-
KOICA Alumni Newsletter
KOICA Insider
The 10th KOICA Essay Contest Award ceremony was
thesia medical check up machine for which the over 13m/KOICA donation will be used.
held on the 13th of July at KOICA Headquarters. The
purpose of this Contest is to promote the understanding
‘After realising this, the Korean government as a
responsible member of the international community decided to provide the assistance to the needy people,’ KwonHyoung said.
of Korea's International Development Cooperation for
the younger generation with the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs' support.
The White Band Concert was held on the 17th of Oct. in
He further said public health was one of the most
important factors for the social welfare of the country.
‘KOICA has dispatched a number of medical doctors to
this country especially to this hospital,’ he noted.
He said his country had also brought a gynecologist and
two medical doctors to serve the hospital.
‘KOICA has decided to purchase an anesthesia machine.
However, the donation will not meet all the requirements
of the hospital,’ he said.
Seoul to publicize the achievement of the MDGs.
The 2nd KOICA Alumni Assoiciation Meeting was held
from Oct. 28 to Nov. 3 in KOICA ICTC
A forum on Invitation of Trainees' program was held on
29th of Oct. with a number of training institutes in
The KOICA Headquarters will be moved to a new complex in Pangyo which is around 15 min. away from
ICTC in the beginning of next year.
The Amana Hospital’s Chief Physician, Dr. Willy Sangu,
commended KOICA for the donation and reassured them
that it would help the hospital provide the best service to
The mission statement of KOICA has been changed to
"Making a better world together" since the second half
of this year.
its patients.
He said the hospital had a shortage of a number of
quality machines to cater for patients.
KOREA Insider
‘We were supposed to attend more than 700, 000
patients from Ilala Municipal residents, but unfortunately
we can`t because of that,’ he said.
Amana Hospital wards had the capacity of accommo-
The 2nd Inter Korea Summit
dating 250 patients at a go, but received more than 300
talks were held on Oct. 2
patients from Ilala and neighbouring districts a day, he
~ 4 in Pyungyang.
- Two summits issued a per-
‘We call upon our stakeholders to take our weakness in
manent peace treaty that
consideration and extend more donations in the depart-
can replace the armistice
ments that are weak. This will enable us offer quality ser-
that has been in place
vices to patients within a short time,’ said Dr Sangu.
since the last half century.
*Source : GUARDIAN
- The 1st Inter Korea Summit
with KIM Dae-jung and KIM Jung-il was held in June
The 17th presidential election will be held on the 19th of
>> History of Korean Presidents
- 1st ~ 3rd : LEE Seung-man (1948. 7. ~ 1956. 8.)
- 4th : YOON Bo-sun (1960. 8. ~ 1963. 12.)
- 5th ~ 9th : PARK Chung-hee (1963. 12. ~ 1979. 10.)
- 10th : CHOI Kyu-ha (1979. 12. ~ 1980. 8)
- 11th ~ 12th : JEON Doo-hwan (1980. 8. ~ 1988. 2.)
- 13th : ROH Tae-woo (1988. 2. ~ 1993. 2. )
- 14th : KIM Young-sam (1993. 2. ~ 1998. 2.)
- 15th : KIM Dea-jung (1998. 2. ~ 2003. 2.)
- 16th : ROH Moo-hyun (2003. 2 ~ present)
Issue 15