A page from my 1981 journal. I am 13. When I look back, I always think I’ll dredge up naïve memories, the kind you think small children have. But I never come across any like that. For instance, when I was 9 years old, I used to think I was very old and oh so clever, and oddly enough I still think so today. It’s really strange. What kind of a person am I? Am I even actually a person? I can never quite reach any kind of conclusion, sometimes I’m melancholic, sometimes I behave like a total fool, like a nut, and then suddenly I’m full of energy and threatening to explode. Just like now. My whole body is itching, it’s awful. 5 1984 journal. At some point when I was 14 I became convinced I was experiencing something, with 15 I felt more experienced than everyone else, at 16 I actually had experienced more than many 40-year-olds, now I’m 17 and I have a tooth ache. I was supposed to go to the dentist today, and overslept. So what? I’m an anarchist, today I’m going to find myself a throat-nose-and-ears doctor and punch a Flinse rl (ring) through my nose. So what? Viva anarchy! I’m going to get myself a tattoo — maybe. 6 Watching can be interesting too. The others probably think î’m boring ’cause î don’t talk a lot… Didn’t you hear me? î said, How about you suck me off. Some things are too gross even for me. Who is there to talk to? Tsk… She said no. OK. just give me a handjob instead, then. , 7 the SUMMER Thanks! Anyone got a light? Hey! You got a cigarette for me? My older sister, with whom î shared a small apartment in Vienna, was spending the summer with our parents in the country. 9 Ha ha! Scored again! Cool trick! We should give beer-fishing a shot. Yeah! Or try for some weed. 10 Ulli… …she says she’s your Mother. Keep it down, OK? Hi. Just having a couple friends over. Yes… no… Sigh …no, not yet. Look, we don’t like your wanting to stay in Vienna. If you haven’t found a job in two weeks, come back home! You dropped out of school, so you might as well live at home again! You can apprentice with Biedermayer in Haugsdorf as a sales clerk. Frau Biedermayer is my cousin. She’ll take you on for sure. And it involves fashion. What am î supposed to do in the country? î’ll never find a job there! For God’s sake, Ulli! You’ve got to start doing something with your life! Why don’t you go back to the college in Hollabrunn? You’re just three years away from your degree, if you take catch-up Latin over the Summer… Oh, Jesus Christ! Why does she have to make such a big deal about everything? Sigh That’s just crazy! 11 My grandmothers were capable ladies. One of them bore thirteen children, and turned down the Nazi Mother's Cross. The other one raised her firstborn son Franz by herself, until his father returned from the war. Franz married a blonde, pale girl from the the neighboring village. Their three daughters grew up strong and healthy, thriving within their huge extended family. Their mother, serving as a member of the Parish Council and the chairwoman of the Catholic Women's Movement, provided an example of female leadership. Our town, 70 kilometers from Vienna, was right on the western side of the Iron Curtain. Sometimes we kids would stand at the edge of our father's wine garden and stick our fingers through the wire fence, trembling with giddy fear over the possibility that they'd get shot off from the other side. At the age of 15, I came to Vienna to study design and fashion illustration at a technical college. 12 Don’t worry, î’ll look for a job. You don’t know what you’re talking about! You’d be better off learning something! t r Sno î do want to learn something, just not in a school! And you know so much better, right?! Of course î do! We need a pencil, two knitting needles, some thread and ink. We’ve got plenty of knitting supplies, since my sister was educated as a tailor. We got the color from the ink capsules of a fountain pen that î no longer use. The thread absorbs the ink and deposits the color on the tips of the needles, point by point. 13 h! Ouc Quit squirming! î’m only piercing the top layer of skin. î’d also like one above my breast. Which design? This one : EM TOT ON and ALC Isis the F S, of er ty RU HO son es ov migh s i The is fl his urney m of r o n i o Os ld o nd j ingd r K wo gs, a the n i h w oug . thr Dead the Wickerl, can you do a skull for me? î want a giant skull on my back! Tattoo your back? No, thanks, it’s covered in pusladen zits. It’d be a total mess. Aw, c’mon! Ulli, î don’t get how you can make out with Gerry. Doesn’t he gross you out? î like him. Don’t be like that, Wickerl! Just look at those wide shoulders, those upper arms… and î think his nose ring is super hot! True, he does have a really sexy ass. 14 Hey, Günther, quit staring at my ass! You’re making me uncomfortable! Wow, this is super easy! Aw, relax! Well? Is she doing a good job of it? Does the skull look awesome? What skull is he talking about, Günther? Let’s have a look… You’ve got to keep still! Cool! She’s doing a great job! That’s one bitchin’ refrigerator! Huh? What? A re y o u n u ts ? ? He y! a Get off me! It’s got the door cracked open, it’s full of beer. She’s tattooing a perfect refrigerator on your back. 15 We would draw attention when we traveled through the city as a group. I collected a list of comments from Viennese bystanders: Did you get run over by the subway? Did you get yourself electrocuted? Did you fall under a lawn mower? Boy, do you need a haircut! When was the last time you saw a comb? You look like Cyndi Lauper. Are you in a play? Looks like circus is in town. Look, I bet they're from Cats. Halloween is over. Look: rockers! Look: punks! (dubious whisper) I guess that's the fashion now. You'll never find a husband! 16 the GIRLFRIEND One night Günther, who would turn the occasional trick, brought a girl home. 18 î was already asleep. Man, am î beat! So Günther isn’t gay after all. Aha. 19 What’s for breakfast? Hi! î’m Edi! Good morning. î can offer you a toke off my last cigarette. My folks’re nuts… Mmhh. 20 Or would you care for some stale pizza crust from last night? The first time î ran away was last January. î wanted to travel to Italy with a friend… Come with me, î’m buying. We hitchhiked our way up to the border. Then we cut through the forest… We could try it together sometime. But î don’t have money, and my passport is somewhere in my parents’ bedroom… In the middle of the night the border patrol nabbed us. They had dogs, î was too freaked out to make a run for it… Italy? î’ve never been to Italy. The odds are better in the summer. That’d be great! We don’t need passports! î’m telling you: Use the green border! 21 Besides… …Interpol is looking for me. We could use a little drinking money too. Wow! î wouldn’t do this by myself, but î bet it’s a riot if there’s two of us! And î know just how we can get some. ’Scuse me, is this newspaper free? Thanks! Check! Here…. this sounds good. 22 Guaranteed nightly wages, 500 shillings. Sweet! What if someone wants us to do something? Eh, today’s Monday, everything’s probably dead! We hang around decoratively at the bar… Collect the money for doing nothing… Then we let the other sluts step up. After all, they want to earn some cash too, right? But what if someone asks us to do something? …and move on. BAH Are you even over 18? You can’t work here, looking like that. All right, you can start at nine. Sure we are! (Fake student ID) 23 And put on something sexier. Not doing it for me. But my legs are so fat! Too long! Like this? Hmmm… Too baggy. Awesome! The neckline could be lower… How do î look? Your boob’s hanging out. 24 Hand me the scissors! That oughta be perfect for the cathouse. You can wear anything. With your figure, everything looks great. î’m not sure… We knew escorts in nightclubs from the movies. They had to act worldly, sit on tall barstools, and look disreputable. Paint your lips red. Black isn’t in fashion. If î gotta. Are those really your only shoes? The only cool ones. 25 This is the private booth. There’s always a bottle of champagne on the cabinet, and tissues… condoms… there’s the shower. He’s always gotta shower, before and after. He’s got exactly 15 minutes, and you mustn’t ever kiss him, remember that! On weekends î work in a brothel in Burgenland. The guys there like me. 26 So why’re you still here? The money’s better there. ’Cause î’m an idiot. A quarter of an hour costs 1,500 shillings, of which 500 go to the bar… …and 1,000 go to you! Add on your commission on the champagne. There’s always a bottle of champagne standing next to the bed. He has to pay extra for that. You’ve got time to drink champagne? Sure! Always stir up the champagne! The commissions are an important part of it… if you manage to draw it out in the private booth and he buys you a couple bottles of champagne. It’s better for your stomach, and you don’t get drunk as fast. Otherwise you won’t last long. î’ve been doing this for thirty years and î’ve still got the same clients. It’s just that more of them don’t want to screw. 1,500 shillings to rest on your breasts?! Not a bad deal. They just lie across my breasts and cuddle, happy as can be. Ha ha! Do they have to shower before and after anyway? And that’s fine by me! Of course! î don’t want to get dirty! 27 Pssst! There’s one! C’mon! Great! Go for it! Here’s your chance! Ugh! Can’t you do it? î don’t have to… What do î say to him? Anything! Try “Hello there, young man!” These whores had hearts of gold. 28 Hello there, young man. Look, î just wanna drink my beer. You’ll get the hang of it. No dice. He wasn’t interested at all. Next time, you’ll see. 29 Oh, î took my shot, it’s your turn now. No, no, today’s your day. 30 She’s a natural. î bet she kisses him. The new ones always kiss them. That was quick. TA- DAH! gne Champa one! fo r e v e ry 31 That’s a tradition, when a girl has her first time in the private room… …everyone gets champagne. CHEERS CHEERS CHE ERS CHEERS Here’s your earnings. 32 Th er e’s on ly 50 0 he re !? We earned 2,000! What, you think the champagne is free? Wanna use the money to get something to eat? We need it now! 33